Later that Night Dedicated to hungandlooking
- 3 years ago
- 31
- 0
Overcuming Obsticles
Life is most rewarding when you can find enjoy a sense of accomplishment in overcoming obstacles thrown into your path...
It felt like a dream.? She could see the road stretching ahead in the beam of the headlights, and see her own gloved hands on the steering wheel, but the scene was distant and surreal, as if she were watching an actress play her part in a film. She was driving through the night to meet a man, an enemy. Driving to meet him on a dark rural road, far from anyone or anything. Alone. He was waiting for her, expecting her. He felt confident and in control of the meeting and in control of her. He was a fool, but that would be obvious soon enough. The car was warm and quiet, the little turbocharged engine making a high pitched snarl because she had left the shifter in D2, preventing it from shifting up into overdrive, keeping the revs high. She did this intentionally. She liked that growling sound and the way the car accelerated out of the turns. But the car?s pedigree prevented the engine from forgetting its manners. The snarl was distant and controlled. More distant and better controlled than her own. The snarling car, the leather seats caressing her bum, the red lights in the gauges, and the expectation of the meeting, especially it?s outcome, all of it she found erotic. She let it be erotic. She wanted it to be. She had let it build until as she replayed the scenes to be in her mind, until now her throat was dry and her erogenous zones tingled. She was feeling sexy. She was feeling deadly.
She was going to drive away from this meeting a rich woman. For ten months she has been arbitraging the hostile takeover of one manufacturing firm by another. It was all big fish eating little fish so far as she was concerned. The thing that just struck you was how incredibly rich it was making some of the officers of the target company. In exchange for their cooperation and silence, they had been allowed to sell short their company?s stock, long before the takeover became public. She had seen this before, how the power set took care of themselves first, she decided that this time she would have to see that she was well taken car of herself. For six months now she had been skimming money out of the accounts. Things all moved so quickly that the trades were difficult for the companies? officers and for her legal firm to keep up with. The secrecy and illegality were the icing on the cake. So after only six months hard work, she had earned a hundred times what she might have earned in six years as an attorney. A pretty young female attorney with tan skin and an slight Indian accent who would never make partner with the old-boys-to-be that she worked with. There was a black leather sports bag on the back seat, and it was filled with barer bonds, negotiable anywhere. Especially negotiable in places where the summer stayed and played all year long. After this meeting she would never work another day in her life. There was just one more obstacle in her path.
The emails had started about six weeks ago. Someone knew, and they knew a lot. She was being blackmailed. They wanted it all. In exchange of nothing more than an unsecured promise of silence they wanted all the money. Her money. Her future. They had explained carefully how to transfer the accounts into the bonds. Actually it was a much better idea that wiring the funds to directly an offshore bank as she had planned. That left a trail. These bonds were nearly impossible to trace. All it meant was a visit to the bank in person. She would simply fly to Switzerland and made the deposit herself! Then rent a nice room and do some shushing in the Alps. She didn't own skis, nor have any good ski clothes, but this simply wasn't a problem anymore. After all, she was rich; very rich. There was only one more bump in the road.
The blackmailer had not wanted her followed, or traced, so he had rented a car for her and left it at the airport, the key under the mat. It was when she had read this that she began to breath again, to think again. She was more that willing to commit murder. Murder to protect herself. Murder to conceal her crime. Murder to preserve the lifestyle to which she was about to become accustomed to. Buy how? The last thing she needed was the attention of police. The embezzlement would remain undetected; must remain undetected. No one else was involved was in a position to report it. Other crimes and misdemeanors could only complicate things. But now she had everything well in hand. She had the bonds, thanks to him. She had a car that could not be traced to her, thanks to him. She also had a gun. But she wouldn?t use it; not if she could avoid it. Too easily traced. She had another weapon, a better weapon. One that offered the promise more personal satisfaction to the user.
What she had in mind would leave a lot of evidence behind, a real mess for somebody. But none of it could lead to her. Her blackmailer had been careless, or more likely simply arrogant. She had setup another dummy account and then watched while he pawed through it. His system-id was the only one to query the records. The blackmailer was one of the officers on the target firm. He was 48, divorced, childless, and fancied himself a man about town. All the money he?d gotten from the agreement thus far had already gone up his nose, and now he wanted more. At first it made no sense. Why risk it all? More money was coming when the deal went public. She studied her blackmailer. She learned that he had been stupid, or careless, likely both. He had led the police to a dug buy. They arrested the mule, got the drugs and the money. None of this had hit the papers and now it looked as though the man was going to give evidence. The drug dealer had threatened to kill him. There were rumors that there was already a contact out on him. When the police found the body, the motive would seem simple enough.
She was driving the rental, a dark blue Audi A4. And as rentals go it was a really nice, with a CD player and tan leather seats. It still smelled new. And it was an inconspicuous car, and she was dressed to match, wearing a wool blazer, matching skirt, white blouse, and black pumps with medium heels. She looked like any professional woman driving a professional woman?s car.
She saw the road sign in the headlights and braking hard, turned right onto a narrow lane-and-a-half rural road. She flipped on the high beams and driving lights, and turned down the radio. Only six or seven kilometers to go. The old road was slow going, pitted and potholed; it twisted up, down, and around hills and made unexpected sharp turns to follow old properly lines. The barn loomed suddenly out of the darkness and she had to brake hard to turn into the drive. But instead of dropping off the bag and driving away as instructed, she just sat there with all six halogen lights blazing down the gravel path. After a moment he came out and approached the car, one hand shielding his eyes and one in his coat pocket. A gun! She had expected as much.
?Leave the damn bag and get out of here!? He shouted.
She rolled the window down an inch.? ?It?s not that simple. How do I know you?ll keep your word? Or that you won?t just kill me here??
He seemed nervous, edgy. ?Well I guess you just have to trust me" he hissed, "You don?t have a choice! Now hand over the bonds and go!? he barked.
?No... It?s not quite that simple, you see. I don?t trust you.? So I don?t have the bonds, not here with me. They're in a safe place, a public place. We?re going and get them. In a public place. Then you can have both the bonds and the car.?
He pondered the turn of events for a moment. ?Fucking Bitch!? he shouted! ?Move over!?
?No you don't! I?ll be doing the driving tonight? she shot back! ?You won?t be as anxious to shoot me while I?m flying down the motorway at 100 kilometers!?
The man glared at her, trying to decide what to do. She leaned over and popped open the left door. At that, he ran around the car, through the glare of the headlights and climbed into the passenger?s seat. The lights had blinded him, as she hoped, and he was quite obviously straining to see around the car.?
?What?s this back here!? he snapped, and leaned back to inspect the sports bag. There was a strange snapping sound. He turned back suddenly and sat down. He was trying to understand the source of the unspeakable pain. He turned to see her holding a Tazer. The 50,000 volt charge had paralyzed his upper body, leaving him in too much pain even to speak. He looked up into her face and she looked back. He realized suddenly that she was quite attractive. Part of him found it strange that he would notice this now, but he did. She was petite, small and trim with small hands. She had jet black hair, cut mid length and styled to frame very pretty brown face with attractive lips and a cute little nose. But it was her eyes that drew him in. Her eyes were dark pools. He was looking directly into those eyes, to the point of feeling self conscious. He wanted to say something, strike out, and wipe that smug expression off of her face, but his body wouldn't obey his wishes. He was ringing with pain, and fear about his heart! But unable to do anything about it except to sit here and look into this woman's eyes.
