- 2 years ago
- 43
- 0
Doreen left the knife behind, the one she kept under her bed within easy reach. It was a small paring knife, dull from many uses and one her mother never missed. As she threw her belongings into a cardboard box, Doreen wavered in her decision not to take the weapon with her.
She felt the knife’s pull, pictured it resting on the dingy carpet. But what if Luke saw it among her things and decided he didn’t want her living with him after all?
Besides, she told herself, Luke probably had plenty of knives at his house.
Now she sat in the passenger seat of his pickup, holding her cardboard box. Luke had tossed a garbage bag containing her clothes into the truck bed, and as he accelerated to over fifty miles an hour on the winding mountain road, Doreen kept her stare fixed on the side mirror, making sure the bag didn’t go sailing out onto the pavement.
Luke cleared his throat, drummed his fingers on the steering wheel. ‘We can go back to the hospital to see your mama later on today,’ he said.
Doreen gnawed on a ragged thumbnail. The garbage bag toppled on its side but stayed in the truck bed. ‘I don’t want to see her.’
Her uncle shifted in his seat. ‘I understand. I ain’t gonna make you see her if you don’t want to.’
‘I know she’s not going to get better.’ Doreen tasted blood and took her thumb from her lips. ‘The doctor told me she’s brain dead.’ When Luke didn’t say anything, she added, ‘I guess you’ll have to decide when to pull the plug.’
The mountains were dark. Doreen imagined them as sleeping giants, shoulder to shoulder, hemming in this godforsaken town. The early April sky threatened rain, and she wanted to get her bag out of the truck before the downpour began.
‘Tell you what, girlie,’ Luke said. His voice was a rumble low in his throat, and the sudden sound made her jump. ‘I’ll leave that decision up to you.’
Doreen looked over at her uncle. He stared ahead, his blue eyes unblinking. He was thirty-nine now, two years older than her mother. His brown hair curled over the collar of his coat, and his short beard had a lot of gray. He’d look younger if he shaved it, but it wasn’t her place to tell him that. He had a small paunch common in men his age, but the rest of his body was wiry.
‘Did the doctor talk to you about it when you came to pick me up at the hospital?’ she asked.
Luke glanced at her and held her gaze longer than was safe. ‘About turning off the life support?’ Doreen nodded, and he pressed his mouth into a hard line. ‘Yeah, he talked about it.’
She bowed her head, letting her hair shield her face. ‘He talked to me about it, too. I told him what I wanted. Now you tell him to go ahead and do it.’
Luke pulled into his gravel driveway and released a deep breath he hadn’t realized he’d been holding. The day felt more and more dreamlike to him as the hours passed. On the drive from the hospital, he’d looked over at his niece several times to convince himself she was actually sitting beside him in the truck.
It was a nurse who had called him early that morning with the news that his sister was in the ICU, and his niece was asking for him. He hadn’t known what to expect when he met the girl at the hospital, but there had been no tears, no outbursts on her part. She stayed in the waiting room while Luke went into the ICU to see his sister and discuss her condition with the doctor.
Chelsea was hooked up to monitors and machines breathing for her. The air in the room was stifling, filled with a cloying odor that lined Luke’s throat and nostrils.
‘Her brain was deprived of too much oxygen before the paramedics reached her,’ the doctor said. His words came out in a drawl, exposing him as a native of these parts. Not this town, but these mountains. ‘At this point, the machines can keep her alive, but she’ll be in a persistent vegetative state.’
Luke stared at Chelsea’s wasted body. Her face was sunken, and her lank hair, naturally dark, was dyed a peroxide blonde. If he’d passed her on the street, he wouldn’t have recognized her. He tried to speak but only made a pathetic croaking sound. Finally he managed, ‘So it was an overdose that did this to her?’
The doctor nodded. ‘She had large amounts of two opioid pain medications in her system. Either one of them could have been fatal in the dose she was taking, but together…’ He let his stare drift to the window. ‘We see it all too often in this hospital. A real shame.’
The doctor told him to talk things over with his niece.
