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The Interview

Foolishly, my provincial canniness had ensured that I didn't arrive at HeadOffice by taxi. I say 'foolishly' for I had become unkempt and a little tiredby my long walk from Euston Station, and, as I stood at the foot of the broadmarble steps leading up the the large and imposing foyer, I was ruefully awareof my cheap suit and the cut-price shoes which had seemed so 'a la mode' inmy home town. Carrying my CV in an old Supermarket shopping bag did littlefor my image, too. For a moment I jealously the observed the assured and confidentprogress of a young 'executive' bounding up the steps before me, then, squaringmy shoulders in resolution, I followed him through the revolving door intothe building.

A large, sparsely furnished atrium lay before me. Tasteful furniture was scatteredhere and there, and a fountain bloomed in the centre, its plume reaching highinto the air. Behind a vast desk sat a member of the Royal Corps of Commissionaires,no less; his medal ribbons subdued in the soft, neutral lighting.

Cursing the timidity which came upon me, I approached this imposing personage.

He had observed my coming dispassionately.

"Yes......Sir?" he asked.

"Er...I have an appointment for ten o'clock........with Ms Howard," Istammered.

His eyes narrowed in disbelief.

"With Ms Howard?" he repeated in stunned tones. "Do you havea letter confirming the appointment.......Sir ?"

I fumbled in an inside pocket of my jacket and produced the much perused letterI'd received with such astonishment and pride the week before. He took thecreased document from me gingerly. Opening it, he read it slowly and carefully,unable to hide his growing amazement. I knew its contents by heart, of course.In my innocent excitement on attaining my IT qualification, I'd written lettersapplying to a good many 'top drawer' firms, confident that they would be onlytoo anxious to employ my services as an IT technician. I'd soon become disillusioned;young, callow, just-qualified IT techs were not as highly sort after as I'dimagined, to put it mildly.

The letter inviting me to an interview at the mighty Interbank did much torestore my morale. Of its signatory, 'Ms Howard', I knew nothing then, butI was beginning to suspect that she was a far more important personage thatI'd imagined.

He picked up a slim, ivory telephone that stood a little apart from the othersinstruments on the desk before him, and spoke into it softly. As he did sohis eyes ranged my figure, as if he were describing me. Finally he replacedthe instrument in its cradle, and, still with an air of incredulity, directedme to a small lift, discreetly placed in a corner.

"Press the UP button," he instructed me, "and you'll be metin the ante-room of Ms Howard's office suite. I'm told you be leaving by MsHoward's private exit, so I shan't issue you with a Visitor's Pass."

Feeling upon my back his still faintly incredulous gaze, I went over to andentered the lift. With understated elegance, its control panel featured onlytwo buttons. I pressed the one with the up-pointing arrow; obviously this liftwas programmed for two destinations only.

Smoothly and silently I arrived at my destination. The door opened with adiscreet whirr, and I stepped out into a large, smartly appointed office. Thesole occupant was a motherly-looking, middle-aged lady sitting at a large desk,busily typing on a keyboard in front of her.

It was to she that I addressed myself.

"Er........excuse me," I began, "but I have an appointmentwith Ms Howard."

She raised her head from her work, and stared at me through half-moon spectacles.

"Yes, of course!" she said. " Mr --------, isn't it? May Ihave your letter of appointment?"

She took it from me, and put it into a bright scarlet filing envelope.

"Please take a seat," she said, "and you'll be called in presently."

I sat upon a low comfortable bench-seat, before which was a low table, itssurface covered with up-to-date financial periodicals. These presented fewattractions to me, so I occupied my self by removing my CV from its carrierand examining it anxiously for the umpteenth time.

To my horror I spotted at once a large grease mark upon the title page; asI tried vainly to make it less conspicuous several pages came loose and flutteredto the floor. As I was retrieving them, the middle-aged lady added to my confusionby informing me that "Ms Howard will see you now!"

Swallowing nervously, I approached the high, oak-carved double door she indicatedto me.

Feeling incredibly gauche and clumsy, I managed, after a couple of false starts,to open the door and sidle into the room beyond.

I found myself in a large and elegantly appointed chamber. Its carpet seemedankle deep, and the enormous desk at its far end miles off as I gingerly walkedtowards it. When I came to a halt in front of the deak, the seated figure behindit, whose attention had been fixed upon some document or other, raised herhead and stared at me.

Neither then nor now could I describe Ms Howard: not even to myself, and certainlynot to others. To look her in the eyes was to look at the sun, dazzling andblinding. I was aware only of a Woman; tall, dark, and imperious, and I brokeeye contact immediately in confusion and fear. She rose to her feet, and camefrom behind the desk. She spoke to me, in a low, clear contralto voice whichsent shivers through me.

"Give me your CV!"

Helplessly, I proffered it. She took it disdainfully in her beautifully manicuredhands, and scanned it quickly, her mouth thinning in disgust. Finally she tossedit to the floor, several pages falling from it as it flew downwards.

"Pick it up!" she said, in a voice like iron.

Like a rabbit hypnotised by a snake I fell to my knees; on all fours I scrabbledfrantically after the fallen papers under her pitiless eyes.

Then a surprising thing happened. I was peripherally aware of her liftingher right foot, and then I felt an agonizing pain in the back of my left handas she lowered the slender heel of her chic right shoe upon it, and presseddownwards with considerable force.

In my agony I instinctively clutched her ankle with my right hand. She frozeas if in shock. With a terrible anger she spoke.

"How DARE you touch me........ANIMAL!"

In angry disgust she withdrew her foot.

"Stay there!" she commanded me. Then, raising her voice a little, "Sonia!" shecalled out.

I was aware of a door opening and the appearance of another woman, of muchthe same size and colouring.

"Yes, Ma'am?" she enquired.

"Remove this rubbish and dispose of it, please! Bring me coffee; thenleave us undisturbed for an hour."

The other nodded silently, picked up my painfully compiled CV, and left. MsHoward walked over to a suite of comfortable armchairs surrounding an ornate,low brass table, and seated herself. I remained in place on the floor, stillin a state of hypnosis, scarcely daring to nurse my throbbing left hand.

Sonia returned, bearing her Mistress's coffee on a silver salver. In silenceshe placed it on the low table, then withdrawing. Throughout her brief visitshe ignored my presence entirely.

In fascination I watched her sip at her drink. Then, without even lookingin my direction, "Boy! Come here!" She snapped, jabbing her fingerdownwards to the floor by her feet.

Helplessly I did so, crawling on all-fours to where she sat, my will paralysedby her powerful personality and her iron conviction that I would obey.

"Sit!" She ordered me.

As if by instinct I sat, not in the normal manner a human being might adoptwhen sitting on the floor, but in a semi-kneeling position with my legs foldedbeneath me, my buttocks resting upon my heels, and my hands flat on the floorin front of my knees. Momentarily I wondered at how natural this stance feltto me, then Ms Howard spoke:

"Good boy!" (Her voice was approving). "Now; some ground rules.Your name shall be 'Boy'. You will stay on all-fours unless I, or one of myslaves, give you permission to do otherwise. You will not, of course, talkat any time, unless we allow you to by uttering the code word 'Answer!' Doyou understand me, Boy? Answer!"

And with that she poked me painfully in the ribs with the sharp toe of herleft shoe.

"Yes, Mistress!" I replied humbly, some inner part of me amazedat the ease with which these words came to my tongue.

