Abused Arsonist
- 2 years ago
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Masturbation: Prohibited
Reformation: 2127 by Tanya Simmonds
Part 1 ? The Origin of the New Order
On January 1st,2125, the Western World became a dictatorship - the female gender had become totally dominant over all males.
It had been developing for a very long time; the suffragettes of the early 1900?s; the Women?s Liberation Movement of the 1970?s; by the late 1970?s the World bore witness to the female standing in one of the most powerful positions on Earth and over the next two decades, females had become captains of industry, supervisors of male employees, managers and often it was the male who stayed at home looking after the children whilst the woman went out to work to become the breadwinners.
The roles had become reversed ? women no longer required men!
Divorces became commonplace and escalated to the point where marriage had almost become a futile undertaking.
By 2050, women were using men purely for procreation and for sexual pleasure before discarding them.
By 2100, the male was the servant of the female, where obedience was a socially accepted norm and resistance was met with great social ostracism, even from other males.
In 2125, feminist advocate and politician, Elena Sterling was elected President of the Western Hemisphere.
President Sterling?s election resulted in a new reformation of society ? an official recognition of the modern way of life, but in a much more regimented way than it had been. New laws had been introduced to reflect, not only the concept of female superiority and male subservience, but also the beliefs of the new leader ? a feminist who had always been concerned about another male uprising. Being a highly educated politician and historian, she knew what the World had offered under male reign: war, violence, terrorism, brutality towards women ? women who were regarded as subservient, even by man?s religions; religions which President Sterling believed were created by chauvinistic men who had the audacity to claim that they had the? endorsement of an all-powerful God. For this reason, all major world religions were banned from the lands over which she ruled.?
Elena Sterling also strongly believed that a man?s sexual behaviour must, at all costs be kept under control. The male instinct, she believed, was for him to use a woman?s body for his own sexual gratification and then to discard her before doing likewise to his next ?conquest?, by means of his charming and manipulative words beforehand - subsequently leaving a trail of heartbreak and trauma in his wake.
Elena Sterling considered that from now on, a relationship would be initiated by the woman, for the woman and for the purpose of serving the woman and if she wished to marry her servant-partner then that would be her decision to make and purely her decision.
Using this method of approach, the President had effectively revived and re-defined the concept of marriage; however there were certain laws which she had to introduce in order to maintain control.
She considered that the male tendency to engage in lustful thoughts about women to be a form of ?mental rape? and that all sexual activity engaged in by a male outside of a marriage or partner ship was now illegal fornication, punishable by physical sanctions.
Orgasm was for the pleasure of women; males were only permitted to ejaculate under the merciful permission of their wives or partners.
Under the new law:
Male masturbation and sex outside of a relationship were criminal offences as was the possession by any male of erotica which contained the images of naked women.
The President was extremely eager to stamp out masturbation and fornication at any cost and introduced new measures to ensure that such activity was curtailed. For this reason, she ordered the 24 hour surveillance of men with random urine tests in street booths and at Police road blocks.
Semen would be discovered in the urine under testing. If ejaculations had not occurred for several weeks, then the sperm count in the semen would be high. If it was low, then this may be evidence of illegal orgasm in which case the suspect would be taken in for testing on the off chance that he may have a low sperm count by nature. If he was found guilty of masturbation after testing he would be sentenced to a flogging on the spot with either a whipping of 24 lashes or 36 strokes of a cane ? the choice was his!
Many men offered the defence of involuntary nocturnal emissions during sleep but this was rejected by congress on the grounds that wet dreams were the product of a lustful mind and were evidence of mental rape. If a man were to purify his mind and soul to the worship of the female, then his body would not feel the desire to violate her in this barbaric manner.
The technology which was in place for testing a man in order to discover whether or not he had experienced an illegal orgasm was most ingenious and subjected the suspect to the most ecstatic and yet torturous procedure.
By the year 2127 ? two years after the reformation, all law enforcement officials and anyone in any position of authority were female. This was not to say that all women who were in a position of authority actually approved of Elena Sterling?s new regime and her severe sanctions. Most actually administered discipline for illegal orgasm only to retain their employment. Most Police officers were quite disturbed by the new cruelty-requirements of their vocation and saw no justification for such barbarity.
However, the Law was the Law!
Part 2: The Test
Charlie Slade was 27 years of age, attractive, athletic, intelligent, lived in Texas and worked as a bar tender at a local club. This was a taxing occupation; it was extremely hard work serving the crowds of incredibly demanding women ? all of whom saw fit to attire themselves in scanty, revealing clothing, whilst Charlie was permitted no sexual relief, due to the new regulations. It was torture for him, as indeed it was torture for all males.
Many failed in obeying the Law!
One Saturday morning, Charlie decided to depart from his habitation unit in the suburbs to venture out into an old rural area on his hover-scooter ? a relatively inexpensive form of transport which rarely reached more than 30 MPH and was electrically powered.
Charlie liked the countryside, especially on a bright, hot summer?s day like this one; it offered peace and quiet and a chance to enjoy the illusion that he was free. Of course he wasn?t free. Charlie like all other men was a prisoner of sorts; a prisoner totally at the mercy of the opposite gender.
As Charlie was riding out of town, just on the outskirts, his scooter turned a corner to be confronted by a Police road block.
A young, blonde, very beautiful uniformed Police officer raised her hand for him to stop. Charlie could feel his heart beginning to pound. They were so intimidating and so socially powerful.
He dutifully stopped and pulled up in front of the officer.
?Please, step away from the scooter, sir!? She ordered.
Charlie complied.
?This is a random urine test,? she said in an officious but professional manner. ?Are you in a marriage or partnership at present, sir??
?No, ma?am,? he replied.
?Would you like to come this way with me please, sir!?
It was not a question, it was a command. The officer led Charlie into a mobile testing unit which had been set up on the road side. Once inside, the officer handed Charlie a specimen bottle and led him behind a curtain in order for him to urinate into it in private.
?Take as long as you need, sir,? said the officer as she left Charlie to his privacy.
Charlie didn?t need long. He was extremely nervous and nerves always gave him the urge. Once he had provided his specimen he went back to the officer who took the bottle from him, before locking the door from the inside and taking the bottle into the next room for testing.
Once Charlie was locked in the one section of the mobile unit, the officer handed the specimen to a nurse who poured the contents into an analyser.
Charlie waited nervously for thirty minutes when finally the officer returned holding a scroll of computer readout paper.
?Have you engaged in either illicit sexual converse or solitary masturbation within the last three weeks, sir?? She asked.
?N-n-no, ma?am,? replied Charlie. He lied; six days ago, he could bear it no longer and chanced relieving his loins of their torment in his bed.?
?Well,? continued the officer. ?Your test appears to indicate a slightly lower-than-expected concentration of sperm cells, sir. Do you know if this is normal for you??
?I-I-I don?t know ma?am.?
?If you confess now, sir,? said the officer. ?You will be eligible for a lesser penalty.?
Charlie simply could not bring himself to admit to this beautiful woman that he had masturbated. It was too shameful.
?N-n-no ma?am, I haven?t done anything like that.?
?Well, in that case,? said the officer, ?I?m afraid I am going to have to place you under arrest for suspected illegal orgasm.? She produced a pair of electrum-shackles and secured Charlie?s hands behind his back with them.
?You are now going to be taken to Police headquarters where you will undergo an orgasm reflex test.? And with that, she led him outside and handed him over to another officer, also attractive with short black hair visible from beneath her uniform cap.
?This man is for testing, Julia,? she said.
?Ok, I?ll take him in,? replied the other officer.
As the blonde officer handed him over, she gave Charlie a sympathetic look and offered him one, apparently sincere wish:
?Good luck, sir.?? ???
Charlie was taken to Police headquarters, asked for all of his identification, asked again about his single status and was DNA-scanned.
Following this induction procedure, he was led into a small laboratory several corridors away into the heart of the building. Once inside, he was asked to strip naked and informed that a Police nurse would be with him shortly to provide the test.
And with that he was locked inside the laboratory to await his fate.
Twenty minutes after he had stripped naked, the lab door was opened and a very attractive nurse with shoulder length dark blonde hair entered. She appeared to be in her late 30?s and wore a white lab coat.
She smiled warmly at Charlie who was understandably nervous and covering his genitalia with his hands.
?Mr. Slade?? She asked.
?Y-yes,? replied Charlie.
