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Officer Michelle Stone, a stunning young lady of just 28 yearsold a beautiful redhead who stands at just 5ft6 and comes in at a light115lbs. She has a lovely figure that her other co-workers would kill forand even envy her of her stunning firm well toned body and great 36c tits.

Michelle was sitting at the desk reading some official papers inthe Police stations office while just coming in on her shift as she workedthe graveyard shift. For she was new on the force and had to work her wayup to having a good paying day job. She cast a glance at her security screenmonitors in front of which gave her a good look of all the cells in backof the Police stations holding area. As she glanced at the monitors shelooked closely but seeing nothing out of the ordinary she closed her eyesand then went back to reading the days paperwork left by her colleaguesfrom the day shift had let for her. After reading them over again she suddenlystopped becoming suspicious she quickly began going through all the fileson the desk. That's impossible she thought this can't be there was a latearrival just before my shift.

It seems that a young lady prisoner was brought in today rightbefore the shift changed but there is no record of her being processed.As she looked on she could find no record of the new inmate even beingfinger printed or any mug shot photos taken nor was there and arrest reportmade when she was brought in. The only things found were a memo and arrestreport with what is her name Jenny stating that she was arrested as beinga prostitute. But there is no other real identification on or about herin the so called arrest form. This was just the chance I had been waitingfor now I can prove to the Capt. That I'm a good Officer and will get apromotion for finding this mistake.

