The Cuckold s Princess prt 2 The Plot to Bed Lori
- 3 years ago
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A Friday morning, six months after our adventure with Marcus. As usual, Lori and I were at the kitchen table having our breakfast, she absently reading the news on her tablet while taking spoonfuls of muesli.
"Oh. My God!"
"What is it?" The alarm in her voice caused me to look up.
"You won't believe this, Jonathan. You really won't."
"Are we at war?"
"Nothing like that. It's Marcus!"
"Marcus from the hotel?"
"See for yourself. Oh my god!" She continued to stare. It was like she'd seen a ghost. All the blood had drained from her face.
She passed her iPad to me over the table. I read the heading of the article on the screen:
Sebastian Crecy, dead at sixty-five.
Son Marcus inherits multi billionaire's
media and business empire."
There was a photo of Marcus walking through the lobby of some up-market hotel, his handsome, usually amiable face, grim as death.
The caption to the photo said:
Marcus Crecy leaving his Hong Kong Hotel and heading for the airport to catch the next flight back to London.
I read the article. It was such a shock to discover that the man I had arranged to make love to my wife was now one of the wealthiest men in the world. The things that had bugged me about him began to make sense. He had an ease that only fabulous wealth brings to a person. Now I understood how he had afforded the penthouse room at the Hilton, and many other small things that had seemed odd to me at the time.
"So what do you think of our Marcus now?" I asked her.
She was lost in thoughts, answered as if waking from a dream, "Why did he lie to us, Jonathan?" Now she gave me her full attention as she said, "He told me so much about himself that night, the places he had been to, the news stories he had covered. He never mentioned his father, his family's wealth."
Later she Googled his name. We had only known him as Marcus, and it was strange to learn that it was his actual name.
What he had told Lori was true. He had indeed worked as a journalist for the last ten years. First at the Sun, and later The Guardian. At the time we met him he was freelancing, covering international stories for the BBC's World Service, and also several radio stations in the USA. We learned his writing was highly regarded and that over the years he had been nominated for, and twice won, prestigious journalistic prizes.
A few days later, after reading about him for one last time, she threw down her tablet, saying, "So that was Marcus,"
It was a door closing. Now she knew she would never realise the dreams she harboured about seeing him again. In the weeks immediately after our meeting with him in the hotel, she had withdrawn into herself. Only a little, but enough for me to see that her night with Marcus had affected her profoundly, stirred something deep in her psyche. Had I been cruel to let her believe she might meet him again. I knew he never would; it had been part of our agreement, a condition of him having her. It was to be a one-off, something never to be repeated.
She asked if I had known who he was when I had worked with him. For a moment I was ready to confess all, tell her he was a stranger from the internet and that he and I had set up her up, that her exquisite night of passion was founded on lies. But I decided revealing the deception would be too much. She would see it as a complete betrayal of the trust she believed we shared. So I kept schtum. Instead, I casually told her, "I knew nothing about his private life. He was just Marcus to me, a guy that the company brought in to do the copy."
I followed Marcus's career, scanning the online papers each morning for news of him. The chattering classes had expected him to take over the running of his father's empire, but the world was astounded when he sold all the shares he had inherited and disappeared from public life.
There was not a day went by that I did not think of our night with him. It had been the most erotically intense moment of my life. I had believed that seeing Lori fucked by another man, any man, would kill the demon that tortured me. And it had — for a while. But hell's spawn has no mercy.
By Christmas the following year, dark thoughts of Lori and other men began to plague me once again, so much so that I became distracted at work, my sleep disturbed and fitful.
I advertised online for a lover for Lori, and I was in the process of selecting someone when Marcus's gifts arrived, two small packages delivered by UPS, one addressed to Lori and the other to me.
We opened them together at the breakfast table. A watch for each of us: a Rolex for me; Cartier for Lori. Later, I Googled our gifts. I did not tell Lori what I found. It would have unnerved her to learn how much they cost. She hated to be indebted to anyone. There was a handwritten note with each item addressing each of us by our first name. A neat thank you and his signature. Why had he waited so long to thank us for that night? Nearly three years had passed.
Two days after the watches were delivered, his email arrived.
Jonathan. I hoped you and Lori liked your gifts. I saw your new ad and decided I must intervene. It appears that seeing Lori and me together has not purged you of your soul's sickness. But perhaps the failure was not mine; maybe your malaise is more unusual than I first thought. I have other medicines we could try. But for them to truly take effect, you will have to trust me, trust me like you would your surgeon. If you agree to put yourself in my hands unconditionally, I will do what I can to release you from your suffering. All you have to do is reply to this email with a simple, YES! If you agree to surrender yourself and Lori to my care, I will take you to places you have never even imagined could exist. I will see to it that you will be able to forget about the irritating details, the logistics of finding men for Lori. I will take care of everything. You will regret nothing.
His message terrified me. Its tone, the talk of new possibilities opening up for Lori and I made me feel as if I were teetering on the edge of an abyss.
Oh, God! The thought of him introducing her to other men. They would be men from a world unknown to us; the world of the uber-rich, men with power and influence. I read his message over and over looking for clues, incessantly wrestling with myself whether to trash or reply. I was Jesus in the wilderness; he, Satan whispering over my shoulder.
Unable to sleep. I would rise in the night and slip away to read his message yet again. And then I would masturbate, imagining the men who might fuck my wife. When I was through, left full of self-loathing, I would sneak back into bed and lie on my side watching Lori sleeping, feeling guilty that she was unaware Marcus had contacted me. I speculated, imagined the implications of surrendering her to one of the wealthiest men in the world. His resources would be infinite. He could make almost any whim that might cross his mind a reality. We would be playing with the big boys and I didn't know if I measured up.
Again, I recalled our first meeting. I had liked the bloke. In fact, I had liked him a lot. When I had watched him talking to Lori in the hotel bar, I had thought how under different circumstance we could have become friends.
The next day I turned on the computer intending to finally consign his message to the trash bin without even a thank you for the offer. But after reading his words one last time, something came over me. My old itch flared up. He was offering me a chance to fulfill my fantasies in a way I could never have previously dreamed possible. For one last moment, I allowed myself the memory of Marcus and Lori together, recalling how I had placed my hand in the small of his back as he fucked her, how I had palmed his buttocks and cupped his testicles.
And so with my cock hard in my pants, I sat down and typed out four characters: YES!
When the email vanished, a wave of terror washed over me. Oh, Fuck!
It was a week before he replied. During that time, I feared I had left it too late in responding, that I had let a life-changing opportunity slip through my hands. Then on Friday, he phoned Lori at work and invited her to a housewarming party being held that following weekend at his new London penthouse. He told her there was someone he wanted to meet, and that I was to come too. A car would be sent to our home on Saturday evening to take us the seventy miles to London.
