DreamWeaverChapter 24 free porn video

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I woke up first for once. Mel usually had to pee before the urge woke me, but I’d had a little extra to drink last night, so I slid out of bed carefully and padded to the bathroom to answer nature’s call, not bothering with the door since Mel had been fascinated by the sight of me peeing in the morning.

I was just about done when hands snaked around my waist to hold my cock and a pair of very soft breasts pressed against my back. I pushed back against her carefully and relinquished control of my cock to her. She shook it off when I was done and then I wiped the last drop from the tip before turning to kiss her. Terri grinned at me and pressed her lips to mine before she lowered the seat and dropped onto the toilet to pee while I washed my hands.

“How you feeling?” she asked uncertainly.

“Loved,” I told her with a smile.

Terri’s smile beamed at me with relief that I wasn’t freaking out about last night.

“So, this is the new normal?” I asked curiously.

She bit her lip and nodded.

“If you’re okay with it. Mel and I talked a lot since she got back. We text almost constantly. Are you okay with it?” she asked sheepishly.

“I think ‘thrilled’ is a better word for it. We need to talk about it and figure out all the details, but I’m more than okay with it,” I assured her with a grin, and she relaxed visibly.

“Good,” Mel said as she wandered in to join us. “I might have asked May to send me her skillet if you’d gotten weird about it.”

She stood up on her tiptoes to kiss me before she took Terri’s place and zoned out, still mostly asleep while she peed. I kissed them both again and then wandered back to bed and practically fell into it. Terri joined me and snuggled into my side, putting her head down on my chest and going back to sleep. Melody joined us a moment later and curled up to my other side, kissing me sweetly before settling down so the three of us could drift off for a few more hours.

When I woke again, it was light out and I lay there, relaxed and listening to the two beauties breathing slow, deep breaths in their sleep. Sometimes life was pretty good. I closed my eyes and just enjoyed the feeling of contentment.

Just a few weeks ago, my life had been in a shamble; Mel was missing, my job was on life-support, I felt adrift, and life had lost all meaning. Now, I was surrounded by people who loved me, my job didn’t matter to me in the slightest, I was looking forward to marrying Mel, I had a better relationship with May and Glen than I’d ever had before and so was my relationship with Beth, for that matter. That brought a smile to my face, thinking that my relationship with Beth was better now than it was through all the time we dated and were married. I had it all. If there was any hint of a black mark on my life, it was the threat of Mel’s family.

I pondered what to do about them. We were starting foreclosure on the land he’d financed with Stan and we were investigating him for anything damaging, criminal, embarrassing or just unnerving for him to know that we’d uncovered. Luther was going back through his life in high school and college, in addition to his business dealings since then. I made a note to add Allison to the investigation. Her declaration that she had a place she could go to be alone was suspicious. At 17, and still in high school, she shouldn’t have that kind of freedom.

I let that thought drift to the background for now since Terri was starting to stir in her sleep. She ran her hand over my chest and then she woke, completely in a panic, her eyes wide as she bolted upright, staring at me in stark terror. I gave her a little smile.

“My breath’s not that bad,” I said dryly.

She breathed a sigh of relief and settled back down.

“Sorry. I just ... I’m used to waking up alone, you know?”

I nodded.

“Yeah. I hear you. You’ve got some time to get used to the feeling. I get the feeling like you and Mel are going to be designing the master bedroom for the three of us after last night.”

She buried her face in my chest, embarrassed all of a sudden.

“Are you disappointed?”

“What?!!?” I blurted. “NO! Of course not. Why would you worry about that?”

She shrugged.

“Tyrone decided that my little sister was better than me,” she pointed out.

“Does Tyrone do a lot of drugs, or is he mentally handicapped all on his own merits?” I asked seriously. “Terri, honey, that’s on him. He gave up someone who’s sweet, loyal, devoted and hot as hell for the sake of a girl that’s willing to knife anyone, even her sister, if a better deal comes up. She stabbed you in the back. He has to know that if someone comes along with a bigger dick and more money that she’ll leave him with a stack of bills and no clue what happened. Why would he let you go for the sake of that?”

She shrugged.

“She’s got way bigger tits than me and he’s been trying to get into the music business forever. I can’t sing, but she can. They spent a lot of time working on that together.”

I shrugged and made a scoffing sound.

