Relative Terror free porn video

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I stood at the foot of the porch steps, gazing up towards the door. Twelve steps to the top. I had counted them long ago. Twelve steps to the top, eight steps to the door, then just knock. Wow, sounded really easy when I thought about it. So, why wouldn’t my feet move? Eleven years later and I still dreaded this place. All the old signs were there. My heart was racing, my palms were sweaty and I was stuck at the bottom of the stairs. Ah, home sweet home.

‘Buck up, Nicolai, this isn’t going to be that bad! You aren’t a kid anymore. Yeah, just keep chanting this in your head, Niko and everything will be fine!’ Great! Another sign of being home, I am talking to myself. With an exaggerated sigh, I forced myself to walk up the steps, stopping at the top. Eight more steps. Raise the hand, knock, hard but not to loud. With any luck, they won’t hear me and I can turn and run. No, not run, walk quickly. Yeah, that’s it. I will just walking quickly away. The definite sounds of foot fall heading towards the door. Oh well, was a nice daydream anyway. The door opens and there is Russell, looking just as he did eleven years ago when I ran out this very door, severe and unwelcoming.

His eyes narrowed, than ran up and down the length of me.

‘We do not accept solicitors. Go a way.’ He moved to close the door. For the briefest instant, I contemplated letting him just close it and going with my plan B, the whole walking away really fast idea but, I didn’t.

‘Russell, I was invited here.’ He looked down his thin, long nose at me. After a few brief moments, recognition flashed over his face and, I have to admit, it was priceless. I think he almost stammered.

‘Master Nicolai? You have,’ he looked me up and down again, ‘changed.’

‘Eleven years will do that to a person, Russell. If you would be so kind as to let me in, now.’ It felt good being a bit pushy with him. It made my heart slow down and I unclenched the fists that I hadn’t realized I was clenching. He just started at me for a few more moments as if weighing whether or not to let me in.

‘May I see some form of identification?’ Now he was just being annoying and I wasn’t going to play.

‘No, no you may not. Now, I am here at the request of my father’s lawyer. You either get out of my way or I will leave. That is it, your only choices.’ Anger danced around his eyes.

‘I see something has not changed. You still have no manners.’ But, he stepped aside. I strolled past him, feeling proud of myself. A few steps into the huge mansion, the sound of the old, solid oak door closing and my stomach sank. I started to sweat and I instantly began to curse, silently to myself for actually fighting to get in here. I hated here. I always had. From the marble floors to the white furniture you would never consider actually sitting on, I despised this place. With a small shudder and a gulp, I looked over my shoulder at the butler, Russell, another bane of my childhood. Was there the slightest smirk on his face? Did he realize how much I hated it here? As the phantom smirk spread into a smile, I had my answer. I frowned and tried to look nonchalant.

‘Where are they…’ my question was cut off by a voice from behind me.

‘Nicolai, how nice of you to come, though, we didn’t expect you until later.’ I didn’t jump. I actually gave myself extra points for not jumping. I turned slowly, eyeing my father’s lawyer, Richard.

‘Yes, I bet everyone wanted me to show up later which, of course, is why I did not. I suppose I am I should ask you how you knew it was me after eleven years but, I don’t think I want to know the answer.’ He smiled.

‘Private detectives, Nicolai. It’s how I knew where to send the obituary notice. We had him snap of a few photos, just so we knew who to expect…’ He was walking around me, circling me like the shark. Hmm, funny, just accord to me where I have seen his smile before, Discovery Channel during Shark Week. ‘Your family was pleasantly surprised that you look so much like your father, Nicolai.’ I couldn’t help looking up at the life-sized painting of my father. Richard was right, of course. I had his jet black hair, just as wavy as his, though I let mine grow to my shoulders instead of his neat at the nap cut. The high cheek bones, the dark blue eyes, yes, much to my chagrin, I was every bit the Beaumont. His voice drew my eyes back to him. ‘I think they were afraid you would lean towards your mother’s side of the family.’

‘Like my temperament?’ I held up my hand, to cut off his mock protest. ‘I don’t want to spar with you, Richard. Why am I here?’ He frowned, tilting his head to one side.

‘Why, I thought that would be obvious, Nicolai. You are here for the reading of the Will.’ I laughed. I not only laughed, I got down right loud. I couldn’t help it. This was the last thing I had expected. I glanced at Richard, tears streaming down my face, and he did not look amused. I waved my hand, trying to control myself but, it was another few moments before I could speak.