?You see, like I tried to tell you, it?s not quite that simple?. Her voice sounded confident and with an intriguing accent. She smiled sweetly and leaned closer as if to whisper something, but instead pushed the Tazer down into his crotch. Then with an impish grin, she hit him with another jolt. SSSSSNNNNAP! He cried out and doubled over and rolling his head on the dashboard. She reached into his jacket and withdrew the revolver. She held it up and brandished the Tazer.
?Any more toys?? she demanded.
He cowered back, leaning on the door. ?No!? he gasped, ?No more, just that.?
?Hey, ... hey you? He rolled his head to face her again. ?Does it hurt?"
"Yes," he gasped out, "it hurts".
She gave him a smile that would make him melt him under other circumstances.
"So it hurts then, but does it hurt a lot?" she asked, and licked her teeth.
"Do you want me to do it again?" ....
"No, please... I won't be any trouble... don't shock me, my heart is weak, I might give a heart attack."
"Are you frightened? ... Are you frightened of me"?
At this he looked into her eyes again and it struck him that see appeared to be aroused. Her pupils looked dilated, even larger than before, bottomless black pools. The smile was broader and more eager than ever. She licked her lips. He was very frightened. His gut tightened as now the Tazer had stopped its camera-flash whine and was recharged.
"Do you want to know what I'm thinking about right now...? I'm thinking about shocking you again, just to be a bitch, ... see this light? ... its already recharged and ready to go."
"Oh, God, no.... please...."
"you?re going to be sorry you got in my way...because now I?m going to run you over like a squirrel.? Are you sorry you got in my way?" she asked. No answer. "Ready for another jolt, old man?"
"No, no, don't... please don't."
"Then you'd better answer me... are you sorry you got in my way?"
"yes... yes, I'm sorry I messed with you. I really am, I really really am."
"I won, didn't I? I beat you at your own game, didn't I? Say it old man, say I beat you!"
.... "you beat me....yes, you beat me... you are better"
"Damn right I'm better. You're a pig! You're a fucking pig and you deserve this!" "Ready for another jolt? Hmm?"? No answer. SNNNAPPPP!. "Wow, that does look painful...(subdued laugh)? but that's nothing, just you wait and see what comes next..."
She backed the car out of the drive and onto the narrow road. Still in reverse, she jammed her foot on the brake petal to hold the car, and reaching over the man, opening the door. She sat up and gave him a shove. ?Like I said," she grunted, "I?ll be doing the driving tonight.? The man rolled out of the car like a sack of potatoes; his head hitting the pavement with a slap. His just lay there in a twitching gasping heap on the pavement, but with his feet still stretching up into the car. She eased her foot off the brake and let the car creep back, watching him paw and struggle futilely while the passenger door-sill sort of bulldozed him under. The sounds of the motor and the exhaust sounded strange through the open door.? She maintained pressure on the brake, making the car creep back in halting steps while the bulk of him twisted and scraped and reluctantly disappeared beneath the passenger door, the legs and feet following closely behind.? She pressed down hard the brake petal, reached over and pulled the door shut, and then pressed the electric locks. The outside sounds diminished and the click of the locks made her feel safe. He was locked out. She liked it. Then she did something impulsive; it came as a surprise to her. She gave the steering wheel a full turn to the right. Licking her dry lips, she lifted her foot off the brake and just let the car go on its own. The car rocked as the left front type ran up and over something, there were distinct movements: up, pause, and then down with a soft thump. She though it a bit like driving slowly through a bit pothole. But it wasn't a pothole. Potholes don't cry out when you drive over them. Earlier she had wondered if she would be able to go through with it. She was pleased with herself.
She backed up more quickly, the gearbox making the classic whirr, she looking through the windscreen rather than back. The man appeared in the bright lights. She backed a little further and then braked to a gentle stop. She looked across the familiar red gauges and down familar sloping bonnet, all the familiar juxtaposed against the surreal image of a body lying in road in front of her car. Part of her took note that she should feel concern for someone in such a position.? She moved the shifter into drive; the car shuddered. He was on his lying on his side and facing her, still suffering from the Tazer but now? also interested in his left leg, which he was probing gently with an outstretched hand. Soon he was aware that the car had stopped and turned to look in her direction, squinting into the bright lights and no doubt trying to deny the terrible things he was thinking. She looked at him through the windscreen and marveled at how pathetically vulnerable he looked. I?ll bet he is sorry he got in my way, she though. Too bad for him. Now the fun part. Her heart was pounding and her groin tingling. She was going to crush him! Wipe him out! Completely! And without a doubt, he knew it. She took one gloved hand off of the steering wheel and unbuttoned her blouse. She was no brazier. She ran her finger around a nipple. The hand went to the radio, put the CD in and turning up the volume. The Rolling Stones: Shattered. Then the hand raised her skirt and found the opening in her panty hose. She was a surprised at the amount of vaginal fluid. She was really wet! She raced the car?s motor for him to hear, her foot firmly on the brake. The car snarled and twisted one, two, three times.? Why was this so sexual? She pondered it once again. Because she was first terrified of him? then hated him? and now she had defeated him? Perhaps that was why. Was this some primal hunter?s instinct? Or, a warrior?s perhaps. In any case, it was completely intoxicating. She covered the accelerator petal with her foot and felt it?s resistance through her shoe. Then she floored it! The car shot forward, covering the distance to the man in a only few seconds, the six halogen beams illuminating his growing form in a white glare. Eyes wide open, he held arm out to fend the charging beast off. His mouth opened in a scream but Nick Jagger drowned it out. He disappeared from sight below the line of the bonnet an instant before she struck him. There was less of a shock than she expected. She was braced against the wheel, but the car only shuddered and bumped as the front tyres ran over him. She felt the car rise up and heard a muffled thump. She waited with anticipation for the back tyres to run over him, but there was a delay. Then, too late it seemed, the back to the car bounced over him.
She stopped and her hand returned to her skirt. She continued to run her gloved finger in a slow circle around her clitoris while looking in the rearview mirror. There was a dark shape in the road behind her, illuminated by the red glow of the brake lights. It was much closer than she?d expected. Then she understood the delay. She had dragged him under her car for about 20 meters before he went under the back tyres. Good! Fuck you! Fuck you bastard! She grinned.
She took her hand out of her skirt and slipped the gearshift into neutral and then reverse, the car giving a shudder in response to each. The road behind her lit up in the white lume of the reversing lights. In the white light she could make out the colour of his coat and see the gleam of his shoes. The hand went to the volume control, turned it down, then back to her skirt. She watched for movement, for signs of breathing, but nothing was visible. She?d been afraid
that the experience would be too gross, and that she would have trouble with this part; the critical making sure part. But now she felt quite the opposite. She was disappointed in him. This was too quick. He deserved more. It's not like she was going to get out of the car and check, but she hoped he was still alive.
