Rub a Dub Dub Meeting Violet
- 4 years ago
- 37
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Hello all ISS fans. This is Abhishek Singh, a 18 years old boy from Delhi. I have written many stories in ISS from past one year. But from few weeks I have been quite for some personal reasons. But know there will be some blast from the past by me. Now I will write only insect stories in ISS and I am sure that u will enjoy too much. This story starts from here… There is no comparison in the way this day began and the way it ended up. In fact, this day changed my entire life as well as the lives of most of the rest of my family. I’m sure most would say all was progressing quite innocently up until the time when I went into the bathroom where my mother was taking her Sunday morning bubble bath. I was after a towel since the other bathroom had run out of its supply. That was a common occurrence when my sister, Sissy, happened to take a bath before me. Admittedly, she has beautiful long blonde hair, but it takes three, sometimes four, towels to get it dry enough to suit her.
Barging in on Mom while she was soaking in her bubble bath was not a shocking event in this household. She was usually covered all the way up to her chin in the suds so nothing revealing was there to be seen. Today, however, she was sitting higher in the tub when I entered, and I got a very good view of what she had been hiding all these years. Both knees were protruding from the thick cover of suds as was her left shoulder and the better part of her left breast. The sight was quite arousing for me being a young man of nineteen. I was well into puberty now, and even the right smile on a woman’s lips caused me to develop an erection. I had already accepted the fact that I had no control whatsoever over my hormones, so when Junior wanted to flex his muscles I just let him. The major difference this time was that he and I had an onlooker. Mom was just about eye-level with my crotch when I stretched over the tub to retrieve a towel from the rack high above the rear end of the tub.
“Tommy,” she said very softly, “there is a bulge in your jeans, and it is getting bigger and bigger.”
“I know,” I said apologetically. “I tried to prevent it from doing that, but when I saw your bare breast when I came into the bathroom I lost control.”
“Don’t apologize, Son,” Mom continued in her soft voice. “I just hadn’t realized that you had grown up so completely. That’s quite a bulge, young man.”
“Please, Mom,” I begged as I tried to twist away and hide my imposing manhood. “I didn’t want this to happen. I’ll go.”
“Nonsense, Honey,” she said unable to keep the broad smile from her lips. “So my bare boob turned you on, did it?”
“Mom,” I exclaimed. I think she was flirting with me.
“Come on now, son,” she said in a reassuring tone. “You’ve gotten yourself all worked up now so don’t you think you ought to let that big boy out of the barn before he hurts himself?”
“Do what?” I cried. I couldn’t believe my ears. My mom wanted to see my cock. This must be a nightmare. I needed to wake up.
“Come on now, Hon,” she cooed, “it’s just you and your old mom here so let the fella out before you hurt yourself.”
“But you’re my mother,” I reminded her.
“That’s right, young man,” she said in a good-natured but stern voice, “so we both know that I have seen your little wee-wee on hundreds of occasions in the past.” I hadn’t noticed, but her hand was at my fly. She tugged gently, and my zipper surrendered without resistance. She worked her forefinger into my pants, and with very little effort managed to flip my dong out into view. “Nice,” she said with a big sigh. “You have grown since the last time I played with this lizard.” She was smiling broadly.
I was standing erect now. Both my body and my pecker were erect. I think I had dropped the towel I was after into her bubble bath blowing away the majority of her sudsy cover. I gazed at both of her bare breasts as they floated on top of the water. My cock must have jerked with a spasm at the sight.
“Careful now, Tommy,” she teased, “Your thing is liable to explode if you’re not careful.” There was a sparkle in her eyes, and a broad smile on her face. She was truly enjoying our intimate encounter.
“This is embarrassing for me, Mom,” I sputtered. “It’s just not right.”
“Nonsense, Tommy,” she huffed. “If it feels good then it is good I always say.” She calmly tucked her legs beneath her full butt and lifted her body to a kneeling position. I was looking at my completely naked mother for the first time up this close. Her full breasts were gleaming from the soapy water, and the pubic hair at her crotch was still speckled with the bubbles. My balls were aching, and my cock was pulsating. I squirmed in response to the excruciating pleasure I felt.
