Dream A Little Dream Of Me (Supernatural FAnfiction) free porn video

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There's a knock at the door. Sam heaves a sigh and slams the clamshell of his laptop closed. He makes it to the knob in a few long strides. His disappointment is apparent when he opens the door and sees her standing there.

"Hey, Sam," she says in her haughty accent. She walks past him into the room without invitation. That's how she is. She takes. Whatever she wants.

He stares after her, watching her take in the cheap furnishings. The cheeky Brit's audacity is unsurprising. Yet, as the door snicks closed and he faces her, he shakes his head at her bold behavior.

"Bela," he answers, his hands resting on his hips. "I didn't think there was a chance in hell you'd show up."

"Well," she tells him, looking up into his hazel eyes. "I'm full of surprises." She moves closer, her hands on the belt of her trench coat. "Though truthfully, you want to know why I'm here?"

Sam takes a step back, trying to maintain some form of distance between them. Bela Talbot was nothing but trouble. If she was here, she wanted something...and the only way he could keep it from her was to figure out what it was before she fleeced him. In effort to buy time, he says, "Okay."

Bela continues to advance on Sam, backing him almost into the corner of the room. She tugs her coat open. "Because of you..." she says, her eyes wide as she stares up at him. She forces her shoulders back to slip the garment off, revealing a satin and lace nightie.

He pries his eyes from her, looking up and away. "Uh," he stammers. "What're you doin'?"

Reaching out to tuck his hair behind his ear, her voice slightly husky with desire, she tells him, "I can't stop thinking about you."

Confusion muddies his handsome features and he mumbles, "What?"

Her eyes search his and, rather than answer, she stretches up on her toes and kisses him. It's soft and almost druggingly slow. He puts his hands on her arms intent on pushing away, but something ignites within him as her tongue skims over his lower lip. He takes a deep breath. "Are you sure?"

Bela doesn't answer. She's far too eager to get back to the heat of Sam's mouth. To feel it pressing against hers and gliding over other parts of her body.

So, she takes what she wants. She kisses him again. Her tongue delves into the velvety recesses of his mouth and he sighs, stumbling back toward the bed as he cradles her in his arms.

His knees hit the mattress and he falls with Bela on top of him. It's nice. Very nice. The curves of her body are soft and they press deliciously into the hard planes of his own. His fingers thread into the softness of her hair and his tongue plunders her mouth. He's stunned by how hungry he is for this. How out of control she makes him.

Delicate fingers pluck at the buttons on his shirt and he rolls her beneath him. She melts into the mattress, her lips sucking and tugging at his as she struggles to rid him of the flannel and cotton that separate them.

"Sam," she moans breathlessly, pulling his shirt up his back as his hand curls around the strap of her negligée. She arches beneath him as he exposes the creamy flesh of one of her breasts. He palms it, his mouth scorching across her naked skin to its dusty-rose colored crown. It pebbles and grows stiff beneath his tongue as his hand skates up her thigh. "Sam..."

This couldn't be real. It had to be a dream. Any minute now Dean would call his name and he'd find himself drooling over the keyboard.

But it didn't feel like a dream. Bela's mouth is firm, yet pliant beneath his. His jeans grow tighter as he feels her hands slip under his shirt again to smooth up his back. She's soft and warm. And even though he'd thought she was more interested in his brother, she's with him. She wants him.

Her tongue dances over his neck to his earlobe. "Sam," she whimpers pleadingly. "Take me."

He can't help but chuckle. Bela begging. That was rich. He decides to up the ante. To drive her wild for a little bit longer before giving them both release. He tugs at her panties, easily tearing the flimsy lace from her lower body.

"Oh, Sam!" she cries out. Her eyes fall closed as he tests her with long, thick fingers. He caresses and pets her, his thumb working over her sweet spot as his pointer and middle fingers curl and coax within her. She bucks against his hand and he grins against her mouth.

He allows her to drag his shirt and undershirt over his head, moaning as her mouth and hands explore his chest. She surprises him, forcing him onto his back and straddling him. Her hands make quick work of removing his belt.

"Bela..." Sitting up, he lowers the other strap from her shoulder. She gasps as his lips attack her newly bared nipple. Big rough hands fondle her breasts before grinding her hips against his.

"Sam," she cries out. "Sam, Sam Sam..."

He shifts her back to the mattress, leaving her squirming as he rids himself of his remaining clothes and dons protection. She's on her knees in the center of the bed when he turns back to her. He watches as she pulls the lingerie off, her hair swishing softly against her back as it clears the neckline.

Placing a knee on the bed, he approaches her. His hands brush over her shoulders and he kisses her again. Deep, hot and wet. His intention is unmistakable and she matches the motion of his tongue and the touch of his hands stroke for stroke.

