Awkward Anne Chapter 3 (reupload) free porn video

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Anne couldn't remember the dream she was having, other then it was one of the best of her life and had left her feeling warm and at peace. As she lay with her eyes closed and her head still resting on Kevin's chest, she took comfort in the feeling of his body pressed against hers and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. Still, there was something in the back of her mind that felt a little off...something that wasn't quite right.

Anne closed her eyes tighter and snuggled closer to her brother as that feeling of discomfort grew, trying to force itself between herself and happiness. Her mind had always done this to her; something good would finally happen in her life and her subconscious would try to pick it apart until all she was left with were the shredded remains.

She allowed herself to open her eyes, looking at the sleeping face of her brother; her heart swelled with love and affection at the sight of him, at the intimacy

they had shared moments before, at the sensations still coursing through her body. She felt a dampness under her cheek and, thankful that Kevin was still asleep, wiped the small puddle of drool off his chest that had escaped her open mouth during their nap. 'I really don't know what he sees in me...' she thought as she ran her finger lightly up and down his torso; trailing from the sparse red hair on his chest, down over his rounded belly and stopping just above his naval to make the trip back up.

She felt him stir at her touch and smiled as he hugged her shoulders tighter; she responded with a small kiss on his chest, just above the nipple and was rewarded with a happy grumble. She kissed him again and saw Kevin's eyes flicker open, he kissed her sweetly on the top of the head and mumbled. "Good morning, beautiful."

Anne simply rolled her eyes and continued to trace kisses on his chest, her hand dipped lower, following the contour of his belly, her pinky finger subtly dragging through his patch of trimmed pubic hair. She delighted at the pleased sigh that escaped her brother's lips and took it as encouragement to push things a little farther; still though, there was something nagging her in the back of her mind that she had to stop.

However when Kevin's hand found her right breast, the thought was crushed under the heel of her rising arousal. She shifted to allow her brother a better angle at her tit and slid her hand down to cup his steadily hardening member. She felt it twitch and swell against her palm until it was standing erect once again; Anne wrapped her hand around it's base, holding her brother's cock gently and lightly massaged it with her fingers, idly playing with it's length.

She felt Kevin's hand move away from her small breast and descend, dragging the knuckle of his index finger over the length of her body and down through her bush. She spread her thin legs for him again and took in a sharp breath when his finger made contact with her her pink slit. He ran the tip of his finger up and down her inner lips in agonizing lethargy, harvesting her gathering wetness on his digit. Anne squeezed his cock tightly in response and with a similar slowness started to stroke his dick.

After a few passes over her opening, Kevin pressed his slick finger onto the hood of her clit and rubbed in small, sluggish circles. Anne lifted her face, cheeks flushed, and leaned in to kiss her brother passionately; still holding tightly onto his cock, her strokes began to gather in speed.

'You need to stop this, Anne.' her mind insisted, but was quickly overruled as Kevin's fingers began matching pace on her clit, spreading more of her ample wetness across her lips. Anne, still kissing her brother, let go of Kevin's cock and pushed his hand away from her crotch in order to roll fully of top of him. She wrapped her arms around the back of his neck and pressed her body into his; she could feel his stiff cock trapped under her hips and ground herself down against it. Kevin's hands found her ass in no time and helped her apply more pressure to her grinding.

Time seemed to stop, the moment stretching into eternity as they smiled at each other, staring deeply into each other's eyes...Anne gave a timid little nod, and bent her head to kiss the side of Kevin's neck, she lifted her hips and closed her eyes in anticipation for what was to come.

Kevin's left hand reached between them and fished his cock out from between their bodies, resting it between her ass cheeks. They remained in that position for several seconds, neither moving, aside from their nervous, heavy breathing and a slight tremble in Anne's shoulders.

Finally, quietly, Kevin whispered "Are you sure?"

