Elke zu Besuch bei Tante und Onkel
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Both of my parents worked, and had very little time for me. With the exception of our evening meals, we hardly saw one another. They were not bad parents, they just didn't want to be parents. Mom was a very renowned french photographer, sometimes she would travel and be gone for weeks at a time. She was, and always will be absolutely stunning. She had an eye for beauty, whether in other women, or in nature, and she was able to capture it with a lense. Father was one of those...
Tante InekeDit verhaal gaat over mijn 72 jaar oude tante Ineke en een 35 jaar oude jongen, die zijn droom waarheid zag worden. Het verhaal begint bij mijn tweede bezoek bij mijn Tante.Vroeger fantaseerde ik altijd over mijn Tante Ineke. Ze zag er altijd zo mooi en sexy uit.Het was inmiddels al weer tien jaar geleden dat ik haar gezien had. Ik trok de stoute schoenen aan en besloot haar te bellen of ze het niet erg vond of ik een keer langs kwam.Ze klonk er...
Teil 3Diesmal haben Tante Gerti und ich uns nicht in ihren Wohnzimmer verabredet sondern zu einem Spaziergang. Die Tante ist ja trotz ihres fortgeschrittenen Alters noch richtig gut auf den Beinen. Ziel ist ein kleines Ausflugsgasthaus das ein bis anderthalb Stunden weit entfernt ist.Paul: Na, wie war das jetzt mit deinem Schotten. Du kannst ja kein Englisch, wie habt ihr euch verständigt?Gerti: Als erster sind ja die Franzosen bei uns im Ort gewesen. Wir waren wohl eine der ganz wenigen...
Bei den Mathehausarbeiten hatte mein bester Freund Marco immer Schwierigkeiten und rief mich regelmäßig an. Gerade in der letzten Zeit, in der wir uns beide auf das Abi vorbereiteten, paukten wir oft zusammen Gleichungen und Parabeln. So auch vor ein paar Tagen. Marco bat mich, doch bei ihm vorbeizukommen und ihm mit einer besonders fiesen ganzrationalen Funktion zu helfen. Es war ein heißer Tag und eigentlich hatte ich keine Lust, mich heute mit Mathematik zu belasten aber schließlich war...
Ein Brief von Tante Hilda an Julia Bitte beachten: Ich empfehle, vorher die Geschichte "Tante Hilda" zu lesen. Mein lieber Schatz! Ich schreibe dir diesen Brief, obwohl ich wei?, dass du sonst die elektronischen ?bertragungswege vorziehst. Aber es gibt so viele intime Details, die ich dir erz?hlen muss, das kann ich nicht am Telefon! Am liebsten w?re es mir nat?rlich, wenn ich zu dir kommen k?nnte, aber da du noch in Australien bist, ist das keine realistische Option. Das Wichtigste gle...
Die achtzehnjährige Veronica steigt mit klopfendem Herzen aus dem silbernen Greyhound-Bus und sieht sich mit großen Augen staunend um. Sie ist gleich aus mehreren Gründen sehr aufgeregt, nämlich weil sie das erste Mal in einer so großen Stadt wie Los Angeles ist, weil sie das erste Mal in ihrem Leben alleine so eine große Reise gemacht hat, und vor allem weil sie das erste Mal seit der Scheidung ihrer Eltern vor 10 Jahren ihren Vater wieder sehen wird. Ihre Mutter hat gesagt, dass er auch...
Sklavenalltag bei der RussenbandeDie PennerDie Geschichte spielt in einer gr?sseren Stadt, Berlin, Hamburg oder so, und erhebt wirklich keinen Anspruch, wahr zu sein, nicht einmal, ann?hernd so passiert zu sein. Samstagnacht, 2.00 Uhr. Ein j?ngerer B?rsianer, korrekter Haarschnitt, gepflegt, gut gekleidet, arrogant, vorlaut, Vegetarier, Nichttrinker, Nichtraucher, ist mit seinem Auto auf dem Heimweg von einer After-Work-Party. Er hat eine kleine Panne, sein angeberischer Jaguar will nicht mehr. V...
