Sheik Omar Ch 02
- 4 years ago
- 35
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Chapter 13 – Cheerleader Cheryl Puts Out
Two months later, Cheryl was two months pregnant. The once proud co-ed vomitedfrom the deepest pit of her cramped up stomach. The pretty cheerleader wascertain that it was the wart-faced rapist's child. Her tiny perfect toes curledas she knelt over the basin and spewed long and hard into it. A slave in highheels and stockings wiped the puke dribble from Cheryl's chin and then carriedaway the basin of vomit to be used as a delightful sauce to help flavour Brandi'sbreakfast of toasted bird turd.
Wartface was waiting for her. The ugliest of the rapists fucked Cheryl atevery opportunity. He was totally disgusting, lacking any concept of bodilyhygiene. His blubbery body was filthy. He stank. His breath reeked. Worst ofall, he claimed to have religious objections to abortions. She had tried topersuade him but there was no obscene act she could offer him. At first, hehad been encouraging and listened to her in total enchantment as lovely Cherylstupidly offered a veritable cornucopia of utter depravity in return for anabortion and access to contraceptives. After that, he simply forced her toperform those depravities that had sounded either interesting to him or totallyrevolting for her. Cheryl's lovely face twitched at the memory. That particularattempt at negotiation had added a lot to her heavy load of disgust and self-loathing.
At the moment Wartface was probing his nostril with a stubby finger, diggingdeep. He gave her a gap-toothed grin with his large yellow teeth as he pulledout a big, green, crusted nose goblin.
"I haff luffly present for you, fuckmeat."
This delight had been one of her particularly nauseating suggestions aspart of the afore-mentioned disastrous negotiation. Kicking herself mentallyfor even thinking of it, much less suggesting it, Cherylfelt even sicker than before as he reached between her legs, hooked two filthyfingers into her cunt and pulled her up close. She flinched involuntarily ashe breathed his foul stench into her pretty face.
"Open wide."
There was no choice. Cheryl opened.
He stuffed his snot-laden finger between her parted lips.
Cheryl sucked the booger from his vile tasting fingertip.
"Lick it clean."
Cheryl's pretty pink tongue flickered daintily over his finger, first wettingit with her saliva and then licking away the grime. She worked delicately withher small white teeth to scrape the last morsels of snot from underneath hisfilthy fingernails.
Cheryl's Adam's apple bobbed. Wartface was pleased. He had worked hard totrain his reluctant student in this enchanting morning ritual.
"Good girl."
He squeezed her bare buns and wormed the fat finger that she had just lickedclean into her anus. Her life was shit. Cheryl wanted to die. More than anythingshe wanted to blubber like a baby, but the electric prod awaited whiners. Instead,she smiled brilliantly at Wartface, who had never even bothered to introducehimself. She did her very best to look totally enthralled as his thick dickraised itself for action.
Cheryl knew that Wartface had issues with ravishing beauties like herselfwho, in the past, had treated him with utter disdain. His position on the Houndsof Allah Rape Squad now allowed him ample opportunities for payback. At thefirst hint of anything less than total enchantment, he reacted with extremefirmness to encourage a screaming beauty to adopt a whole new attitude. Hehad strong hands with sharp dirty fingernails and went straight for the genitalsevery time. Having shrieked her way through these profoundly educational exercises,Cheryl was now using her very best cheerleader acting skills, honed on variousfootball captains in the past, focussing hard on making sure that he was ahappy rapist.
"Wow! You sure like fucking me a lot."
She shook her head in wonderment and stared at his thickly veined, cum-encrustedmember admiringly. She batted her eyes coyly and gushed enthusiastically.
"You're so big! I've never known any guy that could get it up as many timesin a day as you can!"
Wartface nodded absently, unimpressed. All the whores said stuff like that.Women were lying scum in his experience. They were only nice to him if theywanted something. In lovely Cheryl's case it was obvious. What she wanted wasto avoid being pounded shitless or deep-fried with the electric prod rammedup her cunt. Although he insisted on total respect from the fuckmeat, he knewthat their extravagant admiration meant squat.
He crudely jammed his thick, dripping member into her hot, tight fuckhole.She clamped tightly around him and gamely began giving it the good ole collegetry. He sat still while she did all the work, squatting in his lap, doing sixinch deep knee bends until her thighs were screaming, licking and kissing him,running her hands over his fat warty body, scrubbing her nipples against hishairy chest, breathily whispering admiring endearments into his tongue moistenedear hole.
When it suited him, Wartface could exercise impressive self-control. Hesweated the blonde cheerleader hard as she bobbed her superb nude body up anddown, impaled prettily on his pole. Her fine, sweat-soaked hair was soon plasteredto her head in golden ringlets. She was red-faced and gasping and her deodoranthad long ago failed her when he, at last, deigned to come inside her. She looked,felt and smelt like a hard humping whore as she sat all the way down, buryinghis dick inside her right to the base of his penis. She hugged him tightlyas he throbbed inside her, unloading copiously.
He liked her to stay impaled for a while so that no sperm leaked out afterhe had finished porking her. She was already pregnant so it hardly matteredfrom an impregantion point of view. Nevertheless, it was best to encouragegood habits in a breeder and psychologically it prolonged her humiliation,allowing her a long moment to reflect on past degradations and to anticipatethe brutally public, exquisitely intimate shamings to come.
If Wartface had his way, breeder Cheryl was going to be squeezing out lotsof baby Wartfaces in front of the cameras, screaming hard as she did so.