She turned in the seat and looked back, as any safe driver would when backing. Her foot left the brake for the gas and pressed the petal lightly. The car started back with the gears whirring. Just he disappeared from view behind the boot she slowed. She let the car creep back until the tyres found him. She pushed her foot down just a little, the motor revved and the back of the car rose up gently. She braked to a stop and just sat there, listing to the motor purring. She felt a distance from him emotionally, no pity, no remorse whatsoever. She gave herself a string of quiet orgasms with him under the back tyres. She sat in the afterglow for a moment or two, the decided she was ready to go. Remembering that he had gotten stuck and dragged before, pressed the gas petal sharply. The car dropped off him with a bump and whirred back. After some seconds he had still not appeared. She stopped. Stuck again. She winced at the image, but still she found it morbidly thrilling. He deserved everything he was getting. She tromped the gas and the car shot back. After a few meters he came free and she could feel the car bouncing and shuddering over him. She could tell when she was going over him, not just under the car, but going under her, right under the drivers seat. Then the front tyres were spinning. She let off the gas; the car found traction and climbed over the obstacle, dropping off with a thump.
She stopped quickly, so that the body wouldn?t appear suddenly in the lights. She was sure it was a terrible sight by now. She crept back until he was just visible. Without really examining him, she located his head. There was blood and something else, but she didn?t look. She just mentally marked its location. Back to work. He must be absolutely dead. No hospital room interrogations could be permitted. She turned the steering wheel sharply to the left so that she could smash the head, the tyres making a harsh rasping sound as they twisted in place. Radio up. Shifting to drive, she idled forward until the right front tyre found the target and stopped. She pressed slowly down on the petal, the motor hummed, and the car began ride up on the head, then drop gently as it was crushed. She drove on ahead, straightening the wheels quickly to stay out of the ditch. She stopped for a moment, with his lower body and legs sticking out from under the driver?s door, as if he were repairing something. She lowered the window, and smiling at the though that his head must be right under her bottom. Then dropped his gun out. It landed in his crotch with a soft thud. She touched the gas gently. The rear wheel rolled over him and right over the gun, pressing the useless weapon, grinding deeply into his own. The back of the bounced car up beneath her, stayed up for an instant, and then dropped her with another bounce. She drove on without looking back.
As she approached the intersection with the first highway she looked at the clock. It was nearly two am. She searched for American country music on the radio and accelerated on the good road. It started to rain again. As headed for the airport she made a mental list of what she would pack and what she would wear on the plane.
Life is
most rewarding when you can find enjoy a sense of accomplishment in overcoming
obstacles thrown into your path...
It felt
like a dream.? She could see the road
stretching ahead in the beam of the headlights, and see her own gloved hands on
the steering wheel, but the scene was distant and surreal, as if she were
watching an actress play her part in a film. She was driving through the night
to meet a man, an enemy. Driving to meet him on a dark rural road, far from
anyone or anything. Alone. He was waiting for her, expecting her. He felt
confident and in control of the meeting and in control of her. He was a fool,
but that would be obvious soon enough. The car was warm and quiet, the little
turbocharged engine making a high pitched snarl because she had left the
shifter in D2, preventing it from shifting up into overdrive, keeping the revs
high. She did this intentionally. She liked that growling sound and the way the
car accelerated out of the turns. But the car?s pedigree prevented the engine
from forgetting its manners. The snarl was distant and controlled. More distant
and better controlled than her own. The snarling car, the leather seats
caressing her bum, the red lights in the gauges, and the expectation of the
meeting, especially it?s outcome, all of it she found erotic. She let it be
erotic. She wanted it to be. She had let it build until as she replayed the scenes
to be in her mind, until now her throat was dry and her erogenous zones
tingled. She was feeling sexy. She was feeling deadly.
She was
going to drive away from this meeting a rich woman. For ten months she has been
arbitraging the hostile takeover of one manufacturing firm by another. It was
all big fish eating little fish so far as she was concerned. The thing that
just struck you was how incredibly rich it was making some of the officers of
the target company. In exchange for their cooperation and silence, they had
been allowed to sell short their company?s stock, long before the takeover
became public. She had seen this before, how the power set took care of
themselves first, she decided that this time she would have to see that she was
well taken car of herself. For six months now she had been skimming money out
of the accounts. Things all moved so quickly that the trades were difficult for
the companies? officers and for her legal firm to keep up with. The secrecy and
illegality were the icing on the cake. So after only six months hard work, she
had earned a hundred times what she might have earned in six years as an
attorney. A pretty young female attorney with tan skin and an slight Indian
accent who would never make partner with the old-boys-to-be that she worked
with. There was a black leather sports bag on the back seat, and it was filled
with barer bonds, negotiable anywhere. Especially negotiable in places where
the summer stayed and played all year long. After this meeting she would never
work another day in her life. There was just one more obstacle in her path.
emails had started about six weeks ago. Someone knew, and they knew a lot. She
was being blackmailed. They wanted it all. In exchange of nothing more than an
unsecured promise of silence they wanted all the money. Her money. Her future.
They had explained carefully how to transfer the accounts into the bonds.
Actually it was a much better idea that wiring the funds to directly an
offshore bank as she had planned. That left a trail. These bonds were nearly
impossible to trace. All it meant was a visit to the bank in person. She would
simply fly to Switzerland and made the deposit herself! Then rent a nice room
and do some shushing in the Alps. She didn't own skis, nor have any good ski
clothes, but this simply wasn't a problem anymore. After all, she was rich;
very rich. There was only one more bump in the road.
blackmailer had not wanted her followed, or traced, so he had rented a car for
her and left it at the airport, the key under the mat. It was when she had read
this that she began to breath again, to think again. She was more that willing
to commit murder. Murder to protect herself. Murder to conceal her crime.
Murder to preserve the lifestyle to which she was about to become accustomed
to. Buy how? The last thing she needed was the attention of police. The
embezzlement would remain undetected; must remain undetected. No one else was
involved was in a position to report it. Other crimes and misdemeanors could
only complicate things. But now she had everything well in hand. She had the
bonds, thanks to him. She had a car that could not be traced to her, thanks to
him. She also had a gun. But she wouldn?t use it; not if she could avoid it.
Too easily traced. She had another weapon, a better weapon. One that offered
the promise more personal satisfaction to the user.
What she
had in mind would leave a lot of evidence behind, a real mess for somebody. But
none of it could lead to her. Her blackmailer had been careless, or more likely
simply arrogant. She had setup another dummy account and then watched while he
pawed through it. His system-id was the only one to query the records. The
blackmailer was one of the officers on the target firm. He was 48, divorced,
childless, and fancied himself a man about town. All the money he?d gotten from
the agreement thus far had already gone up his nose, and now he wanted more. At
first it made no sense. Why risk it all? More money was coming when the deal
went public. She studied her blackmailer. She learned that he had been stupid,
or careless, likely both. He had led the police to a dug buy. They arrested the
mule, got the drugs and the money. None of this had hit the papers and now it
looked as though the man was going to give evidence. The drug dealer had
threatened to kill him. There were rumors that there was already a contact out
on him. When the police found the body, the motive would seem simple enough.
