Forced 9
- 2 years ago
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Part I - 9725 Abduction and Processing
It was a dream come true thought Sharon, a second prize sweepstake vacationto Egypt just in time for spring break. A trip to see the ancient ruins shestudied so much as she was a young archaeological student. She had never hadsuch luck before in her life, always seemed to trip over some thing bad alongthe way. Was but a day in Egypt settling in from the long flight. A good quickhot shower to soothe the aches in her body from the long flight after unpackingin her hotel room. Finding a sultry looking skirt to go with a daring top thataccents her small pert pear shaped breasts as she stood a moment admiring herown body in the mirror. It has been a while since she had a good fuck as herstudies had been so focused this semester. A tweak to make her nipples standerect and accent her firm tits then down to the bar for a few complimentarydrinks to see who might be there to flirt with. Maybe some tall dark handsomestranger with a huge uncircumcised cock! Was it the water? Some thing was notright as she begins feel ill. It must have been the airline food. Making herway back to her room for a while to lay down thinking she would feel bettersoon enough and see the nightlife. To sleep off the jet lag, if only to dreamof some thing sweet and sexy.
Her haze filled mind buzzing with a low roar slightly remembering last nightfalling on her bed the night before still dressed as she is dressed now andher head aches, her body feeling stiff, trying to wake up. She didn't drinkthat much but passed out as if drugged. Her vision cleared slowly to see achair in front of her, her mind reeling trying to make sense of what is happening.Trying to bring her hands to her aching head when suddenly in terror she realizesthey are shackled to the side of the chair she sits in. Trying to thrash herfrail body she finds her ankles shackled to the floor, a thick leather harnesstight around her just under her tits. A scream muffled realizing now thereis some sort of mouthpiece to silence her. Her heart racing as her mind beginsto clear further as the buzzing in her ears clearing replaced with the soundof the roar of a jet engine in flight. Terror striking her hard "My god", shethought to herself "This isn't happening." Fighting with the bonds trying towiggle her small body free, unable to escape whatever fate had fallen uponher. Her mind spinning not accepting this is actually happening, she is simplyin bed at her hotel room having a nightmare.
She tries looking around with her frightened wide doe eyes barely able tosee a small jet cabin with a few seats in front of her. The windows closedso as not to see out, unable to look behind her, she is totally alone or atleast as far a she could tell. Her mind searching for answers unable to escape. "Shit!" shethinks to her self only able to whimper through the mouthpiece, "This is unreal!" Theflight lasted a few hours, no telling how long she was air born while passedout. Fighting the bonds for what seemed forever, but the flight continued on.To only give up tired from the struggle as she shivered in fear. A few hoursthat felt like an eternity as she was scared, alone and bound to a chair ina jet that could be anywhere. The rumbles of the engines winding down to land,the turbulence coming through the layers, the screech of the tires on the runway.She felt the plane taxi around a bit and finally rolled to a stop. Silence,seemed forever the only sound she heard was that of her heart racing in herchest as if an animal trying to escape a cage.
The loud click of the hatch opening behind her broke the silence as if thundercausing a shiver to course through her body making her skin crawl. Her sensesall more aware as fear gripped her. Her cunt gripping tight in fear from thesudden noise, the horror of realizing it is squeezing out cream wetting herpanties from the fear. "No!" she thought, "They will think me a fucking whorewhen they find my pussy is wet!" The soft sounds of footsteps behind her intensifiedby her horror sounding as if loud crashes in her mind. Trying to see, tryingto get a glimpse of her abductor, but nothing not even a word said to her asshe tries to scream but only slightly mumbles through the mouthpiece. Wonderingwhat the hell is going to happen next. Knowing that soon she would be raped,tortured, killed? She felt a budge at her chair and several ticks, and thenthe whole chair moved on wheels rolling backwards out of the jet into a welllit closed hanger, again with no windows on the building. No way of knowingwhat the environment was, where she was, not even what time of day it was.Shaking in her bonds as she thinks to her self "Thank god I only drank lastnight and didn't eat a heavy dinner. God I have to pee!" No one in the hangercould be seen as she is wheeled into a truck. The bumps of being put into thetruck, a long plane ride, the fear of pissing in her panties now causing herto panic more. The entire time her abductor remained hidden from her view.A few clicks again and the seat was attached to the truck, a loud slam of thedoor behind her. Totally enclosed in a delivery type truck with no windowsnot even a light to see by.
Her mind screaming to herself in terror as the truck moved. Other than someone kept hidden from her view, she had not seen a single person all day long,now trapped in a dark truck moving down the roads of who knows where. Her mindbegan to play tricks on her in the darkness, seeing vague images played inthe back of her mind of being raped. Images flashed though her mind of an endlessline of hard cocks ready to penetrate her waiting wet cunt. She knew that eventuallyshe would be raped, as she was a young cute college girl in her prime. Shefelt herself grow frustrated in self humiliation as fear itself started tohave its effect causing her cunt to grow wet again. Not in pleasure, but themoisture of fear growing in her cunt knowing it will be used. "God it has beento long", she thought, "I have to pee!" Trying to focus now on just that fact,the need to hold back from pissing on her self in bondage keeping away theimages in her imagination of being raped.
The truck finally brought to a stop, the back opening up flooding in withlight blinding her only to be quickly snuffed out as a short hood is put overher head, just enough to fully cover her green eyes. The sounds of footstepsand clicks, her chair moving again, not a word spoken, nothing to see, no onetouching her body as she anticipated, just every bump the chair hit remindedher she had to pee so badly! No contact what so ever out side of simply knowingsome one was behind her. Trying to remain brave now, not wanting her abductorto know how scared she is inside, trying to remain still and calm. The chairfinally brought to a halt. A moment of silence broken by the sounds of metalclanging together. She felt a tug to her mouthpiece then it happened. A sweetsent filled her senses and her mind began to fog over again. Fear slipped awayas she realized she was breathing a mixture of nitrous oxide. Not enough forher to pass out, just enough to make her helpless, in a floating dream of softuncaring as the fog filled her mind. She felt her body being unbound and moved,the hood not allowing her to see, the gas making her limp as a rag doll barelyconscious.
She felt her small wrists and ankles being put into firm cold metal cuffs,half-unaware as her petite body was hoisted and drawn taught and spread wide.She felt her cunt grow so very warm, so good it felt, relief spreading downher thighs in wetness. The hood lifted from her head as she tried to focuson the images before her of the people watching her. The sweet scent replacedwith a cool clean taste. Her vision restored quickly with a jolt realizingshe was breathing almost pure oxygen. The sight cleared before her, it is herown body reflected in mirrors put at an angle to where she could not see anyone else. Her petite body was bound by her wrists and ankles, hoisted highand wide by chains. Her feet spread wide barely on the floor, her hands pulledso high it almost hurt. A band of steel placed around the top of her head securedby a bar not allowing her to look but forward. Her thighs felt sticky and caughtthe sick pungent odor, "Shit! I didn't!" she thought in total humiliation realizingshe pissed in her panties while drugged.
