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Kryztal Part 1 (of10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

Kryztal Part 1: Thelid to Pandora's box was ajar .

CarolineBlaine was beautiful, haughty and a perfect bitch.

Perhapsthis was why she was so successful as a lawyer. Caroline had the capabilityof going ruthlessly for the jugular while smiling sweetly at the judge. Shehad everything – beauty, career, a refined accent, and a handsome husband.

Life,on a superficial level, was great but in those rare honest moments, Carolineadmitted cautiously that, perhaps, there was something missing.

Carolinewas a rarity in Hollywood as she was truly a natural blonde. That hair, togetherwith legs to her armpits, large breasts, honey coloured skin and a warm andsensuous smile, made her the stuff men dreamed of and women envied.

Eventhough Caroline had lived in California for ten years, she scrupulously maintainedher English accent; in fact she became more British as the years went onas it gave her a distinct and different image. Caroline hadn't been backto London for six years and sometimes wondered what her old school friendsin Chelsea would think of her now.

Itwas a different time, a different world ,she would tell her self when old memories came back, Iwas a different person to what I am now.

Thefirm of lawyers that employed Caroline saw her as the perfect addition totheir partner ranks - a beautiful young woman with a stylish English accentwho was not ashamed to be a carnivore in the courtroom. Only in Hollywoodcould a lawyer look like a movie star while the movie stars looked and actedlike lawyers.

Italso helped Caroline's image that her husband of almost ten months was alsoa successful Hollywood agent and as ruthless as he was handsome. Hal hadbeen blessed with perfect teeth, dark brooding eyes and a crooked grin thatseduced women and put men off guard before he crucified them with delight.It was said around Hollywood that nobody closed a deal like Hal Blaine, nobodycould outwit or out-negotiate Hal Blaine.

Originallyfrom Georgia, he had spent several years in Boston before moving to Californiaand his dress sense was impeccable. He favoured expensive American suits,crisp shirts with glittering cuff-links and, of course, always the perfecttie. In an industry where 'California Casual' was the fashion, he stood outas a man of style and a man that women always noticed when he walked intoa restaurant.

Carolinesometimes thought the suits were just a little ostentatious and a littleshiny for her tastes, not subtle and refined like the English or Europeansbut, she told herself, it was Americaand Hal was certainly one of the best dressed men in her circles.

Healso had a voracious but casual appetite for sex. Caroline accepted the sexalthough she never achieved a real connection to it. Sex was something menneeded and she accepted her lot as one who gave when the mood suited her.

Onthe surface, Hal and Caroline appeared to be remarkably suited to each other.

Andthey were, but not truly until Kryztal came into the picture.

BeaRutledge was the most successful Madam in Hollywood and her girls only providedtheir special and discrete services to stars. Anybody that was making lessthan three point five million a movie could not get near one of Bea's girls;Bea's girls were special,and had specific tastes that would appeal to certain producers, directorsand stars. A date with a BeaGirl was not a simple fuck,it was an event worth paying for, and paid they did, and then paid extrato remain anonymous.

Beawas not the stereotypical owner of a high class escort service; if they madea movie about her she would, of course, be played by some blowsy blonde,addicted to cigarettes and cheap cracks – Hollywood producers lovestereotypes. Instead, she was short and slight with dark hair cut in a pageboystyle, and she dressed severely in men's clothes and always wore dark glasses.

Itwas rumoured Bea preferred women and had told Julia, a famous actor, that,'Men think with their cocks, thank God! If they didn't, I'd be broke andI wouldn't have my lodge in Aspen. Women think with their hearts,' she hadsaid softly, gently stroking the inside of Julia's wrist.

Itwas also rumoured that Bea and Julia spent a week in a famous Hollywood hotelsuite where they played many games that involved a dildo imported from Hollandthey had nicknamed Frederic. Apparently, so the story goes, when the epicweek ended, Bea gave Frederic to Julia, who had it mounted on an polishedstand and put it in her hall closet next to her Oscar.

Unfortunately,the law enforcement officials didn't turn a blind eye to Bea's business activities.She always blamed the ultra conservative right wing of American politics,but not too loudly as a great deal of the conservative senators and congressmenwere actually customers.

Apparently,these conservative politicians enjoyed being flogged by a beautiful girlcalled Tanya dressed as a catholic schoolgirl. Tanya, who was twenty-fourbut appeared to be sixteen and specialised as Bea'sSchoolgirl , always tookto the flogging with relish and left her conservative clients gasping inpain. Sometimes, when she was watching television with her lover Sonja, shewould giggle when she watched her customers secretly wince at press conferencesor in interviews.

But,political hypocrisy and desperate image consultants prodded the law intoaction and, therefore, Bea had to spend a healthy amount each year to retainthe services of an accomplished firm of L.A. lawyers.

Andthat firm was where Caroline worked.

Fromtheir first meeting, Bea and Caroline hated each other immediately and intensely.That meant, of course, that they were exceedingly polite to each other andsmiled a lot. Men had no idea as to the extent of the mutual hatred betweenthe women and sat in blissful ignorance in a minefield of hate. Women wishedthey could get out of the room before either Bea or Caroline produced a weaponof mass destruction from their Louis Vuitton handbags and dropped it on thepolished conference room table.

'Prostitutionis such a tawdry case,' Caroline had smiled sweetly at Bea, 'but I believethe current crack down will disappear soon and your hookers will be safeto walk the streets again.'

Beainwardly seethed. 'My girls don't walk the streets, as well you know. Theyoffer services far more detailed and caring than a quick roll in the hay.I imagine a quick roll in the hay with the lights off is what you occasionallygive that new husband of yours, poor dear.'

