The Undercover Paralegal free porn video

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Cheryl goes undercover...and gets uncovered.

The Undercover Paralegal


Deputy Duffy

The sound of shuffling papers and dragging chairs signified the end of anotherFriday meeting. Cheryl Thomas sat nervously tapping her pencil on the mahoganytable and glancing up at Mr. Griswald, the firm's senior partner. He had askedher to remain after the meeting so they could "talk." Her head wasswirling as to what he might have meant by that, surprised he even knew hername. She had fidgeted throughout the meeting. With two small boys at home,this wasn't the time to lose her job. She didn't have long to think about itthough, since the meeting was brief, and the room emptied quickly.

"Mrs. Thomas...." Griswald beckoned her.

Cheryl moved slowly to the head of the table. She was a little taken abackwhen he stood up and pulled out a chair for her. She thanked him and settledinto the luxuriously padded executive chair that was normally reserved forthe firm's partners. She felt uneasy.

"Mrs. Thomas, it has come to my understanding that your work on the Porrello case has been invaluable."

Cheryl mentally blew a sigh of relief. "Thank you sir," she said,looking up into his faded blue eyes, once again thinking how much they remindedher of Paul Newman's, as he appeared in her favorite movie, "The Verdict."

"Now, you know part of your job here, as a paralegal, is to investigate the facts of cases and to ensure that all relevant information is considered."

"Yes, sir," she mumbled.

"Well, we have some information that might just set our client free."

"I see, sir..., good..., but what does that have to do with me?"

"We need someone to get it on tape."

"Tape?" Cheryl offered.

"Look, I won't force you to participate, but we've backed ourselves into a corner on this one."

"Me," Cheryl said with a shrug, her heart a-flutter.

"I'm going to be honest with you. You only have one day to prepare, because tomorrow you have a meeting at Mr. Carrasso's house.

"Mr. Carrasso! Are you crazy!" Cheryl snapped (as she knew about his reputation all to well), and then she blushed at her outburst.

"Settle down. Mr. Donahue will be meeting with Carrasso. You will hang out at the pool with his daughter."

"Pool?" Cheryl groaned. "Why?"

"You see, his daughter knows that our client didn't kill anyone, because she was with him the night of the murder."

"Really?" Cheryl blurted.

"Yes, she was having sex with him and his girlfriend. We know because we have an informant who actually saw the sex tape. Miss Carrasso is quite proud of it."

"Sex tape."

"Yes, she's another Paris Hilton; in fact, she looks very much like her. She may even be prettier. All we need is for you to record her telling you about the sex tape. She bragged about it once. Of course, if you could get your hands on the actual tape...."

"I don't think I can, sir," Cheryl said with a gulp. She also felt very strange talking about sex with her old boss.

"We already have it set up. We have Mr. Donahue's apartment completely bugged. We just need you to talk her into coming over to his apartment, however you can."

"Why?" Cheryl asked. She also didn't like the "however you can" part.

"To get it on tape. She has a loose lip, so it shouldn't be hard to get her to admit to making the tape at the time of the murder. She knows it's true. Once we have her recorded admission, she'll have to testify. You just have to use some of your womanly charms. You'll save our ass on this one."

"I see. Why don't I just ask her at the pool?"

"We need to record it, and Carrasso's place is out."

"I could wear a wire," Cheryl offered, as much as she couldn't believe she was even thinking about it. But Griswald didn't appear to be taking a "no" for an answer. She was also growing strangely excited, probably because usually her day consisted of pushing papers.

Griswald shook his head. "A wire is out. They would find it."


"Trust me on that one. Take the rest of the day off and be at Donohue's at noon. Bring a bikini." Griswald stood up.

"Hold on, sir! Just tell me why they'd find it!" Cheryl plucked at Griswald's sleeve.

He straightened his jacket. "Carrasso doesn't trust anyone...especiallylawyers.... So his security team will search you both, before they will letyou in."

"Oh," Cheryl moaned, as her boss made his way out the rear door. "Wait, sir, please, I can't." But he was gone.

Cheryl slumped into her chair. "Searched!" she gasped, shaking herhead. "What have I gotten myself into?"

The side door opening startled her out of her daze. It was an old janitor witha broom. She offered a friendly smile in passing and made her way out intothe hall. She turned the corner and almost ran headlong into the very lawyershe was supposed to partner with tomorrow.

"Ah, Jack, you surprised me," she gushed.

"So, can we count you in?" He asked.

"I-I-I guess."

"Oh, thank god! You'll save our ass on this one. You know where I live. Come by tomorrow at eleven, so we can go over our game plan," he said rapidly, then turned to leave.

"Wait Jack," she said, grabbing his arm. "That's twice I've heard that 'saving ass line.' But...why me?"

"You," he said, and then paused as if searching for the right words. Well, I was supposed to go over with my girlfriend, and I set everything up, and then I went home yesterday, and she and her stuff are gone...cleared out."

"," Cheryl demanded, jerking on his arm. "I mean, there are some pretty lawyers here in the firm that could play your girlfriend."

"Ok, Ok," he groaned, pulling his arm free. He smoothed out the expensive cloth. "You, ah, fit the description we got."


"Yeah, well, description or prescription.... You're a pretty blonde, with big bo...."

"Boobs!" Cheryl snapped, a little insulted.

"Yeah, that seems to be his daughter's type," he said. Then he laughed. "Ok, that's a universal type."

"Gee, thanks." Cheryl wasn't happy, but at least now she knew why she'd been picked. She also didn't like the fact that her boobs were being used as bait to lure another woman into a damaging admission.

"But seriously, you seem like you can handle pressure. Every time I give you something to do in a pressure situation, you come through." He paused and looked at his TAG Heuer watch. "You have some time now, so here," he said, handing her his credit card and a business card of a high-toned beauty salon. "Go have some fun and get your mind off of things for a little while. We have a big day tomorrow. And thanks again."

Cheryl took his advice. It was true that she very rarely had a day to herself.So she used this opportunity (and Jack's credit card) to unwind. Her firststop was the salon whose card Jack had given her. They knew him well. She wasn'treally surprised that Jack went to a beauty salon; after all, she'd alwaysthought of him as a "pretty boy." She also joked that he might spendmore time in front of the mirror than she did. But she had to admit he alwayslooked good, and he always had a sexy woman on his arm at the firm's get-togethers.

She ordered up the works, since Jack was paying. And, remembering the bikini,she included a bikini wax. Cheryl blushed when it was time to take off herpanties in front of a total stranger, but she tried to think of the femaletechnician sort of like a doctor. She also didn't realize how painful it wouldbe.

Next, it was off to buy a new bikini. She went to a small, name brand clothingstore. The well-dressed sales girl helped her pick out a few to try on. Cherylblushed when she offered to help. Cheryl just shook her head and scurried offto the changing rooms at the back of the store. She hurried out of her clothesand tried on the first one. She took some time looking herself over, as ithad been a few years since she had worn a suit that brief.

"I guess I can still pull this look off," she said with a nervous giggle. "Plus, I still have these." She pulled the sting on her bikini top, and her breasts fell out. She pirouetted, her exposed breasts bouncing and staring back at her in the mirror. She reached up and cupped them in her hands, running her thumbs around her pink areola and then, with a purr, over her erect nipples.

"Are you all right, Ma'am?"

