3 Sticky Gifts for Her 17th Birthday
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Amanda?s 17 th Birthday Story { Part 2 }
By Angelgirl
If you haven't read {Part 1 }of this story I suggest you do before reading this.
"There is no turning back now," "Dog Man" said with asinister grin.
Mandi tried to kick the men holding her as she began to cry and scream. Shewas fighting as hard as she could to get away from them. She was in a totalpanic begging them to let her go as she lost control of her bladder and peebegan running down her legs onto the floor.
"Do something with her," Ralph heard "Dog man' yelling at him, "Ididn't pay this kind of money for another hysterical cunt, I paid for a bitchthat would be willing to do as she is told. Now look at her; do something."
The men dragged Mandi over to the mechanical chair and began strapping herinto it.
She was kicking, screaming, and crying in totally hysteria as one of the menput a ball and gag into her mouth.
Ralph appeared at her side, "You've got it all wrong little bitch. Itold you when this was over your cunt would be mine.
I didn't lie to you. I care about how you feel so much that I have broughta friend of yours who was late."
Mandi could see a man pushing a table towards her; it was her friend the scientist.
"I'm sorry I'm so late my dear," he said in a comforting voice.I never wanted you to get into this state. It is very important that you tryto calm yourself. I will make everything better if you can calm down. You mustbe relaxed before I can start."
"She must be in a relaxed state for me to continue," he said toRalph.
Mandi watched as he pulled a hypodermic from his bag and raised it into theair. He tapped on the glass as he squirted a little from it's tip.
"Would you please give me your arm my sweet child," he asked ina pleasant tone.
As Mandi lifted her arm to the only man she still trusted she watched himtie an elastic tube tightly around it. She gasped when she felt the needlepushing into one of the swollen veins and begin injecting its fluid into her.
"I have only given her a mild sedative. My procedures will not work unlessshe is calm before I start.
"You must talk to her," he ordered Ralph. "Convince her thateverything is all right."
"Don't blow it now; we are so close my sweet angel," she heard Ralphwhispering into her ear. It isn't real money, it's all pretend," he saidto her. "We'll be lucky if we get ten thousand dollars. You know I wouldnever lie to you. Don't you my love?"
Mandi was beginning to feel warm and light headed.
"I feel like I'm on a cloud. I'm glad Ralph is finally telling me thetruth about what is happening tonight," she thought to herself.
"It's going exactly as I planned," Ralph began pleading again. "Itold you there were things you didn't need to know. I should have told youthat whoever wins you tonight will only have you till morning. Tomorrow noneof these men will ever see you again, I promise you that. You have to trustme," he begged.
"Well done," The scientist's voice boomed as he looked at Ralph. "Herpulse is normal and she is calm. Now I can continue," he said smiling.
"I just had to know I still belong to Ralph," thought Mandi, "Iam still Ralph's property and I will never see these terrible men again, Ifeel much better now. I know I can make it now that the scientist is with me," Mandithought to herself as the drugs began to effect her judgement.
The scientist pushed a large needle into Mandi's neck that was attached toa tube. Her cloudy eyes followed down the length of it till they rested ona machine. She watched him turn the machine on and could hear it making a gurglingsound as it pumped a warm liquid into her artery.
"I don't know why I thought something was wrong," she thought asher head began to spin. "This whole thing is in my imagination. Ralphand the scientist are probably the only ones who are really here. That's it!That's my test. I've been hypnotized into thinking all these bad things arehappening. I know it can't be true, I feel so good inside and I love Ralphso much. "
"I can't believe I have done it," Ralph thought proudly to himself. "I'mgoing to make over two hundred thousand dollars from this ninety pound slut.I am either the best con man on the planet or she is the stupidest cunt ever.She believed every fucking word I said to her, I sure hope the scientist doesn'tkill her with all those drugs. He has never been successful in the past. Thecunts always went nuts before we started on them," Ralph chuckled to himself.
Everyone watched in silence as the scientist stuck several needles into Mandiand injected a large amount of fluid into her. After a few moments he turnedto face the men in the room.
"Gentlemen... the subject is completely at rest. I'm sure you're wonderinghow long it will last once one of you starts to work on her. All of my previoussubjects did not submit at all well to my procedures. It would be fair to saythey were a total failure with all their pleading and screaming. It has beena great embarrassment to me having failed time after time; but this time willbe very different. There was one thing I did not take into consideration before.
"Their state of mind as I administered the drug."
"You see gentlemen... my drugs worked every time. The problem was itwould maintain the subject in whatever state she was in before the drugs wereadministered. Therefore... a hysterical subject would remain hysterical. Thatis why my procedures seemed a failure. This time I made it very clear to Ralphthat he must provide us with a subject willing to submit to my procedures.I told him it was very important the subject come willingly.
" I would like to say that he has done better than I could have everimagined. The subject came to us of her own free will, in fact she wanted tocome. I have frozen her mind in that state. Her ability to reason is all butgone, she can't tell reality from fantasy. Even her short-term memory willfail her, she won't know if something that happened just moments ago was realor just a thought. She will feel pain but her mind will interpret it as pleasurable.The only part of her mind that is not affected is her memory of events priorto the drugs being administered. That is why it was so important that she wascalm and feeling good about herself and Ralph.
"In summary gentlemen... I am saying that you can do anything you wishwith her. She will be a willing and obedient subject," he said smilingproudly
"Well boys, who would like to go first," "Dog man" yelledout as he stood up.
"I claim my pound of flesh," said the old Oriental.
"Take it," "Dog man" laughed loudly.
The DR. circled her a few times before he began to play with the controlsof the chair she was in. He spread her legs wide apart putting his head betweenthem and began licking her.
"I should have claimed her cunt, it tastes delicious," he giggled.
He adjusted the chair so that she was in a standing position facing him. Hewent over to where he had been sitting and picked up his black case and thenwalked back in front of her. He lifted a very thin short-bladed knife out ofthe case and slowly waved it in front of her face.
"Are you ready to be skinned alive little bitch," he asked in anexcited voice.
Ralph couldn't believe his ears when he heard Mandi answer,
"Yes Master," she answered without even blinking an eye.
The Oriental put the blade under her beautifully feathered bra and gave ita little flick causing it to drop to the floor. He then placed the blade underher left breast and very slowly pushed the tip under her skin. Everyone waswatching Mandi's face as the blade traveled farther into her flesh. Mandi seemedoblivious to what was happening; she didn't make a sound. He pushed it in abouta half inch and then began to draw it around her breast,Mandi didn't move ashe drew a circle around her breast.
The knife had penetrated her skin over half an inch all the way around andthere was blood oozing from the wound.
"Can I have your tit?" he asked as saliva ran from his mouth ontohis chin.
"Yes master," Mandi replied seeming to have no understanding.
This time when he reached into his bag he pulled out a longer knife with acurved blade. He stuck it into the wound on the underside of her breast andforced it in under her skin about six inches. He began to turn his hand ina circular motion holding the tip of the knife under her nipple.
After he had completed the circle he removed the knife and placed it ontothe table. He pushed his fingers under the flap of skin at the top of her breastand began to pull down. He pulled the flesh till it was peeled back to hernipple; then he did the same from the bottom of her lovely white tit.
The skin on her breast was completely peeled away except for her nipple. Hetook from his case what looked like a small pair of scissors and began to snipthe tissue on the inside of her nipple.
"I just have to get a better look at this. I have to see what he is doing." Ralphthought as he walked over beside Mandi and looked at where the Oriental manwas snipping.
"It looks like small tubes he is cutting," thought Ralph. "Ican't believe how excited I am getting watching Mandi having her tit cut off.I'm sure if I even touched my cock I would be blowing cum all over the fuckingplace."
Ralph watched closely as the DR. finished his skilful cutting and Mandi'sleft breast fell into his waiting hand. He turned around lifting it into theair for everyone to see. And everyone cheered.
He had done such a good job that there was very little blood. Actually hertit was still there, it just looked a lot smaller and like someone had smearedit with ketchup.
"Are you happy that I have your beautiful white breast?" he saidto Mandi as he held it in front of her face.
"Yes master,"she replied with a slight look of confusion in hereyes.
"Holy fuck, the drugs are actually working," thought Ralph to himself.
"That little cunt is lying there strapped into the chair with her fuckingtit cut off and she doesn't even give a shit. I can't believe how well thingsare going, I just hope the drugs keep working; the best is yet to come."
"That is all for now little bitch," the Oriental said to her. "Iwant more of your flesh later. Is that okay with you?" he asked with atremble in his voice.