"See to it that you do!" She snapped. "And now, as I have abusiness meeting shortly, and I don't care to appear in dirty footwear, youwill lick clean my shoes!"

She stretched out her feet, soles and uppers upmost, resting on their heels,upon the thick carpet. I remember that inwardly I was astonished both by mylack of of reaction to this outrageous command, and my unprotesting acceptanceand obedience to it. Placing my fore-arms on either side of her left foot,I went down upon my elbows and began to lick her shoe, taking special carewhen my tongue approached the top lest my saliva contaminate her skin throughher sheer stockings. I licked clean the sole too; her shoe was dusty ratherthan actually dirty - Ms Howard spent little time walking upon the plebiansurfaces of roads and pavements; her shoes were more used to the plush carpetsof her office, her car, and her mansion in the Home counties.

I repeated this exercise with her right shoe; then sat back upon my haunchesas before.

"Good Boy! Clever Boy!" she exclaimed. "I was right; You AREa quick learner!....Sonia?"

"Ma'am?" came the quick reply from the next room.

" I shall go to my luncheon meeting now. Take Boy with you, make himcomplete the tests we have prepared for him, then shut him in the closet untilI want him."

Sonia's 'Very well, Ma'am!' came from close at hand, for she had entered theroom immediately on receiving her Mistress's instructions.

"Boy! Go with Sonia."

Sonia, for her part, stabbed a finger downward to a spot by her side and alittle behind; I scrambled over to her and accompanied her on all fours outof Ms Howard's office into the scarcely less spacious one of her Personal Assistant.

Though still elegantly furnished, and equally tastefully decorated, this roomwas far more obviously a place of business. Computers, printers, fax machinesand various other electronic office equipment purred softly on work tablesand desks. To use a nautical idiom, it seemed that if Ms Howard's room wasa ship's Bridge; her P.A's was the Engine Room. Sonia took her seat, and peeredover her desk at me where I crouched docilely on the floor.

"Boy!" she said sharply. "Go to that desk over there, and completethe forms you will find there. You may stand on your hind legs, and sit downin the desk-chair to do this. Bring them to me when you have finished."

I rose to my feet and did as she told me, some part of my mind marvellingat my instant obedience. It was as if Ms Howard's self-confident control overme had been transferred smoothly to her P.A. in some mysterious and unfathomablemanner.

Be that as it may, a few seconds later found me seated at the designated desk,examining the small pile of documents before me. They were of the type familiareven to tyros as psychological tests: endless rows of seeming innocuous queries,each with its choice of boxes to be ticked in answer. I had already completedan inordinate number of them for the Human Resources Department of the veryorganization under whose roof I sat now, far more than I'd thought appropriate,in my innocence. I bent over my task, and in about thirty minutes, I carriedthe completed questionaires over to the waiting Sonia.

"Put them into that hopper," she instructed me, turning the monitoron the computer she'd indicated to me towards her.

The machine clicked and whirred, the papers slid one by one into its waitingmaw and were discarded into a tray beneath it. The legend 'Scan Over' cameup on the monitor, and a menu appeared.

"Click 'Integrate with previous results' then 'Display'," she toldme. I did that, and the screen changed to display the message 'Compatability98.883 %'. She regarded it for a moment, then, after turning the monitor backto its previous position, began to type smoothly and expertly on the keyboardbefore her, the lines of type appearing on its slim monitor as if by magic.

As I hadn't been told to do anything else, I stood patiently where I was,about four feet away and slightly to the rear of her right shoulder. Too faraway to read what she was typing on the screen, I used the time to examineher surreptitiously.

I was once again struck by her resemblance to her Mistress, or as much ofher Mistress's appearance as I'd dared to look at at. Both were tall and dark;both slender but athletic in build. But Sonia was to Ms Howard as the Moonis to the Sun; a pale shadow of the latter's personality Still, she commandedme in the same self-confident way as her Mistress; and I obeyed in the sameunquestioning manner. She wore a severely-cut suit of light of light tan withshoes of matching hue. Around her neck, resting on the base of her throat,was her single personal adornment. A solid gold ring, a quarter-inch thickit revolved freely around her neck as she moved her head. I had just remarkedidly to myself that there seemed to be no catch or other visible means of removingit, when a telephone on Sonia's desk uttered a discreet purr. She pressed abutton on a pad, and a voice spoke through an intercom.


The voice was that of Ms Howard. The following conversation ensued.


"I shall return at three o'clock. You may go for your lunch at whatevertime you please. Has Boy completed those test papers?"

"Thank you, Ma'am. Indeed he has, Ma'am; and the results now stand atnearly 99 per cent!"

"Excellent news, Sonia! It seems our Human Resources Psychologists arealmost as good as they keep telling me they are!"

"Perhaps, Ma'am. But I think a great deal is down to you, and your pre-selectionprocessing," Sonia protested loyally.

Her Mistress chuckled affectionately "Thank you, Sonia; my dear! Anyway,the bottom line is that Boy will be suitable, I believe."

"I feel sure he will, Ma'am," replied the P.A. Then: "Whatshall I do with him until your return, Ma'am? Shall I feed him?"

"No, no!" came the casual reply. "Just give him some water;then put him in the closet."

With that Ms Howard rang off. Sonia turned at once to me.

"Boy! Down!" Then: "Sit!"

I dropped to all fours and, sitting in that strangely satisfying positionI had adopted from the beginning, watched Sonia rummage through a cabinet andretrieve from it a large, shallow, metal dish. This she took into an adjoiningroom, from which I heard a brief sound of running water. She returned bearingthe dish, which she placed carefully on her desk. Then, after taking up a newspaperand spreading it on the carpet before me, she put down the brimming dish inits centre.

"Drink!" she commanded; and I needed no urging, for at the sightof water I was suddenly aware of a raging thirst. I lowered myself onto myelbows, my forearms at either side of the dish, in the same manner as in I'dcleaned Ms Howard's shoes, and sucked and slurped up the water noisily, myrump protruding indecorously upwards as I drank.

As I drained the last drop, Sonia, who had been waiting with some impatience,made an abrupt gesture signalling me to follow. I walked on all-fours behindher through a side door and into a short corridor, which ended in another door.She took a key from her pocket, and opening this door, ushered me past herand into the space beyond. Closing and locking the door behind her, she leftme to examine my new surroundings; I heard her faint, soft footsteps as sheretreated.

Still on all-fours, I looked about me. The space must have been once a continuationof the corridor, for it was the same width - about four feet - and the sameheight. There was not much to see; a carpeted floor about six feet long, thena further four feet ending in a blank wall. This end of the narrow room wasfloored with white ceramic tiles, which continued up the walls to the ceiling.In the centre of the tiled floor was a hole about four inches across, a barredgrid set three inches into its interior. Occasional faint noises, as thoughof rushing waters, came from it, along with a distinct smell of sewage.

I had just regained the carpeted section when, without warning, the lightin its barred holder in the ceiling went off, leaving me in total darkness.With that odd philosophical acceptance of my condition which I'd noticed inmyself since Ms Howards's first words to me, I laid myself down on the thickindustrial floor covering. After only a few minutes of trying to get comfortable,I removed my shoes, and folded my jacket over them as a makeshift pillow, addinga little later my trousers to increase the height to a more comfortable heightfor my head.

It was quite warm in the tiny room, and almost completely silent, and I soondropped off into a heavy sleep. I recalled later waking up with a burstingbladder, and groping around on all-fours until I located the hole in the tiledsection over which I squatted to relieve myself, after which I fell into amuch lighter half-doze, half trance.

