Long Ride Home her version
- 4 years ago
- 28
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Synopsis: As about 100.000 youngsters every year from the states, Debbie is sent to a behaviour modification facility by her parents in order to adjust her way of life. This is her story.
BanishedEarly morning
?Hello Honey! Wake up? It was my mother. I looked up. There were two strangers in the room ? a man and a woman.
I was confused. Who were they? I looked at the clock. It was three o?clock in the morning.
?Betty. I have found this nice boarding school for you. These people are your escort to the school. Please be nice and follow their instruction. I have written a letter for you with further explanation. I have to go now. I love you. Bye.?
She ran out of the door. For a moment there was silence. Then I heard the front door. My mother had left the house.
The man stepped forward.
?Come out of the bed and undress. You need to be prepared for the journey.? I stepped out of the bed. They seemed much stronger than me and very strict. What was going on?
?Turn around and cross your arms on your back.? I did as I was told. I was so scared. My mom had always told me not to talk with strangers and now she had turned me over to these unknown people.
I felt them grab my arms and put some leather around them. I later learned that it was some kind of muff. They also put something that felt like leather cuffs on my upper arms and I felt as they tighten some straps between the muff and the cuffs. I had no use of my arms.
?What are you doing? It hurt.? Actually it was bearable, but I was so scared, that I almost was going to pee right there.
?Don?t talk. Just do as you are told. Then it would go easy and smooth.? Suddenly they pulled something over my head. It must be a leather hood. I tried to resist but they both held me while the hood were laced tight. I could not see and barely hear.
There was a mouth opening and I started to yell for my mom. But then they inserted something in my mouth. It tasted like rubber and filled almost my mouth totally. It had at that point never sucked a dick, so I did not recognise that it was a pecker gag.
I started to sob. I was so afraid. What are they going to do to me?
Then I felt something soft between my legs. It was some kind of padded underwear. I later learned that it was a disposable diaper. They were just finishing when I felt that they put leather cuffs on my legs. How were they expecting me to travel when my legs were tied together?
They took me under their arms and carried me between them. I did not know where they were going. I felt the coolness of the night and I knew that they had carried me outside. It was so shameful - Me in almost nothing in a public street. I cried inside the hood.
They guide me into a car and once inside, they strapped me tight. It was an unpleasant way to ride.
I was all-tearful inside the hood. Why had my parents done this to me?
Who I am
My name is Debbie and I am 15 years old. I am a single child. I live with my parents.
I have always had good grades in school. I enjoy music and basketball. I have been on my school team for year until I injured my knee. I turned my interest to history and was a straight-A student. I don?t touch alcohol or any drugs. Normally I didn?t go out. Not even to a movie.
But then I met Brian at the Library. I know about my mother?s principles about boys. And I respect her. I have never been with Brian outside the school.
However, a month ago I asked if I could go to the movie with Brian. My mother went ballistic. She felt betrayed because I had not told my about Brian and me talking to him at school. She even claimed that I had slept with him in school. I ? of course ? denied my false allegations.
I had to go back to Brian and tell him that I couldn?t go. Some week after we broke up even before we got to be a real couple.
In the summer petrol price rose and my father decided that we should use a manual lawn mower instead of a lawn tractor. Our lawn is huge (about 3 acres) and normally it is my job, so I protested. My father had to cave in at last but it took a week before he gave up.
Then a week ago, both my mother and my father confronted me just after breakfast and asked me to take a drug test; they got from the local drug store. I had not problem with it, because I am no drug user. I was rather surprised when it became positive. Of course there was a lot of shouting. I thought that they had falsified the test. It did not show the correct result.
My parents were not convinced and took me to the doctor. We did a blood test and it was of course negative. The doctor had written a note, where he explained that the poppy seeds on the bread had cause the positive test and informed my parents that such cheap test had a large margin of error.
So they calmed down and I did expect our daily life to go on a usual. Well, that was until now.
On the way to the airport
I could sense that the car was moving. After a while I felt someone fiddle at the side of the hood.
?Now you can here me. The hood, you have on is an isolation hood. We decide for you to hear, see and speak. If you behave nice, you will be able to see when we are in the plane, if not: Get use to the darkness. I will remove the blindfold on the hood, so you can read the letter from your mom explaining what is going on.?
He removed the blindfold on the hood and held a letter from my mom up in front of my eyes.
Dear Debbie
You are on your way to a boarding school on Jamaica. The schools name is Meditaion Inlet and it has a very good reputation. It uses a Victorian age theme and purity is in seat of honour.
You are going to take the line of horsemanship. I know that you are afraid of such animals but in this case there won?t be a problem.
You are totally in control off when you are going to return. Work with the program and you will be back in a year or work against it and you will be able to leave it, when you are 18, but if you choose to, you are no longer our daughter.
Please follow the instructions given to you by your escort team. They are here to make sure that nothing bad happens to you on your way to the program.
You will be able to talk on the phone with us when you reach level 2 in the program. Until you accomplish that, we whish you good luck.
Many kisses.
Mom and Pop.
Tears began to pour down from the eye openings. The man from the escort company took a paper tissue and wiped my eyes.
?Relax. I know that it is hard but your safety is in our hand and it is very obvious that your parents only have your best interest in mind.? He hugged me in an effort to calm me down, but it did not help.
My parents ? my very own parents ? had sent me away from there home with a complete pair of strangers. My entire world ? the safety of my house ? has been violated. There was no safe place on earth for me anymore.
We drove for a haft an hour when we entered a private airfield. A small airplane for 20 people stood ready and we went onboard.
I was shocked. The inside looked like a scene from ?Con Air?. But in ?Con Air? the prisoners was not hooded.
I was followed to my seat. The muff and cuffs on my arms were removed. The man told me to sit down and when I did he began to fasten straps across my stomach, my arms and the cuffs on my legs were chained to some hooks in the floor. I could not move. I needed to go to the toilet. I tried to make sounds but only mumbling sounds gave out. Luckily he understood that I had some questions and removed my gag.
?I need to go to the toilet.?
?Just use your diaper. That is what it is there for.?
?But, I can?t. I need a toilet!?
?Use your diaper. I don?t need that kind of disobedience.? He pushed the gag inside again and fastened the blindfold as well as the ear part. I was totally isolated again. 15 minutes later, I gave up and peed in the diaper. If I had not had the hood on, everyone would see that I was red in the face from shame.
I felt the plane move and although I have never flown before I guess that we were on our way to our destination.
Arrival in Jamaica
When we landed I felt the plane stop and then it took forever until one of the guards removed the ear part and explained that it would take sometime before the cab to the school came. He ordered me to suck the gag because he was about to get some water trough a tube in the gag.
I was thirsty but the water tasted of rubber. It was awful.
The time went by. I peed in my diaper once more. I sobbed out of pure shame. My diaper was so wet and I was embarrassed.
Then I felt arms around me. The ear part was once more removed.
?Relax and be careful when you stand up. You have been sitting so long that there is a chance that your legs can not support you.?
Once I was up on my feet, the muffs and cuffs were put on again.
They guide me out of the plane and over to a car. Then we drove for hours until the car came to a stop.
Once I was outside the car, the guard removed the blindfolds and I saw my future home for the next period of my life.
?Welcome to Meditation Inlet? After letting me rest for a moment; they guided me into the main building.
School uniform
Inside the building, they placed me in an office. One of guards took the hood off. Then he hugged me.
?Be brave, my girl. You are going to be fine. Your parents love you or else they would not have you taken here in order to save your life. I can see that you are afraid, but this place will cure you from that kind of behaviour, that can ruin your life.?
I was stilled too shocked in order to answer.? They left.
I waited.
Then a strange short man entered the room with two of the guards from the school.
?Welcome to Medication Inlet. This is your home until you graduate. Let me tell you how we run this place. When I am finished you are free to ask, but when we leave this office you have started the program and then each conversation must follow the rules or you will face the consequences. Our program consists of four levels. You start with nothing. Everything has to be earned by good behaviour. If you work against the program, if you do not behave, you will be punished and lose points and it will take longer before you reach next level. While trying to pass on the next level, you will continue to study. Your parents have made arrangement with your school so you now are a distance student. We have set up a VPN-tunnel to your school. But beware: Our firewall monitors every attempt of illegal mail or instant messaging. Every mail you write, we will read and forward on your behalf. Understand!?
I nodded. They had the upper hand. I have to wait for my chance. I had no plan but I could run and try to make the best of it.
?First we have level 1. You have few goals:?
Adjustment to the programAwareness of behaviour patternsWriting a letter of apology toyour parents.Write your life story, whichmust be a minimum of three pages.Write a personal inventory listof all harm done to self and others.
?I hope that you understand and complete them. But it is up to you. Do it and you are on to level two. Don?t do it and you do not move on. There are also rules:?
Don?t talk without being asked.If you need to go to the toilet, raise your arm and wait for someone tospeak to you.Have eye contact when you talkwith someone.Do your chores withouthesitation or delay
?Now that is about what I am going to tell you about the program so far. Do you have questions??
I said no. I just want out of here. He was obvious happy about hearing himself talking.
?Follow me. We are going to find a school uniform to you.?
I followed him down the hall, where two large women waited.
?Please go inside this room and follow their instructions.?
I went in. I was a very strange room. Two women waited in there.
?Please undress. All your clothes please.?
I did as I was told. At least it was unnecessary with a strip search.
?Move over here?
Suddenly the women took each of my arms and put leather cuffs on them. The cuffs were connected to some ropes, which were connected with pulleys in the ceilings. They pulled the rope and my arm was forced in the air.
?Stop. What are you doing??
?Please. Listen to what we are going to say to you. These cuffs are suspensions cuffs. Hold on to them.?
They pulled me off the ground. Then they took some cuffs, which were connected by a chain to the floor and placed them on my feet. They continued to hoist me until my body was stretched out.
?Stop. You are going to tear me apart.?
Then the man entered again. I blushed from shame. I have never exposed my body for any man before.
?Let?s get the uniform on her.? One of the women produced a stiff kind of leather piece and put it around my body. I have seen such an item in magazines. It was a corset but it looked a little different than a normal corset.
As soon as they had wrapped it around my body they began to pull the laces. At once I felt it as they were going to cut me in half.
?STOP. It is hurting me. You cannot do that. STOP!?
They ignored my cries and tugged the laces every time I breathed out. After 5 minutes I did not have air to protest anymore. My outbursts were reduced to silent grunts.
They stopped. ?We are going to leave you now. The fabric has to rest.?
They left and I was left sobbing. What had I done to deserve this? I only wanted to go to the movie. It seemed like I was going to hang there forever. My arms hurt. Finally they returned.
They started to tug the laces once more. I began to experience tunnel vision. Then all went black.
I woke by a bitter smell. They had used smelling salt on me.
?Sto..? I had no air. Every tug they made, forced a grunt from me. I was sure they were going to kill me. Finally they stopped.
?18inches. In a week or two we perhaps can take another inch. Her parents have chosen the horsemanship-program for her, so she will never be down to sixteen inches.?
They lowered me to the ground. At the bottom of the corset there was some kind of flap hanging down. One of the women grabbed it from behind and pulled it between my legs.
?We are always expecting teenagers to abuse themselves. All though masturbation is accepted, uncontrolled use may lead to unwanted sexual gathering. So we want to decide time and place for your personal well-being.?
I had not noticed it but there were D-rings on the leather corset and they applied leather cuffs on my upper arms and my wrist and connected them to various D-rings, so I was totally without the use of my arms.
In the end they applied cuffs to my feet, and connected them with a chain, so I only could take small steps. ?We won?t risk you running from us.? What were they thinking? I could hardly breathe. I didn?t know where I was.
Introduction Phase
?Now for the introduction phase. This stage we also call Observation Placement also known as O.P. It is time for you to reflect on your behaviour and what you were about to do to yourself before you were sent here. Observation Placement is also used as punishment, whenever you don?t work with the program at any level and as transaction period if you drop back in levels during the program.?
They guide me down the hall and into a room with oddly looking furniture.
?What is that??
?That is a toilet chair. You are going to be sitting here and think about your past for a period. It is actually a help to you. We are fully aware that it is stressful to be removed from your home with such a short notice. New country. New school. All that. So this is going to calm you down so you can gather your thoughts and do the task of level one as fast as possible. Take a seat.?
I sat in one of the chairs. As soon as I was seated they unlocked the cuffs from my corset and strapped me to the chair instead.
?The chair is fully adjustable. You are going to be as comfy as possible. Please guide the staff so they do it right or it will be painful in the long run.?
I was not in a position to protest. They certainly seemed to mean business. So I played along. There was nothing of a view in the room. In fact there were no windows. So this would be boring, but how long could this take? A couple of hours? I had to endure this, so I had a chance to investigate how to escape from this odd place. Was this a school at all?
Finally they had adjusted the chair. One from the staff removed the flap and I was ready for O.P. Well, at least that is what I thought. Suddenly one of the men pulled a leather hood down over my head. I started to protest, but they ignored me completely and laced it tight. It had openings for my eyes and mouth. They hold my head tight while they applied some kind of harness to it, so I could not move my head.
I sobbed and begged them to stop.
The man spoke to me again. ?Well. I can fell a kind of resistance again the kindness we are showing you. But you will learn discipline in time. Here is how its work: You will be here for 3 times 8 hours. A senior student will check in on you every hour with water and feed you 3 times a day. If you have to do, then do it. The student will also clean you when you are finished. We are going to leave you when we are finished.?
They applied a blindfold to the hood and something entered my mouth. It tasted of rubber. I was later told that is was a pecker gag.
There was silence. Nothing happened. I tried to pull my restraints, but they had left me totally immobilized. My thoughts were torturing me. What had I done to deserve this? My stomach hurt due to the fact that it was so compressed. I cried but I some point I got so tired and exhausted that I fell into sleep.
?Hello? I woke. Still darkness. ?Please move your fingers on the left hand if you hear me.? I did.
?I am Susan and I am a level 4 student. I am your mentor and future trainer. Please, work with me or I have to punish you in order to avoid being punished myself. I am going to remove the gag. Please do not start to talk to me. It is against the rule. I have to start every conversation.?
She removed the gag. I did not dare to speak.
?So. I am going to provide you with some drinking. And I will ask you if you have some questions. You may ask them now.?
?Where am I??
?You are on a boarding school called Meditation Inlet. It is placed on Jamaica along other schools for troubled youth. However, unlike other school this school does not beat students up or break their body part?s as it is custom here in Jamaica. Nor are you at risk of catch all those kind of diseases caused by unhealthy food. But we do have strict discipline and your only chance of ever to return home to your family are to obey and work hard with yourself.?
?But I don?t know what I am going to do. What if I don?t make it before I turn 18 in three years?? I broke down and cried.?
?Hush. Hush. Calm down. You will make it. You are still so young. Most students are back in their homes in a year. However, some it sent here too late and they are offered an exit plan.?
?Exit plan.?
?Yes. If they choose not to stay here, when they turn 18, they are given a little money and a plane ticket to the states and just have to continue in life without their family. Your parents are attending courses too because your demise is partially caused by their behaviour and their first lesson is to cut you totally off, if you don?t complete the program.?
?That is gruesome. I have not done anything wrong.?
?See that is denial. All people had done something wrong during their life. Those, who are wise acknowledge them and take responsibility. All actions have consequences you know. Take responsibility for your actions and grow up while passing this program. Now I am going to feed you with soup. Beware it is hot.?
She put the spoon to my mouth. It was not too hot. I ate slowly because I had no use of my eyes and I have to feel the spoon near my mouth. When I was finished she asked whether I was thirsty and after a drink, she said some comforting words and put the gag inside again. I was in darkness again.
At some point during the day I had to pee. It was humiliating. I had not choice. I peed and after a while I felt someone wipe me in my private parts. I sobbed out of pure humiliation.
The time passed on and Susan came with more water. This was torture. Just pure darkness and I lost track of time. Suddenly a panic attack struck me. I pulled desperately again my bonds. I even tried to scream, but it was impossible with the little air I had in my lunges and with the gag in my mouth.
I must have gotten in shortage of air due to the corset, because the next I knew was that I was waked by the familiar smelling salt once more.
?Hey. It is Susan again. I had passed out. I saw you panic attack. It is common and nothing to worry about. Here. I have soup for you and remember no talking before I ask you to.?
I finished the soup and just before the gag was put in, she tried to cheer me up. ?Hold on. This is the last leg for today. Next time you will be freed and then it is off to bed.?
I must have drifted away again because suddenly I had this sharp bright light in my eyes. It took some time before I could recognize something in the room. There she was. Susan was a girl with dark hair about 17 years old, but she looked like a small girl with my hair put up in rat tales. My waist was so tight. She later told me with pride that it was laced down to 16inches.
A guard helped Susan with the task of getting out of the chair. I had difficulties with standing. My legs felt too weak but at last I was standing as before with my arms in restraints and bound to the corset. ?Let?s get you to your bed so you can sleep.?
First night
After a long walk, where Susan supported me and guided me because I was about to stumble several times due to my chained legs, we reached the dormitory. There were eight beds in the room. I was guided to one of them. Susan hooked a chain connected to the bed to the cuffs on my legs. My arms were freed but Susan took some gloves and put them over my hands. They were closed with a small padlock. Susan saw the question in my face and answered it before I would break the rules. ?These gloves will just prevent you from tampering with the stays. Open your mouth.?
When I did as I was told a huge gag ball was forced into my mouth. I tried to say something, but Susan put my finger up as a sign for me to shut up.
?You will find that the ball is hollow. You will have no problems with breathing. Of course there will be some drooling but the main thing is to prevent you from talking to other student when teachers and level four students are not around. Now sleep well. Goodnight.?
She left. I was exhausted so I feel asleep very fast.
End of introduction
Next morning I woke by some noise. I sat up and saw that all the beds were occupied. Susan was already up and was about to take one of the students out of the dormitory. A guard worked on the next students. I could see that all the students were gagged. I felt dry in my mouth and sore in my jaws. I could see the wet spot on my pillow where I had drooled all night long.
One after one the students was fetched by Susan. I tried to look some of them in their eyes but they just seemed to stare with empty eyes. I catch one of the girls looking directly at me and I looked into the saddest eyes I ever had seen.
Finally it was my turn. Not surprisingly we went back to O.P. When all the stuff was in place, Susan asked me if I had a question. One was on my minds. ?When do I get to take a bath? I used to shower once a day.?
?Well we girls shower every Friday. The boys do it on Saturday. The rest of the time we just get to wash our faces. Remember that you don?t have a lot of clothes on. The smell is not all that bad. Now use time is in O.P to reflect on your life.?
Another 8 hours were spent in darkness. I fell asleep twice. I lost track of time. I even got a panic attack more. Susan took care of me and cleaned me off when I had to empty my bowels. In the evening, it was back to my bed.
Day three was a copy of day two. Somehow 8 hours did not feel like 8 hours anymore. I had lost counts of the number of times Susan attended me and was quite surprised when she released me from the chair in the evening.
On my way back to the dormitory, she placed my hand on my shoulder. ?Look. You are doing just fine. You are now on phase one. Finish those tasks there are placed on you and you are soon off to the horsemanship program.?
Level one ? Group Therapy
The next morning Susan followed me down to a large dining hall, where she unhooked the cuffs at my wrist so I had a little use of my forearms. It was not much of a breakfast. Just a kind of vegetable soup and a cup of tea, but it were Ok to survive on.
After breakfast I was follow to a room where 5 other girls were sitting in chairs. It was a kind of a group therapy session. All sat quiet until Susan introduced me. ?This is Debbie. She is joining our group. Shall we take the circle around? Ann! You can start.?
?Hey I am Ann. I am a recovering brat and I have been good for 5 month.? The next girl went on.
?I am Patricia. I am a recovering brat and I have been good for 4 weeks and 1 one day.? So they continued until it was my turn. I thought I could play along.
?I am Debbie. I am a recovering brat and I have been good for 3 days.?
Susan interrupted. ?Bravo Debbie. Shall we give my applause?? They applaud.
Soon after all had introduced themselves and now it was about the agenda for today. Today?s subject was boyfriends.
Susan asked Patricia to start. Patricia told the group how she had been dating a guy for some time and one day he had lured her to his parent?s house, where he had offered her a drink from his parent?s drinks cupboard. She had never tasted alcohol before and it didn?t take long before the surroundings were blurred. He used the situation and had sex with her. Susan interrupted her.
?You know that you were not entirely without blame here. Guys are just like that. Whenever a girl gets raped, she is somehow to blame. They should take more care of themselves and regard purity as the most important element in their life. It is all about preserve yourself to your future husband.?
?I know and it was dreadful.? Patricia started to cry. ?I felt dirty.?
I put my hand in the air. Susan motioned for me to talk. ?What happened to the guy??
?After I came back to my parents and broke down they took contact to his parents. Our parents took care of us and placed us both here. A trial would have damaged us both. I could have risk a punishment too because I was an under-aged drinker.?
?Is he here??
?Yes.? Susan interrupted. ?I think it would be a good idea to get him here.? She called a guard. 5 minutes later a hooded boy entered the room. Debbie almost fell down from my chair. Never in a million years had she seen such a bizarre sight. A boy in a corset. Susan noticed my astonishment. ?Yes. Boys are also wearing a school-uniform.?
The guard removed the blindfold and the pecker gag on the hooded boy and guided him to an extra chair. Susan took the word.
?Say welcome to Joe in this session. He is just coming from O.P. He is not doing well in the program. It is something with taking responsibility for his actions. But why not let him tell his story with his own words.? She signalled Joe to start.
?I guess that it is about the evening this mess is about. I was and still am in love with Patricia. I had talked to some of the guy in town of how to get her to loosen up a little. They told me that they normally get the girl to drink a bottle or two of beer. But somehow beer was not her taste. So we tried with cocoa liqueur instead. After 2 glasses she seemed tired and I made my move. But we had used beer glasses and I did not realize that glasses for that kind of alcohol usually are much smaller and she was half-unconscious. I believed that she consented.?
Susan interrupted ?But she didn?t and that is exactly her fault. She brought herself into a situation where she was unable to protect herself. That is not your fault. That is my fault.?
Joe tried to protest. ?But I served her the alcohol.?
?Yes. But she did choose to drink it. That is why the legal age of drinking is 21. She is to blame but of course you also are blame. Do you know, what your fault is??
He didn?t reply. It was obvious that he did not know.
?I guess you lack self-confidence so you have to turn to kinds of anaesthetic to archive what you want in this world. I have read Patricia?s file and I know that it is the wishes of both pair of parents that we can make a couple out of you in the end. But your relationship has to be based on a different foundation for it to last. Do you have anything to say to Patricia before you are off to O.P??
He looked directly at Patricia with tears in his eyes. ?I am so sorry. I still love you and if I had known what they would do to us I never would have made the move.?
?Sure. Take him back.? Susan did not believe him. Unbeknown to the group, she had been the victim of a rape because she had sneaked out of her parent?s house to see a nine-of-clock movie. The depression that followed her rape because she didn?t dare to tell her parents about the rape led to her grades dropping dramatically. Her parents took action and send her here, where she confessed to the rape during therapy. She learned that she had punished herself by not do what my parents had ordered her to. It was her action that led to her rape. By realising her responsibility towards herself, she was able to heal herself. She was now on level 4 and ready to graduate next month.
A sound brought Susan back to the present. Patricia had started to cried. Susan knew that it was a good sign. By admitting guilt she could turn herself back on the right track.
They continued what I regarded as a kind of brainwashing session for a half hour before Susan adjourned the meeting.
Other level four students and guards fetched the girls and Susan guided me into a kind of large office with small cubicles. They selected an empty one and inside there was a computer and a small desk. Susan had two short chains, which allowed me to have a little free movement of my forearms after Susan had put them between my corset and the cuffs on my wrists.
Susan activated the computer and informed me of my password. All necessary programs for me to study as a distance student were present. A guard came with a box. ?Your parents have sent us all your schoolbooks. This cubicle is your workplace for the rest of your stay, so I will put them up on these shelves.?
Susan spend about 15 minutes introducing me to the system and several time she pointed out that all internet traffic is monitored and either email and web-mail were possible without every single mail being censored. If a student would attempt to send unauthorised email, it will result in 3 x 8 hours in O.P.
Susan left with a remark about that I should work on both school work and my level one task, if she wanted to have a chance of getting to level two.
I spent the rest of the day getting my homework in order. I had always tried to have my homework in order. After all I had a whole week of work to catch up. It was hard but it also distanced me from the torment of being sent to this bizarre place by my parents.