Luke had driven Doreen to Chelsea’s house to get her things. Though he hadn’t spoken to Chelsea in years, he’d kept tabs on her whereabouts and knew she was still renting a dilapidated house ten miles east of Starkwood. As he sat in the truck and waited on Doreen, he noticed the trash in the yard and the broken window to the left of the front door. It made his stomach churn to imagine Doreen living there.
It took his niece just a few minutes to collect her belongings, and on her way out of the house, she double checked to make sure the door was locked. Then she got back in the truck and handed him the key to the place.
Now they sat in Luke’s driveway, and the girl made no move to get out of the vehicle. She was waiting on him. Luke realized she didn’t look a thing like Chelsea. Didn’t look like him, either. She must have taken after her father, whoever the hell he was. Her stick-straight hair was a lighter brown than her mother’s, and her eyes were the same color. She appeared haggard, far older than her eighteen years. Dark circles shadowed her eyes, and she was painfully thin, her skin stretched taut over her delicate wrist bones.
‘Well, let’s go on in,’ Luke told her. He retrieved her bag from the back of the truck and led her up the porch steps. She shifted the cardboard box from one arm to the other as he unlocked the front door. ‘It ain’t much, but you’ll have your own room. We can go to the market and pick up whatever food you like, and I can take you to the store for any clothes you need.’
Doreen nodded toward the bag slung over his shoulder. ‘I have clothes.’
He stepped inside the front room and placed her bag on the floor. ‘Have a seat,’ he said. ‘You want something to eat? I got bread and lunch meat, milk and eggs.’
‘Could I have a drink? My throat’s real dry.’ Doreen looked around the room, as if undecided where she should sit. She finally decided on a chair near the door. It was an uncomfortable thing, a piece of furniture Luke’s ex-wife had bought years ago and left behind when she moved out.
‘Sure,’ he said. ‘I got a few cans of pop, and water. It’s from the tap, but I bought one of those pitchers with a filter in it. Christ only knows what’s in the water around here.’
‘Just water, thanks.’ She sat clutching that cardboard box as if it would run away from her if she loosened her grip on it. From what Luke could see, it contained some battered paperbacks, a couple of notebooks, a hairbrush, and what looked to be an old doll sewn from cloth, its fabric stained and frayed. The sight of it hurt his stomach.
He went to the kitchen and poured her a glass of water. Doreen took it from him with another thank you, and he sat on the sofa to her right. Leaning forward, he clasped his hands together between his knees.
‘Okay, girlie, I figure you’ve been through enough, and I plan on giving you your space. But I want to get a few things straight.’ She was still gulping the water, but her eyes cut to him over the glass’s rim. ‘I’m happy to have you stay here, but I have a few rules. One, no stealing. Something of mine comes up missing, you’re out. Two, no drinking or drugs. Three, you will go to school regularly. You’re a senior now, right?’
Doreen nodded. ‘I’m supposed to graduate in June.’
‘If you’re living with me, you will graduate in June, no doubt about it, because that’s the only way you’ll ever get out of this go
ddamn place. And rule number four: you don’t bring anyone to this house without my permission. I don’t want to come home from work and find strangers here. Also, if you want to go somewhere, you let me know. Don’t just disappear and make me hunt you down. Now, you think those rules are fair?’
Doreen lowered the glass and wiped her mouth with the back of her hand. ‘Yes.’
Luke nodded. ‘Good. I know you’re used to taking care of yourself, and I respect that. You’ve had to grow up fast, and I’m sure you want to be treated like an adult. I realize I ain’t been a part of your life for a long time.’ He rubbed at his beard, staring at the floor. ‘That’s my fault. After your grandma passed away, Chelsea couldn’t handle it. It was bad enough that our dad died when we were still in high school, but after we lost Mom, too…’ He paused and shook his head. ‘I know Chelsea started running around with some bad people. You might not remember, but I tried to come by your house when I found out your mama was using. She told me to mind my own fucking business. And then her boyfriend came swinging at me with a baseball bat.’
‘I remember him,’ Doreen said. ‘The meth head.’
