- 4 years ago
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A Short Story By Implacable
Copyright 2004
I met Amanda at the local village pub in one of those natural, casual waysthat happen when you've finally given up trying to pick up women and just acceptedthat you are going to be single for the rest of your life.
I was living alone in the west country of England in a cottage on the coast.I had a modest regular income that allowed me to indulge my pretensions ofbecoming a serious writer. I adored the quiet of the country, the semi-isolation – mynearest neighbour was 100 metres away and as we were off the main road, therewas no traffic.
While I enjoyed my own company, I also enjoyed spending the occasional eveningin the local village pub. The folk were friendly enough, and there were enoughimmigrants from the big cities one way or another that there wasn't that closedcommunity hostility that sometimes poisons the idyllic life in a village.
So there I was one Friday evening in the Horse's Head. There was a reasonablecrowd, busy without being overwhelming. And there was no loud music playing.Heavens above! You could actually hear yourself talk, a far cry from one ofthose boisterous city pubs where you can only buy a drink through sign language!
I was standing at the bar, sipping on a pint, engaging in casual conversationwith several bar acquaintances in desultory sort of way. Suddenly a shriekerupted in one the booths. It was swiftly followed by a tirade of abuse. Theculprit was a young woman and the recipient was a stunned man who seemed incapableof responding to the volley of invective. In their mid-twenties, I assumedthat they were a couple. She stormed out of the pub followed by the ratherembarrassed young man who was clearly trying to mollify her.
"You know what his problem is?" a female voice opined from beside me, "Heshould be chasing her out the door to give her backside a good tanning, notto appease her wounded pride!"
I turned to look at the speaker. She was a reasonably attractive woman, thoughin my experience, most women can look attractive if they take the trouble todo so and keep themselves in shape. There you are, now you know I'm an unrepentantchauvinist! Auburn hair down to her shoulders, a pleasant summer dress, hazeleyes. I guessed her to be in her late 30s, but I'm notoriously inept at judginga woman's age.
"Too right!" I responded looking my new interlocutor. "Any woman tried thaton with me and she wouldn't sit comfortably for quite a while." Well I'd hada couple of points and apart from the one jarring episode we'd just witnessed,the mood was one that encouraged a degree of plain speaking.
Heaven's above - the smile I got back almost knocked me off my feet. It wasdefinitely a case of switching on the lights.
"I'm Amanda Karlson," still smiling as she introduced herself. "But my friendscall me Mandy." It's one of those funny things, but though we have since becomethe most intimate of friends, I never really could bring myself to callingher Mandy. To me she will always be Amanda. Somehow that small gesture of formalitywas so apt for our relationship.
"Robert, Robert Johnson. I'm so pleased to meet you." I never was a Bob orBobby, never will be. Can't help myself really, just have to be all stiff andformal. Probably that British diffidence that everyone else mistakes for arrogance.However, there was certainly good cause for stiffness in a certain quarterin chatting to this mature but rather sexy woman. The chemistry certainly seemedto be there, if I'm any judge – which of course I'm not, I'm bloody hopelessat understanding women and the subtleties of communication, but fortunatelyfor me, it was there anyway.
By mutual agreement I bought another round and we moved to a booth wherewe could talk with a little more privacy. After a few harmless pleasantriesI chanced my arm further and raised again my favourite topic – the chastisementof the female figure, with emphasis on the bottom.
"It sounds as though you were talking from experience when you suggestedhe give her a good hiding? So who's warming your bum at the moment?"
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the sort of chap to come out with a linelike that in normal circumstances, but remember I'd had a couple of pointsto loosen the chains of inhibition and anyway, she'd raised the issue in thefirst place!
And you will of course realise that Amanda, being your normal female, hadalready figured out all the social related things like:
I wasn't married – nowedding ring or the lack of sun-tan where one should have been if I wasplaying truant.
I didn't have a live ingirl-friend – clothing not quite properly ironed, lacking that contented'three square home cooked meals' look.
Wasn't gay – God knowshow you can tell, cause I bloody can't (which has occasionally got me intono end of trouble on one or two occasions).
Clearly interested in succeedingin one of the most difficult things any girl can undertake – howto get herself soundly thrashed and fucked (sorry – engage in intimacy)without scaring the pants off the guy by asking for it.
So she didn't play coy in answering. No. For once in my life I got a straightanswer from a woman.
