Revenge free porn video

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It was one of those lonely days that spilled over into the
darkness where again nothing awaited me but empty silence,
or the droning hum of the television.

It had been a long time since we’d done anything really spectacular
together. He was always working; I had my own career, but
nothing that even mildly interfered with my loving him.

I still had a good body, I was clean, and I was smart. Then
why? I wondered. What is worse? The not knowing or the knowing?
I’m not really sure. I do know however, whatever it was that
he could not find in me, he thinks he can find in her.

I saw them you see. I saw them in the most intimate of all moments,
and in those moments a thousand different emotions played
themselves out in their acts of sexual abandon.

Any woman worth her salt knows when her man is drawing away
from her. Too much sex, not enough, gone altogether? Too
many late nights at the office, too many business trips
out of town.

I ignored the red mark on his thigh that looked like a hickey,
and he swore that he’d banged his leg against his desk. Odd,
how I wanted to believe that just then. Blatant signs that
we choose not to see.

We hadn’t been to our cabin in the mountains of Pennsylvania
in over two years. Something always came up, usually on
his part. I figured that I would surprise him, by going up
there during a week he was away on business trip, and getting
it all ready for a special weekend with just the two of us.

On the Thursday before he was due to return, I loaded up our
SUV with all sorts of goodies, including a very sexy negligée
from Victoria’s secret. It would take me a good part of the
day to get the cabin ready with flowers, candles and our
special music but I knew it would be perfect when I was done.

As I drove, I could see clouds building off in the distance.
Damn! I hoped I could beat the storm that was coming. I didn’t.

The downpour was sudden and drenching. The mountain roads
were treacherous and too muddy even for my 4WD SUV.

I pulled into a little diner just about thirty minutes south
of our cabin. Other cars were there, also intending to wait
out the rain. I ran inside and took a seat near the window
hoping I would be able to see when the storm cleared. It was
hours! At 9:00 the pouring rain turned into a teasing mist,
but there were still bright hits of sheet lightening and
distant rolls of thunder.

I paid my bill for the sandwich and three cups of tea I had,
and got back in my truck. It was a little slow going, but finally
I turned into the road that led to our cabin. I smiled as I
saw the trees become less dense and the roof of our cabin
came into view.

My smile turned to puzzlement when I saw a dark four-by-four
parked out front. Whose could it be? My heart pounded. Squatters?
I stopped my car in the glade and contemplated calling the
police to come and remove the errant trespassers.

Suddenly a dreaded feeling closed over me and I knew I had to
see just who was in our cabin. I got out and walked in the rain to the cabin door. There was a light on somewhere, so I went to the window and saw that
it wasn’t a light at all, but roaring flames in the fireplace.

A huge boom of thunder sounded, nearly scaring me to death,
and the rain began to fall in sheets once again. Then, I saw
her. She was naked and on her knees with long auburn hair falling
in waves around her.

Who was she and what was she doing in our cabin?
I saw her mouth move and I was suddenly afraid to know to whom
she spoke.

Then, with his back to me, he arose, also naked. It was a body
I knew all too well. Tall, lean and with still strong arms
and legs. It was my husband and he was standing before the
young woman with what looked like a leather-flogging whip
in one hand and a raging erection in the other.

My mouth dropped open as I watched in horror as he said something
to her and she bowed her head. He must have spoken harsher,
because she closed her eyes just as he brought the flogger
down across her back. She winced and then looked up at him
with a mix of pleading and… pleasure.

He smiled and pointed to his erect cock. The girl moved forward

and took my familiar beast into her mouth.
I saw my husband’s eyes close as she took him in inch by inch.
When she reached the hilt she drew back and then slammed
her mouth back down it again. She began to move rapidly,
and I saw him push forward to make sure she got the full measure
of him. Every so often he would slap her ass with the flogger
and she would suck him faster and harder, her jaws drawing
in as the whip urged her on.

I was incensed. How long had this been going on? What was
he saying to her? I had to know. I went to the door and found
the spare key we always kept over the top jamb. I waited until
there was another loud peal of thunder before inserting
it into the lock and turning the knob. I waited for yet another
before pushing it open and stepping into the dark foyer.