Sadly for poor knocked-up Cheryl, his religion didn't approve of abortions or painkillersfor pregnant women. Pitiless rapes of the infidel were a sacred duty.
Chapter 14 – Brandi in Deep Shit
There's just no pleasing women.
On one hand, Cheryl was deeply depressed to find herself pregnant with herlover's child and desperately craved an abortion.
On the other hand, Brandi had spontaneously aborted twice and not been happywith the experience. She was certain that her messy shameful abortions hada lot to do with Achmed the Shitfucker's habit of usingshit as a vaginal lubricant. They had both occurred while everyone watchedin complete, loudly expressed revulsion. The camera crews had filmed the eventsfor the sheik so that he could enjoy watching her sink to an even more dehumanizinglevel on the downward path to total degradation.
Thin and wiry, Achmed was a tireless fanatic when it came to shit-fucking.To make sure that Brandi was fully involved and not a numb, passive rape victimdeep in shock, he was giving her a shit enema with her full, albeit reluctantlygiven, co-operation. This active co-operation was a measure of the depths ofher desperation.
The thick tube shoved deeply into her asshole trembled as the piss/shitmixture was pumped into her bowels.
A loathsome series of vile, feverish infections had turned Brandi into afrantic, near-suicidal beauty. The eye infections after Achmed had swabbedher eyeballs with shit-soaked Q-tips had her convinced that she was going blind.The urethral infections after he had used the same Q-tips on her piss holehad made every act of urination feel like she was pissing slivers of brokenglass. The horrifying vaginal infections and bloody spontaneous abortions hadbeen deeply traumatizing experiences. They filled her with intense self-loathing,revolting her to the very core of her being.
She had to beat her own record, squirting a stream of fecal matter fartherthan ever before, or spend the day buried up to her neck in an electrifiedshitpit. She earned a week's reprieve from being shit-fucked with each successfuleffort. She bitterly regretted trying so hard on the first effort. It had seta hard-to-beat milestone of shit-squirting excellence. This was the third weekand Brandi was one panic-stricken pussy.
Of course, all this effort didn't mean that she wouldn't spend the weekplaying sucky-fuck with Achmed. She got the joy, privilege and opportunityof providing a full range of shit-free sexual services for him while they spentromantic moments watching and listening to videos of her being thoroughly turd-slimed,aborting bloodily for the cameras, etc. Achmed found these deeply inspirational.Being forced to endlessly revisit past traumas kept Brandi quaking nicely andpowerfully motivated towards achieving shit-squirting excellence. The factthat Achmed always reeked of excrement kept Brandi's stomach churning whileshe gobbled his dick and licked his balls.
Completely focussed on the job at hand, her breath came in small rapid pants.Small drops of blood sprayed from her lips as she bit them hard. Brandi's prettyface twisted in a series of anguished grimaces as she struggled to accept asmuch of the urine-enriched fecal matter as she possibly could. When her bulging,painfully straining intestines were packed full of the warm, steaming mixtureand she could stand no more, she nodded and the tube was gingerly withdrawn.
The overhead cameras focused carefully as Brandi put her lovely legs closetogether to achieve maximum height. She bent over and went up on tiptoe. Usingher hands on the floor to steady herself, she raised her tightly clenched,deeply dimpled asscheeks as high as possible.
Dressed in red thigh-high spike-heeled whore boots, her long black hairhung down and touched the floor as she carefully adjusted the angle of hersweating, shuddering torso to achieve a maximum trajectory. Brandi's danglingtits shook violently as the red-faced beauty simultaneously relaxed her tightlyclenched buttocks and squeezed hard for the cameras. She flushed crimson rightdown to her pubic hair as she strained mightily.
There was definitely fire in the hole as shit exploded out of her stretched,aching rectum. Brandi let out a long ululating scream of pure anguish as shebore down hard and a strong stream of rectal excreta arched across the room.
When she was done, Brandi dropped to her hands and knees, sobbing with shameand pain. It had been a brutal effort and she knew that she could never doit again.
She wondered when she was going to get the infection that antibiotics couldn'tcure.
A deeply stressed Brandi was certain that it was only a matter of time.Once she got it, from that moment onwards she would slowly and disgustinglyrot from the crotch outwards.
Chapter 15 - No Pain No Gain
Although she still looked good, Melody moved like an old woman. The cripplingseries of electro-convulsive shock therapies relentlessly administered by thefanatical Dr. Li meant that running away was no longer an option for the youngco-ed.
It was feeding time. Since she could no longer walk easily, lovely Melodygot to crawl naked on her belly for food. Just as she got close, Dr. Li playfullymoved the steaming bowl of delicious beef stew just out of reach. The gruellingelectro-convulsive workouts were exhausting and made Melody utterly ravenous.Unhinged mentally, wild-eyed with hunger, her beautiful blue eyes focused dementedlyon the steaming aromatic bowl containing one of her favourite foods. This wasa delight that she had oh-so-helpfully listed as a particular favourite onDr. Heinrich's questionnaire so long ago in a university world far, far away.Hands bound behind her back, she pursued the bowl, slithering forward on herbelly like a snake.
Her pathetic eagerness for nourishment kept her trying hard as she draggedher bare tits over the smooth tiled floor towards the ever-retreating bowl.Never giving up, her sweating face gleamed with the insanity of total obsessionas she pursued the doggy bowl of steaming delicious stew. The sight of theperfectly prepared stew delighted her eyes. The aroma tantalised her nostrils.Her mouth watered. She licked her lips eagerly.
