The Motivation Chart Sara s Descent
- 4 years ago
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Chapter 1?? The trap is set
My name is Norah Bentley. I am a 42 year old divorced female. I am proud of what I have achieved. After a messy divorce 7 years ago I threw myself single-mindedly into my passion: property investment. I have now built up a property portfolio of 16 rental houses and have a net worth of over one million dollars. Yes, I flaunt my success.
Many people call me a hard-nosed bitch. I am ruthless with my tenants and have no time for hard luck stories. Pay the rent on time, or take a hike. As a female I am not prepared to show weakness or compassion, as there are always the no-hopers who are waiting to take advantage.
This is my persona. Successful, tough, emotionless.
Knowing this about me makes my story seem even more unbelievable. Even now, many months later, my mind still whirls with confusion.
Before I begin my story, I must make a confession, as much as it hurts my pride. My divorce 7 years ago cut a deep wound in my emotions that just would not heal. I confess I was not a good wife. I was demanding, jealous, and smothering. I should not have been surprised that the useless prick took refuge in the panties of his brainless, buxom secretary, then left me for her.
I cried non-stop for 10 days. When I stopped crying, I dried my eyes and resolved I would never be hurt again.
With a ruthless passion I focused on property investment and became damn good at it. I did not allow myself to have private life; as to do so would leave me vulnerable. Oh, I had a few one-night stands, but no one lasted more than a few weeks before I booted them out of my life. Gradually the men dried up. I guess my reputation preceded me.
Eventually the few close friends I had following my divorce also melted away. Initially I thumbed my nose at them, thinking they were jealous of my success, but I now realise I was probably not a nice person to be around.
Enough of my bleeding-heart confessions. It is just a delaying tactic. I will reluctantly tell you my story.
The 17th started off like any other day. My life is very regimented, and I like to believe this is because I am focused and successful. My alarm goes off at 7.30am. I rise, feed the cat, shower, dress, have eggs, bacon and a muffin for breakfast, followed by a cup of strong coffee while I read the financial section of the newspaper. It is the only part of the newspaper I read. I am not interested in reading about human misery, petty politics, or the steroid-induced feats of overpaid sportsmen.
At 9.00am I log onto my computer and check my bank statement to reconcile the balance and ensure all rents have been paid. My eyes narrow to thin slits and my blood begins to boil when I notice the rent for 17 Wisteria Lane is overdue. I knew renting one of my properties to them was a mistake. The tenants were a young couple, Mark and Diane, both in their late teens. Normally I stay clear of the young ones, as they are so irresponsible these days. Drugs, booze and sex seem to be their sole focus.
However Mark and Diane were an attractive, well groomed young couple, well presented, and although they were both still students they did have part-time jobs and ensured me there would be no problems with the lease.
What a damn fool I was. I hated to be proven wrong. These young troublemakers will be gone within a week, I resolved.? I do not phone, as it gives my wormy tenants an opportunity to spin me a sad, sob story. For me it is the full frontal, knock-on-the-door assault.
It was late afternoon when I pulled up outside 17 Wisteria in my sporty little Mercedes. Mark and Diane?s battered Honda was parked outside so I knew they were home. With authority I strode up to the front door and knocked loudly. To my annoyance there was no response. A knocked again, longer and louder. Still no response. By now I was getting more than a little steamy under the collar. Stop avoiding me you useless little worms.
I knocked a third time, loud enough to wake the dead. But again it elicited no response. Frustrated, I tried the front door and found it was unlocked. I stepped inside and called out. There was no answer but I could hear a noise down the hallway. Not one to back away, I strode down the hallway. The bedroom door was partly ajar. I was about to hammer on the door when I caught a glimpse of Diane and I was frozen in my tracks. I stared, disbelieving.
Diane was tied spreadeagled on the bed, facedown, totally naked, her hands and feet tied to each corner. Rope was also tied tightly around her waist, and then looped through the crack of her buttocks and obviously secured in the front. Her labia were split by the rope and from my vantage point I could clearly see them protruding, red and swollen. Diane?s buttocks, thighs, and upper back were covered with red welts were she had obviously been whipped with something.
My heart began to beat furiously, and I feared I was witnessing some sort of assault and battery on Diane. Without breathing I took a step back, with the intention of retreating to safety and phoning the police. But then to my amazement Mark came into view. His young body was also totally naked. His semi erect penis swinging freely in front of athletic body.
My mind was racing with confusion. What was I witnessing here. Initially I had thought it was an assault by an intruder, but now it appeared if it was some sort of debauched, perverted sexual activity. I was sickened, and it confirmed my low option of today?s youth.
But despite my distaste at what I was witnessing, my eyes remained fixated on the scene I was viewing through the slightly ajar door. Mark was untying the ropes that secured Diane?s ankle and wrists to the bed corners. Once untied, Diane took a moment to rub the painful looking, ugly red welts on her buttocks. But instead of getting up off the bed, I watch disbelievingly as she slowly turned over on her back, then opened her legs and raised her arms above her head. Mark moved silently around the bed, again securing Diane?s hands and feet to the corners of the bed.
I could not help noticing her breasts. They were small but very firm, and still held their form despite the fact she was lying on her back. Her nipples were erect and pointing invitingly into the air.
Mark then untied the rope that was secured tightly around her waist, and pulled it out from between her legs. Diane?s pubic region was even more clearly exposed to me. She had neatly trimmed but sparsely covered blond pubic hair that did little to cover her vaginal region. Mark disappeared out of view for a moment then returned, a vicious looking short wispy whip held in his right hand.
I was aware that beads of sweat were beginning to roll down my forehead. I was only too aware I needed to do something. Either burst in and confront the pair of them, or get my butt out of there and deal with the rent problem later. But unbelievably I just stood there, taking in the debauched scene. I was revolted, but could not take my eyes away from the scene that was before me. It was somehow giving me sensory overload in a manner I could not even begin to comprehend.
I was transfixed as Mark rested the whip on Diane?s pubic mound
?Lift it, ? he commanded, without emotion
Incredibly Diane arched her buttocks off the bed, pushing her pubic mound high in the air. It was one of the most sexually crass acts I had ever seen in my 42 years. Yet I was glued to the spot, almost not daring to blink.
With Diane?s pubic mound raised high, and her legs spread, I could even see her engorged clitoris pushing out from its hood, brazenly displaying her sexual arousal. Here juices were oozing from her swollen lips. Despite my distaste at what I was witnessing, I also knew that her fully aroused vagina was one of the most truly deeply erotic things I had ever witnessed.