She was
driving the rental, a dark blue Audi A4. And as rentals go it was a really nice,
with a CD player and tan leather seats. It still smelled new. And it was an
inconspicuous car, and she was dressed to match, wearing a wool blazer,
matching skirt, white blouse, and black pumps with medium heels. She looked
like any professional woman driving a professional woman?s car.
She saw the road sign in the headlights and braking hard, turned right onto a narrow lane-and-a-half rural road. She flipped on the high beams and driving lights, and turned down the radio. Only six or seven kilometers to go. The old road was slow going, pitted and potholed; it twisted up, down, and around hills and made unexpected sharp turns to follow old properly lines. The barn loomed suddenly out of the darkness and she had to brake hard to turn into the drive. But instead of dropping off the bag and driving away as instructed, she just sat there with all six halogen lights blazing down the gravel path. After a moment he came out and approached the car, one hand shielding his eyes and one in his coat pocket. A gun! She had expected as much.
the damn bag and get out of here!? He shouted.
rolled the window down an inch.? ?It?s
not that simple. How do I know you?ll keep your word? Or that you won?t just
kill me here??
He seemed
nervous, edgy. ?Well I guess you just have to trust me" he hissed,
"You don?t have a choice! Now hand over the bonds and go!? he barked.
It?s not quite that simple, you see. I don?t trust you.? So I don?t have the bonds, not here with me.
They're in a safe place, a public place. We?re going and get them. In a public
place. Then you can have both the bonds and the car.?
pondered the turn of events for a moment. ?Fucking Bitch!? he
shouted! ?Move over!?
you don't! I?ll be doing the driving tonight? she shot back! ?You won?t
be as anxious to shoot me while I?m flying down the motorway at 100
The man
glared at her, trying to decide what to do. She leaned over and popped open the
left door. At that, he ran around the car, through the glare of the headlights
and climbed into the passenger?s seat. The lights had blinded him, as she
hoped, and he was quite obviously straining to see around the car.?
this back here!? he snapped, and leaned back to inspect the sports bag.
There was a strange snapping sound. He turned back suddenly and sat down. He
was trying to understand the source of the unspeakable pain. He turned to see
her holding a Tazer. The 50,000 volt charge had paralyzed his upper body,
leaving him in too much pain even to speak. He looked up into her face and she
looked back. He realized suddenly that she was quite attractive. Part of him
found it strange that he would notice this now, but he did. She was petite,
small and trim with small hands. She had jet black hair, cut mid length and styled
to frame very pretty brown face with attractive lips and a cute little nose.
But it was her eyes that drew him in. Her eyes were dark pools. He was looking
directly into those eyes, to the point of feeling self conscious. He wanted to
say something, strike out, and wipe that smug expression off of her face, but
his body wouldn't obey his wishes. He was ringing with pain, and fear about his
heart! But unable to do anything about it except to sit here and look into this
woman's eyes.
see, like I tried to tell you, it?s not quite that simple?. Her voice
sounded confident and with an intriguing accent. She smiled sweetly and leaned
closer as if to whisper something, but instead pushed the Tazer down into his
crotch. Then with an impish grin, she hit him with another jolt. SSSSSNNNNAP!
He cried out and doubled over and rolling his head on the dashboard. She
reached into his jacket and withdrew the revolver. She held it up and
brandished the Tazer.
more toys?? she demanded.
cowered back, leaning on the door. ?No!? he gasped, ?No more, just
... hey you? He
rolled his head to face her again. ?Does it hurt?"
he gasped out, "it hurts".
She gave
him a smile that would make him melt him under other circumstances.
it hurts then, but does it hurt a lot?" she asked, and licked her
you want me to do it again?" ....
please... I won't be any trouble... don't shock me, my heart is weak, I might
give a heart attack."
you frightened? ... Are you frightened of me"?
At this
he looked into her eyes again and it struck him that see appeared to be
aroused. Her pupils looked dilated, even larger than before, bottomless black
pools. The smile was broader and more eager than ever. She licked her lips. He
was very frightened. His gut tightened as now the Tazer had stopped its
camera-flash whine and was recharged.
you want to know what I'm thinking about right now...? I'm thinking about
shocking you again, just to be a bitch, ... see this light? ... its already
recharged and ready to go."
God, no.... please...."
going to be sorry you got in my way...because now I?m going to run you over
like a squirrel.? Are you sorry you got
in my way?" she asked. No answer. "Ready for another jolt, old
no, don't... please don't."
you'd better answer me... are you sorry you got in my way?"
yes, I'm sorry I messed with you. I really am, I really really am."
won, didn't I? I beat you at your own game, didn't I? Say it old man, say I
beat you!"
"you beat me....yes, you beat me... you are better"
right I'm better. You're a pig! You're a fucking pig and you deserve
this!" "Ready for another jolt? Hmm?"? No answer. SNNNAPPPP!. "Wow, that
does look painful...(subdued laugh)? but
that's nothing, just you wait and see what comes next..."
backed the car out of the drive and onto the narrow road. Still in reverse, she
jammed her foot on the brake petal to hold the car, and reaching over the man,
opening the door. She sat up and gave him a shove. ?Like I said,"
she grunted, "I?ll be doing the driving tonight.? The man rolled
out of the car like a sack of potatoes; his head hitting the pavement with a
slap. His just lay there in a twitching gasping heap on the pavement, but with
his feet still stretching up into the car. She eased her foot off the brake and
let the car creep back, watching him paw and struggle futilely while the
passenger door-sill sort of bulldozed him under. The sounds of the motor and
the exhaust sounded strange through the open door.? She maintained pressure on the brake, making
the car creep back in halting steps while the bulk of him twisted and scraped
and reluctantly disappeared beneath the passenger door, the legs and feet
following closely behind.? She pressed
down hard the brake petal, reached over and pulled the door shut, and then
pressed the electric locks. The outside sounds diminished and the click of the
locks made her feel safe. He was locked out. She liked it. Then she did
something impulsive; it came as a surprise to her. She gave the steering wheel
a full turn to the right. Licking her dry lips, she lifted her foot off the
brake and just let the car go on its own. The car rocked as the left front type
ran up and over something, there were distinct movements: up, pause, and then
down with a soft thump. She though it a bit like driving slowly through a bit
pothole. But it wasn't a pothole. Potholes don't cry out when you drive over
them. Earlier she had wondered if she would be able to go through with it. She
was pleased with herself.
backed up more quickly, the gearbox making the classic whirr, she looking
through the windscreen rather than back. The man appeared in the bright lights.