Wer kennt sie nicht diese nervigen Familienfeiern? Mit Mama. Papa, Opa, Oma, Allen Onkeln, Tanten den Cousins usw. Und genau das stand mir am diesem Wochenende im letzten Jahr wieder bevor... es war eine Art Tradition sich jedes Jahr für ein paar Tage zu treffen und diesmal waren alle bei uns eingeladen zu einer riesen Feier... na toll ! Es war Mitte Juli und die Temperaturen sprengten die Quecksilbersäule beinahe. Natürlich durfte ich bei dieser Sauhitze nicht mit meinen Kumpels zum baden...
Clärchen war überrascht und erfreut zugleich, wie stürmisch Horsti sie begrüßt hatte und wie schön, dass er immer noch nicht in ihrer Nähe seine Hände bei sich behalten konnte. Sie gingen immer sogleich bei ihr auf Entdeckungsreise, was natürlich daran lag, dass es an ihr immer wieder geiles zu entdecken gab! Und deshalb hatte sie auch zu ihrer Freundin Grete in ihren Wäsche- und Miedersalon gewechselt! Denn dorthin kamen gerade die reiferen Damen, um sich unter ihrer Oberbekleidung so...
Silvester. Das ist das, was mir mein Kalender sagte. Viele feiern bereits Abends das anstehende, neue Jahr und begießen sich mit Schnaps und guter Laune. Doch mir war nicht danach. Die letzte Woche des Jahres 2017 hätte ich am liebsten aus meinem Gedächtnis gelöscht. Meine Freundin, Pardon, Exfreundin Katja schmiss mich aus unserer gemeinsamen Wohnung. Und das am zweiten Weihnachtstag. Warum dies geschah, will ich hier nicht weiter ausführen. Doch möchte ich kurz erwähnen, dass ich natürlich...
So liebe Freunde. Neugierig geworden wie es mit Kristina weitergeht?Viel Spaß beim Lesen.Spielschulden Teil 2Kristina erwachte erst am frühen Nachmittag. Sofort war sie mit Ihren Gedanken wieder beim gestrigen Abend. Sie verstand immer noch nicht, wie ihre Vergewaltigung, denn etwas anderes war es ja eigentlich nicht, sie so geil machen konnte. Immer wieder musste sie an den Chef der Bande, Peter Wegner, denken. Von Beginn an hatte er eine fesselnde Einwirkung auf sie gehabt. Die Art, wie er...
Eine Weile schaute ich dem Boot noch nach, bis es mit meiner Starndschönheit hinter einer Landzunge verschwand. Die Aussicht auf ein Frühstück trieb mich zurück auf den Zeltplatz. Auf dem Heimweg mußte ich schmunzeln. All das, was ich bisher erlebt hatte, erlaubte es mir, mich viel gelassener auf dem FKK-Platz zu bewegen. Wenn ich noch vor Wochen, nach dem Zusammentreffen mit ein paar Mädels auf dem Zeltplatzweg, meine Erektion mit Handtuch und schnellem Laufen verbergen mußte, so konnte ich...
Klara war eine eigenständige, junge Frau Anfang 20. Neben ihrem Studium arbeitete sie aushilfsweise in einem Café und mochte alle möglichen, sportlichen Freizeitaktivitäten. Unglücklicherweise war sie vor wenigen Wochen beim Klettern gestürzt und hatte sich dabei leicht verletzt. Mittlerweile wieder einigermaßen fit und auf den Beinen, hatte sie von ihrem Arzt eine Überweisung bekommen und war jetzt zum ersten mal bei der Krankengymnastik. Gewappnet mit einer langen Adidas Hose und einem...