A dazzling flood of light and the opening of the door brought me groggilyawake, blinking upwards at the tall figure in the doorway.

"Boy!" (the voice was Sonia's) "Come!"

I began to scrabble together my discarded clothing. "Leave that!" shesnapped, and led the way out along the short corridor and into her office.Pausing only to pick up a small package from her desk, she continued into theoffice of her Mistress with me meekly following on all-fours. Ms Howard herselfawaited us, standing with one hip elegantly perched upon a corner of her desk.She regarded us lazily.

"Here he is, Ma'am!" Sonia announced.

"Has he been obedient?"

"Entirely, Ma'am"

The two tall, svelte women gazed down at me where I sat on the thick carpetbefore Ms Howard's desk. In my rumpled shirt and underwear, my hair stickingup wildly from my recent sleep, I knew I presented a ludicrous spectacle.

"Boy! Stand!" ordered Ms Howard, distaste in her voice. Then: "Takeoff those rags!"

Though this was the most outrageous ordeal she'd put me to, I obeyed mechanicallyand without protest or hesitation, my will totally under her control.

I stood naked before their dispassionate eyes. They examined me as thoughI was some breed of animal they were about to purchase. Ms Howard turned toher P.A.

"Well, Sonia?"

"A little scrawny, Ma'am!" answered her PA critically.

"He'll soon put on muscle with the regime I have planned for him!.......HaveBoy's accessories arrived, dear?"

Sonia indicated the package she'd brought in from her office.

"Open it, dear; and let us see what we have for him," said her Mistress,taking up her place behind her desk, and pulling on her thin gloves as shespoke. To me: "Boy! Come here! Sit!"

I complied with alacrity, even remembering to drop to all-fours to do so,an action which earned me an absent pat on the head from her gloved hand. Sonia,meanwhile, had opened the package and spread its contents upon the desktop.

I sat there quietly, an odd mixture of feelings churning in my mind. Outrageat my treatment mingled with wonder at how quickly and easily Ms Howard hadtaken over my will since we first met; apprehension about possible future eventsfought with an inexplicable, deeply seated, sense of trust and security. Iobeyed her instructions puppet-like as she and Sonia 'dressed' me, as theyput it, in the articles they took from the package.

First, small padded leather mitts were pushed over my hand and secured atmy wrists. Then, after Ms Howard had enquired of her PA whether the collarhad been 'broken in' so that its newness would not chafe my neck and receivedthe assurance that it had been worn by a dog for the last six months, her slimgloved fingers buckled it around my lowered neck. She ran a finger around betweenmy skin and the smooth leather, and tested it for its ease of rotation aroundmy neck Satisfied, she turned her attention to the remaining articles fromthe package.

"A leash, of course," I heard her say, "and a muzzle. A whipfor if he's naughty...And, look! a sweet little bell for his collar! Do putit on him, Sonia dear!"

Sonia's slim cool fingers attached the bell to the 'D' ring on my collar,where it tinkled softly at my every movement while her Mistress deftly placedthe leather muzzle over my nose and jaws, buckling it securely at the backof my head. All this done, she sat back and regarded me with satisfaction.

"Do walk him about for a while, dear," she said. "Let me seehow he answers to his leash."

Sonia clipped the leash to my collar. Dazed and uncomprehending, I felt agentle tug at my neck and came off my haunches onto all-fours. Amother gentletug, and I was walking docilely at the PA's side, automatically taking up aposition with my head slightly in front of her knee, the skirt of her businesssuit brushing occasionally against my shoulder as we went and the bight ofmy leash lying across my near shoulder and down my flank, the bell on my collarsounding softly to mark our progress.

She led me round the room a few times before halting before Ms Howard's deskwhere, unbidden, I sat back on my haunches by her side.

"Oh! Very good!" Ms Howard said, rising from her seat and comingaround her desk to join us. "Give me his leash, dear!"

Taking it from her PA, she led me over to a corner hidden behind an elaborateJapanese screen. Pointing to it she said "This shall be your corner, Boy!You shall go here when ordered, and stay until wanted. Now," (and sheunclipped my leash as she spoke) "Corner! Lie Down! Stay!"

I curled my self up on the floor and watched as she replaced the screen, obscuringmy view of the rest of the room. Her conversation with her PA came clearlyto my ears, though with many mysterious allusions which I did not fully understanduntil much later.

"We shall finish for the day shortly, dear. Tell Mrs. Marshall she maygo home! Oh, and ask them to serve tea at four o'clock. For three."

"For three, Ma'am?" Sonia queried.

"Yes; I forgot to tell you. Charlotte is taking tea with me, and youshall join us. Ring down to Security and get them to admit her and Jeremy."

"Jeremy, Ma'am?" enquired her PA in confusion.

Her Mistress laughed merrily.

"Of course; you haven't met him yet - nor have I, for that matter! I'mtold she bought him in Tangier a couple of months ago for a body-slave. She'svery pleased with him; he helps her in her toilette to perfection, she says."

"A male body-slave, Ma'am?!" the scandalized Sonia asked in amazement. "Sheallows a MALE to attend her in her bedroom and at her bath?"

"Don't concern yourself, dear!" Ms Howard chuckled. "Jeremy'smaleness is now - how shall I put it? - genetic only!"

"You mean?..........Oh; I see!" Sonia exclaimed in relief. "Washe like that when she bought him at the slave market?"

"No, dear. She had him gelded by Annette herself when she brought Jeremyback to this country."

"Annette would have enjoyed that!" laughed Sonia. "With herviews on the male sex!"

"Yes indeed, dear. But she's not terribly happy with Charlotte takinga male slave - and a male body-slave at that! She's intent on bringing it upat the next Sisterhood meeting."

"And you yourself, Ma'am?" enquired Sonia anxiously of her Mistress. "Youfear no sanctions against you because of Boy?"

A hint of steel was in Ms Howard's voice as she replied.

"No Sister, individually or collectively, will tell me what to do withmy own property! But it may not come to that, dear. I do not intend to useBoy as my slave. Now come; let us complete these takeover documents in youroffice."

I heard them leave, and the door between the two offices close behind them.Curled up on the floor I felt entirely comfortable, not only bodily - for thecarpet was soft and the room warm - but, amazingly, in my mind too. No matterthat somewhere a faint voice was screaming in warning and outrage that I wasin reality naked, collared, muzzled, and ordered into a corner like a dog,my over-whelming feeling was of contentment; of belief that this was my naturaland normal condition, my real raison d'etre. I mused on Ms Howard, and howeasily she had enslaved me. Was it her assertive femininity, her matter-of-factiron conviction that I would obey her, that had demolished my will in thosefirst few minutes? Or was something, up to now unsuspected, that had lain inmy psychological make-up all my life and had seized the chance of respondingto her powerful will? Whatever the reason, I found myself perfectly contentwith her total dominion over me; indeed I had become desirous of pleasing herabove everything else. There and then, in my mind I began to refer to her asHer, and as my Mistress.

I must have fallen into a light doze, for I was brought fully awake by thesound of Sonia's soft footsteps crossing the room. She opened the door to theouter office admitting what I construed as two people; waiters, probably, forI heard her instruct them to lay the table in the 'Conversation Area' and thankthem as they left. Immediately afterwards Ms Howard came in, and the two ladiestook their seats at the tea-table where they conversed in low tones for a fewminutes before my Mistress called me to Her.