Looking to her own face in horror with the mouthpiece between her lips, hershort skimpy skirt wet with her own piss. She began to weep as fear again grippedher. Then slowly, in the mirror she saw a knife held in some ones hand. Shetrebled trying to see but the mirrors only allowed her to see a male arm holdingthe large sharp knife brought to behind her neck. Trembling in terror not knowingwhat to expect next, feeling the cold shackles on her ankles and wrists keepingher body stretched taught. She shut her eyes at the horrible scene before herin the mirrors and then every thing seemed as if it stopped. She waited, butnot a sound was made, nothing happened. Slowly she opened her eyes and justthen the knife quickly raked down the back of her shirt and again over thesleeves falling to the floor a pile of rags. Her bra holding up her firm Bcup breasts exposed to her own green eyes. She froze in fear and then the knifecut the bra from her body, her firm tits springing free her small pink nippleshard from fear. Her mind drawing blank unable to cope with thought, her bodyquaking in shudders held taught in bondage.
Her breathing was rampant, again she closed her eyes fighting not to seethe terror in the reflection of her own eyes, her firm tits exposed beforeher. Shutting her eyes tight again time froze and nothing happened. Total silencesave for hear heart racing, totally shutting out the world from her mind exceptthat her nipples are hard from fear and beginning to become more sensitive.She feared now that they would be played with, that she would feel pleasureagainst her will. She felt in her imagination some one playing with her hardpink nipples, but nothing actually happened.
She could no longer fight it she needed to know. As she opened her eyes againthe knife raked down the back of her skirt as it to fell to the floor. Shecould see herself, tears running down her face, her body spread eagle beforeher. Her pink nipples so very hard becoming all the more aware that the fearcauses them to become so very sensitive. Her panties wet from her cunt creamingfrom the fear of the jet trip, wet from pissing in them just a moment ago whiledrugged. Again the knife came to the sides of her panties at her hips cuttingthem, feeling the soft flutter of the silk panties cling to her wet cunt untilit falls away to the floor between her legs, now totally exposed vulnerablehorrified. Closing her eyes again trying to shut out the humiliation of beingforced to watch as her clothes are stripped from her young body. Fearing themoment her abductor discovers her cunt is creamy wet inside from so much fear,the anticipation of being fucked forcing her to become aware of her tight cunt.
Opening her eyes again, she looks to her exposed body, seeing the knife disappear,fear making her imagination think of being ravaged as she is bound. To be raped,her cunt fucked hard as she would only be able to writhe in the bonds unableto do anything but accept. Her own imagination her worst enemy now as the thoughtsmakes her cunt slightly quiver. Disturbed by the fact now her cunt quiverednot in fear, but in a mild passion. She watches as the hands return to herview. More metal cuffs attached to her ankles separated by a spreader bar,the ones with the chains removed. Metal cuffs with spreader bars attached toher thighs. A finely woven chain mesh wrapped around her torso with holes cutinto the front for her small boobs to fit through keeping them exposed. Thesensation of how the vest makes her tits bulge out in the reflection of themirror amplifying her awareness of her hard nipples. A metal collar placedaround her neck subjugating her. Slowly she watched as the bar from the ceilingthat connected to the band around her head lower to the floor. It was Obviousthe bar passed through the different restraints as she could feel differentclicks. The hood replaced over her head again and her wrists one at a timelowered. She struggled but was weak and the unseen man strong, she was easilysubdued as her wrists were now attached to the sides of the metal vest. Shefelt there was nothing now she could do, helpless. The spreader bars so obviousin keeping her sex exposed the total humiliation as tears run down her cheeksknowing she was exposed to this unseen stranger. Knowing he could see the foldsof her cunt begin to open as the thrill of being forced unlocked a deeply hiddensecret of her fantasies of being bound. The shame that this is not a fantasygame to be played with a lover, this was real, was against her will, but hercunt responds with pleasure.
Lowered on her back to what must have been some sort of trolley that heldthe main bar, she was suspended by her restraints unable to move or see asthey wheeled her into another part of the building. Again a tug at her mouthpieceand a quick sharp piercing sting on her wrist then she felt herself hoistedupright with the sounds of a winch. The sudden shock of a brief moment of weightlessnessand then the splash of water as she was put into some sort of pool. "I am goingto drown!" she though in panic, but her mouthpiece fed her air. The water madeher skin tingle and she opened her eyes feeling the hood float off from herhead. The chemical in the water burns her eyes! Blinded now fighting to stopthe burning, but slowly the burn turned into a soothing warm feeling. Her mindgoing to mush from all the sensations, so many things happening to her in asingle day, the warm water so soothing making her relax if only a moment.
She heard through the water motors start up as Jacuzzi style jets make thewater bubble. Suddenly she realized a jet was aimed at each nipple causinga mild sexual stimulation shooting every so often darts of pleasure to herclit teasing her. Another causing her to be startled between her legs aimedat her ass with such weird sensations of dark pleasure. A jet aimed at hercunt, such pleasure brining her to be so horny, making her want more. Her heartbeating fast as another jet begins swishing back and forth constantly overher sensitive clit the pleasure constant but so very light moaning into themouthpiece as it brings her so close to orgasm but not taking her over theedge. It was intense, the soothing feeling of the tingle of the water on herskin from whatever chemicals. The constant barrage of pleasure on her pinknipples from the jets. Her cunt filled with water as a jet just strong enoughto wash her cunt out forces her open, her need driving her cunt to open wideraccepting the water to fuck her as if a ghost. Her ass having a constant streamof water to carry away any waste to a drainage unit. A jet specially matchedto her clit, just softly constantly caressing her clit forever. It was drivingher insane, as it was far too mild to make her orgasm, just enough to continuouslyremind her that now she was vulnerable, she was alive, and that she was a sexualcreature. In time she wanted to cum, it was too much, and she didn't care noweven if it was rape. Anything to cease the burning of need in her cunt. Thenthe lights went out, left alone in the tank being fed air alone in the darkwith continual pleasure for hours. Her mind screaming to finger her cunt, anything, she must cum! Then the sweet scent filled her senses again. Just beforeshe drifted off into a drugged sleep she heard a click and then a male voice. "Tokeep you informed you are now designated 9725 and will be taken for your firstsurgery." The underwater speaker clicked off and blackness overtakes her.