"Ah...yes!" Cheryl squeaked. Her face flushed when she heard the sales girl's voice, and she suddenly remembered where she was. She tried on a more conservative solid red one next and thought it was more appropriate. And she felt less naked. Though she liked it, she still tried on a dozen more before she left with the simple red one. Before she left, she also grabbed a white silk robe. On her way home, she made a stop to get a spray-on tan, since having two sons to look after didn't leave her with a lot of time to laze in the sun.

While she was shopping, she also thought about what to tell her husband --and what not to tell him. She decided that, after they put the kids to bedfor the night, she would tell him she had to work tomorrow with Jack Donahueand that they had an important
meeting...with Carrasso (just in case). And that's all she dared tell him,for now.

It turned out he wasn't happy with the sudden news. Although he said he reallydidn't remember who Jack was, he certainly knew all about Carrasso's reputationfrom reading the newspapers. Carrasso was reportedly into guns, prostitution,gambling, and more. If the mob was dead, someone had forgotten to tell himand his gang.

She assured him that she wasn't in danger, because the FBI knew who went inand out of that mansion, and Carrasso was aware of it. Her husband pouted,but remained silent.

"Look honey, this is my chance to prove that I'm more than the blonde paralegal with the big boobs," she said, as she stroked his hair. "Plus I'll tell you all about it tomorrow night. Although, I might not be home until late 'cause after the meeting we have to draft some briefs. But I will tell you. I promise. I would never do things behind your back."

"Ok," he finally said, after Cheryl had batted her blue-green eyes a few times. "I know that, and I trust your judgment. But please be extra careful. I know your job is important...."

"Nothing is more important than you and the kids," Cheryl interrupted, as she stroked his hair. "And I will honey, everything is going to be fine. And I will have my cell phone...."

Her husband held her chin in his hand as he stared her in the eyes. "Ijust don't know what I would do if anything ever happened to you. I just loveyou so much." Cheryl was too moved to respond with anything but a passionatekiss...that led to an even more passionate love making session.

Cheryl started a hot bubble bath afterward; she was still too woundup to sleep. As she soaked in the dim, candle-lit bathroom, she thought aboutwhat her boss had said earlier -- especially about "The Search." She hadread some stories on the Internet and seen some movies that involved mensearching women. She always got a small tingle of excitement as she picturedherself in that powerless situation. Cheryl's hands wandered over her body.She closed her eyes and drifted. Suddenly it felt like there were a hostof hands touching her...rubbing her shoulders...caressing her breasts...pattingher tummy...squeezing her ass cheeks...playing in between her legs...flutteringover her shaved pussy.... And then fingers slipping inside...even slippinginside her little bottom hole.

"Oh god!" she gasped, as she suddenly realized she was actually fingering her own asshole. "That's a little too real," she said, before she slipped under the water.

In the morning, after making her boys' breakfast, she grabbed her pool bagand headed for Donahue's apartment, which was located in a plush complex acrossthe city. She flashed her husband one last reassuring look before she left.His smile warmed her heart.

She drove across town, her nervousness building with every passing mile. Sheknew Donahue's apartment well because she had often been sent there to pickup paperwork. (Working at home was just one of the perks Donahue enjoyed asthe firm's most successful attorney.)

She spotted him jogging not far from his place and pulled over, but he justwaved her on. She didn't have to wait long on the landing outside his apartment,however. When he jogged up the stairs, he was shirtless and sweat-soaked. Itmade his muscular body glisten. She followed him into his apartment, whilecatching a glimpse of the front of his tight, damp running shorts. Of course,she had heard the rumors, but now she had a better feeling as to why he walkedwith such confidence.

"I have to take a shower. Make us some breakfast," he said, and headed for the bathroom. Cheryl chuckled until she realized that he was serious. For the second time today Cheryl found herself at the stove. "Men!" she groaned. She wasn't really surprised that she was half through with her eggs, when Jack finally made his way out of the bathroom, his cologne signaling his approach.

After some initial small talk, the conversation turned to the taskat hand. He did most of the talking, and she did most of the nodding andmental note-taking. It was the way it always was between the two of them,as much as it irked Cheryl. It didn't help when he suggested she go changeand "pretty up" in the bathroom.

Now it was her turn for some mirror time. When she walked out of the bathroomsometime later, Jack looked up from his paper and did a double take. "Oh,Cheryl, if I can be so bold, you ARE beautiful."

Cheryl, who usually didn't wear a lot of makeup at work, blushed, dropped herchin, and fluttered her lashes. Jack looked her over carefully. She had herdirty blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, but she left some bangs thatfell seductively over her blue green eyes, now dramatic with dark liner. Hermakeup was capped off with fire engine red lipstick, which accented her poutylips. She also smelled like a warm spring time breeze.

But then Jack started to chuckle.

"What?" Cheryl demanded.

"You going dressed like that?" he asked, shaking his head. She was wearing her new silk white robe, with its sash wrapped tight around her waist, and a pair of flip-flops. "I thought you said you bought a new bikini?"

"I did -- it's under here," she said, as she seductively untied her robe, causing Jack's heart to skip a beat. "Taa-daa," she cheered, as she pulled her robe open.

"What's that?" Jack said, with a frown.

"It's my Atlanta Hawks basketball jersey," she said, with a giggle. "It's good luck. But don't fret, my love, my bikini's under here," she teased, as she tied up her robe again. "What did you think, I was going to go over there wearing only a bikini, when you're in your Armani? I feel silly enough."

"Ok, Ok," Jack said, "but we're making a stop to do something about those flip-flops." Jack stood up and surprised Cheryl, who was looking at her feet wondering what was wrong with her flip-flops, by picking up her pool bag as well as his briefcase. "Let's go, honey-bunch."

Things returned to normal when he handed Cheryl the pool bag. She huffed andfollowed him outside to his silver Lexus.

"Hey!" Cheryl whined, standing in front of the passenger's door as Jack was about to get into the driver's side. "You're supposed to be my boyfriend."

Jack just rolled his eyes, snapped on his shades, and got into the car. Cherylglumly shook her head and got in. As they sped off, she called home on hercell phone. (Jack was a constant reminder of why she loved her husband so.)

On the ride to the suburbs, they made a stop at a fancy shoe store. Cherylwas a little embarrassed to be trying on shoes while dressed for the pool (especiallythe styles that Jack picked out), but her shoe boy seemed to enjoy it and herfreshly waxed legs. Although Jack wanted seven, she settled on a pair of six-inchspike heel sandals. The feet were glittery and transparent, and the spike heelswere burnished silver. Cheryl had to practice walking in them, for it had along time since she'd worn heels six inches high. She felt like they were madefor strippers, but Jack was paying and it was for only one day. She also knewthat her feet would be sore tomorrow. As they left the store, Jack droppedher flip-flops in a trashcan.

They finally pulled up in front of a mansion that was guarded by abrick wall and a steel gate. They sat idling for a few minutes, taking thetime to compose themselves. Jack had Cheryl put her cell phone and walletinto the car's glove compartment. Suddenly Jack laughed and pointed out thecar's window.

Cheryl looked out the window, but was a little puzzled. "What's so funny,Jack?"

"When's the last time you saw three telephone workers up the same pole?"

"Oh," Cheryl groaned, remembering the FBI surveillance. She let out a little laugh. Funny as it was, it didn't settle her nerves much. The large steel gate started to open, and a large figure slipped out through the gap and walked their way.

"Oh, god, the ring! Your ring!" Jack blurted.