At last, tiring of his torment, he allowed her to bury her face in the bowland gulp it down like the starving animal that she had become. Her tongue lappedat the metal bowl as she licked it shiny. After she had bolted it all downlike a dog, the metal bowl rattled noisily on the floor as her tongue dementedlyflicked over all parts of the empty bowl, seeking food that simply was no longerthere.
After this, it was time for some stomach-cramping, right-after-dinner exercise.Dr. Li liked telling Melody that she only really came to life when she waswired up and bucking wildly as jolt after jolt of electricity was applied toher lithe young body. It was not news that she wanted to hear.
Melody moaned in fear as the familiar ritual that was slowly grinding herto ratshit and ripping her apart internally was enacted one more time.
Weak as a puppy now and helpless to resist, she was tied spread-eagled face-upon the bed. She whimpered as Dr. Li pinned the electrodes to the back of herknees and her buttocks. She sobbed as he greased the electrodes on the insideof the belt for a good conductive skin contact. He buckled the wide electro-shockbelt to her stomach. He squeezed hard, burying his strong fingers in her titmeat.He twisted her bare breasts painfully, then pinched her nipples cruelly, ashe spoke a few encouraging words.
"The belt is just like those useless stomach exercise belts you see on Americantelevision, except the voltage is cranked up a bit."
She groaned as he climbed on top of her and rammed his ever-ready priapicprick into her tight swollen fuck hole. Her cunt tightened convulsively aroundhis permanently erect member as he flipped on the juice. Her spasming, crampingbelly and thigh muscles were controlled by a series of carefully timed andbeautifully orchestrated jolts. Helplessly, lovely Melody began pumping herhips lewdly, her cunt clamped tight around Dr. Li's invasive member. She flushedred, nipples erect, her body hot underneath him as the electricity slow-cookedher meat.
Her over-achieving tool tunnel was scratched and bruised its entire length.Her cunt burned painfully between her legs. Each savagely invasive penetrationwas a lightning scrape of agony opening her vaginal passage wide and delvingdeep, reaming away the numerous small scabs and widening her cuts. She hadnever experienced a fuck-freak with Dr. Li's relentless, demonic stamina. Hermind firmly focussed on what was happening between her legs, Melody gruntedrhythmically with each cruel obscene thrust as she began the long hard grindof another sexual marathon with the indefatigable Dr. Li.
Chapter 16 – Another Heart-Warming Video for the Family
Mistress Gretchen supervised as the American bitches, stark naked asidefrom their high heels, were prepped for the cameras.
Waist high and embedded in the wall side by side in a row, the three thickgreased metal rods projected up at a sixty-degree angle.
Two handlers lifted Melody up. Her black high heels left the floor.
Strong hands cupped her creamy smooth buttocks and prised them apart. Melodygasped as the rounded end of the thick rod began pressing insistently againsther crinkled brown anus. Her handlers pushed downwards. Melody let out a seriesof small sharp cries as the thick probing rod stretched her rectum agonisinglywide and slowly wormed its way deep into her bowels. The rough surface of therod rasped her rectum painfully as it slid deeper and deeper.
Her black high heels touched the floor again, their height carefully calculatedto lift her bum up to the exactly correct level. Melody was hooked deeply ontothe rod, impaled anally like a worm on a fishhook.
Mistress Gretchen cupped a blob of cold cream in her hand. Her hand dippedbetween Melody's thighs and smoothly massaged the greasy cream into her cuntlipswith knowing fingers, penetrating her lewdly and tantalisingly, fingering herclit erect and taking Melody to the very brink of orgasm. Poor panting Melodygroaned pre-orgasmically. Her clit throbbed, aching with lust and desire, stiffand swollen.
She screeched shrilly in sudden pain and frustration as Mistress Gretchensnapped the alligator clip onto it, the sharp teeth biting into her exquisitelytender flesh like a piranha. Melody sang even higher as Mistress Gretchen gavethe alligator clip a hard pinch to make sure that it was seated properly andthat the long sharp teeth were imbedded in her swollen love nubbin as deeplyas possible.
Melody stood, red-faced and breathing hard, while a gasping Brandi and Cherylwere trotted out one by one and hooked anally onto their rods on either sideof her. The cold cream trick teased their clits out of hiding, stiff and proud.They too screamed in sudden pain and frustration as the teeth of the alligatorclip bit into the sensitive flesh of their hot stiff erections.
The trio shrieked even higher and harder in spine-chilling three-part harmonyas the powerful, agonisingly pulsed electric current surged up through therectal rods, burned through their cunts and sizzled out through their clits.Their bare buns convulsed, their nude buttocks cramping and clamping hard aroundthe rough reaming rods.
Mistress Gretchen nodded in satisfaction after giving them a brutally longfry.
"Now you know the consequences of failing to please."
Like there had been any doubt.
The hairdressers and make-up people moved in to make the gasping, red-facedsluts look good for the cameras. This required a bit of skill. Cheryl was bloatingin the early stages of her pregnancy. Melody could barely stand after her electro-convulsiveworkouts. Brandi was gaunt and pale from her extremely unhealthy diet and theravages of disease and repeated infections.
The high-price help worked their magic and the three unwilling guests ofSheik Rashid soon looked the very picture of youth and vitality. Gretchen pickedchaste white bras and spotlessly clean, white t-shirts to cover their superbtorsos. They would only be photographed from the waist up, so she kept themnude below. It was a matter of economy. Why waste time dressing them fullywhen they would be stripping for action right afterwards?