In the days that followed, Lori mooned about the house like a lovesick girl. She was off her food, distracted, lost in her inner world, hardly aware of me. When she did speak, it would be to mention Marcus.
"What do you think Marcus's apartment will be like?" she asked as we lay in bed the night before we were due to visit him. "Do you think he will have changed? Have I changed, Jonathan? Do you think he will still find me attractive? It's been three years."
Had I done the right thing allowing him into our lives again? I began to wonder with what kind of people we would be getting involved. The uber-rich are a different species. As the hours until our meeting inched closer, I grew increasingly apprehensive. And to top it all, Lori did not know anything about Marcus's email to me, had no idea to what I had agreed.
It was Saturday morning, the day of Marcus's party. I had taken Lori her breakfast in bed. When I brought the tray into the room, I found her up and towelling herself dry by the window after her shower. Delighted by my thoughtfulness, she kissed me before she slipped on her kimono. We ate together side by side on the bed, propped up by pillows.
Afterwards, I cleared away the trays, and when I slipped back into bed beside her, I asked, "Have you sucked his cock?" I watched her shocked reaction. It was as if she had lost the power of speech. I pressed her for an answer, "That night at the Hilton, did you suck his cock? You never said if you sucked his cock or not."
She just stared back at me. I had taken her completely by surprise.
Eventually, she asked: "Why are you asking me this now, after all this time?" She was outraged.
"Because if you did suck his cock, he might want you to do it again — tonight." Even as the words left my lips, I regretted them and wondered why I was acting like a jealous teenager.
"Don't be stupid, Jonathan. It's a party to celebrate his new penthouse flat." When she saw I was not convinced, she added, "Other people will be there. Important people."
"How do you know who will be there?"
"There is someone he wants me to meet. He says it's important to him, financially. Something to do with a big deal he's planning with another wealthy businessman."
"I don't understand this, Lori. Are you saying he wants you to help him clinch some business deal?"
"He said Uri would find me charming."
"God, Lori, who the fuck is Uri? You said his name as if he is an old friend!"
"I know loads about Uri . . . Marcus says he is dying to meet me."
"You realise he doesn't want you there for small talk, that he's pimping you out."
"Fuck you, Jonathan! Marcus would never ask me to do anything like that. He's a proper gentleman. What the hell is the matter with you? Scared you won't scrub up well enough for his celebrity friends?"
"Why, who else will be going?"
She reeled off a list of names. They belonged to people you would know: B-list celebrities, some politicians, a famous artist, rock musicians.
"I don't think this is a good idea," I said.
"Why isn't it?"
"They're not our kind of people."
"Will you just listen to yourself! You're pathetic. I'm going to go no matter what — With or without you!"
"You didn't answer my question."
"Did you suck his cock?"
"Of course I sucked his cock; what woman wouldn't have? You saw how big it was! You're only jealous he didn't ask you to suck it too."
The look she gave me was full of dirty satisfaction, the cat remembering just who it was that got the cream. It hurt to see her face so alive because of a memory.
"And if he wants you to do it again?"
She did not answer, just slipped from beneath the duvet and began to dress.
"I had no idea you were such a slut, Lori — I really didn't."
"You do now."
She left the room, abandoning me to be wracked on the bed of my own ambivalence. My ego throbbed like a hammered thumb, yet I was ecstatic knowing that she had. I lay on the bed revelling in the memory of him above her, his hips thrusting. The thought of what he might have in store for us tonight tied my guts in knots, every nerve in my body raging with the electric thrill of apprehension. My cock swelled beneath the duvet, and I took it in my hand and masturbated while yet again imagining Marcus fucking Lori. This time he took her from behind, treating her with contempt, gathering her hair into a ponytail and pulling as he pummelled her buttocks with testosterone-fuelled hips.
The concierge took our names in the lobby of Marcus's building and then rang his apartment to let him know we had arrived. The lift rocketed us to the top floor as my mind ran through the possibilities the coming night might offer up. Even if he didn't coax Lori into his bed tonight, it would excite me to see her talking to him again in the way she had on their first meeting. Knowing she ached for him was the hairshirt I now wore every day.
He was waiting for us at the door of his apartment flanked by two burly security people. He stretched out his right hand in welcome, warmly taking the hand I offered.
Him turning to Lori. They were like old lovers meeting after years apart, pleased to see each other but sort of shy from neither knowing how the other felt about a shared past. I held down my rising jealousy as he leisurely kissed her on each cheek in turn. Then, taking her hand, he led her inside. Neither turned to see if I had followed.
He paraded Lori around the room as if she were indeed a royal guest, introducing her to his friends with warmth and gusto. I was an afterthought, trailing behind them self-consciously like an abandoned puppy. I had no status here, no achievements that would impress these people.
But after a couple of drinks, I began to unwind, actually enjoy myself. I had thought I would be intimidated by the chic elegance of the other guests, but they began to seem strangely ordinary.
Later, Lori slipped away while I was talking to Sabre, the guitarist from the metal band, Strangelydead. Never a rock chick, Lori had become bored by Sabre's interminable music business anecdotes. She caught my eyes and mouthed "I'm going to get a top-up," her eyes indicating an empty glass. I smiled and nodded and returned to my conversation with Sabre.
His band had been heroes of mine when I was younger. I found myself reverting to the lad I was at seventeen, asking him about the band's demise, what was he doing now, all the usual stuff. And he was only too happy to talk — and talk some more. But after fifteen minutes, I was beginning to lose interest in his stories about groupies and wrecked hotel rooms, and equally wrecked band members.
I excused myself and went to look for Lori, also keeping my out for more beer. I couldn't find beer but helped myself to a flute of champagne from the tray of a passing waitress. I sipped at it while looking around the room, anxiously trying to spot my wife.
More and more people were arriving by the minute. The apartment was near full to bursting. Then I saw Lori, just her head moving among others as she wound her way across the room, gliding between the chattering cliques. I saw her pause for a moment behind a group of elegant women who were laughing shrilly at some quip that a tall, mid-twenties media type had made. Lori stood still for a moment distracted, her eyes scanning the room as if eager to see someone. I lifted my hand to attract her attention, but she did not notice me. It was then I realised I was not the person she was searching for.
Seeing her stood there next to the three other gorgeous women did not diminish Lori's beauty. Instead, it made her own all the more blatant. I now saw how she fitted in seamlessly with the rich and celebrated, more than a match for any other woman in the room. She might not be famous or have political ambitions or artistic talent, but I knew if she chose to, her poise and elegance, her profound sexual allure, could gain her whatever she desired.
