Verückte Ferien ( Deutsch/German ) free porn video

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Jaa... Ich sollte mich erstmal vorstellen: mein Name ist Alex und ich bin 16. Ich hab ne Geschichte zu erzählen, und es ist die erste, die ich aufgeschrieben hab. 
Nichts davon ist wirklich passiert. XDD 
Und nein, ich heiße in Wirklichkeit auch nicht Alex :) 

Meine Eltern waren die ganzen Sommerferien im Urlaub. Ich freute mich schon auf sechs Wochen Freiheit. Bis Montag passierte garnichts. Pia und Lena, zwei unglaublich hübsche Klassenkameradinnen, beide gut gebaut (XDD)  hatten gefragt, ob ich mit ins Schwimmbad kommen würde. Ich stimmte freudig zu und wir trafen uns am Montag morgen im ESWE-Schwimmbad. Die beiden sahen im Bikini umwerfend aus. Pia hatte einen engen lila Bikini an, und ihre Titten sahen ohne einen BH noch etwas größer aus, als sie es sonst taten. Bei Lena blieb mein Herz stehen. Sie hatte einen weisen Bikini an, der an den Stellen, wo der Bikini ihre Nippel und ihre Scheide bedeckte, rote Herzen. Der Bikini betonte ihre hübsche Figur. Ich kam mir mit meiner Badehose ziemlich schlicht vor. Über die ersten paar Stunden im Schwimmbad ist nicht viel zu sagen, außer dass die beiden eine Menge Blicke auf sich zogen. Schließlich setzten wir uns auf die große Wiese, wählten aber einen Platz wo uns niemand sehen konnte. Wir schnackten ein bisschen, und lachten einen Typen aus, dem seine Badehose runterrutschte. 
Pia sagte, dass sie was vergessen hatte. Sie stand auf, wackelte dabei ( extra? ) mit ihrem Arsch und verschwand in Richtung Umkleidekabinen. 

Kurz nachdem sie gegangen war, kam Lena näher. Ich wurde rot, und hoffte, dass sie das nicht bemerkte. 
,,Sag mal, Alex, findest du, dass ich gut aussehe?" fragte sie mit süßer Stimme. Ich verstand den Sinn dieser Frage nicht, aber antwortete: 
,, Natürlich, du siehst umwerfend aus. "
Sie kicherte, wie nur Mädchen kichern können. 
Nun wurde auch sie rot, und griff auf ihren Rücken. Ich dachte zuerst, dass sie sich kratzen wollte, aber dann plötzlich, fiel ihr Bikinioberteil runter und sie lächelte verlegen. Ich wollte was sagen, aber bekam keinen Ton raus. 
,, Na los ", Sagte sie. ,, Streichle sie, aber sei vorsichtig, sie sind sehr empfindlich "
Vorsichtig streckte ich meine Hand nach ihren Titten aus und berührte sie. 
Mein Inneres schrie : jajajajajajajajajajaja 
Langsam streichelte ich sie und Lena begann zu stöhnen. Ich hätte nicht gedacht, dass Titten so empfindlich auf Berührungen reagieren. 
Ich näherte meinen Mund ihre Titten uns küsste sie vorsichtig, dabei umspielte meine Zunge ihren Nippel und ihr Stöhnen wurde lauter. Ich legte einen Finger auf den Mund; sie wurde wieder ruhiger. 
Meine Hand wanderte nun ihren Bauch entlang und kam schließlich am Ziel an. Ich schob meine Hand in ihren Slip und streichelte ihre feuchte Scheide. Sie unterdrückte ihr Stöhnen und küsste mich. 
Langsam schob ich zwei Finger in ihre Scheide. Nun stöhnte sie laut auf und ich küsste sie schnell, damit sie nicht zu laut wurde. 
Plötzlich nahm sie meine Hand in ihrem Slip, zog meine Finger aus ihrer Scheide und nahm sie in den Mund. Dann zog sie meine Badehose runter. Mein steifer Schwanz sprang hervor und sie lächelte. Sie kicherte verlegen. Wortlos ( warum eigentlich ? ) nahm sie ihn in die Hand und schob meine Vorhaut vor und zurück. Sie schien Gefallen daran zu finden und wurde in ihren Bewegungen immer schneller. Schließlich nahm sie ihn in den Mund. Sie begann vorsichtig meine Eichel mit ihrer Zunge zu umspielen. Als sie sah wie sehr mir das gefiel, wurde sie schneller und nahm ihre Hand zur Hilfe. 
,,Ahhhh ... Lena ... Ich komme gleich ... "  , sagte ich und kam direkt darauf. 
Das war der beste Orgasmus meines Lebens. Ich pumpte Ladung um Ladung Sperma in ihren kleinen Mund. Sie gab sich zwar Mühe, konnte aber nicht alles schlucken. Ein paar Tropfen quollen aus ihren Mundwinkeln. Als ich fertig war wischte sie sich diese aus dem Gesicht. 
Sie war rot wie eine Tomate. ( ich allerdings auch ) 
Sperma schmeckt irgendwie ... Salzig ... Und nussig 
Kicherte sie. 
Ich lächelte und antwortete: Man nennt die Hoden auch nicht umsonst Nüsse ... 
Sie lachte und zog sich das Bikinioberteil wieder an. 
Jetzt wunderte ich mich, wo Pia blieb. 

