Celest and Epic 8217 s Exploration
- 4 years ago
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Celeste's Chuckles.
Ted finished wiping down the surface of the counter. There! That should pleaseTed's wife, Celeste, hopefully. Today was yet another big day, but he hopedCel would remember first. If not, his dick might just burst out of its littleprison. Ted looked around the kitchen at last. The cabinets were gleaming,the baseboards and floor had been mopped, scrubbed and waxed, the dishwasherand refrigerator had been cleaned out and scrubbed, and the windows had beenwashed. “Teddy? Are you finished in there?” Celeste's lilting tonescaused Ted's dick to surge, as he thought of her in her bikini top and tightjeans. But his cock could only get so excited…suddenly, there was thepain. The PAIN.
Ted's cock was entrapped in an unforgiving metal chastity device, a metaltube and he was not wise in getting big erections. Ted closed his eyes andbegan reciting state capitals to himself. Montgomery, Alabama. “Teddy,are you finished?” Celeste called. “I want to show you my new top!” Pierre,South Dakota. “It's cute and pink, but I think it's too tight aroundmy left boob!” Salem, Oregon. Ted's dick calmed itself a little. Concord,New Hampshire. Ted thought of a homely girl he'd dated from New Hampshire duringhis junior year at Duke. Finally, his penis was small and quiet again. He putthe rag down in the sink, and walked into the living room, where Ted's beautifulwife was reading “Elle” Celeste dropped the magazine on the floor. “Whatdo you think?” Celeste was wearing a small, velvety pink top with a smallNascar emblem on the front. It was not quite a T-shirt, and not quite a blouse.It had quite a plunging neckline. Des Moines, Iowa. But Ted couldn't controlthe returning swelling to his glans, and again he was in pain. Lincoln, Nebraska.Ted, of course was naked, except for the horrid belt.
Celeste began tucking in her shirt, which unfortunately emphasized the necklineby pushing the tops of her breasts out a bit. Celeste breathed deeply, andthe cleavage jiggled a little. Ted unconsciously groped himself, trying tore-adjust the belt so his penis didn't hemhorrage. St. Paul, Minnesota. Albany,New York. “Do you like the top, Ted? Jose gave it to me.” Celestelooked at Ted anxiously. “Do you think it's too tight?” “Oh,no.” Ted managed. “You look just won-wonderful. Miss Celeste, youare just the cutest girl.” Celeste jumped out of her chair and walkedover, giving Ted a big hug. She rubbed her boobs all over his chest, and hisdick began contorting in its metal cell…it was “Soul Train” downthere. Almost unwillingly, Ted's arms came around Celeste, and one hand wentdown to touch her bottom, rounded in the jeans. He squeezed Celeste's bottom,and ground himself into her crotch. WHACK!” Ted's head rang. Celestestood back, hands on her hips. She was furious now. “God damn it Ted…didI say you could feel me up?” Ted looked at the floor, a tear coming downone cheek. “No, Miss Celeste.”
Ted and Celeste had met in high school, when he was a geometry geek and she,the captain of the cheerleaders…she had no time for him. Ten years later,he'd run into her again in Tyson's Corner mall, and discovered that Celestewas poor now, and divorced. Ted had asked her to move in with him, and showedher his nasty metal belt, and his funny magazines…perhaps he shouldn'thave. He should have slept with Celeste at least once, he thought. But nowit was too late. Santa Fe, New Mexico. Now Ted was completely in Celeste'sthrall…he supported Celeste, gave her lots of money, and took care ofthe house and cooking, as well. Celeste's job was to look good for him, andonce a month, if Ted was very, very good, she'd take off his belt and let himhave a very short jerk-off session, while staring at Celeste in whatever snugdress or tight shorts she was in, and the orgasm would be worth all the housework,all the money, all the favors. She was his Princess.