Luke raised his head and locked eyes with his niece. ‘I should have done better by you, Doreen. Should have gone to social services and tried to get custody of you. But my marriage was on the rocks, and it seemed like it took all my energy trying to save it. In the end, I couldn’t, and I figured it was too late to help you. That’s a piss poor excuse, but it’s the only one I got. All I can do is help you now. You’re technically an adult, but I can give you a place to stay.’
The glass shook as she took another sip of water. ‘I appreciate you taking me in.’ Her voice was thick like she had a cold.
‘Least I can do. Now, I work security at the community college in Starkwood. I work rotating shifts there, so some days it’s eight to five, and sometimes I’m working the evening shift and weekends. If you have an emergency, you can call me at the college. Cell phone reception is shitty out here, so use the landline in the kitchen. I let my boss know what’s going on, and he gave me time off till next Monday. I’ll call your school and tell them you’ll be out until next week, unless you want to go back before then.’
For the first time, Doreen cracked a smile. ‘No, I don’t want to go back before then.’
‘I didn’t think so. Now I’ve got to head back to the hospital and talk to the doctor about your mama. You sure you don’t want to come with me?’ Doreen shook her head. ‘Okay then.’ Luke stood and beckoned to her. ‘I’ll show you your room. It’s small, but I think I can fit a desk in there so you can do your homework.’
He led her down a small hallway, pointing out the bathroom on the right. When they reached the door at the end of the hall, he flipped on the light and stepped aside so she could enter the room.
Doreen looked around at the wood paneled walls, then drifted to the single window overlooking the small back yard. ‘This is nice,’ she said. ‘Much nicer than my room at home.’
Luke leaned in the doorway, not wanting to intrude upon what was to be her space in the house. ‘This is your home now. And here’s an extra key for you.’ He dug into his jeans pocket and pulled out the house key. She hesitated before stepping toward him and holding out her hand. He dropped the key into it, and Doreen folded it into her palm. ‘Help yourself to anything you want in the kitchen. Is there anyone you want to call? A friend you want to talk to?’
Doreen sank onto the edge of the bed, still clutching the key, and shook her head. Luke noticed her ratty sneakers and made a mental note to buy her a new pair when they were in town. ‘You gonna be okay here by yourself while I’m gone?’ he asked.
She gave him another uneven smile. ‘I’ll be fine. I might lie down for a little while.’
‘You want me to pick anything up for you while I’m out?’
Doreen slipped her feet out of her shoes and placed the cardboard box on the bed beside her. ‘No, I’m good.’
‘I’ll be back soon,’ he said.
Heading back down the hall, Luke rolled his shoulders, trying to loosen the tension in his muscles. So far, the girl was making it easy on him. She didn’t require comforting or reassurance. He didn’t have to struggle for the right words to say to her. She might hate her situation, hate him, too, but she wouldn’t let on. She had smarts, another thing she must have inherited from her unknown father.
Doreen waited five minutes before leaving the bedroom. She walked down the hall and to the front room, parting the curtains to peer out the window and make sure he was gone. Several other houses dotted the street, clustered together along with Luke’s like so many in these unincorporated places in the mountain hollows.
She turned and took closer note of her surroundings. The sofa, an ugly moss green, came from her grandmother’s house. She remembered it from her childhood. How many times had she fallen asleep on that sofa, under the watchful eye of her grandma, while her mother worked as a checkout girl at the market?
For the first ten years of her life, Doreen remembered feeling safe, cared for. She was always well fed and clothed, kept clean and warm. She and her mother lived with her grandmother in Starkwood, and Doreen only vaguely noticed the absence of a father, like a missing tooth in the back of her mouth, a gap occasionally prodded and then passed over.
Doreen went to the sofa and plopped down on the sagging cushions. She pressed her face against the upholstery and inhaled. It no longer smelled of her grandmother’s house. It had a musty odor, like a damp basement. There was a recliner she figured Luke used all the time, and a boxy old television set. A clock on the wall ticked away the seconds. She was surprised at the cleanliness of the place, it wasn’t something she was used to.