Anne opened her eyes and tried to speak but her voice failed her. She swallowed around the lump in her throat and gave another little nod as he mind screamed at her, 'Anne, no! You're forgetting-' she silenced the doubt once and for all and felt the tip of Kevin's cock just graze the entrance of her pussy.

Being here, nude on top of her brother, she realized with finality that what she thought should be shameful, aberrant and disgusting was making her feel more complete then anything else ever had, after a lifetime of feeling worthless, of feeling as though she were a waste of space in an uncaring, unfathomable universe; she finally found her soulmate, that she- Anne's eyes glanced at her brother's bedside clock.

It read 12:38 and suddenly that nagging voice came back, screaming in frustrated vindication.

"Damn it!" Anne yelled and rolled unceremoniously off of Kevin to run out of his bedroom to her own, trailing frantic "Damn, damn damns" behind her.

Kevin laid there for a few heartbeats, his erection pointing painfully up at the ceiling before calling out in shock. "What the hell just happened?"

Anne reappeared in his doorway, bottomless, struggling into a black sports bra. "Dad. The store, I'm going to be late!" she ran off to her bedroom again.

Kevin got to his feet with considerable effort, trying to will the blood in his dick back to his brain. "What?"

"Steve's had to take his mom to the hospital, I said I'd be in at 1:00pm to help out Dad. Damn it!" Anne yelled from her room.

"You alright, Anne?" Kevin entered her bedroom, picking a careful path across the cluttered floor, Anne was bent over her laundry pile, now wearing a pair of white cotton panties and a loose-fitting Red Lantern T-shirt.

She dug deeper into her laundry pile. "I've completely spaced on doing laundry, now I have to be at the store in a half-hour and I don't have clean pants!"

Kevin crossed his arms, cock still erect and said with a grin. "I actually like your outfit the way it is.

Anne looked back, rolled her eyes and stuck out her tongue. "I'm serious, all of my pants are dirty and have been sitting in this pile for weeks..." She let out a

deep sigh and threw the pair of jeans she had in her hands back on the pile in frustration.

"Oh!" Was all Kevin said before stepping his way to Anne's closet. He pushed her wardrobe of baggy pop-culture t-shirts and empty wire hangers aside, rummaged through the series of cloth garment bags in the far corner and with a cry of triumph, pulled one of them out into the light. "Here!"

Anne stood up and looked at what Kevin was holding then, making sure to keep the mounting frustration she was feeling out of her voice, said. "I'm not going to Dad's store in cosplay."

Kevin shook his head and pointed to the label. "What does this say?"

Anne read the tag and sighed. "I'm not going to Dad's store dressed as Fiona from Adventure Time."

Now it was Kevin's turn for his eyes to roll. "The skirt. Fiona from Adventure Time wears a plain blue skirt, it's a pair of plain clean bottoms. Problem solved."

Anne looked directly into Kevin's eyes. "I am -not- going to Dad's store in a skirt."

Kevin laughed and unzipped the bag. "It's this skirt, stinky pants or..." he pointed to the other cosplay garment bags, each one filled with a costume. "one of your more elaborate outfits."

Anne shrugged. "I wore that skirt to Adventure-con years ago, it probably doesn't even fit anymore...Can't you just lend me a pair of your pants."

"We don't have a belt that would keep them on you." Kevin said flatly. "And you are -not- going to Dad's store in my pants and a rope belt, he said with a shiver. "Besides," he reached in and pulled the costume out of the bag. "if you're really self conscious about the skirt, there's a pair of white tights that goes underneath."

Anne took off her glasses, closed her eyes tightly and pinched the bridge of her nose in an attempt to quiet the hurricane of stressful thoughts swirling in her mind. Weighing her options and feeling more precious time ticking away; she snatched the skirt and white tights from her brother.

Anne undid the zipper at the side, stepped into the skirt and zipped it up easily over her narrow hips. It felt a little more snug around her backside, but nothing

overtly uncomfortable; though she did notice that where the hem had previously hung just below her knees, it was now hovering a few inches above them.