Cheryl jumped in her seat, and then realized she was still wearing her weddingring. It was a struggle to get it off, since it was the first time she'd removedit since the wedding. But she just did manage to get it off and stashed inthe glove compartment before the large figure came up to Jack's window.

"You the lawyer?" he bellowed.

"Yeah, Jack Donahue," Jack said, handing the large man his ID.

"Ok, pull in, and go to the front entrance." Cheryl realized, as he talked, he was also scrutinizing her legs. It made her a little uneasy. Jack drove the car through the gate and up to the front entrance.

"I don't know if I can do this, Jack," she whispered. Reality was setting in.

"Nerves.... I'm nervous, too," Jack said, taking a deep breath. Cheryl did likewise. "Just follow my plan. We absolutely must get her back to my place."

Cheryl sighed. ("He makes it sound so easy," she thought. "ButI'm the one with the tits.")

They got out of the car and went up the front walkway. The door opened beforethey got to it, and a large bald man, wearing a suit and tie, waved them in.They edged past him into the foyer, where they were met by three other well-builtmen, dressed in cheap suits.

"Hey, what the...!" Jack bristled, as one of the men grabbed his briefcase, while another pushed him against the wall. Cheryl didn't have time to react to that, since her pool bag was ripped away, and she was also pushed against the wall.

"Check his stuff good," one of the men barked. "If there's one kinda geek Mr. Carrasso ain'ta trustin' most, it's a lawyer!"

One of the men began searching the briefcase; another rifled through Cheryl'spool bag.

"Hiding anything I should know about?" The bald man whispered, as he started to rub Cheryl's shoulders. She turned her head to protest, but saw Jack getting patted down, too. She also knew it would be futile. The bald man moved his hand roughly down her body. He squeezed her ass and then moved his hands around front. Cheryl squirmed as he brushed her sex. His hands moved higher and higher. Cheryl held her breath for the inevitable. Her searcher purred as both of his hands cupped and then fondled her breasts.

"Well, what do we have here?" he whispered.

"Find something?" The man who was searching her pool bag said, looking up and then, catching on, laughed.

"Get off," Cheryl snapped, but that just drew more laughter.

"Good afternoon, all." An oily voice filled the hall, just as the bald man yanked back on Cheryl's ponytail. "Sorry I missed your entrance."

Her hair free, Cheryl turned her head back and saw a well-dressed man in ablack, pin-stripped suit with a beautiful long-haired blonde, wearing a flowingred robe, on his arm.

("That has to be her," Cheryl immediately thought. "Oh my! Sheis everything they said she was.")

"Sorry for my men. They tend to be uncivilized at times," he said, as he pulled on the arm that was pressing on Cheryl's back. "Easy, big fellar. Let her go."

Cheryl slowly turned around -- and quickly fixed her robe, as she read theblonde's roaming eyes.

"Hello, my name is Eddie, and this is Maria. From what I understand, you will be meeting with Mr. Carrasso," the well-dressed man said. He looked at Jack, who merely nodded. "And your girlfriend will be enjoying the pool and Maria's company," he continued, this time looking at Cheryl, who also nodded. The beautiful blonde was now wearing a sly smile. Her eyes focused on Cheryl. "Good, nice to see we are all on the same page," Eddie said, before he added. "Frankie, escort Maria out to the pool."

Cheryl watched as one of the men walked away with the blonde, who flashed asmile back over her shoulder. Cheryl was puzzled, wondering why she wasn'tgoing along with them.

Eddie moved over in front of Jack. "Ok, before you enter for your meeting,I must insist on a further search." Jack began to sputter. "I know,I know, you wouldn't dream of concealing anything. But let's be sure.... Strip."

"What? You can't be serious," Jack argued.

"Do I come off as anything but serious?"

"I really don't think this is...ough." Jack's protest was cut off by a punch to the stomach, from one the goons. He sank to his knees. Cheryl could only gasp, as the bald guy had her by the collar. She also realized, from the way the men were positioned in the hall, that they were trapped."

"Now, it didn't really have to come to this," Eddie said, bending down in front of Jack. "And believe me, we aren't going to get some sort of thrill out of seeing you naked. It's just our job to make sure you're clean."

He helped Jack to his feet and stepped back. Jack brushed off his suit andwiped his eyes. "Look guys...knock it off."

Cheryl's heart pounded as second after nervous second passed. Jack seemed frozen.

"That is a very nice suit. Is that the problem?" Eddie said. "Just hand it to Vinnie here, and he'll give it back good as new. It's not like you have to go to the meeting naked."

"It's not that," Jack said, before glancing at Cheryl.

"Oh, I understand," Eddie said. "Well, it's time to swallow some pride. Wouldn't you say it's better for her to watch you a little humiliated than to watch you get your ass kicked?"

"Please Jack," Cheryl moaned, as she thought she understood the real reason he looked her way. And when Jack finally started to undress, she looked down at the floor. She kept her eyes there until it was time for Jack to lower his briefs. Then curiosity got the better of her, and she peeked. She had to clench her teeth to keep from gasping -- the rumors were indeed true. Jack was allowed to pull his briefs back up, and then Vinnie, with a sneer, escorted him deeper into the house.

Cheryl gulped, as the three remaining men all seemed to turn towards her atthe same time. She didn't like that look in their eyes.

"Sorry, honey, I didn't catch your name," Eddie said. The two other men moved over to stand on either side of him. They had to be a foot taller than him. It seemed almost humorous to her.

Eddie cleared his throat. "Did your parents give you a name?"

"Cher - Cheryl."

"That's a pretty name...for a pretty woman," Eddie said, as he reached out and brushed aside a lock of blonde hair that had fallen across her brows. "And such pretty eyes."

Cheryl trembled and flinched. His coolness made her uneasy.

"You saw your companion's search, no?"

Cheryl nodded, starting to get teary. A bad feeling started to wash over her.

"So you know what's coming next?"

Cheryl knew, but didn't want to say. She was also still clinging to a vainhope.

"I said, 'You know what's coming next?'" This time Eddie spoke with more force.

Cheryl looked into Eddie's eyes and fluttered her dark lashes, but when shedid, a small teardrop escaped and rolled down her cheek, ruining the desiredeffect.

"No need for the water works, one'll hurt you here," Eddie said. He crossed his arms and added, "Just strip, and you'll be soaking up the sun in no time."

Cheryl played with the sash on her robe. She suddenly remembered her red bikini.She breathed a sigh of relief. ("Surely they'll be able to see I couldn'tbe hiding anything in it.")

She untied her robe. When she slid it off, she stood confused, until one ofthe burly men, who Cheryl thought was really mean looking, held out his arm.It startled her at first, but she took a deep breath and draped the robe overhis arm, wishing the men weren't
standing so close.

The largest of the trio laughed. "Fuckin' Hawks jersey. I di'n't thinknobody wore that shit no more."

"Quiet!" Eddie barked with a snap of his thumb and fingers. "Jesus, you talk like a retard.... Sorry my darling, please continue."

Cheryl took another deep breath, lifted the shirt over her head, and drapedit over the mean man's arm. Today it hadn't been so lucky.

"Holy bazooks," the tall goon muttered. Cheryl quickly threw her arms up in front of her chest. The bald guy that searched her earlier just smiled, knowingly.

"Can I go now? I really could use a swim." Cheryl wasn't lying; it felt like she was on fire. Their lusty, roaming eyes weren't helping.