'Howdare you!' Caroline flushed deeply. 'Our sex life is very full, not thatit's any of your business!'

'Butit is mybusiness,' Bea smiled thinly, gathering her handbag, 'Hal has a standingappointment with my girls every week.'

Carolineblinked and gaped as Bea opened the door. 'He comes for what he can't getat home,' was her parting shot. 'Call me if you want to know what he likes.It would appear that I know,but you don't!''

Thatnight, Caroline almost attacked Hal and was very aggressive in their lovemaking.Why, she even forced herself to suck his cock for a few minutes before sittingastride him and ramming him into herself. All the time she was mechanicallyfucking her husband with an obsessed vigour and energy, Bea's taunting wordshaunted her.

Shecouldn't sleep and stared at Hal's sleeping face. Beawas lying , Caroline toldherself, she had to be! Whywould Hal go to her girls? I let him fuck me regularly, don't I? He lovesme, doesn't he?

Itbecame an obsession and, at last on Monday, she shamefully called Bea. 'Wantto know what Hal likes?' Bea had mockingly asked in a voice laced with silkentriumph.

'Yes,'Caroline had admitted, face red and feeling like crying. 'Yes, I do.'

Beagave her an address. 'Be there at two-thirty on Wednesday. You'll get tosee what floats Hal's boat.' Bea was laughing as she disconnected the call.

Carolineshowed up at the appointed time dressed in a simple business suit and waited.Bea entered, as usual wearing dark glasses and they air-kissed with restrainedhatred. 'This is Caroline,' she said to the two women standing beside herin black Armani pants suits. 'She wants to see Hal in action.' The womennodded and Bea slid some papers across her desk. 'Sign this, it's just astandard disclaimer for entering these premises.'

Carolineglanced at the papers but she was so upset at what was happening, so obsessedby it all, that she committed the number one sin of lawyers – she didn'tread the documents before signing them.

Beasmiled. 'Go with the girls and you will see what Hal likes.'

Thewomen led Caroline to a room with a large four-poster bed. 'I am Breanne,'one said, 'this is Zoe, take your clothes off.'

'What?Are you kidding…'

'Takethem off or we will take them from you,' Breanne said calmly.

'We'dmuch prefer if you struggled,' Zoe said with a cruel smile and Caroline suddenlyfelt frightened. 'We always enjoy a good struggle.'


Breannestepped forward and slapped Caroline hard across the face, so hard the forceof it sent her reeling across the bed. 'Get naked, slut, or there will bemore!'


Zoegripped a handful of Caroline's hair and tugged it viscously before slappingher again. 'This isn't a courtroom, sister. We don't do debates!'

Tearsrolling down her wounded face, Caroline kicked off her shoes while she unbuttonedher coat. The two women stood with arms folded, smiling until Caroline wasdown to her coffee coloured lace bra and panties.

'Please…'she began but Breanne wouldn't let her continue.

'Naked,or I'll let Zoe take them off you!'

Sobbingincoherently, hoping the nightmare would be over once they stole her clothes,Caroline unsnapped her bra, and shimmied out of her panties.

Zoecalmly gathered the clothes and Caroline stood with one arm across her breasts,the other covering her crotch. 'I've seen it all before,' Breanne said wearily,'you've got nothing new and nothing special, baby.' Disdainfully, she offereda small drawstring bag. 'Jewellery – rings, watch, earrings, bracelets,put them all in here.'

Woodenly,Caroline complied, dropping her various pieces of jewellery into the bag.'Hair clip,' Breanne prompted and Caroline removed it, her hair falling forward.

Zoereturned without the clothes and then both of them advanced on Caroline.'What do you want…'

Breanneslapped her again and Caroline fell on the bed. Suddenly, leather cuffs werewrapped around her wrists and then attached to ankle cuffs so she was lockedin an uncomfortable position, wrists to ankles, knees bent and exposed, soexposed.

Thedoor opened and Bea entered, smoking a pink cigarette in an ebony holder,smiling. 'Now, that's much better. That has to go,' she said, gesturing atCaroline's pubic hair, 'he may recognise it.'

'Please…'Caroline whimpered, trying to move, but whatever position she tried, herpussy was openly exposed, her large breasts rolling over her rib cage, nipplesstirring.

Breanneignored her and the other woman held Caroline's legs apart as Breanne switchedon the clippers she had suddenly produced. 'No…!' Caroline's headmoved from side to side in her humiliation as the clippers ran roughly overher sensitive groin. Zoe winked at her, sprayed her crotch with shaving latherand proceeded to shave. 'Don't move,' she warned and Caroline tried to buryher head in the bedclothes to hide from her own shame and Bea's mocking eyes.It was done, so smooth, and Zoe calmly removed the shaving cream with a fluffyblue towel.

Carolinehad always privately referred to her vagina as her 'bits' and now her bitswere so clearly visible. It was impossible for Caroline not to see her baldcrotch; she stared down at it, her large intimate lips gleaming pinkly againstthe smooth skin.

Breannebeckoned to Bea and pointed at Caroline's crotch. 'Look,' she said and Carolineturned her head away in shame as Bea leaned forward to look at her newlyshaven groin.

'It'sa birthmark,' Bea announced and Caroline knew Bea had identified the smallalmond shaped birthmark on her inner left thigh, situated where her leg mether groin. 'He might recognise it, so cover it.'

Zoeapplied a thick coating of a flesh covered plastic skin over the birthmarkand Bea smiled down at the red faced Caroline as they waited for it to dry.

