Run AwayChapter 3 free porn video

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I was up early and went out to the barn to check on all the animals. They were all fine, so I took some time to evaluate the six horses that came to me yesterday and tried to figure out what I would need more horses for. The young man could have a horse, and the young girl might even want one. I doubted that their grandmother would want a horse.

I tried to evaluate the six horses and which two I would keep. None of them were of the quality my roan or Tia’s bay were. One was what seemed like a very gentle mare that looked to be between five and ten years old. The horse seemed to want attention, so it would be a decent addition. One black horse was a little cantankerous and I’m sure would be fun to ride, but we didn’t have other riders who had a lot of experience. One gelding had a personality and I was thinking the horse would have some heart if he was asked to run hard for a while.

I went inside where Tia and the grandmother were cooking some of the bacon we had bought. They were also making real biscuits. They had some milk, so they had all the requirements. I thought I needed to go to the General Store again and get a can of lard or shortening. I did want some real fried chicken.

I told the two kids while we were eating, “We have some extra horses and tack, so I think you could have your choice of the six animals out there if you two wanted to ride. I think I’ve picked out the two best for you, but we’ll see what you think. You’ll need to select what saddles and bridles you want from what’s available. I think they are all too large for you, but you’ll grow into them.”

“Let’s go out and choose an animal and tack, and I’ll take the other four into the livery to trade out. I didn’t see a wagon out there. Do you have one I don’t see?”

The grandmother said, “Those men took our wagon and our team. They also took our buggy that I used to go shopping and to church with.”

“Well then, I suppose that I need to track those two items down. Do you know where their place is?”

Since no one knew where the men’s place was, I figured the saloon where I had shot the two men would know. Tia furiously signed, telling me that she needed to go with me. I finally agreed and she was in her buckskins the same as me. She didn’t wear her beads and had her pistol with the extra cylinder in the pouch on the belt. Her Henry was in the sheath on her saddle.

We rode into town and stopped at the saloon. I handed my horse’s reins to Tia and walked in. What conversation that had been going on stopped. I went to the bar and asked the bartender, “I need directions to where those men who died out by my place yesterday lived. They took a couple of items the Grotowskis need. I need directions to their place.”

The bartender eyed me and asked, “You didn’t have to shoot all of them, did you?”

I told him, “I think half the town was out there to watch those men do to those people and me what they had already done to them. I don’t like that sort of thing, and there was probably no reason for anyone to take advantage of those people. They were peace loving men and women who were pushed to defend themselves.”

The bartender said, “Those people were different. The men didn’t come to the saloon, and the women only went to the stores. They were just different.”

“So does that mean that I can draw down on you if I don’t like the way you wear your vest or that silly string tie you have? I really don’t care for most of the beer that’s served in saloons, so I suppose I can shoot those who serve it. Let me look around and see who in this room should be shot because they’re different. You all need to think why those six men at my place and the other men here last night died.”

I turned back to the bartender and asked, “One last time, where do those men stay?” I unconsciously had my hand resting on the butt of my pistol, and it had a lot of eyes riveted on it.

The bartender said, “Go north out of town about three or four miles. I know they stole the Grotowski wagon, buggy, and team. The livery wouldn’t buy them, so they’re still out there. There might be another one or two of those men out there, so be careful. They could be dead because that guy had a bad temper and shot his men all the time. You did us all a favor. Too bad you weren’t here a couple of weeks ago. The man was jealous that those foreigners built that beautiful house and barn so fast.”

I said to the bartender, “You can let folks know that the house will probably be for sale. Thanks for the information.”

I went out and mounted my roan. I signed to Tia and moved toward the road heading north. All little paths and streets merged into a small wagon track. We followed the road until we were almost on top of a small house with a small barn.

I walked my horse toward the house, and when I was up close I hollered, “Hello the house. Is anyone home?”

No one answered, so we walked our horses over to the barn and found a pair of nice looking draft animals in a small corral. There were three more horses there that I’ll bet belonged to men who rubbed their past leader the wrong way. The three horses that were there didn’t look very good. They were probably just ill-fed.

I found the wagon behind the barn and the buggy inside the barn. There was a room full of tack, so I separated out the new looking harness that I was sure went with the wagon and buggy. The Grotowskis would have taken care of their equipment. I signed to Tia when I had the tack that went with the two pieces of equipment. “I want to go inside the house to see all the stuff they have stolen.”

Tia didn’t want to do it, so I signed for her to stay out here and watch out for me.

I went in the back door and was prepared with my pistol out and cocked. I looked through the front room and the two bedrooms that only had bedrolls in them. There was a bunch of rifles lined up on the wall and a dozen belts with full holsters hanging against the wall. None of the weapons looked interesting, but just looking at the fireplace had my interest. A big stone that was second up from the bottom on the corner was sticking out almost an inch. I went over and pulled at the stone. It easily slid out. I had to get down on my hands and knees to look in where the brick came out. I could see some kind of pouch. I pulled it out and found that it was mostly full of various heavy coins. I reached in again and pulled out another pouch. Same deal, but these coins all looked like double eagles. I reached in again and pulled out a pouch that was full of jewelry. These men had been busy. I wondered if they raided stagecoaches and wagon trains.

I put the stone back and made sure that it was slid in flush and took the three pouches outside to put in my saddle bags. Tia watched me, but didn’t ask.

I led each horse of the team out and harnessed each one. I led them to where the wagon was and hitched them to it. I pulled the buggy out and had Tia help me lift the buggy into the wagon. The buggy wasn’t heavy, but I still had to throw a rope over a tree limb and use it with a horse to lift one end of the buggy at a time so I could back the wagon under it. I tied it down with some available rope. I then saddled each of the four horses and tied them together with another rope so they could follow the wagon. There were two extra saddles and bridles and some more harnesses, so I threw it all into the wagon too.

I pulled over to the house and put all the rifles and pistols with pistol belts and holsters into the wagon. I put the roan on another long tether and signed for Tia to follow.

I very slowly drove the wagon to town and stopped at the livery first. The man gave me a very poor price on the horses with tack, and almost as much for the extra saddles. I told him that I had another four horses for him. We rode over to the gunsmith where I hauled all the rifles and pistols in to him. I told the man, “I’m sure we can work something out for these. I have some more at the house from yesterday that I’ll bring in shortly. I’ll be giving anything we get for these to the grandmother and kids who are left. They need it more than me.” The man nodded at my intention to help the family.