Although my former husband and I had been sexually active when first married, I had soon become bored, and eventually found the whole groping, sweaty act of making love something I tried to avoid. It was always done in bed with the light off and I tried to get it over with as quickly as possible. Any attempts at foreplay by my husband were discouraged. Although I hated to face up to it, deep down I knew that it was hardly surprising he started banging his bimbo secretary.
Mark continued to rest the whip on Diane?s pubic mound
?Higher? he again commanded
Diane strained to arch herself even higher off the bed. Her buttocks were now 12 inches clear of the bed, and despite myself I admired her agility and athleticism. The muscles in her shapely legs were clearly defined, and she was obviously carrying no extra weight. Incredibly I found myself trying to visualise being in Diane?s place. I knew I would look nowhere as svelte as she did. Although I was not grossly overweight, I had not taken good care of my body in recent years. I had packed on many extra pounds on my hips and thighs through poor diet and a lack of exercise. My constant excuse was I was too busy being successful to worry about exercising or eating properly.
I almost shook my head in bemusement. Here I was witnessing the most sexually explicit act I had ever seen, and I was worrying how overweight I would look if ever I were subjected to the same abuse.
?Forget it girl?, I told myself. Do you seriously think you would allow yourself to be abused like that by another person? Not bloody likely. But even as I silently chastised myself and wanted to leave my young tenants to their sexually sadistic games, I could not divert my eyes from what I was witnessing.
Despite myself, I found my eyes wandering up Diane?s well defined legs, taking in her straining calf muscles, then again taking in the sight of her most private of regions. Diane?s pubic lips had now been forced open from the combination of having her legs forced open, her hips elevated, and her high level of sexual arousal. I could now see the delicate pinkness of the inside of her vagina. I was breathing heavily, I felt flushed, and sweat continued to run down my forehead. I badly needed to wipe my brow to stop the sweat from running into my eyes but was afraid the movement would draw attention to myself. If I could see Mark, it stood to reason that he could also see me if he glanced toward the doorway.
It seemed like an eternity that Diane had been forced to keep her hips raised high off the bed, although in reality I had no concept of time. Then in a sudden movement Mark raised the whip and brought it down on her pubic mould. It happened so quickly that I jumped with fright when Diane let out a howl of anguish as the whip connect. An ugly red welt quickly appeared, clearly visible even through her blond wispy pubic hair. She had lowered her buttocks back onto the bed and was grimacing with pain.
?How can the stupid little tart allow herself to be subjected to such a sadistic act?? I was totally confused. What I was witnessing was barbaric and surely nobody would willingly subject themselves to such pain. Yet I had only too clearly seen with my own eyes how sexually aroused Diane was.
?Up!? Mark demanded, again resting the whip provocatively on her pubic mound.
Diane hesitated for a few moments, then to my utter amazement she strained her leg muscles to get her hips again elevated high off the bed. The whip struck a second time, crisscrossing the existing welt, and again Diane cried out in a sob of pain.
The sweat had now run down my forehead into my eyes and my vision was becoming blurred despite the fact I was constantly blinking my eyes. I decided it was time to beat a hasty retreat, although I knew deep down some primal urge wanted me to stay. I slowly retraced my steps down the hallway, exited the open front door and very quietly closed it behind me. I almost ran down the pathway, quickly opening my car door and jumping inside. I wiped the sweat out of my eyes. A glance in the mirror confirmed my face was flushed like I had never seen before, and I struggled to slow my pounding heart. I felt as if I had just run a marathon.
A wave of revulsion suddenly swept over me. I felt sick at my own conduct. How could I have just stood there ogling that perverted act? I shook my head in bewilderment. I resolved to block the whole incident out and never think of it again. I am good at blocking out emotions that clog my mind and do not
contribute to my persona of success.
However, much to my annoyance, I failed miserably that evening to block the events I had witnessed from my mind. Like some pornographic video it just kept replaying in front of my visual senses. In the end, out of total frustration, I decided to take a sleeping pill and retire early, knowing I would feel much better after a good night?s sleep.
Once in bed I kept my mind focused on the financial journal I was reading. Thankfully I felt my eyes became droopy and was overcome by sleep. But less than an hour later I was awake, my head thick and fuzzy from the strong sleeping pill I had taken. Still the sickening scene of the hapless Diane played before my senses. My body was burning as if I was running a fever. There was inner warmth in the pit of my stomach that felt unusually pleasant.
I tried to think clearly through the haze of my drowsiness, to make sense of the pleasant sensations flowing through my body. Almost without knowing it I allowed one of my hands to stray down to my vagina. I was wet beyond belief. As my fingers grazed my clitoris it felt like an electric current running through my body. As if following a secret command from deep within, I splayed my legs wide open, then strained to lift my pelvis high in the air, mimicking the lurid act I had witnessed of my young tenant. As I imagined a silent whip being raised above me I slid my fingers deep inside my vagina and finger-fucked myself with relentless vigour. In no time my hips were bucking with the most intense orgasm I had ever experienced. As I lay there afterwards, my body glowing with a pleasant warm sweat, I drifted off to a deep and restful sleep.
When I awoke in the morning I was unsure if the whole experience had been real or a dream. But deep down I knew and I felt revolted with myself. I had not masturbated since I was an awkward teenager fantasising over some impossible love.
After two cups of very strong coffee I felt my mind settling down to its normal, well-ordered self. I checked my on-line internet bank statement and noticed that Mark and Diane?s rent had gone through, albeit two days late. A little voice in my head told me to let it go, not to worry about the late payment. But that was not my style. I don?t forgive and forget. If I let them get away with it now, they will think they can take advantage of me whenever they like. I looked at my watch. It was a little after 8.30am and I decided to phone straight away and clear up the fact that they had better not mess around with me or they would be out on the street before they knew it. I rationalised that in this case I would deal with the matter on the telephone, and forgo my usual method of fronting up in person, which was hardly surprising given what I had witnessed the previous day.
The phone rang for what seemed an eternity before a sleepy voice greeted me at the other end. It was Mark. I informed him, formally, that it was Mrs Bentley, his landlady, speaking. Mark seemed unimpressed, and said nothing
?Your rent was 2 days late? I spoke angrily
?I have paid it lady? was Mark?s belligerent response
I exploded. ?Listen here, you little fucker. The rent is to be paid on the due date, not when you feel like paying it.?