After getting the proper paper work Michelle headed back into theprisoners cell area where Jenny was sitting in the far corner. Michelleordered Prisoner Jenny to get up and follower her. With no response Jennygot up and moved over to the cell door and out as Michelle closed the door.Michelle looked with widened eyes and stood stunned as she stared rightat prisoner Jenny she couldn't believe her eyes as to what she was seeingit was like looking into a mirror. As she shook her head still not ableto believe how much prisoner looked just like her from head to toe washer twin. Prisoner Jenny you will follow me for some unknown reason theother Officers didn't do any of your paper work or processing so we willneed to do it now so follow me. Jenny without question followed Michelledown the hall to the processing room where the prisoner photo mug shotswere taken. Michelle then walked over to the machine and turned the computeron while waiting for it to warm up she ordered Jenny to strip all her clothesoff and go stand up next to the wall. While Michelle was checking the cameraand finger printing blotches she felt a nudge from behind her which startledher. When she looked around to her surprise there was Jenny standing totallynaked behind her who she thought had just been in front of her secondsbefore. Jenny just stood there and reached up and began caressing Michelle'slong red hair as they now both looked eye to eye. Michelle stunned coulddo nothing as the young woman took control. Michelle unable to move asJenny continued to caress her lovely red hair both looking into each otherseyes Michelle started to speak but Jenny put her finger over Michelle'smouth as she continued to caress her firm body. Stunned and partly paralyzedMichelle just stood there unable to move as Jenny all of a sudden reachedup and over and kissed the surprised Officer on her open lips. What areyou dooooing? The shocked Officer stuttered with uncertainty as she triedto speak but Jenny quickly put her finger over the stunned Officers lipsand said "Pschschschsch"! Jenny said and kissed the poor Officer againand again. Jenny then slowly started to unbutton the paralyzed Officersblue uniform shirt button by button as she did she caressed Michelle'sfirm 36c breasts giving them a good squeeze and pinch before letting hershirt fall to the floor. As all this was happening it caused Michelle tolet out low moans of pleasure as she worked her way on down to Michelle'sgunbelt unhooking it and letting it drop to the floor as well. Jenny thenmoved back up again to Michelle's lovely breast and reached behind herand unclasped her bra strap letting it fall to on the floor and her fullround firm globes sprang free. They were a beautiful site to Jenny who'swere just as lovely as Michelle's as she inspected them seeing that sheto had half dollar size areolas that were a dark pink in color and largeeraser type nipples standing out all erect. Jenny couldn't help but reachup and pinch them causing Michelle to wince in pain as she twisted andpulled on them. Then she went back to work and slide her hand down to Michelle'sblue trousers unbuttoning the fly and sliding her pants down her firm tonedlegs till they were around her ankles then did the same to her granny panties.Well love as Jenny thought to herself we'll need to do something aboutthis and what's with this hairy bush "No this will not due". As Jenny stepback away from the helpless Officer to see her results Michelle now alsostood completely naked before her prisoner. "But who was the real prisonerhere? As they both stood and looked at the other". Jenny then moved backup to Michelle and began kissing at her feet steadily working her way upto Michelle's hot moist love tunnel which was now quivering with excitementas her juices were flowing down her legs. Jenny moved up closer and startedlapping up Michelle's juices as she took her fingers and parted her hairycunt lips. She darted her tongue in and out of Michelle's hot moist holethis went on for several minutes till Michelle began twitching and jerkingwith convulsions from her first shattering orgasm that dropped her to herknees. Jenny whipped the cum from her lips and then ordered Michelle tocome over and do her hot cunt for her Michelle was a bit over come hearingthis but seeing that she had just gotten her cunt licked out she did asshe was told and moved into position and began licking Jenny's slick cuntout. Michelle found that Jenny's cunt was not nearly as hairy as her ownand that it only had a small narrow strip of hair that was closely trimmerjust above her cunt none the less Michelle continued to eat Jenny's cuntafter several minutes Jenny climaxed and came hard in Michelle's mouthwhich totally humiliated her but she did as she was told and licked andsucked all her cum clean from her prisoner. Jenny then had the weakenedOfficer stand again it was time to finish her off and get down to business.Jenny asked Michelle if there were any toys or things kept for the womenprisoners personal needs lying around. Michelle pointed to a locker inthe far corner of the room and told Jenny that there were many things init. Jenny just laughed and thought to herself no not yet my little bitchbut soon. Then while on her knees she again turned back to Michelle andbegan finger fucking and licking her out again. She thrusts her fingersinto her and darted her tongue in and out of Michelle's hot moist box causingher to climax and climax several more times till finally Michelle passedout seeing only blackness as she fell to the floor beside Jenny. Jennywith and evil smile looked down at the unconscious helpless Officer's beautifulnude body who just and hour earlier was so powerful and demanding now wasnothing more than weak lesbian cunt licker. As Jenny looked her prize overshe noticed a few changes that needed to be made quickly. Jenny quicklyran into a back restroom that the other Officers used for processing thenew prisoners she found just what she needed and returned with a razorand some shaving cream. She then rolled the semiconscious Officer overand spread her legs then proceeded to lather up her hairy cunt with inminutes Michelle's once hairy cunt was now shaven clean and bare. Jennyjust laughed at the poor Officer there that's better now you want be needingthis anymore either as she lifted up the semiconscious Officer to a sittingposition half slumped over and with the scissors she found in the backshe quickly cut off nearly all of Michelle's beautiful long red hair leavingnow only a very short cropped redhead before her. With and evil grin onher face Jenny stood up and walked over and began putting Officer Michelle'sclothes on. She started with her bra and panties then her navy blue pantsand blue uniform shirt finally putting back on her gunbelt and assortmentsas well and her hat.