It was warm inside, a welcome change to the chilliness outside.
I could hear gulping as she sucked him, and I heard him whispering.

“Come on little cunt that’s it, suck it, ” he said, “suck
my hard dick, suck it until my cum pours down your fucking
little slut throat.” Was that my kind hearted gentle husband saying
those things?

I stopped there in the darkness, rain dripping in a puddle
at my feet. “Are you my bitch slut?” He asked bringing the whip down
across her perfect little ass cheeks. She mumbled something; but to me it sounded like a gurgle. He pumped hard into her mouth.

“Take it bitch! Take it all.” He shoved her back and lifted his still hard cock up towards his stomach exposing his ball sacs. “Suck them little cunt.”
She moved down and took his balls into her mouth, first one then other, then both. She sucked and licked them as he leaned over and ran a finger down the crack of her ass.

“You’re nice and juicy. I like a slippery cunt. On all fours!”
He ordered. She complied and he moved behind her and got on his own knees
behind her. He splayed her legs wide apart and separated
her ass cheeks. His face disappeared between them and I heard her gasp as he ate hungrily. She moaned loudly and moved a little with his rhythm. He sounded like a rabid wolf as he pinched her fleshy breasts to keep her still.

He had never taken me orally from that position, and judging
from her expression, I knew she was ecstatically aroused.

I could hear him lapping and sucking at her sopping cunt.
He opened her wider and told her that he was going to lick
her inner walls. He was always good orally, but never this good with me.

He got down on his back and pulled her sopping, dripping
pussy down onto his face and continued his eating.
After a short while he shoved her over onto her back and slammed
her legs open. “I want your clit, get it ready for me.”
I could see her hands obey him as she began to maneuver the
hood off her clit, exposing the nub that looked like a tiny pink cock.

My husband licked his lips. He sank between her legs and
took the nub between his teeth and gnawed. She screamed
out loud. He chewed and sucked the pink nub as she writhed
in painful agitation.

I could see his tongue move rapidly across it like a little
whip beating it. Then he’d stop and suck it hard, pulling
the nub far from its hood at an almost impossible range.

Again and again his face disappeared further down as he
ate her sopping hole. When he raised his face I could see
how shiny with her juices it was.

It was all very hurtful to watch, but erotic too and I found
myself getting strangely aroused, but my anger outweighed
it. I heard him groan and arise, pulling her with him forcing
her over the arm of the couch. He kicked her legs apart and
ran a finger slowly down her ass crack. With a jerk he shoved it in hard and she screamed and bit her lip.

“Just getting it ready for my rod little cunt.”

She cried, but she was begging too. Begging for his fat thick
cock to enter her ass. “Pussy first my dear, pussy first”

Because she was so wet, he slid himself into her easily,
and with slow undulating movements he fucked her. He fucked
her slow with long strong strokes, but nothing hurtful.

He reached around and caressed her hanging breasts, pinching
her nipples until she winced. He spoke softly to her and
made her answer him. He called her the vilest names, but somehow it
was with a sort of affection. His strokes were stronger and she was loving it, pushing back ardently to meet his thrusts.

They were fucking for almost twenty minutes and she was
lost in a euphoric fog of passion. I had the advantage of seeing what
she could not. I saw him yank his cock out of her now gaping pussy.
She waited for him to slide it back in, and he did. But this
time, hard and right into her tight ass.

She screamed in pain, shut her eyes tight then opened them.
When he shoved into her again, her vision focused and she
saw me.

“Master!” she said.
“Hush!” he said, “Or I’ll shove it right through you little
“Master Please!” she begged.

He slapped her ass cheeks so hard it sounded like a whip cracking.

“One more word and you will feel the pain of THE ARMOUR in
your ass and pussy, now not another word.”
Her lips snapped shut, but her eyes never left mine.

What was the ARMOUR? Why had it frightened her into sudden
quiet submission?

