Vardhi’s Parichaya free porn video

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Vardhi was excited. She’d arrived at her uncle’s house the night before to spend the summer before heading off to college at a nearby school in August. Having just turned eighteen and now away from her parents she wakes up feeling energized. Uncle Parichaya wasn’t her biological uncle but had been her Dad’s best friend since their college days and had always been around at holidays and for visits while she was growing up. He was 43 now but still looked good. He kept himself in shape and was somewhat taller than her fathers 6′ 2″. His hair was still dark and thick with just a little gray at the temples. She’d always had somewhat of a schoolgirl crush on him but had always known he only saw her as his niece. Nevertheless she did what she could to flirt with him in her schoolgirlish ways and didn’t intend to change that. It was fun and she was, after all, feeling happy and free. The visit had been her idea and she’d almost squealed with delight when everyone had agreed it was a good one. Her argument had been that here at Uncle Parichaya’s she could learn her way around, visit the campus at will, and maybe meet a few locals and make some friends before school started. She’d visited before and knew that Uncle Parichaya had plenty of room. Apparently he’d been married when she was very young but after that divorce he’d remained a bachelor although she’d often heard her Dad teasing him about “his girls” and had gotten the impression that he was somewhat of a player.

Vardhi heads downstairs after dressing in a skimpy pair of cut-offs and a thin gray t-shirt over her black bra. She’d developed early and even thought she was on the small side at only 5′ 4″ and around 110 lbs she had a curvy figure with a small waist, flared hips, and large for her frame almost D cup breasts. She’d gone to the extra trouble recently to first trim and then completely shave her pubic hair and she like the feel and effect.

She’d had a few boyfriends in high school and had gone all the way with two of them but neither had been adventurous enough for her tastes and she’d been mostly unsatisfied with all of her experiences to date. She’d found internet porn at an early age so she felt like she knew what she was missing. Stories and videos with a bit of roughness, spanking, some bondage and force turned her on, as did interracial, and any scenario where a girl is under the control of one or more men.

Parichaya had left o.j. and a muffin on the counter for her. He’d had an early meeting but had promised to be home by lunch so he could take her out and show her around town. Vardhi drank her juice and then carried her muffin with her to explore the house. While she and her family had visited before she’d never been in it alone and had only seen the guest room that she usually used, the shared bathroom upstairs, and the main living area. She peeked into Parichaya’s bedroom upstairs, very masculine with dark woods and a gray print coverlet. She poked around in his drawers and closet but didn’t find anything fascinating. There were two extra bedrooms, one of which she was using and one with a queen size bed that her parents usually used when they visited. The upstairs bathroom was nice but she’d heard Parichaya complain before about not having a master bath. There was another full bath on the first floor but it was mainly used for guests and convenience during the course of the day. She was already imagining how she could leave the door unlocked during her showers and was fantasizing that Uncle Parichaya could walk in on her.

She moved to the living room and flipped through the entertainment cabinet in the corner. Lots of mainstream movies, some music cd’s, and some fiction books that looked interesting but again, nothing titillating. Off the living room was Uncle Parichaya’s office and while she’d glimpsed inside before she’d never had the need to go in. Inside was a large modern desk with a computer and a laptop and all the usual printer, fax machine, and other equipment that was standard nowadays. The room was deceptively large and also contained a daybed and flat screen t.v. on the other end of the room along with more shelves and tucked back in a corner a small wooden door. She reached for the knob and was surprised to find it locked. It was old-fashioned and looked like it fit an antique key. She was curious but turned her attention back to the room. Online she checked her email and then browsed around the computer to see if Uncle Parichaya had any deep dark secrets she could uncover. She was disappointed to find nothing of interest but then thought to move to the laptop.

Bingo! The hit history showed site after site of internet porn that had been recently visited. She began clicking at random and was soon squirming in her seat. The first five sites (the most recently viewed) were all movie clips and thumbnail pics of older men with “barely legal” girls. Further down the list were other sites with various subjects but Vardhi couldn’t help hoping that her visit had prompted the recent spate of those particular sites.

Logging off she opened the media player and gave a little silent cheer. There were lists of downloaded movies and clips all with promising titillating names. She checked the time and figured she had at least an hour before she needed to worry about being caught in the act and pulled up a file called Little Chrissy was naughty. Not much storyline led into a scene with a young girl (credits had assured that all models were on file and over 18, of course) but this 18 year old was doing her best to look younger with blond hair pulled back in ponytails and a short schoolgirl outfit hiding what would soon prove to be a lithe body with small breasts and unusually large nipples and a completely shaved pussy. In the movie, the girl’s implied “Dad” needed to punish Chrissy for her bad grades. After a tame spanking Chrissy made a snide comment that “it didn’t even hurt” and then “Dad” yanked her panties off completely and began all over again. This time Chrissy squirmed and begged and the camera and “Dad’s” attention moved to her now exposed pussy. The spanks slowed and “Dad’s” hand began slowly caressing “Chrissy’s” glowing ass cheeks as she begged him to stop, she’d do ANYTHING if he would just stop. “Dad” ends up slipping a finger into his daughter, then seats her facing him while he fucks her and roughly twists and pulls her thick nipples. Vardhi fast forwards enough to see that there are somehow three men in the next scene with “Chrissy” two of whom are fucking her pussy and asshole while another jerks off over her face. But she gets paranoid about the time before she can watch any more and puts everything back as she found it and plops down on the living room sofa to try to formulate a plan. How to seduce your Uncle without risking him not being receptive and exposing you to your parents.