"Yes master," Mandi replied almost mechanically.
"These fucking perverts sure are getting excited by Mandi agreeing tolet them butcher her," Ralph chuckled to himself.
Through hazy eyes Mandi watched the black man who was the owner of the biggestcock in the world get up and walk over in front of her.
"Are you ready to be fucked to your death little bitch," he saidsmiling down on her.
Again, without blinking an eye Mandi answered, "Yes master."
"Then we shall fuck," he bellowed as he began to made adjustmentsto the "Do anything chair". When the chair stopped moving Mandi waslaying flat on her stomach facing him. "Lift your head and open your mouth," hesaid as he started to unbuckle his pants.
Mandi did as he commanded and before she knew what was happening he put thehead of his enormous cock into her mouth telling her to suck it. She was havingtrouble keeping it in her mouth as it kept getting bigger and bigger till thecorners of her lips began to turn white from the lack of blood flow. Her mouthwas being stretched beyond its capability.
"Let's see what's in your belly little bitch," he said with a laughas he thrust his cock down her throat. He began to pull it out only to thrustit into her again until it ripped it's way down her throat about eighteen inches;then he stood motionless.
"From the colour of her skin," the scientists said, "I wouldthink you are suffocating her. She will be dead in a matter of moments if youdon't remove your cock from her throat."
The black man grunted as he looked over to the scientists. "I don't wantto snuff her that way anyhow," he said as he slowly pulled his cock fromher mouth and began to adjust the chair so she was facing away from him.
He then adjusted it so she was leaning forward with her legs spread wide open.He bent down between her legs and took a long look at her cunt before he stuckthree fingers into it and began to finger fuck her. He was finger fucking herhard when all of a sudden he stopped and turned to the men in the room witha look of surprise on his face.
"You guys probably won't believe this but this little bitch's cunt isas hot as fire and it is soaking wet; she is actually turned on," he yelledout.
"I can't believe what he's saying," Ralph thought to himself. "Shemust realize he will kill her with that huge cock of his. How could he possiblythink she is turned on,".
Ralph moved over beside the black man and politely asked if he could feelfor himself if she really was turned on. He asked if he could stick his handinto her cunt.
"Sure Buddy, take your time I'm in no rush," the black man answeredwith a huge smile of satisfaction on his face.
Ralph looked between Mandi's legs. The lips were swollen and puffy with cuntjuice dripping out of it. He slowly pushed two fingers into her.
"Holly fuck boys!," She's on fire in here," he screamed withsurprise.
Ralph saw that the black man was getting restless so he stepped back and lethim resume what he had been doing.
"Would you like me to fuck you now?" the black man mockingly askedMandi.
"Yes master," she replied instantly.
He positioned his cock at the opening of her hot hole and began to push itshuge mass into her till the head was into her just a few inches. He stood rockingback and forth but never pushing more than four inches of it in her.
"It sure is nice to fuck a cunt that doesn't need a pound of lard shovedinto it to make it wet," he said with a silly grin.
Ralph was getting so horny watching the black man fucking Mandi that his cockfelt like it was about to burst from his pants. He had to pull it out to strokeit. As he released his swollen tool he noticed that most of the other men hadtheir cocks in their hands also.
The black man began pushing his living baseball bat deeper and deeper intoMandi's burning tube. When he had about three-quarters of it buried in herhe yelled out that he had hit bottom.
"Now we will find out just how elastic she is," he laughed sadistically.
"Goodbye Mandi," were the only thoughts to go through Ralph's mind. "Ifhe has already hit bottom she's a goner. He has at least six more inches ofsalami to shove into the bitch."
The idea that the black man was about to rip Mandi's insides apart was excitingRalph more then he had ever thought possible. His cock felt like a piece ofhot steel in his hand.
As the black man pushed deeper into her; Ralph could see her body wrenchingforward with each of his thrusts. He kept pumping harder and with each trusthe would go a little deeper into her dripping cunt.
His cock was buried into her over sixteen inches now and every time he thrustforward her eyes looked like they would pop out of their sockets.
He was really into it now and didn't even seem notice anyone was watchingor that the camera crew had bright lights on him and Mandi.
"You have such a wonderful cunt," he panted between strokes, "It'sa shame that I'm going to rip you apart any second now. I'm going to give youall of my meat now little bitch. I'm going to rip you're insides open and cumin your belly," he laughed.
He slowly pulled his cock all the way out of her till just the tip was betweenher puffy lips; then with one violent thrust he buried himself to the hiltinto her.
Everyone heard the loud slap of his balls on her belly as his pubic bone slamedinto her ass.
Mandi's mouth sprang open and her eyeballs were bulging so large it lookedlike they were going to pop as he buried his cock all the way into her bleedingcunt. He would pull it out of her only to thrust it all the way back in again.With each trust her mouth popped open.
"I can't take this anymore. I have to do something." Ralph thoughtto himself as he moved towards Mandi
The next time the black man pushed into Mandi and her mouth popped open Ralphwas waiting with his throbbing cock in his hand. When her mouth sprang openhe shoved his burning meat down her throat and started to fuck her as hardas he could.
The thought of Mandi being fucked from both ends was to much for Ralph andhe began to unload his seed deep inside her throat. He couldn't remember atime he had cum so hard.
"It's time to blow a hole right through you," the black man beganto scream.
He looked like he was going into convulsions as his body began to shake andjiggle all over. His legs gave way and he fell backwards onto the floor shootingcum in all directions. Everyone started to laugh like crazy but all at oncebecame silent as they all looked over to Mandi. She looked lifeless lying inthe chair with blood and cum running from the huge hole between her legs. Thescientist lifted her arm and held her wrist between his fingers for what seemedan eternity.
"Gentlemen... It would seem the reason Mandi is so lifeless is becauseshe experienced about ten orgasms while you thought you were watching her beingkilled. She is exhausted. Not only did you not rupture her," the scientistsaid looking into the eyes of the black man. "She was enjoying every momentof it."
"There has never been a cunt that could take my cock," the blackman bellowed, "Now I have finally found one. If I had known she couldsurvive I never would have let the dog man out bid me. The bidding must reopen;I will pay anything for her. This party is over; I am taking her to be my personalcunt. I will pay you anything you ask," he said to the dog man. "Imust have her for myself."
The dog man looked at all the men in the room until his eyes rested on theblack man. He stood staring into his eyes for a long moment then he turnedand they rested on his dogs.
"You all know that the cost of what we do is irrelevant," the dogman said calmly. "Whether it be fifty dollars or five million it wouldmake no difference to the players here. I do not come with the idea of makingmoney; I come here to enjoy myself as you do.
"From what I have seen so far from this bitch I think I'm going to havethe best time I have had since we started this club. I love my dogs more thananything in the world. They know why they are here tonight. They love and trustme enough that they will obey me even when it is obvious they do not want to.They know that in the end the prize will be theirs.
"For me to give or even sell little bitch to anyone would destroy thetrust my dogs have for me. Don't push this issue any further," he saidto the black man. "Tonight the bitch's destiny is with my dogs. If youcan convince them to give her to you then you may have her."
A look of rage swept across the black man's face as he put his hand into hispocket pulling out a small pistol. He pointed it at the dog man.
"I will kill you and your God Dam dogs before I let them have her," hescreamed at the top of his lungs.
"Gentlemen..." the scientist interrupted. "It is not my practiceto explain or inform anyone exactly what I have done to any given subject,but in this case I think you should know a few things before anyone startsspraying bullets around. You saw that I injected into her neck and not herarm this time. The reason for this is I wanted all the drugs to enter her brainat full strength. What I do would take months or years if I were trying tohelp someone under normal conditions. I would not be trying to make a zombieout of them. What I have done here is for maximum effect in a very short periodof time. What I am trying to tell you is she probably won't live out the week.Her heart will most likely fail. Her fate is already sealed," the scientistsaid in a sombre tone.
The black man began to laugh as he looked around the room.
"Well, she was a great fuck while she lasted," he laughed as heput the gun back into his pocket.
Everyone in the room started laughing as everything began returning to normal.
Mandi saw the fat man who smoked cigars get up with a box of cigars underhis arm and walk over to her.
"Do you mind if I brand your ass?" the fat man asked with a sinistersmile on his ugly face.
Mandi was staring blankly into space and hardly herd a word he had said butstill she answered quickly.
"No master," she replied.
She watched the fat man take a handful of unlit cigars and begin feeding theminto her pussy one after the other until he had about thirty cigars stickingout of her.
She saw him pull one out and light it puffing on it till the end was red hot.
