Ponygirl Copper
- 3 years ago
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Kryztal Part 1 (of10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004
Kryztal Part 1: Thelid to Pandora's box was ajar .
CarolineBlaine was beautiful, haughty and a perfect bitch.
Perhapsthis was why she was so successful as a lawyer. Caroline had the capabilityof going ruthlessly for the jugular while smiling sweetly at the judge. Shehad everything – beauty, career, a refined accent, and a handsome husband.
Life,on a superficial level, was great but in those rare honest moments, Carolineadmitted cautiously that, perhaps, there was something missing.
Carolinewas a rarity in Hollywood as she was truly a natural blonde. That hair, togetherwith legs to her armpits, large breasts, honey coloured skin and a warm andsensuous smile, made her the stuff men dreamed of and women envied.
Eventhough Caroline had lived in California for ten years, she scrupulously maintainedher English accent; in fact she became more British as the years went onas it gave her a distinct and different image. Caroline hadn't been backto London for six years and sometimes wondered what her old school friendsin Chelsea would think of her now.
Itwas a different time, a different world ,she would tell her self when old memories came back, Iwas a different person to what I am now.
Thefirm of lawyers that employed Caroline saw her as the perfect addition totheir partner ranks - a beautiful young woman with a stylish English accentwho was not ashamed to be a carnivore in the courtroom. Only in Hollywoodcould a lawyer look like a movie star while the movie stars looked and actedlike lawyers.
Italso helped Caroline's image that her husband of almost ten months was alsoa successful Hollywood agent and as ruthless as he was handsome. Hal hadbeen blessed with perfect teeth, dark brooding eyes and a crooked grin thatseduced women and put men off guard before he crucified them with delight.It was said around Hollywood that nobody closed a deal like Hal Blaine, nobodycould outwit or out-negotiate Hal Blaine.
Originallyfrom Georgia, he had spent several years in Boston before moving to Californiaand his dress sense was impeccable. He favoured expensive American suits,crisp shirts with glittering cuff-links and, of course, always the perfecttie. In an industry where 'California Casual' was the fashion, he stood outas a man of style and a man that women always noticed when he walked intoa restaurant.
Carolinesometimes thought the suits were just a little ostentatious and a littleshiny for her tastes, not subtle and refined like the English or Europeansbut, she told herself, it was Americaand Hal was certainly one of the best dressed men in her circles.
Healso had a voracious but casual appetite for sex. Caroline accepted the sexalthough she never achieved a real connection to it. Sex was something menneeded and she accepted her lot as one who gave when the mood suited her.
Onthe surface, Hal and Caroline appeared to be remarkably suited to each other.
Andthey were, but not truly until Kryztal came into the picture.
BeaRutledge was the most successful Madam in Hollywood and her girls only providedtheir special and discrete services to stars. Anybody that was making lessthan three point five million a movie could not get near one of Bea's girls;Bea's girls were special,and had specific tastes that would appeal to certain producers, directorsand stars. A date with a BeaGirl was not a simple fuck,it was an event worth paying for, and paid they did, and then paid extrato remain anonymous.
Beawas not the stereotypical owner of a high class escort service; if they madea movie about her she would, of course, be played by some blowsy blonde,addicted to cigarettes and cheap cracks – Hollywood producers lovestereotypes. Instead, she was short and slight with dark hair cut in a pageboystyle, and she dressed severely in men's clothes and always wore dark glasses.
Itwas rumoured Bea preferred women and had told Julia, a famous actor, that,'Men think with their cocks, thank God! If they didn't, I'd be broke andI wouldn't have my lodge in Aspen. Women think with their hearts,' she hadsaid softly, gently stroking the inside of Julia's wrist.
Itwas also rumoured that Bea and Julia spent a week in a famous Hollywood hotelsuite where they played many games that involved a dildo imported from Hollandthey had nicknamed Frederic. Apparently, so the story goes, when the epicweek ended, Bea gave Frederic to Julia, who had it mounted on an polishedstand and put it in her hall closet next to her Oscar.
Unfortunately,the law enforcement officials didn't turn a blind eye to Bea's business activities.She always blamed the ultra conservative right wing of American politics,but not too loudly as a great deal of the conservative senators and congressmenwere actually customers.
Apparently,these conservative politicians enjoyed being flogged by a beautiful girlcalled Tanya dressed as a catholic schoolgirl. Tanya, who was twenty-fourbut appeared to be sixteen and specialised as Bea'sSchoolgirl , always tookto the flogging with relish and left her conservative clients gasping inpain. Sometimes, when she was watching television with her lover Sonja, shewould giggle when she watched her customers secretly wince at press conferencesor in interviews.
But,political hypocrisy and desperate image consultants prodded the law intoaction and, therefore, Bea had to spend a healthy amount each year to retainthe services of an accomplished firm of L.A. lawyers.
Andthat firm was where Caroline worked.
Fromtheir first meeting, Bea and Caroline hated each other immediately and intensely.That meant, of course, that they were exceedingly polite to each other andsmiled a lot. Men had no idea as to the extent of the mutual hatred betweenthe women and sat in blissful ignorance in a minefield of hate. Women wishedthey could get out of the room before either Bea or Caroline produced a weaponof mass destruction from their Louis Vuitton handbags and dropped it on thepolished conference room table.
