The Editor
- 4 years ago
- 18
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We made a parents-only trip to Hougomont in mid-August and did pretty much everything we had talked about around the pool that night. We didn’t pack any underwear, we did pack some club dresses for Marilyn, and we did screw every way possible down there. I even went skinny-dipping with her one afternoon and then used the suntan lotion as lube for an assfuck on the beach. It was an excellent diversion before coming home and getting back to normal.
Normal was rather... normal! We put Charlie in the local elementary school, Fifth District Elementary, which, despite its totally unimaginative name, seemed like a nice enough school. Besides, the most important part of any school is whether the parents want their child to succeed. I could put Charlie in the fanciest prep school in the country, but if I don’t do my job as his father, he’d flunk. Neither Marilyn nor I would allow our kids to flunk that way.
We had debated putting Charlie and the girls in parochial school, but I was resistant. For one thing, Fifth District was barely five minutes from our house, right down Mount Carmel Road in Upperco. Our Lady of Grace was in Parkton, at the corner of York and Middletown, and probably fifteen to twenty minutes away. Secondly, my taxes were already paying for the public schools, and while I could buy both schools out of petty cash, it seemed wasteful.
Finally, I just have an inherent bias against parochial schools. I did just fine in public schools, both this time and the last, and I was nowhere near as impressed with the job the Catholic schools in Utica had done with the Lefleurs. Or it could just be that what little religious belief I’ve retained, I still consider myself a Lutheran, hard-core Protestant, and more than a little skeptical of Catholicism and their schooling. Well, all except the Jesuits, who have a solid reputation as scholars, and run some first-rate colleges. You might graduate a convert, but you’ll have learned how to think!
If there was a problem with Fifth District, we could always reconsider. Until then, it was a whole lot closer to run down the road. Charlie didn’t seem to mind. You know those commercials where the child tearfully clings to his parents rather than climb on the school bus? (Marilyn had driven him to kindergarten last year.) Forget it! Charlie scampered down the driveway, climbed up the steps into the bus, and never looked back! I had gone outside with Marilyn to watch this momentous occasion. Marilyn and I just looked at each other and laughed. “Isn’t this supposed to be really sentimental? Isn’t he supposed to cry or something?” I asked.
“So much for missing Mommy and Daddy!” she replied.
“Wait until he starts asking to ride his little motorcycle to school.” Marilyn just rolled her eyes at that. I stood there for a moment watching the black GMC following behind the bus. It had followed the bus from the bus garage, would hang around in the parking lot of the school, and then tail the bus home again. Fifth District wasn’t thrilled, but I bought them off with a new computer system.
I gave Marilyn a quick kiss good-bye, and then climbed into my car to go to the office. “I’ll be back by 5:30 or so.”
Charlie was still five when he started first grade, just like I had been. In Maryland the cutoff date was the calendar year, so if you turned six by December 31, you started school when you were five. Charlie was an October baby, I was born in November, and Hamilton had been born in December, so we all started school at five. The twins, born in the summer, would start at six. It didn’t seem a problem for Charlie, though. While Hamilton and I had been small as little kids, Charlie was big for his age.
The article in Fortune proved to be a mixed blessing. Now that the world knew of us, people started beating a path to our door. It got worse when somebody at Dell blabbed that we were involved with them, too. Mike Dell wasn’t too amused when this all came out, but the article in Business Week clearly stated it was a Dell insider who spilled the beans. Both Business Week and Forbes ran articles on venture capital and high tech, and we were listed prominently with the other outfits who specialized in this area. At least I didn’t make the cover, though my picture was on the insides in both magazines.
I was a little embarrassed by it all, but Marilyn took it with a great sense of humor. After reading the Forbes article, she had spent the rest of the night teasing me about it, whenever the kids were out of earshot, and gushing about how she got to sleep with a celebrity! I ended up giving her a good swat on the behind, which earned me some more laughter, and then later, after she put the kids to bed, I gave her a totally different kind of punishment!