Slowly she awakened again finding her self still in the tank, the hum ofthe motors, the pulse of the jets on her pleasure centers. Then it hit herhard, THE PAIN! Her clit burned with agonizing pain. Needles of pain piercingthrough her clit! "What have they done to me?" she cried to herself, weeping.She screamed over and over again into the mouthpiece. The pain a constant reminderthe rest of her cunt burned with pleasure but too raw to want to be fucked.Hours if not days of whimpering passed as the pain slowly slipped to beingraw constant burn of pain and pleasure, replaced again with the soothing caressof the jets continuously brushing her pleasure. She was going mad not knowingtime, not knowing any thing but the hum of the motors, the continual pleasureagainst her breasts and pussy needing to cum but not enough pleasure to allowher relief. Her heart leaped hearing the click of the speaker, the smell ofthe ether, just knowing she gets to hear the sound of a human voice! "We havesuccessfully cloned a genetically modified skin graft from a sample of 9725'sclitoris so we have a good amount of pleasure sensory nerves to graft for 9725'snext surgery and electrolysis." The blackness ended the continual throbbingof her cunt, ending the torment of needing to cum.
Dreams of fire. Getting fucked up the ass with a red-hot iron. Being putinto flaming boiling oil. Having her cunt tarred and feathered only to be burnedoff with a torch. Burned at the steak. Flogged with a flaming whip. In andout of dreams of fire as she recovers kept in a drugged state of mind whileher body heals from the skin grafts. Then dreams of floating, of flying, dreamsof freedom from fire. Till dreams of sexual desire returns. Dreams of beinga harem girl kept for pleasure but hardly ever used. Needing to be used, wantingto be used, to be allowed to cum! To be forced to cum! To just simply cum!
She awoke finally with pure air being fed into the mouthpiece. In the waterare mirrors positioned so she can see herself in the water bound to the shinymetal pole. Her already petite body much leaner accenting her belly and titsas she has not eaten in lord knows how long. An IV attached to her wrist feedingher nutrients and who knows what else. Save the long locks of her flowing goldenhair floating in the water her body was totally void of any other hair. Herbreasts seemed slightly larger than normal, two floating orbs of pleasure nowwhat must be a C cup. Her small pink nipples were now so very hard and moresensitive than they ever felt before in her life. The slightest caress of thejets on her nipples making them so hard wanting more. Her cunt was slightlydifferent now, not a single strand of hair, totally smooth. No hood concealedher clit, which was now twice as large as it normally was. Throbbing madlyas the jets still caress it ever so softly. "What the hell have they done tome?" she tries to keep her mind focused through the waves of pleasure, so badlyshe wants to be filled, to be fucked. The once large lips of her cunt weremissing replaced with two firm ridges that seemed to connect directly to herswollen clit. "Oh god! They couldn't have?" Every jet pointed at her cunt andass just barely now pushing water against her but she was so fucking arousedfrom the slightest caress mixed with the shivers of terror coursing throughher body. Her outrage of being changed forever as a woman washed to the backof her mind from the total pleasure she feels. The speaker clicked on but thistime with out the sweet aroma of ether. Her heart leaps in joy of again havingany form of contact with any thing even remotely human. "Blink one time 9725if 9725 feels any more discomfort from the surgeries. Blink two times if 9725feels totally recovered." She blinked once and hesitated to think of her fate.She could not stand being in this tank much longer, no telling what lay beforeher in her future. She wanted real food though and god she needed to cum! Relentingshe blinked a second time. "Good 9725, now we can test to see how well 9725is adapting to the enhancements." A motor starts up and a winch pulls the frameholding her from the water. The room is void of people when she hears anotherspeaker click on. "9725 will find that we have grafted extra pleasure sensorynerves on 9725's areolas as well as increased 9725's clitoral area to extendtotally around 9725's vagina and partially to 9725's sphincter." Finally shesees in the corner of the ceiling are video cameras so they can monitor herremotely. "What the hell have they done to me?" she was lost in shock comingto terms that her very sex was tampered with. "What do they mean test my enhancements?" Herheart sank in her chest knowing now she will never again be the same, she somehow has been altered.
The hoist then pulls her through the air and lowers her to a stand, the mainbar of her restraint sliding down into some sort of motorized pedestal withvarious attachments and appendages on it. Some of the attachments have camerasas well so the remote operator can see every fine detail. Her face flush inhumiliation as one camera comes up between her legs right next to her cunt.Slowly her body drips dry and the air itself tingles against her skin, thecamera darting around her legs aimed up at her pussy, looking at it from allangles. She knows a man is looking at her new cunt, she knows a man some whereif not many men are enjoying the sight of her. "How dare they do this to her!",her mind tries to fight back again in defiance. "They cut up my cunt! Theycut up my breasts! They have changed me!" Then some how a shiver passes throughher as the thoughts make her cunt quiver in need, her new extra sensitive cuntburning to cum, has been burning to cum for days. Helpless as she is bound,not even so much as allowed to finger her own cunt for relief. Her mind fightingwith itself between defiance and the need to cum. A second camera whizzingaround her tits reminding her of how hard her nipples are. "Much to our reliefand most likely to the relief of 9725 shows no signs of scarring from the enhancements."
An attachment with a velvet tip comes up and caresses her pink nipple. "Mygod it feels so fucking good!" she thinks in her mind as her vision blurs fromthe pure pleasure of it. Her enhanced nipples responding with a burning throbmaking her cunt cream down her legs from the slightest brush against her nipple,so stimulating it feels, so much better than the water jets. A second caressto her other nipple and she fights against her bonds from the intense pleasure, "Godso fucking good!" she thinks to herself as her nipples draw so fucking hard. "Good9725, we see 9725's areola enhancements are working properly."
"What have they done to me?" she tries to think as her nipples burn withdesire." Trying to calm her self, trying to catch her breath from the unexpectedlevel of pleasure she now receives from simply just her nipples when anotherattachment moves to her cunt. A long hard smooth plastic, vibrating probe caressingfrom her clit, slowly around her enhanced cunt to her clit again. Her clitinstantly growing so fucking hard! Waves of pure pleasure passing through heras her muffled screams come from the mouthpiece. Her mind explodes at how intensethe pleasure is! Unnaturally vast amounts of pleasure coming from her clitas if all pleasure comes from only it! Just as she is about to have a hugeorgasm from the briefest exposure to the probe it draws away from her. Herfirm tits heaving as she tries to catch her breath, tears streaming down hercheeks, crying wanting so badly to cum! "Even better 9725, we see 9725's vaginalenhancements have taken as well." The camera whizzes down to her leg tracingthe trail of her cream slowly back up to her cunt. "Yes 9725, we think that9725's enhancements are working out to be very good!"