She moved off again, searching for Marcus I surmised, as silent and graceful as a yacht on a calm sea at sunset, soon lost to view, as if rounding a headland, when she moved behind a group of tall men talking loudly. I hurried after her, but she had disappeared again.
The apartment with its sparse furnishing had earlier appeared spacious; now, with so many people crushed inside, it seemed inadequate, crass. One wall was constructed entirely of glass, just like the one at the Hilton, and I wondered how much this feature had contributed to Marcus's decision to purchase this place. Did it remind him of his night with Lori?
I spotted Lori with Marcus among a group of people at the far end of the room. I was about to go and join her when something about how one of the men greeted her made me hold back. I stood as if looking out of the window, trying not to be noticed yet close enough hear what was said.
Although immaculately turned out, the man's face had an air of brutality. He eyed Lori intently before taking her hand and kissing it with gallant ostentation. He was a broad-shouldered slab of a man, about forty-five years old. He kept her hand for a moment while he turned to Marcus and said something in what sounded like Russian. Then he laughed a booming Brian Blessed guffaw. Marcus laughed too, though only out of politeness I thought. This man was making Lori uncomfortable. I could tell by the way her eyes kept trying to catch Marcus's, pleading to be rescued. But the man kept hold of her hand while speaking to Marcus, alternatively turning and looking at her with disturbing intensity.
I couldn't watch, turned towards the window and stared out at the lights of the city stretching away to the horizon. Below the building, the Thames curled away to the sea, a ribbon of silver in the moonlight. I turned back to the room again, expecting to see Lori still talking to the other guests, but she was gone. So had Marcus and the Russian.
A desperate fear clutched my heart as I began moving through the room, pressing past people in half-panic.
I was growing more frantic every second when suddenly I was pulled to a halt from behind by an insistent hand. I turned around expecting to see Lori but instead saw a cute Asian girl, a pretty doll of a thing, wearing a short cocktail dress.
"Mr Jonathan, I am Kikuko. Mr Marcus says you are to come with me."
She spoke in a tone that suggested I had no choice in the matter. She took my hand and led me through the apartment, now so crowded with guests that we had to squeeze in single file among the pack of bodies. Out in the hall, we made our way quickly along a short passage to another door, which she opened with a card-key. We both went through.
An improbably long passage stretched away before us. I wondered where the girl was leading me and how extensive this apartment might be. Had Marcus sent Kikuko to me to appease me while he made love to my wife? Was this pretty creature going to take me to a room and distract me with sex while god knows what was happening to Lori? She certainly was a cute looking bundle, but her appeal was not enough to make me stop wondering where Lori was. I would not be able to settle until I knew she was okay. My mind raced, imagining all the things that might be happening to her without me there to see it.
A few steps down the passageway, we stopped outside another door situated on the right. The girl used the card to unlock it and went inside. I stood stupidly alone in the corridor until her arm reached out and pulled me in after her.
It was a small room, no bigger than a large cupboard. Kikuko closed the door behind us. I was about to protest, but she placed a finger on my lips and shushed me.
"Look," she hissed, pointing to my left.
As I turned around, a window to my left suddenly lit up to give a clear view of another room beyond the glass, where I could see Marcus and the Russian talking. Judging by their expressions, the conversation was heated. I heard no words, just the muffled drone of male voices through the dense pane.
Then Lori appeared from the left as she came to stand on the other side of the glass directly opposite me. She had a look of intense wonder in her eyes. I waved to her but she did not respond. It was then I realised I was on the viewing side of a one-way mirror.
It took me a moment see the dazzling object newly strung around her neck, how it was what compelled her eyes to stare at her reflection, a fabulous necklace of diamonds and precious stones that sparkled and shimmered in the room's ethereal lighting. I had never seen her so enthralled by an item of apparel. Lori was a woman of conservative taste — or so I had always thought — so I was shocked to see her under the spell of what I first took as a gaudy trinket. It was only later that I learned the item's true value. But Lori had known its true worth immediately when Uri presented it to her.
Turns out it was indeed a piece worthy of a princess. It mesmerised Lori, her eyes sparkling as she regarded herself in the mirror. She turned her head this way and that, glancing sideways at her reflected image, tilting her chin to expose the long line of her neck while she sensuously caressed the precious stones.
But then she was distracted, and her eyes told me she was attending to the conversation going on behind her, Uri's fabulous gift now eclipsed by whatever the two men were saying. And then she relaxed. Whatever it was had been resolved. Again she focused on the necklace, her eyes enamoured as they studied the reflection of the stones that lay cold against her throat. Then a wince of concern crossed her face again. Listening intently, the necklace forgotten. She scowled, turned to face Uri and Marcus, her hackles rising like a she-cat on heat approached by an unwelcome tom.
Marcus hurried to her, took hold of her and turned her to face the mirror again. I could see his lips moving, talking sweetly I imagined. He stood behind her while he spoke to her reflection over her shoulder. I could not hear, but I saw how she gave him her full attention, listened intently and then turned to look at Uri, who was just then pouring himself a drink. Marcus kissed her cheek, and she returned to the mirror again, the mesmerising pull of her gift irresistibly compelling. Marcus remained behind her talking, his face clearly visible over Lori's shoulder. I attempted to read his lips, but it was hopeless trying to find meaning in their movement. Whatever it was that he was saying, his expression told me it was important to him, and I could see how he tried to impress upon Lori the gravity of his point.
As Marcus talked, Uri came and stood beside him behind Lori. The look on his face was one of intense lust. It made my stomach churn to see the unabashed way he leered at my wife. And even though she could see his reflection in the glass, she acted as if he were invisible. He came closer and closer, reaching for her and moving her cascading hair to one side so that his lips had access to the nape of her nack. Soon he tasted the exposed soft, fragrant flesh revealed there.
I was astonished to see how nonchalant she remained with such a brute — literally — breathing down her neck. As Uri's lips explored Lori, Marcus continued to speak to her. Whatever it was he said, it caused a hint of a self-satisfied smile to curl the corner of her mouth, and I saw then the scintillating glisten in her eyes, the drawing knowledge of the power she now wielded over these two men.
Her eyes in the mirror now acknowledged Uri for the first time. She half-turned to face him, causing him to falter and draw away. They regarded each other for what seemed like an aeon but must have been mere seconds. She looked up at him, he down at her, until with a look of triumphant self-satisfaction she turned back to face the mirror.
I could not read Uri's coarse features, and I wondered if the self-certainty he had seen in her eyes stalled his plans. He stood behind her, rested his hands on her bare shoulders. I imagined how he would be inhaling her sweetness, savouring the scent she had applied before leaving for the party. I conjured it in my mind, the memory of it urging me to go to her. That scent never failed to make my cock hard. I imagined Uri's would be too.