On the leather sofa she reruns the scenes from the movie she saw. Her pussy is dripping wet, she can feel her panties barely containing the moisture. Against her better judgement she slides one hand up beneath her t-shirt and teases a hard nipple through her sheer bra. The other hand slips into her shorts and finds her rigid little clit. It doesn’t take long before she’s bucking against her hand and pinching her nipple until it hurts and she can’t help but moan outloud, her breaths getting more and more shallow until finally she blows out hard and groans into the empty room. She lays still for a moment, hand still tucked into her shorts and then bursts upright on the couch when she hears a male voice boom into the room,

“Isn’t that a pretty sight to return home to?”

She panics and then notices, finally, Uncle Parichaya standing in the doorway to the kitchen and then realizes that he must have used the side kitchen door to come in and she didn’t hear him. She’d positioned herself so that she could see out the front window where she would have seen him pass to get to the front door, but from where he stood he’d had a perfect side and slightly from behind view of her. He was leaning in the doorway with a sneering smile that she couldn’t ever remember seeing on him before and it was obvious he’d been there for quite some time.

“Uncle Parichaya,” she stammered, her face burning, “oh God, I’m sorry.”

He waved and cut her off, crossing the room and sitting opposite her on the other end of the long couch.

“Don’t worry honey, you’re a big girl now, I wasn’t TOO shocked,” and he chuckled which changed her embarrassment just a little into anger. She still felt like he was only seeing her as a little girl and condescending to her at that.

She grasped at what to say to put him in his place.

“Well”, she finally came up with, “I wouldn’t be in this predicament if I hadn’t found your stash of porn.”

His look darkened and he stiffened.

“What did you find?”

Had she gone too far? Vardhi was worried and was stammering again.

“On your laptop, just some movies,” she said meekly.

She thought she caught a brief look of relief on his face before he narrowed his eyes and pursed his lips.

“So, you snooped, found some porn, got so horny you couldn’t even make it back to your room and so I found you here? Is that about right?”

Vardhi nodded and bowed her head, she was near tears and was already imagining the humiliation of facing her father and being sent home.

“Please don’t tell Mom & Dad, Uncle Parichaya.” And without thinking she added the pleading line from the movie she had just watched.

“I’ll do anything you want, just please don’t tell Mom and Dad.”

Uncle Parichaya looked almost satisfied and leaned back in his seat, looking at her like a cat watches a mouse.

“Anything, you say?” He was doing that sneering smile again and Vardhi couldn’t believe that he actually seemed to be coming on to her.

She was feeling a tingle again suddenly and was starting to feel like she might just get her wish after all.

“Anything,” she said quietly.

“Well, you do know that if I’m not going to tell your parents then it’s going to have to be up to me to punish you.”

“Okay.” Still tingling.

“And, you may not like my idea of punishment. No grounding, no lecturing, I believe in good old-fashioned physical punishment.”

“Such as,” Vardhi asks.

“It would START” (and he did stress the word start), “with a spanking. After that you agreed to DO anything I said and I would have A LOT of things I wanted you to do now that you obviously aren’t a little girl anymore.”

And there it was. It was really going to happen.

“Okay.” Vardhi said.

“That’s it,” he asked? “Just okay? You don’t want to know what I expect of you?”

“No,” Vardhi said. “I don’t want you to tell Mom & Dad and I said I would do anything and I will. Test me if you want to.”

Jane nervously bit her lip. She was turned on but also had a pit in her stomach. Would she regret this later?


His command was spoken in a low tone with none of the chuckling humor he’d teased her with earlier.

Vardhi blinked. She hadn’t expected him to be quite so blunt but she was turned on by this game and she stood unquestioningly.

Her t-shirt hit the floor, then her shorts. She hesitated a moment but before he had to tell her she dropped her bra and then panties with them.

Uncle Parichaya bit his lip and smiled.

“Very nice,” he almost whispered.

“Pick up your panties.”

“What?” Vardhi thought she heard him wrong.

“You said to test you and I am. I want to know just how much of a slut I have on my hands before we cement this agreement. Pick up your panties and smell them.”

Vardhi was taken aback but found that she was loving the control aspect. She’d never been this turned on with her high school boyfriends.

Her panties were still wet and smelled muskily of her scent. She took a deep breath regardless and then held them out on one finger.

“Taste them. The crotch.”

Vardhi brought them to her lips and even as she couldn’t believe she was doing it she spread the crotch out and slowly licked her tongue up the triangle that had covered her pussy.

“Okay, Vardhi, you’re more commited than I thought you’d be. From now on when I want you you’ll be available to me, is that understood?”

“Yes, Uncle Parichaya.”

“If I want to fuck you while you sleep I will. If I want to share you with a friend I will. If I want you to suck me off in the bathroom at a restaurant you will.”

Vardhi hesitated again but she still wasn’t turned off.

Would he really share her with “a friend?” She was shocked to find out that she hoped so.

Uncle Parichaya scooted over to the middle of the couch.

“Lay across my lap. Have you ever been spanked before?”

“Dad used to spank me when I was little but Mom made him stop when I was twelve. She said I was too old. After that I got grounded.”

She was across his lap now and let out a short cry when he surprised her with the first slap.