The kitchen cabinets held a few pots and pans, some mismatched bowls, plates, and glasses, several coffee mugs. Doreen found a bottle of scotch in a cabinet next to the fridge and was tempted to take a swig, but she remembered Luke’s rules. Her uncle had no prescription pills, nothing stronger than aspirin and an over-the-counter sleep aid. She wondered if he would mind if she swiped one of those.
His bedroom was across the hall from the bathroom. The door was open a crack, and she nudged it with her foot so she could get a better look inside. She swept her gaze over the unmade bed, the pair of jeans discarded on the floor. A book whose title she couldn’t make out rested on the nightstand. From what she could see, there was no evidence of a girlfriend, and a wave of relief swept over her.
The bathroom was small and clean, the tile discolored with age. At some point, Luke had moved all of his toiletries to one side of the counter to make room for hers. Only one toothbrush in the holder. She studied his razor, the brand of deodorant he used, his mouthwash and toothpaste.
She vaguely remembered his ex-wife, Kayla. Both Chelsea and Doreen’s grandma called the woman a stuck-up bitch when Luke wasn’t around. Doreen could only recall her long blonde hair, the way her jeans hugged her hips. She never smiled and didn’t speak much when she and Luke visited. Resentment pricked Doreen’s insides when she thought of Luke choosing that sour-faced snob over his own blood.
But he’d chosen Doreen now, and that had to count for something. Despite all that had happened, she was lucky. Lucky to have an uncle who wasn’t shooting dope, wasn’t in jail, wasn’t dead. An uncle who cared enough to take her in.
Doreen was thankful she’d turned eighteen last month. She knew if she were still a minor and had no one to take her in, she could have ended up like her friend Lorna, whose mom was arrested last year for illegal possession of a controlled substance and solicitation of a cop.
One day Lorna was at school, and the next day she wasn
‘t. Word spread fast about what happened to her mom, but Lorna fell through the cracks, shuffled around various foster homes. A few months ago, Doreen got a call from her. ‘This is fucking horrible, Doreen,’ Lorna said, raising her voice to be heard over shouting in the background. It sounded like she was in a room with a dozen small children. ‘I hate my mom, but I’d go back to live with her in a second. I’d take the pill heads and pimps over this. Whatever happens, don’t let them take you away and put you in foster care.’
Doreen drifted back to her new bedroom and closed the door. It was raining, a steady drumming against the windowpane. The sound soothed her, and she thought she might be able to sleep. She climbed beneath the bedspread, between clean sheets.
Her body relaxed against the mattress, and as she stared at the ceiling, she cast her mind back to her childhood, before Luke married Kayla. He used to visit her mom and grandmother, bringing little gifts, offering his family whatever extra money he had. Doreen remembered that he brought her a chocolate bar that weighed a pound. Her grandma took it from her and rationed out the chocolate squares each day so Doreen wouldn’t make herself sick.
She didn’t think she’d ever consider this her room, her home. Aside from the few belongings she’d brought here, everything around her was loaned out, granted with conditions.
She dozed, lulled by the rain striking the roof, but each unfamiliar sound the house made drew her from sleep. A small digital clock on the dresser told her it was half past one. Doreen wondered if Luke had already made the decision to end her mother’s life. Or was her mother still trapped in limbo, anchored to this world by machines that breathed for her?
Luke’s eyes felt gritty, like someone had thrown sand in them. He lowered his head, shrugging off the rain as he walked to his truck in the hospital parking lot. The smell from Chelsea’s room in the ICU still clung to his clothes, and he wondered if he would ever get it out of his coat.
The doctor appeared relieved that Luke chose not to drag out Chelsea’s poor excuse for an existence any longer than necessary. ‘You and your niece are making the right decision, Mr. Cutler,’ he told Luke.
Still, as Luke stood next to his sister’s bed and held her limp fingers in his own while the doctor disconnected the machines, his shoulders heaved with sobs.
The doctor checked for vital signs and then told Luke, ‘She’s gone.’
