Road To Hell free porn video

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Need has been building in Dean Winchester for a while. And the closer he gets to checking out, the harder it's becoming for him to resist. What was a little over a hundred miles when it meant seeing an old friend?

It's been almost a year since the last time. Since the time he told her he'd call and hadn't. What do you say to the woman your brother attacked while possessed? Not that she wouldn't or didn't understand, because she was a hunter. A very green one, but a hunter nonetheless. And there are things you know when you're a hunter. Things you just get.

It's been months since he made the deal. His life for Sam's. He doesn't regret it. He couldn't. The ice in his chest being without his brother even for a short time stung so bad he knew he'd never make it alone.

But Sam could. Sam could make it without him. He could go on. Go back to school. Have a life. The kind of life Dean knows his brother desperately wants. A life that doesn't involve hunting. He doesn't know how to do anything else. How to be anything else. But Sam does.

The thing about it is, as the weeks drag into months, he knows he can't leave this earthly plane without talking to her. Without seeing her and telling her the truth. Because she'd find out anyway...and shouldn't she hear it from him?

Needing her - needing to see her, needing to tell her - Dean abandons Sam asleep in a motel room without so much as a note. It's stupid. Sneaking up on a Harvelle woman - breaking into her space - isn't ever a good idea.

But that doesn't stop him. The stupidity of something rarely stops him in his tracks. He looks around her apartment for what will probably be the first and last time. There isn't much. It's sparsely decorated. It looks more like a place to land than actual living space.

He hates it. Resents any reminder that things aren't normal for them. That things'll never be normal for them. Not as long as there are demons to chase and monsters to get rid of.

That's when he feels it. The poke of the rifle against his spine.

"Dammit, Jo," he huffs, shaking his head. "What'd I tell you about putting a rifle directly on a man's back?"

Reaching out she flicks on the light, flooding the kitchen in a soft glow. "Dean?" she asks, seeing the familiar hang of his leather jacket. "Is it really you?"

He turns around. Slowly and with his hands in the air unthreateningly. He grins at her.

"Good lord, you're a mess," she says taking in the laceration that rips across his forehead. It reminds her of when they met. Only this one is shallow. Keeping the gun trained on him, she flicks her head in the direction of the cabinet to his right. "Vodka bottle, second shelf."

"Uh, Jo," he says, lowering his hands and shaking his head. "I didn't come here for a drink."

She chambers a round. "And I didn't offer you one."

Realization dawns. Holy water. Good girl. He pulls the bottle out and unscrews the cap. He sighs and takes a big sip knowing the next step in the process. Silver. "Where's the knife?"

Jo reaches into the drawer at her hip. She pulls out the weapon and slips it across the counter. She watches as he removes his jacket and rolls up his sleeve. Watches as he slices across his forearm. Clicking on the safety, she gasps in surprised relief and throws herself into his arms. "It's really you..."

At the sudden recognition of what she's done, she withdraws almost shyly and heads toward the refrigerator. "Where's Sam?"

Dean's eyes drop to the floor and he rubs his nose. "I left him passed out in a motel room..." he pauses, wincing because he knows his brother will flip out. " Wisconsin."

That's when it hits her. She's in her pajamas. A thin tank top and flannel pants, her hair in a loose ponytail from when she washed her face. She sits at the kitchen table and draws her knees up to block her chest. She snorts. "I thought the two of you were inseparable."

Dean ignores the barb. Picking up the beer she set out for him, he takes a long drink. Nothing like a little liquid courage and he'd need all the help he could get.

Jo watches him stiffen. Her heart begins to pound faster in her chest. "He's okay, right?"

He gulps and takes another sip of his beer before dropping into the chair next to her. "Yeah, he's fine," he answers with a wave of his hand. His eyes fall to the floor. He leans forward, resting his elbows on his knees. There was no easy way to do this. "But I'm not."

She blinks and picks up her own beer. "What do you mean you're not?"

"I got five months left, Jo." He rips the Band-Aid right off. Doesn't give her time to ask, just launches right into the story. He tells her about Sam's death. Tells her about the deal with the crossroads demon. Tells her instead of ten years, he only got one. Tells her everything.

Except why he's there. Except that he had to see her again, even if it was only one last time. "And I just..."

"I wish you'd said something sooner. That we had more time," she mutters.

