A Weekend With Bili free porn video

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A Weekend With Bili

Friday Evening:

That she had been attracted to him for many years was no secret. In fact,the only thing that had kept them from getting together was her fear of hiskinks. And, though she found many of his kinks to be arousing, she found manyof them off putting, as well.

The wine and food was excellent this night. They sat across from each otherchatting, reminiscing over the times that they had shared over their long friendship.

As she drained her glass for the second time and then she looked over at him,her eyes serious. ?What's it like?? she asked him.

He cocked an eyebrow. ?What do mean??

She crossed her legs, as she straightened up on the couch. ?Fucking you.?

He grinned at her. He had wondered when her curiosity would finally get thebetter of her. She knew a lot of the things that he liked to do to women. Shehad recoiled, in fact, at some of his deeds. The fact that she asked him whatit was like told him that she wanted to find out, first hand.

?Megan,? he said, ?the only way to know is to give me the keys and sufferthrough a weekend with me. Otherwise, you will never know.?

They sat quietly for the next few minutes. He watched her chew her lower lip,thinking.

?Well, it is up to you. Know this, though. I will not bring any harm to you.Chances are that you will suffer pain. And, once you agree to a weekend withme you won't be able to get out of it, no matter what.? He told her. ?ThatI will show no mercy, you can be sure of.?

She looked at him, her curious excitement growing. She thought for a whileat what he could make her do. She remembered back to their conversations ofhow he had abused the women that he had been with. Sure, the bondage and thespankings appealed to her. However, she wasn't certain that she could handlesome of his more extreme kinks.

?Look, Bili, ? she said, finally, ?You know that I don't do a lot of thingsthat you would want me to do. I don't swallow and I don't take it up the ass.I can't do a lot of the kinky things that you like to do. But, I want a tasteof what you offer. I want a taste of you? she finished.

He grinned at her. He loved watching women try to negotiate. It meant thatthey were already his to do with, as he wanted. ?No deal.? He told her, softly. ?Ifyou wish to bed me down you must do so according to my rules. Otherwise itwon't happen.?

She shivered as the words left his mouth. She amazed herself that a man couldseem so powerful while speaking so softly. She felt her sex stir, flush withblood. Suddenly, she noticed his hands, large and strong. She had not noticedhis hands before. In fact, though she had thought him handsome, she had neverreally looked at his form before. Now, she was suddenly noticing his everyfeature.

For long and long neither of them spoke, finally she moved to where he satand kneeled in front of him. She gazed up at him and nodded in affirmation.He slipped his right hand underneath her chin and held her, staring into herlarge green eyes.

?There will be no chance to get out once we start. There will be no choicesonce we start. There will be nothing but my commands once we start? he toldher. Again, her chin in his hands, her eyes locked to his, she nodded in affirmation.

She stepped across the threshold and into his room. Her eyes wandered about,expecting to see a dungeon atmosphere. She did not. His bedroom, painted white,was large and sparsely furnished.

His bed was huge, and sat in a heavy wooden frame. The tall, heavy, headboardhad three holes set equidistant from each other. The footboard, though notso high as the headboard was heavy and had similar holes to the headboard,just above mattress level. The rest of his furnishings consisted of a smalldresser, an overhead light and a small armoire. She noticed, too, that theclosets doors were fully mirrored.

His hands moved to her hair and pulled her head back. Excited, she did notresist. Then he leaned down and met her lips with his. She felt herself becomewet as the kiss lingered. And then, it was over. She tottered slightly as hishand left the thick of her hair.

She watched him, as he seemed to glide across the room to open the armoire.She saw that it was filled will various accoutrements, though what they wereshe could not tell.

He returned to where she stood and presented her with a wide leather collar.He showed her its design. There were three gleaming rings set in the collar,one in front and one on each side. The back of the collar had a small metalhasp and a small, unlocked, padlock.

?Last chance? he murmured to her, sliding the collar around her neck. And,as he looked into her eyes, she nodded in affirmation. And then, the lock snappedshut.

Almost before she realized what happened she found herself standing nakedin front of him, spellbound. Her wrists now wore locking cuffs, as did herankles. As her senses returned to her she found that she was being guided tothe bed to which she was being bound on her back and spread eagle.

After leaving the room, briefly, he returned with a shaving mug and a straightrazor. She shivered as he applied the warm lather to the space between herlegs. Then, carefully, he began shaving the hair from her sex.

She was terrified. The very sight of the straight razor had left her speechlessand afraid to twitch, even a muscle. Finally, he stood up, finished with histask. Then, he left the room, only to return with a cool wet washcloth, whichhe rubbed across her hairless sex. She found that she was aroused by his care,becoming more so as he began rubbing a warm and soothing salve into her nowbare skin.

As her arousal mounted she became very aware that she was bound ? of how shewas bound. With this realization she became even more aroused. Soon she beganmoaning to his gentle touch, her body moving, almost involuntarily, at hisdelicate and sensuous touch. Just as she began nearing climax he stopped rubbingher to sit, quietly staring into her large eyes.

She flushed with embarrassment. She flexed her arms and legs, trying to pullherself loose, that she might cover her nakedness. And then, she watched, wideeyed as he began undressing and then to climb onto the bed to straddle herbody.

He moved slowly up her body and was soon straddling her face. She stared athis cock, full and thick, but not erect. She saw that it was dripping fluid,expectant of imminent pleasures. She did not move, unsure of what was expectedand frightened at her helplessness.

As he looked down upon her, he grasped his cock and began rubbing it acrossher face, smearing his sticky wetness across her face. She started to turnher head but could not, her head being framed and held tightly by his hairylegs. And so, she laid still, eyes closed, while he rubbed his dripping cockacross her face.

She had only just closed her eyes when she felt his hard cock sliding acrossher lips. Automatically, she opened her mouth to take in his swelling member.Grasping her hair with both hands he began thrusting her head back and forth,fucking her mouth with slow steady strokes. Often, she gagged as his cock reachedthe back of her throat.