“Take off your pants, Tommy,” she said in a voice that sounded husky and sweet at the same time. She had never used this tone with me before, but I liked it. I didn’t argue. I slid my jeans down my legs to the floor. My bare butt and my raging, beet red cock were totally free. “Come closer,” she said in that same voice as she reached out for my pecker. “I’ll make you feel much better.”
“Are you sure we . . .” I was asking as her mouth closed over the head of my tool. The sensation of her lips around my shaft and her tongue massaging my cock head was excitingly new for me. An extremely warm surge of heat spread throughout my body. I could feel my balls jumping in my sack. “Holy shit, Mom,” I gasped, “I’m going to come.”
She removed her mouth from my cock long enough for two short words. “I know.”
My orgasm was a show-stopper. My cock bucked in her mouth, but she didn’t miss a stroke. Her mouth traveled farther up and down my cock as I belched my wad into her throat. “Oh wow,” was all I could manage to say.
“Did you like that?”
“Fantastic,” I muttered and I sank slowly to my knees.
“Get in,” Mom said as she moved back in the tub to make room for me. “We’re going to have some more fun.”
“But I’m getting limp. You took a lot out of me,” I said as I stepped into the sudsy water.
“Don’t you worry about that, my boy; I can get you hard again when the time comes.”
We were sitting facing each other in the tub, and her magnificent breasts were there for the taking. Mom must have read my mind.
“Go ahead, Baby. Touch them. Kiss them. Suck on my nipples and watch them get hard just like your pecker does.”
“Really,” I muttered in sheer wonderment as I leaned forward to experience this phenomenon for myself. Her breasts were indeed soft and warm to my touch. Mom was breathing heavily now as she took my head in her hands and pressed my mouth firmly against her boobs.
“That feels wonderful, Tommy. Now suck a nipple into your mouth and let your tongue play with it. It will get harder when you do.”
I had always obeyed my parents, but I had never before been so eager to do so. I sucked a nipple into my mouth, I heard Mom gasp, and I felt the little nub getting harder. I massaged her tits gently as I sucked on her nipples. We were both breathing heavily now.
Mom reached under the suds and felt my cock. It was slowly reviving because of our titty foreplay, but her hand on the tool definitely accelerated the process. She leaned forward and put her lips next to my ear. “Touch my pussy, Tommy. My pussy wants to feel your hand on it.”
I was just a little nervous about feeling my mom’s pussy, but I wasn’t going to miss this opportunity for anything in the world. I eased my hand beneath the water. I felt Mom’s hand on mine as she guided me to where she wanted me to go. I recognized the abundance of pubic hair as my hand reached her crotch. Mom pressed on until my fingers were embedded in the slit guarding her vagina. Her lips were still at my ear.
“Put a finger in my pussy hole, Tommy. Put two fingers in there and feel around.” She gasped softly when I did as I was told. She squeezed my cock gently, and it responded like the horny little tool it was. “Keep doing that, Tommy, and we are going to fuck in just a few minutes. Would you like that?”
“Oh yeah,” I sputtered. I pushed my fingers deeper into her pussy. Without realizing I had done it, I had three fingers inside her. She was moaning and grinding her pussy against my hand.
“Are you ready to fuck Mommy, Tommy?” She was breathing heavily and now she was gasping and panting as she spoke.
“The sooner the better,” I admitted. “I’m as hard as a rock.”
“I want you to fuck your Mama like the bitch she is, Tommy. Doggie style.” With that she unplugged my mouth from her tit and my hand from her crotch. She released my cock and turned and presented herself to me on all fours. I was staring at her swollen pussy when I heard her say, “Do me, Baby. My pussy is begging for you to come inside.” I know it was my imagination, but I could have sworn her puffy pussy winked at me.
I rose to my knees and placed the head of my cock at her puffy pussy door. I pressed forward.
“Welcome, Sir,” she cooed. “There’s plenty of room. Come on in.”
I pressed forward until my body was tight against her buttocks. I ground my pelvis against her making my cock head move about
“Ooooh, I like that. Now pump away. I want my son to make me come for his first time. Come on. I’ll help.”