What is wrong with me?
Every day seem to go as the day before. I woke up and was escorted to breakfast. Then it was off to the cubicle where I studied until lunch. After lunch is was to the cubicle until dinner. If I had to use the toilet, I should just raise my hand and a guard followed me to the toilet. Two times a day a small trolley came by with water or tea. All orders had to be made by pointing on a sign. No talking was allowed in the office area. Beside Susan, I never spoke to anyone during the week.
Her work came along fine, but the personal tasks didn?t.
I didn?t know what I had done in order to earn this punishment. Five days into Level one I broke down and the guard called Susan.
Susan escorted me down to the beach for us to be alone. Looking out on the Black River Bay, we heard distant screams. It sounded like screams from some children ?What is that??
?Oh. That is the Mormons place. It is another behaviour modification institution. It is quite infamous. You must have heard about it. It is that place where O.P. in lying on the ground on your stomach with only a pillow to support your head and the pillow was even something the government here on Jamaica ordered them to provide. Children are beaten up over there. Suicides are known to happen over there. Infections are not treated. By the way: You started the conversation.?
?I am sorry. Don?t punish me.?
?Because we are alone, I will let you go this time. Breaking this rule would have meant 8 hours in O.P. But what is wrong with you? I thought that you were a quick learner. You have not acknowledged that you need to work with your self so you can heal.?
?I don?t know what I have done wrong. I am 15 years old. A lot of my classmates have done a lot of bad things including drug use, drinking and sex. I have done nothing of such things. I don?t know what to write.?
?You have been disobedient to a start. Try to remember all kind of conflicts and see the point from your parents view even if you don?t feel that they were right. Parenthood is something that last until you are 18. Not a second before.?
?How will I ever become an adult if I am not allowed to even discuss items, which is quite normal to a teenager??
?That is not the question in such institutions you are at here. The only question is how you are going to please your parents and by this behaviour in fact please yourself so you can return home. Please do it for yourself. I should not say it but you can always act out when you are 18. By accident, I got my hands on a survey that shows that most behaviour modification courses don?t have a lasting effect. ?
?What are you saying - That I should fake it??
?Yes. Most of us had real problems. I know I had one. I have read your file and honest: I can not understand the reason of why you were sent here.?
I looked out over the ocean. ?If I am going to fake it I need clue of what to write.? Susan handed me a small note. Memorise these clue words and tear up the paper and eat it.?
?Eat it??
?Eat it!?
Debbie looked at it. It read: Movie, sex, relation, lawn.
As I chewed on the paper, I was still a question mark. Susan hugged me. ?Remember to see the issue as if you are the parent, when you write your paper.? We were interrupted by another scream coming from across the bay. ?Exactly what are they doing to those poor children across the bay??
?Look it up on Wikipedia. You have access to it. It is an approved site. It something with World Wide. They call it a school but they had created some bogus accreditation institution not recognized by the board in Washington and a paper is nothing worth. It is just advanced bible studies.?
We walked back to school.
It took four days before I had finished my tasks and graduated to level two.
Level two ? introduction to the horsemanship program
After breakfast Susan took me outside the school building. As they came closer to the stables I had a confession to make. ?I am afraid of horses. I don?t know why my parents had chosen a horsemanship program.?
?Perhaps they just want you to confront your fears but no worry you won?t come near to a horse.?
?Wait and see.?
When we entered the stables my jaw dropped. A lot of students had bridles on and was lead around by other students. ?What is this??
?This is pony-girls and -boys. They are able to pull carts, ploughs, harrow and even large lawn movers. Get the big picture.?
I now knew the main reason of why she was sent here. My thrifty dad wanted to save petrol to his lawn mover. Susan at once noticed that I was about to explode and quickly interfered. ?Calm down at once or you will end up back in O.P! Curb your feelings at once!?
I subdued my anger and followed Susan over to a guard. Instead of the cuffs they put my arms in something they called an arm-binder. My leg-irons came off. It was hard for my shoulders. ?Before I gag you, I am going to explain what you are going to do in week one. I don?t know whether you were much of an athlete, but you will be in good form, when this week is over.? She pointed at something which looked like a carousel. ?This is a walker. We are going to hook you on to it and you just have to walk round and round until we disconnect you again.?
?I don?t want to do it. I will rather choose O.P.?
?Well that leaves us no choice. Look at the wall over here. This is enlargement of the paragraphs of the contract your parents signed with the school. It states that we can give you a nose ring or piercing in the nipples so we can attach a leach there. It is your choice how pleasant this experience should be. Your parents ordered horsemanship program for you and that we will give you in one way or another.?
?I have changed my mind. Connect me.?
?Not so fast. I have noticed that you have a stopped-over posture. We have to fix that.? The guard handed me a collar. ?Lift your head.? She put it on and it was impossible for me to lower my head. ?Now ? That is way better.? As a final touch they inserted a bit gag which was a part of a head harness in my mouth.
They took me over to the walker and connected a leash hanging down from the apparatus to the top of the head harness, where there was a small D-ring. I began to walk. Round and round I went in a slow pace. After a little while Susan returned. ?Now you have adjusted to the pace. Next thing to fix is your walk. You need to raise your feet more and not walk like you are dragging your feet along the earth.? She had a whip and motioned me to raise my knees. I tried my best but I was tired. However a quick stroke with the whip woke me at once. ?Don?t make me hurt you for real. You have an hour left to the lunch break.?
I panted as I continued with the walk. Susan had to use the whip a couple of times before I was disconnected so I could have my lunch.
I expected to be guided over to the dining hall but instead I was lead down to the stable where there was an empty box. Inside the box there was a small table with a plate with porridge. ?You are now a horse, so you will eat like a horse during level 2. That means porridge because raw corns after all would not give you sufficient food so you have strength to deal with the demand you will be met with. You can drink over here.? She showed me something that looked like it belonged in rabbit cage. She put my mouth up to it and drank in order to show me how it should be done.
When the bit was removed I started to eat and without my hands and it was not easy. After an hour Susan got back. ?I forgot to remove the leather flap between your legs. If you have to empty your bowels just do it. Level three students will be here and clean it.? I was followed back to the walker and the rest of the day went learning how to walk in a proper manner.
In the evening I was guided back to the stable. After dinner the arm binder came off and the cuffs came on instead. I was locked inside the box and ordered to sleep in the hay. It was nice to sleep without a gag ball in my mouth and tired of the hard training, I fell asleep almost at once.
Life in the stables
Early next morning I woke by someone knocking on the wooden wall in the box. It came from the box next to me.
I looked at wall and found a little knot with a small hole. I looked into the eye of a girl looking just as old as my self. ?Who are you?? I whispered.
?You don?t have to whisper. You are on level two. We are allowed to talk when we are in our stables. By the way: I am Judith. What were you sent here fore??
?I was disobedient according to my parents and trying to have the privileges of an adult too soon.?
?It seems a little unfair to send you here for normal teenager behaviour. I was skipping school and smoke dope regularly.?
We heard footsteps. It was the guards. When we were wearing the arm binder again, Judith made a last comment before the bit gag came in. ?Maybe if you do fine, you will earn your tail within the end of the week.?
I didn?t know what she meant and I was off alone to the walker. My stomach had been acting very odd and it did not take long before she got diarrhoea. It ran down my leg but apart from a corseted boy removing the most from the ground, nobody seemed to care. My skin became irritated and just to make it worse a guard noticed that she did not lift my feet high enough from the ground. I almost stumbled when he gave me a lash with the whip on my buttock.
It was so unfair. Tears began to run down over my cheeks. I sobbed but the guard was merciless. I received another lash and then another. I felt it like she was going to pass out when Susan entered and asked the guard what was wrong. After a little chat, she came over to me and released me. Luckily it was time for my coffee break, but first Susan called the boy over and ordered him to clean me.
The boy took me to a kind of bathroom with kind of frame. I was placed in the frame and he attached some straps to my corset and tightened them so I couldn?t move. Then he took a hose. It was cold water and he washed my legs and my private parts which made me scream out of shock. Susan entered the bath room and told the boy to clean me so an accident was less likely to happen. He went behind my and suddenly I felt a little pain when something passed my sphincter. I was shocked and soon I felt liquid enter my bowels. The pressure built up inside me and I began to sweat. I groaned in the gag and bit very hard on it when the discomfort changed into stomach pain. The fluid stopped and Susan came close to my face. ?Please don?t spill any of the water while I prepare you or you will regret it.? I was relieved when the foreign body was taken out of me and I tried to avoid spilling any of the water. But then another thing entered me. It was bigger and it was painful. I groaned and tried to move away. The pain increased. It was pushed very slowly inside me. I began to sob. Suddenly it was inside. Susan talked again. ?It was a butt plug just to make sure that you don?t spill it too soon. We will leave you now for 10 minutes.? They both left.
I began to sweat. The pain in my stomach continued to build up. Soon it became unbearable. I cried but I could move. I cried and shouted for my parents even though that I knew that they were 1000 of miles away. I passed out when I ran out of air.
Susan later told me that they returned after 10 minutes and found me unconscious. Susan brought me back with some smelling salt. The boy had an apron, Wellingtons and heavy rubber gloves on. He removed the plug and stools ran down on the floor. He took the hose again and cleaned me. Then another plug was inserted instead. ?It was fine that we had a reason to insert a butt-plug, so her splinter is used to being stretched a little before she earns her tail.? Susan nodded.
Susan padded me on my cheek. I was released and followed down to a little kitchen where Susan removed the gag and served me a glass of water with a straw. I was thirsty and I drank the whole glass before I asked about the pain in my behind. ?What is a butt plug?? If Susan had not known that I was the well-behaved girl in this place, she would have been surprised. She explained that it was a kind of think dildo with a thin base and it was a proper treatment so my stomach problems did not delay my progress at the school.
?But it hurt.?
?Get use to it. You will wear it until you earn your tail.?
I resumed my training at the walker. I was tired and the guard was on to me all the time. He gave me several stripes with the whip because I couldn?t raise my legs high enough.
When Susan released me from the walker that evening I collapsed. The boy helped Susan with me and once inside the box, they nurse me so I recovered and was able to eat a little. However, I was fast asleep.
Earning the tail
One morning, when I was chatting through the knot with Judith, Susan entered the box looking rather official and she had an announcement: ?Today you will be tested and if you pass the test your parents will come for a visit unannounced. Also you will earn your tail, so do you best.?
After I was prepared I was followed out of the stable. For some reason they did not made me wear a gag. In front of my stood a small a single seat cart.
The boy came around with a heavy leather harness which they dressed me in. I had been barefooted all time since she entered the school because it was a safety precaution against runaways. Now the boy fitted me with long leather boots. They looked kind of strange and when I took some steps, I saw that they made horseshoe shaped prints in the sand.
The final touch was a white leather hood with openings for my eyes and mouth. In the top long strips of leather was hanging down, making my head look like a kind of artificial tale mounted up there. Blinkers came on and last but not least the mandatory bit gag was shovelled in. Reins were connected to the bit. I was ready to go.
Susan took seat in the Cart and I started to walk. After several weeks on bare feet, I had some difficulties to walk in boots. However, I adjusted and after an hour it felt as I had used such boot all my life. Of course, Susan motivated me a little with the whip, but I was by nature a quick learner.
Soon Susan guided the cart to the main gate and for the first time since I entered the facility, I left the campus. We took a small gravel road after a half hour we came to a field. Susan stopped for a break. She had a of bottle water which she held in order for me to drink after the bit were removed. Due to the blinkers, I hadn?t notice much of the surroundings and when I looked about, I noticed a lot of students with pickaxes and rakes weeding the fields.
?I did not know that students were allowed outside the campus.?
?You are mistaken. Level 3 and 4 have chores in the field. Lower levels have a flight risk, so they are kept inside the campus. As a student on higher levels there are simply too much at stake, so there are no idea in trying to escape. Where should you go? This is Jamaica, if you hadn?t notice. You will end up dead or raped.?
?Jamaica?? I thought that is a remote part of Florida. I had no idea that I was abroad. (Yes, I was na?ve, but I am an American and we are not taught of the world outside the States.)
?Yes. I had to admit, that I had you under suspicion of planning an escape. So I decided that I better had to disclose where you are before you do something stupid.?
I began to cry. It was my only chance of getting my self out of here, she smashed.
She hugged me and padded me. ?Oh. Debbie. I know it is hard, but you could so much worse off. There are other boarding schools for so-called troubled kids and your home could have been a cement floor for months or a dog cage. Here you at least get to study normal books and not some odd bible stuff. You have not lost your chance of an education like most other kids in these facilities.?
?But I miss my home.?
?You are already on level two. Just two more levels and you can graduate. Come on! Pull your self together and start your work by earning your tail.? She inserted the gag again.
The trip continued and Susan ordered the pace up. I panted and I had difficulties to meet the demands Susan had put on me. When we could see the school, Susan yelled to me. ?When you reach the white line painted on the road sprint as you had never done before.?
They passed the white line and I ran as fast as I could. I could only take so little air into my lunges due to the corset so I panted and experienced shortness of breath. I was on verge of passing out, when we reached the gate. The boy stood there with a stopwatch and he nodded to Susan. I sank onto my knees having lost my breath.
The boy came to me. ?Congratulation: You have earned your tail.?
10 minutes after, I had recovered and we went to the stable were I was freed from the cart. Still wearing all the equipment, they took me into the bathroom, where two guards came over and held me tight. Susan removed the butt plug. ?Now it is time for your tail. Bite hard on the gag, if it hurts.?
I felt the pain in my sphincter. I tried to twist myself loose, but it was of no use. The pain continued. It was almost unbearable. Were they going to cut me open? Suddenly it slipped inside me. It was very uncomfortable. The guards release me and Susan took me over a large mirror. I could not believe my eyes. It was a horsetail mounted on a butt plug.
?Yes. It looks odd and it properly feels a little odd. Every morning until graduation when you are not working in school, the tail will go in and it will stay there until you return from the fields. It will come out when you go to sleep. You should be proud. Pulling a plough is a job which brings food to the school. Now you have an hour in the walker. Because you have been pushed to hard today, your body needs to calm down, before you shower, eat and goes to sleep.?
That evening I talked to Judith about me realising that I would not get out early. I resented my parents by sending me here. I was bitter. Judith tried to calm me down. ?You will end up in O.P.?.
?But why did they hate me so much that they wanted to lock me up??
?Often parents have so much going on in life and it is a two-income society so they can not create a surplus so they can connect to their own family. Out of pure kindness they instead removed threat ahead of the child?s path so it wouldn?t face them and the parents would have to debate and mentor them in overcome the obstacles. Such parents are called curling parents because they sweep obstacles away from the child.?
?Now that you mention it I have always been very much alone at my house outside school. Whenever I mentioned sport or other leisure-time activities they have had put the subject out until I gave up.?
?There you see. But eventually a child grows up and will face adult challenges like relationship, alcohol and drugs. If the child is proper raised and dressed to face obstacles, then it wouldn?t be a problem. But some parents stick to the track of sweeping problems away and would take extreme precautions and lock their child up. They would do so because they love their child.?
?They have sent me here because they love me??
?It?s sick!?
?Yes, we are all humans. I am tired. We can talk in the morning.?
Patricia and Joe
?Debbie ? Wake up?
It was Susan. As I left the box, I stood ready to be harnessed. But Susan took my hand. ?Not today. You are going to see something extraordinary.?
We went to the other end of the stable. As we walked Susan started to talk. ?Remember Patricia from Group therapy? There has been some development in the case. Their parents had been in business for years and they have decided that Patricia and Joe must settle their disagreements and try to make up so they can end up being a couple in some years when they become adults.?
I was shocked. Joe had raped poor Patricia. Not in a million years would I accept a guy back that have molested me and crossed my boundaries. ?How can they make up, when Joe has done such a horrible thing??
?You will see. By the way - Have you actually seen an intercourse before??
?No.? Why did she ask me such an indecent question?
When we arrived, I saw an astonish sight. Joe has been tied up on a trestle. He was hooded and the rest of him was naked. The boy, which always seemed to be around the stable came with an odd-looking kind of pillow. When he did unwrap it and placed it on Joe, I saw that it was a kind of protection-device. It framed his buttocks and protected the kidney area on his back. Patricia walked around and talked to herself in an attempt to gain self-confidence.
Susan went over to her and talked quietly. She padded Patricia on her shoulder and handed her a whip. It was a cat-o'-nine-tails.
Patricia moved into position. After a moment of quietness she threw the first lash. It struck Joe on his left buttock. His body shocked. Murmur came from inside the hood. He turned his head as he trying to say no. It was obvious that he was in pain.
The second lash came. His body tensed up. I moved closer to him. The hood was an isolation hood. As the third lash hit him I was sure that I heard a suppressed scream. I moved around him and stood only a meter from him. His buttocks were in fact shaking. The fourth lash hit him. His buttocks were reddish. Oh ? she sure must hate him.
The fifth lash struck him. Then I noticed something that surprised me. Actually I had never seen a penis live before. I was a single child and of course I have seen pictures in school books. But his was the first that I saw live. And it became erect. The sixth lash hit him and I noticed that it looked moistly.
?Stop - It is enough.? Susan interrupted. Patricia looked exhausted. But it was not over. The boy freed Joe?s legs and gave him a pair of latex trousers on. It had a shed to the penis and after some problems with the fitting he was ready.
One of the guards guided Patricia over to a gynaecologist chair and she was strapped down on her back. Susan gave me a strange device. ?It is a vibrator. I will show you how to use it. Here at school the policy is strictly Victorian age, as for sex. Before 1920 it was common for women to go to a doctor and get a cure from an illness which was formerly known as hysteria ? now as sexual dissatisfaction. The doctors used a vibrator on certain parts of the patients so the women in order to fix the problem. Before we fulfil the wishes of their parents and bond them, we must make Patricia overcome the mental block caused by the rape. Let me show you how to use the device.?
Susan put a similar isolation hood on Patricia. It had a built in gag ball. Patricia was nervous. Although she couldn?t talk, her eyes told me that. I will never forget those pleading eyes when I buckled the blindfold on.
We started the work and I soon learned how sensitive certain areas of a woman?s body are. Suppressed moaning sounds came from within the hood. I had to be careful because as Susan told me, pressing the vibrator to hard against her would cause pain instead of pleasure. Something I did do right, because her body became covered with sweat.
She was beginning to shake a little when Susan motioned for the guard to come with Joe. They had cuffed his hands on his back. However there was a little problem. His penis was not erect anymore. Susan knew how to fix it. ?Debbie. Let me handle the vibrator and kneel.?
I did as I was told and the guards were there at once sliding an arm binder over my arms. They moved Joe in front of me so his latex covered penis was just on level with my mouth. ?Lick it!?
?But I can?t. It is disgusting.?
?You can. Lick it. For good sake - Pull your self together. You wouldn?t be at danger. You are almost 16. Several countries have set the age of consent to 15. The school has promised your parents two things: 1) You will have no psychical contact with a male. 2) You will learn how to be a good, decent and obedient wife. The service, you will provide is expected by every normal wife.?
?No but. Or you will drop a level or even end up in O.P.?
I took the latex covered penis in my mouth. It was difficult because I had no use of my arms. I licked and sucked the best I could. It tasted awful. But it worked and soon it became hard against. I could fell the warm from inside.
?Stop now. See ? that wasn?t so bad.?
The guard helped me up again and the other guided Joe close to Patricia. Susan moved the stirrups so her private parts was totally exposed and helped his penis inside her. He started to work on her. Patricia moaned quietly inside the hood. I could see that Joe was excited. He was sweating and panting. It did take long a grunt came from Joe. ?Debbie: See, there he came. It is called Le Petit Mort or the little death. He is in heaven. However, we must work a little more on Patricia. Often men come quicker than women.?
The guards made me kneel at her wet love-channel and Susan ordered me to lick. It did not taste so bad. It was bearable. Patricia body began to shake and the moaning sounds from inside the hood became louder. Susan asked me to stop. ?She is experiencing an orgasm right now.? Patricia?s body went limp. ?She passed out from pleasure.?
That evening I spoke to Judith. I was confused. I was sent here because my parents were afraid of me having a sexual relationship. Now I have seen more genitals and had been closer to a sexual act that I have been before in my life. Then Judith told me about an organisation her uncle became a part of. His parents did suspect him of drug use, which were totally without cause. The uncle was to emotional abused that he in fact became a drug user after having her about other users experience during group therapy sessions. It is normal that repeated false accusations results in the exact that kind of behaviour which all wants to avoid.
She suddenly said something, which made me think. ?What if their actions had nothing to do with you being disobedient? What is they had realised that you in fact was too naive and too vulnerable to the adult world.?
?I don?t know. I am too confused.? She had upset me. I told her that I was tired and want to sleep. However, I turned and twisted in the hay. It took forever before I went to sleep.
Mom and Dad
Weeks passed and every day looked by the other. Five days a week I worked as a pony girl and two days I spent at the school working alone in order to catch up with school work. It was hard doing five days work in just two days, but I managed. After all I studied up 12-14 hours per day instead of 5-8 hours per day.
Those days I worked as a pony girl also were the same. After the painful routine of inserting the tail, I spent the morning at the walker. Afternoon I worked in the fields. I hated to pull the plough. I was very hard because our boots were not intended to the soft ground and we were often only two horses per plough. It was much better to be a part of a team pulling a carriage or a cart transporting guards or teachers.
I didn?t see Susan very often. She was about to graduate. One day a guard took me to a two-seater cart. Normally it was normal that there were a least one horse per passenger, so I found a little odd, but I had been a hard week so I did not think a lot about it.
We rode for a while a stopped in the front of a small motel. The guard came over a closed my blinkers. They normally did that when we stopped outside the school and the field so we should not encourage other people to talk to us by catching their eyes.
So I waited in darkness until I suddenly heard familiar voices. The blinkers were opened and my parents stood in front of me. I started to cry. They hugged me. Of course I had a lot to talk with them about, but still I had the bit gag in the mouth.
?Honey - We are going for a ride. Then we can talk undisturbed.?
They placed themselves in the cart and we took off. After a while we came to a small glade. They freed me from the cart and took the gag out.
?Mom! Pop! Oh, I am so glad to see you. I have missed you.?
?We too - Pumpkin. There has not been a single day, we didn?t think about you. Numerous times, we had doubt about sending you here, but the weekly calls about your progress had calmed us down.?
?It had been hard!?
?Yes, we knew that it was not going to be easy. But we had to save you from doing something that would have put you in danger. We decided to save you from yourself.?
?From what? What was I about to do that could endanger my life??
?My Dear. Since you were a little girl, we had encouraged you to work hard in school. You were and still are very good. The world stood open for you. But it had a price. You were isolating yourself. Not that it was a problem. If you stuck to your course a place at Yale or Harvard would be in reach. Then suddenly, you became interested in boys. It was an undiscovered land for you.?
?But I was not going to have sex with him or something like that.?
?You think so and that is because you are both young and na?ve. I as your father know boys always want.?
?Brian was not so.?
?We have new about Brian, but that has to wait. We could not just stand and wait for you to throw your life away so we decided to send you some place where you were protected from the dangers. We had studied a lot of different places before we decided on this one. It could solve another problem for our household too.?
?The lawn??
?The lawn! It is big and petrol costs.?
I sat down and cried. How could they be so uncomprehending and insensitive? My mother sat down beside me and comforted you. ?It is for your own best and deep inside you know it.?
I tried to pull me together. ?Why have you chosen a school where I see people practicing sex? Look at my butt! See what they have done!? I held up my tail.
Father coughed slightly. ?That part with the small print, I did not read. I hope it doesn?t hurt. We knew that the horsemanship program meant that you would pull the cart. Later at parents seminars we discovered the tail part and the risk of piercing or nose-ring. Fortunately, you were spared for the last ones. However, we don?t regret our choice of school. You are not falling behind your academic, which is almost always the case at other Therapeutic Boarding Schools. They don?t use violence or make your lie on your flat stomach all day long. The program makes you fit. You have lost weight.?
?It is this evil corset.?
?Not all of it. Keeping you away from the temptations was the best choice we could make. Period! Let?s stop the fight. You are not going to change our mind by any kind of manipulation. We have after all attended seminars held by the school in order to make us better parents. By the way: Your future husband will be proud of that waistline.?
I walked around a little. They acted almost brainwashed fully convinced that they had saved my life.