Luke wiped his face on his sleeve and took a deep breath. He gave his sister’s hand a final squeeze and then released her. The Chelsea he’d known had died years ago, and he didn’t want to linger in that room with her body, that bleak reminder of the stranger she’d become.
The rest of the afternoon was a blur, spent filling out paperwork and deciding on a funeral home. He thought of the paltry sum in his savings account. Would it be enough to cover a simple cremation? He certainly couldn’t afford a burial. The Starkwood Funeral Home director assured him that they could discuss the details the following day.
Now he drove his Ford F-150 back toward Belmont, glad to be leaving the Starkwood town limits. He made the twenty-minute commute from Belmont to Starkwood almost every day and still found himself marveling at the contrast between the two places. Starkwood was not a bustling town, but it had schools, a community college, hospital, a couple of banks, and a grocery store. Luke had grown up there, and every street held memories for him. Belmont was an unincorporated community in a small hollow visible as a blur to travelers on the interstate, and it made Starkwood look like a metropolis.
It would have been more convenient for him to find a place to rent in Starkwood, but he’d lived out in Belmont since he and Kayla got married over ten years ago. She’d claimed rent was cheaper there than in the town, but Luke had a feeling Kayla wanted to put some distance between him and his family. She’d told him on more than one occasion that his mother interfered in their marriage, and while Luke didn’t agree, he let Kayla have her way. He’d always let her have her way, and she still ended up leaving him.
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As I stood next to the train tracks watching my boyfriend drive away, I thought to myself why do I always hookup with the assholes? We had been out dancing at the local bar when we got in an argument over the price of eggs in china (well he had been drinking a lot) which ended with us leaving and him tossing me out of his truck right here at the train switching station. “Well maybe I’ll just get a motel room tonight and take cab home in the morning and then toss that idiot out...
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[I finally decided to flex my creative muscle a bit and become a more active member of the community here on FM. I have much bigger plans than this, actually. This was merely a side-though while developing a much larger literary concept. A driving theme to all my works that will be posted here. But my overarching idea isn't TG in and of itself, so I felt it was more respectful of your community to start out with more run-of- the-mill bits of drabbling wank-fic.
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this story is 100% fiction hi friends i'm roshan an average 20 year old, i was a normal boy like all the boys my age used to masturbate watching porn especially the indian masala porns and ogling at girls and commenting how big their boobs were etc..Until i was introduced into incest and cross dressing by one of my friends. It totally changed my life now i used to sleep wearing lingerie's and panties stolen from my moms laundry basket. speaking of my mom her name is gracy shes 44 and works in a...
IncestDemi has been trying to get pregnant for a while but her husband just can’t seem to get it done so she figures she must look for someone else to fuck her the way she needs to be fucked. Suddenly she hears a crash outside and realizes some dude just crashed into her car. Oliver then tries to offer her 100 bucks to help with the repairs but she demands more money. Olives says he’s got bills and child support to pay, which is when Demi realizes he could pay her in another way. Next thing he knows,...
xmoviesforyouI'm not quite sure of all of the details of exactly what happened to this very day. I had to work a bit late to handle an evening delivery, and when I got to my apartment Suzie (the cute dispatcher) was there and greeted me at the door with a drink and only wearing a smile. That alone should have warned me of two things. Suzie had never done anything remotely 'domestic' before, and if I had looked harder, I probably would have seen that she was already well fucked and I had interrupted...
Hi friends, I am madhan age 20 studying 3rd year b.E in reputed collage with an average penis length of 6 inch long and 2 1/2 inches girth. I am from tirunelveli I am an regular reader of iss for past 5 years. This is my first story posting here which happened true in my life if any mistakes please pardon me.So coming to the story my family consist of me dad and mom this story is about my sexy neighbor named lavanya residing near our house about her she is 27 ,married to an business man having...
We woke up a bit late the next morning and had to scramble to get the house in order for Kathy's visit. Anita was acting a bit odd again but at least now I thought I understood why. Still she was a real trooper and between us we got everything in order, even ourselves. I started getting a lunch together while Anita went through the house to insure everything was ready. She even remade the bed when my skills did not meet with her approval. She was not about to let a guest think that she was...