?And if I don?t?? Far from being fazed by my verbal assault, Mark almost seemed to be enjoying himself
?What?? I shouted, disbelieving that he could even think of asking me such a question
Without giving me the opportunity to answer his question he pressed on.
?Are landlords able to enter a tenants house without getting permission first?? Mark?s question was voiced with confidence and authority.
My blood ran cold. Surely he did not know I had entered their house yesterday and witnessed their sordid sexual activities. Unusually for me, I was flustered, and unsure of how to respond.
I hung up. I was shaking with anger that he had treated me with such contempt. The cheeky little upstart. But beneath my anger I was deeply concerned by his question. Why had he asked it? Surely he couldn?t have known. There was no way they would have continued in such a brazen manner if they had known someone was watching.
Although it worried me, I eventually rationalised that it was just a silly coincidence. Nevertheless I shied away from another confrontation with the pair of them, deciding that in this case I might just make an exception and let the matter lie.?
Chapter 1?? The trap is set
My name is Norah
Bentley. I am a 42 year old divorced female. I am proud of what I have
achieved. After a messy divorce 7 years ago I threw myself single-mindedly into
my passion: property investment. I have now built up a property portfolio of 16
rental houses and have a net worth of over one million dollars. Yes, I flaunt
my success.
Many people call
me a hard-nosed bitch. I am ruthless with my tenants and have no time for hard
luck stories. Pay the rent on time, or take a hike. As a female I am not
prepared to show weakness or compassion, as there are always the no-hopers who
are waiting to take advantage.
This is my
persona. Successful, tough, emotionless.
Knowing this
about me makes my story seem even more unbelievable. Even now, many months
later, my mind still whirls with confusion.
Before I begin my
story, I must make a confession, as much as it hurts my pride. My divorce 7
years ago cut a deep wound in my emotions that just would not heal. I confess I
was not a good wife. I was demanding, jealous, and smothering. I should not
have been surprised that the useless prick took refuge in the panties of his
brainless, buxom secretary, then left me for her.
I cried non-stop
for 10 days. When I stopped crying, I dried my eyes and resolved I would never
be hurt again.
With a ruthless
passion I focused on property investment and became damn good at it. I did not
allow myself to have private life; as to do so would leave me vulnerable. Oh, I
had a few one-night stands, but no one lasted more than a few weeks before I
booted them out of my life. Gradually the men dried up. I guess my reputation
preceded me.
Eventually the
few close friends I had following my divorce also melted away. Initially I
thumbed my nose at them, thinking they were jealous of my success, but I now
realise I was probably not a nice person to be around.
of my bleeding-heart confessions. It is just a delaying tactic. I will reluctantly
tell you my story.
The 17th
started off like any other day. My life is very
regimented, and I like to believe this is because I am focused and successful.
My alarm goes off at
However Mark and
Diane were an attractive, well groomed young couple,
well presented, and although they were both still students they did have
part-time jobs and ensured me there would be no problems with the lease.
What a damn fool
I was. I hated to be proven wrong. These young troublemakers will be gone
within a week, I resolved.? I do not
phone, as it gives my wormy tenants an opportunity to spin me a sad, sob story.
For me it is the full frontal, knock-on-the-door assault.
It was late
afternoon when I pulled up outside 17 Wisteria in my sporty little Mercedes.
Mark and Diane?s battered Honda was parked outside so I knew they were home.
With authority I strode up to the front door and knocked loudly. To my
annoyance there was no response. A knocked again, longer and
louder. Still no response. By now I was getting
more than a little steamy under the collar. Stop avoiding me you useless little
I knocked a third
time, loud enough to wake the dead. But again it elicited no response.
Frustrated, I tried the front door and found it was unlocked. I stepped inside
and called out. There was no answer but I could hear a noise down the hallway.
Not one to back away, I strode down the hallway. The bedroom door was partly
ajar. I was about to hammer on the door when I caught a glimpse of Diane and I
was frozen in my tracks. I stared, disbelieving.
Diane was tied
spreadeagled on the bed, facedown, totally naked, her hands and feet tied to
each corner. Rope was also tied tightly around her waist, and then looped
through the crack of her buttocks and obviously secured in the front. Her labia
were split by the rope and from my vantage point I could clearly see them
protruding, red and swollen. Diane?s buttocks, thighs, and upper back were
covered with red welts were she had obviously been whipped with something.
My heart began to
beat furiously, and I feared I was witnessing some sort of assault and battery
on Diane. Without breathing I took a step back, with the intention of
retreating to safety and phoning the police. But then to my amazement Mark came
into view. His young body was also totally naked. His semi
erect penis swinging freely in front of athletic body.
My mind was
racing with confusion. What was I witnessing here.
Initially I had thought it was an assault by an intruder, but now it appeared
if it was some sort of debauched, perverted sexual activity. I was sickened,
and it confirmed my low option of today?s youth.
But despite my
distaste at what I was witnessing, my eyes remained fixated on the scene I was
viewing through the slightly ajar door. Mark was untying the ropes that secured
Diane?s ankle and wrists to the bed corners. Once untied, Diane took a moment
to rub the painful looking, ugly red welts on her buttocks. But instead of
getting up off the bed, I watch disbelievingly as she slowly turned over on her
back, then opened her legs and raised her arms above her head. Mark moved
silently around the bed, again securing Diane?s hands and feet to the corners
of the bed.
I could not help
noticing her breasts. They were small but very firm, and still held their form
despite the fact she was lying on her back. Her nipples were erect and pointing
invitingly into the air.
Mark then untied
the rope that was secured tightly around her waist, and pulled it out from
between her legs. Diane?s pubic region was even more clearly exposed to me. She
had neatly trimmed but sparsely covered blond pubic hair that did little to
cover her vaginal region. Mark disappeared out of view for a moment then
returned, a vicious looking short wispy whip held in his right hand.
I was aware that
beads of sweat were beginning to roll down my forehead. I was only too aware I
needed to do something. Either burst in and confront
the pair of them, or get my butt out of there and deal with the rent problem
later. But unbelievably I just stood there, taking in the debauched scene. I
was revolted, but could not take my eyes away from the scene that was before
me. It was somehow giving me sensory overload in a manner I could not even
begin to comprehend.