?I have prepared food for us.? It was mom. She had brought a picnic basket along and we sat down and had lunch. Still I was confused. My mind was racing like hell. ?How do I get home again??
?That is what we wanted to talk with you about. You are on level two now. Soon you will be at level three and you will start to train students at lower levels. That takes us back to Brian. We have been talking with his parents. Some time ago they suddenly phoned. He had not been home for some time and they thought that he was over at our place because they knew about your relationship. Of course, he wasn?t and it turned out that he was getting drunk at some bar and hanging out among some friends. We went and talked to his parents when he returned home and talked with the boy. He seems to be a nice person and if you both in the future meet in a controlled environment, we wouldn?t resist against it.?
?I did not really have a chance to know him before you made it impossible.?
?We have figured that out and therefore we will offer you a second chance to bond with him before you graduate and return home.?
?Will you send him here??
?In fact, he will arrive in two weeks. When you return to the campus from this drive, you are on level three. We have talked with his parents and this school seems to be an excellent cure for his alcoholism. They have agreed that it is a good idea that you get to know him well. I didn?t know before, but I do business with his father. In fact, his company is an important customer to my firm and we play golf together. If you end up liking each other, my firm will benefit.?
From my talks with Susan I knew that level three will be so much better than level two. And Brian here ? a part of me was scared ? but I looked forward to see him again.
After a little rest, they put the harness and gag on again and I took them to the campus, where Susan received us. ?Congratulation Debbie ? I can see on the look of your parents that the family visit went well and that means that you now are on level three.?
Selected for the graduation show
Susan released me from the harness but left the gag. She took my parents on a tour around the school. She had me on a leash, so I followed them. They were very impressed but also surprised when they saw my box. My mother hugged me. ?Oh my darling. It is harsh conditions, but you held your chin up and you will benefit from it in the long run.?
As we walked over to the main building, Susan asked my parents if they would see me getting my dressage outfit on for the first time. My mother looked like a question mark. ?Dressage??
?Yes. In one week it is time for another graduation. In fact I am one of those which will graduate this time. By the graduation, some selected students perform a show. It is a mix of Dressage and river dance. It is very hard and only selected students gets a chance to perform. Debbie is very skilled and the school has selected her to perform.?
?Oh ? we would like to see it.?
Once inside the main building, I was freed from the corset. Normally we only shower once a week and it felt strange without the corset. My body had become accustomed to wearing a corset so in a strange way I miss it every time it comes off.
My parents sat in a pair of chairs when I was followed into the lacing room. They watch very carefully and I was cuffed to the lacing bar and to the floor. Then the new corset was introduced. It was made from leather and red instead of my usual black corset. Susan and the guard began to tug. I whimpered a little when they were almost finished and I think I saw a little tear in my mother?s eye. It was so tight. At the end I made a grunt every time they tugged at the laces.? ?We are finished. Sixth teen inches!?
When I was lowered to the ground one of the guards fastened my shoulder straps. They pulled my shoulder back. I was excepting cuffs, but as Susan said. ?Debbie has proven herself. No she will only wear restraints outside the campus.?
In an odd way I missed my cuff. I felt naked and also a little scared. Being cuffed also in a way made me feel protected because I did not have to decide anything. During the entire stay others have decided what I had to do and it had made me feel protected.
I got some new boots which were intended for the show and but not least they fitted me with a new posture collar. As before I couldn?t turn my head and I had to turn my entire body to face my parents. ?How does it look??
They looked at me with a shocked expression but father were able to control himself. ?Spectacularly, my dear.? I could see that he was lying but somehow I didn?t mind. They had put me here and there was no reason for them to be shocked if they had done their homework before they shipped me off. (Many years later they told me, they in fact had spent more time deciding which car to buy than what kind of school I was sent to.)
One of the guards came in. ?It?s time.?
?Debbie. You have to say farewell to your parents now. Their cart is ready.? We hugged and cried a last time before they went out the door. I sobbed quietly when we saw their cart leaving the campus. Then Susan took me and introduced me to another girl, which had entered the room. ?Say hey to Lorna. She is your new mentor and her task is to make you ready for the show and level four.?
?Why can?t I continue to work with you??
?Because I have to study hard alone and concentrated for my exam. I am soon due for my graduation. But calm down. Lorna only wants to do what is best for you. Do make me proud. Bye.?
Susan left and I turned to Lorna. She was a stern looking girl almost six feet tall. Of course she had a slim waist but she was also very muscular. She spoke to me ?I am going to try to make you ready for the show. It won?t be a holiday. Follow me?
We entered a gym and Lorna gave me a matching head harness on with colourful plumes on the top and the obligatory bit gag. Also an arm binder came on. She ordered into the centre of the gym and grabbed a whip. Then she showed me a video with a sequence of the dance I was going to perform. It became my turn to reiterate what I had seen. Whenever I failed to do it exactly she gave me a small lash with the whip. It hurt. We worked for an hour and she held a bottle of water for me, so I could drink. I expected so sit for a while. I was sweating and panting, but she showed no mercy. I was ordered back and repeat some new steps.
After I while the surroundings became blurred. Lorna could see that she had pushed me to my limit. ?You are a wimp.? Then she took another whip and gave a lash. It struck me on my buttock and I lost completely balance. Never had I felt such a pain. ?This is my bullwhip. Pull yourself together or I will teach you how to concentrate. You are sloppy and not material for a dancer at the show.?
I cried and in addition to the pain from the blow I also hurt my arm, when I fell. Lorna came over and connected a leash to the bit gag so she could pull me onto my feet again. Once I was standing again, she looked me into my eyes. ?I hate lazy students that don?t acknowledge why they were sent here and don?t appreciate the second chance they got in this school. You are going to pull your self together right now. Stop crying or I will give you reason to cry.?
Somehow I managed to do two other sequences before Lorna was satisfied. I was lead out of the gym and over to the stables where the boy waited. Judith was already connected to the walker. The boy commented my outfit, which made Lorna send him an angry look. He was send over to a guard and later he returned with gagged with ball gag and an arm binder on. ?I don?t like boys that can?t hold their tongue when they see a girl. It shows poor discipline and is disrespectful against womankind. It called for punishment.? The guard came over, stopped the walker and connected something to the chain hanging down from the walker. Lorna positioned the boy and I could see pain in his face when they connected the chain. When they moved away from him, I saw what they had done. They had put nibble clamps on him. Man - that must hurt! But they were not finished. The guard bended down and did something with his genitals. The boy groaned and made whimpering sounds. Lorna commented. ?Well, a ball stretcher with some weight will cool him down. Now for you!? I tried to move away but the guard quickly came over and held me tight, while Lorna also worked with the clamps. I screamed when the first clamp came on. Never in my life had I felt so much pain. Then the next clamp came on. It was unbearable. Judith was also sobbing due to my torment and I could see tears rolling down on the boy?s cheeks.
The walker was started and even though I was too tired, I was very carefully to keep the pace. My nibbles hurt so much. After 15 minutes I could take it a little better. Still, I sobbed. Level three should be so much better. We walked and walked for an hour before Lorna was satisfied with my performance. I was freed which meant more pain when the blood returned to my nibbles. I bit very hard on my bit; I was drooling and sobbing at the same time.
I still sobbed when we left the stable. I could see both the terror in Judith?s face and the suffering in the boy?s face.
Lorna took me over to the main building where she quickly cleaned me with a cloth and some cold water before I was followed to the dining hall.
For the first time in a very long time I slept in a bed that evening.
The next two weeks went by with strict training all day long. Susan?s graduation would take place on Saturday just two days before Brian would arrive. The last three days I trained with the other student selected for the show.
Susan?s graduation
Graduation takes place in a large building outside the campus in order to keep the exact procedure a secret. When we entered, the parents were already present. Every family had its own table. After the head master had announced our first number we entered the stage and performed. We received our applause and took some seat next to the stage.
Then the head master introduced the graduates and they took other seats next to the stage and started on a speech. I didn?t remember much of it. I looked for Susan and found her. She was dressed in a beautiful long white grown. All the dresses were like taken out of a picture from about year 1900. The boys were clothed in sailor's dresses and due to their figure I could guess that they still had corset on under their clothes.
After the speech we did another number and then it was time for the graduation ceremony. The guards came with isolation hoods and cuffs for us and we sat in darkness for about a half hour before we were allowed to see again. Susan had come over to me. Her make-up had run over her face, so her reunion must have been emotional. ?Oh. Debbie. You made it to be allowed to perform. I am so happy for you. I knew your potential the minute I saw you. You being here mean so much to me. I want to be a teacher and you had proved to me that I can inspire people.? She kissed me and staggered back to her table. She looked somewhat painful when she sat down, which I found odd. She must have adjusted to her corset by now.
However, I did not get a chance to wonder about it further because we should perform you last dance. After the dance when we were getting ready to leave for the campus, I got the bumbled into Susan for the last time during my stay at the school. She only said two words very silent, but I knew what they meant. The first word was myspace and the second one I don?t want to reveal here.
The policy of the school is that we all were enrolled for personal reasons and alone. When we leave is it alone. Like most every behaviour modification facilities it is not considered to be accepted to keep contact after graduation here too. Some former students I since have talked to in my present work as a child psychologist all express that their experiences seems like a bad dream. Not even their parents understand how they had felt because they often undergo brainwash during parent seminars themselves. Knowing Susan?s homepage helped both her and me during later crisis in my life.
Brian?s Arrival
I stood in the hall with Lorna and waited for Brian. The door went up and a hooded boy in restraints entered. He was not taking it very well and tried to twist and turn whenever the escorts relaxed for a moment. When he was placed on a bench in the lacing room, I talked to one of the guard from the escort division. As usual they had entered his bedroom at about 3 a.m. in the morning, but he had been in town and was not at sleep. So he had tried to run towards the window. Luckily the escort division had tasers and they were able to stop Brian before he got the chance to jump out of the window.
Still both with isolation hood and cuffs at arms and legs he resisted them whenever he had the chance. Both Lorna and I understood that we had to break him in, before he even could enter level one.
The head master was out in town this day, so it was our task to tell him where he was and what we expected from him as a student. Normally the speech would be made before he is escorted to the lacing room, but he was too aggressive that we simply did not dare start the introduction before he was safely tied up to the lacing bar.
With a little help from the guard we got him secured. Luckily he only slept in pants, so we did not have to remove too much clothes. We hoisted him off the ground. He was protesting all he could but of course we could not understand what he said due to the hood.
Lorna took a step ladder and climbed up and removed his hood. First he was disorientated and blinked his eye in order to focus. Then he saw me. ?Debbie???
?Hey Brian. Welcome to Meditation Inlet ? your new boarding school.?
?What? Please, let me out of here. What is this??
?I hate to repeat myself, so listen very carefully. I will say this only once.? (I saw this phrase used in a TV-series. It seems to work). ?Your parents have chosen to send you to this boarding school in order to solve your problems with alcohol as well as other kind of disobedience. Here you will a second chance to redeem yourself with your parents.?
?But I don?t need a fix. I am a normal kid. You know me!?
?I knew you as a polite and well-mannered boy but obvious you have changed. This conversation is over. Now for your school uniform.? Lorna started to wrap it on to Brian.
?No. Stop it is woman clothes.?
?Here it is mandatory for students regardless of sexes.? Lorna stepped down from the ladder and she started to lace the corset together with a guard. Brian continued to yell and curse at us, but we knew that our actions were for his best, so we did not stop. I have been through it myself. A part of me felt the odd feeling of your lounges being compressed and the feeling of lost of control over your body. It is almost a witty development to pass through. Soon his vocal pitch died out and all he could muster was a grunt when Lorna and the guard tugged.
?21inches! In a month he will be down to 19inches.? We lowered him to the floor but before he released him, we saw to that he had an isolation hood on. He was still rebellious and tried to put his feet against anything he got close to. It took us four people to get him into O.P. and placed in the toilet chair.
We left him and I had the task to feet him and clean him, so I returned every three hour. He ate but did not speak to me. I tried to get his attention, so I at least could tell him why he was sent here, but he just looked at me with an angry and unforgiving look when he removed the blindfold part on the hood.
He did not pee nor pooh either. I consulted Lorna because it could be dangerous if he withheld motions. She suggested laxative in a strong soup so he couldn?t taste it. After his last meal it did not take long before he moved his bowels. When I cleaned him I heard that he was sobbing. Had I managed to break him?
That evening, when I turned him in, I could see his despair, but when I asked him if he wanted to talk, he just turned his head away. I went to the dinner hall where I saw Paula sitting with a plateful of soup.
Paula?s story
I was hungry and also took some soup and went over to Paula. Brian?s torments had brought back memories from my own start on the campus. We had been sitting sipping for a while, when Paula asked me if I had a question.
?Paula. I know why I was sent here. Brian?s story is also well known to me. If you don?t mind, I would like to hear your story. A rumour is going around that you are not from the states and therefore I find it odd, that you are here. After all I have heard that it is only American Parents that are sending their children into such places.?
?Yes that it correct. I am a Dane. I am here voluntarily.?
Voluntarily!!? I could not believe my ears.
Paula noticed my jaw dropping to the ground. ?Yes. I am here voluntary. It is a part of my work to improve my grades back in Denmark and also something I do to get experience when I start my work at the rehabilitation and Research Centre for torture victims back in Copenhagen. As a part of my study I have been put inhere with a somewhat false story.?
?Somewhat false??
?Yes, in my records it is stated that I am sexual active and that I also use alcohol. Because I am only 17 it is a problem over here, but in Denmark it is within the laws to drink alcohol at an age of 16 and sex is also allowed when you become 15.?
?You are kidding!?
?I still don?t understand it. Why go through this when you can avoid it??
?We do have some problems with younger people doing those things and of course we also have a drug problem in the Danish society. We are dealing with them but I wanted to see what other countries are doing. Before I came here, I was in a place in Tennessee which turned out to be run by bondage fetishes?. The counsellors had their bizarre interest published on their private myspace pages, so I knew what I was getting into in advance.?
?But I found it extremely challenging here.?
?Of course it is challenging but due to research my in Denmark, I took a course done by some of our elite soldiers so I was prepared for my journey. Those kinds of courses are common and in fact mandatory when Danish diplomats or businessmen visit risk zones around the world. You will be surprised to learn how very little dissimilarity there are between torture in war zone and what is going on in the so-called Therapeutic BoardingSchool like this place.?
?How could it be torture when it is for our own good??
?You think that it is for your own good, but just a few years. It will come back to you and hunt you in your sleep.?
?And I saw you as a program girl. Why were you so harsh against me, when I was selected for the show??
?There were two reasons. First of all I play along so I can graduate and do a report of my findings when I return home. Second and not last: You needed it. Running around and feeling sorry for your self won?t do you any good in the future. I don?t know what kind of parents that did bring you up but hiding the reality of life for you has not been good. You are so na?ve!?
?What? My parents have just tried to do what they found best for me.?
?Yes - that misunderstanding and was come from it is a destiny that you share with many of your fellow countrymen. I find it sick that a 20 year old serviceman can loose this life in Iraq with being able to enjoy a single beer legally just once in his life. But for the time being stick to your opinion. It will make you able to graduate from the program.?
A confession
I was confused and did not want to go any further into the subject. I wanted to talk about Brian. I was concerned about him. I wanted him to move forward in the program. He would only be able to do that if he confronted his problems and acknowledge his failures.
?How can put even more pressure on Brian? He seems not to break. It is so important for me to have him progressing in the program. I want him to be on at least level 2 before I graduate.?
?You love him??
?Yes ? At least I think so.?
?Lets see. I think I know how to help you. Extend the introduction period to Saturday. I will help you with the milking process. If that doesn?t break him, then we have a problem.?
?Milking process??
?Oh, don?t you listen? Every one knows that all males students are forced to ejaculated once a week in order to prevent development of prostate cancer later in life. Long term denial has been research and the findings are that it will increase the risk of prostate cancer, so the school has ordered all male students to be milked once a week in order to prevent law suits.?
?I would like to help out.?
?I have to warn you. It can rather emotional. Some of the boys are not exactly going along with the process.?
?Still, I want to help.?
The week went on. Every day I followed Brian down to O.P. where I feed him and clean him without getting even a small smile from him. Not a single sign of progress. I can?t tell you how deeply worried I was. Then it was Saturday.
Paula and I followed Brian down to the cabin where the milking process was going to be done. Once inside we took the hooded boy over to a gynaecology treatment table where we strapped him securely. Paula removed the flap covering his genitals and motioned me to come closer. ?Take it into your hand and tease him so it becomes erect. We have to put a masturbator on to it and it can not be done when it is in a limp condition.?
It felt warm. Of course it did not smell so good. He had not been in a bath since his arrival. Brian was nervous and tense. He was trembling. Paula showed me where to touch him and where males were especially sensitive.
The masturbator came on and we started it. Paula ordered me to lick his nibbles. As I had my head near his head, I could hear sobbing sounds from within the hood. His nibbles became erects. Then Paula took my shoulder and I turned to see his fluid flowing in the masturbator. Never in my life had I seen such a sight. It seems to go on forever. When the flow died out, Paula took it and saw to that his semen was poured into test tubes.
?What are you doing??
?The school has ordered that all the semen has to be collected and put into the fridge. I don?t know why, but that is the order.?
When she was finished, she had a cryptic smile on her face. ?Well, that was for the school. The next one is for Brian. Go for it my girl. Do as you did before.?
I tried but it did not want to. Brian was still sobbing and now it became louder. Paula shook her head. ?Don?t mind him. He is just sensitive. In fact I find his sissy behaviour disturbing. Remove the mouth piece.?
When I removed it, Brian started to beg us to stop. ?Debbie. I know you are there. Please, stop. I will do what you ask from me.?
?Annoying ? isn?t it?? She gave me another mouth piece. It had a kind of rubber penis on. I looked at her with disbelief. ?Yes it is going in his mouth so we can work in peace without disturbance.?
When I tried to push it in inside his mouth, he clenched his teach. However, Paula just took his balls with a firm grab. When she applied pressure, he opened his mouth in order to protest and I was able to force the mouth piece into place.
Now we were able work in peace, but his penis was not rigid. Paula had an ace up in her sleeve. She showed me an odd item. ?What is that??
?It is a prostate massager. It goes inside his anus where so we can provoke his system in order to for him to achieve a second orgasm. That will teach him that we control every aspect of his body, even his ability to breathe deeply and when to get a relief. If that fact doesn?t break him, we are in problems.?
Paula lubricated it and pressed very gently against his sphincter. His body tensed up. When it entered we could see how the shock went through his body. It gave some life to his penis but not very much. Paula asked me to open a drawer where I found a ball stretcher. Even though I had seen how it was used during my training, I had not put it on someone before, so Paula put it on. It had a leather strap that went around the base of his scrotum beside the stretcher. Applying the stretcher helped making his penis erected. It was clear that he was very sensitive. Almost every touch made him try to twist and turn. Luckily the restraints were able to hold him back. We did not hold back on our work with the prostate massager and although we have changed the gag it was obvious that he did not enjoy our treatment. He came once more. This time it was a slow flow. When it stopped Paula wanted to talk to Brian. He started to beg at once when the gag was removed.
?Please, stop. Why are you doing this to me??
?You are doing it to yourself. Work with us in order to stop your abuse of alcohol and your disobedience against your parents.?
?I have no problem.?
?Then we will go for a third time.?
?No. Don?t. I will do as you say. Just stop. I can not take it.?
?OK. We will take your word for it. You can rest for the rest of the day, but tomorrow you will start on Level one and work on your personal tasks. We want to see progress within a week or you will be milked twice next Saturday. However, I have to hear it from your own mouth. Are you an alcoholic??
Brian held his promise. Although he did not say anything to me, he followed along quietly wherever we went. It took only a week for him to finish his personal tasks.
A stubborn horse
It was Brian?s turn to start level two. I remembered when I entered the stable the first time. The nameless boy welcomed us as always. Paula was tied up elsewhere, so it was my task to break the news to Brian. In fact it was the first time where I functioned as a junior staff member. I was regarded as an honour and also mandatory for me if I ever should advance to Level four. The eyes of the guard rested on me. Would I serve as an example or would I disrespect the rules of this small society in favour of a friend?
Inside the stable we stopped at the walker. Like me Brian couldn?t believe his eyes. ?What is this? You can not expect me to use that ? that thing!?
?Yes, we will.?
?I won?t!?
I signalled the guard and the boy. They held him while we changed the cuffs to an arm binder. Then we marched him over the bath room, where I washed his breast while the boy shovelled a ball gag in Brian?s mouth. I took some alcohol and cleaned his nipples. I pointed to the enlarged copy of the contract and showed him the tong I was going to piece his nibbles with. He tried to scream when he understood, what I was going to do. A second guard came over and helped the others by holding him tight. I could see the fear in his eyes and the sweat covering his body. But there was no turning back. I had to be hard in order to show the staff that I serious.
He gave a cry when I pierced the first nipple and began to sob. Tears ran down his face. A small whimpering sound came from him when I did his second nipple. It was a nice work. Two rings came in and we took him back to the walker and connected chains to the rings so he was no other choice but to follow along. I gave him an hour in the walker before I let him go to coffee break.
After a sip from the coffee he turned his tearful eyes towards me. ?Why are you so evil? I thought that I meant something to you.?
?When you progress in the program, you will know. I am now a junior staff member. If you don?t comply with the program, I would be punished because you are my responsibility.?
?But I am your friend. That must mean something.?
?It does mean something, but we can not rise above the rules. That is what brought us here in the first place. We have to learn how to follow the rule put upon us by parents and the society. It is a hard lesson, but it is necessary.?
?It is unfair.?
?Perhaps ? but you will benefit in the long run. Do you want more coffee??
He nodded. When asked whether he wanted the gag back in before he resumed the training he also said yes. The piercing must still hurt, so perhaps he just needed something to bite on.
He managed to do 4 shifts in the walker before I called it a day.
The next day he agreed willingly so I spared him and he was connected to the walker the normal way. However, he was very tired, so I put a ball stretcher and some weights on him.
Paula came by. ?You are doing fine, but beware. I think you need to be reminded that you are not a graduate yet.? She called a guard over. ?Debbie needs an hour in the walker too.? I did not protest. I knew that supercilious conduct was a danger that I had to avoid. Some level three students were known to be too hard on the new ones and they had to be put into place.
Still, I was surprised when I got a ball gag in my mouth. The explanation for that came at once when Paula clamped two weights on my nipples. I avoided crying out, but instead I bit very hard down on the gag. She was not finished. Two clamps were put on clitoris. It made me sob. It hurt beyond imagination. I toddle around like a small baby. Oh, it hurt.
Then the walker was started and I had to go along. After a while the pain settled and I got to look on Brian. He was gagged but it seemed that he was smiling. We walked and walked for an hour, before the guards decided that it was enough. I had learned my lesson. I had to be firm but not unreasonable.
The best thing ever
Brian?s training was going fine and he had earned his tail. Man did it come as a surprise for him. It must have been in august. I had lost track of time. Anyhow it was time for harvest. Paula decided to team me up with Brian. All dressed up with bit gag blinkers we pulled one of the carts while student from another line worked in the fields.
14 days it took before we were finished. I enjoyed staying so close to Brian and he also smiled back to me regardless of how heavy the load was. Even the day it rained and the road was muddy, he managed to give me a smile. Paula was over us that day. She had a small whip and my buttock was very reddish due her lashes. Brian was not spared, so we had to smear each others behinds when the day was over.
We got to talk and slowly we bonded. Had my parents not interfered, we could have experienced lovely things long time ago. We seemed to belong to each other. Of course I had to be careful that I did not slow his training down, but I managed to balance it.
One day I was watching Brian on the walker, when I got a surprise visit from the head master. I thought that I was in trouble and lowered my head at once.
?Raise your head and look me in my face. You know about the school policy. Always look at people when you are talking to them.?
?Sorry Sir. I was not thinking.?
?I am here with happy news. I have spoken with your parents and with Brian?s too. They had agreed to a controlled interaction between you two, if it is monitored and done under very controlled conditions. Do you consent??
I nodded. I was both scared and curious. I had been how Patricia and Joe did. I had difficulties imagine how it must feel. ?I consent!?
?Because Brian is a male, he also will consent. I don?t even have to take that gag ball out of him. Males always consent.? Then he left.
So it became that I the following day was strapped down onto the bench. Paula gave me the isolation hood on. It had a built-in gag ball, so I was silenced effective.