Kurz darauf kam Pia wieder. Sie hatte ihre Sonnencreme geholt. 
,, Sry dass es so lange gedauert hat ich musste sie erst noch rauskramen "  Entschuldigte sie sich. 
Mir fiel sofort auf, dass ihr Slip an der Stelle ihrer Scheide feucht war. Sie hatte es sich also selbst besorgt. Mich überkam das böse Gefühl dass Pia mich und Lena beobachtet hatte. 
Pia bat mich ihr den rücken einzucremen. Sie öffnete dazu ihr Bikinioberteil, lies es aber leider noch fallen. Während ich sie eincremte, sagte Lena, sie müsse mal für kleine Mädchen und ging davon. 
Mir war klar, dass wenn ich Pia jetzt allein lies, sie sich noch einen runterholen würde. 
Also stand ich auf und tat auch so als müsse ich auf die Toilette. 
Ich kniete mich hinter den nächsten Busch und beobachtete Pia. 
Wie erwartet lies sie ihr Bikinioberteil fallen. Sie streichelte langsam und sanft ihre Titten, und fuhr mit der anderen Hand in ihren Slip. Sie fuhr mit der Hand  rauf und runter und begann leise zu stöhnen. 
Sie stoppte, und schien sich jetzt mehrere Finger in die scheide zu schieben. Ich konnte nicht genau sehen, ob das stimmte, aber es sah stark danach aus. Sie lag dort knapp zwei Minuten, streichelte mit der linken Hand ihre Titten und fingerte sich mit der rechten. 
Plötzlich tippte mir jemand auf die Schulter. 
Verdammt, dachte ich, ich hab Lena vergessen. 
Als ich mich umdrehte, kicherte sie und fragte : 
,,Das gefällt dir, oder ? " fragte Lena und lachte leise. 
,, Ja klar," antwortete ich und wurde rot. 
Lena deutete auf Pia. 
,,Ist sie nicht süß? Ich liebe es, ihr dabei zuzusehen ! "Kicherte sie. 
,, Moment mal," sagte ich ,,,du und Pia, ihr seid doch nicht etwa Lesben oder ? ". 
Mein inneres fühlte sich grade als würde es platzen vor Unglauben ( Jajajajajajaja und nochmal Jajajajajajaja ) 
,,Doch, und es ist umwerfend, das kannst du mir glauben. "
,,Glaub ich gerne ... "Murmelte ich und starrte erst Lena, dann Pia an, die anscheinend kurz davor war zu kommen. 
Lena deutete wieder auf Pia und sagte: 
,,Pass auf, gleich kommt sie... Und ich würde an deiner Stelle irgendwas gegen deinen steifen tun, wenn du nicht auffliegen willst. "
Ich lachte und meinte: 
,,und was willst du dagegen machen dass man sehen kann dass du feucht bist ? "
Pia kam und lies ein letztes leises : Oohhhhhhh , hören und blieb kurz liegen. 
Jetzt antwortete Lena gelassen: 
,,ich weiß was ich dagegen mache. Ach und ... Du holst Pia. "
Sie zwinkerte mir zu und sprang ins Wasser.
,, Verdammt " , fluchte ich und trat so hinter dem Busch hervor, als hätte ich dort nie gestanden. Pia lag noch immer da und hatte ihr Bikinioberteil leider wieder an. 
,,Eh Pia ... " Stammelte ich als ich sah wie feucht sie immer noch war ... , ,,wir gehen noch ne runde schwimmen. "
Ich betete dass sie meinen steifen nicht gesehen hatte. 
Ich sprang zu Lena ins Wasser und tauchte unter sie. Ich griff nach ihren Titten. Ich streichelte sie kurz und tauchte Auf. Noch bevor ich irgendwas machen konnte bekam ich eine Ohrfeige. Dann lachte Lena und ich lachte auch. Pia sprang zu uns ins Wasser und wir schwammen noch eine Weile. 

