Helpfull Neighbour
- 3 years ago
- 46
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Part One
All rights reserved.
I was getting older, 49 to be exact.? And though I could pass for younger, Hollywood for the most part was a young person?s game, and I was getting a little too old for the demand for the young, cute and cuddly.? Let?s face it, I was a dinosaur, and in the age of ?reality? television when episodic drama had all but disappeared, I was definitely expendable.? I had worked in the business for a decade plus six, and while I wasn?t A-list, I had been a decent writer and able to provide a reasonable living.? While it was nothing outstanding, I had been able to secure a fine home, nice cars, vacations and the other niceties of a successful career. Circumstances change?sometimes drastically.? My second wife now lived in the house and drove the Mercedes I had purchased for her birthday while I made do in a dingy one-bedroom apartment with my son from my first marriage. I had survived in a tough business and had enjoyed the perks and freedoms of being a writer.? Only now, that career choice wasn?t too rosy.
??????????? My divorce had put a major crimp in the financial situation and I had been out of work for almost two years.? With my savings depleted by the divorce settlement, business was never a strong suit, that, and the brutal shark of a lawyer my wife had hired, I was now on the brink of homelessness.? With bills piling on my desk, I needed employment in a hurry.? Let?s face it, I was desperate which led to a desperate decision that put me where I am today.
My ex and I had been friends with a younger couple for 14 years since our kids met at school?my son, now 20?was a couple of years older than their fraternal twins, a boy and a girl--and when I was offered a job working for them, I said yes despite my hesitancy and embarrassment of accepting employment from what had been friends.? It was a humbling experience when I was out playing golf with Jeff and he said that maybe something could be worked out.? At the time I detected an attitude of slight smugness, but Jeff always had that air about him.? He was intelligent, well-educated and while friendly and cordial, I always got the sense that he felt himself somewhat superior to me though it was so subtle that I always checked it off to my own insecurity.? Yeah, I might be able to beat him on the golf course, but I?m sure he felt that in the game of life he was ahead.
??????????? He was a businessman with his own consulting business and few other side projects.? I wasn?t sure of his income, but it was well into the six figures, the forty-one-year-old Jeff was doing quite well.? Also, he and his wife, Ann, came from fairly well-to-do families.? Married while in college and having kids early, they were exceedingly mature for their age when I first met them during the Kindergarten year of school when my son was in the second grade.? They were comfortable, and while far from being ostentatious, they drove BMWs and owned a large home in a new subdivision, and pretty much did whatever they pleased, money never seeming to be an issue.? I can?t say I was ever jealous or envious of their financial comfort; at least I wasn?t until the work dried up and I found myself struggling to make rent on the dreary apartment that was home.? After the divorce, my wife and I had both remained friends with the couple, though my relationship was much cooler than the one my wife maintained with them, particularly Ann, who remained a close friend to my ex.
I wasn?t qualified for most employment, a self-made writer, I had only made it through a year and a half of college.? I had come to Hollywood with a briefcase full of scripts and was one of the lucky ones to actually find work.? Without any training or education and being on the old side, the work world wasn?t exactly clamoring for my services.? I was close to taking a supermarket job or something similar, maybe an assistant at a food-fast food place when Jeff said I could come and work for he and his wife.? When not involved with their children, his wife assisted with some of the businesses and supervised the maintenance of their household.? I?m sure my ex gleefully filled them in on my financial straits, so I wasn?t entirely surprised that they said they could use my help.? I WAS somewhat surprised I said yes, I guess the thought of looking for a menial job would be more humiliating than going to work for my smug friends.
His wife, Ann, was very attractive, definitely didn?t look her age of thirty-nine.? Tall and almost too thin, her shoulder-length light brown hair framed a pretty face that might have been a tad long, but nonetheless she was looker.? Of course, her smile was perfect, teeth white and straight and she had intense green eyes that flashed with impatience when things didn?t go exactly they way she sought.? She was a perfectionist and subtly demanding.? I knew that working for her wouldn?t be easy, that it would be unlikely anything would be complete satisfactory for her judging from the way she would nitpick and complain about every little thing in her life.
Jeff wasn?t much better.? He was immaculate in appearance and manner.?? And he had the same perfectionist manner of his wife.? More than once I could over hear him on his cell phone upbraiding an employee to do their job right.? He wasn?t a screamer, but he knew what he wanted and how he wanted things done and accomplished.? So there it was, I had say yes and found myself one morning ringing the bell to their house, standing at the door, questioning how I got myself into such a situation.
We hadn?t discussed the details of my employment, only that my salary would be five-hundred a week, a far cry from the thirty-grand I used to get for each television script for which I received credit.? Jeff had said he was sure they would be able to find something for me to do, joking even if it was only cleaning their house, but that he and Ann always had a need for another hard working person in their life.? He said that they could use a secretary?administrative assistant he quickly corrected himself, that they could trust and depend on.? He did iterate that he and Ann could be demanding and I said I knew this well, and that I was eager and willing to work hard to please them.
The part-time maid answered the door and said that Mrs. Moore was expecting me in the office.? I walked back to the office, which was located in the rear of the house, a house that was decorated with great style and taste even if it leaned a little to the ?shabby chic? generic.? It felt odd to be in the home when it wasn?t a party, play date or social visit.? I was anxious and still feeling slightly embarrassed that I had reached the situation for a mercy hiring by my friends.? The door to the office was partially opened and I walked in with butterflies roiling in my stomach.? Ann was sitting at the desk, typing on the computer keyboard.
?Good morning.?? I tried to sound cheery and eager to be there, though I had a certain dread running through me.
Ann didn?t look up from the computer screen.? ?You?re late.?
Thankfully Ann couldn?t see me flush red from her comment.? Yes, I was late, but only by five minutes and I was struck by the coolness in her voice and that I was starting from a negative as it was evident that she was displeased by my slight tardiness.? ?Uh, I guess, I?m a couple of minutes late.?
?No, five minutes, Mike.? I know with your Hollywood job things were a little more casual and that you know us socially and so forth.? But this is now a workplace and I expect you to be professional and prompt.?
Anger started to swell up within me and I almost turned and walked out as I felt I didn?t deserve to be treated quite so abruptly, but I didn?t want to fail on the first day and give Ann and Jeff any satisfaction that their standards were higher than mine and I would be unable to meet them.? Plus, I really could use the money.? ?Uh, okay, Ann, I?m sorry, I will be on time from now on.?
?Good.? Your fine will be five dollars.?
?My what??? I couldn?t believe she had the audacity to suggest a fine, particularly with the measly five-hundred I was earning.
?Mr. Moore and I will assess fines as we see fit.? Keep you motivated and from slacking off.?
?You?re kidding?right??
Ann was not happy with my protest.? ?Look, Mike, these are our rules.? If you can?t abide by them, then get out.?
Damn, I knew she
could be tough, but this was a whole different side to Ann.? Again, I thought about leaving, but figured
the fine thing was simply a ploy to get my attention and wouldn?t be much of an
issue.? ?No, no, I don?t want to
leave.? It just seems a little
unfair.? Particularly since I didn?t know
about the rule.?
??????????? ?Well you know what they say
about law.? Ignorance is no excuse.?
?Whatever you say, Ann.?
?Also, Mike, when you are in a work situation, you need to address me as Mrs. Moore and Jeff as Mr. Moore.? Do you have a problem with that??
Wow, this was going to be harder than I thought.? Here was this woman, someone I had thought of as a good friend, someone ten years my junior, instructing me on how to address her.? ?No problem, Mrs. Moore, you?re the boss.?
I could see a hint of a smile on her face.? ?Yes, I am your boss now, Mike.? Please don?t let our history cloud our understanding of the current situation.?
?No, Mrs. Moore, I won?t.?
?Good.?? Ann looked up at me, her stern green eyes intensely scrutinizing me.
She looked great.? Wearing a skirt and blouse, barefoot, her toes, as always, perfectly manicured, this time in pink with a flower painted on each big toe.? I was glad, that if nothing else, I would get to be with her even if I was now in her employ.? I stood there for a couple of minutes feeling awkward as I didn?t know what I was supposed to do and I didn?t want to interrupt her.? Finally, I said, ?What would you like me to do??
I could see the familiar wrinkle of irritation cross Ann?s face as she raised her right hand as to stop me from talking.? ?I?ll let you know as soon as I?m finished.??
Again, I thought she was being unfairly abrupt.? She certainly wasn?t making this easy for me.? She worked for a few more minutes, before sitting back and looking at the computer screen as if she was scrutinizing her work. ?But I got the sense she was making me stand there simply because she knew she could.
Maria the maid popped into the room.? ?Ann, what would you like me to do with these papers on the coffee table??
Ann looked up and warmly smiled at the maid.? ?Just leave them on the kitchen table, I?ll go through it later.?
?Don?t forget that I have to leave early today.?
?I haven?t.? Mike will drive you home after lunch.? You know Mike right??? Ann said, introducing me to Maria.
I said hello and nodded at Maria who glared back while saying, ?Yes, I?ve seen him before.?
?He works for me and Mr. Moore now.? And he will be helping you too.?
Maria brightened at this comment.? ?Very good.? I always could use help.? Much to do around here.? I go back to work now.?
Maria left.? Ann had been so much more friendly and warm with her maid, so much for the workplace formality she had just expressed to me.? ?Let?s see, where was I?? Ann was looking at the computer once again.? She then swiveled her chair towards me, bare legs crossed, girlishly bouncing one foot as she looked at me.? ?What shall I have you do??? She had a smile on her face as if she was enjoying the fact that I was now her employee.? ?This is a little odd, isn?t it, you working for us??
?Yes kind of??
??????????? ?I?ll have to admit though, I
kind of like it.? And I?m sure Joann is
going to flip when I tell her you?re working for us.?
??????????? Joann was my ex.? I hadn?t really given it much thought of her
knowing about it since I had been more concerned about getting some cash.? I wanted to ask Ann why she liked it, but
decided not to press the subject.?? I had
been there twenty minutes, just standing and watching her work as I felt like a
fool.? There was a chair on the other
side of where Ann sat, but she hadn?t offered it to me and had made no effort
to allow access to it.? So I had stood
while she worked.? I thought it ironic
that she had upbraided me for my five-minute tardiness, yet I hadn?t done a
thing.? Typical boss
kind of thing.? Finally, I
couldn?t take the idleness anymore.? ?What
can I do for you??
?Mrs. Moore.? Please don?t forget the proper manner of respect.?
?What would you like me to do, Mrs. Moore?? I repeated resenting having to address her that way.
?Right now, you may clean my car.? Vacuum, dust, wash it.? You know where I keep my keys.? The supplies are in the laundry room.? If you need any help finding things, ask Maria.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore,? I said, knowing that the keys were on a hook in the kitchen, everything in the house having its proper place.
?Good.? You?re dismissed.?
Dismissed?? I felt like a servant and almost let out a sarcastic, yes oh great Mrs. Moore, but I said nothing.? I gathered the supplies and went into the garage where the SUV was parked.? I passed a large closet full of shoes, as the Moore?s had a rule of no shoe wearing inside the house except for guests who didn?t wish to remove their shoes or the exception of Maria who wore her thick sole nurse type shoes when she was working.? Having a foot and shoe fetish I imagined what it must be like to have to clean and polish Ann?s shoes and wondered if that would ever become one of my duties, though it would be humiliating to actually have to clean the shoes of someone who had been my equal and that I had known so long as a friend, nothing in the least kinky or sexual.
But interrupting my brief shoe reverie was the need to clean Ann?s ride and I got to work for the next hour and a half cleaning her new X5 trying my best to get it as sparkling as possible knowing Ann?s fastidiousness.? When I went back into the house around eleven, I found Ann sitting on the plush sectional sofa in the entertainment room and talking on the phone while Maria was sweeping the kitchen that connected to the area where Ann sat.? She was laughing about something when I began to sit on the sofa across from her.? Phone to ear, looking up at me she shook her head no indicating that I wasn?t to sit down on the sofa.? What was this?? Now I wasn?t good enough to sit on her precious furniture?
?Just a sec.?? She put the phone to her shoulder and said while pointing towards the kitchen, ?Go make Maria and me turkey sandwiches and cut up some fresh fruit.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore,? I said, quietly seething to myself.
?Did you bring lunch with you??
?No, Mrs. Moore.?? I didn?t even think of bringing lunch.? Ann had always been generous in offering food or snacks during previous visits.? I had no reason to think otherwise.
She kind of shook her head and said, ?That?s too bad.? I don?t want you eating any of the turkey in case the kids want something later.? Maybe after they have had their snacks, you can have a banana or something.? From now on, you?ll be expected to provide your own food.?
I didn?t know what to say.? I was dumbfounded with her attitude, so I simply said, ?Yes, Mrs. Moore,? like a robotic idiot.
?Good.? I?m glad you understand.? Now go!?
I didn?t understand.? Why was she treating me this way?? Why did Maria get to eat her food but not me?? And as I pulled the turkey out of the refrigerator to make lunch and seeing that there was enough meat to feed the neighborhood, I realized that there was something more going on than simply having enough food for after-school munchies.? I could her hear continue the phone conversation and I realized she was talking with Jeff.
?He?s doing all right.? It will be an adjustment for all of us.? Of course, he started out on the wrong foot by being late?Yes, I fined him.?? There was a second of silence followed by much laughter from Ann.? ?Yes, maybe we?ll have to do that.? He?ll learn or else.? All right, I?ll see you later, darling.? Love you.?? Ann put down the phone after hanging up.? ?Is that lunch ready??
I was hurrying to put her turkey sandwich together.? I had eaten enough at Ann?s house to know how she liked her sandwich prepared.? ?Getting there, should be a few more minutes.?
?You need to work fast, Mike, I don?t like to be kept waiting for anything.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore, I?m aware of that.? I?m working as quickly as I can.?
?That?s a good attitude, Mike.? I know I can be demanding, impatient, even unfair.? But that?s just me.? You?ll have to deal with it.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore, I understand.?? I quickly finished the sandwiches and cut up the fresh fruit and put them on plates as Ann thumbed through a magazine.? ?Your lunch is ready, Mrs. Moore.?
?That?s so cute the way you say Mrs. Moore, Mike.? Do you hate addressing me that way??? Ann said standing and walking the few short steps to the kitchen.? ?Maria that?s good,? she said to the maid who was puttering around the kitchen.
?No, if that?s
what you wish, I have no problem.?
??????????? ?Good, Mike, you are more
agreeable than I thought you would be.?
You must have really needed this job.?
?Yes, I did??
Ann was circling her hand for me to finish my sentence.? ?Don?t forget your manners.?
?Yes I did, Mrs.
??????????? ?And??
Maria had taken a seat at the table and Ann was standing at an end chair waiting for me to realize that I was to pull out the chair for her to seat down.? And?? I wasn?t sure what she meant by that.? ?And what? Mrs. Moore??
The question displeased Ann who snapped as she sat down.? ?A thank you.?
?Oh?thank you, Mrs. Moore for the job.?? I could see Maria smirking and trying not to laugh as she enjoyed Ann?s difficult treatment of me.
?That?s better.?? I placed the plates before Ann and Maria and began to clean up the kitchen.? Fixing the food had made me hungry, but I wasn?t about to venture into that territory, Ann had made it clear that her food was not available for me.
?Mike.? Do you think that Maria and I are some kind of philistines?? Where are our napkins??
Messed up again.? ?Sorry, Mrs. Moore,? I said, scurrying over to the table with two cloth napkins that I pulled out of a linen drawer.
?Apologize to Maria also.?