Breanneand Zoe approached Caroline, both carrying bottles of scented oil. DespiteCaroline's protests and her horror at having two women intimately touch her,the women oiled every part of Caroline's body so she gleamed in the lightand smelled of a musky exotic perfume. The oil, in Caroline's horrified eyes,made her large breasts look lewd and her now-bald bits, obscene.

'Whyare you doing this?' Caroline cried but the three women ignored her.

'Thehair,' Bea instructed, exhaling smoke and Breanne snapped a rubber cap overCaroline's hair, holding it close to her skull while she fitted a brightred wig on Caroline's head.

'Aredhead,' Bea said maliciously, 'Hal loves to fuck redheads!'

'I'llsue you,' Caroline bawled. 'I'll see you in prison, you…'

'Idoubt it,' Bea said evenly, 'you signed a release, baby.'

Aleather hood was snapped on which covered her upper face to her nose, leavingher mouth and chin free, then closed around her throat. The ponytail of fakered hair emerged from a hole in the rear of the hood and Breanne locked iton with a gold lock.

Theypried her mouth open and inserted a ring gag so her mouth was forced to forman 'O' and she couldn't make intelligible sounds. She drooled, her eyes rollingin the eye slits of the hood as they also locked it shut.

Breanneused the same blue towel to clean the make up from Caroline's lower faceand then applied thick lipstick in a shade of orange Caroline would not benormally caught dead in.

'Rollher over,' Bea said, stubbing her cigarette out in a large glass ashtray.Caroline tried to resist but found herself face down, her head turned tothe side and her fleshy bottom pointing to the roof, knees bent and her entirecrotch obscenely displayed.

Suddenly,she felt hands around her waist and she was lifted up while an enormous roundcylinder of a cushion was slid under her breasts. When she slumped down onit, she was bent with knees on the bed; her upper body hanging over the cushionso her breasts wobbled free and her head hung uselessly. All the time, Carolineknew her legs were forced apart and she was helplessly displayed.

'Tattoo,'Bea snapped and Caroline tried to protest but her mouth could not form words,spittle rolling from her gaping mouth. 'Don't worry,' Bea laughed, 'it'snot permanent.' A transfer was applied to Caroline's bottom on her left cheekand, in black, it said simply 'Pain Slut'.

'Turnthe lights down low,' Bea instructed the others, 'our friend here is probablyonly used to being fucked in the dark.' Bea knelt down so her face was closeto Caroline's. 'The tattoo says Pain Slut,' she said softly, 'and that'swhat you're going to be because it's what Hal likes. I don't think he'llrecognise you with the hair, bald cunt and the tattoo but, then,' she laughed,'he just might… you might have a highly individual cunt that he'llrecognise it immediately.' She patted Caroline's arm. 'I doubt it though.Men are so unobservant and a cunt is a cunt when their dicks are hard.'

Thewomen left Caroline alone in that ignominious position, face down, wristsand ankles connected so her knees were bent and her wobbling bottom and bitswould be the first thing that anybody entering the room would see. Then,they would see her breasts hanging like udders over the cushion. Stupidly,the vain part of her wondered why they didn't leave her in a more flatteringposition.

Sheremained like that for ten minutes and then the door opened again. From thecorner of her eyes, she saw Bea standing in the door way, her arm linkedwith Hal's as both looked in. 'This is Kryztal,' Bea said. 'She's new andshe likes what you like. From opposite ends, of course,' she laughed.

'Shelooks great,' Caroline heard her husband's voice. 'You've got her all readyfor me?'

'She'sa submissive pain slut and we treat her that way. Of course, she loves it.'

'Okay,thanks Bea,' and, to her horror, Caroline saw her husband kiss her enemy'scheek.

'Oh,don't worry about condoms,' Bea said with a laugh, swinging the door shutbehind her.


'Sheloves bareback and she's clean.' The door shut and Caroline was alone withher husband.

'Well,hello Kryztal,' Hal said, his fingers lightly tapping Caroline's oiled andgleaming bottom. Caroline gurgled in the gag and then cried out as Hal slappedher bottom hard. Then he slapped it again and again until it was coveredwith red marks and it was stinging. Caroline felt humiliated and used but,strangely, she also felt aroused.

There'snothing I can do , shetold herself, I'm helpless,go with the flow; Hal comes quickly so it will be over soon.

Sheheard him undressing and then rummaging in the chest of drawers. 'Bea alwaysleaves me some toys,' he suddenly said, and Caroline tried to turn her headto see what he was doing.

Hishand slapped her bottom again and she gurgled into the gag, then suddenlyscreamed as she felt him clamp something sharp over her nipples. 'I thinknipple clamps are great, don't you, Kryztal?' Hal laughed as she wriggledand moved but it just made her breasts move all the more.

'I'mgoing to have fun,' he said, suddenly close to her ear, fingers roughly kneadingher breasts, 'and I don't give a fuck if you do. It's my dime and I'm havingfun.

Carolineyelped into the gag as two fingers pushed into her pussy, moving deep andsearching. 'You are apain slut,' he murmured, 'you're so wet.'

I'mwet , Caroline asked herself, I'menjoying this ?

Whistling,he removed something from the drawers and Caroline felt him buckle a widestrap around her waist, sliding it between her skin and the cushion, pullingit cruelly tight. A vibrator slipped into her pussy, moved in and out ina slow maddening rhythm and then was suddenly removed while fingers pushedsomething wet and cold on her bottom. No ,she silently screamed, notthat, please not that, not my bottom!