Michelle in the mean time was just coming around from her littlenap as Jenny the now former inmate helped a sluggish Michelle to her feetand over to the finger printing table. She took Michelle's shaky handsand quickly made her finger print sheets then again helped the now formerOfficer over to the wall where she ordered her to stand still until shewas told her to move. Michelle still dazed and groggy did as she was toldstanding over by the wall Jenny quickly ran over to the camera and tookseveral prisoner mug shots of Michelle that would now identify. Jenny orderedher to turn left and then to the right as she took more mug shots of her.Michelle still dazed looked at Jenny who was now wearing her uniform asher mind was starting to clear. Hey! What's going on here? What are youdoing in my clothes? Before Michelle could say anymore Jenny rushed overto her grabbing a shock wand off the desk. As she did and quickly pinnedMichelle up side the wall. As they stood there Jenny putting one hand overMichelle's mouth and the other with the shock wand she thrusts it up intoMichelle's open tight pussy. Michelle eyes popped open as she felt thepain of the intruder pushed up inside her tight love tunnel just she triedto reach down and stop Jenny. The button was pushed and Michelle coulddo nothing as the voltage surged right through her causing her to drawher toes up against her soles of her feet and clench her fists. Jenny pushedthe wand nearly 7or8"s up into Michelle's tight pussy as she mewed as thevoltage continued through her body. She was finally unable to hold herwater and relieved herself on the floor. Jenny just laughed and calledher a nasty bitch which humiliated her even more. Then Jenny let the buttongo and told her little pet not to make another sound unless told to. Michellenodded her head that she understood and Jenny released her grip on her.

Now bitch this is how things are going to go you are no longerOfficer Michelle take a good look sweetie who' s wearing the uniform. Iam now you and you are me got it. I am the new Officer Michelle and youMy Dear, are Jennybabe a powerless cunt licking little prostitute who wascaught selling herself to everyone in town. You can't do this to me I'ma police Officer no actually your not according to your new identity Imade for you earlier. You are now Jennybabe as I said your own finger printsand mug shots tell all who you are you horny little slut so get use toit. I'll tell the other Officer's on the dayshift you forced me to swappedplaces with you then stole my identity and made me your prisoner. Theywill never believe you and they might even send you to the local mentalfarm after that and really think your crazy. Now be a good little girland get up so we can go over to the locker and see what all we have towork with. The former Officer is now lead over to the locker which is openedas they both look in. There are many items in it such as dildos,butt plugs,strap-oncocks,and even a blow up male doll.

Michelle begs and pleads for the old Jenny not to do this to her.But Jenny just laughs and tells her to get a move on as she instructs theformer police Officer to get some of the items out of the locker includingthe blow-up doll. Then she leads the former Officer naked down the halland back to the holding cells carrying all the items they had just gotten.As they walked up to the cell door Jennybabe's old cellmate was waitingfor her. She was a bigger woman but not that big she to was very lovelybut had a brutish way about her being a bulldyke herself she stood a good6ft and weighted around 150 to 160lbs but none was fat it was all welltoned muscle and she had long brown hair brown eyes along with her hairypussy. As she sat over on the side bottom cell bunk naked with her legsspread wide fingering her hot moist cunt. She was moaning and groaningwith pleasure when Jenny yelled out "miss me sweetie"? The other woman'seyes all wide with happiness as she saw Jenny and another naked woman standingat the front of the cell. See I told you I'd be back and look I broughtyou a new friend. The former Officer just held her head down and wonderedwhat was going to happen to her next. Now you be a good little slut andget in there and help your new mistress and cellmate I trust you both willmake excellent lovers. With that the former prisoner Jenny stuck the shockwand up between the now former Officer's legs and up till it barely touchedup inside Michelle's moist pussy. Michelle let out a small whimper andwas ordered by Jenny not to move as she unlocked the cell door then shepushed the former Officer into the cell and closed the door behind herlocking it. Well you two have fun and owe here as she tossed the shockwand to her former cellmate this will keep her in her place. I hope youenjoy your stay my old cellmate there is going to teach you all you needto know in how to please a woman. So don't worry you want get lonely thereare many other women who will want your new services here and I'll tellthem all about you. As the new Michelle turned to walk away the tears rolleddown the former Officer's cheeks. Then she heard her old cellmate givethe order for Jennybabe to get down and start licking her overheated cuntthat was now dripping with her love juices. She saw out the corner of hereye that the former Officer was now on her knees with her face buried betweenthe legs of the other woman's hot smelly cunt and she tongued her cuntout making the woman moan and groan with pleasure. As for Jenny the newOfficer Michelle she walked out the holding area and went on back to theprocessing area where she now felt her self being more powerful and startedher new life. But not to worry soon shed be seeing her new slut beforeto long and see what else she could do to her.