?I have you down for an orgasm reflex test. Would you like to step over there please?? She motioned towards a chair which offered a ?V? shaped leg rest with what appeared to be a sophisticated-looking cylinder attached to a semi-circular, toothed metallic ratchet mechanism, positioned just below where the groin would be placed if anyone were to sit in the chair.
The chair arms had leather wrist straps at the end and two ankle straps were attached to the front two legs of the chair.
The chair itself was securely bolted to the ground.
Charlie did as he was asked.
?Please take a seat in the testing chair, sir?? She politely instructed him.
Charlie obeyed and sat with his legs parted along the ?V? shaped leg rests, still holding his hands over his manhood.
The nurse came over to him and took his left wrist, rested it on the armrest and pulled the straps tightly around it, followed by his right ? removing it away from his penis and appearing to be most unconcerned about the young man?s nakedness.
Charlie felt his cheeks begin to flush.
The nurse bent down and secured his ankles to the legs of the chair and then proceeded to walk over to a deck to the right of the chair which was covered with computer screens, monitors and sensory devices the likes of which, Charlie had no comprehension of.
She activated the system and the entire panel appeared to light up.
The nurse returned to Charlie and reached behind the chair to find a handful of wires with electrodes attached to each one.
She attached one each to Charlie?s temples and four across his chest.
The neurotransmitter and cardio-monitors immediately detected Charlie?s life-readings.
?Now, sir,? said the nurse. ?We will begin. The object of the test is to assess if you have experienced an orgasm within the last three weeks. If you haven?t then your orgasm response will be evident before the tester has stimulated you for sixty seconds.?
?I-I don?t quite understand,? said Charlie, nervously.
??Well,? continued the nurse. ?If you have not had any sexual relief in the last three weeks, your testosterone will be very high and you penis will be highly sensitive to sexual stimulation. If your reflex occurs past sixty seconds, you will have failed the test.?
She smiled at him sympathetically.
?Now, I am going to have to bring you to erection before I can start the test, alright??
?S-s-sure, I-I suppose so.? Charlie?s mind was in a daze and he really did not know what to say.
Was all of this really happening to him?
The nurse reached into her pocket and drew out a bottle of lubricant. She took hold of Charlie?s penis and began to masturbate him gently. At the first sign of his penis beginning to stir, she stopped to pour some lubricant into her hands and then resumed the stimulation.
Charlie could not refrain from uttering a groan of pleasure as the nurse?s oiled hand slowly stroked his stiffening member up and down until it was as hard as bone.
?You have a very large penis, sir,? she volunteered in a very clinical and professional manner. The line was not delivered with any emotion at all.
?I am sure that you will make a lady very happy with you, one day.?
?Thank you,? replied Charlie through laboured breathing, as this beautiful woman?s oiled hand continued to pleasure him.
Once he had reached maximum solidity, the nurse removed her hand and reached below to collect the curious-looking chrome cylindrical device which was connected to the ?C? shaped ratchet mechanism with cogs. She curled it upwards and slid the cylinder up to its top position via a slide to which it was attached at the top of the ratchet. The cylinder now rested just above the top of Charlie?s quivering erection.
The nurse took the bottle of lubricant and squirted a generous amount into the opening of the cylinder before using her fingers to spread it around the inside and sliding the cylinder down to completely swallow Charlie?s phallus.
Charlie groaned.
It was warm and sponge-like inside the slippery cavern ? exactly like a vagina!
The nurse wiped her hands on a pre-prepared towel as she walked over to the monitor panel and activated a switch which caused a timer clock to appear on one of the screens; once completed she walked back over to Charlie.
?We?re all set now,? she said, quite warmly. ?Are you ready for the test to begin, sir??
Charlie nodded reluctantly, and with that the nurse lightly touched a sensor on the top of the cylinder ? the test had begun!
?Good luck!? She bid him sincerely.
The counter on the monitor began simultaneously and Charlie gasped as a sensation like no other swept through him. The cylinder vibrated with incredible power around his solid erection whilst a rippling effect slid up and down his member with vigorous but gentle pressure ? the perfect pressure in fact, feeling exactly like masturbation. It was the ultimate delight; a three-way pleasure - ?being masturbated by an intensely vibrating, warm, wet vagina.
?Aaahhhh......? moaned Charlie; never in his life had he experienced such an intense level of pleasure.
The nurse returned to the monitors and observed the count on the screen; 0.22, 0.23, 0.24 ? and so on.
Charlie continued to thresh around in his bonds eagerly trying to thrust himself even further into this divine, sensational instrument only to discover that it already had all of him.
By 49 seconds he began to experience an unmistakable stirring within his loins approaching. It seemed like an eternity as it built up to a crescendo ? the undeniable sensation of orgasm and the approach of the ejaculation of sperm.
?Ohhhhhhh..........m-my G-God.......aaaaahhhhhhhhh........??
Charlie prepared to unleash his seed into the cylinder, so possessed by the pleasure was he, that he was no longer conscious that this was, in fact a test, which, if failed would reward him with a severe flogging.
Just at the crucial moment ? at the very instant that he was going to ejaculate, all stimulation suddenly ceased, leaving Charlie in a desperate state of frustration. The stimulator was programmed to de-activate at the split-second prior to ejaculation, as assessed by the sensors to which Charlie?s heart-rate and cerebral activity were connected.
The nurse waited as a strip of printout paper emerged from a printer close to the monitor; the monitor which displayed: 1.03.
?Please, Miss,? begged Charlie. ?Please let it finish. PLEASE!?
?I?m sorry, Mr Slade,? she replied. ?You know that I can?t do that.?
Charlie whimpered with frustration as the nurse walked out of the room with the printer readout, leaving him strapped to the chair with his manhood firmly affixed in the bizarre stimulation device.
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After 25 minutes which seemed like 25 years to Charlie, the nurse returned to him with a grave look on her face.
?I?m sorry, Mr. Slade,? she said. ?But I?m afraid that you have failed the orgasm reflex test. You were so close as well. Only 3 seconds over. The results were faxed over to the Judge and she ordered an immediate sentence.?
?What is going to happen to me?? asked Charlie, with notable fear in his voice.
?You are to be flogged,? she replied. ?You may choose between 36 strokes of the cane or 24 lashes from the whip.?
Charlie shuddered. Recently a friend of his had been caned for illegal orgasm and Charlie had seen the mess which the attending officer had made of his buttocks. Could the whip really be as bad as that?
?You may also choose whether I administer your flogging,? said the nurse. ?Or would you rather one of the other officers administer it??
As an Officer of the Law, she had the authority to administer discipline to any convicted male. The fact that she was a Police nurse was irrelevant in this era.
Charlie considered it for a moment; this nurse did seem quite compassionate. Perhaps she wouldn?t be as brutal as the officer who had caned his friend.
?I-I would like you to do it, Miss,? he said.
?Ok,? replied the nurse with a warm and sympathetic smile and walked over to him, removed his electrodes, slid the cylinder off of his mammoth penis which was still erect and placed her hand on her Tazer ultra-sound weapon before releasing Charlie from his bonds.
?This way please,? she asked and motioned Charlie towards a door which was just behind and to the right of the chair. She opened it and Charlie, shivering with apprehension entered, the nurse following behind him, her weapon now trained on her victim.
Oh, my God! She thought to herself with regret. You poor man; what a cruel regime I work for!
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Part 3: The Penalty.
The nurse led Charlie into the room and immediately it became illuminated with electric lightning to reveal a fairly bare interior aside from a plush carpeted floor with walls of dim, white, illuminated panels of Perspex; a thick, fibre glass white ?X? shaped apparatus in the centre of the room which sported two sets of shackles; one set at the top on each side for the wrists and one set at the bottom for the ankles.
In front of the ?X? frame was a beautiful chromium holder for one cat o? nine tails, one bullwhip and a pile of canes.
Charlie shuddered!
?Please come this way, sir,? said the nurse pointing to the frame. Charlie complied and the nurse asked him to raise his arms up to the wrist shackles whilst holding her ultra-sound weapon, however not training it directly on Charlie.
Once she had shackled his wrists she knelt down and secured his ankles.
?Which penalty do you prefer, sir?? She asked. ?The whip or the cane??
Charlie remembered the sight of his friend?s hindquarters after his caning and erroneously believed that the whip had to be less severe than that.
?The whip, p-please,? he replied quivering.
?Ok,? said the nurse, sympathetically and removed her nurse?s white coat to reveal a sleek black leotard which truly revealed the contours of her shapely and voluptuous form.