“I think we’ll start with forty,” he said. “That’s punishment for sneaking into my office, although I can’t say I’m not glad you did now.”

Vardhi didn’t think the first ten or so were bad as he alternated from cheek to cheek but after awhile she just wanted it to be over. The pain built and even though her pussy was still tingling with arousal she was ready to move on.

Finally, forty counted out Uncle Parichaya caressed her sore cheeks and nudged her legs apart.

“My, my you are a horny slut aren’t you?” He asked out loud as his finger slid unresisting into her sopping wet slit.

Vardhi groaned and squirmed and planted one foot on the floor to brace herself and give him wide spread access to her now aching pussy.

His finger probed her pussy then slid forward to circle her clit, then slid back all the way to her tight little asshole. He followed this pattern until Vardhi was almost humping his leg.

“Please, Uncle Parichaya,” she muttered, “please…”

“That’s right Vardhi, beg me. Tell me what you want.”

“Fuck me, Uncle Parichaya, please fuck me.”

“Where Vardhi? Where do you want me to fuck you?”

“In my cunt. Please, Uncle Parichaya, fuck my cunt. I’m so horny.”

“What about this tight little hole here?” Uncle Parichaya asked fingering her asshole again.

“That looks much more inviting right now.”

“No, Uncle Parichaya, I’ve never done that, please don’t.”

And then, Uncle Parichaya was working his finger in and Vardhi realized that he wanted to do it because she didn’t.

And still she was turned on and it felt so good.

“Oh god, Uncle Parichaya. Fuck me anyway you want.”

“Good girl,” he chuckled.

“But first why don’t you sit up and let me get to those luscious tits of yours.”

Jane straddled Uncle Parichaya and both of his big hands went immediately to her firm young tits. Her D cups still spilled out of his hands and she leaned back and braced her hands on his knees as he mauled her tits, first squeezing them together, then pushing them apart, and finally his thick fingers capturing her tender nipples and rolling them between his fingers. Soon his mouth followed his fingers and he sucked in first one, then the other, and then roughly pushed both breasts together and tried hard to get both nipples between his front teeth.

Vardhi was groaning out loud again and grinding her bare pussy against his khaki clad leg.

Still teasing and sucking her rock hard nipples with one hand and his mouth Uncle Parichaya’s other hand finally snaked down to her open snatch and with no warning filled Vardhi’s waiting cunt with three thick fingers.

She came almost immediately, screaming through her orgasm and then went limp against his chest, smelling in the musky scent of her pussy mixed with Uncle Parichaya’s aftershave.

He lets her rest for a moment and then pushes her up.

“I wanted to get that one out of the way, Vardhi, but we’re just getting started. I would suggest a bathroom break, get yourself cleaned up a bit and then come to my bedroom.”

Vardhi still couldn’t believe how much her life had changed in the past week. Uncle Parichaya had “forced” her to become his sex slave and she was loving it. After he’d caught her masturbating on his sofa last week and she’d admitted to searching through his office and invading his computer files to find his stash of porn they’d come to an agreement that she would do anything he asked as long as he didn’t tell her parents and send her home. He’d spanked her, got her off with his hand and then sent her to clean up and told her to meet him in his bedroom.

When she’d arrived he’d been naked and she’d caught herself gasping. He had a great body for someone her father’s age and his cock, while not as big as some she’d seen on the internet was much larger than either of her previous boyfriends and her cheeks flushed at the thought that she knew he wanted to fuck her virgin asshole.

“Come here Vardhi,” he almost growled. “It’s time for you to get me off now.”

Vardhi crawled up over the bed and he maneuvered her between his legs, pushing her head down toward his rock hard member.

“Take your time, taste it, lick it suck it, explore… and when I come, I want you to swallow every drop.”

Vardhi took a tentative taste, licking all around the sensitive base of the mushroom shaped head. Slowly she sucked the smooth head in and allowed her built up spit to dribble down the sides. Vardhi had seen enough blowjobs onscreen to know the basics and they were one thing her boyfriends had never minded her practicing.

Uncle Parichaya was groaning and already pumping his hips gently toward her.

Vardhi had been able to take all of her last boyfriend in her mouth but found she just couldn’t get all of Uncle Parichaya inside. She built to a steady rythm regardless, taking as much of him as she could and then slowly allowing him to pull back out, every once in awhile stopping to lick the underside of his cock and work her accumulated spit up and down with a few quick strokes of her hand. It didn’t take long before Uncle Parichaya was holding her head and pumping away furiously.

“I’m coming Vardhi, don’t forget to swallow”

Vardhi concentrated on keeping her teeth covered and moments later felt hot salty cum coating the inside of her mouth. She continued sucking until Uncle Parichaya slowed his pumping and bucking and then pulled her mouth away and swallowed all the sticky cum. Then she went back to gently licking away any traces from his cock.

“That was amazing Vardhi. I expected to have to teach you a bit about what men like but I can see I was wrong.”

“Thanks Uncle Parichaya,” Vardhi said, pushing herself up on the bed and snuggling into the crook of his arm.

“That was great, but we’re not done yet are we?”

Uncle Parichaya chuckled.

“We certainly aren’t Vardhi, not by a long shot. Just give me a minute to breathe.”