‘I’m sorry I won’t be there for Valentine’s Day,’ Patrick said. ‘It’s okay.’ Hayley wasn’t happy, but this was the price of dating a trucker. ‘I know you’d be here if you could. And I know you’ll be thinking about me.’ ‘Always, honey,’ Patrick said. ‘I miss you. But I’m always thinking about you when I’m not with you. I’m there, even if I’m not. You know what I mean?’ ‘I know. You’re in my thoughts. I miss you too, though.’ ‘I’ll make it up to you when I get back. Take you out for a night...
A New Vacation Experience. Tom had inherited a fair amount of money and a cabin on a lake on 25 acres of land in the beautiful mountainous region of our state. To celebrate he invited my girlfriend and I plus one other couple. All of us were fairly close friends, and we all were excited about spending two weeks on the beautiful lake together. Tom and Joe had been jocks in high school on the football team and were beefy linemen, I on the other hand was somewhat of a computer nerd...
Mind Swapping Chapter 9 When I awoke Friday morning, I felt as if I needed to go to the bathroom very badly. I scrambled out of bed and the movement caused a light cramping in my belly. Then I remembered that Carol and Barbara had insisted that I leave the butt plug in all night. As I passed the full length mirror, I could see that I gave the appearance of being a petite blonde with huge breasts dressed in a blue satin garter belt holding up a pair of black nylon stockings. Today,...
Lisa opened the door to her apartment, and closed it quietly behind her as she saw Carter lying on the couch opposite the door, sleeping. She smiled, and put her school bag on the table just to her left, against the wall. She slipped her purse over her shoulder, and tried to tiptoe quietly across the kitchen floor to where her bf was sleeping. It was hard to do in stilettos, but gradually she made progress, walking only on the front of her heels. As she stood on the carpet of the living room,...
Oral SexChapter 3: Matchmaking At least I had turned the corner. Barbara was no longer hostile toward me. She called me often, wanting to become my confidant. ‘Where are you taking her?’ she asked. I had the evening planned. I even had a late model car reserved, having given specific instructions to Millie and Herman to steer customers away from it. ‘I’m making reservations for dinner at Barossa, and then we’ll go to one of the motels on the outskirts of town.’ Barossa was the fanciest restaurant...
Hello ISS readers. I am back with the next part of the story. Please do read the previous parts to fully know the context. My quick intro. My name is Aafi. I am from Bangalore but I am working and living in Chennai. I am a 25-year-old Software Engineer. You can email me or hangout me at We all four were tired and fell asleep after that unbelievable foursome. I woke up the next morning. Anna and Chloe were still sleeping on the bed fully naked. Rose is already awake, I think she’s taking a...
Namshkar dosto main phli story likne ja rha hu dosto mera naan kunal h ar main varanasi ka rhne wala hu. Ab main seedhe khani pe aata hu mere pados ek khub surat didi rhti thi jinka naam poonam tha wo kafi sexi lgti thi apne figur ki vajah se main unko dil hi dil me khub pyar krta tha main unko dekhne ka mauka kabhi bhi nai chodta tha wo mujhpe kafi vishwas karti thi ar mere sath kabhi kabhi market bhi jaya krti thi jb wo bike pe mere piche baithti thi to mujhe lgta tha ki main apni biwi ko...
This story is quite extreme in places and involves some lurid details of forced feminisation. It's been incomplete for a while and I finally got some energy to put something together so it could be posted. Okay it's not my usual style but it might pull someone's wire. Any comments please then please email me on [email protected] Thanks go to Noua the Japanese woman. Forced to be a Woman By Elaine Copyright 2004 This strange tale started about 9 months ago when my wife left me...
If you read the first one, we can pick right up where we left off.Having had hot sex with my sitter, I began to feel all grown up. I walked around my house with a swagger in my step. I was now the Man of the house. When Mom suggested I go with her to the store, I quickly grabbed her car keys and went to the drivers side of the car, because the man always drives, right? Mom quickly squashed that, laughing as she stopped me from taking her spot in the drivers seat.The next time I saw Heather, she...