“I don’t care if she’s the next Adele,” I told her. “I’ve always been more of a metal fan personally, but that’s not the point. The point is that your singing voice isn’t what makes you special and it’s not your bra size, either. Yours are bigger than Mel’s and both of you put together are smaller than my ex-wife. You’re comparing yourself to her, based on what she has that you don’t. Turn it around.”

“What do you mean?” she asked, her brow furrowed.

“Compare her to you, based on what you have that she doesn’t,” I suggested.

She looked off in thought at that and shrugged.

“Not much,” she admitted. “She has a better job, she has our parents, she has Tyrone, she can sing, she probably will make it into the music industry at some point.”

“Maybe. But you have one thing that she doesn’t,” I told her certainly.

“Like what?” she said, looking at me seriously.

“Us,” I told her with a smile. “We might not be able to sing, but we throw an okay party.”

She grinned at me and kissed me lightly before settling down to think.

“So where do we go from here?” she asked softly, not wanting to wake Mel just yet. “I mean, you’re my friends, my best friends. I don’t wanna mess that up.”

“You want last night to be a one-time thing?” I asked her directly.

She shook her head.

“No, but I don’t wanna come between the two of you either,” she pointed out.

“Well, when Mel got back, she started making jokes about how I drink my coffee. She’d say, ‘you still like it black and sweet? Do I have to worry about Terri?’ and then kiss me and walk away. She was worried that she’d come back, and you’d have taken me away.”

“That’s crazy,” she said. “You were still miserable when she came back. No one could have gotten under your skin.”

“But she did leave you an engraved invitation to help me pick up the pieces and she worried that you might have cashed it in, and she’d come back to find you consoling me. The point is that she left me vulnerable and lost and you could have taken advantage, but you didn’t. You didn’t even try. She trusted you with me and you didn’t let her down. That puts you in a category better than even her own family. As much as she loves her mother, she was very disappointed in her, when she declared that she couldn’t cross her husband even to come to dinner with us.”

She nodded and that seemed to settle her some.

“What about you though. You talked a lot about how Mel’s felt. What about you?”

“We both love you, Terri,” I told her honestly. “You got me through the month leading up to Christmas - and I still don’t know how. You’re beautiful and loving and understanding. You’re also the only black girl I’ve ever been with,” I told her with a smirk. “You’ve been my best friend through everything and last night, we just took that to the next level. Are you okay with being our girlfriend?”

She bit her lip and nodded.

“I’ve never had sex with a girl before,” she admitted. “I’m worried that I’ll suck at it.”

“She’ll let you know if you could be doing something different,” I promised. “If you don’t like the taste, we’ll get some flavored lube or buy you a strap-on, so you can fuck her that way. I don’t think sex is the biggest reason she wants you, although I think she’s definitely excited to have a woman to play with again. She loves you for you, just the same way I do.”

“I love you both, too,” she told me with a smile, and her anxiety eased some. “You’re sure you want me here like this?” she asked, still a little uncertain.

“I think if you keep talking like this, we may tie you to the bed and take turns spanking you until you promise to stay,” I told her, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

She twisted around to look at me with a slightly more playful expression.

“I didn’t know you were into that,” she smirked.

“I never used to be, but after my ex told me she started her affair for the excitement, I started to look into expanding my horizons,” I admitted.

“Maybe the two of you can teach me?” she asked in a tentative voice.

“The three of us will learn together,” I promised. “We haven’t gotten very far into the kinky stuff. Mostly we were watching videos online and sending them back and forth when we found something interesting.”

“Now that you two have settled all the relationship stuff, can we go to breakfast?” Mel asked, raising her head and looking at us with a sleepy smile.

She sat up and stretched with a yawn, looking particularly adorable as she scrunched up her face cutely. She shook out her blonde mane and kissed us both, Terri first and then me.

“I think we should probably get a shower before breakfast,” I said wisely.

We still reeked of sex between us and there was no way to pretend otherwise. Mel wrinkled her nose as she caught what I meant and nodded.

“Good point,” she said and the three of us marched off to get cleaned up.

We didn’t play around in the shower since we were all hungry, but there was still a great deal of touching and kissing back and forth between us. Terri had worried that it would be awkward the morning after, but Mel just kissed her and felt her up a little, promising her more when we weren’t eager to eat. We dressed quickly, and it occurred to me that when they went to bed, our friends had us pegged as friends.

“So how are we going to tell everyone?” I asked and they both looked at me like I was simple.