He pounded in her ass so hard, tears leaked out of her eyes
and slid down her face. He was about to cum. I knew because I had seen that look many times. He stroked harder, and just as the moment arrived, he pulled out, turned her over and grabbed her by the hair so that her face was level with his engorged cock. “Open and receive!”

She tried to turn her head back to me, but he held her hair
too tightly. She opened her mouth and he shoved his cock
inside it, claiming her mouth with the dick that had just assaulted her ass.

He tensed, and released his thick heavy streams of cum into
her mouth and throat. I saw it move up and down as she swallowed,
but I knew it would be too much. It always was. Streams began
to leak out the sides of her mouth, down her chin, and onto
her breasts. Still he pulsated with cum, almost gagging
her. As he took it out, a thick wad of it spilled from her mouth and over her lips.

“I love the way you look when you do that, be sure not to lose
any.” She scooped up the dripping cum and slipped it back into
her mouth, swallowing each drop.

My husband smiled and went to sit on the couch. The girl righted
herself slowly. “Now! What did you want to say to me?” he asked her.

I stepped into the light. “She wanted to say that I was here!”

Startled, he jumped up, his face ashen, but only for a moment
as the color returned when he saw me. “Quite a performance” I said moving forward. “It’s not what you think.” He said in the stentorian voice I had lived with for more than five years.

I saw his member lose its rigidity and shrink slowly to nestle
against his thigh. “Oh really? Then what is it? I find you here with some woman
who is obviously not me, with your dick hanging after it’s
been in every orifice of her body.”

The woman looked afraid, but not of me, of him. I turned a
steely gaze to her. “Do you enjoy him?”

She looked at him as though asking for permission to answer.
I was astonished to find that is exactly what she was doing,
when I saw him nod once.

“Yes!” she said softly.

I wanted to slap her silly submissive face, but it was not
only she, it was him too.

I took off my rain soaked jacket and walked towards them.
She was an exquisite creature, more perfect than I would
ever be, but she lacked character and will. Even I could see that.

Neither made a move as I sat on the couch where only moments
ago she lay with her ass doing his bidding. The musky smell of sex was heavy in the air. I don’t think either of them was ready for my next question.

“So tell me, what is…. THE ARMOUR?”
Neither said anything.

I looked at my husband who wasn’t backing down an inch.

“You….” I pointed to him “Have much more to lose than she
does. Now what is it?”

He moved slowly to a black leather bag that I hadn’t noticed
by the fireplace. He reached inside and extracted a hollow
dildo about thirteen inches long and as thick as my fist.
It had a multitude of tiny rubber spikes all over it.

I took it from his hand and turned it over in mine. It was impressive.

“Surely you don’t….” I couldn’t imagine it. I looked at
her. “Does he use this in you?”

She wanted to answer but didn’t dare.

“Make her answer me!” I shouted at him.
He nodded to the now trembling girl.
She hesitated. I couldn’t stand her mewling submissiveness
and I went to her and grabbed her nipple and twisted it.

She made no sound except to utter a small moan of pain.

My husband didn’t order her to speak, and I suspected he
was enjoying my charge-taking performance.
“Make her answer me.”

“You may answer the mistress little cunt, ”

I let go of her rosy, now red nipple.
“He uses it when I am disobedient or when he is displeased.”

I turned it over and over.

“It must be excruciating.”

“Yes Mistress, ” she said just above a whisper.

Somehow, I think I enjoyed the sound of the title on her lips when referring to me. I got up and walked to the little bag from which he had extracted the studded dildo.

“Well, let’s see what other little toys he has in here.”

I extracted nipple clamps, and dildos in various sizes
and colors. There were also whips, floggers, candles,
clit pincers, blindfolds and handcuffs.

I looked at my husband who dared to smile back at me.

"So, what have you to say for yourself darling?” I

“It’s who I really am when I am not with you.” He said.

“You enjoy being in control?”

“I do.”

I didn’t like his self-assured tone. He looked at me with dark hazel eyes.

“It seems, ” he began, “you have a proclivity for power.
Little cunt noticed right away and gave you the respect
you deserve.”