Ann smoothed the napkin into her lap as I handed the other napkin to Maria with my apology.? This was a little weird, but I was going to go long with Ann?s little game.? ?Sorry, Maria.?? I turned to go back to cleaning.
?No wait.? I think you should address her as Mrs. Lopez.? Show her a little respect.? After all, you ARE the probationary employee around here.? And since you will be helping her with the household duties, she is going to be your boss too.?
This was getting to be too much.? The maid was my boss?? I flashed back to when I was working in television, the eager assistants hoping to break into the business getting us lunch, doing our errands.? I had sunk a long ways, but it could be worse, and I wasn?t eager to explore the job world any longer.? Besides, there was a little bit of me that enjoyed the new attitude displayed by Ann.? ?Sorry, Mrs. Lopez.?
Maria giggled a little and said, ?That?s okay.?
Maria and Ann discussed Maria?s trip back to Central America while I finished cleaning up the kitchen.? Ann telling Maria that she would have to train me on the ways of the household.? Even though the details of what I was going to be doing was rather vague when I agreed to work for the Moores, I didn?t really expect to be doing so much cleaning and such, but that?s what looked like would be needed, so that was what I was going to be doing.
After Ann quickly finished her lunch, she said she was going out to inspect the X5 and quickly disappeared.? Maria wasted no time asserting her status.? ?Next time, no tomato on mine.?
?Yes, Mrs. Lopez,? I said, looking at her, trying to maintain my cool.
?Good.? Clean up these plates.?
I couldn?t believe she was ordering me to do this like she owned the place.? ?What the??? Before I could go any further, Ann had already returned.
?Mike, are you sure you cleaned my car??? Her voice was full of disgust and she noticed the tomato slices that Maria had left on her plate, one of them with an obvious bite taken out of it.? ?You don?t like tomato, Maria??
?No, Ann, it make my stomach hurt.? I told him not again.?
?Good.? I?m sure he won?t.? I hate to see any food wasted.? You eat it, Mike.? You said you didn?t bring anything with you.?
?Yeah, but a tomato??? I could see that the already agitated Ann didn?t want to hear my protest.? ??will be very good.? We all know about the starving kids who would love a tomato,? I weakly joked.? I took Maria?s leftovers and ate the two tomato slices.? They weren?t that bad and I tried not to think about the one that had a gap from Maria?s bite.? Anyway, I had worse things on the horizon.
?I want to show you what you missed on the car.? Follow me.?? We went into the garage where Ann slipped on a pair of older sandals and I put on my sneakers, then I trailed after Ann to the driveway where I had left it for her inspection.? She proceeded to show me a small streak here and there that a quick wipe erased.? And then she showed me a couple of pieces of grass on the carpet and a minuscule amount of sand left in a cup holder and some other dirt far underneath the seats.? ?Do it right, then take Maria home.?? Ann turned and quickly walked back into the house.? I furiously cleaned the spots she pointed out then returned to the house where Maria and Ann were already saying goodbye.
?I?ll see you at nine, Maria,? Ann said, giving her maid a hug.? ?Make sure you open the door for her, Mike,? Ann instructed, enjoying her little power trip.? ?Before you come back, you need to go to the store.? Here is a list of things I need.?? Ann handed me a grocery list and a hundred dollar bill.? ?Hurry up, you?ve got a lot of work to do around here.?
I escorted Maria out to my old beater of a Camry and opened the passenger door for her.? ?Sorry about the mess, Mrs. Lopez,? I said as the older woman slid into the seat.? Maria must have been in her late forties, plump and somewhat matronly.? She wore glasses and her teeth were somewhat crooked.? She favored print dresses that she probably picked up at garage sales, and always wore pantyhose and those ugly back nursing shoes with the thick soles.? She directed me to her house, nothing else being said except this way or that.? When we pulled up to the small place on a busy street, she waited for me to get out of the car and open the door for her.? ?I guess I?ll see you tomorrow,? I said trying to be friendly.
?Yes, you have much to learn.?? Maria walked up the cracked cement sidewalk to her home as a teenage girl came out the door to greet her mother and eyed me suspiciously.
I drove to the grocery store and tore up and down the aisles as fast as I could.? I knew it wouldn?t be fast enough for Ann, especially after she called me twice on my cell phone adding items that she had forgotten to list.? Never mind that they were at the other end of the store.? I returned to the house and carried the groceries into the kitchen.? Ann emerged from her office and started looking through the bags of groceries to assess my purchases.
?Store must have been busy,? she said, inspecting the romaine lettuce I had purchased.
?Yes, Mrs. Moore, I went as quickly as possible.?
?I?m sure you did.? These grapes taste like crap.?? She had eaten a test grape then took the rest and threw them into the garbage can.? ?Don?t you know how to pick out fruit??
?I thought so, Mrs. Moore.? It?s hard to tell with grapes.?
?How much were they??
I scanned the register receipt.? ?Three ninety eight.?
?Did you get the little spiral notebook??
?Yes, Mrs. Moore.?? I was getting nervous and off balance finding myself disappointed that I had let Ann down.
?All right.? Add the three ninety-eight to this morning?s five dollar fine.? That?s part of your job to keep track of the penalties you are assessed.?
I was going to have to pay for the grapes she didn?t want?
?And while you are
at it.? Fifty cents for the tomatoes
wasted on Maria?s sandwich.?
??????????? I tried to protest.? ?But the tomatoes didn?t go to waste??
??????????? ?Quiet.? I don?t want any arguing.? If you are going to do that, then leave.? Now!?
I should have left, but I couldn?t.? Jeff had promised to pay me that evening my first week?s salary and I needed the money.? ?No, Mrs. Moore, I won?t argue.?
?These bananas are a little green, but we?ll keep them??
And on through the grocery sacks, many things earning a criticism.? By the time she was finished, I had been fined again, this time five fifty eight for purchasing the wrong deodorant for her.? She told me I could either take it back and get a refund or use it myself, but that she expected me to purchase the correct one before I returned in the morning.? It was a brand geared for women, so I didn?t want to use it.? And I needed it to exchange it for the correct kind (though I was sure I bought the correct one in the first place) so I wouldn?t be out of any more money.? The fine still stood even though I was going to make it right the next morning.
After I put away the groceries, I was told to vacuum and dust while Ann worked on a project.? As I cleaned, I began to dread the end of the school day when her children would come home and see me in my new role as their mom?s employee.? I hoped it would be low key, or even better, I would be dismissed before Nicole and Jordan came home.? I was vacuuming the formal living room when Nicole entered the house.? She was a senior, 18 years-old.? She stopped for a moment when she noticed me in the living room.? Gave me a little wave and then went to look for her mom.? Though Nicole seemed to always have liked me, she also had the air of privilege and possessed the same keen intelligence of her parents.
A minute later, Ann appeared, again looking displeased.? I shut off the vacuum.? ?What do you think you?re doing??
?Vacuuming,? I innocently said, knowing that this wasn?t the right answer.
?You didn?t see Nicole come home??
?Yes, I saw her.?
?You work for the entire household, Mike, the entire family.? I know she is a friend of your son and that you?ve known her a long time, but you are now her employee and when she comes home from school or any other time, you will check and see if there is anything she needs.? Got it??
I didn?t exactly agree to be working for her daughter, but I wasn?t about to argue with Ann.? ?Got it, Mrs. Moore.?
I went into the kitchen where Nicole was sitting at the table.? Before I could say anything she said, ?Mom said you work for me now.?
?Yeah, I guess.?
?Miss Nicole.?? Ann was standing right behind me.
?Yes, I work for your family now, Miss Nicole.?
?If there is anything you need, you just tell him.? And if you ever have any problems with him, if he disobeys you or does something wrong, you tell me so we can correct his behavior.?
I was red again, I felt like a dog or something.
?Okay, mom.?? Ann went over and gave her daughter a hug? ?That?s my baby.? All right, I?m going to finish up my project.? Mike, after you?re done with Nicole, finish your vacuuming then clean the bathrooms.? I will warn you ahead of time, there will be fines for incompetence.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore, I?ll get right on it.?
Ann left the room, I looked at Nicole who was staring at me with a smirk on her face, it was getting to be a familiar look.? ?Is there anything I can get you, Miss Nicole??
?This is kind of cool.? I?ve never really had anyone working for me before.?
?Well you do now.?
??????????? ?Did you forget something??
???Miss Nicole.?
?Going to have to report that to mom.?
Whatever.? ?So, is there anything that I can get for you, Miss Nicole??
Nicole was still reveling in her power.? ?Calling my mom Mrs. Moore, that?s weird?and me, Miss Nicole.?
?It?s a matter of respect, Miss Nicole.?
?I like it.? Well, employee Mike, I want some apple slices with peanut butter.?
I simply nodded my head and opened the fridge to prepare the apples.
?Make sure that you peel them, I don?t like the skin.?
I nodded my head trying to avoid the Miss Nicole thing.
?Did you hear me??
?Yes, Miss Nicole, I heard you.?
I quickly prepared her snack as I needed to get to work on the cleaning as I knew that Ann would soon be expressing her impatience.? ?Here you go, Miss Nicole,? I said, laying the plate on the table, peanut butter in the middle surrounded by her apple slices.
?Hey, that looks
??????????? Finally, a compliment even if
it was from a eighteen-year old.? ?Thank you, Miss Nicole.? I need to go back to my cleaning.?
?All right.? But I might want something later.?
?Just let me know, Miss Nicole.? It will be my pleasure,? I lied.
I spent the rest of the afternoon cleaning only stopping to fix another snack for Miss Nicole.? After an intense scrubbing and it was getting near five o?clock, I finally decided to tell Ann that I was finished with the three bathrooms of the house.? She was in the kitchen preparing dinner.
?Mrs. Moore, I?m finished with the bathrooms,? I said, feeling childish that I was reporting to her in such a manner.? I?m sure Maria never did such a thing.
?Fine.? I?ll check them when I get a chance.? Now, I want you to scrub the laundry room floor.?
I looked at my watch once again.? ?How long were you planning on me working today??
??Mrs. Moore.?? Ann corrected.? She wasn?t going to let go of that.
?Mrs. Moore.?
?Until we?re done with you.?? She returned to preparing her meal.
We hadn?t discussed hours, but I assumed it was to be a regular hour gig.? Obviously, Ann had different thoughts.
?All right, Mrs. Moore.?
As I began to leave, Ann said, ?Mike, this isn?t going to be easy.?
?I understand, Mrs. Moore.?
?And I mean scrub that floor, Mike.? Hands and knees, buff it clean.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore.?? I glanced over at Nicole who was watching television, I?m sure she was laughing at me.? I got the necessary supplies and began cleaning the bright white tile floor.? I scrubbed for about five minutes when Ann appeared in the doorway.? Looking up from my kneeling position, she had one hand on her hip, the other hand a crooked finger indicating that I was to follow her.? She was imposing and the look on her face meant she disapproved of my cleaning job.
?Come on, Mike, let?s go,? she huffed.
Now what?? I stood and followed her with a dread of pupil going to the principal?s office.? First visit was the downstairs bathroom where Ann ran her finger along the edge of the basin and displayed the residue of cleaning powder that I hadn?t completely removed.? ?This isn?t acceptable.? I thought you said this was clean.?
I didn?t know what to say.? I had never seen Ann this angry before, or even angry period.? She had hidden this side of her personality.? ?I?m sorry Mrs. Moore?it won?t happen again.?
?It better not.? That?s a ten dollar penalty.?
?Ten dollars??? I stopped, no need to escalate the issue.
?And the roll of tissue is to be folded like this.?? Ann demonstrated a small triangle on the tissue.? ?That?s only going to cost you three dollars.? But each time I find that the tissue is not folded properly, you will be penalized.?? She stopped for a moment as I waited for the next criticism.? ?Aren?t you going to write down those fines??
?Oh, okay, Mrs. Moore.?? I pulled the spiral notebook and pen out of my pocket.? Ann had instructed me to carry those with me at all times, not only to note my fines, but in case she had something she wanted purchased or something to be recalled.
Gee, she expected me to check the paper every time anyone was in the bathroom?? I knew the upstairs bathrooms were the same.? I wanted to run ahead and fix them before I was penalized for them, but I didn?t have that chance as Ann told me to follow her.? We entered the master bathroom and the first thing Ann did was point at the toilet paper that wasn?t in a triangle and simply said, ?That?s another three dollars.
She found a couple of hairs in the tub, a little dust underneath the cabinet and a handle that she didn?t think was suitably polished.? Another five dollars worth of fines.? Onto the children?s bathroom where I was informed that fines would be doubled.? Again, a few minor flaws that cost me another ten dollars.? While we were doing this, Jeff had arrived home.? We could hear him talking with Nicole, but the words were indistinguishable.? I could see Ann visibly brighten at the sound of her husband?s voice, I only wished he had arrived earlier to put her in a better mood.? Still, it wasn?t going to be easy to see Jeff in my new role.? And then I heard another male voice and realized that Nicole?s twin brother was home, an arrogant kid who was the typical popular jock at school type.
?Fix what I showed you, finish the floor downstairs while we eat.? After dinner, then you can meet with Jeff.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore.?
Ann disappeared.? It wouldn?t take long to finish the bathrooms and that would only leave the laundry room.? I was looking forward to going home.? It had been a long day.
I finished the laundry room and avoided seeing Jeff.? After semi-hiding behind my chores, I could hear them finishing up with dinner that smelled so good, my stomach aching for a meal, Ann only allowing me a banana.? I had also bought a candy bar at the grocery store.? Ann was calling for me and I had no choice except to face the entire family.? I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen where they all sat around the dining table.
?Hi Jeff,? I said,
Ann glared at me and cleared her throat reminding me of my error.
?I mean, hello Mr. Moore.?
?Hello, Mike.? How was your first day??
It sucked.? ?It was fine, Mr. Moore.?
?Mike,? Nicole said. ??Get me more cola.??? Jeff looked at his daughter with a bit of surprise, but the grins on everyone else?s face, except mine of course, relaxed his attitude.
?Yes, Miss Nicole,? I said, getting the soft drink from the refrigerator.
?Isn?t that cool, dad,? Nicole said.? ?Our own employee.? Mom says we can boss him around all we want.?
?Oh she did, did she??? Jeff was now smiling at his wife.
?Yep.? He has to keep our rooms clean.? Fetch us drinks and snacks.? Anything we want.?
?Well, Nicole, to a point, Mike has certain duties that he must attend to.?
?Oh, we know,? Jordan, Jeff and Ann?s son said.? ?We know we have to share.?
?This is quite a change isn?t it Mike?? Still want to work for the Moore family??
?Sure, Mr. Moore.?
?Clean off the table and wash the dishes.? Then in the office.?
Jeff rose from the table.? ?Let?s watch some television.?
I watched him for a moment.? He was wearing dark slacks, dress shirt, blue socks, his shoes in the garage closet.? He moved with arrogant confidence.? It was hard to believe this man was in control of my life at the moment.? I had beaten him many times on the golf course as Jeff wasn?t athletic.? In fact, physically, he was kind of soft with a slight belly around his middle.? But he never lost that attitude and could dig the knife in whenever needed.? I finished up my chores as the Moore family relaxed on the sofas.? Jeff and the kids watching a movie, Ann thumbing through a decorating magazine.? When I was done, I went over and stood behind Jeff and said, ?Mr. Moore, I?m finished.?
Jeff looked straight ahead as he firmly said, ?Didn?t I tell you to go to the office when you were done?? Or are you just stupid??
Stupid.? I felt ready to punch him as his kids laughed at the comment.? ?Well excuse me, Mr. Moore.?? I couldn?t hid the sarcasm in my voice.? ?I will go to the office now.?