Luxurious purple drapes with gold tassels and fabulously expensive oil paintingsby Rubens and Van Dyke framed each ass-hooked beauty's neatly dressed torsofor the benefit of the cameras.
Cheryl smiled brilliantly into the lens.
"Hi, Mom and Kyla. Melody, Brandi and I are just back from seeing the pyramidsand touring the Valley of the Kings in Egypt. Sheik Rashid treats us far, farbetter than we deserve. He is a wonderful man. We were so wrong about him!"
Impaled on her ass-spike with an alligator clip biting into her clitoris,her loins burning from their recent electrical deep-fry, Cheryl swallowed thepain and humiliation and gushed enthusiastically. Beaten bitches, Brandi andMelody also gushed excitedly for the cameras when it was their turn.
Then the pampering was over and it was back to business.
Mistress Gretchen walked down the row and slapped their pretty faces brisklyto get their attention.
"OK bitches. Take off the t-shirts and bras. Hand them to the wardrobe people."
Brandi, Melody and Cheryl quickly peeled them off and handed them over,exposing themselves fully once more.
"Put your hands behind your backs and with each hand grab the opposite elbow."
Black tape was wrapped around both forearms, cocooning them together behindtheir backs, forcing them to arch forward and present their bare breasts nicely.
Mistress Gretchen cupped the back of cheerleader Cheryl's blonde head withone hand. She tapped a tongue depressor against Cheryl's perfect white teeth.
Cheryl parted her teeth. Gretchen pushed the tongue depressor in deep, stimulatingthe vomit reflex. Cheryl yorked up over her tits. Gretchen wiggled the tonguedepressor against Cheryl's tonsils to keep her gagging and choking until herstomach was emptied completely. To be sure, she kept Cheryl yorking up in aseries of agonising dry heaves. The powerful stomach acids powered up her throat,making her sinuses burn, her nose run and her eyes water.
She moved on to give Melody the same treatment.. She squeezed Melody's titstightly, digging in with her fingernails. She twisted them agonisingly as ifshe was trying to unscrew them from her chest. Poor Melody was instantly red-facedand gasping. Tears streamed down Melody's cheeks as Mistress Gretchen addresseda reproach to poor blubbering Cheryl.
"It's for your own good, you stupid bitch! I wouldn't want you fuckheadschoking to death on your own puke after the gag goes on and I present you witha few small challenges."
Cheryl didn't exactly look profoundly grateful, but she knew better thanto show her resentment. She swallowed hard and accepted it, wondering, as shewas intended to, about the 'small challenges'. She did not dare to ask. MistressGretchen wouldn't appreciate the interruption as she worked patiently withthe tongue depressor, forcing Melody to dig deep and, with bulging eyes, spewso hard that she practically tossed up her toenails.
Mistress Gretchen had persuaded the lovely Bobbi to take a few moments outof her busy day. It was one of those rare moments when she didn't have herlips wrapped around a thick dick belonging to the sheik or one of his friends,hoovering up thick gobs of semen and gulping it down. Using a rich soft towel,the mouth whore sweetly and gently wiped the drool and vomit from Cheryl'sbreasts. It was the nicest thing anyone had done for Cheryl in a long time.
Cheryl sobbed in gratitude.
She yelped as a short sharp jolt of electricity fried her genitals.
Mistress Gretchen glared at her.
"Do you have a problem, cunt ?"
Cheryl turned off the faucets instantly.
"No, ma'am. I'm sorry to have disturbed you with my foolish stupidity, ma'am."
Cheryl's guts jumped and twisted inside her as Mistress Gretchen continuedto stare at her hard. Then she withdrew her million-watt glare and moved fromMelody to Brandi. Having learned by example, Melody kept her blubbering gratitudeto herself when Bobbi gently towelled her off, as did Brandi when her turncame.
Mistress Gretchen tapped against Cheryl's pearly whites with a thick redrubber ball.
It was a tight fit. Gretchen squeezed the rubber ball hard and forced itbetween her teeth. Released, the ball expanded to open Cheryl's mouth achinglywide. Mistress Gretchen wound wide black tape around Cheryl's head severaltimes to hold the ball in place and seal her lips around it. In turn, Brandiand Melody each opened very wide indeed to wrap her lips around a thick rubberball, taped in place with the wide black tape.
A black cloth hood was dropped over each co-ed's pretty head. Wide blacktape was wrapped around them, cocooning them from head to toe like a mummy.Each leg was wrapped individually. Only their bare tits, naked cunts and barebuttocks were left exposed. From under the black hoods came muffled groansof relief as they were lifted off the ass hooks. These changed to moans offear as their slim ankles were cuffed to either end of long leg-spreading barsand each was hung upside down from the back of a tow truck.
The muffled moans changed to muffled squeals as the three tow trucks roaredout of the TV studio and out into the desert. They stopped amongst the sanddunes in the sun-blasted heat of the desert. The rapidly swelling ranks ofthe Hounds of Allah Rape Squad were gathered in the shade of a large colouredcanopy drinking cooling drinks and watching the bitches baste in the blazingdesert sun.
Mistress Gretchen emerged from the shade and massaged cooking oil onto theirrapidly reddening bare breasts and creamy smooth asses. Their legs were spreadso wide that their slits were opened up and a lot of pink was exposed to thesun. Parts of the human body that have seldom been exposed to sunlight burnquickly. With repeated applications of cooking oil, their bared breasts, bumsand bimbo boxes were soon a bright, bright red. The cooking oil practicallysizzled as Mistress Gretchen repeatedly rubbed it into each screaming, sobbingbeauty's privates, her fingers dipping lewdly into their holes as she did so.