She backed a little further and then braked to a gentle stop. She looked across
the familiar red gauges and down familar sloping bonnet, all the familiar
juxtaposed against the surreal image of a body lying in road in front of her
car. Part of her took note that she should feel concern for someone in such a
position.? She moved the shifter into
drive; the car shuddered. He was on his lying on his side and facing her, still
suffering from the Tazer but now? also
interested in his left leg, which he was probing gently with an outstretched
hand. Soon he was aware that the car had stopped and turned to look in her
direction, squinting into the bright lights and no doubt trying to deny the
terrible things he was thinking. She looked at him through the windscreen and
marveled at how pathetically vulnerable he looked. I?ll bet he is sorry he
got in my way, she though. Too bad for him. Now the fun part. Her
heart was pounding and her groin tingling. She was going to crush him! Wipe him
out! Completely! And without a doubt, he knew it. She took one gloved hand off
of the steering wheel and unbuttoned her blouse. She was no brazier. She ran
her finger around a nipple. The hand went to the radio, put the CD in and
turning up the volume. The Rolling Stones: Shattered. Then the hand raised her
skirt and found the opening in her panty hose. She was a surprised at the
amount of vaginal fluid. She was really wet! She raced the car?s motor for him
to hear, her foot firmly on the brake. The car snarled and twisted one, two,
three times.? Why was this so sexual? She
pondered it once again. Because she was first terrified of him? then hated him?
and now she had defeated him? Perhaps that was why. Was this some primal
hunter?s instinct? Or, a warrior?s perhaps. In any case, it was completely intoxicating.
She covered the accelerator petal with her foot and felt it?s resistance
through her shoe. Then she floored it! The car shot forward, covering the
distance to the man in a only few seconds, the six halogen beams illuminating
his growing form in a white glare. Eyes wide open, he held arm out to fend the
charging beast off. His mouth opened in a scream but Nick Jagger drowned it
out. He disappeared from sight below the line of the bonnet an instant before
she struck him. There was less of a shock than she expected. She was braced
against the wheel, but the car only shuddered and bumped as the front tyres ran
over him. She felt the car rise up and heard a muffled thump. She waited with
anticipation for the back tyres to run over him, but there was a delay. Then,
too late it seemed, the back to the car bounced over him.
stopped and her hand returned to her skirt. She continued to run her gloved
finger in a slow circle around her clitoris while looking in the rearview
mirror. There was a dark shape in the road behind her, illuminated by the red
glow of the brake lights. It was much closer than she?d expected. Then she
understood the delay. She had dragged him under her car for about 20 meters
before he went under the back tyres. Good! Fuck you! Fuck you bastard!
She grinned.
She took
her hand out of her skirt and slipped the gearshift into neutral and then
reverse, the car giving a shudder in response to each. The road behind her lit
up in the white lume of the reversing lights. In the white light she could make
out the colour of his coat and see the gleam of his shoes. The hand went to the
volume control, turned it down, then back to her skirt. She watched for
movement, for signs of breathing, but nothing was visible. She?d been afraid
that the
experience would be too gross, and that she would have trouble with this part;
the critical making sure part. But now she felt quite the opposite. She was
disappointed in him. This was too quick. He deserved more. It's not like she
was going to get out of the car and check, but she hoped he was still alive.
turned in the seat and looked back, as any safe driver would when backing. Her
foot left the brake for the gas and pressed the petal lightly. The car started
back with the gears whirring. Just he disappeared from view behind the boot she
slowed. She let the car creep back until the tyres found him. She pushed her
foot down just a little, the motor revved and the back of the car rose up
gently. She braked to a stop and just sat there, listing to the motor purring.
She felt a distance from him emotionally, no pity, no remorse whatsoever. She
gave herself a string of quiet orgasms with him under the back tyres. She sat
in the afterglow for a moment or two, the decided she was ready to go.
Remembering that he had gotten stuck and dragged before, pressed the gas petal
sharply. The car dropped off him with a bump and whirred back. After some
seconds he had still not appeared. She stopped. Stuck again. She winced at the
image, but still she found it morbidly thrilling. He deserved everything he was
getting. She tromped the gas and the car shot back. After a few meters he came
free and she could feel the car bouncing and shuddering over him. She could
tell when she was going over him, not just under the car, but going under her,
right under the drivers seat. Then the front tyres were spinning. She let off
the gas; the car found traction and climbed over the obstacle, dropping off
with a thump.
stopped quickly, so that the body wouldn?t appear suddenly in the lights. She
was sure it was a terrible sight by now. She crept back until he was just
visible. Without really examining him, she located his head. There was blood
and something else, but she didn?t look. She just mentally marked its location.
Back to work. He must be absolutely dead. No hospital room interrogations could
be permitted. She turned the steering wheel sharply to the left so that she
could smash the head, the tyres making a harsh rasping sound as they twisted in
place. Radio up. Shifting to drive, she idled forward until the right front
tyre found the target and stopped. She pressed slowly down on the petal, the
motor hummed, and the car began ride up on the head, then drop gently as it was
crushed. She drove on ahead, straightening the wheels quickly to stay out of
the ditch. She stopped for a moment, with his lower body and legs sticking out
from under the driver?s door, as if he were repairing something. She lowered
the window, and smiling at the though that his head must be right under her
bottom. Then dropped his gun out. It landed in his crotch with a soft thud. She
touched the gas gently. The rear wheel rolled over him and right over the gun,
pressing the useless weapon, grinding deeply into his own. The back of the
bounced car up beneath her, stayed up for an instant, and then dropped her with
another bounce. She drove on without looking back.
As she
approached the intersection with the first highway she looked at the clock. It
was nearly two am. She searched for American country music on the radio and
accelerated on the good road. It started to rain again. As headed for the
airport she made a mental list of what she would pack and what she would wear
on the plane.
“Curious? Bi?” Well, yes, but only with a shemale. Beyond that I’m a firmly planted heterosexual.For many years I longed to have sex with a shemale but never did anything about it. (I’m not much of an initiator).The community I live in has lots of shemale beauts; maybe that started my interest. One such ravishing creature has a gallery close to my office, and I fantasize every time I see her in the coffee shop. She also has an eye popping diamond on her ring finger.Once in a while I’d visit...
The following story contains characters owned by DC Comics/Warner Bros. It is written as a fanfic parody story not intended to make any use of actual story lines in published books. The story is purely for fun, with no profit to be made by the author. It is free to be archived on any site wishing to do so, provided the author is given proper credit. I would really love to hear any comments you'd like to send me. Thanks, and I hope you enjoy it! This is a story I wrote using a...
Blurring The LInes! My husband and I moved to Montreal from California, and well, it’s been a bit of a shock for both of us, as the weather has gone from delightfully wonderful in November in San Luis Obispo, to horrifyingly cold in Montreal in December! However, we coped with the tough winter and have adapted as best as we can. We’re both pretty open and inviting people so making some new friends has been easy. My husband found plenty of guys who enjoy hockey here. However, his best friend...
Hello my friend my name is Manu. Its my first story. Mei iss site ka bahut hi pasand karta hoo. Kyonki iss site kuch kahani muje bahut acchi lagi. Mei jyada time waste naa karte hue apni kahani par aata hoo. Ye meri pehali or sacchi kahanai hai agar apko pasand aaye toh plz jarroor repaly karna meri mail id hai Jaise mene bataya mera name manu hai or mei Mumbai mei rehta hoo. Meri umar 27 saal hai. Mera village ka name itawa hai jo u.p mei hai. Baat un dino ki jab mei class 8th mei padhta tha....
“So ... I talked to my mother today.” Nikki was leaning in Stone’s bedroom doorway. She bit her lower lip and studied the top of the doorframe while he let her statement settle in his mind. But she didn’t make statements. She dropped soft grenades. He couldn’t say he was getting used to it, but he couldn’t say he disliked it, either. She was wearing a thin, white tank that didn’t reach the bottom of her ribs. It had spaghetti straps and gave her breasts an impudent look, making them seem...