?I?ll deal with you in a moment,? Jeff snapped.
I waited probably forty minutes before Jeff entered the office along with Ann.? I was sitting at the desk, moping about my situation?? ?Out of my seat, Mike? Jeff said.? ?You?re not allowed to sit on our furniture.?
I stood up and Ann sat in the other chair.? ?I don?t appreciate your attitude,? Jeff said as he imitated my ?excuse me, Mr. Moore.?
?I?m sorry Jef?Mr. Moore.? I?m very tired and it?s been a long day.?
?I don?t give a damn about your day or your excuses.? You wanted to work for us and we were generous enough to give you a job.? If you don?t like it, then get lost.?
?It?s not that??
??????????? ?And the way you are going,
you?ll never make it through the probationary period anyhow.? I should fire you right now.?? Jeff was slinked back in his chair, his
fingers interlocking, legs crossed as he studied my reaction.
I don?t know what it was, but I was about to cry.
?Don?t you have anything to say for yourself??
?I?uh?I need the job, Mr. Moore.?
?I don?t like the Mr. Moore, just make it sir.?
?I need the job, sir.?? I was now calling my former pal, sir.
?I don?t know, honey.? I had to fine him a lot today.? I don?t know if he is worth the trouble.?? Ann was enjoying this, watching her husband put me through the ringer.
?True, from what Ann has told me, by the end of the week, you?ll be owing us money.?
?You were serious about the fines??
?Of course we were, idiot,? Ann said.
I blushed from being called an idiot.? Jeff said, ?Mike, you have to show us that you really want the job,?
?And how should I
do that, sir??
??????????? ?Think of something.?
I wasn?t sure what he wanted, but I sensed this was going to take another direction.? For some reason, I was desperate to work for them.? ?I really really want the job, sir?Mrs. Moore.?
?You can call me, ma?am, matches the sir.?
Jeff got an evil little smile on his face.? ?Beg for your job.? Show us how much you care, how badly you need to work for us.?
I had tears in my eyes as I sniveled, ?Please, sir, ma?am, may I work for you.? I?ll do whatever I can for you.?
Ann was grinning as she said, ?I think the little baby is crying?wah?wah?wah?
Jeff laughed.?? ?You know, when I see someone beg, I think they should demonstrate proper respect for their superiors.?
Ann piped in with, ?Yes, kneel and beg for your job.?
By now, I no longer cared.? I fell to my knees, sinking into the carpet and said, ?I beg you, sir, ma?am, may I please keep my job??
Ann also had her legs crossed and was bouncing her leg up and down.? I think the whole scene was getting her excited.? ?I don?t know, dear, do we allow him to work for us?? she said dramatically.
Jeff was staring down at me, seriously contemplating something.? ?I don?t know?I suppose we can give it a little more time.?
?You?re so kind, honey.?? Ann was sitting next to Jeff and leaned over and gave him a kiss.? ?Show Jeff your appreciation for his kindness.?
?What do you mean, ma?am???
?Kiss his feet and say thank you, kind and generous sir for giving this old washed-up loser a job.?
?What?? Are you kidding??
?Just do it,? Ann sneered.
I looked up at Jeff who shrugged his shoulders as if to say, what can I do about it.? I knew this was a now or never moment and was strangely excited by the whole situation.? Not kissing Jeff?s feet, that was way beyond anything I had imagined, but I wouldn?t mind kissing Ann?s pretty feet.? I crawled forward and quickly kissed the top of Jeff?s socked foot and said, ?Thank you for your kindness and generosity, sir in giving this old, washed-up loser a job,? just as Nicole appeared in the doorway.
?What are you guys doing??
I couldn?t see her reaction, but it must have been amazing to see me in this position.? And how much did she hear?? It was true, I was a washed-up loser.
?Is he kissing your feet, dad??
?Don?t worry about it, Nicole, we?ll be done in a moment.?? Jeff was not pleased by his daughter?s appearance.
?Can I make him kiss my feet too?? she eagerly asked.
?We?ll talk about it later,? Ann said, ?go back to the television.?
?And shut the door,? Ann added.
The door shut and Ann said, ?Now, where were we??
?Mike was thanking me.?? Jeff sounded pleased.
?That?s right,? Ann said.? ?Do it again and mean it.? And Jeff has two feet.?
?Yes, ma?am.?? I once again kissed the top of Jeff?s crossed over foot, then scrunched over further and kissed the foot that was on the ground.? Jeff?s feet had a moderately strong aroma and it was enormously humiliating to be kissing them.? As I was doing this, Ann had picked up a digital camera from the desk.?
?Again,? she commanded, ?I want a record of this.?
I once again kissed each foot, Ann taking a picture each time, making me pose so she could make sure my face could be clearly seen.
?All right, do the same for your Mistress,? Jeff said.
?What was that?? Ann asked, a curious excitement in her voice.
?It seems appropriate.? After all, we practically own him.? Ma?am is ok for public stuff, but Mistress Ann has a cool ring to it.? Not quite so matronly.?
?Yeah, I like it,? Ann mused.? ?And that means, he should call you Master.?
?Yeah, whatever, Master or sir is fine.? Go on?? Jeff nudged me on my face cheek with his foot, ?Kiss you Mistress? feet.?
?Yes, Sir.?? I kissed the top of each of Ann?s feet while Jeff snapped a few pictures with the camera.
?I can?t wait until I show these to Joann,? Ann said with glee.
?Please don?t, Mistress.?
?Are you telling
me what to do, Mike??? She took her foot
and bopped me on top of my head with it.
??????????? ?No, Mistress but??
?You just do as your told and behave yourself and we?ll see about the pictures.? Can you imagine all the moms and dads at school seeing you kissing our feet??? Ann and Jeff were both laughing.
?Yeah, that would make quite the impression.?? Jeff agreed.
?Ah, look at the little foot kisser, I think he?s going to cry some more.?? Ann loved rubbing it in.? ?Joann was so right in leaving you.? I?m glad I encouraged her to do so.?
I had heard rumors that Ann was behind motivating Joann to leave me.? Ann had always been so nice previously to me, that I didn?t believe it.? Now, it was all too easy to believe.? So much for the image she projected.
?You have no idea how much we know about you,? Ann said.? ?When Joann was planning the divorce, she asked for my help, which I gladly gave her knowing what a loser you are.? And Jeff here, being the computer expert, was kind enough to go through your entire computer history.?
I knew I was sunk.? The pornographic websites that I used to visit.? The movies and stories I downloaded.?? I?m sure he found it all.? They say you tell about everything from a person from their computer and I know that Jeff was a computer expert.
?You are quite the kinky little pervert.? Female domination websites, chicks with dicks sites, all kinds of weird stuff.?
As Ann spoke, I felt myself go nearly dizzy as if she could see into my being.
?There won?t be any secrets, you?re going to tell us everything.? You?re going to live a lot of those things you fantasized about.?
?When Ann and I first talked about hiring you, we didn?t really know if it would come to this, but if it did, we thought it might be fun to have a wimp to kick around.? We need the help, and the one thing you are besides being perverted, is honest and reliable.? So no matter what, we figured we couldn?t lose.? But when Ann called me this morning telling me how easy it was to push you around, that you scarcely raised a voice in protest, that?s when I told her to go for it, to keep pushing you.? And since we knew that deep down you crave this sort of thing?well, here we are.? You on your knees, kissing our feet, crying like a baby begging for your job.? There are people in this world who rule, and those that serve, and I always got the feeling you were one of the servers, the pleasers.? It looks like I was right.?
I had my head down
and was staring at the floor.? No longer
sniveling, I knew that any submissive desires I had were about to explode.? Jeff put his foot under my chin and tilted my
head up.? ?Look at your Master when I?m
talking to you, boy.? At
least, when you have permission to look at us.?
??????????? ?Yeah, I?m not so sure
I want the scumbag looking at me,? Ann chimed in.? ?In fact, if I see you looking me in the
eyes, you will be fined big time.? You
keep your head bowed in my presence, look at my feet or something, like you do
all the time anyway.?
Yes, it was true, I was always looking at Ann?s feet.? I had no idea that she had noticed.? I looked up at Jeff, his dark brown eyes intent as his wife?s eyes.? His foot still underneath my chin.? ?You are now our slave, our servant.? You will do whatever you?re told, without question, without problems.? Quickly and to the best of your ability.? Is that understood??
?Yes, Sir.?
?Good.? Ann and I will continue to fine you as we see fit.? We will also begin punishing you for your mistakes.? I would advise you to do your best because I would love to take a paddle to that wimp ass of yours which I will do anyway simply because I can.?
As I was looking up at Jeff, I began to feel genuine fear as he talked of the paddle realizing that he was serious about being a Master.? Despite his arrogant nature, I never suspected he would be into such a dark and kinky area.
?There is a lot we will have to be going over, but I don?t want to take the time right now.? I?m sure the kids are quite curious about what?s going on in here after Nicole saw you kissing my feet.?? Jeff was smiling.? ?I guess that is something she is going to see a lot of.?
?Yes, what are we going to do about Nicole and Jordan??? Ann asked.
?Like we have been.? Explain that Mike now works for us and that it is old-fashioned strict way of showing respect? It will work out, don?t worry about it, honey.? After all, they are now young adults.?
Ann smiled lovingly at her husband and got up from her chair and positioned herself on Jeff?s lap causing Jeff?s leg to jump around, his foot bumping into my face as if I wasn?t even there.? ?Mmm, all of this is making me hot, lover, ? she cooed.
I had never even remotely seen this type of affection between them and it was, again, quite a contrast.
?You?re not looking at us, are you, scumbag??? Ann asked, between long kisses.
?No, Mistress.?? I stared at the floor.
?Maybe we shouldn?t do this in front of him,? Ann questioned.? ?He doesn?t deserve such a treat.?
?Have to disagree with you on that one, sweets.? He?s just a piece of shit property, this is a little way to remind him of what he is missing.? What it?s like for a real man and his woman to share intimacy.? I?m pretty sure once we?re done with him, he?ll never entertain the thought of a genuine relationship again.?
?True.?? Ann laughed.? ?Not that he was much in bed before.? Isn?t that right, shithead?? Joann told me all about what a limp dick worthless lover you were.?
I didn?t say anything, I was too embarrassed at the truth of the statement.
?She asked you a question, do I have to get my belt off right now???
I believe Jeff was serious and wasn?t making a vague threat.
?No, Sir.? Mistress is correct.? I was?am a lousy lover.?
Jeff chuckled.? ?I believe you, Mikey, I believe you.? I?ve never worried about you being around my wife.? All that time you spent with her when the kids played together, I never once thought, gee?is Mike screwing with Ann.? Not only because I knew that she didn?t like you, but that we both had a good idea that you were a wimp loser.? Repeat after me?I am a wimp loser.?
Quietly and with great dejection, I said, ?I am a wimp loser.?? I looked up at Ann on Jeff?s lap.? They made a great looking couple.? The portrait of young suburbanite success.? They were embraced once again and thankfully they didn?t notice my glance.
?MMm, that was so nice,? Ann said, breaking apart their kiss.? ?I?d better go out front.?? She smoothed her skirt and stood up while I remained with head bowed, keeping my eye on the floor.? ?What are you going to do now??
?I have some work to do, shouldn?t keep me up too late tonight.? But first, I was thinking that maybe I should punish that piece of crap down there.?? Jeff kicked me lightly in the ribs.? ?So he gets an idea of what he can expect in the future.?
?What about the girls?? They?ll be sure to hear it.?
?Possibly.? We don?t have to tell them anything specific, something like dad is correcting the servant?s behavior.? Eventually, I?m sure they?ll be witnessing the discipline.?
?Or wanting to mete it out themselves?especially that Nicole.?? Ann giggled.? ?She can be very tough.?
There was knocking at the door, this time it was Jordan yelling through the closed door.? ?I can?t find my guitar.?
?Just a sec.? Ann said moving towards the door, ?I wanted to watch you, babe.? Give me a couple of minutes with the kids, then I?ll be back.?
Ann left the room, Jordan peeking in and seeing me kneeling on the floor.? I heard him ask Ann what was going on, Ann simply saying that they were talking to Mike.? Jeff didn?t immediately say anything, letting me squirm in the moment as I stared at the floor, feeling his commanding presence over me.? Finally he said, ?If you try to run away from us, we?ll be sure to ruin your life though it?s pretty much headed that way anyway.?
?Yes, Sir, I understand.??
?But you probably like this anyway.?? Before I could say anything more, Ann returned.
?Okay, they seem to know that something is going on, so we?d better do this quick.? I?ll guard the door.?? Ann was excited as if she was kid on Christmas morning.
?Stand up, shithead.?
I was scared, so nervous I was nearly shaking.? ?Please, Sir, do we have to do this??
Ann laughed at my pitiful plea.? ?I think the wimp is scared.?
?Stand up and drop your pants.?? Jeff?s voice was deep and serious and growing agitated.
I stood up and fumbled around with my belt and then dropped my jeans.? Despite my nerves and fear, I was also excited, my cock straining against my boxer shorts.
Jeff had a voice of disgust and impatience.? ?Underwear too, idiot.?
?Geez, look how little he is even with all his excitement,? Ann said as I pulled down my underwear, both it and my jeans piling at my ankles.? I was looking down at the ground, but I could hear Jeff undo his belt buckle.
?Bend over the chair.?
I shuffled over to the office chair that was in front of the desk and bent over the arms.? It was very uncomfortable, the arms hard and digging into my ribs though I?m sure that Jeff and Ann could care less.
?Comfortable, Mike??? Jeff asked his voice filled with obvious happiness at my predicament.
?Not really, Sir.?
?Good.? I don?t want you to be and I want this punishment to be etched clearly on your mind.? You will not??? Jeff wasted no time and delivered the first blow from the belt, it was firm landing with a loud splat. I gasped from the pain.? ??ever forget your place.?? Jeff punctuating the four words with four quick lashes of the belt.? There was no warm up and nothing erotic about being beaten by the man.
?Please, Sir, I won?t forget my place.?? I had squirmed and thrashed about as he hit me.
?Keep your voice down,? Jeff commanded giving me another brutal slash with the belt, this one causing me to involuntarily cry out.? ?Shut up you stupid pig,? he said quietly but angrily.? ?You?re not going to control yourself are you?? You are going to have to learn to take a beating without making a sound.? For now??? Jeff reached down and pulled off one of socks, ?you get this.?
Ann laughed and said, ?Oh god, that is beautiful,? as Jeff stuffed the malodorous, damp sock into my mouth causing me to gag slightly as he pushed it in deep.
?You like that, darling??
?Yes, it?s fantastic, sweets.?? Ann was backed up against the door, and I believe I detected a change in her voice and breathing as if she was excited.
?Get ready for more, pig.??
I bent over and steeled myself.? Jeff laid the leather on thick and harsh.? One lash after the other in quick succession, my mind flashing white with pain as I moaned into the sock gag, spittle running down my face, tears forming in my eyes.? I was nearly hyperventilating from the agony and was praying that this would soon end.? I couldn?t believe how sadistic the mild-manner Jeff was as he continued my beating.? He finally stopped, I?m not sure how much time had passed, but it seemed like an eternity.? I could hear him breathing hard, my ass was throbbing and felt like it was swollen to twice its normal size.? The room was very quiet like everyone was exhausted from one long orgasm.? I didn?t dare move until I was told to.
Finally, Jeff said, ?That was quite a workout.? Next time, maybe I?ll use one of Nicole?s riding crops that she loves to use on her horses.?