“We don’t need to announce it just yet,” Mel told me with a pat on the cheek.

I shook my head.

“You’re really going to try to fool Claire?” I asked, pulling on socks as I stood beside the bed. “That’s destined to fail.”

The two beautiful women exchanged a look.

“I guess we’ll tell them when they ask about it,” Mel said lightly.

We each finished dressing while wrapped in our own thoughts on the subject before we went down to eat. We were the last ones to the table and breakfast was already in progress as the rest of our guests talked among themselves. Angela had been accepted by them, having been given a glowing endorsement from me for her work in the divorce. She was in a roomful of people that wished she’d been there to represent them in their divorces. If there was a person that they’d accept as their own, it was a lawyer that made it her mission to punish cheating spouses. They all looked up at the three of us and there was a round of smirks from several of them.

“Oh good!” Bella said. “I went to wake Theresa earlier and her room was empty. I was worried she’d decided to leave early or got lost in the castle somewhere.”

I sat down, and Mel took the seat on my left while Terri went to get coffee to start. Eliza had breakfast going and took our orders while Terri poured coffee. She came back to the table with three mugs and set one down in front of me.

“Just how you like it,” she assured me. “Hot, black and sweet.”

That made Mary choke on hers briefly. Terri smirked at her and then then set Mel’s down in front of her.

“Yours is just the same, except with a splash of cream in the middle,” she told her and then kissed her cheek and took the seat on my other side.

Well, there was no way that was going to be the end of that.

“And how are you drinking YOURS this morning?” Bella wanted to know playfully.

“Hot, strong, creamy and smooth,” she said with a smile, lifting the cup to her lips and tasting it with a deliberate smack of her lips and a grin across the table.

Claire looked back and forth between us and looked like she was making mental notes.

“So, the three of you?” she asked directly.

Mel nodded.

“I like girls, but with everything that’s happened, I don’t think I could trust anyone except you,” she looked around the room. “When I left, Terri was pretty much set. If she wanted Rand, I couldn’t have cleared a path for her any better, but she didn’t go for it. When I got back, and she finished reaming me out for leaving like that, we got to talking. It wasn’t because she didn’t love him, but she couldn’t poach him from me. I’ve missed having a girlfriend and I knew I could trust her with Rand, no matter what. We both love Rand, we both love Terri, they both love me. We’ll make it work.”

They nodded about that and we all enjoyed our breakfast. Eliza took it upon herself to make sure that the three of us had a little extra on our plate to start the day. She left us to talk, but I was sure we’d talk to her about it later. They asked a lot of questions, including when we decided this and were amused that I hadn’t known ahead of time.

I let them take the lead, since they were both involved in planning last night, so they both had a clearer picture of us than I did. Not that I minded. We just hadn’t had a chance to talk it all out except for the brief conversation that we’d had this morning. That conversation had decided that last night wasn’t a one-time thing and that Terri wasn’t going to mess up things with us, but it was far from the last word we’d have on the subject.

They answered a lot of questions for everyone and they accepted it easily enough. We were doing presents after breakfast for the group and Angela felt a little embarrassed that she didn’t have something for us at least.

“Don’t worry about it,” I told her. “We didn’t get super-extravagant with anyone. Mel and I have enough money to get everyone something they’d like personally or could use.”

She nodded and let us draw her along. We had the presents wrapped and waiting in the den and there were some presents from them to us as well, but we’d asked them to not spend a lot on us.

We passed out ours and collected our gifts while we all sat around and waited to see who was first. We let Angela open hers first. We’d gotten her a very nice pen set for her desk for important signings that she wanted to commemorate. She smiled appreciatively and held the box lovingly, looking over the contents and probably thinking ahead to the lives that pen would change over the course of her career.

After that, Claire got a look at her first offering from the Wine of the Month club and looked very appreciative.

“You’ve obviously been taking notes on me,” she said with a smile. “You’ll have to do better though, if you want me to change your character, Rand,” she teased, letting me know that she was still planning on ignoring my suggestions to make her book about us more exciting.

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Das Wochenende beginnt Wie üblich hat Schatzi am Freitagabend Kopfschmerzen. Also lasse ich sie in Ruhe. Wenn sie morgen Früh aufwacht, dann ist sie schlaftrunken und wehrt sich weniger. Leichteres Spiel. Also warum jetzt Streit anfangen? Ausserdem machen ein paar Stunden auch nichts aus. Am Samstag werde ich sie direkt, wenn der Wecker klingelt ficken. Früh morgens kommt sie einfach nicht oder sie ist danach nicht richtig befriedigt. Naja, denke ich mir so, wenn sie es so will... Ich stelle...