"God I want a long hard throbbing cock in my burning pussy so badly!" hermind screams against her will. Several attachments move to different partsof her still wet body as the speaker clicks off. One to each breast at theside making her think how good it felt to have her nipples caressed, secretlywishing so badly for more only to be denied as it merely presses to the sidesof her tits. One to each side of her belly, her mind wishing it would strokedown to her cunt, "God please just let me cum!" She felt so ashamed but wasdesperate for relief. Attachments closing on different portions of her armsand legs. Totally helpless as the mechanical octopus grabs at her body withpads, only totally ignoring her pleasure zones. Then it begins and in shockshe understands. High frequency voltages are pumped through different partsof her body forcing her muscles to contract and relax. Leaving her to dripdry from the pool, yet cream sliding down her legs from her cunt as her musclesare worked electronically. Weeping in tears of humiliation pain and pleasure,the feeling of her breasts heaving making her aware of her hard nipples. Theforce of her ass and thighs contracting keeping her in a constant reminderher clit extends all the way through her cunt to her asshole now. She knowsshe will never be the same, but all this trouble, all to make her more awareof her sex, all the more to make her more desirable but still not allowed tocum!
The velvet probe sliding up her leg catching all the cream of her cum, thearm moving up and dropping the probe into the air intake of her mouthpieceas her muscles are worked, forced to smell and slightly taste her own cream!Feeling as if a bundle of nerves, the scent stimulating her very brain makingher feel so very sexy. The lack of food and what ever was in the IV had madeher cum taste and smell sweet as if nectar, she can sense her own pheromonesin it as they have been amplified. The smell of her own sex driving her furtherinto a sexual frenzy of need. Closing her eyes she finds her self deep in fantasyof a man making her squirm as he passed his hands all over her body. Teasingher relentlessly knowing she is in heat, not touching her cunt, not touchingher nipples. Just caressing her breasts and up her inner thighs. After an houror so the arms retract and sets silent, totally exhausted from the electronicwork out she falls to a light asleep. The fantasy continues deep in her dreamas she sleeps dreams of being bound to the ceiling as the man plays with hernipples. Dreams of him caressing her clit for hours on end, every time hercunt quivers he stops. Looking to him with her soul full green eyes, "Pleasemake me cum! Please just let me cum! I'll do any thing for you! I'll pleasureyou in any possible way! Just let me cum god please!"
A short time later she is awakened as the treads on the pedestal begins tomove rocking her in her restrains as she is taken to a small room to one side.A door opens behind her and not a word spoken, only light footsteps. Chainsare attached to her wrists and are released from her sides, quickly pulledoutwards with an unrelenting mechanical force. To large pieces of clear plasticslide down the chains, each lifted over her arms and shoulders, attached tothe collar around her neck. As if a silly looking clear bubble of a dress withher arms and head poking out, the sides are attached to the metal vest shewares. A hand reaching around pulling the mouthpiece from her lips. Her firstreaction to just work her jaw, the damn thing must have been in her mouth aweek now. Her mind scrambled as she for once had the freedom to speak! If nothingelse she can talk! "Why are you doing this to me?" she cried. Her arms releasedfrom the chains, weak still feeling numb from being held motionless as theyfall to the sides of the bubble. "Who are you?" she demanded. Not a word said,another door opens in front of her and the pedestal continued to carry herforward. "What are you going to do to me?" she screamed out in terror. Nota single word of reply as the door shut behind her leaving her in total darkness.
She was just starting to get the feeling in her arms when she heard the whirof hydraulics. She felt the clicks coursing through her entire body as themain bar was removed from her restrains by some unseen mechanical force inthe darkness. Her body fell limp as the bar for over a week now has supportedher weight instead of her spine, but the odd egg shaped bubble of a dress kepther from falling, holding her upright. She felt the band removed from her head. "Whois there?" she cried out. Total darkness continued to prevent her from knowinganything of what was happening around her. "Why wont any one answer me?" shecried out now sobbing. A slight shock as she felt the spreader bars removedfrom her ankles but not from her knees. The bars were being adjusted some how.Her legs still numb as well getting used to not being bound in one single positionas the bar separating her thighs are adjusted to where she could not totallyclose them, just enough to keep her throbbing cunt vulnerable.
A light flicked on in the distance, a long hallway at the end stood a figure. "Does9725 feel lonely?" the figure asked in a familiar male voice, the only voiceshe has heard at all this week and only a few times. Her voice quaking, "Yes!" shecried half in fear, half in need for some one to acknowledge she even existed. "WellThen 9725 walk down here." The figure flatly replied. Her body trembled andshe cried back "I cant!" as she broke into tears bawling at the humiliatingpredicament knowing her body is totally exposed beneath the clear plastic shellthat held her upright as her body was limp. "I am certain 9725 can walk downhere if 9725 really tries. There is food, which I am sure 9725 is hungry."
"Food?" she could not tell if it was in her mind of if she actually spokethe word. She needed food to live by, she was so hungry from being kept onan IV all week long. Her body limp and stiff, but she managed to stand up.The bubble just barely off the floor, her knees now bound together she couldonly take small steps and only by drastically swinging her hips to move herfeet. Again she felt a wave of heat flush over her face as she realized howshe must look in this eggshell as she walked. Her tits slightly bouncing butheld up somewhat by the chain metal vest making them jut out. Her firm heartshaped ass swinging as if a streetwalker in order to be able to move her feetwith the bar strapped to her knees. Her wet cunt clearly visible as she hadno pubic hair and she could not totally close her thighs together for the barlocking them in place. The obvious slick wetness on her inner thighs drippingdown from her cunt. It was a struggle to walk down the long hallway into thelight joining the figure that waited there for her. Lowering her eyes in shameas her face flushes a deep red yet hating the fact that he was enjoying everymoment of watching her firm young body swaggering as she struggles to simplywalk, unable to do any thing but walk to him.
"Very good 9725 has done well so far." said the middle aged bearded man.Trying in one last effort to gather her wits, one last attempt at defianceshe returned his gaze in a cold steely green-eyed glare of hatred. The mansmiled at her nonchalantly as he reaches forward with a long prod. She suddenlynotices now there are a few small holes in the bubble she wares, too smallfor hands to fit through but large enough for the stick he holds to go through. "Payvery close attention 9725." he says as the prod touches her nipple and beginsto vibrate. The pleasure! God so good! Her mind reeling hearing a low moanonly to realize it is her very own voice. "Oh god!" she cries out in pleasure.Her enhanced nipples tingling sending jolts of pleasure down her belly to herentire cunt. It was so different now, not sending jolts of pleasure to herclit making it burn, but all the way into her entire pussy making it throb.Her hands instinctively trying to reach for her throbbing wet pussy but thebubble preventing her from touching her self in any way. "God please it feelsso good!" she cries out.