Ann seemed awed by the situation.? ?Look at his ass.?
Jeff laughed.? ?Goddamn, I did fuck him up, didn?t I??? Jeff was moving around and picking up the camera from the desk.? He snapped a few pictures of my battered bottom.? ?You?ll look at these everyday as a reminder of the power your Master has,? he said.
?Yes, Sir,? I mumbled, the sock still in my mouth.
?I?d better check out front.?? Before she did, Ann walked over and traced a finger across my bottom.? ?Look at all those welts and bruises.? I wouldn?t want to make you mad, honey,? she said tenderly to Jeff.
?Yeah, can you imagine what I could do if I was angry??
Ann snuggled up and gave Jeff a long hug and kiss.? ?Mmm, yeah babe, I don?t know if I could imagine, but I wouldn?t want to be there.?? Ann gave me a hard slap with her bare hand on my tender and sensitive ass, which caused me to jump excessively.? She laughed and said, ?Look at that, a little slap from me and he almost goes through the wall.? I?ll see you soon??
?Yes, I?ll finish up with him and then will be out.??
Ann left the room once again and I remained still.? Jeff ran the leather of his belt across my damaged ass.? ?That was enjoyable and a warning to you that we?re not kidding around.? Understand??
I mumbled another yes.
Laughing, Jeff
pulled the sock from my mouth.? ?Yuck,
you got my sock all wet and there is drool on the chair.? I should beat your ass for that.?
??????????? Broken, fearing it meant more
whipping, I fell to my knees and started frantically kissing his feet, one
bare, the other still with a sock.?
?Please, Sir, please, Master, no more?I can?t take it.?
Jeff snickered as a kissed his feet.? ?All right, if it means that much to you.? I?ve got better things to do right now than beat your ass.?
?Thank you, thank you, Sir.?
?But I like this groveling, Mike.? Very appropriate.?
If possible, I felt even more embarrassed in the manner I had totally debased myself.? This was someone who not long ago I had considered an equal, and now I was groveling and slobbering his feet with kisses, completely defeated.
?You know you look ridiculous.? Pants and underwear at your ankles, crawling around on the floor.? Take off my sock.?
I removed his sock.
?Kiss my foot.?? As I kissed his foot, he continued, ?Whenever you remove our shoes, socks, stockings, you will kiss our feet to show your reverence and humbleness.? And you will be doing that often.? In fact, when you are here, you know our rule about no shoes in the house, whenever we enter or leave the house, you will remove or put on our shoes.? You will have a myriad of duties that we will get into later.? For now, pull up your pants.? Wipe the drool off the chair and come out front.?
Jeff left the room while I quickly cleaned up.? I wondered how much the twins heard, they must have heard the slapping of the leather on my skin; what would they think was going on?? I took a deep breath and walked out front.? Jeff and Ann, with his arm around Ann, were sitting on the couch between their children.? They all took glances at me then returned to watching television.? I was exhausted and wanted to go home.? I stood at the kitchen counter that bordered the casual room and waited for Jeff or Ann to say something, the room was eerily quiet, the daughters not their usual perky, loud selves.? I?m sure that they knew.
Finally, I had to say something.? ?Is there anything else I need to do today??
?I want a Popsicle,? Nicole said.
?Yes, Miss Nicole.?? I hurried to the refrigerator.? ?What flavor, Miss Nicole??
?I don?t know?strawberry.?
I retrieved the Popsicle and went into the room and handed it to her.? It meant walking in front of the rest of the family as Nicole was on the far side of the sectional.? As I handed it to her, Jeff showed his displeasure and error of my ways.
?You just got in our way.? Do you expect us to move our heads so you can do your work??
?No, Sir.?? I was getting fearful again that he would punish me.
?You didn?t open it, stupid,? Nicole said.? No one said a work about her calling me stupid.
?Oh, sorry, Miss Nicole.?
I opened the package then knew I had to retreat to the other side of the room.? Jeff seemed to sense my dilemma.? ?Crawl.? Keep yourself low enough so you don?t block our view.?
I fell to my belly to keep low enough, then squirmed across the floor to the laughter of the family, particularly the girls.
?That?s so funny,? Jordan said.
Nicole added, ?This is way too cool.? Can I make him do something, dad?? Please??
?Like what, honey??
?I don?t know?make him bark or something.?
?All right, you can do that.?
?Bark, Mike, bark.?
This completely cracked up the girls, ?That?s a good doggie,? Nicole said.? I glanced at Mike and Ann sharing a look that they knew Nicole was going to run with this.? She took the wrapper off the Popsicle and threw it onto the floor.
Ann started to say something about Nicole throwing her trash on the floor when Nicole said, ?Fetch, doggie.?
I was still on my hands and knees and I turned and looked at Ann and Jeff with pleading and questioning eyes?did I have to do this?? I also glanced at the 18-year-old Nicole, who was looking at me with a challenge to disobey her, her brown eyes as intense as her mother?s.? Nicole was wearing shorts and a blouse, her bare feet rested right next to the wrapper on the floor.
Jeff calmly said with a smirk.? ?Do what your told, Mike.?
I turned around crawled to pick up the wrapper.? As I reached for it, Nicole plopped her foot on top of it.? ?Pick it up with your mouth, doggie, doggies don?t have hands.?
Ann laughed.? ?Nicole, you are so mean.?
Nicole proudly said, ?Yep and Mike is going to learn just how mean.?
?Don?t get carried away with yourself,? Jeff warned.
?I won?t, dad.?
Nicole?s foot was
directly on top of the wrapper and I couldn?t get to it.? ?What?s the matter, doggie, can?t you reach
??????????? ?No, Miss
?Ask me nicely and maybe I?ll move my foot.?
?Miss Nicole, could you please move your foot.?? I glanced up at Ann and Jeff to see their reaction to all of this.? They appeared rapped on the television.
?I saw you look at me, Mike.? That?s another ten dollars,? Ann said.
?Yes, ma?am.? Please, Miss Nicole??I begged.
She moved her foot enough to expose half the wrapper.? ?With your mouth, doggie.?
When I leaned over to pick up the wrapper with my teeth Nicole took her foot and planted on my face covering my nose and mouth.? ?Do you like my feet, doggie?? Do they smell good??
Nicole?s feet had
a strong odor, I knew she often wore sneakers without socks, and I wasn?t sure
what to say.? ?You have very nice feet,
Miss Nicole.?
??????????? ?Yeah right, doggie,? she
said, shoving my face with her foot, before pulling it back.? ?Pick it up!? she ordered.
I picked up the wrapper.
?Crawl out of here and put it into the trash with your mouth.? No hands.?? Giggles from the others accompanied my humiliation as I crawled through the living room.
Her voice cheerful, Ann asked, ?Nicole, where did you learn to be so mean??
?It comes naturally, mom?Don?t use your hands to open the cabinet door, doggie.?
I was about to reach for the door when Nicole said that, instead, I pushed the door open with my nose and then dropped the Popsicle wrapper into the trash with my mouth, shutting the door with my nose.? I crawled back to the edge of the carpet and the hard wood floors.? Jeff said, ?Get out here, Mike, you?re going to have a long day tomorrow.?
?Yes, sir,? I said, standing.? No one even looked at me.? ?Goodbye.?? Again, ignored, like I wasn?t even there.? This was humiliating, I wasn?t even worthy of human acknowledgement.? I left the house, went home, ate a quick dinner and collapsed into bed.? I was sure Jeff was right about one thing, tomorrow was going to be a hard day.
Part One
All rights reserved.
I was getting older, 49 to be
exact.? And though I could pass for
??????????? My divorce had put a major crimp in the financial situation and I had been out of work for almost two years.? With my savings depleted by the divorce settlement, business was never a strong suit, that, and the brutal shark of a lawyer my wife had hired, I was now on the brink of homelessness.? With bills piling on my desk, I needed employment in a hurry.? Let?s face it, I was desperate which led to a desperate decision that put me where I am today.
My ex and I had been friends with a younger couple for 14 years since our kids met at school?my son, now 20?was a couple of years older than their fraternal twins, a boy and a girl--and when I was offered a job working for them, I said yes despite my hesitancy and embarrassment of accepting employment from what had been friends.? It was a humbling experience when I was out playing golf with Jeff and he said that maybe something could be worked out.? At the time I detected an attitude of slight smugness, but Jeff always had that air about him.? He was intelligent, well-educated and while friendly and cordial, I always got the sense that he felt himself somewhat superior to me though it was so subtle that I always checked it off to my own insecurity.? Yeah, I might be able to beat him on the golf course, but I?m sure he felt that in the game of life he was ahead.
??????????? He was a businessman with his own consulting business and few other side projects.? I wasn?t sure of his income, but it was well into the six figures, the forty-one-year-old Jeff was doing quite well.? Also, he and his wife, Ann, came from fairly well-to-do families.? Married while in college and having kids early, they were exceedingly mature for their age when I first met them during the Kindergarten year of school when my son was in the second grade.? They were comfortable, and while far from being ostentatious, they drove BMWs and owned a large home in a new subdivision, and pretty much did whatever they pleased, money never seeming to be an issue.? I can?t say I was ever jealous or envious of their financial comfort; at least I wasn?t until the work dried up and I found myself struggling to make rent on the dreary apartment that was home.? After the divorce, my wife and I had both remained friends with the couple, though my relationship was much cooler than the one my wife maintained with them, particularly Ann, who remained a close friend to my ex.
I wasn?t qualified
for most employment, a self-made writer, I had only
made it through a year and a half of college.?
I had come to
His wife, Ann, was very attractive, definitely didn?t look her age of thirty-nine.? Tall and almost too thin, her shoulder-length light brown hair framed a pretty face that might have been a tad long, but nonetheless she was looker.? Of course, her smile was perfect, teeth white and straight and she had intense green eyes that flashed with impatience when things didn?t go exactly they way she sought.? She was a perfectionist and subtly demanding.? I knew that working for her wouldn?t be easy, that it would be unlikely anything would be complete satisfactory for her judging from the way she would nitpick and complain about every little thing in her life.
Jeff wasn?t much better.? He was immaculate in appearance and manner.?? And he had the same perfectionist manner of his wife.? More than once I could over hear him on his cell phone upbraiding an employee to do their job right.? He wasn?t a screamer, but he knew what he wanted and how he wanted things done and accomplished.? So there it was, I had say yes and found myself one morning ringing the bell to their house, standing at the door, questioning how I got myself into such a situation.
We hadn?t discussed the details of my employment, only that my salary would be five-hundred a week, a far cry from the thirty-grand I used to get for each television script for which I received credit.? Jeff had said he was sure they would be able to find something for me to do, joking even if it was only cleaning their house, but that he and Ann always had a need for another hard working person in their life.? He said that they could use a secretary?administrative assistant he quickly corrected himself, that they could trust and depend on.? He did iterate that he and Ann could be demanding and I said I knew this well, and that I was eager and willing to work hard to please them.
The part-time maid answered the door and said that Mrs. Moore was expecting me in the office.? I walked back to the office, which was located in the rear of the house, a house that was decorated with great style and taste even if it leaned a little to the ?shabby chic? generic.? It felt odd to be in the home when it wasn?t a party, play date or social visit.? I was anxious and still feeling slightly embarrassed that I had reached the situation for a mercy hiring by my friends.? The door to the office was partially opened and I walked in with butterflies roiling in my stomach.? Ann was sitting at the desk, typing on the computer keyboard.
?Good morning.?? I tried to sound cheery and eager to be there, though I had a certain dread running through me.
Ann didn?t look up from the computer screen.? ?You?re late.?
Thankfully Ann couldn?t see me flush red from her comment.? Yes, I was late, but only by five minutes and I was struck by the coolness in her voice and that I was starting from a negative as it was evident that she was displeased by my slight tardiness.? ?Uh, I guess, I?m a couple of minutes late.?
?No, five minutes,
Mike.? I know with your
Anger started to swell up within me and I almost turned and walked out as I felt I didn?t deserve to be treated quite so abruptly, but I didn?t want to fail on the first day and give Ann and Jeff any satisfaction that their standards were higher than mine and I would be unable to meet them.? Plus, I really could use the money.? ?Uh, okay, Ann, I?m sorry, I will be on time from now on.?
?Good.? Your fine will be five dollars.?
?My what??? I couldn?t believe she had the audacity to suggest a fine, particularly with the measly five-hundred I was earning.
?Mr. Moore and I will assess fines as we see fit.? Keep you motivated and from slacking off.?
?You?re kidding?right??
Ann was not happy with my protest.? ?Look, Mike, these are our rules.? If you can?t abide by them, then get out.?
Damn, I knew she
could be tough, but this was a whole different side to Ann.? Again, I thought about leaving, but figured
the fine thing was simply a ploy to get my attention and wouldn?t be much of an
issue.? ?No, no, I don?t want to
leave.? It just seems a little
unfair.? Particularly since I didn?t know
about the rule.?
??????????? ?Well you know what they say
about law.? Ignorance is no excuse.?
?Whatever you say, Ann.?
?Also, Mike, when you are in a work situation, you need to address me as Mrs. Moore and Jeff as Mr. Moore.? Do you have a problem with that??
Wow, this was going to be harder than I thought.? Here was this woman, someone I had thought of as a good friend, someone ten years my junior, instructing me on how to address her.? ?No problem, Mrs. Moore, you?re the boss.?
I could see a hint of a smile on her face.? ?Yes, I am your boss now, Mike.? Please don?t let our history cloud our understanding of the current situation.?
?No, Mrs. Moore, I won?t.?
?Good.?? Ann looked up at me, her stern green eyes intensely scrutinizing me.
She looked great.? Wearing a skirt and blouse, barefoot, her toes, as always, perfectly manicured, this time in pink with a flower painted on each big toe.? I was glad, that if nothing else, I would get to be with her even if I was now in her employ.? I stood there for a couple of minutes feeling awkward as I didn?t know what I was supposed to do and I didn?t want to interrupt her.? Finally, I said, ?What would you like me to do??
I could see the familiar wrinkle of irritation cross Ann?s face as she raised her right hand as to stop me from talking.? ?I?ll let you know as soon as I?m finished.??
Again, I thought she was being unfairly abrupt.? She certainly wasn?t making this easy for me.? She worked for a few more minutes, before sitting back and looking at the computer screen as if she was scrutinizing her work. ?But I got the sense she was making me stand there simply because she knew she could.
Maria the maid popped into the room.? ?Ann, what would you like me to do with these papers on the coffee table??
Ann looked up and warmly smiled at the maid.? ?Just leave them on the kitchen table, I?ll go through it later.?
?Don?t forget that I have to leave early today.?
?I haven?t.? Mike will drive you home after lunch.? You know Mike right??? Ann said, introducing me to Maria.
I said hello and nodded at Maria who glared back while saying, ?Yes, I?ve seen him before.?
?He works for me and Mr. Moore now.? And he will be helping you too.?
Maria brightened at this comment.? ?Very good.? I always could use help.? Much to do around here.? I go back to work now.?
Maria left.? Ann had been so much more friendly and warm with her maid, so much for the workplace formality she had just expressed to me.? ?Let?s see, where was I?? Ann was looking at the computer once again.? She then swiveled her chair towards me, bare legs crossed, girlishly bouncing one foot as she looked at me.? ?What shall I have you do??? She had a smile on her face as if she was enjoying the fact that I was now her employee.? ?This is a little odd, isn?t it, you working for us??
?Yes kind of??
??????????? ?I?ll have to admit though, I
kind of like it.? And I?m sure Joann is
going to flip when I tell her you?re working for us.?