“Do you think so?” I raised my brows in feigned surprise.

“Of course.” He smiled evilly. “The two of us can reduce
her to a mass of quivering jelly.”

The prospect was exciting him, and his cock was creeping
back to life. I took the handcuffs and twirled them around my finger and
walked toward them.

“Do you think she’ll do anything I say?”

“Yes! If I order it she will do anything you say.”

“Without question?”
“You will have absolute power over her?”

He was almost salivating at the prospect of the unanticipated
threesome. He looked at the girl.

“Clean the mistress’s shoes.”

The girl knelt before me and began licking my muddy shoes.
I moved my feet back in disgust.

My husband looked at me with shining, excited eyes.

“Together we can have her any way you want.”

What made him think I was interested in her that way?

“Help the Mistress out of her wet clothes little cunt” he ordered.

The girl came over to me and began to remove my clothes. I
let her until she reached my undergarments.

“That will be all. I don’t want to show you all my charms just
yet.” I smiled at her with what she thought was sincerity.

I turned to my husband and licked my lips.

“I never knew you possessed such strength and power, even
after all these years of marriage. But I think I want to control
her now.”

“Indeed my dear. Indeed.” He was beside himself with joy.

“Order it!”

He ordered the girl to follow my instructions to the letter.

Immediately I commanded her to suck his cock. She bent to
her knees and pasted her mouth firmly around the head and began
to lick him.

It wasn’t until I moved behind him and began to caress his
body gently, slowly that he closed his eyes and began to
really enjoy himself. I reached around and squeezed his
nipples and he hissed with pleasure.

I licked his neck and let my tongue flutter down his back
to the very brink of his ass. The anticipation of what he
thought might happen was too much as he let out a loud moan.

I let my hands rove up over his arms allowing my nails to dig
in slightly. I brought them around in back of him and before
he knew it, I had the handcuffs secured tightly. His eyes popped open.
I grabbed a ball gag that I had taken out of the bag and shoved it in his mouth before he was able to utter an order to the wide-eyed girl.

He began to struggle.

“Oh but my dear, you know I will never hurt you. But you did give me control over her.” I said pointing to the still sucking girl.

I went to the bag and grabbed a harness. I fit the ARMOUR spiked
dildo into it. I bid the girl to rise and I strapped it on her
tightly, too tightly onto her lovely flat pelvis.

I took my husband and bent him over the same arm of the couch
where he had bent her. His eyes were pools of angry fire.

“Move behind him--little cunt is it?” I queried her.

My husband began to moan and shake.

“Ya know, had I known this is the sort of thing you liked,
we might have been able to at least talk about it.” I began
to don my discarded skirt and blouse.

“But you wanted to do things in secret, while I sat at home
with nothing to fill me. Well now something is going to fill you.”

I finished dressing and went to the girl. I placed my lips
close to her ear and began to whisper.

He tried to strain around and see what I was doing. He tried
to shake his head ‘NO!’ to her. But as I whispered, a slow
smile crept up the corners of her mouth. I finished and went
to face my husband.

“Do you know what I told her?”
His eyes were huge and a little glisteny.
I patted him on his head.

“No matter. It isn’t that important.”

I nodded to the girl and she moved forward with the 13 inch
studded dildo in her hand, heading straight for his ass.

“Go on my dear, just remember what I told you.”

I went to the door and all I could hear was my husband trying
to moan over his gag. Angry at first, then pleading.

I could see she was spreading his ass cheeks as he tried to
wiggle away. I opened the door but stopped before I stepped through it.

“Oh and by the way, after this, if you decide to come home,
you will be my bitch from now on. Unless of course you would
rather face embarrassing divorce court proceedings where
I will denounce your decadent behavior, naming little
slut here as correspondent.”

He closed his eyes and I could have sworn I saw a tear squeeze through his lid as I shut the door.

As I hit the bottom step, I head a loud crying moan and I knew
the girl was having him. She was having him hard. Splitting
him. Doing to him what he’d done to her.

And that my friends, is what revenge is made of.