Then they were taken down and turned over to the hard horny men.
Back in the good ole U. S. of A., Cheryl's mom was really, really, reallyexcited. The divorced former fashion model grabbed her younger daughter's arm.
"Kyla! That nice Sheik Rashid has invited us to join Cheryl in an all-expense-paidvisit! The timing he suggests is perfect, right after you participate in thatMiss Teen beauty contest! Do you think that Cheryl showed him that pictureof us that I sent her?"
Kyla spoke with true teen-age condescension to her aged parent. In her consideredopinion (and all her teenage friends agreed) people in their late thirtieslike her mom were clueless. If they were older than that they were completelyhopeless and belonged in a home.
"Get a grip, Mom! You think everything is about looks. He's probably justa nice guy who figures that Cheryl misses her family."
Lovely Laura looked at the letter in her hand.
"You're probably right, dear. He says here that he wants to surprise herwith our arrival and that a delightful surprise awaits us ifwe choose to come!"
Kyla sat in front of the mirror diligently brushing the fine blond hairthat hung down to the back of her knees. Her long golden hair was a major asset.It shimmered gloriously with each twitch of her delectable derriere as shewalked down the street. She had learned the eye-catching, lewdly pumping model'swalk from her mother. The hair accented the effect beautifully, causing allhetero-sexual males to stop and gape like slack jawed yokels.
As she thought of the sheik's invitation, Kyla's beautiful blue eyes narrowedin keen anticipatory delight. So far she had mainly been a sly cockteasingminx, teasing older men (they're the ones with the money) on for her advantage,but only letting a very select few into her panties. Despite her condescendingremarks to her aged ancestor, Kyla looked forward to a lifetime of being spoiledby men courtesy of her stunning good looks. Her Mom had set the example inso many ways, scoring very well indeed off her American ex-husbands, encouragingthem to forget all about 'anti-love' prenuptial agreements and to think exclusivelywith the little head between their legs until it was way toolate to safeguard their fortunes from her divorcing depredations. Smirkingsmugly, eighteen-year-old heartbreaker Kyla was certain that she could do much betterand was eager to expand beyond the easily exploited high school male. An obviouslybesotted rich old oil sheik seemed like an excellent start. Even if nothinghappened for her, she could always watch her role model mom in action as sheplayed yet another rich boy for a fool and separated him from some seriouscash while scooping some nice expensive presents.
Kyla looked up at her mother. Her eyes flashed.
"Sounds like a no-brainer to me, mom! Let's go for it!"
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Claude Valkenberg was worried. He had good reason to be. In fact, he had several pressing concerns. His wife, a gorgeous woman he'd married as a celebration of having 'made it'-once he got rid of the bitch he'd married when he was young-showed signs of a roving eye. She made no secret of her disappointment in him and in his failure to provide the income and social standing she wanted. Then his associates disappeared. First, the Schwartz boys had gone. One vanished, the...
Johnny couldn’t believe the turn his night had just taken. It had started out like many other nights. He and Tom, his partner of three years had shown up at the house they had booked for the night. For several months now, they had been in the business of providing entertainment at gay parties. They would customize the show according to what the host asked for, but their jobs would usually consist of them seductively dancing with the boys at the party while wearing nearly nothing, and towards...
GayEk samay ki baat hai, ek sahar me neha nam ki sundar kanya rehti thi. Woh kareeb 24 saal ki thi. Kad kareeb 5’4″, figure 26-34-26. Chikna gora badan tha, ekdam malai thi. Uski 3 saal pehele rashid se love marrige hui thi. Rashid ek company me accountant tha. Dono ki ek choti happy family thi.unn ke saath neha ki friend bhi rehtee thee. Ek din india aur pakistan ka match chal raha tha, toh rashid aur uske boss me sharat lag gayi. Rashid ne bola ki india jeetegi, warna woh kuch bhi karega. Boss...
Phir mai do din wanha ruka raha. in do din hum sirf khana khane ke liye ghar ke bsahar jate the aur baki samay ghar ke andar nange hi rahate the. Priya bhabhi ko nangee ho kar chai nashta banana bahut achha lagta tha aur isliye wo sare samay ghar ke andar nangee hi ghumtee thee. in do din me Priya bhabhi ne mujhse kai bar apni choot me mera lund dalwa kar apni choot chudwayee aur mai bhi khoob maze le le kar unki choot chodta raha. humlog unke ghar ke har kone par let kar, baith kar, amne samne...
A month later, Sushma gets a call from an unknown number on her mobile. “Hello, Sush kunju, naan dhaan Rashid uncle.” (Sush baby, I am Rashid) “What uncle, you are calling from a new number and not your usual one?” “Yes dear, in future, when I call you, this would be my number.” “Why uncle?” “No dear, I heard all that you spoke and was so happy that Lakshmi’s girl is exactly like her mother.” “I don’t know what you are saying, uncle.” She pretended ignorance, even though it was an open secret...
We have a saying in the area where I grew up and still live, if you don’t like the weather, hang on a minute. The people giving the weather on the news are viewed as something of a joke, through no fault of their own really. The fact is that if a wind whips down out of the North Pole or up from the gulf, there is just nothing to stop it or even slow it down. In my lifetime, all spent right here, I’ve seen it snow on Christmas and I’ve seen it eighty degrees. I’ve seen it a sweltering hundred...