She was unpredictable, sometimes, and it seemed like there were so many rules.Recently, Ted's wife felt that Ted wasn't getting enough sleep, so she'd givenhim an eight o'clock bedtime. This was bad enough, Ted being in bed like afive year old while Cel entertained her young male friends, necking on thecouch in front of Jay Leno, but the way he had to say good night! Celeste hadpurchased some red striped pajamas for Ted, no sleeping in his tee shirt andshorts any more…and he had to come in and kiss her good night…andone night, they'd been entertaining another couple, and five to eight had hit,and Celeste said “It's bedtime, Teddy. Not for you guys…we cansit up and tell some dirty jokes, but Teddy's in bed by eight, go get in yourjimmies, honey.”
Ted tried to hint that maybe since they were with his college buddy and hisgirl, maybe he could just stay up a little later, y'know, for appearances…Celestehad taken Ted by the ear in front of Dave and Kirsten, and boy did Kirs giggle.They'd gone in the bedroom, and Ted had changed into his red striped P.J.'sand then Celeste made him come out and kiss her good night, and say good nightto the astonished Dave and Kirsten…
Ted had gotten pouty, and damned if Cel hadn't pulled him over her knee,pulled down his jimmies, and whipped him with a hairbrush! She'd asked Davefor his belt for the final ten, and Ted was not much of a pain-taker…he'dburst into tears. He'd spent the rest of the evening, not in bed as was theplan, but standing in the corner with his pajama bottoms down and his red bottomon display. Dave and Kirsten had not been back. But Celeste was wonderful!He'd rather spend an evening massaging and waxing Celeste's long legs, withthe cock in surging pain in the belt, than see any old friends, or new oneseither, for that matter.
Now she looked at him, annoyed. “Just a pervert, Ted. That's what Imarried, a fucking perv.” Ted hung his head. “And what a way toact…today of all days.” Ted looked up, panicked. It was true,it was his squirt day. He had not had a release now in two months, as the monthbefore he'd screwed things up by not opening a package she'd sent him at workcontaining the key. Now it had been two months, sixty days, eight weeks, orwas it nine? No, no…he couldn't have screwed it up again. Celeste lookedat Ted's teary, pleading eyes, and chuckled. “No, don't worry honey.I'm not mad at ya. You're not usually such a grabby boy, and you do take careof me.” Celeste walked to her familiar chair and sat down in it, herbreasts shifting in the pink top. Ted sighed. Albany, New York. Or had he alreadydone Albany? Celeste reached into her pocket and brought out the key, and handedit to Ted. Usually, she made him beg for it, pretended to get in tempers or “lost” it,but tonight seemed to be his night. Ted put the key in the lock and began toturn it, grinning.
“Wait!” Ted stopped and looked up. “I forgot something” Celesteheld a finger up, the long red nail twirling a bit. Celeste reached into herhandbag sitting by the chair and brought out some handcuffs. “Turn around,honey.” Ted was stunned. “What, but it's my time—will I cum?” Handcuffswere a new thing in their play. Sometimes Cel did tie his hands when she waswashing the belt, to make sure Teddy didn't diddle himself, but that was afterhis monthly. But he obeyed orders. After Ted was cuffed, he turned around again,and Celeste carefully removed his belt, and Ted's dick shot up, looking a littleprecum-soaked. “Aaw, Teddy.” Celeste looked terribly concerned.She took a tissue out of her hand bag and began wiping the liquid off the headof Ted's dick, and of course this generated more liquid, dribbling out of thetip. Ted watched Celeste's long nails and soft fingers manipulate his penis,and it surged. This was the first time she'd ever touched his penis, he thought.And they were married now! It was about time. Ted watched Celeste's cleavage,which seemed somewhat squeezed in the top, as the energetic and quite softfingers played along his glans. Ted quickly inhaled breath as Celeste wipedhim clean, gave him a final stroke and dropped his penis in mid air.
He had to be very careful, Ted. Of late, it seemed like Celeste was lessgenerous with his monthly orgasm—making him earn it, for instance. He'dlost his squirt day one month because Cel had made Ted kneel naked holdinga tray out with two glasses filled to the rim with water. “Honey, I wantyou to do this, just for two hours…if you drop any water from once glass,you can't cum this month, if you drop both glasses you can't cum next month…butif you can hold the glasses for two hours, I'll let you cum twice.” Tedhad made it an hour and forty-five minutes, his knees numb on the hardwoodfloor, his arms held out stiffly. He'd once had to do this with a rifle inR.O.T.C., but only for twenty minutes…Ted was so close, and then Celestewalked by in her denim shorts, turned around, pulling down the pants quickand giving Ted a big moon. Two months of celibacy followed, plus another fortnightbecause when the second glass fell, some of it got on Celeste's leather sandals.Another month Cel had had Teddy wash her lingerie by hand in a bowl on thefloor…an hour time limit, and he just couldn't get the “ring aroundthe collar” out of her best blouse, and the date had been extended twelvedays.