Nearly a week had gone by. Ted had given his two teenage models some time off after the weekend party. Jenny knew he was using the week to get to know Megan, a young girl that he had met through Jenny. The end of the school year was approaching, and with it all sorts of exams and boring tests that Reina and Jenny should be preparing for. So in many ways Jenny should have felt lucky to have some time to devote to school. All she could think about however was this Sarah woman that she had met...
I pushed myself away from my desk in frustrated boredom. I am sick of this job and the people I have to work with. Almost all of them are lazy and work harder to get out of their assigned work than they would if they actually did it. The first fifteen years I had worked here I did my work then went around and took work off other’s desks to help, to be a team player. It got to where they would just drop folders off on my desk even if it were assigned to them. It has gotten to where if I even...
But I wasn't thinking. I was reacting. Dear God, imagine it - after all these years, me, a humble peasant, about to fuck the daughter of the Marquis de Lyons! Raping her! Laying her down, tying her up and poking her holes! What a thought! But why not? Why shouldn't I do it? Shouldn't she pay for the atrocities of her father? Didn't she deserve to be punished? And maybe she'd like it. I took myself aside and calmed myself down. I took deep breaths. I shrugged, and when I came back, I...
It was a beautiful summer morning when I pulled into my sister Susan's driveway. I parked out of the way and went to check out the car my niece Caitlyn had just gotten. For the first time in his life her father had done something for her; he gave her his old car after getting himself a new one. It was a nice Honda Civic with not too many miles on it. There was just one problem with it; Caitlyn could not drive a manual transmission. That's why I'm here. My sister Susan did not have time to teach...
IncestAsha hai aapko meri pichli kahaniyan pasand aai hogi. Ab aage ki kahani. Payal ke jane ke baad main Priya aur Swati ke sath flat mein shift ho gaya. Teeno sath mein rehte aur bharpur chudai karte. Priya mujhe Swati ke sath share karne mein comfortable ho gayi thi aur threesome to har hafte do baar karte the. Meri zindagi ke sabse behtareen din chal rahe the. Is baar hum teeno ko acha bonus mila tha aur hum ghumne ka plan bana rahe the. Swati ko ghumne mein itna interest nahi tha aur woh do...
The Breeding Compound The Negress was at least 7'4" tall with a perfectly proportioned well muscled body. No-one could say she was fat; she could at best be described as statuesque. She had long hair that hung down her back almost to her waist, and her face seemed to have a lovely smile which showed off her lovely white teeth. She was very pleasant, and she took my cock in her big hand, and fondled it gently. "Oh yes boy you will be very popular here with the girls." Her smile becoming...
January 1 to mid-March, 2007 Once the Army pulled out, everything fell onto our shoulders. Not Vanessa's, because her shoulders were already fully loaded, but the rest of us felt the shift of responsibility. We'd known it was coming of course, but when the Army left, EVERYTHING stopped unless we made it move, and that felt quite different. Mom had been frantic for months. Setting up a home at the "stinking rich" end of the market was something Mom had never been exposed to before, so...
I haven’t been on a real vacation in a long time. I went into full super-Dad mode once Claire was born and my wife passed. No time for yourself when you’re a single father with a newborn. I planned on going on a worldwide adventure once Claire started college, but life got in the way.More like, her best friend and I started a relationship and I became too consumed with her phenomenal body to think about leaving. But now I was getting antsy. I love California, but I’ve always been a guy who...
TeenI tried responding to the story called Kelly and Marcus and Becky and I, but I think it was too long to just put in comments. So I have to write this here.I guess I should start by telling all of you that I am the same Becky that Michael has written about. While he was still married to my best friend Kelly, him and I had a baby together. And I never regretted it. Back then, I had sandy blonde hair, blue eyes and I was 5’ 4” and weighed 112 {And Michael, I didn’t weigh 115 either!} Over the...
Friends: Deleted Scenes - Moving DayA gloomy haze hung within the purple walls of Rachel and Monica's apartment. They had lost a rash betting contest to the guys, and now they found themselves forced to pack and move to a smaller, dingier place.Monica was in the living room trying to lift a heavy box, when Rachel walked in from Chandler's new bedroom."Hey, Rach, can you give me a hand with this box?" she asked."No! Put that box down!" Rachel demanded. "We are not going anywhere! This is my...
Bridgette is exactly what you’d picture a hot cougar to be: curvy, confident and craving sex. This brunette gets caught watching IR porn by an IT guy over the phone. She didn’t realize they were able to tap into her computer and see what she saw or able to see her through her computer screen’s video camera. Could she really help herself though? Listening to customer service telling her how she can sync her phone in that velvety-smooth voice was too much. Her hands were running all over her...
xmoviesforyouI had been tutoring a Korean young woman named Jung, on a weekly basis, in order to improve her English. The progress was slow and I had just acquired a new teaching job, which paid very well and required long hours, so one day I unceremoniously e-mailed Jung to tell her that I would not be able to work with her anymore. She meekly called me on a few occasions almost literally begging me to continue working with her and each time I was abrupt in informing her that she needed to find...
Introduction: Kaya gets drug raped after a party… As she slowly regained conciousness, Kaya opened her eyes and tried to figure out what was happening. She didnt see much at first, but as soon as her eyes got used to the shadowy darkness in the room, she noticed five or six guys standing next to her, naked. Unfortunately, that wasnt all. Her senses became a little clearer and suddenly she realized there was a guy sitting close to her, hammering his enormous cock in and out of her shaven pussy....
A note from the author: I wanted to mark the publishing of Wildcats 4: A Rock n Roll Odyssey as a Kindle Book, so I penned this one in its honor. Twins Chapter One Taylor stood in front of the full-length mirror evaluating herself. It was ironic how she used any flat reflective surface just to audit her look. Recently, she'd become much more aware of how her presence affected her world. A smile towards a stranger on the street elicited...
*** An Adult tale of Female Domination There is no coming to consciousness without pain.- Carl Jung The only antidote to mental suffering is physical pain.- Karl Marx *** The Dress. I awoke to the sound of her heels on the stair. It must have been the creak of the door that actually woke me, but it was the click of metal on the terracotta tiles that brought me to. The faint light from the open door surrounded her slender form like a glow to my light-starved eyes. Her face had that enigmatic...
FetishFrom the age of about sixteen, I began to discover how much I enjoyed not having any clothes on, and not just in a sexless, healthy, naturist sort of way, I’m ashamed to admit. It began by just sleeping in the nude. Once I’d shut my door and turned on my bedside light, instead of hopping straight into bed in my pyjamas, I’d pull my pyjama top over my head and kick off my bottoms. Sometimes I’d stand in front of the full-length mirror that hung on the wall and stroke my breasts, wondering if...
This is how I lost my virginity. The names have been changed and I will not reveal ages, let's just say I was young. Tammy lived around the corner from me and I would go over and hang out with her after school and during the summer. We started playing games like rolling a tennis ball to each other. I would try to roll the ball up the legs of her shorts and she would allow me to retrive it. It would work the other way also with her going into my shorts. This eventially got to the level of both...