My next stop was the General Store. The man there also was the local banker, as well as the postmaster. I took the bag of jewelry into the man, and said, “I found this out at the house those men had been staying in. I’m sure that they didn’t honestly come by this. I’m going to entrust this to you to make sure any jewelry that was taken locally gets back to whoever it belongs to. If it doesn’t belong to anyone, sell it and give the Grotowskis credit on their bill.”

The man was very happy to try to locate the owners of the jewelry. He was also happy to be able to have a credit for a customer on the books instead of being owed.

The General Store owner said, “We have a new schoolteacher coming and she’ll need a place to live. Maybe Mrs. Grotowski would be interested in housing the lady. Ask her so that the mayor won’t be worried about that.”

All the business was taken care of, so we drove out to the Grotowski house and parked the wagon by the barn. I unhitched the team and let them have some grain in the barn and water in the corral. It was past lunch time, so I went inside to talk to the family. The grandmother was trying to decide whether to stay in town or go to the farm. The two kids said they would probably miss school and it was getting close to school starting again.

I told the grandmother during lunch, “There’s a new schoolteacher coming to town, and she will need a place to live. The storekeeper asked me to ask you if you would consider a boarder.”

Mrs. Grotowski smiled and said, “That makes up my mind. I want to stay in town. The bad men are gone, there is a nice church here, the shops are close, and the kids can go to school. My sons and nephews still alive after the Indian problems built the huge house for the family and I want to honor them and live in it. The farm would constantly remind me of the Indian attacks.”

I asked the two kids, “Will you two each take care of a horse, or should you only have one horse together?”

They looked at each other, and the boy said, “I want to have my own horse. I think the horse I want could also pull the buggy. The horse seems to raise her feet like a buggy horse. She isn’t that big and is very gentle. Can I try her on the buggy before I choose?”

I nodded that it could be done. I looked at the girl, and she said, “I’d love to have that big black horse. He came over to me and I rode him bareback around the corral. He likes to play, rising up on his back legs and prancing around, he is beautiful and I think both of us could ride him.”

I signed what had been decided to Tia, so we went out to harness the little horse to the buggy. To unload the buggy, we reversed the procedure we used to load it on the wagon. The horse wasn’t afraid of the harness which made you think she had seen it before. The boy had sneaked a carrot out and gave the horse a snack.

I climbed into the buggy when the horse was hitched, and gave the reins a flop on the horse’s back with a pull to turn the horse to the left to go out to the road. We rolled right along and I was amazed at how nice the horse seemed to enjoy pulling the buggy. We rode back to the house. Mrs. Grotowski was standing on the porch, and I asked her, “How about taking the buggy for a short ride to see how you like your new buggy horse.”

The lady came out and climbed into the buggy. The girl got in with her and the woman laid the reins on the back of the horse. Off they went going pretty far out. They stopped, backed up a few feet, then turned in a circle and came back at a fair clip.

Upon stopping, the woman said, “Yes, this is a buggy horse. I love the way she anticipates what you want.”

The young girl said that she wanted to saddle the big black horse and ride him. She put a hackamore on him and led him to the fence where she had brought a saddle out. She threw a blanket over his back and then the saddle. She cinched the saddle down as tight as she could, and it looked tight. She was smart to poke him so he couldn’t hold his wind and stay blown up.” She put the bridle on the horse and gently had the horse take the bit. With the horse saddled, she stepped up on the fence rail, then swung up on the horse. Her brother opened the gate to the corral and the girl rode the horse down the road. I knew she was waiting to get beyond eyesight to get the horse to run. She came back about five minutes later and slid to a stop next to us. She was nodding and smiling. She told her grandmother, “I want some buckskins like Tia has. Those are good riding clothes.”

I told her, “You might want to wait until you’re full grown. It would be a shame to spend that much money and not be able to wear them for very long.”

I took the harness off the team and turned them out to the corral. I told the boy that I was going to saddle the other four horses to take them to the livery to sell. We got them ready and I took the six guns and belts with holsters and put them into a grain bag. Tia and I each led two and arrived there ten minutes later.

The livery owner said these were better quality and suggested that I take the tack to the saddlery next door. He said the man buys used tack. I removed the saddles and bridles from each horse as the livery helper put a hackamore on them. I hauled the tack to the saddlery shop and had the man there give me an estimate. Three saddles were average and one was very nice, but for a large man. He ended up giving me good prices for the tack.

We rode to the gunsmith and took the six guns into him. I spread them out for him, along with the three rifles the men had. He gave me a list of what he would give me for the guns I had brought in earlier, and then gave a good estimate for what I had just brought in. I told the man, “I want one of those coach guns with the short barrels that are easy to load. It’s a shame nobody has brought out a shotgun that takes big cartridges like the Henry takes .44s. I’d prefer it in twelve gauge rather than ten. I also want one of those Mississippi carbines that uses paper cartridges. The shotgun is for the house, and the Carbine is for the boy. He’ll need someone to teach him how to shoot it. I may not be here long. Can you teach him so he can shoot some rabbits if I can’t do it?”

I walked to the General Store and asked for a writing pen, an extra steel nib, a small bottle of ink, some paper, and a couple of envelopes. I was going to write my family a letter.

I remade my order from yesterday for about the same. Flour, corn flour, salt, pepper, sugar, a can of lard, several cans of vegetables, and a large flitch of bacon.

With my writing supplies in my saddlebag along with the money I had found, we went back to the huge house to gather the few things we had brought. We put the pack frame on Benny and loaded him up. I wanted to check something, and looked at the grain bin in the barn. There were two of them and both were full. The hayloft was full, so they had enough animal feed for the winter.

I took one of the bags of coins into the kitchen and had Tia take the kids out to look at the horses.

“I can’t bring your family back, Mrs. Grotowski, but I might be able to make it easier on you. I found this money out at the men’s house who died in the yard yesterday. There was also some jewelry that I gave to the General Store owner so that he can find the rightful owners or sell it. The income will be put on your credit. This should be enough money to last you several years. You’ll need animal feed, firewood, and your food and clothes. Please accept this as a gift.”

“I don’t need the money, Jeff. My family was very wealthy in the old country. We brought much gold to the United States and traded it for coins to be able to spend here. I have a great amount with the storekeeper, and several times that hidden right here. The man is honest and never talks about anyone’s money. You keep this money to live on. You have been good to us and haven’t asked for anything in return. Please come to town and stay with us during the winter sometimes.”