She walked over to the chromium holder and took the cat o? nine tails; the handle embroidered with gold and silver designer trimmings.
?Please don?t whip me hard, Miss,? pleaded Charlie. ?I beg you!?
The nurse closed her eyes, almost weeping with a sense of sorrow for this poor man. He didn?t deserve this.
?I-I?m so sorry,? she replied with a slightly choked voice. ?I have no choice. Your back must be certified following flagellation. Floggings must reach a required standard by Law.?
?Oh, God!? whimpered Charlie.
The nurse walked around to the back of him and reached her arm back in preparation to scourge her victim?s back.
?Brace yourself, Mr. Slade,? she said, trying to offer as much support as she could. ?Have courage.?
And with that, she shot the first lash across Charlie?s shoulders.
Charlie took a sharp intake of breath as the stinging pain ripped through him.
The second stroke was placed immediately beneath the first and the third beneath that one.
The nurse had developed a technique of applying the strokes in rapid succession so as to reduce the time of the ordeal to a minimum. Charlie didn?t know which lash he was screaming about since he could not distinguish between them by the sixth lash, such was her skill. So fast, so rapid-fire; the welts were raised and visible ? deep red swellings raised by the knots; extremely painful but mercifully not prolonged.
The twelfth stroke reached the bottom of Charlie?s buttocks. The nurse was prohibited to lash his legs by Law. This was an incredible cruel piece of legislation ? tried and tested. Twelve lashes could go down to the bottom of the buttocks, however, the last twelve ? if they could not go lower ? must be placed over the existing wounds. ?
?I?m so, so sorry,? said the nurse, actually in tears by now ? and then slashed the whip again over Charlie?s tender buttocks.
Charlie screamed!
The nurse rapidly laid one stroke after another back upwards along Charlie?s back, overlaying his previous welts. Many lacerations appeared and Charlie was bleeding in places as he screamed.
?P-p-please, no, no, NOOOOOO!? he pleaded, unable to take any more, so great was the pain; his heart feeling like it was ready to burst.
?Just two more,? she said, trying to comfort him. ?You can do it!?
She lashed him with the twenty third stroke and then immediately with the twenty-forth.
Charlie felt his vision begin to blur and his consciousness begin to slip away as a mid-way delirium began to overcome him.
The nurse threw down the whip and ran over to the chromium whip holder bench and reached into a drawer on the underside and drew out a jar of ointment.
Hurriedly, she opened it and took out a scoop with her fingers and applied it very gently to Charlie?s back. Almost immediately the stinging began to subside.
?This is a very powerful local anaesthetic ointment, sir,? she told him. ?It will take away the pain and help your skin to heal faster.?
She applied more of the ointment to him, all across his back and buttocks until his injuries were completely covered. The nurse stood back and gave Charlie ten minutes to regain his senses.
As he became coherent, she approached him.
?Are you alright?? she asked.
?Y-yes,? replied Charlie. ?I-I think so. The sting is all gone. Why are you crying?? he asked, turning his head to see tears in her eyes.
?I take no pleasure in this cruelty,? she replied with a degree of bitterness in her voice. ?I just don?t know what else to do. I have been a Police physician all of my adult life. I never joined up for this.?
?Then why don?t you quit?? asked Charlie.
?Because then I wouldn?t be around to do whatever I could to make it as easy as possible for people like you.?
Charlie looked confused.
?Did you not feel the way in which I whipped you quickly so that you wouldn?t suffer for very long? It was I who put that ointment in the drawer to take the sting out.? She informed him.
Charlie was dumfounded; a compassionate flog-mistress?
?I want to do something for you now, if you would like me to,? she offered.
?W-what is that?? asked Charlie, quite taken aback.
?Well,? she continued. ?You have been found guilty of illegal orgasm and you have been punished for it, yes??
?Yes,? replied Charlie curiously.
?This means that if you were to fail another urine test in the near future, you would have the ultimate alibi. You need only say: ?I know; I?ve already been punished.??
?I suppose so,? replied Charlie.
?Well,? she went on. ?How would you like me to give you sexual relief before you have your back examined for certification??
?Er ? er ? I ? er ? what do you mean, Miss??
?I mean that I will make you ejaculate ? under my supervision. It?s the least that I can do for you after that flogging. It can be our little secret.?
She stepped towards Charlie and began to unshackle him from the ?X? frame.
Once freed, Charlie was in full erection as he turned to face the beautiful nurse. He was quivering with excitement and apprehension.
?My, what a gorgeous penis,? she said with a touch of astonishment in her voice. She had obviously seen it erect earlier, but was however, compelled to speak in a professional manner.
The nurse reached down and embraced his dripping erection.
Charlie moaned with sexual excitement and delight.
The nurse?s hand began to move with greater rapidity, forcing further groans from the recipient as the nurse knelt down to become face to face with Charlie?s sterling example of manhood.
She masturbated him gently but vigorously. It was truly the most erotic experience of Charlie?s life so far. As Charlie sensed the approach of orgasm he noted that the nurse had slowed down her pace. She wanted the experience to last for him. She knew that he may be denied the company of a woman indefinitely ? he was literally at the mercy of whether or not a woman found him attractive enough to claim him as her property.
She used her thumb and forefinger to squeeze the end of his phallus so as to suppress his orgasmic spasm. When it had died down, she licked her tongue around the dome of his tumescence and paid special attention to making little flicks with the tip of her tongue on the underside of the slit-opening, where it was the most sensitive for him and in so doing, she collected generous amounts of his pre-ejaculate which was eagerly devoured.
?Oh, Miss,? he whimpered. ?Oh, Miss, oh, Miss. I am not worthy!?
She thrust her mouth down onto his rampant shaft, deep-throating him and then pulling back before plunging back down again, hungrily building up speed until her mouth itself was masturbating him.
Charlie began to see stars as the pleasure almost caused him to lose consciousness. The nurse kept slowing down and stopping momentarily as his orgasm loomed ? keeping him on high for long minutes.
Finally after fifteen minutes of delicious torment, the nurse decided to withdraw her mouth and she gripped Charlie?s penis again in her right hand and proceeded to masturbate him, whilst keeping her mouth open in front of his erection and keeping her eyes gazing upwards into his.
Charlie could take it no more. His ejaculation had arrived and this time she had decided to allow him to come ? and come he did:
?Ah, ah, ah ahhhhhh..............? he cried.
And spurt after spurt of thick white semen, rich in young virile sperm shot out of his penis ? the veins standing bold and proud as though they might rupture; the nurse ? her mouth catching every single drop of his eruption.
Her hand moved with rapid speed so as to milk him of every last drop and swallowing all that he had to give. As a concluding move, she closed her lips around the end of his penis and sucked off the last traces of his seed before pulling her mouth away and wrapping her arms around his buttocks, resting her face in his groin and savouring the taste of him.
Charlie whilst trying to compose himself placed his hands around her neck, caressing her as she knelt before him.
After several minutes, he spoke.
?Oh, please Miss. Please,? he said.
?Yes?? she questioned.
?Please let me do the same for you. You are so kind.?
She looked up at him.
?Oh, but after the flogging that I had to give you....?
?Which would have been much worse from any one else, wouldn?t it?? Charlie cut her off.
?Oh, Mr. Slade,? she said, with genuine affection in her voice.
?Charlie!? he corrected her and knelt down in front of her and began to peel off her leotard ? an action which she was eager to help him with until, within seconds ? she was nude.
Charlie noted how beautiful and smooth her body was; her breasts were firm, most likely enhanced by laser surgery - her vagina was totally shaved and surgically sculpted for optimum neatness.
She lay back on the carpet in the punishment room and Charlie slid his way down her body and began to pleasure her. His tongue began to probe the length of her vulva ? long strokes lapping away at the entirety of her labia and thrusting itself as deep as possible inside of her dripping wet orifice.
?Oh, oh, ohhhhh......ahhhhhh....? she cried with ecstatic joy even before he began to make contact with her most sensitive secret.
After long minutes of teasing delight, Charlie, finally placed the flat of his tongue against the nurse?s clitoris and began to orally masturbate her with vigorous enthusiasm.
Her eyes widened, her mouth open with involuntary moans of pleasure emanating from deep within her soul. Never before had she experienced such euphoric cunnilingus from any man. What was it about Charlie that gave him the ability to produce such ecstasy? Was it him? Or was it the circumstances? The very fact that she could lose her job for what had transpired this day?
Might it not be possible that the enhanced delight may be a direct result of the simple fact that this act taking place in the Punishment Centre during duty hours ? was forbidden?