"Sure," Eddie said, nodding his head, "but finish what you've started."

"What?" Cheryl gasped.

"Yeah, we've seen why you're with that scum bag lawyer, now let's see why he's really with you."

Cheryl was insulted. (Even though she wasn't really with Jack, she knew whatEddie meant.) She made a throwaway gesture. "You guys just want to seeme naked!"

"Wow! Beauty AND brains," Eddie said. "Plus, we are just doing our jobs. Can't be too careful these days; there is a lot of shit going down...sorry, pardon my French."

Cheryl stood frozen, but her mind was a-buzz. Maybe she knew all along thatshe would be getting totally naked, especially after what had just happenedto Jack. She also remembered her boss said something about a wire being found.And she also felt that these weren't the type of guys who would settle forher in just a bikini, when they could have more. She shivered, wondering justhow much more.

When Eddie cleared his throat, she knew it was show time.

A mother of two, Cheryl wasn't completely satisfied with her body, but knewthat that her 36DD breasts would surely hold their attention. She untied thetop of her bikini, spun it around to untie the back, and handed it over. Shetook their gasps as a strange compliment, although they made her blush evenmore. But she also hoped her breasts would divert their attention while shequickly slipped off her bottoms. She didn't hand them over though. Instead,she kept them balled up in her hand. They were too distracted to notice.

When Eddie instructed her to make a slow half turn, Cheryl was happy to havethose stripper-like shoes, for the first time since she got them. She feltas if they were helping her strut. Although it did made it a little harderwhen she had to bend down to touch her toes. She also knew the guys weren'treally interested in her flexibility. A lone teardrop fell to the cold tilefloor when she had to reach back and spread her ass cheeks apart, next. Then(omigod!) Eddie suddenly asked to see some "pink." Cheryl was tooembarrassed to argue and just wanted it to be over, so she readjusted her fingersa little
deeper and pulled apart again. She was sure they could see everything now,but apparently they wanted more, so she had to pull deeper and wider. Her eyeswere so watery that Cheryl couldn't see much, but she knew Eddie had movedin for a closer look. She braced for his touch.

"That's good. You can turn back around," Eddie said, lightly slapping Cheryl's ass. "And if you ever need a job, my buddy is always looking for new talent." Eddie handed a business card to Cheryl, who was somewhat confused. He also wiped her tears with a hankie. She pulled away from his touch and then, finally realizing that Eddie's buddy ran a strip joint, resumed her indignant pout.

"Ok, you can get dressed now. Enjoy your stay. I gotta go. Take care of her, guys."

Cheryl heaved a sigh of relief. She bent to put her bottoms back on, as Eddiewent out the front door. When she looked up, both of the men left wore similarsly smiles. "Ok, guys, you had your fun with me, ha ha," she said,as she tucked the card in her bikini's

"Are you looking for this?" the bald man teased, holding up her bikini top. She saw that the other one held her robe and shirt behind his back.

"Very funny guys, giv'em back," she said, nervously, as the men began to circle her. "C'mon, guys, quit it!"

The two men, teasing, tossed her bikini top back and forth over her head justout of her reach. She bounced between the two of them, like a topless pinball.Because of their size, she felt so helpless. To make matters worse, they werealso taking every opportunity to
pinch her ass or cop a quick feel.

The bald man finally turned and started walking through the house, holdingthe scrap of cloth over his head. Cheryl slowly followed, her hands clutchingher breasts. Her ass was also receiving playful slaps from the other man ashe herded her along. She was thankful that the house was otherwise empty. Shesaw the bright light of day and figured, with some relief, that she was finallybeing led out to the pool area.

Cheryl stepped out onto the patio. The bright sun temporarily blinded her,and its heat hit her like a fist. When her eyes focused, she saw the blondenearby sitting in a pool chair, wearing only a small Confederate flag bikini.There was an empty chair next to her. Cheryl wanted to sit down, but she wantedher top back, too. She saw the bald man waving it in the air, standing by asmall pool house. Sighing at this juvenile game, she walked towards the poolhouse. But she stopped suddenly, as she realized she was acting like a ratfollowing the scent of cheese, and she didn't want to be trapped like one.

"Looks like I'm going to be sunbathing topless," she said, and then she stuck her tongue out, in the bald man's direction.

As she started to turn around, the man who was following her scooped her upoff her feet and carried her squirming body into the pool house. She criedout to the blonde for help, but only heard a giggle, as the pool house doorslammed shut. Cheryl was tossed onto an old wicker love seat. She got up quicklyand tried to run to the door, but just bounced off the bald man and fell tothe rubber matted floor.

"Please, guys, don't hurt me," Cheryl pleaded.

The men turned to each other and shared an evil laugh. The bald man turnedback to Cheryl with a sly smile. "Didn't you hear what Eddie said? Noone will hurt you here."

"Then let me out of here!" Cheryl cried out.

"But didn't you also hear him say 'take care of her, guys?'"

"C'mon, guys, let me go!" Cheryl pleaded, as she shifted back over to the love seat.

"Oh, we will," the bald man chuckled, while he tapped on the front of his pants. "But first you're gunna have to 'finish what you started.' Eddie also said that. Remember?"

When he moved his hand, Cheryl gasped, seeing that his pants were definitely "happy."

"Now, you've got a couple of cocks to suck and then you can go swimming."

"Yeah, to wash off the cum," the other goon added.

"No way!" Cheryl cried, as the men crept forward. "I'm marr...." She reflexively covered her mouth with her hand, her heart pounding in her chest. Suddenly pushing papers didn't seem that bad. But they didn't seem to notice her slip of the tongue.

"Talking time is over. Time to use them sultry red lips for abetter purpose," the bald man sneered. He pulled her off the love seatand onto her knees. "Don't say you never dun this before. And if youcan handle that lawyer's horse dick, ours should be no problem."

She tried to scamper away, but the bald man grabbed her ponytail. When shelooked up, the other man had already dropped his pants and was pulling hiscock out of his boxers. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw a figure lookingin one of the windows (and it had blonde hair). Cheryl tried to move out ofthe way of the advancing cock, but the bald man was controlling her head. Shefelt a hand on her breast and it quickly went for a nipple twister. She letout a squeal. It was the opportunity the man standing in front of her was lookingfor, and he quickly stuffed his semi hard cock into her open mouth. She gagged,as the bald man began pushing her head back and forth on his partner's cock.

"Yeah, suck that cock, bitch!"

She gasped (for air), when they finally gave her second to breathe. She alsogasped (in surprise) when she saw another face in the window. Recognizing Jack'sslick black hair, her mind was racing. She took the cock back in her mouth.This time the bald man didn't need to push and pull; now she slurped on thecock, freely.

("Was this Jack's plan all along?" she thought. "To seduce the blonde.")She felt the bald man's hands wrap around her breasts, and this time he caressedthem. It reminded her that she had never been with two men before, except inher dreams. Her husband's face suddenly flashed before her mind's eye, andshe stopped sucking. But the big goon just grabbed her ears and started fuckingher face. Her arms were tugged behind her back roped together. She gargleda protest.

"There, she don't need them anyways." the bald man said, admiringhis roping job.

("Geez, what choice do I have now?" she thought.) She started suckingagain to try to stop the gagging face fuck. Her quick excuse to herself: Shewas undercover, and with Jack and her target, Maria, watching, she figuredshe wasn't in any real danger...if she just cooperated, anyway.