Again, I did as I was told. The faster I would drive my cock into her the harder she would rise to meet my thrust. I didn’t know it at the time, but I was nudging her cervix frequently. She was grunting with nearly every stroke. I grunted with every stroke. Then the inevitable arrived. My balls sent their message that Mr. Orgasm was on his way. Sure enough he banged at the door.
Bang, wham, boom, pow. Spurt, trickle and ooze. The deed was done.
“Don’t stop, Tommy,” Mom cried. “I’m almost there. Keep pumping. Please.”
I was still hard so I did as I was told. In fact, I was so turned on from this coupling thing that I literally pounded away at my mother’s hole with a sweet vengeance. Moments later Mom’s commentary convinced me that her time had arrived. She was wiggling her ass wildly, and singing the praises of total satisfaction. Obviously, I had done well.
At the same time I had spent a considerable amount of my energy in satisfying, in her own words, my mother the bitch. I liked that doggie style we use, and I knew I would be using it again in the future. At this moment, however, I was laid back against the back end of the tub regaining my strength. Mom had assumed of position between my legs with her back pressed along my front torso. My flaccid cock was moored comfortably underwater in the upper crack of her ass.
“Am I interrupting something?” the sweet young voice asked from the bathroom doorway.
“Oh shit,” was the only intelligent thing I could think of to say under the circumstances. My little sister was leaning against the door jamb and observing our nakedness in the tub.
“Hi, Sissy,” Mom said cheerfully like this intrusion was an everyday occurrence. Sissy was in her customary weekend attire. She wore short shorts and probably one of my T-shirts. Her braless boobs were evidenced by the vivid outline of her firm breasts and her perky nipples. “I just showed your brother how to get temporary relief from that perpetual hard on of his.”
“I know what you mean,” Sissy commented. “I’ve given him a few hand jobs here lately myself.” From the tone of the conversation you would think we were discussing last night’s TV movie at the breakfast table.
“Did you do a good job?” Mom asked seriously. “Tell me about it.”
“Well,” Sissy began, “I noticed on several occasions here lately about bed time that he was roaming around the house with this tent pole in his shorts. We discussed his problem as brother and sister should, and he told me the only way he could get relief was to beat his meat. He showed me how he masturbated, and it looked like fun. I did it for him that first night. We both had a good time. The next night we did the same thing, and had fun again. The third night for some reason he didn’t have a hard on when I came to his room. After a short discussion, I stripped off my clothes and watched his rod immediately grow and stiffen. That’s our routine now – nearly every night.”
“And what does he do for you?” Mom asked.
Sissy and I looked at each other before answering.
“Well, Sissy is usually between my legs so I can’t do much for her while she is jacking me off, but when she finishes I usually play with her titties or massage her pussy for a while. We don’t want to mess up her flower,” I added very quickly.
“How thoughtful,” Mom mused. “But I think it is time you two learned more about making each other feel good without jeopardizing Sissy’s virginity, Want me to show you?”
“Yes,” we cried in unison.
Mom looked over at Sissy still standing in the doorway, and then with a big smile on her face she said, “Show us your monkey, girl.”
Sissy hesitated for a second, but only a second. She stepped over to the tub in front of me. “You do my pants, Tommy,” she purred as she flipped her t-shirt over her head. I honored her request as quickly as I could. The sight of her firm young breasts and her recently shaved pussy were by no means a new sight, but they were definitely an arousing influence for a perpetually horny young man such as me.
Sissy’s nude body was such a distraction that I forgot until now that Mom was lying against my pecker.
“Tommy, you little rascal,” Mom squealed. “Sissy, your brother has already shot his wad twice this morning, and he’s loading his gun again. Look,” she continued as she stood in the tub. My cock head was at the surface of the bath water. Both women giggled.