Thevibrator began its relentless journey into her anus while Caroline gurgledand spluttered into her gag, drool escaping from her desperate lips. Suddenly,she felt a second vibrator slipping easily into her pussy and she was sofull, so violated. The vibrators hummed into life and Hal connected anotherstrap to the belt around her waist, jerked it between her legs and fastenedit back to the belt, keeping the two pulsing vibrators securely in place.

Halmoved to the front, shoved his cock deep into her mouth that was held openby the gag and began to fuck her face. 'Make me happy, baby,' he said warningly,'or you'll regret it. Come on, lick and suck.'

Tearswere forming in her eyes. Her bits and bottom throbbed to the vibrators,her nipples painfully aware of the clamps, and Caroline desperately beganto suck and lick her husband's cock with a vigour she had never before shown.

'Pathetic,'he said succinctly, removing his cock and jerking the clamps from her nipplesin one swift movement.

Thepain was enormous, worse than when he applied the clamps, and Caroline shriekedinto the gag, her body rigid with the pain, her head turning from side toside while she tried to ignore the waves of agony.

Blinkingthe tears from her eyes, she saw his cock was in front of her face. 'Tryagain, bitch,' he said softly.

Carolinelunged for that cock, bringing her head over to it as quickly as she couldbefore he did anything else to her. Hal slipped the cock into her mouth andsmiled as she slavishly licked and sucked, trying to make him come so hewould stop, leave her alone, anything!

'Youare the worst cock sucker I have ever met,' he said, removing his cock andwalked to the drawers, ignoring Caroline's gurgling pleas.

Hereturned with a strange device, a stubby handle that had many straps of leatherattached to it and she stared at it, eyes wide, as he laughed quietly.

Forthe next twenty minutes he relentlessly used the flogger over her ass andback while the vibrators churned within her. Her muffled screams of painbecame pleas of desire as her skin glowed red.

Onand on, he flogged – her bottom, her thighs, her back, nowhere wassafe, and Caroline felt as if she was just one moaning animal of lust, tryingto move her clit against the leather of the belt that was tightly fastenedover her crotch. For the first time, Caroline's entire body was alive withlust and connected to sex. The lid to Pandora's box was ajar.

Haldropped the flogger on the bed and surveyed his handiwork. The slut's skinwas red hot and he unfastened the leather straps and laughed as the vibratorin her pussy immediately slipped out, lying glistening on the bed. With anotherlaugh, he jerked the vibrator out of her bottom and Caroline moaned intothe gag, the bedclothes wet from her saliva.

Withoutany thought or concern for her, he fucked her and fucked her hard. Touchmy clit , Caroline silentlypleaded, please ,but Hal ignored her clit and focused on her cunt, ramming that large cockof his in and out.

Almostcasually, he pulled out, leaving her vacant and empty, wanting more and,walking around, pushed his cock into her mouth. 'Last chance,' he whisperedand she desperately sucked, tasting herself on his cock.

Witha grunt, Hal came and his cum flooded her mouth while he forced her to continue,forced her to swallow until he finally pulled out, leaving her still facehanging down, his semen trickling through the hole in the gag, dripping onher dangling breasts

Ina daze, desperately wanting to cum herself and still tasting his cum, sheheard Hal dress and then saw dollar bills flutter onto the bed next to herhead. 'There you go, pain slut,' he laughed.

Halturned to go but then returned as if he had thought of something and Carolinefelt his fingers on her bits, feeling something hard being forced insideher. It was bigger than the vibrator and filled her, making her want so muchmore.

Hewas chuckling as he left and Caroline felt something light caress her thighsand ass. He's inserted thehandle of that whip thingy in me ,she realised with horror and shame, he'sleft it there for them to see .

Atthat point, Caroline really wanted to die. It was an intense contradictionthat she also wanted desperately to cum, that she was vibrantly and sexuallyalive.

Ashort time later, Breanne, accompanied by Zoe, entered and calmly unstrappedthe gag from around Caroline's head. Gratefully, Caroline began to flex herjaws as the hood was unlocked and removed, as was the wig and skullcap.

Breanneput the items on the chest of drawers while the other woman released Caroline'sankles and wrist. 'I'll let you get that out,' she said with a smile, pointingat the flogger that poked from Caroline.

Facebright red, Caroline gently pulled it from her glistening wet bits and droppedit with disgust on the bed.

Groaningand wincing with pain, Caroline shakily got to her feet as Breanne put herclothes on the bed. 'There's a bathroom there,' she said, pointing at a smalldoor Caroline had not noticed before. 'Be quick, we have to get the roomready for the next client.'

Carolinetottered into the bathroom. Her entire body was aching; her back, her bitsand bottom and especially her nipples, which felt as if they were on fire.Her face felt as if the gag had mashed it and her bottom cheeks were burning.'Oh, no,' she murmured when she saw the red marks over her back and bottom,'how will I ever explain these?'

Bea,flanked by the other two women, was waiting for her when she reluctantlyemerged from the bathroom, hair wet from the shower and walking gingerly.

Unableto look Bea in the eye, Caroline looked around for her handbag, saw it, andpicked it up. 'I put his tip in your bag,' Bea smiled coldly, 'hookers alwayswant their money.'

'Youbitch,' Caroline said quietly, eyes lowered, just wanting to get out of theroom.

'Iwonder what Hal would think if he knew he had shoved the handle of a floggerinto his wife's cunt after flogging her? Oh, don't worry,' Bea sneered whenshe saw Caroline's face go white at the thought, 'it will be our little secret.I imagine it would be difficult for you both to go on with your marriagewhen all your dirty secrets were out. How would you smile sweetly at eachother over the breakfast table if you both knew? Pass the orange juice dear,and why did you push that flogger handle in my cunt last night?' Bea foundthat hilarious and laughed loudly.