I ran instantly to Her, and She instructed me to lie at Her feet where Sheput Her feet upon me with a sigh of relief. Her high, sharp, narrow heels dugpainfully into my ribs as She shifted position. But occasionally I caught thefaint scent of Her perfume, and that was reward enough.

Only a few minutes later there came a knock on the outer door. Sonia openedit to the two people who entered. One was a large, billowing lady 'of a certainage', expansive, out-going and wilful. The other was a young man about my ownage; slender and slight of build, he wore a beautifully tailored suit in asubdued grey, and carried a battered leather attache case. The lady, aftergreeting Ms Howard effusively, took her seat with evident relief. The youngman, her companion, stood respectfully by her side, his eyes lowered.

"So this is your slave?" asked my Mistress, eying him with curiousity.

"Yes, this is Jeremy," came the careless reply. "He can't understandus; and he can't talk - the stable has the vocal chords of all their slavescut at early stage in their training. I have to use this simple sign language."

The lady turned to him and made a complicated gesture. Jeremy, with a totallack of any sign of selfconsciousness, at once began to disrobe before oureyes. He seemed to be wearing very little; under his thin suit, which he foldedcarefully, was only his shirt and socks. He wore in lieu of underwear onlya short, white skirt, ending mid-thigh, and trimmed with gold thread. Afterplacing his clothing in a corner, he removed from the attache case a pair ofthin white sandals in the like colour scheme which he donned on the spot. Thenhe took out a gold trimmed, white collar and crossed to his mistress wherehe knelt, proffering the collar to her in his outstretched hands. She tookit from him and buckled it around his neck, ordered him to stand, and regardedhim proudly.

"Isn't he sweet?" she said dotingly.

At a sign from her, he rotated slowly in our view. Jeremy was, as I had seen,of below middle height, and of slender build. He had a mop of curly black hair,and smooth, light-olive skin; the latter marred only by a pattern of fadingred welts across his upper back Ms Howard indicated these, and asked for anexplanation.

"Oh!" said Her friend languidly. " I had to beat him the othernight because he dropped my lipstick while putting on my make-up. My dear;it had carpet-fluff on it!.....But enough about my posessions; what about" And she pointed at me, lying under my Mistress's feet.

My Mistress dug me playfully in the small of the back with the toe of Hershoe.

"Oh! Boy isn't my slave!" She said lightly. "I haven't madeup my mind what work to put him to. I may keep him as a pet; or I may use himas a draught animal on my estate. My house and yard slaves have to carry infrom the forest every log we burn: I think it would be more efficient to geta cart for him to pull. And there will be other beast-work for him there. Butplease, dear; help yourself to the food. Pour the tea, Sonia; would you?"

"Annette will not be pleased when she finds out that another of us hastaken male property," remarked Her friend, taking a sandwich. "Thoughshe was pleased enough when I took Jeremy to her for his operation. She enjoyeddoing it, I can tell you! My dear, I had to make an appointment, and sit inher waiting room along with all the other people with their pets! Dogs, cats,hamsters; a real menagerie!"

My Mistress chuckled at the image Her friend's words conjured up. Charlottecontinued: "We had to wait AGES! But when we did get into her surgery,I was impressed. A Vet is almost like a doctor, dear; every thing was veryclean, and Annette was quite gentle with poor Jeremy. I'm sure it didn't hurthim, and he's much better off without his nasty, dangling male bits; aren'tyou, dear?"

She ran her fingers through her slave's curly hair; he responded by nuzzlingher hand with his lips. The three women then changed the subject to accountsof the doings of various friends and acquaintances. I tuned it out; my thoughtswere only of food. I was very hungry, having not eaten since the previous evening,and the sight of them eating, dainty and insubstantial though their fare was,was enough to make my stomach clamour for my attention. Jeremy, I noticed,followed with his eyes every morsel his Mistress raised to her mouth; he toowas hungry.

Their meal finished, the women sat back replete. Jeremy nuzzled his Mistress'shand, and whined softly for her attention.

"What is it, dear?" she asked, turning towards him.

In reply he pointed at his mouth, and made chewing motions.

"You poor boy!" she cried. She turned to Ms Howard. "The poorchild's hungry; I forgot to feed him this morning in my rush!..May I, dear?" Andshe indicated the uneaten remains of their feast.

"Of course! Sonia will do that....Sonia!"

The PA collected the debris together on a large plate, and placed it beforeCharlotte. Jeremy eyed it hungrily, but his mistress hesitated, then spoketo Ms Howard.

"Should Boy have some,dear?"

My Mistress stirred lazily in Her chair, Her heels digging painfully intomy flesh.

"Why not?" She said languidly. "Sonia!"

But before Her PA could obey, Charlotte broke in.

"Oh, don't trouble Sonia, dear! Jeremy shall feed him as he eats; halfand half!"

My Mistress laughed. She took Her feet from me, and bade me sit. IndicatingCharlotte, she ordered me to 'Go to the lady!' I trotted over to Her friend'schair and sat expectantly before her. She made a series of gestures to Jeremy,who finally nodded sulkily, then shot me a glance of pure hatred before sittingcross-legged on the floor. He stretched out an arm towards me, and pointedto a spot by his side. Wondering, I took up my new position. With deft fingershe removed my muzzle, and his Mistress put down the plate of left-over foodbefore him.

"Now, Jeremy; be good, and let the dog have half!" she cautionedhim.

He nodded sulkily again, then took up a sandwich crust and put it in his mouth.Chewing, he picked up another and offered it to me held fastidiously betweenhis finger tips. I took it neatly in my lips and began to chew voraciously.He continued in this way, share and share alike, although I noticed he keptthe choicest morsels to himself.

"Aren't they sweet!" cooed his mistress. "Jeremy usually shareshis meals with my dear little doggy Foo-Foo, and they both have their littlebeds in my bedroom. They get on so well together, though they get jealous ifthey think I'm paying too much attention to one of them instead of the other!"

"Do you take him with you everywhere, Ma'am?" enquired Sonia.

"Everywhere I can, though I do have to leave him at home frequently,poor boy."

"How does he get on with your other slaves, Ma'am?"

"I'm afraid they bully him a little, particularly my Class Four slave.I keep him in a cage in her shed when I'm away, and I'm sure she doesn't lookafter him properly, for he's usually very dirty and hungry when I come back.But she does have a lot to do, and no spare time at all; and he IS only a maleslave!"

"Yes," my Mistress said thoughtfully, "I can see that any maleslave must rank below the lowest female Grade; and I expect that Annette andher faction will insist upon all males being kept caged or chained up whennot under the direct supervision of females."

"If they agree to Sisters taking male slaves at all, my dear! Well, Idon't care; I shall keep my Jeremy whatever they say!"

Jeremy meanwhile had emptied the plate; with unexpected generosity he placedit on the floor before me and watched as I licked up the crumbs remaining beforereplacing my muzzle. Then he and I sat quietly side by side through the ensuingspirited conversation; he cross-legged, I in the dog-like fashion I'd adoptedso easily, my heels beneath my buttocks and my paws on the floor between myknees.

Finally his mistress seemed about to take her leave. Jeremy looked towardsher and uttered a subdued gurgling sound.

"Oh dear!" said Charlotte. "May Jeremy visit the loo? And havea drink of water?"

"Of course, dear!" laughed my Mistress. "And he may take Boytoo; it will save Sonia the trouble later! Where is Boy's leash, dear?"

"On your desk, Ma'am," replied Sonia, rising to get it.