I was transfixed
as Mark rested the whip on Diane?s pubic mound
?Lift it, ? he commanded, without emotion
Incredibly Diane
arched her buttocks off the bed, pushing her pubic mound high in the air. It
was one of the most sexually crass acts I had ever seen in my 42 years. Yet I
was glued to the spot, almost not daring to blink.
With Diane?s
pubic mound raised high, and her legs spread, I could even see her engorged
clitoris pushing out from its hood, brazenly displaying her sexual arousal.
Here juices were oozing from her swollen lips. Despite my distaste at what I
was witnessing, I also knew that her fully aroused vagina was one of the most
truly deeply erotic things I had ever witnessed.
Although my
former husband and I had been sexually active when first married, I had soon
become bored, and eventually found the whole groping, sweaty act of making love
something I tried to avoid. It was always done in bed with the light off and I
tried to get it over with as quickly as possible. Any attempts at foreplay by
my husband were discouraged. Although I hated to face up to it, deep down I
knew that it was hardly surprising he started banging his bimbo secretary.
Mark continued to
rest the whip on Diane?s pubic mound
?Higher? he again
Diane strained to
arch herself even higher off the bed. Her buttocks were now 12 inches clear of
the bed, and despite myself I admired her agility and athleticism. The muscles
in her shapely legs were clearly defined, and she was obviously carrying no
extra weight. Incredibly I found myself trying to visualise being in Diane?s
place. I knew I would look nowhere as svelte as she did. Although I was not
grossly overweight, I had not taken good care of my body in recent years. I had
packed on many extra pounds on my hips and thighs through poor diet and a lack
of exercise. My constant excuse was I was too busy being successful to worry
about exercising or eating properly.
I almost shook my
head in bemusement. Here I was witnessing the most sexually explicit act I had
ever seen, and I was worrying how overweight I would look if ever I were
subjected to the same abuse.
?Forget it girl?,
I told myself. Do you seriously think you would allow yourself to be abused
like that by another person? Not bloody likely. But even as I silently
chastised myself and wanted to leave my young tenants to their sexually
sadistic games, I could not divert my eyes from what I was witnessing.
Despite myself, I
found my eyes wandering up Diane?s well defined legs, taking in her straining
calf muscles, then again taking in the sight of her most private of regions.
Diane?s pubic lips had now been forced open from the combination of having her
legs forced open, her hips elevated, and her high level of sexual arousal. I
could now see the delicate pinkness of the inside of her vagina. I was breathing
heavily, I felt flushed, and sweat continued to run down my forehead. I badly
needed to wipe my brow to stop the sweat from running into my eyes but was
afraid the movement would draw attention to myself. If
I could see Mark, it stood to reason that he could also see me if he glanced
toward the doorway.
It seemed like an
eternity that Diane had been forced to keep her hips raised high off the bed,
although in reality I had no concept of time. Then in a sudden movement Mark
raised the whip and brought it down on her pubic mould. It happened so quickly
that I jumped with fright when Diane let out a howl of anguish as the whip connect. An ugly red welt quickly appeared, clearly
visible even through her blond wispy pubic hair. She had lowered her buttocks
back onto the bed and was grimacing with pain.
?How can the
stupid little tart allow herself to be subjected to
such a sadistic act?? I was totally confused. What I was witnessing was
barbaric and surely nobody would willingly subject themselves to such pain. Yet
I had only too clearly seen with my own eyes how sexually aroused Diane was.
?Up!? Mark demanded, again resting the whip
provocatively on her pubic mound.
Diane hesitated
for a few moments, then to my utter amazement she
strained her leg muscles to get her hips again elevated high off the bed. The
whip struck a second time, crisscrossing the existing welt, and again Diane
cried out in a sob of pain.
The sweat had now
run down my forehead into my eyes and my vision was becoming blurred despite
the fact I was constantly blinking my eyes. I decided it was time to beat a
hasty retreat, although I knew deep down some primal urge wanted me to stay. I
slowly retraced my steps down the hallway, exited the open front door and very
quietly closed it behind me. I almost ran down the pathway, quickly opening my
car door and jumping inside. I wiped the sweat out of my eyes. A glance in the
mirror confirmed my face was flushed like I had never seen before, and I
struggled to slow my pounding heart. I felt as if I had just run a marathon.
A wave of
revulsion suddenly swept over me. I felt sick at my own conduct. How could I
have just stood there ogling that perverted act? I shook my head in
bewilderment. I resolved to block the whole incident out and never think of it
again. I am good at blocking out emotions that clog my mind and do not
contribute to my persona of success.
However, much to
my annoyance, I failed miserably that evening to block the events I had
witnessed from my mind. Like some pornographic video it just kept replaying in
front of my visual senses. In the end, out of total frustration, I decided to
take a sleeping pill and retire early, knowing I would feel much better after a
good night?s sleep.
Once in bed I
kept my mind focused on the financial journal I was reading. Thankfully I felt
my eyes became droopy and was overcome by sleep. But less than an hour later I
was awake, my head thick and fuzzy from the strong sleeping pill I had taken.
Still the sickening scene of the hapless Diane played before my senses. My body
was burning as if I was running a fever. There was inner warmth in the pit of
my stomach that felt unusually pleasant.
I tried to think
clearly through the haze of my drowsiness, to make sense of the pleasant
sensations flowing through my body. Almost without knowing it I allowed one of
my hands to stray down to my vagina. I was wet beyond belief. As my fingers
grazed my clitoris it felt like an electric current running through my body. As
if following a secret command from deep within, I splayed my legs wide open,
then strained to lift my pelvis high in the air, mimicking the lurid act I had
witnessed of my young tenant. As I imagined a silent whip being raised above me
I slid my fingers deep inside my vagina and finger-fucked myself with
relentless vigour. In no time my hips were bucking with the most intense orgasm
I had ever experienced. As I lay there afterwards, my body glowing with a
pleasant warm sweat, I drifted off to a deep and restful sleep.
When I awoke in
the morning I was unsure if the whole experience had been real or a dream. But
deep down I knew and I felt revolted with myself. I had not masturbated since I
was an awkward teenager fantasising over some impossible love.
After two cups of
very strong coffee I felt my mind settling down to its normal, well-ordered
self. I checked my on-line internet bank statement and noticed that Mark and
Diane?s rent had gone through, albeit two days late. A little voice in my head
told me to let it go, not to worry about the late payment. But that was not my
style. I don?t forgive and forget. If I let them get away with it now, they
will think they can take advantage of me whenever they like. I looked at my
watch. It was a little after
The phone rang
for what seemed an eternity before a sleepy voice greeted me at the other end.