She doesn't wait for him to say anything. She needs to be busy. Needs to do something with her hands to stem the flow of emotion flooding through her, so she gets up and starts shuffling around. She opens cabinets and slams them shut. She pulls out antiseptic and rinses a cloth with warm water. Tears burn the backs of her eyelids as she comes back to the table.

Silently, she begins to clean him up. She wipes the cloth over his forehead, cleaning the scrape. She does the same with the spot on his arm. "We'll find a way," she tells him. "We have to."

Dean stills her hands and pulls her down into his lap. "It's too late," he says softly. "It's done. There's no way out."

Her bourbon colored gaze becomes glassy. She hits him, pushing hard against his chest. "You selfish bastard. How could you?"

"Jo, he's my brother. It's my job to protect him," he tells her, his voice a low growl as he grabs at her wrists.

"What about the rest of us?" she demands, her voice slicing him more painfully than the silver. "What about the people who love you?"

Dean shakes his head. "That's a short list, sweetheart," he answers, still holding her. "Besides that, Sam can be somethin'. Somethin' other than a hunter."

Wrenching away from him, she grabs the front of his shirt, tears already streaming down her face. "What about me?" she asks softly.

"Jo..." He starts to contradict her. To tell her she couldn't possibly. That she's too young - too inexperienced - to know. But her eyes sparkle and it's not from moisture.

Without hesitating, she captures his mouth. The kiss is searching. It's innocent and it's hungry. It's slow and it's testing. When he doesn't immediately push her away, she advances. Her tongue tangles with his and she moans when his arms wind around her.

He feels his body tighten in response. He knows he should stop. Knows that it's wrong. Knows he can't do this. Not to her.

He forces her to be still. His hands run down her arms where they loop around his neck. Closing his eyes, he pulls back. "Jo," he pleads. "Wait... I..."

She wears a determined look. "Dean," she says, her voice tight. "Suck it up. We can pretend this isn't what you came for or you can just..."

"It isn't," he starts. "Well, it was but..." He can't look at her. Can't tell her that he's not sure he can go through with it now. Not when he knows how she feels.

Jo shifts to straddling him. She flicks her tongue over his pulse point and licks lazy circles up the line of his neck. Her teeth scrape lightly as she nips teasingly up to his ear. "I want you," she tells him. "Whatever that means. Even just for tonight."

His heart pounds in his ears. Every move she makes pours kerosine on the flames of his arousal. It sparks him on. Makes him want. Her. All of her.

The last thing he needs is to give Ellen Harvelle a reason to put his nuts in a mason jar. But Ellen isn't here tonight. And, in the twisted mess that has become his life, he's sure of one thing: even if she was, it'd be more than worth it for the way Jo is kissing him. The way her tongue ghosts its way over his lips and into his mouth.

"Are you sure?" he asks breathlessly.

Jo bites her lip and nods. "I want you," she tells him. "I have since we met."

His hands span her tiny waist as his mouth finds hers. He tries to keep it slow. To feel everything. Soft and steady. Like putting kindling on a budding fire to help it build.

But her nimble little fingers slip under his shirt to tease against his abdomen. Her tongue flickers out to caress his. She works him up quicker than anyone he's been with.

His hands roam up her back, pulling her close as their lips engage in a desperate tango. He wants her wrapped around him. Wants to feel all the places they can align. Wants to connect.

Shakily, he stands. He sits her on the edge of the table just long enough to drag her legs around him. Just long enough to slide his hands from the small of her back to the curve of her backside. He moans at the way she fits against him.

He stumbles blindly out of the kitchen and across the living room. When Jo sucks on his lower lip, pulling ever so lightly at it with her teeth, he falters and they slam into the wall with a shared grunt.

Using the leverage, Dean pins her there. He cups her face and assaults her mouth, sucking and nibbling at her lips until she whimpers. He rocks into her, lets her feel how turned on she makes him. How much he wants her - needs her.

He hitches her a little higher, his tongue laving along her collarbone as he tugs the strap of her top off her shoulder. A rough hand palms her breast, teasing at the nipple before his mouth closes over the bud. She moans, arching into him - arching into his mouth - her fingers twining in his hair. It's almost his undoing.

"Bedroom?" he growls at her, his mouth and hands continuing on their quest. He wants to know what drives her mad. Wants to find all the little trigger points to make her squirm. Under him. Over him. All around him.