'Prostitutionis such a tawdry case,' Caroline had smiled sweetly at Bea, 'but I believethe current crack down will disappear soon and your hookers will be safeto walk the streets again.'
Beainwardly seethed. 'My girls don't walk the streets, as well you know. Theyoffer services far more detailed and caring than a quick roll in the hay.I imagine a quick roll in the hay with the lights off is what you occasionallygive that new husband of yours, poor dear.'
'Howdare you!' Caroline flushed deeply. 'Our sex life is very full, not thatit's any of your business!'
'Butit is mybusiness,' Bea smiled thinly, gathering her handbag, 'Hal has a standingappointment with my girls every week.'
Carolineblinked and gaped as Bea opened the door. 'He comes for what he can't getat home,' was her parting shot. 'Call me if you want to know what he likes.It would appear that I know,but you don't!''
Thatnight, Caroline almost attacked Hal and was very aggressive in their lovemaking.Why, she even forced herself to suck his cock for a few minutes before sittingastride him and ramming him into herself. All the time she was mechanicallyfucking her husband with an obsessed vigour and energy, Bea's taunting wordshaunted her.
Shecouldn't sleep and stared at Hal's sleeping face. Beawas lying , Caroline toldherself, she had to be! Whywould Hal go to her girls? I let him fuck me regularly, don't I? He lovesme, doesn't he?
Itbecame an obsession and, at last on Monday, she shamefully called Bea. 'Wantto know what Hal likes?' Bea had mockingly asked in a voice laced with silkentriumph.
'Yes,'Caroline had admitted, face red and feeling like crying. 'Yes, I do.'
Beagave her an address. 'Be there at two-thirty on Wednesday. You'll get tosee what floats Hal's boat.' Bea was laughing as she disconnected the call.
Carolineshowed up at the appointed time dressed in a simple business suit and waited.Bea entered, as usual wearing dark glasses and they air-kissed with restrainedhatred. 'This is Caroline,' she said to the two women standing beside herin black Armani pants suits. 'She wants to see Hal in action.' The womennodded and Bea slid some papers across her desk. 'Sign this, it's just astandard disclaimer for entering these premises.'
Carolineglanced at the papers but she was so upset at what was happening, so obsessedby it all, that she committed the number one sin of lawyers – she didn'tread the documents before signing them.
Beasmiled. 'Go with the girls and you will see what Hal likes.'
Thewomen led Caroline to a room with a large four-poster bed. 'I am Breanne,'one said, 'this is Zoe, take your clothes off.'
'What?Are you kidding…'
'Takethem off or we will take them from you,' Breanne said calmly.
'We'dmuch prefer if you struggled,' Zoe said with a cruel smile and Caroline suddenlyfelt frightened. 'We always enjoy a good struggle.'
Breannestepped forward and slapped Caroline hard across the face, so hard the forceof it sent her reeling across the bed. 'Get naked, slut, or there will bemore!'
Zoegripped a handful of Caroline's hair and tugged it viscously before slappingher again. 'This isn't a courtroom, sister. We don't do debates!'
Tearsrolling down her wounded face, Caroline kicked off her shoes while she unbuttonedher coat. The two women stood with arms folded, smiling until Caroline wasdown to her coffee coloured lace bra and panties.
'Please…'she began but Breanne wouldn't let her continue.
'Naked,or I'll let Zoe take them off you!'
Sobbingincoherently, hoping the nightmare would be over once they stole her clothes,Caroline unsnapped her bra, and shimmied out of her panties.
Zoecalmly gathered the clothes and Caroline stood with one arm across her breasts,the other covering her crotch. 'I've seen it all before,' Breanne said wearily,'you've got nothing new and nothing special, baby.' Disdainfully, she offereda small drawstring bag. 'Jewellery – rings, watch, earrings, bracelets,put them all in here.'
Woodenly,Caroline complied, dropping her various pieces of jewellery into the bag.'Hair clip,' Breanne prompted and Caroline removed it, her hair falling forward.
Zoereturned without the clothes and then both of them advanced on Caroline.'What do you want…'
Breanneslapped her again and Caroline fell on the bed. Suddenly, leather cuffs werewrapped around her wrists and then attached to ankle cuffs so she was lockedin an uncomfortable position, wrists to ankles, knees bent and exposed, soexposed.
Thedoor opened and Bea entered, smoking a pink cigarette in an ebony holder,smiling. 'Now, that's much better. That has to go,' she said, gesturing atCaroline's pubic hair, 'he may recognise it.'
'Please…'Caroline whimpered, trying to move, but whatever position she tried, herpussy was openly exposed, her large breasts rolling over her rib cage, nipplesstirring.
Breanneignored her and the other woman held Caroline's legs apart as Breanne switchedon the clippers she had suddenly produced. 'No…!' Caroline's headmoved from side to side in her humiliation as the clippers ran roughly overher sensitive groin. Zoe winked at her, sprayed her crotch with shaving latherand proceeded to shave. 'Don't move,' she warned and Caroline tried to buryher head in the bedclothes to hide from her own shame and Bea's mocking eyes.It was done, so smooth, and Zoe calmly removed the shaving cream with a fluffyblue towel.