Business wise, the publicity was generally a good thing. It gave us a lot of legitimacy in the industry, which brought both business and employees to our door. We began to debate opening a California office, maybe in the Palo Alto area, and trying to figure out how we would run that. It would mean additional travel for both me and Jake Junior since neither of us wanted to move. He had started getting serious about a girl in the Perry Hall area, who was divorced and shared custody of their son with her husband, and who wasn’t about to move. One possibility was finding somebody at one of the Sand Hill Road outfits and enticing them to jump ship and start up a new branch. We’d have to cut him in for a piece of the pie, for sure, but there just might be benefits to it. Fortunately, I remembered a lot of the names who made it big in the business, and I knew which ones to avoid, no matter what their pedigree was.
As for the new business, some was good, a lot was bad, and some was just ridiculous. We were approached by one guy who wanted us to back him on a chain of vending machines selling fresh roasted peanuts! This guy was convinced that people across the country were dying to stand next to a vending machine for five minutes or more so that they could get fresh roasted peanuts from it. The craziest ideas would get tacked to a bulletin board in the break room and was known as the ‘Hall of Shame!’ That one certainly qualified.
In early 1987, one of the strangest opportunities opened. I became an author! Well, co-author, I suppose, and really, more like a glorified editor. It all came about because of one of my more innocuous habits. It’s harmless, and almost never gets me into trouble. Most of the time nobody even knows about it. I certainly don’t advertise it, although it’s not very shameful.
I write letters to the editor.
It started innocently enough. On my first go through, when I was fourteen, I had read an article in Popular Science about canoeing, and I wrote back, adding my two cents worth about something I can’t remember anymore, but it got published two issues later. It was like that first hit on the crack pipe, and I was hooked! Over the years I kept reading magazines and newspapers and smoking the crack. What I didn’t realize when I started it but learned later when I had to edit the company newsletter, was how desperate most publishers and editors are to fill in all the white space.
I had letters published in everything from the local newspaper to major national magazines. An article on pharmaceutical sales techniques in Time earned a response that was printed. Two scholarly notes on Iran and ship building programs got published in the Proceedings of the Naval Institute. One amusing time was when a local bridge in Otsego County was closed for repairs and took three years to reopen. I wrote in the Oneonta Daily Star how I wasn’t voting for the local state senator until it got fixed, and I urged other readers to do the same. Within two days I was placed on the senator’s mailing list and received weekly updates on all he was doing about the bridge. Marilyn thought this was just as funny as I did. Another time I wrote a response to an article in the RPI alumni magazine after they wrote that KGS had bought a new chapter house in 2010 that had once been a home for unwed mothers. My response was that this was quite appropriate, since so many Keggers had spent so much time helping girls fill the home to begin with. That earned me some hate mail from that generation of Keggers and general applause from everybody else.
Nothing had changed on this go around. You write a letter that either vents about something or refutes some asshole. Nine chances out of ten, the editors shitcan it anyway. It doesn’t matter, since just writing it makes you feel better anyway, and gives you a reason to turn to the Letters page first.
In this case, the Baltimore Sun had written an article about the cost of maintenance on the Bay Bridge. Some jackass had written saying that the cost was excessive, and that taxpayer money shouldn’t be spent maintaining a bridge that was incorrectly and incompetently built to begin with, and that the contractors should be sued. I had responded with an even longer piece that countered that the cost was not excessive, that it was well within the expected costs forecast originally, and that maintenance needed to be performed on all equipment. My response got picked up and published on the op-ed page as a guest editorial, which surprised the hell out of me. My note sparked several responses, both pro and con, which was probably what they figured would happen and why they published it in the first place.
One of those responses turned out to be very interesting. A professor of civil engineering at UMBC wrote back with a lengthy dissertation on infrastructure maintenance that was way too long and technical for the Sun to publish, but they sent it to me along with a personal note. Maybe I wanted to talk to this guy. I read through his stuff and quickly jotted a note back to him, letting him know I had received his information from the Sun, but that they didn’t plan to publish it. I agreed with much of what he was saying and thanked him for the interest.