"Is it ok that I use your cunt as a cigar holder?" he asked laughingloudly.
Again Mandi answered, "Yes Master."
"I'm going to burn my cigars into your ass one at a time. When I am finishedyou will have my brand for the rest of your short life. Is that ok with youlittle bitch?" he asked.
"Yes Master," she replied not believing any of this was really happening.
He lifted the cigar he was smoking and pushed it hard into the soft whiteflesh of her beautiful ass. She could hear a loud hissing sound but could feelno pain at all.
"I know it would hurt like crazy if he really did that," Mandi thoughtin her drug filled mind. "It must be part of my test. I know I am safeas long as Ralph is here. He won't let anything bad happen to me. I love himso much." She thought as she watched the ugly fat man drop the cigar tothe floor as he admired the large red hole in her ass.
He pulled another cigar from her cunt and lit it. Then he burned another holeright beside the last one. He did this over and over until all the cigars hadbeen removed from her cunt.
Ralph looked to see he had written the words, "DIE BITCH." Intothe soft flesh of her ass.
"It seems like a waste of good cigars," thought Ralph to himself. "ButI have to admit he did a fine job of branding her."
The fat man said he had one more thing to do before he would be finished withher as he opened his pants and a rock hard cock popped out.
He shoved his cock into her cunt and started fucking her. After a few momentshe pulled out and shot his load all over his art work.
Ralph looked at the dripping cum on the freshly made brand and smiled to himself.
"Now that's what I call art," he thought as he watched the cum fillingthe holes on her flesh.
Dog man stood up looked around the room.
"Is there anyone else who wants a peace of her."
The director of the film crew said he would like to do some filming of herbeing fucked in different positions in the chair by several men.
"OK go for it," dog man said.
"We are all going to fuck you now," the director said to Mandi. "Eachof us wants you in a different position. Is that OK with you?" he askedin his squeaky voice.
"Yes Master," Mandi replied from her dream world.
The director adjusted the chair so that Mandi was upside down with her legsspread open. He climbed on top of her and began fucking her violently. Herhead was a foot off the floor bouncing wildly as another member of the crewgot on his knees in front of her grabbing her from behind her head and shovedhis cock deep into her throat.
The camera crew took turns fucking her and filming it for about an hour. Whenthey were finished she was covered in their cum.
"Enough of this; my dogs have been waiting long enough," the dogman said as he told the film crew to release her from the chair.
Mandi fell to the floor as the last strap was removed from her body. She triedto stand but her legs were too weak and she kept falling back to the floor.
"Don't bother trying to stand," she heard dog man say to her. Iwant you on your hands and knees. Do you understand bitch?" he said toher.
"Yes Master," Mandi answered content to remain on the floor.
"You are a dog bitch. You will act like a dog; you will walk like a dog.You will fuck like a dog. You are the bitch. Do you understand bitch?" heasked her.
"Yes Master," Mandi answered not understanding anything he had said.
Mandi watched as Dog man went into a bag pulling out a bottle that lookedlike it was filled with blood.
"Spread your fucking legs apart and lift your ass as high into the airas you can," she heard him shout.
As Mandi did what she was told she could feel something being forced intoher and the coolness of the liquid as it filled her emptiness. She could hearhis dogs beginning to whine.
Dog man pored about half the contents of the bottle into Mandi's cunt beforehe walked around in front of her and told her to drink the remainder of it.She took the bottle from him and drank its contents completely.
"I want you to crawl on all fours like the bitch you are," dog mantold her. "Go out the front door of the cabin and into the yard. You willsee an old stump in the middle of the yard. I want you to stop beside it. Doyou understand me?".
"Yes Master," Mandi said as she started to crawl.
"All right then; get outside you fucking little bitch," he laughedloudly.
Mandi began crawling on her hands and knees towards the front door as sheheard the dog man yell.
"SCENT," he commanded his dogs.
As Mandi slowly crawled towards the door the four dogs were following behindsniffing between her legs. She felt one of the dogs stuck his nose into herpussy and begin licking. The dogs were getting very excited as they tried tobe the one that could lick her cunt.
"My dogs are pleased," said dog man. "They like the scent ofthe bitch's cunt now."
All the way out into the yard the dogs were taking turns licking between herlegs as she crawled on her hands and knees. She could see that every dog hadhis cock hanging out about six inches all swollen and red looking. When Mandigot beside the old tree stump she stopped as she had been told to do.
"Straddle the stump so that it's under your belly," she heard dogman ordering her.
When Mandi placed herself over the stump dog man shackled her ankles and wristswith small chains to the bottom of it.
"Mandi looks really good," thought Ralph as he looked out at herwhite body glistening in the moonlight.
She was shackled over the stump with her legs spread wide and the dogs wereall around her; licking her body.
"The dogs are scenting her now," said dog man. "The contentsof the bottle I put into her will make her smell like a bitch in heat to them.We all know how crazy a dog can get when he smells hot cunt," he saidlaughing loudly.
"The scent is coming out of her skin. "That is why my dogs are lickingher everywhere," he said excitedly.
Everyone was out on the front porch to watch the show Mandi and the dogs wereabout to put on. It was amazing the control dog man had over his dogs. Theywanted so badly to mount her but they were waiting for his command to do it.Dog man sat back on the porch watching his dogs licking her body and cunt tillfinally he got up and walked out to where she was.
"Are you ready to give pleasure to my dogs? Are you willing to give themthe best fucking they have ever had?" he asked her.
"Yes master," Mandi answered with a shaky voice.
"Hold your head up as high as you can and open your mouth," sheheard him say.
Mandi lifted her head as high as she could and opened her mouth wide.
"If one of my dogs puts his cock into your mouth you must suck it. Doyou understand bitch?" he said to her.
"Yes Master," Mandi replied still confident that this must all bea dream.
She watched dog man walk around behind her and stand there for a moment lookingdown on her. She felt the heat from his body as he got down on his knees betweenher legs and pushed his cock into her pussy. She was surprised when he pulledout of her and walked back onto the porch with the rest of the men.
"I wouldn't expect my dogs to stick their cocks into a fucking hole Iwouldn't stick my cock into," he smiled.
The dogs were walking around Mandi whining and looking back at dog man. Dogman was sitting back in his chair with his feet up on the rail when he yelledto his dogs, "MOUNT."
"I never saw anything like it in my life," thought Ralph. "Thedogs are going absolutely mad fighting amongst themselves trying to be thefirst to mount the stupid cunt."
Finally one of the dogs got on top of her and began humping. As the dog humpedhe kept pulling himself closer to her with his front paws that were diggingdeep into her flesh just above her hips. A trickle blood was running down ontoher tummy. Mandi felt the dog's cock find its mark and begin to go deeply intoher. Another dog went around in front of her jumping over her head and filledher mouth with it's thick cock.
Mandi was trying to suck the dog's cock but he was pounding into her faceso hard blood was running from her nose. The dog that was fucking her beganto howl as he blew his load into her ravaged cunt.
After a few moments the dog was able to pull himself free of her and anotherdog immediately slammed his hot cock into her cunt. The fourth dog who hadnot yet gotten any relief jumped up on top of her back and began turning circlesas it yelping at the other dogs who were fucking her. It seemed like he wastrying to tell them to hurry up as his nails dug into Mandi's back causingblood to run down around her tummy.
The dog fucking Mandi's mouth started howling loudly and everyone could seecum pouring out of her lips around the dog's cock. As the dog tried to pullits swollen cock from her mouth Mandi wasn't able to open it wide enough toallow the huge cock out; his knot was still too big. The dog standing on herback began to bite him and he yelped jumping into the air. His cock poppedout of Mandi's mouth pulling three of her front teeth with it.
"That must've really hurt," thought Ralph. "I wonder if thatpoor dog will be able to fuck anymore tonight."
As quickly as the dog was off; her mouth was filled again by the fourth andfinal dog. But there would be no rest for Mandi; by now the first dog was backfor more.
"These crazy dogs are going to be fucking her for quite a while," Ralphlaughed to himself. "I think I'll go in to the cabin and have a beer.I haven't had a moments rest for several days now."
The inside of the cabin was empty as everyone was outside on the front deckwatching Mandi get fucked by the dogs.
"It is nice to be alone for a few minutes to relax a little," thoughtRalph as he sank into the couch.
He cracked a beer and the next thing he knew Jimmy was shaking him.
"You are going to miss all the fun if you sleep much longer." Jimmylaughed.
Ralph asked how long he had been sleeping and Jimmy told him it had been abouttwo hours since he left the porch.
"What's happening now?" Ralph asked in an uninterested tone.