Carolinehad always privately referred to her vagina as her 'bits' and now her bitswere so clearly visible. It was impossible for Caroline not to see her baldcrotch; she stared down at it, her large intimate lips gleaming pinkly againstthe smooth skin.
Breannebeckoned to Bea and pointed at Caroline's crotch. 'Look,' she said and Carolineturned her head away in shame as Bea leaned forward to look at her newlyshaven groin.
'It'sa birthmark,' Bea announced and Caroline knew Bea had identified the smallalmond shaped birthmark on her inner left thigh, situated where her leg mether groin. 'He might recognise it, so cover it.'
Zoeapplied a thick coating of a flesh covered plastic skin over the birthmarkand Bea smiled down at the red faced Caroline as they waited for it to dry.
Breanneand Zoe approached Caroline, both carrying bottles of scented oil. DespiteCaroline's protests and her horror at having two women intimately touch her,the women oiled every part of Caroline's body so she gleamed in the lightand smelled of a musky exotic perfume. The oil, in Caroline's horrified eyes,made her large breasts look lewd and her now-bald bits, obscene.
'Whyare you doing this?' Caroline cried but the three women ignored her.
'Thehair,' Bea instructed, exhaling smoke and Breanne snapped a rubber cap overCaroline's hair, holding it close to her skull while she fitted a brightred wig on Caroline's head.
'Aredhead,' Bea said maliciously, 'Hal loves to fuck redheads!'
'I'llsue you,' Caroline bawled. 'I'll see you in prison, you…'
'Idoubt it,' Bea said evenly, 'you signed a release, baby.'
Aleather hood was snapped on which covered her upper face to her nose, leavingher mouth and chin free, then closed around her throat. The ponytail of fakered hair emerged from a hole in the rear of the hood and Breanne locked iton with a gold lock.
Theypried her mouth open and inserted a ring gag so her mouth was forced to forman 'O' and she couldn't make intelligible sounds. She drooled, her eyes rollingin the eye slits of the hood as they also locked it shut.
Breanneused the same blue towel to clean the make up from Caroline's lower faceand then applied thick lipstick in a shade of orange Caroline would not benormally caught dead in.
'Rollher over,' Bea said, stubbing her cigarette out in a large glass ashtray.Caroline tried to resist but found herself face down, her head turned tothe side and her fleshy bottom pointing to the roof, knees bent and her entirecrotch obscenely displayed.
Suddenly,she felt hands around her waist and she was lifted up while an enormous roundcylinder of a cushion was slid under her breasts. When she slumped down onit, she was bent with knees on the bed; her upper body hanging over the cushionso her breasts wobbled free and her head hung uselessly. All the time, Carolineknew her legs were forced apart and she was helplessly displayed.
'Tattoo,'Bea snapped and Caroline tried to protest but her mouth could not form words,spittle rolling from her gaping mouth. 'Don't worry,' Bea laughed, 'it'snot permanent.' A transfer was applied to Caroline's bottom on her left cheekand, in black, it said simply 'Pain Slut'.
'Turnthe lights down low,' Bea instructed the others, 'our friend here is probablyonly used to being fucked in the dark.' Bea knelt down so her face was closeto Caroline's. 'The tattoo says Pain Slut,' she said softly, 'and that'swhat you're going to be because it's what Hal likes. I don't think he'llrecognise you with the hair, bald cunt and the tattoo but, then,' she laughed,'he just might… you might have a highly individual cunt that he'llrecognise it immediately.' She patted Caroline's arm. 'I doubt it though.Men are so unobservant and a cunt is a cunt when their dicks are hard.'
Thewomen left Caroline alone in that ignominious position, face down, wristsand ankles connected so her knees were bent and her wobbling bottom and bitswould be the first thing that anybody entering the room would see. Then,they would see her breasts hanging like udders over the cushion. Stupidly,the vain part of her wondered why they didn't leave her in a more flatteringposition.
Sheremained like that for ten minutes and then the door opened again. From thecorner of her eyes, she saw Bea standing in the door way, her arm linkedwith Hal's as both looked in. 'This is Kryztal,' Bea said. 'She's new andshe likes what you like. From opposite ends, of course,' she laughed.
'Shelooks great,' Caroline heard her husband's voice. 'You've got her all readyfor me?'
'She'sa submissive pain slut and we treat her that way. Of course, she loves it.'
'Okay,thanks Bea,' and, to her horror, Caroline saw her husband kiss her enemy'scheek.
'Oh,don't worry about condoms,' Bea said with a laugh, swinging the door shutbehind her.
'Sheloves bareback and she's clean.' The door shut and Caroline was alone withher husband.
'Well,hello Kryztal,' Hal said, his fingers lightly tapping Caroline's oiled andgleaming bottom. Caroline gurgled in the gag and then cried out as Hal slappedher bottom hard. Then he slapped it again and again until it was coveredwith red marks and it was stinging. Caroline felt humiliated and used but,strangely, she also felt aroused.
There'snothing I can do , shetold herself, I'm helpless,go with the flow; Hal comes quickly so it will be over soon.
