- 4 years ago
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A Short Story By Implacable
Copyright 2004
I met Amanda at the local village pub in one of those natural, casual waysthat happen when you've finally given up trying to pick up women and just acceptedthat you are going to be single for the rest of your life.
I was living alone in the west country of England in a cottage on the coast.I had a modest regular income that allowed me to indulge my pretensions ofbecoming a serious writer. I adored the quiet of the country, the semi-isolation – mynearest neighbour was 100 metres away and as we were off the main road, therewas no traffic.
While I enjoyed my own company, I also enjoyed spending the occasional eveningin the local village pub. The folk were friendly enough, and there were enoughimmigrants from the big cities one way or another that there wasn't that closedcommunity hostility that sometimes poisons the idyllic life in a village.
So there I was one Friday evening in the Horse's Head. There was a reasonablecrowd, busy without being overwhelming. And there was no loud music playing.Heavens above! You could actually hear yourself talk, a far cry from one ofthose boisterous city pubs where you can only buy a drink through sign language!
I was standing at the bar, sipping on a pint, engaging in casual conversationwith several bar acquaintances in desultory sort of way. Suddenly a shriekerupted in one the booths. It was swiftly followed by a tirade of abuse. Theculprit was a young woman and the recipient was a stunned man who seemed incapableof responding to the volley of invective. In their mid-twenties, I assumedthat they were a couple. She stormed out of the pub followed by the ratherembarrassed young man who was clearly trying to mollify her.
"You know what his problem is?" a female voice opined from beside me, "Heshould be chasing her out the door to give her backside a good tanning, notto appease her wounded pride!"
I turned to look at the speaker. She was a reasonably attractive woman, thoughin my experience, most women can look attractive if they take the trouble todo so and keep themselves in shape. There you are, now you know I'm an unrepentantchauvinist! Auburn hair down to her shoulders, a pleasant summer dress, hazeleyes. I guessed her to be in her late 30s, but I'm notoriously inept at judginga woman's age.
"Too right!" I responded looking my new interlocutor. "Any woman tried thaton with me and she wouldn't sit comfortably for quite a while." Well I'd hada couple of points and apart from the one jarring episode we'd just witnessed,the mood was one that encouraged a degree of plain speaking.
Heaven's above - the smile I got back almost knocked me off my feet. It wasdefinitely a case of switching on the lights.
"I'm Amanda Karlson," still smiling as she introduced herself. "But my friendscall me Mandy." It's one of those funny things, but though we have since becomethe most intimate of friends, I never really could bring myself to callingher Mandy. To me she will always be Amanda. Somehow that small gesture of formalitywas so apt for our relationship.
"Robert, Robert Johnson. I'm so pleased to meet you." I never was a Bob orBobby, never will be. Can't help myself really, just have to be all stiff andformal. Probably that British diffidence that everyone else mistakes for arrogance.However, there was certainly good cause for stiffness in a certain quarterin chatting to this mature but rather sexy woman. The chemistry certainly seemedto be there, if I'm any judge – which of course I'm not, I'm bloody hopelessat understanding women and the subtleties of communication, but fortunatelyfor me, it was there anyway.
By mutual agreement I bought another round and we moved to a booth wherewe could talk with a little more privacy. After a few harmless pleasantriesI chanced my arm further and raised again my favourite topic – the chastisementof the female figure, with emphasis on the bottom.
"It sounds as though you were talking from experience when you suggestedhe give her a good hiding? So who's warming your bum at the moment?"
Now don't get me wrong, I'm not the sort of chap to come out with a linelike that in normal circumstances, but remember I'd had a couple of pointsto loosen the chains of inhibition and anyway, she'd raised the issue in thefirst place!
And you will of course realise that Amanda, being your normal female, hadalready figured out all the social related things like:
I wasn't married – nowedding ring or the lack of sun-tan where one should have been if I wasplaying truant.
I didn't have a live ingirl-friend – clothing not quite properly ironed, lacking that contented'three square home cooked meals' look.
Wasn't gay – God knowshow you can tell, cause I bloody can't (which has occasionally got me intono end of trouble on one or two occasions).
Clearly interested in succeedingin one of the most difficult things any girl can undertake – howto get herself soundly thrashed and fucked (sorry – engage in intimacy)without scaring the pants off the guy by asking for it.
So she didn't play coy in answering. No. For once in my life I got a straightanswer from a woman.