2 years ago
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I Was BlindfoldedChapter 13

Hiro grabbed me and held me tightly to him. I had half expected him to throw me onto the bed and fuck me then and there. The other half expected him to just run away and even never come back, out of shame for having had sex with such a stupid unimportant freak like me. But what he did was the most unexpected thing for him to do. He hugged, not at a lover, hut as someone who truly cared. I was so confused. He caressed my head and hair. “Shhh, shhh. There is no need to cry. You are the most...

1 year ago
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Truth or Dare The Basement Sleepover

PROLOGUE.The whole room buzzed with excitement. Scutor had reserved the basement of his granddaddies for a sleepover and all the boys were going crazy. There were Bruce Wild, Sam Bear, Grizzle, Travis Collins, Sophocles and Scutor W. Stomm.Travis’s cousin Bully was the last one to arrive. He came in with a lot of noise, bragging and giving high fives all over the place. But when he spotted Sam he said: “What the f*ck?! Who did invite this stinker here?”Sam just looked at him and said: “Must’ve...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Sage Pillar Sexy Hot Newbie Sage Pillar Is Eager To Cum With You LIVE

Sexy wild woman Sage Pillar is ready to cum but you need to get her out of those panties first! Sage will gladly do as you request and loves how you admire her big perky tits when her bra comes off and she reveals her pierced nipples. Sage loves when a guy pinches and twists her nipples while she is fucked. She shows you just how to do it to really make her wet! Sage drops her panties and gives you the best access to her tight little shaved pussy while she uses her vibrator on her clit working...

1 year ago
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NubileFilms Cock Hero 05192018

We have a brand new game for you with Nubile Films Cock Hero! The rules are simple: stroke your cock to the beat of the music and see how long you can last. We’ve chosen plenty of our hottest videos for visual stimulation as you play along, so watch and listen as you go for the gold! There are five levels of increasing difficulty, so play as often as you can to beat your best time! Featuring Aidra Fox, Aisha, Alexa Tomas, Alexis Adams, Alexis Brill, Angel Piaff, Anya Olsen, Arian, Azazai,...

4 years ago
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Absolute Power Has a Catch

Guide to substories: Mark and Abby: An app that allows a man and a woman to each make a rule and puts both into affect only when they're approved by both parties. The pair has to bargain the changes they want to make with each other, but if they ever go a day without agreeing on new rules, they lose their power. Matthew and The Genie: Matthew is an archaeologist who stumbles upon a magic lamp containing a sexy genie that grants wishes. What he doesn't know is that for every three wishes she...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Tiffanys First Time

Tiffany's First Time By Tiffany Trenda I don't know what it is that is so erotic about dressing up in women's clothing. I can remember the first time the thought of doing it passed through my mind. I was reading one of those 'Dear Abbey' columns where a woman had written in about her sister dressing up her son in little girl's clothing when he was bad. Even at that young age of 10 or so I remember the funny feeling it gave me. I even went as far as to cut that article out and...

3 years ago
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Mr Rogers ResearchChapter 69

It was before my walk on day four of Janet’s recovery, when she decided to write again. She was going to do it no matter what I thought. That is when I knew she was ready to try it. “Okay you can try it, but it may be a tough slog for a while. This is your chance to prove yourself. As long as you fight the good fight, I will not give up on you. But know now, I’m not married to you. I don’t need the money bad enough to take any shit from you. I walk three times a day and you will walk at...

1 year ago
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Moms Unique Punishment Part 2

Part 2 Mom finally selected her dress and shoes and slipped into them as the doorbell rang. "Michael, please get the door. Tell your father Danielle and I will be right down." Turning to me, she continued talking. "Here, let me spray you with a little perfume so you smell as cute as you look. And don't forget your purse. It's on the chair by the window. So, is my little girl all ready for her birthday celebration?" Ready? Not in a million years, I thought. "I guess I'm as ready as...