A few minutes later while they still snuggled and watched the sun begin to set outside Parichaya rolled toward her and began circling first one nipple and then the other with his large fingers. He teased each nipple until it was hard and peaked and then lowered his mouth and gently nipped and sucked each one. When Vardhi began squirming he used the flat of his hand to mash each breast down and then dragged his hand down, pulling the nipple with it. Now, she was arching her back and spreading her legs, feeling the sensations there too but he wasn’t done yet. He sat up and straddled her stomach, freeing up both hands to grasp and caress her young firm tits, thick fingers pinching her now cherry red nipples and pulling them as far as he could from her body. It almost hurt but just when Vardhi wanted to say stop, it hurts too much, he would relent, as if he knew her limits.

Vardhi looked down and could see Uncle Parichaya’s cock growing again and reached down between her breasts to stroke it. Moments later it was rock hard and Parichaya had scooted forward laying the length of it in the valley between her mauled tits. Vardhi tried to lick the tip as he pushed her breasts up around his cock and found she could just take the tip in as he thrust forward.

“Oh God, Vardhi, your tits feel so good”

Uncle Parichaya had thrown his head back and was riding her hard, gripping her now tender and extremely sensitive breasts even harder.

Finally, he began slowing and let her breasts fall back into a more natural position.

“I’m going to fuck you now, Vardhi.” Uncle Parichaya said, moving down her body.

“Tell me how much you want me to fuck your tight little cunt.”

“I do, Uncle Parichaya, please fuck my pussy, fuck me hard.”

With one swift push Uncle Parichaya was inside her so deep she could feel his heavy balls against her ass.

“Omigod” Vardhi screamed, unable to believe that was her. She’d never imagined screaming out because something felt so good but she couldn’t imagine wanting anything more than she wanted her Uncle Parichaya inside her at this very moment.

Both of them grunted and moaned as Parichaya pumped hard into Vardhi’s tight young pussy.

With an act of supreme will he finally began slowing, driving himself to the hilt and then pausing before slowly pulling his length almost completely out before plunging balls deep again.

Vardhi was whimpering and she was so wet that a steady slurping sound accompanied the slap of their bodies together.

“Do you remember what I wanted of you earlier today, Vardhi?”

Confused, Vardhi tried to concentrate.

“To do anything you wanted?” she whimpered.

“That too but I’m not going to cum inside of your pussy. Do you know why?”

Vardhi shook her head and then frowned at the thought of what he might mean.

“I want your asshole, Vardhi. I want you to beg me to fuck your tight little virgin asshole.”

“Oh, Uncle Parichaya, it’s going to hurt isn’t it?”

“A little at first but I think you’re going to end up loving it.”

Slowly, Parichaya pulled his length from Vardhi’s glistening pussy.

“Turn over, baby and raise your ass high in the air.”

Vardhi slowly did as she was told and soon felt her Uncle Parichaya’s hands on her wide spread asscheeks.

“We’ll take it slow Vardhi, don’t worry,” he assured her.

He used his fingers to spread the moisture from her dripping wet snatch back to her tight pink rosebud and then added a huge dollop of his own spit before working his middle finger deep into her.

Vardhi moaned and burrowed her face into the pillow.

His finger felt good but she was still scared to death of the moment that his cock would replace it.

From the bedside table Parichaya pumped out a big dollop of hand lotion and spread it over his straining dick.

He pumped his finger in and out of her tight ass a few more times and then removed it and positioned his cock in it’s place.

Vardhi gasped as she felt his cock head, cold from the lotion against her backside but she gritted her teeth and managed to turn her plea to stop into a soft groan.

“Now, Vardhi, beg me to fuck your ass.”

Vardhi’s voice was soft but she managed to stammer out his request, “Please, Uncle Parichaya, please fuck my tight virgin asshole and come inside me.”

Parichaya began slowly working his cock inside her, millimeter by millimeter.

Vardhi felt like she was being stretched to the limit and thought she would pass out when he finally assured her that he was halfway there.

Her whole body was shaking as Vardhi felt the rest of his cock slide home and finally the same balls that had slapped her asshole earlier were now squarely resting on her hairless pussy.

Parichaya gave her a moment to relax and then began pulling back out.

Now, incredibly, Vardhi felt empty and moved back to try to keep him inside.

Parichaya chuckled at the movement but held her ass in place and pulled slowly out until he could just begin to see the head of his cock, then he plunged back in deep with one quick motion and Vardhi screamed aloud again as he began fucking her in earnest.

Vardhi was amazed to find herself on the verge of coming and moved one hand between her legs to help herself along and the other hand found her sore nipples, rubbing them as Uncle Parichaya took her anal cherry from behind.

Vardhi came first and was surprised when Uncle Parichaya began increasing his steady pace.

Soon he was slamming his full body weight into her and Vardhi had to brace herself against the heavy wood back board to protect her head from the massive piece of wood.

As Vardhi arched and leaned her head back, Uncle Parichaya seemed to take it as an invitation and he grabbed a huge handful of her naturally blond locks and yanked her upright and back toward him.

Still pumping into her ass he braced himself against her by twining one hand in her hair and pulling her tight against him. His other hand found her now slightly softened nipples and began roughly caressing them and then alternating between them and moving his hand to her mouth and forcing two fingers into her mouth which she licked and sucked until he moved back to her nipples again.

Vardhi was exhausted and relieved when she finally felt him tighten against her. His cock spasmed inside of her for what seemed to go on forever and then he gently slipped from her body.

