Miss Marks The New Head Mistress: The School Secretary's Secret Spanking Desires Part Two free porn video

The Head Mistress returned a few minutes later and found Amber Fox still lying face down in the cushion on her sofa. She continued to sniff and sob loudly and Amelia ignored this as she placed her tube of Aloe Vera gel on the coffee table and removed a couple of wipes from the pack before she placed these on the table too. Miss Marks got on her knees and began to wipe the moist wipes over every inch of the younger woman’s sore bottom. The forty-two-year-old woman ensured that she touched every inch of her secretary’s bottom and thighs with the wipes before placing them on the table. Next, she picked up the tube of gel and squirted a good handful into her right hand before replacing the tube on the table. Again, the disciplinarian spent an age rubbing the cooling gel over every inch of Amber Fox’s red and sore bottom.
Amber eventually began to control her breathing and her sniffs and sobs became fewer and far between. She still lay with her face down in the cushion while Amelia busied herself by tidying up. First, she picked up the used wipes and went and put them in the kitchen bin. Once she had returned to the living room she picked up her implements and returned them to her downstairs office. Finally, she picked up the tube of gel and the wipes and returned them to her bathroom cupboard. Miss Marks stood in her bathroom for a few minutes and looked in the mirror. She adjusted her blouse and skirt and smiled as she realised how aroused she had become. She was hot and sweating, her knickers were damp, and she could feel that her nipples were erect.
“Now. Let’s see how Amber Fox really feels,” she thought to herself as she looked in the mirror.
Before Amelia returned to her living room she removed her shoes and pulled her light blue knickers down and stepped out of them carefully, leaving them on the bathroom floor. She smiled as she entered the living room and found Amber Fox still lying face down on the sofa. The younger woman had moved her hands and was rubbing her undoubtedly sore and hot bottom in an attempt to soothe it.
“How was that young lady? Have you learned your lesson, and have I put you off wanting to be spanked in future?” Miss Marks stood looking down at the red-haired woman and waited for a reply.
Amber Fox slowly removed her face from the cushion and placed it back in the corner of the sofa. She carefully and awkwardly got to her feet and stood facing the Head Mistress, brushing her long, red hair from her face as she thought about how to reply.
“Thank you Head Mistress I really enjoyed it despite the pain.” She slowly rubbed her hands over her swollen and hot buttocks before she continued.
“I’d like to say that I have learned my lesson but to be honest, Miss, I don’t think that I have, and I think that I’d need to be spanked again at some point.” Amber smiled nervously.
Miss Marks placed her hands on her hips and shook her head.
“Such a naughty, naughty girl. Perhaps I should simply put you back over my knee right now and punish you until you promise me that you don’t ever want to be spanked again?” Amelia laughed.
Amber Fox knew Amelia far too well. She knew that the older woman was totally serious about resuming the punishment and the younger red-haired woman certainly didn’t want that. Her bottom couldn’t take any more.
“No. Please Head Mistress, I’ll be a good girl. I promise.” She nervously shuffled around on her feet as she stood before the smaller woman.
Miss Marks took Amber’s left hand in her right hand and laughed quietly.
“I’m glad that you will be a good girl young lady. Perhaps we should use the threat of a spanking in future as an incentive for you to maintain the high standards of work that you have always shown me – we could have occasional appraisals of your performance and if your standards have slipped then over my lap you go?” Amelia stroked Amber’s long red hair with her left hand.
The young secretary smiled and looked into Amelia’s brown eyes.
“I’d like that Miss.” She really wanted to kiss the older woman on the lips and see how she responded.
Amelia Marks licked her lips and focused on Amber Fox’s large breasts, which stood out proudly under the tight light blue school blouse.
“Then that’s what we shall do. You will come here every time I request it and we shall discuss how you have performed at work. If your performance has not been up to standard, then you know what is coming your way, young lady.” The dark-haired Head Mistress smiled wickedly.
Both women stood there smiling at one another for a few moments in silence. Amelia was so aroused and just wanted to kiss Amber Fox. The taller, red-haired woman knew how damp she was between her legs and just wanted to undress Amelia and kiss her all over. They continued to stand facing one another for a while before Amelia Marks made her move. She moved Amber’s left hand and placed it on her right breast. Miss Fox smiled as she felt the woman’s small breast through her white cotton blouse. Within a moment, Miss Marks had leaned over and kissed the taller woman softly on her lips. She held the kiss as long as she could and waited for her secretary’s reaction.