The bus’s headlights illuminated my body lying in the road. The full moon was in the night sky, in the early hours of the last day of October. An ominous but light fog rolled in through the dense trees: it was said that spirits lurk in these woods. Legend had it that anyone killed in these woods, on a Halloween full moon, turned immediately to a ghost. Ghosts who become slaves to the first soul they met. It was also said that these ghosts will haunt all those who wronged them, until the end of...
Supernatural…. 20 minutes before… She felt him before she saw him. Since childhood she had always been able to tell when he was looking at her. In all of their pictures growing up in he had looked at her with a yearning that at first glance seemed like innocent devotion to his big sister. But upon further examination his gaze held an intensity that was unsettling in one so young. Michael leaned against the brick building and just stared at his gorgeous older sister. Gabriella was still the...
Note: This story takes place in a fantasy world, with humans, elves, orcs, giants, centaurs, minotaurs and more. It also revolves heavily around feminization and "sissification" of people who previously identified as men, largely in the context of relationships between humans of different races, or between stereotypically "fairer" and more "savage species". It could involve impregnation of former men, castration, and other topics that some people might not find appealing. If extreme...
TranssexualIt was about a week ago when it happened. You were feeling a little down, and decided to go for a word downtown. There was a farmer's market in town. Maybe, at the very least, some fresh food would cheer you up. There were a lot of people but none of them noticed you. The scent of baked goods and other food filled the air and you continued through. A voice caught your attention. It was an old man sitting at a stand, filled with strange items. "Hello there, Thomas." This old man knew your name....
Are you male or female?
Your head is finally clearing and you're finally ready to move on. Betty Jean. Name makes you want to puke. You loved her, hell, you still do. She said she loved you. And this is what she does? Early that spring, a few days after your 23th birthday, you met and hit it off. Within days this 19 year-old was saying she loved you and within a month you felt it back. Another few weeks and you asked her out. She said yes, you were happy. She had a muscular condition since birth, was unable to walk,...
Asmodai howled in impotent rage. The Slayer had bested him! She and her pathetic friends had destroyed the Crystal of Agnathi, breaking his thrall over those that were to be the implements of his rise to power. The Slayer and her pet vampire had shattered it between them, and to add further insult the witches had cast him from the dimension! Asmodai snarled at the images that swirled in the mist before him. They had defeated and insulted him and he would not stand for it. They believed...
Megan stepped out of the shower and dried herself off and as she walked into the bedroom she stopped by the full length mirror she turned to admire the same figure she had when she graduated college six years ago.She just turned twenty-eight and still had the same figure when her husband Rick had started dating the first year in college. Megan kept looking at the mirror and at five foot six inches tall and her slim figure, she could have been a model but had an interest in business and wanted...
I had just gotten off of work pulling up fast to my sister in laws driveway not knowing what to expect. She sounded really flustered and knew my workplace was just around the corner. Perfect timing. I guess you can say? I hear the sounds of boxed memories and goodies being thrown to the side and I creep way my inside. I've always been fond of my sister in law. She's centuries older than me but the lust is most definitely there for me for some odd reason. I glance over into the room knowing she...
My wife and I had been married for six years. Earlier in our marriage and before we got married, our love life was amazing. We would have sex 2, 3, 4, or on special occasions we would go all day. A couple of times we actually skipped work just because the morning sex was so amazing. That ofcourse began to change as her sexual urges began to drop. We tried everything and it didn't matter what it was she was just never in the mood. I used to eat her out from time to time and would drive her nuts...
"What do you mean; you're breaking up with me??" Fairuza cried. Fairuza was an attractive, slim and physically fit green-eyed Brunette who stood 5'11. Her complexion tended to shift from pale to tanned, at the moment she was more tanned, and many people have commented how she resembled that famous Afghan girl on that particular National Geographic cover. She had even been mistaken for a Caucasian North Indian, a Slavic East European or a Pashtu. She was dressed in her Goth attire, meaning...
Darius Zatosh was an Iranian-American student. High school life was great, but a certain incident worldwide had affected his life in school. The Danish newspapers printed something which infuriated the Iranian government and because of that whole incident, other high school students and his own classmates had been harassing him about his Persian identity. The matters were made worse by his high school teacher, Ms Eva Rasmussen. Being Danish-American and all, she was against the Iranian...
This story is dedicated to HP Lovecraft, father of American Horror and he gave the world "Weird Science". I would also like to give many special thanks to Mike S, who has convinced me to come out of retirement and start writing online erotica again. Mahmoud Hamas was sat down in a café, drinking Arabic tea, in Beirut. Mahmoud Hamas was not originally from Lebanon. He was from Palestine. He left the country when he was 12 years old because the Israeli soldiers killed all his friends and he...
A 'Power Broker' Story Part 1: Release The large steel door clanged shut with a bang that could be heard in the next street. As the sunlight speared from a clear blue sky into his eyes, the old man raised a hand to provide shade. Across the street, a long, sleek limousine gleamed blackly against the brick wall. The rear door opened, and a tall, elegant man, fortyish, and dressed in a smart dark blue suit climbed languidly out of the back. Hi Dad he shouted, running at a canter across the...
He loved the sight of her face twisted in ecstasy, and her big tits bouncing as he pounded into her. She screamed, her head lashing back and forth on the pillows, her red hair flashing in the dim light. With a final thrust, and a loud, growling scream, Will emptied his seed into her. Collapsing down onto his hands, he grinned at her, receiving a smile in return. "Lord, William, you know what a woman needs," she panted. Will sighed, "Lass, you squeeze tighter than the taxman." Offering a...