Charlie sensed her orgasm approaching several times and slowed down accordingly so as to prolong her pleasure ? as she had done for him.
For twenty minutes he gave everything that his tongue would extend to until they both empathically decided that it was time. Charlie inserted his middle finger inside of her and crooking it upwards, found her G-spot and began to stroke it thoroughly whilst simultaneously lapping away at her clitoris ? spurring her on to a shattering orgasm.
She screamed ? her voice audible nowhere else in the building. The Punishment Centre was soundproofed to silence screams of a different kind.
As she came, Charlie continues to stimulate her with fervour, trying to collect the spray of her sweet nectar in his mouth as spurt after spurt was released from her vagina and onto his devouring tongue.
After she was spent, they both lay on the ground; the nurse with her arms outstretched and the last vestiges of energy drained from her and Charlie ? his cheek resting against her spent lips as though her womanhood were a pillow. Indeed, had he a choice ? this is where he would have chosen to spend an eternity.
Eventually they both stood.
The nurse dressed herself and Charlie was taken back into the test room where he put his trousers back on but was instructed by the nurse to leave his shirt off.
She led him out down the corridor and into another room where they both waited for ten minutes before being seen. Charlie?s back and buttocks were inspected and graded as being flogged to satisfaction and he was handed his certificate: the certificate which ensured that he would be safe from another flogging for three weeks regardless of his sperm count.
The nurse then took Charlie into a treatment room and spent thirty minutes dressing his wounds, during which time, Charlie lay face down with another throbbing erection pressing under his abdomen.
The nurse dare not relieve him again in the treatment room for it was too vulnerable an environment presenting the risk of being caught in the act ? much to Charlie?s dismay.?
Following the dressing of his wounds, Charlie redressed himself and was discharged from the precinct.
As he departed the building, he wondered if he would ever again meet the wonderful nurse who had so captivated him. He knew that whether he saw her again or not, that she would torment his dreams for the rest of his life. She would become his only sexual fantasy from now on. She would be there every time that he closed his eyes ? the torture of not being legally permitted to masturbate to the memory of her!
At this point, he had three weeks grace for his testicles to produce a full quantity of semen. On those grounds, tonight he would masturbate feverishly, over and over again to thoughts of her.
And the one thing which occurred to him as he walked away was ? he didn?t even know her name!
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Author?s Comments.
Well, there you have it ? the Masturbation: Prohibited series ? completed. I promised you that I would bring you all four tales and I haven?t let you down.
And now for a fairly deep explanation as to what, I believe the series to be all about.
It is true that human psychology demonstrates that an individual?s strongest desires are not about those things that he (or she) can have, but rather about those things that they cannot.
This concept was recognised by the most ancient philosophers who originally composed the stories which originated major World religions. The idea of the forbidden fruit became fundamental to the recognition of man?s deepest desires and used very subtly today in commercial advertising. How many post-Christmas/New Year?s sales commercials bearing the voice over tease ?buy it now whilst stocks last? or ?half price for one day only? ? have we heard? Moreover, how many of us have made such purchases simply as a result of this ? buying things which we neither want nor need simply because tomorrow ? WE CAN?T HAVE IT?
How about the old adage ? you never appreciate that which you have, until it?s gone!
Recognising the power that taking something ? anything ? away can have upon the human psyche, I became fascinated with the idea of applying it to sexuality.
My partner gave me the original idea and I merely wished to take it to the edge, for example ? if sex becomes forbidden, then its appeal becomes magnified one-hundred fold, however ? there is always masturbation, right?
Well, what if that was taken away, also?
As discussed, forbidding or making unavailable those things which are irrelevant to our lives can and will create a desire for them, but to forbid something which we already need due to powerful, involuntary, biological influences ? the need for a sexual outlet ? this I suspected would create the greatest need for orgasm. I just needed one final piece of icing on the cake ? place the age of the recipients of the prohibition at a time when their sexual urges would be at their peak ? adolescence. And make the enforcers of the rule the object of their strongest desire ? the beautiful schoolmistress!
The result ? The Paramount Rule!
The Sinners was a previously unreleased piece of drafting which was designed to set the scene for what became The Paramount Rule, therefore please do not ask me to do a sequel; anything which I would write in a sequel to The Sinners would be pointless ? it is all in The Paramount Rule ? Parts 1-3. ?
The funny thing is, the S and M elements did not originally come from me, but that is the way in which it evolved, much of it on the request of my readers. This led to Paramount Rule ? The Gaol which I honestly believe went much too far. Yes, it made a lot of readers happy, but I personally found the experience rather disturbing.
And then came the story which you have just read.
I had taken the Masturbation: Prohibited series from a mixed private school in the Victorian era, to a private school for boys in the 1950?s, to a brutal Turkish jail in the 1960?s. What could I do differently?
I came up with placing the final idea in the future ? because I could not see anywhere else where the concept could take place. We all know that a society totally dominated by women in this way ? has never happened!
But I also wanted to do something unique with this one and so as a total contrast to The Gaol, I wanted to introduce the BDSM community to someone whom they are unlikely to have encountered before ? the compassionate, reluctant dominatrix; a woman who suffers almost as much as her victim simply as a result of her actions.
It was a risky prospect. You will probably hate it ? on the other hand you may love it!
And now a question for all of you, my faithful readers: would you like me to write Masturbation: Prohibited ? Season 2 (to coin a USA TV expression)?
If you would, here are the ideas which are not possible ? The Paramount Rule ended quite conclusively with part 3. It was strictly a trilogy and cannot be continued.
Paramount Rule ? The Gaol also ended conclusively ? I MADE SURE OF THAT! It cannot not be continued either.
Reformation: 2127 ? has possibilities!
I welcome your ideas and if there is a particular idea which recurs, I will see what I can do for you all, however it may be next year before you see the first of a new series ? if it ever actually happens.
One final word from me ? I love you all and thank you for reading my work. Please feel free to email me - and take my word for it ? masturbation is healthy and normal. Your body gives you the urge to do it for a reason ? if you don?t use it, you will lose it! It?s as simple as that. Ergo, it could conceivably be argued that any doctrine which frowns upon or forbids it is not only cruel and unjustified but may, in fact, be genocidal teaching.
Please, read my stories and ejaculate with my blessing!
Tanya Simmonds
Reformation: 2127 by Tanya Simmonds
Part 1 ? The Origin of the New Order
It had been developing for a very long time; the suffragettes of the early 1900?s; the Women?s Liberation Movement of the 1970?s; by the late 1970?s the World bore witness to the female standing in one of the most powerful positions on Earth and over the next two decades, females had become captains of industry, supervisors of male employees, managers and often it was the male who stayed at home looking after the children whilst the woman went out to work to become the breadwinners.
The roles had become reversed ? women no longer required men!
Divorces became commonplace and escalated to the point where marriage had almost become a futile undertaking.
By 2050, women were using men purely for procreation and for sexual pleasure before discarding them.
By 2100, the male was the servant of the female, where obedience was a socially accepted norm and resistance was met with great social ostracism, even from other males.
In 2125, feminist advocate and politician, Elena Sterling
was elected President of the
President Sterling?s election resulted in a new reformation of society ? an official recognition of the modern way of life, but in a much more regimented way than it had been. New laws had been introduced to reflect, not only the concept of female superiority and male subservience, but also the beliefs of the new leader ? a feminist who had always been concerned about another male uprising. Being a highly educated politician and historian, she knew what the World had offered under male reign: war, violence, terrorism, brutality towards women ? women who were regarded as subservient, even by man?s religions; religions which President Sterling believed were created by chauvinistic men who had the audacity to claim that they had the? endorsement of an all-powerful God. For this reason, all major world religions were banned from the lands over which she ruled.?
Elena Sterling also strongly believed that a man?s sexual behaviour must, at all costs be kept under control. The male instinct, she believed, was for him to use a woman?s body for his own sexual gratification and then to discard her before doing likewise to his next ?conquest?, by means of his charming and manipulative words beforehand - subsequently leaving a trail of heartbreak and trauma in his wake.
Elena Sterling considered that from now on, a relationship would be initiated by the woman, for the woman and for the purpose of serving the woman and if she wished to marry her servant-partner then that would be her decision to make and purely her decision.
Using this method of approach, the President had effectively revived and re-defined the concept of marriage; however there were certain laws which she had to introduce in order to maintain control.