“Okay, but I have a present for you and the boy. I have this shotgun for your protection should anyone try to take advantage of you again. This is easy to load. Just use the paper cartridges that are full of shot and right amount of powder. Tear the light end of the cartridge – the powder weighs less than the shot – and pour the powder in the barrel, then wad up the paper and stuff the shot, paper wad last, down on top of the powder and tamp it all in with this rod. Put a cap from your cap box on the nipple of the barrel you just loaded. The gun will kick like a mule, but will cut down anyone threatening you.” I had demonstrated the loading process while I described it. I then handed Granny the gun and watched her load it while I coached her through the procedure. “Keep this here in the kitchen or somewhere that’s easy for you to get to. Keep this tin box of cartridges and a cap box nearby.”

“This is a rifle for the boy. It fires small bullets and is easy to use. You don’t have to give it to him yet, but he has to go to the gunsmith for lessons when you do. He can bring squirrels and rabbits home if he learns well. It’s a good gun to learn with.”

I reached in the bag and took two eagle coins. “Give these to the kids to use a little at a time. They can buy clothes and whatever they need with this. Thank you for being so gracious. I hope your lives are much better now. We will stop in to see you again soon, and thank you for letting us stay on your farm this winter.”

Mrs. Grotowski told me to wait while she wrote what was almost a will. She said that I was to take care of the two kids if she should pass. She said that all the farm and city properties should be considered mine as long as I took care of the two grandchildren.

I took the small pouch and went to my horse and put it in my saddle bag. Tia was waiting for me, with the two kids standing there waiting with her. I told the boy, “Make sure you unhitch the horse and put the tack away if your grandmother is finished using the buggy. Be sure to brush the horse and oil the tack.”

That reminded me that I wanted blankets, some gun oil, and some tack oil. We stopped at the gunsmith for a small tin of gun oil. I bought four good wool blankets for an exorbitant price of two dollars each at the General Store next door. I guess the price reflected the cost of getting it out to the middle of nowhere, far from the nearest railhead or steamboat dock. Tia was looking at some women things, and pointed to a comb and hair brush. The best they had was only fifty cents. I bought a can of tack oil down the street at the saddlers. The only thing we might need soon is to have both horses reshod. I asked the livery man, and he said, “The blacksmith at the end of the street on the other side is the local farrier and will usually take care of you fairly fast.”

We were finally on our way home. The one thing we would soon need would be coats. I had ruined my heavy coat and Tia didn’t have one at all. What we needed were a couple of bears to make some heavy coats.

I signed to Tia. “We need coats for winter,” after we were home and the animals put away. “I can get some deer but that won’t be heavy enough. I don’t know if there are bear in this area, but they should be near the bluff along the river. I can go look for sign. What else can we use to make coats?”

Tia smiled and hesitatingly said while signing, “Buff, buff, buffa, buffalo.” She was grinning for being able to get that out. I signed in return, and said, “I will hunt for bear in the morning and then we will see what we have to do to find some buffalo.” Tia wanted to take a bath, saying the river would still be warm enough. We went to the river and washed thoroughly. Tia had me wash her hair using some special soap Mrs. Grotowski gave her. She wanted to use it on my hair, but it was just barely to my shoulders. I was having to sharpen my knife often now as my whiskers were growing fast since I was older. I was sure that Tia preferred my cheeks to be smooth.

We truly made love that night. When we went to bed, Tia said, “Kiss.” It was amazing how much you can say with one word. We pleasured each other long into the night

It was raining hard the next morning, but the little cabin stayed dry. I lit the woodstove and put some water on to make coffee and tea, and made a fire in the fireplace to take the chill off. Tia had gone out to gather three days of eggs, so we had some of the bacon and a lot of scrambled eggs. We had a loaf of bread that Mrs. Grotowski had made. I put some on the stove to toast it.

We decided to explore the other two houses since it was raining. The big house was two floors, so we spent time looking in the rooms up there. This house must have had the best beds, as all of them were gone. What wasn’t gone was a lot of clothing in some of the closets. There was both men’s and women’s clothes. I wondered if these were the clothes of family members the Indians killed.

The rooms downstairs were the same. Stripped except for one room where there were clothes. I found some heavy clothes and coats in this closet. There was an excellent heavy coat with a hood that fit me perfectly. There was a women’s coat that fit Tia. There were heavy pants and some boots that might fit as well. This room had a very nice bed. It didn’t have a straw mattress, but one made of some kind of down or feathers. It was actually almost too soft. Tia thought it funny how you sank down into the bed. We took the heavy coats and thought we might come back for the heavy clothing later.

We took those to the house nearest the barn, and then went to look at the last house. This one looked like someone had just left and would be back any minute. It had two bedrooms. The one bedroom was empty and the other had a good bed and a full closet. There were another couple of coats, one light and one very heavy. The women’s clothes were big on Tia, but we looked through everything anyway. Tia found brushes and combs in the bath area next to the kitchen along with a lot of soap. The kitchen still had the stove and what looked like all the pots, pans, dishes, and eating utensils. They had a cistern outside their door that collected rain water. It looked clean and tasted clean. I used some stove wood and made a fire. There was coffee, so I made a small pot. Tia said, “We will come here to bathe when the weather is too cold. There are many towels next to the bathing room. Look at this, a razor for you with a brush for the soap for face. The man has a leather to make his razor sharp.”

I signed to Tia. “How do you know about razors?”

“Mountain men stay with us. Almost all cut hair on face with sharp knives. Women they stay with not like hair on face.”

I had never used a razor and was a little afraid I would cut myself. I nicked myself with my knife and was afraid I would cut my throat with a razor. I would give it a try to see if it was easier to use.

We had some coffee and then went back to the house we were using. Tia signed and said, “We should bring that bed here to use. That mattress was nice and was probably made of a lot more feathers, enough that you didn’t sink down in them. They have those little mattresses for your head. I said ‘pillow’ to her several times.”

I fed the horses and Benny, and spent a few minutes oiling our tack. It had been a long time since either of our saddles had been oiled and the leather sucked the oil up. I would have to do this again soon.

Tia had put a large pot of beans to soak yesterday, and had them cooking now. She didn’t want them to boil, so she only had fire in half the stove. My woman had a lot of various greens that she wanted to mix in with the beans. She also put some bacon in. This was a huge pot, probably two gallons.