About two o’clock one Saturday afternoon, Henry heard a soft knock on his door. His sixteen-year-old neighbor, Candy, was at the door. Just last week, he had initiated Candy into the world of sex. Candy had been an avid student. Looking out his front window, Henry saw Candy had a friend with her. As he opened his front door, Candy cheerfully asked, "Hi, Henry! Can we come in?" "Of course you may. Come on in." He held the door for them. As the two teens entered Henry’s home, Candy handed him...
First TimeEx Appeal (c) Paul Garland 2020Chapter 1“This is so romantic,” Alexandria said to me and she was right. I wouldn’t consider myself the most romantic man in the world, but here, walking along the Champs De Mars in Paris, the Eiffel Tower glowing ahead of us in the early evening sunlight, I could feel a fizzing energy in the air that could only be called romance.“It is,” I agreed, taking a step back for a moment to admire the view. The Champs De Mars was beautiful; a wide green space at the very...
Hi desi hot sex friends I am aarush… Aapne meri pichli stories padhi hogi.. And I hope aapko psnd aai hogi.. Mjhe kfi mail bhi aae.. Òr stroy ki tareef bhi ki uske lie thank you so much.. To jsa mne aapse bola tha ki m aage ki story lekr aauga.. So uske aage ki kahani yaha se.. Aapko mja aaega pdne m.. So have fun and enjoy the story.. Jsa ki mne pichli story m btaya ki mne apne dost k saamne uski maa chodi nd fr subha ek baar or bja k apne ghr chla gya.. Fr m ghr jaakr seedha so gya.. M 11 bje...
Katherine stood in the doorway and looked nervously at her parents, she could feel her heart beating furiously and she closed her eyes and clenched her fists. "Mum," she called out and her mother looked away from the television and glanced over towards her daughter. "Oh hi Kat. Shouldn't you be doing revision?" Katherine pursed her lips and sniffed. "I've got something to tell you," she admitted, her hands shaking. She felt the insides of her cheeks heat up and inhaled...
It took me half the night to read the report on Mr. Greg Sands. Several times I had to put the report down and have a slug of straight whiskey. The report had shaken me to my very core. I might have known my friend Sandman at 18 years of age but the person at 28 was a sick twisted animal. The report gave me all the answers I was looking for and I thanked God that I wasn’t the target of his rage. I was sure Peterson Sr. had read this report and must have had a good old fashioned belly laugh,...
About eight hundred my telecom started buzzing. I had programmed in several new features that were not normal so I spoke at it and it answered the call. The audio was working but there was no one there for the video to focus on. I heard Blake ask, "Where the drek are you?" so I left the work bench and went over to the telecomp. "I was in the shop working. What can I do for you this morning?" "I just called to let you know that you have an appointment for an adjustment this afternoon....
Campus was deserted for spring break, most students choosing to go home rather than hang around. That meant a lot of dark windows in the women’s accommodation block, all except for one, where bright lights flashed on and off, followed by the occasional laugh. Inside three young women, Mel and Jessie both 20, and there cross-hall friend Amy, 19, were all enjoying a quiet night in, watching movies and chatting. It was an interesting mix for anyone on campus who knew the people involved. Certainly...
Working at the store was a lot of fun for me. I was making good money; I had made new friends, but most importantly, felt that I was making a contribution. My family had always looked at me as the black sheep of the family. I still recall those conversations that I used to have with dad:”David,” Dad would grunt, “When in the world are you going to get your act together””Dad, I am doing better than my best ok, would you just lay off”This was mom’s cue to come to my rescue and say, “John, lay off...
IncestThe Houston hit list was scary. And smart, so far as The Restoration’s goals were concerned. The FBI was the lead federal agency for all real and suspected terrorist cases in the country. In this instance, The Restoration was now categorized as a potential domestic terrorist organization. The FBI office in Oklahoma City had obtained a search warrant based on a ‘reliable informant with information that had national security implications’. Playing the Homeland Security card usually worked...