‘Goodbye’ I choked out as I gasped for breath, straightening up and walking towards the door.

‘Nicolai, wait!’ I wiped my eyes and looked back at him. ‘You are in the Will.’ I stopped walking. Turning to face him, I said in my best mockery of Richard’s voice.

‘At to my youngest son, I leave the family curse and a dagger between the shoulder blades.’ I shook my head. ‘Thank you anyway, Richard. I will pass.’

‘If he had wanted a dagger between your shoulder blades, boy, it would be done! It wasn’t that difficult to find you.’

‘How refreshing, I will remember that in the future!’

‘I thought you didn’t want to spar? Just stay, as soon as the other awake, we can have the reading and, if you still feel the need to flee, you can do so then.’

‘Flee, what an apt turn of phrase. Richard, I will stay if I have your word my relatives will let me leave if I so choose.’ Richard opened his mouth to answer but it was a female voice that purred from upstairs.

‘Baby brother, if you wish to leave, I will promise your safety.’ Lucinda glided down the stairs. ‘You, look wonderful.’ She smiled, and for a moment, I almost believed she cared. But, my mind latched onto the glide and I remembered, before it was too late, that Lucinda did nothing that didn’t promote what she wanted. This meant I was a game piece. Already. I hung my head.

‘Hello, Lucinda. Am I a Knight or a Pawn in this game? Just so I know which ways I can move?’ I looked up, carefully looking at her beautiful face but, avoiding her eyes. I didn’t need to look into them to know they were the same dark, sapphire color of mine. I also didn’t need to tempt fate by seeing if I could still break away from her gaze. No, better to look at her cheeks. She continued gliding towards me, having reached the bottom of the stairs and pulled me into an embrace. In a purr that only she could get away with, she whispered in my ear.

‘That, baby brother, depends on what the nice lawyer says about you after he reads the Will.’ I chuckled. Lucinda loved her games but, at least I could still rely on her to let me know it was just a game.

‘Coddling him, already, I see.’ This time I jumped. I wasn’t proud of it but having my older brother hiss in my ear, when I hadn’t even heard him slither up behind me was, well, scary!

‘Leave him alone, Chance. We are all here to get along.’ Lucinda moved around into between the two of us.

‘Lucinda, dear, sweet sister, we are here for a great many reasons, none of them being to get along! Hello, Nicolai. I didn’t make you wet yourself, did I?’ I gritted my teeth.

‘Why no, not this time. But don’t worry, Chance, the night is young. And, as I was just telling Richard before Lucinda brightened the room with her beautiful self, I need to be going.’

‘Run, run, run. How completely like you. Alas, I would love to watch you skitter away, little brother but, Richard has made it abundantly clear that the Will can
‘t be read without you here so, I am afraid you are staying.’ I rubbed my forehead and looked over at Richard.

‘I really didn’t want to put it like that but, your brother is correct. All five of you have to be here before it can be read. So, if you go, no Will.’ Oh, I really wanted to keep a straight face and not have a sadistic smile appear but, I failed, miserably. I heard Chance’s jaw clench behind me and I almost snickered. The look on Lucinda’s face told me to stop. Chance had moved closer, I could feel his breath on my neck.

‘Don’t push it, Nicolai, no one said you couldn’t be tied to a chair for the reading.’

‘Not that this old home night, diatribe isn’t amusing but, could we keep, at very least, the illusion of civility?’ And then there were four, I thought as I peeked over in the direction of my Cousin Krista’s voice. She waved. The only blonde in the family, how in the world had she survived? She walked over, all but knocking Chance out of the way and hugging me. Then, just as she had done so many times when we were younger, she freaked me out by whispering in my ear. ‘I survive, dearest cousin, because I am just as mean as they are!’ And with that, she nipped my ear and moved away.

‘I hate, when you do that!’

‘Get over it!’ She yawned and ran a hand through her golden locks. ‘Where is Blair?’

‘Blair was sleeping and then, Family Hour started. Now, Blair is hoping we can get this over with, quickly.’ I know he hadn’t been there just a few seconds ago but then, that was my family. Always appearing when things get heated. He nodded at me. ‘Little cousin, how nice to see you again. Though, I know owe Krista $100.00 because I bet you wouldn’t show.’ The hundred dollar bill showed up and Krista was suddenly there, plucking it out of his hand.

‘Thank you.’ Krista snickered.