Then he was kissing her neck again. From time to time, his tongue would lick the jewels, that fabulously expensive gift meant for a princess. Lori closed her eyes and lowered the hand that until then had continued to caress the stones about her throat.
Uri broke from her and turned to his side and said something to Marcus. I heard only a muffled noise, like sounds underwater in a swimming pool. Then his arms encircled Lori, his hands coming to rest on her breasts. I was only a foot away on the other side of the glass, face to face with my beautiful wife and the brute who was soon to be her lover. I had the best seat in the house.
I watched in disbelief as Lori let this monstrous Russian fondle her breasts. I thought of all the effort I had gone through to get her to sleep with Marcus, the pains I had taken in choosing someone she would not reject. And now there she was letting a man like Uri molest her, someone who until I saw it with my own eyes I could never have envisaged Lori even considering as a prospective lover.
He kissed her neck as his hand slipped into the cups of her bras via the easy access of her low cut dress. She closed her eyes and a look of sweet, almost triumphant, satisfaction soothed her features.
With a brusque pull to the shoulder, Uri turned her to face him, spun her where she sat on the stool. He looked her in the eyes before he lifted her into his arms, handling her like cargo. He carried her to the king-sized bed on the other side of the room.
I turned and looked at Kikuko, who still had hold of my hand, and I saw she was no longer watching what was happening on the other side of the glass. Instead, she was watching me intently.
"I must go to her," I said.
"This does not please you?"
"What do you mean?"
"Mr Marcus said it would please you to see this."
And then I understood: this was the medicine Marcus had promised me, now so efficiently administered. What a bitter potion it was. I looked into Kikuko's eyes and saw her confusion.
She stood on tip-toe and kissed me, then dropped to her knees, saying, "Kikuko will please Mr Jonathan."
My medicine was about to be sugared. Kikuko undid the zipper of my pants and extracted my cock, took it into her mouth. Her lips and tongue almost distracted me from what was taking place in the unreal world beyond the glass window. But not entirely. As the girl worked on my cock, I forced my attention to return to Lori.
Marcus joined Uri at the foot of the bed, and now the two men began to undress Lori. They peeled her dress from her, left the top half hanging at her waist, the lower half still tight around her hips and thighs.
Marcus removed her bra, tossed it aside as he turned her to face him, quickly kissing her lips while Uri's mouth mauled alternate sides of her neck. She tilted her head far back, and her expression became ecstatic as Uri's mouth swept across her throat in a snarling frenzy.
They turned her this way and that, each taking turns to kiss her lips. Then Uri's ferocious mouth moving downwards over the creamy expanse of her back until he was licking and gnawing the dense flesh where her buttocks bloomed. I imagined the sounds he would be making as he covered her spine with kisses: a bestial, deep growl of lust reverberating in his chest.
His hands tugging at fabric, trying to rid her of the evening gown which still clung to her hips and kept her flesh from him. For a moment, it seemed he would be unable to get it over her flesh-heavy buttocks, and he had to tug hard to free her of its swaddling fabric. He was a man on a mission now, frantic to get to the flesh beneath her dress, the hidden part of her he so urgently wanted to taste.
Grabbing fistfuls of the clinging material, stretching it cruelly so that surely it would tear, he was an impatient child with gift packaging. Her legs not yet free of her gown, he snapped with bared teeth at her exposed buttocks, his mouth ravenous for the doughy curves. He drooled as he went about her, wetting her flesh as his mouth explored, delving into the fissure still rent by her silken thong.
His tongue followed the material of her dress as it slid from her upper thighs, his mouth trailing a track of saliva in its wake that glistened in the half-light. In the gloam of the room, her exposed buttocks looked perfect, airbrushed, soft and fully ripe. Her dress fell to the ground, where it lay forgotten, its fabric now no more desirable than rags. I wanted to go and pick it up, keep it safe. Then clumsily she had to adjust her footing to steady herself under the increasing passion of her two lovers, and the heel of her shoe pierced the garment she had chosen with so much care.
Uri began roughly snatching at her thong, jerking it down over her long legs. Hours earlier, I had watched her prepare herself for the evening ahead by massaging fragrant lotion into each leg.
In the outrageous heels she had chosen to wear for the occasion, she stood over Uri. But what Uri lacked in height, he more than made up for in bulk. He was a bull of a man, and when he removed his shirt I was unnerved by the immensity of his muscled chest, the girth of his biceps. I thought of a half-carcase of beef hanging in an abattoir. His arms appeared too short to bear the bunched muscles they supported. Such a gross man, I thought, so different than Marcus. Knowing this prize bull would imminently violate my precious Lori made me dizzy with anxiety.
They coaxed her to her knees and stood each side. Marcus pushed the hair from her face, stroked her forehead as he talked to her. I could only imagine his encouraging words. She looked up at him with eyes resigned to the task he had set her, with a look that said, Is this really what you want me to do? Is this the person I am to become?
I watched her steel herself, draw a long deep breath before she set about undoing Uri's zip. Marcus did not take his eyes from her as she brought out Uri's horse-cock, exposing it to the cooling night air. Then her mouth opening wide to accommodate the girth of it as Marcus unleashed his own cock.
I watched spellbound as she pleasured them both, her head moving from one cock to the other generously doling out her tongue's attention, back and forth. And while I watched the spectacle, Kikuko sucked my cock with exquisite, oriental skill. It was like some crazy nightmare in which time slowed, became meaningless. When I ejaculated into Kikuko's mouth, the erotic tableau beyond the glass became seared onto my brain. I never wanted to forget what I saw: my sweet Lori ravished by two men, now loving every second of it.
Kikuko did not stop sucking until she had swallowed all I gave her. I felt utterly drained: sexually, emotionally, physically.
I steeled myself to continue watching. My sexual demon now appeased, what I saw did not arouse me, only filled me with rage and jealousy.
They shared her on the bed. Uri, with his pants around his ankles was fucking her with violent, bestial lunges, while Marcus — all tenderness and concern — stroked her forehead, kissing her from time to time, whispering, encouraging her. This I only imagined as I could not hear. The sight of a strange and monstrous Russian fucking my wife was more than I could bear, and I pummelled the glass with my fists. But it did not distract Uri from his rutting. It was Marcus who heard me, got up and came over to the mirror. When he looked into the glass, it was as if our eyes were meeting,
Then he cast his gaze back at Lori and Uri, who were still fucking with primal abandon. Now Lori was looking up into Uri's eyes, her arms stretching up so that her palms cupped his skull from both sides. She was commanding him with insistent eyes to look at her, to acknowledge her personhood. And oh my god! I saw it then, saw how she was actually enjoying him, savouring his mass and energy. Her knees came right back, and she slung her calves over his torso, made it so that her heels pressed into the small of his back.