Jo gasps, unable to answer. She can't focus. Can't think. All she wants to do is feel. Everything. "End of the hall," she finally manages, tugging eagerly at his t-shirt. "Hurry."

The breathy way she says it makes the hair on his neck stand on end. He shudders under the increasing weight of their need. He feels awkward in a way he hasn't felt in years. Clumsy as if it's the first time. It shakes him up. Startles him. Makes him wonder.

But not enough to stop. God, he couldn't stop now if his life depended on it. Couldn't stop now...unless she asked him to. He would. He'd do it. In a heartbeat. And he's sure it'd be worse than the fires of Dante's Inferno to try and walk away from her. Hell, just leaving her to go back to Sam was gonna be...

Dean knows he can't see her again. Doing so will damn them both. He knows he has to make this count. Knows he has to give her something she'll remember. Knows he has to have something he can carry with him when he walks away.

Jo's mouth sears along Dean's neck as he pushes away from the wall. The bump into the other side of the hallway and she laughs as a picture falls and the glass shatters. He freezes and she kisses him. Slow and deep. Hot and wet. "Leave it..."

Pushing through the door, he locates the bed. He eases her down, reluctant to part with her lips. He needs the light. Needs to see her. Needs to see all of her.

Their eyes meet in the glow of the lamplight and he wonders why it's taken him so long to really notice her. Wonders if she could have been his whiskey, his comfort, his lifeline.

He still doesn't regret the deal. Doesn't regret saving Sam. What he regrets is not having more time. Here. With her. Regrets that he's standing there looking at her flushed skin and kiss swollen mouth, her haphazard clothing and bared breast, rather than taking action.

Reaching for her he tugs off her tank top, kissing her shoulder as she arcs her back. He pulls the rubber band from her hair, freeing her silky gold tresses into his fingers. Angling her mouth, he eases her down onto the pillow with a blazing kiss. His tongue swirls around hers, pulling it into his mouth. He suckles at it teasingly before turning his attention to her body.

He kisses his way down her chest, mapping the delicate curves of her body in his mind. Her breasts are small, but not so small that they disappear when she lays on her back. Her skin is soft and her belly is taut. He skims his tongue into her navel and smiles when she giggles girlishly.

He lifts her hips, hooking his fingers in the shapeless flannel of her pants and the cotton panties they cover. He eyes the lean muscles of the legs that gripped him earlier. He sees a little freckle on her inner thigh. One he wants to become intimately acquainted with.

Shifting away, he toes out of his shoes and socks. Smirking, he leaves his pants on and moves back in time to keep Jo from shifting her position. She's right where he wants her. Naked. In the middle of her unmade bed. The look he shoots her is predatory and he watches her swallow and lick her lips.

Dean rubs one ankle and up her calf before repeating the action. His fingertips glide in featherlight circles over her skin, making her quiver. His mouth skims her knees and inner thighs as he moves to settle between her legs.

Smooth skin of her legs sliding over his shoulders, he flattens his tongue over the freckle. He sucks at that spot, wanting to leave her a mark somewhere that was only for the two of them. Somewhere only they knew about.

"Dean..." she moans, clawing at him

The rough way she handles him makes him feel good. Alive. It reminds him that he's not dead yet. That he has so much to live for - so much to do - tonight. He gives her what she wants because, frankly, it's what he wants, too.

That first taste of her - that first flicker of his tongue against her sweet spot and the way she clings to him - would forever be lodged in his brain. The tang of her arousal excites him and makes his body tense. Her fingers in his hair as he devours her - the way she tugs him closer - is exquisite.

Jo pants for air, her feet slipping against Dean's back as she tries to gain traction. Tries to get closer to his mouth as he drives her to the point of no return. She'd known he'd be good. She's heard the talk. Heard the whispers. Experiencing it was something else entirely.

Everything goes white. Brilliant and intense as heat spreads through her. She's vaguely aware of the way he continues his ministrations, bringing her down slowly before pushing her toward another glorious peak with his fingers and his tongue.

She can't take it. It's almost too much. It feels too good. Needing to be in control, she wrestles him up to her mouth. She kisses him, nuzzling her nose against his as she forces him onto his back.