Just as she was beginning to feel dizzy he pulled her to him, forcing herto take his cock deeply. His back arched and his grip became tighter. His cock,now pushing at the back of her throat, jerked, Suddenly, he erupted, spewinghis warm seed into her mouth, filling her to overflowing. ?Swallow? was theonly thing that he said. For the first time in her life, she swallowed thewarm and viscous fluid she had avoided even tasting her entire adult life.

As she lay there, following his rough manhandling, she wondered that she couldbe so excited at what she had just done. She had never let a man cum in hermouth let alone swallow his semen. She looked over at Bili, eyes closed ashe relaxed beside her. She wondered, again, why she had not seen the self assuredpower that she now saw in him.

She looked up her arms to her wrists, bound and spread. She looked down toher ankles, lifting her head. Her sex tingled at the sight, and she felt herwetness grow. As he stirred beside her, she a shallow sigh escaped her lips.

Hearing the groan he sat up in bed. She stared at him silently, unsure ofwhat she should do. He reached out to cup her left breast. Then, slowly, hestroked his hand down her body and to her hairless sex. Her back arched andshe moaned as he slid his fingers across her sex and then down her thigh. Fortwo hours he caressed her body slowly, brushing over her sex and breasts, neverentering her as she so wanted.

Eventually, she felt his fingers enter her sex, slowly. He began sliding themin and out with short sensuous strokes. And then they were gone. She moanedand begged him to push his fingers into her again, but he would not. She beggedfor him to climb on top of her and fuck her, but he would not. She cried out,begging him to fulfill her needs. Still, he would not allow her the releaseshe so craved.

He brought his fingers, covered in her juices, to her mouth. She resisted,at first. But soon, she found that she was cleaning his fingers of her ownwetness.

Finally, he slid two fingers into her sex. She moaned at the invasion. Then,as she was enraptured in the invasion of her sex, two more fingers enteredher ass. Again she moaned, confused by the dual invasions, and arched her backlightly. Her mind fought against the pleasure that she felt at the invasionof her ass, denying it as best she could.

Suddenly, she arched her back as her anticipated orgasm neared. And then shewas empty. She cried out in frustration. And then, his fingers were slidingback inside of her, working her holes. And again, as she neared her orgasmhe withdrew his fingers. This time he brought them to her lips. She turnedher head, refusing to take them into her mouth, as he wanted her to.

Suddenly, her ass and sex were filled, again. He slid his fingers in and out,wiggling them slightly as he stroked. She neared orgasm again, only to be deniedand then, again, presented with the fingers that had formerly filled her. Again,she refused to suck them.

And so, the torture continued, until, finally, she took his proffered fingersinto her mouth and sucked them. She ran her tongue along the length of hisfingers. As she sucked them, she marveled at how easily she was coerced intodoing such a disgusting thing. Still she sucked. Suddenly, her mouth was emptyand her ass and sex were full. And then she found herself sucking his fingersagain. Only now, she sucked without question or resistance. She sucked withno thought and no worry, filled with carnal need.

Again, his fingers filled her ass and sex. Again, she arched her back, expectantthat her orgasm would be denied. Then she screamed in painful ecstasy as herass and sex clamped down on the invading fingers. Then, as her orgasm past,she went limp, exhausted. She fell asleep sucking on his fingers.

Saturday Morning around 8 AM:

She woke to find that her arms were now bound together, over her head, andchained to the headboard. Already, he had released her ankles from their spreadposition and was attaching her cuffs together. Once her ankles were securedtogether he lifted her legs and pulled, slightly, while flipping her to herstomach. Then, he attached another chain to the cuffs, between her ankles andlocked it to the footboard.

She tried to adjust herself but found that movement, while possible, was severelylimited as she was pulled tightly between the chains that bound her. Too, shefound that turning her head was a bit of a task, stretched tightly as she was.Still, she managed to lift her head and turn it slightly to see what Bili wasdoing.

Her eyes widened when she saw the phallic gag that he, no doubt, intendedto place into, her mouth. As she started her protest he, calmly, approachedher, and sat on the side of the bed. Then, as she chattered away as to whyshe didn't want to be gagged, he lifted her head up and back by her hair. Then,He used his free hand to position it in front of her face and demanded thatshe open wide. Instantly she clamped her mouth shut.

Very quietly, he let go of her hair and dropped the gag on the bed. Then,leaving his seated position he found his way to the armoire. She tried to seewhat he was getting but could not. When he returned to the bed he started brushingher long auburn hair. She had expected much worse, considering all that sheknew of him. That he would be so gentle and caring, considering her rebellion,was completely unexpected.

As she drifted in his care he began braiding her hair. She thought this astrange and gentle thing for him to do but she did not question it. She, rather,enjoyed it, actually. Unbeknownst to her, however, his braids were entwinedwith a black leather strap, specifically made for such an endeavor, which endedin a heavy stainless steel ring. She drifted into sleep as he finished thelong auburn braid.

She awoke, abruptly, to find her head being pulled back. She tried to turnher head but found that she could not. As she struggled with her new circumstancehe settled himself on the floor beside her.

?Darlin'? he said, ?I have laced a strap into your hair. The strap ends ina ring that has a short chain clipped to it. The other end of that chain isclipped to the cuffs on your ankles. I will not release it until you learnto obey me. We have an agreement and I intend on keeping my end of it, regardlessof your own plans? he finished.

She attempted to reason with him. His only reaction was to hold the gag infront of her mouth. For nearly an hour she endured the torture of having herhair hold her head back. Finally, the pain too great to endure any longer,she opened her mouth. He wasted little time in sliding the phallic gag intoher mouth and strapping it tightly to her head.

She buried her head between her arms when he released her head from its difficultand unpleasant posture. As he disrobed he told her of his intentions.

She struggled in her tight bondage, trying to get free. She screamed frombehind the gag, protesting the coming activity. She flailed her head as bestshe could in hopes of persuading him from his intended assault upon her body.Ignoring her protests he slid his naked body on top of hers, kissing her neck.For so long as he had known her he had wanted to take her this way, bound,trembling and helpless.

He thought back to all of the times when he had admired her overly large andperfectly round bottom. He had fantasized what it would be like to take sucha prize. Often, he had fantasized this very scenario. And now, as he lay ontop of her, his cock grew hard and he began sliding it between the cheeks ofher ass.