‘Hello, Blair. So sorry I have lost you a bet. If it helps, I almost didn’t come tonight. I even almost ran at the door. Feel better?’ Blair cocked his head to the side and ran a finger along his lips.

‘I suppose. Richard, can we get this over with before Chance gets anymore annoyed?’ My eyes shot to Chance who was, indeed, looking just the safe side of hostile. Richard cleared his throat.

‘As we are all here now, yes, I think getting started would be a wonderful idea. If you will all follow me into the study.’ I grimaced. That sounded so cliché but followed along anyway.

My father’s study was just like the rest of the house, large and cold. I had only been in here a few times as a child but the memories were strong. I grabbed one of the chairs that was sat out and wrapped my arms around myself, feeling the cold creep in. Completely encircling the room was floor to ceiling bookshelves. The volumes that filled them, both old and priceless, and completely untouchable laid, perfectly dusted in a row. I hate this place, my brain screamed. I looked around, chuckling as I noticed I was sitting off away from everyone else. Ah, just like old times. Richard stood behind my father’s desk, a thick stack of papers in his hands. His voice rattled on with the boring legalities and I didn’t bother tuning back in until he hit Chance’s name.

‘And to my eldest son, Chance Kevin Beaumont, I leave controlling shares in the Beaumont Corporation… ‘ I tuned back out. No surprise there, of course Chance would get the main family Corp. Richard went on to list a huge sub-list of other companies and holdings that big brother would receive. I must not have been paying enough attention because, after the long list, Chance was frowning. This went on and on, and after the long list that each person ahead of me was read, each was frowning. Even Krista, the person read right before my name was to come up, had a bit of a confused look on her face. I must have been addled because up until Richard stated my name and read off my first bequeath, I didn’t get it. After he had said it, I got it! The house. Father had left me the house.

I had stood up without even realizing it. I backed towards the door with just as little effort. Chance’s eyes were burning with an inner fire, bright and blue and his hands were clutching the arms of his chair. My breath caught in my throat and I was about to run when Lucinda and Krista both started to laugh. Richard looked annoyed at being interrupted but, Lucinda and Krista just kept laughing.

‘What do you two find so funny?’ Chance snarled, standing up and glaring.

‘It’s…perfect!’ Lucinda choked. Krista nodded her head in agreement, unable to muster speech.

‘Enough!’ Richard all but roared, causing all of us to look at him in amazement. ‘If all of you could manage to act like adults for awhile longer, I would appreciate it. Now, along with the house, Nicolai, you also get-‘ he proceeded to name of some stocks and a sum of money that made my mouth drop. ‘This will keep you and the house happy for the rest of your life. Now, to rest of you, hear this! If any of you fight over any part of this Will, you will be cut off and your allotment will go to the rest of my heirs.’ Richard looked up and around the room. ‘I assume you have all understood what I have said? There will be no fighting or I am to re divide all of the holdings. So, Chance, I would advice you learn to deal with this new situation. Ladies, I would advice you both to stop you’re laughing so as to not irritate Chance anymore than he already is. Yes, Blair, what is it?’ I looked over and saw that he had his hand raised like a child in school. Blair looked at me.

‘Will you be throwing us all out?’ He smiled like a small boy who had just asked if Santa was coming. Chance growled again. I ran my hand threw my hair, realizing that all eyes were turning to me. Leave it to Blair to dig me into a deeper ditch and all with a smile. My mind was reeling. I actually had completely control of a rather large part of their lives. They all needed this house while I had been away and knew I could make it alone. It was an interesting twist of fate. As I was pondering my life situation, Russell walked in and announced that Krista had a telephone call. I looked over at him, a smile spreading across my face. ‘Utoh looks like someone won’t be living here long.’ Blair said in a sing song voice. Russell looked confused.

‘Take a message, Russell.’ Krista said with a wave of her hand.

‘Oh, and then, Russell, pack everything you own and come back in here. Your last check will be waiting for you.’ I don’t think I have ever said words that tasted so sweet. Russell’s look of confusion deepened until Blair, ever the one to pour salt in wounds, explained.

‘Baby Cousin Nicolai got the house, Russell. I guess this means you are unemployed!’ Blair then fell back over his chair, laughing. Nice to know I wasn’t the only one who hated Russell. Or perhaps this was just the kind of thing that would play up to Blair’s warped humor. Either was possible. Russell gasped, looking to Richard.

‘What Blair said is true. Nicolai, I assume there is know way I can talk you out of this?’