Jo takes her time as she whispers kisses over his chest. She explores flat masculine nipples. She traces reverently over scars with the tips of her tongue and fingertips. Several of them she recognizes as wounds that could have ended his life. Wounds that could have kept her from even meeting him, let alone share this moment.

Not wanting to dwell, she tugs at his fly, opening his jeans and taking them down with the same care he'd used to remove her clothes. Commando. Well, that's a naughty development.

Tossing the Levi's aside she creeps slowly up his body, allowing the gentle sway of her breasts to brush against his legs. She teases him with her mouth until he growls and pulls her over him. Feverish and naked, they melt against each other. Mouths plundering, hands searching, legs twisting together.

"Condom," he husks, his mouth moving to her throat as he pushes her into the mattress. His hands grope at her, unable to get enough of the feel of her body.

She arches into his touch, avidly seeking the heat of his skin. Her eyes flicker briefly to the side. "Drawer," she murmurs.

Mouth scalding and desperate as it attaches to hers, he thrashes for the knob without looking. His ears perk when he hears it creak open and he pulls away just long enough to get his hand inside.

His fingers close around something plastic and cylindrical. Something he's sure vibrates. Something he almost wishes he had more time to play with. He laughs, his knuckles brushing against the prize he seeks.

His teeth scrape lightly along her jaw as he nips at her before following with the stubbled graze of his own as his mouth slips to her ear. "Tell me," he utters as he dons the protection. "Have you ever thought about me when you've used it?"

Jo's eyes darken and swirl with confusion as she looks up at him. "I..."

Dean stares at her mouth, flicking his tongue over the bud at its center. "The vibrator, Jo," he says as he positions himself. "The one we both know is in there."

Her eyebrow lifts playfully as a blush creeps across her cheeks. "Maybe," she answers softly

"You will now," he demands, sliding against her. He pushes forward gently. One teasing inch at a time.

She purrs as his hand strokes her hip and encourages her leg around him. "Quite possibly..."

Dean thrusts shallowly, grinding into her slowly. "You will," he growls against her throat, his mouth blistering against her pulse point. "Every..." -thrust- "...time..." -stroke- "" -stroke. Deeper and harder. Steady and unyielding. He takes. Or, rather, he gives.

"Oh..." she whimpers, her toes curling. "Oh, God, Dean..."

Pulling her tighter, he immerses himself in her. Gets lost in the way her body moves and clenches around his. "That's right," he instructs, varying the intensity again. "Every. Time. You. Come."

The rhythmic way he takes her makes her shatter. She clings to him, her eyes shut tightly as he continues to move. She can't get close enough. Can't feel enough of his body. Enough of the strength he uses to hold back. The strength he uses to give her everything.

Jo scratches her nails lightly along Dean's spine. She wraps her legs around him. Her heart squeezes painfully in her chest. This is the first, last and only time she'll be with him. The only time she'll ever feel the way she does in this moment.

She can't burden him with feelings. Can't ruin everything they've had tonight. It's hers to bear. Hers to own and drown in. He's got 5 months left, but she can already feel him slipping away.

Continuing to rock against her - into her - he ask breathlessly, "Did you mean it?"

Her eyes widen as she looks up at him. It's almost as though he's reading her mind - reading her heart - and knows. Cupping his face, she nods and kisses him slowly. She holds his gaze and is surprised by his request.

"Say it," he begs. "Tell me. I need to hear it..."

"I love you," she whispers, meeting his thrust. He's gone deep, his face damp - whether from tears or sweat she's unsure - against her shoulder when she says it again, louder this time. "I love you."

Never one to cuddle, he stays with her. Holding her tightly, he breathes her in and pressing soft kisses to her hairline. He's on borrowed time. He needs to get back. Back to Sam and the train wreck that has become his life. He shouldn't have dragged Jo into it. Shouldn't have brought her down with him.

Her eyes are closed as she lounges against his chest. Her fingers rub soothing circles on his skin. It's her turn to play mindreader as she feels him tense in her arms. "Don't even think about it, Dean-O," she tells him.

"It's not fair to you," he answers, his arms tightening further.

"Maybe not," she agrees. "I wouldn't change having you here."

Seemingly satisfied, he quiets and Jo settles against him. She savors the time she has left. The hard pillow of his chest beneath her head. The beating of his heart beneath her ear and his breath as it stirs her hair. The time be there, warming her bed, grows shorter with each passing second.