"The dogs are lying in a circle around Mandi; they are fucking exhausted." Jimmyroared with laughter. "If you want anything from her you had better comeout and get it."
Ralph walked out onto the front porch looking into the yard. The dogs wereall laying facing Mandi about ten feet from her in a circle.
Mandi was a bloody mess. Her body was covered in deep cuts from the dog'sclaws. Her face was swollen and bleeding. The camera crew had their lightsshining right between her legs on her ripped and bleeding cunt. He could seeit was stretched wide open and pouring blood.
"God; that looks good," Ralph thought as he stared at the gapinghole between her legs. "I don't think I've ever seen such a juicy cuntin my life."
Everyone watched as Jimmy walked out into the yard and stood in front of Mandi.
"You guys are not going to believe this but this little bitch is stillconscious," Jimmy yelled back. "And she's still holding her headup with her toothless mouth open. No sense letting a good thing go to waste," heyelled loudly.
Mandi was trying desperately to stay awake so that she could pass her tests.She was still trying to convince herself that these things were all in herimagination; but the drugs were starting to ware off and she was beginningto feel the pain.
"I can't believe this is really happening to me. I must still be strappedinto that mechanical chair. This has to be an illusion caused by the drugsthe scientist gave me. I know he wouldn't do anything to hurt me; he's my friend.If I go along with everything that is happening I know I will wake up to findit was all a bad dream."
She watched through blood-shot eyes as Jimmy got down on his knees in frontof her and pulled out his huge cock. Slowly he began to feed it into her mouth.Then in one trust he pushed it all the way down her throat and started to fuckher face.
"I always wanted to fuck a mouth that had no teeth; it feels great," yelledJimmy.
He put his hands around her throat and began to squeeze very hard.
"I can feel the head of my cock going in and out of her throat with myhands," yelled Jimmy.
Jimmy let out a roar as he pushed his cock hard into Mandi's face and dumpedhis load into her tummy. Then he came back onto the porch with the rest ofthe men.
"Is that it then?" Dog man asked everyone.
"I would like to examine her cunt," said the Oriental DR ...
"Make it snappy. My dogs are getting very hungry," dog man laughed.
Oriental man stood in front of Mandi looking down into her pleading eyes.
"I would like to cut out a peace of your cunt. Is that okay with youlittle bitch?" he said to her in a soft voice.
All the men were listening to see if Mandi would answer him.
Ralph couldn't believe his ears when he heard her answer in a weak voice.
"Yes Master."
The DR. walked around behind Mandi and got down on his knees between her legs.He leaned very close probing the lips of her pussy with his fingers.
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a short curved knife.
He slowly inserted the knife into the opening of Mandi's pussy pushing itall the way up. He made a very fast circle motion with his hand and then pulledthe knife out from between the lips. Blood began to run out around her clitas he stood up holding a small flap of flesh between his fingers.
Mandi could feel a sharp burning between her legs. It was enough to make herrealize something terrible was really happening to her.
"Oh my God! What is happening to me? Can this be real? Did he reallycut my vagina? I hurt so badly; I'm so scared. I want to go home." Shethought as reality filled her senses.
The Oriental walked around in front of Mandi and held the small flap of fleshup for her to see. She gasped as she looked at the skin between his fingers.
"OH GOD NO!!!!" she cried out from her swollen mouth. 'YOU CUT MYCLIT OFF" she cried as tears poured down her cheeks.
"No,,No my sweet child," the DR. answered with a smirk on his face. "Iwould never do such a thing. I merely circumcised you. It is only the hoodthat covers your lovely clitoris I have removed.
The reality of what was happening to her was rushing into her mind as shewatched the dangling flesh in front of her face.
"OH NO!!!! They are going to kill me. I'm going to die. Please God helpme; I don't want to die like this. Please help me," she began to cry out.
As the Oriental walked back to the porch he lifted his arm to throw the pieceof flesh over to the dogs.
"Don't you fucking dare throw her cunt to the dogs," yelled Ralph. "Imade it clear from the beginning that her cunt; or any piece of it was mine," Ralphlaughed.
As the Oriental walked onto the porch he handed Ralph the piece of cunt skin.Everyone's attention quickly switched from Ralph as they heard "Dog manyelling.
"Give the final command bitch," he called out to Mandi; but shedid not respond.
"What a dumb fuck dog man is," thought Ralph to himself. "Can'the tell that she is probably dead?"
Ralph was more interested in Mandi's cunt meat then he was in her dead bodyyelling some stupid command.
It felt warm in his hands. The flesh looked swollen as he took out his cockand pulled the cunt flesh over it; it was warm and soft.
"Ralph, you fucking ass hole. Quit fucking her dead cunt and make hergive the command," dog man yelled at him.
Ralph looked over to dog man, and then out into the yard where Mandi lay slumpedover the stump. The four dogs were still in a circle around her.
"She's dead," Ralph said to dog man.
"Bull shit. She is still holding her head up like I told her to do," screameddog man.
"Holly shit!!! He's right. She is holding her head up. Maybe it's justnerves," thought Ralph. "I feel stupid yelling commands to a corpsebut if it will make him happy, I'll do it,".
"Come on Mandi baby; give the command," Ralph yelled out to her. "Yourcunt will be mine honey," he said trying to hold back laughter. "Pleasebaby; do it for me," he yelled. "Just one fucking word; that's allit takes and your cunt will be mine forever," he yelled even louder thistime.
"That's enough of making a fool of myself," Ralph thought as hisattention returned to the peace of cunt meat between his fingers.
He was more interested in jacking himself off with her flesh that was wrappedtightly around his cock.
Mandi could hear them pleading with her to give the final command but fearwas in total control of her now.
"OH GOD!!!! I'm going to die. I'm going to be torn into little peacesby those dogs. How could Ralph do this to me? I trusted him with my life andnow I'm going to die. I know there is nothing that can save me now. If I don'tgive the command in the next second I know they will do it. I want Ralph toremember me as his most obedient slave. If I must die tonight I want him tobe proud of me."
The silence of the night was broken by the sound of Mandi's voice.
"DEVOUR!" she yelled at the top of her lungs.
Ralph stood frozen not believing what he had just heard. He watched as thedogs sprang to their feet.
"My emotions are running wild with the anticipation of these dogs rippingMandi to pieces. It's almost more than I can take," thought Ralph himself.
He pulled Mandi's cunt flesh off of his cock putting it into his mouth andbegan ripping it with his teeth.
"I feel like I'm one of the dogs," thought Ralph. "I can feelher flesh ripping between my teeth. The taste of her sweet cunt is fillingmy mouth,"
He was in a frenzy; like a dog ripping Mandi's body to pieces. The taste ofher flesh was driving him crazy with lust as he felt the rush all the way downto his cock. It began to explode shooting cum all over the porch as he droppedto his knees. When his head cleared he realized he had completely eaten Mandi'scunt skin; there wasn't a trace of it.
"Truly, I did not lie to Mandi when I told her; her cunt would be mineforever," he thought laughing to himself.
Ralph looked up to see how Mandi and the dogs were doing. In his frenziedpassion with her cunt skin he hadn't paid any attention to what was happeningwith her. He was surprised to see the dogs hadn't gone near her. They werestanding back about fifty feet barking like crazy in her direction. Then Ralphrealized there was something in the bush just a few feet from where Mandi wasstraddling the old stump. His heart froze as fear filled his mind. Mandi hadalso heard the rustling in the bush.
"HELP!!!! "HELP"!!!! she screamed in a voice so weak it couldhardly be heard over the barking dogs.
"PLEASE"..."PLEASE GOD" let it be someone to save me.PLEASE,,PLEASE,,PLEASEeeee," she sobbed.
A faint scream burst from her throat when she saw the intruder emerging fromthe bushes. It was snorting and grunting as it moved towards her. Mandi couldsee steam coming from it's nostrils as its beady little eyes locked into hers.Mandi screamed in horror as the young bear approached her. She felt its coldnose touching the underside of her belly as it sniffed her body. Sensing theheat coming from between her legs the young bear shoved his head into her burningcrotch. Mandi felt a screaming pain surging up her spine as the bear pushedhis heavy snout under her pubs and lifted her bottom into the air.
"NO!!!! NO!!!! NOOOOoooo!!!" she screamed from deep inside her belly. "Thiscan't really be happening; I'm going to be eaten by a bear. Is this the answerto my prayers?" she sobbed uncontrollably.
Mandi was unaware of anything except the actions of the bear between her legs.She couldn't hear the "Dog man" screaming at his dogs to attack theyoung bear. She couldn't hear the snarls of the dogs as their collective courageincreased.