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DDFBusty Sheila Ortega Kesha Ortega Good Sis Bad Sis

Turns out, Sheila Ortega ended up being the bad sister. She gets caught by her good sister Kesha Ortega and turned in. Officer Ricky Mancini questions her and soon finds his hard dick disappear inside that ever-horny bombshell. He plays with her 42C / 95D tits and watches her cop sister choke that defiant slutty bombshell with a baton. This interrogation soon turns into a hardcore threesome and our DDF Network cams capture every single doggy style fucking detail for you in 4K. Sit back and...

4 years ago
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SpiralsChapter 4

By lunch time on Friday, things had settled down once again. The conversations had turned to how badly Ridgemont was going to crush Bayside. Bobby sat down as I was unwrapping my lunch, but I noticed he had no food of his own. "No lunch today?" I asked. "Betty Lou isn't going to be around for the weekend, so when she gets here we're going to eat outside and talk." "So are you two are together?" Bobby looked away, as if was uncertain or as if he was trying to figure out what to say...

3 years ago
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Cousin with benefits part 3

So after railing my drunk wife in the ass, cumming in her and leaving her looking like a crime scene, I go into bathroom to clean up. I was hoping to just colapse from exhaustion as I had gotten great head from my cousin who was staying with us from out of town earlier that day. And now my wife's 'whore' alter ego was unleashed with the bottom of a wine bottle. I flick on the bathroom light to find my cousin spread eagle on the toilet with her fingers working in and out of her cunt. she moaned,...

3 years ago
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Henrys First Time Part Two

That first night with Philip was magical—I couldn't have asked for a better first time, with a more amazing guy. After we showered and got back into bed, we fooled around again for awhile, lazily, teasing each other until I finally couldn't take it any more and threw aside the covers. He looked at me, a little surprised, and I kissed him. "Enough playing around," I growled in his ear, "I want your cock in my mouth again." A tremor went through his body, and for the first time I felt that...

Gay Male
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MotherDaughter TwosomeChapter 5

Ann Walker looked once again at her watch, and then rose from the cot in Lani's cabin and went to the door to peer out into the half darkness of the cool, moonlight night. The trees around the cabin were illuminated by an eerie, almost iridescent glow. Their branches alternately shadowed and exposed to the impassive gaze of the full moon high above. The heat of the day had slipped away quietly, to be replaced by a gentle breeze that rustled through the tree limbs like so many whispering...

2 years ago
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March First

March First March First was a brisk, sunny day. I drove home from work after the most fantastic ordinary day I ever had at work, a dream come true. I was wearing a black suit, the skirt going just to my knees, a white shell, white hose and black patent leather pumps with grosgrain bows and 2" tapered heels. I wore no wig, makeup or false breasts. Everyone could see all day that I was a man in a skirt and heels. How was this possible? At the start of last year, I and, evidently,...

3 years ago
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The Beginning of the Domination of Randi ch 7

Chapter Seven:Randi loses her anal virginityRandi felt movement on the bed and awoke from her nap.She found she was in bed alone as the movement was Sophia getting up to leave. Looking at the clock on the nightstand she saw they had slept about two hours. She sat up and watched Sophia get dressed.“I wish you did not have to go. I enjoyed our time together.”"Don't worry Kitten, we will spend some more quality time together and I bet it will be soon.”, she said with a wink. “Mike has given me...

3 years ago
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My first time with Marisaa

I glanced across at her and laughed. She was pulling a silly face at me from the other side of the bus, and I couldn't help but giggle along with her.  Marissa was beautiful. She had long, platinum blonde hair that hung down to her shoulder blades, or at least she would have. At the moment it was dyed dark brown and was held in a loose bun atop her head. Her face was kind and seemed to promise a good time without her actually having to say anything. She had a short, slender build,...

3 years ago
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The First Sexperience

The First Sexperience Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. Today I will tell you the story what Ayesha told me about her first sex experience and I am expressing the story in her own lips. Here is the story for you……… “I am Ayesha, about 20 years old with slightly dark complexion. My appearance is not so cute, medium figure but I have huge breasts with 36-30-38 figure. I am not so tall, only 5 feet. I borne in a...

3 years ago
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Friends with benefits Part TWO Edith

this is the second part of my fantasy…. It took me about 3 minutes to decide what matching set I was going to wear for the night out with my friend. I found a very sexy Simone Pêrele satin demi bra with its matching thong, that was my choice, I turned around to my friend which was in her ‘born suit’ and ‘I CHOOSE THIS ONE… you sexy bitch!’ She gave me the ok look, ‘lets get dress first and then I am going to put you make up, I have couple of ideas, do you mine if I take pictures…..hahahahah...