Same as

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It took me most of the day to get to Louisville, find the hotel where my new club, the Norfolk Tides, was staying, and report to my new manager, Rick Dawkins – a retired Orioles’ infielder who’d been manager at Norfolk for three years. “Game starts tonight at 7,” Dawkins told me. “You’ll probably start at DH.” “Okay. Listen, you mind if I ask a question?” “Shoot.” “You have any idea why Baltimore wants me? I hear they gave up a good prospect for me, and, shit, they’ve got the best DH in...

3 years ago
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I love my son Daniel Chapter 4

The panties that I had worn were soaked through by the time the movie had ended. Just thinking about what we were going to do when we got back to the house. As Daniel was driving down the highway I kept thinking to myself about his nice size cock inside my pussy; I slowly reached over and started rubbing his inner thigh. I could feel his dick moving down his pants leg as I continued to rub him. “You want mommy to suck your dick baby?” I asked him not being able to hold back any...

1 year ago
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Ahh Lochy Part 3

This story is a bit longer than the first two as I attempt to broaden the story line a little more. I hope you enjoy. In the midst of my mind, I was yearning to get to know Lochy better. I mean, sure, we had known each other for quite a few years now but for 3 of those years we had been completely apart. So he kind of felt like a new person to me now, almost like an acquaintance that I took the time to get to know and ended up having a one-night-stand with. “Oh God!” I thought to...

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The New Boss

I slowly pulled into my parking space. Sometimes I hated this place. But it paid the bills, and for the most part, it wasn't too bad. Especially lately, as my boss had been gone for almost a whole year now, which left me in charge. At first, I was glad she was gone, but now I wanted her back. There was so much paperwork involved. I gathered up all the paperwork I had to do for the day and then locked the car. Who knew running a distribution center was so irritating? Usually, all I did was look...

Office Sex
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A Rock and A Hard Place 3 Conclusion

Hello Everyone. I’d like to start out by apologizing for taking so long to write the epic conclusion of this love triangle of a story. In my defense it took me this long to get the full story from all of the characters and for enough action to transpire, but I digress. I hope you enjoy it and leave comments and ratings! This story is 100% true. I know each character personally. A Rock and A Hard Place 3 (Conclusion) April 8th, 2013....

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Bus Ride1

It started out as a normal day. My plan was to take the bus from Vegas to San Diego for a trip to see my best girl friend. She had moved there for a new job 6 months ago. I missed her. I did not trust my old rust bucket 1992 Honda anymore. Flights were expensive and the bus ride although long was cheap. I was happy the bus was not even half full. It consisted of an older crowd. Those people sat right up in the front. I had envisioned the bus being packed and full of undesirables. ...

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Becoming a Female Earthling

I got this story idea after watching the movie Men in Black with my boyfriend, Vince. We got talking about sex among space aliens. This is my first attempt at writing a Sci-Fi story, and my first erotic story not based on my real life. My name is not really spellable in human letters. The closest I can render it for you is Zalmingra. But you have to imagine adding three squeaks, a tongue click, and two finger snaps during that pronunciation - all while making a sort of snorting noise. I was the...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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The second date

She was excited at the thought of meeting her date again: they?d hit it off on their first meeting, sitting chatting until las Chapter 1 She was excited at the thought of meeting her date again: they?d hit it off on their first meeting, sitting chatting until last orders and only then, reluctantly leaving the pub, where he?d expressed an eager desire to see here again & take her out for dinner. A sedate kiss in the car park, had soon turned into a more passionate exploration and she?d...

4 years ago
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My love for nicole part 2 mom gets hers

As always comments and private messages are encouraged to help me make better stories for the enjoyment of the reader….big thanks to jj,-BL-, and AC for their comments if any of you mentioned see this, this story is especially for you ************************************************************************************* My mother stood there glaring at me and my younger cousin, her with jizz on her face and me with my weiner quickly deflating. I starting trying to explain what happened, but a...