She considered that the male tendency to engage in lustful thoughts about women to be a form of ?mental rape? and that all sexual activity engaged in by a male outside of a marriage or partner ship was now illegal fornication, punishable by physical sanctions.
Orgasm was for the pleasure of women; males were only permitted to ejaculate under the merciful permission of their wives or partners.
Under the new law:
Male masturbation and sex outside of a relationship were criminal offences as was the possession by any male of erotica which contained the images of naked women.
The President was extremely eager to stamp out masturbation and fornication at any cost and introduced new measures to ensure that such activity was curtailed. For this reason, she ordered the 24 hour surveillance of men with random urine tests in street booths and at Police road blocks.
Semen would be discovered in the urine under testing. If ejaculations had not occurred for several weeks, then the sperm count in the semen would be high. If it was low, then this may be evidence of illegal orgasm in which case the suspect would be taken in for testing on the off chance that he may have a low sperm count by nature. If he was found guilty of masturbation after testing he would be sentenced to a flogging on the spot with either a whipping of 24 lashes or 36 strokes of a cane ? the choice was his!
Many men offered the defence of involuntary nocturnal emissions during sleep but this was rejected by congress on the grounds that wet dreams were the product of a lustful mind and were evidence of mental rape. If a man were to purify his mind and soul to the worship of the female, then his body would not feel the desire to violate her in this barbaric manner.
The technology which was in place for testing a man in order to discover whether or not he had experienced an illegal orgasm was most ingenious and subjected the suspect to the most ecstatic and yet torturous procedure.
By the year 2127 ? two years after the reformation, all law enforcement officials and anyone in any position of authority were female. This was not to say that all women who were in a position of authority actually approved of Elena Sterling?s new regime and her severe sanctions. Most actually administered discipline for illegal orgasm only to retain their employment. Most Police officers were quite disturbed by the new cruelty-requirements of their vocation and saw no justification for such barbarity.
However, the Law was the Law!
Part 2: The Test
Charlie Slade was 27 years of age, attractive, athletic,
intelligent, lived in
Many failed in obeying the Law!
One Saturday morning, Charlie decided to depart from his habitation unit in the suburbs to venture out into an old rural area on his hover-scooter ? a relatively inexpensive form of transport which rarely reached more than 30 MPH and was electrically powered.
Charlie liked the countryside, especially on a bright, hot summer?s day like this one; it offered peace and quiet and a chance to enjoy the illusion that he was free. Of course he wasn?t free. Charlie like all other men was a prisoner of sorts; a prisoner totally at the mercy of the opposite gender.
As Charlie was riding out of town, just on the outskirts, his scooter turned a corner to be confronted by a Police road block.
A young, blonde, very beautiful uniformed Police officer raised her hand for him to stop. Charlie could feel his heart beginning to pound. They were so intimidating and so socially powerful.
He dutifully stopped and pulled up in front of the officer.
?Please, step away from the scooter, sir!? She ordered.
Charlie complied.
?This is a random urine test,? she said in an officious but professional manner. ?Are you in a marriage or partnership at present, sir??
?No, ma?am,? he replied.
?Would you like to come this way with me please, sir!?
It was not a question, it was a command. The officer led Charlie into a mobile testing unit which had been set up on the road side. Once inside, the officer handed Charlie a specimen bottle and led him behind a curtain in order for him to urinate into it in private.
?Take as long as you need, sir,? said the officer as she left Charlie to his privacy.
Charlie didn?t need long. He was extremely nervous and nerves always gave him the urge. Once he had provided his specimen he went back to the officer who took the bottle from him, before locking the door from the inside and taking the bottle into the next room for testing.
Once Charlie was locked in the one section of the mobile unit, the officer handed the specimen to a nurse who poured the contents into an analyser.
Charlie waited nervously for thirty minutes when finally the officer returned holding a scroll of computer readout paper.
?Have you engaged in either illicit sexual converse or solitary masturbation within the last three weeks, sir?? She asked.
?N-n-no, ma?am,? replied Charlie. He lied; six days ago, he could bear it no longer and chanced relieving his loins of their torment in his bed.?
?Well,? continued the officer. ?Your test appears to indicate a slightly lower-than-expected concentration of sperm cells, sir. Do you know if this is normal for you??
?I-I-I don?t know ma?am.?
?If you confess now, sir,? said the officer. ?You will be eligible for a lesser penalty.?
Charlie simply could not bring himself to admit to this beautiful woman that he had masturbated. It was too shameful.
?N-n-no ma?am, I haven?t done anything like that.?
?Well, in that case,? said the officer, ?I?m afraid I am going to have to place you under arrest for suspected illegal orgasm.? She produced a pair of electrum-shackles and secured Charlie?s hands behind his back with them.
?You are now going to be taken to Police headquarters where you will undergo an orgasm reflex test.? And with that, she led him outside and handed him over to another officer, also attractive with short black hair visible from beneath her uniform cap.
?This man is for testing, Julia,? she said.
?Ok, I?ll take him in,? replied the other officer.
As the blonde officer handed him over, she gave Charlie a sympathetic look and offered him one, apparently sincere wish:
?Good luck, sir.?? ???
Charlie was taken to Police headquarters, asked for all of his identification, asked again about his single status and was DNA-scanned.
Following this induction procedure, he was led into a small laboratory several corridors away into the heart of the building. Once inside, he was asked to strip naked and informed that a Police nurse would be with him shortly to provide the test.
And with that he was locked inside the laboratory to await his fate.
Twenty minutes after he had stripped naked, the lab door was opened and a very attractive nurse with shoulder length dark blonde hair entered. She appeared to be in her late 30?s and wore a white lab coat.
She smiled warmly at Charlie who was understandably nervous and covering his genitalia with his hands.
?Mr. Slade?? She asked.
?Y-yes,? replied Charlie.
?I have you down for an orgasm reflex test. Would you like to step over there please?? She motioned towards a chair which offered a ?V? shaped leg rest with what appeared to be a sophisticated-looking cylinder attached to a semi-circular, toothed metallic ratchet mechanism, positioned just below where the groin would be placed if anyone were to sit in the chair.
The chair arms had leather wrist straps at the end and two ankle straps were attached to the front two legs of the chair.
The chair itself was securely bolted to the ground.
Charlie did as he was asked.
?Please take a seat in the testing chair, sir?? She politely instructed him.
Charlie obeyed and sat with his legs parted along the ?V? shaped leg rests, still holding his hands over his manhood.
The nurse came over to him and took his left wrist, rested it on the armrest and pulled the straps tightly around it, followed by his right ? removing it away from his penis and appearing to be most unconcerned about the young man?s nakedness.
Charlie felt his cheeks begin to flush.
The nurse bent down and secured his ankles to the legs of the chair and then proceeded to walk over to a deck to the right of the chair which was covered with computer screens, monitors and sensory devices the likes of which, Charlie had no comprehension of.
She activated the system and the entire panel appeared to light up.
The nurse returned to Charlie and reached behind the chair to find a handful of wires with electrodes attached to each one.
She attached one each to Charlie?s temples and four across his chest.
The neurotransmitter and cardio-monitors immediately detected Charlie?s life-readings.
?Now, sir,? said the nurse. ?We will begin. The object of the test is to assess if you have experienced an orgasm within the last three weeks. If you haven?t then your orgasm response will be evident before the tester has stimulated you for sixty seconds.?
?I-I don?t quite understand,? said Charlie, nervously.
??Well,? continued the nurse. ?If you have not had any sexual relief in the last three weeks, your testosterone will be very high and you penis will be highly sensitive to sexual stimulation. If your reflex occurs past sixty seconds, you will have failed the test.?
She smiled at him sympathetically.
?Now, I am going to have to bring you to erection before I can start the test, alright??
?S-s-sure, I-I suppose so.? Charlie?s mind was in a daze and he really did not know what to say.
Was all of this really happening to him?
The nurse reached into her pocket and drew out a bottle of lubricant. She took hold of Charlie?s penis and began to masturbate him gently. At the first sign of his penis beginning to stir, she stopped to pour some lubricant into her hands and then resumed the stimulation.
Charlie could not refrain from uttering a groan of pleasure as the nurse?s oiled hand slowly stroked his stiffening member up and down until it was as hard as bone.
?You have a very large penis, sir,? she volunteered in a very clinical and professional manner. The line was not delivered with any emotion at all.
?I am sure that you will make a lady very happy with you, one day.?
?Thank you,? replied Charlie through laboured breathing, as this beautiful woman?s oiled hand continued to pleasure him.