May 11, 1992, Chicago, Illinois Monday was turning out to be a LONG day. After my run and talk with Gina, and my talk with Elyse, I had a full day at the office scheduled. First was our leadership meeting in the morning, and then I had status meetings with each team. At lunch I’d gone to see Siobhán and explained that I was going to break off the sexual relationship, but that I wanted to remain friends. She was disappointed, but admitted that Thursday would have been the last time, since she...
"You and I have a few things to discuss, but for now I'm tired and need my rest. I'll see you in the morning." He walked to the stairs and paused for a minute. "And Jerry," He waited till Jerry looked his way. "You should have thought about the consequences before you made that mistake." ---------- Jerry was taken to a room on the other end of Kalona's massive dungeon. Unlike Kali's room Jerry had nothing but a bare matress in a rather cramped room. His escort...
As we pull past Susan’s car the tech alongside of me asks “So do those cars get good milage” then to rub it in “Of course I’m mean when not flatten by a boulder!” Oh yeah funny, smirking at him as I think about what he about to find on the beach, the logs and in the water! No sooner are they collect the remains of Hujax than Chief D’lorde makes an appearance. “So Gorwin, take it that failed?” Man what an understatement, I just look at him like he asked a rhetorical question. As he continues...
"Last year, I loved watching you take Tom's cock in your mouth.' my wife, Natalie, said. It was the first and only time I had ever sucked a cock and it turned all of us on, especially since it was a new experience. After an evening of straight sucking, licking, fucking and watching each other, it ended with Natalie holding the back of my head while she watched Tom fuck my mouth. The taste of her pussy juice was fresh on his cock until he orgasmed in my mouth. Both Sonya and Natalie...
Introduction: Jonathons wife ran afoul of Mark Glassner, and hes about to find out just how shes changed. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2014 The Devils Pact Side Story: Jonathons New Wife Note: This takes place during Chapter 10 and Chapter 11. While robbing his first bank, Mark fucked a bank teller named Monica, ordering her to be a good wife, and do whatever nasty, whorish things her husband wants her to. Monday, June 10th, 2013 Jonathon Jephson I hate...
PROLOGUE Somewhere in the empire, Lucia Holconia Polla had a dream. In her dream, she watched her home city of Pompeii crumble delicately into a fine powdery dust. A wind swept around her, a wind that moaned and sounded like both pleasure and pain, and blew the dust away. Lucia felt both happy and sad Pompeii was gone. Happy because she knew it was gone and she could never return. She was free. Sad because it was her home. And she felt homesick watching the dust swirl into the sky. When...
Emma sat at the courtesy bar sipping on a glass of white wine waiting for her date to appear. He was late and was starting to get upset by his tardiness. Emma was always punctual in everything she did from arriving at work, going to a play, or a concert, or a to movie. The one time she was not was about a year ago when some drunk rear ended her as she waited for the light to change. She was willing to give Tim the benefit of the doubt if something like that happened but he hadn't called and...
My name is Emily. I'm 16 and in the 10th grade. I have a mom and an older brother who just turned 17 named Alex. From the time I can first remember, Alex talked of joining the Air Force. He used to dress up in a uniform and pretend to be a soldier. I grew up in a pretty normal household. My dad passed away before I can really remember from bad car accident. Mom always did her best to provide for my brother and I. As we grew up, I just remember having a lot of time with Alex. Mom would often...
There are a couple three four things a parent does not want to hear issue from their teenager's lips..."Mom, I missed my period ... and I seem to have missed one pill," while displaying the pill dispenser with one little pill still in the very center of the month... ..."I don't have anything to wear," when mom knows there isn't room for anything more in said teen's closet... ..."Mom, I can't find your car." ... Mom didn't know it was gone. ..."Mom, this is Jimmy ... he...
AUTHOR’S NOTE – This story is partly fantasy, partly true. For best effect, read parts 1-8 before this part. The main character, Sethy, and the new character Shinny are both based upon real women who are active members of the XHamster community, and much of these characters reflect the real women they represent. The photos included in this story of Sethy and Shinny are of the real women and are here with their permission. This story is the property of the author and cannot be copied or used in...
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Betting SitesI went to a local bar for a drink recently and had an interesting experience. While talking to the bartender I noticed this elderly lady at the end of the bar sipping and watching folks. Thinking nothing of it I continue you talking with the bartender. Soon a lady sat next to her and started talking. I happened to over hear their conversation and it was about ‘who would they do’ ! in the bar. Now the one lady who sat down to talk was older as well but, extremely ‘hot’. She had my vote !! But...
"You’re in 434 B.” The concierge smiled. “Are you part of the group visiting from Boston University?”Jolene smiled but did not speak. Yes, she was from Boston. But would she admit that to the older woman dressed in the hotel uniform? “Thank you, ma’am.” She took the room key without saying another word. It really was none of the woman’s business. She didn’t want to be rude and figured no answer was the best response.“Enjoy your stay at The Getaway Lodge.” The woman handed Jolene the keys, “My...
College Sex"I'm from Central Cable Company," the voice in the intercom said, "you called in and saying you 're having a problem with your reception!!!" "I'll buzz you in," Erin replied, "I'm in apartment 1308, come right on up!!!" "Finally," Erin said to her room mate, Shawna, "you don't realize how much you miss television until you don't have it!!!" Shawna looked up from her magazine and said with a laugh, "You are turning into a couch potato, hon, the only exercise you've been getting lately is from...
LesbianIntroduction: A rookie cop, a horny dog, and a domineering instructor. You do the math. Prologue For as long as I can remember, I have had two passions. Law enforcement and animals. My dream of becoming a cop spawned from my mother. Though she died when I was but a child, my father often spoke of her bravery. She was the kind of cop everyone looked up to. The kind of cop that couldnt be bought, no matter the price. The kind of cop all other cops aspired to become. My love of animals was...
John Allen Lucy Allen Seabolt/ Martin and /Rita Soup of the day 28 On day 28 of my freedom I awoke early for my twenty mile ride into the larger town of Cleveland Mississippi. I filled the small gas tank, on the Honda powered trike before I left. The trip took me about forty five minutes. I didn’t mind the leisurely drive, since I had nothing better to do. I didn’t drive the bike at anywhere near full speed, because I still had concerns that it might flip over. It was a known issue with...
[This story would best fit in a category called Poly family stories. Since Lit doesn’t have such a category I’m posting a warning here. This story is fiction about a magical polyamorus family. Yes, they share sexual experiences together and with others. No, to my knowledge, if a Peterson Family Trucking Company exists, it is not this family. As always, constructive comments are encouraged.] The two phones in our suite rang at seven. Five people woke up and two said, ‘Damn!’ Danni answered...
I still stand between the two pillars, hands in the depressions. I’m hunched slightly forward trying to catch my breath. Each exhale borders on a scream, but I've been ordered to be silent. Tears stream from my eyes, and for the first time since Tahlana has taken control of me, I manage to release a clear thought and emotion through her hold. Anger. I’ve never been hit in the head with a baseball bat, but I imagine it is similar to the feeling of Tahlana clamping down on my mind in...