Just as she begs it stops, bringing the stick around to her pussy her heartleaping in anticipation of the pleasure. "God cannot give 9725 what 9725 needs,only Master can" he said in a low threatening tone. A blue flash sparked frombetween her legs, the pain instant straight to her brain as the electric shockstruck her wet pussy! So fucking painful, her eyesight goes black from thepain. So impossible is it to block out from your mind. It was instant but sucha short quick flash as she returns to conciseness just as quickly as it wastaken from her as she whimpers and moans. The pain instantly vanishes leavinga tingling sensation to her cunt, her clit throbbing madly yet still stinging. "Ohmy fucking God!" she cried out realizing her cunt spasms still from the pleasureher nipple received a moment ago. Worse yet the probe now vibrates againsther clit as she is sent into wild spasms from her supercharged enhanced clit.The pleasure so much as she hears a siren off in the distance. Her hips thrustingforward against the probe in wanton lust. Needing desperately to cum! No pain,only pleasure as her clit sparks to life throbbing so fucking hard! The probeagain removed as she realizes the siren is the sound of her own screams ofpassion. She thought she was going to have an orgasm right then and there,her body quivering in pleasure limp in the egg suit, her breath ragged. Slowlythe man walked around her body, his eyes taking in every bit of her beauty,every curve. Writhing now she tries desperately to rub her throbbing cunt onsome thing from the frustration, any thing! To let her nipples touch even theside of the shell, but cant! Tears streaming down her face, "Please let mecum! God please it has been days now of pleasure, I need to cum!" her voicetrailing off in orgasmic whimpers.
"First things first 9725. First we must teach 9725 how to properly feed." Hesays as he pulls a flesh-toned hose from one wall. He holds it out to her andin her disgust as she takes it from him finding that the end has a very realisticlooking cock. "This is how 9725 will receive food the next few days as 9725is not yet fully recovered to receive solid foods yet." He said flatly. Herentire body goes flush, as she felt so humiliated as she new she was starvingfor food, starving for sex. To be fed by sucking on a hose made to look likea cock. Fighting the urge not to try some how to shove the dildo into her cunt.She was hungry and her captor is there before her watching her, not wantingto give him the satisfaction of seeing her break down. "9725 knows 9725 hasto eat and this is the only way to receive nourishment." He said again in aflat uncaring tone as she shivers so fucking horny and so fucking scared trappedin this hell.
Looking at him in defiance she begrudgingly put the head of the dildo toher mouth and sucked on the hose but nothing. With stubborn determination notto be made fun of she simply sucked harder on the tip but not even air camethrough the hose. Pulling it from her mouth in anger "I need food! This isjust some sort of trick! This is just so you can watch me suck on a dildo soI have to humiliate myself for you!" He thrust the prod to her cunt and anotherblue flash then the moment of total darkness as her sight goes black. Whimperingfrom the pain as she recovers quickly, tears rolling down her face as somehow the electric charge makes her cunt spasm with pleasure as the pain fades. "9725will very quickly learn Master will not accept that tone of voice." his wordsdroning into her head as he puts the hose back into her hands. "9725 will alsofind that this is more than simply a hose. It has sensors in the dildo to detectexactly how 9725 is manipulating it. 9725 must make it cum as 9725 puts itdown 9725's throat in order to feed." His voice still droning into her headnow as if a flat melodic tone.
Gathering her wits again lowering her eyes in shame putting the dildo againto her soft lips. One last act of defiance went through her mind as she bitesdown with her teeth into the dildo. Flash! Her sight again goes black as shefeels electricity go through her teeth directly to her brain! There is no pain,there is no meaning, there is no anything, just now swirling lights in hermind. The universe itself spinning as she becomes so very tiny and insignificant.Her very soul warm and floating on a light blue mist through the cosmos passingthrough a celestial orgy of gods fucking in front of her for her to enjoy watching.Their pleasure sending ripples of orgasmic ecstasy through her mind. Wallsof cum floating down into a celestial waterfall of love washing over her sendingher back to earth.
Her entire body quivers held upright by the bubble as she awakens from theelectroshock induced dream. The dreams so vivid and sexual as she feels hercream dripping profusely from her cunt down her thigh. Again he hands her thehose, "9725 will just have to accept that 9725 must eat." Slowly she broughtthe dildo again to her lips, tears rolling freely down her face accepting nowher fate. Slowly sucking the dildo, fucking it with her mouth. Closing hereyes as she does the task of making an electronic dildo cum in order that shecan feed. She worked in down to the back of her throat and she felt it quiveras if a real cock. Her mind again playing tricks on her, feeling the plasticcock throb in her mouth causing her own pussy to throb in response. "9725 mustput it all the way down 9725's throat to make it cum. In fact 9725 must suckit good pleasing it as if a real cock if 9725 is to feed." His voice becominghypnotic in her mind as she fucks her mouth faster with the dildo, lettingit tease the back of her throat in desperation for food, fighting back thefeelings of anger, feeling only humiliation. God she wishes she could shovethis into her cunt as well. Sucking faster on the dildo her cunt throbbingagain, forgetting the man was there watching her, needing to make it cum, needingto feed, needing to give it pleasure. Pressing it deep down her throat it beginsto pulse hard sending a jell of nourishment into her belly. Her cunt drippingdown her legs in response to the thought of a long hard cock cumming in hermouth. "Very good 9725 tomorrow we will begin programming" and with that hegoes out a door leaving her there. The door locking shut behind him. The roompure white save the flesh colored hose coming from the wall washed in brightlight. Left alone again unable to sit or lay down, only able to fall relaxedin her bubble. What does he mean by programming? The only thing to do otherthan sleep was to feed off the dildo making it cum. The food did not keep herstomach full but for a few hours. Every time she fed the thought of makinga real cock cum reminded her how badly her cunt throbs in need to cum herself.Totally unable to touch her aching wet cunt. Not even able to caress her ownburning hard nipples for the bubble. God this was maddening! Her only thoughtsare of how wonderful it would be to ram this huge dildo deep into her wet burningcunt and make it cum deep inside her, to cum hard on the dildo!
End Part I
Beth was lying there panting heavily as Otis pulled his still semi-hard cock out of her. His cum was oozing out of her pussy that was gaped open a little from being fucked by his massive black cock. He then got up off the blonde wife and started to put on his clothes. Beth wasn’t going to be bothered putting on her clothes. She planned to take a long hot bath after Otis and Desmond left, and before her daughter got home. She didn’t want Carrie Ann to know that she had been willingly fucking...