Once he had reached maximum solidity, the nurse removed her hand and reached below to collect the curious-looking chrome cylindrical device which was connected to the ?C? shaped ratchet mechanism with cogs. She curled it upwards and slid the cylinder up to its top position via a slide to which it was attached at the top of the ratchet. The cylinder now rested just above the top of Charlie?s quivering erection.
The nurse took the bottle of lubricant and squirted a generous amount into the opening of the cylinder before using her fingers to spread it around the inside and sliding the cylinder down to completely swallow Charlie?s phallus.
Charlie groaned.
It was warm and sponge-like inside the slippery cavern ? exactly like a vagina!
The nurse wiped her hands on a pre-prepared towel as she walked over to the monitor panel and activated a switch which caused a timer clock to appear on one of the screens; once completed she walked back over to Charlie.
?We?re all set now,? she said, quite warmly. ?Are you ready for the test to begin, sir??
Charlie nodded reluctantly, and with that the nurse lightly touched a sensor on the top of the cylinder ? the test had begun!
?Good luck!? She bid him sincerely.
The counter on the monitor began simultaneously and Charlie gasped as a sensation like no other swept through him. The cylinder vibrated with incredible power around his solid erection whilst a rippling effect slid up and down his member with vigorous but gentle pressure ? the perfect pressure in fact, feeling exactly like masturbation. It was the ultimate delight; a three-way pleasure - ?being masturbated by an intensely vibrating, warm, wet vagina.
?Aaahhhh......? moaned Charlie; never in his life had he experienced such an intense level of pleasure.
The nurse returned to the monitors and observed the count on the screen; 0.22, 0.23, 0.24 ? and so on.
Charlie continued to thresh around in his bonds eagerly trying to thrust himself even further into this divine, sensational instrument only to discover that it already had all of him.
By 49 seconds he began to experience an unmistakable stirring within his loins approaching. It seemed like an eternity as it built up to a crescendo ? the undeniable sensation of orgasm and the approach of the ejaculation of sperm.
?Ohhhhhhh..........m-my G-God.......aaaaahhhhhhhhh........??
Charlie prepared to unleash his seed into the cylinder, so possessed by the pleasure was he, that he was no longer conscious that this was, in fact a test, which, if failed would reward him with a severe flogging.
Just at the crucial moment ? at the very instant that he was going to ejaculate, all stimulation suddenly ceased, leaving Charlie in a desperate state of frustration. The stimulator was programmed to de-activate at the split-second prior to ejaculation, as assessed by the sensors to which Charlie?s heart-rate and cerebral activity were connected.
The nurse waited as a strip of printout paper emerged from a printer close to the monitor; the monitor which displayed: 1.03.
?Please, Miss,? begged Charlie. ?Please let it finish. PLEASE!?
?I?m sorry, Mr Slade,? she replied. ?You know that I can?t do that.?
Charlie whimpered with frustration as the nurse walked out of the room with the printer readout, leaving him strapped to the chair with his manhood firmly affixed in the bizarre stimulation device.
??????????????????????????????????? **********************************************
After 25 minutes which seemed like 25 years to Charlie, the nurse returned to him with a grave look on her face.
?I?m sorry, Mr. Slade,? she said. ?But I?m afraid that you have failed the orgasm reflex test. You were so close as well. Only 3 seconds over. The results were faxed over to the Judge and she ordered an immediate sentence.?
?What is going to happen to me?? asked Charlie, with notable fear in his voice.
?You are to be flogged,? she replied. ?You may choose between 36 strokes of the cane or 24 lashes from the whip.?
Charlie shuddered. Recently a friend of his had been caned for illegal orgasm and Charlie had seen the mess which the attending officer had made of his buttocks. Could the whip really be as bad as that?
?You may also choose whether I administer your flogging,? said the nurse. ?Or would you rather one of the other officers administer it??
As an Officer of the Law, she had the authority to administer discipline to any convicted male. The fact that she was a Police nurse was irrelevant in this era.
Charlie considered it for a moment; this nurse did seem quite compassionate. Perhaps she wouldn?t be as brutal as the officer who had caned his friend.
?I-I would like you to do it, Miss,? he said.
?Ok,? replied the nurse with a warm and sympathetic smile and walked over to him, removed his electrodes, slid the cylinder off of his mammoth penis which was still erect and placed her hand on her Tazer ultra-sound weapon before releasing Charlie from his bonds.
?This way please,? she asked and motioned Charlie towards a door which was just behind and to the right of the chair. She opened it and Charlie, shivering with apprehension entered, the nurse following behind him, her weapon now trained on her victim.
Oh, my God! She thought to herself with regret. You poor man; what a cruel regime I work for!
? ????????????????????????????????? *********************************************
Part 3: The Penalty.
The nurse led Charlie into the room and immediately it became illuminated with electric lightning to reveal a fairly bare interior aside from a plush carpeted floor with walls of dim, white, illuminated panels of Perspex; a thick, fibre glass white ?X? shaped apparatus in the centre of the room which sported two sets of shackles; one set at the top on each side for the wrists and one set at the bottom for the ankles.
In front of the ?X? frame was a beautiful chromium holder for one cat o? nine tails, one bullwhip and a pile of canes.
Charlie shuddered!
?Please come this way, sir,? said the nurse pointing to the frame. Charlie complied and the nurse asked him to raise his arms up to the wrist shackles whilst holding her ultra-sound weapon, however not training it directly on Charlie.
Once she had shackled his wrists she knelt down and secured his ankles.
?Which penalty do you prefer, sir?? She asked. ?The whip or the cane??
Charlie remembered the sight of his friend?s hindquarters after his caning and erroneously believed that the whip had to be less severe than that.
?The whip, p-please,? he replied quivering.
?Ok,? said the nurse, sympathetically and removed her nurse?s white coat to reveal a sleek black leotard which truly revealed the contours of her shapely and voluptuous form.
She walked over to the chromium holder and took the cat o? nine tails; the handle embroidered with gold and silver designer trimmings.
?Please don?t whip me hard, Miss,? pleaded Charlie. ?I beg you!?
The nurse closed her eyes, almost weeping with a sense of sorrow for this poor man. He didn?t deserve this.
?I-I?m so sorry,? she replied with a slightly choked voice. ?I have no choice. Your back must be certified following flagellation. Floggings must reach a required standard by Law.?
?Oh, God!? whimpered Charlie.
The nurse walked around to the back of him and reached her arm back in preparation to scourge her victim?s back.
?Brace yourself, Mr. Slade,? she said, trying to offer as much support as she could. ?Have courage.?
And with that, she shot the first lash across Charlie?s shoulders.
Charlie took a sharp intake of breath as the stinging pain ripped through him.
The second stroke was placed immediately beneath the first and the third beneath that one.
The nurse had developed a technique of applying the strokes in rapid succession so as to reduce the time of the ordeal to a minimum. Charlie didn?t know which lash he was screaming about since he could not distinguish between them by the sixth lash, such was her skill. So fast, so rapid-fire; the welts were raised and visible ? deep red swellings raised by the knots; extremely painful but mercifully not prolonged.
The twelfth stroke reached the bottom of Charlie?s buttocks. The nurse was prohibited to lash his legs by Law. This was an incredible cruel piece of legislation ? tried and tested. Twelve lashes could go down to the bottom of the buttocks, however, the last twelve ? if they could not go lower ? must be placed over the existing wounds. ?
?I?m so, so sorry,? said the nurse, actually in tears by now ? and then slashed the whip again over Charlie?s tender buttocks.
Charlie screamed!
The nurse rapidly laid one stroke after another back upwards along Charlie?s back, overlaying his previous welts. Many lacerations appeared and Charlie was bleeding in places as he screamed.
?P-p-please, no, no, NOOOOOO!? he pleaded, unable to take any more, so great was the pain; his heart feeling like it was ready to burst.
?Just two more,? she said, trying to comfort him. ?You can do it!?
She lashed him with the twenty third stroke and then immediately with the twenty-forth.
Charlie felt his vision begin to blur and his consciousness begin to slip away as a mid-way delirium began to overcome him.
The nurse threw down the whip and ran over to the chromium whip holder bench and reached into a drawer on the underside and drew out a jar of ointment.
Hurriedly, she opened it and took out a scoop with her fingers and applied it very gently to Charlie?s back. Almost immediately the stinging began to subside.
?This is a very powerful local anaesthetic ointment, sir,? she told him. ?It will take away the pain and help your skin to heal faster.?