What happened next surprised me. I received a second note, sent directly to me this time, with about a two-inch-thick stack of scientific papers, some by him, and some by others, on the effects of deteriorating infrastructure and the costs of repair. It was rather interesting. I spent the better part of an afternoon at the office working my way through the papers, and then figured out his phone number over at the college. Then I called him and thanked him, and he invited me to a symposium he was a part of on Thursday evening, on Infrastructure Requirements and Maintenance.
That was how I met Professor Harold Johnson. Wednesday night I told Marilyn I would probably be late coming home on Thursday, and that I would probably be eating in town. When she asked why, I explained about the papers I had gotten. “Going back to being a scientist?” she teased.
I put on my best haughty demeanor, and answered, “I’ll have you know I’ve always been a scientist, and you lesser breeds should recognize my inherent superiority!”
“Oh, really? Maybe such a superior person should sleep in the library tonight, so that the ideas in those books can seep in.”
I came around the kitchen island and hugged her shoulder. “No, I think that if I sleep with you, maybe my superior ideas and thoughts could seep into you!”
“With an attitude like that, nothing else is going to be seeping in!” she replied.
“Hmmm ... Maybe I could come up with a special sleep teaching technique.” We kept teasing back and forth until after dinner. Later that night Marilyn allowed me to sleep in our bed, and I worked on that special technique with her.
UMBC, the University of Maryland - Baltimore County, is in Arbutus, down on the southwestern side of Baltimore. It is right next door to Catonsville Community College, otherwise known to us locals as either USC, the University of Southern Catonsville, or UCLA, University of Catonsville, Left at Arbutus. Depending on the time of day, it is about 40 minutes from Hereford. Run down to the Beltway and then turn right, and travel around the city. The symposium was at 7:00 PM, so I drove down to Towson, had some dinner in town, and then drove down to Arbutus.
The symposium was held in a lecture hall in the Engineering Building. I parked in a lot to the west of the building and went in. Traffic had been heavy on the Beltway, so I got there about fifteen minutes late. I slipped in a door in the back of the room and sat in one of the rear seats. The symposium had professors of engineering and economics and political science, and the audience was composed of what looked like grad students for the various professors. No surprise there. I must have been the only member of the general public to attend, and I wouldn’t have been there if I hadn’t been specifically invited.
Nothing new was discussed, although I generally found it interesting. Most of the discussion was about roads and bridges, and how the nation’s infrastructure was deteriorating. This was pretty much true at the time and was only going to get worse. By the time of the Great Recession, vast areas of the country were being left to rot without any maintenance at all. If a bridge collapsed, it was left that way, and the residents were shit out of luck. Potholes became the new roadways. Putting up traffic cones was cheaper than replacing guardrails when somebody went off the road. Nobody at the symposium came up with any ways to stop the problem, and at the end the grad students left, their mandatory attendance duly noted.
It was just shy of 9:00 when the meeting broke up, and I got out of my chair and walked down the aisle to the front of the lecture hall. Dr. Johnson was the resident expert on bridges and roads. I stepped over the low railing around the stage area and went up to him. “Professor Johnson?”
He looked up at me. “Yes? Can I help you?”
I smiled and put my hand out. “Carl Buckman, Doctor. You invited me to the symposium, remember?”
“Oh, yes, thank you for coming. It’s nice when we can get somebody other than just us academics to one of these things.”
“I quite agree. I remember those days myself.”
“Oh?” he asked.
I handed him one of my business cards with the PhD behind my name. “Yes, a few years ago I was a grad student myself.”
His eyebrows raised slightly. “Where did you go to school?”
“Rensselaer. I got a doctorate in applied mathematics about ten years ago. It seems like another lifetime.”
“I know RPI. I got my bachelor’s at Clarkson.”
“Do you still follow hockey?” I asked. Clarkson-RPI had been a major Division I rivalry for years.
He grinned. “Not for many years. It was always good for a date, though.” I smiled and nodded along with him. “I should have known by your response to that idiot letter to the editor you had a mathematical background. I just wish more people cared about these things. Nothing gets done until something terrible happens.”