To be continued


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The trip to Ochre City was surprisingly boring. Captain Hail had set the suite aside for Sable and I. I had the master room, and Harry was bunking with Sable in his room. We even had our own little reading room between our rooms and a little bathroom. The ship was now fully lit, and they even had a better pump, so we had water for the showers. Silver had added a new water tank in the hold as part of our ballast, so we no longer carried the water barrels. She had even fitted a special...

4 years ago
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Fucking my sister the very first time part 2

In my last story I explained how my sister and I were alone one night and one thing led to another and before we knew it we were fucking. It didn't last very long, I shot cum everywhere and we hurried up and cleaned up and vowed to keep it a secret between the two of us and never do it again.We both felt guilty about it over the next few weeks but we also had some lust built up inside about it. I wanted to do it again, but didn't dare. I was worried she would get pregnant. In fact, after we did...

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Sally was school teacher who had led a fairly uneventful life sexually. She was happily married but sexually she was not fulfilled and needed to experiment and know more about her own sexuality.She had many fantasies and knew that she needed to fulfil them one by one, this was of course without her husband knowing.She was now 46 years old, she was well built in that she was a size 16/18, 5’7” tall but she knew she was attractive and was constantly having men coming on to her. Her own husband...

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Florida Vacation

It was my senior summer of high school. I had finished top of my class. In celebration my family decided to take a summer vacation to Florida. I was thrilled. I couldn't wait to hit the beach. I had heard Florida had some of the best beaches in the world. My family and I had flown to Florida from our small town in Oregon. I was thrilled to be in such a different scene. I was just a common small town girl, who was ready to have some fun. And boy would I have some fun maybe more than I ever...

Straight Sex
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BigTitCreamPie Karma RX Creampie for Karma RXs Shaved Pussy

Karma RX had to break into sweat so they would give her some dick. She was running. Her huge titties were shaking. Left and right. Yet our eyes kept following them as if we were hypnotized. Ok enough running. Time for some fucking. Karma got undressed. She massaged her huge breasts. Put some oil on them to make them shiny. Derrick put his huge dick into her mouth. She was laying on her back and was sucking him upside down. He turned her around and thrust his dick into her pussy. Her breasts...

1 year ago
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Punch Drunk Love

I have been with Michael for nearly five years and we like to go out partying with friends having a BBQ every Saturday. Michael drinks of choice are Corona's and Jager bombs! He and our friend Chad could polish off half a gallon of Jager in one night....just the two of them. They have been my favorite nights because both of us loose our inhibitions. We hold nothing back. I'll be honest I'm generally quiet during sex so is Michael. I don't drink a lot neither does he but he holds his own when...

Straight Sex
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This is a very TRUE story of the time I was held as a sex slave and prisoner by some men I met on-line! It was a horrifying adventure that I will NEVER forget but it has turned me into a TOTAL male SLUT for abuse, cum and MORE.I was in high school and we had just let out for the summer break. My parents had gone out of town for the week and I decided to stay home for the first time alone, and I knew I would have the house to myself and looked forward to it. My mom and dad had given me some cash...

1 year ago
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FamilyStrokes Aspen Romanoff Getting Naughty On Grandpas Walker

Aspen Romanoff and her stepbrother decided to spend some time with their lonely old grandpa. He was still funny and in high spirits, but couldn’t help falling asleep less than five minutes into watching tv. Just as grandpa began dreaming about the old days, stepbro started getting a hardcore tension headache. Aspen being the loving stepsister that she is went right for grandfathers pill stash, and handed stepbro what she thought was aspirin. A few minutes later stepbros cock was hard as a...

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Blacked Katy Kiss Sexy Redhead And BBC

Stunning redhead Katy has been married to Scott for a few years. She lives in a lovely house and has everything she wants but her sex life has been boring and she hasn’t been satisfied for a while. A few months ago she started an affair with her boss. The problem is, her husband has become very suspicious that something is going on with her working late regularly. She loves her husband but she is enjoying herself too much. She is so into her boss that sometimes discretion is not their priority,...