Schon seit langem träumte ich davon, einmal als Sklave dienen zu dürfen. Am liebsten wäre es mir bei einem älteren Pärchen (w+m) oder einem Freundespaar unter zu kommen. Auch ein einzelner Herr wäre denkbar, um auch meine ausgeprägten Bi Fantasien ausleben zu können.Ich las sehr oft Kontaktinserate, oder gab selber welche auf. Allerdings kam es nie zu einem Treffen, da es in den meisten Fällen an Seriosität und Tabus mangelte. Da ich sehr auf Diskretion und Sauberkeit bedacht bin, und auch...
"AF- What are Friends For? The Ballad of Jessica" - By Flyover State. 2021. "Later," Mark said, leaving his friends. Mark and his friends had just finished basketball practice. He'd thrown a towel around his neck, and heavily plopped down into his car, a new Alfa Romeo Giulia. He started the car, cranking the A/C as high as it would go, until he cooled off, and then the Colorado air would be good enough. Mark ran his hands through his damp hair, he was blonde, with blue eyes, and...
“Oh God, oh God, oh God,” Jessica Buske whispered to herself, crying. She was sitting on a bench in the park. It was the only place she could think of to go. Jessica is a pretty red head, nice figure. She’s wearing a business suit. “Cutbacks...cutbacks...” she repeated it to herself, almost not believing the meaning of the word. The word seemed like some kind of a curse on her. Her whole life had changed an hour ago. And now, here she was, in the park in the middle of the afternoon, wondering...
Jessica y la reina blanca.La detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. La joven treintañera pasea por la calle en dirección a un club de ajedrez donde debe hablar con su presidente. Jessica va vestida con unos pantalones vaqueros cortos que resaltan su figura y su precioso y voluptuoso trasero, lleva una camisa a cuadros que sujetan sus preciosos pechos que se agitan sin sujetador, Jessica lleva su habitual gorra de beisbol que tapa su angelical cara de rasgos redondeados en la que resaltan...
Bisex-Jessica de strapon en el EstadioEs día de concierto en el estadio, la detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. La joven de treinta años viste su habitual camiseta blanca anudada en el ombligo, unos ajustados pantalones vaqueros marcan su precioso y abultado trasero, unas zapatillas deportivas blancas le dan un aspecto jovial mientras su preciosa melena castaña se recoge en una coleta bajo una gorra de beisbol que ensombrece su precioso rostro y sus preciosos y gruesos labios.Jessica...
Jessica y las ninfasLa detective Jessica B. investiga un nuevo caso. Vestida con su ropa preferida, la detective treintañera se siente más cómoda, con unos vaqueros de color claro, unas zapatillas deportivas blancas, una camiseta también blanca anudada por debajo dejando ver su ombligo y una gorra de béisbol dejando caer por detrás su preciosa melena de color castaño claro recogida en una coleta. Tras varias informaciones las pesquisas la llevan a un edificio abandonado en el centro de la...
Jessica y el hombre dormido en el bosqueLa joven detective Jessica B. investiga un caso en un pequeño hotel rural en mitad de un bosque. Tras llegar a la hora de la siesta Jessica decide salir a pasear, toda la zona parece vacía.La joven de treinta años pasea con sus manos metidas en los bolsillos de sus pantalones vaqueros cortos que realzan su culo en forma de burbuja que al andar se agita en mitad del bosque, mientras su melena castaña recogida en una coleta también se agita de un lado a...
"She'll like this." Jessica said to her friend, Sarah, all the while holding up the denim miniskirt to her own body and examining it in the mirror. "Who?" Sarah asked, clearly not paying attention as she thumbed through a nearby clothing rack. "Lyssa." Jessica said with a snarl, insulted at having been ignored. "I'm going to her birthday party tonight, remember?" "Oh, right. That guy's little sister. Why get her anything? You're not going for her." "Adam. His name...