"Well no-one actually, more's the pity. How about you. Are you laying a fewtramlines across some lucky girl's sit-upon."
All I can say is – thank God for beer! I'd usually be tongue-tied andgibbering by now. Honestly if a relative stranger came up to you and basicallyasked you to thrash her bum, how would you react? But this time, I was suave,I was sophisticated, well actually about half cut, but I thought I was suaveand she didn't run off so it amounts to just about the same thing in my book.
"I happen to be between engagements," not a bad way of saying that I hadn'tbeaten a girl in many months. Come to that, it had been a jolly long time sinceI'd even had a girl's knickers down at all. "Would you care to adjourn to myplace where we can discuss this in more privacy and perhaps examine the seatof the problem?" You could tell I was definitely sliding smoothly on the lubricationof alcohol – which is a blessing for all concerned. As any sensible womanknows, you have to make allowances for mere males, be they the gods or not.
To cut the story short – and get to the good bits, we did indeed moveto my place. I had a strong suspicion that my erection had become petrifiedand obvious was not the word as we entered the house. She put her hand to thefront of my trousers and and looking into my eyes, smiled that smile again.
"Been a while Robert?"
"Nice girls don't fondle a man until they've been given permission. Thatmakes you a naughty girl, and naughty girls have their bottoms bared and smacked.Smacked hard." I said with mock severity, all the while desperately tryingnot to ejaculate into my underwear.
"Ooh, I think I'd rather like that." She replied, giving my tent a good squeezethat sent jolts of lightening through me. "But perhaps I should deal with thisfirst, otherwise you might wet your trousers. I've got very wet knickers andI know how uncomfortable it can be unless you can get them off quickly."
By this time, I think I had definitely become a babbling idiot. Have youever noticed how juvenile conversation becomes when sex is involved. Two grownadults who would otherwise discuss any range of issues in a mature and intellectualmanner just throw all of that culture and maturity away and revert to the mostembarrassing childish tripe.
There is no question that on this first meeting, Amanda took control, likeany good submissive. She led the way in almost everything. Even when I startedto beat her, she had engineered the situation to ensure that things proceededsmoothly. Since our relationship has developed, this is no longer the case.It is I who now call the shots … except, of course, when she wishesto achieve a certain outcome and then, on looking back, I will be forced torecognise that she, in her subtle, gentle way, has led me again. In such situationsit is almost always that she wants me to treat her more harshly, to be morecruel, to be more outrageous, disgusting and depraved, to go beyond my ownstandards of where to draw the line. It took some while for this understandingto arise.
Thus it was that I soon discovered how good, no not good, fantastic! Amandawas at "la pipe" as our French colleagues say. She licked and sucked on mycock, stripping both me and herself at the same time (I still marvel at howwomen can deal with bras one handed). It didn't take very long for me to fillher mouth. And, heaven be praised, she swallowed my spunk to the last drop,except for a small amount that she dribbled out of her mouth. A very, very,erotic trick that all the girls in porn movies know how to do. Seeing it inreal life was a thousand times more of a turn on, I promise you. And then shelicked it up again. Wow is the only expression that goes close. Just plainWOW.
I pride myself on being a gentleman. Well, we all have our conceits don'twe. So, my main tackle being temporarily out of ammunition, and quite franklydrooping and shrivelled, I resorted to tongue and fingers to investigate thiswild-fire woman that had somehow got the wrong address and picked me! I ravishedher. With some pride I exclaim to world that I did not stop when she reachedher first orgasm that night, I took her to three in that first session alone,the last one involving a most satisfying impalement on my resuscitated equipment.
During the skirmish she came across another of my little oddities, my fascinationwith not only her buttocks, but with her anus. When it became clear that Amandawas truly made in heaven just for me and that her anus was one of her erogenouszones, my initial tentative touches became rather extended lickings and fingerings.She whispered to me that she loved the attention but that she only allowedbuggery after a beating. Fair enough, I thought at the time. I still do. Sufficeto say that is a rule that we both strictly adhere to, to this day, and shegets buggered rather often.
Coffee restored us somewhat and allowed us to have a slightly more rationalconversation about our mutual desires and expectations.