Hi readers oncce again happy to share my experience with you for those who dont know me i am akash recently staying in hyderabad working as a callcenter assistant i am 6 feet height nice physic looks good i think As i said in my earlier incident with divya aunty she got pregnant because of me now she is staying in hyderabad her husband got transfered to hyderabad i was so happy to hear that, my sex godess divya is in hyd let me tell you about divya she is a very attractive person with...
Hi. I'm Bill telling this part of the story. I was worried and I wanted some time alone with Wendy to talk about what was worrying me. I invited Wendy to walk down to the nearby surf beach. She put on very short shorts and a skimpy top, and was ready to go. In those days, all of Wendy's tops were skimpy; they still are, today. I pulled on running shorts and was ready too. Suzie was out by the pool, breast feeding her new baby. They were a beautiful sight, both naked. We called out that...
I am a thirty six year old housewife, who keeps herself in excellent shape, I'm five foot one inches tall, Italian with black hair, brown eyes and I have a B cup, my tits stand up without any help, which enables me to go braless whenever the mood strikes. I am also totally frustrated, as my husband is climbing the corporate ladder and has been working weekends for the last year on various important projects, which is why I am sexually frustrated, he hasn't touched me in about a year. One of my...
LesbianWhen Anikka Albrite arrives for her massage appointment, her longtime masseuse gets called away to deal with a family emergency, leaving the masseuse’ teen daughter Uma Jolie to take over. Anikka is surprised that Uma’s old enough to be an experienced masseuse, but Uma assures her that her mother taught her well. She applies oil to Anikka’s shoulders, massaging the pressure points in her upper back, stroking downward along her trim torso. Anikka is impressed that Uma is doing...
xmoviesforyouThis took place 13 days ago, it was on a Friday night, in between days of either or both, very cold days & nights & or rain. This Friday came out of the blue really; it was hot, sunny and very much needed.After having it cold and wet for so long, my 2 girls asked if we could go out for dinner and a few drinks due to the warm night. I had thought about doing something for most of the day. This was a good idea and I waited for my 2 girls to arrive home from work. Around 5.45pm both were...
I could make this story short and sweet but I love the details that lead up to how things transpired. My wife and I have been together for 18 years. we've had plenty of sexual experience together but nothing like what happened when my wife got a job at this high end restaurant in Salt Lake. Thing were good for the first few months she worked there. Lots of sex since we didn't see each other much. Then all of a sudden.....nothing. Even the texts and phone calls stopped while she was at work. At...
In Which Leon rediscovers Innocence, and Honore is introduced to virtues beyond the normal condition. Leon never enjoyed his visits to the city of Congress whenever they were necessary. He was very uncomfortable squeezing his enormous penis into the leg of his trousers – even though he always made a point of wearing them very baggy irrespective of how fashionable or not that might be at any one time. He particularly dreaded getting an erection as it pushed so obviously against the inside thigh...
When Becky told me there was a 58 year-old married man on the phone looking for a new doctor I hesitated only momentarily. You see, as a 35-year old female MD, the vast majority of my patients are children and women. I can count on one hand the number of male patients I have had, and most were the sons of my female patients who came through every now and again for a sports physical. ‘What does he want,’ I asked Becky, my 49-year old assistant. ‘He’s says it’s been 10 years since he’s had a...
Chapter 3: At the Market Place Althea woke up two hours later. Cal was up and about, going through his daily regimen of training in his fighting style of Ninjutsu. Doing an aerial drop-heel that shook the floor itself when his heel connected with the carpet, he looked over at Althea and smiled. "How are you?" he asked in a caring and gentle tone of voice. The digital clock on his dresser read: 1:13 PM. Sweating slightly and still naked, Cal came to sit down next to her to see how she...
Jessie barely hung up the phone after talking to Chad when it rang. Thinking it was going to be him, she quickly answered it. "Did you forget something?" "Jessie?" "Oh, sorry mom. I thought you were going to be someone else," Jessie checked the time as she explained. "Jessie was that you on the radio station this morning?" her mom asked. "What station are you talking about, mom?" She smiled as she thought about the private conversation she had with Chad. Jessie made sure that...