"Well no-one actually, more's the pity. How about you. Are you laying a fewtramlines across some lucky girl's sit-upon."
All I can say is – thank God for beer! I'd usually be tongue-tied andgibbering by now. Honestly if a relative stranger came up to you and basicallyasked you to thrash her bum, how would you react? But this time, I was suave,I was sophisticated, well actually about half cut, but I thought I was suaveand she didn't run off so it amounts to just about the same thing in my book.
"I happen to be between engagements," not a bad way of saying that I hadn'tbeaten a girl in many months. Come to that, it had been a jolly long time sinceI'd even had a girl's knickers down at all. "Would you care to adjourn to myplace where we can discuss this in more privacy and perhaps examine the seatof the problem?" You could tell I was definitely sliding smoothly on the lubricationof alcohol – which is a blessing for all concerned. As any sensible womanknows, you have to make allowances for mere males, be they the gods or not.
To cut the story short – and get to the good bits, we did indeed moveto my place. I had a strong suspicion that my erection had become petrifiedand obvious was not the word as we entered the house. She put her hand to thefront of my trousers and and looking into my eyes, smiled that smile again.
"Been a while Robert?"
"Nice girls don't fondle a man until they've been given permission. Thatmakes you a naughty girl, and naughty girls have their bottoms bared and smacked.Smacked hard." I said with mock severity, all the while desperately tryingnot to ejaculate into my underwear.
"Ooh, I think I'd rather like that." She replied, giving my tent a good squeezethat sent jolts of lightening through me. "But perhaps I should deal with thisfirst, otherwise you might wet your trousers. I've got very wet knickers andI know how uncomfortable it can be unless you can get them off quickly."
By this time, I think I had definitely become a babbling idiot. Have youever noticed how juvenile conversation becomes when sex is involved. Two grownadults who would otherwise discuss any range of issues in a mature and intellectualmanner just throw all of that culture and maturity away and revert to the mostembarrassing childish tripe.
There is no question that on this first meeting, Amanda took control, likeany good submissive. She led the way in almost everything. Even when I startedto beat her, she had engineered the situation to ensure that things proceededsmoothly. Since our relationship has developed, this is no longer the case.It is I who now call the shots … except, of course, when she wishesto achieve a certain outcome and then, on looking back, I will be forced torecognise that she, in her subtle, gentle way, has led me again. In such situationsit is almost always that she wants me to treat her more harshly, to be morecruel, to be more outrageous, disgusting and depraved, to go beyond my ownstandards of where to draw the line. It took some while for this understandingto arise.
Thus it was that I soon discovered how good, no not good, fantastic! Amandawas at "la pipe" as our French colleagues say. She licked and sucked on mycock, stripping both me and herself at the same time (I still marvel at howwomen can deal with bras one handed). It didn't take very long for me to fillher mouth. And, heaven be praised, she swallowed my spunk to the last drop,except for a small amount that she dribbled out of her mouth. A very, very,erotic trick that all the girls in porn movies know how to do. Seeing it inreal life was a thousand times more of a turn on, I promise you. And then shelicked it up again. Wow is the only expression that goes close. Just plainWOW.
I pride myself on being a gentleman. Well, we all have our conceits don'twe. So, my main tackle being temporarily out of ammunition, and quite franklydrooping and shrivelled, I resorted to tongue and fingers to investigate thiswild-fire woman that had somehow got the wrong address and picked me! I ravishedher. With some pride I exclaim to world that I did not stop when she reachedher first orgasm that night, I took her to three in that first session alone,the last one involving a most satisfying impalement on my resuscitated equipment.
During the skirmish she came across another of my little oddities, my fascinationwith not only her buttocks, but with her anus. When it became clear that Amandawas truly made in heaven just for me and that her anus was one of her erogenouszones, my initial tentative touches became rather extended lickings and fingerings.She whispered to me that she loved the attention but that she only allowedbuggery after a beating. Fair enough, I thought at the time. I still do. Sufficeto say that is a rule that we both strictly adhere to, to this day, and shegets buggered rather often.
Coffee restored us somewhat and allowed us to have a slightly more rationalconversation about our mutual desires and expectations.