“Watch this carefully, kids,” Mom said as she stepped out of the tub. She may have been forty years old, but she still had a terrific body. “Sissy, sit on the toilet seat, and spread your legs.” As Sissy did as she was told, Mom kneeled between her legs and begin lightly kissing her inner thighs. There was no doubt about Sissy liking what Mom was doing. She spread her legs wider, and started massaging her breasts. Her eyes were closed. My dick was standing tall and watching. I was amazed at how Sissy’s pussy lips swelled as Mom tantalized her crotch. Mom briefly broke away with her pleasure with Sissy and looked at me watching every move the two women were taking.
“Stand up, Tommy,” Mom gasped breathlessly. I did so, and my flag was waving for all glory. “Watch this, Sissy,” she continued with bated breath and she clutched my erection and guided it into her mouth. Her head bobbed a few times oon my cock, and then she said, “Sissy, you take over.” Sissy’s head was about level with my cock so the connection was effortless. The effect was unbelievable. My sister was a natural cock sucker. Then, as Mom returned to lapping her pussy which in turn inspired Sissy to intensify her attention to my manhood. Now I was playing with my sister’s tits, and she had managed to find my balls and play with them between her fingers. I’m no seasoned veteran at this game, and although my sister is also a novice, her tenacity and enthusiasm served her well. In no time at all she had my cannon exploding and belching gobs of goo into her unsuspecting mouth. The incident caught her off guard, but she recovered nicely so the only thing soiled was her – inside and out. Mom noticed the commotion.
“I see you two achieved your objective,” she said rather simply, “and I know I brought this sweet little pussy to at lease one climax, so I am going to turn it over to the two of you. Tommy, you need to get down here in you sister’s valley, and practice eating pussy, She likes it. You need the practice.” That was our Mom. She was always in charge, and always looking out for us kids. The remainder of the day was fantastic. If it is scientifically possible, I think Sissy and I overloaded our genitalia. I learned a lot about eating pussy, and Sissy was well on her way to being the best cock sucker in the family. About mid-afternoon I fucked a very willing mother again, and Sissy convinced her that she remembered everything Mom taught her about oral sex. We’re a much closer family now. Sissy and I both slept with Mom that night, and once in the wee hours of the morning the only way I knew I was eating Mom’s pussy was because of the pubic hair.
Ain’t life grand? Sorry readers! The story is not real. Author’s message to all the readers. I Abhishek Singh am a call boy. I used to give services in the areas of I.P.EXT, mayur vihar phase-1 and 2, Shakarpur, Laxmi nagar, west Vinod nagar, mandawali, and all the places near by them. I am not to smart nor too handsome. But the thing which I have is my style and my attitude to fuck the girls and too pleasure out them. I guarantee their satisfaction and secrecy for 100%. My charge is Rs.180/- for one hour of one female. If you are interested then contact me at my email address at For orkut users my email address is So add me on orkut and enjoy your life because life fucks everyone.
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After my wanking session with my friend from New Orleans I was eager for a repeat. At the time I was making regular trips to Dublin from Belfast and thought that it would be a great chance to finally find a wank buddy away from home for some horny wacking and cumsplashing with another guy. I searched my favourite sites, Jackinchat and xhamster, for somebody with the same inclination. It wasn’t easy. There were a lot of people who first seemed interested and then fell by the wayside or just...
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I booked a male only room that housed up to 8 guys, and had a privacy curtain on each bed so I could jackoff in peace. During my first few nights there the room was near or at full capacity (I booked Thursday-Wednesday) due to it being a weekend, so I was frequently surrounded by attractive lads from all over Europe and the US who would stroll out of their bunks in nothing but tight briefs. Needless to say, this caused massive sexual frustration to me. However due to the rather large amount of...
Het is de dag voor Nieuwjaar, oudjaar. Ik ben bij een hele goede vriendin van mij thuis samen met een vriendin en twee vrienden van haar, waarvan ik er ook een ken. We zijn bij haar thuis om samen een borrel te doen en het nieuwe jaar in te luiden met oliebollen en champagne.Mijn naam is Eva en de naam van mijn vriendin is Stephanie. De twee jongens heten Maurice en Gerwin. Mijn vriendin en ik zijn 18 en 17 jaar, Maurice is 18 en Gerwin 20.Eenmaal bij het huis van Stephanie aangekomen zijn de...