I could feel how they touched me down there. Then it suddenly came - a tickling sensation. That is how it felt. It was so good. I started to breathe heavily and I could feel the sweat running down over my body.
Then something entered me. It must be Brian. It hurt a little but then it started to feel very good. Soon I was in heaven. I had never felt so in my life. Then he stopped but the tickling sensation continued. Suddenly waves of pleasured rolled through my body. I grunted and panted. It did not stop, but then I must have passed out because the next thing I experienced was that Paula was in front of me. I was still wearing the hood, but she had removed the blindfold. She padded me on my head, but then she moved behind me.
I shocked when I felt a lash from a whip. What was she doing? Then something else was put inside me and it started to shake. I received three more lashes and somehow it started to feel nice once again although it was mixed with pain. But then I was shocked once more when I felt someone licking at my private parts.
It was almost too much. Then pace of the thing going in and out of me went up. Then the waves of pleasure went over me again. I cried from lust.
I continued to sob after they had released me. Paula was concerned. ?Did we go too far??
?No. Paula. But these last months had been one new experience after another. All those things in life, I took for granted ? all my values ? has been altered. What you did for me today, was something which I forever will be grateful for, but it is just too much. I need time to think.?
?OK. I will put you on a cart going to the motel tomorrow for supplies. It will be hard, but also a kind of preparation for you, so you can share your experience with later group therapy session.?
?Share it???
?Yes. That is mandatory. But that is enough for now. Let me free you so you can shower.?
Forbidden feelings
Four weeks had gone since my bonding with Brian. The daily routine never changed. I longed for yet another encounter with Brian, but I knew that I had to earn it.
One day the head master came with a note from Paula. It stated that she had graduated and she wished me good luck. I did not know and that is how it is. Only the graduates and those students which perform at the graduation ceremony know who is graduating. That is a security precaution which should prevent former graduates from bonding. The head master did of course not know what Paula had told me, but still I felt alone and abandoned. From the very start I had been so lucky to have two good mentors. Both Susan and Paula had meant so much for me.
I found a quiet place where I sat down and cried. I must have sobbed there for almost a half hour before the head master passed by accident.
?Why are you crying? It is not suitable for a level three student. You should be a positive role model for the new students - not a cry-baby. Snap out of it or you risk dropping to level two.?
I cleaned my tears away. He continued to look at me for a while - then he spoke. ?I think you need a positive experience just now. You are so close to level four that you should smell it. Let me help you. Report to the guard at the stable and ask for a special felt trip.?
When I went to the stable I found the guard waiting for me. ?Need extra motivation?? He had an odd smile on. He guided me into the bath room, where I was issued an arm binder and a blindfold.
For a moment I stood in darkness - then I felt it. Someone inserted a butt-plug. No big deal, it must be the tail. However, something was inserted in my love channel. It was lubricated but I was not wet so it hurt a little. Then the blindfold was removed. Brian was there too, they must have called him. We were followed to a cart where the guard fastened our harnesses to the cart. Of course we had both blinkers and bit gag inserted.
Then we were off for a long ride. Our pace was steady. Running with both holes filled was odd. It gave me a kind of sensation. The guard did not seem to be busy. Suddenly, I felt the things inside me vibrating. I turned my head and observed that Brian also was experience something. We slowed down and was rewarded a lash from the guard?s whip. ?Don?t slow down! I have a remote control. I control the vibrators.?
We continued to run. I panted because my body was teased by the vibrators. It did become wet down there. Brian?s breathing sounded troubled. I turned my head and discovered that he penis had become rigid. But I was not allowed to enjoy the sight. A lash hit my behind. ?Don?t turn your head.?
However, the sensation increased and I had difficulties to maintain the pace. I was rewarded with lashes numerous times. Brian had his own difficulties. Suddenly I heard a grunt and I saw that semen dropped down on the ground while he continued to run.
I felt the sensation built up in my back. My vision blurred a little. Then waves of passion ran through my body. I had to stop. I could not breathe. The guard gave me one lash after another and I forced myself to walk. Oh. I was so sensitive down there. The pleasure was succeeded by pain. Our pace increased. After 15 minutes of running my body began to be filled with lust once more. I was trying to catch enough air in order to maintain our speed.
Suddenly he pulled the reins and we came to a stop. The vibrators were stopped. It was a time for water. Brian was exhausted. ?Please stop. I can not go any further.? The guard did not reply but kept giving us water. The gags went in once again. He had a surprise for us. First he gave Brian a ball stretcher on. Then he connected some weights to the rings on Brian?s Breast.
It was my turn. I closed my eye. I knew what to come. It was time for the nipple clamps. I bit hard on the gag, so I managed to avoid screaming from the pain. However, tears running down my face betrayed me. ?Are you trying to be brave? Open you eyes and look at me. You are doing so fine!?
He got back to the cart and we took off once more.
We hadn?t run for more than 1 mile before I was overpowered by lust once more. The pain from my nipples, the sensation from the vibrators was almost too much. I panted and grunted whenever we had to pull extraordinarily. Once again my vision blurred and the guard tried to push me by giving me several lashes. I lost track of time. It was as I somehow disconnected from my body. My running was automatically, but my mind was not at it.
Brian was also suffering. I got a glimpse of his face and I saw he was in pain. Luckily we were approaching the campus. I saw the main building at a distance but I can not remember that we passed the gate. I woke in a haystack inside a box where I found myself covered with sweat. The vibrators were gone and I had got a butt plug inserted in my behind, my legs were covered with dried up fluid and I had to stagger in the bath room to a get shower.
That very day I was pushed to my limits. They had taught me that I could go further that I found possible, if I just allowed myself. Yes, of course I was still sad that both Paula and Susan were gone, but I have found out that I was not dependent of them. I could stand on my own feet.
The final leg
The next morning the head master informed me that I was on Level four. I worked almost full time as a junior staff member but of course also a lot of my time was devoted to my academic. It was a kind of deja vu for me.
Almost every one of them showed the fear of the unknown. The shock of breaking the very first rule, they ever learned from their parent, who is: ?Never walk with a stranger?. A rule-breaking ordered by the parents. It was a kind betrayal done by their parents toward them. That feeling is a great concern by us, because any progress in the program can only take place, when they either overcome it or accept it. Not all children can understand that they had a problem to fix. I didn?t.
The eyes of the staff always rested on me. Some of the students made me feel sorry for them, but I knew that they were here for my own good. I told myself to be firm and follow the rules to the letter. At the same time I remembered the sympathy Susan received me with. It was a fine balance between applying the structured environment on them and not cause nervous breakdown. All the school wanted was to help the parents to bring up children that used their potential to the fullest.
Brian was one of those underachievers. He was a taker rather that a giver at the program. It was so difficult for me use the whip on him, but I had to. I loved him and it hurt me to see, that he slipped back into self pity about missing out on parties and his former life back home. I knew that my time here at the campus would come to an end soon, so I asked the head master if he could perform at my graduation. The head master knew about Brian?s problem and allowed me to train him but warned me not to hurt him seriously. He that Brian?s problem would be hard to solve and had his doubt about me training him after I personally had pierced him. I assured him that I cared for Brian and there was not any kind of grudge between us.
So I had Brian taken for to the gym for dance lessons. Lorna had been a good teacher for me and I remembered her pedagogical way of teaching.
Brian entered with a face which showed a lot of pain. When I asked him why he had such a look in his face, he complained about his corset and the lacing. ?I can not breathe. It is unbearable.?
?You have to adjust. Life is about adjusting to new conditions. You are simply not ready for any kind of change and that is a very important characteristic to possess if you want to move on in society. It is my graduation you are training for and you can only think about yourselves. You are a taker. You want and want. You don?t give anything back. Now DANCE!?
?I gave him a lash with the bullwhip which struck him in his lower stomach. He sank to his knees. ?Please stop. It hurt so much.?
?I struck you on your corset. It is made of leather with steel bones. There will no lasting scars - Up on your feet again!?
He raised himself up. It was difficult because he still had cuffs on because he was such a difficult student, but he managed. We trained for an hour before he took him to the walker. After lunch we continued our training.
It was after a one of those long days with mixed training and exercise, that he stole a chance to give me a kiss. I blushed. ?Well. Brian. We can not have that. You know that being together is strictly forbidden unless it is done very controlled.? I gave him a lash with my whip but that only made him smile.
Oh. He was so cunning. Once again he had chosen the easy road. I went to the head master who praised me for coming to him. Most of the campus was covered with surveillance cameras and they had observed his kiss and I would have been up for punishment if I hadn?t reported it. I properly have been dropped a level or two. Instead they allowed him to find a suitable punishment for Brian.
The next day Brian arrived at the lacing room where I waited with some of the guards. After he was hoisted, I took charge and began to tug at the laced with a guard.
Soon the well-known rhythm of the student grunting whenever we tugged was heard. When we were finished we got him down to 18.5 inches. We lowered him He was panting and was only able to walk very slowly. I was not finished yet. He had to make an impression to my family because they would be present to my graduation. So we gave him a matching posture collar on. In fact it was a kind of head harness. It had straps going around his head so he had to look straight out.
Then it was off to training. I kept a strict regime with him. Brian was one of those males that had to be controlled for their own good. It took me a week to get a useful result with him. His buttocks were covered with red stripes so we had to wait a second week before he could be showed to the public.
He had been silenced towards me since he got the new corset on. On the last day before I left the campus in preparation for the graduation, he finally spoke to me again. ?Before you go, I just want to say that I don?t hold any grudge against you. I don?t agree with your decisions, but I accept them and would love to see you when we return home, if our parent?s allows it.?
I could only nod. I knew that I had made a difference with him. He stating that he will seek his and my parent?s permission showed me that he was on the road to become a better person.
Graduation takes place outside the campus. A few days before we are moved to small cabin where we are given time to write our graduation speech and try out gowns and suits for the male part.
I got a beautiful blue gown. My stay at the campus and long-term wearing a corset had given me a slim waist of 17 inches. Although we had corsets underneath, it was odd not being in a uniform. The hall had been prepared and we were lead in and placed beside the podium. I saw my parents sitting at a table and wave to them. Our head master came on stage and spoke to us about dignity, self-confidence and how we have been worked on an entire new outlook on us selves.
It became the dancers turn to come on stage. Brian performed so beautiful. My eyes caught tears. It was so emotional. When they were done, the dancers were hooded so they did not observe the secret part of the graduation ceremony.
Then it was our turn. I was first. I came on stage and took the word.
?When I first arrived here, it was with a mixed feeling of fear and anger. I was in denial and could not recognise the reasons for my parents sending me here. I was on a negative path towards isolation and low self-esteem. I took my life back home and my parents for granted. The program stripped me of my old defence, attitude and facade. Here in the program I found myself. I have worked and now I know that I have to hold myself accountable for my new goals and behaviours. I would like to thank my parents for sending me here and of course also the school for adding towards my healing.?
My father entered the stage and a guard rolled a bench on the podium. The headmaster took the word.
?Based on the century-old tradition of Taoist Dong Lung Gong, your father will give you a spanking for good luck in the future. One lash per year of age is given. Please take place on the bench.?
I was a little nervous but I could see that my father was also sweating. It was a twist neither of us had reckoned in. The guard cuffed me to the bench strapped me down. My gown was lifted so everyone in the hall could see my underwear. I blushed. The guard offered me a bit gag and I took it. They gave my father a sign to start. The first lash was very light, which cause the headmaster to tell my father that it would give me both good luck in the future and a symbolic kick into adulthood. So he started over again.
?One!? I was a shock. I moaned but tried not to scream. The head master whispered to my daddy. ?It was good. Try not to hit her twice at the same place.?
?Two!? ?Three!? ?Four!? I received a firm spanking. It hurt, but it was also a kind of relief. I had so much grief hidden inside me. I missed my family, my home, my old school. Now every lash brought me closer to my departure from the school.
?Fourteen! Fifteen! Sixteen!? I sobbed and my behind hurt so much. My father was panting. It had been hart on him too. While I was released the headmaster called my mother on stage. We were standing toward each other, when the headmaster urged us to hug each other. ?A lost child has returned. Please welcome your daughter into your family.? We all hugged and cried. Then we left for our table.
The other graduates went through the same procedure. When they all had been finished, the dancers were freed and performed yet another act. Then we ate and celebrated until midnight where we were picked up by busses. My parents had booked a room for me at the motel and I feel asleep almost at once.
The next morning my father showed me that he had bought some of the corsets I had worn. I knew it. I had to care of our lawn back home. I did not mind it, because I had learned that I - in order to live on my own at some point - would have to take on even more chores back home. I had matured. I was ready to go to college and even universities. We left Jamaica that evening.
You may ask me what became of Brian. Just after they had performed the last act, I kissed him before he had to go back. I promised that I would wait for him.
It had been 5 years since I left Meditation Inlet. Brian is here with me and we are living together. We got married a month ago. Brian graduated 3 months after me. I was allowed to go to his graduation ceremony and his father even gave me permission to give him a lash with the whip. We got to dance and even spent the night in the motel together. Of course without sex but our parents arranged for us to live together in my parent?s basement as any other couple.
Some will think that is kind of odd, but the only thing that had made our neighbours wonder is the weekly moving of the lawn. Every second week it is me that have pull the lawn mover in full harness, blinkers and bit gag. Brian guides me with the reins and of course I also earn a lash or two if I am naughty.
Next week it is his turn to be harnessed and I get a chance to use the whip.
Another side-effect from my stay is that I have to use a corset all time. My back hurts if I try to go without. Brian also uses a corset when he is working.
In the start I had difficulties bonding with people, but Paula visited us and gave me therapy. I am also in touch with Susan.
Some have asked me if I hold a grudge against my parents for sending me there. I will come to that. You have all read about the children returning home from a program saying that it had saved their lives. I used to think so in the start, but Paula?s therapy made me overcome it. Today I think that would have done as good as I did without the stay in the program. There is just one thing I couldn?t have done as good without the program. I control Brian. It turns him on to be harnessed and cuffed by me.
Unfortunately my parents got hurt in a traffic accident, so I have to send them to a nursing room. Where did I put the brochure? Oh, here it is ?Abu Ghraib nursing home? ? seems like a nice place.
As about 100.000 youngsters every year from the states, Debbie is sent to a
behaviour modification facility by her parents in order to adjust her way of
life. This is her story.
Honey! Wake up? It was my mother. I looked up. There were two strangers in the
room ? a man and a woman.
I was
confused. Who were they? I looked at the clock. It was three o?clock in the
?Betty. I
have found this nice boarding school for you. These people are your escort to
the school. Please be nice and follow their instruction. I have written a
letter for you with further explanation. I have to go now. I love you. Bye.?
She ran out
of the door. For a moment there was silence. Then I heard the front door. My
mother had left the house.
The man
stepped forward.
?Come out
of the bed and undress. You need to be prepared for the journey.? I stepped out
of the bed. They seemed much stronger than me and very strict. What was going
around and cross your arms on your back.? I did as I was told. I was so scared.
My mom had always told me not to talk with strangers and now she had turned me
over to these unknown people.
I felt them
grab my arms and put some leather around them. I later learned that it was some
kind of muff. They also put something that felt like leather cuffs on my upper
arms and I felt as they tighten some straps between the muff and the cuffs. I
had no use of my arms.
?What are
you doing? It hurt.? Actually it was bearable, but I was so scared, that I
almost was going to pee right there.
talk. Just do as you are told. Then it would go easy and smooth.? Suddenly they
pulled something over my head. It must be a leather hood. I tried to resist but
they both held me while the hood were laced tight. I could not see and barely
There was a
mouth opening and I started to yell for my mom. But then they inserted
something in my mouth. It tasted like rubber and filled almost my mouth
totally. It had at that point never sucked a dick, so I did not recognise that
it was a pecker gag.
I started
to sob. I was so afraid. What are they going to do to me?
Then I felt
something soft between my legs. It was some kind of padded underwear. I later
learned that it was a disposable diaper. They were just finishing when I felt
that they put leather cuffs on my legs. How were they expecting me to travel
when my legs were tied together?
They took
me under their arms and carried me between them. I did not know where they were
going. I felt the coolness of the night and I knew that they had carried me
outside. It was so shameful - Me in almost nothing in a public street. I cried
inside the hood.
They guide
me into a car and once inside, they strapped me tight. It was an unpleasant way
to ride.
I was
all-tearful inside the hood. Why had my parents done this to me?
My name is
Debbie and I am 15 years old. I am a single child. I live with my parents.
I have
always had good grades in school. I enjoy music and basketball. I have been on
my school team for year until I injured my knee. I turned my interest to
history and was a straight-A student. I don?t touch alcohol or any drugs.
Normally I didn?t go out. Not even to a movie.
But then I
met Brian at the Library. I know about my mother?s principles about boys. And I
respect her. I have never been with Brian outside the school.
However, a
month ago I asked if I could go to the movie with Brian. My mother went
ballistic. She felt betrayed because I had not told my about Brian and me
talking to him at school. She even claimed that I had slept with him in school.
I ? of course ? denied my false allegations.
I had to go
back to Brian and tell him that I couldn?t go. Some week after we broke up even
before we got to be a real couple.
In the
summer petrol price rose and my father decided that we should use a manual lawn
mower instead of a lawn tractor. Our lawn is huge (about
Then a week
ago, both my mother and my father confronted me just after breakfast and asked
me to take a drug test; they got from the local drug store. I had not problem
with it, because I am no drug user. I was rather surprised when it became
positive. Of course there was a lot of shouting. I thought that they had
falsified the test. It did not show the correct result.
My parents
were not convinced and took me to the doctor. We did a blood test and it was of
course negative. The doctor had written a note, where he explained that the
poppy seeds on the bread had cause the positive test and informed my parents
that such cheap test had a large margin of error.
So they
calmed down and I did expect our daily life to go on a usual. Well, that was
until now.
I could
sense that the car was moving. After a while I felt someone fiddle at the side
of the hood.
?Now you
can here me. The hood, you have on is an isolation hood. We decide for you to
hear, see and speak. If you behave nice, you will be able to see when we are in
the plane, if not: Get use to the darkness. I will remove the blindfold on the
hood, so you can read the letter from your mom explaining what is going on.?
He removed
the blindfold on the hood and held a letter from my mom up in front of my eyes.
You are
on your way to a boarding school on
You are going to take the
line of horsemanship. I know that you are afraid of such animals but in this
case there won?t be a problem.
You are
totally in control off when you are going to return. Work with the program and
you will be back in a year or work against it and you will be able to leave it,
when you are 18, but if you choose to, you are no longer our daughter.
follow the instructions given to you by your escort team. They are here to make
sure that nothing bad happens to you on your way to the program.
You will
be able to talk on the phone with us when you reach level
Mom and
Tears began
to pour down from the eye openings. The man from the escort company took a
paper tissue and wiped my eyes.
?Relax. I
know that it is hard but your safety is in our hand and it is very obvious that
your parents only have your best interest in mind.? He hugged me in an effort
to calm me down, but it did not help.
My parents
? my very own parents ? had sent me away from there home with a complete pair
of strangers. My entire world ? the safety of my house ? has been violated.
There was no safe place on earth for me anymore.
We drove
for a haft an hour when we entered a private airfield. A small airplane for 20
people stood ready and we went onboard.
I was
shocked. The inside looked like a scene from ?Con Air?. But in ?Con Air? the
prisoners was not hooded.
I was
followed to my seat. The muff and cuffs on my arms were removed. The man told
me to sit down and when I did he began to fasten straps across my stomach, my
arms and the cuffs on my legs were chained to some hooks in the floor. I could
not move. I needed to go to the toilet. I tried to make sounds but only
mumbling sounds gave out. Luckily he understood that I had some questions and
removed my gag.
?I need to
go to the toilet.?
?Just use
your diaper. That is what it is there for.?
?But, I
can?t. I need a toilet!?
?Use your
diaper. I don?t need that kind of disobedience.? He pushed the gag inside again
and fastened the blindfold as well as the ear part. I was totally isolated
again. 15 minutes later, I gave up and peed in the diaper. If I had not had the
hood on, everyone would see that I was red in the face from shame.
I felt the
plane move and although I have never flown before I guess that we were on our
way to our destination.
When we
landed I felt the plane stop and then it took forever until one of the guards
removed the ear part and explained that it would take sometime before the cab
to the school came. He ordered me to suck the gag because he was about to get
some water trough a tube in the gag.
I was
thirsty but the water tasted of rubber. It was awful.
The time
went by. I peed in my diaper once more. I sobbed out of pure shame. My diaper
was so wet and I was embarrassed.
Then I felt
arms around me. The ear part was once more removed.
?Relax and
be careful when you stand up. You have been sitting so long that there is a
chance that your legs can not support you.?
Once I was
up on my feet, the muffs and cuffs were put on again.
They guide
me out of the plane and over to a car. Then we drove for hours until the car
came to a stop.
Once I was
outside the car, the guard removed the blindfolds and I saw my future home for
the next period of my life.
?Welcome to
Meditation Inlet? After letting me rest for a moment; they guided me into the
main building.
Inside the
building, they placed me in an office. One of guards took the hood off. Then he
hugged me.
?Be brave,
my girl. You are going to be fine. Your parents love you or else they would not
have you taken here in order to save your life. I can see that you are afraid,
but this place will cure you from that kind of behaviour, that can ruin your
I was
stilled too shocked in order to answer.?
They left.
I waited.
Then a
strange short man entered the room with two of the guards from the school.
?Welcome to
Medication Inlet. This is your home until you graduate. Let me tell you how we
run this place. When I am finished you are free to ask, but when we leave this
office you have started the program and then each conversation must follow the
rules or you will face the consequences. Our program consists of four levels.
You start with nothing. Everything has to be earned by good behaviour. If you
work against the program, if you do not behave, you will be punished and lose
points and it will take longer before you reach next level. While trying to
pass on the next level, you will continue to study. Your parents have made
arrangement with your school so you now are a distance student. We have set up
a VPN-tunnel to your school. But beware: Our firewall monitors every attempt of
illegal mail or instant messaging. Every mail you write, we will read and
forward on your behalf. Understand!?
I nodded.
They had the upper hand. I have to wait for my chance. I had no plan but I
could run and try to make the best of it.
?First we
have level 1. You have few goals:?
?I hope
that you understand and complete them. But it is up to you. Do it and you are
on to level two. Don?t do it and you do not move on. There are also rules:?
?Now that
is about what I am going to tell you about the program so far. Do you have
I said no.
I just want out of here. He was obvious happy about hearing himself talking.
?Follow me.
We are going to find a school uniform to you.?
I followed
him down the hall, where two large women waited.
?Please go
inside this room and follow their instructions.?
I went in.
I was a very strange room. Two women waited in there.
undress. All your clothes please.?
I did as I
was told. At least it was unnecessary with a strip search.
?Move over
the women took each of my arms and put leather cuffs on them. The cuffs were
connected to some ropes, which were connected with pulleys in the ceilings.
They pulled the rope and my arm was forced in the air.
?Stop. What
are you doing??
Listen to what we are going to say to you. These cuffs are suspensions cuffs.
Hold on to them.?
They pulled
me off the ground. Then they took some cuffs, which were connected by a chain
to the floor and placed them on my feet. They continued to hoist me until my body
was stretched out.
?Stop. You
are going to tear me apart.?
Then the
man entered again. I blushed from shame. I have never exposed my body for any
man before.
?Let?s get
the uniform on her.? One of the women produced a stiff kind of leather piece
and put it around my body. I have seen such an item in magazines. It was a
corset but it looked a little different than a normal corset.
As soon as
they had wrapped it around my body they began to pull the laces. At once I felt
it as they were going to cut me in half.
is hurting me. You cannot do that. STOP!?
ignored my cries and tugged the laces every time I breathed out. After 5
minutes I did not have air to protest anymore. My outbursts were reduced to
silent grunts.
stopped. ?We are going to leave you now. The fabric has to rest.?
They left
and I was left sobbing. What had I done to deserve this? I only wanted to go to
the movie. It seemed like I was going to hang there forever. My arms hurt.
Finally they returned.
started to tug the laces once more. I began to experience tunnel vision. Then
all went black.
I woke by a
bitter smell. They had used smelling salt on me.
?Sto..? I
had no air. Every tug they made, forced a grunt from me. I was sure they were
going to kill me. Finally they stopped.
lowered me to the ground. At the bottom of the corset there was some kind of
flap hanging down. One of the women grabbed it from behind and pulled it
between my legs.