As he ground against her, he slid his hands down her body to grasp her hips.He began whispering something in her ear. She listened intently, discerningnothing, as she trembled in anticipation and fear of the coming invasion.

Reaching underneath his body he grasped her ass and spread it apart, allowinghis cock to slide deeper between the crack that hid his objective. Then, ashis hands slid back to her hips he began grinding more vigorously. With everyforward thrust she felt his cock slide across her opening. Too, she felt agrowing wetness that was not hers and she knew that he would violate her soon.

Slowly, she began to relax. And, as she began to relax she came to enjoy thefeeling of his cock, as it slid between the cheeks of her ass and over thehole that would soon be violated.

She came to wondering at her enjoyment of this sensation, which had so recentlyfrightened her. Her thoughts roamed, briefly, to memories of her past boyfriends.Some had tried to take her this way but the pain had been too great. Now, however,she found herself, almost, looking forward to it. Still, a part of her recoiledfrom the thought of what was to come.

Her thoughts were interrupted suddenly, as his cock slid into her ass. Shegroaned in shock, pain and, somehow, pleasure. And then, just as suddenly,she was empty. Several more strokes crossed over her once filled opening andshe found herself waiting, fearfully, for the next intrusion. Again his cockslipped into her ass only to withdraw, yet again. For long and long her repeatedthis action, the pain diminishing with each entry. As his repetitive actionscontinued she began losing her fear.

He slipped into her ass again. She moaned as she had his every entry. Thistime, he did not pull out immediately. Instead, he pushed himself in deeply,filling her as completely as he could manage. His cock felt enormous, buriedso deeply inside of her ass. She wondered at the full sensation and then athow this invasion would affect her once it was over. Again, he began whisperingin her ear, but she was too lost to understand him, overcome by the sensationof her full ass.

He began stroking himself back and forth and then fully in and out of her.The countering sensation of fullness and emptiness stretched her emotions,the differing sensations overcoming her. His long slow strokes turned fastand hard, drawing groans of pain filled pleasure from her.

After only a short time she found that she was rapt with pleasure. And then,she screamed from behind her gag as an overpowering orgasm shook her body.She clamped down on the invading cock, squeezing it, bringing forth a strangelypleasure filled pain. Just as her orgasm left her, another equally intenseorgasm shook her. And as she was feeling the last echoes of her orgasm he growledand thrust deeply into her ass, spewing cum into her bowels and triggeringanother, more intense and pain filled orgasm.

Saturday Morning around 11 AM:

How long they had lain together she did not know. But, as she awoke, she foundthat his flaccid member remained inside of her. She pondered the unusual andpleasant feeling. She squeezed her sphincter once, experimentally. She foundthat the feeling excited her. So, she squeezed again. She noticed a stirringin the cock that filled her so she began to knead it. She became thrilled withthe growing hardness from within her. Soon, he was hard and thrusting intoher, driving himself deeply into her ass. She reveled in his long slow strokesas he impaled her on his cock. It seemed to last forever. And then, all toosoon, he jerked spasmodically and filled her with his hot semen. Instantlyshe climaxed, pain filling her body as his spasms ripped at her ass. And then,as the rapture of orgasm left his body, he rolled off of her, exhausted andpanting.

Saturday around Noon:

Their shower was hot and relaxing. And, as they made their way from the bathroomto the bedroom she wondered when he would replace the cuffs and collar thathe had removed before they showered.

He dressed as she sat on the bed, naked. He noticed her eying the cuffs thathad so recently encircled her extremities. Ignoring her obvious want he turned,calling her to follow him, and left the room.

As he prepared their brunch she sat on a chair in the dining room adjacentto the kitchen in uncomfortable nakedness. A bar separated the kitchen fromthe dining room. He took pleasure on those occasions when he would peak upfrom his cooking to see her rubbing her wrists and neck.

While they ate they talked to her about their recent explorations. Continually,throughout their chat she rubbed her wrists and neck She became uncomfortableas the conversation turned to her violation and how she had enjoyed it. However,despite her discomfort, she became aroused.

After their meal they retired to the comfort of his plush couch. He pointedout to her the constant rubbing of her neck and wrists causing her to blush.

Suddenly, she remembered her nakedness and pulled her knees to her chest andwrapped her arms around them. He reached over and gently pulled her arms fromaround her legs and commanded she put her legs down. Slowly, she complied,even more aware of her naked body.

For the next few hours they relaxed together. And as they watched televisionand talked into the evening he held her naked body against him. And, slowly,she came to forget her nakedness.

Saturday Night around 8PM:

After they ate dinner he locked the cuffs on her ankles and wrists. She shiveredwhen she heard the click of the lock that secured the collar around her neck.

As soon as they retired to the bedroom he undressed and made her kneel infront of him with her hands behind her back. He stood in front of her and madeher take his flaccid member into her mouth and suck. She found that his dictatesmade her wet with anticipation and wonderment at what his plans for her wereto be.

Once his cock hardened he pulled from her mouth and walked to the bed to laydown. Wisely, she did not move from her position. After what seemed an eternity,he told her to come into the bed and straddle his body. She did as commanded,excitement filling her. As she straddled him she felt her sex become even wetterat the feeling of his hardness between her legs.

She began sliding over his hard cock at his command, a thrill running up herspine. He began to thrust upward with his body as her strokes excited him morethan he had already been. And then, he told her, ?Take my cock in your hands,behind you, and slide it in your ass.?

A chill ran through her body as she fearfully moved to obey. She wonderedthat she should be afraid of his cock filling her ass again after she had soenjoyed it. Despite her fear, however, she grasped his cock and, easing uponto her knees, placed his cock at her entrance. Slowly, she eased down, slidinghis cock past her sphincter and into her ass.

She gasped as his hardened member entered her ass. The pain of this entrancewas nearing the unbearable as he had not allowed her any sort of lubrication.Still, she continued sliding herself down over his hard shaft. He directedher to pull the cheeks of her ass apart to make it easier. Soon, she was completelyimpaled on his cock, her ass resting against his body.