It was Mark. I informed him, formally, that it was Mrs Bentley, his landlady,
speaking. Mark seemed unimpressed, and said nothing
?Your rent was 2
days late? I spoke angrily
?I have paid it
lady? was Mark?s belligerent response
I exploded.
?Listen here, you little fucker. The rent is to be paid on the due date, not
when you feel like paying it.?
?And if I don?t??
Far from being fazed by my verbal assault, Mark almost seemed to be enjoying
?What?? I
shouted, disbelieving that he could even think of asking me such a question
Without giving me
the opportunity to answer his question he pressed on.
?Are landlords
able to enter a tenants house without getting
permission first?? Mark?s question was voiced with confidence and authority.
My blood ran
cold. Surely he did not know I had entered their house yesterday and witnessed
their sordid sexual activities. Unusually for me, I was flustered, and unsure
of how to respond.
I hung up. I was
shaking with anger that he had treated me with such contempt. The cheeky little upstart. But beneath my anger I was deeply
concerned by his question. Why had he asked it? Surely he couldn?t have known.
There was no way they would have continued in such a brazen manner if they had
known someone was watching.
Although it
worried me, I eventually rationalised that it was just a silly coincidence.
Nevertheless I shied away from another confrontation with the pair of them,
deciding that in this case I might just make an exception and let the matter
The sequel to Contraction. “Your future is with me now.” With those six words I became Cody’s boyfriend and he became my saviour. Jenny and I were over. Two years of an incredible sexual journey had ended with threats and recrimination. I had been thrown out of the house I had shared with her for almost the entire relationship, and a cloud of humiliation lie heavy over my head. Jenny had pictures and videos of some very intimate moments, ones I would prefer the world didn’t see, visual...
This is a grown up story for grown up people. If you're under 18 please don't read this. If you don't like to read stories about transsexual people, please don't read on. This story is copyright nikkie 2003 and should not be reproduced in part or whole without my permission. Please let me know what you think of it, as all comments are welcome. [email protected] Jamie's Descent Part 1 By Nikkie What did we do before e-mail? How did we manage to get through...
Second Nature: Descent By Crystalline Chapter 15 - Become So Numb "I know you're awake, brother. Go on. Try to move. Of course, you can't. Your body is completely restrained, you know. You're not going anywhere." "You fool. Do you really... think..." he started to say, but stopped, surprised at the sound of his own voice. "What have you done to me?" I laughed for a second, then looked at him with the seriousness of a heart attack. "I did nothing. All I did was destroy your...
Trick or Treat 2 - Descent By: Enigma Sunday, November 1 My back was starting to hurt, and I had to pee. I was crouched on our kitchen floor, still clutching Sandy to me, mashing her against my ample breasts, rocking her, trying to will comfort into her chilled body. Behind me, Amy had her arms around both of us. Our tears had finally dried up, but I could tell that Sandy was still desolate, and I doubted Amy was doing much better. I knew I wasn't. And I wondered,...
A Devils Tale: Jacqueline's descent Part OneJacqueline stared at the bruiser of a man sitting across from her at the table. He appeared to be in perfect shape and a man who took care of himself. Probably in his mid-30s but could've been much older for he had an aura of real self-confidence not the false bravado of the young. She wondered if he was some sort of professional athlete but if so she did not know him. He was the only one still in the game and she had just raised him everything she...
Ansleigh’s DescentSteve Oak glanced up at the clock on his large oak desk, noting that it was already 6:00. He’d been at the office almost 12 hours trying to get ahead of things so he could take some much needed time off. He’d switched with one his subordinates and was off to Virginia Beach to conduct a couple of focus groups. He hadn’t done one in years. That was what his staff was for. But the opportunity to spend a long weekend at the beach, especially with the company paying for part...
Title: Julia, tourist to slave whore, her descent Introduction: Julia gets mugged and loses everything Genre: Fiction Themes: BDSM, Bondage and restriction, Domination/submission, Humiliation, Male/Teen Female, Males / Female, Prostitution, Rape, Reluctance, Young, Your story: On the coast in Italy July 2013 Julia was bored, a typical American tourist wearing a floral print skirt and a tight red blouse which emphasised her ample D cup breasts she strolled along in the sunshine. One of the...
This story owes much to My Cousin's Slave by Emma No Knickers, which is an excellent story, and one of my favourites. The start is definitely similar but I think I go in a different direction.Emma's Descent, by Bellatheslut.My name is Emma and I am 20 years old and live with my Mum after Dad left us when I was 12. He's re-married now and lives up north and I haven't seen him in a long time, but he always contributed financially, so we never struggled and were able to stay in the same house I...
?The green door? (Laura?s Descent) This is my first story. I am not a native English speaker, so I hope you have a little patience. ?I will appreciate if you review it or send me an email with your comments. Laura was a brilliant 19 year old girl just about to enter college. Her parents died a few years ago in a car crash but she did not have money problems due to a trust fund in her name set by her parents. The trust fund was designed to directly pay for her tuition in the schools and...
Cuckold’s Descent by Headhunter Some people might say it was my own fault. My name is Roger, and I’m a successful stockbroker, and I had worked long hours to give my wife and myself a comfortable, even luxurious life. A large house in a gated neighborhood, with an in-ground heated pool and a four-car garage. She had her own Mercedes SLK, while I made do with my Lexus, and we had a Grand Cherokee for more strenuous travel. Meredith seldom paid less than $350 for a blouse or skirt, $75 for a bit...
Eleanor?s Descent. ?Chapter 1 I first met Eleanor, when I was working as a site security guard at a sports complex. She was a volunteer First aider working for the Saint Johns ambulance service. She stood 6? tall weighed around 150 lbs, had shoulder length blonde hair. Her figure was striking with her trim waist and protruding tits. I later found out they were 38 B. A film company was filming a TV special, so extra security was needed at the sports centre; you know the kind of thing,...
Authors Note: ‘The Rachel Chronicles’ is a multi-part series of stories involving the titular character (a young woman named Rachel) and her various sexual adventures. The stories are themed mainly around oral sex, with the occasional tale involving other forms of sexual activity. Each chapter is somewhat lengthy and detailed and it is my hope that such detail will provide a richer experience for you readers as you truly get an intensive look inside Rachel’s head. Further, the stories are...