The rain had stopped, but the wind had picked up. I had this feeling something was going on outside, so I took a Henry and checked to make sure it was full of cartridges. I also put my pistol on, but I liked the Henry because I could keep firing without having to muzzle load.

I walked around the barn and all looked everywhere. I put the three animals inside and shut the door just to be sure. I walked around all the houses and came back to stand on the porch of the house we were using. I heard the grunting. I knew that grunt wasn’t a bear, and I thought for sure that it had to be hogs. Just what we needed; the meat is good to eat, but cleaning a hog is a chore.

I went inside and signed to Tia, “Hogs outside.”

Tia asked, “How many?”

I signed, “Don’t know, but many.”

Tia grabbed her Henry and we went outside. You could hear them rooting where the garden had been and I instantly knew they were after any potatoes, carrots, turnips, or onions. I sighted in on a medium-sized hog and fired. He immediately lay down. Tia fired at a big one who bellowed. She put another round in him, but he was already dying. She looked at me and signed, “We should get and smoke meat.”

She shot another good-sized hog and I put my second one down. The hogs were getting the idea that this might not be a good place to be. Then the work began. I went for some rope and hung the first one up from a low branch. I dug out a little under him and began. I gutted the animal and was going to begin scraping him. Tia took my knife and began skinning the beast. She had the hide off the meat really fast. She showed me a big heavy wire screen in the barn, and signed that it was what was used. She signed to dig hole, put logs on four sides. Make a fire of old dry wood, and put the meat on the wire. It was best if we had a tepee to put over the meat so the smoke gets into the meat.

That was what that building behind that last house was for. It was a smoke house. I took Tia to see the smoke house. She signed that it should work.

We cleaned all four hogs and hauled all the pork to the smoke house. I built a fire under the smoke house in the tunnel entrance where you could tell many fires had been before. I next had to haul all the offal to the river to feed the catfish. That was a nasty job.

Tia was scraping the inside of the pigskin. She signed that pigskin made good moccasin soles. I soon had the heads, feet, and tails to toss into the river. I made sure that I tossed everything farther downstream than we bathed.

We washed up as best we could and put our clothes near the door to take for washing. We were too tired to play this evening and were instantly asleep.

Waking up just before dawn gives you a chance to see the world the way nature made it. There was an occasional bird calling their young, an animal making noise to attract their young or scare a predator off. I could hear the animals being restless in the barn, so I opened the doors. I put some grain and a little hay out, and filled their water trough. I used the shovel to scatter dirt over all the blood that had poured from the hogs. I went to the smoke house and put some more hardwood under it to keep the fire going. I kept thinking that we needed to wrap the meat and keep it soaked with salt water. There was a huge stack of burlap bags in the barn, so I took them and a bucket of water with animal salt to the smoke house. I would soak the bag and then wrap it around the meat. It took a long while to get four hogs wrapped, but I thought that would help.

I went inside to see how Tia was doing and she was angry. She signed to me that we missed and she was unclean. I didn’t understand, and she said plain as day, “Missed, baby. Must wait more.”

Oh shit! She thought we were making babies. I think there is a special time of month for that to work. I guess we’ll just have to make love a lot all month to get her pregnant.

I didn’t tell her my thoughts and stayed away from her because I knew she was concerned about a baby.

I took a bunch of the big bags and the largest bucket I could find after breakfast and took it out to the wheat field where I kept shaking the heads off into the bucket. I would put the wheat into the bag when the bucket was full. I had eleven bags by the time I finished knocking the wheat off. I had the big needle and heavy twine to sew the bags closed. I wish I had the wagon now. I went for my roan and made a travois. I made it heavy so I could put two bags on at a time. I had the roan pull the two bags first and then I took Benny out and had him do the heavy work. I finished getting all the wheat to the barn.

We had a late lunch that was almost supper. I told Tia that I would start on the corn in the morning. I wanted to check something, so I walked out to the corn field and pulled three ears of corn. I brought them back and offered an ear of corn to Benny and each horse. They crunched up the corn and the cob. I doubted it would hurt the animals.

I told Tia that night that I wanted to go to town to see if I could borrow the wagon and team to haul the corn. It would take too long to haul it all back in bags. She understood and said she would stay while I went in. I didn’t care for that but she knew what would be safe or not.

I wrote a long letter to my folks, brother, and sister that night. Dear Folks, It’s been about eight months since I left you and a lot has happened. I have met an Indian widow woman who was going to attack me for my food, but I stopped her. I fed her and she later said with sign language that she belonged to me because I had saved her. I told them she was still with me and we were staying in an abandoned farm with the permission of the owner. I had come about a couple of horses for us, and bought a pack frame for Benny. I still rode him when I need to haul something at the same time. Thank you Mom for teaching me to cook. I now can make some decent hard tack but liked to use a little more water. An egg in the batter makes it even better. We have a smoke house here and we are smoking four wild hogs. We are lucky because there are a lot of chickens so we have eggs and chickens to eat. What we need is beef.

Same as Run Away
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Tarun8217s Surprise 8211 Part I

This is my humble attempt to try and describe something new and different. I decided to post this nonetheless. I am from Cochin, Kerala and this is a semi-fictional story insofar that the names have been fictionalized to protect the identities of the characters in this story. It is narrated in the first person perspective to convenience and ease of description. Hope you enjoy it! I’m working out at the gym, late in the evening on a Friday, lifting weights and working on my upper body to try in...

Gay Male
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Bruno Has a Way with Women Ch 01

PRELUDE If anyone could have looked in Lydia Coleman’s bedroom that afternoon they would have witnessed one of the most erotic scenes ever. The 18 year old pretty auburn haired Lydia was on her bed still clothed in her school uniform. The blue monogrammed blazer was still buttoned covering her 36C breasts. Her long silky hair was draped across her shoulders. The light blue blouse accompanied with the burgundy and blue striped tie were visible through the opening of the blazer. She was still...

3 years ago
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Runaways Runaways By JensenDenmark 1. Holiday Amber met me at the park. We had left our High School separately so we could not be sighted. I rode my skateboard at the path toward the park. It was a shame that we had to keep it so secretly. Amber waited for me. She was 15 like me. ?Darling. I was afraid that your mother had picked you up.? ?No. I told her that I had to study extra for a project.? I kissed her. ?Lets go down to the creek, so we can have some undisturbed time.? The creek...