It turned out the Amanda had been married up until about five years before,when she had lost her husband in a road accident. The marriage had been a veryhappy one, and one in which she had early learned of the pleasures of submittingto frequent and very thorough punishment. She indicated that if her bottomwas always well marked and very sore, it wasn't the only part of her body thatshe was agreeable to being whipped. Her eyes sparkled with remembered pleasureand tears of loss as she recalled her life with her very much loved master.As ridiculous as it must have looked, two naked near middle aged adults holdinghands and discussing tender moments was most poignant.
Losing her husband had meant that she had been cut adrift in life, reasonablycomfortably financially, but without the anchor on which she had come to rely.A series of affairs had proved unsatisfactory with most men running a milewhen they understood her need to be physically dominated and punished.
She had turned to other women to see if she could fill her needs throughthat avenue. She told me how she had enjoyed the experience and rather enjoyedthe taste of a woman's sex and still happily went to bed with other women fromtime to time. She had formed some close friendships, one with a woman who thrashedher as hard as any man, but in the end they didn't quite fulfil her the waya relationship with a true master did. And so she had kept looking.
We talked a lot that first evening. Once the first raging passion had beendealt with, we were able to explore each other's minds at leisure. It was importantfor me to understand Amanda's needs as well as her limits. Apparently she didn'thave any! At least none to which she would admit then. Having spent some yearstesting this theory out, I have to admit that her limits are those of her physicalbody, not her mind or her ability to take pain. But you have to take thesethings a little carefully, even if the lady in question is desperate to bethrashed to a 'fair thee well'. One previous experience leads me to exercisecaution, at least at first, when introducing a woman to severe chastisement.It is far easier to step up the tempo than to withdraw a cane stroke that wenttoo far.
We slipped most naturally into our first spanking. After much talking anddesultory kissing and fondling (my appendage was well in evidence and readyfor another innings), I just pulled her over my lap. "Time to put the handto the plough Amanda dear, or rather to the bottom," I joked rather excitedlyas my first slap smacked loudly into her pale flesh of her behind.
In my experience, I have never seen a woman so wantonly seeking a beating.No pretence, no game playing, she lay over my lap perfectly presented. "Layon McDuff," she giggled.
Affronted by such misuse of the Bard's good work, I proceeded to delivera rather extended series of smacks. And I have to admit, shrieks of "Harder" and "Can'tyou do better than that" did rather cause me to increase the tempo and forcesomewhat. After five minutes, I'd admit to being rather heavy handed. But atleast I'd quietened the demand for extra verve and there was even the odd "Ow" anda few cries, particularly when I moved from reddened buttocks to fleshy thighs.
A few moments rest, after all my poor hand was fairly stinging, and her bottomand thighs had that rather appealing tone common to ladies who've been wellsmacked. Amanda wasn't crying, she's made of much sterner stuff than that.But the insolent banter had gone, to be replaced by a rather more thoughtfullook on her face as she squirmed and rubbed her bottom, until I made her standin the corner with hands on head. Not original I know, but there is a pleasingaspect to this tradition. Seeing a well reddened bottom squirming while thenaked owner stares at the corner under my command, not allowed to touch saidsame scorching bum is rather a turn on, I must say.
I then spoke words that, to this day, she both loves and hates to hear, "Bringme your hairbrush."
I knew she had one with her because she had told me that she always carriedone in memory of her late husband who required her to have it handy at alltimes. He and I had a lot in common for we both considered our favourite implementsto be the cane and the hairbrush. I have followed his lead and I also requireAmanda to have her brush with her at all times. It certainly comes in handywhen we are travelling and I want to stop to give her a quick thrashing onthe side of the road and I'm after something rather more devastating than myhand.
The hairbrush is for tears. I always beat Amanda's bottom and thighs withher brush until she weeps for me. I have not yet failed to achieve this accoladeto the severity with which I treat her. It is exceedingly effective when appliedto a well bruised bottom. I love to cane Amanda then follow up with a sessionwith the hair brush a little while later. I find the effect of a small delaymost salutary in tenderising the affected area.
When she presented me with her hairbrush that first time, on her knees, Icouldn't resist the temptation. I had her take my penis in her mouth againand pay it the homage that she so loves to. As she sucked away, I gently brushedher hair. When she had finished, I had her lay over my lap again and took thebrush to her bottom with gusto.