'Fuckyou,' Caroline said, pushing past.

'Ithink you were the one who got fucked,' Bea laughed, 'and I think you likedit.' The other women grinned when they saw Caroline's face flush. 'Give mea call if you want to come back, Kryztal,' Bea mocked, 'we've always gota slot on our roster for a pain slut!' Caroline slammed the door behind her.

Resistingthe urge to rub her smarting bottom through her skirt, she walked gingerlyto the street, searching for a cab and wondering how she was going to hidethe marks from Hal. She had no idea what would happen if Hal realised thatCaroline knew of his activities and had even witnessed them first hand – reallyfirst hand.

Itwas a hateful experience she had endured but despite all her faults, Carolineactually loved Hal and believed, no, hoped ,he still loved her.

Inever knew he was such a dominating man ,she thought, searching the street for a cab, sorough and powerful . It'sa pity , the thought slippedinto her mind, that hedidn't let me cum .


End Kryztal Part1 (of 10 Parts)
Carmenica Diaz © 2004

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This woman ROCKS a Dungeon in Berlin!!! WOW!!!With a deep breath, I stepped out of the changing room and back into the hallway. The man who had brought us to the house was standing there, looking like a German mountain with arms and legs. He looked at me from my naked feet and right up to my face. He turned to a table next to him, picked up what looked at first to be a black cloth bag and threw it at me. I caught it and he laughed. In a voice that sounded like the rumble of an ocean...

2 years ago
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My Girl Kathy

It all started at my birthday party when her family and her came over to my party. She was wearing tight jeans and a sweater, and was looking very good. She came over and told me happy birthday and the whole bit. She gave me a hug and a little kiss on the cheek which of course drove me absolutely insane. As I sat at the table waiting for my cake she put her hand around me and she was standing right next to me and i was sitting so when i returned the favor my hand was right about her ass....

3 years ago
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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 128 Intruders

Warren and Sophia quickly dropped Betsy off at the day care, and hustled over to the rink. Kathy was waiting for them. She directed them into her office. "Look, guys, I had to. I didn't know what was going on with you guys," Kathy started. "Bullshit," Warren spat. "You knew we were coming back." "Well, I thought that with the baby, plus since you won Worlds..." "Worlds isn't the Olympics," Sophia told her. "The Olympics?" Kathy laughed. "You guys don't get it, do you? You...

1 year ago
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Slamming my hot sister in law

You the reader can decide if the following is true or just a product of wishful thinking… My wife and I were invited to a Super Bowl party over at her older sisters. Hank and Marlene are nice people and we get along great. Hank is semi-retired and works with a local charitable group. Marlene is a nice looking middle aged woman with a gravely voice from too much booze and too many cigarettes. We arrived at the party early on Super Bowl Sunday afternoon and the party plates and drinks were...

1 year ago
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Bar Date

The actors in this script are of legal age. This is a work of adult erotic fiction and contains descriptions of sexual acts between consenting adults. If you’re under the age of consent where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it is illegal to obtain adult literature where you reside, delete this file immediately. If it’s entirely legal for you to read sexually explicit material, I hope you enjoy the story! This story cannot be posted or reused elsewhere without the permission of...

2 years ago
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fun with unknown 1

i was 17 or may be 18 and my dick was always searching for hole, but never had a chance to put it in the oven. i still remember that day because i got a chance of to fuck. i was hoping in the market and saw this lady she was short,stocky ,dark skinned with lovely eyes,lips and good size bust, as i saw her my heart has started thumping and i was feeling the dryness in mouth and my dick was hard under my pants, i was just staring at her and was not able to move, she was shopping and was eyeing me...

3 years ago
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It Started At The Pool

Since my divorce (7 years ago) I've been dating, but have managed to not find anyone that I've been interested in sufficiently to marry or have a permanent commitment with. Within the past year, that had changed as the relationship I'm in with a wonderful woman I met at the YMCA matured, but didn't meet Cindy directly at the pool. Rather, thats where I met her daughter (Jen), and she's the that got us together. Meeting Cindy I visit the local YMCA to stay in shape, and my...

1 year ago
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Milking landlady

Hello again to all the readers of ISS, it is quite heartening to see that the reading community has grown so big in no time. This is one of my many stories that I share with you on regular basis and I have had great response to the earlier episodes. Let me still give a brief intro about myself, I am Nitin 29 year old young man from Bangalore. I am healthy decent good looking and fair. I stories that I write are about the situation and events leading to the situation. All readers can get in...

2 years ago
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Peters Advanced TrainingChapter 2

Debbie was working in her studio while Meagan was at school when she noticed that her anti-spyware software had identified several threats. She started a full scan, and was quite disturbed to find tracking cookies from several porn sites that all seemed to have the word, cum, jizz, or facial in the URL. "What in the world? I don't go to sites like these!" Debbie said aloud. Then she noticed that the trashcan icon on the computer indicated that there were files in it. She always deleted...

1 year ago
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PureTaboo Serene Siren Alexis Tae I Never Asked For This

I NEVER ASKED FOR THIS Angela (Serene Siren) is enjoying a nice day at home, minding her own business, when there’s an insistent knocking at her door. Angela clearly knows who’s on the other side but REALLY doesn’t want to face it. Even so, she eventually answers the door, revealing Harper (Alexis Tae), her niece. It’s revealed that Harper’s stepmother, Angela’s sibling, has abandoned Harper and that Harper has nowhere else to go but with Angela. Although...