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The Demons Bride

When I open the door, the delivery man stands right here before my very own eyes with a very bright and big smile, saying out happily and composedly the words, "Good morning, Miss Mila Brooks." I don't want to be rude to him, but honestly speaking, I woke up in a sour, bitter mood today. With a feigned, insincere, and faked-up smile, I reply him: "Good morning. What can I do for you, sir?" He is standing there with a bunch of cutely and amazing-looking flowers. They must be fairly...

2 years ago
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Cum Covered CD In Hants Gets A Surprise

I love writing about my best gay experience ever so here goes for my favourite site!There is a well known place just outside Basingstoke which is descrete, safe and popular which I go to.This one time, I dressed up in a black balcony bra, thong panties, suspender belt and fishnet stockings and headed on over.I took my place and took off my overclothes waiting for someone to peep through the gloryhole.5 minutes later, an eye appeared and stayed as I stroked my cock for it. Eventually, I zipped...

4 years ago
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Encounter at Johns 2

“Not yet, slave.” He untied my hands and ankles from the bed posts, and bound my wrists together behind my back. Attaching a cock-leash, he led me out into the living room. I knelt in front of the couch while he went and made himself a cup of coffee. He returned a few minutes later holding a steaming mug, and a donut. He sat down in front of me on the coach and smiled. “I’m not a big breakfast eater, but I’ve gotta keep my slave healthy.” With some difficulty he managed to slide...

2 years ago
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Veronica Goes To Inspection

I live in New Jersey and every year you need to get your car inspected. Although, they have loosened up the requirements for all vehicles. It used to be, they'd inspect everything in the car and now they only test the emissions. They test the cycles under specific conditions under which the engine is tested during the test. It’s very stressful, because you don’t know if your vehicle will pass. I needed to get my car inspected and thought I’d dress the part and wear something a bit revealing in...

2 years ago
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Fifth Anniversary

The morning did not start well.

Kevin and Susan Greyson rose on a working day. It was a sunny morning and Kevin felt great. So far so good. How had it managed to go so steeply downhill from there? Well, he would later have to admit that he had nothing and nobody else to blame but himself – and her of course! He always accepted that he had a stubborn streak, and when it bit, he could not help but dig his heels in. 
He was eating his muesli and drinking his coffee, and Susan was doing the...

1 year ago
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Bobbi Jo

Bobbi Jo By Bernice 14 Lying in bed in my stepsister's stolen Pink Baby doll nitie, I was sure that she and my Stepmother were fast asleep. My cock ached so much at being encased in the lace trimmed satin pantys. My balls felt like they were in a vice, being squeezed. They were so engorged with pent up seed from the constant stimulation of the past eleven hours. I'd stolen the pantys that morning from the hamper and slipped them on, not wanting to get caught carrying them to my...

1 year ago
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High School Hookup

This story takes place when I was 21 working at a liquor store. I never in a million years thought this would happen to me.It was a Tuesday night. I was the only one on shift for the night until closing, which was 11 PM. It was a very slow night. I was incredibly horny that day. I was beginning to think dressing up in very tight jeans, very low cut white top, pink g string, and pink push up bra had become pointless. I had already played with myself 8 times into my 8 & 1/2 shift. ...

3 years ago
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My Friends Girlfriend

Fire sucks. I just wanted to say that from the start and get it out of the way. There's no way to describe coming home from a long day at work to see fire jetting out of your apartment windows. To make a long story short ..... electrical fire. I guess you could say I was lucky though. Not everything burned, and I was able to save about half of my clothes and a few other odds and ends. And trying to look on the bright side of things ...... I guess that's what renters insurance is for, right?My...

2 years ago
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Fortress of MemoryAfterwords

I took my charges to a safe place for the night, (a disused motorhome, which I knew where the key was hidden) and we ate our meal, drank our water, used the toilet- "Don't flush it, we will just rinse it down with a little water when everyone is done" I told them. and then it was time to change into the sweats and get ready for bed. I was embarassed, because living all together in Section 20 had removed any vestige of modesty. I tried not to stare at the brief flashes of pale skin or dark...