Thank you to those of you who have liked or taken the time to comment/message me. I really appreciate the feedback and I am glad people are enjoying this. I am (slowly) integrating people's ideas into the story as time permits. This is intended to be played as a game, and is a work in progress. Based on feedback and likes, main theme is now Femdom & Cuckold Domination, but there are a range of pathways with different themes. Please press Start Game otherwise some navigations will not work...
Having studied very hard, Swati had graduated from her school with honours. Although her parents were not thrilled that she had rejected their choice of husband, they had eventually relented and she married her classmate Siva. Much to their delight, the young lovers both found jobs as IT professionals at the same company. Five years later, they arrived in America. It was supposed to be a two year contract with an option to extend if business continued to improve. In the beginning, everything...
It all started with a little harmless flirtation. She was the new young intern at the law firm Rick worked in, and she was strikingly pretty. Blonde, petite and always wearing short skirts, Christine was a 22-year-old who made everyone's head turn with her wholesome, good-girl look. Unfortunately for Rick, his head turned too. Harmless flirtations in the office quickly lead to more serious, direct flirtation. Soon they were texting each other quite often, though neither of them was single....
Introduction: An encounter that awakened the dormant slut and whore within meIm your average mid 30's guy, reasonably good looking and always done wellwith the ladies.I've had some fanasticly erotic and also some perverted times with a select few ladies storys for another time perhaps.But this post concerns the awakening of my very submissive bi side quite by accident late one night and what followed it.Like most males had the usual moments of homosexual experimentation so to speak- a couple of...
Nearly two months had passed since my d**g and sex binge and not much had changed, beside the fact that my husband and two c***dren, that still lived at home, were seeing very little of me. I had been doing more d**gs, unbeknownst to my husband, and I had definitely been fucking more men. As my d**g use increased, my sexual addiction increased and my needs and desires pushed me to limits that I hadn’t reached since I was younger and on d**gs. I had succumbed to Shawn’s request and began...
~This is a little story I’ve been writing/re-writing for ages now. I’ve never posted it anywhere before. If you like it tell me what you think!
slave stood at 5’6?, and was skinny and toned. she had bright blue eyes, soft, dark red lips and long black hair. Oh, her hair. It draped all the way down her back, past her ass and flowed like dark black silk, but with enough weight that it was actually manageable. she loved to braid it, to feel her Master’s hands grab it and pull, and to feel His fingers caress it softly. slave had large breasts and an hourglass shape she was proud of. Master cherished her devotion, loyalty and love...
The teacher started the class with a pop quiz. It was not a test on the subject of the class but a survey to know more about her pupils' motivations. The quiz only had three questions: 1) How is the ideal you? What traits and accomplishment you have or would like to have in order to turn yourself in the person you want to be. 2) How is the anti-you? How is the person that you definitely do not want to be? 3) Draw a horizontal bar across the page and write under the bar at the left margin...
I have no idea why anyone would WANT this, but it’s mine. Don’t go plagiarizing it. Initially, I thought that this started a lot later, but on second thought ... it was a gloryhole. I was, oh, eighteen, nineteen. No, I wasn’t fascinated with cocks from age eight or anything. We’ll get into this, but I think my story is more real than stereotypical. I’m not gay — I’m bisexual, and I lean — HARD — toward women. So how come I’m a cum slut? I think the primary answer is ‘desperation.’ You decide —...
© 1999 Jill Foster never even looked at the burgundy Cadillac next to her as she got in her car. It was hot and she was in a hurry because she had to get home and drop off the groceries before she headed out for work. She was scheduled to work from 5:00 'til 11:00. It was already quarter to four. She put on her sunglasses and started her ten year old Honda. As she eased her little red Accord back out of the parking spot, she heard a squeaky grinding sound. She stopped her car and looked...
I tapped my foot on the living room floor. My daughter Amy still wasn’t back from last night. She was fourteen and had been at her first Halloween high school hang out. I wasn’t worried about her, I knew she was with her close friends. I was mad that she hadn’t called or gotten home at a reasonable hour. I wasn’t sure what I’d do when she got back, but it would be her worst punishment yet. Probably months of being grounded. My brother Gary appeared in the living room. “Not back yet, John?” he...
Laura was a brilliant 19 year old girl just about to enter college. Her parents died a few years ago in a car crash but she did not have money problems due to a trust fund in her name set by her parents. The trust fund was designed to directly pay for her tuition in the schools and universities of her choice and to give her also a fixed monthly payment to cover her personal expenses and housing until she finished college. After that whatever remained in the fund would be given to her (and there...
Enna was already waiting for us by the time Ashryn and I got back to the dining room. Everyone but Katriana stared at us when we entered the room, Voss and Enna having near-identical wry smiles. “Did you have fun, kids?” Voss asked. I must have blushed, because Calliope huffed. “Anyway,” Enna remarked, “I found what I was lookin’ for. We can get into the catacombs ‘bout five blocks from the manor, and it shouldn’t take long to figure out if the catacombs meet up with the manor’s...
Dirk was still aroused by all the activities that were happening around him but he could see that they were winding down which was a good thing. No matter how much he would have liked to dip his cock into any willing hole that was here, they still had a time schedule to keep and their midday break time would be up very shortly. He looked down at the girl as she stood up from being bent over the table. She reached down between her legs and pushed two fingers into her quim using them in a...
"Hi, Barbara. This is Cheryl." Barbara's heart starting pounding when she recognized the voice on the other end of the phone. She had been expecting this call ever since John told her of Cheryl's future plans. She would panic whenever the phone rang. She spent endless hours each day thinking of things she could say that would change this bitch's mind. She vowed to herself that she would be strong and forceful when the moment came, but now that it was here, her knees began to buckle and...
"I'm a joker... I'm a smoker... I'm a midnight toker..." I sang along cheerfully with the radio as I pulled into the driveway. I grabbed the pizzas and headed in. Just before I reached the door I stopped. Something wasn't right. It was too quiet. I couldn't sense any emotions from the house. Dropping the boxes I rushed in. "Melody! April!" I ran through the house. I found her in the kitchen. The table was on its side. There were utensils scattered on the counter and floor. There...