It was a day like any other. I was sitting in my office, masturbating to porn on my computer when I hear "What are you watching?" I turned around and saw my beautiful wife staring at me. I couldn't tell if she was mad, upset, or anything in between. She walked up to me and looked over my shoulder at the computer monitor at what I was watching. "What's cuckold?" I was so afraid of what my wife would think of me. I knew she could Google it, so I just told her. "It's like when a wife fucks other...
Toccara is this thick girl I fucked from a country town in Texas. While I was with Jeanie for two years, this was one of the girls I cheated on her with. I recall where she’s from because I drove all the way to far out to the country to hit that. Toccara was a sexy big ebony thick country girl with a big monster huge butt (not sloppy), and nice large tits. I remember she was on my dick from the first time we met in front of Jamal’s house. She was wearing a denim outfit with all of her nice...
Hello dosto namaskar mai rahul bihar ke chhote se jagah begusarai se belong karta hu…..Mai iss aur dk ka regular visitor hu……Maine ek story pahle bhi post kit hi aap logo ka bahut sara pyar mujhe mila mujhe kafi mail aaya tha…..Is bar bhi agar aapko meri story achhi lage …..Koi suggestion koi sikayat koi sujhaw ho….Ya apna pyar dene ke liye bhi kam se kam mujhe mail jarur kare mera mail id hai… To dosto mai apna kahani suru karne jar aha hu….Ye na to koi kalpanik kahani hai…Na puri tarah se sex...
With everything that’s been going on in the world in 2020, we at the United Kingdom of Zoo decided that something special was needed to end the year. Rather than a 20 episode series, we decided to really go for it with a marathon 50 episode series. One girl can’t handle that kind of schedule – so we decided to enlist a group of our former guests to share hosting duties on the series ... We hope you enjoy this special opening episode, and the rest of the series, and we trust you will enjoy our...
Please read my other stories 1) Dubai men and my wife and 2) Dubai man and my wife. The day had been strenuous. I had finally managed an interview with another company in Dubai. It was a good feeling as it might be the end of the chapter with Ali and his brother. But I warned myself from getting carried away. It was just an interview; I still hadn’t got the job. Though, I was getting confident with the boss of other company being an Indian. I had been torturing myself mentally after a secret...
This is an incidentally happened to me a. I am Jas , a 35-year-old married woman, mother of a 3 year daughter and I have been married for the last 6 years and I stay at Kerala, MIG 75, Gandhinagar, Kadavanthara, Basically I am graduate and working in Dubai alone in small private company. I left My husband last 2 years back because as per my knowledge he has an affair with someone. He use to sleep with me Once in a month or he used to come home after 3 months. Since my daughter is growing I...
The girls’ father loaded us into their minivan the next morning and took us all to the airport. It was going to be a long day, with a 6:00 AM flight to Miami, and then a four-hour delay before flying on to Aruba. The tickets had been booked through the same travel agent who had arranged the timeshare condo and were ‘Sardine Class’. By the time we went through customs and got our luggage and a taxi, we didn’t arrive at the condo until after five. I started having strange thoughts as the taxi...
When Jackie and I awoke the next morning, we found ourselves alone in the hotel room. A note on the dresser said that Tony and her sister had gone down to breakfast and would meet us at the beach. I told my wife that I suspected that they were embarrassed about what had happened the night before, and she sheepishly agreed. She was nervous about what, if anything, they would say. It turned out that nobody said anything. Everybody skirted around it, never mentioning what had happened. In fact,...
Rain permeates the night of a dark and dismal alley in an unrecognizable city. Lights appear in the alley through the rainy night, illuminating the alley?s darkness away for the briefest moment. Limo after line of limo, pull up to a rusting steel door, unloading its passenger with each stop. No identity is given to the passengers , only their appearances give any truth to their existence, as they step from each limo. Diamonds, rubies, gold, and other forms of extravagance, decorate the heels of...