"Please don't bother, dear! Jeremy shall fetch it!" said Charlotte.

Turning to her attentive slave, she made a series of gestures; after whichhe rose lithely to his feet and trotted over to Ms Howard's desk, to returnwith my leash in his hand. Again his mistress gestured; he nodded, then kneltto clip the leash to my collar. He rose and gave it a gentle tug.

Obediently, without resistance or resentment, I rose to my four feet and followed,automatically taking position close to his near leg so that the skin of hislower thigh occasionally brushed abainst my flank. Vaguely I wondered brieflyabout my easy acceptance of my condition: how had it become to seem so naturalto me to be led, naked and on all fours, on a leash? Why was I obeying a geldedslave in so docile a fashion? But before I could pursue this line of thoughtfurther Jeremy had led me into the PA's office where he tied my leash to thehandle of a substantial filing cabinet. I watched as he entered the narrowroom where I'd been recently confined; there he squatted unconcernedly in fullview over the hole in the tiled section of the floor to empty his bladder.He returned to me, and led me over to the hole to do likewise. He re-tetheredme before opening a cabinet and taking from it a large bottle of mineral water.He drank copiously. His thirst satisfied, he stared down at me for a moment.Finally he shrugged his shoulders, retrieved an old newpaper from the waste-paperbasket, and spread it on the floor before me. Removing my muzzle, he wateredme from his cupped hand; a surprisingly efficient and neat operation. Replete,I turned my head away. He replaced the bottle, and picked up and discardedthe newspaper. Then he led me back to our respective Mistress's.

Charlotte was on her feet, making her goodbyes to her hostess. Jeremy handedmy leash to Sonia before hurriedly dressing and accompanying his mistress,still swearing her undying friendship, from the room.

"Well!" said my Mistress, with mock weariness. "Dear Charlottecan be so tiring!"

"But bold," replied Her PA thoughtfully, "taking on a maleslave before the Sisters have given their permission!"

"Bah!" her mistress said carelessly. "Charlotte will come tono harm for it. She has no political ambitions in the Sisterhood - unlike me!But we shall see," She went on; "Now I have to think of a way ofgetting Boy home. I don't want him in the boot of the Rolls in case he foulsit on the way back."

"He seems housetrained," ventured Her PA uncertainly.

"Maybe he is!" rejoined Ms Howard. "But I wouldn't trust histraining unlesss I'd trained him myself! on earth are we to gethim home?"

The two women stood deep in thought, with me sittting patiently on my leashby Sonia's side.

"Ah! I've an idea!" Sonia exclaimed.

"Do go on, dear!" said my Mistress eagerly.

"I'll ring Annette to ask if we can borrow her dog-van - she's boundto be finished with it by now. Then I'll ring home, and tell Veronica to tellMillie to take the Renault over to Annette's, pick up the van, and meet ushere. Then she can take Boy home in the back of the dog-van."

"Dear Sonia; you are a genius! What time is it, anyway?"

"Five o'clock, Ma'am," replied Her flattered PA.

"Better make it for six, then. Millie can easily be here by then."

"Very good, Ma'am!"

Sonia passed my leash to her mistress and left us, presumably to make thearrangements. My Mistress stood for a little in thought; then, without ceremony,She turned and walked back to Her desk. I followed Her meekly around the enormousdesk to where She pulled out Her luxurious 'Executive' chair from the largekneehole it had been pushed into. She let go of my leash and, unbidden, I walkedinto the large space below the desk and curled up on the floor. She sat, rolledHer chair forward on its castors, and placed Her feet upon my flank. I laythere in perfect contentment, listening to the rustle of the papers She wasworking on above me.

Comfortable and alert, I had leisure to consider the day's events. Was itonly seven hours since I'd first met Ms Howard? In that short time She'd annhilatedmy will; She had succeeded, with casual ease, into making me into Her play-thing.So successful had She been that, even in so short time, I was not just herwilling creature; there was no question of my will being engaged; I acceptedHer treatment of me, and obeyed Her (and indeed all others, as recently withJeremy) not because I wanted to, but because I could no longer even entertainthe very notion of disobedience. And I didn't care! Ms Howard had become myGoddess; I idolized Her and trusted Her implicitly; though She had not demandedmy adulation or my trust. She had simply, in Her iron self confidence, assumedit, and before Her steely certainty I was helpless.

My thoughts were broken into by the arrival of Sonia.

"Millie has arrived, Ma'am," she announced to her Mistress. "I'vetold her to reverse up to the door of the lift and have the van door open ready."

"Thank you, my dear," said Ms Howard in reply. "We may as wellgo now."

She picked up my leash and rose. Together the two left the office suite byway of a door from Sonia's room which led onto a sofly-lit, sumptuously-carpetedcorridor. Our Mistress led the way; I at Her side, and Sonia bringing up therear, to the end of the passage where the discreet door of a small lift stoodinvitingly open. We entered in the same order; there was not much room forthree, and Sonia's skirt brushed continually against my muzzled face and shouldersduring our descent as I sat in the corner by my Mistress's side.

The lift came to halt, and the door opened onto an indoor carpark. But thiswas no ordinary such construction; small and discreetly-lit, no oily concreteformed this floor, but soft composition tiles, clean and laid in pleasing patterns,lay under the two vehicles present.

My attention was fixed upon the van parked immediately in front of us; a smallvan of the Ford Escort variety, its rear doors stood open - as did the barreddoor of the cage in its dark interior.

Beside it, her head bowed respectfully, stood a small middle-aged woman, dressedin sombre, even dowdy, clothing. Ms Howard passed my leash to her.

"Put Boy in his cage, Millie," She instucted her, "and go.We'll follow and meet you at the 'Plough' where we'll all have a drink celebratingmy new acquisition!"

"Thank you indeed, Ma'am!" exclaimed the small woman. To me sheordered "Boy! Cage!" and all three watched as I scrambled up intothe van and into the small cage. Millie closed and bolted the cage door, thenthe rears doors of the van, leaving me in a darkness relieved only by whatlight the deeply-tinted rear windows allowed through.

I heard the driver's door open and close, and the engine start. The van droveoff into the early spring evening, lurching and bumping over the road surfaceon its hard, load-carrying suspension. The cage I was in extended the fullwidth, though not the full length, of the vehicle; it was about four feet longand five feet wide, its far side a sheet of steel plate sealing it off fromthe driver's cabin. The whole interior smelt strongly of dogs, and the onlycoverings on the steel floor were lengths of smelly, coarse sacking, damp withurine and worse. Miserably, I curled up on this, and tried to ignore my surroundingsand wait in patience for the end of my journey. The thought came to my mindthat only eight hours ago I had entered this building a fully-fledged and fullyaccepted human being; regarded and treated as such; now I was leaving it asan animal - in a cramped, smelly cage; naked and muzzled, collared and leashed.Where I being taken I did not know; my Owner had not, of course, seen any needto tell me. Nor did I know in what conditions I would stay there - except thatI knew already that my Mistress had a deep contempt for my sex. As a male,I was an inferior animal to be kept in some cage or sty, or to be kept chainedto some post or kennel to control my natural crassness and crudity. And I didn'tcare.

Continued as 'The Taming of Boy'.