“It’s the nature of the beast, Professor. When times are good, we don’t want to spend the money. When times are bad, we don’t have the money to spend. Unless you’ve figured out a way to re-engineer humans, nothing happens unless you make it happen,” I answered. I glanced at my watch. We were the last ones in the lecture hall, and it was after 9:00. “I suppose we need to leave. It looks like they are about to lock us in for the night.”
“I wish we could talk longer.”
I was on the verge of saying goodbye, but for some reason I postponed it a bit. “I could do with a late bite to eat. How about you, Professor? Anywhere nearby we can grab a cup of coffee or something?”
He looked a little startled at that. “Not really sure. I think most of the local diners are closed. We might find a sandwich shop or something. There’s a pretty nice place down South Rolling Road on Frederick, Russell’s, but it might be pricey for a cup of coffee.”
I waved this off with a smile. “My treat. It feels good to get back into the scientific world.” Johnson gave me an odd look at that, so I said, “I’ll explain when we get there.”
I waited while the professor packed his briefcase and then followed him outside. Five minutes later I followed him into a parking lot on Frederick. I led him inside. Very nice, large, with lots of tables and a few booths. By now the evening rush was long over and we were among the last wave of diners.
The hostess seated us in a booth and gave us our menus, and a pretty, young waitress came over. “Hello. My name is Gretchen and I’ll be serving you. Can I get you gentlemen something to drink while you decide what you want?”
I smiled and nodded. “It’s been a long day. Can I get a gin and tonic?” I looked over at Johnson and said, “Remember, my treat.”
He smiled back and ordered a Manhattan. Then, after Gretchen left, he said, “Well, I don’t turn down too many free meals. What do you normally do? What’s your day job?”
I nodded. “Ah, what did I do when I left RPI with my doctorate?” He nodded, and I said, “Well, for a few years I worked for Uncle Sam. I went to school on an ROTC scholarship, so after graduation I went into the Army. When I got out of the Army, I started an investment company. That’s what I do now.”
“You started an investment company?” he asked incredulously.
I smiled. “Mathematics offers a number of very lucrative career choices, Doctor.”
“I guess so.”
We chatted a few minutes about RPI and Clarkson, and I admitted that I had hurt my leg in the Army, and that was why I used a cane. When the waitress came back with our drinks, she asked, “Ready to order now?”
I had glanced at my menu and knew what I wanted. “Are the crab cakes good?”
“The crab cakes are great!”
“Sounds good to me.” I handed Gretchen the menu and we looked at Johnson.
“I’m sold. The same for me, please.”
“Two crab cake orders coming right up.” She left.
I sipped my drink, and it was just what I needed. “Ahh, that hits the spot. I have to drive tonight, so I can’t have more than two, but it’s been a long day.”
Johnson drank some of his and gave a childish grin. “I feel like I’m breaking the rules, drinking on a school night. My wife and I usually just have a few drinks over the weekend.”
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John Henry Bartlett III laid back on his bunk and closed his eyes, exhausted after another long day at sea. It had been another stressful day, causing him to question once again why he had joined the Navy. The answer was simple: his family legacy. Father and grandfather before him, along with scores of uncles and cousins…men in his family were supposed to be Navy men. He hadn’t even questioned it; the choice was made for him before he was born and he stepped into his role like a pair of...
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Mind ControlLETTER XVII You would have been somewhat surprised, my dear Charlie, at the sudden end to my last letter, but it was already unconscionably long. I was tired and had still to tell of the delicious proceedings of that night, so I determined to withhold them for another letter. With this explanation, I shall resume the current of my amorous adventures. I left off after having inserted my bursting prick into the divine bottom-hole of the beautiful youth while dear Mamma, who was similarly...
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Another break in the narrative: Harry resumes his correspondence with Charlie where he joins Louisa's family at breakfast. As you may well imagine, my dear friend, after the wild excesses I had just experienced, I was ready enough to sink into the arms of Morpheus. So just giving a chuckle over the successful start that I had made as a participator in the incestuous joys of this delightful family, I sank into deep a slumber and slept the sleep of the just. We were all late for breakfast the...