Now, Ted was standing, humiliated as always, as Celeste stuck her tongueout at his penis, as it waved it back and forth, and thought about how embarrassedhe felt. “Now what?” Ted asked sheepishly. He could never get overhow embarrassed it made him to stand naked before his beautiful, clothed wife..andwhy were his hands cuffed? “Miss Celeste, I can't stimulate myself withmy hands gone.” Ted said piteously. Celeste pulled her top tighter, gigglingat Ted's bouncing erection. “You're right, Teddy. What you need is friction…butdon't you get sick of the sameness of your hand?” Ted's stomach leaped.Was she going to screw him? Or blow him? Jerk him off? Unlike the tease/denialgirls in his websites and magazines, Celeste didn't touch Ted's dick if shecould help it, at least when it was bare… could this be changing? Celestesmiled, and stood up, taking Ted by the shoulders and guiding him to his knees,and down on the hardwood floor.
Now Ted was lying on his stiff penis on the floor, with his hands cuffedjust above his naked bottom. All he could see of Miss Celeste were her highheeled pumps. This one, he thought, was weird. “You ready to get somefriction, Teddy?” “Yes, ma'am.” Ted was muffled by the floor. “Startrubbing.” Celeste's laugh tinkled above Ted. “Rubbing? What doyou mean?” What the hell, Ted thought. “Rub your wee-wee againstthe floor, honey. This is a new one for you…are you afraid of splinters?Wait.” The pumps moved away, and came back and Ted saw one glorious kneeas Celeste knelt beside him. She reached over, lifting his crotch, and pulleda white fluffy towel between penis and floor. “Now, Teddy…humpthat floor.” There was a chuckle in Celeste's voice. “What do youmean? I want to play with myself.” Ted was arguing into the hardwood. “I'veearned it! Please Miss Celeste.” Ted felt Celeste's pump kick his shouldernot too gently. “Darling, remember last time? You complained so much,your time ran out…”
Ted sighed, and tears came into his eyes. He began humping the towel. Thecuffs bit his hands as he tried to pull out of the bracelets, but he focusedon rubbing his swollen dick, engorged with sixty days of backed up arousal,against the fuzzy towel. Ted pushed his erection back and forth, and up anddown, and the friction was there…but he wished he could look at MissCeleste. “I want to look at you when I cum, Miss Celeste” “Oh,you've seen this old girl before, Teddy, Hump, it's doing you good.” Shewas right, the cock was pushing hard against the towel, and Ted felt more andmore excited. It was bringing him off, but it was indeed an unusual experience.But could it get worse? Ted heard the door open, and Travis' voice. He hada key to Ted's house? “What's this, Celeste, honey?” Travis' voicewas quite amused. Travis was one of Celeste's on again, off again boyfriends…Tedhated him. “Looks like this boy's trying to grind hisself into the floor.”
Celeste laughed. Ted could see her polished toenails as she walked towardsTravis' boots. Both of them clothed, and how ridiculous he felt, naked as ajaybird, fornicating with a damned towel. “Well, he's got to get hisrelease too, Travis. I made you come eight times yesterday, and you made mecum about thirteen…Teddy's got his due, too, don't you sweet-ums.” Tedbit his lip. He wanted to kill them both, but even the derision didn't stophim from humping…
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xmoviesforyouHello ISS readers.This is Shardule. I am new to this site which my friend recommended, but truly friends this site is off the hook! It is an amazing site where people can share their most intimate encounters just like the one i am gona narrate. But firstly let me tell you something about myself, I am good looking 21 years old and a final year IT engineering student from a reputed college in mumbai. I stay in mumbai, i am 6 foot tall have a average build and a long and strong dick.. but in spite...