??????????? Joann was my ex.? I hadn?t really given it much thought of her
knowing about it since I had been more concerned about getting some cash.? I wanted to ask Ann why she liked it, but
decided not to press the subject.?? I had
been there twenty minutes, just standing and watching her work as I felt like a
fool.? There was a chair on the other
side of where Ann sat, but she hadn?t offered it to me and had made no effort
to allow access to it.? So I had stood
while she worked.? I thought it ironic
that she had upbraided me for my five-minute tardiness, yet I hadn?t done a
thing.? Typical boss
kind of thing.? Finally, I
couldn?t take the idleness anymore.? ?What
can I do for you??
?Mrs. Moore.? Please don?t forget the proper manner of respect.?
?What would you like me to do, Mrs. Moore?? I repeated resenting having to address her that way.
?Right now, you may clean my car.? Vacuum, dust, wash it.? You know where I keep my keys.? The supplies are in the laundry room.? If you need any help finding things, ask Maria.?
?Yes, Mrs.
?Good.? You?re dismissed.?
Dismissed?? I felt like a servant and almost let out a
sarcastic, yes oh great Mrs. Moore, but I said nothing.? I gathered the supplies and went into the
garage where the SUV was parked.? I
passed a large closet full of shoes, as the
But interrupting my brief shoe reverie was the need to clean Ann?s ride and I got to work for the next hour and a half cleaning her new X5 trying my best to get it as sparkling as possible knowing Ann?s fastidiousness.? When I went back into the house around eleven, I found Ann sitting on the plush sectional sofa in the entertainment room and talking on the phone while Maria was sweeping the kitchen that connected to the area where Ann sat.? She was laughing about something when I began to sit on the sofa across from her.? Phone to ear, looking up at me she shook her head no indicating that I wasn?t to sit down on the sofa.? What was this?? Now I wasn?t good enough to sit on her precious furniture?
?Just a sec.?? She put the phone to her shoulder and said while pointing towards the kitchen, ?Go make Maria and me turkey sandwiches and cut up some fresh fruit.?
?Yes, Mrs.
?Did you bring lunch with you??
?No, Mrs. Moore.?? I didn?t even think of bringing lunch.? Ann had always been generous in offering food or snacks during previous visits.? I had no reason to think otherwise.
She kind of shook her head and said, ?That?s too bad.? I don?t want you eating any of the turkey in case the kids want something later.? Maybe after they have had their snacks, you can have a banana or something.? From now on, you?ll be expected to provide your own food.?
I didn?t know what
to say.? I was dumbfounded with her
attitude, so I simply said, ?Yes, Mrs.
?Good.? I?m glad you understand.? Now go!?
I didn?t understand.? Why was she treating me this way?? Why did Maria get to eat her food but not me?? And as I pulled the turkey out of the refrigerator to make lunch and seeing that there was enough meat to feed the neighborhood, I realized that there was something more going on than simply having enough food for after-school munchies.? I could her hear continue the phone conversation and I realized she was talking with Jeff.
?He?s doing all right.? It will be an adjustment for all of us.? Of course, he started out on the wrong foot by being late?Yes, I fined him.?? There was a second of silence followed by much laughter from Ann.? ?Yes, maybe we?ll have to do that.? He?ll learn or else.? All right, I?ll see you later, darling.? Love you.?? Ann put down the phone after hanging up.? ?Is that lunch ready??
I was hurrying to put her turkey sandwich together.? I had eaten enough at Ann?s house to know how she liked her sandwich prepared.? ?Getting there, should be a few more minutes.?
?You need to work fast, Mike, I don?t like to be kept waiting for anything.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore, I?m aware of that.? I?m working as quickly as I can.?
?That?s a good attitude, Mike.? I know I can be demanding, impatient, even unfair.? But that?s just me.? You?ll have to deal with it.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore, I understand.?? I quickly finished the sandwiches and cut up the fresh fruit and put them on plates as Ann thumbed through a magazine.? ?Your lunch is ready, Mrs. Moore.?
?That?s so cute the way you say Mrs. Moore, Mike.? Do you hate addressing me that way??? Ann said standing and walking the few short steps to the kitchen.? ?Maria that?s good,? she said to the maid who was puttering around the kitchen.
?No, if that?s
what you wish, I have no problem.?
??????????? ?Good, Mike, you are more
agreeable than I thought you would be.?
You must have really needed this job.?
?Yes, I did??
Ann was circling her hand for me to finish my sentence.? ?Don?t forget your manners.?
?Yes I did, Mrs.
??????????? ?And??
Maria had taken a seat at the table and Ann was standing at an end chair waiting for me to realize that I was to pull out the chair for her to seat down.? And?? I wasn?t sure what she meant by that.? ?And what? Mrs. Moore??
The question displeased Ann who snapped as she sat down.? ?A thank you.?
?Oh?thank you, Mrs. Moore for the job.?? I could see Maria smirking and trying not to laugh as she enjoyed Ann?s difficult treatment of me.
?That?s better.?? I placed the plates before Ann and Maria and began to clean up the kitchen.? Fixing the food had made me hungry, but I wasn?t about to venture into that territory, Ann had made it clear that her food was not available for me.
?Mike.? Do you think that Maria and I are some kind of philistines?? Where are our napkins??
Messed up again.? ?Sorry, Mrs. Moore,? I said, scurrying over to the table with two cloth napkins that I pulled out of a linen drawer.
?Apologize to Maria also.?
Ann smoothed the napkin into her lap as I handed the other napkin to Maria with my apology.? This was a little weird, but I was going to go long with Ann?s little game.? ?Sorry, Maria.?? I turned to go back to cleaning.
?No wait.? I think you should address her as Mrs. Lopez.? Show her a little respect.? After all, you ARE the probationary employee around here.? And since you will be helping her with the household duties, she is going to be your boss too.?
This was getting to be too much.? The maid was my boss?? I flashed back to when I was working in television, the eager assistants hoping to break into the business getting us lunch, doing our errands.? I had sunk a long ways, but it could be worse, and I wasn?t eager to explore the job world any longer.? Besides, there was a little bit of me that enjoyed the new attitude displayed by Ann.? ?Sorry, Mrs. Lopez.?
Maria giggled a little and said, ?That?s okay.?
Maria and Ann
discussed Maria?s trip back to
After Ann quickly finished her lunch, she said she was going out to inspect the X5 and quickly disappeared.? Maria wasted no time asserting her status.? ?Next time, no tomato on mine.?
?Yes, Mrs. Lopez,? I said, looking at her, trying to maintain my cool.
?Good.? Clean up these plates.?
I couldn?t believe she was ordering me to do this like she owned the place.? ?What the??? Before I could go any further, Ann had already returned.
?Mike, are you sure you cleaned my car??? Her voice was full of disgust and she noticed the tomato slices that Maria had left on her plate, one of them with an obvious bite taken out of it.? ?You don?t like tomato, Maria??
?No, Ann, it make my stomach hurt.? I told him not again.?
?Good.? I?m sure he won?t.? I hate to see any food wasted.? You eat it, Mike.? You said you didn?t bring anything with you.?
?Yeah, but a tomato??? I could see that the already agitated Ann didn?t want to hear my protest.? ??will be very good.? We all know about the starving kids who would love a tomato,? I weakly joked.? I took Maria?s leftovers and ate the two tomato slices.? They weren?t that bad and I tried not to think about the one that had a gap from Maria?s bite.? Anyway, I had worse things on the horizon.
?I want to show you what you missed on the car.? Follow me.?? We went into the garage where Ann slipped on a pair of older sandals and I put on my sneakers, then I trailed after Ann to the driveway where I had left it for her inspection.? She proceeded to show me a small streak here and there that a quick wipe erased.? And then she showed me a couple of pieces of grass on the carpet and a minuscule amount of sand left in a cup holder and some other dirt far underneath the seats.? ?Do it right, then take Maria home.?? Ann turned and quickly walked back into the house.? I furiously cleaned the spots she pointed out then returned to the house where Maria and Ann were already saying goodbye.
?I?ll see you at nine, Maria,? Ann said, giving her maid a hug.? ?Make sure you open the door for her, Mike,? Ann instructed, enjoying her little power trip.? ?Before you come back, you need to go to the store.? Here is a list of things I need.?? Ann handed me a grocery list and a hundred dollar bill.? ?Hurry up, you?ve got a lot of work to do around here.?
I escorted Maria out to my old beater of a Camry and opened the passenger door for her.? ?Sorry about the mess, Mrs. Lopez,? I said as the older woman slid into the seat.? Maria must have been in her late forties, plump and somewhat matronly.? She wore glasses and her teeth were somewhat crooked.? She favored print dresses that she probably picked up at garage sales, and always wore pantyhose and those ugly back nursing shoes with the thick soles.? She directed me to her house, nothing else being said except this way or that.? When we pulled up to the small place on a busy street, she waited for me to get out of the car and open the door for her.? ?I guess I?ll see you tomorrow,? I said trying to be friendly.
?Yes, you have much to learn.?? Maria walked up the cracked cement sidewalk to her home as a teenage girl came out the door to greet her mother and eyed me suspiciously.
I drove to the grocery store and tore up and down the aisles as fast as I could.? I knew it wouldn?t be fast enough for Ann, especially after she called me twice on my cell phone adding items that she had forgotten to list.? Never mind that they were at the other end of the store.? I returned to the house and carried the groceries into the kitchen.? Ann emerged from her office and started looking through the bags of groceries to assess my purchases.
?Store must have been busy,? she said, inspecting the romaine lettuce I had purchased.
?Yes, Mrs. Moore, I went as quickly as possible.?
?I?m sure you did.? These grapes taste like crap.?? She had eaten a test grape then took the rest and threw them into the garbage can.? ?Don?t you know how to pick out fruit??
?I thought so, Mrs. Moore.? It?s hard to tell with grapes.?
?How much were they??
I scanned the register receipt.? ?Three ninety eight.?
?Did you get the little spiral notebook??
?Yes, Mrs.
?All right.? Add the three ninety-eight to this morning?s five dollar fine.? That?s part of your job to keep track of the penalties you are assessed.?
I was going to have to pay for the grapes she didn?t want?
?And while you are
at it.? Fifty cents for the tomatoes
wasted on Maria?s sandwich.?
??????????? I tried to protest.? ?But the tomatoes didn?t go to waste??
??????????? ?Quiet.? I don?t want any arguing.? If you are going to do that, then leave.? Now!?
I should have left, but I couldn?t.? Jeff had promised to pay me that evening my first week?s salary and I needed the money.? ?No, Mrs. Moore, I won?t argue.?
?These bananas are a little green, but we?ll keep them??
on through the grocery sacks, many things earning a criticism.? By the time she was finished, I had been
fined again, this time
After I put away
the groceries, I was told to vacuum and dust while Ann worked on a
project.? As I cleaned, I began to dread
the end of the school day when her children would come home and see me in my
new role as their mom?s employee.? I
hoped it would be low key, or even better, I would be dismissed before Nicole
A minute later, Ann appeared, again looking displeased.? I shut off the vacuum.? ?What do you think you?re doing??
?Vacuuming,? I innocently said, knowing that this wasn?t the right answer.
?You didn?t see Nicole come home??
?Yes, I saw her.?
?You work for the entire household, Mike, the entire family.? I know she is a friend of your son and that you?ve known her a long time, but you are now her employee and when she comes home from school or any other time, you will check and see if there is anything she needs.? Got it??
I didn?t exactly agree to be working for her daughter, but I wasn?t about to argue with Ann.? ?Got it, Mrs. Moore.?
I went into the kitchen where Nicole was sitting at the table.? Before I could say anything she said, ?Mom said you work for me now.?
?Yeah, I guess.?
?Miss Nicole.?? Ann was standing right behind me.
?Yes, I work for your family now, Miss Nicole.?
?If there is anything you need, you just tell him.? And if you ever have any problems with him, if he disobeys you or does something wrong, you tell me so we can correct his behavior.?
I was red again, I felt like a dog or something.
?Okay, mom.?? Ann went over and gave her daughter a hug? ?That?s my baby.? All right, I?m going to finish up my project.? Mike, after you?re done with Nicole, finish your vacuuming then clean the bathrooms.? I will warn you ahead of time, there will be fines for incompetence.?
?Yes, Mrs. Moore, I?ll get right on it.?
Ann left the room, I looked at Nicole who was staring at me with a smirk on her face, it was getting to be a familiar look.? ?Is there anything I can get you, Miss Nicole??
?This is kind of cool.? I?ve never really had anyone working for me before.?
?Well you do now.?
??????????? ?Did you forget something??
???Miss Nicole.?
?Going to have to report that to mom.?
Whatever.? ?So, is there anything that I can get for you, Miss Nicole??
Nicole was still reveling in her power.? ?Calling my mom Mrs. Moore, that?s weird?and me, Miss Nicole.?
?It?s a matter of respect, Miss Nicole.?
?I like it.? Well, employee Mike, I want some apple slices with peanut butter.?
I simply nodded my head and opened the fridge to prepare the apples.
?Make sure that you peel them, I don?t like the skin.?
I nodded my head trying to avoid the Miss Nicole thing.
?Did you hear me??
?Yes, Miss Nicole, I heard you.?
I quickly prepared her snack as I needed to get to work on the cleaning as I knew that Ann would soon be expressing her impatience.? ?Here you go, Miss Nicole,? I said, laying the plate on the table, peanut butter in the middle surrounded by her apple slices.
?Hey, that looks
??????????? Finally, a compliment even if
it was from a eighteen-year old.? ?Thank you, Miss Nicole.? I need to go back to my cleaning.?
?All right.? But I might want something later.?
?Just let me know, Miss Nicole.? It will be my pleasure,? I lied.
I spent the rest
of the afternoon cleaning only stopping to fix another snack for Miss
Nicole.? After an intense scrubbing and
it was getting near
?Mrs. Moore, I?m finished with the bathrooms,? I said, feeling childish that I was reporting to her in such a manner.? I?m sure Maria never did such a thing.
?Fine.? I?ll check them when I get a chance.? Now, I want you to scrub the laundry room floor.?
I looked at my watch once again.? ?How long were you planning on me working today??
??Mrs. Moore.?? Ann corrected.? She wasn?t going to let go of that.
?Mrs. Moore.?
?Until we?re done with you.?? She returned to preparing her meal.
We hadn?t discussed hours, but I assumed it was to be a regular hour gig.? Obviously, Ann had different thoughts.
?All right, Mrs. Moore.?
As I began to leave, Ann said, ?Mike, this isn?t going to be easy.?
?I understand, Mrs. Moore.?
?And I mean scrub that floor, Mike.? Hands and knees, buff it clean.?
?Yes, Mrs.
?Come on, Mike, let?s go,? she huffed.
Now what?? I stood and followed her with a dread of pupil going to the principal?s office.? First visit was the downstairs bathroom where Ann ran her finger along the edge of the basin and displayed the residue of cleaning powder that I hadn?t completely removed.? ?This isn?t acceptable.? I thought you said this was clean.?
I didn?t know what to say.? I had never seen Ann this angry before, or even angry period.? She had hidden this side of her personality.? ?I?m sorry Mrs. Moore?it won?t happen again.?
?It better not.? That?s a ten dollar penalty.?
?Ten dollars??? I stopped, no need to escalate the issue.
?And the roll of tissue is to be folded like this.?? Ann demonstrated a small triangle on the tissue.? ?That?s only going to cost you three dollars.? But each time I find that the tissue is not folded properly, you will be penalized.?? She stopped for a moment as I waited for the next criticism.? ?Aren?t you going to write down those fines??