She looked down at him, not moving. And then, motioning her with his arms,she began to slowly rock her hips. The pain, at this point, was nearing theunbearable. She was denied, despite her protests, the pleasure of lubricationor a slowing of activity. Knowing that he would have his way, regardless ofher own wants, she continued rocking in pain. After many painful minutes shefound that her rocking was becoming more tolerable, his cock lubricating herhole. When her pain had eased to a more comfortable level she leaned forwardand put her hands on his chest for support while she rocked. Soon, she foundherself lying on his chest with his large hands holding her own behind her.

As he pushed her back to a sitting position she found that he had locked herhands behind her. Excited by this simple and stealthy bondage she began rockingwith more enthusiasm. She found that she could not get his cock deep enoughinside of her so she pushed her ass down harder. So rapt in trying to forcehim deeper, was she, that she barely heard his words when he spoke new instructionsto her. Nevertheless, she found herself obeying his command.

Now, she found that she was sliding from off of his body. The sudden vacancyshe felt when his cock slid from her ass surprised her and she longed to befilled again. As she came to understand what was happening she found that hewas standing before her kneeling form demanding she take him in her mouth.

She turned her head as his cock poked towards her mouth. His hands found herhair and he held her head steady as he jabbed his cock at her face. She continuedto resist telling him that she would no take him in her mouth until he cleanedhimself.

Quietly, and without warning, he grasped her hair and thrust her head downinto the mattress. Suddenly, she found that she was lying flat on the bed,her head through one of the holes of the footboard of his bed. And, as thetopmost part of the footboard came down, entrapping her head, she realizedthat the footboard was some form of stocks.

After he locked the hasp that held the stocks closed he moved beyond her sight.She looked around and called out his name. Her only answer was the sound ofBili opening the armoire and rattling around as he searched for items thatshe could only imagine.

Pain screamed through her body as the taws struck her fleshy ass. She triedto scream but could not, the shear intensity of the pain removing her abilityto do so. She braced herself for another stroke but there was none. And then,she wept at the pain that still quaked through her body.

She found his hand cradling her chin, gently raising her head. Then he kissedher lips in quiet understanding. He smiled and wiped a tear from her cheek,whispering soft, reprimanding words. She nodded at his gentle scolding.

Now, she found that his soft cock was before her. Without comment she tookhim into her mouth, sucking him to his former hardness. Soon after he reachedhardness he withdrew his cock from her mouth. Then, sliding up on the bed hestraddled her ass. She felt his large hands grasp her ass and spread her cheeks.Then he placed his hardened member between the cheeks of her ass and impaledher. Forcefully, he rammed himself past her sphincter and deep inside of herbody.

Her screams of pain excited him and he drove into her with renewed lust. Herhands, cuffed behind her, balled into tight fists as intense pain ripped throughher. Still he drove into her without mercy.


She lay in his arms, hands still bound behind her. His slow breathing soothedher. Her thoughts drifted to the terrible way that he had just taken her. Shewondered that suffering such pain could bring her such an intense orgasm. Shewondered, too, that she could cum so intensely, being in so much pain. As shecontinued to ruminate over the night's occurrences she began to wonder whatshe was becoming and who she was.

Later, he took her again. This time, she did not protest when he pulled hiscock from her ass and brought it to her mouth. This time, she took him intoher mouth and sucked with ravenous lust. And, after he filled her ass withhis hot seed, she took him into her mouth again, cleaning their musky scentsfrom his softening member.

Sunday Morning around 9AM:

She woke in his arms, finding that they had not moved all night. She raisedher head to look up at him. He was already awake. He smiled at her as he brushedher hair from her face. Then they began a long discussion over the previousnights activities that made her blush with embarrassment and shame continually.

After they had conversed for some time he rolled her to her belly. He ranhis hand across the welt on her ass, causing her to flinch slightly. Still,he ran his fingers along the reddened welt. Her hands clenched tightly as shetried to hold still, knowing that he expected her not to resist. He smiled,enjoying that she was suffering for him.

Soon, he was massaging her sex from between her slightly spread legs. Shebecame wet very quickly and was soon pushing herself at his hand, trying toget him to enter her. When she began to moan he stopped. Then, he left thebed, bidding she follow him.

She found herself standing at the foot of his bed facing it. Then, he unlockedthe hasp that held the stocks closed and raised it, telling her to bend overand place her head in the center hole. After locking the hasp closed he boundher ankles to the bottom of the bed.

He stood back and admired her as she stood, bent over, head locked into thefootboard. His design kept her legs slightly spread and unable to bend as herknees were nearly against the footboard.

After admiring her form, bound as it was, he moved to the armoire where heretrieved a fiberglass rod. Her eyes grew wide as she saw the rod and she beganbegging him not to use it on her.

He said nothing to her. Instead, he quietly strode behind her and began strokingher bottom with his hands. A cold chill flew up her body and she found thatshe was charged with desire at his touch. She grew confused by her mixtureof fear and carnal need. Soon, she knew, she would feel the sting of the rods,yet she could not deny the need that she now felt.

His hands roamed to her sex and began rubbing her, gently. She found herselfmoaning and wishing that she could push against him. Soon, she climaxed, moaning.Instantly, her moans turned to screams as he brought the fiberglass rod acrossher ass.

For the next several hours she suffered through painful orgasm after painfulorgasm. For with every orgasm he brought the fiberglass rod across her ass.When he, finally, ended her torture she was an exhausted mess of sweat andpain. Upon her release from her bondage she collapsed to the floor, unableto stand.

Sunday around 1PM:

She lay in the bathtub, cool water covering her body. From time to time tearswelled up and she found herself crying. Since she had been released from herbondage she had cried often. Why she cried she was not certain and she foundherself pondering her tears.

After her bath she came into the living room where he was relaxing on thecouch. She climbed into his lap and snuggled into his arms. She felt a thrillwhen he slipped the cuffs and collar back onto her body. Soon, she fell intoa dream filled sleep.

Her dream took her to strange and unusual places. She was bound to a statueof a man lying on his back; his granite cock filled her sex. Bili was fuckingher ass in brutal fashion and she was screaming. Then, she was spread eagle,bound to the hood of a car, her head hanging off of the hood above the bumperwhile he fucked her mouth. Now she was in the stocks that were Bili's footboardbeing beaten while he fucked her ass.