She knows he'll be gone when she wakes up. Knows this was it. That she won't see him again. Knows that the next time she hears of him will be finding out he really is gone.

She swallows the lump rising in her throat. Then there's the thing she wished she didn't know. The thing that's the hardest to admit. That he'll be taking her heart with him...and that there's no way in Hell she'll ever get it back.

Coming Soon: Hell's Aftermath - Back from Hell, Dean is tortured by nightmares. Jo comforts him. Featuring Vulnerable!Dean..


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Road trip to Perpignan

Back when I was relatively young, eighteen or so, but still thought I knew more or less everything , an old boyfriend of mine invited me to go to his parents' house near Perpignan in France. The house was on the coast there and sounded adorable. Despite my arrogance, I wasn't stupid and soon checked out that we weren't going to go on our own but with three more friends, two girls and a guy. I wasn't even the youngest, the youngest was a partial friend of mine who was only seventeen then. It...

1 year ago
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Road Trip

This is a continuation of my A Wish to God characters. Just like A Wish To God, it stands as it's own story. But you probably should read Wish To God first before reading this story. Enjoy. Raod Trip by Brad Miller Part 1 Ron and I were going to have a lot of fun with our unique powers. It was about ten minutes ago when Ron came to my house to talk to me, well actually he came to Raquel's house and talked to me inhabiting Raquel's body. Ron wasn't himself either. He was...

2 years ago
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Road Trip With MomChapter 3

"Mom, I don't know what to do. I'm pushing and pushing, but it won't go in," Josh said, totally exasperated. "Just slide it in nice and easy, baby," his sexy mother Erica replied. "Okay." Josh did as his mother asked, going nice and slow, but once again, he found his efforts stymied as he tried to slowly push it further in. "It's not working. I don't know what to do. I feel like giving up." "C'mon, baby. You can do it. I know it's long and thick, but I think if you just...

1 year ago
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Crossroads RulesChapter 5

Sid arrived in class early to watch the arrival of Cynthia. It was her grand unveiling - the first day in which she was going public, wearing her new wardrobe. He wondered which of the new outfits she would wear. He hoped that it was the blue dress since it was the sexiest of them. When Cynthia glided into the room, even Sid was surprised at the transformation. The loose fitting blue dress came down to her knees, was tight at the waist, and had a plunging neckline that just begged a man to...

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your wonderful little student richelle

in class, i was always known as the nice, sweet, evergrove girl. my name is richelle rose evergrove. and this is a story about how my teacher, grey, was proved wrong about who i am. in class that day, i was particularly horny and looking for a good time. mr. tompsin, his first name was grey, just happened to be there. my body was ravishing — my smooth tan skin, perky breasts with pink light brown nipples, my nice little ass. and don’t get me started on my pussy. it was nice and i’d imagine it...

2 years ago
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Patricia is fucking my brains out tonight pulling out all the stops her body soft but demanding I could barely keep up with her and that usually only means one thing she is going to ask me to do something I probably won't enjoy doing and this is compensation sex not that I am complaining mind you Patricia's compensation sex is always unbelievably hot and especially dirty she'll do things she normally doesn't ask for but knows that I like!... Tonight she wants to be tied up spanked and then ass...

2 years ago
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Road trip into heaven

I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

4 years ago
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Road trip game

I was suspicious as soon as I heard the oozing sweetness in her voice. My wife of four years called me at work just before noon to ask me if I would be willing to go "rescue" her 18 year old little sister and bring her back to California. She went on to tell me how her sister had just broken up with her jerk of a boyfriend and was out of a place to live. She then confessed that she had volunteered me to do the four hour each way turn around trip from our place to Vegas.Six hours later I pulled...

1 year ago
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Road Tripping

Once upon a time in happened that I was dating a girl named Chrissie. Let me tell youfrom the start guys and gals, Chrissie was a hot little number who was hotfor cock. Specifically, she was hot for my cock and had been since she'dfound out how good I was from the other girls.And how big I was.She did everything within her power to get a piece of me.I thought right from the first that she was a hottie. And I couldpretty much tell right from the beginning that she was clearly...