?We are
always expecting teenagers to abuse themselves. All though masturbation is
accepted, uncontrolled use may lead to unwanted sexual gathering. So we want to
decide time and place for your personal well-being.?
I had not
noticed it but there were D-rings on the leather corset and they applied
leather cuffs on my upper arms and my wrist and connected them to various
D-rings, so I was totally without the use of my arms.
In the end
they applied cuffs to my feet, and connected them with a chain, so I only could
take small steps. ?We won?t risk you running from us.? What were they thinking?
I could hardly breathe. I didn?t know where I was.
?Now for
the introduction phase. This stage we also call Observation Placement also
known as O.P. It is time for you to reflect on your behaviour and what you were
about to do to yourself before you were sent here. Observation Placement is
also used as punishment, whenever you don?t work with the program at any level
and as transaction period if you drop back in levels during the program.?
They guide
me down the hall and into a room with oddly looking furniture.
?What is
?That is a
toilet chair. You are going to be sitting here and think about your past for a
period. It is actually a help to you. We are fully aware that it is stressful
to be removed from your home with such a short notice. New country. New school.
All that. So this is going to calm you down so you can gather your thoughts and
do the task of level one as fast as possible. Take a seat.?
I sat in
one of the chairs. As soon as I was seated they unlocked the cuffs from my
corset and strapped me to the chair instead.
?The chair
is fully adjustable. You are going to be as comfy as possible. Please guide the
staff so they do it right or it will be painful in the long run.?
I was not
in a position to protest. They certainly seemed to mean business. So I played
along. There was nothing of a view in the room. In fact there were no windows.
So this would be boring, but how long could this take? A couple of hours? I had
to endure this, so I had a chance to investigate how to escape from this odd
place. Was this a school at all?
they had adjusted the chair. One from the staff removed the flap and I was
ready for O.P. Well, at least that is what I thought. Suddenly one of the men
pulled a leather hood down over my head. I started to protest, but they ignored
me completely and laced it tight. It had openings for my eyes and mouth. They
hold my head tight while they applied some kind of harness to it, so I could
not move my head.
I sobbed and
begged them to stop.
The man
spoke to me again. ?Well. I can fell a kind of resistance again the kindness we
are showing you. But you will learn discipline in time. Here is how its work:
You will be here for 3 times 8 hours. A senior student will check in on you
every hour with water and feed you 3 times a day. If you have to do, then do
it. The student will also clean you when you are finished. We are going to
leave you when we are finished.?
applied a blindfold to the hood and something entered my mouth. It tasted of
rubber. I was later told that is was a pecker gag.
There was
silence. Nothing happened. I tried to pull my restraints, but they had left me
totally immobilized. My thoughts were torturing me. What had I done to deserve
this? My stomach hurt due to the fact that it was so compressed. I cried but I
some point I got so tired and exhausted that I fell into sleep.
?Hello? I
woke. Still darkness. ?Please move your fingers on the left hand if you hear
me.? I did.
?I am Susan
and I am a level 4 student. I am your mentor and future trainer. Please, work
with me or I have to punish you in order to avoid being punished myself. I am
going to remove the gag. Please do not start to talk to me. It is against the
rule. I have to start every conversation.?
She removed
the gag. I did not dare to speak.
?So. I am
going to provide you with some drinking. And I will ask you if you have some
questions. You may ask them now.?
?Where am
?You are on
a boarding school called Meditation Inlet. It is placed on
?But I
don?t know what I am going to do. What if I don?t make it before I turn
Hush. Calm down. You will make it. You are still so young. Most students are
back in their homes in a year. However, some it sent here too late and they are
offered an exit plan.?
?Yes. If
they choose not to stay here, when they turn 18, they are given a little money
and a plane ticket to the states and just have to continue in life without
their family. Your parents are attending courses too because your demise is
partially caused by their behaviour and their first lesson is to cut you
totally off, if you don?t complete the program.?
?That is
gruesome. I have not done anything wrong.?
?See that
is denial. All people had done something wrong during their life. Those, who
are wise acknowledge them and take responsibility. All actions have
consequences you know. Take responsibility for your actions and grow up while
passing this program. Now I am going to feed you with soup. Beware it is hot.?
She put the
spoon to my mouth. It was not too hot. I ate slowly because I had no use of my
eyes and I have to feel the spoon near my mouth. When I was finished she asked
whether I was thirsty and after a drink, she said some comforting words and put
the gag inside again. I was in darkness again.
At some
point during the day I had to pee. It was humiliating. I had not choice. I peed
and after a while I felt someone wipe me in my private parts. I sobbed out of
pure humiliation.
The time
passed on and Susan came with more water. This was torture. Just pure darkness
and I lost track of time. Suddenly a panic attack struck me. I pulled
desperately again my bonds. I even tried to scream, but it was impossible with
the little air I had in my lunges and with the gag in my mouth.
I must have
gotten in shortage of air due to the corset, because the next I knew was that I
was waked by the familiar smelling salt once more.
?Hey. It is
Susan again. I had passed out. I saw you panic attack. It is common and nothing
to worry about. Here. I have soup for you and remember no talking before I ask
you to.?
I finished
the soup and just before the gag was put in, she tried to cheer me up. ?Hold
on. This is the last leg for today. Next time you will be freed and then it is
off to bed.?
I must have
drifted away again because suddenly I had this sharp bright light in my eyes.
It took some time before I could recognize something in the room. There she
was. Susan was a girl with dark hair about 17 years old, but she looked like a
small girl with my hair put up in rat tales. My waist was so tight. She later
told me with pride that it was laced down to
A guard
helped Susan with the task of getting out of the chair. I had difficulties with
standing. My legs felt too weak but at last I was standing as before with my
arms in restraints and bound to the corset. ?Let?s get you to your bed so you
can sleep.?
After a
long walk, where Susan supported me and guided me because I was about to
stumble several times due to my chained legs, we reached the dormitory. There
were eight beds in the room. I was guided to one of them. Susan hooked a chain
connected to the bed to the cuffs on my legs. My arms were freed but Susan took
some gloves and put them over my hands. They were closed with a small padlock.
Susan saw the question in my face and answered it before I would break the
rules. ?These gloves will just prevent you from tampering with the stays. Open
your mouth.?
When I did
as I was told a huge gag ball was forced into my mouth. I tried to say
something, but Susan put my finger up as a sign for me to shut up.
?You will
find that the ball is hollow. You will have no problems with breathing. Of
course there will be some drooling but the main thing is to prevent you from
talking to other student when teachers and level four students are not around.
Now sleep well. Goodnight.?
She left. I
was exhausted so I feel asleep very fast.
morning I woke by some noise. I sat up and saw that all the beds were occupied.
Susan was already up and was about to take one of the students out of the
dormitory. A guard worked on the next students. I could see that all the
students were gagged. I felt dry in my mouth and sore in my jaws. I could see
the wet spot on my pillow where I had drooled all night long.
One after
one the students was fetched by Susan. I tried to look some of them in their
eyes but they just seemed to stare with empty eyes. I catch one of the girls
looking directly at me and I looked into the saddest eyes I ever had seen.
Finally it
was my turn. Not surprisingly we went back to O.P. When all the stuff was in
place, Susan asked me if I had a question. One was on my minds. ?When do I get
to take a bath? I used to shower once a day.?
?Well we
girls shower every Friday. The boys do it on Saturday. The rest of the time we
just get to wash our faces. Remember that you don?t have a lot of clothes on.
The smell is not all that bad. Now use time is in O.P to reflect on your life.?
Another 8
hours were spent in darkness. I fell asleep twice. I lost track of time. I even
got a panic attack more. Susan took care of me and cleaned me off when I had to
empty my bowels. In the evening, it was back to my bed.
Day three
was a copy of day two. Somehow 8 hours did not feel like 8 hours anymore. I had
lost counts of the number of times Susan attended me and was quite surprised
when she released me from the chair in the evening.
On my way
back to the dormitory, she placed my hand on my shoulder. ?Look. You are doing
just fine. You are now on phase one. Finish those tasks there are placed on you
and you are soon off to the horsemanship program.?
The next
morning Susan followed me down to a large dining hall, where she unhooked the
cuffs at my wrist so I had a little use of my forearms. It was not much of a
breakfast. Just a kind of vegetable soup and a cup of tea, but it were Ok to
survive on.
breakfast I was follow to a room where 5 other girls were sitting in chairs. It
was a kind of a group therapy session. All sat quiet until Susan introduced me.
?This is Debbie. She is joining our group. Shall we take the circle around?
Ann! You can start.?
?Hey I am
Ann. I am a recovering brat and I have been good for 5 month.? The next girl
went on.
?I am
Patricia. I am a recovering brat and I have been good for 4 weeks and 1 one
day.? So they continued until it was my turn. I thought I could play along.
?I am
Debbie. I am a recovering brat and I have been good for 3 days.?
interrupted. ?Bravo Debbie. Shall we give my applause?? They applaud.
Soon after
all had introduced themselves and now it was about the agenda for today.
Today?s subject was boyfriends.
Susan asked
Patricia to start. Patricia told the group how she had been dating a guy for
some time and one day he had lured her to his parent?s house, where he had
offered her a drink from his parent?s drinks cupboard. She had never tasted
alcohol before and it didn?t take long before the surroundings were blurred. He
used the situation and had sex with her. Susan interrupted her.
?You know
that you were not entirely without blame here. Guys are just like that.
Whenever a girl gets raped, she is somehow to blame. They should take more care
of themselves and regard purity as the most important element in their life. It
is all about preserve yourself to your future husband.?
?I know and
it was dreadful.? Patricia started to cry. ?I felt dirty.?
I put my hand
in the air. Susan motioned for me to talk. ?What happened to the guy??
?After I
came back to my parents and broke down they took contact to his parents. Our parents
took care of us and placed us both here. A trial would have damaged us both. I
could have risk a punishment too because I was an under-aged drinker.?
?Is he
Susan interrupted. ?I think it would be a good idea to get him here.? She called
a guard. 5 minutes later a hooded boy entered the room. Debbie almost fell down
from my chair. Never in a million years had she seen such a bizarre sight. A
boy in a corset. Susan noticed my astonishment. ?Yes. Boys are also wearing a
The guard
removed the blindfold and the pecker gag on the hooded boy and guided him to an
extra chair. Susan took the word.
welcome to Joe in this session. He is just coming from O.P. He is not doing well
in the program. It is something with taking responsibility for his actions. But
why not let him tell his story with his own words.? She signalled Joe to start.
?I guess
that it is about the evening this mess is about. I was and still am in love
with Patricia. I had talked to some of the guy in town of how to get her to
loosen up a little. They told me that they normally get the girl to drink a
bottle or two of beer. But somehow beer was not her taste. So we tried with cocoa
liqueur instead. After 2 glasses she seemed tired and I made my move. But we
had used beer glasses and I did not realize that glasses for that kind of
alcohol usually are much smaller and she was half-unconscious. I believed that
she consented.?
interrupted ?But she didn?t and that is exactly her fault. She brought herself
into a situation where she was unable to protect herself. That is not your
fault. That is my fault.?
Joe tried
to protest. ?But I served her the alcohol.?
?Yes. But
she did choose to drink it. That is why the legal age of drinking is 21. She is
to blame but of course you also are blame. Do you know, what your fault is??
He didn?t
reply. It was obvious that he did not know.
?I guess
you lack self-confidence so you have to turn to kinds of anaesthetic to archive
what you want in this world. I have read Patricia?s file and I know that it is
the wishes of both pair of parents that we can make a couple out of you in the
end. But your relationship has to be based on a different foundation for it to
last. Do you have anything to say to Patricia before you are off to O.P??
He looked
directly at Patricia with tears in his eyes. ?I am so sorry. I still love you
and if I had known what they would do to us I never would have made the move.?
?Sure. Take
him back.? Susan did not believe him. Unbeknown to the group, she had been the
victim of a rape because she had sneaked out of her parent?s house to see a
nine-of-clock movie. The depression that followed her rape because she didn?t
dare to tell her parents about the rape led to her grades dropping
dramatically. Her parents took action and send her here, where she confessed to
the rape during therapy. She learned that she had punished herself by not do
what my parents had ordered her to. It was her action that led to her rape. By
realising her responsibility towards herself, she was able to heal herself. She
was now on level 4 and ready to graduate next month.
A sound
brought Susan back to the present. Patricia had started to cried. Susan knew
that it was a good sign. By admitting guilt she could turn herself back on the
right track.
continued what I regarded as a kind of brainwashing session for a half hour
before Susan adjourned the meeting.
Other level
four students and guards fetched the girls and Susan guided me into a kind of large
office with small cubicles. They selected an empty one and inside there was a
computer and a small desk. Susan had two short chains, which allowed me to have
a little free movement of my forearms after Susan had put them between my
corset and the cuffs on my wrists.
activated the computer and informed me of my password. All necessary programs
for me to study as a distance student were present. A guard came with a box.
?Your parents have sent us all your schoolbooks. This cubicle is your workplace
for the rest of your stay, so I will put them up on these shelves.?
Susan spend
about 15 minutes introducing me to the system and several time she pointed out
that all internet traffic is monitored and either email and web-mail were
possible without every single mail being censored. If a student would attempt
to send unauthorised email, it will result in 3 x 8 hours in O.P.
Susan left
with a remark about that I should work on both school work and my level one
task, if she wanted to have a chance of getting to level two.
I spent the
rest of the day getting my homework in order. I had always tried to have my homework
in order. After all I had a whole week of work to catch up. It was hard but it
also distanced me from the torment of being sent to this bizarre place by my parents.
Every day
seem to go as the day before. I woke up and was escorted to breakfast. Then it was
off to the cubicle where I studied until lunch. After lunch is was to the
cubicle until dinner. If I had to use the toilet, I should just raise my hand
and a guard followed me to the toilet. Two times a day a small trolley came by
with water or tea. All orders had to be made by pointing on a sign. No talking was
allowed in the office area. Beside Susan, I never spoke to anyone during the
Her work
came along fine, but the personal tasks didn?t.
I didn?t
know what I had done in order to earn this punishment. Five days into Level one
I broke down and the guard called Susan.
escorted me down to the beach for us to be alone. Looking out on the
?Oh. That
is the Mormons place. It is another behaviour modification institution. It is
quite infamous. You must have heard about it. It is that place where O.P. in
lying on the ground on your stomach with only a pillow to support your head and
the pillow was even something the government here on
?I am
sorry. Don?t punish me.?
?Because we
are alone, I will let you go this time. Breaking this rule would have meant 8
hours in O.P. But what is wrong with you? I thought that you were a quick
learner. You have not acknowledged that you need to work with your self so you
can heal.?
?I don?t
know what I have done wrong. I am 15 years old. A lot of my classmates have
done a lot of bad things including drug use, drinking and sex. I have done
nothing of such things. I don?t know what to write.?
?You have
been disobedient to a start. Try to remember all kind of conflicts and see the
point from your parents view even if you don?t feel that they were right.
Parenthood is something that last until you are 18. Not a second before.?
?How will I
ever become an adult if I am not allowed to even discuss items, which is quite
normal to a teenager??
?That is
not the question in such institutions you are at here. The only question is how
you are going to please your parents and by this behaviour in fact please
yourself so you can return home. Please do it for yourself. I should not say it
but you can always act out when you are 18. By accident, I got my hands on a
survey that shows that most behaviour modification courses don?t have a lasting
effect. ?
?What are
you saying - That I should fake it??
?Yes. Most
of us had real problems. I know I had one. I have read your file and honest: I
can not understand the reason of why you were sent here.?
I looked
out over the ocean. ?If I am going to fake it I need clue of what to write.?
Susan handed me a small note. Memorise these clue words and tear up the paper
and eat it.?
?Eat it??
?Eat it!?
looked at it. It read: Movie, sex,
relation, lawn.
As I chewed
on the paper, I was still a question mark. Susan hugged me. ?Remember to see
the issue as if you are the parent, when you write your paper.? We were
interrupted by another scream coming from across the bay. ?Exactly what are
they doing to those poor children across the bay??
?Look it up
on Wikipedia. You have access to it. It is an approved site. It something with World Wide. They call it a school but
they had created some bogus accreditation institution not recognized by the
board in
We walked
back to school.
It took
four days before I had finished my tasks and graduated to level two.
breakfast Susan took me outside the school building. As they came closer to the
stables I had a confession to make. ?I am afraid of horses. I don?t know why my
parents had chosen a horsemanship program.?
they just want you to confront your fears but no worry you won?t come near to a
?Wait and
When we
entered the stables my jaw dropped. A lot of students had bridles on and was
lead around by other students. ?What is this??
?This is
pony-girls and -boys. They are able to pull carts, ploughs, harrow and even
large lawn movers. Get the big picture.?
I now knew
the main reason of why she was sent here. My thrifty dad wanted to save petrol
to his lawn mover. Susan at once noticed that I was about to explode and
quickly interfered. ?Calm down at once or you will end up back in O.P! Curb
your feelings at once!?
I subdued
my anger and followed Susan over to a guard. Instead of the cuffs they put my arms
in something they called an arm-binder. My leg-irons came off. It was hard for
my shoulders. ?Before I gag you, I am going to explain what you are going to do
in week one. I don?t know whether you were much of an athlete, but you will be
in good form, when this week is over.? She pointed at something which looked
like a carousel. ?This is a walker. We are going to hook you on to it and you
just have to walk round and round until we disconnect you again.?
?I don?t
want to do it. I will rather choose O.P.?
?Well that
leaves us no choice. Look at the wall over here. This is enlargement of the
paragraphs of the contract your parents signed with the school. It states that
we can give you a nose ring or piercing in the nipples so we can attach a leach
there. It is your choice how pleasant this experience should be. Your parents
ordered horsemanship program for you and that we will give you in one way or
?I have
changed my mind. Connect me.?
?Not so
fast. I have noticed that you have a stopped-over posture. We have to fix
that.? The guard handed me a collar. ?Lift your head.? She put it on and it was
impossible for me to lower my head. ?Now ? That is way better.? As a final
touch they inserted a bit gag which was a part of a head harness in my mouth.
They took
me over to the walker and connected a leash hanging down from the apparatus to
the top of the head harness, where there was a small D-ring. I began to walk.
Round and round I went in a slow pace. After a little while Susan returned.
?Now you have adjusted to the pace. Next thing to fix is your walk. You need to
raise your feet more and not walk like you are dragging your feet along the
earth.? She had a whip and motioned me to raise my knees. I tried my best but I
was tired. However a quick stroke with the whip woke me at once. ?Don?t make me
hurt you for real. You have an hour left to the lunch break.?
I panted as
I continued with the walk. Susan had to use the whip a couple of times before I
was disconnected so I could have my lunch.
I expected
to be guided over to the dining hall but instead I was lead down to the stable
where there was an empty box. Inside the box there was a small table with a plate
with porridge. ?You are now a horse, so you will eat like a horse during level
2. That means porridge because raw corns after all would not give you sufficient
food so you have strength to deal with the demand you will be met with. You can
drink over here.? She showed me something that looked like it belonged in
rabbit cage. She put my mouth up to it and drank in order to show me how it
should be done.
When the
bit was removed I started to eat and without my hands and it was not easy.
After an hour Susan got back. ?I forgot to remove the leather flap between your
legs. If you have to empty your bowels just do it. Level three students will be
here and clean it.? I was followed back to the walker and the rest of the day
went learning how to walk in a proper manner.
In the
evening I was guided back to the stable. After dinner the arm binder came off
and the cuffs came on instead. I was locked inside the box and ordered to sleep
in the hay. It was nice to sleep without a gag ball in my mouth and tired of
the hard training, I fell asleep almost at once.
Early next
morning I woke by someone knocking on the wooden wall in the box. It came from
the box next to me.
I looked at
wall and found a little knot with a small hole. I looked into the eye of a girl
looking just as old as my self. ?Who are you?? I whispered.
?You don?t
have to whisper. You are on level two. We are allowed to talk when we are in
our stables. By the way: I am Judith. What were you sent here fore??
?I was
disobedient according to my parents and trying to have the privileges of an
adult too soon.?
?It seems a
little unfair to send you here for normal teenager behaviour. I was skipping
school and smoke dope regularly.?
We heard
footsteps. It was the guards. When we were wearing the arm binder again, Judith
made a last comment before the bit gag came in. ?Maybe if you do fine, you will
earn your tail within the end of the week.?
I didn?t
know what she meant and I was off alone to the walker. My stomach had been
acting very odd and it did not take long before she got diarrhoea. It ran down
my leg but apart from a corseted boy removing the most from the ground, nobody
seemed to care. My skin became irritated and just to make it worse a guard
noticed that she did not lift my feet high enough from the ground. I almost
stumbled when he gave me a lash with the whip on my buttock.
It was so
unfair. Tears began to run down over my cheeks. I sobbed but the guard was merciless.
I received another lash and then another. I felt it like she was going to pass
out when Susan entered and asked the guard what was wrong. After a little chat,
she came over to me and released me. Luckily it was time for my coffee break,
but first Susan called the boy over and ordered him to clean me.
The boy
took me to a kind of bathroom with kind of frame. I was placed in the frame and
he attached some straps to my corset and tightened them so I couldn?t move.
Then he took a hose. It was cold water and he washed my legs and my private
parts which made me scream out of shock. Susan entered the bath room and told
the boy to clean me so an accident was less likely to happen. He went behind my
and suddenly I felt a little pain when something passed my sphincter. I was
shocked and soon I felt liquid enter my bowels. The pressure built up inside me
and I began to sweat. I groaned in the gag and bit very hard on it when the
discomfort changed into stomach pain. The fluid stopped and Susan came close to
my face. ?Please don?t spill any of the water while I prepare you or you will
regret it.? I was relieved when the foreign body was taken out of me and I
tried to avoid spilling any of the water. But then another thing entered me. It
was bigger and it was painful. I groaned and tried to move away. The pain
increased. It was pushed very slowly inside me. I began to sob. Suddenly it was
inside. Susan talked again. ?It was a butt plug just to make sure that you
don?t spill it too soon. We will leave you now for 10 minutes.? They both left.
I began to
sweat. The pain in my stomach continued to build up. Soon it became unbearable.
I cried but I could move. I cried and shouted for my parents even though that I
knew that they were 1000 of miles away. I passed out when I ran out of air.
Susan later
told me that they returned after 10 minutes and found me unconscious. Susan
brought me back with some smelling salt. The boy had an apron,
padded me on my cheek. I was released and followed down to a little kitchen
where Susan removed the gag and served me a glass of water with a straw. I was
thirsty and I drank the whole glass before I asked about the pain in my behind.
?What is a butt plug?? If Susan had not known that I was the well-behaved girl
in this place, she would have been surprised. She explained that it was a kind
of think dildo with a thin base and it was a proper treatment so my stomach
problems did not delay my progress at the school.
?But it
?Get use to
it. You will wear it until you earn your tail.?
I resumed
my training at the walker. I was tired and the guard was on to me all the time.
He gave me several stripes with the whip because I couldn?t raise my legs high
When Susan
released me from the walker that evening I collapsed. The boy helped Susan with
me and once inside the box, they nurse me so I recovered and was able to eat a
little. However, I was fast asleep.
morning, when I was chatting through the knot with Judith, Susan entered the
box looking rather official and she had an announcement: ?Today you will be
tested and if you pass the test your parents will come for a visit unannounced.
Also you will earn your tail, so do you best.?
After I was
prepared I was followed out of the stable. For some reason they did not made me
wear a gag. In front of my stood a small a single seat cart.
The boy
came around with a heavy leather harness which they dressed me in. I had been
barefooted all time since she entered the school because it was a safety
precaution against runaways. Now the boy fitted me with long leather boots.
They looked kind of strange and when I took some steps, I saw that they made
horseshoe shaped prints in the sand.
The final
touch was a white leather hood with openings for my eyes and mouth. In the top
long strips of leather was hanging down, making my head look like a kind of
artificial tale mounted up there. Blinkers came on and last but not least the
mandatory bit gag was shovelled in. Reins were connected to the bit. I was
ready to go.
Susan took
seat in the Cart and I started to walk. After several weeks on bare feet, I had
some difficulties to walk in boots. However, I adjusted and after an hour it
felt as I had used such boot all my life. Of course, Susan motivated me a
little with the whip, but I was by nature a quick learner.