Sunday Around 4 PM:

She awoke to find him carrying her into his bedroom where he bound her inthe stocks, as he had before. Again, he rubbed her sex while wielding the fiberglassrod, torturing her orgasms with painful strokes that made her scream.

Finally, after two hours of tortured screaming, he was satisfied with hersuffering through painful orgasms and he found pleasure, for himself, in thedepths of her ass. Dutifully, upon her release from the stocks, she cleanedhis cock of their musky fluids.

Sunday, around 7PM:

The cuffs no longer around her extremities and the collar no longer aroundher neck, she prepared to leave. She found it odd to be free of her bonds.Stranger still was the fact that she was wearing clothes. Amazingly, she hadthought, she had grown accustomed to wearing only the collar and cuffs.

They embraced before she stepped from his home. Then she walked to her car,which was parked in front of his home, rubbing her wrists as she went. Whenshe got into her car, she found that her hair was still braided with the leatherstrap. She tugged it slightly, enjoying the sensation. Then she looked backto his house, longingly, wondering what another weekend with Bili would belike.

Bili watched her as she departed, grinning. He had missed nothing and knewthat she would be back soon, asking for more. He determined to make her nextweekends stay even more memorable and more painful.

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LUNCH It started out simply enough; and as these things do, it went awry. Or was it perfectly? I guess that depends on your point of view. But let me digress to the beginning... Corinne and I went to a well-known pizza joint to have lunch with the kids, Dominique and her kids, Holly and her kids, on a bright wintry Sunday afternoon. Corinne was telling Dominique and Holly about a house we sometimes borrow buried in the deep woods in a very scenic part of the state. The next thing I...

1 year ago
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Weekend Woman Prelude

Author's note: As with all my stories this one contains scenes of an explicit sexual nature, deals with transvestism and has a strong homosexual theme. So if you are too young, not allowed or offended by such matter, then please leave. You have been warned. B.G. Weekend Woman ? by: Belle Gordon Prologue My name is Doctor Victor Burnley, MD. I am a well-respected member of the community, serving on school and hospital management boards; I am chairman of several charities...

2 years ago
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Weekend Fantasy

Weekend Fantasy By Morpheus It was Friday afternoon and I had just gotten out of school, so I hurried home as fast as I could, filled with a strange mixture of nervousness and excitement. If I stopped to think about it I probably would have concluded that the excitement dominated. After all, this was the opportunity of a lifetime. My parents were going to be out of town for the weekend, thanks to my dad's high school reunion, leaving me home alone. They'd left for the airport...

4 years ago
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Weekend for Four ndash Sensual Saturday

This morning, the room was bright enough that I could tell for sure it was Rita cuddled up against me, her glorious mane of red hair spilling across my chest, one well-toned arm flung across me, hugging me. The room was heavy with the musky scent of lovemaking, and dapples of sunlight played on her bare skin. We had made love twice after going to bed upstairs, the second time when she heard my wife and Bill busy in my bedroom downstairs. This was two mornings in a row I’d awakened to the sound...

2 years ago
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Weekend Woman The Sequel

Author's note: This story deals with transvestism and gay love. Please do not read it if you are under eighteen, if it's against the law in your country to read such stuff, or you are offended by such themes. I should also warn you that one of the story lines features a man of the cloth so if this offends your religious sensibilities; read no further. Whilst this is a stand-alone tale a better understanding of preceding events will be gained if you first read "Weekend Woman --...

2 years ago
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Weekend i will never forgetpart 2

Weekend i will never forget(Part 2)I went back to the guest room and pulled the sheets back to turn in for the night. Mistress Cindy had put hot pink sheets on the bed. I suppose that is because I am not man enough to sleep in a bed with any color other than pink sheets. As I laid down and pulled the sheets and comforter up over me, my head was swimming with the events of the day. My initial thoughts were about how sore my legs were from the heels and how sore my back was from carrying...

3 years ago
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Weekend Sissy Little Girl Part 2

Weekend Sissy Little Girl Part Two By Susieq This is the follow on from Weekend Sissy Little Girl in which Martin (Susie) goes to the wedding as a flower girl. It is highly recommended that you read part one first to get the characters into perspective. On the Monday morning, I reverted to being Martin, and after showering and dressing in a smart business suit I went downstairs where Sarah was happily humming to herself as she made toast and boiled eggs for my breakfast. As I went...

2 years ago
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Weekend Jobs

Weekend Jobs Belladonna "Can't I wear something a little more contemporary?" Bruce asked his wife while he unrolled a nude, sheer nylon stocking up his right leg. "Why? You're going to look so darling!" "I'm going to look like June Cleaver," Bruce retorted, feeling foolish despite his increasing arousal from the silky garment that was clinging to the waxed, smooth skin of his leg. "Oh, they all know what you are. Don't worry about it." "That's true enough, but they could...

4 years ago
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The Concept of Total Rehabilitation

The Concept of Total Rehabilitation By O. Henry James Paulie, that's his real name, I first hear of him he's in the Youth Authority up to Dover. It's juvie but it's tough; there are some real hard cases, great big, tough, mean mothers that'll kill you as soon as look at you. Juvie can be as tough as any joint. Judges remember that when they want to and forget it when they want to, so there are always some soft little guys up there, like Paulie, he was, what, maybe fourteen at...

3 years ago
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"Mr Josh Meadows, you have been tried by a jury of your peers and deemed to be guilty of the charges brought against you - namely, 3 counts of racially aggravated grievous bodily harm, 6 counts of racially aggravated actual bodily harm, 2 counts of racially aggravated damage, 17 counts of racially aggravated provocation of violence and intentional distress and 32 separate counts of racially aggravated harassment and/or stalking involving fear of violence of serious alarm or...