You’ve gone into Dublin very early. You had stuff to do, but now that is all cleared and you are at a corner of St Stephen’s Green. There’s a hotel, The Sherbourne, a Victorian ‘Grand Dame’ it’s described as and it is, all polished wood and brass.You pop in – well a girl has to after all that coffee!On the way out, you see into the breakfast room, to the left of the main door on your way out. Breakfast is winding down, there’s a group of four business folk talking through their presentation and...
Quickie SexKaitlin walked in to the Celt one evening and was just faintly surprised not to see David there. "New boyfriend not here tonight, Kaitlin?" said Noel, who owned the Celt. "Who is your man?" Kaitlin asked. "Sure and I don't know," he answered, "There's various stories about him. He sounds English but an Arab who works on Dublin Bus and comes in here says his Arabic is perfect also, though he sounds Kobekistani he says, whatever that might be when it's at home. The thing I do know...
Octoposse I liked Mohammed. Unlike many of the locals here in Dubai — and, to be fair, virtually all my fellow expats — he set out to do a good job rather than to ‘get rich quick’. Not that he, or rather his family, weren’t rich to start with. Very, very rich. So, here he was, fresh faced holder of a first class degree in Electronic Engineering from an expensive university in California, back in his home town working as my assistant and mastering the detail of maintaining the one of the...
By : Rahul101178 Hello Readers, Thank You for your mails, specially the virgin lady from UK, the phone sex was awesome. I will pen it down for readers some day. This is another story I hace penned down its not actual happenings, however the situations / scenario’s are true and have happened, it’s more like you find yourself in perfect situation where you day dream what – if scenarios and then snap out of the dream. I am Rahul aged 33 Yrs from Noida, average looking may be a sidey to your crush...
Editor's notes: Well this one wasn't easy, that's for sure! It was conceived, and articulated by someone else-and that someone is the main person in the story. In other words, this is about a real individual. However, taking her small tidbits of writing, both on disk and on paper, and combining them into a workable article was very difficult. As well, the first draft had a lot of holes, so I interviewed her to get more details. Here is the final draft. Some points: 1) It#s long! At...
My story was like a thousand others - a hundred thousand others - and it took place every day of the week. Get up in the morning and my lovely wife of twelve years would fix my breakfast, wish me a good day at work kiss me goodbye and send me on my way. Go to work, put in my eight to ten hours and then head home to the loving wife who had dinner ready and on the table. After dinner we sat on the couch and watched TV while holding hands or read until bedtime and then we went upstairs and made...
Hello dosto Pehle to sabko thanx bolna chahta hu jinhone muje itne sare comments aur mails bheje…thanx everyone.. Aur bhi comments bhejte rehna mera mail ID hai Any Bhabhi aunty girl can contact if you want to chat or enjoy sex with me. To direct story start karta hu aap muje to jante hi ho I am Hiren from Gujarat. Aur is sachhi story me jo aunty hai uska nam hai smruti wo kaun si city se hai wo me apko nahi bata sakta. Aur smruti ji ke bare me kya batau unko aunty nahi bol sakte Bhabhi bolna...
Hi everyone this is Virat. I like ISS very much and have read great stories in it. I guess that now you will be waiting for the start of the story so let’s go! I am Virat, age 27. I am not so good looking like other writers in the ISS but decent. I am 5 foot 9 inch and belong to a small family. I would like to tell you about my wife in this story. Her mane is Jincy a fairly good looking woman and wife of age 27 with 36 size breasts enough for me as I don’t see many with 42 size breasts...
By : Rahul101178 Hello Readers at ISS, Thank You for your overwhelming emails, appreciate it and it gives me great pleasure to write more. For Newbee’s to my Story, I am Rahul, age 33, recently relocated from Pune to Noid please read “Wild Sex in Dubai” to give you the idea of this story, as it continues to unfold. Rehana dragged me out of sofa as I got up I held her from behind and kissed her neck, her arse was touching my cock, she didn’t have to bend to make me feel her arse it was so...
She steps out of the carriage, a fierce draft causing her petticoats to swirl around her like a hurricane. She sucks in her breath, her nipples responding to the icy wind by violently peaking under her tight black bodice. They swell and grind against the bony corset, eliciting a surge of pleasure through her body. She runs up the stone steps and into the musky warmth of the ballroom entrance. Muted merriment echoes from the main hall into the cloak room as she signs the registry, stirring...