The pain in her pubs was so intense that her head was beginning spin. Sheknew that at any moment she would black out never to wake again. Then withoutwarning she heard the bear scream almost like it were a child; and her bodydropped back down onto the cold stump. The sounds of howling and screamingwere piercing her ears as she used all her strength to turn her head in thedirection of the sounds. Her eyes widened when she saw the four dogs all overthe bear. They were on it's back and under it's belly biting and ripping it'sflesh. Blood was pouring from it's neck as it ran into the bush with the dogshot on it's tail.
"Maybe the dogs will kill the bear and eat it. Maybe they won't wantme. GOD has answered my prayers," she thought to herself as she enjoyedthe brief moment.
Mandi could hear the animals fighting just a few feet into the bush. Slowlythe sounds from the bear subsided until she could only hear the dogs rippingthe flesh from the bears bones.
"Thank GOD! They are eating the bear; they won't want me." She thoughtwith relief; until she heard "Dogman" yelling.
She saw the four dogs emerge from the bush covered in blood and foam bubblingfrom their mouths as if they had all become rabid. She watched as they returnedto their original passion in a tight circle around her. The knowledge thatall hope was gone filled her mind. It was her; the dogs wanted this night.She knew that in a moment it would be her flesh she would hear ripping fromit's bones. Mandi closed her eyes and began to pray.
"Now it's time for the entertainment we have all been waiting for," sheheard "Dogman yelling loudly.
Mandi's teeth were chattering together as she waited to hear him yell thedreaded command to his dogs.
Before "Dogman could say anything there was a loud crashing sound. Justas Mandi was about to open her eyes to see what the commotion was she hearda loud thud and her body was flying into the air. She landed over thirty feetaway in thick bush at the edge of the yard. She got up onto her knees and peeredthrough the dense bush into the yard. There was nothing but dust and splinterswhere the stump had been that she had been changed to. She could hear the dogshowling as if they were being beaten; but it was much worse than that. Hereyes widened when she saw the biggest brown bear she had ever seen in her liferipping the dogs to pieces in the middle of the yard.
"HOLLY SHIT!!!! That must be the mother bear; she is really pissed," Mandithought as a feeling of joy filled her heart watching the bear ripping thedogs apart.
"I had better get the fuck out of here before it sees me," she thoughtas she tried to get to her feet.
It took all of her strength and will-power to force her battered body up ontoits feet.
"If I don't get out of here I will surly die. If the mother bear doesn'tget me Ralph and his crazy friend's surly will. I must run: I must."
Mandi stumbled and fell many times as she ran through the thick forest. Finallyshe collapsed under a tree unable to move another inch. She could feel theblackness covering her and could do nothing to stop it.
"Thank You God" were the last thoughts as her beaten body draggedher into a deep sleep.
A small droplet of water falling off a leaf from the morning dew woke Mandiwith a start. She put her hand to her cheek feeling it's cool wetness as asmile spread across her face. It was a beautiful sunny morning and she wasstill alive. She tried to stand but this time her body would not respond; itwas as if every muscle was fused together. She was trying desperately to getup when she heard noises coming towards her. Before she had a chance to hidetwo figures were looming over her. It was Ralph and the Oriental DR ... Fora second she had a feeling of relief; until she saw Ralph pointing a gun ather. She closed her eyes and lay as still as she possibly could.
"If they think I am already dead maybe they won't shoot me and will leaveme here to rot," she thought as she heard them begin to talk.
"It would be a shame to dispose of such a lovely creature," sheheard the Oriental saying to Ralph. "I will make it worth your wile ifyou deliver her to my clinic undetected."
"She's a fucking mess," Mandi heard Ralph saying. "It wouldbe best to finish it here."
"You forget I'm a "Plastic Surgeon.", the DR. answered. I wouldenjoy the challenge of piecing her together; but I'm sure that is of no interestto you. What might interest you is I will give you two hundred thousand dollarsfor her if you can deliver her to my clinic without anyone knowing; not eventhe men that are here. I don't want anyone asking what my plans are for her.I don't want to share her sweet white flesh with anyone."
Ralph couldn't make up his mind if it was the two hundred thousand or thethought of Mandi being the mad DR's. Private sex toy that was causing suchexcitement in his loins. But one thing he knew for sure was Mandi was on herway to a new adventure.
"You just bought yourself a peace of white trash," Ralph laughedas he bent down and snapped a pair of handcuffs onto Mandi's wrists.
As the men climbed into the helicopter for the trip home Ralph told the pilothe would need to make another trip up the mountain to pick himself and Jimmyup latter. He said they were staying behind to do a little clean up.
Mandi was trying to free herself when Jimmy came up to her. As he leaned downto release her she kicked him as hard as she could between his legs. She couldn'tbelieve it when Jimmy turned with a smile on his face.
"You shouldn't have done that," were the last words she rememberedas his fist slamed into her face at lightning speed.
Jimmy carried her lifeless body back to the cabin and dropped her into thebox they had used to bring her up just as Ralph walked in.
"Did you tie and gag the bitch so she won't be able to make any noise?'Ralph asked.
"Don't you worry Ralph," Jimmy laughed loudly. "She won't bemaking any sounds for a long time," Jimmy knew that he had broken herjaw with his thunderous punch.
When the helicopter returned Ralph and Jimmy loaded the crate with Mandi intoit.
"There will be an extra thousand in it for you if you deliver this crateto the helle-port on top of DR. Chow's roof," he said to the pilot.
The pilot didn't ask any questions; he had experienced many weird things withrich people before. He took the thousand dollars and was gone in a flash.
When Mandi woke she was laying in a brightly lit room with the sun shinningthrough the window. For a moment her mind was at rest and she felt safe; untilshe tried to move. She was strapped into the bed with thick leather strapsall around her body. There were wires attached to her chest and when she beganto move lights began to flash. She saw the door opening and the Oriental DR.came smiling into the room. Her first impulse was to scream and fight but somethinginside told her to remain calm; It was the best advice her mind had ever givenher.
"I see you are finally awake," the DR. said in a friendly voice. "Doyou remember what happened?"
"NO" Mandi answered bluntly; and quickly felt a screaming pain ripinto her face.
"NO!! NO!! Is that the way you speak to your loving Master," theOriental yelled as he raised his hand to strike her again.
"OH GOD!!! He is still playing the game," Mandi thought as she triedto burry her head deeper into the pillow. "After all the things that prickhas done to me he wants me to call him "Master". But if I don't hewill beat me I'm sure.
"NO Master", Mandi answered obediently as she watched him lowerhis hand to his side.
"That's much better my sweet child," he said as the smile returnedto his face.
"You were attacked by a bear while we were playing our innocent games.You were ripped up quite badly, but I have put your lovely body back together," hesaid as he watched Mandi look down towards her breast.
"I see that you remember the bear ripped off your breast; is that so?" heasked questionally.
"He is hopping I don't remember what really happened to me. If I actlike I trust him he might untie me. I must make him think I'm his willing slave."
"Yes Master," Mandi answered obediently.
A huge smile appeared on the Oriental's face when he heard Mandi's words.
"And would you be willing to show me some gratitude for repairing yourtorn breast?" he asked as he began to unfasten his pants .
The little oriental was methodical in everything he did; she watched as heemptied his pockets onto the table beside the bed. He placed his wallet onthe edge so she could see how thick it was. Then he slowly slipped out of hispants and folded them neatly.
Mandi's eyes bulged when she saw the small hard penis pointing out at her;it was all she could do not to laugh at it's puny size.
"Yes Master", she said in a soft sexy voice.
Mandi's hart almost stopped when she saw a sharp scalpel appear in his hand.He lowered the knife under the thin sheet and pushed it between her legs untilit came to rest between the lips of her pussy. She could feel the cold steelpushing into her.
"You owe me so much pleasure my sweet child. I will cut you and thenrepair you a thousand times before you're debt is paid. But for now you areto weak to bleed for me. I will give you nourishment; I will give you my seedto fill your belly," he laughed loudly. He began to slash the leatherstraps binding her to the bed. Then he placed the knife on the table and grabbedher behind the head with both his hands gliding her mouth towards his hardcock. As soon as Mandi opened her mouth he drove in till his balls slappedonto her chin. Mandi used her mouth as never before; sucking and licking hiscock. She raised one hand under his balls and gently rolled them between herfingers as he threw his head back and began to moan. Mandi could taste thefirst shots of his hot cum filling her mouth as she reached over to the table.