?Oh, okay, Mrs. Moore.?? I pulled the spiral notebook and pen out of my pocket.? Ann had instructed me to carry those with me at all times, not only to note my fines, but in case she had something she wanted purchased or something to be recalled.
Gee, she expected me to check the paper every time anyone was in the bathroom?? I knew the upstairs bathrooms were the same.? I wanted to run ahead and fix them before I was penalized for them, but I didn?t have that chance as Ann told me to follow her.? We entered the master bathroom and the first thing Ann did was point at the toilet paper that wasn?t in a triangle and simply said, ?That?s another three dollars.
She found a couple of hairs in the tub, a little dust underneath the cabinet and a handle that she didn?t think was suitably polished.? Another five dollars worth of fines.? Onto the children?s bathroom where I was informed that fines would be doubled.? Again, a few minor flaws that cost me another ten dollars.? While we were doing this, Jeff had arrived home.? We could hear him talking with Nicole, but the words were indistinguishable.? I could see Ann visibly brighten at the sound of her husband?s voice, I only wished he had arrived earlier to put her in a better mood.? Still, it wasn?t going to be easy to see Jeff in my new role.? And then I heard another male voice and realized that Nicole?s twin brother was home, an arrogant kid who was the typical popular jock at school type.
?Fix what I showed you, finish the floor downstairs while we eat.? After dinner, then you can meet with Jeff.?
?Yes, Mrs.
Ann disappeared.? It wouldn?t take long to finish the bathrooms and that would only leave the laundry room.? I was looking forward to going home.? It had been a long day.
I finished the laundry room and avoided seeing Jeff.? After semi-hiding behind my chores, I could hear them finishing up with dinner that smelled so good, my stomach aching for a meal, Ann only allowing me a banana.? I had also bought a candy bar at the grocery store.? Ann was calling for me and I had no choice except to face the entire family.? I took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen where they all sat around the dining table.
?Hi Jeff,? I said,
Ann glared at me and cleared her throat reminding me of my error.
?I mean, hello Mr. Moore.?
?Hello, Mike.? How was your first day??
It sucked.? ?It was fine, Mr. Moore.?
?Mike,? Nicole said. ??Get me more cola.??? Jeff looked at his daughter with a bit of surprise, but the grins on everyone else?s face, except mine of course, relaxed his attitude.
?Yes, Miss Nicole,? I said, getting the soft drink from the refrigerator.
?Isn?t that cool, dad,? Nicole said.? ?Our own employee.? Mom says we can boss him around all we want.?
?Oh she did, did she??? Jeff was now smiling at his wife.
?Yep.? He has to keep our rooms clean.? Fetch us drinks and snacks.? Anything we want.?
?Well, Nicole, to a point, Mike has certain duties that he must attend to.?
?Oh, we know,? Jordan, Jeff and Ann?s son said.? ?We know we have to share.?
?This is quite a
change isn?t it Mike?? Still want to work
for the
?Sure, Mr. Moore.?
?Clean off the table and wash the dishes.? Then in the office.?
Jeff rose from the table.? ?Let?s watch some television.?
I watched him for
a moment.? He was wearing dark slacks,
dress shirt, blue socks, his shoes in the garage
closet.? He moved with arrogant
confidence.? It was hard to believe this
man was in control of my life at the moment.?
I had beaten him many times on the golf course as Jeff wasn?t
athletic.? In fact, physically, he was
kind of soft with a slight belly around his middle.? But he never lost that attitude and could dig
the knife in whenever needed.? I finished
up my chores as the
Jeff looked straight ahead as he firmly said, ?Didn?t I tell you to go to the office when you were done?? Or are you just stupid??
Stupid.? I felt ready to punch him as his kids laughed at the comment.? ?Well excuse me, Mr. Moore.?? I couldn?t hid the sarcasm in my voice.? ?I will go to the office now.?
?I?ll deal with you in a moment,? Jeff snapped.
I waited probably forty minutes before Jeff entered the office along with Ann.? I was sitting at the desk, moping about my situation?? ?Out of my seat, Mike? Jeff said.? ?You?re not allowed to sit on our furniture.?
I stood up and Ann sat in the other chair.? ?I don?t appreciate your attitude,? Jeff said as he imitated my ?excuse me, Mr. Moore.?
?I?m sorry Jef?Mr. Moore.? I?m very tired and it?s been a long day.?
?I don?t give a damn about your day or your excuses.? You wanted to work for us and we were generous enough to give you a job.? If you don?t like it, then get lost.?
?It?s not that??
??????????? ?And the way you are going,
you?ll never make it through the probationary period anyhow.? I should fire you right now.?? Jeff was slinked back in his chair, his
fingers interlocking, legs crossed as he studied my reaction.
I don?t know what it was, but I was about to cry.
?Don?t you have anything to say for yourself??
?I?uh?I need the job, Mr. Moore.?
?I don?t like the Mr. Moore, just make it sir.?
?I need the job, sir.?? I was now calling my former pal, sir.
?I don?t know, honey.? I had to fine him a lot today.? I don?t know if he is worth the trouble.?? Ann was enjoying this, watching her husband put me through the ringer.
?True, from what Ann has told me, by the end of the week, you?ll be owing us money.?
?You were serious about the fines??
?Of course we were, idiot,? Ann said.
I blushed from being called an idiot.? Jeff said, ?Mike, you have to show us that you really want the job,?
?And how should I
do that, sir??
??????????? ?Think of something.?
I wasn?t sure what he wanted, but I sensed this was going to take another direction.? For some reason, I was desperate to work for them.? ?I really really want the job, sir?Mrs. Moore.?
?You can call me, ma?am, matches the sir.?
Jeff got an evil little smile on his face.? ?Beg for your job.? Show us how much you care, how badly you need to work for us.?
I had tears in my eyes as I sniveled, ?Please, sir, ma?am, may I work for you.? I?ll do whatever I can for you.?
Ann was grinning as she said, ?I think the little baby is crying?wah?wah?wah?
Jeff laughed.?? ?You know, when I see someone beg, I think they should demonstrate proper respect for their superiors.?
Ann piped in with, ?Yes, kneel and beg for your job.?
By now, I no longer cared.? I fell to my knees, sinking into the carpet and said, ?I beg you, sir, ma?am, may I please keep my job??
Ann also had her legs crossed and was bouncing her leg up and down.? I think the whole scene was getting her excited.? ?I don?t know, dear, do we allow him to work for us?? she said dramatically.
Jeff was staring down at me, seriously contemplating something.? ?I don?t know?I suppose we can give it a little more time.?
?You?re so kind, honey.?? Ann was sitting next to Jeff and leaned over and gave him a kiss.? ?Show Jeff your appreciation for his kindness.?
?What do you mean, ma?am???
?Kiss his feet and say thank you, kind and generous sir for giving this old washed-up loser a job.?
?What?? Are you kidding??
?Just do it,? Ann sneered.
I looked up at Jeff who shrugged his shoulders as if to say, what can I do about it.? I knew this was a now or never moment and was strangely excited by the whole situation.? Not kissing Jeff?s feet, that was way beyond anything I had imagined, but I wouldn?t mind kissing Ann?s pretty feet.? I crawled forward and quickly kissed the top of Jeff?s socked foot and said, ?Thank you for your kindness and generosity, sir in giving this old, washed-up loser a job,? just as Nicole appeared in the doorway.
?What are you guys doing??
I couldn?t see her reaction, but it must have been amazing to see me in this position.? And how much did she hear?? It was true, I was a washed-up loser.
?Is he kissing your feet, dad??
?Don?t worry about it, Nicole, we?ll be done in a moment.?? Jeff was not pleased by his daughter?s appearance.
?Can I make him kiss my feet too?? she eagerly asked.
?We?ll talk about it later,? Ann said, ?go back to the television.?
?And shut the door,? Ann added.
The door shut and Ann said, ?Now, where were we??
?Mike was thanking me.?? Jeff sounded pleased.
?That?s right,? Ann said.? ?Do it again and mean it.? And Jeff has two feet.?
?Yes, ma?am.?? I once again kissed the top of Jeff?s crossed over foot, then scrunched over further and kissed the foot that was on the ground.? Jeff?s feet had a moderately strong aroma and it was enormously humiliating to be kissing them.? As I was doing this, Ann had picked up a digital camera from the desk.?
?Again,? she commanded, ?I want a record of this.?
I once again kissed each foot, Ann taking a picture each time, making me pose so she could make sure my face could be clearly seen.
?All right, do the same for your Mistress,? Jeff said.
?What was that?? Ann asked, a curious excitement in her voice.
?It seems appropriate.? After all, we practically own him.? Ma?am is ok for public stuff, but Mistress Ann has a cool ring to it.? Not quite so matronly.?
?Yeah, I like it,? Ann mused.? ?And that means, he should call you Master.?
?Yeah, whatever, Master or sir is fine.? Go on?? Jeff nudged me on my face cheek with his foot, ?Kiss you Mistress? feet.?
?Yes, Sir.?? I kissed the top of each of Ann?s feet while Jeff snapped a few pictures with the camera.
?I can?t wait until I show these to Joann,? Ann said with glee.
?Please don?t, Mistress.?
?Are you telling
me what to do, Mike??? She took her foot
and bopped me on top of my head with it.
??????????? ?No, Mistress but??
?You just do as your told and behave yourself and we?ll see about the pictures.? Can you imagine all the moms and dads at school seeing you kissing our feet??? Ann and Jeff were both laughing.
?Yeah, that would make quite the impression.?? Jeff agreed.
?Ah, look at the little foot kisser, I think he?s going to cry some more.?? Ann loved rubbing it in.? ?Joann was so right in leaving you.? I?m glad I encouraged her to do so.?
I had heard rumors that Ann was behind motivating Joann to leave me.? Ann had always been so nice previously to me, that I didn?t believe it.? Now, it was all too easy to believe.? So much for the image she projected.
?You have no idea how much we know about you,? Ann said.? ?When Joann was planning the divorce, she asked for my help, which I gladly gave her knowing what a loser you are.? And Jeff here, being the computer expert, was kind enough to go through your entire computer history.?
I knew I was sunk.? The pornographic websites that I used to visit.? The movies and stories I downloaded.?? I?m sure he found it all.? They say you tell about everything from a person from their computer and I know that Jeff was a computer expert.
?You are quite the kinky little pervert.? Female domination websites, chicks with dicks sites, all kinds of weird stuff.?
As Ann spoke, I felt myself go nearly dizzy as if she could see into my being.
?There won?t be any secrets, you?re going to tell us everything.? You?re going to live a lot of those things you fantasized about.?
?When Ann and I first talked about hiring you, we didn?t really know if it would come to this, but if it did, we thought it might be fun to have a wimp to kick around.? We need the help, and the one thing you are besides being perverted, is honest and reliable.? So no matter what, we figured we couldn?t lose.? But when Ann called me this morning telling me how easy it was to push you around, that you scarcely raised a voice in protest, that?s when I told her to go for it, to keep pushing you.? And since we knew that deep down you crave this sort of thing?well, here we are.? You on your knees, kissing our feet, crying like a baby begging for your job.? There are people in this world who rule, and those that serve, and I always got the feeling you were one of the servers, the pleasers.? It looks like I was right.?
I had my head down
and was staring at the floor.? No longer
sniveling, I knew that any submissive desires I had were about to explode.? Jeff put his foot under my chin and tilted my
head up.? ?Look at your Master when I?m
talking to you, boy.? At
least, when you have permission to look at us.?
??????????? ?Yeah, I?m not so sure
I want the scumbag looking at me,? Ann chimed in.? ?In fact, if I see you looking me in the
eyes, you will be fined big time.? You
keep your head bowed in my presence, look at my feet or something, like you do
all the time anyway.?
Yes, it was true, I was always looking at Ann?s feet.? I had no idea that she had noticed.? I looked up at Jeff, his dark brown eyes intent as his wife?s eyes.? His foot still underneath my chin.? ?You are now our slave, our servant.? You will do whatever you?re told, without question, without problems.? Quickly and to the best of your ability.? Is that understood??
?Yes, Sir.?
?Good.? Ann and I will continue to fine you as we see fit.? We will also begin punishing you for your mistakes.? I would advise you to do your best because I would love to take a paddle to that wimp ass of yours which I will do anyway simply because I can.?
As I was looking up at Jeff, I began to feel genuine fear as he talked of the paddle realizing that he was serious about being a Master.? Despite his arrogant nature, I never suspected he would be into such a dark and kinky area.
?There is a lot we will have to be going over, but I don?t want to take the time right now.? I?m sure the kids are quite curious about what?s going on in here after Nicole saw you kissing my feet.?? Jeff was smiling.? ?I guess that is something she is going to see a lot of.?
?Yes, what are we going to do about Nicole and Jordan??? Ann asked.
?Like we have been.? Explain that Mike now works for us and that it is old-fashioned strict way of showing respect? It will work out, don?t worry about it, honey.? After all, they are now young adults.?
Ann smiled lovingly at her husband and got up from her chair and positioned herself on Jeff?s lap causing Jeff?s leg to jump around, his foot bumping into my face as if I wasn?t even there.? ?Mmm, all of this is making me hot, lover, ? she cooed.
I had never even remotely seen this type of affection between them and it was, again, quite a contrast.
?You?re not looking at us, are you, scumbag??? Ann asked, between long kisses.
?No, Mistress.?? I stared at the floor.
?Maybe we shouldn?t do this in front of him,? Ann questioned.? ?He doesn?t deserve such a treat.?
?Have to disagree with you on that one, sweets.? He?s just a piece of shit property, this is a little way to remind him of what he is missing.? What it?s like for a real man and his woman to share intimacy.? I?m pretty sure once we?re done with him, he?ll never entertain the thought of a genuine relationship again.?
?True.?? Ann laughed.? ?Not that he was much in bed before.? Isn?t that right, shithead?? Joann told me all about what a limp dick worthless lover you were.?
I didn?t say anything, I was too embarrassed at the truth of the statement.
?She asked you a question, do I have to get my belt off right now???
I believe Jeff was serious and wasn?t making a vague threat.
?No, Sir.? Mistress is correct.? I was?am a lousy lover.?
Jeff chuckled.? ?I believe you, Mikey, I believe you.? I?ve never worried about you being around my wife.? All that time you spent with her when the kids played together, I never once thought, gee?is Mike screwing with Ann.? Not only because I knew that she didn?t like you, but that we both had a good idea that you were a wimp loser.? Repeat after me?I am a wimp loser.?
Quietly and with great dejection, I said, ?I am a wimp loser.?? I looked up at Ann on Jeff?s lap.? They made a great looking couple.? The portrait of young suburbanite success.? They were embraced once again and thankfully they didn?t notice my glance.
?MMm, that was so nice,? Ann said, breaking apart their kiss.? ?I?d better go out front.?? She smoothed her skirt and stood up while I remained with head bowed, keeping my eye on the floor.? ?What are you going to do now??
?I have some work to do, shouldn?t keep me up too late tonight.? But first, I was thinking that maybe I should punish that piece of crap down there.?? Jeff kicked me lightly in the ribs.? ?So he gets an idea of what he can expect in the future.?
?What about the girls?? They?ll be sure to hear it.?
?Possibly.? We don?t have to tell them anything specific, something like dad is correcting the servant?s behavior.? Eventually, I?m sure they?ll be witnessing the discipline.?
?Or wanting to mete it out themselves?especially that Nicole.?? Ann giggled.? ?She can be very tough.?
There was knocking
at the door, this time it was
?Just a sec.? Ann said moving towards the door, ?I wanted to watch you, babe.? Give me a couple of minutes with the kids, then I?ll be back.?