1 year ago
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Weekend at Sleepy Creek

Cabin One Michael had not been to Sleepy Creek Cabins since his honeymoon five years earlier. Sleepy Creek, a bed and breakfast that featured four cabins tucked into the Virginia mountains provided the perfect level of comfort and isolation for a week of pure enjoyment for Michael and his new bride. They had stayed in Cabin One, which featured a full kitchen, covered back porch, king bed and full size Jacuzzi that had a view of the entire grounds. From the back porch, and the Jacuzzi, Michael...

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Weekend i will never forgetPart 1

I hadn’t seen Cindy for nearly 2 years, other than a quick lunch as She passed through town last year. We text or IM almost every day and talk on the phone every few weeks. We had been coworkers for many years and remained very good friends to this day. I would say that She is my best friend as I have been able to confide in Her about things I have never told anyone. In addition to being a very trusted and loyal friend, Cindy is beautiful and very desirable. I still can’t figure out why...

3 years ago
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Weekend Hooker for My Husband

Hubby would normally arrive home from the around 6.00pm. Why was his key turning the front door lock at 11.30am on a Thursday? Closing the door behind him, I could hear his footsteps all the way till he reached the kitchen. I was sitting at the breakfast bar, holding a half drank cup of coffee wearing only a silk robe. "Glad I caught you!" he started. Sitting on the stool opposite he continued."We'll need to go round to your flat to pack a bag full of toys and outfits!" "Why do we need to do...

2 years ago
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Weekend Transformation

Weekend Transformation written by Pet (Shadow13) dedicated to my Mistress        I drove into the parking lot of the hotel, pulled into a space located in a corner knowing it wouldn't be used for the rest of the weekend and shut the engine off. I sat in the driver's seat for a couple of minutes to finish off the last few drags of my cigarette knowing that for the next 36 to 48 hours mouth would be so busy, I probably wouldn't have much time, if any, to have another another one. After I put it...

3 years ago
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I bounced the tennis ball lightly off the dirty storefront window. Only 7:52, I thought to myself as I caught the ball coming back towards me. Still over an hour before we shut this shithole place down. Who shops for dog toys and fish food on Friday night anyway? I was getting anxious about going out already but I still had to run home and change out of this stupid uniform before I met Leslie at her house. I had been to the house this party was at once before with her but she had...

2 years ago
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Its July Scotland is in the middle of a heat wave first time in years. We haven't seen one another for a couple of weeks as we both have been very busy but still call one another most nights its friday and you call me in the middle of the afternoon saying that you fancy going away for the weekend and would I be interested, Of course I don't need an excuse to go away on the bike with you. So the agreement is I come down on Saturday for around about 10 am and we could just take off down towards...

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36Weekend away 1

36Weekend away 1 Friday, work had dragged, hubby had helped her get ready to go out and having rushed around here she was the sun going down, the hot dusty streets still basking in the warmth of the summer day rushing to be at the location where she had been told to meet him.She believed her date would not wait, so her heels clip clopped along the paving at a fair trot, his car stood at the kerbside, the door just open as she by now panting arrived beside the sleek 4x4. She leapt in throwing...

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Translatet With GoolgeIt was Friday at had passed 1400 and looked forward to a pleasant evening with Randi. When the bell rang the doorbell. It was the record that came with the package. Waited no packages, but the visitors leveled and took the package into. I opened the box and there lay a patch. Walk in shower and wash well. There are several bags in the package, do not pack the up until you have been notified. Randi. I went in the shower, washed and shaved. Took me morning coat and went into...

2 years ago
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Weekend Away with Brothers Girls Little Sister 2

My phone starts to go off, a text message. I was expecting a girl I was talking to who worked in the building I work in to call back. We had a delightful lunch the other day, exchanged numbers, so naturally, I thought it would be her. Looking at the sender “Dani” it said. “Hi Mike! You busy?”. It read. “Hi Dani. What’s up?” I replied. “I applied to UM and wanted to see if I can take you up on that offer to show me around the town and campus.” “Sure, when you want to come down.”...

4 years ago
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Weekend at the Lake

This is a longer story than those I’ve written lately. It is not a love story, not an incest story, and not a gay story. Is it a story with a grain of truth in it? That is your call. For me, it is just a fantasy. Weekend at the lake I began loading the car with weekend essentials for a planned escape to the lake. I enjoy a trip there every three or four weekends just to unwind and be foolish for a couple days. My career is in college classrooms teaching college freshmen students their core...

3 years ago
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Weekend Sissy Little Girl

Weekend Sissy Little Girl by SusieQ I looked at my reflection in the hallway mirror. My make up was immaculate, the pink glossy lipstick matched the subtle eyeshadow and the delicate rose blusher, a shade or two darker, flushed my cheeks, highlighting my ultra girly look. Of course the short blond bob wig with its floppy fringe and a white ribbon tied into a bow on top of my head helped. The short pale blue cotton dress I was wearing had a white Peter Pan collar and a fitted bodice...

3 years ago
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Weekend Fun With Neighbor MILF

Hi, indian sex stories dot net Friends, I am back with another story of mine. A small background about me, this is Raj 33 from Bangalore 5’11”. You can reach me and share your feedback at This incident happened very recently. I am a normal looking Tamil guy working in Bangalore. I stay in one of the premium apartment in South Bangalore and I stay with few of my friends. This story is about my encounter with the neighbor lady Padma. She must be into her late 30s or early 40s, as like most of...

1 year ago
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Weekend Daughter

Weekend Daughter By Pamela ([email protected]) My mother, may she rest in peace, was a very beautiful woman. She had done some modeling and been in some theater productions and even a couple of movies, but then she decided she wanted a quieter life. She met and married my dad and had me, Greg, a son. Unfortunately, my dad was a philanderer and when I was about 5 he left to never be heard from again. Though, many years later, I did receive a small inheritance from him after he...

2 years ago
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Weekend For Four Sinfully Sunday

I sleep on my side, not so well on my back, so it was natural that I was turned towards Rita or Claire the entire night. Rita had climbed into bed on my left, my wife Claire on my right, and they had stayed there all evening, sexy naked bookends for me. There was plenty of room for us, and I woke several times during the night to one or the other snuggling up against me, bare breasts and naked thighs pressed up against my body. Sometimes it was both of them, and I traded kisses with the one I...