I find the brush cracks against her behind with a most satisfying sound,leaves excellent marks and draws forth cries and yells within a few smacksand tears usually follow not too long after. However, on that first evening,I was not completely satisfied with my handiwork after two dozen hard thwacks,though Amanda had exhibited copious symptoms that the beating was highly effective.I had her change position by leaning over the back of a lounge chair with herhead on the seat. In this position not only were her buttocks beautifully presentedand nicely tight, but her thighs were in a perfect position, not to mentionthe sulcus between bottom and thigh which had been somewhat protected as shelay over my lap.
We did not count stokes. I have never really valued this aspect of CP, notthe least because I never beat a woman with a set number in mind. On that occasion,I thrashed this beautiful woman with her hairbrush until she wept. And thenI beat her some more. And she cried and begged and pleaded. The funny thingwas, she never once begged me to stop, her pleas were decidedly non specific.She was bending over the chair of her own free will and could have got up atany time, but she didn't. She lay there soaking up the fiercest hairbrush thrashingI had ever delivered up to that time, and cried and wailed and screamed. Ifound out later that she had orgasmed during that thrashing, and had thoroughlyenjoyed it and had not particularly needed it to stop when it did. But stopit did.
I cuddled a sobbing child-woman in my arms for some minutes until she quietened.Then she disentangled herself from my arms and went to her handbag. Smilingthrough her still wet eyes, she handed me a tube of lubricant. "Now it's timefor buggery," she said, and again draped herself over the same chair over whichI had just thrashed her.
"Just a moment." I said. "I have a very firm rule about anal sex. I ratherprefer the area to be well prepared. While I am rather partial to using a womanthat way, before I take my pleasure in your arse, I must ask you to agree tomy rule. Anything that goes into your behind, be it my finger, my prick, avibrator or whatever, afterwards goes into your mouth. I find that helps agirl to remember that cleanliness is important. I also require you to be availableto me whenever I desire your behind. However, I accept your condition thatyou be beaten before buggery. Do you agree?"
"But I haven't had a chance to prepare myself properly this time." she gasped.
"I suggest that it will provide you with an invaluable lesson for the future,even if for tonight it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth."
Suffice to say she somewhat reluctantly agreed and suffered the consequenceswith an admirable stoicism. She even admitted later that, while she was notscatologically inclined, the imposition of my will on her in that way had beena real turn on. However, as general rule, my condition has had the desiredeffect and she is careful to ensure that not only is she always well lubricated,but she takes an enema daily to avoid a repetition of the unwanted complicationsof a soiled cock.
I didn't cane Amanda that evening. After taking my pleasure in her behind,and using her mouth, I had her stand in the corner again. It is an absolutedelight for me to watch my lover stand in the corner with a thoroughly thrashedbottom with my semen seeping from her anus, trickling down her thighs. It isa pleasure I indulge in most regularly, though more often than not, I haveAmanda wear stockings and high heels – that way the semen pools at thestocking tops for a while. Yes I know I'm a degenerate, but believe me whenI say that Amanda takes great pleasure in it as well.
And if I didn't cane her that first night, I made up for it by caning herbefore breakfast the next morning. And then again mid-morning. You'll thinkme a cad, I know, but I couldn't resist attending to a thoroughly welted andbruised but willing bottom again with the cane that Saturday evening. And aftereach of the canings, I followed up with the hairbrush. By Jove! How she wailedand wept, and afterwards smiled and laughed through her tears.
And I've been caning her ever since. I've acquired any number of instrumentsfor her chastisement and I've been far more severe with this woman than I wouldhave thought possible and the marvel of it is that, the more I beat her andtorture her, the more she seems to blossom and take pleasure in it all. Neverwas a man so blessed!
She has never agreed to marry me, mostly I think out of respect for her latehusband. But in all other respects she is my partner and mate for life. Andoh, what a life!
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As it turned out, Rina really was exhausted. Laura was too, but she hungered so passionately for the girl's luscious body that she was willing to drive herself past exhaustion in search of yet another orgasmic seizure. But she too finally yielded to fatigue, and reluctantly watched as Rina covered up her sleek, naked flesh with her clothing and departed. It's tomorrow, when she wakes up and realizes what she's done, that I have to worry about, Laura thought. I know, because I did it...