I expect that I must have fallen asleep, for I was woken by the van lurchingto a halt. Millie, its driver, left her seat. Slamming and locking the doorbehind her, I heard her footsteps ringing out on the hard surface as she walkedaway. I raised myself as much as the cage would allow to see out of the rearwindows but was able to see little through the darkened glass, only the shadowyoutlines of parked vehicles. Far to the left there were lights, warm and mellowin the darkness. It was cold in the cage, and I lay back down on the damp,smelly sacking. Recalling my Mistress's remark about stopping at a pub to celebrateI imagined Her sitting in the warm cozy interior with Her two slaves. As forme - well, I was only a dog, left outside in the cold darkness until they sawfit to return. I resented this not at all; it seemd by now perfectly naturalto be treated like this, and I fell off into an uneasy doze until the soundof Millie's returning footsteps woke me.

How long I spent in my dark lurching, swaying steel prison I shall never know,but I was heartily glad when we came at last to a halt. When the doors of thevan were opened I was dazzled by the light. The cage door was opened, and abare, brawny hand seized my leash and dragged me out. I was made to descendfrom the van, an awkard task necessitating me turning around and getting downfeet first, and I found myself on all-fours on hard-packed earth, icy coldunder my knees. A hand was gripping my collar firmly, but my eyes had becomeadjusted to the light, and I could see that I was in a large open space surroundedby the darkened bulk of various buildings. I was aware of the tall, slenderfigures of my Mistress and Her PA a few feet from me, and I could see the dumpyshape of Her slave Millie nearby. All I could make out of the person holdingmy collar was a pair of bare and muscular legs shod in thick sandals.

My Mistress's voice rang out clearly in the cold air.

'Put him in with Sheba in her run, Bessie; he shall learn proper behaviourfrom her. Chain him too; he shall begin his training tomorrow. Millie, tellCook I shall dine in thirty minutes!'

With that She walked off with Sonia, Millie bringing up the rear. My handler- whose name I had just learnt was Bessie - released her iron grip on my collar,but only to shift her hold low down on my leash, and it was thus that I wasled out of the large yard and through an archway into a much smaller one.

This was much dimmer, lit only by a soft lamp above a wide wooden door atthe head of three broad steps, and the flickering glow of an oil lamp seenthrough the tiny window of a small outhouse opposite. Half led, half dragged,I was taken into a tall shadowy barred enclosure smelling strongly of dog andacross that up to a low opening in the stone wall. A low growl came from withinas Bessie stooped to retrieve the end of a chain from the ground and clip itto my collar. 'Stay, Sheba!' she snapped. The growl stopped, and I heard thesound of a heavy body lie down on rustling straw. Bessie took off my leashand walked away, leaving me on all-fours staring after her as she closed andbarred the door which was the only exit from the enclosure.

I stood still, shocked and indecisive for several seconds until the spellwas broken by the noise of straw rustling and of deep, heavy breathing as somethinglarge roused itself from its bed beyond the dark opening and came forth. Itwas an enormous dog, and I stood paralysed in terror as it rammed its colddamp nose into my crotch and armpits. It sniffed me thoroughly all over beforegiving me a rough lick on my shoulder and walkng slowly a few feet away tolower its massive head into what I could dimly discern was lage plastic bowl.It lapped noisily for some seconds before lifting its head, shaking the excesswater from its muzzle and retreating back whence it had come.

The prospect of a drink gripped me like a vice. I was suddenly aware of myterrible thirst, and I scrambled over to the bowl where I could see about aninch of water at the bottom. There was only one way to drink from it, and Idid, lowering my head into it and lapping and sucking at the water until itwas all gone. There was a another urgent need. I walked away, my chain scrapingacross the ground and urinated between my knees. Afterwards I walked back tothe opening where I stood in hesitation. But it was cold, and I knew therewas straw in there. I could hardly remain outside all night, so I summonedup my courage and entered timidly, ready to flee at the first sign of oppositionfrom the dog. But it remained quiet, and in the end I curled up next to it,my head resting upon one of its massive haunches and fell asleep.

The dog woke me by rising to its feet and leaving the kennel, stepping daintilyaroiund me despite its bulk. It was a grey dawn outside, and I saw the dogsquat - for it was a bitch, I noticed at last - and urinate noisily beforesitting by the bars of its run to look out into the yard in obvious expectation.My own bladder was full, and the withdrawal of the warmth of the the dog'sbody made it impossible for me to fall asleep again, so I followed its example.Avoiding the strong-smelling and still steaming pool it had left on the hardground, I added my own a few feet away, the dog turning its head to watch withindifference.

I was able to examine the place where i was being kept. It was, as I'd seen,a barred enclosure with walls eight feet high. It was a full twenty feet longand twelve feet high and its hard-packed earthen floor was littered with thedog's large turds. I wondered what the dog was expecting, and would have goneto sit by it to share its warmth, but my chain was only six feet long; fartoo short to allow me to reach the bars. I looked up at the sky; if I was tobe kept in the open air like this then the weather would be of prime importanceto me as to any animal kept out of doors. The sky was an unbroken light grey,and the red glow of the rising sun was just visible. It was cold but windless,and the weather looked as if it would remain dry.

The dog gave an excited yelp. I turned to see a stocky figure approachingus on the other side of the bars. Clad in only a coarse sleeveless sackinggarment, sandals, and a thick leather collar about her neck, this was evidentlyBessie, the slave who had led me into here last night. She was carrying twobuckets, and when she entered our cage the reason for the dog's excitementbecame apparent, for she walked over to the two large plastic dogbowls whichheld our food and water and poured the contents of her buckets into them beforeleaving our enclosure and bolting the door behind her.

Sheba had her head down, noisily snuffling away in the foodbowl. When I venturedto approach, she turned her heavy head and snarled at me menacingly. I bellieddown in submission and watched her eat and drink, my empty stomach screamingat me for sustenance.

Finally she finished, after giving me a minatory glance, she trotted intothe kennel and lat down to sleep off her meal. Humbly, I crawled over to thebowls to see what she had left for me. There was plenty of water, which wasgood for I was very thirsty. I drank deeply before turning my attention tothe food bowl. It had obviously contained scraps of raw and cooked vegetables,and the remains of the dinners served to my Lady and her slaves the previousnight, and a large tin of dogfood had been stirred into it. There had beenbones it too, but those had been nibbled clean of meat, and most of the dogfoodeaten by Sheba, and all the meat scraps with it. But she had left the raw vegetablescraps; potato peels, carrot scrapings, cabbage stalks and the like, and mostof the cooked vegetables too, and I was able to fill my belly to repletion.

Having eaten all I could, I licked my lips and rubbed fragments of food fromface with my forearms. it was still cold, though not as cold as earlier, andI followed the dog's example and went back into our kennel. There I found herlying on her side in sleep, her fore and hindlegs at right angles to her trunk,and I snuggled between them, my back up against her warm, furry belly. Shesnorted in her sleep and place a massive front leg over my neck, pinning meto her. Then we slept.

Sheba woke me in unceremonious fashion some time later, hauling her greatbody upright and trotting outside. Rolling onto my belly, I looked out of thekennel entrance. It was much warmer now that the sun had come out and aftera few minutes I rose to all-fours and crawled from the kennel out into thesunlight. I sat at the end of my chain and looked out through the bars to seeBessie cross the yard and mount the broad steps to the big wooden door. Itopened when she reached it and Millie passed out a tin plate and mug. Bessietook them and sat on the top step to eat, her back to the open door from whichcame delicious cooking smells.