4 years ago
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I set her up reposted

My wife and are in our 40s. She has always been submissive but shy to try something new so normally we just do it and if she isn't happy she tells me later. Up to a couple of weeks ago we had only acted out things together and in private the only act outside of this was that I had a number of photos of Jill naked which I showed around to different guys from time to time without her knowing.However over the passed couple of weeks I had become friendly with a couple of guys at work and they were...

3 years ago
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Brians Adventures Ch 14

Chapter Fourteen: Trouble in Greatfoot Those next few days were not ones that that I particularly liked, for it was non-stop riding with not much time for anything else. Now I like to ride a horse as much as the next fellow, but everyday we got up early and rode till long after sundown. Like the first few days of the ride, we ate on the move and stopped only briefly to let the horses rest. Everything was go, go, go, push, push, push, onward to Greatfoot. We wanted to get to Greatfoot before...

2 years ago
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Jennifers ReeducationChapter 2

Our entire barracks was sent out to the field for the next two weeks to complete "Rifle Training". This was the most important part of our basic training and I was so nervous that I jumped if I heard the slightest sound. The fact that we were all females seemed to make it a little more tense out at the firing ranges because the trainers were suspicious that the female recruits were all a bunch of pussies and would probably turn the weapons on them out of ignorance or spite. My perspective...

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My Father In Law ndash Part Five

When I opened my eyes this morning my father in law/new husband was lying there staring at me. I smiled & asked him why the big smile. He said he was just happy being there in bed with his son’s wife who had just the day before had pledged herself to him. I said while I still loved his son and was still his son’s wife I was also his. And that I loved him more than words could express, I then started to show him by pressing my lips to his and kissing him compassionately. When our lips parted...

3 years ago
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The AntiProm

The Anti-Prom We finished our lunch in the cafeteria and proceeded to walk out back to the parking lot. We still had fifteen minutes and a few of our group liked to get a cigarette in before the next class period started. This was a routine that we have been following since we came together in our sophomore year. It was such an incredible find for all of us to come together. Five of us are from out of state and it wasn't even the local that got us all together. We don't really fit in...

2 years ago
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The Big Bang

Based on Characters from the Big Bang Theory Television show Jax_Teller©2016 By Jax_Teller Lenard and Penny had been arguing and had broke up once again. Penny had marched out of Lenard's apartment and slammed the door shut to her apartment. A short time later Amy who had been on skype with Sheldon through the...

1 year ago
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Unexpected HouseGuest 5

Lying in bed next to Jessee just helped me to realize I would do what ever it took to keep her. I knew the circumstances of the costume party were partly because of the offers of extraordinary opportunities but also of alcohol. She was a beautiful person both inside and out. It wasn’t her fault men found her irresistible and she was enjoying her body as much as the rest of us wanted to. I decided I would no longer object to her attire nor would I object to giving her anything she wanted. Jessee...

3 years ago
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Christmas Story One

According to Webster’s New World Dictionary: Aureole is the radiance encircling the head or body of something as in halo or the illuminated area around the sun as seen in a mist or during an eclipse. Areola is a small ring around something as the dark ring around a nipple. Christmas Story One The Christmas Angel I was your typical good looking college graduate working my way up the corporate ladder. I was twenty-eight years old and single because I worked all of the time. It...

2 years ago
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Down On The Dirt Road

Sitting on the side of the road in the middle of nowhere USA, Madison begins to grow impatient as she looks over at her boyfriend Shawn. She decides do something that will make her calm down faster. As Shawn is reading a map and trying to figure out where they are going next, Madison slips her hand down her jean shorts and begins to tease her shaven pussy. She lifts up her butt and slips off her jean shorts. Also she switches her sitting position putting her back to the door. She looks at Shawn...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Punishing Canteen Owner8217s Wife

All ages the Indian sex stories proudly presents you Its debutante writer Amogh I am 20 year old lost my virginity at the age of 18 to a woman about 20 years older to me,I’ve always been attracted to women older to me as they have voluptuous body damn great ass I m from Hyderabad(India),but the story is not about how I lost my virginity but it’s about what happened after that…..So let me describe myself…I’m an 20 year old male,Height’s 5’10,wheatish complexion, with a 8 inches of hidden black...

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