"Dean would've fucked me by now," she torments.

He looks at her, studying her face before nuzzling his way to her ear. He tucks her hair back, his tongue flickering along the shell before suckling at her lobe. "I thought you wanted me," he says darkly.

"I..." she begins, distracted by the warmth of his breath at her throat.

He draws her down until he lays over her. "Don't mention my brother's name when you're in bed with me," he commands. "Am I clear?"

Her eyes are wide and glazed with lust. She bites her lip and looks almost shy. "Crystal."

He aligns their bodies, entering her slowly. He holds her still, preventing her from taking control. He restrains himself, unwilling to make it quick. If she came here expecting a hot, meaningless fuck, she came to the wrong brother. When he released her - when he let her out of his bed - Dean would be the last thing on her mind.

"How does that feel, Bela?" he asks, stroking against her - into her - as he hitches a long, muscular leg around his waist.

Rather than answer, she tries to shift and increase the friction. Sam laughs throatily, pinning her hips to the mattress. Bela whimpers in protest.

He soothes her with a kiss, his tongue ghosting teasingly against hers. When she angles for more he backs off, giving her a deep pump that makes her arc into him. "Talk to me," he demands. "Tell me what you feel. What you want to feel."

She clutches him, her nails digging at his back. He can feel her stubborn resistance, knows she thinks she can turn the tables on him. That she can make him losecontrol and screw her silly.

Her body is wicked and sinful in the way it cradles his and wraps around him. He moves slowly, almost gingerly. His teeth scrape over her shoulder and she moans, pushing against him. He's learned something. It appears Bela likes things a little rough. His next move is deep and quick.

"Sam!" she screams. Reaching up she pulls his mouth down for a kiss that's filled with desperation and need.

He wants to break her. He wants to do it because she's caused them plenty of problems. But he also wants to hear her beg again. He breathes in the scent of her expensive perfume. In and out. In and out. Nice and slow. Building up. Feeling the pressure coiling within her.

"God, Sam..." she whines meekly. "Please..."

He smirks. "Please what?" he prods. It's slower now. He can feel the sheen of sweat on his back. He laps up a few tiny beads from her forehead. He finds her dark eyes with his. "Please what, Bela?"

She grips his forearms. "Please, Sam," she husks. "More..."

"Mmm," he teases, picking up the pace just slightly. "More of this?" he asks, things leisurely and casual. He watches her eyes widen and close, sees the way she nibbles at her lower lip.

He can see she's getting close and he wants to watch her splinter. She moans when his mouth collides with her neck. He sucks at her pulse point, leaving what he's knows will be a mark. He wants her to remember this moment later, long after she's left his bed.

"Look at me, Bela," he instructs. "Open. Your. Eyes."

And she does. For a moment. Gasping in pleasure, he watches as they fall closed with the deep, rough thrust he gives her. He goes back to the slow, tender pace and waits for them to fly open.

When they do, they're dark. So dark. Her pupils are dilated. The struggle it takes for her to keep them on his face makes him drunk with power. He knows he's got her. He can feel her body throbbing around his length.

Suddenly, he's beneath her. She's caught him off guard and rides him. He grabs for her waist wanting to wrest control from her, but she takes his wrists and forces them into the pillow over his head.

He grins. He doesn't have to let her do this. He's far stronger than she is. But the feel of her breasts, full and heavy, as they brush against the wall of his chest is enticing. It excites him. He decides to let her have her way. For now.

Bela braces herself against Sam's shoulders. She pushes herself back into him, feeling her toes curl as her hair tumbles over her shoulder in a silky curtain. "Do you like this, Sam?" she taunts. "Do you like a good, slow grind?"

He tangles his fingers in the silk-spun strands that brush his cheek, pushing it back. He surges up, pulling her down onto his thrust. "Mmm," he hums against her mouth. "I asked you first."

Sitting up, he strums his hands down her back. He guides her hips to his, creating a delectable friction that makes her shudder. He wraps his hand in her hair, tugging her head back to expose her throat. "But I think I know what you like," he tells her. Deep and hard, he drives into her.

She gasps and moans, writhing in his lap. She looks at him through the haze of her orgasm, licking her lips as she touches his face. His name escapes her parted lips as she throws her head back, "Sam..."

He relishes in every pant and moan, each tiny movement of her hips as she tries to extend her high. He startles her by lifting her away and setting her beside him.

Bela has hardly caught her breath when Sam is behind her. Her body, hot and slick, contracts around his. She cries out as he wraps his arm around her waist. His fingers draw circles and it's almost too much. The pleasure he gives her is so intense she can hardly breathe. "Oh, God..."