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Escort SitesAlison plopped down on the blanket and looked up at the sky. Dan paused in starting the fire, and looked over at her. She was wearing a simple wraparound skirt and a blouse. It was pretty obvious that she wasn’t wearing a bra underneath the blouse. He thought she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. For a change, she looked like the nervous one on the date. He smiled at her and said, “I hope that you’re not disappointed.” “This is lovely. A little too romantic, but lovely,” Alison...
Several days of wandering these outskirts of London growing closer to penniless by the hour with little awareness of city slicker guile. The combination of same leading young girls of her age ever closer and in some cases gullibly too willingly to the possibility of falling prey to the iniquitous devises from unprincipled male hands in residence always there. Cecelia being no exception. She became the prime candidate of the hour as the wandered unescorted and aimless into the grounds of a...
Hi Guys!!! I came across ISS accidentally when browsing for something a week back. From then I have been reading stories here. Since I’m on my vacation this has become my all day time pass to come out of boredom. To introduce myself I’m Roshan (fake name for obvious reasons), 26 years old, and height 5’10 medium built working in a MNC at Bangalore. I’m here to share one of experiences which I went through during my engineering days. The girl whom I’m referring here is one my best friends who is...
I had licked my cum from Kathy tits she sat on Ed's cock! Ed had lifted her up and moved her pussy to her mouth sucking his cum from her pussy watched as he slipped his tongue deep in her hole lapping his cum. Ed's cock was cum covered I figured what the hell seeing him lick Kathy pussy I would suck his cock. Got down on my knees and grabbed his cock lowering my mouth on his cock Ed jumped at first and looked down at me he seamed shocked at first I had his gland in my mouth, he went back to...
Hey guys, this is Rahul again with 8″ beefy cock to fill your holes. Hope you people are fine and having so much fun in your lives. Those who don’t know me for them I ‘m 26 years old with athletic body. We been facebook friends for sometime now. I have been checking her pics out. Married and a daughter…yet she looks so do-able. Her husband was nothing of a man for a beauty like her. She had big mouth, lovely lips, gorgeous smile. Heavy boobs, great ass!! An absolute great fuck! She deserves a...
The storm outside the small restaurant blew with cold indifference, rattling the single-pane plexiglas window over the register, making the counter girl pull up the zipper on her faded sweatshirt with frayed sleeves. The clock read 3:00 am, another long hour before closing. Normally there was business at this hour in a small college mountain town, as the bars closed and kicked out a few hundred drunk and hungry students. But the storm kept everyone cooped up in their dorm rooms,...
This story is fiction but who knows what tomorrow brings, maybe this will happen with a a lady on her one dayWe arrange to meet at a pub in the countryside in the mid summer, as usual it's overcast but that can't spoil my mood. Having never seen your face we agree that u should wear a flowery summer dress. I arrive early nervous and quickly sit on the end of the bar with a drink scanning the pub and peerring at the door wondering if you'll turn up. The sexiest women I've ever seen enters and my...
The following characters appear in the first chapter of the story: Robert King’s Marshal, 6’-8” tall, 275 pounds, 29 years old, flaming red hair and beard, green eyes, freckles mostly not visible Rebeca Slave girl, 5’-7” tall, 120 pounds, 34C-21-32, 17 years old, orange/red hair, green eyes, freckles, very cute Albert Farmer, 6’-0” tall, 190 pounds, 38 years old, brown hair and eyes broad shoulders Wesley Journeyman Physician, 5’-10” tall, 150 pounds, 26 years old, blond hair, blue...
Disclaimer: This story involves adult content. Please do not read if you find transformation stories offensive. Thanks to Bill Hart for this mighty story universe. If this tale came out right, thank him. If it didn't, blame me. As always, please let me know what you think! Thanks to Steve Z, Jen, Scott, and Tom for pointing out what should have been obvious. SRU: Revenge-TV By Lucretia Mike was walking through the mall heading to Radio Shack for an adapter for his TV. He...
WARNING! All of my writing is intended for adults over the age of 18 ONLY. Stories may contain strong or even extreme sexual content. All people and events depicted are fictional and any resemblance to persons living or dead is purely coincidental. Actions, situations, and responses are fictional ONLY and should not be attempted in real life. If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or...