‘Richard, I believe you have the paperwork for me to sign? By the time I am done signing it, you are to be packed and ready to leave Russell. Oh, and do go tell Krista’s friend she will call them later.’ I walked towards the desk, ignoring the impulse to gloat further.

Richard was looking at me with a new found respect and quickly laid out the papers I was to sign. The firm thud of the door closing told me that, to my amazement, Russell had gone to do as I said. As soon as I had finished signing, I moved out my father’s chair from the desk and sat down. I took a deep breath and looked up at my relatives. ‘To answer your question, Blair, no, I will not be throwing any of you out. We will all just, learn to live together again, I suppose.’ I looked around, already redecorating in my mind. ‘Yes, moving home will be nice, I think.’ I met all the pairs of eyes looking at me. I could do this, I thought. I could make this place worth living in. And all I would have to do i
s survive my family. I leaned back in the chair and smiled to myself. Ah, just like old times.

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Night Terror

I woke up in my bed, cocooned in warmth and comfort. I was in the perfect position – the one you can spend most of the night looking for in bed and the one you absolutely loath to leave in the morning, certain that you'll never be able to find it again. Your entire body is limp and relaxed and the comforter over you is snug, but not constricting. You're lying right on the mattress's sweet spot, free of lumps and dips, and the temperature is toasty warm. Even before glancing over at the...

4 years ago
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Hunting SeasonChapter 3 Rain of Terror

It had been raining for two hours by the time Will Osler's van arrived in Marion, Virginia. The van pulled into the parking lot of the Blue Jay Motel and Restaurant. As the driver and his passenger got out of the vehicle, the storm redoubled its attack. Ferocious winds hurled buckets of rain into the faces of the hapless pair, nearly knocking Will Osler off his feet. "Let's run for the diner!" Osler shouted to his young companion as he put his own advice to effect. Will took several...

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Rebel Terror

Jeff Reynolds and Harry Smith had begun work at the mine in Kolbazi on the same day. Jeff was an accounting manager and Harry worked in distribution. Both men were expatriates from England, having moved to Africa lured by the promise of salaries that were four times what they could ever expect to receive at home. In addition, they were provided with small but comfortable bungalows in a safe section of the small city. Jeff and Harry were similar in appearance and personality. Each was in...

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ConvergenceChapter 23 Beyond the Terror

Caleb blearily opened his eyes. At least, he thought he did. He couldn’t see anything. He tried to move his hands to wipe at his face, but he couldn’t move either arm. Panic began to bleed through the fog that shrouded his mind. “You’re buried and trapped!” a mental voice informed him. “Your men are digging you out. Just relax until they get to you.” “What happened?” Caleb wondered, not sure if the question was rhetorical, or if he were actually trying to gather information. He wasn’t sure...

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A night of terrors

It was late at night. A dark, misty fog covered the streets, which were only illuminated by flashing street lamps in a cold and dim light. The streets were empty and quiet. Only from far away one could hear the barking of street dogs, the humming of occasional cars passing by and other sounds that were impossible to specify. It was raining. A girl, 18 year old Nela, walked through the streets. Alone. Her hair wet from the rain, the cowl of her hoodie jacket pulled deep into her face and her...

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Relative 19 Age Pennai Sex Seithen

Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sonthakaara 19 vayathu pennai eppadi sex seithen enbathai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar muthu vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Naan ippozhuthu thaan college padithu mudithen, naan college padikum pozhuthu niraiyai kama kathaigal padithu kai pazhakam seiven. Ennal kai pazhakam seiyamal oru naal kuda iruka mudiyaathu intha nilaiyil irukum pozhuthu thaan en athai veetirku vanthu irunthaargal, aanal avargal suma vara vilai oru...

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My War On Terrorism

The woman was dressed in the traditional garb of a conservative Moslem Arab. Clad in black from head to toe, she was seated on a simple kitchen chair in an otherwise empty room. The curtains were drawn and there was no hint of light from beyond. Even her face was covered with the exception of her left eye. Her eye was dark brown. Her lash was long and thick and her eyebrow was an elegant arch. The little bit of skin that showed was of a light olive complexion. Yet, what showed was enough to...

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Relatives from Out of Town A Halloween Story

All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal...

2 years ago
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Relatives from Out of Town A Halloween Story

I think the wee folk are playing with me, but this is the story the Pixies gave me for this year’s Halloween specials. It rolls some Celtic traditions in with some other traditions from the old times to present a tale of a witch who isn’t really a witch... except that she is. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =It all started when cousin Bridget made her prophecy. Bridget has always been a very weird little girl. Perhaps I should say she has always been a very weird... and very little......