Amelia Marks expected the younger, red-haired woman to pull away in disgust and run upstairs to grab her clothing, but she didn’t. In fact, far from it. She allowed the older woman to kiss her and took her free hand and placed that on Amelia’s other breast, running her hands over every part of the woman’s small breasts. Miss Fox pulled away slowly and then returned, carefully pushing her tongue into the Head Mistress’ mouth and exploring every part. Miss Marks carefully unbuttoned the woman’s light blue school blouse and revealed Amber’s white bra. The women continued to kiss and touch one another before Miss Marks pulled away and licked her lips.
“Would you like to continue this in my bedroom, naughty girl?” Amelia Marks purred and took hold of her secretary’s right hand.
She needed no persuasion and allowed herself to be gently pulled up the stairs, along the landing and into Amelia’s impressive bedroom.
“On the bed and take that bra off sweetie.” Miss Marks kissed Amber once more and watched as the woman did as she had been instructed.
As Amber lay on her boss’s bed she watched the older woman undress seductively. Amelia Marks kicked off her shoes and then untucked her expensive-looking white fitted blouse from her skirt and slowly unbuttoned it before removing it and throwing it onto the floor. Next, she reached behind her back and carefully unfastened her light blue bra, allowing it to hang there, covering her small breasts for a few moments before this too was thrown onto the carpeted floor below. The short, dark-haired woman then reached behind her and unzipped her black skirt which she pushed down until it fell onto the floor where she stepped out of it. Amelia stood there absolutely naked, looking at her secretary with a serious expression on her face.
She walked around to the left-hand side of her double bed and placed her glasses on the bedside table before finally, he removed her hair clip and shook her long, black hair free. The older woman carefully lay down on the bed next to Amber who immediately began stroking Miss Marks’ long hair. She had never seen the older woman with her hair down before and she delighted in rubbing the dark hair against Amelia’s small breasts with their erect nipples.
The two ladies lay there for a few minutes simply touching one another and exploring one another’s bodies with their hands before Miss Marks leaned over and kissed her secretary on her mouth. Amber Fox simply let her kiss her lips softly before opening her mouth slightly and allowing Amelia to slowly push her tongue inside and explore. At the same time, Miss Fox took the Head Mistress’ small breasts in both hands and touched and squeezed them gently before she allowed her hands to wander to Amelia’s neatly cropped pussy. Amber Fox smiled, still being kissed gently by her boss, as she began to stroke the older woman’s pussy lips gently.
With the feeling of the younger woman’s fingers touching her pussy, Amelia Marks gasped and began to touch Amber Fox’s large breasts. She stopped kissing the red-haired woman’s lips and instead turned her attention to her secretary’s large breasts with their pale nipples. The Head Mistress immediately took the woman’s right nipple in her mouth and began to lick, working her tongue in a circle, before she took it in her mouth and gently sucked and bit on it, ignoring the gasps and moans the woman made. She repeated this on Amber’s left breast, careful not to bite too hard as the younger woman’s fingers that were still rubbing her pussy lips were giving her an almost mind-blowing feeling.
After what seemed like an age, Amelia returned to kissing Amber Fox on the mouth and after rubbing her breasts some more, her hands wandered down and over the small clump of ginger public hair that sat neatly atop Miss Fox’s pussy. Miss Marks pushed Amber’s fingers away from her legs and took control. She ran her fingernails along the younger woman’s pussy lips and all the way up her anus. She repeated this several times, continuing to kiss her secretary on the mouth as the younger woman gasped.
As Amber became more and more aroused, Amelia began to hold her fingers over the woman’s anus and pussy lips before eventually slipping them inside the younger woman’s moist and warm pussy. The Head Mistress found her clit almost immediately and smiled as she slowly and gently ran her fingers backwards and forwards. She leaned in and allowed her long, dark hair brush against the young woman’s breasts, all the time using her fingers to pleasure her secretary. After a short time, Miss Marks felt the thirty-two-year-old’s muscles tense, and soon after she came to a noisy climax before collapsing back on the bed.