Soon Susan
guided the cart to the main gate and for the first time since I entered the
facility, I left the campus. We took a small gravel road after a half hour we
came to a field. Susan stopped for a break. She had a of bottle water which she
held in order for me to drink after the bit were removed. Due to the blinkers,
I hadn?t notice much of the surroundings and when I looked about, I noticed a lot
of students with pickaxes and rakes weeding the fields.
?I did not
know that students were allowed outside the campus.?
?You are
mistaken. Level 3 and 4 have chores in the field. Lower levels have a flight
risk, so they are kept inside the campus. As a student on higher levels there
are simply too much at stake, so there are no idea in trying to escape. Where
should you go? This is
?Yes. I had
to admit, that I had you under suspicion of planning an escape. So I decided
that I better had to disclose where you are before you do something stupid.?
I began to
cry. It was my only chance of getting my self out of here, she smashed.
She hugged
me and padded me. ?Oh. Debbie. I know it is hard, but you could so much worse
off. There are other boarding schools for so-called troubled kids and your home
could have been a cement floor for months or a dog cage. Here you at least get
to study normal books and not some odd bible stuff. You have not lost your
chance of an education like most other kids in these facilities.?
?But I miss
my home.?
?You are
already on level two. Just two more levels and you can graduate. Come on! Pull
your self together and start your work by earning your tail.? She inserted the
gag again.
The trip
continued and Susan ordered the pace up. I panted and I had difficulties to
meet the demands Susan had put on me. When we could see the school, Susan
yelled to me. ?When you reach the white line painted on the road sprint as you
had never done before.?
They passed
the white line and I ran as fast as I could. I could only take so little air
into my lunges due to the corset so I panted and experienced shortness of
breath. I was on verge of passing out, when we reached the gate. The boy stood
there with a stopwatch and he nodded to Susan. I sank onto my knees having lost
my breath.
The boy
came to me. ?Congratulation: You have earned your tail.?
10 minutes
after, I had recovered and we went to the stable were I was freed from the
cart. Still wearing all the equipment, they took me into the bathroom, where
two guards came over and held me tight. Susan removed the butt plug. ?Now it is
time for your tail. Bite hard on the gag, if it hurts.?
I felt the
pain in my sphincter. I tried to twist myself loose, but it was of no use. The
pain continued. It was almost unbearable. Were they going to cut me open?
Suddenly it slipped inside me. It was very uncomfortable. The guards release me
and Susan took me over a large mirror. I could not believe my eyes. It was a
horsetail mounted on a butt plug.
?Yes. It
looks odd and it properly feels a little odd. Every morning until graduation
when you are not working in school, the tail will go in and it will stay there
until you return from the fields. It will come out when you go to sleep. You
should be proud. Pulling a plough is a job which brings food to the school. Now
you have an hour in the walker. Because you have been pushed to hard today,
your body needs to calm down, before you shower, eat and goes to sleep.?
That evening
I talked to Judith about me realising that I would not get out early. I
resented my parents by sending me here. I was bitter. Judith tried to calm me
down. ?You will end up in O.P.?.
?But why
did they hate me so much that they wanted to lock me up??
parents have so much going on in life and it is a two-income society so they
can not create a surplus so they can connect to their own family. Out of pure
kindness they instead removed threat ahead of the child?s path so it wouldn?t
face them and the parents would have to debate and mentor them in overcome the obstacles.
Such parents are called curling parents because they sweep obstacles away from
the child.?
?Now that
you mention it I have always been very much alone at my house outside school.
Whenever I mentioned sport or other leisure-time activities they have had put
the subject out until I gave up.?
?There you
see. But eventually a child grows up and will face adult challenges like
relationship, alcohol and drugs. If the child is proper raised and dressed to
face obstacles, then it wouldn?t be a problem. But some parents stick to the
track of sweeping problems away and would take extreme precautions and lock
their child up. They would do so because they love their child.?
?They have
sent me here because they love me??
?It?s sick!?
?Yes, we
are all humans. I am tired. We can talk in the morning.?
?Debbie ?
Wake up?
It was
Susan. As I left the box, I stood ready to be harnessed. But Susan took my
hand. ?Not today. You are going to see something extraordinary.?
We went to
the other end of the stable. As we walked Susan started to talk. ?Remember
Patricia from Group therapy? There has been some development in the case. Their
parents had been in business for years and they have decided that Patricia and
Joe must settle their disagreements and try to make up so they can end up being
a couple in some years when they become adults.?
I was
shocked. Joe had raped poor Patricia. Not in a million years would I accept a
guy back that have molested me and crossed my boundaries. ?How can they make
up, when Joe has done such a horrible thing??
?You will
see. By the way - Have you actually seen an intercourse before??
?No.? Why
did she ask me such an indecent question?
When we
arrived, I saw an astonish sight. Joe has been tied up on a trestle. He was hooded
and the rest of him was naked. The boy, which always seemed to be around the
stable came with an odd-looking kind of pillow. When he did unwrap it and
placed it on Joe, I saw that it was a kind of protection-device. It framed his buttocks
and protected the kidney area on his back. Patricia walked around and talked to
herself in an attempt to gain self-confidence.
Susan went
over to her and talked quietly. She padded Patricia on her shoulder and handed
her a whip. It was a cat-o'-nine-tails.
moved into position. After a moment of quietness she threw the first lash. It
struck Joe on his left buttock. His body shocked. Murmur came from inside the
hood. He turned his head as he trying to say no. It was obvious that he was in
The second
lash came. His body tensed up. I moved closer to him. The hood was an isolation
hood. As the third lash hit him I was sure that I heard a suppressed scream. I
moved around him and stood only a meter from him. His buttocks were in fact
shaking. The fourth lash hit him. His buttocks were reddish. Oh ? she sure must
hate him.
The fifth
lash struck him. Then I noticed something that surprised me. Actually I had
never seen a penis live before. I was a single child and of course I have seen
pictures in school books. But his was the first that I saw live. And it became
erect. The sixth lash hit him and I noticed that it looked moistly.
?Stop - It
is enough.? Susan interrupted. Patricia looked exhausted. But it was not over.
The boy freed Joe?s legs and gave him a pair of latex trousers on. It had a
shed to the penis and after some problems with the fitting he was ready.
One of the
guards guided Patricia over to a gynaecologist chair and she was strapped down
on her back. Susan gave me a strange device. ?It is a vibrator. I will show you
how to use it. Here at school the policy is strictly Victorian age, as for sex.
Before 1920 it was common for women to go to a doctor and get a cure from an
illness which was formerly known as hysteria ? now as sexual dissatisfaction. The doctors used a vibrator on certain parts
of the patients so the women in order to fix the problem. Before we fulfil the
wishes of their parents and bond them, we must make Patricia overcome the
mental block caused by the rape. Let me show you how to use the device.?
Susan put a
similar isolation hood on Patricia. It had a built in gag ball. Patricia was
nervous. Although she couldn?t talk, her eyes told me that. I will never forget
those pleading eyes when I buckled the blindfold on.
We started
the work and I soon learned how sensitive certain areas of a woman?s body are.
Suppressed moaning sounds came from within the hood. I had to be careful
because as Susan told me, pressing the vibrator to hard against her would cause
pain instead of pleasure. Something I did do right, because her body became
covered with sweat.
She was
beginning to shake a little when Susan motioned for the guard to come with Joe.
They had cuffed his hands on his back. However there was a little problem. His
penis was not erect anymore. Susan knew how to fix it. ?Debbie. Let me handle
the vibrator and kneel.?
I did as I
was told and the guards were there at once sliding an arm binder over my arms.
They moved Joe in front of me so his latex covered penis was just on level with
my mouth. ?Lick it!?
?But I
can?t. It is disgusting.?
?You can.
Lick it. For good sake - Pull your self together. You wouldn?t be at danger.
You are almost 16. Several countries have set the age of consent to 15. The
school has promised your parents two things: 1) You will have no psychical
contact with a male. 2) You will learn how to be a good, decent and obedient
wife. The service, you will provide is expected by every normal wife.?
?No but. Or
you will drop a level or even end up in O.P.?
I took the
latex covered penis in my mouth. It was difficult because I had no use of my
arms. I licked and sucked the best I could. It tasted awful. But it worked and
soon it became hard against. I could fell the warm from inside.
?Stop now.
See ? that wasn?t so bad.?
The guard
helped me up again and the other guided Joe close to Patricia. Susan moved the
stirrups so her private parts was totally exposed and helped his penis inside
her. He started to work on her. Patricia moaned quietly inside the hood. I
could see that Joe was excited. He was sweating and panting. It did take long a
grunt came from Joe. ?Debbie: See, there he came. It is called Le Petit Mort or the little death. He is in heaven. However, we
must work a little more on Patricia. Often men come quicker than women.?
The guards
made me kneel at her wet love-channel and Susan ordered me to lick. It did not
taste so bad. It was bearable. Patricia body began to shake and the moaning
sounds from inside the hood became louder. Susan asked me to stop. ?She is
experiencing an orgasm right now.? Patricia?s body went limp. ?She passed out
from pleasure.?
evening I spoke to Judith. I was confused. I was sent here because my parents
were afraid of me having a sexual relationship. Now I have seen more genitals
and had been closer to a sexual act that I have been before in my life. Then
Judith told me about an organisation her uncle became a part of. His parents
did suspect him of drug use, which were totally without cause. The uncle was to
emotional abused that he in fact became a drug user after having her about
other users experience during group therapy sessions. It is normal that
repeated false accusations results in the exact that kind of behaviour which
all wants to avoid.
suddenly said something, which made me think. ?What if their actions had
nothing to do with you being disobedient? What is they had realised that you in
fact was too naive and too vulnerable to the adult world.?
?I don?t
know. I am too confused.? She had upset me. I told her that I was tired and
want to sleep. However, I turned and twisted in the hay. It took forever before
I went to sleep.
passed and every day looked by the other. Five days a week I worked as a pony
girl and two days I spent at the school working alone in order to catch up with
school work. It was hard doing five days work in just two days, but I managed.
After all I studied up 12-14 hours per day instead of 5-8 hours per day.
Those days
I worked as a pony girl also were the same. After the painful routine of
inserting the tail, I spent the morning at the walker. Afternoon I worked in
the fields. I hated to pull the plough. I was very hard because our boots were
not intended to the soft ground and we were often only two horses per plough.
It was much better to be a part of a team pulling a carriage or a cart
transporting guards or teachers.
I didn?t
see Susan very often. She was about to graduate. One day a guard took me to a
two-seater cart. Normally it was normal that there were a least one horse per
passenger, so I found a little odd, but I had been a hard week so I did not
think a lot about it.
We rode for
a while a stopped in the front of a small motel. The guard came over a closed
my blinkers. They normally did that when we stopped outside the school and the
field so we should not encourage other people to talk to us by catching their
So I waited
in darkness until I suddenly heard familiar voices. The blinkers were opened
and my parents stood in front of me. I started to cry. They hugged me. Of
course I had a lot to talk with them about, but still I had the bit gag in the
?Honey - We
are going for a ride. Then we can talk undisturbed.?
They placed
themselves in the cart and we took off. After a while we came to a small glade.
They freed me from the cart and took the gag out.
?Mom! Pop! Oh,
I am so glad to see you. I have missed you.?
?We too -
Pumpkin. There has not been a single day, we didn?t think about you. Numerous
times, we had doubt about sending you here, but the weekly calls about your
progress had calmed us down.?
?It had
been hard!?
?Yes, we
knew that it was not going to be easy. But we had to save you from doing
something that would have put you in danger. We decided to save you from
?From what?
What was I about to do that could endanger my life??
?My Dear.
Since you were a little girl, we had encouraged you to work hard in school. You
were and still are very good. The world stood open for you. But it had a price.
You were isolating yourself. Not that it was a problem. If you stuck to your
course a place at Yale or Harvard would be in reach. Then suddenly, you became
interested in boys. It was an undiscovered land for you.?
?But I was
not going to have sex with him or something like that.?
?You think
so and that is because you are both young and na?ve. I as your father know boys
always want.?
?Brian was
not so.?
?We have
new about Brian, but that has to wait. We could not just stand and wait for you
to throw your life away so we decided to send you some place where you were
protected from the dangers. We had studied a lot of different places before we
decided on this one. It could solve another problem for our household too.?
?The lawn??
?The lawn!
It is big and petrol costs.?
I sat down
and cried. How could they be so uncomprehending and insensitive? My mother sat
down beside me and comforted you. ?It is for your own best and deep inside you
know it.?
I tried to
pull me together. ?Why have you chosen a school where I see people practicing
sex? Look at my butt! See what they have done!? I held up my tail.
coughed slightly. ?That part with the small print, I did not read. I hope it
doesn?t hurt. We knew that the horsemanship program meant that you would pull
the cart. Later at parents seminars we discovered the tail part and the risk of
piercing or nose-ring. Fortunately, you were spared for the last ones. However,
we don?t regret our choice of school. You are not falling behind your academic,
which is almost always the case at other Therapeutic Boarding Schools. They
don?t use violence or make your lie on your flat stomach all day long. The
program makes you fit. You have lost weight.?
?It is this
evil corset.?
?Not all of
it. Keeping you away from the temptations was the best choice we could make.
Period! Let?s stop the fight. You are not going to change our mind by any kind
of manipulation. We have after all attended seminars held by the school in
order to make us better parents. By the way: Your future husband will be proud
of that waistline.?
I walked
around a little. They acted almost brainwashed fully convinced that they had
saved my life.
?I have
prepared food for us.? It was mom. She had brought a picnic basket along and we
sat down and had lunch. Still I was confused. My mind was racing like hell.
?How do I get home again??
?That is
what we wanted to talk with you about. You are on level two now. Soon you will
be at level three and you will start to train students at lower levels. That
takes us back to Brian. We have been talking with his parents. Some time ago
they suddenly phoned. He had not been home for some time and they thought that
he was over at our place because they knew about your relationship. Of course,
he wasn?t and it turned out that he was getting drunk at some bar and hanging
out among some friends. We went and talked to his parents when he returned home
and talked with the boy. He seems to be a nice person and if you both in the
future meet in a controlled environment, we wouldn?t resist against it.?
?I did not
really have a chance to know him before you made it impossible.?
?We have
figured that out and therefore we will offer you a second chance to bond with
him before you graduate and return home.?
?Will you
send him here??
?In fact,
he will arrive in two weeks. When you return to the campus from this drive, you
are on level three. We have talked with his parents and this school seems to be
an excellent cure for his alcoholism. They have agreed that it is a good idea
that you get to know him well. I didn?t know before, but I do business with his
father. In fact, his company is an important customer to my firm and we play
golf together. If you end up liking each other, my firm will benefit.?
From my
talks with Susan I knew that level three will be so much better than level two.
And Brian here ? a part of me was scared ? but I looked forward to see him
After a
little rest, they put the harness and gag on again and I took them to the
campus, where Susan received us. ?Congratulation Debbie ? I can see on the look
of your parents that the family visit went well and that means that you now are
on level three.?
released me from the harness but left the gag. She took my parents on a tour
around the school. She had me on a leash, so I followed them. They were very
impressed but also surprised when they saw my box. My mother hugged me. ?Oh my
darling. It is harsh conditions, but you held your chin up and you will benefit
from it in the long run.?
As we
walked over to the main building, Susan asked my parents if they would see me
getting my dressage outfit on for the first time. My mother looked like a
question mark. ?Dressage??
?Yes. In
one week it is time for another graduation. In fact I am one of those which
will graduate this time. By the graduation, some selected students perform a
show. It is a mix of Dressage and river dance. It is very hard and only
selected students gets a chance to perform. Debbie is very skilled and the
school has selected her to perform.?
?Oh ? we
would like to see it.?
Once inside
the main building, I was freed from the corset. Normally we only shower once a
week and it felt strange without the corset. My body had become accustomed to
wearing a corset so in a strange way I miss it every time it comes off.
My parents
sat in a pair of chairs when I was followed into the lacing room. They watch
very carefully and I was cuffed to the lacing bar and to the floor. Then the
new corset was introduced. It was made from leather and red instead of my usual
black corset. Susan and the guard began to tug. I whimpered a little when they
were almost finished and I think I saw a little tear in my mother?s eye. It was
so tight. At the end I made a grunt every time they tugged at the laces.? ?We are finished. Sixth teen inches!?
When I was
lowered to the ground one of the guards fastened my shoulder straps. They
pulled my shoulder back. I was excepting cuffs, but as Susan said. ?Debbie has
proven herself. No she will only wear restraints outside the campus.?
In an odd
way I missed my cuff. I felt naked and also a little scared. Being cuffed also
in a way made me feel protected because I did not have to decide anything.
During the entire stay others have decided what I had to do and it had made me
feel protected.
I got some
new boots which were intended for the show and but not least they fitted me
with a new posture collar. As before I couldn?t turn my head and I had to turn
my entire body to face my parents. ?How does it look??
They looked
at me with a shocked expression but father were able to control himself. ?Spectacularly,
my dear.? I could see that he was lying but somehow I didn?t mind. They had put
me here and there was no reason for them to be shocked if they had done their
homework before they shipped me off. (Many years later they told me, they in
fact had spent more time deciding which car to buy than what kind of school I
was sent to.)
One of the
guards came in. ?It?s time.?
You have to say farewell to your parents now. Their cart is ready.? We hugged
and cried a last time before they went out the door. I sobbed quietly when we
saw their cart leaving the campus. Then Susan took me and introduced me to
another girl, which had entered the room. ?Say hey to Lorna. She is your new
mentor and her task is to make you ready for the show and level four.?
?Why can?t
I continue to work with you??
?Because I
have to study hard alone and concentrated for my exam. I am soon due for my
graduation. But calm down. Lorna only wants to do what is best for you. Do make
me proud. Bye.?
Susan left
and I turned to Lorna. She was a stern looking girl almost six feet tall. Of
course she had a slim waist but she was also very muscular. She spoke to me ?I
am going to try to make you ready for the show. It won?t be a holiday. Follow
We entered
a gym and Lorna gave me a matching head harness on with colourful plumes on the
top and the obligatory bit gag. Also an arm binder came on. She ordered into
the centre of the gym and grabbed a whip. Then she showed me a video with a sequence
of the dance I was going to perform. It became my turn to reiterate what I had
seen. Whenever I failed to do it exactly she gave me a small lash with the
whip. It hurt. We worked for an hour and she held a bottle of water for me, so
I could drink. I expected so sit for a while. I was sweating and panting, but
she showed no mercy. I was ordered back and repeat some new steps.
After I
while the surroundings became blurred. Lorna could see that she had pushed me
to my limit. ?You are a wimp.? Then she took another whip and gave a lash. It
struck me on my buttock and I lost completely balance. Never had I felt such a
pain. ?This is my bullwhip. Pull yourself together or I will teach you how to
concentrate. You are sloppy and not material for a dancer at the show.?
I cried and
in addition to the pain from the blow I also hurt my arm, when I fell. Lorna
came over and connected a leash to the bit gag so she could pull me onto my
feet again. Once I was standing again, she looked me into my eyes. ?I hate lazy
students that don?t acknowledge why they were sent here and don?t appreciate
the second chance they got in this school. You are going to pull your self
together right now. Stop crying or I will give you reason to cry.?
Somehow I
managed to do two other sequences before Lorna was satisfied. I was lead out of
the gym and over to the stables where the boy waited. Judith was already
connected to the walker. The boy commented my outfit, which made Lorna send him
an angry look. He was send over to a guard and later he returned with gagged
with ball gag and an arm binder on. ?I don?t like boys that can?t hold their
tongue when they see a girl. It shows poor discipline and is disrespectful
against womankind. It called for punishment.? The guard came over, stopped the
walker and connected something to the chain hanging down from the walker. Lorna
positioned the boy and I could see pain in his face when they connected the
chain. When they moved away from him, I saw what they had done. They had put
nibble clamps on him. Man - that must hurt! But they were not finished. The
guard bended down and did something with his genitals. The boy groaned and made
whimpering sounds. Lorna commented. ?Well, a ball stretcher with some weight
will cool him down. Now for you!? I tried to move away but the guard quickly
came over and held me tight, while Lorna also worked with the clamps. I
screamed when the first clamp came on. Never in my life had I felt so much
pain. Then the next clamp came on. It was unbearable. Judith was also sobbing
due to my torment and I could see tears rolling down on the boy?s cheeks.
The walker
was started and even though I was too tired, I was very carefully to keep the
pace. My nibbles hurt so much. After 15 minutes I could take it a little
better. Still, I sobbed. Level three should be so much better. We walked and
walked for an hour before Lorna was satisfied with my performance. I was freed
which meant more pain when the blood returned to my nibbles. I bit very hard on
my bit; I was drooling and sobbing at the same time.
I still
sobbed when we left the stable. I could see both the terror in Judith?s face
and the suffering in the boy?s face.
Lorna took
me over to the main building where she quickly cleaned me with a cloth and some
cold water before I was followed to the dining hall.
For the
first time in a very long time I slept in a bed that evening.
The next
two weeks went by with strict training all day long. Susan?s graduation would
take place on Saturday just two days before Brian would arrive. The last three
days I trained with the other student selected for the show.
takes place in a large building outside the campus in order to keep the exact
procedure a secret. When we entered, the parents were already present. Every
family had its own table. After the head master had announced our first number
we entered the stage and performed. We received our applause and took some seat
next to the stage.
Then the
head master introduced the graduates and they took other seats next to the
stage and started on a speech. I didn?t remember much of it. I looked for Susan
and found her. She was dressed in a beautiful long white grown. All the dresses
were like taken out of a picture from about year 1900. The boys were clothed in
sailor's dresses and due to their figure I could guess that they still had
corset on under their clothes.
After the
speech we did another number and then it was time for the graduation ceremony.
The guards came with isolation hoods and cuffs for us and we sat in darkness
for about a half hour before we were allowed to see again. Susan had come over
to me. Her make-up had run over her face, so her reunion must have been
emotional. ?Oh. Debbie. You made it to be allowed to perform. I am so happy for
you. I knew your potential the minute I saw you. You being here mean so much to
me. I want to be a teacher and you had proved to me that I can inspire people.?
She kissed me and staggered back to her table. She looked somewhat painful when
she sat down, which I found odd. She must have adjusted to her corset by now.
However, I
did not get a chance to wonder about it further because we should perform you
last dance. After the dance when we were getting ready to leave for the campus,
I got the bumbled into Susan for the last time during my stay at the school.
She only said two words very silent, but I knew what they meant. The first word
was myspace and the second one I don?t want to reveal here.
The policy
of the school is that we all were enrolled for personal reasons and alone. When
we leave is it alone. Like most every behaviour modification facilities it is
not considered to be accepted to keep contact after graduation here too. Some
former students I since have talked to in my present work as a child psychologist
all express that their experiences seems like a bad dream. Not even their
parents understand how they had felt because they often undergo brainwash
during parent seminars themselves. Knowing Susan?s homepage helped both her and
me during later crisis in my life.
I stood in
the hall with Lorna and waited for Brian. The door went up and a hooded boy in
restraints entered. He was not taking it very well and tried to twist and turn
whenever the escorts relaxed for a moment. When he was placed on a bench in the
lacing room, I talked to one of the guard from the escort division. As usual
they had entered his bedroom at about
Still both
with isolation hood and cuffs at arms and legs he resisted them whenever he had
the chance. Both Lorna and I understood that we had to break him in, before he
even could enter level one.
The head
master was out in town this day, so it was our task to tell him where he was
and what we expected from him as a student. Normally the speech would be made
before he is escorted to the lacing room, but he was too aggressive that we
simply did not dare start the introduction before he was safely tied up to the
lacing bar.
With a
little help from the guard we got him secured. Luckily he only slept in pants,
so we did not have to remove too much clothes. We hoisted him off the ground.
He was protesting all he could but of course we could not understand what he
said due to the hood.
Lorna took
a step ladder and climbed up and removed his hood. First he was disorientated
and blinked his eye in order to focus. Then he saw me. ?Debbie???
?Hey Brian.
Welcome to Meditation Inlet ? your new boarding school.?
Please, let me out of here. What is this??
?I hate to
repeat myself, so listen very carefully. I will say this only once.? (I saw
this phrase used in a TV-series. It seems to work). ?Your parents have chosen
to send you to this boarding school in order to solve your problems with alcohol
as well as other kind of disobedience. Here you will a second chance to redeem
yourself with your parents.?
?But I
don?t need a fix. I am a normal kid. You know me!?
?I knew you
as a polite and well-mannered boy but obvious you have changed. This
conversation is over. Now for your school uniform.? Lorna started to wrap it on
to Brian.