1 year ago
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Road Trip Tease

It had been a long week, visiting the in laws. My wife's parents were assholes, more so her mother than her pussy whipped father, but I shut up and acted like I enjoyed the visit, for the sake of my wife. The two oldest were spending another week with Nana and Poppa, and so we were driving back to northern Michigan with the two babies. The drive had tuckered them out, and they slept peacefully as I navigated the interstate. Once we got north of Bay City, Sheryl developed a mischievous twinkle...

3 years ago
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Boy Meets Man Changing Short StoriesMitchell

Mitch sighed roughly as he shoved the rest of the clean clothes he was taking with him to his fathers for the Summer. "You will have fun Mitchell, you always do so stop throwing a fit." His mother commented as she walked past his door, a grunt pushing from his chest at her words. Yeah maybe he would have fun, however he was not looking forward to his fathers increasingly odd behavior towards him. Mitchell was twelve years old and his parents had been divorced since he was six. His father...

2 years ago
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Broadway Hollywood

(The erotic memoirs of a department store ‘Floorwalker’) My Father passed away three months ago to the day. He was a good father and seemingly lived a very quiet, mild-mannered, average life. At least that’s what I thought until I pried open a locked large brown trunk in the attic of his small 2 bedroom home in West Hollywood and discovered the three dusty, well-worn black books inside. They contained the tightly scrawled handwriting of my father. The realtor listing my dad’s house was calling...

3 years ago
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Road Trip Jim Mellons Erotic Journey Across AmericaChapter 24 Colorado

The peak of fall foliage time had passed, but some Aspen trees still carried their leaves and late color. One or two of the taller peaks showed evidence of high altitude snowfall. I felt awe struck by the scenery. Gunnison, Colorado, sits on a wide plain at the base of Tenderfoot Mountain where students from Western State College placed a huge 'W' on the façade of the mountain. In another direction, Blue Mesa graced the skyline. Taller mountains fill the horizon in all directions. During a...

3 years ago
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Crossroads A Young Hero

I walked through the headstones towards Dad's car. It was my car now after that accident. I was walking away from the double funeral for Mark and Carol Arrowstone. It was less than a week ago that I had come home to the cops sitting in my driveway to tell me that Mom and Dad had been in a car accident. The drunk driver that hit them was dead too. Standing next to the car was Mike Larter, Dad's lawyer. He was handling the reading of the will and the distribution of my parent's assets. I knew...

3 years ago
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Road Rage

Lissette was having a bad day. It had started that morning, when she had woken up with a terrible headache. Then, going outside to pick up the newspaper, she had stepped in a pile of poo. Some asshole had let his dog take a shit right in her driveway. It hadn’t gotten any better at work. At noon, she had opened the refrigerator to discover that some jerk had stolen her lunch. During her afternoon break, the obnoxious new guy from accounting had been badgering her for a date yet AGAIN, despite...

1 year ago
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Road to Nowhere

‘Fuck! Just my goddamned luck!’ Though no stranger to cursing, Pam’s outburst had a rare fury as her brand new MINI coasted, engine silent, to the side of the country road. ‘Fuck, fuck, FUCK, fuck, fuck-fuck!’ The car settled to a stop. It wasn’t just that her still-got-that-new-car-smell MINI had died. It had died, as her next vitriol proclaimed, ‘In the middle of FUCKING NOWHERE!’ Pam pounded her fists on the steering wheel: the universal, futile signal to an automobile that its owner is...

3 years ago
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Road Trip Ch 01

Eve cringed at the alarming screeching sound and cursed as she parked her car. Glancing to the right, she cursed again. She had just scratched a truck – a gigantic, very new, very shiny truck. You just know the owner of that considers it his baby, she thought grimly. She walked around her car, inspecting the long scratch on the otherwise pristine body of the silver truck, her shoulders slumping. Without bothering to look at her own car’s damage, she leaned into the passenger seat to grab a...

3 years ago
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Road Trip

I hate road trips. You drive for hours and then, after a few days of fun wherever you end up, you have to make the drive back. I hate road trips. That is, until I took one with Becky. She is married and swears she doesn’t sleep around, but her husband was out of the country on business and this was our chance to get away for a few days. We weren’t going far, just to Atlantic City, but the drive through the Pennsylvania countryside was looking pretty daunting.About two hours into the drive,...