2 years ago
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Aruna Chennai Part 8211 1

Name : Aruna Age: 43 Location : Chennai Status Married Education : Graduate Occupation: Home maker Height : Medium Bra Size : 38C We had been flirting on chat for a few months before I had the chance to travel to Chennai. on work. She had agreed to meet I picked a hotel close to where she lived and put aside an afternoon to meet her. Our chats had been fairly flirty but without any cyber-sex. She came across as a simple , uncomplicated and shy person. One of the things she was curious about was...

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Aruna Bhabi ji ka saat mast chudai

Hello ISS readers, Hi, I am Amit Mein Delhi mein rehta hu.aur Delhi ka hi ek 5 star Hotel mai Sales Manager hu. Aur 25 Year ka hu, aur apna Flate maa akala hi rahta hu,abhi mari shadi nahi huya hai, Mein ek jawan aur smart ladka hu. Kuch 6 mahine pehle ki hai, normally mein roz subhe 9:30 am per nikal jata tha aur phir Shayam ko 07:00 pm per ata hu. Mere samna ka flat mai Mr. Sharma rehte hai. He is a Advocate. Unaki ek mast si wife hai Aruna , jo ki unki second(2nd) wife hai sharma ji ki umar...

4 years ago
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Shrunken at home with Futanari Sisters

With the blessing of Mr.z I am transferring his story "Shrunken at home with Shemale Sisters" to this site. First thing you may have noticed is I changed the name slightly. I just like Futanari better than Shemale personally. If you know the original then you know the ages where lower then what this site allows, so I've gone to the liberty of upping the characters ages. While I don't think this will cause too much issue with the chapters, it does mean that the majority if not all of the younger...

4 years ago
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Runners high

The running trail where I do my daily jog is a gently winding track along the riverside that skirts the public golf course, detours through a couple of lightly wooded areas and otherwise keeps close to the river's edge. It's a scenic route that brings relief from the stress, noise and pollution of the nearby city. Pushing myself around the 3km circuit keeps my ageing body fit and trim beyond its years and ready for other physical activities far removed from the athletic arena. Mind you, there...

Straight Sex
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Runners MoonChapter 13

The sun had long set; even the twilight was gone. It was cold out on the ice of Spearfish Lake, a a short ways out from the shoreline, off of the city beach. It was above zero, but with the clear skies, that wouldn't last; it was going to get chilly tonight. That wasn't all bad; Josh could stand it getting down a bit colder, since the dogs would be less likely to overheat. There was a gentle breeze, not enough to move the inch or two of snow that had fallen the night before -- just enough...

2 years ago
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This Story starts with guy who 35, but takes place when he's 25. The 2 girls are Jenifer (Jen) she 10-11 and Sarah who's 9-10. As with my other stories I use the ******** lines to sepparate the sex scenes. So if you get sick of the boring part of the story, just skip ahead. RUNAWAYS My name is John I’m 35, I’ve always loved younger girls but I didn’t realize how young until 10 yrs ago. When I was 22 I won $100,000,000.00 from a lottery, so I’m set for life. Anyway, 10yrs ago I was...

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Runaway 1

RUNAWAY - Chapter 1 I was sixteen when I finally ran away from home. They were the sixth foster family I'd been with and maybe not the worst. Most of my life had been spent in kid's homes or with foster parents, after being abandoned when I was only a few months old. A previous attempt to break free when I was fourteen had ended when the police caught up with me after only a few hours freedom and handed me back to the social workers. Growing up in kids homes had provided me with a...

3 years ago
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Runaway in Hollywood

Chapter 1 Hi again - My name is Wendy. I'm 23 and graduated last year from College in Tiffin, Ohio. This is a little story about my trip to Los Angeles last winter to visit my cousin Janice. Janice is 18, a freshman at Cal State Northridge. She is also a bronze blonde like me but a little chunky but cute and fun. She invited me to come and visit over the Christmas holidays. It was about 8pm Friday night and we had been planning to go clubbing tonight in Hollywood. I had never been there...

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Runner Girl Ch 05

Amy stood in her underwear at the bench where she and Tracy had agreed to meet, as she scoped the crowd. Thousands of scantily clad people filled Central Park, ready for the ‘Underwear Run.’ Her own attire consisted of a sports-bra and racer-type bottoms designed to look like underwear by their markings. Amy had not run in anything so skimpy since her college track team days, but her outfit seemed modest compared to some of the brave souls baring their bods for charity in varying degrees of...

2 years ago
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Runners Make the Best Ponygirls

Runners Make the Best Ponygirls Chapter 1: Taken 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds. Her foot struck the pavement, the pain lancing up her nerves. The blister’s covering her left and right feet squished with each step. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8 milliseconds, she repeated. Her mouth opened, with a great gasping inhale her chest expanded, oxygen filling her lungs. A half second later her nostrils flared as the air inside her chest rushed to escape. 32 minutes 55 seconds and 8...

2 years ago
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                                                              Runaway     Luke Shank saw the headlights, heard the pickup stop by thehouse.  By the time he got the door open, his brothers, Matthewand Mark, were standing on the porch.  Between them was Luke'swife, Lucy.  Matthew held her right arm, Mark her left.     "You found her.  Thanks," said Luke.     "She was waiting for the bus.  Runaway for sure," saidMatthew.  "You best see she don't do that again, brother."     "I can't keep her...

2 years ago
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Aruna8217s Story

Rima was our telephone operator who was recently married. She was 38-26-38 and was envied for the round ass she had. Her boobs were a bit saggy and inviting. I had decided there and there that I would fuck her till my balls are empty. Her husband worked abroad and that was a opportunity. One evening I visited her with all my tools. She was wearing a white nighty giving me a full view of her bra and panty. My dick stood up. She had gone inside to prepare tea. I followed her and moved my arms to...

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Runway 2

Chapter 2 The next day found the guys in Maria's hideaway awaiting her idea of fun, for her at least. "Matt, Dirk, the first thing I want to do this morning is to see what I have to work with. I want you to go into those dressing rooms and remove all your clothes except for your underwear. Please leave it on because I really don't want to look at those manly bulges of yours this early in the morning," laughed Maria as a way of cutting the ice so too speak. Both guys did as...

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Runway 8

Chapter 8 Tiffany reported to her first modeling assignment at the headquarters of a new fashion designer. She walked in and found bedlam. People were running everywhere and she thought she had found the wrong place. "May I help you?" an assistant asked. "I came for an assignment but I think I found the wrong place," Tiffany replied. "No, it's probably the right place, what's your name?" "Tiffany Rollins." "You have the right place, come with me, we have to get you...