She hoped Jack knew what he was doing. And she also hoped her husbandwould understand.... Besides, though she'd never admit it, sucking cock whilebeing tied up, and pawed at -- with an audience watching -- was startingto turn her on. And when she felt a hand slip into the front of her bikinibottoms a couple of minutes later, she wondered if the hand's owner wouldknow. His quick laughter was the answer.

"Man, this bitch is good to go," the bald man said, pullingon her hair. "Here, have a taste." His slimy fingers slipped intoher mouth, and after a slow start, she licked them with real enthusiasm.(While the other goon tore her bottoms off.) Although it was the first timeshe had tasted her own pussy juice, she was just thankful to have a cocksucking break. It was a short one.

("If they want to freak me out, they're gonna have to try harder thanthat," she thought, trying to build her confidence.)

She didn't even get flustered when, a few minutes later, the goonin her mouth started cumming; she had used the interval to prepare for theinevitable. It also brought back some "backseat" memories, from her teenagedyears.

The bald man pulled back on her hair again. She opened her mouth gratefullywhen she saw a silver flask in his hand. But she gagged and shuddered, as theflask's contents burned her throat. ("Cheap men, cheap whiskey," shethought.) Still, when she saw the bald man unzipping his fly, she hoped hehad more whiskey in that flask. She had a feeling she was going to need it.

It was much, much later when Cheryl stumbled out of the pool house.The sun was considerably lower in the sky. She scrambled into the pool, noteven pausing to take off her shoes. Submerging briefly, she ran her handsover her tender flesh, taking the men's advice to wash off the cum. A lonewater chair floated by, and she climbed on top of it. It was a struggle;her whole body ached. Once aboard, she finally relaxed, letting the coolwater wash over her lower body. It was soothing.

She paddled until she could see the pool house where she had beenfor quite a while. She wondered just how long it had been. She could seethat there seemed to be movement from inside. The biggest of the goons, slowlywalked out the door, and offered a wave. She just shook her head, rememberingthat he shot off in her mouth and then still came back for more. The baldguy followed. He just smiled. She knew it was a satisfied one, since he hadenjoyed both her mouth and her pussy. He seemed get a charge out of switchingback and forth between the two.

Two more of the guys walked out and never even looked her way. Cheryl laughed.She felt they might be a little more than just friends, although they stillhad their fun with her. When one fucked, one got sucked. But Cheryl felt likethey were showing off for each other and the other men and that she was justtheir prop.

Cheryl could see one more figure in the pool house, and she knew who it was.She remembered the look on Jack's face when he walked into the pool house:pure lust. He had watched her with four men, and he wanted to be number five.Yet he announced that he wasn't there for a blowjob, and he wasn't there fora shot at her cum-dripping pussy. Cheryl shivered, just like she did earlierin the pool house when he said he wanted to fuck her ass. Cheryl pleaded futilelywith him when she saw the size of his erect cock, but instead she was tiedinto a helpless position.

Cheryl splashed some water on her face, as it burned again, like her asshole.But it wasn't from the setting sun. There were some things that puzzled her.She tried to work out the questions that danced in her head. Like when Jackfirst walked in, why didn't anyone seemed surprised? Why did they let Jackjoin in, especially after he announced his intentions? Why did the bald mantie her to the love seat in such a lewd position: Hands and feet bound overhead,her ass hanging off the seat's edge. Where did the lubricant come from? Wheredid Jack learn to use his fingers like that, to open her asshole? Why wasn'tshe more scared when she felt Jack's impressive cock knocking on her backdoor?Was that the most powerful orgasm she's ever had? Was it the mixture of pleasureand pain? The bondage? Or was it because everyone was watching? And when hewas through, why did she have to suck off the bald guy and the goon one moretime?

Cheryl splashed some pool water into her mouth and spit it out, wondering whyshe didn't do more of that earlier. She thought about the blonde, next. Whydid the girl come inside the pool house and stand in the corner when Jack wasbutt fucking her? But why did she leave so soon and miss Jack's impressivecum shot?

A naked Jack walking out of the pool house and into the pool interrupted herthoughts. He swam over to her. "Enjoying the water?"

Cheryl nodded with a smile, although she felt awkward.

"That's good baby, but this isn't the place we should be hanging around in, if you know what I mean."

Cheryl did. She quickly flopped off the chair, and they made their way outof the pool. There were no towels around and Cheryl couldn't find her poolbag. Jack was dressing in the pool house, and Cheryl really didn't want togo near it, but she finally made her way over.

"Jack, I can't find my stuff. Where are my clothes?" she said, standing in the doorway and primly averting her eyes.

"No clue, anything important in your bag?"

Cheryl thought about it. "Nothing really, just a towel, some sun block...."

"Alright, then, forget it," Jack said, interrupting. "Here, take this." He unbuttoned his shirt and passed it to her. She cringed, because she was wet, and the white shirt immediately turned transparent, but it was the best she was going to get. Jack carried most of his clothes in a bundle as they hurried back through the house towards the front door.

"Hey, here it is," Jack said, scooping up her pool bag from the foyer floor. Cheryl, though more confused than ever, didn't linger.

Jack opened the passenger door and helped her in. Dropping the bag at her feet,he circled around to the driver's side, jumped in, and took off with a roar.Curiously, the front gate was open.

"Jack, what the heck just happened? I the blonde coming over later? But forget that, why did you let those guys do that to me? Was there a screw-up?"

"Ah, well, interesting word," he said with a laugh. "No, I think things went swimmingly!"

"Funny, Jack," Cheryl sneered.

"Ok, we have some drive time, I guess I can tell you now." He turned off the car's radio. "Well, you see, it goes like this. It's a small world sometimes, where people know people and their kinks."

"Jack, don't talk like you're trying to bullshit a jury," she snapped. "I just want to know what the fuck's going on."

"Ok, ok, I guess you'll find out everything anyway," he said, pointing at her bag between her feet. "Look in the bag."

Cheryl opened the bag and saw some anonymous videotapes had been added to herstuff. "What are those?"

"Tapes...surveillance tapes. That's what we came after, after all."


"Yeah, that's what this was all about."


"You see Cheryl, some things are easily explained...and some not."

"I object!"

"Sorry, Cheryl. So, ah, here are the facts. Mr. Carrasso would never talk to me. I'm defending his rival, after all. He'd like to see him rot in jail, but he wouldn't testify to do it. That's not his style. And his daughter would never admit to sleeping with Porrello, period. She knows it would kill her father if he knew. I think that's kind of why she did it. And that sex tape. It doesn't exist anymore -- and neither does the informant who saw it."

"Wait, slow down.... Murder...? How do you know all of this?"

"It's my job."

"Don't be a smart-ass!"

"Sorry.... Well, I grew up around here. I know these people. And I wasn't always a lawyer.... Besides, it wasn't murder...just a permanent vacation."

"Oh, that's much better. But I'm still a little confused.... What's up with the tapes?"

"You are."


"Yeah, they're tapes of your little performance today, although I'm not sure 'little' is the right word."

"Stick to the explaining, please," Cheryl said, noticing his eyes slide downward to her wet chest.

"Well, the house and the pool house was wired. Honestly, I think it's to keep an eye on his daughter."

"His daughter?"

"Ah hum, yeah, she is strictly off-limits. The last guy who even touched her hair got his dick chopped off."

"That's why you guys never.... Oh my!"