He sets a quick pace. Sliding against her - into her - with renewed passion and vigor. He admires the curve of her hip and the way it flares to her bottom. He pushes her body to it's limit, tumbling her again and again into ecstasy.

She moans, whimpering as she shakes beneath him. "Sam," she pants. "I can't..." Struggling, she casts a glance over her shoulder. "Too much..."

Sam pulls away, but only enough to roll Bela onto her back. He kisses her, searching her lips and mouth with his tongue. He waits for her. Waits for her to come back down. Waits for her to wrap her legs around him, urging him on.

Because she does. She curls her limbs around his waist, daring him to finish what he started. She cedes control, looking into his eyes. "Oh...Sam..."

Sam's body throbs from the strain of holding back. He aches to let go, to tumble into the abyss. The satiny way Bela wraps around him - the feel of her body pulling him in - is nearly his undoing. She purrs, moaning against his lips as he adopts a relentless speed. Once, twice, three times and he feels like he's flying. "Bela..."

With a crash, Sam jolts awake and finds himself on the floor next to the bed. His arms are wrapped around a pillow. He gulps. It felt so real. Right down to the...

"Dude," Dean's voice comes from over his shoulder. Looking up, Sam sees his older brother's furrowed brow. "You were making some serious yummy noises."

Sam frowns and growls, "Dean..."

"Bela? Seriously?" Dean asks wrinkling his nose, his eyes going wide. "We really need to get you laid..."


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I couldn't tell if I was still asleep or not. I wish I was because its so damn dark. In fact it was so completely dark I was beginning to wonder if my eyes were even open. I tried to touch my face to make certain, but nothing happened. Nothing moved. In fact, I couldn't feel my hand at all. I couldn't feel anything. No arms, no legs, no nothing. I had no sensation of my body whatsoever. After realizing that fact I noticed that I couldn't tell which way was down either. I started to panic. ......

Mind Control
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The house was a beautiful old-fashioned timber two-storey place with a huge block of land surrounded by trees on three sides. When Frank and Michelle first saw the house, they both agreed it was a bargain for the price it was on the market for. It was in very good condition, quite clean, and surprisingly well insulated. The real-estate agent told them that all the windows were double-glazed, and the previous owner had been supposedly obsessed about quiet. Despite the old-fashioned external...

Mind Control
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Wir wollen unser Produkt nicht ungetestet auf den freien Markt werfen. Aus diesem Grund haben wir die Droge CYBERDREAMS im Internet günstig angeboten. Im Kleingedruckten kann der Käufer lesen, das es sich um eine Beta-Version der Pille handelt, nur aus diesem Grund können wir die Pille so günstig abgeben. Bei bewußter Einnahme, verstärkt sich bei Männern die Potenz, bei Frauen wird die Libido stark angeregt. Die Lust wird so stark, das im Kopf ein chemischer Vorgang stattfindet. (diesen werden...

1 year ago
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DreamGirl Corps

Hello. Welcome to DreamGirl Corps. We offer a wide variety of customizations, including, but not limited to, 'cheerleader,' 'cop,' 'schoolgirl,' 'childhood crush,' 'sister,' and others. Choose one of those options and then go onto the next page, where you will continue creating your DreamGirl. Remember, this offer only stands for one week. Take the chance while you can! It is absolutely free of charge and all we ask is that you tell us if you find any problems with it. Thank you.

1 year ago
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IDREAM OF TWINS"I'm coming, hold on," Carly said as she walked down stares in her night gown.She felt no need to really cover up with her house coat because her girlfriend Sam had called and said she was a few minutes away. So she figured Sam had forgotten her key. Plus, she figured given the hour and that Spencer was out of town her beloved Sam had one thing on her mind. Something she and Carly often enjoyed in the iCarly studio or in the girls' locker room at school if need be.Carly got to...

3 years ago
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Crossdreaming Thoughts

Last week I crossdressed for a while. Wore tight dark green jeggings, and two different shirts. I was barely able to squeeze these huge fucking J cup tits into a basically skin tight size XS stretchy nylon beige tshirt, and the other was an olive green turtleneck of the same tight fit. Wore both inside and outside. Took a short walk before sunrise. Felt so good. I really need to take photos of these shirts….they’re tighter fitting than any of the shirts I’m wearing in my current photos. I have...

2 years ago
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A while back I had a great dream, one I was fortunate enough to remember and quickly wrote down (in short) when I woke up. Dreams usually are mix of images that flash by and aren't a really coherent movie so I poured the dream in a story and added a pinch of my own fantasy.In the dream I'm married to Nienke, a 25 year old girl I know, she's hot, long curly dark hair, slender figure, small but fine titties and a gorgeous butt. And then there's Faye Reagan, an American pornstar that was in the...