Marcus turned away from the mirror to look back at the couple so that he was side-on to me, and then he extended his arm as if asking an audience to give it up one more time for the main act. Then he turned back to the mirror, to me, and bowed extravagantly. How proud he was of the performance he had laid on for me. Finally, he winked and then turned and walked back, resumed his part in the spectacle only I would ever see.
He lay back down beside them, watched calmly until Uri's body was jerking with grand mal spasms. When Uri eased himself from her, stood in full view, I could not tell if he had cum or not. His cock appeared as turgid as ever as he stood aside for Marcus, slapping his shoulder like a comrade in arms, moving aside and allowing him to take his place.
Marcus whispered in her ear, then physically encouraged her to turn over onto her front, placing a pillow beneath her belly. He spread her legs and I saw her shaved pinkness, Uri's cum seeping from her to glisten between her puffy cunt-lips. But then all was soon lost to sight as Marcus entered her. Again I was mesmerised by the rise and fall of his buttocks; slowly at first but gathering pace as he found his rhythm. I imagined the softness of her buttocks against his pubic bone and lower abdomen. I heard the squelch of his penis in my mind as it slipped through the unctuousness Uri had deposited to grease his way.
Suddenly Uri was in my face, directly opposite me through the glass. I was so engrossed in Marcus and Lori that I had not noticed him moving towards me. Now he was banging on the glass and holding up a fist, his mouth wide in a grin, then his lips forming words: unmistakably, "GOOD! GOOD! GOOD!". Then his laughter, which I could hear because he was so loud and so close. It was a hearty, mocking laugh; the laughter of an ancient, conquering god-king.
He turned and walked back to join Lori and Marcus, his cock already hard again. How long would they use her? My head spun. I had to get out and go to my wife and stop the ordeal she was enduring. I had seen enough. At least, that is what I thought then.
I took hold of Kikuko by the shoulders. "Take me to that room."
She looked perplexed, "You are displeased with what you see?"
"Fuck it! Just do as I say."
"This is not possible. Mr Marcus will punish me."
I was going to get to that room with or without her help. Quickly I was out in the corridor looking for the door to the room beyond the glass. At first, I was shocked to see there was no door next to the one I had just left. Then I remembered the layout of the room where Lori was and realised access to it must be further in the building. I ran down the passage, Kikuko close behind shouting my name, telling me to stop. I turned a corner and saw what I assumed was the door I needed. I banged on it, shouting her name, but it did not open. I rested my shoulder against the wood of the door, appraising its strength. It felt solid, beyond my ability to break down. But I was frantic by now, and I moved back and threw my entire weight against it.
It did not budge.
Repeatedly I launched myself at the door until there was the sound of running feet coming along the passage. Two men turned the corner and slowed to a walk when they saw me. They had on white shirts and black ties: Marcus's security, who I had seen earlier. Immediately they tried to reason with me, asked me to stand back from the door. I ignored them and once again lunged at the door. I called her name, over and over. "Lori! Lori!"
Then they were on me, wrestling me to the ground. It was so easy. This was what these men lived for, trained daily for. I would not have stood a chance even if I had not exhausted myself on the door. Soon I was sprawled face down on the floor with my hands behind my back. They shackled them with cuffs, but I still struggled. Eventually, I calmed. I understood my resistance was a pathetic tantrum and so became compliant. They stood me up and slipped a leather hood over my head. I was in such a state, agitated and desperately wanting my Lori. They bustled me down the hall then up some stairs, manhandled me into a small but warm room and manoeuvred onto a bed where they bound my ankles. That's when I started to fight them again.
I don't remember the prick of the needle.
TO BE CONTINUED>>>>>>>>>>>
My wife Loriand I maybe just over the age of forty, but you would never believe some of the things we have done. Lori is in my mind a very attractive woman. She can be very shy at times, but she also can be very sensual. She loves being romantic, but she also has a wild side to her that can take her to new heights. She also loves the feeling of being fucked by a big cock. Lori and I are your typical average family that you would never think of us doing something as bold as the things we had...
MILFThis is an interracial cuckold story written for and in the first-person voice of the Lush reader and enhanced for your reading pleasure.The last thirty years almost seem like a blur as I look back at my rather unconventional, but sexually-fulfilling life with my wife, Lori. My name is Howard, and now at the age of fifty-six, and Lori at forty-nine, we are celebrating our thirtieth wedding anniversary this year. It is still amazing to me, given Lori’s conservative religious beginnings, how she...
InterracialIt had been a long while since I last shared my wife Lori with another man. As time went on I had become increasingly frustrated. I had gotten to the point where I had felt like it wasn’t ever going to happen again. Lori had said in the past that she was open to being shared again, but only if the right opportunity had presented itself. Lori and I were in our forties and had been married for some time. She still looks great and has that sexy look that draws plenty of attention from other men....
Wife LoversAlexandria and Lorianna were like summer sisters. Every year Alexandria's family would ship her down to Florida to stay with her aunt on the beach, right next door to Lorianna's house. As little girls, they had forged a bond of friendship that would keep them close regardless of time or distance. As budding teens, they shared stories of boys and their hopes and dreams. The girls were close enough in looks to be real sisters. They were short with long red hair and blue eyes and curvy bodies that...
First TimeLori and I had been very sexy intimate lovers for nearly three years before she'd moved to another town halfway across the state. We'd first fucked in her office, with me turning Lori on until she was more than ready to fuck me. Then, I'd slid my hard horny cock in between the tight wet lips of Lori's hot pussy and I fucked both of us right into powerful thundering orgasms. It was totally hot. Lori was a very beautiful and very sexy young woman in her 20's and she wasn't getting much...
Corea was a good person and Lori was a sweetheart. They didn't see each other as much as they wanted to because they lived in different states. So Lori and Corea would fly to see each other every week. One week Lori was flying out to see Corea (her lover). So Corea got her hiding place ready but in a romance way. She put candles in the living room and the bedroom. Next she put rose petals in a path to the bedroom, rose petals on the bed in a heart, and she lowered the lights. She made a candle...
LesbianIntro and Part 1Introduction This a true story of my life with Lori.Lori was killed in an auto accident two years ago. The story will span a period of twenty years and detail our sexual adventures.Lori was a very sexual person willing to try anything at least once.She convinced me that living out fantasies can be much more satisfying than jerking off to unfulfilled dreams. I still jerk off to the memories and fantasize about her, hoping to meet another woman like her. When I first met Lori...