Sheheard him undressing and then rummaging in the chest of drawers. 'Bea alwaysleaves me some toys,' he suddenly said, and Caroline tried to turn her headto see what he was doing.
Hishand slapped her bottom again and she gurgled into the gag, then suddenlyscreamed as she felt him clamp something sharp over her nipples. 'I thinknipple clamps are great, don't you, Kryztal?' Hal laughed as she wriggledand moved but it just made her breasts move all the more.
'I'mgoing to have fun,' he said, suddenly close to her ear, fingers roughly kneadingher breasts, 'and I don't give a fuck if you do. It's my dime and I'm havingfun.
Carolineyelped into the gag as two fingers pushed into her pussy, moving deep andsearching. 'You are apain slut,' he murmured, 'you're so wet.'
I'mwet , Caroline asked herself, I'menjoying this ?
Whistling,he removed something from the drawers and Caroline felt him buckle a widestrap around her waist, sliding it between her skin and the cushion, pullingit cruelly tight. A vibrator slipped into her pussy, moved in and out ina slow maddening rhythm and then was suddenly removed while fingers pushedsomething wet and cold on her bottom. No ,she silently screamed, notthat, please not that, not my bottom!
Thevibrator began its relentless journey into her anus while Caroline gurgledand spluttered into her gag, drool escaping from her desperate lips. Suddenly,she felt a second vibrator slipping easily into her pussy and she was sofull, so violated. The vibrators hummed into life and Hal connected anotherstrap to the belt around her waist, jerked it between her legs and fastenedit back to the belt, keeping the two pulsing vibrators securely in place.
Halmoved to the front, shoved his cock deep into her mouth that was held openby the gag and began to fuck her face. 'Make me happy, baby,' he said warningly,'or you'll regret it. Come on, lick and suck.'
Tearswere forming in her eyes. Her bits and bottom throbbed to the vibrators,her nipples painfully aware of the clamps, and Caroline desperately beganto suck and lick her husband's cock with a vigour she had never before shown.
'Pathetic,'he said succinctly, removing his cock and jerking the clamps from her nipplesin one swift movement.
Thepain was enormous, worse than when he applied the clamps, and Caroline shriekedinto the gag, her body rigid with the pain, her head turning from side toside while she tried to ignore the waves of agony.
Blinkingthe tears from her eyes, she saw his cock was in front of her face. 'Tryagain, bitch,' he said softly.
Carolinelunged for that cock, bringing her head over to it as quickly as she couldbefore he did anything else to her. Hal slipped the cock into her mouth andsmiled as she slavishly licked and sucked, trying to make him come so hewould stop, leave her alone, anything!
'Youare the worst cock sucker I have ever met,' he said, removing his cock andwalked to the drawers, ignoring Caroline's gurgling pleas.
Hereturned with a strange device, a stubby handle that had many straps of leatherattached to it and she stared at it, eyes wide, as he laughed quietly.
Forthe next twenty minutes he relentlessly used the flogger over her ass andback while the vibrators churned within her. Her muffled screams of painbecame pleas of desire as her skin glowed red.
Onand on, he flogged – her bottom, her thighs, her back, nowhere wassafe, and Caroline felt as if she was just one moaning animal of lust, tryingto move her clit against the leather of the belt that was tightly fastenedover her crotch. For the first time, Caroline's entire body was alive withlust and connected to sex. The lid to Pandora's box was ajar.
Haldropped the flogger on the bed and surveyed his handiwork. The slut's skinwas red hot and he unfastened the leather straps and laughed as the vibratorin her pussy immediately slipped out, lying glistening on the bed. With anotherlaugh, he jerked the vibrator out of her bottom and Caroline moaned intothe gag, the bedclothes wet from her saliva.
Withoutany thought or concern for her, he fucked her and fucked her hard. Touchmy clit , Caroline silentlypleaded, please ,but Hal ignored her clit and focused on her cunt, ramming that large cockof his in and out.
Almostcasually, he pulled out, leaving her vacant and empty, wanting more and,walking around, pushed his cock into her mouth. 'Last chance,' he whisperedand she desperately sucked, tasting herself on his cock.
Witha grunt, Hal came and his cum flooded her mouth while he forced her to continue,forced her to swallow until he finally pulled out, leaving her still facehanging down, his semen trickling through the hole in the gag, dripping onher dangling breasts
Ina daze, desperately wanting to cum herself and still tasting his cum, sheheard Hal dress and then saw dollar bills flutter onto the bed next to herhead. 'There you go, pain slut,' he laughed.
Halturned to go but then returned as if he had thought of something and Carolinefelt his fingers on her bits, feeling something hard being forced insideher. It was bigger than the vibrator and filled her, making her want so muchmore.
Hewas chuckling as he left and Caroline felt something light caress her thighsand ass. He's inserted thehandle of that whip thingy in me ,she realised with horror and shame, he'sleft it there for them to see .
Atthat point, Caroline really wanted to die. It was an intense contradictionthat she also wanted desperately to cum, that she was vibrantly and sexuallyalive.
Ashort time later, Breanne, accompanied by Zoe, entered and calmly unstrappedthe gag from around Caroline's head. Gratefully, Caroline began to flex herjaws as the hood was unlocked and removed, as was the wig and skullcap.