It turned out the Amanda had been married up until about five years before,when she had lost her husband in a road accident. The marriage had been a veryhappy one, and one in which she had early learned of the pleasures of submittingto frequent and very thorough punishment. She indicated that if her bottomwas always well marked and very sore, it wasn't the only part of her body thatshe was agreeable to being whipped. Her eyes sparkled with remembered pleasureand tears of loss as she recalled her life with her very much loved master.As ridiculous as it must have looked, two naked near middle aged adults holdinghands and discussing tender moments was most poignant.
Losing her husband had meant that she had been cut adrift in life, reasonablycomfortably financially, but without the anchor on which she had come to rely.A series of affairs had proved unsatisfactory with most men running a milewhen they understood her need to be physically dominated and punished.
She had turned to other women to see if she could fill her needs throughthat avenue. She told me how she had enjoyed the experience and rather enjoyedthe taste of a woman's sex and still happily went to bed with other women fromtime to time. She had formed some close friendships, one with a woman who thrashedher as hard as any man, but in the end they didn't quite fulfil her the waya relationship with a true master did. And so she had kept looking.
We talked a lot that first evening. Once the first raging passion had beendealt with, we were able to explore each other's minds at leisure. It was importantfor me to understand Amanda's needs as well as her limits. Apparently she didn'thave any! At least none to which she would admit then. Having spent some yearstesting this theory out, I have to admit that her limits are those of her physicalbody, not her mind or her ability to take pain. But you have to take thesethings a little carefully, even if the lady in question is desperate to bethrashed to a 'fair thee well'. One previous experience leads me to exercisecaution, at least at first, when introducing a woman to severe chastisement.It is far easier to step up the tempo than to withdraw a cane stroke that wenttoo far.
We slipped most naturally into our first spanking. After much talking anddesultory kissing and fondling (my appendage was well in evidence and readyfor another innings), I just pulled her over my lap. "Time to put the handto the plough Amanda dear, or rather to the bottom," I joked rather excitedlyas my first slap smacked loudly into her pale flesh of her behind.
In my experience, I have never seen a woman so wantonly seeking a beating.No pretence, no game playing, she lay over my lap perfectly presented. "Layon McDuff," she giggled.
Affronted by such misuse of the Bard's good work, I proceeded to delivera rather extended series of smacks. And I have to admit, shrieks of "Harder" and "Can'tyou do better than that" did rather cause me to increase the tempo and forcesomewhat. After five minutes, I'd admit to being rather heavy handed. But atleast I'd quietened the demand for extra verve and there was even the odd "Ow" anda few cries, particularly when I moved from reddened buttocks to fleshy thighs.
A few moments rest, after all my poor hand was fairly stinging, and her bottomand thighs had that rather appealing tone common to ladies who've been wellsmacked. Amanda wasn't crying, she's made of much sterner stuff than that.But the insolent banter had gone, to be replaced by a rather more thoughtfullook on her face as she squirmed and rubbed her bottom, until I made her standin the corner with hands on head. Not original I know, but there is a pleasingaspect to this tradition. Seeing a well reddened bottom squirming while thenaked owner stares at the corner under my command, not allowed to touch saidsame scorching bum is rather a turn on, I must say.
I then spoke words that, to this day, she both loves and hates to hear, "Bringme your hairbrush."
I knew she had one with her because she had told me that she always carriedone in memory of her late husband who required her to have it handy at alltimes. He and I had a lot in common for we both considered our favourite implementsto be the cane and the hairbrush. I have followed his lead and I also requireAmanda to have her brush with her at all times. It certainly comes in handywhen we are travelling and I want to stop to give her a quick thrashing onthe side of the road and I'm after something rather more devastating than myhand.
The hairbrush is for tears. I always beat Amanda's bottom and thighs withher brush until she weeps for me. I have not yet failed to achieve this accoladeto the severity with which I treat her. It is exceedingly effective when appliedto a well bruised bottom. I love to cane Amanda then follow up with a sessionwith the hair brush a little while later. I find the effect of a small delaymost salutary in tenderising the affected area.
When she presented me with her hairbrush that first time, on her knees, Icouldn't resist the temptation. I had her take my penis in her mouth againand pay it the homage that she so loves to. As she sucked away, I gently brushedher hair. When she had finished, I had her lay over my lap again and took thebrush to her bottom with gusto.
I find the brush cracks against her behind with a most satisfying sound,leaves excellent marks and draws forth cries and yells within a few smacksand tears usually follow not too long after. However, on that first evening,I was not completely satisfied with my handiwork after two dozen hard thwacks,though Amanda had exhibited copious symptoms that the beating was highly effective.I had her change position by leaning over the back of a lounge chair with herhead on the seat. In this position not only were her buttocks beautifully presentedand nicely tight, but her thighs were in a perfect position, not to mentionthe sulcus between bottom and thigh which had been somewhat protected as shelay over my lap.