2 years ago
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Weekend of Lesbian Discovery with my Aunt

"Danni, can you get tomorrow off if I write a note for you to take to the school?" Mum asked. "Aunt Jenny has just rung to say the friend staying with her at her Lake District hotel has had to go home, so she wondered if you would like to take her place for Friday and Saturday nights. I can take you over to the hotel, then she will bring you back on Sunday afternoon. I'll meet you after school if you like, and we can look for some nice clothes for you to wear - it sounds a really...

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Weekend with my niece

Naturally their oldest daughter thought she should have been able to stay at the house by herself, but her parents told her they wanted her to help watch her siblings so it wouldn't be so hard on her grandparents. Just like my my siblings and I, there was an age gap between my oldest niece and her youngest brother, as he was an unplanned souvenir after a family friend's wedding a few years back. The next part is the same worn out story about an uncle not having much contact with his niece...

2 years ago
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Weekend 1

I read on my Graduation Card. I looked up and seen her eyes smileing at me it was kind of special to me. Ali was a very toned and shapely young ladie. She was as old as me but one year behind in school due to late birthday. she and i planed to go to community college and all of our friends were going north for school. It was rather disapoiting all my best buds gone for the school year but hopefully i will transfer there after 2 years but we will see? It was that time when everyone was...

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Weekend Story

Weekend Story - Part One Thursday night found us packing the cases ready for a very naughty weekend. It seemed to have taken forever to get here. We were now middle aged, without family responsibilities, free to do what we wanted and to please ourselves. Both still fit, good looking, me slim and blonde, Rob tall and dark and both with a hunger for plenty of good adventurous sex. Rob came into the bedroom and looked at the piles of my sexy clothes next to the suitcase. "We're only taking one...

Wife Lovers
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Weekend of Surprises

I listened half-attentively as Sarah answered the ringing phone, Weekend of Surprises, Part 1 ? Bob Aganoush Note:? If you?re looking for wall-to-wall sex, this story isn?t for you.? There?s quite a bit of sex, but also at least a modicum of plot and character development.? So you need to have some patience to enjoy this story. ?Wow, how are you?? I haven?t talked to you in what, about three years?? Where?? When?? Absolutely, we?re not doing anything, we?d love to see you!? Okay, give...

2 years ago
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Weekend Plans

"Thank you for meeting me, Bryce." "What do you want, Patrice?" He was always sharp with me. Always mean and nasty. It was because I was ugly, I know. My hair was short and wiry and steel gray since I was 23. I had no figure. I was tall but pear-shaped. My butt was too wide, my chest too flat. My teeth were my only good point — white, straight, perfect thanks to years of braces. But my nose was crooked and my eyes were set too close together and noticeably uneven. Still, I was...

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Weekend with Wife a Neighbor

Hi ISS Friends ..This is Jai, M 28 from Mumbai with my real life story. Am married for 2 years and have a good gym toned body with 5’11” height and an athletic built and fair complexion. My wife Reema is 26 and a beautiful lady with perfect curves at the right places, she is 5’6″ tall with 36C-30-36 body, we both are punjabis settled in Mumbai. The event that am sharing with you happened 2 months back on a weekend on a Friday evening after returning from office at just after 7 pm. I was...

1 year ago
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Weekend in London

It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let’ s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...

1 year ago
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Weekend Getaway

A WEEKEND GETAWAY Caroline Kingsley It was anything but another dull, boring, routine Tuesday at work. The phones were ringing off the hook but that was to be expected in a company of this size. I was usually in charge of filing, routing phone calls, general correspondence and mail. However this week I was working as a personal assistant to Robert, the head CEO of the company. His regular assistant was off for the week and somehow I was lucky enough to be asked to fill in. Well I’m not sure if...

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Weekend To Remember

WEEKEND TO REMEMBER Holly When I arrived home, the first thing that came to mind was how quiet it was. There were no sounds of playing kids, a rarity in our house. As I put away my briefcase and changed my cloths, my wife entered. I asked her where the kids were and she indicated that they were staying with friends so that we could have an 'adult' weekend. It had been a long time and I nearly came then and there. She handed me a drink and the strong liquor scent made me aware...

1 year ago
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Weekend in London

It is coming up to Easter weekend and I suggest a weekend in London . “Let' s see what sexy fun we can have” I say. I book a hotel in central London for the Friday and Saturday. You pack your suitcases for the weekend but I am waiting for a chance to do a little unpacking. While you have a bath I open your suitcases and remove all your underwear, pants and long dresses. I only leave you with 3 miniskirts, 1 see through blouse, 2 low cut tops and a few pairs of stockings and suspenders. I...

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Weekend Getaway

A WEEKEND GETAWAY Caroline Kingsley It was anything but another dull, boring, routine Tuesday at work. The phones were ringing off the hook but that was to be expected in a company of this size. I was usually in charge of filing, routing phone calls, general correspondence and mail. However this week I was working as a personal assistant to Robert, the head CEO of the company. His regular assistant was off for the week and somehow I was lucky enough to be asked to fill in. Well I’m not sure if...

2 years ago
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Weekend At The Cabin

Weekend At The Cabin I could not get the thought out of my mind that she was theone to put this into motion. I always tried to keep the relationship a friendlyprofessional one between the two of us. Jodi, a 26 year old very nicely built blonde, has worked for me as my administrativeassistant for the past 5 years. She has been an asset to me at this large firm.She is very good keeping things in order for me. All I have to do is pass hera note and forget about that task, knowing that Jodi will...

4 years ago
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Weekend at GrandmasChapter 6

On Monday I was faced with the age old dilemma: what to wear. I no longer felt like wearing the usual jeans and a top. I wanted to dress up a little, though not too much. Denim mini? Maybe. Or I could wear nicer slacks; no, too dressy. And then, in the back of my closet, I saw it. A full skirt, just more than knee-length, certainly modest, certainly flirty in an itty-bitty way, and it probably still fit. There's something light and airy about wearing a full skirt. Pencil skirts and most...