Breanneput the items on the chest of drawers while the other woman released Caroline'sankles and wrist. 'I'll let you get that out,' she said with a smile, pointingat the flogger that poked from Caroline.
Facebright red, Caroline gently pulled it from her glistening wet bits and droppedit with disgust on the bed.
Groaningand wincing with pain, Caroline shakily got to her feet as Breanne put herclothes on the bed. 'There's a bathroom there,' she said, pointing at a smalldoor Caroline had not noticed before. 'Be quick, we have to get the roomready for the next client.'
Carolinetottered into the bathroom. Her entire body was aching; her back, her bitsand bottom and especially her nipples, which felt as if they were on fire.Her face felt as if the gag had mashed it and her bottom cheeks were burning.'Oh, no,' she murmured when she saw the red marks over her back and bottom,'how will I ever explain these?'
Bea,flanked by the other two women, was waiting for her when she reluctantlyemerged from the bathroom, hair wet from the shower and walking gingerly.
Unableto look Bea in the eye, Caroline looked around for her handbag, saw it, andpicked it up. 'I put his tip in your bag,' Bea smiled coldly, 'hookers alwayswant their money.'
'Youbitch,' Caroline said quietly, eyes lowered, just wanting to get out of theroom.
'Iwonder what Hal would think if he knew he had shoved the handle of a floggerinto his wife's cunt after flogging her? Oh, don't worry,' Bea sneered whenshe saw Caroline's face go white at the thought, 'it will be our little secret.I imagine it would be difficult for you both to go on with your marriagewhen all your dirty secrets were out. How would you smile sweetly at eachother over the breakfast table if you both knew? Pass the orange juice dear,and why did you push that flogger handle in my cunt last night?' Bea foundthat hilarious and laughed loudly.
'Fuckyou,' Caroline said, pushing past.
'Ithink you were the one who got fucked,' Bea laughed, 'and I think you likedit.' The other women grinned when they saw Caroline's face flush. 'Give mea call if you want to come back, Kryztal,' Bea mocked, 'we've always gota slot on our roster for a pain slut!' Caroline slammed the door behind her.
Resistingthe urge to rub her smarting bottom through her skirt, she walked gingerlyto the street, searching for a cab and wondering how she was going to hidethe marks from Hal. She had no idea what would happen if Hal realised thatCaroline knew of his activities and had even witnessed them first hand – reallyfirst hand.
Itwas a hateful experience she had endured but despite all her faults, Carolineactually loved Hal and believed, no, hoped ,he still loved her.
Inever knew he was such a dominating man ,she thought, searching the street for a cab, sorough and powerful . It'sa pity , the thought slippedinto her mind, that hedidn't let me cum .
End Kryztal Part1 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004
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Terry came down about a half-hour later looking more like herself. Thigh-highs. That’s all.“Well, that was different. I can’t believe I got that carried away.”“Ah, you think that Bubba had anything to do with it?”“Good point. Yeah, I’ve only used him one other time, when you were on the road for a week. I had some time for my pussy to return to normal.”“No problem. I’ll just use your ass for a while.”“Ow. Only if you open me gently first. That dry entry you did today was brutal.”“Oh, I'd like...
Wife Lovers“Hey, look, it’s Mom and Dad, and they want to zoom with us!” Becca called me over, forcing me to get some sweats on with a tank top to make it look as if I just had a nice workout. “Becca, why are you naked?” Mom pointed out the obvious, noticing the beads of sweat on my forehead. “Um ... Mom, Dad, please ... don’t panic. We sorta have ... guests. For the duration of the lockdown,” Becca dropped another bombshell on Mom and Dad on top of the nudity. “Are your friends nudists who need you...
High School Sweetheart Chapter 3 By Lauren Bliss It was prom night, and I was ecstatic. I was dressed in a pink, strapless, diaphanous gown that fell to mid thigh. The bodice clung to my developing curves, but the neckline was high enough to remain tasteful. My opera length gloves fit snugly around my arms. I wore my mother's pearls, and carried a small drawstring purse, while I paced nervously around our living room. Ela was there, dressed similarly. We stood for photos while our...
Part 5------------------------------------------------------------------------Sarah had stayed hog-tied and elevated in the basement for what felt like an eternity to her. Her arms and legs was starting to get extremely sore, she spent the long lonely night hoping and praying that her rope restraints would snap giving her freedom (after a hard fall) but nope, the rope stayed strong and tight. She didn't get much sleep, even though the boredom she felt numbed her mind. The wait in itself was a...
“You know, don’t you think we should get back to the party?” I’m still worried someone would start to come looking for us. She chuckled at my troubled face and replied, “What’s the matter big guy? You don’t sound like the no-worries-happy-loveable boy that I remember from high school.” She has the biggest smile on her face when she says this. “Yeah, well, making out at a party or away from any prying eyes n the back seat is one thing. Getting it on in a crowded house full of people,...