Es war so gegen 5, als wir uns in Richtung Umkleidekabinen aufmachten. Ich ging in meine Kabine und sah gerade noch wie die beiden in die selbe gingen. Ich begann mich umzuziehen. Als ich daran dachte, was alles passiert war, wurde mein Schwanz wieder steif. Ich hatte meine Badehose grade ausgezogen, da hörte ich leises Stöhnen in der nachbarkabine. ich stieg auf die Bank und schaute rüber. Pia und Lena standen da, küssten und streichelten sich. 
Pia öffnete langsam Lenas Bikinioberteil und lies es fallen. Dann nahm sie Lenas linken Nippel in den Mund und Lena begann wieder laut zu stöhnen. 
Lena streichelte Pias Arsch und öffnete Pias Bikinioberteil. Pias Küsse wanderten jetzt über Lenas Brust und ihren Bauch auf ihren Slip zu. Pia fing an Lenas scheide durch den Slip zu streicheln. Lena lies von Pia ab und stöhnte laut auf. Pia lächelte und zog Lenas Slip nun langsam runter. Als ihre Scheide frei zugänglich war, küsste Pia diese und Lena blieb der Atem weg.  Pia leckte Lena, die sich mittlerweile auf die Bank gesetzt und ihre Beine weit gespreizt hatte, immer intensiver. Pia legte einen Finger auf Lenas Lippen, um sie zum schweigen zu bringen, aber sie konnte einfach nicht. Sie stöhnte jetzt deutlich vernehmbar. 
Ich blickte mich um, sah aber niemanden. 
Jetzt bemerkte ich, dass ich meinen Schwanz bearbeitete. 
Pia schob Lena drei Finger in die Scheide und leckte ihre Klitoris. Mit der freien Hand streichelte sie Lenas Titten. Es dauerte nicht lang und Lena kam. Sie stieß ein lautes: Aahhhh aus, und kam. Pia fingerte sie noch kurz weiter und zog ihre Finger dann raus. 
Sie zog sich wieder an, und kicherte dann noch ein bisschen mit Pia, die sich nun den Slip auszog und in ihrer Tasche kramte. 
Ich bemerkte dass ich kurz davor war zu kommen. 
Ich drehte mich um, und schaute auf Lenas leere Kabine. Ich blickte zurück zu Pias Kabine und sah dass Lena gleich in ihre Kabine gehen würde. 
Ich bearbeitete meinen Schwanz noch ein wenig und kam. Ich spritzte mein Sperma auf die Bank in Lenas Kabine. Ich war auf ihre Reaktion gespannt und zog mich dann weiter an. Ich hörte, wie ihre kabinentür auf und zu ging, hörte ein leises kichern. Ich hätte alles gegeben um zu wissen was sie gedacht hat. Jedenfalls warf sie kurz darauf ihren Slip über die Trennwand. Darin war ein Zettel. Auf ihm stand. 
Morgen Abend bei mir. Bring Schlafsachen mit. 
PS: danke für die nette Überraschung, Hoffe es hat dir gefallen. Küsse : Lena. 
Ich lachte und steckte den Slip in meinen Rucksack, trat aus der Kabine und wartete auf die beiden. 
Pia kam als erstes raus. Sie hatte jetzt einen lila Minirock und ein Dunkelblaues T Shirt an. ( hätte sie ein weißes an, hätte ich sie wieder ins Wasser geschupst ;)  ) 
Lena hatte wie immer eine enge Jeans und ein rotes Top an. Sie zwinkerte mir wieder zu. 
Wir Verliesen das Schwimmbad, und verabschiedeten uns voneinander. 
Irgendwie freute ich mich schon auf den nächsten Tag. Ich konnte mir vorstellen, was passieren würde. 
Es sollte anders kommen ... 