4 years ago
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Farmboy 17

FARMBOY The bucking sensation from underneath me could only mean one thing... car trouble. My luck had finally run out on this old piece of shit I have been driving for a year longer than I could have expected. It would be my luck to have it die in the middle of this country road. Taking the scenic route made more sense an hour ago as I slipped off the interstate for a change of pace. I'm not sure if I would be better off on the highway or on this rolling countryside. Only time will...

2 years ago
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Aunty Ne Dengina Hyderabad Lo

Naa peru azhar nenu hyderabad lo untanu na age 28 height 5’10 good looking inka na modda 7 inch paine untundi inka 2 inch lav untundi evairaina hyderabad lo girl housewife leda aunty nato dengich koval ankunte naku mail cheyanndi mana relationship secret ga untundi inka na mail cheyandi rase tappudu free ga undi rayandi Ika story ki vastanu maa inti pakkana oka aunty kottaga ochindi peru rajita ame ni first time chusi nappudu naku appude amenu dengal anpinchindi ame age 37 leda 38 undochchu...

1 year ago
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Womens club

The meeting of Conway Street Masturbation Club was just about ready to come to order as President Teddi Graves called for order, "Okay ladies, let's quiet down and get ready for business!!!" The twelve naked females between the ages of 26 and 58 all sat down and waited for Teddi to start the meeting! "It looks like were all here," she began while surveying the crowd, "I guess everybody has the "itch" today!!!" A titter of laughter rolled across the room as the women looked sheepishly at one...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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So Stupid

How could I have been so stupid, true he said he loved me and just wanted a few pictures of me but how could I let him talk me out of my clothes like that. Luckily I didn't open my legs like he wanted me to, still now a year on and we are no longer going out, he has pictures of me completely naked. I thought I could trust him but his phone call just now proves that I can't. "Meet me in one hour or I'll e-mail your picture to all my mates," he had threatened so what could I do. "Been...

1 year ago
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The Educator Ch 01

It was the biggest, nicest, room that Madeline had ever seen. She almost burst out laughing but checked herself when she remembered that Sissy, one of the kitchen girls, was standing behind her carrying her small bag. She took a breath and composed herself. ‘Lay the bag on the window seat and you can go.’ ‘I’m sorry miss, I was told to get you dressed for dinner.’ She looked frightened. Maddie felt sorry for her. She seemed afraid that Maddie was going to shout or hit her or something. She...

1 year ago
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Neighbourhood Terror to Sissy Pt27

Chapter 29 Stepping on the bus Marcy was still too dazed to even notice the looks she got. She just chewed her gum and kept thinking back to what had happened. Chelsea had been quite nice again, going there had definitely been a good choice, or at least the best she could make of a bad situation. The only downside to Chelsea was that she had been way too enthusiastic about it, but then again maybe that was someone who was nervous but genuinely wanted to try sucking cock at a gloryhole...

3 years ago
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The Hottie In The Window

1. Sightings ‘Good heavens, there she is.’ Bob caught a glimpse of her shoulder length blond hair as she walked past his office window. He stood up out of his chair and drank in the sight of her as she made her way from her car to the front of the office building. This is why he came to work early. This is why he arranged his morning so he could be near his window. Just to watch this unnamed beauty walk from her SUV to the front of the building. He had barely gotten to his desk before the...

2 years ago
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My Cute Pallavi Aunty

Hello readers, my name is Salman, 26years old and from UK. This story is about how I was seduced by my neighbour aunty Pallavi for sex. This happened some 4 years back. Pallavi aunty was around 40 years old then and had a figure to die even at that age. She was fair and had maintained her body well due to her regular workouts at the gym. She was married and her husband was working in a software firm. She is a mother of 2 daughters as well and both of them are in a boarding school.She was very...

3 years ago
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Desire of the White Wolf

Leslie Amberton closed up her New Orleans-based plus-size lingerie store, Lush Pleasure, for the night. She had gone through a very tough day. Her self-centered, narcisstic boyfriend Brad had a fight while at work and then was dumped her by way of a text message on her cell phone, saying she was bad for his up-and-coming celebrity image. Brad's an aspiring actor/model trying to get himself discovered. She knew he was wrong for her, because he had been trying to change her appearance and all...

1 year ago
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A Night Worth Waiting For

Brian had told Connie that she was beautiful. That she was the only girl in the world for him. That he thought he loved her. Everything Connie had heard before. None of this was new, she knew what sorts of things guys would say to get her into bed with them, or at least try to, but this time it was different. She knew they were lines, but she didn't care. Connie actually knew she could do better than Brian, but she didn't care about that either. Though she was far past puberty at age 19, she...

First Time
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Culture Shock 923

It was still dark. And silent. It felt like about four A.M. Elaine was lying on her stomach. She couldn't see the alarm clock, but she didn't want to know the time. One hand was between her legs, but it wasn't moving. It was... reassuring. She wasn't really aware of it. Remembering the fleeting images she'd dreamed, she put them together in her mind. Gary had picked her up after college. He was waiting for her, leaning on some nondescript sports car. He'd embraced her and she'd melted. His...

1 year ago
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HussiePass Madi Collins Fuck O8217 The Irish

Top O’ The Mornin’ To Ya! Seeing as it’s St. Patrick’s Day, we’re updating a little early this week so that we can give you this special “holiday porn” scene that features pintsized green-eyed redhead Madi Collins and oversized Leprechaun Brickzilla ?➕☝? After the ??‍? interview portion of the program, Madi gets herself loosened up by fucking a rather large rubber dong. In steps Brickzilla with some lucky lube ?? to get Madi all slicked up, because we all know...