The graphic and stimulating account that dear girl Louisa gave me of her encounter with her mother's handsome young page, and the fire of lust that flashed from her eyes as the exciting details flowed from her lips, set me all aflame with such a raging lust (and such an erect and hard cock) that I thought it would burst open my trousers to cool its burning ardor. Louisa, whose eyes were too sharp not to have observed the effect of her lively de***********ion upon me, placed her body between...
I cut short my last long letter as I was really too tired to write more at the time. Our dinner party was of the gayest. The lovely evening and the softened light of the waning moon, which had only risen as we left, unusually late, from the dinner table, drew us to the terrace, and Sophie and I soon began to wander away from it, with the benevolent intent of favoring Louisa and Tom. We led the way to the nearest summer-house, and left them to their own enjoyment, keeping watch the while to...
LETTER XVI Harry's de***********ion of Louisa's and Tom's departure for their honeymoon is lacking. Her absence is felt. We had a rather silent dinner, the absence of dear Louisa weighing upon us, and we missed the liveliness and wit for which she was distinguished. After coffee we sat down to a quiet game of whist, previous to which Fred had seized the opportunity of our going together to the terrace to tell me that his father had whispered to Sophie that he should sleep with her that...
June 19, 1978 I slept reasonably well despite the dream and despite the knowledge that the letters would likely arrive while I was at work. I did my usual morning routine with shower and breakfast, checked the pool, and unloaded the dishwasher, something that was usually Jeff’s job. Dad was going to drop me at work instead of me riding my bike, because the girls would be bringing me home. Unfortunately, things weren’t busy at the deli and I had a lot of time to think. Too much time, really....
At last, the day arrived when my beloved Louisa and I were to proceed to her father's house. We had purposely named to all our friends in Paris the day before that on which we were really expected at her home so that we might stay on the road and have one last night of uninterrupted indulgence in our passionate love of each other. We fixed upon the pretty village of Rosny, not far from the Vernon Station, for the place of our last delicious sole enjoyment of our lascivious revels in love's...
Having left Louisa's bedroom and crept back to my own. At dawn, I was awakened by soft lips sweetly sucking mine. It was my darling Louisa. 'Harry, my love, you must surely have slept enough we are just going to have luncheon.' 'Indeed, is it so late?' said I returning her embrace. Her hand wandered beneath my clothes and encountered my lordly prick in all its glory. She squeezed it with her soft hand and I pulled her into bed with me, gently pushing her down upon it and lifting up her...
It may readily be supposed that I was much more inclined to sleep than to be up and active. So I rang my bell and told them to bring me a cup of coffee and a biscuit. Under the pretence of a bilious headache, I begged them also not to disturb me for breakfast, but to make my excuses and request that I might be left in quiet, as I had had a very restless night, which was true enough. So after allaying my exhaustion with a delicious cup of cafe au lait, I sank into the deepest and most...
While Fred and I were lounging in the delightful shade on the terrace, a neighboring young gentleman, a connection of the family, called to ascertain the particulars of the marriage day. Seeing Fred, he came up to us and stated his errand, and so he and Fred went off to consult with Mamma. I saw dear Louisa looking out from an upper balcony of the house, apparently intensely gazing at some object in the distance. I called to her and she turned for an instant, shaking her hand at me, as much...
I got back to my room without being observed, chuckling over the fact that I was now completely initiated in all the mysteries of the family, and was an accepted participator in all the exquisite excesses of their incestuous intercourse; yet still there wanted the complete enlightenment of both Papa and Mamma as to my relations with both Fred and Sophie. Mamma, who was as capricious as a young beauty of twenty, had taken a fancy to have Fred the following night, and Papa had been so...
The next day, shortly after our arrival at home, Mamma disappeared. We knew it was to enjoy her charming page and to give him her first fruits after her late clearing out. Sophie slyly asked if Fred and I would not like to follow so good an example. After such a challenge, we could not but accept it. So going up to the hut where I had first enjoyed her after her loving Papa had taken precedence, we gratified the dear creature with two double fucks, each enjoying both channels. After which we...