WARNING: The following is a work of erotic fan fiction, the events of which are completely made up and did not happen, and is no true reflection of the persons, places, events, etc depicted within. This material is unsuitable to be viewed by those under the legal age limit of viewing pornographic material in your current country of residence.Featuring: Jessica Nigri (Cosplay and glamour model)Jessica Nigri - Truth or DareA celebrity erotic storyby DaxG2001 ([email protected]) & Mean...
Jessica Chapter One Jessica sat down in her first class window seat and got herself organized for the long flight to Europe. She then pulled out her compact and inspected her face and hair. Before closing it she mouth the words, ‘Jessica your such a slut.’ This trip to Europe, she hoped, was going to make her an international sex star. A dream she has held since finding her father’s porn collection under his bed just a couple of months before she turned 18. It had been part of her...
At last the day arrived when her mom would take her to aunt Ricky.She was super excited. She loved going to her aunt Ricky's. She was a bit older than mom, which made her just over forty. Unmarried, she lived alone in a nice apartment in the next town, about an hour's ride from Jessica's home. She was quite different from her mom, much more a free spirit, given to wild colors and extravagance, always a fun person to be with, always with a quick joke or a smile for Jessica. She had always been a...
One day Jessica and her best friend and roommate Brandi are at their jobs as internet spanking models, when suddenly Jessica hears her name being called on the public address system. As she hears it, she and Brandi who are on their breaks start to walk to the shift supervisors office. As they are walking, Jessica says, I wonder what she wants? I haven't been late any this week. Who knows, says Brandi, but don't get excited or upset until you know what it's about. About 30 seconds later they are...
Jessica had very big tits.Her tits were massive. She was a very chubby girl, with an overall "jiggly" appearance.This was her reality. She was a chubby "geek" girl with her massive, jiggly tits and her large retro video game-themed t-shirts that were always noticeably stretched by her massive breasts.Jessica also had a bit of an attitude. She was that girl in school who walked around with a slight frown on her face as she moved her jiggly self around wearing her worn out sweat pants, her tight...
FIVE Jessica’s new love for sucking her brother’s cock, anyone’s cock for that matter, had her feeling the need for more cock to help satisfy her need and love for becoming a cock sucking slut. She also wanted to explore her new found need to be naked in front of men. Jessica love how those men at the party lusted after her with their eyes when she was naked in front of them. Grabbing the newspaper she looked in the want ads section for nude dancers and already she could feel her pussy...
The look of dread that appeared in her eyes when he declared her punishment was something he had never seen in his daughter before– the sadness and disappointment seemed to overwhelm her. Jessica had immediately dropped to her knees and mashed her face against his covered crotch in an attempt to woo him back, and he’d almost broken right then. But he reminded himself that if he gave in now, she’d never listen to another word out of his mouth. He had to stick to his guns and stay out of her for...
My name is Luke. I'm a senior in high school. I'm just a typical kind of guy. I'm 5'8 with a nice build and a great tan. I work out as much as I can. I play lacrosse for my school. My life is great. I already received a scholarship to my first choice college, Stanford, to play lacrosse. My family just booked me a surprise vacation for three weeks in Cancún Mexico to start my summer. I only have 2 weeks left in school. My three best friends I grew up with John, Pete, and Derek are all...
Jessica y la habitación rojaLa detective Jessica B. es una treintañera de cuerpo esbelto de gimnasio, pelo castaño recogido en una coleta, grandes ojos también castaños tapados bajos una gorra de beisbol, carita de ángel con facciones redondeadas, labios carnosos, tetas erguidas bajo una camiseta blanca anudada por debajo dejando ver un precioso ombligo. Sus habituales pantalones vaqueros marcan un voluptuoso culo que sobresale en forma de burbuja de su silueta musculada. Unas zapatillas...
Just then, her partially closed bedroom door suddenly burst open and the family dog, Buster, came bounding in, crashing into the side of the bed. The bed shook with a force that startled Jessica, as she was not prepared for it, almost causing her to fall over, however she caught herself by falling back on her elbow, now taking a lounging position on her bed. After recovering from the sudden shock of being interrupted from her hot fantasies, she looked over and saw the big ball of energy that...