I was startled when Dave spoke up from the corner, calling me Katie's ass slave. I didn't even know he was there! I was apparently so fixated on Katie's ass neither one of us even looked around the room when we came in. Katie just smirked and said "Hi Dave." from the couch. He didn't seem at all worried that she was coated in cum and had just had her ass eaten out by a co-worker!Looking to clarify the situation I asked: "Hi Dave. long time no see. Um, are you cool with this?" Dave just laughed...
I was a freshman (1st year) student at my university, and I noticed a cute girl in my psychology class. I wouldn’t call her hot or gorgeous, but she had a cute innocence about her. She had brown hair and blue eyes, she was 5'3, had a nice curvy body that she was almost trying to hide, but I could tell she had something special there. She also had the cutest pair of librarian glasses, and topped it off with braces on her teeth. The first few times I sat near her in class, she looked over and...
The Club – My Personal Orgy While one’s husband is away is a good time to play. He was away, working overseas for two weeks, so it was time to put my personal motto into practice. Don’t get me wrong, I frequently shared new adventures with him. But sometimes I yearned to play by myself; as long as I could do it safely and securely. Some months previously we’d visited a new club, an upmarket commercial venture near the city. We’d had an enjoyable time there, so enjoyable that I’d since...
Jaden maintained strict disciplinary control over her step-mum and two sisters, enforcing all of the rules and boundaries set for them. It was now pretty much constant that twenty-year-old Alexis was spanked twice a week, twenty-three-year-old Velvet was spanked three times each two weeks, while Valentine, her step-mum, was spanked once a week.The offences were varied, but Jaden, who was the youngest at sixteen-years-old, operated a strict no second chance rule, which everyone agreed was the...
SpankingAs you probably guessed from the title of this story, my name is Sweets. No, not really, but we will go with that for this story. I am a fairly typical northern girl from the suburbs of a major Midwestern city. I have long had a fantasy of being taken by a man whom I do not know and never see. In my fantasy, I am handcuffed, blindfolded, tied down and my body is ravaged by some stranger. My animal instincts are set free, sexual appetite is completely satisfied and I am pushed way beyond any...
CheatingShit, I was awake so I decided to just go ahead and get up. Somehow I got out from between Shelly and Sarah without disturbin 'em. I went to the can and shook hands with shorty, drug on some drawers and jeans, pulled on a T-shirt and stumbled to the kitchen lookin for coffee. Damnit I was the first one up so I had to make it. The mexes were comin here to help the gals load the stuff that was here but they wouldn't arrive til round ten so I guess everybody else had sense enough to sleep in....
“Want to take a shower?” Sylvie asks, poking her head into his room. “Yes,” he answers quickly, perhaps too quickly. “Where’s Mom and Dad?” “Out of course,” she replies. “They think I’m going out with some friends and I told them you had plans.” “Why?” he asks, feeling highly curious, but not too disappointed. “Because they wanted us to go with them,” she says, smiling. “I thought it would be more fun to fuck you than walk around some museum all afternoon.” “Good call,” he...
Derek Malone was a fairly normal American guy. Well, that's not exactly true. He was normal in the sense that he'd never caused any trouble to American society as a whole. Never been in any serious trouble with the law other than that one parking ticket he'd paid promptly, never shoplifted, been drunk and/or disorderly, and he'd never been the slightest bit of trouble really to any of the teachers he'd had when he had been in school. In fact, if his teachers had been asked, they would...
Brandi blearily left the library, more confused than she’d been when she entered. Niles was so smart, and he spoke so quickly and he had such high expectations of her... It was this last fact she found most alarming. She’d gone in hoping she could just sit and nod as Niles spoke, but he kept asking for her opinion. And then, worst of all, he’d nod and consider what she was saying. Brandi wanted to scream “No! Don’t trust me!” But Niles had kept on insisting, and so Brandi had shared her...
When the van pulled across their path and the men jumped out, Cal's initial reaction was a flash of panic, but in milliseconds he remembered why he had spent all of those years in martial arts classes. The men looked Arabic, and his mind flashed back to the sight of Rachman kicking the helpless Ismi. It was not going to happen again! Mr. Yokata's teachings came to him with the force of deeply ingrained habit. First, the assessment. Two men. No visible weapons. One man, the driver, had to...