"See?" Kevin gloated, still naked, still hard. "fits after all this time."

Anne shook her head, letting out another little sigh, then gathered the white tights in her hands and rolled the opaque fabric up her long legs; up and up they went, until they reached just past mid-thigh and snagged. She pulled them harder but they wouldn't budge and she realized that even though she hadn't grown out the skirt, the tights were pathetically too short.

She stood upright and threw her arms out to her sides. "Now what's your plan?" her voice both irritated and plaintive.

Kevin simply shrugged. "Just scrap the tights; the skirt fits you just fine and you have nice legs, don't be afraid to show them off." He seemed to appraise her for a few moments then went running off to their father's room and returned shortly after with one of his dress shirts, white with navy pinstripes.

"Take off the Red Lantern Shirt." He motioned to her top "You and Dad are about the same size, just tuck it in, fold the sleeves up a bit and it'll suit the skirt's silhouette better." Kevin grinned.

Anne pulled the baggy t-shirt over her head and discarded it on her bed, simply putting trust in her brother and complying with his suggestions. The dress shirt, while a bit loose around the shoulders, actually fit better than most of her own over-large clothing. She grabbed an elastic from her dresser and pulled her hair into a tight ponytail, a look she knew did nothing for her already lean features but was simple and utilitarian and suited Anne just fine.

She turned to face her doorway and found Kevin had slipped into a simple black t-shirt and his running shorts, which did little to hide his slowly descending hard on.

"How do I look?" Anne asked, her voice tense.

"Beautiful, but your hair's not right." Kevin approached her and said "Turn around."

"Kevin, we don't have time, I'm going to be late..." Anne whined but turned around anyways to allow him better access to her hair, she felt him undo the tight ponytail, do some swirly thing and re-wrap the elastic band. It felt somehow more secure but didn't pull her scalp as tightly.

"There." He stated and with his hands on her hips, turned her towards the small mirror that hung over her dresser. "What do you think?"

When Anne checked her reflection she did a double-take and hesitated for a moment; to her utter surprise, she didn't hate what she saw staring back at her. Gone was her usual rumpled geek aesthetic, replaced with something a little more if she actually thought she was worth fact, she dared allow herself to think, she had kind of a sexy librarian thing going on.

"Huh." Was all she could say as she stood examining her new look...feeling Kevin's hands still on her hips.

"Huh...good?" Kevin asked

"What? Oh...yeah...actually I like it quite a bit." Anne replied.

"Good! See what happens when you stop hiding under clothing a million sizes too big?" He teased and sweetly kissed her neck.

Anne closed her eyes and leaned backwards into him, feeling his still not entirely gone erection press into her thigh. Kevin's arms wrapped around her abdomen and she laid her hands over his, enjoying the sensations. She stood there looking at herself in her brother's gentle embrace and for the first time in her life thought she wasn't entirely ugly after all...

"Oh Shit! The time!!" Anne yelled, reality hitting her like a frying pan to the face. She took off downstairs, slipped into her shoes and sprinted out the front door

to her car; an old blue hatchback with rust spots and flaking paint. It was a hand-me-down from their father and sounded like an old man coughing into a dryer full of quarters but it had seen its fair share of miles and seemed to be nearly indestructible.

She reached for her car keys to open the door and realized she had left them hanging on the hook near the front door, but before she had time to turn around, Kevin jogged outside, locked the front door and opened the driver's side door of his own grey sedan.

"The car works better when you remember your keys. Get in, I'll drive you over." Kevin called as he got in and turned on the motor.

Anne ran over, popped the door open, swept inside and fastened her seat belt in one fluid motion; she looked over at Kevin and stated in a stern tone. "Drive. Fast."

Kevin just grinned, shook his head and eased out of the driveway at a reasonable speed.