2 years ago
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07 Home 2Chapter 40

Flashback – Ben – Wrong place... There's nothing like being in the wrong place at the right time! A crazy-assed terrorist charged Jack and Masha and it could only mean one thing: He was another fucking suicide bomber and had them in his sights. Once a suicide bomber gets close enough to you, there is no winning because he will take you out. And he was almost close enough to Jack and Masha! They wisely turned tail and ran while I continued to provide cover fire and wished I had something...

1 year ago
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Fantasy Vacation Chapter 04

Chapter IV   The 15-mile drive into town Mike’s mind went over the list of item he needed to pick up. The first stop would be the Boat Marina to pick up the new ski rope for the boat then over to the small grocery store on the Westside of town. He and Terri always shopped there because the owners were such nice people and they always treated everyone with kindness.   Arriving at the Marina , Mike pulled into the large lot and parked the near the front door. Then going inside he saw that...

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I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the word "tushy". It’s pretty much the cleanest way to refer to what is widely considered to be the dirtiest part of the human body: the butt. If you were going to tell your grandma about a bloody hemorrhoid erupting on your asshole, you’d probably tell her your "tushy" has an "ouchy". It’s that kind of word. I think the general cleanliness of the word is why I think it’s so funny that specializes in such hardcore anal fuck movies.Don’t get me...

Premium Anal Porn Sites
4 years ago
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Sadhya Teacher And A Horny Student

Hey guys.Once again,thank you for all your supports and replies on my last story.So without much infos, I will go straight to the story. So this was me when i was studying in 12th grade.I found that it was impossible for me to study physics and so, i went for a tuition to a teacher named Sandhya.Now about Sandhya,well….. she is pretty damn hot for a 39 year old woman.I mean,she has 3 kids,but she looks like a 21 year old hot slim chick with amazing curves and spectacular boobs for such a body...

1 year ago
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WebYoung Zoe Bloom Danni Rivers Babysitter Backup

Danni Rivers is relaxing when she gets a call from her best friend, Zoe Bloom, who is in desperate need of help. While babysitting, Zoe’s shirt was ruined and now she has nothing to wear for when the parents get home! Fortunately for her, Danni agrees to bring over one of her tops to help save the day. What babysitter doesn’t bring a spare change of clothes?? When Danni shows up at the residence with a clean top, she’s surprised when Zoe answers the door topless. It’s...

2 years ago
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Love on a Piano Bench

I arrive from work in my best suit, tired from the commute but looking forward to seeing you, and as I slip quietly in the front door, I can hear the sounds of the Adagio from Beethoven’s Moonlight Sonata being played on the piano in the living room. I walk slowly over to you, say nothing, but place my hands on your neck and give a little squeeze – you turn to look over your shoulder, smile, then return your attention to the piano. You look so beautiful sitting there, such perfect posture, in...

3 years ago
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Losing virginity a loss or gain

Hello friends: As I promised, I am back with continuation of my life story after “My First Experience.” I am sure you would have enjoyed that very much. For those, who haven’t read that story, I will advice you to read that first so that you will get the right sequencing. I am purposely not giving my brief description in this story because I want you to first read my previous experience. After the last incidence, I must admit my lifestyle had changed. Things were happening fast and needless...

4 years ago
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YakimaChapter 8 Getting Closer

Gordon Winters grudgingly accepted the proposal offered by Miles Hoffman on behalf of Reese. I got the impression from Ali that Gordon was intimidated by Miles after he witnessed the pasting lawyer Huggins received in the family courtroom. The fact that Kim was present at the negotiations probably underscored he had little room to move. He signed the documents and the deed was done. Reese was out from under a bad potential marriage and financial hard times. Gordon left for Wenatchee at the...

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Punishedthievescom It was the shoes that did it for him. He'd first noticed them when he openedhis new shop in a middle class area. They seemed to be the new fashion amongstthe young mothers who frequented his newsagents during the school run. Theywere flat and round toed, with little girl straps. It was this juxtapositionbetween the girliness of the shoes and the well to do women in their late twentiesor early thirties who wore them that aroused him. It was because of the shoes that he'd...