She applied more of the ointment to him, all across his back and buttocks until his injuries were completely covered. The nurse stood back and gave Charlie ten minutes to regain his senses.
As he became coherent, she approached him.
?Are you alright?? she asked.
?Y-yes,? replied Charlie. ?I-I think so. The sting is all gone. Why are you crying?? he asked, turning his head to see tears in her eyes.
?I take no pleasure in this cruelty,? she replied with a degree of bitterness in her voice. ?I just don?t know what else to do. I have been a Police physician all of my adult life. I never joined up for this.?
?Then why don?t you quit?? asked Charlie.
?Because then I wouldn?t be around to do whatever I could to make it as easy as possible for people like you.?
Charlie looked confused.
?Did you not feel the way in which I whipped you quickly so that you wouldn?t suffer for very long? It was I who put that ointment in the drawer to take the sting out.? She informed him.
Charlie was dumfounded; a compassionate flog-mistress?
?I want to do something for you now, if you would like me to,? she offered.
?W-what is that?? asked Charlie, quite taken aback.
?Well,? she continued. ?You have been found guilty of illegal orgasm and you have been punished for it, yes??
?Yes,? replied Charlie curiously.
?This means that if you were to fail another urine test in the near future, you would have the ultimate alibi. You need only say: ?I know; I?ve already been punished.??
?I suppose so,? replied Charlie.
?Well,? she went on. ?How would you like me to give you sexual relief before you have your back examined for certification??
?Er ? er ? I ? er ? what do you mean, Miss??
?I mean that I will make you ejaculate ? under my supervision. It?s the least that I can do for you after that flogging. It can be our little secret.?
She stepped towards Charlie and began to unshackle him from the ?X? frame.
Once freed, Charlie was in full erection as he turned to face the beautiful nurse. He was quivering with excitement and apprehension.
?My, what a gorgeous penis,? she said with a touch of astonishment in her voice. She had obviously seen it erect earlier, but was however, compelled to speak in a professional manner.
The nurse reached down and embraced his dripping erection.
Charlie moaned with sexual excitement and delight.
The nurse?s hand began to move with greater rapidity, forcing further groans from the recipient as the nurse knelt down to become face to face with Charlie?s sterling example of manhood.
She masturbated him gently but vigorously. It was truly the most erotic experience of Charlie?s life so far. As Charlie sensed the approach of orgasm he noted that the nurse had slowed down her pace. She wanted the experience to last for him. She knew that he may be denied the company of a woman indefinitely ? he was literally at the mercy of whether or not a woman found him attractive enough to claim him as her property.
She used her thumb and forefinger to squeeze the end of his phallus so as to suppress his orgasmic spasm. When it had died down, she licked her tongue around the dome of his tumescence and paid special attention to making little flicks with the tip of her tongue on the underside of the slit-opening, where it was the most sensitive for him and in so doing, she collected generous amounts of his pre-ejaculate which was eagerly devoured.
?Oh, Miss,? he whimpered. ?Oh, Miss, oh, Miss. I am not worthy!?
She thrust her mouth down onto his rampant shaft, deep-throating him and then pulling back before plunging back down again, hungrily building up speed until her mouth itself was masturbating him.
Charlie began to see stars as the pleasure almost caused him to lose consciousness. The nurse kept slowing down and stopping momentarily as his orgasm loomed ? keeping him on high for long minutes.
Finally after fifteen minutes of delicious torment, the nurse decided to withdraw her mouth and she gripped Charlie?s penis again in her right hand and proceeded to masturbate him, whilst keeping her mouth open in front of his erection and keeping her eyes gazing upwards into his.
Charlie could take it no more. His ejaculation had arrived and this time she had decided to allow him to come ? and come he did:
?Ah, ah, ah ahhhhhh..............? he cried.
And spurt after spurt of thick white semen, rich in young virile sperm shot out of his penis ? the veins standing bold and proud as though they might rupture; the nurse ? her mouth catching every single drop of his eruption.
Her hand moved with rapid speed so as to milk him of every last drop and swallowing all that he had to give. As a concluding move, she closed her lips around the end of his penis and sucked off the last traces of his seed before pulling her mouth away and wrapping her arms around his buttocks, resting her face in his groin and savouring the taste of him.
Charlie whilst trying to compose himself placed his hands around her neck, caressing her as she knelt before him.
After several minutes, he spoke.
?Oh, please Miss. Please,? he said.
?Yes?? she questioned.
?Please let me do the same for you. You are so kind.?
She looked up at him.
?Oh, but after the flogging that I had to give you....?
?Which would have been much worse from any one else, wouldn?t it?? Charlie cut her off.
?Oh, Mr. Slade,? she said, with genuine affection in her voice.
?Charlie!? he corrected her and knelt down in front of her and began to peel off her leotard ? an action which she was eager to help him with until, within seconds ? she was nude.
Charlie noted how beautiful and smooth her body was; her breasts were firm, most likely enhanced by laser surgery - her vagina was totally shaved and surgically sculpted for optimum neatness.
She lay back on the carpet in the punishment room and Charlie slid his way down her body and began to pleasure her. His tongue began to probe the length of her vulva ? long strokes lapping away at the entirety of her labia and thrusting itself as deep as possible inside of her dripping wet orifice.
?Oh, oh, ohhhhh......ahhhhhh....? she cried with ecstatic joy even before he began to make contact with her most sensitive secret.
After long minutes of teasing delight, Charlie, finally placed the flat of his tongue against the nurse?s clitoris and began to orally masturbate her with vigorous enthusiasm.
Her eyes widened, her mouth open with involuntary moans of pleasure emanating from deep within her soul. Never before had she experienced such euphoric cunnilingus from any man. What was it about Charlie that gave him the ability to produce such ecstasy? Was it him? Or was it the circumstances? The very fact that she could lose her job for what had transpired this day?
Might it not be possible that the enhanced delight may be a direct result of the simple fact that this act taking place in the Punishment Centre during duty hours ? was forbidden?
Charlie sensed her orgasm approaching several times and slowed down accordingly so as to prolong her pleasure ? as she had done for him.
For twenty minutes he gave everything that his tongue would extend to until they both empathically decided that it was time. Charlie inserted his middle finger inside of her and crooking it upwards, found her G-spot and began to stroke it thoroughly whilst simultaneously lapping away at her clitoris ? spurring her on to a shattering orgasm.
She screamed ? her voice audible nowhere else in the building. The Punishment Centre was soundproofed to silence screams of a different kind.
As she came, Charlie continues to stimulate her with fervour, trying to collect the spray of her sweet nectar in his mouth as spurt after spurt was released from her vagina and onto his devouring tongue.
After she was spent, they both lay on the ground; the nurse with her arms outstretched and the last vestiges of energy drained from her and Charlie ? his cheek resting against her spent lips as though her womanhood were a pillow. Indeed, had he a choice ? this is where he would have chosen to spend an eternity.
Eventually they both stood.
The nurse dressed herself and Charlie was taken back into the test room where he put his trousers back on but was instructed by the nurse to leave his shirt off.
She led him out down the corridor and into another room where they both waited for ten minutes before being seen. Charlie?s back and buttocks were inspected and graded as being flogged to satisfaction and he was handed his certificate: the certificate which ensured that he would be safe from another flogging for three weeks regardless of his sperm count.
The nurse then took Charlie into a treatment room and spent thirty minutes dressing his wounds, during which time, Charlie lay face down with another throbbing erection pressing under his abdomen.
The nurse dare not relieve him again in the treatment room for it was too vulnerable an environment presenting the risk of being caught in the act ? much to Charlie?s dismay.?
Following the dressing of his wounds, Charlie redressed himself and was discharged from the precinct.
As he departed the building, he wondered if he would ever again meet the wonderful nurse who had so captivated him. He knew that whether he saw her again or not, that she would torment his dreams for the rest of his life. She would become his only sexual fantasy from now on. She would be there every time that he closed his eyes ? the torture of not being legally permitted to masturbate to the memory of her!
At this point, he had three weeks grace for his testicles to produce a full quantity of semen. On those grounds, tonight he would masturbate feverishly, over and over again to thoughts of her.
And the one thing which occurred to him as he walked away was ? he didn?t even know her name!
??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????? The
Author?s Comments.
Well, there you have it ? the Masturbation: Prohibited series ? completed. I promised you that I would bring you all four tales and I haven?t let you down.
And now for a fairly deep explanation as to what, I believe the series to be all about.