I dreamt about the movie "The Sound of Music," not a surprise given what I'd been doing when I fell asleep, but I woke to something considerably less pleasant: panicked screaming. Alistair and I were on our feet in a mere second, both of us grabbing our weapons as we rose, but then stopped in confusion when we looked around the cavern and saw no cause for alarm. Others had peeked out of their alcoves as well, and we all exchanged puzzled glances. I thought about the voice I'd heard,...
Today we have the beautiful newbie, Reyna Delacruz. Here at Bang Bros, we like to be in the loop about whos giving the best blowjobs in town, so when we heard that Reyna is making her way to first place, we knew we had to test her out. Our boy Logan Xander, AKA the Blowjob King, stepped up to the plate and got an amazing blowjob from her. She sucks dick like we’ve never seen. Logan confirmed that her head game is crazy, so now we get to share it with you. She milks his cock of every last...
xmoviesforyouBy : Raj_singh Hi! dosto mera naam Raj hai mai Delhi se hu rang gora height 5.6 mai ISS aksar padhta hu,ye meri pahli story hai jo ki un dino ki hai jab mai ki padhai kar raha tha aur mere ghar me mere gaon se meri mausi ki ladki neha aayi hui thi wo mujhse 3yr chhoti thi aur uski umar 18 year thi,rang gora honth gulaabi hight 5.3 badan bhara huwa aur seene me chhote-chhote boobs, dikhne me bahut hi khubsoorat, Humare ghar mei papa mummy ke alawa mai aur mera bhai rohit jo ki mujhse 5yr...
The admiral huffed. "Well, do that. And get me a full report when you can." The speakers burst into static and then cut out. "Sorry, Sir!" Gina said. "He cut the connection." I was turning to Louis to check and see what he might need when Yvette's voice came over the speaker. "Damn! How does it go? When it rains, it pours? James we have a problem at the doors." "What kind?" I asked as Tamara and Gina gasped. "They're kids!" Tamara said. "They have to all be sixteen to...
The year was 1988. My name is Luke. At the time, my wife, Maddison (Maddie to her friends) and I were both 20 years old. I was active duty in the Marine Corps and we were stationed in California where we lived in an apartment off-base.Please note, this is not one of those typical hot-wife stories where I share the knowledge that I have always fantasied about watching my wife with other men. That wasn't the case with me.Additionally, it is not the beginning of a journey to slut-hood for my wife....
JENNY’S SECRET – PART 3 – MinnieAfter her love session with Lihua, Jenny went home and was very happy her parents were away because she ranked of sex. She took a shower, had a bite to eat and tried to get some sleep. She tossed and turned, thinking about Nickie, Lihua and now Minnie. She replayed the whole scene with Lihua. She finally fell asleep but in her dream she could see Lihua and hear her say “I know a lot of lesbians” over and over again. Then she saw the Chinese lady at the rooming...
It all started when I met my friend Brian in the eighth grade. We bacme friends and then we decided to do something on the weekend. We went out to see a movie and I decided to spend the night at his house. His mom came to get us and when isaw her i realized that she was the biggest milf that i had ever laid eyes upon. She was gourgeouse. Her tits were plump and round I would say a 36-38 C. They were so perky and perfect that I was not sure that they were real. Her ass was the most beautiful...
Wyatt Quinn tried his hardest to shake Currence on several points the man had made the day before but the witness was resolute. He didn't waver on any point despite the fact that Quinn kept him on the stand for almost six hours of cross-examination. Finally he gave up and released the witness. "That's all I have for now," Quinn stated as he sat down. "Your Honor, the prosecution plans to release Mr. Currence from his subpoena," Attenborough informed the court. "There is no reason...
The alarm went off at four, making me wonder what was going on. It took me a few seconds to realize that I had set it for four so we could get in the air to go home. I shook Etta and Lisa who were both groggy. The person who surprised me in the bed was Sharon. She sat up with the sheet falling away from her bare breasts. She rubbed her eyes with her fists like the little guys, looked at me, and said, "You're so mean to wake me up in the middle of a good dream." Etta sat up with her and...
When my mother passed away twoyears ago, I began to spend the night in my father’s bed. It was nothing sexual, it was all meant to keep him calm. Hearing him sob himself to sleep all alone broke my heart. So one morning I moved my things into my father’s room, filling the spaces my late mother left empty. I had to save him from himself, and I intended to do anything that required. He never thanked me, but every night when he pulled me in close I knew he appreciated it. I had woken up with...
IncestI sat in my recliner and tried to figure out what had happen to me these past five weeks. The love of my life, best friend, and husband of five years just up and left, no real reason, warning signs, and not one thing that could point to why. However, today I’m bound and determined, that I’d find a way to stop crying over that bastard, because he isn’t worth it. As I look back over things I realized that our once great sex life has been nothing but hits and misses, with him loosing interest....
The shalwar (Indian baggy trousers) felt so sensuous on Charles’s legs and groin as he gently rubbed himself through the raw silk. He was wearing Rani’s Mangla Sutra (Indian lady’s wedding necklace) together with anklets that had individual toe rings. The more he thought about Rani, the closer his hard-on approached climax as the silky shalwar sent tingles down his spine. Rani was the head of the India branch of the corporation. She and her husband Rahul had become good friends with Charles...
When Pamela awoke she found herself tied to the couch with her face in the cushions and her ass upended over the armrest. Her arms were stretched to their limit, the cord binding her wrists attached to the legs at the foot of the couch. She stood on tiptoes, calves spread wide, her ankles attached to the opposite legs... With the hem of her skirt tucked into its waistband and her cheer panties at half mast, stretched wide between her knees it was impossible to hide her private parts from this...
The summer flew by. Candy’s attentions were on her new boyfriend, Rob, and mine were on Candy’s mother, Trina, my daughter-in-law. Candy still came to me for pointers and occasional demonstrations, but most of my evenings were now spent in Trina’s bed. When school started up again, Trina went back to her job as a library assistant at the school, Candy went back to school, and I went back to my hobbies. Trina met a new teacher and more and more of my nights were spent alone. Candy noticed this...
First TimeAs they walked through the lobby every eye again followed her. She didn't notice as she saw no one but her husband. In their room she walked into his arms and kissed her. His hand went to her zipper and pulled it down. She took a step back and smiled at him. "Would you like to unwrap the package?" He pulled her dress off of her shoulders and, with a shrug, she caused it to fall to the floor at her feet. He unhooked her lacy bra and it fell to the floor with the dress. She reached for...