3 years ago
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Relatives from Out of Town A Halloween Story

I think the wee folk are playing with me, but this is the story the Pixies gave me for this year’s Halloween specials. It rolls some Celtic traditions in with some other traditions from the old times to present a tale of a witch who isn’t really a witch... except that she is. = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =It all started when cousin Bridget made her prophecy. Bridget has always been a very weird little girl. Perhaps I should say she has always been a very weird... and very little......

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Agent of Justice Terrorist

This story was suggested to me by an e-mail from a friend of mine. I haven't edited it much, it's just to get a few things off my chest. Ezekiel *** Agent of Justice: Terrorist Ezekiel Smith He had been behind it. As an amazed world watched, he had had his loyal followers guide the aircraft into the three buildings to their death and glory. There had been a fourth that the passengers had resisted their glorious fate, but no matter. He had proven his point, he could strike...

4 years ago
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Relatives Ki Shaadi Me Bhabhi Ki Bahen Chodi

Hi guys I’m Akshay I’m 20 years old and I live in Bangalore. So it’s a real story, it’s the time when I met Meeta my bhabhi’s sister in a marriage. First I tell you about myself I live in Bangalore with my brother and his wife Ria. So it happened during my bhabhi cousin’s reception preparation, since I was employed that time and I had nothing to do, my brother asked me to go and help bhabhi family in arrangement, by the time I reached there I saw everyone was busy in some or the other work, so...

2 years ago
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Relatively Related CAW 27 entry0

“What was that?” Hailey quietly whispered to her sister. Straining to hear more, Jamie replied, “I think it’s the Nanny trying to catch us playing in mother and father’s room. Oh dear! I am afraid that the ghosts aren’t going to be happy!” Giggling softly Hailey asked, “You think they will scare her away?” “I’m not sure this one is the toughest we have ever had; we’ll have to wait and see,” Jamie said looking at her sister. “Get to sleep before she comes in here and catches us. I for...

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Relatively sexy

Strictly speaking this isn't my story. No I haven't copied it from elsewhere but it is based arounda family that I got chatting to online. Even then it is all four individually. This was over 10 years ago and it started out with just one girl who was 18 at the time who I had met in a chatroom.She had a coloured boyfriend but kept on asking me about sex. She obviously wanted to learn quickly.One night she told me that she had one younger sister and two parents but she did seem to prefer talking...

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Relatively Short Stories

A quick and dirty story collection by a group of great writers! These are meant to be shorter smut stories than the usual sprawling works you might find on the site. And that's all you need to know! These stories will fall into any setting. Any genre. A story might be in a normal contemporary setting. One might be fantastical! There could be sci-fi! Or not. Whatever! The only common theme will be incest. We want to encourage new authors interested in contributing to give it a shot. The most...

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Relatively Related

In their room the two girls froze when they heard the loose board in the hallway squeak. “What was that?” Hailey quietly whispered to her sister. Straining to hear more, Jamie replied, “I think it’s the Nanny trying to catch us playing in mother and father’s room. Oh dear! I am afraid that the ghosts aren’t going to be happy!” Giggling softly Hailey asked, “You think they will scare her away?” “I’m not sure this one is the toughest we have ever had; we’ll have to wait and see,” Jamie said...

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Eric Olafson Midshipman Vol 4Part 62 INTERLUDE TERRORISTS

The Elevator overwrite program was active and the doors opened. Steven commanded his group inside and then the dumbest thing ever happened, he dropped the Spore bomb and the baseball sized doom device rolled away! He yelled at his followers. “Go! I will be right behind you in the next one!” The program could not be stopped. The timing was crucial. He ran after his bomb, hoping the device was not damaged, while the Elevator doors hissed close and his team went up. Sharpton sighed. “What a...

2 years ago
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the cycling terrorist

The cycling touristIt started on a sunny morning, had just done some shopping and was on my way to my house.When I crossed the path or it was more the way of a number of cycling tourists and was hit by one of them.All beautiful and ugly things thrown at my head, all my merchandise lay spread out over the public road.One of them regretted and returned on his way, holding me up with my merchandise and apologizing to his colleagues who continued on their way without looking back. He also found out...