It is true that human psychology demonstrates that an individual?s strongest desires are not about those things that he (or she) can have, but rather about those things that they cannot.
This concept was recognised by the most ancient philosophers who originally composed the stories which originated major World religions. The idea of the forbidden fruit became fundamental to the recognition of man?s deepest desires and used very subtly today in commercial advertising. How many post-Christmas/New Year?s sales commercials bearing the voice over tease ?buy it now whilst stocks last? or ?half price for one day only? ? have we heard? Moreover, how many of us have made such purchases simply as a result of this ? buying things which we neither want nor need simply because tomorrow ? WE CAN?T HAVE IT?
How about the old adage ? you never appreciate that which you have, until it?s gone!
Recognising the power that taking something ? anything ? away can have upon the human psyche, I became fascinated with the idea of applying it to sexuality.
My partner gave me the original idea and I merely wished to take it to the edge, for example ? if sex becomes forbidden, then its appeal becomes magnified one-hundred fold, however ? there is always masturbation, right?
Well, what if that was taken away, also?
As discussed, forbidding or making unavailable those things which are irrelevant to our lives can and will create a desire for them, but to forbid something which we already need due to powerful, involuntary, biological influences ? the need for a sexual outlet ? this I suspected would create the greatest need for orgasm. I just needed one final piece of icing on the cake ? place the age of the recipients of the prohibition at a time when their sexual urges would be at their peak ? adolescence. And make the enforcers of the rule the object of their strongest desire ? the beautiful schoolmistress!
The result ? The Paramount
The Sinners was a previously unreleased piece of drafting which was designed to set the scene for what became The Paramount Rule, therefore please do not ask me to do a sequel; anything which I would write in a sequel to The Sinners would be pointless ? it is all in The Paramount Rule ? Parts 1-3. ?
The funny thing is, the S and M elements did not originally come from me, but that is the way in which it evolved, much of it on the request of my readers. This led to Paramount Rule ? The Gaol which I honestly believe went much too far. Yes, it made a lot of readers happy, but I personally found the experience rather disturbing.
And then came the story which you have just read.
I had taken the Masturbation: Prohibited series from a mixed private school in the Victorian era, to a private school for boys in the 1950?s, to a brutal Turkish jail in the 1960?s. What could I do differently?
I came up with placing the final idea in the future ? because I could not see anywhere else where the concept could take place. We all know that a society totally dominated by women in this way ? has never happened!
But I also wanted to do something unique with this one and so as a total contrast to The Gaol, I wanted to introduce the BDSM community to someone whom they are unlikely to have encountered before ? the compassionate, reluctant dominatrix; a woman who suffers almost as much as her victim simply as a result of her actions.
It was a risky prospect. You will probably hate it ? on the other hand you may love it!
And now a question for all of you, my faithful readers:
would you like me to write Masturbation:
Prohibited ? Season 2 (to coin a USA TV expression)?
If you would, here are the ideas which are not possible ? The Paramount Rule ended quite conclusively with part 3. It was strictly a trilogy and cannot be continued.
Paramount Rule ? The Gaol also ended conclusively ? I MADE SURE OF THAT! It cannot not be continued either.
Reformation: 2127 ? has possibilities!
I welcome your ideas and if there is a particular idea which recurs, I will see what I can do for you all, however it may be next year before you see the first of a new series ? if it ever actually happens.
One final word from me ? I love you all and thank you for reading my work. Please feel free to email me - and take my word for it ? masturbation is healthy and normal. Your body gives you the urge to do it for a reason ? if you don?t use it, you will lose it! It?s as simple as that. Ergo, it could conceivably be argued that any doctrine which frowns upon or forbids it is not only cruel and unjustified but may, in fact, be genocidal teaching.
Please, read my stories and ejaculate with my blessing!
Tanya Simmonds
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The next morning right after breakfast, the two women grilled me on whether or not I still wanted to be married to them. I answered a enthusiastic YES, so Joan, who appeared to be the spokeswoman for the pair, said, "Okay, in that case, we have something ta show ya." They led me out to where the wagons were parked and pulled aside some of the bed in the lighter wagon. Joan showed me a trapdoor and asked me to open it. I did, and I saw a medium sized strongbox in a well hidden cavity. Sue...
Hey you! Yes, you. Did you ever dream about a better mind or body? We at BetterU Inc. can help. Our patented nanites and brainwashing methods are known as the best in the world. Fixing a small problem zone or wanting a whole new body? We can help. Getting rid off or gaining an addiction? Or are you looking for a new personality or just some better memories? Our experts are there for you. Not looking to change yourself, but others? We got you covered. Best of all: we won't even ask the...
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Chapter 1 Sharon Smythe was Joyce's ( Mark Evans mom )bff. 49 year old , today , she was riding Mark's giant cock while , he sucked on the Indian woman's big tits . Jane (Raj's mom )was no longer wearing a saree instead she was waiting to suck on Mark's giant knob . Her big brown nipples were at attention as Mark kept sucking on her brown tits , they were delicious . As Mark came in Sharon's pussy , Jane got down & began bobbing on Mark's giant dong , to make him stiff once again ....
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I am about to share an incident with you which changed my life and sex made it possible. This happened in b.com final year when i was knowing very details about sex. By then i have seen a very good collection of sex movies, but never had sex. The urge of hard sex was driving me crazy and i was seeing a naked lady in every woman. But i was not sure that sex will happen so soon and also some one like my aunt her name is sailaja( in real also) married . Let me describe about my aunt first, she is...
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Dear reader of Iss.net.I want to tell you my real experience with the servant lady at home, I am Vineeth 22 yrs from hyderabad Andhra Pradesh and going to college.every day i used to masturbate every day on seeing my maid.Her name was Padma. She must have been 23 or 24,she was married, but her husband is staying in chennai. She was staying in our house. She was reasonable looking fair, medium sized breasts, nice hard buttocks, and a good woman. I used to read porn books which I used to borrow...
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Jun 6, 2010 Fragmented Pieces Book I Spirit Chapter Two A Special Night Current mood:creative Heavy Metal Thunder Productions Presents… Copyright protected on March 2010. The persons, places, entities, and events depicted in this story are fictitious. Any similarity to actual persons, places, entities, or events is unintentional and purely coincidental. Warning Some stories may contain adult language, explicate violence, adult situations, and some sexual content. These stories are...
The elevator ground to a halt three floors from their destination. Not again, she thought. Just last week she had been trapped in the same elevator with the same man under very nearly the same circumstances. “They really need to hire some new maintenance people,” Raymond Reddington declared from his position behind her where he was leaning against the rear wall of the elevator. “I’m sure they’re doing their best!” Lizzie spat over her shoulder acidly. Sure, she was annoyed, too, but...
Introduction: The misfortunes and misadventures of Ensign Wesley Crusher WARNING! This text file contains sexually explicit material. If you do not wish to read this type of literature, or you are under age, THEN YOU SHOULDNT BE READING THIS!!!!! WESLEY CRUSHERS PAINFUL ORDEAL WITH THE KLINGONS DEEP SPACE 7 09:00 HRS: Wesley Crusher woke up in the morning with his hard five-inch dick along with his hairless balls sticking out of the leg opening of his tight white briefs. Hed gotten...
Anthony = Skye’s brother tired of his sisters rudeness and misbehaving Jeremy = skies boyfriend, a jerk all around. Skye = a snooty stuck up 18 yr. old, who has a lack of respect, and doesn’t care to spare the feelings of those around her, believes she is so much better than the people in her hometown, some sexual experience. Lessons Learned (the pre-story) Skye was sun tanning by the pool when she heard her brother’s voice. What could he possibly want, the fact she was sharing...
David Trapper turned his car off with a resigned sigh. He wished that he had called in sick today, just to get one day free from the disgusting monotony, but he needed the money badly. Rent was due in two weeks and he needed every dollar, so he sucked it up and made his way to work. So here he was, sitting in the parking lot of ’Hands for Stars’, wishing he was home in bed. What had once been a sweet idea for a job had quickly turned into a torturous experience day in and out. Family and...
“Eventually it’s going to happen,” Sandra said. “I can see some of you squeezing your legs together, trying to hold it back. You might as well let go.”My hands were over my bare vagina, trying to keep myself from going. But I knew she was right. I just couldn’t make myself go in front of a throng of hooting and whistling men. At least not until I was a little more desperate…But how much more waiting could any of us take? Twelve of us stood naked in a kiddie pool in front of the crowd. We were...