Chelsea and Jessica go Uniform Shopping By Sissie Maid Cuckold Knock, Knock, Knock... "Oh hi Jessica, won't you come in," said Carrie Williams, "what do we owe this pleasure to?" "Oh, I'm here to take Chelsea shopping...shopping for some maid's uniforms, is she here?" "Oh, yes, I see, well yes she is down the hall in the laundry room ironing her new maid's uniform, she is obsessed with that thing if you ask me. Go ahead down and see her." Jessica smiled and proceeded down the...
The click clack of stiletto heels on concrete was a sound that had become all too familiar to Art. Where it had once thrilled him, a constant reminder of his daring midnight trips out, it was now normal and ordinary. He spent as many nights wearing them as not wearing them these days. Still, he enjoyed it all the same. He was wearing his black ankle boots, the ones he had worn when he first left the house all them months ago. It was a warm evening, no need for tights. Instead his legs...
Authors note: This is the story of a high school senior that takes a part-time job for Halloween, and finds himself. I started writing this story a few years ago, and then my muse went away. I don't know if she's back or not, but I just felt that I needed to finish it. Enjoy. ---------- Jessica Rabbit, a Pirate Wench, or ... by Teddie S. Hello. My name is Russell Madison. My friends call me Russ. But,...
Jessica Rabbit, a Pirate Wench, or ... by Teddie S. As I walked into the G&H Costume Shoppe, the girl behind the counter asked, "Can I help you?" I was there looking for a part-time job. I wanted to make a little extra money to buy my girlfriend, Patti, something really nice for her eighteenth birthday. Halloween was just a little more than six weeks away and I knew that the big costume shop in town hired part-time help for Halloween. This shop...
She is one of the most gorgeous women that i have ever seen. She isn't too tall, about 5'6". Her eyes are so blue you'd think they would glow in the dark. She has perfect teeth, whiter than snow. On a fat day she weights 125. Her long brown hair can cover her c-cup breasts. She has a wonderful personality. She will make you smile on the worst days, without having to suck your dick. Everywhere we go we have a blast, it doesn't matter where we go. She knows exactly what i...
Chelsea Starts to Work for Ms. Jessica By Sissie Maid Cuckold "No, you may not wear your formal Uniform Chelsea. You know it is only for serving at formal get-togethers. Now get changed into one of your morning uniforms and report to me immediately!" "Yes Ma'am, right away Ma'am." Chelsea curtsied and hurried to her room to change. A room that she had just been assigned by Jessica and had only finished putting away her uniforms minutes ago. Chelsea loved wearing the Formal Maids...
Just then, Rob’s wife, Tricia, walked into the kitchen, having gone upstairs to attend to one of her sons. Ryan, who'd known Rob and Tricia for a few years before being introduced to Jessica by Tricia, got her attention and waved her over. “What is it,” she asked out loud. Ryan pointed down the basement stairs and out a finger to his lips. As long as Ryan had known Tricia, he'd lusted after her. She was tall (5’10), blonde, and leaner than he usually liked, but had a very cute little...
I’m going to tell you a very interesting story about a vacation we took with my wife’s father and his girlfriend. We went to Puerto Vallarta in Mexico. My father-in-law insisted on paying and wanted to treat us. My parents were kind enough to watch our children for the week. My wife and I haven't been on vacation without them in years. I was hoping to talk my wife, Jessica into being a little spontaneous on our vacation. Jessica sometimes could be very timid, when it comes to sex. I was going...
Group SexThe sun was setting and soon the sky would start to darken. For the next twenty minutes the two girls pranced around as Annie and I admired their beauty. They tossed a Frisbee I had brought in my back pack, played chase, wrestled and in between chatted with Annie and I. They knew quite well that they were being watched, and after a few initial awkward moments they settled in and put on quite a show. The shirts clearly displayed their breasts, with Jessica essentially naked from the waist up...