" can Sky not live happily ever after?" Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 16 and Epilogue © 2008 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- Monday, May 26th (Morning) Hi, Marsh It's your Sister!! :) You around, Marsha? I still haven't heard from you, I guess 'cuz of the holiday, and things come up. Anyway, I did...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 7 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Monday, April 28th (noon) Hi, Marsh, I'm banished to my room by the cleaning lady again. Nah-uh, he didn't really grab me and hold or anything -- just sort of tried to hug, but rough. And I could have asked his mom or brother for my bike, but just didn't want to. And I looked...
Our Last Day of School. I can’t believe it. This is my last day of school, I thought, not sure how I felt now that the long awaited day was here. Stepping out into the beautiful sunny afternoon, heading toward the group of waiting yellow school buses I breathed a sigh of relief. I was glad school was finished. Throughout High School like a ship at sea, I had plotted my course, studying hard. However, the Scholarship that many felt I had rightfully won had somehow ended up going to one of...
“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...
You might well be pleased with my last letter but you have merited your own reprimand. You confess to having read it with too much action of the hand, not expecting any such very racy termination, and that when it came to such delicious mouth-fucking you were obliged to spend all over your dressing-gown. All I can say is don’t do so anymore, but come over to see me, and I will do it for you as you did it for me when we crept into each other’s beds at school. But I have more adventures to...
A gap in the correspondence occurs here; Louisa has returned and Tom and she are meeting at Harry’s studio I closed my last letter with an intimation that we turned in for a delicious night. It was so in fact. My darling Louisa, like all her sex who have committed infidelity to us, seemed to grow doubly loving and endearing in her caresses. I don’t think we ever enjoyed a more delicious or lengthened fuck than we had after our first endearing embraces. Louisa excelled herself in the...
I ended my last letter at a moment of utter prostration from the excess of lubricity I was then describing. Since then dear Louisa has devoted several days to ourselves, as well as three or four to Tom. We managed for her apparently to leave the house, but in reality to slip back into a snug little room. I then got rid of Tom very rapidly, and gratified that dear girl’s letch in fresh fucking her while still awash with all the plenteous streams of sperm that Tom had injected into her. I...
I found myself the guest of the most charming and agreeable family. The father was a fine, handsome man of fifty-one years of age. His wife, quite younger to him, was becoming plump. She was, however, evidently in the full force of health and strength, and although somewhat too prominent in bosom and belly, one could see by her remarkably fine arms how firm her flesh was. It was evident also that her arse must be of stupendous proportions. Her step was firm and elastic, her feet small, and...
I was obliged to break off my last letter, as the recollection of those two lovely creatures posing their naked and beautiful forms, all unconscious of a witness to their incestuous proceedings was too exciting for me to continue the de***********ion that day. Now that I am in a cooler mood, I will give you further details of the delicious scenes of which I was an eye-witness. A few minutes passed in mutual admiration of their enchanting forms. Louisa then taking the splendid prick of her...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Introduction & Part 1 © 2008 by Jan S INTRODUCTION: Last spring these letters began showing up in my email. I thought the address had been typed wrong and sent a reply warning the writer, but it bounced back as undeliverable. I know that seems impossible, but the letters are here, and I think the wed holds many weird gremlins. Last night I decided that,...
"Ho! Ho! Ho! Welcome to another edition of 'Letters To Santa', the show where yours truly reads letters from viewers like you on the air. Now before we get to this weeks' letters, Santa wants all of you to know that this past year has been one for the ages, and not in a good way. As I'm certain many of you already know, Santa has had a few legal problems I had to deal with. You may recall on last years' Christmas show, I threatened to burn down the house of a man named Jay, from New York. Well...
HumorHo! Ho! Ho! Merry Christmas! And welcome to another episode of Letters To Santa, the show where I read letters form viewers like you on the air. Now before I read this weeks letters, I've got some old business to address. First is the investigation by the authorities about my workshop claiming that it was a sweatshop staffed by children working for little or no pay. Seriously? Staffed by children? I guess they've never seen elves before. Well anyway, that's been resolved. Santa only had to pay...