1 year ago
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Cat and Mouse 2 Pink Persuasions Chapters XI and XII

XI: Pink? What Pink? When Tamara and Liz finally stirred from their long sleep, it was only a couple of hours away from the early afternoon. Liz had her arms around the plus-sized woman, their mutual warmth helping them sleep much more comfortably. Tamara rolled around to face Liz, their mutual smiles giving way to a morning kiss. And then another. "Good morning, Tamara," Liz pleasantly remarked. "Good morning, Miss Zambrano," Tamara replied. "Actually, it's Mrs. Zambrano,"...

3 years ago
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Funny how things looked bigger when I was eight than they do now at fifty. I was home for the first time in almost thirty-two years. I left home at eighteen to join the Air Force. Now I'm back for my mom and dad's funeral. They died in a fiery car crash on their way home from seeing my younger sister in Olean, New York. They lived in Jamestown almost all their lives and in the same house since I turned seven. It was a hundred year old house with two floors, an attic, and a basement. The...

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wheelchair sex

the story you are about to read is 100% true. as I've stated on my profile unless I said it's fiction then you can rest assured that you are reading a true occurrence. some may find this story strange, or weird or even sick but please bear with me as I relate the time I had sex with a wheelchair dependent woman. I'll explain it as you read. her name has been changed to protect her from any embarrassment.I worked for an agency that had a residence for handicapped wheelchair bound residents. they...

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What do Asian girls in bikinis have to do with dudes getting their dicks grabbed by river crabs? How about nice thick asses on teenagers, sluts showing their O-faces, and memes about jacking off in the river? I know this is a goddamn mystery, so I’ll give you one more example before the big reveal. Where can you find sexy professional models posing on rooftops, comics about accidentally groping some girl’s giant boobies, voyeur shots of the lady downstairs sunbathing nude on her balcony? Or...

Funny Porn Sites
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Cat and Mouse The Whale Part 2

Cat and Mouse: The Whale, part 2 by Bluto The sun was raising in the East and shining brightly through the windows at the Cedars - Sinai Medical Center. Rae Ming, the mighty Girl Goliath, was in intensive care, her breathing aided by a mechanical device, sort of like an iron lung. Given the extent of her injuries, the emergency room doctors acknowledged it was a miracle that she still lived. Only fast action on the part of Nightman and some EMS technicians on the scene saved...

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Caseys Introduction

There was one exception, but that goes way back. When I was a kid, my best friend was a boy named Pete who lived down the street. Pete was also an only child. Our parents were good friends, and we were the same age, so we grew up from birth always around each other, especially since I had no one to talk to outside of school besides my parents. Everything really started when we were both nine. But I guess I should introduce myself before I begin. My name is Casey, and yes, I am female (and...

1 year ago
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A Lovely Surprise

It's been a while since my divorce. A few one-night-stands, but nothing good, nothing serios, nothing. Except for this online friend of mine. No webcam, nothing really personal, but we've had our sessions, and they sure were nice. And now, finally, I talked her into meeting me. She was single, she claimed, and so was I.The place was empty, as usual, and that's why I liked it. I was a regular there, so when I walked in and didn't sit at my old spot and took a table for two instead, I got asked,...

2 years ago
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BadAss Days

CHAPTER 1 Struggling for a break in his chosen career of commercial photographer, having gained basic academic qualifications but lacking experience and an influential person to get him through the door, Col Cully sat at a bar, having worked eight hours as a security guard standing outside a bank. The pay was sufficient to keep him housed and fed with something left over for a few drinks. The good-looking skinny babe was bent over a near empty glass, two bar stools down. ‘Bad day?’ Col...