3 years ago
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The Presidents ClubChapter 14

Officer Ben Johnson's career took off like a shot after that first 'Special Assignment'. He would have liked to brag about what happened, but who would have believed him? An assignment to have kinky sex with a beautiful woman — well, he hoped she was beautiful, anyway. With a body like that, who cared, really! Besides, he had given his word not to say anything or pursue the relationship outside of work. His lieutenant nagged him for details, his insistent requests falling just short of a...

2 years ago
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Stephanies Abusive Father amended

Introduction: Stephanies father wants nothing more than to use and abuse his daughter. Stephanies Abusive Father *amended* Julie_ I knew my dad liked his time alone. Since the days when my mother was alive, he often came home and wanted nothing more than to be left to his own devices for a couple of hours. That usually involved a six-pack of beer and the television in our living room. Now, ten years later I found myself living in the same house. Trapped with no hopes, nothing to aspire to and...

3 years ago
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Moving to the beach

Your an eighteen year old boy living with your two parents. Your name is Alex and your pissed. Without considering you in any decision your parents decided to move to a new place pulling you along with them. All you know about the place your moving to is its close to the beach. That's the only plus side you know of. Your not unfit but your definitely not overly sporty with a thin toned body, Piercing blue eyes and black hair your above average in looks. You don't care much about how you look so...

1 year ago
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I met this girl at the store about two weeks ago. We talked on the phone for awhile before she invited me to her house which was about an hour away. The next morning she picked me up and we went there. The girl didnt waste no time getting down to business. We fucked in the bed on the floor and in the shower.NOW this happend every day but one day i noticed these shoes and wondard to myself whose were they but i diddnt say anything. The next time i went routine as usual,we made it the shower and...

1 year ago
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Mardaani A Fantasy Part 8

Rani lay on the bed thinking, Karan spooning behind her, his cock still in her leaking pussy. They had just finished another session of vigorous fucking. It was three weeks since the abduction of her family. It was now time to return to the world. Initially Rani had thought that she would try and balance the two parts of her life – that of a cop and that of the depraved slut. But then, these past few months made her re-think. She no longer wanted to be bound by the shackles of the society. ...

3 years ago
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I became a whore for animal

Pete grabbed my hair and pulled me towards the middle of the pathway and Hank put a collar on me. They then continued to chain me to both sides of the pathway where the horse stalls were. They fixed the chain so low that it was impossible for me to get up, so I sat there on my hands and knees. Even though I didn’t want this and was scared out of my mind my pussy was getting wet. Hank dropped his trousers and held his limp dick in front of my face. I knew I didn’t have much choice, but also, I...

2 years ago
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Keeping It In The Family 8211 Part 2 Daughter Seduces Mom

You can contact me at hangout- Nidhi is bending over, going through the videos on her computer. Yashika is enjoying the sight of her mother’s naked body.  It’s been some time since she’s been going through her computer. If she stays there anymore, it might start to get suspicious. Nidhi takes the bowl of wax and walks towards her daughter. Like a horny slut, Yashika spreads her legs for her mother to be fondled and played with. Watching Nidhi all determined and serious, Yashika can’t help but...

3 years ago
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I was very horny

I woke up feeling pretty horny and wanted to suck cock and get fucked last week. I remember a friend told me of Parrot’s Bay Conservation area where a lot of guys cruised, so I thought I check it out. So I showered and put on some of my sexiest panties and a nice pair of stockings. I love to dress and become a little cum slut. I just love sucking cock and swallowing cum and I love having my willing ass fucked. I drove to the park and went to the area my friend said where all the fun is. There...

1 year ago
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I Dreamt that Night

I Dreamt that Night You ask me to take you for a ride in the car. As we were driving you put your hand on my legs and start to caress my pants. You open the zipper and insert your hand until you get hold of my dick and balls. You squeeze tightly. You keep rubbing and pulling until my cock becomes real hard. You bend your head between my knees. You take my dick out of my pants and take it all into your mouth. You take it deep into your throat and suck real hard. You keep sucking and licking...

Straight Sex
2 years ago
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Hindsight 2020 Book 4 Johnnys StoryChapter 23

We met with Steve and one of his managers. Sam just wanted to use our sound stage at the network headquarters but Steve wanted to show a helicopter fly around as it was announced that it was being broadcast from the Will Hotel and Casino. He was willing to pay to sponsor the event so I didn’t see why we shouldn’t play at the hotel. When Sam started talking about lighting, camera angles, air conditioning to compensate for the extra heat from the lighting, Steve forgot the high roller suite and...

3 years ago
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Start Every Day With a SmileChapter 13

Roman and Lucy rest for a bit before dressing and heading out into the city for dinner. They relive the events of the last couple days, dinning outdoors and walking around the city hand in hand. They spend the evening mostly enjoying each other’s company until finally heading to his apartment where Roman gives Lucy a ride back to her bungalow. The next morning things are back on track, at least where work is concerned. Little does Roman know that Brea is already making plans that will change...

3 years ago
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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 20A

In Memphis I was, on purpose, the last one off the plane. I lugged my carry-on at my side and then flung it over my shoulder as I entered the damp, hot daylight on the tarmac. The wrenching familiarity of everything I saw had me thinking: nearly sixteen years to get somewhere, and in five hours I was sixteen years behind. My mother, Aunt Frances, my sister Ann, and my great-aunt Mary met me at the arrival gate. I braced myself, thinking: All right, let's start using what Martha taught you....