"YYYYOOOOWWWWUUUUuuuu" the little Chinaman screamed as he lookeddown between his legs and saw blood everywhere.
As he fell to the floor Mandi dropped the knife beside him. She could seeone of his balls hanging almost to his knee; but she had no intention of stayingaround to admire her handiwork; she only stopped long enough to pick up theDR's wallet sitting on the bed and a housecoat from the back of the door beforebolting for the door. She had never run so fast in all her life as she burstout the front doors and down the street. It seemed like hours before she stoppedrunning; a phone booth was a few feet in front of her. She ran into it andbegan dialling her parent's number, but then a cold chill tingled down herspine.
?Oh my God!? she thought, ?What if my Daddy knew about this, what if he wassomehow involved, I don't know what to do.?
Then a thought came to her as she picked up the phone and began to dial.
?My uncle in British Columbia , Canada has always said he loves me?, she thought. ?Hehas told me so many times he would love it if I would come to live with him.He and Daddy hate each other so I know he would never tell anyone I was goingto him.? She heard the phone ringing.
?Hello? a man's voice said. She wasn't sure it was him.
?Is this the residence of ?Clifford Olsen?? she asked.
?Yes? the man's voice answered cautiously.
?Oh thank god!? she said. ?It's me Mandi?. ?Can I come to stay with you fora while; I'm in a little trouble??
?Have you told anyone you are coming here?? he asked.
?No, Uncle Clifford? she answered.
?That's perfect?, he said. ?Don't tell anyone you are coming here. I wantit to be a secret between us. Take a bus here and we will meet in Stanley Park. I'll give you my cell phone number; don't call me at home again. I have dreamedof having you all to myself for years,,,,,,,,,,,,I will have a very big surprisefor you . Come as soon as you can.?
After getting his private number she hung up. Mandi was so happy. She knewher Uncle Clifford would take her in as he really liked doing things with younggirls. He was always helping out at girls sports ; and when a girl went missinglast year he spent more time looking for her than anyone else. Even Mandi canlearn a lesson. Her ordeal was finally over,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,or was it?
I hope you liked my story. If you did I would love to hear your thoughts.Please e-mail me at, [email protected]
3 Sticky Gifts for Her 17th Birthday Maria was lying on the bed, rubbing his cum around her nipple with her finger. Kevin laid there, her hand on his now softening cock, satisfied once again. Maria says: “I want to do something special for my 17th birthday this year. Something I have never done and I want it to be memorable.” She and Kevin throw around some ideas when Kevin says: “Well Maria as much as you like sex you should have a small gangbang.” “Oh my God Kevin I don’t know. What do you...
Aaron shifted his body as he sat on the big plush chair at his own 17th birthday party. Nick Carter, Aaron's big brother, had thrown him a big Hollywood bash that December. Aaron didn't want that. He had wanted a private cozy little party. He hated big crowds and noise. Nick had invited all kinds of people. Mostly pop singers and uptight little sluts. One person he invited was ok by Aaron. It was Paris Hilton. Oh god Paris! Aaron drooled over the blonde as he saw her walking side to side...
You should read the first parts of this story before reading this chapter in order to better understand it. It starts with “Jenny’s Sexual Awakening, Then Jenny’s 16th Birthday. Lastly there are 3 chapters in Jenny’s 17th Birthday before this one. Names involved Barb and Bob Wilson ... the neighbors Ray and Maryann (Mary) Jenny’s father and mother Jenny ... the daughter The family fun with Jenny and her mom and dad went on for a couple of weeks. Then one Thursday her neighbor Bob called and...
You should read the first parts of this story before reading this chapter in order to better understand it. It starts with “Jenny’s Sexual Awakening, Then Jenny’s 16th Birthday. Names involved Barb and Bob Wilson ... the neighbors Ray and Maryann (Mary) Jenny’s father and mother Jenny ... the daughter Maryann, Jenny’s mom sat with Ray her husband and started to talk with him about Jenny. Then she talked about what had been going on between Jenny and all the people whom she had sex with,...
You should read the first parts of this story before reading this chapter in order to better understand it. It starts with “Jenny’s Sexual Awakening, Then Jenny’s 16th Birthday. Names involved Barb and Bob Wilson ... the neighbors Ray and Maryann (Mary) Jenny’s father and mother Jenny ... the daughter The night had just begun for Jenny and her mother and father. Ray watched his wife lick and drink the cum from Jenny and Ray’s orgasms. Jenny held his soft cock and licked and cleaned it for...
It was a Saturday, and Mom and Dad were waiting to talk with me when I returned from the beach. I went in, took a quick shower, and changed into some shorts and a t-shirt before meeting with them. Mom started the discussion, "Don, your father and I are really proud of your success at your new job, but we wanted to talk to you about what your plans for the future are." I just looked at her, and she continued. "Right now the minimum wage is under five dollars an hour, and many adults with...
We soon started into the hugging, kissing, and rubbing that had become commonplace during our love playing. As this continued, we slowly moved to the king-sized bed, and first stripped off the comforter and the blanket. As we lay on the bed, we took turns in different positions, and being in a triangle of one sort or another. I had just finished bringing Courtney off by licking her pussy, and sucking on her clit. As I kissed my way up her body, Emily stopped kissing her, and moved to the...
It was now the middle of August; school was about to start, and the baseball season, much to my frustration, didn't start until February. In addition, until they finished the factory expansion project at the plant, I now found myself out of work, and with nothing else to do. I didn't have any girls to play with, and my best surfing buddy was working all the time at his new construction job. As for me, when you work on commission, they follow a normal pay practice that says that they pay...
I woke up early, and met Rhonda at the curb. She said that Susan's parents didn't want her to make a habit of going surfing before school, so it was just the two of us. As we drove, I found that she was easy to talk to, so we chatted the whole way, while listening to the radio. An ad came on for Bell Air, and when he got to the part, where he said that they only use Airflow Filters I let out a loud, "Yes." Rhonda thought I was crazy until I explained that Christy Malone's dad owned...
We were off to a good start with Tim and me on the men's team, and Michelle and Carrie leading the girl's squad. I didn't know who else was good, but it would only take a few rounds to figure out who was who, and what they could do. The school had a deal with the golf course that we could practice, and play matches free. They even threw in free range-balls for us. I hope they could write it off or see some good publicity out of it. The only things that they didn't cover were carts. We had...
The time had arrived, between Thanksgiving and Christmas, for the end of Golf Season. We had three guys that qualified for the regional tournament. They held the regional's at Bay Hill. Arnold Palmer owns the course, and they play a PGA event there every year. We still had to walk, but we played eighteen holes instead of nine, and we had to skip school. Sean, Tim, and I were representing our school. Tim and I found that we were seated by the members of the Regional Committee in the top ten,...
Vee drove me back to the house, and it looked like her neutral mom had given her dad, and brother a talking to, and they didn't seem, as eager to talk to Vee's new friend. I thanked Vee for the day, and she said that we could call each other, but there was no future date planned. When I called Rhonda on Sunday evening, and she said that she was sorry that she missed surfing on Saturday, but had gone to a party, and was happy to sleep in. I told her that I missed her company, but was happy...
When Stick and I got in around ten, Dad met us at the airport, and gave us a ride. Joe gave Jim a lift home since he had a car at the airport. Stick told Dad that I was doing great, and that I played too much golf and it was starting to cost him some money. When we arrived at the house, Mom wanted to hear about my trip. Dan was in bed, and Dad had to leave for the office in the morning, so he went to bed. I told Mom about all the stops we made on our way out to Vegas, and then about the...
At the end of the week, we had Prom. I'd bought a nice suit that I could use for work instead of renting a tux. Dan wore a tux to make Christy happy. We went from one house to another, so all the parents could take pictures. Earlier in the day, Dan had followed me, so I could drop off my truck at the Park Plaza hotel. The limo picked us up, and we went to dinner at Enzo's on the lake before going down to the dance. It was great with all the girls getting along, and enjoying the group. Dan...
When I called Rhonda, she apologized for being a bitch. She wanted to make sure that she still had a job starting on Monday. She also wanted to know if she and Susan had a place to live at the beginning of July. It made me wonder about her real feelings and motivations. But I accepted her apology, and told her that she worked for Stick. I also told her that she should make sure that she wasn't late for her first day of training. Dan stopped by my room, and said, "Don, what do you plan on...
As he dropped off all the girls, the limo driver received a big tip. Karen invited Lauren to spend the night at their place with me. I'd kept some of the pot, so we were all having a beer and smoking in the living room. As I sat there, I felt distracted, and Lauren asked me what was wrong. "I'm sorry; I was thinking about a problem that I'm having at work." "What's the problem? I'm studying to become an engineer, so maybe I can help." Karen and Diane were there, so I didn't want...