The Fourth Season by Cindi Johnson March 2007 e-mail: [email protected] The First Season: Autumn -------------------------------- Preoccupied with beauty, Mike failed to hear the soft sound of approaching footsteps. "Hon?" Mike froze. He felt as if a knife had slowly, painfully, pushed into his stomach. Pam's one simple word, a word imbued with longtime affection, was today a question with no answer. Dressed in a pale yellow dress, his wife's dress, Mike sat...
The dirt road circled to the left and when he passed the curve of trees, he saw the weather beaten white wooden structure, looking like nothing so much as a rural country church, probably Baptist. As he saw the sign he realized that was exactly what it was. "Praise God Baptist Church," said one white sign and another nearby said, "Putnam County Food Pantry." There were two dozen cars and trucks parked in the field surrounding the church. Twenty-year-old pickups, old model Fords and...
Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue... chapter 28Pam and Amy carried their Cokes to the row of benches and sat, facing the stores that lined the hallway."Did you see those shoes back there?" Amy asked. "Weren't they the best?""Oh I know. I loved those little bows on the back." Pam took a sip from her Coke just as two young men walked by. Pam, looking down at the floor, noticed a pair of snakeskin boots walking past in front of her and looked up to see who was wearing them. She looked right into...
Today was the big day, the annual rival soccer game against Schaumburg High School had come. Throughout the day everyone, friends, teachers, other people I don’t know, came up to me wishing me luck, they really wanted us to win! As game time approached I could feel the nerves growing inside of me, until I heard the ref’s whistle and the game kicked off. Our stadium was packed full of fans, all rooting for us to win. The game started off extremely poor for us as we gave a way a penalty kick...
The GameShe loved the way his hands felt on herFinger tips gently gliding down her spineSending electric shocks to her clit and nipplesAll were hardening to his magnificent touchShe threw her head back and moaned, brunette tresses tussling seductively He kissed her neck, biting gently then sucking leaving a markWhen his hands reached her lower backHe traced her curves and found her ample bottomCaressing each cheek he gave her a playful slapComing back around, he traced the curves of her body...
I'm in my 30s and have been completely straight all my life - other than some fondles at boarding school which were as much about sexual exploration as anything else. But now, having done a fair amount of straight stuff, I find a degree of curiosity about pushing boundaries with another guy. Here's one experience I had at school which has been recurring to me lately and a fantasy which gets me horny. If you like it... let me know. Would be interesting to hear from others who have similar...
Gay MaleAt Rosanne’s, I entered the unlocked kitchen door. Once inside, I went to the bathroom where she left a milk-white Ducolax for me. I put it in, pulled up my pants, washed my hands and joined Rosanne in the living room. We kissed and she handed me the usual Bourbon on-the-rocks. She got right to the point, “Ya do it?” “Uh-huh.” She raised her glass, “Good. Here’s to cousin Maria!” She settled in alongside me, we clinked glasses and drank a toast. Tonight was our latest attempt to fix my...
Walter stumbled onto a method to freeze time while trying to design an anti-gravity generator. He had turned on the power to his anti-grav unit for it's first full blown test and had been severely disappointed when it failed to affect the weight of his test load. He was about to turn it off when he noticed that the test clock was not ticking. He also found that nothing changed in his entire measurable universe except him. He could find no set of known criteria that explained it until he...
San Francisco 1971 Well, time went on and the middle of August came and so did Laurie, home from her internship. I moved into a loft living situation down in the Mission District. Beanie hooked me up with the deal, as she knew a guy who was going to India and was looking for a sub lease on his space. Considering the view it had, it was great. But as the place had a lot of glass in the one part of the studio, it could get damn cold in there during the winter months. But it had a dark room in...
Blue-eyed Keira Croft stretches her long legs in pink fishnet stockings. Her vibe buzzes her clit, and pro stud Mick Blue drizzles oil over her round ass. He pulls a bejeweled butt plug from her sphincter and shoves his big cock inside for an anal reaming! Keira gasps in pleasure and opens her mouth wide for an ass-to-mouth blowjob. Mick stuffs a dildo into Keira’s pink pussy while he drills her rectum. She gives him a tasty rim job, and her sweet asshole gapes! Keira swallows a creamy...
xmoviesforyouWell she did, I thought as I lay beside her that next morning. She fucked another man with me watching. She fucked another twice with me watching, and I enjoyed it.I wondered what she was dreaming about at that moment as her silhouette slowly became discernible in the early morning light. My mind went back through the previous night. I could still see her face so clearly, and the look in her eyes. I heard her shouts and gasps, and her breathing and panting as she begged for more, still rang in...
IncestWearing a sheer top with panties that read ‘cumslut,’ big-boob blonde Barbie Sins smokes a cigarette as she teases. The outrageous babe opens her asshole with a giant dildo. Hung black stud Antonio Black fingers Barbie, who geysers squirting girl cum! Mr Longwood arrives to make it an interracial threesome. Antonio squirts lube into Barbie’s mouth as Longwood’s big black cock fucks her face, and Barbie gags through a graphic double blowjob. Depraved anal action includes...
xmoviesforyouShe told me her name down at the bar but what was it? Yes! Gina! I remembered it. Now we were heading to her room. A little unusual for a girl to take control but I don’t mind. Since I am submissive in the depths of my soul I like being under control and domination. The elevator stopped. Forth floor. I let Gina to lead down the corridor and she lead me to room number 406. She touched the panel with her key-card and the led turned green unlocking the door for us. We entered a nice room with a...