?No. Stop
it is woman clothes.?
?Here it is
mandatory for students regardless of sexes.? Lorna stepped down from the ladder
and she started to lace the corset together with a guard. Brian continued to
yell and curse at us, but we knew that our actions were for his best, so we did
not stop. I have been through it myself. A part of me felt the odd feeling of
your lounges being compressed and the feeling of lost of control over your
body. It is almost a witty development to pass through. Soon his vocal pitch
died out and all he could muster was a grunt when Lorna and the guard tugged.
We left him
and I had the task to feet him and clean him, so I returned every three hour. He
ate but did not speak to me. I tried to get his attention, so I at least could
tell him why he was sent here, but he just looked at me with an angry and
unforgiving look when he removed the blindfold part on the hood.
He did not
pee nor pooh either. I consulted Lorna because it could be dangerous if he
withheld motions. She suggested laxative in a strong soup so he couldn?t taste
it. After his last meal it did not take long before he moved his bowels. When I
cleaned him I heard that he was sobbing. Had I managed to break him?
evening, when I turned him in, I could see his despair, but when I asked him if
he wanted to talk, he just turned his head away. I went to the dinner hall
where I saw Paula sitting with a plateful of soup.
I was hungry
and also took some soup and went over to Paula. Brian?s torments had brought
back memories from my own start on the campus. We had been sitting sipping for
a while, when Paula asked me if I had a question.
?Paula. I
know why I was sent here. Brian?s story is also well known to me. If you don?t
mind, I would like to hear your story. A rumour is going around that you are
not from the states and therefore I find it odd, that you are here. After all I
have heard that it is only American Parents that are sending their children
into such places.?
?Yes that
it correct. I am a Dane. I am here voluntarily.?
I could not believe my ears.
noticed my jaw dropping to the ground. ?Yes. I am here voluntary. It is a part
of my work to improve my grades back in
?Yes, in my
records it is stated that I am sexual active and that I also use alcohol.
Because I am only 17 it is a problem over here, but in
?You are
?I still
don?t understand it. Why go through this when you can avoid it??
?We do have
some problems with younger people doing those things and of course we also have
a drug problem in the Danish society. We are dealing with them but I wanted to
see what other countries are doing. Before I came here, I was in a place in
?But I
found it extremely challenging here.?
?Of course
it is challenging but due to research my in
?How could
it be torture when it is for our own good??
?You think
that it is for your own good, but just a few years. It will come back to you
and hunt you in your sleep.?
?And I saw
you as a program girl. Why were you so harsh against me, when I was selected
for the show??
?There were
two reasons. First of all I play along so I can graduate and do a report of my
findings when I return home. Second and not last: You needed it. Running around
and feeling sorry for your self won?t do you any good in the future. I don?t
know what kind of parents that did bring you up but hiding the reality of life
for you has not been good. You are so na?ve!?
?What? My
parents have just tried to do what they found best for me.?
?Yes - that
misunderstanding and was come from it is a destiny that you share with many of
your fellow countrymen. I find it sick that a 20 year old serviceman can loose
this life in
I was
confused and did not want to go any further into the subject. I wanted to talk
about Brian. I was concerned about him. I wanted him to move forward in the
program. He would only be able to do that if he confronted his problems and
acknowledge his failures.
?How can
put even more pressure on Brian? He seems not to break. It is so important for
me to have him progressing in the program. I want him to be on at least level 2
before I graduate.?
?You love
?Yes ? At
least I think so.?
?Lets see. I
think I know how to help you. Extend the introduction period to Saturday. I
will help you with the milking process. If that doesn?t break him, then we have
a problem.?
?Oh, don?t
you listen? Every one knows that all males students are forced to ejaculated
once a week in order to prevent development of prostate cancer later in life.
Long term denial has been research and the findings are that it will increase
the risk of prostate cancer, so the school has ordered all male students to be
milked once a week in order to prevent law suits.?
?I would
like to help out.?
?I have to
warn you. It can rather emotional. Some of the boys are not exactly going along
with the process.?
?Still, I
want to help.?
The week
went on. Every day I followed Brian down to O.P. where I feed him and clean him
without getting even a small smile from him. Not a single sign of progress. I
can?t tell you how deeply worried I was. Then it was Saturday.
Paula and I
followed Brian down to the cabin where the milking process was going to be
done. Once inside we took the hooded boy over to a gynaecology
treatment table where we strapped him securely. Paula removed the flap covering
his genitals and motioned me to come closer. ?Take it into your hand and tease
him so it becomes erect. We have to put a masturbator on to it and it can not
be done when it is in a limp condition.?
It felt
warm. Of course it did not smell so good. He had not been in a bath since his
arrival. Brian was nervous and tense. He was trembling. Paula showed me where
to touch him and where males were especially sensitive.
masturbator came on and we started it. Paula ordered me to lick his nibbles. As
I had my head near his head, I could hear sobbing sounds from within the hood.
His nibbles became erects. Then Paula took my shoulder and I turned to see his
fluid flowing in the masturbator. Never in my life had I seen such a sight. It
seems to go on forever. When the flow died out, Paula took it and saw to that
his semen was poured into test tubes.
?What are
you doing??
?The school
has ordered that all the semen has to be collected and put into the fridge. I
don?t know why, but that is the order.?
When she
was finished, she had a cryptic smile on her face. ?Well, that was for the
school. The next one is for Brian. Go for it my girl. Do as you did before.?
I tried but
it did not want to. Brian was still sobbing and now it became louder. Paula
shook her head. ?Don?t mind him. He is just sensitive. In fact I find his sissy
behaviour disturbing. Remove the mouth piece.?
When I
removed it, Brian started to beg us to stop. ?Debbie. I know you are there.
Please, stop. I will do what you ask from me.?
?Annoying ?
isn?t it?? She gave me another mouth piece. It had a kind of rubber penis on. I
looked at her with disbelief. ?Yes it is going in his mouth so we can work in
peace without disturbance.?
When I
tried to push it in inside his mouth, he clenched his teach. However, Paula
just took his balls with a firm grab. When she applied pressure, he opened his
mouth in order to protest and I was able to force the mouth piece into place.
Now we were
able work in peace, but his penis was not rigid. Paula had an ace up in her
sleeve. She showed me an odd item. ?What is that??
?It is a prostate massager. It goes inside his anus where so we can
provoke his system in order to for him to achieve a second orgasm. That will
teach him that we control every aspect of his body, even his ability to breathe
deeply and when to get a relief. If that fact doesn?t break him, we are in
lubricated it and pressed very gently against his sphincter. His body tensed
up. When it entered we could see how the shock went through his body. It gave
some life to his penis but not very much. Paula asked me to open a drawer where
I found a ball stretcher. Even though I had seen how it was used during my
training, I had not put it on someone before, so Paula put it on. It had a leather
strap that went around the base of his scrotum beside the stretcher. Applying
the stretcher helped making his penis erected. It was clear that he was very
sensitive. Almost every touch made him try to twist and turn. Luckily the
restraints were able to hold him back. We did not hold back on our work with
the prostate massager and although we have changed the gag it was obvious that
he did not enjoy our treatment. He came once more. This time it was a slow
flow. When it stopped Paula wanted to talk to Brian. He started to beg at once
when the gag was removed.
stop. Why are you doing this to me??
?You are
doing it to yourself. Work with us in order to stop your abuse of alcohol and
your disobedience against your parents.?
?I have no
?Then we
will go for a third time.?
?No. Don?t.
I will do as you say. Just stop. I can not take it.?
?OK. We
will take your word for it. You can rest for the rest of the day, but tomorrow
you will start on Level one and work on your personal tasks. We want to see
progress within a week or you will be milked twice next Saturday. However, I
have to hear it from your own mouth. Are you an alcoholic??
Brian held
his promise. Although he did not say anything to me, he followed along quietly
wherever we went. It took only a week for him to finish his personal tasks.
It was
Brian?s turn to start level two. I remembered when I entered the stable the
first time. The nameless boy welcomed us as always. Paula was tied up
elsewhere, so it was my task to break the news to Brian. In fact it was the
first time where I functioned as a junior staff member. I was regarded as an
honour and also mandatory for me if I ever should advance to Level four. The
eyes of the guard rested on me. Would I serve as an example or would I
disrespect the rules of this small society in favour of a friend?
Inside the
stable we stopped at the walker. Like me Brian couldn?t believe his eyes. ?What
is this? You can not expect me to use that ? that thing!?
?Yes, we will.?
?I won?t!?
I signalled
the guard and the boy. They held him while we changed the cuffs to an arm
binder. Then we marched him over the bath room, where I washed his breast while
the boy shovelled a ball gag in Brian?s mouth. I took some alcohol and cleaned
his nipples. I pointed to the enlarged copy of the contract and showed him the
tong I was going to piece his nibbles with. He tried to scream when he
understood, what I was going to do. A second guard came over and helped the
others by holding him tight. I could see the fear in his eyes and the sweat
covering his body. But there was no turning back. I had to be hard in order to
show the staff that I serious.
He gave a
cry when I pierced the first nipple and began to sob. Tears ran down his face.
A small whimpering sound came from him when I did his second nipple. It was a
nice work. Two rings came in and we took him back to the walker and connected
chains to the rings so he was no other choice but to follow along. I gave him
an hour in the walker before I let him go to coffee break.
After a sip
from the coffee he turned his tearful eyes towards me. ?Why are you so evil? I
thought that I meant something to you.?
?When you
progress in the program, you will know. I am now a junior staff member. If you don?t
comply with the program, I would be punished because you are my
?But I am
your friend. That must mean something.?
?It does
mean something, but we can not rise above the rules. That is what brought us
here in the first place. We have to learn how to follow the rule put upon us by
parents and the society. It is a hard lesson, but it is necessary.?
?It is
?Perhaps ?
but you will benefit in the long run. Do you want more coffee??
He nodded.
When asked whether he wanted the gag back in before he resumed the training he
also said yes. The piercing must still hurt, so perhaps he just needed
something to bite on.
He managed
to do 4 shifts in the walker before I called it a day.
The next
day he agreed willingly so I spared him and he was connected to the walker the
normal way. However, he was very tired, so I put a ball stretcher and some
weights on him.
Paula came
by. ?You are doing fine, but beware. I think you need to be reminded that you
are not a graduate yet.? She called a guard over. ?Debbie needs an hour in the
walker too.? I did not protest. I knew that supercilious conduct was a danger
that I had to avoid. Some level three students were known to be too hard on the
new ones and they had to be put into place.
Still, I was
surprised when I got a ball gag in my mouth. The explanation for that came at
once when Paula clamped two weights on my nipples. I avoided crying out, but
instead I bit very hard down on the gag. She was not finished. Two clamps were
put on clitoris. It made me sob. It hurt beyond imagination. I toddle around
like a small baby. Oh, it hurt.
Then the
walker was started and I had to go along. After a while the pain settled and I
got to look on Brian. He was gagged but it seemed that he was smiling. We walked
and walked for an hour, before the guards decided that it was enough. I had
learned my lesson. I had to be firm but not unreasonable.
training was going fine and he had earned his tail. Man did it come as a
surprise for him. It must have been in august. I had lost track of time. Anyhow
it was time for harvest. Paula decided to team me up with Brian. All dressed up
with bit gag blinkers we pulled one of the carts while student from another
line worked in the fields.
14 days it
took before we were finished. I enjoyed staying so close to Brian and he also
smiled back to me regardless of how heavy the load was. Even the day it rained
and the road was muddy, he managed to give me a smile. Paula was over us that
day. She had a small whip and my buttock was very reddish due her lashes. Brian
was not spared, so we had to smear each others behinds when the day was over.
We got to
talk and slowly we bonded. Had my parents not interfered, we could have
experienced lovely things long time ago. We seemed to belong to each other. Of
course I had to be careful that I did not slow his training down, but I managed
to balance it.
One day I
was watching Brian on the walker, when I got a surprise visit from the head
master. I thought that I was in trouble and lowered my head at once.
?Raise your
head and look me in my face. You know about the school policy. Always look at
people when you are talking to them.?
?Sorry Sir.
I was not thinking.?
?I am here
with happy news. I have spoken with your parents and with Brian?s too. They had
agreed to a controlled interaction between you two, if it is monitored and done
under very controlled conditions. Do you consent??
I nodded. I
was both scared and curious. I had been how Patricia and Joe did. I had difficulties
imagine how it must feel. ?I consent!?
Brian is a male, he also will consent. I don?t even have to take that gag ball
out of him. Males always consent.? Then he left.
So it
became that I the following day was strapped down onto the bench. Paula gave me
the isolation hood on. It had a built-in gag ball, so I was silenced effective.
I could
feel how they touched me down there. Then it suddenly came - a tickling
sensation. That is how it felt. It was so good. I started to breathe heavily
and I could feel the sweat running down over my body.
something entered me. It must be Brian. It hurt a little but then it started to
feel very good. Soon I was in heaven. I had never felt so in my life. Then he
stopped but the tickling sensation continued. Suddenly waves of pleasured
rolled through my body. I grunted and panted. It did not stop, but then I must
have passed out because the next thing I experienced was that Paula was in
front of me. I was still wearing the hood, but she had removed the blindfold.
She padded me on my head, but then she moved behind me.
I shocked
when I felt a lash from a whip. What was she doing? Then something else was put
inside me and it started to shake. I received three more lashes and somehow it
started to feel nice once again although it was mixed with pain. But then I was
shocked once more when I felt someone licking at my private parts.
It was
almost too much. Then pace of the thing going in and out of me went up. Then
the waves of pleasure went over me again. I cried from lust.
I continued
to sob after they had released me. Paula was concerned. ?Did we go too far??
?No. Paula.
But these last months had been one new experience after another. All those
things in life, I took for granted ? all my values ? has been altered. What you
did for me today, was something which I forever will be grateful for, but it is
just too much. I need time to think.?
?OK. I will
put you on a cart going to the motel tomorrow for supplies. It will be hard,
but also a kind of preparation for you, so you can share your experience with
later group therapy session.?
?Yes. That
is mandatory. But that is enough for now. Let me free you so you can shower.?
Four weeks
had gone since my bonding with Brian. The daily routine never changed. I longed
for yet another encounter with Brian, but I knew that I had to earn it.
One day the
head master came with a note from Paula. It stated that she had graduated and
she wished me good luck. I did not know and that is how it is. Only the
graduates and those students which perform at the graduation ceremony know who
is graduating. That is a security precaution which should prevent former
graduates from bonding. The head master did of course not know what Paula had
told me, but still I felt alone and abandoned. From the very start I had been
so lucky to have two good mentors. Both Susan and Paula had meant so much for
I found a
quiet place where I sat down and cried. I must have sobbed there for almost a
half hour before the head master passed by accident.
?Why are
you crying? It is not suitable for a level three student. You should be a
positive role model for the new students - not a cry-baby. Snap out of it or
you risk dropping to level two.?
I cleaned
my tears away. He continued to look at me for a while - then he spoke. ?I think
you need a positive experience just now. You are so close to level four that you
should smell it. Let me help you. Report to the guard at the stable and ask for
a special felt trip.?
When I went
to the stable I found the guard waiting for me. ?Need extra motivation?? He had
an odd smile on. He guided me into the bath room, where I was issued an arm
binder and a blindfold.
For a
moment I stood in darkness - then I felt it. Someone inserted a butt-plug. No
big deal, it must be the tail. However, something was inserted in my love
channel. It was lubricated but I was not wet so it hurt a little. Then the
blindfold was removed. Brian was there too, they must have called him. We were
followed to a cart where the guard fastened our harnesses to the cart. Of
course we had both blinkers and bit gag inserted.
Then we
were off for a long ride. Our pace was steady. Running with both holes filled
was odd. It gave me a kind of sensation. The guard did not seem to be busy.
Suddenly, I felt the things inside me vibrating. I turned my head and observed
that Brian also was experience something. We slowed down and was rewarded a
lash from the guard?s whip. ?Don?t slow down! I have a remote control. I control
the vibrators.?
continued to run. I panted because my body was teased by the vibrators. It did
become wet down there. Brian?s breathing sounded troubled. I turned my head and
discovered that he penis had become rigid. But I was not allowed to enjoy the
sight. A lash hit my behind. ?Don?t turn your head.?
the sensation increased and I had difficulties to maintain the pace. I was
rewarded with lashes numerous times. Brian had his own difficulties. Suddenly I
heard a grunt and I saw that semen dropped down on the ground while he
continued to run.
I felt the
sensation built up in my back. My vision blurred a little. Then waves of
passion ran through my body. I had to stop. I could not breathe. The guard gave
me one lash after another and I forced myself to walk. Oh. I was so sensitive
down there. The pleasure was succeeded by pain. Our pace increased. After 15
minutes of running my body began to be filled with lust once more. I was trying
to catch enough air in order to maintain our speed.
Suddenly he
pulled the reins and we came to a stop. The vibrators were stopped. It was a
time for water. Brian was exhausted. ?Please stop. I can not go any further.?
The guard did not reply but kept giving us water. The gags went in once again.
He had a surprise for us. First he gave Brian a ball stretcher on. Then he
connected some weights to the rings on Brian?s Breast.
It was my
turn. I closed my eye. I knew what to come. It was time for the nipple clamps.
I bit hard on the gag, so I managed to avoid screaming from the pain. However,
tears running down my face betrayed me. ?Are you trying to be brave? Open you
eyes and look at me. You are doing so fine!?
He got back
to the cart and we took off once more.
We hadn?t
run for more than
Brian was
also suffering. I got a glimpse of his face and I saw he was in pain. Luckily
we were approaching the campus. I saw the main building at a distance but I can
not remember that we passed the gate. I woke in a haystack inside a box where I
found myself covered with sweat. The vibrators were gone and I had got a butt
plug inserted in my behind, my legs were covered with dried up fluid and I had
to stagger in the bath room to a get shower.
That very
day I was pushed to my limits. They had taught me that I could go further that
I found possible, if I just allowed myself. Yes, of course I was still sad that
both Paula and Susan were gone, but I have found out that I was not dependent
of them. I could stand on my own feet.
The next
morning the head master informed me that I was on Level four. I worked almost
full time as a junior staff member but of course also a lot of my time was
devoted to my academic. It was a kind of deja vu for me.
every one of them showed the fear of the unknown. The shock of breaking the
very first rule, they ever learned from their parent, who is: ?Never walk with
a stranger?. A rule-breaking ordered by the parents. It was a kind betrayal
done by their parents toward them. That feeling is a great concern by us,
because any progress in the program can only take place, when they either
overcome it or accept it. Not all children can understand that they had a
problem to fix. I didn?t.
The eyes of
the staff always rested on me. Some of the students made me feel sorry for
them, but I knew that they were here for my own good. I told myself to be firm
and follow the rules to the letter. At the same time I remembered the sympathy
Susan received me with. It was a fine balance between applying the structured
environment on them and not cause nervous breakdown. All the school wanted was
to help the parents to bring up children that used their potential to the
Brian was
one of those underachievers. He was a taker rather that a giver at the program.
It was so difficult for me use the whip on him, but I had to. I loved him and
it hurt me to see, that he slipped back into self pity about missing out on
parties and his former life back home. I knew that my time here at the campus
would come to an end soon, so I asked the head master if he could perform at my
graduation. The head master knew about Brian?s problem and allowed me to train
him but warned me not to hurt him seriously. He that Brian?s problem would be
hard to solve and had his doubt about me training him after I personally had
pierced him. I assured him that I cared for Brian and there was not any kind of
grudge between us.
So I had
Brian taken for to the gym for dance lessons. Lorna had been a good teacher for
me and I remembered her pedagogical way of teaching.
entered with a face which showed a lot of pain. When I asked him why he had
such a look in his face, he complained about his corset and the lacing. ?I can
not breathe. It is unbearable.?
?You have
to adjust. Life is about adjusting to new conditions. You are simply not ready
for any kind of change and that is a very important characteristic to possess
if you want to move on in society. It is my graduation you are training for and
you can only think about yourselves. You are a taker. You want and want. You
don?t give anything back. Now DANCE!?
?I gave him a lash with the bullwhip which
struck him in his lower stomach. He sank to his knees. ?Please stop. It hurt so
?I struck
you on your corset. It is made of leather with steel bones. There will no
lasting scars - Up on your feet again!?
He raised
himself up. It was difficult because he still had cuffs on because he was such
a difficult student, but he managed. We trained for an hour before he took him
to the walker. After lunch we continued our training.
It was
after a one of those long days with mixed training and exercise, that he stole
a chance to give me a kiss. I blushed. ?Well. Brian. We can not have that. You
know that being together is strictly forbidden unless it is done very
controlled.? I gave him a lash with my whip but that only made him smile.
Oh. He was
so cunning. Once again he had chosen the easy road. I went to the head master
who praised me for coming to him. Most of the campus was covered with surveillance
cameras and they had observed his kiss and I would have been up for punishment
if I hadn?t reported it. I properly have been dropped a level or two. Instead
they allowed him to find a suitable punishment for Brian.
The next
day Brian arrived at the lacing room where I waited with some of the guards.
After he was hoisted, I took charge and began to tug at the laced with a guard.
Soon the well-known
rhythm of the student grunting whenever we tugged was heard. When we were
finished we got him down to
Then it was
off to training. I kept a strict regime with him. Brian was one of those males
that had to be controlled for their own good. It took me a week to get a useful
result with him. His buttocks were covered with red stripes so we had to wait a
second week before he could be showed to the public.
He had been
silenced towards me since he got the new corset on. On the last day before I
left the campus in preparation for the graduation, he finally spoke to me
again. ?Before you go, I just want to say that I don?t hold any grudge against
you. I don?t agree with your decisions, but I accept them and would love to see
you when we return home, if our parent?s allows it.?
I could
only nod. I knew that I had made a difference with him. He stating that he will
seek his and my parent?s permission showed me that he was on the road to become
a better person.
takes place outside the campus. A few days before we are moved to small cabin
where we are given time to write our graduation speech and try out gowns and
suits for the male part.
I got a
beautiful blue gown. My stay at the campus and long-term wearing a corset had
given me a slim waist of
It became
the dancers turn to come on stage. Brian performed so beautiful. My eyes caught
tears. It was so emotional. When they were done, the dancers were hooded so
they did not observe the secret part of the graduation ceremony.
Then it was
our turn. I was first. I came on stage and took the word.
?When I
first arrived here, it was with a mixed feeling of fear and anger. I was in
denial and could not recognise the reasons for my parents sending me here. I
was on a negative path towards isolation and low self-esteem. I took my life
back home and my parents for granted. The program stripped me of my old
defence, attitude and facade. Here in the program I found myself. I have worked
and now I know that I have to hold myself accountable for my new goals and
behaviours. I would like to thank my parents for sending me here and of course
also the school for adding towards my healing.?
My father entered the stage and a guard rolled a bench
on the podium. The headmaster took the word.
?Based on the century-old tradition of Taoist Dong
Lung Gong, your father will give you a spanking for good luck in the future.
One lash per year of age is given. Please take place on the bench.?
I was a
little nervous but I could see that my father was also sweating. It was a twist
neither of us had reckoned in. The guard cuffed me to the bench strapped me
down. My gown was lifted so everyone in the hall could see my underwear. I
blushed. The guard offered me a bit gag and I took it. They gave my father a
sign to start. The first lash was very light, which cause the headmaster to
tell my father that it would give me both good luck in the future and a symbolic
kick into adulthood. So he started over again.
?One!? I
was a shock. I moaned but tried not to scream. The head master whispered to my
daddy. ?It was good. Try not to hit her twice at the same place.?
?Three!? ?Four!? I received a firm spanking. It hurt, but it was also a kind of
relief. I had so much grief hidden inside me. I missed my family, my home, my
old school. Now every lash brought me closer to my departure from the school.
Fifteen! Sixteen!? I sobbed and my behind hurt so much. My father was panting.
It had been hart on him too. While I was released the headmaster called my
mother on stage. We were standing toward each other, when the headmaster urged
us to hug each other. ?A lost child has returned. Please welcome your daughter
into your family.? We all hugged and cried. Then we left for our table.
The other
graduates went through the same procedure. When they all had been finished, the
dancers were freed and performed yet another act. Then we ate and celebrated
until midnight where we were picked up by busses. My parents had booked a room
for me at the motel and I feel asleep almost at once.
The next
morning my father showed me that he had bought some of the corsets I had worn.