Playing on the beaches of Northwest Florida had its benefits. Not only was I doing something I loved, but I was well paid and the benefits! Well, the benefits were many and varied. Let me tell about one of my best seductions.Right after Memorial Day, the hotel started the summer season. A small group of ladies from Jackson, Mississippi came for a week's summer vacation with the kids. No men, as they were all divorced and, I guess, financially well off.Staying on the Gulf for a week was...
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Premium Blowjob Porn SitesDecember 24,2011 “Hey, you awake?” “What time is it?” I sit up and run a hand through my hair. “7:30 AM. I just woke up and need to talk.” God, I love Yoda, but there are times (like this) that I want to kill him! I never could, I love him to much… “What happened last night?” he asked as he sat down on my bed. Okay, more like flopped on my bed. Now, I am definitely wide awake. How could I possibly explain what happened last night without losing my best friend? “I’m still drunk,” he said....
And then all hell breaks loose in the shape of the most pissed off woman ever seen on the face of this earth. She is screaming at me in Tagalog and while I know a little Tagalog, I sure don't know it well enough to keep up with her. But more to the point, I am not thinking of the Tagalog, I am looking at the 8 inch kitchen knife in her hand. If she thinks she has a clear strike at me with that knife without hitting the kids, I figure I'm a goner. But then the kids cover my body and start...
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Supper began normally. I had laid the table after I had finished my homework, placing out knives, forks, spoons and table mats. Misty called everyone to the table. Tonight we were having my favorite, Sloppy Joes. I poured a glass of cider for Jan, and milk for myself and Misty and sat waiting. Jan wheeled herself up to her position at the head of the rectangular table, while Misty sat opposite me. I was never certain of Misty, She is always perfect! Even when doing something depraved,...
Hey guys! I hope you have read and loved the first two parts of this story series. This is the third part of this series. It is a bit long but I know if you will read it till the end, you will love it. After a dual fuck in the closed classroom, Neha leaked Renuka the sex tape she just shot. That very day Renuka received the MMS and was shocked to see that. She had not yet revealed to anyone that she was a lesbian. Renuka in a panic called Sonalee and told her to meet outside the college in her...
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------- Joe and I struggled carrying the storage trunk from the van along the dock to our lake cruiser. 140 pounds of Bitch Meat I laughed to myself. Dan, Jeremy, Sam and Dave waited on the ramp to the boat to help us. Our boat was loaded and now all we needed is to store our weekend guest on the tail of the boat. The Marina security cameras would show nothing out of the ordinary. Grabbing this slut had taken some...
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Former FBI agents Thomas Seldon and Charles Richards checked into the investigation of the crash of the Southwest Pacific Airlines flight that Tom and Lynda were supposed to have been on the week before. Special Agent Jonnie North had gone to the crash site to aid in the search for clues. It was soon learned that the man who’d caused the crash was a former employee of the airline who’d been fired for petty theft of in-flight beverage sales. The man had gone to his former supervisor to ask for...
Hello friends mera naam Niket hai aur mai Thane,Mumbai mei rehta hu. Mai ek professional body therapist hu. Kafi ladies ko satisfaction, khushi di hai. Baki story writers ki tarah ye toh nahi kahunga ki mera Lund 10 inch ka hai.. Mera 6 inch ka hai but mai tab tak sex kar sakta hu jab tak meri partner puri tarah satisfy na ho jae. Physical satisfaction k sath mental satisfaction bhi important hota hai. Kyuki maine Australia se body therapy sikhi hai toh body ke parts ka perfect use janta hu....
I am not the original author.Fred takes JessicaIt took me a long moment to remember exactly where I was, looking at my watch I noticed that it was nearly three in the morning. “Jesus” I thought “Jess is gonna kill me.”I slowly gathered myself and arose from Fred’s couch. I was alone. I guess the party was over, and I couldn’t help but feel a touch of anger over the thought of no one waking me to let me know.My name is Timothy Grant, I’m 35 and I’m a Regional Sales Rep for a national supplier of...
Vickie took a day off. She didn't really need to. But she felt she should, if only to put herself out of temptation's way for a time. She'd fucked two guys in two days while on the job! In the library! At this rate she'd have fucked half the staff by the end of the week! It was only a matter of time before she got herself into trouble. And so she phoned in sick, taking care not to open the sexy book that had triggered her horniness the past two days. She cleaned up her apartment and...
Tendría 23 años... de aquella, mi novia me había dejado ... principalmente por que no nos veíamos mucho, ya que ella residía a 100km y no podía desplazarme todos los fines de semana... y los estudios tampoco me lo permitía. Con tal desilusión y baja moral, un amigo me animo para ir al pueblo pasar unos días de descanso e ir de fin de semana a la discoteca de la villa, a 75 kilómetros de mi ciudad.Animado, pero por otra parte no tenia el día muy sano, seguía pensando en mi ex-novia y eso me...
Introduction: As told to me By Christine The scenes of being fucked kept recurring. I could still see his naked cock as he stood over me. From my point of view it seemed enormous. His circumcised dick stood straight out from his loins supported by a tight sack. It bobbed up and down like a caged animal. Then I was being fucked. Over and over again this movie replayed itself. First I could see his phallus then I was being fucked. I awoke with a start. I was disoriented for a moment. Then the...
This last summer, my dad thought that it would be a good idea for me to go and spend the summer with his brother. Now I hadn’t seen the guy or his family since I was about 4 years old and couldn’t even remember what he looked like. Mum said that he was married and had a daughter just a little bit older than me and that it would be good for me to make friends with someone my age. So, very early one Saturday morning my dad took me to the bus station with me wearing only my school uniform and...
"Isn't it exciting, Brian?" Addison asked me on the phone. "What is, Addie?" "That I'm coming to visit you!" "You are?" "Doesn't your family tell you anything?" "Well, usually, but Mom just got home yesterday and we haven't had much time to talk yet. It's all about the baby," I said. "So is this. Betts is bringing the baby to Indiana in three weeks. Since Allen has to work, I volunteered to accompany Betts and help her as a kind of sort of nanny. If she ever lets go of...
“If you don’t like it we don’t have to see them again,” my husband insisted for the umpteenth time.We were lying in bed after a pleasant but somewhat unsatisfying Sunday evening lovemaking session.“We’re doing well but we can’t take it for granted,” he continued. “You said yourself that you were ready to try something a bit edgier, didn’t you? You agreed we could do with a breath of fresh air in our sex life, didn’t you?”“I suppose so,” I replied uncertainly.“Right! So let’s just try it once...