2 years ago
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WHEN THE LAST GUEST WAS GONE, those staying gathered the remains and took them to the refrigerator. We all seven kissed in every possible combination of twos and threes and then Melody, Bree, Whitney, and Lissa all went to the big bed. I assumed that Wendy, Kate, and I would head for Kate’s queen-sized bed after we brushed our teeth, but Wendy grabbed our hands and led us to her room. She only has a double bed, but we’d all three fit in it, I figured. We three had never been together in...

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Andrea and Uncle

Andrea and Uncle**** By William DuPain**** Her uncle, who awakens an unknown passion in her, forces his young niece. MF-MF-FF Incest-Nonconsensual.****I had left work early and headed for my aunts house where my wife and I shared a small bedroom together. We had left our Midwestern home and moved nearer to my aunt in Oregon for purely career reasons.When the transfer came it was sudden and shocking and we were completely unprepared. So when I spoke to my mom’s sister she had immediately offered...

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Our Lady of Sorrows

OUR LADY OF SORROWS A Jackie Kaiser Story by Laika Pupkino Somewhere in Heaven (probably downtown, where all the golden freeways come together in a great gleaming bow of an interchange...) is an office building the size of Mount Everest, in which angels with massive ledger books and quill pens keep the balance of our sins. When we do or think something bad it is noted in our account summary, and when we go to confession the priest gives us the bill for whatever we declare, and as...

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First time with a married woman TRUE STORY Part

I'm going to tell you a couple TRUE of stories that happened 15 years ago when I was in my early twenties. Few information: English is not my mother tongue, and this is my first time to write ANY STORY.////////////////////////////////////////////////////I was working for a business consultancy company, and it was my first job, fresh out of college. I was a junior employee and big shots would hit a home run and leave me with customers, to finalize on the ideas and findings.We were working for a...

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You watched from the shadows as his dick plunged into her again and again. Her breasts bounced, her voice rose and fell. He cane four times that night, each time in a different position. You loved the view of her ass in the air, waiting for him. When he left, you went to her. You knelt between her perfect hips and lapped the semen from her dripping pussy. She moaned and touched herself, her hand passing right through you. She could not see you, all she knew of your presence was the strange...

1 year ago
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Era of Sex Goblet of Dionysis

Kerry Anderson walked into the bar in her sleek black pants and black t-shirt. Her dark brown hair was loosely tied and she had dark brown eyes. She had nothing to do over the weekends and decided to spend it at these bars. She went up to the bartender and sat down. "What will it be miss?" He asked. "Dunno... whatever is good" She answered. The bartender smirked as he went into the back room and came out with a bottle of beer. "This is a very good bottle. But it will cost you fourty dollars."...

2 years ago
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What Happened in Harveys Room Part 1

Part 1: Circle JerkThe five of us gathered round Harvey's laptop, pulled our dicks out and he loaded up the movie so we could all wank off to it.I was new to the academy and I'd never been in a circle jerk before, so it seemed funny and horny at the same time for us all to be crouching round like this with our boners poking out from our flies."This is so fuckin' hot," Harvey grinned, checking out my dick as the newbie of the group. "You guys are gonna dib off so fast over this shit!"My pecker...

Gay Male
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The Arcade

Jeff I was horny. Not kind of horny—definitely horny. What with a few icy beers with dinner and a slight buzz on, the idea of another jackoff session didn't interest me, so I drove across town to the video arcade to see what the action was like. Kind of dead when I got there. Only a few cars, so I was able to park out front. Well, hopefully there was someone inside who wanted to get his rocks off really good. I was dressed for it. Black tee-shirt tight across my big chest, tucked inside a...

3 years ago
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Homeless and Desperate PART 2

CONTINUED FROM PART 1Lotte was getting worried and she could sense something was not right."Paul? , What is it? "Eventually he came clean. "Lotte, when we first met on the Catholic Chat site I was just having abit of fun . I was horny and just wanted to see if I could talk dirty with someone....your 18 and beautiful and you were showing an interest in me... a 35 year old that is going bald ..and things , well developed""What are you saying Paul.?""Thing is Lotte,...I am married and have been...

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