This part of the story takes place at the weekend, after Sam tried out the loveballs on Mary in his office. Topic is human petplay and don't rip my fur off, because you read it and notice it doesn't suit you. If you already know my stories about Sam and Mary, you can just go on and read this one. When you don't, I suggest to read at least Mary's human kittypet adventures (1), which can be found here: contains maybe some informations,...
It had been a long, dark, and stormy day in central New Jersey. A large hurricane had broken up off the coast of the Carolinas, and its remnants were moving up the eastern seaboard. I had not been anxious to tackle the 14-hour drive home in such a storm. So, I had slept a little later than usual. It was late morning when I finally checked out of my motel room near Patterson, NJ. The desk clerk warned me of the approaching storms. Road conditions were expected to deteriorate and become...
“So where are you headed?”“Wherever.”“Is that a plan or a statement of fact?”“Whatever.”The girl leans back and begins tapping on her mobile, completely absorbed, the way young people do. I say girl; I suppose she’s a young woman, but I estimate her age to early to mid twenties, and at my time of life she counts as a girl. On the other hand, I’m useless at judging ages.Normally I wouldn’t pick up a hitchhiker. Not anymore. At first I wasn’t going to pick this one up either. I don’t know why I...
VoyeurHi indian sex stories dot net doston…Myself aastha,mai 21 saal ki hu.. Its my real story of how I learned about sex.This story is too lengthy.. Yeh kahani tab ki hai jab mai 10 mai padti thi ( but I was 18 years old )..So I will narrate it in parts. Coming to story.. At my home there are 3members ..My mom me n my little sis… My father died in an accident.And I was living at my uncles home mamaji. My mom got married to an uncle whim I don’t like..He used ti drink ,used to come home late,and used...
Alicia Williams is being lectured by her stepmother, Kendra James, while her best friend, Coco Lovelock, is being lectured by her own stepmother, Audrey Madison. As the girls get a good scolding, it’s revealed that they both decided to skip school that day.Both stepmoms are disappointed in the girls, since education is so important. That’s when Kendra decides to punish Alicia by withholding sex from her — she’s not allowed to taste Kendra’s pussy for a whole week!...
xmoviesforyouIntroduction: Well, my son/brother Mark married a lovely plus sized young lady… Well, my Brother/Son, Mark is here with his lovely new wife. She is a little plus sized but very proprotioned and has a lovely hour glass figure. She is about 55 and has red hair and a lovely face that stops a lot of people to look at her aside from her body which is so hot. She is a 42EEE and her nipples are puffies which is unusual for a plus sized girl. My brother/son, Mark, called one day, Hey Sis, can I bring...
Chapter 15: Epilog - Washington The cigarette smoking man smiled as he drove to work at the Pentagon on Monday morning. All in all, it had been a very good week for him. Although he couldn't be there to see the shit hit the fan in person, he had a very good idea of what had happened recently on the Island in the Bahamas. The intelligence satellites and the information systems at the Pentagon could keep track of just about anything on the globe, after all. Not many people on the planet had...
Here’s an important safety tip for all you new Provost Marshals - if at all possible, never arrest somebody in front of armed troops. On the one hand, they might disagree with your decision to haul away their friend or leader. On the other hand, they might be so overjoyed to be rid of the asshole they decide to help you take care of justice! It is better to get the offender away from the group and do it quietly and privately. The major was the provost marshal, and the sergeant and corporal...
Some time shortly after the night with the two girls wearing nothing but oil we were invited over to Sue and Jake's place for a barbecue on a Friday night in a late Indian summer. Melanie donned a pretty summer dress with a button-through front and white, stiletto-heeled, strapped sandals and we went over around seven o'clock. Jake greeted us at the front door and led us through the house to the back yard, apologizing en route for the fact that Sue had been delayed at work but would be joining...
Group SexLen & Father SalernoBy: Londebaaz chohan Leonard walked in the house as suggested by his girlfriend Grace. He was stunned to see a young guy, supposedly her brother was jerking off in the front room and a porno movie was running on the TV. “Wow, I am sorry man. Grace told me the door was unlocked and she said to come in”. He could hardly say.“It is OK man, no harm done”. The guy stood from the sofa holding his big pink cock in his hand. “You came to get her, she is upstairs getting ready”....
"Okay, wow.""That is vigorous."I looked at the nightstand trembling on the floor of our room. "Are they shaking our lamp?""Old buildings, thin walls," Kevin noted. "Quite a reveille for our first morning in this backwoods log cabin.""It's a lodge, Kevin. And it's located approximately ten yards from the exit off a major highway. I confirmed that fact when you three nature lovers conspired to make our couples' vacation an outdoorsy adventure.""What's the difference between a...
Straight SexI looked down at the legal pad on the desk and rolled the pen between my fingers as I tried to organize the words in my mind. It would have been much easier for me if I was at a keyboard in front of a computer. When at the computer my thoughts seemed to flow right to my fingers and the words would quickly appear on the screen. Hit 'print' and it would be done. Neat, single spaced lines of 11 point Times New Roman that would say it all, but to me that would be too impersonal. I needed for this...
Her apartment surprised Shannon. It was small with a tiny kitchenette, livingroom-bedroom combination plus bath, inexpensively furnished but neat, girlish and cozy. He nosed around. Her ancient vanity supported the usual array of perfumes, cold creams, powders, nail-polishes and sundry articles. Her closet contained a sizable display of dresses, skirts, blouses, shoes, wraps and coats; her lingerie, silks, hose and negligees were plentiful and fairly expensive. He found a man's suit, shirts,...
"Hmmm..." I tapped my index finger against my bottom lip thoughtfully, browsing the videos and grateful they were somewhat sorted by subject. "Kylie..." Rodney tugged at the sleeve of my jacket and I knew he was getting impatient. "Hold on, I'm looking." I said without looking at him. "You've been looking." He said, not unhappily, but just ... impatiently. "This one." I said, after holding my two favorite choices side by side and comparing the little pictures and vague...
My wife Amber and I have been happily married for twenty years and have always enjoyed a better than average sex life. At least until the past year. Both of us are sports enthusiasts, we hit the gym regularly where she never ceases to turn heads. With her toned 130 pound, 5’6" frame and luscious 36C tits, she is always a looker. Over the past year I have at times sensed a certain distance in her especially when it comes to our sex life. I didn’t know whether to attribute it to work, hormones,...
Wife LoversIt's been a long night. Joshua's been working at the super chamber computers all night trying to get into a certain section of the super chamber's computers which have been locked out to him. He's found out that it's not just a section of the computers that have been locked out but an entire floor. He has tried even transporting inside, but each attempt either left him a floor above or a floor below that level. "This is insane." Joshua says, leaning back in his chair. "Why did that...
Jealousy and suspicion are terrible diseases and I fervently hope that I am now cured. I know when the cure happened. I can tell you the exact date and even the time of day when I was cured. I remember it vividly. Telling my story makes me uncomfortable because it brings up memories I would rather leave buried. I don’t like to hold up the faults in my character for everyone to see. But I also feel that I have an obligation to relate the happenings of that fateful day in the hope that some...