Jessica 01 Jessica 01 Jessica was sitting on the couch, watching TV, when the man walked in from the patio.? Her sister Kim lay sprawled out on the floor a few feet away.? Mom and dad looked up in alarm from their recliners as the man burst into their home.? Pop!? Pop!? went two shots from the small gun in the man's hand, and her parents lay dying within seconds.? Tommy came in from the kitchen to see what the noise had been, and the man fired two more rounds. Tommy dropped across Kim,...
I shuffled slightly forward and, fisting my cock, presented it to the pretty wannabe starlet. I brushed her long hair away from her face and with a twist of my wrist, I wiped the swollen mushroom head slowly under Jessica’s nose, forcing her to take in the pungent male scent of my knob-musk. Jessica gives it up for fame. I've seen them all come through my office in my time. All the wannabe's desperate for their 15 minutes of fame. And with my position in the talent company deciding who we...
AnalJessica woke dazed and sore, and sticky from the layers of dried cumthat had coated her body. She shivered in pain. Nightmares had tormented hersleep. She dreamt that she was drowning, but the blue-green sea was replacedby oceans of white sperm. Every time she raised her head, a wave of milkysemen would crash over it. She kicked her legs and flailed her arms, but tono avail. Over and over the white storm buffeted her about. Her every muscleached and cried out in agony. Choking and...
Part 2 As the limo sped on into the day, Jessica could not but wonder what washappening to her. The men in the car were silent for an hour or two, then sheheard low whispers among them. Abruptly, the large auto slowed and veered offwhat was obviously the interstate, but Jessica had no idea where. Her handswere still cuffed behind her back, and she lay almost prone on the rear seat.The sperm had long since dried on her face, but the mask was still in place.She tried sleeping fitfully, but...
Six Jessica had been dancing at the club for about three days when on a Saturday afternoon she saw something that made her heart almost leap out of her chest. Towards the end of her first dance of a three dance set her father walked in the door with some men she had never meet before. At first Jessica wanted to scream and run off the stage and hide before her father saw her. But then something inside Jessica made her stay. Jessica wanted her father to see her dancing for all these men in the...
[‘Gracie got serious, “But Charlie, isn’t she only like 16 years old?”] I told her, “That’s correct, but, she DOES turn 17 next Saturday, the same day as our wedding. That’s why I don’t want any of the guys to actually have intercourse with her. 16 could get us 20! That being said, she wants this in the worst way. She knows we could all get into trouble and swears she won’t say anything to anyone that anything happened before she was actually 17. “While the State of Illinois is absolutely...
“Frottage, clean the sybian,” ordered Lady Jessica Featherstonehaugh as she climbed off the sex machine with a squelch and stubbed out her cigar on the aged retainer’s bald head. “Did you instruct Drummond to saddle up Rusty? I am meeting Sir Percy Cholmondeley in Hyde Park at ten.”“Yes, m’Lady, of course, m’lady,” snivelled Frottage, reaching for his handkerchief.“With your tongue, Frottage, with your tongue,” snapped Lady Jessica, reaching for her horsewhip and thrashing him repeatedly across...
Steampunk"We're not done yet, though." said Eva as she toweled the spermfrom her hair, rubbing it through her fingers like fine conditioner."I think they have a video planned. I wonder who it'll be tonight." "What do you mean?" asked a still-trembling Jessica. "Every now and then, Sir John does a video of a girl here, eitherto keep her under control, or to sell to a private collector. We'vehad some fairly famous women here who suck cock like crazy, and theycan't to a thing because Sir John...
As a free lance writer, I pick up jobs wherever I can, and one of the things I most like to do is write for television shows. The money is good, and it tends to be fun, and there are some great side benefits sometimes. A few days ago, in collaboration with my sometimes writing partner, Duane, I worked on a variety show. I like working with Duane. As an African American man in his early forties, he often sees things from a different angle than I do, and I like having him join me in some of those...