4 years ago
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Rumsprung Ch 01 Straight Outta Commune

“Wh– what in God’s name is she doing?” “Oh, fuck... THAT’S what I’m talking about...” Willa didn’t miss a beat when she cast a glance around the edge of her folded bonnet at the pair of conservatively-dressed women who had just tiptoed into the dimly-lit alley. In lieu of a greeting, she decided to instead use her lipsticked-purple tools of the trade to slop on a fresh coat of ooey-gooey, bubbly spit onto the curved pipe she had sliding back and forth across her tongue. “Sch-luurrp– !” As...

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Waverunner Sex

We've ended up dating for 5 1/2 years! We keep in touch now and then. Hope you liked the story... It is my first time writing, so please understand. I will write more stories in the future.

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Aruni Part One and Two

Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didn’t like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It fell passed her shoulders curling every which way. Her father said that her hair made her lucky, and that he had learned that from a book. That made Aruni feel very proud. Aruni did not like wearing dresses and skirts. Being different made her feel very special. Aruni was just discovering a new emotion in her chest. She felt queasy...

2 years ago
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Brunies Best Meal

There once was a 12 year old boy named Brunie. Brunie always considered himself mature for his age and always tried to act this way. He would often masturbate and drink alcohol. One day, Brunie was alone in his room, masturbating of course. He was moaning very loud as he was about to reach his steamy climax. All of the sudden, his 15 year old brother Tommy walked into his room. "Ahh Fuck!" Brunie screamed as he reached for his blanket to cover himself up. Tommy looked away, secretly trying...

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Outrunning One Storm For Another

‘Clara!’ Matt’s voice roared over the rising gale of wind. ‘Get off that horse and get in here!’ The dark-haired girl turned in the direction of Matt’s voice, and saw the hulking, massy black cloud of storm-front eclipsing the innocent blue of the sky, devouring it mercilessly. Shit… it was gonna boil up a squall after all, and here she’d been out riding, paying no mind to the weather at all. Clara dug her heels into her mare’s sides, and the mare shot forward nearly unseating her. She was...

4 years ago
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Aruni Part One Meeting Joelle

Aruni knew very little about the world. She knew what she learned up until the fourth grade, and to her, that felt like an awful lot. She knew how to spell all of the states, what a verb is, and multiplication tables. She knew how to work the DVD player, and how to jump rope to 137. But Aruni still knew very little about the world. Aruni had thick auburn hair that shined like copper in the sun. She didnt like the way ponytails felt, so her hair was always tussled wildly on top her head. It...

5 years ago
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Aruni Part One and Two

Introduction: Thank you very much for the kind words for Part One. I have included it here with Part Two because I expanded a bit of the sexy time stuff and edited a little. Press Ctrl-F and search Part Two to skip ahead. Someone asked last time what Arunis nationality was, shes a red headed freckled girl- so I always imagined her as white. The name Aruni means Rust-colored, passionate and is a Hindi name. Please rate if you enjoyed the story, and I love getting comments on what you liked and...

4 years ago
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Drunnk Lesbians Experience Their First Time Togeth

Drunnk Lesbians Experience Their First Time Together The strobe light flashing, lights off, me and my two drunnk friends were dancing in my bedroom. The girls were topless and Sierra was unhooking my bra while leaning over to kiss Kara as she whispered, ‘I’m so horny.’ I just didn’t care who I fucked, just as long as I was fucking somebody… Anybody… And… Damn… Body. I found myself laying on the bed, Kara was completely naked now and Sierra pushed herself on top of me, winding her tongue...

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Haruno Sakura

All stories have it so that sakura is 18+. stories dont have to be in the naruto verse, but need to start there. and all must have some sexy side to them. Each story will have its own intro so look at this as more of a billboard to select your story of choice. So what story do you want to read?

4 years ago
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Einforderung von Sozialleistungen

"Ich habe ja schon viel gehört, aber so was noch nicht. Was glauben Sie wo Sie hier sind?", tobte Yvonne Kaufmann in ihrer Funktion als Sachbearbeiterin beim Jobcenter. "Wo ich hier bin?", tobte der etwa fünfzigjährige Spätaussiedler aus Russland Victor Damov. "Ich bin da wo ich meine Leistungen bekomme auf die ich Anspruch habe!" "Ganz genau. Und Sie haben sicherlich keinen Anspruch auf 400,00 € zusätzlich im Monat um eine Prostituierte aufzusuchen!", schimpfte die junge Sachbearbeiterin. "Wir...

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Ein letztes kreisen mit den Fingerspitzen, dann gab Lisa auf. Es klappte einfach nicht. Sie hatte es schon mehr als 10 mal versucht, einen Höhepunkt zu erreichen, aber mehr als ein bisschen angenehmes Streicheln war nicht dabei rumgekommen. Auch mit den Jungs lief es nicht besser: Lisa hatte keinen Freund, erst recht war sie noch nie mit einem Jungen im Bett gewesen. Das lag keineswegs daran, dass Lisa hässlich war. Sie hatte nahezu einen idealen Körper: Groß, blonde Haare, lange Beine,...

2 years ago
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Du stehst in der S-Bahn und bist auf dem Weg zum See. Es ist ein warmer Nachmittag im Sommer. Neben der Sonne bringen dich vorallem die Frauen und Mädchen um dich herrum, in ihren kurzen Röcken, engen Hotpants und Sommerkleidern, zum Schwitzen. Am einen Ende der Bahn sitzt eine Gruppe von 4 jungen Mädchen, vermutlich alle noch Schülerinnen, und gackern um die Wette. Die 2 Blondinen möchten wohl mit der Bruenetten und der Schwarzhaarigen Baden gehen, denn dank der knappen Tops siehst du...

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Shadowrun The Princess Lovers Other Tales

It is August 15, 2057. Dunkelzahn the Great Dragon, the first Non-Human to hold the office of President of the UCAS (United Canadian and American States) had just been in office for a whole nine hours before some unknown assailants assassinated him. The reading of Dunkelzahn's will six days later was the start of this story. The last line in the will to be exact. "To the last Knight of the Crying Spire, I leave the suit of armor worn by Richard the Lion-hearted on his Crusade, because it's up...