"Yep, as much as I'd have liked to. Me and every guy in there...."

"So you guys settled for me."

"Oh, there was no 'settling' there, believe me. I wouldn't have gone through all of that just to 'settle.'"

"Gee thanks, I think. But what was this really about then? Did you just want to see me suck cock and get fucked? Or get gang-banged? You surely didn't do this just so you could fuck me.... And why did it have to be in the ass? And why the fuck are you laughing?"

"Sorry, but I must say, I enjoyed myself.... And I know you'll never admit to liking it, so I won't even ask, but I know you did, too."

"Oh yeah," Cheryl groaned, but deep down, she had a feeling he was right. "So now you have the tapes for proof. Is that it?"

"Sort of."


"Well, I have the tapes, and on our way back to my place I'm going to stop at a trusted friend's house, and he's going to do some editing."

"What's to stop me from destroying the tapes right now?"

"Nothing, go for it, if you want. The tapes aren't for me, anyway."

"Oh, yeah, then who?"

Jack chuckled. "The one person who would probably enjoy seeing them themost."

"What, you gunna show'em to our boss?"

"Not even close, although he played his part well. Think again."

"Jack, stop teasing me. I'm tired."

"I'll bet you are...but I hope you have enough energy for some more."


"Yeah, back at my place. You know I promised you a threesome."

"Only if we couldn't get her to talk.... just said she was off-limits."

"Oh, Carrasso's daughter is, that much is true. But it's not with her," Jack said, deciding to tell her the whole truth now.

"Look, who says I'm going to do it anyway? Even though I still don't know what the fuck you are talking about.... Lawyers!"

"Oh, I think you will, when you see him -- and her, for that matter."


"You see, truth be told, this isn't even about Carrasso's'll soon be eating my girlfriend's pussy, while being fucked from behind."

"Yeah, right! Girlfriend? Wait, I thought you two split." He just smirked. "Fuck you Jack! Don't be fooled by my actions today. I did it 'cause I thought it was, well, something I had to do for the case -- and like I had a choice. Fuck, they tied me up. But I'm not a whore. I'm not having sex with you and your ugly ho."

Jack laughed. "You didn't think she was ugly when you saw her."

"Yeah, when was that?"


Cheryl scrunched her face. "Huh?"

"Yep, you can't tell me she isn't hot -- especially in that Confederate flag bikini."

"But I'm still not having sex with you or her."

"You're right, you're not!"


"You're having sex with my girlfriend and the main person behind this whole day:

your husband."

"Huh? My husband?"


"Wait a fucking minute!" Cheryl screamed. "If your girlfriend was there.... Oh, you asshole!" she punched him in the shoulder, and the car swerved. "You set me up."

"Easy, don't get us killed here."

"I can't believe you guys. That wasn't even Carrasso's house was it?"

"Nope, close though, two doors down. Just rented it for the day from that short guy in the slick black suit for the price of one naked woman."

"And the big men?"

"Just some guys I use to play high school ball with. They used to block for me, although we never did anything like THAT in high school."

"Oh, you ass," Cheryl said with another punch. "And here I was thinking...."

"Yeah, all an illusion."

"And the tapes are for my husband aren't they?"

"Sort of. The strip-search tape is for him and the pool house, well, thatones for me."


"Well, he confessed that you have this running fantasy of being controlledby a group of men and being forced to strip naked. Well, he was tired of hearingabout it."

"So he got you to find the guys and tape it."

"Now you're getting it. He said wanted to watch. Although, I personally don't get it. I mean, if I had a woman like you, I would keep her all to myself. I was even a little jealous in the pool house. But I had to let them, it was the only way they'd go for it."

"And, what was that all about, and why in the butt?"

"That was me having a little fun. Your husband didn't know about that part.You see, not to be crude, I've wanted to fuck your ass since the second I sawyou. The fact that you were so cold to me turned me on more."

"Your such an asshole!"

"Yeah, I think that's why I like the asshole so much. Plus, the look on yourface."

"God, I hate you."

"I know, that's why I knew this would be my chance to have you. Let's justsay your husband put his trust into the wrong man's hands.

"He should have known never trust a scumbag lawyer.... So, my husband knowsnothing of the sex?"

"Not unless you wanna tell him."

"No way, you can never tell anyone."

"The gang bang will be our little secret. And no one will see thetapes but me and my girl. Oh god, do you think he's fucking her already?"

"Gee, you are the jealous type."

"I am. But it was the only way."

"Uh huh, but you will share your woman with us?"

"That part of the plan doesn't really thrill me, just like when my buds threw a curve at me and made ME strip in the foyer.... Assholes! That wasn't supposed to happen, but I can't wait to see the tape of your search, if your hubby lets me. And don't get mad at your husband, the three way wasn't really his idea, either. Although he didn't fight it too hard."

"I bet!"

"Serious, the idea was Kimberly Ann's...that's my woman's real name. Let's just has a thing for three-ways. It'll be her, you, and for the first time another man....your hubby...but it's a one-time deal. That's the only way she would agree to the whole thing, when the three of us talked it over at last year's Christmas party. But she didn't have blonde hair back then."

"So you guys have been planning this six months. Oh, that rat-bastard husband of mine! He even said this morning that he didn't remember you."

"He said that was the hardest part...keeping secrets from you. But now you know."

"Oh my god, even the boss knows!" Cheryl gasped, as she remembered her meeting with Griswald.

"Calm down, he doesn't know shit, as usual," Jack said, with a chuckle. "All I'll tell him is that we went to Carrasso's today... which we did, sort of, and he refused to meet with us...which is what he did when I phoned last week for a meeting."

"But still...," Cheryl whined.

"So this is between the four of us. Oh, and my guys know nothing more than that they were helping fulfill a soccer mom's fantasy. But I think you fulfilled some of theirs as well. A couple of 'em are married, too. So they won't talk. And like you said you were tied up, and outnumbered. So you weren't exactly doing it freely, although I've never seen someone come that hard."

"God, I'm so embarrassed."

"Yeah, well, that will wear off."

"You sound so sure."

"If your fantasy was, say, to wear a diaper and drink cow's milk right from the cow, while a midget tickled you, THAT you could be embarrassed about."

"Shut up!" Cheryl said, with a giggle.

"Really now.... Once in your life, you wanted to know what it was like to be controlled by a group of men. I don't see a problem with that. And I think you found out that you like being tied up during sex."

"But Jack, I see a small problem," Cheryl said, a small smile forming on her lips.

"What's that?"

"What if I liked it so much that I want to do it again?"

Jack smiled, (he knew he owned her now.) "Well, all you have to is whistle.Just put your lips together and blow...."

The End

Thanks for reading my tale.

Please send me your feedback.

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Undercover Cop

This is my second attempt at writing a mystery thriller. The characters are a product of my imagination. The locations in Fort Lauderdale and in Coral Springs do exist. I do my own editing, but sometimes things get passed my spell check and proofreader programs, so please forgive any errors. Remember, it’s just a story with a happy ending. Undercover Cop By GatorRick September 2013 I awoke to an annoying beep…beep…beep. I couldn’t see a damn thing and when I tried to rub my eyes I realized...

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Deep Undercover

It was just a warehouse. It almost looked like it was falling down, and there was barely a single pane of glass left intact in the rotting window frames. This was it? Five years of investigation and deep, deep undercover work had led them to this moment, and neither Agent Lewis Hicks nor Agent Gabby Jones betrayed the slightest surprise as their contact unlocked the fragile looking door and led them into the derelict building. But when, after establishing their credentials and even their own...