Hi iss readers i m going to share a true experience i had .this is a cent percent true story.u wont believe it but it happened right infront of my eyes.i m 23 yrs of age doing my engineering. My family consist of my father ,my mother and my younger sis.i was on a two month holiday,suddenly we recieved the news that our grandfather was very ill and someone needed to go there for his care.my father couldnt go due to some official work.so it was decided that my mom and i will go to the village and...
IncestIntroduction: Carls masterplan to finally expose Peter as PBear is underway. Meanwhile, Johns impending eviction has William worried hell lose his brofriend forever Posters notes This is a series originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldnt get an account here), Im posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too. The tags for this story arent specific to any one chapter, but are general for the entire series. Its a work...
a****l URGESI Awakening Upon awakening, my first sensation was of nausea. The difference, from the prior three occasions, only manifest in degree. Yet I did not have to open my eyes to know that, as before, I lay naked and covered in blood – hardly any my own – that was largely dried, especially around my face; eyes crusted shut, mouth tasting of blood, vomit, and I-dared-not-think what else. Not to mention the other vile bodily excretions in which I lay. Despite my being largely u*********s of...
As Angel rode in the backseat of the car with the 2 hi-powered attorneys, her mind drifted to thoughts about sweet Emi. She wondered how the teenager had done out in California. She wondered if everything had gone okay. Angel knew that the people out in California, especially L.A., could be very harsh sometimes. With Emi being so young and so new, she hoped that she had done okay."Miss Enriquez, is there someplace that we can drop you off?" one of the attornies asked her, breaking her from her...
Introduction: A quick and kinky bestiality fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
From the earliest days of our relationship, Lindsey and I have tried to create opportunities when we could spend whole days and, especially, whole nights together. So we were both very excited when circumstances permitted us to go away to a seaside resort for a couple of days. When I picked her up, we decided that one element of our plans couldn’t wait until we had arrived at the resort hotel we had selected for our first night together; so we stopped first at a local motel. It had been two...
So maybe three or four years ago, this documentary went out on TV all about dogging. Being still kinda naive at the time, me and one of my best mates, Brandon, were sat at his house watching it. To explain a bit more, it was basically people wearing masks to cover their faces, driving to a secluded area and then fucking strangers. For lads our age it was the perfect thing, we both had cars and we both loved fucking.Now my memory is a little bit sketchy here, but I'm 99% positive the documentary...
CHAPTER TWO: People at the home health office began to notice the same kind of changes going on with Momma that I first noticed when she told me about Johnny. Even though she was always fun to be around, they knew the torment that my father had put her through. They knew the divorce was imminent, (all of them hoping she would rape and pillage the miserable prick, but the only thing she wanted was the house, that's it, Daddy could stick the rest in his ass) but this new serene look...
TJ and Ivy marched slowly in step the length of the Guard House, turning towards each other at the ends of the reach. "What happens, now TJ?" Ivy asked. "You spend the night in cells; tomorrow, you'll be marched in to the OC's office where the charge details will be read out and she'll ask you if you will accept her decision. If you say yes, evidence will be given and she'll find you guilty and the worst she can do is order you into cells for four days with stoppage of pay. If you...
That lonely, distant violin Which plays my little tears Will not atone for my small sin Nor will it ease my fears Nor will it take the pain away Which I feel for my love Nor will it give me much to say To the skies above I have lusted, I admit And it was truly wrong And my soul will now not sit As I compose this song My love you must forgive me Though you must never know How I near- betrayed thee And yet, this I forego I sin therefore I am My body is my enemy I prevent all that I can Yet so...
Comdex, Clothing and Confusion, Part 2 ? Changes and Memories Beth Williams Copyright 2003 I would like to thank ALL the comments on my first story. I will take the criticisms to heart. I may not agree, but I will keep them in mind. I would like to add the following: Yes, I understand that few men are "passable." However, I typically spend 10-24 days a year "en femme." Much of the story is autobiographical. I am indeed 375 pounds and 6' tall. I am a computer geek. I am and have...
My “auntie” Carole asked me around to have a look at a tree in her garden that she needs cutting right back and the rubbish removed. She is not my proper auntie but an old friend of my mother’s, who over the years she had got as close to the family as any of my proper aunties. Her hobby is tending her lovely garden and as I have a pick up truck I agree to help. In her mid-fifties she is only 15 years older than me, and is a slightly tubby lady, with a bubbly character and we get on like a...
Winter Lull Oct 26, 1861 With winter approaching, I left for home with my original troops. We’d been away from home for far too long. Scott stayed in St. Louis where Fort Savage was still under construction. There we housed and trained the new troops. While the originally planned fort was complete, it constantly needed more barracks for the relentless influx of new recruits. Additional barracks meant that the walls needed extending yet again. We were now on our fourth expansion and the fort...
Actually something good came out of the whole brouhaha, although at first I didn't recognize it. Camilla and I were sitting around the suite chatting with Asmedogh, explaining to him what had happened and why it was important in our affairs—well, mine anyway—when Marilyn called again mid-afternoon and said she was on her way back up. Asmedogh went back to his room with the cats, and in a couple of minutes Marilyn let herself back in. This time she had a smile on her face. "I think we're...