On a good day the store was a 15 minute drive away...if they had left the house when she realized what time it was they would have made it with time to every red light, every slow, meandering driver in front of them and Kevin's insistence to ignore her anxiety about being late in favor of "safety" caused Anne's stomach to turn itself in knots.

At a particularly eternal stoplight Kevin placed his hand on her bare knee, giving her leg a comforting squeeze. "Hey, don't worry...Dad's going to be fine by himself for a few more minutes and it's not like he's going to be mad at his favorite daughter."

"Yeah...I know..." Anne fidgeted in the seat and laid her hand on top of his. "It's just that when I know someone is expecting me to be at a certain place at a certain time I get really stressed out if I'm not there; like: what if there's a rush of customers, or Dad falls off a ladder in the stock room and no one is there to help him, or what if we get shoplifters in and he can't keep an eye on them by himself-" she continued to rattle off more hypotheticals as the light turned green.

Kevin drove through the intersection, his hand still on her knee. "Whoa, settle down there, sis...I love that you care so much about others, that you always try your best to take care of everyone; but you need to take care of yourself too...Yeah, you're gonna be a little late today but Dad's going to be fine; he's been running that store for years now, he'll be alright on his own for a few more minutes." He ran his index finger back and forth over her smooth thigh. "Besides...I think you're running late for a very good reason..."

Anne leaned back in the seat and smiled, ; "Yeah... a reason we can -never- let Dad know about." they both shared a laugh and a moment of silence. Kevin's finger kept stroking her leg as he drove towards the store. "I guess we can't really let anyone know about it, huh?" Anne said with a hint of sadness.

"Yeah...I guess I never really thought of that..." He said, mirroring her tone.

Anne sighed and said with a laugh. "You know what's funny? I finally get a boyfriend and I can't tell anyone."

Kevin looked over, his hand momentarily ceasing it's gentle caress. "Did you just call me your boyfriend?"

Anne's eyes went wide. "Oh...crap...I'm sorry, Kevin, I didn't mean-" Kevin leaned over and interrupted her apology with a kiss.

"No. I liked it...I guess we are kind of boyfriend and girlfriend now aren't we?" He said, giving her leg another affectionate squeeze.

"Yeah...I guess we are..." Anne said, smiling sheepishly before adding. "Super secret boyfriend and girlfriend though."

"Oh yeah, -Super- secret." Kevin replied and they shared another laugh.

They spent the rest of the drive over in casual conversation, exchanging quick kisses and subtle touches here and there until soon enough, Kevin pulled into one of the cracked strip mall parking spots in front of their Dad's Store; The Hero's Quest.

Kevin removed his hand from his sister's knee when they pulled in and looked at Anne with a smile. "You look great Anne...I love you and I hope you have a good day at work."

Anne smiled back at him and said. "I love you too..." she paused. "I really want to kiss you right now..."

They both looked at the large windows they were facing that made up the front of the store and people could be seen walking to and from parked cars in the lot.

"Me too;" Kevin responded. "really badly."

"They'll see us won't they?" Anne gestured to the general public milling about the lot.

"Without a doubt." Kevin nodded.

Anne let out a sigh and said. "Well, I get off work at 7 tonight...maybe it'll be less crowded then." She winked and flashed an impish grin before popping the passenger side door open and swung her legs around to get out of the vehicle.

A shiver of nervousness and excitement trickled down her spine; she had never been bare legged in public outside of the handful of times she had gone swimming as a kid and became hyper aware of the warm summer sun on her bare legs...of the cool breeze that danced over her skin...of the fact that there was only a thin strip of cotton between her most intimate area and the world around her. She waved goodbye to Kevin as he pulled back out into the road and hurried into the front door of her Dad's store.

It was deserted.