Ann left the room,
?Yes, Sir, I understand.??
?But you probably like this anyway.?? Before I could say anything more, Ann returned.
?Okay, they seem to know that something is going on, so we?d better do this quick.? I?ll guard the door.?? Ann was excited as if she was kid on Christmas morning.
?Stand up, shithead.?
I was scared, so nervous I was nearly shaking.? ?Please, Sir, do we have to do this??
Ann laughed at my pitiful plea.? ?I think the wimp is scared.?
?Stand up and drop your pants.?? Jeff?s voice was deep and serious and growing agitated.
I stood up and fumbled around with my belt and then dropped my jeans.? Despite my nerves and fear, I was also excited, my cock straining against my boxer shorts.
Jeff had a voice of disgust and impatience.? ?Underwear too, idiot.?
?Geez, look how little he is even with all his excitement,? Ann said as I pulled down my underwear, both it and my jeans piling at my ankles.? I was looking down at the ground, but I could hear Jeff undo his belt buckle.
?Bend over the chair.?
I shuffled over to the office chair that was in front of the desk and bent over the arms.? It was very uncomfortable, the arms hard and digging into my ribs though I?m sure that Jeff and Ann could care less.
?Comfortable, Mike??? Jeff asked his voice filled with obvious happiness at my predicament.
?Not really, Sir.?
?Good.? I don?t want you to be and I want this punishment to be etched clearly on your mind.? You will not??? Jeff wasted no time and delivered the first blow from the belt, it was firm landing with a loud splat. I gasped from the pain.? ??ever forget your place.?? Jeff punctuating the four words with four quick lashes of the belt.? There was no warm up and nothing erotic about being beaten by the man.
?Please, Sir, I won?t forget my place.?? I had squirmed and thrashed about as he hit me.
?Keep your voice down,? Jeff commanded giving me another brutal slash with the belt, this one causing me to involuntarily cry out.? ?Shut up you stupid pig,? he said quietly but angrily.? ?You?re not going to control yourself are you?? You are going to have to learn to take a beating without making a sound.? For now??? Jeff reached down and pulled off one of socks, ?you get this.?
Ann laughed and said, ?Oh god, that is beautiful,? as Jeff stuffed the malodorous, damp sock into my mouth causing me to gag slightly as he pushed it in deep.
?You like that, darling??
?Yes, it?s fantastic, sweets.?? Ann was backed up against the door, and I believe I detected a change in her voice and breathing as if she was excited.
?Get ready for more, pig.??
I bent over and steeled myself.? Jeff laid the leather on thick and harsh.? One lash after the other in quick succession, my mind flashing white with pain as I moaned into the sock gag, spittle running down my face, tears forming in my eyes.? I was nearly hyperventilating from the agony and was praying that this would soon end.? I couldn?t believe how sadistic the mild-manner Jeff was as he continued my beating.? He finally stopped, I?m not sure how much time had passed, but it seemed like an eternity.? I could hear him breathing hard, my ass was throbbing and felt like it was swollen to twice its normal size.? The room was very quiet like everyone was exhausted from one long orgasm.? I didn?t dare move until I was told to.
Finally, Jeff said, ?That was quite a workout.? Next time, maybe I?ll use one of Nicole?s riding crops that she loves to use on her horses.?
Ann seemed awed by the situation.? ?Look at his ass.?
Jeff laughed.? ?Goddamn, I did fuck him up, didn?t I??? Jeff was moving around and picking up the camera from the desk.? He snapped a few pictures of my battered bottom.? ?You?ll look at these everyday as a reminder of the power your Master has,? he said.
?Yes, Sir,? I mumbled, the sock still in my mouth.
?I?d better check out front.?? Before she did, Ann walked over and traced a finger across my bottom.? ?Look at all those welts and bruises.? I wouldn?t want to make you mad, honey,? she said tenderly to Jeff.
?Yeah, can you imagine what I could do if I was angry??
Ann snuggled up and gave Jeff a long hug and kiss.? ?Mmm, yeah babe, I don?t know if I could imagine, but I wouldn?t want to be there.?? Ann gave me a hard slap with her bare hand on my tender and sensitive ass, which caused me to jump excessively.? She laughed and said, ?Look at that, a little slap from me and he almost goes through the wall.? I?ll see you soon??
?Yes, I?ll finish up with him and then will be out.??
Ann left the room once again and I remained still.? Jeff ran the leather of his belt across my damaged ass.? ?That was enjoyable and a warning to you that we?re not kidding around.? Understand??
I mumbled another yes.
Laughing, Jeff
pulled the sock from my mouth.? ?Yuck,
you got my sock all wet and there is drool on the chair.? I should beat your ass for that.?
??????????? Broken, fearing it meant more
whipping, I fell to my knees and started frantically kissing his feet, one
bare, the other still with a sock.?
?Please, Sir, please, Master, no more?I can?t take it.?
Jeff snickered as a kissed his feet.? ?All right, if it means that much to you.? I?ve got better things to do right now than beat your ass.?
?Thank you, thank you, Sir.?
?But I like this groveling, Mike.? Very appropriate.?
If possible, I felt even more embarrassed in the manner I had totally debased myself.? This was someone who not long ago I had considered an equal, and now I was groveling and slobbering his feet with kisses, completely defeated.
?You know you look ridiculous.? Pants and underwear at your ankles, crawling around on the floor.? Take off my sock.?
I removed his sock.
?Kiss my foot.?? As I kissed his foot, he continued, ?Whenever you remove our shoes, socks, stockings, you will kiss our feet to show your reverence and humbleness.? And you will be doing that often.? In fact, when you are here, you know our rule about no shoes in the house, whenever we enter or leave the house, you will remove or put on our shoes.? You will have a myriad of duties that we will get into later.? For now, pull up your pants.? Wipe the drool off the chair and come out front.?
Jeff left the room while I quickly cleaned up.? I wondered how much the twins heard, they must have heard the slapping of the leather on my skin; what would they think was going on?? I took a deep breath and walked out front.? Jeff and Ann, with his arm around Ann, were sitting on the couch between their children.? They all took glances at me then returned to watching television.? I was exhausted and wanted to go home.? I stood at the kitchen counter that bordered the casual room and waited for Jeff or Ann to say something, the room was eerily quiet, the daughters not their usual perky, loud selves.? I?m sure that they knew.
Finally, I had to say something.? ?Is there anything else I need to do today??
?I want a Popsicle,? Nicole said.
?Yes, Miss Nicole.?? I hurried to the refrigerator.? ?What flavor, Miss Nicole??
?I don?t know?strawberry.?
I retrieved the Popsicle and went into the room and handed it to her.? It meant walking in front of the rest of the family as Nicole was on the far side of the sectional.? As I handed it to her, Jeff showed his displeasure and error of my ways.
?You just got in our way.? Do you expect us to move our heads so you can do your work??
?No, Sir.?? I was getting fearful again that he would punish me.
?You didn?t open it, stupid,? Nicole said.? No one said a work about her calling me stupid.
?Oh, sorry, Miss Nicole.?
I opened the package then knew I had to retreat to the other side of the room.? Jeff seemed to sense my dilemma.? ?Crawl.? Keep yourself low enough so you don?t block our view.?
I fell to my belly to keep low enough, then squirmed across the floor to the laughter of the family, particularly the girls.
?That?s so funny,?
Nicole added, ?This is way too cool.? Can I make him do something, dad?? Please??
?Like what, honey??
?I don?t know?make him bark or something.?
?All right, you can do that.?
?Bark, Mike, bark.?
This completely cracked up the girls, ?That?s a good doggie,? Nicole said.? I glanced at Mike and Ann sharing a look that they knew Nicole was going to run with this.? She took the wrapper off the Popsicle and threw it onto the floor.
Ann started to say something about Nicole throwing her trash on the floor when Nicole said, ?Fetch, doggie.?
I was still on my hands and knees and I turned and looked at Ann and Jeff with pleading and questioning eyes?did I have to do this?? I also glanced at the 18-year-old Nicole, who was looking at me with a challenge to disobey her, her brown eyes as intense as her mother?s.? Nicole was wearing shorts and a blouse, her bare feet rested right next to the wrapper on the floor.
Jeff calmly said with a smirk.? ?Do what your told, Mike.?
I turned around crawled to pick up the wrapper.? As I reached for it, Nicole plopped her foot on top of it.? ?Pick it up with your mouth, doggie, doggies don?t have hands.?
Ann laughed.? ?Nicole, you are so mean.?
Nicole proudly said, ?Yep and Mike is going to learn just how mean.?
?Don?t get carried away with yourself,? Jeff warned.
?I won?t, dad.?
Nicole?s foot was
directly on top of the wrapper and I couldn?t get to it.? ?What?s the matter, doggie, can?t you reach
??????????? ?No, Miss
?Ask me nicely and maybe I?ll move my foot.?
?Miss Nicole, could you please move your foot.?? I glanced up at Ann and Jeff to see their reaction to all of this.? They appeared rapped on the television.
?I saw you look at me, Mike.? That?s another ten dollars,? Ann said.
?Yes, ma?am.? Please, Miss Nicole??I begged.
She moved her foot enough to expose half the wrapper.? ?With your mouth, doggie.?
When I leaned over to pick up the wrapper with my teeth Nicole took her foot and planted on my face covering my nose and mouth.? ?Do you like my feet, doggie?? Do they smell good??
Nicole?s feet had
a strong odor, I knew she often wore sneakers without socks, and I wasn?t sure
what to say.? ?You have very nice feet,
Miss Nicole.?
??????????? ?Yeah right, doggie,? she
said, shoving my face with her foot, before pulling it back.? ?Pick it up!? she ordered.
I picked up the wrapper.
?Crawl out of here and put it into the trash with your mouth.? No hands.?? Giggles from the others accompanied my humiliation as I crawled through the living room.
Her voice cheerful, Ann asked, ?Nicole, where did you learn to be so mean??
?It comes naturally, mom?Don?t use your hands to open the cabinet door, doggie.?
I was about to reach for the door when Nicole said that, instead, I pushed the door open with my nose and then dropped the Popsicle wrapper into the trash with my mouth, shutting the door with my nose.? I crawled back to the edge of the carpet and the hard wood floors.? Jeff said, ?Get out here, Mike, you?re going to have a long day tomorrow.?
?Yes, sir,? I said, standing.? No one even looked at me.? ?Goodbye.?? Again, ignored, like I wasn?t even there.? This was humiliating, I wasn?t even worthy of human acknowledgement.? I left the house, went home, ate a quick dinner and collapsed into bed.? I was sure Jeff was right about one thing, tomorrow was going to be a hard day.
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--- Helpful (MF, nc, impreg) by Krosis of the Collective --- I heard her hit the floor just as the door was closing. I quickly used my foot to keep the door from locking me out as it closed. Pushing the door back open, the sight before me was Facebook-worthy; actually, probably more Reddit-worthy: my co-worker Carly had fallen on her face, dead drunk in the entryway of her hotel room. I couldn't help but notice that her already short skirt had ridden up a bit, giving me a...
Hi! So Helplessness Blues is my first attempt to write anything like this. I actually am working on a much longer story, but I sort of dreamed this up in the last few days. Admittedly, it’s a bit fluffy with fairly one-dimensional characters. The story actually did start as a rather unpleasant dream I had recently, although I think it ended well. I don’t remember which parts were from the dream and which I made up except that the dildo was definitely not from the dream and the twins were....
I stayed at my boyfriend’s house that night but woke up early, feeling strangely anxious. What if my brother is ready to cum, and I’m not there to help him? A glance at the clock told me it was only just 6am, but I knew I wasn’t going back to sleep - not when my brother’s pleasure was at risk. Rather than waking my boyfriend up, I left a note and called a cab - less than half an hour later, I was home, and could breathe a sigh of relief: my brother was still asleep. I hadn’t missed my...
I was halfway out the door when my brother stopped me again. The orgasm I’d had that morning had really taken the edge off, but I was still horny, and so I’d called my boyfriend and organized to go around. “Wait,” he said, and I stopped. “What’s up?” I said, checking my phone for the time. If I didn’t leave in the next few minutes, I’d miss the bus, and my boyfriend had this thing about punctuality. “This morning, in the kitchen ... it was so hot.” “Yeah...” I said, suddenly blushing....
The room stank of sex. It was a smell that I was extraordinarily familiar with - for the past several months, I’d been helping my brother with an unusual medical condition. My brother, you see, can’t cum when there’s someone else in the room. At first, I’d tried helping by just sitting in the room while he masturbated. We’d always been extraordinarily comfortable around each other, and so it made sense that if he could get off near anyone, it would be me, his little sister. It hadn’t...
My eyes slowly opened, and I was surprised to see Kelly staring back at me, a sleepy smile on her face. “Good morning, Hannah.” I sat up with a start. “What’s happening? Where’s my brother?? He’s not alone, is he?” Kelly laughed, and leaned in to softly press her lips against mine. My heart was still racing, but I opened my mouth and allowed her tongue to slip inside until it was dancing with mine. “It’s fine,” she whispered. “Your mom is taking care of it.” I sighed in relief, and lay...
useful advice welcome- if you enjoy it i'll take that too. The Helpful Maid. Ding Ding, New text. I looked at the clock, only 7:30. I set my book down and looked at the screen. It was her. Opening it up to read the message, “I know you have been busy working and don’t have time to clean your place. I’m sending a maid service over to help you. They should contact you about arrangements soon. Miss you, see you tomorrow afternoon. “ I looked at the screen a minute. Trying to send people to my...
Helpful to a fault James had lucked out in his youth - he had married Camilla, a rich young doctor, much more attractive and intelligent than him. He treasured his wife immensely and always submissively tried to satisfy her every whim. He had recently lost his job at an auto repair shop when his wife came to him with a request - and a job offer. The hospital where she worked was shortstaffed and they desperately needed a nurse. Noone had answered the numerous ads and the officials...
I heard her hit the floor just as the door was closing. I quickly used my foot to keep the door from locking me out as it closed. Pushing the door back open, the sight before me was Facebook-worthy; actually, probably more Reddit-worthy: my co-worker Carly had fallen on her face, dead drunk in the entryway of her hotel room. I couldn't help but notice that her already short skirt had ridden up a bit, giving me a good look at her toned thighs. Damn, that yoga was really working for her! Yes,...
“Why do you exist?” my brother asked. For a moment, I wondered if Dad minded. After all, he was still sliding in and out of me, a sensation I was familiar enough with to know that he wasn’t far off coming. “To get my brother off,” I replied with a smile. My brother has this condition - it runs in the family, actually. Mom is the only one who doesn’t have it, but she’s such a stupid slut that she’s always happy to help out the rest of us who do. See, everyone in my family has to get...
Helpless By Jennifer B. I don't have many secrets from my wife but the few I do have are big ones. You see I am a crossdresser and I love bondage. I have a pretty good stash of women's clothing, makeup and even a couple of wigs. But the only time I get to dress is when my wife is going out for long periods of time. Such as, going to get her hair done. When she has a hair appointment she is always gone most of the day. And Saturday was a hair appointment day. I started planning...
“Honey, I’ve arranged for a dinner guest tomorrow night. Your calendar said you’d be here.” That was how Henry greeted Wendy as he delivered her favorite drink when she slipped off her shoes and she settled into her favorite chair. “Who is it?” she inquired after her first sip of the Manhattan. “It’s Jeff that you were dating when we first got together. He’s back in town for a couple of days and wanted to catch up with you. I remember how much you liked him.” “That is very sweet of you. I...