The underground bunker for housing the computers had been completed. A work crew sent by Dan Biggerstaff was busy wiring the room to support the network that would tie the computers together. It was a massive job considering that they were linking ten thousand computers together. It was made even more difficult due to the fact that they were physically located on four separate floors. The room was cold. The air conditioner was set up to cool ten thousand machines, but there were only empty...
[Sam said, “Wow! I see the gang’s all here! Gang, this is Linda’s parents, Iris and Ray Larsen and Linda’s sister, Jessica,”] Mrs. Larsen’s eyes were locked on Bob. She appeared to be deep in thought, as she walked over to Linda’s side. Bob started moving away, but Linda grabbed his hand, “Mom, this is Bob, my soulmate and soon to be lover. Please don’t try and make him leave.” Iris shook her head, “No dear, I would never do that. He just reminds me of someone I knew and loved a long time...
Charley’s first internet date with Abby, excuse me, Mistress Abby, was a disaster. He was looking for a strong good-looking woman, someone who would appreciate his body (he had no personality to speak of), and he found one. Strong was the operative word. Abby was also very attractive and wore her clothes to accentuate her charms. Charley actually got so stiff when he first saw her that he was embarrassed at the expanding tent below his belt. Sexy and demanding too, Abby monopolized the...
Introduction: Mai is not what you would call a normal girl, nor is she what an every day guy would call beautiful, but she found someone that finds her beautiful in everyway Mai was sitting in her class finishing a test by herself, the teacher had taken off early to catch a flight to his spring break vacation. Mai was a B student at the moment, but in past years she had been an A student nearly all the time, she was retaking this test so she could raise her GPA, get into college, do the whole 9...
Hi ISS readers: thanks to your support, I’m back, with another interesting episode of my sex exciting experience. Your valuable comments (and criticism?) are most welcome, ok? Soon after the summer vacation, I was again shifted to a new school near my Dad’s workplace(Hospital & Health care) to be greeted by new faces and back to square no.!. But It was my luck, I felt that the frustration & vacuum created due to previous mates’ absence melted slowly, by our new neighbor’s (another VIP like my...
Gay Maleyou've just turned 18 and chosen to move to Japan as you fell in love with the beautiful scenery and most important Japanese woman you've just arrived at your new home and are busy moving in when you notice what looks like your neighbor going for a jog Aiden: damn She sees you staring at her and comes your way ?: excuse me who are you she says in broken English Aiden: my name is Aiden Pearce and i just moved here You say in fluent Japanese ?: you know Japanese she starts talking in Japanese...
FetishIts very common for people of the opposite sex who’ve worked professionally together to develop a friendship so close that they become as close as spouses. My work wife’s name is Shauna. I have known her the entire time I’ve worked for this development company. Shauna married her high school boyfriend at age 18, had a couple k**s, the house, soccer games typical suburb woman. She was attractive especially for a mom. I on the other hand was married while serving in the military and divorced a...
I was right about the corn field and the vegetable garden. It was way too late in the summer to replant, so Papa had to swallow the loss. Mama’s garden had taken quite a beating too, but I guess the hail wasn’t as bad at the house as it was where Laurie and I were, because a lot of it survived. Besides, she’d already harvested and canned a lot of it. Plus, we’d have a LOT of spiced peaches and preserves. That very same storm system produced some tornados just east of us that did a lot of...
“Do you remember the first time you talked to Kathy about sexual activity,” asked Kevin. “Oh, gad, yes I do,” replied Kari. “It was so uncomfortable, at first, to talk to her about it, but it got easier. Both of us have talked to the kids about sex, so it wasn’t like they were unaware of sex and different types of sexual activities.” “However, I guess seeing it for the first time would be kind of shocking, especially seeing it in such a public and unusual place.” “I know I would have been...
Hi ISS readers I hope you all remember me from Fucking in Office. I am Aboli the hot call centre girl. LAtely there is one incident that I felt I should narrate in ISS. It was 3 in the noon when I returned to my flat in downtown Pune. I was sharing this flat with another call centre girl called Shilpa. Shilpa was a dark slim girl from rural Maharashtra who had enjoyed numerous sessions after joining our company. When I entered the flat I saw Shilpa my supervisor Karan and an unknown man sitting...
I put her in the doggy style position, she reaches back and spreads her cheeks, stretching her asshole. Smearing lube all over it and pushing a finger deep into her ass, she lets out a moan. I stand her back up and arrange a couple of pillows to raise her ass for a nice straight path into her, she kneels before me and starts sucking my cock hard again. I pull my cock out of her mouth and put some lube on it as she crawls on the bed and gets into position, reaching back she spreads her...