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Barbaras undercover night REPRISE

Barbara was a very ambitious career woman in the police force. As a university graduate she was fast tracked into her current role as a detective inspector in CID within a short space ofl time bypassing the lower ranks including uniformed officers. Because of this, she felt she needed to put a bit more work effort simply to earn the respect of colleagues where some were of the opinion she shouldn't be there due to her career jump. Eventually she gained the respect & trust of those...

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I was asked to volunteer for an undercover assignment and I jumped at thechance. It involved an operation designed to break up a major pornoperation that was feeding stills and videos to several very successful web sites.So far, the agency had been unable to find anything i*****l about the group's operations. There was no chance of infiltrating anyone into theproduction side because it was too tightly controlled.The only way in would be to insert an agent posing as a bondage model.That's...

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Undercover Angel Ch 03

Undercover Angel Ch. 03 - Transvestite in hiding forced to fuck.Steve Marshall rolled into Wodonga and met with his contact; the manager of the Best Western Motel. The manager had spotted Michele's blue Ford and checked the guest register and discovered that the driver of the Ford, a 'Ms Mary Smith', was currently occupying room 113. The night clerk had described the woman to the manager; and then the manager had contacted Steve. By the time Steve Marshall arrived, things had taken an eventful...

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Undercover Angel Ch 01

Undercover Angel Ch. 01 - Mike goes undercover as a transvestite to escape crime boss.When Mike Harris stole two point seven million dollars in cash from his employer, he knew that his life had changed forever. It's one thing to steal that amount of money from your bosses' safe; it's quiet another to steal it from a ruthless gangster who is heavily involved in narcotics, prostitution, gambling and murder.Mike was Tony Leonardo's bookkeeper, accountant and financial adviser. Far removed from the...

2 years ago
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Undercover Angel Part III

Undercover Angel - Part III By Michele Nylons Steve Marshall rolled into Wodonga and met with his contact; the manager of the Best Western Motel. The manager had spotted Michele's blue Ford and checked the guest register and discovered that the driver of the Ford, a 'Ms Mary Smith', was currently occupying room 113. The night clerk had described the woman to the manager; and then the manager had contacted Steve. By the time Steve Marshall arrived, things had taken an eventful...

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Shimmer Undercover 2

Shimmer, Undercover, 2 Crew List: Daisy Lightfeather, Owner, Driver/Navigator Co-Commander; Human Reno Demure; Commander; Terrellian Cord Shale; Co-Commander, Chief Investigator; Terrellian Tessa Yorre; Driver/Navigator, Chief Forensics Investigator; Lyconian Lexi Nior; Communications, Driver/Navigator; Demonian Sassi Treant; Medical; Orion Mahla Veer; Evidence Custodian; Orion Jarjar Creed; Prisoner Containment Custodian; Draconian CiCi Terris;...

2 years ago
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Undercover Operation Gone Awry

Undercover Operation Gone Awry I The powerful head of the city building department stared at the e-mail messagedisplayed on his flat-screen monitor. As usual, he was in his office more thanan hour before any of his staff, checking voice mail and e-mail. Better print a copy and delete this one, he thought. I wonder where elsethis message sits that I can't get to? He waited for the sheet of paper toemerge from the printer next to his keyboard, then with several clicks of themouse he deleted the...

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Undercover the Sequel

Six months had passed since the end of the undercover operation involving myself and Tess. We spent the first two weeks fucking ourselves silly ... in every room of our safe house, and in every position that we could think of. When we emerged we had decided that we needed an extended break from law enforcement - the undercover operation had taken its toll on both of us mentally. Tess had lost her husband, and I was just mentally jaded. We hadn’t used the L word whilst together so far, but I...

1 year ago
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Undercover Rock

The steamy water from the shower was really helping to wash away some of the tension of the last three months. Jamey expected when she took this undercover assignment that it would be the most challenging she had ever attempted. She also knew that it could be the piece that would jumpstart her career as a writer. She dared to dream of more money, better assignments, maybe even a book deal. Jamey wanted it all. But right now all she wanted was to enjoy the massaging power of the shower jet on...

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The Paralegals

The ParalegalsBy Maximillian ExcaliberIntroductionEveryone has a secret.   Some are big and some are small.  Sometimesthat secret is a private thing about themselves they don’t want anyoneto know and, sometimes it involves others.  Those are shared secrets. This is a story about people, their shared secrets and the lengthsthey will go to protect them.  Try to keep that in mind while you’rereading it.  See if you can figure out who is has what secret to hide?Enjoy.Maximillian ExcaliberChapter...

Love Stories
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The Undercover Detective part 1

The Undercover Detective Chapter 1 21st May I knew that this was as good as it was going to get. Looking back at me, in the mirror wasn't the most convincing looking woman I had ever seen, but it was the best I could do. The face looked a little bit clownish. Despite Kate's tuition, my skills at eye make up were still rudimentary. It couldn't be helped. My legs weren't too bad, the hold up stockings looked OK now that my legs were shaved. The sling backs, that I was wearing, had a...

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The Undercover Detective part 3

The Undercover Detective Part3 19th May On the Saturday, I started my special leave. Kate was free for the weekend, as well, so it was ideal. After a leisurely breakfast, I started planning with Kate. "OK Kate, what are the ingredients of an instant lady outfit?" "First we need to decide what sort of woman you are going to be. Are you going to be demure, sexy, smart and fashionable, a total slapper or a shy little girl?" "Buggered if I know, what would you recommend?" "Do...

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The Undercover Detective part 12

The Undercover Detective Part 12 July 11th It was about ten o'clock when I phoned Fran "It is a good job you called. I was just about to call you." "What did you want me for?" "We picked someone up this morning, who had retrieved the package. We have him in a cell in the station." "Who was it?" "Not someone we would have expected. It was someone very well known to us. He only got released from jail a year ago. He is a well known house breaker, he's been at it for...

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The Undercover Detective part 9

The Undercover Detective part 9 20-25th June Mum went home on the 20th, she had to get back to work. I really missed her as soon as she had gone. I decided to stay on in the flat for a few more days. I invited Fran over and cooked her a meal. It was good to spend time with a woman. We chatted about everything under the sun, but mostly about the job and the cases in hand. I had spent part of the day in the National Gallery. That was a rare treat, I never usually had time for such...

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undercover boss

billy and john knock on the door of the new owners office they are the last of the 300 staff members to be called in to a meeting'come in' calls a voice from inside the officebilly opens the door they both walk in then stop shocked 'didn't expect it to be me did you' ryan laughs at them'is this some sort of joke ? ' billy says ' you are the new boy only been here a month whats going on ?''i wanted to check out my new company from the basics up see who is worth keeping and who should be booted...

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Undercover Angel Ch 04

Undercover Angel Ch. 04 - Transvestite on run is finally caught & fucked.Michele blinked as the flash went off in her eyes."Ok; one more photo, and this time keep your eyes open for me luv ok?" the man behind the camera said.Mike had done some research before he had ripped off Tony Leonardo and he had located a man named Harold Brown who could produce good quality counterfeit identity documents. Harold had agreed to provide Michele with a passport and a driver's licence in the name of...