4 years ago
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Morning Stretch

Woke up late and lay there for a while, feeling him sleeping warmly beside me. Disentangling myself and rising, slipping on panties and t-shirt, I head downstairs. Moving through my morning routine, turning on soft jazz, switching on the ceiling fan to freshen the air, adjusting the blinds to let in the late morning light, and slowly beginning to stretch… Enjoying the luxury of stretching out the kinks of the night in the warm sunshine… arms out in front, twisting my torso gently, feeling the...

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Blowing a strager in his car

I'm a young guy, addicted to cum. If I may, I would like to lay a little story on you. It's about the first time I went on a sexdate with a man I had met in a chat room. This is not a fantasy, but a true story. I had frequented the chat room a lot before I met the guy. I have a thing for toys and I like to show off a bit on cam. That Tuesday afternoon I didn't get far though. I was warming up with a small vibrating butt plug while chatting with a few guys. One of them couldn't receive,...

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Kara*All characters in this story are fictional.  The events in this story are fictional.  Do not duplicate them.*Kara had been abducted and bound.  She wore a blindfold over her eyes and was driven in a silver van with a wobbly tire whose exhaust pipe clanked on the ground at every bump to a squat brick building in the industrial center of town.  It was an old factory which had been renovated by the lecherous Capt. Malfarge into a den of sexual debauchery.  Capt. Malfarge was not seen but...

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I Get to Fuck my Two Hot Sisters in the Quarantine

The first months we all had plenty to keep us occupied and keep out of each other’s way, but one night Evelyn came into my room while I was sleeping and crawled into my bed and started to stroke my cock. I started to dream I was getting a hand job and when I opened my eyes I realized my dick was rock hard and it was being sucked and sucked well. I moaned, not paying much attention to who was blowing me. I rubbed the ass of the woman giving me head and she stopped sucking my cock and turned...

3 years ago
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A Faery Tale

You are lying in the bed of Vale Inn. It is a famous inn situated in a little village known as Ryube. You are a decent swordsman, traveling the world mostly for self-discovery. You are searching for some purpose because you are uncertain of how you should live your life. As you are lying in bed, you hear a loud thump against the window. Startled, you jump out of bed and open the window. Situated on the windowsill, lays a small and fragile creature. You assume it's a faery. You carry it in the...

4 years ago
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Slut Wife Dancing

It was a Friday night, Portacali had been open a few months and after a good deal of procrastination we had decided the tales of a party atmosphere had to be experienced first hand. The evening started to heat up at about 5pm when my wife, Aimee, began parading around naked, picking her clothes for the evening. In the end, she went for her favorite short flimsy pleated black skirt and tight fitting blue top and a great pair of stiletto boots I'm sure I hadn't seen before.I didn't mind so much;...

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The first meeting3

‘She’s lookin’ for me,’ I thought with an inward glow. You turned when you heard me approach. ‘Tessa?” “Brett?” “Hi.” I said offering my hand in greeting. You took my offer and reciprocated with a half hug. I felt your tits against me. You hadn’t lied. They WERE big. I didn’t want the hug to end. “It’s kind of crowded in there. Do you want to take a drive and talk instead?” After a momentary pause you agreed and I navigated us over to my vehicle. The parking spots were...

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Capture the Flag BonusChapter 3

Xander bumped into Billy Smith about a block from the park. Billy waved Xander to a stop. He pulled his bike off the road beside Billy’s. The two boys stood straddling their bikes. “So, how long have you been screwing Taylor Wyatt?” Billy asked. “What?” Xander protested through his shock. “Where did you get such a crazy idea?” “From standing at the edge of the woods and watching you fuck her in the meadow we use for a jail this afternoon,” Billy said. “Shit! Does anyone else know?” “Drew...

2 years ago
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The LotteryChapter 80

"Are you okay, Kim?" Paul asked. "Um, yeah, I think so. I just had a dream, that's all," Kim replied. "I guess you did, you were moaning and groaning like crazy. When you started to touch your pussy, I woke you up. What were you dreaming about?" Kim shook her head in an effort to clear her mind. She looked around, noticed that she and Paul were still isolated from the other people around the pool and sighed. "I was dreaming about you making love to me, honey. We were on the beach...

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BTSirah graduates to crops and clamps

Her arms outspread and pussy weights swinging as she sways the coolness of a fan in the corner gives her goosebumps, I spray some water on her skin and the coolness makes her breaths shudder. I add some padding for her knees and remove the center section from the table, her head turns to listen to the clunk noise as I place the section away from the table. From her feet I brush a crop up her leg and inside her thighs and smack between them making her posture, the pussy weights swing so I reach...

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