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Little Tartlet

My new wife, Anika, is stunningly beautiful and absolutely fabulous in bed. I say "in bed", but that includes on the balcony, in the shower, in the garden, over her office desk, in hotel lifts, on the beach... anywhere really. When we were having our affair, she was totally insatiable. There was hardly a moment when she didn't have my cock in her hand, her mouth or her pussy. Now, having seduced me away from my wife and fucked and sucked me into marrying her, she seems to have gone somewhat...

3 years ago
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After the show with Miley Cyrus

Disclaimer: This story isn't true.Incase you forgot what Miley Cyrus looks like, here's a reminder:http://xhamster.com/photos/view/3136539-52121436.htmlI recently had the privilege of working backstage at a Miley Cyrus gig near my hometown, I work as a roadie and generally follow my brothers band around, but when they're not on tour I get thrown a lot of work by local venues. I can't say I'm a Miley Cyrus fan, but I take whatever work I can get. I don't know if many (any?) of you know what goes...

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11 Stunden Angst

Die Nachricht des Polizisten traf Renate Schallenberg wie ein Schlag: ihr Mann Engelbert sei tot. Auf dem Weg in sein Unternehmen erlitt er einen Herzanfall und war auf der Stelle tot. Der Wagen rollte aus und blieb an einem Gartenzaun hängen. Für Engelbert Schallenberg, den 45jährigen erfolgreichen Unternehmer gab es keine Hilfe mehr. Veronika Schallenberg, die Schwester des Toten und gleichberechtigte Partnerin im Unternehmen, erfuhr vom Tod ihres Bruders in ihrem Büro. Sie zuckte leicht...

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A Fantasy Shared With My Wife

Recently my wife and I were sitting on the couch watching trashy TV and enjoying a bottle of wine. At some point, we started talking about our sexual past. During this conversation my wife Kim started to tell me about some of the guys that she had hooked up with before we met. I asked a few leading questions to see how much she would tell me. She stated that I had the biggest cock of any of the white guys that she had hooked up with. I asked her how big they were and Kim said that most of the...

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Heaven With Stunning Aunty Neha

Hi to all readers, I am tarun 21year old guy, fair complexion, I have sibling that is little sister only, live in Delhi and doing BA. One incident I want to share with you which was happened to me 2 year ago with my neighbor aunty neha, let me tell you she is not that much smart but in my eyes she is very sexy and horny,I always want to have fun with her, her figure size is 34-36-38, she has 2 kids Nikhil(8yr) and tamana(6yr), I love them a lot and they too love me. This incident was happened...

1 year ago
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EuroTeenErotica Nata Ocean Missy Luv Dorm Room Threesome

Euro Teen Erotica has got your teen sex cravings handled in this thrilling threeway featuring sexy brunette Latvian Nata Ocean and her hot blonde Hungarian girlfriend Miss Luv. Nata has broken girl code and fucked her friend’s boyfriend, Sam Bourne, but Missy is ok with that. In fact, the green-eyed beauty has been secretly wanting to fuck the two in tandem for a while anyway. The babes are both properly pussy fucked and they get to trade flavors for the first time in 69. Be sure to check...

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Mothers Dark SideChapter 3

I felt the pointy toe of Ice's boot stab my ribs and looked up. He was glaring down at me. I felt dirty and I pulled the top of my nightgown up to my chin. "Nice titties," he said. I looked down and gasped. The cotton material was stretched over my budding breasts and they formed two points. I released the nightgown and crossed my arms over my chest. "Be a good little girl and sit on my lap while your momma makes Jack happy," he said. "It's time you got to see it close up rather...

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Truth or Dare 69 Dares

01: Give another player a sensual foot rub for 1 minute.02: Show your nipples.03: Strip naked and get dressed again as fast as you can.04: Demonstrate how to properly give oral sex. Be very detailed and use props if available.05: Fake an orgasm. Be realistic. 06: Tell a sexy story about how you lost your virginity.07: Show your pubic hair.08: Try to lick your exposed nipple, if you can't do it then take another Dare09: Boys Only: Show your dick.10: Show your butt-hole.11: Tell a sexy story...

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