I realized with a shock that it was still the early morning to the residentsof the house and I wondered for a moment if my Mistress was even awake yet.Perhaps She was, perhaps a slave was even now running Her bath while anotherlaid out the stylish garments she would wear afterwards. I bent my head andbegan to lick my upper arm; there would be no bath for me, and no clothingeither, while instead of a dainty breakfast eaten from Wedgewood china withsilver cutlery I'd already been fed on scraps and leftovers from a plasticbucket. I felt no resentment at this contrast, I'd almost forgotten that onlytwenty-four hours ago I'd been setting out for the interview that was to changemy life forever as a human being, upright and clothed, and free to go whereI wished. Now I was naked, crouched on my haunches in a dog's run, chainedby my neck to the entrance to the kennel I shared with it, and this was perfectlyright and proper.


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Part 1 The Interview

One word to describe Elodie Boutella: caramel! A soft candy made with sugar and cream heated until brown in color.Elodie is five-foot-five and has never weighed more than 121 pounds since she was eighteen. She has an incredibly athletic, slender build that curves in all the right places. Her natural 34DDD tits, wide hips, and thick thighs give her an astonishing 36-26-37 figure.Her eyes are bright green, like two perfectly polished emeralds. With a single glance, her dazzling eyes can hypnotize...

2 years ago
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Sarahs Job Interview

Sarah was returning home from another failed job interview. It was a hard time for her, as it was for many people her age. As a twenty year old girl, she was looking for an entry job in her field, but wasn't being successful in the interviews she attended to. Arriving home, she dropped off the purse on her bed and just laid down. She needed time to think about what was it that she was doing wrong during the interviews. She knew she was capable, but her being nervous to answer the questions was...

4 years ago
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Paying For College Prologue Ch 01 The Interview

PrologueMr. James was a private person. Few people knew his name or his wealth. He was also lonely, he had few friends and no sexual partners. He felt ashamed of his sexual proclivities, which were somewhat unusual. When he did allow himself to be intimate with a woman, he always regretted it. His desires were rarely fulfilled leaving his feeling empty and out of sorts.One day he was meeting with the CEO of a software company he recently acquired, and he met Maria. Maria was a college senior...

3 years ago
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Sky High Interview

It was early morning in New York City, everyone was running here and there on their way to work except Matt. Matt was 34 years old and on his way to a job interview after quitting his previous job die to some human resource issues. Hopefully he wouldn’t have any problems in this job.Reaching the building he looked up in awe. The building just kept on going as if it was climbing inti the sky, he had never been in such a tall building but after all this was new York! Approaching the receptionist...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of the following dot coms: lockedinlace, fictionmania, bdsmlibrary, literotica and mistressdyvia. An alternate version will most likely be available at mcstories in the near future. Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me. Contact me if you...

4 years ago
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Mistress Dyvias The Interview

Disclaimer: this is my story, hence it is my intellectual property, do not post elsewhere without my permission. This story is for adults, and should be treated as such, at the moment it should only be available at the ooc section of,,, and  An alternate version will most likely be available at in the near future.  Certainly, no one should be charging money for this but me.  Contact me if you wish...

3 years ago
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The Worlds First Futa Futas Public DelightsChapter 3 Futarsquos First Naughty Live Interview

April 17th, 2047 “So I have a question for you, Becky,” Adelia said, her hand stroking my thigh with such a familiar fashion, “and I am sure all our viewers and in-studio audience are wondering the same thing.” “Shoot,” I said, my clit-dick aching beneath my skirt. I felt the eyes of the world on me at this exact moment even though Adelia leaned her caramel-hued face closer to me, invoking an intimacy reinforced by our recent fucking during the commercial break. “Given your effect on women...

3 years ago
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Ritual Offerings The Interview

September 22nd, 1:30 p.m. I arrived at the Rosemary Psychiatric Institution, where I’ve been promised an interview with a patient who was admitted over two years ago, and whose mental condition remains unchanged. It’s my hope to learn more about the conditions of her admittance, as the media would only say it was of an ‘occult nature’. Those words were what first got my attention. I was a man with a dream of one day becoming a recognised paranormal investigator, but thus far, had only ever...

2 years ago
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Wifes job interview

I'm not sure how or why but somehow I met and married the woman of my dreams. Not only is my wife Joyce hot but she also loves to try new things. Even though I married one of the sexiest women that I have ever known, lately I've been having these fantasies about my wife with other men.Now Joyce works in professional offices and has to wear skirts with hosiery. Every time that I watch her dress I think about how kinky it would be if she got some at work. On this day, Joyce was getting ready for...

1 year ago
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My nursing interview

I had to attend the interview straight after my shift, upstairs in the hospital boardroom with 4 senior consultants. I had brought a spare uniform to change into, freshly ironed with a little starch to keep it looking crisp and neat. I walked into the room, at the end was a large table and behind it sat the 4 consultants - 1 woman, 3 men - 1 of the men was a very senior Pakistani and the other 2 were probably 60+ and had been eminent surgeons, the lady was around 45, well dressed and obviously...

Cheating Wifes
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The Interview

The one thing I have found about being married these past two years is, staying at home all day is just down right boring. I never in a million years would have thought this in my wildest dreams I would get bored doing nothing, day after day after day, yet here I am doing just that. In the mornings when I read the paper from front to back, I never, ever looked in the want ads section of the paper. But like I said I am just bored. I am curious to see what kind of jobs are available, maybe if...

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The Interview

The following story was written with help from a friendwho wishes to remain anonymous. If there is enough interest shown, part 2 willgiven every consideration. All comments and feedback will be much appreciated.We hope you enjoy! The Interview This glossy, monthly magazine's ratings must be falling,I thought to myself. The editor had asked me to be interviewed for an articlethey were considering, entitled, 'Doms and subs, the Whys and Wherefores!" Ihad nothing planned for that day and it...

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Craigslist Chronicles Ch 08 Job Interview

dominate masc executive looking for 'fun' interview - 38 Looking for a come hungry slut to suck me off and then take my hard cock in the office. I am conducting interviews all day Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday for a position within my company. Looking for a break, and to live out a fantasy of mine... Come in professionally dressed with a resume in hand. The interview will be at the end of the day, so few people in the office. I have one open interview spot for Tuesday at 4 PM....

3 years ago
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Sky High Interview

It was early morning in New York City, everyone was running here and there on their way to work except Matt. Matt was 34 years old and on his way to a job interview after quitting his previous job die to some human resource issues. Hopefully he wouldn’t have any problems in this job. Reaching the building he looked up in awe. The building just kept on going as if it was climbing inti the sky, he had never been in such a tall building but after all this was new York! Approaching the receptionist...

4 years ago
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Job interview

When these events took place, my wife was 28 and I just passed thirtie. Like many others, I've fantasized about my wife being used by other men but I was too much of a pussy to actually tell her about it. I finally decided to try to make something happen after reading a fantasy cuckold story online. In the story, a guy put an ad online directing men to his girlfriend's resume and some erotic photos of her. He then asked the men to invite his girlfriend to an interview where they could ask her...

4 years ago
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A Job Interview

Hi, I am here to tell a story about a village girl named Ranjitha. She was 23 and was very attractive. She had a good sexy body. By seeing her itself the guys will lick their tongue thinking of fucking her. But she was very calm and shy person. She didn’t want to expose her body to any other, that was clearly understood by the way she wears. In her home her brother and her grandma was there, parents died in an accident. She finished degree course, but unfortunately she failed in two...