There were many distractions if I wanted to chase after them, but not too many pressing issues. Jim was working on setting up for the new line of filters, and shifting production to the new factories for the premium filters. During September, the plan called for them to retool the Orlando plant so it could produce only DP filters (the low-end style). He had his attorney go up to Gainesville to make sure that all the rental agreements were in place, and work with Dan and Christy to make sure...
We left Chicago, made the short drive to Detroit, and arrived in time for lunch. After checking into the hotel, we caught the game between the Tigers, and the New York Yankees. The girls again rooted for the home team who won, six to three. The weeks had added up, and were taking their toll, so we decided to cuddle up in our king-sized bed while we watched a movie on HBO. I don't remember the end, because I fell asleep. In the morning, we took our time, but were on the road by noon. Susan...
As they walked to the bathroom to shower and bath, B couldn’t keep his eyes off of K’s round firm ass as she walked a little ahead of him. He could see her small breasts bouncing up and own as se walked. Her hard-red nipples were pointing out in front of her and her long brown hair hanging down almost to the top of her butt. Finally, at the doorway of the bathroom he stopped her and lifted her small body up into his arms. He held her and she wrapped her legs around his body as he used both...
I always thought my first time would be with somebody I cared deeply for but fate had other plans: It was my 17th birthday; the day was perfect, a nice summer day without a cloud in the sky. I didn’t have to work, and I was going to spend the day with my girlfriend. Everything was going so smooth that day, until I got a call from my girlfriend telling me she had to fly to Atlanta because her grandfather died. After the call I felt that the day was gone, because I couldn’t be with the one I...
First TimeShopping After his ordeal, Ted fell asleep for some time. A few moments after he awoke, he remembered the spanking and tentatively rubbed his behind. Cool, but tender. He noticed his cock and tucked it back in the panties. “Amanda?” he called. “In the living room.” “Just a sec.” Desperately thirsty, he took a big drink at the bathroom sink, then walked to the living room, wearing only the panties. Amanda, seated in an easy chair, smiled and held out her arm. They kissed, long and...
It was both exciting and humiliating to him as he walked towards the large upstairs bathroom where Amanda was waiting for him. Thinking of turning back, the frustration kept him moving… slowly. He paused for a moment, before his nervous hand reached towards the doorknob. In Amanda’s house, there were some rules, and he knew how strictly she enforced them. One of them being, he was without question not allowed to masturbate himself. Any masturbation which was permitted would happen once per...
This story is a tribute to Bared Affair and to Angie who gave so many people so many great articles and so many happy times: The format of each story in Bared Affair was a newspaper article style in depth report on a news item of interest to the spanking world and this is my version of ‘Bared Affair meets Lush’: The Article: 17 th May 2011 A new service is being offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited, based in Stretford in Sussex, UK. This is an investigative report by Amanda Jones . ...
The Article 17 th June 2011 A further report by Amanda Jones who has already shadowed a Surrogate from Surrogate Discipline Limited and has now spent a week shadowing a Surrogate from sister company Remote Discipline Limited. The main service provided by RDL is to Mothers who’s daughters have either left home and for instance gone to University or to another city for work and where whilst at home the daughter was subject to her mother’s discipline and the Mother, in particular, is concerned...
Amanda hummed to herself as she pushed the door open and stepped into her dimly lit apartment. Tossing her backpack on the floor, she let the door swing shut behind her before sliding the deadbolt shut with a satisfying ‘clunk’. The blinds were open enough to allow a sufficient amount of moonlight to shine through the lone meager window in her tiny one bedroom basement suite. Reaching over, she flipped the light switch on, her brow furrowing in confusion as the room remained enshrouded in...
The Article 5th July 2011 Amanda Jones third article in her series on the disciplinarian service offered by SDL and RDL, this time shadowing RDL disciplinarian Ruth Atkins. Ruth Atkins is 29 years old, slim, smartly dressed in a blue skirt that stopped just above the knee, a white short sleeved blouse, and a jacket. Quite the business woman actually. “I trained as a school teacher and was a firm believer in corporal punishment which I discovered if used correctly produced well behaved and...
The Article: 27th May 2011 This is the second Investigative Article by Amanda Jones into the services offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited. Managing Director Mrs Jane Ford has given me access to members of staff at SDL whilst they discuss active cases. My day started at the 8.00 am Staff Meeting. There were seven members of staff as well as Mrs. Ford. They are the team leaders. I read the agenda which included an update by each team leader on the cases they are running, not case by case...
Amanda’s Discovery Ted sat up in the double bed, sipping an electrolyte drink, surprised at how much better he felt. The last attack, over an hour before, had been much less severe. By now, he was feeling back to normal. The program on TV bored him, so he turned it off. He showered and looked at himself in the mirror, shaved, and combed his black hair. Pulling on a pair of pants, he walked to the kitchen and made some toast. At the kitchen table, he saw mail stacked to one side. Evidently...
amanda's Fantasy Dearest Mistress, Please understand that I have hundreds of fantasies. But You specifically asked for a fantasy from me about You. So, due to U/us becoming so close as of late, this one will probably be one of the greatest fantasies that I have. Please bare with me cause this is likely to become extremely detailed. At least from my perspective it will be. And so it begins.... The day has finally arrived and I am here to finally meet my beloved Mistress for...
ISept 23, 2004As every comic book geek knows, every superhero is born of a traumatic, life-changing event. Be it the death of the Uncle Ben or the full scale destruction of Krypton, those moments are what forges them. Kitty Girl is no different. The seeds of my transformation were sown by my very own arch-nemesis, a man who shall ever more be known simply as The Monster.It was the sound of glass shattering from which she was born. That is my last clear memory of my 22nd birthday. Afterwards...
Love StoriesIt was my 16th birthday. I wasnt planning on doing much. Just have cake and ice cream. With a few family and friends. My dad had gone to the coast on a fishing trip. It was six oclock and a few guest were arriving . To my surprise one of my step moms coworkers and her son showed up he was just a few months older that me and we had been around each other on other outings. He attended a school that we played against in sports. But away from the guys from our schools we got along good. Now let me...
It was my 16th birthday. I wasn't planning on doing much. Just have cake and ice cream. With a few family and friends. My dad had gone to the coast on a fishing trip. It was six o'clock and a few guest were arriving . To my surprise one of my step mom's coworker's and her son showed up he was just a few months older that me and we had been around each other on other outings. He attended a school that we played against in sports. But away from the guys from our schools we got along good. Now let...
He parted my legs and started licking my wet and throbbing pussy. I could feel his tongue on my vaginal lips as my nails dug into his back. I arched my back and spread my legs even wider. I moaned loudly as he licked my pussy dry. I had heard stories of multiple orgasms, but little did I know this night it was my turn. My name is Cindy and on May 29th I celebrated my birthday in the most spectacular way. Just writing about it floods my mind with memories as if I’m reliving the experience. After...
StraightWell a few days ago it was my birthday and those of you that read my diary will know I was out on the town with Sara and Holly two very hot blondes. You will also remember that I mentioned spending most of the night watching these two hotties snogging. This is how I let things in my diary....So a substantial amount of the evening was spent watching this to love birds touching kissing and laughing, until I had one to many myself. The next thing you know the 3 of us are on the dance floor dancing...
***"Brandon, there's three types of women."'Oh joy, more words of wisdom from the blowhard,' I thought as I wondered what dumb shit was my father about to espouse. Still I was required to ask, "What's that Big John?"Smiling, since he loves that even I use his ridiculous nickname, he answered, "First, there's the women that let you fuck them. These are the ones that act as if they are doing you a favor as they just lay there. Basically, they are the dead fish you sometimes hear about." Looking...
"This little Nissan Sentra just wasn't made for these dirt roads," Cherie Jackson thought to herself as she bounced through another rut and the little car careened to the other side of the road. She glanced at her daughter's white knuckled grip on the door and thought for the hundredth time in the last hour, "I have got to get control of myself, for my baby." Cherie and her 14 year old daughter, Mary, had been invited to spend the weekend with Cherie's Aunt Nancy and Uncle Frank at...
Bill was waiting at the crest of the hill for almost 15 minutes while he watched the SUV at the crest of the next hill. It was idling as if they were waiting for someone to clear out ahead of them and Bill wondered if they were travelers trying to get to safety the same as he was. Bill decided to give them five more minutes before trying to find out. The SUV suddenly roared as the driver stepped on the gas and it leapt forward and over the crest. Bill thought they may have seen him and...