2 years ago
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Just Pretend

Just Pretend"Oh. What do you want?" Yes, Freddie was being rude. Considering the person in front of him, however, it was entirely justified. Sam walked right past him, not even saying anything until she got to his fridge. Clearing his throat didn't stop her from searching through it."What's up, don't you have any meat?" she asked, looking at him as if that was his fault. Freddie had eaten the last bacon that day at breakfast, so technically it was his fault, but for her to come into his house...

3 years ago
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Excerpts of My Life

My name is Melvin or Mel for short except when I dress up as a girl and then I’m Melani. I am 14 live with my single Mom and enjoy my summers because I have nothing to do except pursue my passion, sex. There are three things I like to do and I can’t say that I prefer one or the other. I love the feeling of a hard cock in my hands and mouth; I love to feel a hot, wet pussy grip my tongue and I love dressing up like a girl. I’m well known at the Thrift Store for picking out cloths for my...

4 years ago
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Cop in a Fantasy WorldChapter 8

Almo agreed to adopt my training suggestions. We decided to try having Almo train Opso in the mornings while I trained the rest of the recruits on the more mundane principles of fighting with the sword. It looked to me like my idea of concentrating on knife and baton fighting was not going to do what we needed. Instead, I was going to teach the men how to use the longsword and the small shield. It seemed that the skeletons were lousy fighters, but whoever had chosen the small shield and the...

3 years ago
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My first BBC

Hey guys this is the first time writing my story so bare with me and I hope you enjoy! This story is 100% true and happened two years. I have always enjoyed having in public places, nothing gets me wetter than people watching me! Once I told my husband (boyfriend at the time) he suggested we go to our local adult theater/gloryhole. I wasn’t so sure about that at first because I didn’t know if I wanted other people touching me. That fear went out the window our first trip but that’s another...

4 years ago
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The Snowstorm

The forecast had been right, it began to snow just in time for rush hour. Nobody was sure just how much snow was going to fall but all agreed that it would be a big storm. There was a chance of up to a foot of fresh snow on top of the four inches already on the ground. Ruth was a nervous wreck driving home, she just absolutely hated driving in the snow. She was also worried about her son Jason. She knew he had to work at the gas station till 11:00 p.m. and she wished that somehow he could just...

4 years ago
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Knowing Ones Place

Megan reluctantly turns back into the magnificent bedroom, the air still thick with the exotic cocktail of schoolgirl pussy juices mixing with the residual puddles of cum on the floor, a heavy aroma that fills her head with sexual thoughts and bringing her back to an aroused state, despite having squirted merely minutes ago. Caitlin has her back to Megan before turning around, her eyes with a warm seductive glow, indicating for Megan to sit down. “Now Megan, how did you enjoy Becky’s...

2 years ago
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my friend Claudia

my friend claudiaThis is a story I told claudia and with his permission I will tell, Claudia is my old friend and her mulatto but born in Milan, he told me that when he was young was very hard to find work because of his color and the bigotry of a city like Milan in the eighties did not yet know all this multiracial Milan, then she finds work in a large clothing store near the train station was a tailor of high board with few staff she was hired as a second secretary of the shop his boss was a...

1 year ago
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Mafia And The Journalist Of Seduction 8211 Part 5 Narrow Escape

What Alisha didn’t know as she walked away from the SUV was her life was about to get tangled among gangsters, gun, cum, and lust. Neither did she know that she had made the driver cum again in his pants with her mere touch. Alisha had that effect on men! Back in her tiny, cozy apartment, Alisha was fast asleep. She slept the whole day as the last day was tiresome. She had to expose the truth to the world tonight. She needed her sleep now. Alisha woke up at dusk, got up from the bed, and made...

4 years ago
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Finding ShelterChapter 11

Mark and I spent our Saturday as we had so many before — doing nothing but a whole lot of it. We put together some Lego's and read a couple of books. We spent time playing knights and dragons and we built a snowman. We took a nap together on the couch and fixed tuna sandwiches for lunch. All in all, it was a good time for both us. It was almost 8 p.m. when I saw headlights in the drive. The fact that the headlights turned off and so did the ignition led me to believe the Kasey was...

3 years ago
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Facing Destiny Pt 2 of 2

Darkniciad melted into the kiss, lost in the feeling of her soft lips. She pressed her body against his and he subconsciously followed her lead when her other hand slipped behind his back. Even as he marveled at the feeling of her tongue slipping into the kiss to tickle his lips, one of his hands curled around her back, and the other settled on the swell of her taut bottom.Destiny moaned, pulling herself even tighter against him. Then, as suddenly as she’d moved in for the kiss, she pulled...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
2 years ago
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Unexpected Erotic Sex With Bhabhi

Hi, this is Riyansh. I am from Surat. This is my first story. This story is about the sexual encounter happened between me and my cousin’s wife. I am 27 years old, height is 5’9, fair, average body. My dick size is 8″. Tami (name changed) my bhabhi is 38 years old. 5’6 height, fair, long hair, with a 34-32-36 figure. She is too sexy. I used to like her a lot. We used to flirt with each other in funny ways. One day, I got a call from my bhabhi that my cousin was diagnosed with tongue cancer and...

1 year ago
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Loosening Up Book 9 Fantasies Among the WeedsChapter 25 Graduation Party Trouble Drops By

There had been some marvelous ideas to decorate for the graduation party. Again, the Cessna 150 had been hoisted up onto the roof of the core living room. A sexy mannequin borrowed from a department store at the mall was dressed in a graduation gown was getting out of the plane and stiffly waving to the crowd. The gown was open in the front revealing its nudity and a prolific crop of pubic hair. It was quite funny. Other banners and streamers were draped throughout the patio, living room,...

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