We did not count stokes. I have never really valued this aspect of CP, notthe least because I never beat a woman with a set number in mind. On that occasion,I thrashed this beautiful woman with her hairbrush until she wept. And thenI beat her some more. And she cried and begged and pleaded. The funny thingwas, she never once begged me to stop, her pleas were decidedly non specific.She was bending over the chair of her own free will and could have got up atany time, but she didn't. She lay there soaking up the fiercest hairbrush thrashingI had ever delivered up to that time, and cried and wailed and screamed. Ifound out later that she had orgasmed during that thrashing, and had thoroughlyenjoyed it and had not particularly needed it to stop when it did. But stopit did.
I cuddled a sobbing child-woman in my arms for some minutes until she quietened.Then she disentangled herself from my arms and went to her handbag. Smilingthrough her still wet eyes, she handed me a tube of lubricant. "Now it's timefor buggery," she said, and again draped herself over the same chair over whichI had just thrashed her.
"Just a moment." I said. "I have a very firm rule about anal sex. I ratherprefer the area to be well prepared. While I am rather partial to using a womanthat way, before I take my pleasure in your arse, I must ask you to agree tomy rule. Anything that goes into your behind, be it my finger, my prick, avibrator or whatever, afterwards goes into your mouth. I find that helps agirl to remember that cleanliness is important. I also require you to be availableto me whenever I desire your behind. However, I accept your condition thatyou be beaten before buggery. Do you agree?"
"But I haven't had a chance to prepare myself properly this time." she gasped.
"I suggest that it will provide you with an invaluable lesson for the future,even if for tonight it leaves a nasty taste in your mouth."
Suffice to say she somewhat reluctantly agreed and suffered the consequenceswith an admirable stoicism. She even admitted later that, while she was notscatologically inclined, the imposition of my will on her in that way had beena real turn on. However, as general rule, my condition has had the desiredeffect and she is careful to ensure that not only is she always well lubricated,but she takes an enema daily to avoid a repetition of the unwanted complicationsof a soiled cock.
I didn't cane Amanda that evening. After taking my pleasure in her behind,and using her mouth, I had her stand in the corner again. It is an absolutedelight for me to watch my lover stand in the corner with a thoroughly thrashedbottom with my semen seeping from her anus, trickling down her thighs. It isa pleasure I indulge in most regularly, though more often than not, I haveAmanda wear stockings and high heels – that way the semen pools at thestocking tops for a while. Yes I know I'm a degenerate, but believe me whenI say that Amanda takes great pleasure in it as well.
And if I didn't cane her that first night, I made up for it by caning herbefore breakfast the next morning. And then again mid-morning. You'll thinkme a cad, I know, but I couldn't resist attending to a thoroughly welted andbruised but willing bottom again with the cane that Saturday evening. And aftereach of the canings, I followed up with the hairbrush. By Jove! How she wailedand wept, and afterwards smiled and laughed through her tears.
And I've been caning her ever since. I've acquired any number of instrumentsfor her chastisement and I've been far more severe with this woman than I wouldhave thought possible and the marvel of it is that, the more I beat her andtorture her, the more she seems to blossom and take pleasure in it all. Neverwas a man so blessed!
She has never agreed to marry me, mostly I think out of respect for her latehusband. But in all other respects she is my partner and mate for life. Andoh, what a life!
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LesbianHaving just had a wonderful masturbation session with my little 18 year old schoolgirl sister, Sally, after she came home from an evening out with friends to find me masturbating into a pair of her maroon cotton schoolgirl knickers, we were sitting having a quiet glass of wine while we discussed what had happened between us."You know big brother, you really are a randy bugger and I really do feel lucky to have you." Sally said."I feel the same way about you," I told her, adding, "Even although...
IncestAnn's eyes were still on the stage her breath coming in gasps as the curtain closed. She had never been so excited, sexually by anything and it frightened her. To actually see a beautiful young girl subjugated by an animal was far beyond the scope of her imagination--and for the girl to enjoy it the way she did with the St. Bernard was beyond anyone's imagination. Ann was a nervous wreck when Ramon announced that the lights would be turned on in three minutes. There was a bustle of clothing...