Friday, January 19, 2007 Mr. Piotrowski hung up the phone, and asked Scott if he wanted to go to Chicago with him. "Chicago?" Scott asked. "That was the folks at the Field Museum. We've been invited to the opening of their new netsuke exhibit. I think it's an excuse to have a party, but they're calling it a fund raiser. They're going to cover our air fare and hotel expenses," explained Mr. Piotrowski. "That's cool! Uh, when is it?" Mr. Piotrowski made a note on the calendar...
————– —– As the hot water pounded her back, Gia released a long, deep breath. She stood in the shower trying to piece together her feelings about the evening. Aside from her shock at seeing Scott again, Gia didn’t know what was going on with her. Her head spun with images of his face and the memory of his smile, and each time she thought of his touch, a shiver ran down her spine. He was so much the same, and being with him had made her feel that she was 18 years old again, naïve and flush with...
It was the summer of 1987 school was out, and I needed some money. So I got a summer job working at the local supermarket. It was a hot summer that year; the weather was in the hundreds! The action I got was just as hot as the weather. That summer, I got laid by an older woman named Ms. Sonia Martinez, a thirty-five year old with smooth brown skin, wavy dark brown hair and sexy brown eyes. One evening, Ms. Martinez came to the store to do a little grocery shopping. I was stocking the aisles...
MILFMy wife Diane is a typical 24 year old young woman in every way, except for the fact that she has grown more and more sexual as she gets older. She is beautiful, five foot six inches, 127 pounds carrying a 36C chest with shoulder length auburn hair. She inherited her long, sexy legs from her mother's side of the family. She loves to dress to show off her great shape that she works hard at the gym to maintain. Sometimes, she undresses to show off her incredible body. We have experimented with a...
Group SexThere were tears in my eyes, but I wasn’t upset. There was pain on my face, but my head was spinning with delight. My teeth were clenched as I happily waited for the next strike.He liked to slide the paddle around my ass for a few seconds between hits. And I’d get squirmy and squirrely waiting for it.Then he CRACKED it down on me, and I cried out as my knees buckled. I couldn’t imagine how red my ass was getting.It would’ve helped to spread my legs more, I think. But I couldn’t. He insisted I...
SpankingMary Van Gorden sighed to herself as she poured the ingredients into the salad tosser. With a push of a button from her smartly manicured finger the machine buzzed to life, throwing the mishmash of ingredients around inside it's belly. The house was quiet. Mary rarely listened to music at home, it was relegated to background noise during the morning and evening commute. Most of her life had become background noise for that matter. Her job in middle management overseeing a team of adjusters for...
LesbianOur love affair started that weekend, and scarcely a weekend went all that spring when we didn't fuck. By that time, Cindy had signed with a modeling agency and was getting regular work as a model, and the agency would routinely assign her shots to me, since we had such a rapport with each other. She was the ideal model. Now most models can be temperamental, obsessing about their clothes and makeup and pitching fits when everything wasn't exactly right, and making every shoot a living hell....
The holidays were over, and now it was the new year as well. Our New Year's wasn’t very exciting as mom, Klintuck and I went to a bar to bring in the new year. I woke up and headed down stairs to the kitchen and to my surprise found mom in her panties and an apron making breakfast. It was surprising to see her, as this was Klintuck’s house and not hers. “Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?” Mom asked, smiling. “Ya I did mom, thanks. I didn’t know you were coming today,” I said with a...
Fantasy & Sci-FiHi dosto mera naam Amit hai age 21 me Orissa ka hu ye meri ek sex kahani hai me pichale 3 salo se iss ka reader hu muje iss ki mature aunty aur incest story padhana bahut acha lagta hai agar koi aunty ya bhabhi real sex karna chahe to mere id par mail kare Mu bartaman story odia bhasa re arambha karuchi. Aie story mo Khudi nka sorry Sango mu toh mo khudi nka bisayare kahibaku bhuli jaichi. Mo khudinka namo Priya Tanku 29 barso bayasa Dekhibaku Sundar tike kam dhola kintu tanko figure 34-28-36...