She looked around the shop and saw a couple regulars leaning against a display case of meticulously hand-painted minis, Steve's handiwork, in a heated argument about which edition of D&D was the worst and a lone skinny teenager; perusing their ***********ion of World War 2 model planes whom she noticed was following her with his eyes, but when she looked his way, he pretended to be looking at a Spitfire kit. When she got to the cash register her Dad looked up from the magazine he was leaned over and waved to her with a wide grin.

"Hi Dad...sorry I'm late." She said

"As well you should be, young lady." He said in mock anger, his grin turning to a deeply furrowed frown. "I don't know how much longer I could have kept up with this rush of customers." He pointed a finger at her accusingly "Quite frankly I'm very disappointed in your flippant, layabout ways." he looked like he was going to keep ranting at her before he quirked an eyebrow and asked, hit tone shifting completely. "Is that my shirt? Are you wearing a skirt? And your hair is different too."

Anne blushed an looked down at the floor. " all of it. I had a bit of a laundry crisis and Kevin helped me with the new style...sorry I didn't ask if I could

borrow your stuff."

Her father just shrugged. "Oh don't worry about it...actually it fits you quite nicely;" He studied her closer. "hey, that's the skirt to your Adventure Time cosplay

isn't it?"

"Yeah, it's weird...I know." Anne didn't look up as she responded.

"It suits you." Her Dad said as a matter of fact.

"Pardon me miss, do you work here?" The young teen she had seen earlier approached the counter. He was short with disheveled blond hair with a smattering of pimples on his cheeks and seemed shy even to Anne's standards.

Her father moved from the counter and continued to read his magazine, shooting Anne an encouraging "You've got this" wink

"Hmm?..Oh. Yes I do as a matter of fact." Anne smiled genially

" I just was...I was just... just wondering if you could help me get that P-51 Mustang model off the top shelf back there." He hooked one thumb timidly towards the tall shelves packed with model kits, his other was buried in the pocket of his jeans. "Please." He added.

"Of course!" Anne said in a pleasant retail voice and walked with the customer to the tall shelves he had gestured to and realized that despite her height, she'd need the ladder to reach it. She dragged the heavy ladder over, climbed halfway up and as she bent forward to retrieve the large box she heard the distinct noise of a phone capturing a picture.

Her head snapped around and she saw the teen slip his phone back into his pocket, trying to pretend like nothing had happened but Anne could see a slight tremble in his shoulders. She smiled congenially at him, handed the model kit to the much shorter boy and whispered so no one else could hear. "Did you just take an upskirt picture of me?"

"What?" He said, swallowing nervously.

"You know we have cameras all around the store, right? I can find out if you're lying and I don't think the police would have any trouble tracking you down." She

crossed her arms and loomed over him before restating her question. "Now." She said in her most authoritative tone "Did you take an upskirt picture of me."

The "cameras" they had in the store were just dummy models that weren't connected to anything, but she knew he didn't know that.

The teen's face had gone extremely pale, his eyes flickering to the small dummy cameras he hadn't noticed before. She could see his brain working over time to get himself out of this but after a few moments of silence he simply nodded his head.

Anne reached put one hand on her hip and extended her other. "Give me your phone, young man." She demanded. He was probably only a year or two younger than herself, but she had at least 6 inches on him and used it to her advantage.

"What?" He responded and blinked a bead of sweat out of his eyes.

"Your phone." She took a step closer, forcing him to look up at a steeper angle. "I'm going to delete it and make sure you don't upload it somewhere."

The teen pulled his phone out of his pocket and Anne snatched it from his trembling hand.

"Pin number." She stated.

"What?" He asked again.

"Pin. Number." Her stare bored into his eyes.

"1, 6, 7, 3..."

"Thank you." She accessed the gallery on his phone and pulled up the picture he had taken under her skirt. Her long, slender legs were parted for stability on the ladder; you could see her white cotton panties wedged slight between her ass cheeks and a perfect view of the thin fabric covering her pussy between her thighs. Staring at this intimate, illicit picture of herself on a stranger's phone sent a little thrill through her body.