I waited for a while (probably only an hour actually, but that seemed like an eternity in hell without relief), when I finally realised that you were gone. So I went straight to the bedroom and lay on my stomach, my peachy ass poised in the air and shoved both my hands wantonly under my skirt. I hiked it up, imagining you kneeling behind me, your cock rock hard, pulsing and ready. I started to rub myself vigorously, but it was no good… my own hands just couldn’t match what I KNOW your body...
Finally it was 4:30, and time to leave work for the week. Not that the day hadn’t been stimulating so far, but I was eager to see what Karen had planned for me this particular evening. The day had started like every Friday for the past five months: Wake up, shave my legs, then kneel on the floor before Karen and paint her toenails a deep red. Next, I made breakfast for her in the nude, while she pressed her long, sexy body against me, reminding me that I was not allowed to touch her with my...
FetishI was sitting around my house watching TV and just waiting for my girlfriend, Karen, to come over after she went out with some of her friends for drinks. Karen is a gorgeous, buxom brunette, about 5’10” with long hair and captivating brown eyes, and I couldn’t wait to get my hands on her after a long few days apart. I rose when the doorbell rang and opened the door to find Karen dressed sexier than I had ever seen her. She obviously had gotten changed after work and looked jaw-droppingly hot in...
FetishI.m in my late teens (18), nicely-shaped and bit of imaginative. I seem constantly under pressure of sexual lust. My mind.s always wandering with hundreds of fantasies about naughty sex things, and I get myself horny so often. I simply can.t last a day without masturbation, which I.d refer to as .eating the fingers., .tender the clam meat. or .finger-painting.. Wow, many, many naughty things a horny girl can work upon her secret spots. Thign-squeezing is easiest, discreet and yet very...
while enjoying one of many trips to Aruba, my wife and I found ourselves at my friends condo with only one other person in the pool area. It was a young man in his early teens and he was very cute. My wife commented on how adorable he was. she got extremely horny and I began rubbing her back and shoulders with oil as she watched this k** play in the pool. she caught his eye and smiled at him several times and he finally overcame any shyness and walked over to say hi.We exchanged some small talk...
One... I had been scared. Now I was drunk. I've always found that alchohol is a great eliminator of fear, provided you don't drink too much of it. But I did and had and now the 737 was descending to land at the Boise airport in Idaho. The stewardess had tried to take my last drink before lap tables went up, but I downed it, and being the polite person I am, said thank you. She smiled. "You don't like flying much do you," she asked. "No, maam, and I have an important meeting to go...
Rubberslut, Part 2 Eleven "You can't go home now," Bambi said, strutting beautiful and menacing. Master Dave was in the corner, sipping a brandy snifter of all things, attenuated. She was in glory of dress, and I was enthralled. But very frightened. She wore a micro, and stockings showed, and the high heels were high and pink, like the stockings, and her pussy was moist, dripping. Her bra was strange, for it was like a shelf laying her beautiful breasts out sumptuously on a...
Rubberslut Part 3 Chapter 13 The basement, as Master Dave and Bambi calls it, is nothing of the sort. It is actually a huge area of stage sets. There is the bedroom. There is the bathroom. There is a Jacuzzi. The height to ceiling is twenty feet. The walls go up twelve. Cameras and lighting are everywhere. As Bambi locks the door behind us me, Master Dave trundles me out, and loosens the bands that tie me to the dental chair. Helps me up. Almost kindly. I am dumbfounded,...
Rubberslut 4 Chapter 16 I walk to the door, cold and hairless, thrice pierced on either ear, though that doesn't bother me, for I know those can heel. I'm bothered by the fat lashes glued on my lids, knowing that they are not my own. How long does it take to grow back eyelashes, I wonder. There is a mirror there, on the door, and I can see that Nurse B has done makeup par excellence. The eye shadow, lipstick and rouge, are all in bold colors, camera worthy. But I am not. Somewhat...