Breathing deeply, they both collapsed to the bed and Vardhi fell into a deep and dreamless sleep.

That was a week ago, on her first full day of living with Uncle Parichaya. In the days that followed Parichaya had showed her around town, taken her shopping, and of course, they had fucked. A lot. Now the weekend was coming up and Uncle Parichaya had promised a very special surprise for Saturday night.

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Fifteen more minutes, I thought as I sat at my desk. Fifteen more minutes until my boyfriend Kev picked me up on his bike. We had the whole weekend off work. I watched as the clock slowly ticked the last few minutes away. Those minutes were the only thing standing between me and freedom. Finally, it was six o’clock and I headed out the door. As I walked out the door I saw him leaning against his glistening Harley. He looked so good in his shades as he was all decked out in his leathers. Just...

3 years ago
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The Steam Bath

The steam bath looked to be empty. It’s just about dinner time, so most of the hotel guests should be off making arrangements for supper. My husband and sons are on a snorkeling trip, and won’t be back until later in the evening, so I have all the time in the world to relax. Wrapped in my towel supplied by the resort, I walk past the spa and towards the steam bath. I’ve just come up from the beach, and I’m looking forward to some ‘me’ time in the steam bath. It’s wonderful! The steam is so...

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Escapades In Varanasi 8211 Part 1

Hello everyone. My Name is Amit Agrawal and I am from Varanasi. This is the story about how I banged my sexy maid madhuri. This is a 100% true story. Sorry for any errors First the names are fake of course. Then About me I am a handsome (not exaggerating) male 21 years from a well-known upper middle class family of Varanasi having my share of fun since I was 14 ;). I have athletic body and I have fair complexion. I don’t brag about the size because I know how to use my tool… so my dick is...

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Jenny gets fucked

Introduction: On Jennys way to work, her fiance convinces her to call in sick. A day of fucking ensues. Jenny was wrapping up the shower from her regular morning get-ready-for-work routine. Wake up, brush her teeth, undress, stare at her body, shower, stare at her body some more, get dressed, apply some make-up, and top it all off with fixing her hair. Jenny did this every morning, from 7 to 8:30 a.m., which left her just enough time to commute to the office by 9. Jennys schedule was rigid. As...

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Hartstein A Hartstein StoryChapter 6

Illustrated version available on request – The Author Celia’s Story Celia sat cross-legged and covered her pussy with a towel so as not to distract her listeners from the story she was about to tell. Joanna followed suit although not sitting cross-legged, she simply sat demurely, or as demurely as one can while nude and neither Jim nor Paul could see her privates without becoming very obvious about it. Celia cleared her throat and began: “I grew up as a shy, submissive, quiet girl who...

2 years ago
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Christian Wife Scorned

My writing tends to suggest that I am in my thirties or forties because I want to seem closer in age to the young audience who dominate the Lush family. In truth, I’m a good bit older. Of course, things we publish here don’t have to be factual. As it happens, this new story–from about three and a half decades ago–is very close to true… There was a decade in my middle years when televangelism was superinfluential here in America. One famous Christian con man wept dramatically on camera as he...

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OliviaSamSandraNikki The Plot Thickens

OLIVIA Now it was my turn to bid farewell to Sam as he and Sandra departed on the passenger ship, the MARY CELESTE, as the tugs nudged her away from the pier. I couldn't find them in the crowd on the decks that waved and shouted good-bye, Bon Voyage, and the like. But I knew they were somewhere in that bunch of passengers. God, but I'll miss those two. I already miss Sam's sister Nikki. She only had a week with us over Christmas holiday. She'd flown over as a Christmas present from her...

2 years ago
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Fate Ch 02

Eight and a half weeks. That’s how long Gage would be away for basic training, but they tried to keep in touch as much as possible. It was difficult being freshly engaged and not being able to be with your fiancé/fiancée to share the experience… That new love sensation. Natasha and Gage’s love was very new. Although all their life it had been no secret that they were meant to be together they had never dove into the unmarked territory to find if they could be anything more than the best of...

4 years ago
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Pirates of Porn Part Two

Dick suddenly pulled his shaft from Cheyenne’s pussy and pushed it into my hungry mouth. When I tasted her sloppy juice on my husband’s cock, I knew that I was hooked on sex forever. I laid beneath Cheyenne on the soft grass next to the waterfall, while Dick fucked her doggy style, squatting with his leg next to hers. Her tits were squashed against my belly as her face was stuck to my pussy; her hands snaked beneath my legs to open my cuntlips wide for the camera. It was as if the essence of my...

2 years ago
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How Can I Not Look

It was hot, sweaty night that night. It's always really hot around here this time of year. Our parents were out of town, and me and my sister (at eighteen, a year younger than me) were watching TV. Even with the lights off and the air conditioning on full blast, it was like an oven in there, and we were both completely drenched in sweat, so much so our clothes were completely soaked. Finally, my sister had enough of this. "Jesus Christ. Bobby, don't look." "Huh?" Suddenly, she stood up, and...

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It Cuts Both WaysChapter 2

The next morning, Chris found a pile of his clothes, and everything he needed to get ready for work in front of the bedroom door. That was a clear enough signal. He picked up his clothes and headed for the spare bathroom with a sigh. Jackie waited until she heard him leave, and then walked out of the bedroom to make sure he was actually gone. When she saw his car absent from the garage, she went back into the bedroom, and into the master bath to grab a towel. Once she spread it out on the...