It was Halloween evening. Lisa and I were hanging out in her apartment. We had just finished dinner and were snuggling in front of the television, in between the intermittent parade of costumed neighborhood kids taking advantage of the fact that our management team opened the building to them for trick-or-treating. Just after Batman and Iron Man took their leave of us, Lisa’s phone rang. “Hi Mom!” “Oh, nothing much, just hanging out feeding a bunch of sugar addicts.” “Oh, no. Is she all...
Reddit Rule 34, aka Reddit R34, aka r/Rule34! Only one rule manages to ring true to this day. A single constant that cuts through all of the other bullshit. One rule to rule them all and in the darkness bind them. Kinky. And that is the ubiquitous rule34: if it exists there is porn of it. No exceptions. It’s a fucking guarantee. Just take a look at r/dragonsfuckingcars. Take any popular thing in media, the internet, TV shows, comics, or anything else in life at all and I guarantee you there is...
Reddit NSFW ListYou would think that the instruction 'don't come for a couple hours' would have been easy enough to follow. But apparently, it became one of those 'don't think about elephants' things because, despite the fact that I insisted they all go do stuff all day, I kept being accosted by horny boys. Ok, so maybe I was the one doing some of the accosting. At any rate, by the time the group returned late in the afternoon, the rest of my sex fiends were naked and waiting impatiently by the...
My name is Bry and I work as a receptionist in a large corporation. I am outgoing in my personality, but it wasn't always the way. I had a pretty rough time of it in high school. I was a bit short and chubby and certainly not one of the 'cool k**s', and was constantly teased. I was very nerdy in my bland prescription glasses. The girls were always worse than the boys with their insidious taunts. My big breasts made sport uncomfortable, but I soon learnt that they had significant advantages in...
Rosetta: A MORFS Universe Story By Joreymay Part 5 Rose woke with a feeling of empty loss. Some of it was a normal reaction to the day, but there seemed to be something else - something from her dreams. She experienced the normal part every year. There had been so much build up to the events of the last few days, what with Thanksgiving, Black Friday, and her birthday, and now it was suddenly all over. On top of that, the visit by her Gram was ending. When Rose went to school,...
We were fully engrossed in erotic game play when Brad went to great lengths to dress me like a prostitute and send me out on my own. It was really neat that he got himself new dork clothes and dressed up like a handsome Greek man. He even shaved his head and wore a fake mustache. His gay friend from the theatre arts classes really fixed him up. When he finally made his play, I was already wet from wearing my slut outfit and dancing with the guys in the club. At first, I did a double take....
I was now openly crying as Brad held my face and made me suck his penis, Brad shot another load all over my face and told Joseph, 'your turn, make that bitch suck you good, We ain't no where near being finished. You're having fun aren't you.' Joseph looked at Brad laughing and said 'I get to fuck a good piece of ass and get my dick sucked, what you think.' Joseph came round and took hold of my head, I looked over at Brad and pleaded 'Mister Brad, this isn't right. I thought it would just be...
Just watching her sitting there, looking at those sensual legs of hers beneath her desk, being crossed then re-crossed....just admiring how sexy those shapely breasts of hers looked under her crisp, white blouse all added towards stirring his thoughts and in turn, ensured his cock was rock hard inside his briefs. Finally, though he knew he was going to be taking an awful risk, he started to write beneath the heading already written boldly at the top of his paper....... To make my...
My family and Carl's went to the pub in style after we took our time looking at the area close to the shore. We used a small cutter to give us a more intimate view of the city. In a few more minutes, we landed in the parking lot of the pub. I pushed open the large doors and found nobody around. From the back room I heard John talk about all the inconsiderate people that left his business to see a foolish ship. His mind told me that his employees had deserted with the customers. Behind the...
He did not remember much of the walk back to their crude little sanctuary, except in fragments. Too much had happened too soon. The faces of the wandering man and the lost woman lingered in his mind, ghosts in his memory and phantoms somewhere out there in the scouring wasteland. Knowing he could not help them was a weight he had to carry. Yet neither of those was the true burden he brought back with him. In war, Logan had killed. For duty, for his country, to protect those he had served...
"I feel like I've been set up." I slid my left arm under Kim and wrapped her up. "What are you doing, Kim?" "Sharing, babe. That's all. I love you. I love my Aunt Jenny." Boozily, Jenny said, "Maybe this wasn't a good idea, Kimmy. I'm sorry, Tim. Really..." "No, Jen, I'm sorry. Kim's the love of my life." "Tim, baby, I asked Aunt Jen. I should've asked you, too. I thought ... I don't know what I thought. I guess I thought that this is what a guy would die for." She...
By : Get John Hello to all ISS readers.This is the 1st time I am writting my story. I am a regular ISS reader.I am 22 years old now. I started getting interested in sex and the world of porn when I was 11yrs through the stories that I used to hear from my friends in school. We used to fantasize about our beautiful and hot sexy teachers who used to teach us. This incident happened when I was just 18 years old in train while I was travelling to Kerala. I know you may think this is fake seeing my...