Damien watched her, her ivory skin glowing under the moonlight. The bed clothes were a rich royal blue that made her cream colored body stand out against them. Her hair shone like a golden river and her eyes shimmered like aquamarines. She was naked, cloaked only in the light from the moon. Her breasts moved with every breath she took, her nipples hardened to pink rosebuds. Her stomach, not as flat as it had been a few months ago, was beginning to show the evidence of his heir growing within...
Love Stories'Hey, Julie!' he greeted me, kissing me and putting an arm around me. 'Come on in, we're just celebrating!' he said, taking me through to the lounge. 'Celebrating what?' I asked. 'We just moved up a division in our soccer league!' he replied, taking a swig of his beer. 'Julie this is Ethan, and Tim.' he said, indicating his two friends who were sitting on the couch. 'Hi guys,' I said, with a little wave. I could see them both admiring me, as I stood there in my black skirt...
The chronological order of my stories is as follows: Todd & Melina series, Interludes 1-5, Sperm Wars series, Russian Roulette series, Case of the Murdered Lovers series, Case of the Murdered Chessplayer series, The Swap series, Interludes 6-10, The Murdered Football Player Series, Case of the Black Widow series, Teresa’s Christmas Story, The Case of the Black Badge series, A Case of Revenge series, Teresa’s Summer Race, The Trilogy series, Dark Side Of The Force series, Caught In The Act...
“I am not missing out on the big dick for anyone" The day of the flight arrived. I made my way to the airport. It was 3 am hear. My flight was at 6 am. I hard a good 12 hour flight to get so given there was not delays I should be state side round 6 pm UK time round 1 PM in the states. Nice time of day to arrive. The flight left with out any delays, that was a good thing as i didn't fancy sitting round the airport longer than I needed to. On the flight all I could think about was her and...
Mom helps her son wake upMom helps her son wake up "Tom! Get up and get out of bed, now!" Janelle yelled. "Mom, not so loud. I'm still tired. Just a few more minutes." he muttered sleepily as he rolled over away from her. "Damn it, Tom, you're going to be late for your bus. Wake up!" she grabbed his shoulder and tried to shake him awake, but she felt his muscles tense up under her hands. No matter how hard she tried, Janelle couldn't stop her mind from drifting to the recurring fantasies she'd...
I should not have been surprised that my husband had been keeping secrets from me. After all, we all have our secrets. What angered and amazed me was that he had a secret fantasy life about which I knew nothing. Not a clue! As a lady who has always been open and honest, the thought that Jason could keep such a thing from his very own wife shook my world. But the changes in our lives since I found out have been nothing but positive, and I have found something in me that I never suspected was...
BDSMI have been cross-dressing since puberty. My friends and I lived near a college, and one day we found a pair of panties on the ground near a dormitory. My friends tossed them around and made up stories about how they got there. The stories they made up had my young mind on fire with fantasies. Later that evening, I returned to where we had left the panties, I pretended to walk along and I casually picked them up and put them in my pocket. I was terrified that someone would see me touching a...
And then there was Jenny, standing in the doorway, her carefully matched white panties and perhaps too small sports bra hinting at the shape of things to come. Her hair was short cropped and blonde, falling over her black-rimmed glasses. She was attractive, until you peered beneath the surface. She demurely raised her hand to the light switch and flicked it downward. I was laying on her bed, my shirt off and my jeans becoming tighter and tighter. She moved her foot. I noticed her thigh...
Dear Children, Within the brain of almost every living American there are dates that are indelibly etched there. Numbers that are as real to us as figures written into a granite stone. We carry these dates with us in our heads until we at last rest under the stones bearing our own final numbers: December 7, 1941. November 22, 1963. April 19, 1995. And now, September 11, 2001. Your Mother asked me to write something about this last date, so that when you get older we can talk about how it...
Wich seemed to be her new thing. im sure my wife and her had talked about our lattest sexual encounters and how theyed come few and far between. thats when it hit me holly must be feeling sympathy for me and thats the reason her panties have been MIA for the last few weeks. not that im complaining the night was headed for new territories . kenzies sitting by jeff an holly by me her legs are crossed and shes facing me i can see her little red landing strip and just a hint of her lips and then....
“Hey, Dad. Is there an old wooden queen size bed frame anywhere I could use?” Brian asked as he stared at the vista of his father’s collection filling the old sales floor of the closed down hardware store.His father let out a hum as he thought, and then said, “There’s a queen you could use over in the northwest corner, as long as you don’t scratch up the head and footboards. That’s real wood, not the particle board garbage everything is made out of nowadays. One of these days, I’m going to find...
MasturbationHi friends, this is Dipesh from Mumbai. My age is 24 years, height 5.7 with fair color. I am very big fan of ISS. I frequently read stories in ISS.. Most of the stories which I like are Desi stories.. So now I will write in Desi language…mujhe ye stories padhke bohot HOT feel hota hai. Socha mai apna experience bhi aapke sath share karu. I’m sure aap sab logo ko meri ye story pas and aayegi… Its a real story. Mai Mumbai ke 1 leading MNC mai kaam karta hu. Yeh story 1 month pahle ki hai. Because...
We awoke Wednesday about 1:00pm (since we had been up so late ass fucking Angel). Angel & Tom were still sleeping in the 2nd bedroom with Toms cock buried in her asshole.Billy & me walked in to take a look & see how things were going. They were laying there uncovered & Tom was still immersed in Angels asshole. Billy called out to them & Tom awoke & just began pumping Angels ass again for maybe 10 more minutes before he cummed in her. As he got out of her Billy took over...
Over the course of the next week, we went over the references. Of the 85% of the people who called us back, 97% of the women gave a favorable review. And 76% of the men gave us a favorable opinion.I even talked to the man whom he had tossed out of the room.“Eddie’s an asshole,” he said. “But he goes above and beyond the expectations.”I hung my head. For some reason, I wasn’t liking Eddie as our top choice.“Did it piss you off that he threw you out of the room?”“Fuck, yeah, it pissed me off! But...
CuckoldI heard from Ed that afternoon and he reported that the refinery took a hit and one of the buildings was reduced to a pile of scrap iron. (This was the building where Robert had taken refuge from the storm). The Texas City rescue team was called and a search for survivors was mounted. Ed said that he would get back to us when he finds out something. My next door neighbor Jenny got a call on her cell phone ordering her to report for work in the ER at Memorial Hermann Texas Medical Center in...