The lights are dim, and soft music is playing as you enter through the doorway. You see a candle or two set out, adding a floral scent to the room. The massage table is laid out in the center of the room, with ample space for your masseuse to walk around you while you're lying down. A chair is set out, and you leave your robe on it as you make your way onto the table. You take a couple of towels lying nearby and cover your breasts and pelvis as you lay on your back on the table. The final...
Chapter 14 All I could do was stare. I thought I was imagining it, but there it was, a cock! Barbara has a cock between those beautiful legs. "I guess you hate me now, don't you?" she asked. While I'd been staring at her crotch, she'd raised up on her elbows and was looking at me. I could see sadness on her face. I found that I wasn't mad at her though. I could feel the pain she was in and I reached out to touch her cock for the first time. "Don't!" she said. "Buy why?" I asked. "Because...
HMP Wormwood Scrubs (Her Majesty's Pleasure) 1145 Hours, Dee's Night Shift.It was a lonely night for Dee. She was on prison duty tonight and she knew why. She had rejected the advances of her overweight, slimy boss, David, who would not take no for an answer, and when he was told otherwise, knew how to make her come around: night shift in the men’s quarters of the prison.She was beautiful, her long, red hair hung around her shoulders and neck like a burning flame. Her piercing hazel eyes bore...
Love StoriesThe first time I met Cindy for the first time was breathtaking. The second time I met her for the first time was heartbreaking. Let's back up a bit, shall we? I was always a bit of a contrarian. Part of my nature, I suppose. I discovered early on that when someone told me I would do so-and-so, I would go out of my way to ensure it would not happen. Example: I read, in about fourth grade, that a right-handed man will invariably put his left leg in his pants first. So what do you suppose I...
Hi my name is David. I was 16 when I got my girlfriend pregnant in high school. She was a lovely redhead with C cups at 5' 4" she was just gorgeous. We dated through high school and graduated together. After high school we moved into an apartment and I went to the local college and worked nights at the local factory. My girlfriend stay home and took care of our daughter Megan. Working at the factory and going to college was tough financially and romantically. Our love life had...
Day twenty-five, 4:19 pm Charlene I watched James hook up the dead buffalo and drag it up into the bed of the truck. Looking around for any danger I didn't see any. Hearing a noise I looked back as James tossed the boards into the bed of the truck so I shut the winch off. Picking up my rifle, I stood by the door. My love walked over to the ATV, when a noise caught my ears. Looking around and then up, I screamed as the bird dove towards James. Snapping my rifle to my shoulder I fired four...
M sys s*s and I are twins. We both just graduated from high school and we both have been accepted to good schools. Jenni is headed to the west coast and I’m going to a Big 10 school. Mom and Dad sent us to San Diego for a week as part of a graduation present. Jenni is about 5’9”, long brown hair and long lean legs. She has small to medium sized tits and she is very athletic. We (family) belong to a a country club so we are always playing tennis, golf or swimming. Jenni has a deep tan from all...
It took a few minutes for her to finally calm down enough so she could move and talk. "Where the hell did you ever get the idea to do that to my ass?" she asked him as she rolled over."I was trying to get you off of me so I could breathe," he told her. "I was almost passing out.""Sorry," she apologized softly. "I've never felt anything so fucking intense in my entire life! It was incredible, Clark!" She then started to frantically kiss his whole face, tasting herself everywhere she placed her...
Text: I want you. The text was simple and made the phone in his pocket vibrate once with a small, happy-sounding chirp upon delivery. He thought about checking it but ignored it in favor of the conversation going on at the table around him. It wasn’t that he was paying much attention to what was being said, exactly, but it felt wrong to check the text when the discussion around him was more serious than a conversation about the weather. He looked across the table and watched as his girlfriend...
MasturbationMy name is Roxanne, I am a 30 year old brunette with 38DD and a good figure if I do say so myself. I am married to Alun, we have been together for 10 years and had one swinging session once on holiday with a Turkish waiter. I wanted more, Alun has a big dick but he does not have the sexual appetite that I have. We have sex 3 times a week and always on a Sunday morning. I have always fancied anal sex but Alun does not. He is not convinced he would like it, so it looks like I am going to remain...