HumorMy Golden Summer with Blythe – Part 2 Josh’s childhood dream girl visits him in San Francisco. The Return of Blythe Coming from a small farming community, San Francisco proved to be everything Josh had ever imagined – and then some. He loved the freewheeling atmosphere – the friendliness – in short, he fell in love with the city by the Bay. Because of early retirements, and dedication to his work, he had advanced much quicker than he had ever expected. Arriving at his chic little Apartment...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 10 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Wednesday, May 7 (early afternoon) Hi-s, Marsh, Working hard? OK here's your break for the Sky Update. :)) But I don't really know what I can tell you about since just last night really. Well, the shoes I got today. OK, so, Ms Y. didn't tons of time this time, but I wound up...
Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...
LETTER FROM HOBSON BENDDear Shoeblossom:I've enjoyed the letters I've read, and I wanted to tell you of my unique relationship with my dominant wife, Beatrix, "Trix" for short.I am Doctor Lionel Lithgow, author of 20 books...University professor of physics... And president of the biggest quantum physics research facility in the Western Hemisphere...But at home I'm just a little slave-bitch!I met Trixie when my old girlfriend, Ariadne, took me to a Renaissance faire.Most of the event was just...
Chapter 11: Althea, the School Girl The infernal screeching of the alarm clock awoke Cal from his reverie. He had been up for about a half-hour, but he had only been lying in bed next to the love of his life. Althea's arms were still clutched about him as he stealthily clicked the snooze button, assuming that it was six o' five in the morning, his usual waking time during the school week. He had been thinking long and hard about the previous two nights. Evan... what have you become? He...
edited by Master Ken Wednesday, September 4th, 2013 "Hi, I am Miss Blythe," I said to my class, writing my name on the whiteboard with a red dry-erase marker. "I will be your World History teacher." It was the first day of the new school year and, as I launched into the course syllabus, my thoughts kept drifting to that day in June at the end of the last term, when my Living God, the Holy Mark Glassner, walked into this very classroom and changed my very outlook on life. I didn't know...
The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 8 © 2008 by Jan S ____________________________________________________ Sunday, May 4th (morning) Hi there, Marsh!! OK, I'm all rested up, had my Cheerios (Honeynut, course), and ready to tell you all about Kaezee. That's from her initials, but she spells it out like that but sometimes puts a capital Z in the middle, and she says the boy in her...
As he approached one of the hall's long mirrors he stopped to inspect himself. It was a familiar sight, the flowing, billowy French maid outfit surrounding his body. His arms and legs were outlined in silky, white stockings and arm-gloves. He wore pearl earrings and the lacy white collar around his neck was adorned with a beautiful pendant. It was a gift from mother that he wore every day, without fail. Jon's painted red lips and neatly applied eyeliner and blush were evidence that he was...
PREFACE:There are no sex acts in the story but the patient does have an orgasm as a result of the Ther****t’s physical examination. Part 1 is the Sex Therapy appointment from the patient’s point of view and part 2 is the same examination seen through the eyes of the Ther****t. I don’t think it matters which one you read first.I hope you enjoy it and will let me know what you think in any...
Letters from Sky By Jan S Part 2 © 2008 by Jan S ________________________________________________________ Wednesday, April 2nd (night) Hi!! That was all pretty lame, huh? But I couldn' say, "Hey, there's a bug on your shoulder," in an email, could I? Yeah, I know you don't really need custody things now you're eighteen -- just didn't think of it. And I'm glad we're...
Epilogue These letters were discovered by my cousin and me as we checked the archives after the death of my grandmother Sage. We knew a bit about the Poseidonat branch of the family. John did travel there once he became a citizen and his research led to some advances in ship hulls that saved many lives by preventing hull breaches from causing catastrophic decompression. I have to admit that I never knew just how active Willow and Erica were in the war. These letters got Vladimir and me...
Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...
Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...
Vintage Porn SitesChapter 1 The editor changes the letters! That's why I'm writing this here, they wouldn't publish a follow-up, and I'm so frustrated with them that I wanted people to know that the letters in that magazine aren't true. I wrote my letter the day after my adventure with my best friend, but when I read it in the magazine the editor had added that "Since then, every time I visit her she licks my pussy until I can't take it any more." I guess I should give you some background. You see my...
I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...
Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...
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