5 years ago
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S H A D O W R U N It is the year 2050. Megacorporations rule most of the world. United States of America is now called UCAS - United Canadian and American States - a tiny husk of its former glory. Technology has advanced in leaps and bounds. Internet has transformed into a virtual reality called the Matrix. Cybernetic augmentation of human bodies is an everyday business at the flesh-clinics. Deadly new viruses have decimated much of the world but the worst calamity to happen was the...

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Urlaubserinnerungen Teil 2 Fruumlhstuumlck

Als ich aufwachte fiel schon die Sonne auf ihre makellose Haut. Sie schlief noch. Nackt lag sie zwischen den Laken, die immer noch etwas feucht von der Nacht waren. Sie hatte einen festen Schlaf. Unbemerkt hatte ich uns Frühstück auf Zimmer bestellen lassen. Fünf Minuten später kam das Zimmermädchen in Sicht. Ich hatte mir eilig einen Morgenmantel übergeworfen, den ich etwas verkrampft zu hielt, um die Morgenlatte zu verbergen. Als ich das Tablett in Empfang nahm, hoffte ich nur, dass nichts...

3 years ago
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Drunnk Lesbians Experience Their First Time Togeth

The strobe light flashing, lights off, me and my two drunnk friends were dancing in my bedroom. The girls were topless and Sierra was unhooking my bra while leaning over to kiss Kara as she whispered, "I'm so horny."I just didn’t care who I fucked, just as long as I was fucking somebody…Anybody…And…Damn…Body. I found myself laying on the bed, Kara was completely naked now and Sierra pushed herself on top of me, winding her tongue with mine and our lips pressed so hard together. Kara mumbled,...

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Versteigerung von SexPartnern 1

Das brachte sie endlich, aufzuhören.Dadurch entspannte sie sich auch nach zehn Minuten und ich konnte meinen Schwanz wieder herausziehen. Dabei kam es ihr nochmals.Wir lagen dann nebeneinander und ich fragte, ob es wirklich so schlimm sei. Ein Kind von ihre Sohn, den sie liebe, der sie liebe. Und das an ihrem 39 Geburtstag, ein schöneres Geschenk können man von einem liebenden Sohn doch nicht bekommen. Sie drehte sich zum mir, gab mir einen nicht mütterlichen Kuss und sagte "Du bist immer noch...

4 years ago
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Marunthu Vangum Idathil Aunty

Hello friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil oru sexiyaaga auntyai usar seithu avaludan kaamam seithathai ungaludan indru pagirugiren. Avaluku thirumanam aagi irunthathu, enathu peyar ragu, en mugathil niraiya mugap paru eer patathaal en amma maruthuvarai sendru paar endraargal. Naanum maruthuvarai sendru paarthen, angu ulle pen doctor irunthaargal. Avargalai sight adithu vittu marunthu vaangum idathirku sendru marunthu vaanginen, appadi vaangum pozhuthu oru sexiyaana aunty en arugil vanthu...

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Perunthil Ennai Iru Aangal Thadavinaargal

Vanakam en iniya makale, thinamum padithu indru enathu sontha kama kathaiyai pagiruvatharku migavum en nandriyai therivithu kolugiren. En peyar Valli vayathu 40 aagugirathu, intha vayathilum paaka ilamaiyaaga thaan irupen. Ennai eppadi iru aangal perunthil thadavinaargal enbathai intha tamil kama kathaiyil ungalidam solugiren, vaarungal kathaikul selalam. Eppozhuthum kalaiyi perunthil velaiku seluven, angu irunthu 20 km perunthil sela vendum. Appadi selum pozhuthu kutam athigamaaga irukum,...

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Perunthil Thadavi Usher Seithen

Oru naal nala mazhai peithu konde irunthathu appozhuthu naan thinamum kalluriku bikeil sendru varuven. Aanal ippozhuthu athigamaaga mazhai peivathaal perunthil selalam endru mudivu seithu irunthen. Thinamum en nanban en udan varuvaan aanal avan indru vara maaten endru soli vitan, athanaal naan thaniyaaga andu perunthil sela aarambithen. Naan andru ennaku kaama anubavan kidaikum endru sirithum ethir parka villai, naan perunthu pin puramaaga ulle erinen. Appozhuthu ennai suri penga niraiya per...

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Nerungiya Thozhiyudan Kaamam

Enaku oru nerukamaana thozhi irunthaal aval peyar buvana vayathu ippozhuthu sariyaaga 22 aagugirathu. Avalin vayathu thaan enakum aagugirathu en peyar Daamu, naangal kalluriyil pazhaga aarambithom. Engalukul 3 varudangalaaga pazhakam aanal eppozhuthum ondraaga irupom enaku avalai miga pidikum aanal naan avalidam thozhanaagave irunthen. Aval meethu enaku kaama aasai irunthathu aanal athai ennal veli kaati kola mudiya villai, aval en udan padikum oru paiyanai kaathal seigiraal. Aanal aval kaathal...

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Brunda 8211 The Beautiful Restaurateur 8211 Pt 3 Threesome In Russia

Hello guys, I am Shivang here. It is been a long while and I got some emails from the readers asking for some good incest story. Actually, I am writing this new sex story for the love of my life – Brunda. Brunda, please come back. I miss you a lot. So in the last part, you all saw how I dominated Brunda and how we had great sex in that hotel room. Continuing from there. Both I and Brunda knew the purpose of her visit so none of us tried to cover ourselves. Olga came in and locked the door...

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Brundavani 8211 Part 3

This is a continuation of indian sex sex story brundavani part 2 written from my old account storywriterxx2.Please read those first to enjoy the story completely. Brundavani ,if you are reading this.. Mail me to I lost your mail id and locked my old account.So kindly contact me on mail. The first day was full of pleasure through the pain with no sex at all and the second day it was relief session with a little oral sex involved.The third day is going to be much more fun and exciting for her....

3 years ago
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Brunda The Beautiful Restaurateur Part 2

Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang here with another incident. It is a sequel to my previous story: Brunda- The Beautiful Restaurateur. Thank you all for your response and love. I received many emails asking for pics of Brunda. Sorry to disappoint you folks, but that ain’t gonna happen. Your feedback and messages are welcome on . After a lovely sex with Brunda, it was 5’30 in the morning and it was time for me to leave. I could see the sadness in her eyes. I felt my senses go numb too as I bid...