I reached out to grasp my love's hand, the only connection I had to him now was here, in this enchanted lake. They would all pay for our separation, after I was finished no one would ever stand between us again. Laughing I delighted in the dark power as I felt it flow through me. Ummm it felt so deliciously wicked! To think that I had denied the darkness all these years, now I embraced it as if a lover with love starved senses. Soon this world would feel the power of denying me my happiness,...
Stares and silence confronted me as I stepped out of the gravcar. The Director said Operatives got used to it; I disliked raising my voice so the silence was useful. "Sir," a young police officer said, coming to attention what he must have thought was a safe distance from me. "I'm not in your chain of command," I told him. "Relax." "Yes, sir," he replied, ignoring what I said. I shook my head and studied the expensive hotel behind him. "Is she up there?" I asked...
Martine had trained me by explaining things, waiting patiently through my questions, giving examples, showing me, and then if necessary, touching my mind to actually demonstrate. Loris was not like Martine. Loris didn't teach, per-se. One survived Loris, or didn't. On the 20th, Martine returned to town, and Marco and I were alone for the first time with Loris. Martine hadn't raised any fuss at all about Loris, my training, his motivations, nothing. I knew that she'd been enthralled by...
Jewel opened her eyes, brushing a soggy leaf from her cheek with fingers that trembled. He head ached! Where was Neal? And Amy? Why was she so cold? Something scurried away as she stirred. A shower of water droplets cascaded down on her from the branches of a low bush. It was still dark, but the cloudy sky was beginning to lighten in the east. Slowly, painfully, the events of the night came back to her. Memories of fear, of waves of panic that had sprung from nowhere. She trembled at the...
I drove round with Yvonne to collect Jilly and Sue. They looked different with their clothes on, I grinned to myself. But they were happy and smiling, with no outward sign of being traumatised or anything. Still, I was going to make sure. They were lovely anyway, innocently pretty and sexy and nice to be with. Yvonne was happy and laughing with them; you’d never have guessed what had been going on. Evidently it was only at home that the effort of acting or blocking out the forced sex became...
"He is dead Troy. I saw him fall," Brynar said sadly, as he hung his head. "We will organize warriors and go recover the bodies at first light. If we go now the night life will just kill more of us." "But I saw the Jeg carry him away!" Troy shouted. "You saw the Jeg carry away a dead body," said Brynar. Troy was finally convinced as Kathy and Suzie agreed, to go into the jungle that night would only be suicide, and just to recover a body if it could even be found. They all went in...
THE COLONEL’S NEW YEAR’S EVE PARTY drew more people to our house than the Christmas party had. I constantly expected protesters to show up in front of the house because so many people knew Jack, Evelyn, and Lily were in residence there. But while it was common knowledge in the neighborhood, it seemed to be a tacit secret elsewhere. By the end of the party, there was another stack of gifts for Lily under the Christmas tree. It was like the entire community was bringing gifts to the manger...
The mage was asleep in the bathtub when Anders and I found her. I woke her gently, and the two of us helped her out of the tub and into some clean robes we’d brought from her room. Anders was obviously reluctant to touch her, but Solona showed no signs of nervousness around him, not even worrying about covering herself as she stepped naked out of the tub. I resolved to have a discussion with Anders about allowing her to determine how much contact she wanted – not to assume. She’d already...
“Will! Oh, Will, I’ve missed you so much! It’s great to be back here with you, we have so much to catch up on!” Fiona wrapped her arms around me, kissed me hard on the lips. She squeezed me tight, almost as if she was trying to get my body to fuse with hers. “So much has happened; you went and got yourself shot ... when I heard, I was sick with worry, I was about to jump on a plane and fly back, just to make sure you were okay, but Lisa told me to stay there ... we must have burned through...
As we left the conference room, a siren pierced the air. Thankfully it was muffled by the closed door. Outside a fire truck was moving down the road, chains on the tires helping it to move faster than what normally would have been safe. Like Mr. Johnson and the secretary, I stepped outside to watch it pass. Over the tree line, I saw heavy black smoke. My heart fell. It was just about where my house was... Panic started pumping adrenaline through me. The fire truck slowed down and turned...
Puma sat in the lee of a rock, letting the rain run over her without paying it much heed. Shuria appeared as a dim shadow and squatted next to her. "Tomorrow, eh?" he told her. "Yes," she replied economically. "You've been quiet most of the trip." "I've been doing a lot of thinking." He grinned a bit. "I've been doing a lot of anticipating the trip back to Xipototec when it's just the two of us." "I've been thinking about that, too." A lightning bolt cut a jagged path...
[ Inspired by real events, but interspersed with the authors own experiences, and imaginary additions. ]My name is Rashid, and I was born and raised in the Congolese city of Kinshasa. Population around twelve million; but I left there and now live and work in Marrakesh, with a population of less than a million. I live and work as a builder of houses here. I'm 42 years of age. I have four c***dren, but am divorced. So now I work hard all day, and at night I love to go out into the city and find...
Main Entry: cru·ci·ble Pronunciation: ‘krü-s&-b&l Function: noun Etymology: Middle English corusible, from Medieval Latin crucibulum earthen pot for melting metals Date: 15th century 1 : a vessel of a very refractory material (as porcelain) used for melting and calcining a substance that requires a high degree of heat 2 : a severe test 3 : a place or situation in which concentrated forces interact to cause or influence change or development The truck pulled into the long winding drive and...