To Be continued ;) ...


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trying black pt1

We were having a work year end function. When some sub contract companies were invited to attend. Of which i saw one employee from another firm. She was tall with a yellow bone complexion with amazing breasts a full c cup size and she seemed to be a 34 pants size. She was wearing a short red cocktail dress. Which screamed Sex symbol.As the night went on i had a few drinks and got the courage to approah her while standing with a few other people. I greeted them paying attention to her most as i...

4 years ago
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Tales of Culverin HillChapter 31 Getting Ready

Megan Brownell rolled out of bed and stretched. Adam had given her two excellent fucks and she was now sweaty and filled with cum. Now he was dozing happily, and she needed a shower. She grabbed her shower kit and went to the bathroom to clean up. Fifteen minutes later she was back in their bedroom, trying to figure out what to wear. Ashley had said they were pretty casual at the house, but that was before Megan saw what the house was. What was casual at a mansion? She pulled on her pants and...

4 years ago
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Soccer Mom Slave Weekend In Vegas

Soccer Mom SlaveWeekend in VegasBy: KahiltnaWednesday Early AfternoonBrenda had been running errands most of the morning. After dropping the kids off at school she went to her aerobics class at the health club. Then it was off the dry cleaner, a quick stop at the library where she did volunteer work to drop off some paperwork then the grocery shopping and now back home. She looked through the mail. Most of it was junk but she did take time to look at the quarterly financial report from their...

3 years ago
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Our 17 year old daughter

I came into the kitchen dressed in my usual way, pj bottoms , with no top. My 17 year old daughter was sitting at the kitchen table eating cereal. As I walked by, I patted her head and bent over and kissed the top of it. I poured a cup of coffee she had made for me, turned around, shot the breeze for a minute before I left and went into the other room to watch tv. Sunday was the same thing. Nothing new, everything normal as could be. Monday evening, after my wife and I went to bed, she said...

2 years ago
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Matinee Performance

Alex called Marie into their bedroom and said he had a surprise for her. What she saw when she got there, sent a tingle down her spine.There was Alex, at the foot of the bed, with not a single thing on. Well, he did have a big smile. His cock was well on its way to a full-on erection."Hey baby!" he said seductively. "I had an idea for playtime before bed. And it doesn't require a thing from you. All you have to do is sit on the bed or lay on it or whatever, and watch my one-man show."Marie...

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The Junior Deputy US Marshals 7 in STOPWATCHChapter 20

Now that he was no longer dependent on the good will of the head of Homeland Security to keep his pension, John was able to defy her as needed. She was almost as rabid an anti Second Amendment advocate as a certain California politician. It wasn't that guns were evil or bad, after all, her security team kept her safe by force of arms, it was the fact that without the Second ... the provisions of the rest of the protections of the people were no longer valid. That was what "the Ruling...

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Joannas Joy

Joanne had me cornered and no mistake. Until I met Jo in the accounts office I had no idea that a girl could be so dominant and persistent and just one great flirt. She was gorgeous, she was great to look at. She had a heavenly bum and super boobs and the looks too. That delicious swirling blonde hair as she twisted to a tune in her head and let me enjoy the movement of her body and her curves as she delighted me nuts, those blue eyes focusing on mine as she teased me regularly. You just...