2 years ago
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Brunda 8211 The Beautiful Restaurateur 8211 Part 1

Hello, girls and guys of indian sex stories dot net. I am Shivang here with another incident for you. First of all, thank you all for so many mails and messages for the previous stories. Motivates me to write more. Your feedback is welcome on . So this incident happened around a month ago. It was the end of May and I decided to plan a trip to Russia with my family. We got the visas etc. in mid-June. And we left for Russia on 13th June i.e. me, mummy, dad and our man-servant Govindji. We landed...

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Drunked Man Ki Wife Ki Chudai

Hi. I am Rakesh, 27yrs, working electric company in Barmer, 5’7″ and having a good looking personality. I am going to tell u my story which happened with me last summer. As I am 5’7″ and having good physique, all the ladies who see me got impressed with me. I was living in a house on rent. There were only two rooms one was given to me and other was given to new kirayedar. They were husband wife and one 3-4 years baby. Bhabhi was not pathaka but some 36-32-38. Dekhne me colour saf tha. I...

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Trunks New Look Babysitting

Trunks sighed once again as he looked into his mother's vanity mirror and looked at himself. How did he manage to get into this mess? Oh, that's right, he remembered; it was because of those little terrors downstairs. They were the ones responsible for this! ---------------------------------------- It all started when he decided to use visit Goku and his friends again, so he used his time machine. This time, he was curious to see how they had been doing after the battle with Cell, so...

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Runu Kakimar Duronto Chodon

Bell tiptei darja khule dilo runu kakima. Amake dekhe bollo – oma…eto dine tor ashar samay holo. Aye aye bhetore aye. Bhetore dhukte dhukte kakima bollo kemon achhish re? tor to kono patta nei. Tarpor kakima amake bollo je – tui boss boshar ghore…ami ranna chapiyechhi …shamle ashi…aj kheye jash….ami bollam ok. Boshar ghor theke proshno korlam….kaku nei…kakima bollo na re….bapir sathe dekha korte delhi gachhe …kaal firbe. Bapi runu kakimar chhele, Delhi te MBA porte gachhe. Kaku nei shunei amar...

4 years ago
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Aruner maa 01

Arun 16 bosor boyosh.Khub lajuk chele.shohorer ek prante 16 tala flat er 13 talai maa babar shathe thake.sobe school ses suru korbe kodin por. Arun er maar shukla datta.age 37 housewife.shorir ektu fatty.mai dutu prokando.kintu jhule jaini ekhon o.sada sobcheye sexy holo pasa.bishal boro.dhew khelano.hatle kepe kepe uthe kintu thol thole noy.khub tight mangso bhorti pasa. Arun er baba maa er somporko onek din theke bhalo noy.baba jotin datta privat company te chakri...

5 years ago
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Karunya8217s step mother

Hi, my name is Neel, 29 now, athletic, well built for i am a keen sportsman. Any real female/married couple from bangalore/ kolkata and they wanna have sexual relation with 29 year old bengali boy. If u r interested mail me at what i am writing here is a true period of my friend’s life, which i wanted to get off my chest. Karunya is one of my good friends since school life. He narrates me this storywhen i cought him at the time of intercourse with his step mom. Now i try to narrate in english...

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Viqarunnisa Girl Wanted To Be Deflowered

Hi, I am Avilash. 22 years old. I am from Dhaka city of Bangladesh. I’m very much naughty and fun loving boy & have an easy-going personality. I’m smart, attractive & 5’10” tall. I’ve fit body, fair complexion & 8’’ penis. I can fuck girls very much in many ways with true fun, enjoyment and satisfaction that you can’t imagine. I say: ‘that it’s all about making you ejaculation until you beg me to “stop please”. Now I’d like to narrate a true sex experience of my life. Here I did not use the...

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Perunthil Ilamaiyaana Paiyanai Usar Seithen

Vanakam nanbargale, indru kathiayil ilamaiyaana oru paiyanai perunthil usar seithu avanai en veetirku vara vaithu matter seitha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. En peyar Alamelu, vayathu 38 aagugirathu, enaku thirumnam aagi iru pen pasangal irukiraargal. Avargal palliyil padithu kondu irukiraargal, en kanavan arasanga uthyogathil irukiraar. Oru naal en amma veetirku sela perunthil sela kathu kondu irunthen, bus vanthathu athil eeri iruthiyaaga irukum irukaiyil amarnthu konden. Sirithu thuram...

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Ich freute mich schon seit langem auf die Party, denn ich wusste dass Vanessa auch kommen würde. Sie war das mit abstand heißeste Mädchen der ganzen Stufe. Aber das wussten auch die anderen und so war ich nicht der einzige der an ihr interessiert war. Um 10 holte Erik mich ab und wir gingen zur Party. Wir spielten ein paar Runden Bierpong und landeten irgendwann im Zimmer der Gastgeberin und spielten Wahrheit oder Pflicht. Alle waren ziemlich angetrunken und dementsprechend hemmungslos. Dann...

2 years ago
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Perunthil Kama Manaivi Ennai Usar Seithaal

Hi friends, enathu peyar Suman, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Naan thinamum college sendru veetirku busil thaan varuven, naan erum pozhuthu busil idam irukathu athanaal naan pine pengal erum idathil erinaal enaku seat kidaikum endru pine eeri setil amaruven. Pine niraiya pengal irupaargal, stping vara vara niraiya pengal pine nirpaargal. Oru naal naan pin seetil amarunthu irukum pozhuthu irandu per amarum irukaiyil amarnthu irunthen. En udambu konjam veliyil vantha padi irunthathu. Apadi irukum...

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RuneswardChapter 71 The Void

White. No matter where Yren looked, there was only white. There were no variations. There were no shadows. He didn’t even cast a shadow. There was only ... white. The white was odorless. It was not hot or cold. It was ubiquitous and unlimited. He could hear, though. There was a cacophony right on the edges of his hearing. At first, he thought it was a chorus of people screaming. As he listened, though, he came to the conclusion that the screaming was really only one woman, layered over and...

4 years ago
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RuneswardChapter 72 Pyromancy

The bishop took the pale gray, stone steps two at a time, racing up to his offices. He ignored everything and everyone in his mad dash up the stairway. The entire city was filled with gossip about a burning blue knight fighting against mages in one of the marketing districts. At first, he’d heard the blue knight had fought against only three mages, but by the time he reached the castle gate the count of mages had risen to a full score. That only the body of one mage could be produced meant...

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