Hello guys and girls, I’m regular user of ISS but this is my first story and sorry for any mistakes. I hope you like it please mail me at I’m Aditya 21 years old and I’m from Bangalore studyin B. com I have a 7 inch nice and juicy dick. I’m average guy of 5’10” height and I’m very good in fucking and can satisfy a women in every possible way and this story is having sex with my very hot bhabi, she is 25 years old and have very sexy and hot figure having stats as 36 30 36 and she is 5’5”a very...
I had some fun last night with my male friend. We went to dinner, show a movie, and went back to my place. My friend and I start discussing about sex, then, we put on a black porn flick (very nasty). My pussy starts to get wet and moist. My friend ask me; 'Do you want me to eat your pussy?' I reply back to say; 'YES!' so, we begun to take off our clothes, standing front of each other butt naked, he starts to rub his hands all over me, sucking on my big tits. I can feel his dick against my...
The two weeks spent without hearing from her young ‘Master’ Sean Brady seemed to last an eternity to Catherine Dixon, for having been administered by an expert, Catherine’s piercing had gone well and the slight soreness in her nipple had disappeared after only a few days. So To her pleasant surprise, m Catherine was soon proudly moving the small gold ring around her healed nipple with ease, astonished at just how much more sensitive her nipple had now become. Indeed it appeared to Catherine...
My ex girlfriend was amazing in bed. The best thing about her was that fact see was so quite and shy but when you got sexy together....changed person!I learnt everything I know with that girl from how to lick a clit to how to talk dirty and even what I like. We lived with perents at the time so didn't get a chance to have sex properly all to much apart from when we were at university. This one night we divided to go and have sex in my car, we had a place we could go and things were always fun....
The Lovely Luna was a gorgeous 24 year old girl from the Bahamas. She came to clean Jonathan Jordan’s house. The place was a mess. And he was a creep. Following her with his camera wherever she went. Then he pulled out some cash and wanted her to clean naked. She negotiated well. For the same money she would only clean topless. Then he pulled out more cash. She stripped naked. She still had to clean? What a weirdo! Then she turned around and his dick was out. That wasn’t just any dick. This was...
xmoviesforyouWhite wife said that she had been infatuated with black personal trainer muscular body from the first time she met me at the gym. She hired me on the spot to help her develop a fitness program at home. I then came to the house one day to meet her, review the exercise machines, and help design a program of fitness. I wore skimpy gym clothes and she was dressed in her skin-tight exercise outfit for the meeting. I planned to demonstrate on the exercise equipment how to use it as well as whatever...
A month went by and the weather remained hot as ever. For the two young people, living across the street from each other, plans for the weekend couldn't have come at a better time. Jin's folks decided to go out for the weekend, leaving him to watch over their home, but also to spend more time with his blonde neighbor, Vicki. They agreed to meet at his place instead of hers, due to the recent events that nearly led the poor girl to the brink of insanity. She was anxious to get as far away from...
By: Devandra007 Hi All Readers remember me yes I am Sandesh I am back with my next part. Aapne last part main padha hoga kaisse maine mousi ki chudai ki thi aur uske bagal main let gaya , mousine mere taraf apna muhh kiya aur mere pair k uper apna pair dala aur maine apna hath uske gand pe rakha aur so gaye ab aage. Lagbhag kuch 1 ghante ke bad main meri nind khul gayi mousi ka nanga badan dekh kar raha nahi gaya aur uski right chuchi ko muuh main leke chusne laga aur Hath se uski gand ko...
Written By: Mr. Mongo 5/6/2012 Constable Ron Jones and his patrol partner Neeja Sidhu sat in the Hidden Truncheon pub. The wooden sign on the front of the pub had a cartoon-masked robber grabbing his behind with his eyes bulging out of his head. Both officers were excited to see if their votes made a difference in the citywide election. Every constable in the pub had their ear open to hear the results of who won elections for the Greater Manchester area. Mildred Alistair had the cops vote,...
22-year-old newbie stud Third Leg Jay is here for his 1st ever professional scene, and we paired HIM up with the lovely Kyler Quinn for this week’s See H?️M Fuck update. After Johnny ?? Robins helps us get to know a little about the former college football player ? Jay starts to get naked for Kyler, showing off his impressive muscles ?? and big bulge in his See HIM boxers ? Kyler assists Jay in removing his boxers and sucks on his big dick for a bit. She then gets HIM all lubed up ? front...
xmoviesforyouMy brother was traveling through town on a layover. He called me when he got to his hotel to invite me and my wife out to dinner. We had a bit to drink at dinner. He suggested that we go to his room to sober up before we drove. While sitting in his room, my drunk wife mentioned that she had always wanted to see me suck a dick. He said that he could use a blow job, I was feeling frisky, so I agreed. I unzipped his pants and started to stroke his cock. I soon started sucking him hard. ...
The mall is a nice place to meet peopleThat morning I woke up alone at home. Victor had left so early to the airport and I did not hear him when he was gone. I felt too fucking horny as I stretched myself in bed. I really needed a huge dick inside me. My loving husband was a little bit stressed last week and he had not fucked me at all during those days.I had a warm shower and later stood up in front of the mirror. I saw I looked obscene. That was the whole fucking point. I had put on fancy...
The following day, Lauren got up early. There was no particular reason why she had to do so, but it seemed that the day was going to be wonderful, and she wanted to let everyone know that she was happy to be alive. The girls shopped in the morning, driving into Boquette to be ready for when the supermarket opened at ten thirty. Elizabeth had called the previous night and told her about the situation in the north. The news stories on the television had made things seem worse than they were,...