Help Wanted! I was low on funds and needed away to raise cash. This was the way I did it. My thanks to Belle Starr for helping me tell my story. I just got home from work and noticed the mail. The most of it said Final Notice or Payment Due, then the one from my bank. I was overdrawn. I talked to my bank and got a loan that paid off all my debts and all I had to do was make one easy payment. The trick was, I was still overdrawn and had raise money. I took a second job. It was a...
Ava breathed in a deep breath, the crisp forest air filling her lungs and warming her heart and reminding her of days long past. She had always loved going out to the forest, the sound of birds in the distance and of the wind in the trees. There was something special about being alone in such a quiet and peaceful place. Today was the last day she would get to go out before winter came and it was too cold for her, the last day she would get to try her new gear before spring. She had been...
"We have literally dozens of senior citizens that need some sort of assistance or another. We can use whatever help you can give us." Mrs. Collins needed volunteers desperately. The senior center was relying too heavily on the few volunteers they had already.Tracy was looking for something to do that would give her life more purpose. At forty-two years old, her two c***dren were away at college and her husband wanted her to keep her schedule open so he would rather she didn't find a job. No...
Next month I shall be sixty-seven years old. Before then there will be the fifth anniversary of the day my darling Dorothy was taken from me. A merciful release, said people who had known of her illness, and so it was. I still think of her, of course, and that is why I cannot help feeling just a little guilty about the turn my life has taken in the intervening years.Sex was never that important to Dorothy. At any rate, not once our early ardour had dwindled. And somehow I suppose I just adopted...
Next month I shall be sixty-seven years old. Before then there will be the fifth anniversary of the day my darling Dorothy was taken from me. A merciful release, said people who had known of her illness; and so it was. I still think of her, of course, and that is why I cannot help feeling just a little guilty about the turn my life has taken in the intervening years.Sex was never that important to Dorothy. At any rate, not once our early ardour had dwindled. And somehow I suppose I just adopted...
MatureThis is the fifth chapter in the series "Helping the Elderly." It is written without recaps, so please read chapters 1-4 to fully understand the plot and its characters.*Tracy came up to bed. She was washing her face as Jim lay "working" on his laptop.He looked up to ask, "So, how's Harry's condition? Did your work with him help?"Tracy knew Jim was most likely watching her massage and have sex with Harry a few minutes ago via his "hidden" cameras, but she couldn't know for sure. She became...
Help Wanted Apothecary Stables After two days of just driving as far away from where he had his home life, his angry parents in their late eightieth years old, they having been told about their son, when he was much younger as seen, and caught fondling a pony mare. Thirty-five years hence during his life and Dave did something unthinkable, he felt such a renewed sense of disgrace he wanted to leave home. Luckily, Dave had remained single these many years, stayed at home to help manage the daily...
FantasyI parked my car outside of the shop. I gathered the bottle of wine and headed towards the shop. As I approached, I could see the shopkeeper behind the counter and waved as I approached the door. She gave me a smile through the window and made her way towards the door.As she approached, I could see she was wearing jeans and a tight t-shirt with a plunging neckline. She also had on a necklace and sandals to complete the outfit. It was warm for the second week of December and I was wearing...
FetishTeresa and I first got to know each other at college. We’d both had unhappy encounters with young men – overgrown boys, really – who were eager for sex but lacked experience, patience, technique, everything you look for in a compatible lover. Not that we were experts ourselves but there was an inescapable mood of hedonism at the time that led us to discuss what we might be missing. Perhaps it was inevitable that one evening after we had shared a bottle of cheap plonk, we found ourselves in bed...
Teresa and I first got to know each other at college. We'd both had unhappy encounters with young men - overgrown boys, really - who were eager for sex but lacked experience, patience, technique, everything you look for in a compatible lover. Not that we were experts ourselves but there was an inescapable mood of hedonism at the time that led us to discuss what we might be missing. Perhaps it was inevitable that one evening after we had shared a bottle of cheap plonk, we found ourselves in bed...
MatureThis story follows a chapter 1 and chapter 2, which I would recommend reading first. Back to RealityI am in a relationship with my brother. Sitting in the passenger seat as we head back home from the best sex in my life, looking out the window watching the trees go by. Everything seems so verdant and green. My body zinging as I sit here. Back to the real world and I look over, he is looking straight ahead; one of the most beautiful men I have ever looked at. And no one can ever know the...
This is a continuation of the original story without any recaps. Read "Helping the Elderly Part I" to get the full story from the beginning.**********Tracy fell asleep in Harry's arms wondering what it might feel like to have his gigantic member penetrate her hungry pussy. "Harry. Wake up. Harry." Tracy needed to return home to cook dinner for Jim."What? Oh, Angel. Thank you for the best treatment a man could hope for!" Harry was still reeling from his orgasm Tracy gave him some two hours ago....
Mike was twenty-six years old, six foot six inches tall and weighed about one hundred ninety five pounds of mostly muscle, with black hair and brown eyes. He was considered plain and dressed plainly but not ugly, had a graduate degree in teaching with a masters in linguistics, and a first dan black belt in Aikido. He was owned by one very large affectionate cat and was single - very single - and right now, utterly baffled at how he had gotten himself into a situation like this. The last thing...
Introduction: A story by LO about a son helping his injured mother and being well rewarded Helping my Mom by LO Remembering back, its hard to believe it really happened, and, of course, I still get a boner recalling those splendid days. When I was fifteen, my mom slipped and sprained her right wrist rather badly, and, being right-handed, this made her life somewhat difficult, especially since my dad had just left for a one year tour in Korea. He was a sergeant in the army. The doctor put...
I never thought I will jump up with joy when my uncle called me from India and said my dad had passed away!I almost said "Yes" on phone but controlled myself and continued being sorrow! It was not because my dad was abusive or something! He was the best dad I could have! For that I was greatful to him! The main reason I was happy on his death was my mom! Yes my mom!I had my eyes on mom eversince I hit puberty! My feelings triggered when I saw two dogs fucking outside my house. Me and my friends...
"Hot damn, will you look at that." Anthony was peering out his apartment window as Tracy approached. Her braless breasts were bouncing and jiggling in her cream-colored tank top. Anthony marveled at her perfect-for-fucking figure. Her short skirt showcased her beautiful, white legs. Her long, blonde hair was collected neatly in a bun atop her head.She arrived at Anthony's door and moved to press his bell, but found the door swinging open before she had the chance, surprising her slightly."Good...
I came home from work one day to find my wife sitting at the kitchen table, two empty bottles of wine, and her friend balling her eyes out. I could tell by the looks of things, there was a problem they needed privacy for, so I left them alone. After her friend left, my wife came to find me and fill me in. Apparently, her friend had broken up with yet another boyfriend. They had been dating for 2 years, and with her now fast approaching 40, she felt this relationship was her last shot at having...
This is a work of fiction meaning it only happened in my mind and I pass it on to you with the hope that you find some entertainment in reading it. If you have not read chapter 1 and 2 I suggest you start there A quick reminder that Larry was told by his mother to go next door and give their married neighbor a helping hand. He ended up having sex with the woman and when he returned home he heard his mother on the phone getting a...
As I am helping the good doctor out the phone rings, its my mom, cos I hear doc saying, Yes, your son is here, he is very helpful, thank you for letting him help me, Yes, sure, no problem, I got food here, you want to talk to him, he gives me the phone, Yes mommy, she tells me, she asked the doctor if I can stay longer cos she’ll be getting out of work late and she can’t get a hold of my babysitter, my best friend, so doc said, Yes, and not to worry about food cos his got enough, I...
This is a continuation of the original story without any recaps. Read "Helping the Elderly Chapters I and II" to get the full story from the beginning.*****"Darlin,' I need to run an errand before we head on to your house.""Okay, Harry. Where do you need to go?""We need to stop by the Walmart pharmacy to pick up a prescription.""Alight. I will wait in the car. I can't go in looking like this."Tracy loved dressing like a slut for Harry, but wasn't about to parade her body around in public. She...
Remembering back, It's hard to believe it really happened, and, of course, I still get a hard-on recalling those great days. When I was foureen, my mum slipped and sprained her right wrist rather badly, and, being right-handed, this made her life somewhat difficult, especially since my dad had left us. The doctor put my mum in a cast on her lower right arm. It allowed her to move her elbow and use her fingers, but the wrist was immobilized. The doctor told her not to get the cast wet, or it...
Remembering back, it's hard to believe it really happened, and, of course, I still get a boner recalling those splendid days. When I was fifteen, my mom slipped and sprained her right wrist rather badly, and, being right-handed, this made her life somewhat difficult, especially since my dad had just left for a one year tour in Korea. He was a sergeant in the army. The doctor put my mom in a cast on her lower right arm. It allowed her to move her elbow and use her fingers, but the...
The next night, after my parents went out, I wandered into the lounge-room and asked my brother if he wanted to try again. He’d come to me a bit over a week ago with a problem - he had this weird psychological block where if there was someone else in the room, he couldn’t cum. It had been systematically ruining his relationships, and so in desperation, he’d turned to me for help - he wanted to use me as a ... a kind of therapy, I guess. A way of getting over it. My brother had asked if he...
Helping Out by Pamela Quirk "I lost my job again," I told Tiffany sheepishly. "Oh, Herbie, you poor baby, not again!" "Yes, I'm afraid so. I just don't know what's wrong with me." "Not with you, Honey! You just haven't found the right position yet," she said firmly. "I'll tell you what, do you want a special treat to make you feel better?" We had been undressing for bed and she was magnificently naked except for a pair of high-heeled, white sandals. She walked over to...
Helpless Stephen sighed as he looked despairingly at the boxes and boxes of markingto do. It was the end of a very long day, and the shadows were already falling.Stephen surveyed the now empty office and it suddenly felt palpably deserted,the only noise that could be heard was the 1960's heating system installedwhich kept the college carefully regulated to ensure its occupants are eitherboiling alive or freezing cold. There was a small knock at the door and Stephenfrowned for a moment; the only...
When I awoke the next morning, I had calmed down a lot. I was still revolted by what I’d done, of course - I’d been so horny I’d let my pussy do the thinking for me ... so turned on, so eager to help that I’d done the unspeakable: I’d seduced my brother. That was the worst part about it - I felt so bad for him. He’d come to me with a problem, not expecting his own little sister to be such a pervert. I was so sick - convincing him to fuck me, that since he was wearing a condom it “didn’t...
Later that night, my brother suggested a trip to the cinema, to check out the new Transformers film. To everyone’s surprise, Mom and Dad were able to come as well - they’re normally too busy to hang out with us, but by chance, the whole family had the night off. I sent my boyfriend a text, but he wasn’t able to make it. Normally I’d just go the movies in whatever I was wearing around the house, but for some reason I was really drawn to a yellow skirt that’s been at the back of my closet...
I couldn’t wait until the next time I had a chance to help my brother out. The fantasy I’d last time ... it was so hot. I mean, it would have been if it hadn’t been my brother. Since it was my brother, it was just relaxing. I felt so relaxed after helping my brother, and I was really looking forward to helping him again. My boyfriend was surprised when I asked him to stand over me and jerk off, but he didn’t object. I couldn’t explain why I needed it so much - the image was burned into my...
“Hannah,” my brother said with a serious look on his face, “we’ve got to talk.” I was in the process of unzipping my dress. I’d been wearing it all day, desperately waiting to get home, take it off, and show my brother the scorching-hot lingerie I’d been wearing underneath. Not that it was particularly well hidden - the dress barely ended below my red thong, and it showed off my tits quite generously. Still, there was something so hot about leading a “double life” - no one but my brother...
This is a story I submitted to another website, now moving them here, Hope you enjoyKaren got out of bed angry due to the noise of the fight that lasted most of the night from somewhere in her neighbourhood. Deciding that she would take the day of work, as she just couldn't be bothered rushing around to get dressed and fed before trying to beat the rush hour traffic into the city. After having something to eat she went back to her room to try and decide what she would wear and then eventually...
Dave noticed Lily's work had been decreasing in quality lately and approached her at the end of a lesson that day and asked could she meet him in his office later. He was going to help her study and give her some tips about how to complete the next round of projects, Lily was happy and gratefully accepted as she really needed help. Dave always offered as much help as possible to students. Lily made a quick stop in one of the bathrooms just before Dave's room to check how she was looking,...
I could hardly wait until the next time I got to help my brother. He has this weird psychological hang-up: basically, he can’t cum while there’s anyone else in the room. It’s really started to cause issues in his relationships, so I’ve been helping him out - not anything gross, just being in the room while he jerks off. And, of course, to make sure he feels comfortable, I’ve been masturbating as well - otherwise it’d just be weird, y’know? Anyway, while he hasn’t been able to cum yet - not...
I picked up another girl the next night, and another the night after that. Knowing that I’d made my brother cum ... it was like it had lit a fire underneath me. I’d thought I was doing all I could beforehand, but now - just the thought of his hand pumping up and down his hard cock, getting off at the sight of me fucking another woman... I knew he’d gotten off at the porn we’d made together, and I hoped that he’d gotten off just thinking about what a dirty slut I was for him, but at the...
This story is set in the late 1970’s. It was a time before e-mail, before everyone had their own workstations and computers at their desks. A lot of communications in the office were hand-written on “inter-office memo” pads. Typing documents was done by clerks, who were almost exclusively women. Ray liked his first job. It was technically challenging. As with most engineering positions, most of the people he was working with were guys, so about the only thing he could complain about at work...
Straight SexHELPING HER GO BLACK!4F elevator boy in WWII helps secretaries meet black bullsMay 2, 2013by rydermanTags: cuckold creampie femdom obeah humiliation sissy ******************************************************** Helping Her Go Black! TJ Ryder Talking to my favorite uncle Bob about women and sex has made me realize how things have changed since his day, and how much they stayed the same. For one thing, nowadays it's almost acceptable, even desirable in some...
My wife is all the time volunteering me to help her boss, Julie. It involves household repairs like changing out a faucet, checking out her air conditioner or trimming her trees, the kind of stuff that I don’t want to do around my own house let alone someone else’s. I usually try to get out of doing it but my wife nags me until I give in. Julie doesn’t even pay me, at least until recently, but my wife makes it up to me by giving me sexual favors in return for helping Julie out. Julie is not...
After returning home with my brother we found out that our parents had split up and dad had moved out, well he was'nt round all that much anyway.. his two favourite things to do were working and drinking, full time job and helping friends and his younger brother plant and harvest vegetables.His best feature was he was very good worker but not really that good at anything else, both my brother and myself worked with him sometimes on weekends and school holidays, as it was my brothers last year...
Friday comes, I head to the gym to get back into my routine, I had found a nice place not too far from my house, so I decided to put my things in a small pack, and jog over.I arrive at the gym, check in with the instructor at the front desk, then go about my workout, I’m on a station doing lat presses when I hear “owwww.. help please!!...”, I look towards the voice, and see a young lady having trouble with a butterfly machine, I jump over to her, see that she had used way too much weight and...
She caught me in the library in a private study room jerking my cock to some porn on I downloaded on my iPad. I couldn’t help it. I was tired of doing research and needed a break. I was horny from not having sex for a few days so I started surfing my tumblr dash and that’s when she walked in on me. My pants were around my ankles and my cock was firmly in my hand. I locked the door but the librarians have the master key to unlock it. “Oh sorry, I was checking the room to see if it was...
Help Wanted By Lex Ludite Chapter 1 I could not believe the ad I was reading in the latest issue of the Odds and Ends newsletter delivered to my address in a plain brown wrapper. It read as follows: " I am thirty-four, the mother of fourteen year-old twin girls and measure 38D-23-36. I've been...