Jessica and Alan A Fantasy Jessica waited impatiently while Alan tried to find the correct key for his house door. After an interminable moment she heard a faint click and watched as the door parted from its threshold. "There," he said triumphantly, "I always keep forgetting to turn the outside light on when I leave." He stepped aside and motioned for Jessica to enter. After they were both standing inside the foyer and the door had been closed behind them, Alan took Jessica in...
Its was the 4th of July weekend. I will never forget it! My wife and I had invited her sister Jessica and her boyfriend Bill away with us for the weekend. We had rented a house in Napa Valley for the long weekend. Jessica and Bill agreed and we all drove up to the house together. When we arrived Friday night, we settled in to the house. There were three bedrooms, a huge living room with a tremendous couch and big 42inch TV. We had stopped on the way up at a local store to pick up some wine and...
As I followed Emma and Jessica, I called my husband David to tell him what was going on and to ask him to meet me at that gas station, just outside of town. I then called Jessica, and I told her to stop at that gas station so I could pick up my husband. She texted me back with a picture of her in the car naked ... I almost ran off the road. When we got to the gas station David was already there. I got out of the car, ran up to him and gave him a big hug and a kiss. A minute later, Emma and...
Saturday arrived and Katy showed up at Jessica's doorstep at about seven. It was a lovely evening: not too hot, with the sun just beginning to set. Feeling more summery than usual, Katy wore a seafoam green-colored halter-top to match the sheer bra and panties she had on underneath, and a black mini-skirt. It was Walter however, who answered the door, and Katy found him looking particularly hunky in a powder blue dress shirt and pair of off white chinos. Walter was also without socks or...
This is a true story that happened a while back to me. I really felt like getting it out and hopefully you guys like it. Everything is true, except the names are changed as I do not want the real identities to be revealed. The story of course isn’t word for word true, I couldn’t remember all of it. There was more time in between the events that I wrote about, but I didn't include that time because there wasn't a lot of sex in those times and you guys would get bored. It's a pretty short...
Disclaimer: This story is purely fictional. I always welcome comments and suggestions so please feel free to email me – kace.lee at gmail dot com. Thanks!Lee was bored. He was a 14 year-old student at Osborne High, a large high school that catered for thousands of students, and in his freshman year. Like most Asians, he was a top student in most of his subjects, but also like most Asians, he sometimes found it hard to score with western girls. Not that there were many good-looking ones in this...
Der unerwartete Besuch entpuppte sich als Freunde aus den Niederlanden, die sie schon lange kannten, aber nicht erwartet hatten. Es gab ein großes Hallo mit vielen Küssen und Umarmungen. Dies gab mir die Gelegenheit die Gäste genauer zu betrachten. John, der Vater, war ein richtiger Hüne. Er überragte sogar Onkel Willi um eine Kopflänge. Sein Körper war von einem sanften Braunton und ließ einen ehemaligen Athleten erkennen. Das Lachen und seine einnehmende Art machten ihn sogleich sympathisch....
Jessica broke her vow about three months before April had her experience with Heidi, but hers was broken in a very different way. It happened one day when Jessica walked home from school; she walked in her front door to find a sight she never thought she would see in her entire life. Her brother’s girlfriend, Sarah, was wearing a black leather cupless corset, thigh high boots, and she was whipping her brother. She called him a naughty boy and punished him for being that way. Jessica was...
Jessica's body was soaked with sweat. Her freshly high-lit hair was already damp and she wasn't sure her thick mascara wouldn't start running down her cheeks. It was one of those 'sticky' days, as she always thought of them. Hot and humid without a cloud in the sky. The kind of day where a white tank top and her Daisy Dukes were the only option. Forget the bra and panties, she knew they'd be coming off soon anyway.She sat on a shabby, second hand couch in the middle of nowhere staring at the...