3 years ago
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Return of Magic The Rogue Teuton Section 1 The Tome of Severius the Roman Part II

Return of Magic: The Rogue Teuton, Section 1: The Tome of Severius the Roman Part II By SsiRuuk25 The morning came to soon for Larisa. She had lain awake last night for several hours, unable to cry, yet unable to get to sleep. When she finally did, her sleep was filled with nightmares. Finally, early in the morning, the nightmares stopped and Larisa was able to sleep peacefully. Then the sun shone in through the barred window of her cell, shining right in her eyes. Larisa tried...

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it was never my intention mother in law

Hi this is a true story how things got out of control, but my intentions were to piss my mother in law off.Hi to set the scene , I am married to a straight laced woman, i am 50 at the time and my wife 48.her mother 70, was widowed 5 years earlier, and lived 180 miles away, so bit by bit she would come and stay with us, I really didnt mind as she was ok, liked football , sports etc, so there was no complaining when i put sports on the tv for example. however she was a pain in the arse at times,...

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CH 21 I teach another virgin

While I was heavily engaged in immersing myself in the swinging scene, the other part of my life continued as usual with my ever rotating ‘phone a fuck’ list. This provided me with a regular outlet for when I just needed to bang one out. There were also the random pickups and opportunist events that arose through work or social contacts. Some were memorable for being different from the norm. I was invited to a party being held by family friends. It was a significant birthday for someone I’d...

First Time
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Strange Surroundings

It seems like a normal morning as you wake up until you open your eyes and do not recognize anything in the room you are in. That includes the night clothes you have on. As soon as your feet hit the floor a voice comes over what seems to be a loud speaker in your room. This voice says, "Now that everybody in the building is awake the challenge is started. Here are the rules: there is one and only one way out of the building and you have to find it and leave the building in under 48 hours,...

Mind Control
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All My Birthdays Came At Once THE END

[/b]I sat totally depressed but then thought "what a weekend I've had, c'est la vie". The four glasses of wine virtually untouched,I picked one up, gulped it, and put more music on. I started on the second.Forty five minutes later, I had just started the third glass, when the doorbell rang. I was Christine. "Had to get rid of the lasses and I'm staying tonight. Just drop these bags off then lets pop to pub eh?" . Flummoxed i said “OK”. I was a bit pissed by now. We went to the pub...

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Dad Fucks My Cousin Sister

Hello readers, in this story I am going to tell you about an awesome incident wherein my dad had sex with my cousin sister. I had never known about their relationship until one day when my dad left his phone at home and went outside. I decided to watch some movie on it. I picked up the phone and was browsing through the movies when a file named virus caught my eye. I opened it and found that the file was encrypted. So I copied it on to my phone and then later, tried to decrypt it. After some...

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Erica Olafson Voyages of the Tigershark Vol 8Chapter 12 Arsenal IV

After we had triaged the wounded and contacted the Union Carriers, the news spread fast. There was an intense but very short space battle. The Na tribe and their closest allies had used their ships to bring the non-Dai troops to Thana Shoo, with many Muta-Kerr and Shiruti still in the ships. They were intended to take over the mothers and battleships of the non-compliant tribes. The Dai were fired up with anger and flew their fighters with a merciless vengeance. However, the true difference...

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Mistakes Ive Made A Few But Then AgainChapter 4

Jim pulled up into the driveway of his house, parked the U-Haul and walked up the steps to his front door. He walked in and called out for his mom."In the kitchen, Jimmy." she yelled. Jim wondered how often she'd called out that answer to him over all the years of his childhood. Probably thousands of times, he guessed. He walked into the kitchen and his mom wiped her hands on her apron and came over to give him a kiss and a warm hug of welcome. She told him that she had all of the things...

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A Neighbor In Need Is A Neighbor Indeed

As I lay there in anticipation of them getting up to their bedroom I was slowly wanking my cock. All of a sudden I heard Ellie . "Fuck me doggy baby . I just want that cock of yours up my cunt . Fuck me and fuck me hard . I have missed that cock of yours" "Didn't you have fun with Ricardo while I was away you fucking slut" he replied . "Yes I did fuck with him, but I still missed your cock" "Get bent over slut and pull your cunt lips apart for my hard cock" All I heard was a couple of smacks...

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Hypnotised Mom On A Halloween Night

Karen was thirty seven, she was still in fairly good shape and good looking for her age. Her oldest daughter Laura was in her junior year, her daughter Gina and her son Josh were both in their freshman year. She walked into the house and just wanted to just burn the place down with everyone in it and let all of her worries go, but she couldn't. Tonight was Halloween night and she always celebrated it with her kids by watching a scary movie or playing some "haunted" board games, and tonight...

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It8217s about my first bi experience with a couple of friends and how much I enjoyed it much to my surprise

First off I must let you know that I always loved the fact that I am a straight male who loves women. That is, until my friends of 35 years showed me something. It started off as a night of watching movies at my buddy’s house with him and his wife. We had watched a couple of regular movies when my friend’s wife suggested that we watch an X-rated movie. I told them I was up to it. We had watched movies before and I went home and took care of my own desires. Well half way through the...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 13

Jeff spent the next three days ordering equipment and running errands. In addition, he also spent several hours with a small accounting firm in Boulder. He promised the accountant a sizeable bonus if he would substantially, and legally, cut down on the taxes he was going to have to pay. “Incorporate. Only eight percent of the top one thousand corporations in the US pay any taxes at all,” the accountant told him. When Jeff arrived back home, he was more confused than when he left, but the...