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Undercover Angel Ch 02

Undercover Angel Ch. 02 - TV on the run from the mob is forced to suck cock. Tony Leonardo discovered that he had been robbed of two point seven million dollars by Mike Harris at ten o'clock on the 15th July; by then Mike Harris, in the guise of his alter ego, Michele Nylons, was sleeping in a cheap motel a few hundred kilometres away, just over the Victorian border.As soon as he discovered the money was missing from his safe Tony knew that Mike had stolen it. He didn't know whether he was...

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Savita Bhabhi Episode 68 Undercover Bust

Savita Bhabhi’s Undercover Bust: It was a hot summer day. A Bentley car was parked on the shoulder of the road near a small river. Three women were enjoying buck naked in that river. There was not a single piece of clothing on them. One woman was around 50 years of age. But she had the breasts of a 20-year-old: a little saggy but too perfect. She had the biggest ass among the three. The other was 35 and she was the daughter of the first woman. She was a sex goddess and had breasts bigger than...

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Undercover Assignmnet

Undercover Assignment By Ray Kitten As I got out of the car and approached the door I was all too aware of the sound of my little hard soled shoes tapping against the sidewalk. I could not believe that I was actually going through with this stupid bet, but I really had no choice. I had been wanting to propose to my girlfriend for months, but didn't have enough money to buy her the quality of ring that someone as beautiful as her deserved. I saved for almost six months, and...

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Undercover Angel

Undercover Angel By Michele Nylons When Mike Harris stole two point seven million dollars in cash from his employer, he knew that his life had changed forever. It's one thing to steal that amount of money from your bosses safe; it's quiet another to steal it from a ruthless gangster who is heavily involved in narcotics, prostitution, gambling and murder. Mike was Tony Leonardo's bookkeeper, accountant and financial...

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Undercover Angel Part II

Undercover Angel - Part II By Michele Nylons Tony Leonardo discovered that he had been robbed of two point seven million dollars by Mike Harris at ten o'clock on the 15th July; by then Mike Harris, in the guise of his alter ego, Michele Nylons, was sleeping in a cheap motel a few hundred kilometres away, just over the Victorian border. As soon as he discovered the money was missing from his safe Tony knew that Mike had stolen it. He didn't know whether he was more pissed...

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Undercover Angel Part IV

Undercover Angel - Part IV By Michele Nylons Michele blinked as the flash went off in her eyes. "Ok; one more photo, and this time keep your eyes open for me luv ok?" the man behind the camera said. Mike had done some research before he had ripped off Tony Leonardo and he had located a man named Harold Brown who could produce good quality counterfeit identity documents. Harold had agreed to provide Michele with a passport and a driver's licence in the name of 'Michele...

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Shimmer Undercover 3

Shimmer, Undercover, 3 By: Malissa Madison Crew List: Daisy Lightfeather, Owner, Driver/Navigator Co-Commander; Human Reno Demure; Commander; Terrellian Cord Shale; Co-Commander, Chief Investigator; Terrellian Tessa Yorre; Driver/Navigator, Chief Forensics Investigator; Lyconian Lexi Nior; Communications, Driver/Navigator; Demonian Sassi Treant; Medical; Orion Mahla Veer; Evidence Custodian; Orion Jarjar Creed; Prisoner Containment Custodian;...

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Undercover Tour

About a year ago I started writing a new novel length work in the same 'DiaperDimension' that my story Exchanged took place in. (The DiaperDimension was inspired by PrincessPottyPants original work, 'Alisa's Adventures in the Diaper Dimension'). I've written other works under another penname on this and other story sites, and had always completed them before posting. When I started writing a couple pieces of ABDL fiction I decided I was going to experiment writing as a serial writer...

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Undercover Patient

Undercover Patient by Throne Clarence Clovis was paging through his latest published book and making notes. This one was an expose of behind-the-scenes practices in moviemaking. His revelations had caused several scandals, one of them major, and put two careers on hold. Well, as he always told himself, he was just the messenger and not responsible for the effects of what he delivered. He jotted down a final comment and clapped the book shut. Clovis was a small man behind a large...

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Undercover RoseChapter 7

By Cindy and Walt At the end of the last shift before my break, and after I made the dead drop at a Kentucky Fried Chicken, I just wanted to get out of town for my two days off. Since I was sure that I was being tracked electronically, going back to visit old friends was out of the question. My calls were most likely being monitored as well. All thing considered I decided to stay in Capitol City and just rest. I didn't even want to have sex with anyone at that time. Martin had left me...

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Undercover RoseChapter 18

For all intents and purposes Janet Anton died at 3:15 PM on the first Friday in September. It had been a long summer and I was pissed because I spent most of the summer being Janet Anton. To be honest I missed Farmer's Grove. At 3:30 PM in the parking lot of the Office Plaza, Rose Seabold was reborn. I was ready to lose the uniform, but alas I had forgot to bring a change of clothes. Well technically I did have a change of clothes in the trunk of the Hyundai, but I couldn't get to them...

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Undercover RoseChapter 20

The few minutes turned into an hour and a half, during which time I drank two cups of coffee. The coffee was as bad as I remembered it from my earlier stay at the Camp. I watched recorded TV shows, since I remembered how their computer system worked. The cabin was a rubber stamp of the one I stayed in last time, but it wasn't the same one. I wondered why I hadn't been taken to the admin building. Then it dawned on me that I was being held in isolation while they checked me out. I hoped the...

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Undercover RoseChapter 32

Take the phone to the courthouse square park and place it inside a Hardee's bag. Take a biscuit and coffee from the Hardee's bag then deposit the trash in it after your breakfast. Place the bag filled with your trash and the phone into the refuge collector directly across from the courthouse. Move to a bench away from the refuse can and wait for it to be collected. Do no allow the county to empty those cans until our man gets it. I followed the instructions even though I was in a little...

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Undercover RoseChapter 76

I was at least five years older than either of them. I most likely had more experience in the field as the two of them together. They might just be a simple reception team, but I didn't think so. It was 10:30 on Friday night after all. Once we were in the van I removed the headscarf and large dark glasses I wore for the CCTV cameras. "Who else is on the team?" I asked. "The team leader is code named Shemp," the woman said. "So I guess that makes you Moe," I said to the man driving...

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Undercover RoseChapter 77

While I vetted everyone on the crew that I felt needed it, the security wheels were grinding. The security team had Arnold pretty much disguised as he had the breakfast buffet with 'The Girls'. Since they had a Chef making meals no one expected or knew about the buffet. The armed guards couldn't hover about him so they tried to fit in. Hiding their weapons was next to impossible so a lot of the security fell to me and the comedy team of Moe and Curly. The Dovecheck family and the people...

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Undercover RoseChapter 81

On the drive home I tried to sort it out, and maybe make sense of it all. I hadn't taken the time in the morning, since Billy Joe was gone when I awoke. I didn't want to think at that moment. I just wanted to get the hell away from there before the police came to charge me with Statutory rape or some such thing. Hell Billy was no more than sixteen at best. More likely he was even less, but I didn't know for sure. What I did know is that he was a minor. I had known that when I allowed him...

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Undercover RoseChapter 98

"Get your asses out of bed. Something is happening and I have no idea what," I said. "I need you to help get Bart and his wife through the compound and to the meadow behind the greenhouses. Get a move on and bring something to make sure nothing happens to them while they are on the Catfish Farm." I said that from the doorway of the travel trailer. Shit this thing is going to need airing out before Andrew can ever use it again, I thought. I had no idea what the smell was, but it was much...

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