2 years ago
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Youve Been A Bad Girl

With your hands at your sides you stand before Me waiting. You are dressed as I have requested, your little black dress fits you like a second skin. Your long, lean legs encased in your thigh top stockings are parted just slightly, promising delights yet to come. The silver open-toed sandals with their 6 inch stiletto heels bring you to just below My own 6 foot 2 inch height. As is our custom when at home, you are not wearing a bra or panties… a rule I established with you from the beginning. ...

2 years ago
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The difficulties of fucking my wife

Believe you me, I have thought of most things to get a good fuck from my wife. Drunk is good, there is some response from her then. I guess because she’s relaxed and uninhibited. Unfortunately she doesn’t drink that much these days, not like when we were abroad, when a lot of the pictures and clips you have seen were taken. There were some great fucks back then, the trick was to get my wife home from a night out just before she had gone over the top. A nightcap when we got home and...

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Im a Bad Aunt But Not Really an Aunt Part 4 conclusion

I was practically useless at work the entire day. In my mind, I replayed each and every event over the past few weeks in a constant loop. I went totally without those torturous things called undergarments and it was obvious when I moved around. I’d be thinking about Thomas’ large cock, or him lying on the floor touching himself while grinding my panties into his face, and I’d get myself all worked up. Then some lucky patron would see my hard nipples poking through my top and get that lusty look...

Straight Sex
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I Was a Modern CavemanChapter 14

(The Late Winter Of Year Three To The Early Spring Of Year Four) As I've said, it was a hard winter. The snows came one on top of another, and by January, we'd seen many feet of it. The compounds all stayed mostly dry thanks to the runoff system we'd installed at such great labor the prior summer, but it was still cold and wet for a long time. We wasted some time making snow shoes and practicing with them, and I even flirted with skis, but it was a wasted effort both for my comrades and...

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Indian Summer of Fun Part 1

**This is a request/collaboration for one of my good female friends who has very sexy interests. Enjoy..Roshni and I are both 20-year-old young ladies who are in the same class at school and are longtime friends. I am 5'7" and she an inch shorter. We both are quite athletic and play a lot of sports like basketball, tennis and badminton. We both also have slim, well-boned bodies; the kind most guys lust after. Although we spend a lot of time together and our friendship is very strong, we are...

4 years ago
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cd meets another cd

I was contacted by a cd on here but will protect their identity , so they will be called Lisa ..we spent about 6 weeks talking on here , building a trust and friendship , we sent private photos to eachother and exchanged phone numbers .a strong similar interest started in the idea of two cd,s spending an evening together and that day was this week .I drove to their house , we agreed to meet as men at the front door . once inside I went to the toilet and got dressed up in blonde wig , red satin...

3 years ago
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First Hand Job By Neighbor Sister

Hi my name is Ramu this story is about my first hand job by my neighbor sister. Let me start this story by describing my neighbor sister. Her name is Surabhi she is very attractive girl. Her structure is so nice. Her measurements are 32-26-32 she used to wear jeans and t-shirt and pajamas during the night. She used to take tuition for me and some more kids around. Because her being neighbor I used to go often to her house. Sometimes I used to sleep in her house to give some company to her when...

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Boss8217s Daughter Proved Her Sexual Skills

Hi sexy boys and hot girls. I m a great fan of the stories here and have read almost each and every story on this site and have shared many of my experiences with you all. This incident took place few years back when I got a job in a private firm in Hyderabad and joined as an executive which was my first job. My boss was a US returned guy, very decent guy from whom I got the inspiration to migrate to US for career opportunity and reap the benefits in the future here which I did later. He was...

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Holy Hollies School of Purity

Alicia had never been as mortified as she had been when her father had walked in on her having sex with a classmate from her high school. She had always been very promiscuous, but had always succeeded in keeping her indiscretions a secret from her highly religious parents. Her father had caught her with the boy pounding her from behind, and her father's temper had quickly overtaken the situation. The eighteen year old had been terrified, and had covered herself up quickly. Her parents had...