"Isobel, Isobel, Isobel" I sighed exasperatedly. I'd come home to find the house apparently empty, but trace of her perfume lingering in the air told me otherwise. I'd made my way to the bathroom to be greeted by the site of her luxuriating in her ritual two-hour bath. There were adjuncts to the ritual that I had just been invited to explore and this was the cause of my apparent exasperation. "Yes dear?" She grinned at me disarmingly. "You won't persuade me this time, Isobel." I...
Saturday late night I was driving in the highway, coming back from a rock band concert out of town, when Anita asked me to stop at a rest place. I looked at her and she smiled at me…She got out of the car and asked me to follow her. She whispered in my ear she was so fucking horny that night…I fucked her in one of the stalls in the ladies’ room. It was pretty cool, especially with other women coming in and out of the restroom the whole time. We could hear them doing their business and talking...
The next afternoon I was informed by Randy that I was to be meeting Mr Sato at 7:00 PM this coming Friday for dinner. Dress was formal. He gave me a card from a downtown hotel with the room number on it. I took it in stride, saying thank you to Randy and set an alarm and a note in my phone. I called Ann and told her to schedule the dance for Saturday instead of Friday. We talked a while and assured each other that things were going fine. She had a hair appointment for lunch today so we made...
Hi my name subhasis me odissa se hu .Meri age 19year.Merime engineering karehi hu .Hamari family me 4 log he me or meri bhia and mami papa. Any girls and anti or bhabi plz contact me my gmail Me storeis pe ata hu hamari ghara me pass ek family re thiye us family 3 log he. Is stories ka heroin pooja and us ki mami papa. Pooja ki bareme batata hu pooja bhahat safed upper she niche tak one color.Uski size 32-30-34 .Hoga uski age 23year. B.Tech karehi he.Uska or hamara ghara ko ana jana he .Uske...
Hiii Guys, this is anurag here from mum,main mumbai me rehta hu,meri age 26 ki hai, 6 fit hieght hai, story yaha se shuru hoti hai, aur meri baju wali bldg me samne wale flat me sheetal bhabhi rehti hai, uski shadi ko abhi 3 saal huwe hai, unke husband ka business hai surat me saree ka. wo mahine me ek baar to surat pakka jate hi hai,to story yaha se start hoti hai, sheetal bhabhi ka figure 36/30/34 hai, wo bohot gori hai, bade baal hai, aur dikhne me bohot sexy hai, bohot lambi hai, maine use...
The party was my idea. I'm Helen Shore. It is a Halloween costume party with all thirty-five of the women wearing the same red Can-Can dresses, with long sleeves, high necks, short skirts fringed by fluffy crêpe. I am providing violet contact glasses to each woman, because one of the husbands told me, when I called, that he could pick out his wife by looking at the color of her eyes. We all will have wigs, and red masks, so that the fellows will have no idea who they are dancing with. My...
"Hi out their in internet land I'm Miranda Cosgrove and this is iCarly behind the scenes!," she said. "And on tonight you're gonna see me get oiled up and have all my holes fucked licked and see me get cummed on now lets get going."With that Nathan took the cap completely off and poured the oil all over Miranda's face and body. Even getting some in her hair and down her back. Miranda for her part rubbed the oil sexily all over herself. Until the bottle was almost empty. Miranda then moved onto...
Waking up at 5:30 a.m. John continues to lay there cuddling Wendy as she wakes up, followed by Brooke. A few minutes before 6:00 a.m. they stand at the window and watch as Marcia gets the papers. When James arrives the building workers, who were busy getting set for the day, stop and make themselves comfortable. Marcia strides out and gets the papers, nodding at the men like a queen acknowledging her court. As she’s walking back to the house and the men are now buying their papers one of the...
I am a 27 y.o. married black truck driver. I travel the western U.S. and Canada. I met a guy on here who is 70 and his wife is 66. He sent me some clothed pics of her and she is still attractive. He said he was no longer interested in fucking her but had fantasies about her taking a young black guy like me. He said he only had 5" when it used to get hard and it turned him on thinking about her taking my hard black 10". I asked him what she thought about it? and he said she was very religious...
I’m addicted to eating shit from men and womens arses. I have been eating shit for over 50 years and love it. I eat my own shit nearly every day and although I enjoy it, nothing is better than someone especially women kneeling over my face and taking a dump straight in my mouth.I‘ve been eating shit for over 50 years ago since I was about 10 years old and shortly afterwards I ate shit from anybodies arse who would shit in my mouth, of course I would drink piss from a cunt or cock to flush the...