The drive that afternoon was nerve wracking. Each hill crest had to be approached with caution so they could scan the road ahead and behind for danger. Each heightening of tension in the truck had wrung whimpers of fear from the young girl. Each time her daughter whimpered in fear it tightened the grim expression on Mary's face. A broadcast on the two-way had barely warned them in time of a response to the tower of black smoke behind them. Bill had pulled off the road and nosed in behind a...
Back last summer my hubby and I went to a friends birthday party. Our friend Ken and his wife Sharon were new members of a local swingers group we are a part of. Ken is a nice looking guy, sort of on the heavy side with a receding hair line. Sharon is gorgeous! Long blonde hair, 36D breast and a all over tan. They had only been to three of the groups parties so Ken and I had never had a chance to hook up for sex because of me usually being busy with other guys. He had told my husband and...
************************************************************************This story is the continuation of the story titled ?Happy Birthday Angie?, although this can be read even if you haven’t read the first story yet. Feedback is much appreciated, especially if it is positive and constructive.************************************************************************Happy Birthday Angie IIElite was the best new restaurant in the area and Angela felt a surge of self-satisfaction as she stepped...
Synopsis: Angela's birthday party goes horribly wrong despite her meticulous, yet poor planning. No one turns up for the party except Nikki and Tamara who weren't originally on the guest list. The two beautiful and mischievous sisters take control of Angela and soon the birthday girl finds herself stripped down to her birthday suit. The sisters invite their friends over and the party kicks off. Having fun at Angela's expense becomes the name of the game as the girls tease, humiliate and finally...
Andrea’s Birthday An Erotic Adventure Starring Kiki and Ty Blaze Special Guest Stars Andearl Andrea gasped as she came. “Fuck me with your big Black cock.” she moaned, as her body shuddered. She rammed the big black dildo she had been fucking herself to orgasm with deep into her asshole while she fingered her...
“Miranda, please don’t spend any money on me. I don’t need a gift.” Tom argued with me. “But Tom, I want to make your birthday extra special. This is the first time you’ve had a birthday since we started dating.” “Miranda, I’m serious. Don’t waste any money on me. My dream birthday is just having over three or four friends, watching the Heat play basketball, playing poker, and drinking beer.” “That’s it?” I...
Laura has requested a special birthday present from her hubby and meanwhile has prepared a complementary present for him. An all-dialogue story. Laura's Birthday by Vickie Tern "Well, I'm here, Laura. Denise took longer than she thought, but finally she ... well, this is what you wanted! So, happy birthday sweetheart, a very happy birthday!" "Ahh, I beg your pardon, Miss, but do I know ...? Oh! Oh my God! Is that you,...
The next couple of weeks, while still crappy at work, fly by. Every night is bliss, and when the weekends come I’m in paradise as I am my Daddy’s little girl full-time. We don’t go out much. We will occasionally stop for a drink at the bar we had met at on the way home from work. But I am usually too anxious to get home and into my diaper to want to stay long.You know I’m in torment on these occasions but tells me that I will always need some outside adult interaction to keep me balanced in my...
FetishIt Started With My Birthday I was having a ball. Well, surrounded by three beautiful girls on my birthday, all a little high on some killer cocktails, at a club in San Francisco, which male wouldn't be on a high. My girlfriend Kelly had two of her college friends visiting and inevitably I was invited to hang out and be their chaperone - especially today, on my birthday. It worked well as her friends were staying in downtown, not too from where we had our apartment. Kelly and I had...
Wendy's Birthday Wish By Maggie "Kitten" O'Malley Wendy stood looking at the pink and white iced birthday cake before her. Glancing around the room, she smiled lovingly at her friends and family that had insisted on taking her out to celebrate her birthday. Actually, she didn't feel much like celebrating. Had it not been for their love and persistence, she would have been home curled up in her bed and probably crying her eyes out. Today was Wendy's 50th birthday and it was hitting...
"Look what I brought home!" Megan Pierce ran to the doorway as soon as she heard her father's voice. He stood in the doorway holding a large white box in his arms, which he struggled to keep upright. "Dad, let me help you with that!" Megan said, as she rushed to help hold the other end of the box. The two of them carried the box into the kitchen and rested it upon the counter. "Let me see, let me see!" Megan said excitedly. Bill Pierce gave his daughter a knowing smile, and...
I was working in my office when I heard a soft ping alerting me to a text message. Thinking it must be from my daughter, the only person who texts me regularly, I dug into my pocket for my phone. The message said: “I am really looking forward to meeting you; I’m sure we can have a great time together.” Accompanying the message was a photo of an attractive woman sprawled on a sofa. The photo was taken from above her shoulder, so it was difficult to clearly see her face. I could clearly see...
MatureMia sat in the Resident Adviser’s office with her laptop open. Since Jesse was working all weekend they couldn’t exactly make plans to go on a second date, so she decided to keep him company on one of the evening shifts. She stared at the screen trying to find some inspiration for her assignment that was due on Monday, but reading her news feed on Facebook wasn’t exactly the source of information she needed. Jesse was on the phone taking calls. It wasn’t a busy night for him, but like Mia he...
First TimeChapter One: Lola's Hot Birthday Surprise By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 July 22nd, 2037 – Lola Albertson “Today's guests are the six futa-sisters who organized the campaign that got their mother, Becky Woodward, elected president of the United States last year,” Adelia Tash said as she sat in the central chair of her streaming studio. My sisters and I, plus my wife, were seated in two couches flanking her. I was to the left, Jen at the end, with Rebecca next to me and Christina beyond...
BIRTHDAY BOY Carmenica Diaz Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday to you, Happy birthday dear Ross, Happy birthday to you…Birthday Boy! 01 of 12: Just another Saturday night. Rosshung his head, his heart was pounding and an overwhelming sick feeling threatenedto swamp his stomach. Naked, gagged and huddled on the floor in the cornerof his own bedroom with his hands handcuffed behind his back, Ross couldn'tbelieve this washappening! He couldn't believe that his wife, Debra was doing ...
My Mothers Birthday was coming soon, and my parents were both busy planning her big birthday bash, however before that weekend I got a text message from Katie, the hot young girlfriend of Tyler one of our neighbours, and it in it she had invited me to another birthday party at a neighbour I didn't know."Should I bring my parents?" I text back."No. this is strictly just, us party!" she text back.So, Saturday night I told my parents I was going out to friends, and then strolled off down the road...
Birthday Wishes by Bruce Leach 1. "Goodnight Claire, night Robert. Happy birthday Jess!!" yelled his aunt Nancy as Jessie Evans closed the door on the last of his party guests. Thank god the whole ordeal is over, Jesse thought, family parties are the worst. He figured at 19 he should be able to have his own friend over to his own party, but the big get together was a family tradition. All his aunts, uncles, nieces, nephews, cousins, and all their spouses got together...
My name is Erin. I'm an 18 year old girl living in a small Montana town. Last May i graduated from high school and now i'm living out on my own.About a month ago i answered a local newspaper ad for two cords of oak firewood to be delivered to my house to keep me warm during the cold winter. The next day a high school boy, Buzz, arrived at my house with a pick-up truck full of firewood. The ad was just for delivery of the wood and not stacking. So, i asked Buzz to dump the load on my drive-way...
She’s actually been sucking my dick nightly for years. I say “nightly” because she primarily does it when she comes in to say goodnight, but she’s always been willing to give me a quick blow if I asked and no one was around. Once, I was particularly horny one summer afternoon, so I went and found mom sitting at her computer doing some work. I walked up.. “Mom?” “Yes honey?” She said, turning to look at me, “What’s up?” But her eyes quickly caught sight of the tent in my shorts, and she...
-- WEDNESDAY, JUNE 21, 2006 -- I was quite grateful to step out from my very first helicopter ride and onto solid ground. Although I'd already become well-acclimated to hanging out with world famous people over the past few days, none of them had been the President/Owner of the company I worked for, and my stomach had been full of butterflies just from being in the same cabin with him for the past forty-five minutes. The natural instability of a helicopter in flight hadn't helped that...
“Fore!!!!,” Sam shouted as he swung the club, striking the little white ball with a resounding ‘crack.” I held my hand up to shield my eyes from the sun as I watched the ball sail into the distance, veering off to the right before disappearing into a copse of tall trees. “God Damn It!” he cursed, pounding the driver into the turf in frustration. I smiled in amusement as I made my way to the gold cart, taking a sip of the luke-warm beer in my hand. “You know,” I said with a smile as I...