1 year ago
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Road Trip With Sis

Note : This story is completely fictional! This is a story of my Sis Chelsey and I experiances on our cross country trip. It all started when I recieved a phone call from my dad in California telling me he was getting remarried for the 3rd time. He asked me if my sister and I would be interested in flying out west to be in his wedding. I said I would love to, (not really but a free trip to Cali, why not). I told him I'd call Chelsey my sis to see if she could go for sure since she was getting...

1 year ago
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Road Trip

Things were getting pretty hectic around our house so we decided to take a road trip. We called our friends in Las Vegas and told them we were coming up to see them. We got our daughter to watch the house and feed the animals, got the car ready and we were off. About an hour on the road and already I was feeling horny. I took off my bra, pulled my shorts aside so he could see my now moist pussy. Slowly I started playing with myself. He was trying to keep his attention on the road but found it...

Group Sex
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Aunt Shelly

A favourite story from Literotica...Aunt Shellyby TryAnything Brian had always thought his Aunt Shelly was one of the most beautifulwomen in the world. Many times he had masturbated while thinking of her,her long blonde hair down to her waist, her sparkling blue eyes and widegenerous smile. He also liked her long slim legs, which she always seemedto showcase with either a short skirt or short shorts. But in any event,her legs were an enticing sight at all times. And she had full breasts.Many...

2 years ago
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RoadhouseChapter 12

Sitting back with my cup of tea I was patting myself on the back, I'd done a bloody good job and I knew it. My bubble was about to be burst. "Tony, the guests are calling for the chef, they would like to compliment you on the meal." "Jeeze Sally I can't do that, what would I say to them?"
 "Of course you can Tony, just tell them you enjoyed cooking for them and you appreciate their compliments." Sally led me into the dinning room or should I say I floated behind her? Then my...

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RoadhouseChapter 19

Thankfully the day was a bit cooler than the last few. I like it warm but sitting in the dickie seat in the blazing sun is no treat. Our trip to Bairnsdale had left us with a slight case of wind burn, Dom's mum had given us some cream to sooth the burn and to protect us on the return trip. We were about half the way to Sale when I tapped Dom on the shoulder. "Dom, can we go back and look at that old house?" Dom pulled up and did a 'U' turn and drove back to the house. "What have you...

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RoadhouseChapter 20

Another evening meal over, Jess, Cheryl, Dom and I were sitting back relaxing in front of the oven and talking. There was a radio playing in the mess hall and a few of the boys were playing cards. Ernie, Fred, Wally and another chap were playing whist; I felt contented, this was 'My family'. "OK Tony, let's talk about your 'Road house' idea" said Jess, "You told us a bit about it coming back from Bairnsdale, now's the time to tell all." "Like I told you, when I did my National...

1 year ago
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RoadhouseChapter 29

The paint on the inside look smart and fresh, Dom suggested we do the outside next. "We did well with buying the café stuff so there's still enough in the kitty to buy some paint, what do you think?" "Good idea Dom, let's talk to our designers and see what colour scheme they would like." We caught up with the girls who were up to their elbows scrubbing the tables and chairs. "We need to talk about painting the outside of the building girls. Would you two get your designer hat's on...

3 years ago
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Mene Or Meri Gasti Behan Shelly

Hello, mere dosto kaise hain ap sab log main apka apna raj jo punjab se hu aj fir apke liye ek nayi story le kar aaya hu jise pad kar apke lund esse khade ho jayenge ki muth marne ke baad bhi nahi bethenge or chutain bina lund liye nahi rah payengi per sabse pehle main ap sab logo ko thanks karta hu jo ap meri stories ped kar muje main kar rahe hain or mera or meri pyari gasti behan shelly ka hosla bada rahe hain aj main apke liye ek nayi sachai le kar aaya hu jismain mene or shelly ne mil kar...

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Me and Shelly had been best friends since we first went to school, and as our parents always said we were inseparable. Throughout our lives, when one of us ended up in some sort of trouble, you could be guaranteed the other was close by. We both lost our virginity on the same night to 2 college guys at a frat party we gate crashed, Shelly was on the bed while the other guy fucked me on the floor. Shelly is a gorgeous looking redhead, she always keeps her hair quite short, she has large breasts,...