Wife LoversI am an average boy with a height of 5'9 chocolate complexion and a little healthy. Though being one of the best schools in the city we lacked sexy girls and teachers. But then comes the heroine of the story, the person who I cant forget for the rest of my life, Priyanka our new Economics teacher. She was hot. Apart from her curvy body she had a fucking sexy face and milk white complexion. She was 29 years old and had a stunning figure of 36-28-40.She was the candy we all had lusted for. During...
Dear Readers, If you haven’t already read Chapters 1-6 of this series, I suggest you do so. Otherwise, you’re going to miss out on a lot of detail. I appreciate you votes and your comments. RCG * * * I drove as fast as I could to the apartment. Debbie was still holding John and sobbing, ‘I love you.’ John was still unconscious. I pulled into the complex and Tom said, ‘Park as close as you can to the door.’ I pulled up within a feet of the apartment’s front door in a ‘No Parking Fire...
As I look back over the years between ten and f******n as magical years, I have only recently noticed something else. Little did I know that the choices I made in those years would lead me where I have ended up today. Now I take young street-boys indiscriminately. I use them, abuse them, and cast them aside. Some are hurt, some are bloodied, and some actively pursue me.It is those who pursue me that I find most interesting. They are of a lifestyle and I am not. They want the rough sex I give...
We had recently moved to a new apartment on the outskirts of town. The development was not finished with plenty of work still to be completed. We had been away for a few days. On our return, work had started on the next block of apartments. The block was no more than twenty metres from our French doors and balcony.Jaq was quick to point out that once completed, people in the next block would have a perfect view into our apartment. I explained to Jaq that it would be a while before people would...
ExhibitionismHi Friends, Mera naam saurav h.aur m delhi se hu aur m 32 saal ka hu. M dikhne m smart huu..aisa sb kehte h mujhe…m noida job kr rha huye baat 0ct 2012 ki h..hmare ground floor pe ek couple rehne aaya tha..bhaiya ka naam nitin tha aur bhabi ka naam astha kya bumb piece thi…gori itni k puchho mt..Figure 32 34 36….jeans m nikal jaye to uski gand dekh k log sadak pe hi pagal ho jaye..zada tr vo suit pehnti thi…m to dekhte hi uska aashiq ho gya tha.. raat din use chodne k sapne dekha krta tha aur...
A Delightful Arrangement Part Three I woke up with a start the next morning. The sun pealed through the windows and I felt the soft satin of my nightgown tracing my thighs. Immediately my thoughts leapt to the night before. I recalled serving as a maid at my friends' party and how wonderful the experience had been. As my gown's straps pulled at my shoulders I recalled the elation I felt when I learned that no one other than my hosts realized that I wasn't a woman. I lay there for...
In my last story we arrived at the Hyatt Regency at seven o'clock Wednesday morning, we did our thing and fell asleep. We slept most of the day, we were both Exhausted. We did wake up once, around twelve and ordered a small lunch, then fell right back to sleep. It was about five that evening when the telephone rang and I answered it. It was Ammon's son, he said, "My name is Abioye (we found out later it meant the son of royalty), I would like to take you out to dinner this evening. My dad has...
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Flying Dreams Prelude: a Dream I must have been twenty-six then, the last time I saw my father. I wonder if either one of us knew that we were actually saying good bye forever. Probably not. Neither of us were great on intuition. It doesn’t frighten me anymore at all. It doesn’t terrify me anymore to think of the details of our sojourn together and of what I grew to know as love. It used to frighten me, the memories, the triggers, as I used to sweep the moments, my life, out of my mind,...
IncestIntroduction: Conrad looked round the room there were several booths all round the room and at the other end a section had been curtained off Educating the Girls By anon y mouse Chapter 5: Angelas cherry They were led down another passage and through a small door .Joseph helped Conrad and the girls carry the clothing they had yet to try plus the ones they had not rejected. Settling back to the task Conrad was left to help the girls choose. Joseph kept popping in and out to check how they...
The outlandish Nade Nasty ? is back for his record-tying 4th appearance here on See H?️M Fuck, and we paired HIM up with the lovely Rebel Rhyder ❤️ for this week’s update. After our fantastic director Johnny ?? Robins assists us in getting caught up with HIM, Nade stands and begins to strip from his blue 2-piece suit ?️ Rebel samples HIM before grabbing a bottle ? of motion-lotion ? and lubing HIM up nice and good, reaching around to ensure Nade’s big prick is standing at full...
xmoviesforyouIt was a year of single dates after David and her 22 birthday that she met Michael, he was a dud as well. It was also after almost a year after her birthday, that Shelly had a proposition thrown at her to try a girl for a change. She went home and talked to her neighbor about the idea. It was crazy to her but she was talking to Kim, so how crazy was it? Kim told her the same thing that she was thinking but both of them weighed the pro's and cons and she looked at the sheet again and again...
I had a very nice day in school today. Next week would be a school holiday, so we had been having some fun today in school and there were no classes. However, when I got back home, I was home alone again. My mother was still in Brussels, to sign her new contract and to check the place where she would be living until she found something of her own. And my sister, well she had decided to stay with our dad for a day. My mother and sister would return home tomorrow the earliest. So, here I was...
Kmart is close by and few years back I am in paint and a woman with k**s and I guess mother or mother in law came by. India woman with the dot and wrapped clothing. She smiled and looked at my face and crotch. I smiled back and went on with my shopping. No idea how she could get away from the k**s, much less the other older woman. Later she was at check out and long line, I looked and pointed to the back of the store. She told old woman something and walked ot meet me. I just started walking to...
That happiness only lasted a few moments. We were mentally screaming as the twins started ripping out our minds, and after an eternity of enduring their brain flushing, Joey and I were blank, nothing but the memories of the experience left. As we laid there nearly brain dead, the twins concentrated on building their orgasms, pulling ours along with them. Then after an explosion of orgasmic energy, Joey and I sat up blinking as the twins sunk down into a deep sleep. "Are you okay?" Suzi...
This story will borrow places from a game mod called A Dance With Rogues that was made by this cool girl called Valine. It’s a great mod. If you have the game Neverwinter Nights, I highly suggest you try out the mod. Just google it. Anyways, the protagonist Miriam’s world (or rather the world Valine created) is a world where might generally makes right. Kings and Queens rule city states. Mercenaries and magic abound. Yep. That means, no guns, computers, air conditioning, or Wal Mart. So in...
“Hi, Bridget, I’m Jason. It’s nice to meet you. It seems as though you need some help carrying your books.” I said as I looked her up and down. We had a couple of the same classes together and I think she caught me staring at her a few times in class. Today she was wearing a tight black tank top that enhanced her nicely shaped breasts. Under the tank top was a bright red bra. She had a short blue jean mini-skirt on, and high heels best described as modest stripper shoes. Her skin...