I knew it. I had to care of our lawn back home. I did not mind it, because I
had learned that I - in order to live on my own at some point - would have to
take on even more chores back home. I had matured. I was ready to go to college
and even universities. We left
You may ask
me what became of Brian. Just after they had performed the last act, I kissed
him before he had to go back. I promised that I would wait for him.
It had been
5 years since I left Meditation Inlet. Brian is here with me and we are living
together. We got married a month ago. Brian graduated 3 months after me. I was
allowed to go to his graduation ceremony and his father even gave me permission
to give him a lash with the whip. We got to dance and even spent the night in
the motel together. Of course without sex but our parents arranged for us to
live together in my parent?s basement as any other couple.
Some will
think that is kind of odd, but the only thing that had made our neighbours
wonder is the weekly moving of the lawn. Every second week it is me that have
pull the lawn mover in full harness, blinkers and bit gag. Brian guides me with
the reins and of course I also earn a lash or two if I am naughty.
Next week
it is his turn to be harnessed and I get a chance to use the whip.
side-effect from my stay is that I have to use a corset all time. My back hurts
if I try to go without. Brian also uses a corset when he is working.
In the
start I had difficulties bonding with people, but Paula visited us and gave me
therapy. I am also in touch with Susan.
Some have
asked me if I hold a grudge against my parents for sending me there. I will
come to that. You have all read about the children returning home from a
program saying that it had saved their lives. I used to think so in the start,
but Paula?s therapy made me overcome it. Today I think that would have done as
good as I did without the stay in the program. There is just one thing I
couldn?t have done as good without the program. I control Brian. It turns him
on to be harnessed and cuffed by me.
my parents got hurt in a traffic accident, so I have to send them to a nursing
room. Where did I put the brochure? Oh, here it is ?Abu Ghraib
nursing home? ? seems like a nice place.
CHAPTER ELEVEN: THE FINAL CHAPTER -3 months later- ‘Are you sure this will work?’ Caitlin asked. ‘No, but it’s the only chance we’ve got,’ Cal answered. He glanced at Danny and Jake who had mirrored expressions of concern on their faces. ‘Do you know what you’re supposed to do?’ Cal asked. Danny and Jake nodded. ‘Ten minutes,’ Cal told them before heading to his office. ‘Be careful,’ Jake told Caitlin. ‘You too,’ Caitlin said. ‘Danny,’ she called as Danny started to head to his post. ...
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As I reflect on the events of last month, I am overtaken with the immense depth of God’s love for His children: On June 3, my mother calls me, her only son, and tells me that the doctors found a very large malignancy against the brain stem of my fathers brain, poised to take his life with the slightest event. Mom said that they were doing surgery the following day at Cox South in Springfield. I went up to the hospital not knowing what to expect. What we found, was my father filled with peace,...
THE RECEPTION WAS BACK AT THE HOTEL. Sandra had everything ready for guests by the time we were out of the receiving line. The four of us rode in the limo taking a long route instead of the direct two blocks to the hotel. We drove about a mile along the lake and through downtown with people on the sidewalks waving at the “Just Married” sign on the back of the limo. The two brides sat opposite Wendy and me and kept looking at each other and giggling. It was infectious. “Old Nebraska blessing...
I was in Florida with my dad and a couple of his friends playing golf. We went out to dinner and one of his buddies brought his daughter. She was cute with a big ass and tits. She was 24 and I was 21. After dinner she invited me to pleasure island in Disney world. She went home to change and get her dad's car. She left wearing jeans and a t-shirt. She returned wearing boy cut shorts and a half shirt that said "kiss". Looking ready to party. We hit up a couple clubs...
She sat there, shocked so badly she couldn't even cry. He really was gone. She looked over at Bill. "Is it really over?" "I'm afraid so. For what it's worth, there was a couple of times when I thought you two would make it." "But why? I've grown up, changed into a better person, didn't he see that?" "Yes he did. He once told me how proud he was of how you matured, and the way you took to family down here." "Then why?" Bill sighed. What he was about to tell her would be...
So war begins again…. Bear arms, let your weapons clash. Battle, fight, and drag not only others, but also yourself into the spiral of chaos! World Conquest set in the fantasy world of Riviera, which is divided into three major warring kingdoms and many small tribes. To the east, Draynia, the Kingdom of Human, ruled by King Leon. To the north, Silvalona, the Kingdom of Elf, ruled by Queen Atidnils. To the west, Ignard, the Kingdom of Orc, ruled by Koughat, War chief of the Horde. Also home to...
FantasyHello everyone! My name is Sanika (name changed) and I am 29 year old. I am single since I took divorce from my husband in the year 2012. I don’t have kids and stay alone at home. I am 5 feet 6 inch tall and 34 C – 28 – 36 in size. I have long black hair, brown eyes, and love to wear both Indian and western clothes. I am a big Bollywood fan and I see almost every movie. So let me start with this crazy encounter I had in a passenger train while traveling from Kolkata to Mumbai at night. I had to...
LesbianOf course I invited him in and we started tossing down a few beers my wife Colette kept us with drinks while we talked. Colette even joined into our conversation from time to time. It was summer and Colette was wearing denim jeans shorts and a top without a bra. Wilson was talking about how we used to go to the bar and see who would be the first to pickup a strange piece of ass and take her back to our place for sex. Colette could hear us talking about our sexploits, I noticed that her...
Love The Neighbour's FeetEvery day Jason watched from his window as she left for work.Jason was thrilled to see her in her waitress uniform.She wore a fluffy white blouse, black pants and the same white sneakers each day.She'd leave to work the brunch shift and work until after the dinner rush.Jason had her schedule down pat. He longed to get up the courage to talk to her.He'd lived across the street from her since she moved in six months ago. But his nerve never allowed it.Jason was a widower...
In Private Specials, Cherry Picking, Cherry Kiss has saved the best until last, and the best for this hungry nympho is taking on the BBCs of Aaron Rock and Jack Rippher in a wild gonzo interracial threesome! Cherry wastes no time filling her mouth with dark meat in this one as she takes turns devouring both cocks with a couple of gagging deepthroat blowjobs whilst also taking a hard anal pounding. Then enjoy the rest of the action right here on www.private.com where Cherry offers up her pussy...
xmoviesforyouSuperstar Syren De Mer welcomes us into her home in this candid scene, giving us a glimpse into the amazing lifestyle she shares with her boyfriend Rick. Both Syren and Rick are excited to begin, but before they do, they hop into the shower together to get ready. As the water soaks them, Rick does one of his favorite things, sensually shaving every inch of his lover’s perfect body. Fully prepared and freshly energized, the couple can barely keep their hands off of each other as they climb...
xmoviesforyouAs it turned out I only slept until 7:00 AM, but even that was really late for me. I think the sunlight woke me up; it was usually dark when I got up for workouts. Noises and pleasant aromas were coming from the kitchen, both irresistible. I sat up in bed, stretched, went to the bathroom, checked that my pajama bottoms were closed, and headed downstairs. Dad, apparently, had already left for his flight. The newspaper and some dirty dishes were at his place, but no sign of Dad himself. Effie...
"I can't wait to kiss a boy!" Carolina said as she paged through her Tiger Beat magazine. "I wan't to kiss Devin, the guy in my math class. You know him right?" she said as she looked up at me. "uh hu." I muttered. I was too busy thinking about the boy that I wanted to kiss to say anything else. I didn't want to tell her, but I thought her 16 year old brother was very enchanting. Almost every night this month I had gone to bed and fantasized about his pouty lips,...
Hi. I am Jay ( only for sexy girls). I am doing B.E. at Pune. Mai jyada boar na karte hue story pe ata hu. Meri behan ekdum kata piece hai. Wo mujse 2 year badi hai. Usaka fig 36 28 38 hai. Mere manme use chodaneki koi bhavana nahi thi but jab maine use galtise nanga dekha tha tbse didiko chodaneki soch raha hu. Aur mai ekdum slim handsome boy hu. Mai jab chuttiyo me ghar gaya tha tub ki baat hai.Mera ghar ek gaav mai hai. Wo waha B.Sc final year mai thi. Jab me ghar pahucha tab mai aatehi...
I planned on getting to work before my shift, early enough that I would have some private time with my boss, Neil. Just thinking about him and I wanted to slide my hand into my black stretch pants, underneath my tiny black g-string to feel my soaking wet pussy. I craved his cock, in my mouth, deep inside inside of my pussy, filling me with his cum. Unfortunately, the rush hour traffic, including a mix of construction and an accident that left two lanes closed had other plans for me.The soaking...
Straight Sexit was yesterday night and i was out with the lads and it was getting late and i was deciding should i stay out or go home. i then noticed a girl looking at me but in a good way. i decided to walk past and say hi,she said she had noticed me all night and she thought i was sexy..hahaha bloody hell that's a 1st. No don't say that you are. So i asked her why was she on her own she said her husband was away and she wanted to have a night out but nobody would go out with me so i decided to pop out...
After a hard day’s work in the prison … I leave work, I’m so tired. I stand all day at work, since I am the supervisor of an industrial line in an all men’s prison, an easy job for the incarcerated. Oh and you did not read wrong I do work in a men’s prison. Working in a male prison is hard work, I will not deny that. But harder and more difficult is to locked in a place brimming with testosterone for more than eight hours. Maybe it’s my diet of sex, but since my husband left me uhm … it is...
Mind Swapping Chapter 17 Carol's deep toned masculine voice woke me on Wednesday morning. The memories of Lisa and the night before came flooding back into my mind. She had brought me home about midnight because I had to get up and go to classes this morning. So much had happened since Carol and I had swapped bodies. I brushed the blonde hair out of my eyes and sat up in bed. I realized how sore my muscles were when I climbed out of bed. As I walked to the bathroom, I noticed that my...
I stayed at the Hampton Inn near the airport that night and left for Atlanta in the morning. The four days I spent in Atlanta were very painful for me. I managed to keep myself together during the day while I was working but when I got back to my hotel room at night I was a mess. I couldn't help but think of Susan and all of the wonderful times we had together over the years we had been together. What made her change? Why would she suddenly feel the need to take another lover and of all...
Saturday afternoon is a lazy day for me, but a day at the mall for my daughter, Cindy and her mom. Cindy is 18 and my wife is now 39. They are both the loves of my life. Cindy, a long legged blonde, is in her senior year at high school and is planning to go to a prestigious college up north in the fall. That is the reason why she and her mom were at the mall. Cindy was getting a clothing overhaul. She had nice clothes but my wife wanted her to be ready for school and a Saturday while school was...
I had woken early. That always annoyed me, I like my sleep and to think that I had been cheated out of even a minute of it just didn't seem fair. To me there is nothing more annoying that waking up just a few minutes before the alarm went off. I had turned off the alarm without seeing what time it was. It was a small win, but hey, I will take anything! You may wonder why I hate that so much. Well, ever since I was young, being awake meant getting out of bed. I don't know why, but to me, once...
NC and was making new friends. From going to my community pool, I met people throughout the summer and was lucky when I met Jonny. When I first met his family I found out he had two younger brothers who were twins and after a few times visiting I met his older sister Sara. WOW, she was a junior and even though she was only two years older than me,17, she always seemed unapproachable to me because she was an upper class-man...funny how you see things when you're young. Sara always had guys...
(We join our ‘lovers’ in mid-chat) ____________ B B: How are YOU at back-rubs? B B: Massages? B B: Sensual or otherwise? Xan: Really good….. REALLY GOOD Xan: I should have made a profession of it Xan: An all around good back person B B: I am, too!!! B B: Backs, Fronts, Legs, Feet… I’m GREAT w/ FEET B B: necks B B: buttocks B B: thighs B B: arms B B: shoulders Xan: Okay, I get the picture B B: pussies Xan: OKay Okay Xan: I gotta go to bed Xan: I’m about to pass out from the...
August?? 2004 "Tell me a little about yourself, Doctor." "Why?" I asked the Voice. It came, I supposed, from a face ... but it was a face I couldn't see. The bandages wrapped over my eyes and around the crown of my head kept me blind and in the dark. Was it a male or female voice? I couldn't be sure, but from the speech patterns and word choices I thought it was most likely male. Where the ideas about speech patterns and word choices came from were as much a mystery to me as the...
Bailee kissed Brad for several minutes, so happy that he accepted her even with her jaded past. Alone there in the back of the storeroom, Bailee felt safe with Brad. As they kissed, Brad slowly let his hands roam over the young girl's body and Bailee moaned her permission to him. His hands found her soft breasts and began to squeeze and play with them as Bailee's own hand found its way to his crotch. Feeling his hard cock, Bailee squeezed it to let him know what she wanted and Brad got the...
Straight SexHe walked alongside Kelly, making his way through rows of clothes wearing his own new style, though they fit him so naturally, Kelly could’ve sworn he’d been wearing them his entire life. Meeting with Lucy at the tills she priced the items and they set about removing the tags, Lucy’s eyes, wide with curiosity and excitement were drawn to Kelly, despite the immediate attraction of Jamie. After Kelly had paid she had excused herself rather swiftly, leaving Jamie in Lucy’s temporary care,...
“Hey, sis, whatcha readin’?” “Nothing interesting. Just something for college.” “Feel like taking a break?” Emily looks up from her book. “Why, Johnny, got something in mind?” “Well, looking at you right now is giving me ideas.” Johnny said while openly rubbing the bulge forming in his shorts. “Johnny, Mom and Dad are home!” “So, it'll make it more exciting and I’ll close the door.” After a moment Emily puts the book down. “Okay, quickie.” With that She then whips...
helo frnds . mai ek mba ka student hu.padhai to kewal exam me karta hu but uske liye bhi meri 3-4 frnds hai jo preperation karwa deti hai.3 sem ki baat hai mai apni ek frnd neha k ghar gaya tha barish bhi kafi ho rahi thi, aur mai kafi bheeg gaya tha.maine socha wapas laut jau but agle din exam tha aur no taiyari. so mai uske ghar pahucha, waha already meri 3 frnds wait kar rahi thi Natasha,Nidhi aur Meenal.meenal meri sabse close frnd thi but us din use jana tha jaldi aur mai late pahucha...
Milton - 3751 C.E. It was the couple's good fortune that the only space ship Lieutenant Korolyov could provide for Paul and Beatrice at short notice for their journey onto Earth was the Ambassadorial Cruise Ship, SS Milton. The luxury space ship was diverted from its journey from Jupiter orbit to the Asteroid Belt to carry the diplomatic baggage that was considered too great a risk for any commercial ship that travelled across the Solar System. The few diplomats and ambassadors aboard the...
Hailey and Amy were two popular 18 year old sophomore cheerleaders at their small midwest towns high school. They were both innocent and were always involved with school projects. Amy was a daddy's girl and Hailey had a boyfriend in the 9th grade. It was a game night and both girls were cheerleaders for the junior varsity football team. As seen at any small town football game; the cheerleaders were in their cheerleader outfits and they had their tiger cheek cheer fake tattoos on their face. Amy...
First TimeI have read the stories on this site. Some of which are really horny and mind blowing. I dont know weather all these stories are true or not but it is a nice way to share our fantassy & real happenings. Now im telling you my true incidence which happened with me some 10 months back. To start let me tell you about me,i am 27 years old smart guy belonging a well to do family . I am with smart features capable of making girls & ladies staring at me.I am normal buit body with height 5’9″ and cock...
It's Just Business By Seaweed Smells I clicked on my email button and leant back in my chair, waiting for the page to open. I was bored. My last university exam was two days ago. I was only hanging around until Brad, my best friend and room mate, finished his last test in two days time. Then you could watch us burn a trail out of the place. Here, was Sydney University - both of us were in our second year of business degrees and were more than ready for a few months cruising through...
She was laying on her side, facing away from the bathroom door. Looking out the window, she could see, across the Intracoastal Waterway, the cement tile roofs of Ft. Lauderdale as it stretched all the way to the Everglades. Bill emerged naked from the bathroom and slid back into bed with her. He pressed his lean, smoothly muscled body along the length of hers and wrapped an arm around her waist. She savored the silken sensation of his skin against hers. A glance at the clock at her...
31st night in a row, that she would have to sleep in her bedroom alone ( she’d been counting). She carved for someone she could make love to, get wild, feel something inside, feel wanted. Divya was a 32-year-old mom. She’d been married for 4 years to Harsh, a very rich and successful businessman. The nature of his job required him to visit foreign countries and different places in India most of the time. Even in the days when he would come back home, he was too exhausted to make love. Divya had...
I woke luxuriously the following morning and smiled at the naked man standing by the bed. It was, of course, a Tim standing by the bed with a tray of delicious coffee in his hands. “Good morning Toni. It’s ten o’clock breakfast buffet will open in half an hour.” He came to the bedside and placed the tray on my bedside table. I took advantage of his proximity to gently caress his semi with my finger tips and nails. Every time I saw a Tim, he had a semi erection, sleepily I wondered how they...
The dinger rang announcing a customer. Old Purdy, the owner's big yellow Labrador, raised his head and barked softly once. That told me there really was a car at the gas pumps and it wasn't those Perkins kids riding their bicycles over the bell line again as a joke. I stepped from under the old Dodge on the hoist. The oil would finish draining while I was gone. Grabbing a rag I began wiping the grease from my hands as I headed outside. Whenever I'm alone, I do everything; gas, repairs,...
Mera name viren hai aur meri umar 23 year hai. Main ek hata kata admi hun. Meri height 5.8 ‘ hai. Main patna se hun. Ha to main apni pahla cudai ke baare me batane ja rahe hai. Maine pahli chudai apni sagi mami ke sath ki tha wo patna ke karib ek chhote se gao me rahti hai. Ha to bat undino ki hai jb mere ghar me mere bhai ka sadi tha aur mami mere ghar aai thi maine jb unko dekha to viswas hi nahi hua ki wo meri mami hai pahle se kafi sundr dikh rahi thi. Wo ek dam gori aur slim hai unka fig...
One Day Only Hi, guys. Thank you SO much for the positive feedback last outing. You have no idea how much it inspired me and spurred me on to write you a sequel. I've tried to take peoples requests & ideas into account, so I hope you enjoy this piece as much as you did the last one. Please remember to leave comments below! And thank you again!!! P.S. If you haven't read the first part, titled 'One Night Only' please do so now to avoid confusion with what's actually happening....
Stumbling through thick brush, agonizing pain lanced up and down her leg and the left side of her back. She tried to heal herself using her Phoenix fire, but for some terrible reason, it wasn't accessible. 'I'm not a Phoenix, ' she realized. 'I'm not supposed to be hunted.' She grunted with each dragging step, unable to hear anything but the sound of her own exhausted, ragged breathing. She crested the top of a small rise and... 'There's the cabin! I'm saved!' She fell forward...
I had already turned the music up when they started walking through the door. Some of my students were twice my 24 years old, each clad in their workout clothes. Shirley had her fuzzy headband on, and Rob must have forgotten his gym socks. Black argyle socks climbed up his calves, visible between the Cycle shoes and his athletic shorts. I smiled and greeted them all by name, already perched atop my spin bike. I had to lower the seat and adjust the handlebars quite a bit to fit my petite frame,...
It was a Saturday night and after a long hot day at work, I was excited that at last I was going to meet Chris and Trace. They were attending a wedding in Guildford near my home and I was in a rush to get showered and changed. Chris and I had talked for a long time via xhamster and emails, and had told Trace how much I lusted after her, loving her photo’s and her pert body. After a while we skyped all together, they told me they liked the idea of a threesome and that they wanted to meet, as...
After seeing the Jonshons out, she locked her room and set up her own protection formations. Once she was sure that her suite was secure, she pulled out the piece of worm meat she’d shown them and offered it to Sharp Eyes. The bird took the flesh and consumed it while she went about her nightly practices. Two hours later, she put out the lights and went to sleep. The next morning, Ki Jung wakes up to find her friend Sharp Eyes has grown. Upon closer inspection, it becomes clear that while...
WKRP was possibly the worst-sounding radio station in all of Cincinnati, but Jennifer was without a doubt the best- looking secretary at any radio station in the entire country. She had silky blond hair that billowed out around a smooth, oval face with the poutiest, most kissable lips you've ever seen. Her face, beautiful as it was, wasn't the best part. Her body was an absolute temple to sex appeal. She had huge breasts -- massive, but not so big as to be absurd -- that today, as usual,...
Hi dosto. Sabhi lundwale apna lund nikal kar hath me le le aur chutwaliyo apni panty utar kar ungli ya baigan taiyar rakhe. Kyonki meri chudai story padhne ke baad aapko control nahi hoga. Mera naam rohan sharma hai aur main patna city se hu. Meri age 24 hai aur main ek baanka atheletic body wala naujawan hu. Hua yun ki main garmi ki chuutiyo me apne mama -mami ke ghar jaaya karta hu. Aur is baar bhi main unke paas hi gaya. Mere mama ki ahe 42 hai aur mami 34 ki. Lekin unka kasa hua badan...
It was after 11pm, my best friend and I snuggled up on her couch to watch some TV. She was four years my senior, shorter than I, but a bit stockier. She sat upright, the TV remote by her side. I stretched out on my back, my head on a pillow in her lap. I turned only my lazy head to watch our favorite late night talk show. Every light was off, so the blue glow of the screen seemed like an otherworldly haze in the living room on that spring evening. She brushed my hair, a sensation I relished....
I would like to introduce to the viewers about myself. I am a Male, 24 years 5’11”, Slim, and Fair guy from Bangalore, with a Penis measuring 8”. I was a easy going guy with many friends of both sex, but after completion of engineering I am not able to meet them and have fun. Today I want to make the world know about the incident, which made me loose virginity. Back to year 1996, I saw a Delhi girl studying in my school. She was very sexy looking a year younger to me. Her figure would be 30B 24...
Arthur was sitting on his sofa it was a quiet Saturday morning , nothing out of the ordinary except his mom , Sonia was licking his balls & his neighbour Helen was sucking his prick as he watched a nasty golden shower porno on screen . Two older hungarian sluts were being pissed on by a 20 year old guy . Relishing in the depravity , Arthur unloaded a massive load of jism down the throat of his 50 something cumslut Helen , Mom like usual who was wearing her french maid outfit french kissed...
These are compliments of fmwarmac A police officer came across a terrible road accident where the driver and passenger had been killed. As he gazed at the wreckage, a little monkey emerged from the trees and started hopping around the crashed car. “Gee,” said the officer scratching his head and looking down at the monkey, “I wish you could talk.” The monkey looked up at the officer and nodded his head. “You mean you can understand what I’m saying?” asked the officer. Again the monkey nodded...
Ye kahani teen doston ki hai, jo ki friends with benefits the. Is kahani ka har part alag hoga, aur apne aap mein poora hoga. Ek kahani padhne ke liye doosri kahani padhne ki zaroorat nahi padegi. Har kahani mein khoob chut lund ka khel hoga, aur jam kar chudai hogi. Prerna, Sana aur Ankit(main) ab pakke dost the. Hum sab kuch share karte the, aur hamari sari fantasies bhi, aur unko poori karne ki koshish karte the. Ye kahani wahi ek fantasy ko poora karne ke baare mein hai. Prerna aur Sana ne...
The bus trip “Tammy! Tammy.” Dad shouted, “Grab your coat we have to go to the coast and pick up some students.” I was almost asleep when he called, so I popped my head out of my bedroom door, “What do you mean?” I asked. “They sent the wrong bus to pick the students up from the French trip and I have to take the mini bus to collect the remaining students.” dad said, “Just grab your coat, come on we have to hurry.” Still half sleep I put my coat on over my nightdress and ran down stairs...
Extra hot Inna Innaki is ready for some extreme ass fucking in today’s Hands on Hardcore episode by the DDF Network. Her hubby Teo relaxes on the couch as his brunette wife walks in and starts feeling his crotch while kissing his lips. Teo’s dong gets hard immediately and once his absolutely breath-taking sexy Greek goddess takes her clothes off and starts sucking his dick, he can’t wait to bang her holes. The athletic hottie with big titties and an amazing curvy ass swallows...
xmoviesforyouThis is a new story of our little series called "Vacation With Teens", which is a true story and actually happened. While the writer (Hailie) still decided to include some fiction just to make the story even more enjoyable.You can find the earlier episodes by going to our profile and check out the "Sex Stories" section.Before you read this story, here are the girls from this episode.EmiliaJoanaAlexandraIvanaEpisode 3 - The Camping SiteShe was the first to spot them. "Over there." Emilia said....