Sam loves hanging out with Carly, but she feels slightly awkward around her, she makes her feel so strange. She finds out she's not the only one who feels this way, when she goes over to Carly's house.BTW- iCarly does not belong to me, but I do have a pretty awesome chinchilla*SAM*"It's raining again" I said, turning to face my best friend."What do expect, it's Seattle," she answered.I reached for the popcorn off her lap. I was in Carly's living room, watching TV, sleeping over again. It didn't...
We read today two contrasting stories about the same thing, 'Care for the elderly', one in the UK, about untold abuses, and here in Sweden, where it's all rosy and fun, with dances and outings, the stuff that makes their lives worth waking up to each morning.As a young teenage girl, going into nursing was a profession you aspired too, and you threw yourself into your training, but occasionally, your youthful exuberance, would lead you into sexual contact, the unspoken hand job and grope...
Quentin and Larry Quentin and Larry were the best of friends, right up to the point everything fell apart, and nobody was ever quite the same. Both boys were very similar in body type. They were both slender, with soft, almost feminine faces. This lead them to be the targets of local bullies, and so they only really had each other for friends for a long time. If boys tended to treat Quentin and Larry like punching bags, the reaction of girls was a little more complicated. Some...
Hello ISS fans! I am Dheena from Chennai and this is my first story at ISS. I work in an MNC and my favorite pastime is to do kinky role-play with girls/aunts that I meet on sex chat sites. Sometimes, I also do role-play chat with guys where we tag team. We share our fantasy of fucking the girls in our life or imaginary sluts like actresses, movie characters, and porn stars. During these role plays, I have spun a lot of interesting sex stories that I would like to share with you...
Reformation 2127 Masturbation: Prohibited Reformation: 2127 by Tanya Simmonds Part 1 ? The Origin of the New Order On January 1st,2125, the Western World became a dictatorship - the female gender had become totally dominant over all males.It had been developing for a very long time; the suffragettes of the early 1900?s; the Women?s Liberation Movement of the 1970?s; by the late 1970?s the World bore witness to the female standing in one of the most powerful positions on Earth and...
There is little I enjoy more of an evening than grabbing a seductive bottle of Tempranillo or Malbec, and with that in one hand and an over-large wine glass in the other, I tiptoe my way up creaking stairs to the sanctuary of my bedroom. Kicking off my heels I curl myself up in my Lloyd Loom chair and settle in as dusk's purple hues weave and merge amongst the gathering gloom. Settled and content, I survey the smattering of lighted windows and brooding brickwork that is my world, my...
WatersportsThis is the second part in what I hope will be a trilogy of stories about an old friend's 43y/o kinky mother. If you have not already read part one please read it, in order to have some background on story and characters. It is set in the winter of 1996 when I was 19 years old. Only certain aspects of this part are true, mostly this part is fictional. - enjoy.I awoke lying next to my friend's Mother sometime after 5am. Her head was resting serenely on my chest, as her arms were wrapped around...
Suchita tv baght hoti,tevthhyat darachi bel vajate.Suchita dar ughadate ani hasun vicky la aat ghete.Aaj suchita ne yellow colourchi sadi nesaleli hoti.Sadi nehamipramane chapun chupun nesaleli hoti.Fikkat yellow colourche blouse ghatalele hote.Blouse pathhimagun barach chhota hota,tyamule pathh barich ughdi hoti.Hatat hirvya rangachya bangadya ani kapalavar barik lal tikli suchitache soundarya khulavat hote.Vicky aaj far divasani aaplya mavshikade aala hota.Suchita khup khush...
IncestChapter Introduction There is good news for Joe and Jenny, an anxious day for some Senior Officers of the Metropolitan Police, an interesting moment as Stephen Appleyard pulls another rabbit out of his hat and a sober reflection from Chief Inspector Grantby about the purpose of policing. Jigsaw It’s a good day for Joseph and Jennifer McEwan! Today, two letters arrived in the post. One told them that their Insurers were prepared to honour their home and contents insurance policy. It means...
The RASH Part 2 by Princess Pantyboy (I added a couple of paragraphs from part 1 to make the reading go smoother. I hope you enjoy my newest story. Hugs Princess) I turn around to look at the big mirror that is over the sink and all I can see real fast was the yellow puffy sleeves and then the top of the sink. I hate being so small as we leave the ladies room. I am smiling, I am so happy not wearing the pink girly hospital gown and then I see a full mirror from floor to...