I woke up refreshed and excited about the start of the new semester; once I had finished breakfast, and packed my notes and papers for the day’s lectures in my backpack, it was on my bike for the quick ride across to the campus. The first two sessions were the introductory lecture for Numerical Analysis, and a tutorial session; it looked to be pretty interesting (at least for a mathematics subject), the material that we would cover seemed quite interesting. The lecturer, Doctor Opie, appeared...
Hi, To all Iss reader this is my first story hope U all would like it a complete self raj i live in Mumbai this story is about my aunty nandita,let me describe her she is in her 30s,lives with her husband and daughter.She is born beauty with an awesome fig of 36.28.40 ..her assets are her huge melons of 36 d and her ass that will give a hard on to any guy who looks at it So now my story starts this was like 5 years ago when I was appearing for my 12 th HSC examination at that time my...
My lecturers didn’t waste any time getting down to work for second semester; mind you, there were only two new subjects, as the rest of my workload was simply a continuation from the first semester. The two new subjects – 6.602C, Computer Applications and 6.612, Computer Systems Engineering – wouldn’t be as heavy a workload as the subjects they replaced; particularly Computer Systems Engineering. That was intended as a fourth year Electrical Engineering subject; most of the students would be...
Eric's cock was deep down my throat and I was balls deep in his, Lori continued to fuck me deeper and deeper.I was at the edge, ready to explode, I took Eric's dick out of my mouth and announced that I was very close to cumming.Lori told us to sit up and we followed her instructions, both of our dicks were swollen and Lori knelt before me and began to suck my cock while she pumped Eric's cock in her hand.Within seconds I was shooting hot cum into Lori's mouth, she took me down her throat deep...
Corea cried and went home wishing she was with her lover. See when they aren’t together anything seems to matter. Lori was flying home to see Jordan but she didn’t want to go home. Lori looks at her ring and smiles as she thought, “I miss my baby.” Corea was debating on going there to be with Lori. Then Corea thought, “Why am I here? I should be with my baby girl.” she went to get her jacket and drives to the airport. She ran to get a ticket and hands it to the ticket person. Finally she was on...
Lesbian"It is simply a thrill without compare to watch your wife getting fucked by Her Lover." (Happy cuckold).Most cuckolds are kind and considerate husbands and say they love their wives and want them to be sexually satisfied "more than anything else in the world." One cuckold hubby said "it is a real release of pressure to know that my wife is getting sexually satisfied by Her Lover in a way that I couldn't do it." Another said he wanted nothing more than his sexy wife "to be fucked...
About that time, Kelly and Marcus came up to us. Marcus was as hard as a rock and Kelly said “Well, we are heading back upstairs. Have fun you two. I know we will!” They left and I was about ready to take Becky upstairs too. Before I had a chance to, Becky said “Can I please have a glass of wine?” I told her sure and we walked in the kitchen to get it for her. She said she was a little tipsy from the daiquiris, but wanted some wine to mellow her out. I said “Don’t get so hammered that...
There was only another five weeks of classes before the end of the semester; well, before the study break that led into the exams that would be the end of the semester. We all found that time had a habit of shrinking; at the start of each semester, the end of the semester and the exams seemed so distant ... but before we realized it, there was only a matter of weeks left; and a pile of assignments and projects to complete. Having David, Claire and even Garry living next door made the study...
My wife Lori is 27 and I am 34. We have been married a couple of years and she is without doubt the cutest, sexiest woman I have ever known. Her green-grey eyes, pouting lips and sparkling smile are captivating. Her long legs, slender body and firm real breasts invite exploration and she shares herself with me passionately in every way. She has a prominent pussy mound that she keeps immaculately shaved, showing off her full labia lips that flower open when she is aroused. I love to drink from...
Kim could still hear the man's stern voice as she dressed. Glancing at her watch, she noticed there was barely enough time to make the scheduled appointment Ken had setup with Lu. A shiver shot down her spine thinking of what Ken demanded. She was to take Lori and Julia to get their nipples pierced by the old Chinaman. 'Oh, God,' she thought, 'Surely there had to be another way or someway to escape Ken's blackmail demands.' She noticed the two women dressed and standing at the door. Lori...
Ken told the young woman that he was a man of his word. "She's all yours. I promised you Lori and her sweet, ass daughter, and I am a man of my word." He watched Kim's pretty face turn to sheer happiness knowing she was fantasizing about lesbian lust. He was setting the stage for one more arousing afternoon for his beer‑drinking buddies. 'If only she knew,' he determined. His plan was simple. Kim was in love with Lori. She would do anything for the woman. He would satisfy Kim's desire for his...
Ken's dreams had come true and he fantasized about the future. Not eager to start his day and the workweek, he lay in bed letting his mind linger on yesterday. It had to be the best day of his life, he readily decided, and visions of all his buddies having sex with Lori filled his mind. Not only did they now believe all his bragging about his gorgeous slut, but Ken had given them the ultimate prize. Each man felt every inch of Lori's sexy body plus each man got to fuck her and each man got a...
Ken had no idea how he would ever raise all the cash. Helen's demands were far too great and he didn't have that kind of money, which meant he was forced to borrow. He leveraged the house to the hilt and borrowed as much money as he could against his Hot Tub and Spa business. Looking at the bank statement, Ken was still distraught. He went over his options getting more despondent by the minute realizing his impossible situation. "Damn," he whispered. "I'll be ruined. That bitch... I should have...
It had been a long night entertaining his charmed sex slave and her wimpy husband so it was mid‑morning before Ken stirred from his slumber with a raging hard‑on that quickly filled his fist. Ken loved the feel of his cock when it throbbed in his hand and he honestly believed he could convince any woman to love it as much as he did. There was no shortage of male ego in Ken Patterson. Lying in bed stroking himself, Ken daydreamed about Lori and what he had planned to do with Lori today. It was...
It was late September, my wife and I had checked in to a resort golf course in the middle of the week that we go to, at least once a year, because the course is great. The place was pretty well deserted when we checked in, which was nice for us, no crowds, no waiting and the desk clerk had a message from the club pro, whom we had gotten to know pretty well over the last few years. I called him, he asked if we would do him a favor and let a female guest play with us, as there was nobody else for...
Group SexIt was peaceful and quiet in the bedroom and Lori looked at the four items Ken had given her. A skirt, tank top, bra and pair of boots were the extent of what she was ordered to wear. Ken told her he wanted a Hotties' waitress on Sunday and all his buddies would be served by a luscious piece of ass. Every time the vile man said evil and disgusting things, Lori would always find a way to forgive him. She chose to ignore the insinuation of his demands and considered the waitress aspect of his...