3 years ago
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Weekend with a friend

(This happened last weekend, never thought of sharing it)It was going to be one of those weekends again. My mom would go out of town while leaving me with a friend of hers. I am 18 years old and don’t need a sitter but mother insists. But what I didn’t know that this weekend was going to be the best ever.So my mom’s friend, Ms. Bertha, she isn’t ugly nor is she is pretty. She’s practically average. So I arrive at her house on Friday after school only to find out that she also had to go on a...

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Reese Witherspoon dommed

any of the actresses mentioned below. This story is written down for enjoyment purposes only. Reese witherspoon woke up with a headache. She didn't know where she was. All she could feel that she was blindfolded. Not only that, she was tied to the bed with duct tape, unable to move her hands and legs. She also noticed that she was nude. A duct tape covered her mouth so that she shouldn't shout. All she remembered was going to a producer's home for some script reading of a film they were...

1 year ago
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Weekend Trip with My Neighbor part 1

After the first time Mark and I had stroked cocks together we were hooked. Whenever one of us had the house to ourselves, which unfortunately wasn’t as often as we would have liked, we’d text the other and if at all possible we’d get together for another hot session of watching some of our favorite porn and have some quality male bonding time. We didn’t always finish each other off like that first encounter, but it was more likely than not to happen. In fact, we didn’t always climax, often...

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Weekend Trip With My Neighbor part 4 conclusion

Once we’d arrived back at the lake house, I told Mark that I would take the supplies up to the house, while me cleaned up himself, the boat and secured everything. By the time I had put everything away, grabbed a couple of beers and made my way back down to the boat house he was just finishing up, and drying himself off after rinsing my piss off with a hose. I handed him a beer and we sat silently for a while enjoying the calmness of the lake. “Sir?” he asked, breaking the silence, “what was...

2 years ago
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Weekend With Her Son

Since their night of sex after Dorothy's funeral, Mark Templeton had been in frequent touch with Sarah, the mother that he had hardly seen in twenty years. As far as they were both concerned, although they both obviously knew that it was, it was not a mother/son thing. It was a mature woman and a thirty-year-old man that fancied each other and they had had sex and very much intended to have sex again.The telephone contact usually turned racy and Mark had said that he had not paid too much...

3 years ago
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Weekend With My Girlfriend And Friend 8211 Part I

Hey gang bangers and this 1st story that I am sharing in public and yes, it’s all true and hot. I am Ashwin and I’m doing my final year B tech in a college in Chennai. My girl friend’s name is Swathi and she is doing her MBBS in Pondicherry. We have been together for 4 years now. Let me tell you guys about her and trust me she kind a girl how will give you an erection the minute you see her. She is 19 years old, is about 5 feet 3 inch, a medium fair complexion and has amazing 36 28 34 body...

3 years ago
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Weekend With Trainer

Hi indian sex stories dot net readers This is sid again with a story with my trainer annie which happened at my weekend home near pune when we had gone there for a weekend. Annie had to attend a workshop in pune on friday and had told me that she had told at her home that she would be staying back with her friends over the weekend but said would spend the weekend with me to have some more fun. I said fine and she said she would meet me saturday morning at my weekend home directly and will come...

1 year ago
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Weekend for Four Threesome Thursday

My wife Claire had a very active sex life in college. Of course, it was pretty active afterwards, but only with me, so far as I knew. Friends of hers still corresponded with her, which is to say sent (and received) sexts, pictures, and some live feeds. Sometimes I caught her online, naked or nearly so, with hands on her body, stroking her pussy, and watching someone else, not always male, doing the same for her pleasure. “Caught” isn’t quite right; I knew she could have done this while I was at...

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Weekend with cousin Kara

Last summer, both my parents and my cousin Kara's parents decided to go on a camping trip for the weekend. Since my aunt and uncle did not trust Kara to stay on her own, they asked me to watch over her for the weekend. For my troubles they gave me $100 for the weekend. Kara and I got along very well. Since I was older than her by 3 years she has always looked up to me. Ever since we were younger she was always like a lost puppy following me where ever I went. Although she is a little bit older...

1 year ago
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Weekend Surprise Part One

The long day was finally over and it was Friday. The entireweek was a tough one and I was glad that I could finally just relax at home and do nothing. That is, if my children didn’t demand too much of my attention. My kids were fifteen and eleven years old and usually a real joy to be around. Today, though, I just wanted to veg. “Bye, Frank.” Wearily I waved to the night security guard as I walked through the lobby area. “’Night, Natalie. Any exciting plans for this weekend?” “Yes. Nothing,”...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Weekend In The Country

Copyright© "You will be away at the weekend, won't you?" there was silence, "Stanley I'm talking to you." she aimed the question at the plume of cigar smoke rising from behind the newspaper. At the other side of the Victorian drawing room a voice answered, "I will be seeing Lord Sandale on Thursday before we travel to his estate for formal discussions about the India fleet, why?" She busied herself with her embroidery, "Well Jane is staying at the school over this weekend, some...

1 year ago
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Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls and 12 Prep School Boys

Weekend With 12 Prep School Girls and 12 Prep School Boys By JenniferThe first Monday in August, Miss Greeley, from the Lake Forest Preparatory Academy called me to confirm that her girls were expected at Camp Shady Oaks the following Friday. She wanted to be sure that her girls got a complete fishing experience. I explained that August was not the best month for fishing, and that we would have to start quite early in the morning for the best results. We settled on leaving at 6"00 AM, and Sally...

3 years ago
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Weekend Away with the Girls

Every year since graduating from university my group of girlfriends and I have always tried to catch up to spend a weekend away somewhere together usually consisting of drinking lots of wine, pampering ourselves and reminiscing about the good old days spent as students. Having been unable to catch up last year we were more determined than ever to meet up this time and a hotel was booked in the quaint city of York perfect for satisfying our shopping, drinking and gossip needs. It was a beautiful...

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Weekend Trip With Son And His Friend

Hello, after a long break I am writing a But it’s not mine, this story is about a lady I met. This is about Brinda, a lady in her middle age with a beautiful, friendly family. They are a family of three with a son and husband. This is from one of their excerpts. It’s written from Brinda’s point of view. Let me know how it is. We planned to stay at this resort nearby. I have been looking at this for a long time. Now my son is leaving the house and going for a master’s in the US. I was proud of...

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