4 years ago
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Teresa and I had been invited to my friends evening wedding reception. I had been looking forward to this night for some time and we’d even come home from holiday earlier in order to go. It was a chance to see some old mates I’d not seen for a couple of years since Sturmey shut it’s gates for the last time. A chance to see how people had changed and adapted to “life after Sturmey”. It was the people that made that place, and you never know what you’ve got ‘till its gone.Babysitter, my mum had...

2 years ago
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Sundream Isle

This story was inspired by the 'you make the story' images 2. Sundream Isle The man came along the tiny bridge, across the small gulf... to the island... looking this way and that, he noticed just one real building on the low laying isle... and walked over to it. Slowly walking inside... he found it was a large combination diner and hotel/motel. Musing on this, he took a table... The waitress came over and he ordered a drink and a snack. He told her he was Mr. Keith, of the...

1 year ago
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DREAMGATEWAYS By Geneva A man has a complex dream with women characters that gradually assumes reality. Note. All of my previous stories have used a little ancient magical book that has wonderful effects. This is an attempt to try something different. There is magic here, but absolutely no books figure in it! START Walking home this evening through the crowded market I watched the wonderful variety of people going about their lives, but I noticed the women especially,...

2 years ago
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Young Peter was already into puberty when he finally confirmed (to himself) what had been haunting him for years: the reason so many others seemed to have had the same dream as he did was because his mind somehow broadcast those dreams to his chosen partners. When younger, his nightmares were vividly recounted by friends who remarkably had the same ones. It was a coincidence. When he dreamed of playing center field at Yankee stadium, so did several of his buddies: again, no surprise...

2 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 24

I woke up first for once. Mel usually had to pee before the urge woke me, but I’d had a little extra to drink last night, so I slid out of bed carefully and padded to the bathroom to answer nature’s call, not bothering with the door since Mel had been fascinated by the sight of me peeing in the morning. I was just about done when hands snaked around my waist to hold my cock and a pair of very soft breasts pressed against my back. I pushed back against her carefully and relinquished control...

3 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 25

We sort of settled into a routine and for about a week; everything went smoothly. I was at work during the day, we’d meet and have dinner, move some of Terri’s things over and then fall into bed together. Sometimes we stayed at the big house, sometimes the small house and once, we stayed at Terri’s, just so we could say we had. I could almost think that life would have been perfect except for the nagging sense that Dennis Carmichael wasn’t going to sit idly by. That conversation came on the...

3 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 26

When our security team left the suite, I turned and looked at the two women that were making my life a dream as I took off my suit coat. Each of them set their suitcase on the bed and began to unpack, I went to the sofa and began to unpack mine. They began to stake their claim to the closet space and, being the loving women they are, even left space for some of my clothes. “Are you going to leave room for my stuff?” I wondered as I examined the remaining space. “There is room for your...

2 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 27

Months later, the wedding was upon us and life was just wonderful. Our trio had firmed up and Terri no longer had any trepidation about getting her face wet or wetting Mel’s. Grace was a regular visitor to our home and us to hers. Allison had faded out of our lives and, although I know Grace heard from her on occasion, she never talked to us about her. The morning before the wedding, Mel and I took a limo to the airport and picked up Tanya. At the same time another limo picked up May and...

2 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 2

The mind is sometimes a funny thing. It pulled me on a journey through some of the best times in my life. I relived my life with Beth, seeing her smile when it was dazzling and new, remembering her laughter - like music. I relived the night we first made love. God, I was so nervous! I remembered proposing to her, watching her walk toward me on our wedding day in her shining white gown. I’d never noticed that her smile hadn’t quite dazzled for me the past couple of years. We’d both turned 30...

1 year ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 3

“Randal,” Beth’s father said when I picked up the phone. If I’d looked at the Caller ID, I’d probably have let it ring. “Colonel,” I said coolly. “To what do I owe the unexpected honor?” “I wanted to clear the air about what’s going on with you and Beth,” he said gruffly. “There’s nothing going on between Beth and me,” I told him. “Everything between the two of us is done. Surely, she told you that when she arrived there yesterday?” “She did,” he confirmed. “Are you calling me to...

2 years ago
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DreamWeaverChapter 4

I felt someone lifting me up and supporting most of my weight as I struggled back to consciousness. “What ... What happened?” I mumbled. “As soon as you saw Melody, you collapsed,” Belinda said softly. She helped me into the house, easing me down into my favorite chair in the living room. The rest of the group filed into the room and took seats on the couch. We... I had a large sectional that was big enough to let everyone sit comfortably. Belinda disappeared and returned with a bottle of...

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