Ken Patterson filled Lori's dreams even though she tried hard to put her hated neighbor out of her mind. Ken was Ken... arrogant, conniving, demanding, depraved, manipulative, egotistical, and crude. A real bastard who got what he wanted and was accustomed to getting his way most of the time. He worked his magic on Lori, bent her to his will, humiliated her, violated her, and treated her like his personal slut. On the positive side, he gave Lori what she needed, great mind‑blowing orgasms and...
Driving her car from the driveway of the home where she lived with her parents and brother who was serving in Iraq. Lori Jo Whitman was as excited as a girl of 18 could be.The vivacious light-brown-haired pretty teenager was off for summer cheerleading camp for a month. The camp trained those wanting to be outstanding cheerleaders and they would be receiving the latest in cheering techniques.Lori was headed for college in the fall and she wanted to continue as a cheerleader at the religious...
'What a night,' Ken mused. His meeting with Lori, Julia and Kim last night went extremely well. He had laid out his plans for his upcoming party, 'well gangbang', he added with a chuckle. Once again his ego blossomed out of control remembering how the evening went. He had invited his two gorgeous, next‑door neighbors over along with the young woman who lived down the block. Ken reveled at his good fortune, as he was able to get Julia to give him a glorious blowjob. He was truly astounded by the...
Andy's mind was churning like mad thinking of every possible solution. He had to keep Ken as an ally even though the man was a liar, cheat and the most unscrupulous man he had ever met. Andy mused over the fact Ken also controlled his family. He shuddered with the realization that the man could make his wife do anything to satisfy his perverted desires. Not only that, Andy thought, now Ken also controlled his dearest Julia. The memory of the all‑night affair Lori and Julia endured with Ken...
“You want to step outside and take a hit?” That question was asked of me by my wife’s best friend. Normally Lori would be out with my wife, but Penny was on a marathon phone conversation with her mother. I’m sure she would have liked to hit the bong too but we don’t do that in the house. Lori was no stranger to our home; she and Penny have been friends since grade school. They work together, they play together, they are tight. Lori was maid of honor at our wedding 5 years earlier and was in the...
Lori was no stranger to our home; she and Penny have been friends since grade school. They work together, they play together, they are tight. Lori was maid of honor at our wedding 5 years earlier and was in the delivery room when our son was born. She tried marriage twice but gave both of them up as interesting but failed experiments. Now she just strings along a few men. I think she is trying to set a record for greatest miles of cock between her legs. She hasn’t set the record yet, but...
Author’s Note: I hope you enjoy reading this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it. Please vote, comment, and/or send feedback :). Happy reading!! — Lori waited until the first day of the second semester to talk to her guidance counselor. As it turned out, it wasn’t too late to graduate early. She started the paperwork that day. All she had to do was get a paper signed by her teachers, and she didn’t have to show up to class anymore. It was a good deal. Lori went to all of her teachers,...
My wife Loriand I maybe just over the age of forty, but you would never believe some of the things we have done. Lori is in my mind a very attractive woman. She can be very shy at times, but she also can be very sensual. She loves being romantic, but she also has a wild side to her that can take her to new heights. She also loves the feeling of being fucked by a big cock. Lori and I are your typical average family that you would never think of us doing something as bold as the things we had...
Once Lori came home from summer camp, she hardly went out of the house for the next two weeks. Andy wondered why his wife acted a little strange, but he shrugged it off to that awful feeling of summer being almost over. He had pressed his wife for details about the camp, but Lori merely said that nothing out of the ordinary happened. Andy was not one to press the issue or persist and he let it go, as they eventually got back into the family's weekly routine. The kids readily told Andy about...
Ken Patterson relished having complete control over his next‑door neighbors. The continuing saga seemed to get more exciting and more thrilling with each chapter in his life. His aroused mind went back over the episodes, which started innocently years ago. He managed to take pictures of Lori and her family without them being aware of what he was doing. Through his subversive actions, Ken managed to get naked pictures of both Lori and Julia plus shots of Lori and Andy acting thoroughly inhibited...
Kim's heart beat fast in anticipation. Suddenly the turmoil, the traumatic adventure with Ken was behind her. She had to do it, she reflected. Kim would have done anything in the world for the chance to be with the woman of her dreams. The price of giving the vile old man a most disgusting blowjob had been worth it. Besides, it wasn't nearly as bad as she would have thought. Kim rubbed the filthy slim off her face and watched the two Pattersons plus her little brother depart the house out the...
***Please read chapters 1 - 22 in order to get the full impact of the story. The last thing that I remember is Donna, Marcus, Tonya, and I going to sleep in our tent after enjoying at day at the High Sierra Music Festival. I'm not much of a pot smoker, and I remember smoking way too much for a novice. I try to open my eyes, but I'm blinded with bright lights from the ceiling. There is also an unbearable sunlight beam coming in through a window on the left side of my bed. I'm squinting my eyes....
First TimeBecky looked over toward the Jacuzzi and through the gazebo, she seen Kelly kissing Marcus and said "Oh my God! Look at them two." I looked over and Marcus was sitting at the Jacuzzi and Kelly was in the water facing him and they were kissing. I joked and said "Marcus is just saying thank you for dinner." We both laughed and as Becky leaned to grab the bottle of wine to refill our glasses, she scooted closer to me. Becky told me that one time, she went to a bachelorette party and they...
Ken and his buddies sat around drinking beer like there was no tomorrow. When the evening first started, the men were skeptical of Ken's boastful promises but they were all hopeful. Now that each had consumed a few beers, doubts as to what was going to happen all but evaporated. All were extremely excited and confident that Ken would deliver. The growing anticipation was pure agony waiting for the women. Andy's anxiety of being left out of Ken's invited guests quickly disappeared when the...
Lexie and Lori were having an amazing summer! Lexie was staying at the beach house with Lori and her mom. Lori’s dad had left when she was little, so he wasn’t in the picture at all.Lori had always been the dominant one in their friendship over the years. She chose what music they listened to, which movies they saw, and what games they played.So, when Lori began to use Lexie as a slut, it seemed normal that she would continue to make the decisions about what they would do sexually. Lori made...
BDSMWhen the alarm went off the sunshine was already streaming in and Lori was sprawled beside me. Church was at 10. We had about two hours to get ready. Lori wanted to shower together but I begged off. I knew that if did, we’d miss church. I also reminded her that we needed Mom and Dad’s goodwill if we were going to have any chance of staying together. It came to me as I fell asleep: We could live here, in the guest room. I hadn’t figured it out how to get the permission we would need and Lori’s...
Lori and I checked into a classy hotel room in Glasgow. We shared a hot shower together and both got dressed up to attend a club that was situated only blocks away from the room. Lori put on her pink florescent matching thong and bra set to cover her ample tits and freshly shaved pussy. She threw on a pair of tight black slacks and a matching silk blouse. Her blue eyes ravished after she highlighted them. Her lips appeared luscious after she applied the red tone lip stick. She finished by...