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CHAPTER 7: PREPARATIONSeveral days later I was back at the medical unit for a checkup by Danna. She had to certify that I was fit for combat. My unit was scheduled for the first mission I would be on and the time was getting close. I wasn’t going if Danna didn’t approve me.In the same room I always seem to be assigned to, I removed my clothes and I was thoroughly prodded and inspected. She was pleased with my healing and certified that I should be fully recovered by mission time. While this was...

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LaredoChapter 10

The train ride was uneventful for the first couple of hours, but things changed at a water stop out in the middle of nowhere. Ezra woke a dozing Sean with a poke in the ribs and the comment, "Wake up, pardner. We may have trouble. This here stop's takin' longer than it should." As Sean was gathering his wits, there came a sharp explosion. "That sounds like dynamite! Come on, pardner, we better take a look!" Ezra jumped to his feet and shouted to the alarmed passengers, "Calm down,...

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Morning Ritual

Broad beams of sunshine filtered through the thick frames of the large bedroom window as the short haired brunette rolled over in her bed. The warmth of the rays spread across the room, washing across the face of the forty-eight year old as she reluctantly left the arms of Morpheus and returned to the real world. "This had got to be a record," Sandra Jessica Kent said to herself as she opened her eyes and, looking at the digital clock on her night table, noted that an entire night had...

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Chatting brings mother close to son chapt 5 and 6

Chapter 5 Next day we woke up , as if the previous night was a dream. We didn’t speak a word about it with each other, but went on with our daily routine. We left for our offices and Nikhil went to his school. But the whole day I couldn’t stop thinking of what was happening. I was having an eternal hard-on. By 7 pm, I returned home to find Jyoti watching TV. She usually returns an hour earlier than me. She was looking very cheerful and had done up her hair in a very fashionable way. “You are...

3 years ago
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Straight Boy Bottom Chapter 4

Chapter 4 - Much Needed ReliefMy team had gone to a region swim competition, a week-long event about 4hours away from my school. It was a huge deal, but it did mean going aweek without much privacy. I made it almost the whole way through the weekbefore I ran into trouble.I had just finished my last event, and it had been a grueling day. I hadpushed my body to its limits, and earned a silver medal for my efforts. Ihad gone back to my hotel room after the meet to shower off and change...

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Castaway Vons HavenChapter 8

As the end of the day approached, we were almost back at the stone warehouse and dock, when we were caught in a sudden warm rain shower. My two women were standing at the bow of the boat, looking out for familiar faces on the dockside. A sea of faces around the dock and Lady Derwen's merchant ship formed a large welcoming committee. They had plenty of time to gather, as it's not as if a mule-guided barge is fast, especially as the crew poled to avoid grounding in shallow water. At the stern...

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Our Friday Night with John

“So will you take me to DeRonda’s next party?” I asked John as he drove. “I will if you want me to,” “But don’t get mad or jealous at me if the ladies there all come running to me,” John replied with a smile. “Yeah right; I am sure that they all just have to have this cock of yours,” I said as I rubbed my hand over his cock. John did say anything back he just drove. I laid my head against his arm as I thought about what he had just said. I had never been jealous when I watched him...

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Amatures in need 2

Me and Steve headed to a small flat in the city, where we were welcomed in, and quickly set up the camera."We are here today in Anna and Carrie's flat" I said talking to the camera as we began to film "Because despite the fact Anna and Carrie both have boyfriends, they don't have a very good sex life!"I then turned the camera towards a double bed that was lying in the middle of the room, and there sat on the edge of it was two young plump women, in their early twenties, in colourful underwear,...

4 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 148

"There are a couple of other benefits," Allie said. "You've referenced the 'Sweet Things' web site. This is completely owned by the performers and Petal Technologies. We pay Petal Technologies – which is really Mary, Trinity and Erin, if I'm honest – a fee for hosting the site and for conducting our credit card billing. In September, we plan to add new faces to the roster. Tyanna, Katey, Meredith and Erin are committed if we can work out the logistics. Erin is our photographer right...

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WebYoung Khloe Kapri Maya Woulfe Had To Get Away

Khloe Kapri is in bed. She has her eyes closed and is snoring softly. Suddenly a creaking sound is heard. Khloe’s eyes snap open. Looking nervous, she quickly snaps her light on, sitting up in bed. Khloe yelps in fright when she sees another person in her room, but quickly relaxes when she sees that it’s Maya Woulfe, her best friend. Khloe is shocked to see Maya, wondering why she snuck into her room. Maya apologizes for scaring her. She explains that she was watching TV with her...

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The Quartet

The Quartet by Heidi The change-rooms backstage were literally buzzing with excitement. The visiting Montpelier Quartet had just completed the last of the cycle of Beethoven's quartets here in Vancouver and it has been a huge success. There were several members of the media interviewing the Ensemble. Then one reporter noticed the teddy bear mascot on the dressing table. It looked so cute with "M Q" boldly embroidered on its little T-shirt. "That's a neat mascot. I'm sure...