2 years ago
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The Job Interview

The Job InterviewHelene finished breakfast, then went back to the bedroom. Discarding her robe, she sat at the vanity and put on her make-up. As she did, she recalled the phone conversation the day before. Mr. Hargreaves of Construction Connection had sounded perfectly professional, but one or two things gave Helene reason to think carefully about how to prepare for her job interview. Hargreaves had asked about her experience, computer skills, wpm, and all that, but he’d also been very careful...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Baseball Player To Baseball Wife Chapter 5 The Interview

Baseball Star to Baseball Wife Chapter 5 The Interview The week between her transformation and her job interview was like a vacation for Gina. She enjoyed trying on all of her new clothes, changing clothes several times a day. An unexpected thrill for Gina was shopping in the stores at UTC and Del MarHighlands and going to the women's departments and trying on clothes.She loved picking out several articles of clothing and going into the dressing room and trying on outfit after outfit....

2 years ago
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Support Interview

I was using an online dating site to appease my hidden desire to be another man's sex slave. I won't mention which site. It matters little. At any rate I began conversing with a man who had sent me an email on the site with a photo of his cock and balls. The subject line was 'Hi Slut!" and the body of the message was equally blunt."I am in need of a slave to serve my needs. You may apply for the position."It got my heart racing and my cock swelling. I am sure the bluntness of the message was...

3 years ago
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Sex Adventures Of HR Trainer 8211 Interview

Hi everyone myself Maddy currently working in Chennai as hr . I’m a person who love sex always I never forced a girl for sex also never missed a chance to enjoy. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories enjoying stories posted here. This is my third story and more to come. Thanks for your comments on my previous stories boys please don’t think they are sluts and asking contacts , girls if you interested lets chat ping me in hangouts kindly pardon my mistakes send your feedback Let’s come to...

2 years ago
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Lisas Interview

Lisa's InterviewThe evening was pleasant. A warm breeze cooled the deck, and dinner was served to the 6 couples aboard the yacht. Light chatter and laughter could be heard by the four men in the smaller boat anchored 100 yards off the starboard bow, unseen in the dark. After observing the yacht for an hour, the leader, Albert, noted that there were only three crew aboard, one a woman. Albert and his men thought of themselves as pirates, but they were slavers. As the dinner drew to a close with...

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Debbies Job Interview

Debbie's job interview.  Part (1/?) (F, bond, light)By Molly SCopyright (c) Molly S.  This story may be distributedso long as no charge is made and the text remainsunaltered.  For any other use [email protected] welcome, let me know if you want more!=======================================================    F, bond, light    It contains material that some people may find    offensive.    This work is a piece of fiction.  The author    does not condone any of the actions...

2 years ago
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Slut wife the interview

Please read the first 2 "slut wife" stories before this 1.As Sarah shut down the laptop she felt another glib of cum trickle down her face, she knew she must look a cum covered mess so she stood up to check herself out in the dining room mirror. What she saw amazed her. Her once clean and beautiful wedding dress was now crumpled and had obvious stains where cum had been sprayed over it, mainly over the chest area. Her makeup was smeared and as cum trickled through it made it stain her face even...

2 years ago
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Slut wife The interview

Please read the first 2 "slut wife" stories before this 1. As Sarah shut down the laptop she felt another glob of cum trickle down her face, she knew she must look a cum covered mess so she stood up to check herself out in the dining room mirror. What she saw amazed her. Her once clean and beautiful wedding dress was now crumpled and had obvious stains where cum had been sprayed over it, mainly over the chest area. Her makeup was smeared and as cum trickled through it made it stain her face...

3 years ago
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The Interview

He sat bored at his desk, damn being in early for interviews. He hated having to wear a tie, especially so early in the morning.He picked up the resume and scanned it. This candidate was meeting most of what he needed and the phone interview was great, in fact the memory of her voice made him twinge a little in his suit pants, it had taken all of his concentration to keep that interview on track and the HR officer not being able to see his massive hard on.Standing and putting on his jacket he...

4 years ago
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My First Job 8211 The Interview

By : Beast Of The Fall Hi all, This is my first story here and I’d really appreciate some feedback. First up, some introductions – I’m Rahul X and I’m from, well, India (let’s not stereotype ourselves, shall we?). The following story is a true account, but the names of the characters have been fictionalized to protect their identities. This was narrated to me by a very special friend and I’m going to tell it in her own words. Now, let’s get on with the story. My name is Rashmi. I am from a...

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The Chauffeur1the Interview

BY: PABLO DIABLO Copyright 2018 CHAPTER 1 I never thought that at 40 I would be divorced. I have a great son, that I don’t get much time to see. I have the usual bills like mortgage, car payment, and now, child support. Somehow, it just doesn’t seem fair that the innocent party in a divorce gets raked over the coals by family court. I have no objection paying child support. However, in my state men almost always lose. To keep up my bills, I was forced to look for a part time job. I work...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The interview was going well.The questions had all been handled very well. The interview panel had nodded in all the right places, all her right answers.Apart from a few glances down to her extremely short skirt (Jo did feel like maybe her stocking tops were maybe just visible beneath the hemline of that skirt…) everything was just fine."So, all that leaves me to ask is… er, can we see those tits?” The interviewer calmly stated.She was slightly taken aback. Did she hear that correctly?“Yes. We...

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The Interview

Liza sat in a leather chair in the reception area. There was no one else in the room so she looked around at the small cozy spot. There were large comfortable chairs on two sides of the room with large greenery in the corners. She knew it would be a matter of minutes before she began her call-back interview.She was slightly more nervous than when she had her first interview. When she had arrived the first time for the personal assistant position there had been several other women also waiting...

Office Sex
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A New JobPart 1 The Interview

I had been working as a top executive for a start up Internet Company. When the market fell, we were unable to raise capital. We found ourselves having to dissolve our enterprise. We were deep in debt and without jobs. Though holding an MBA from the University of Chicago, I found myself in the lines of the unemployed, over qualified and not marketable. After a year of resume rejection and with my unemployment benefits running out, I became desperate. I needed work.It was when I was at my lowest...

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The Interview

Leah was desperate for a job and had been applying all over for everything from sales to PA. After countless rejections, she opened her email to find an invite to an interview for a PA to a Director vacancy, one she had applied for but a week earlier. She opened it and took the details then replied to confirm her attendance. On the day of the interview and keen to impress, Leah dressed powerfully in her best suit which accentuated her ample bosom from the silky smooth lines of her long slender...

4 years ago
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The Interview

Leah was desperate for a job and had been applying all over for everything from sales to PA. After countless rejections, she opened her email to find an invite to an interview for a PA to a Director vacancy; one she had applied for but a week earlier.She opened it and took the details then replied to confirm her attendance. On the day of the interview and keen to impress, Leah dressed powerfully in her best suit which accentuated her ample bosom from the silky smooth lines of her long slender...

2 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview I was a bit of a geek in High School. Sure, I was a cheerleader, but I loved my classes too. Especially math. When it was time to go to college, I decided I wanted to teach math. In spite of my roommate and her turning me into a slut in college, I still graduated with decent grades. Now it was time to put my college life as a slut behind me. The problem was, in Texas funding for schools had been cut the month before I graduated. Teachers were being laid off all across the state. I...

4 years ago
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The Interview

The Interview I was a bit of a geek in High School. Sure, I was a cheerleader, but I loved my classes too. Especially math. When it was time to go to college, I decided I wanted to teach math. In spite of my roommate and her turning me into a slut in college, I still graduated with decent grades. Now it was time to put my college life as a slut behind me. The problem was, in Texas funding for schools had been cut the month before I graduated. Teachers were being laid off all across the state. I...


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