Lost Life By Byron My name is Peter Billings and this is the story of how I lost my life. Don't worry though, I found another one. I've never been one to believe in magic, no potion was going to make my life perfect and no spell was going to give me everything I wanted. I knew a person had to work for what they wanted, and be happy with what they have without wasting time on fantasies that could never be possible. Then my buddy John asked me if I wanted to swap lives with...
“Mike!” shouted a voice down the corridor. “Hey what’s up?” “My friend didn’t show to help out with the lifeguard examinations, and we need a person to pretend to be unconscious!” “Sounds easy; when do you need me?” “In, like, five minutes?” I’d just left the gym and was on my way home. Jessica is my flatmate, a slim brunette girl. She was wearing black capri leggings with three white Adidas stripes on the side and silver stripe around the knee, white trainers and a red polo shirt. She’s...
FetishCabin tents rented for $25 a day trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife maker I was perfectly content to allow things to just move along at a snail’s pace. I was making a decent amount of money and my rent on the Gate house was only three hundred a month. Since...
His touch was always pleasing, never any pain in his movements. That is unless you wanted pain like Louise did sometimes! He slowly pumped his thumb in and out of my pussy fucking it as slowly and gently as he could do it! My hips were rocking on it now and my pussy was squeezing it as it entered my pussy all the way every 2 or 3 seconds. He was also rotating it around as it moved in and out! The feeling was sensational. I began to rock faster and faster until I wasn't able to speak any longer....
I didn’t notice Ramona until my second year in High School when her locker in the hallway was just a few feet from mine. The school we attended was a 3-year High School, so we were in the Junior Class and 16 years old at the time. I noticed several times that she would seem to be watching me and smiling. Then she began to walk by me and smile more and sometimes say, ‘Hi’. ‘Just a classmate being friendly’ I thought to myself as I said, ‘Hi’ to her. The Music class was the only class we shared....
I just wanted to share a little tale involving my ex when she was just 22 and we were married for a year, the reason being that though it was so many years ago, it still turns me on to remember it... and especially as my ex was at her stunning best then, with a mane of crimson hair, pert little tits, long legs, a gorgeous ass and most of all, an adventurous attitude.We had rented a holiday cottage in Devon, next door to a widowed man, let’s call him Maurice, who lived there permanently. Maurice...
At 30yrs old I married Beth, a cute little girl of 18yrs. My main worry was that she would get tired of me and be wanting 'friends' of her own age. Well that didn't happen, and after 2 years we are still very happy. Though the worry of her wanting younger guys played so much on my mind that it became a fantasy, which grew and grew till I wanted it to happen. I kept imagining her being fucked by other men and would get off on it whilst we fucked. The images in my mind were like a movie show...
Elaine pronounced her final case of the day. The Bard Geoffrey was in accord with her decision and the court attendant went off with the two petitioners to ensure that the Goddess’ pronouncement was carried out. She blinked back weariness, trying to get her eyes to focus. “Too much sex and not enough sleep, goddess,” Jeff said gently. “You should talk!” Elaine said, grinning. “You and Terri broadcast your lovemaking throughout the manor. No one gets any sleep when you two go at it!” Jeff...
September, 1983, Washington, DC When the plane touched down at National Airport in Washington, I grabbed my carry-on bag and tucked my copy of The Brothers Karamazov into the outside pocket. I hadn’t brought a suit, but I did bring a sports coat, which I grabbed from the coat closet at the front of the MD-80 that had brought me to DC nearly on-time. I walked out the door onto the Jetway and then into the gate area. I saw Tatyana, Colonel Anisimova, and a very pretty young blonde girl who...
So it was doubly heartbreaking for him when, during a cross-country meet in the spring of his freshman year, Randy slipped on wet grass and fell, breaking his good right arm above the elbow. The pain was bearable; he was a tough young man. But the now useless right arm became a cruel mirror of his left arm stump. He was now helpless, and it was a feeling he did not like at all. Randy's father, a stoic, hardworking farmer named Ed, gave his teenage son a series of unhelpful pep talks as...
On the Monday of the following week we were stood down early so I went to the mess and had lunch. By 12.30 I had finished my lunch and everyone disappeared back to their quarters until the bar opened at 2pm. I decided to go to the barbers where I had been warned about not to go without the rest of the guys to see what would happen going on my own. When I arrived it was only about ten minutes from closing but I went in anyway. There was only one customer there already being attended to and I...
Gay MaleFRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 6, 1991 “I’m out in the cold (out in the cold) Body and soul (out in the cold) There’s nowhere to go (out in the cold) I’m out in the cold (out in the cold)” Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers had it about right. I was out in the cold. Of course, I still slapped the snooze button and shut him up anyway. I had a riot of feelings to deal with. Two rejections, were weighing heavily on my mind. Sure, I had sort of patched things up with Shelby. At the same time, we were...
The nameplate on the door read ‘Fiona Wojciechowski, Artistic Director’ it was slightly ajar and I had an appointment with Ms. Wojciechowski, so I knocked assertively, opened the door and entered the Artistic Director’s office. Stylish, very stylish; the office was furnished in a high-end contemporary manner where even the waste-paper bin was hand made out of a solid piece of metal and cost thousands.“Hi, I’m Fiona, welcome to my studio.” The artistic director held out her delicate hand for me...
I barely touched my food during the rest of our meal though Dave managed to finish off all of his along with a few bites of my own. He didn’t even touch me after that kiss and my mind was awash in all of the ways that this evening could turn out. Luckily there was plenty of wine to help settle my nerves as I waited for him to finish, nibbling my plump bottom lip as I glanced at him out of the corner of my eye. I watched as he swallowed the last bite of his stake, butterflies filling my stomach...
After lunch David simply said, “Leave the dishes,” and led Gillian, still wearing only her apron, to the stairs where he stood aside and motioned her to go up ahead of him. Another test, he thought, reaching out and groping her buttocks as she went up the stairs in front of him. Looking back he called, “Chris, are you coming to watch?” “Yes Master, if it is allowed?” came the reply. “Of course. Whenever I use your wife you can watch if you are free, and if you want to do so. I expect that...
She turns on her computer and brings up her live web site. Typing rapidly she opens the site and scans to see how many are logged in and waiting. A record crowd tonight! Well, well her satisfied customers are telling their friends and her fame is spreading. Not your average webcam babe, she is a thirty something redhead with waist length curly hair and a lush woman’s body with ample curves. She has a stunning smile and bright shining blue eyes a light complexion with flawless skin that...