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Working the Big Box

This story is dedicated to a new friend of min on www.xhamster. Without her I would not have come up with the plot for this story so I want to thank her for making this suggestion. I took a few liberties as the story progresses so hope she approves.Like all my stories on this site, this is 100% fabrication, it is make believe, none of the things described actually happened. None of the names represent real people or places. If you like the story I’d be pleased to hear so. If you hate the...

2 years ago
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Mardi Gras Fuck Fest

A couple of weeks ago, we had gay mardi gras in Sydney.Of course, we have lots of guys visiting from overseas, so I decided to extend my hospitality...The night before the big party, I headed back down to my favourite sex club.Feeling extra generous, I went straight for the area where you can put yourself in restraints, and let people have their way with you.I stripped down, tied myself up, and stood there, restrained, my legs spread apart, my ass pointing out for all the world to use.Soon...

3 years ago
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Sensual Massage Dekar Choda

Hello friends, mera naam Raghu (name changed) hai, mai kolkata ka rehne wala hu, age 23, 5-7 height hai meri and lund 7+ lamba and 4.5 mota hai. Average body hai. Mai ek student hu.. And kolkata k bahut nami college me padhta hu. Waise mai ISS ka regular reader hu… Mera pehle ka story “Bengali bhabhi ne jawan banaya” jarur padhiyega.. Jisme maine ek hot sexy bengali bhabhi k sath virginity lose kia ) Please apna response mujhe mail kare – and mai fb pe bhi hu…same id hai mera. Aab jyada bore...

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The Babysitters SecretChapter 12

Finally, the day of graduation had arrived for Nancy the “girlfriend experience” babysitter. Her primary source of steady semen into all her hungry feminine openings was now a senior and had just turned 17. Strangely, she had met Luke accidently after his parents had asked her to mind him at the last moment in a family emergency. The very first time she had seen his eight inch cock was when she had caught him humping her pillow in the spare bedroom. He explained that the thing had her scent...

2 years ago
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Enterprise Shoal Leave

Lt. Christopher's personal log. August 10th, 2151. The Enterprise is due for a maintenance overhaul that will take three days. The maintenance will take place at Outpost 212. The Outpost is currently under expansion itself, soon to become a Starbase. Due to its proximity to the pleasure planet of Risa, Captain Archer has stated that any personnel that has any shore leave owed them may take it during the maintenance period. I have a few days saved up, but I'd rather hold onto it and use it in...

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Who is there mothersisterdaughter

I'm groggy, and it's late. Very late. For the life of me, I can't remember exactly how much I had to drink after dinner. I lost count after the fifth glass of wine. But between the four of us -- me, my mom, my sister Carol, and Carol's husband Bill -- we must have finished at least three bottles. God knows what the k**s must have thought; the family goes on vacation, and suddenly everybody goes crazy. Luckily they were tired from the long drive to the summer house, so they probably didn't hear...

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its all about the wife

Today when I came in from work I noticed a service truck in the driveway. The type with a ladder rack and all the tool boxes. I parked behind it and walked into the house to see what was in need of service. I walked all through the house looking for either my wife or the worker. I couldn't find either. So I grabbed a cold beer from the fridge and walked out onto the deck to have a look at the pool. That's where I found my wife along with the guy driving the service truck. My wife was wearing...

4 years ago
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EIGHT IS ENOUGH And Two's Not Bad, Either In a house with eight k**s it's hard to find time alone.Heck, it's impossible. It's hard enough just to avoid being in areal crowd. So it was kind of a treat to have only my sister Elizabethin the room with me when we were watching this old movieon TV. Oh, I should introduce myself. My name is Tommy Bradford.I'm 14, and, like I said, I'm one of eight k**s. And Elizabeth'sone of my sisters -- I'd say one of my older sisters, butthey're all...