3 years ago
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Star ChamberChapter 1 Waking Up

November 16, 2020, Monday: John’s body hurt so bad. He moved, through eyes still squinting he saw a flash of light and he realized his computer screen woke up too. There on the computer screen was his latest book crying for attention. He took a deep breath and screamed. That only made it worse. The level of pain was tremendous. Whatever I did, don’t do that ever again. It took him forever to muster the will to open one eye lid again. It was very hard to focus because somebody was beating his...

4 years ago
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I was very frustrated and horny as hell as I boarded the car train in Sanford, Florida, heading to Charlotte, North Carolina. My car was on board as I was going to be staying there for at least three months. The company I worked for was sending me to our Charlotte branch to oversee the start-up of a new computer system that I had help develop over the past year. My frustration stemmed from the fact that my wife was not going and would probably be fucking our good friend Charlie’s brains out...

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BurningAngel Joanna Angel Karma RX All Access POV

My girlfriend Karma Rx and I snuck backstage just before showtime and locked the door behind us so we could have fun with Small Hands’ rockstar cock! I think we scared him a little bit and he was worried about delaying the show, but he’s the fucking singer- they can’t start without him! And his erection did all the ‘singing’ necessary to convince him that fucking us was exactly what he should do. Screw finishing vocal warm-ups, he’s getting a full body...

1 year ago
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SisSwap Payton Avery Sophia Leone Pervy Guessing Games

Payton Avery and Sophia Leone just want to party, but they’re stuck at home with their stepbrothers instead. It’s up to James Angel and Jayden Marcos to keep the girls entertained, but their idea of a good time is less than thrilling. Bored and unable to focus, Payton and Sophia express they’re just too horny for guessing games and take matters into their own hands to liven up the living room. After a push and some good old-fashioned encouragement, James and Jaden make this the best game of...

2 years ago
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All I Want to Do

Her name is Candy. She is a beautiful woman who I met years ago while frequenting my favorite restaurant. She is the manager there and, when there is a break in the flow of business, she will often sit with me and talk and occasionally even join me as we down a meal together. Now Candy is a married woman and, by all accounts, seems to be pretty happy. His name is Steve and we have spoken on several occasions. He seems like a nice enough guy. I, on the other hand, am a 38 year old divorced...

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Fucking Tommys Mom Chapter 1

My name is James Peterson and the story I'm about to tell you is something that happened to me a couple of years back now. It was the summer of 2008–the summer Tommy and I both graduated from Arcadia High School.Tommy Cooper and I were best friends and had been for years, ever since he and his mother moved here from Indianapolis. Tommy's parents had just finalized their divorce and Tommy and Mrs.—I mean Ms.—Cooper moved here to Phoenix. We hit it right off almost from the first day we met. We...

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Milf Prime

What’s so prime about MILF Prime? Are they claiming to be the very first free MILF tube, or just the best one? Maybe the Prime designation is referring to the women, which certainly suits me as a connoisseur of top-quality cougar meat. Perhaps they mean Prime in the sense that we’re living in what just might be the golden age of dirty movies starring Mothers I’d Love to Fuck. Honestly, give me any or all of the above and I’m bound to show up with my dick out and a bottle of lube at the ready.I...

Mature Porn Sites
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I always encourage her to wear low cut blouses and sarees tied way below the navel. When she wears those tightly wrapped around sarees she looks like the ancient statues posing for kamasutra positions. I also encourage her to wear short skirts and tank tops especially when we are out of town and away from her prying friends and relatives. Sometimes when we go out for a dinner or a drive, I ask her not to wear any bra and panty and at any given chance I finger her pussy and massage her...

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Sarah Carerra 305 Red Rocks Amphitheatre

Please email me at AngelJediGirl (at) gmail (dot) com before posting this story to any other site. Posting to a pay site is prohibited. Comments and suggestions are also welcome at the above email address. --- Sarah Carerra Book 3 - Concerto in A- By Megan Campbell (Released: February 27, 2012) Chapter 5 - Red Rocks Amphitheatre I was awakened on Saturday morning by a knock on the door to my room. After all the fun I'd had with the girls during the Starshine party, I had...

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Dad I Have a Question Part 3

PLEASE NOTE: This is part of a completely fictional series about a single father and his daughter. No actual virgins were harmed in the making of this story. Two nights before this chapter begins, the girl, a senior in high school, approached her father with some frank questions about sex. * * * * * * * * * * In the morning, I woke up on my side, Jamie spooned up tight against me. Her fragrant blond hair caressed my face. She held my hand in hers, cupping a firm young breast, the...

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The Games People Play

If there is one thing about Los Angeles that seems eternal, it is the constant building, rebuilding and repairing of roads. And that, it seems, always results in one detour after another. It was one of those damned detours that changed my life. For the better, I might add. My name is Trent Edwards, by the way. I was 26 years old when the ‘accident’ happened. I stand at an even 6-feet tall and weigh in at 175 pounds. Solid pounds; I work out on a regular basis. I guess women considered me to be...

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Lessons Inspired by a movie, a husband tries to paint his wife's nails. He's not very good, so he ends up with a very public lesson in the proper technique. Don't try this at home. That's the disclaimer they give on those extreme stunt shows. Maybe they should have put that in the movies, too. For when I tried to copy a scene in one movie, things just got out of control. My story begins happily. I was in my mid twenties, employed as an advertising copy writer and already...

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