Wife LoversAuthor’s Note: All characters in my story are the age of legal consent (18 or older). To better understand this story you may want to read the first chapter. Thank you to all my faithful readers. As always, please vote, leave comments, and send feedback. Please enjoy!! — When Lori woke the next morning, she found herself in unfamiliar settings. She was in a big bed in a blue bedroom. The bed was big enough for two, but she was alone in it. After a moment she remembered where she was: Jonah...
In reality, many of the rides were short and sweet. Each man dearly wanted and yearned to fuck one of Ken's sexy sluts for 10 minutes, for 30 minutes, or even an hour, but much of his stamina was gone early in the evening. Watching the intense lesbian affairs and then having the women give such stupendous blowjobs had robbed Ken's pals of their staying power. Once Ken's buddies got their hands on a woman's naked body, their stamina was rated in measly minutes rather than hours. Even before...
Back at University; the second semester looked like it would be much the same as the first. Three subjects – physics, chemistry and math – continued on from the first semester; that’s why the mid-year exam results for those subjects were only an interim result. The same with Elec Eng 1; it was also a double credit subject; although this semester it would be concentrating on electronics. Engineering C was just a first semester subject; my result in the mid-year exam was a Distinction. A new...
I had already planned my work schedule for my thesis; the date that the completed documents had to be submitted to the Faculty’s review committee were fixed, so I worked back from that date. I would have to work out the best way to produce the master copy of the thesis; I could always use Lori’s electric typewriter; but I thought it might be worthwhile playing around with the troff / nroff document processing software we had on the Unix system here. One of the PhD students was writing a...
Wolf On Campus: I Want to be Lori Baxter By Eric Lori I had noticed her from time to time. She was a quiet new girl, rather short and dumpy looking. I was surprised when she came up to me and as bold as anything and asked me how it felt to be so pretty and popular. I think my mouth dropped. What the hell do you say to something like this anyway? "I never thought about it!" I finally said. She looked skeptical. She was about 5' tall and as I say dumpy, flat chested with...
Lori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...
We managed to get all of our stuff into the back of the car; but it meant all four of us had to squeeze into the front seat. We worked it out; Megan sat in the centre next to me, then Lori was on the outside, with Jillian on her lap. At least it didn’t take all that long to drive back to Mona Vale, where we dropped Megan and Jillian off with their bags, before heading to Lori’s place. On the drive back to Mona Vale Megan told us about her experiences with the publicity photo shoot yesterday...
Lori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...
Lori and I have enjoyed a very active sex life. We first stumbled on it several years ago. I was at a training session out of town and invited my wife Lori to join me. She hung out at the pool and soon incurred the attention of another man. I encouraged her to keep flirting with him and eventually got her to have sex with him. This was a long time goal for me and I even got to go down on her after he had fucked her and I was hooked. I eventually got her to start having sex with others and I...
And her room mate Tracy seemed really sweet too. Lori could tell that after this week they would be such good friends. They really complemented each other. Lori was tall, slender, and a bit on the quiet side, with long hair and light features. Tracy was very outgoing, a little shorter, and with dark, voluptuous features. Like Lori, Tracy was a just a few months past her 18th birthday. These thoughts were racing through her head as she finished up her shower. Both Tracy and Lori had...
I woke up; it felt strange to wake up in bed alone. I took a shower, made myself some breakfast, and then called Lori. “Good morning, beautiful,” I said when she answered the phone. “Happy birthday to my lover.” “Oh, thank you; I’ve only just got up; I haven’t even had a shower or anything, I don’t feel beautiful,” she replied. “But thank you, it’s a nice thought. Did you still want me to take you up to the hospital? What time do we have to be there?” We confirmed the times, chatted for a...
Life was getting into a somewhat normal state. Andy resigned himself to the fact that things were now different, irrevocably different. Reluctantly he accepted his new role, as an outsider in his own home. Kim was now living in the house and he cringed every time she smiled at him. It was that unctuous, 'I am one up on you', smile that someone gives another person when they got the better of a competition.Kim didn't hide the fact she was Lori's master. She flaunted the reality that she was now...
“Megan, Tracy’s on the phone for you,” I called out. I handed the receiver to Megan, she sounded quite excited when she started talking to Tracy. But her voice quickly changed; all she said was ‘okay’ and ‘I guess so’; then she sobbed loudly, handed the receiver to Lori, and ran out to the roof-top deck over the laundry. Lori spoke briefly to Tracy, then handed me the phone. “Tracy’s found a guy she really likes in Melbourne,” she said. “Talk to her for a bit, I’ll go out and comfort...
This is a continuation from the story “ART FESTIVAL”. A knock was at my door and I went to answer it. Lori was standing there with a big smile on her face. My mind flashed back to the previous date with Lori, a week ago, and I am sure she also had a flashback with that grin she had on her face. I grabbed my jacket and off we went. Diner was great but the dance club was even better. Lori had a few hits from other men asking her to dance with them but she refused them all; politely...
When you're poor, white and live among the Mexican Americans in LA, you're already at the bottom. Mom says dad is dead, but we all know he ran off when I was born 16 years ago and the twins are two years older than me. Public Housing in Los Angelus is a good place to live, but your inside the Gang Zone. The LAPD sends two squad cars many times and each car has two cops, safety in numbers. Mom worked at MacDonald's we were moving nowhere fast. There would be no College, no future for us. I...
My name is Tracie and I have been living as a woman since I graduated college. Moving to a new town afforded me the opportunity to pursue my career as a female high school English teacher. I loved my job and I had great students. After a year or so of teaching I had my favorite students who were attentive, hardworking, and had a passion for education. One of my favorite students, Lori, was rumored to be a lesbian. Rumor networks in high school are often false and quite ruthless. Either way it...
TransLori Brown and her husband John were a married couple of one year. Life was grand except for the fact that Lori didn't like to partake in oral sex. She didn't want any foreplay, which angered her husband. She also wouldn't let her husband make love to her bottom.She said the idea of sucking his cock made her gag, and the thought of him licking and kissing her private parts made her feel very uncomfortable. She thought he was nuts for wanting to make love to her butt. She would ask him why...
Mind ControlThursday went past rather blandly, nothing much happened at work and Abbie started her period, which meant another month without conceiving. Our regular sex sessions every night were postponed until further notice. Abbie kept me locked up in my chastity device during these periods so that when she was ready again I'd have a large load of semen built up for the period in which she was most fertile. I was a little apprehensive about wearing it to the Black Bull on Friday but I'd been out...