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The AcademyChapter 42

Jack: We recorded that session and displayed it to every group of male concubines as close to simultaneously as we could. Those who managed to miss it were required to see it later. It was the ugliest thing I ever saw, bar none -- and I didn't ever want to see it's like done live again. I actually followed the group out the side door before coming back for Chief Stewart's closing questions; I don't think either Donna or Ed had their head on straight. That was trauma with a capital T!...

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Valerias Hysteria

“Dr. Connors, Miss Martin is waiting for you in the next room,” Nurse Nancy said.“Again?” Dr. Connors sighed. “I just made a house call yesterday!”Dr. Dick Connors had just arrived back to the little back rooms of the pharmacy that allowed him to use the space in return for his using prescription slips with the pharmacy’s name on them. They provided one room for his office and one room where he could see patients, although he primarily saw patients in their homes. He’d had to hire a nurse to...

4 years ago
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Wading in the Red RiverChapter 2

“Duh, of course, you should dump his sorry, abusive ass! That dickhead doesn’t own you, hon! Trust me. You’re NOT his property. He doesn’t have the right to treat you like a chattel slave. You’re not his private pussy, to be used as he sees fit without any input from you. Just trust me and stick around. We like each other, right? Here you can avoid your parents’ wrath, too,” I assured Sophie-Claire as we all snuggled up close in the buff. “We can just share Dan. Trust me, sharing a boyfriend...

3 years ago
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The Dateless DronesChapter 3

The next Saturday, when we each came in, Mary told us that she had something she wanted us to try and to wait until everyone got there. We were also getting another guy, Jerry Kell, a friend of Brian's that he first met in high school. After everyone was there, Brian introduced Jerry who he had extensively briefed on our group. Jerry was a nice-looking guy, medium height, a Business major. Mary then took over. "Here's what I'd like for us to do tonight if everyone agrees ... we're now...

4 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 33

Missy had been a popular girl before her birthday, but by Monday, the news about her inheritance was out. Everyone seemed to be vying for her time and attention. As the effective owner of the most critical business in Ridgemont, Missy now had power to go along with her money. As someone they went to school with, Missy was also far more accessible and much less intimidating than some impersonal HR form, and everyone was trying to gain access and make that approach, looking for an in with the...

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The Unexpected Real Incident Part 4

I had just met Parth yesterday morning as a stranger from some different school. But as already been shared with you, what a wonderful unexpected night I had yesterday. And how can I not mention the super kinky morning I had today ;) And also, the unexpected and harsh afternoon which had led to the red ass of Parth. It was going great. I was loving every bit of it. So as I had told you, even the night was unexpected. I thought I will make out with Parth and sleep, but that did not happen. It...

Gay Male
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Hot Tub Play

Kelly watched her mom wash dishes at the sink. Pondering over how to tell her mom that her friend, Lily, was coming over, she had gone over different options all afternoon. She had met Lily online, and they had formed a fast friendship that led to an online romance. From what she had seen on the web cam, Kelly liked what she seen. Lily had shoulder length, brown hair that settled nicely with her amber colored eyes, which always reminded Kelly of a wolf. Her body was athletic in build, almost...

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Pirates of the Carob Bean

Nugget, Elephant and Monkey are in a Pirate Pub. Around them are the ?Pirate Paraphernalia? ? with the crowded bar featuring weary sailors, sketchy looking pirates and wenches. Nugget, Elephant and Monkey are sitting at the bar in a row holding Chocolate Soy Milk containers. An old pirate approaches them, "Aye, you want to be a pirate and discover the hidden treasure? Think you have what it takes to survive the dangers at sea and make it to the booty? You have to think fast to run...

2 years ago
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A pleasant unplanned surprise for me

Last week, I was in Atlanta working, and had planned to be home for the weekend!I had decided to do a little shopping while in Atlanta, and started driving late in the afternoon on Saturday.Bad weather was moving across the country, and was due at home on Saturday, so I was monitoring it on the radio and my weather app on my phone. I was about half way home, and ice started forming on my wiper blades, and it was getting dark fast. I decided to get a hotel room, and wait to drive home on Sunday,...

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