4 years ago
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Railroad Robledo Mountain 4Chapter 12

I woke up the next morning feeling more refreshed than I had since the mountain lion attack. Stretching my arms out to my side, I looked at my right hand, flexed my fingers, and laughed at the thought that I could play the guitar again. I hadn’t realized until yesterday afternoon how much I missed it. Jumping out of bed, I ran through my tai chi exercises and the katas, before cleaning up with a basin of water, and getting dressed. I was whistling as I walked in the back door of the...

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How I met BBW Shelley

It was in Philadelphia on business eating at an Applebees myself. Shelley was sitting a few tables away with a gilfriend. She sent a drink over to my table. When the waitress pointed out who had bought me the drink I looked at Shelley, she gave me a beautiful smile and winked at me. I walked over and asked if I could join them. She said of course. So I had dinner with her and her friend Tammy. When dinner was over I picked up the check. Tammy was kind of a third wheel and we really could not...

1 year ago
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Road Trip7

My husband, Teddy, gets a big kick out of watching me lift my top and flash my boobs. The truckers seem to like it too. I almost never wear a bra, so it's a quick flash. Sometimes I wear a little mini skirt and lift it up just enough for truckers to get a peek when we pass them. A few years ago we added a CB radio to our car so we could listen to the truckers. You should hear the chatter on that radio after I flash a driver. He will let every other driver know what vehicle to look...

2 years ago
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Road side show for the truck drivers

All my stories are true experiences.... My girlfriend and I were traveling around Australia and had some fun along the way, If you have checked out my other stories you’ll know Amy and I love to be watched as well as swinging Dom/Sub play sex out doors and/or public and pretty much anything new. So on second morning driving across the Nullarbor we are bored out of our minds so have fun cheering up every truck driver that goes past and by lunch time we had it worked out, as a truck comes...

4 years ago
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Road Trip Ch 05

‘Yo, Dr. Hammond!’ They both looked up at the shout of greeting that sounded through the open door of the RV. Eve smiled at him from where she was seated, slipping on her shoes. ‘Go on, I’ll catch up,’ she told him. Will paused to study her delicate fingers buckling her sandals before giving her a smile and walking out to greet Hank. They had been friends since college, one of those comfortable friendships where no matter how much time passed they were able to pick up exactly where they left...

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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Nine

It was about 10:00 in the morning. I had just left the Cincinnati area and was traveling west on U. S. 50. The sun was behind me and I was buzzing along, having a good time. I enjoyed the landscape. It was late Spring and there were still plenty of trees blooming, along with the flowers beside the road. Mostly croplands along the roadside, with lots of old farmsteads to bring back memories of bygone days. I would come to little towns and usually go straight through the middle on Main Street, or...

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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Six

When last you were following my story I had been on a road trip visiting fine ladies I had found on my writing site. We were all good friends, and they had all invited me to visit. I didn't surprise anyone. My trip was fully planned and it had been very successful in the sexuality and sensuality departments. I had made out like a bandit when it came to getting all the lustful pleasure I could handle, and more. The trip had ended with me and a lady named Wendy professing that we both felt our...

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Road Rage

This story all begins with a journey to work, as usual I would wake uo, have a wash and freshen my breath up, put on my aftershave and set off suited and booted for a day in the office.Ladies to give you a mental image, i am 30, white british male, slim but athletic build, dark hair, brown eyes, wearing a 3 piece suit and tie.Like many, im sure you agree the morning rush hour is annoying as hell, when your trying to beat traffic to get from point A to point BBut in my case I set off early, to...

3 years ago
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Road Trip continues

We enter into this small little town called Dickerpuss. Everything seemed normal, a few mom and pop diners, a theater, post office, a couple of stores, a d**g store and two small hotels. People were roaming through the town, just like any other little town. k**s and teenagers were standing in line at the theater. We park in front of The Little Diner and walk in, we're hungry after our sex session at the rest area. As we walk in, we see a few older men sitting on the stools at the bar...

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Road Trips for Peter Chapter Five

Heading home on the road! I had left Kentucky and was now heading almost due west. I had one more stop to make on this road trip and then it was home to Kansas. I had stopped off to enjoy Mammoth Cave National Park and was now just taking in the landscapes I was passing through. Spring was breaking out in little patches as I moved through prairie and hills. I loved seeing the Mayflowers popping up beside the road. I was not in a hurry. After taking some side trips I neared my final rendezvous...


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