I got home one day and the house was empty. I had a huge boner all day and I intended to jerk off before anyone got home. I went into my parents room and found my dad's Playboys that he had hidden under some sweaters in his closet. I carefully took one and tip-toed into the bathroom. My dick was so hard. I wanted to cum already and I hadn't even flipped the magazine open. My friend's had talked about sniffing his gf's panties and how good it smelled. Well I didn't have a gf at the time but I...
Been a while since I had spotted a rendezvous or had a fling myself. I have a new superior Amanda joining us on board recently and she is 1 hell of a chio woman. She belongs to those new age woman who can talk everything under the sky. She had always portrayed herself professionally as a corporate lady and she is my director of sales. Alas, my good impression of her was tarnished when I spotted her behaving intimately with a big client of our company. Always curious to check it out, I followed...
I worked for a graphic designer in the Upper West side of Manhattan. I was working on going to school to become one myself. I was in my second year, and had gone to a Vocational High School, and majored in Graphic Communications. I made sixteen dollars an hour, and did little designs here and there for small companies around the city. I had gained a spot on the team, not officially a graphic designer, but doing what they do. I’d been working for this company for eight months and was doing my...
InterracialGeorge rushed down the steps besides his pregnant sister. Cheryl's water had broken in her city apartment and the rush to the hospital was on. George flagged down a taxi and helped Cheryl inside. George told the driver the address of the hospital as lights flashed above him. "Look, I know you're going to get out, but under my contractual obligations, I'm required to say this is the Cash Cab, a TV game show that takes place in the back of my cab. What do you say do you want...
HumorEmma Staletto has just returned home with some shopping when she is greeted by Scarlett Sage. The girls unpack the groceries together, setting aside a package of popcorn for later. When movie night rolls around, they settle in on the couch together to hang out. When Scarlett glances over to see Emma’s miniskirt riding high on her thighs, she takes the opportunity to trail her fingers across Emma’s panties to tease her clit. Eyes on her love instead of the movie, Emma spreads her...
xmoviesforyouI was waiting by the pool when Mom came out of the women’s locker room. She was wearing the same conservative black one-piece swimsuit and swim goggles she always wore. There was something different about her. She seemed to stand a little taller and walk with more confidence in herself. We lined up on the pool’s deep end, dove in, and started doing our laps. We paced ourselves and stayed pretty much side by side as we did our laps and finished up at the same time. It was time for our race;...
One day I popped into the bathroom as my wife, H, was drying herself after a bath and took a quick pic on my phone. She got a bit annoyed and said she didn’t look good and what if someone saw it. I told her she looked great and loads of guys would love to see her like that. ‘Oh yeah ‘she replied. Yes, and I still don’t know what possessed me to say it, ‘I’ve got a mate who would love to see you topless, he comments on it all the time‘. She frowned and shut the door.I wasn’t lying, Justin, we...
'Well, ' those of you who say, 'Why didn't Andie use her watch to get them out of the storm?' 'Well, ' those of who you say, 'Why didn't David use his watch to get them out of the storm?' Hmm? Before the storm; 'Damn it all, ' thought Andrea and David in stereo, 'I can't use my watch. If I was alone I could.' Andrea didn't know David had a time piece. David didn't know Andrea had a time piece. (This is sounding like a Dick and Jane reader.) (With bigger words.) (I was...
Now the outdoor exercising restrictions are being eased, Nicky and step-mum Steff have extended their daily running routes, pausing occasionally to chat with other joggers and dog-walkers from a safe distance.Today was particularly hot and the sweat had turned their matching, tight running tops almost transparent, showing four succulent nipples.Because all charity shops were still closed, many of the residents of Stockbridge and surrounding villages had put unwanted items out on the street for...
Hi all,this is completely fiction, idea is to write erotica on different aspects of it, which helps the arousal around, mail me on for feedbacks, please respect girls, I do. It was a clear weekend in bangalore, I visited my usual pub to have my drink, my girl friend was out of town, it was a frustrating period to spend a weekend alone, I entered the pub, in the bar counter what I see shook my mind, sexy girls are not rare in bangalore, but the girl sitting there was pure magic, she was the...