However, the young Head Mistress wasn’t finished there and repeated the procedure three more times, smiling each time as the red-haired woman screamed with ecstasy as she came. Despite both ladies being hot and sweaty, Miss Fox was determined to return the favour to her boss. Once she had recovered she sat up on the bed and pushed Amelia Marks down onto her back. The school secretary began by kissing Amelia softly on her lips whilst at the same time, teasing the woman’s small, dark nipples with her fingers. She leaned over and kissed, licked and sucked on them, smiling to herself as she could hear the older woman moaning with pleasure.
Amber Fox continued kissing Amelia for a while, all the time allowing her long, red hair to touch the woman’s bare skin. Once she was satisfied that Amelia was ready, Miss Fox sat up and shuffled around until her head was at the bottom of the bed. She used both hands to push Amelia’s legs apart and leaned over and began to softly kiss and lick the Head Mistress’ neatly cropped pussy. Amelia unintentionally reached down and pushed Amber’s head further into her crotch and enjoyed the intense feeling of the young woman’s tongue licking her pussy lips.
Once satisfied, Miss Fox stopped and placed two fingers on her right hand inside Amelia Marks' wet pussy. They slipped inside effortlessly, and the Head Mistress spread her legs wide and closed her eyes. The young, red-haired woman began to move her fingers backwards and forwards slowly, smiling as Amelia’s breathing became heavier as she became more and more turned on. After a while, Miss Fox felt the older woman’s muscles tense and she held her fingers against her clit, gently probing it with her fingernails as Miss Marks came to a noisy orgasm.
Amber Fox repeated this three more times before she gave Amelia’s inner thighs and pussy one final kiss. She sat up and returned to lying next to the older woman who had collapsed exhausted into her pillows. The women lay next to one another, breathing heavily before Amelia pulled the younger woman to her and kissed her again before holding her in a long embrace. They fell into a satisfied sleep and it wasn’t until well past midnight when they awoke and looked lovingly into one another’s eyes.
After a short while, and more kissing and touching, they made their way back downstairs and into Amelia’s living room. The Head Mistress was wearing a dressing gown and Amber Fox had replaced the clothing that she had arrived in. Her school uniform had been stuffed back into her bag and she had brought her handbag from the bedroom too. Miss Marks made tea for both of them and they sat on the sofa chatting about Miss Fox’s punishment and what had happened afterwards. They were both glad that they had gone to bed afterwards – Amelia admitted that she had fancied the younger woman pretty much as soon as she had started working as her secretary all those years ago but was unsure how to approach things.
Amber Fox had admitted that, although the punishment had hurt and that her bottom was still sore and painful to sit on, that she had enjoyed it and the sex afterwards and would look forward to being called to explain herself in the future.
“I think that instead of returning that uniform to lost property, young lady, that you better wash and iron it and keep it handy.” Amelia had laughed.
Amber Fox smiled.
“Perhaps you should keep a separate Punishment Book for me, Miss and you can record everything that I do wrong and what punishments I receive?” The young woman replied.
They had finished their cups of tea and kissed and touched some more before Amber Fox left Miss Marks’ home. There would definitely be more meetings outside of Alannah Lawrence Girls’ College and plenty more spankings for the red-haired secretary, who spent the remainder of that weekend thinking about how she could earn a spanking from Amelia as well as rubbing and soothing her swollen and sore bottom.
The two ladies had spent most of the weekend texting one another and joking about Amber Fox’s spanking. As they texted one another, both ladies found themselves with their hands down their knickers, touching themselves. They both knew that Amber’s visits to Amelia’s home were going to become regular occurrences. Both couldn’t live without them. However, they managed to keep it a secret and act nothing but professionally whilst at work despite worrying how difficult that may prove. The following Monday morning, Miss Marks arrived at school at 7 AM as usual and busied herself with various tasks. She kept looking at the clock on her wall until she heard a knock on her office door at just before 8.15 AM.
She knew who it would be.
“Come in!” Amelia Marks said gently.
The door opened slowly, and Miss Fox walked in carefully. She was carrying a tray with Amelia’s cup of coffee and some biscuits.
“Good Morning Amber,” she said and smiled.
Amber Fox smiled back and set the tray carefully on the large table to the right-hand side of the Head Mistress’ large office.
“Good Morning, Miss Marks. I hope that you had a lovely weekend.” She stood and looked at Amelia Marks who was sat in her leather chair behind her desk.
“Absolutely amazing, Amber. Thank you.” She licked her lips and laughed.

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