Still holding his phone, studying the picture she asked him quietly. "You'll never do this again, right?"

"No..." He swayed unsteadily on his feet.

"Promise?" She asked, her tone flat and serious.

He nodded.

"Good. Now here's what's going to happen...You're going to march up to the counter and buy this model kit from my Father, it's a pricey one so I hope you've saved up your pennies..." She hesitated, trying to ignore the fluttering in her stomach. "and in recognition for your rehabilitated ways... I will allow you look at this picture for five seconds before I delete it off your phone forever. Then, you will never ever do such a horrible, perverted thing for the rest of your life or I'll release our security footage to the police. Understood?"

He nodded.

"Good. The five seconds starts now." She turned the phone with the picture of her panty-clad nethers to the teenager and smiled inwardly as she saw him staring blankly at the photo. She could feel a tingle deep inside her pussy and knew she was getting wet as she counted down from Five and couldn't help but crack a grin at his look of disappointment when she tapped the delete button. Anne handed the device back to the teen and sent him on his way to the register.

"You might want to hold the box in front of you." She gestured at the front of his jeans, he blushed deeply and covered himself as he walked awkwardly to the counter.

Anne's hands were shaking from adrenaline and arousal, her heart was beating like a jackhammer and her pussy was utterly on fire. Not over the teen himself...he really wasn't her type, and she only had eyes for Kevin...she realized she was getting off on the way she handled the situation...on the

power she had over someone who had wanted to prey upon what they thought was an easy target and the control she could exert with just a few words and tone of voice. She had never felt that before...

Anne's face involuntarily split into a wide smile when she remembered the look of disappointment on his face when she had deleted the image and she seemed to stand a little taller, stride a little longer and hold her head higher as she rode the wave of that exhilaration through the rest of a slow day at the store.

When her dad left at 5:30 she spent the rest of her shift cleaning up, reading some of the trade magazines at the counter, helping the few customers that

trickled through and fighting the constant urge to lock the front door and masturbate herself silly in the stock room.

It was at 10 minutes to 7:00pm when Anne heard the rumble of a car motor in the parking lot and a surge of anticipation brought the butterflies fluttering back to her stomach; Kevin was here.

Alone in the store, Anne hurried around the counter to greet her brother at the door. "Hey se-" She stopped in her tracks, her words catching in her throat as she saw a group of five people saunter in through the door; at their head was Anne Ramirez.

Anne Ramirez was a few inches shorter then herself with a flawless olive complexion, long raven black hair framing her heart shaped face and she was slim yet curvaceous in all the right places. Behind her was her pack of preppy sycophants, each more perfect and vapid then the next.

The five of them stopped in their tracks when they saw Anne approaching and Ramirez tilted her head and said. "Do you work here?" She sounded like every word both exhausted and disgusted her. Meanwhile one of her minions, Brad Jenkins the star quarterback and Ramirez's boyfriend, grabbed a toy light-sabre off the rack and held it in front of his crotch barking "Yo, check it." to the other three girls in the group who just rolled their eyes and continued texting.

"Um...yeah I there something I can help you with?" Anne stammered out, her previous confidence evaporating under the disinterested, judging gaze of Ramirez and her four goons.

"Yeah. It's my loser cousin's birthday and he wants a game that just came out; Foggy Swamp or something." Her eyes drifted around the store, her face looking like she was trying very hard to no throw up.

" of the Marshlands?" Anne offered the name of the TTRPG that her father was showing her earlier that day.

"I don't care what it's called, do you have it or not?" Ramirez shifted her weight and flicked her lustrous hair to the side.

"...Um's actually right there...beside Brad." Anne pointed to the prominent display housing several starter kits for the game.

After a few seconds, Ramirez crossed her arms and arched an eyebrow at Anne, gesturing to the display. "Well? Are you going to do your job?"

Anne shuffled forward, her shoulders hunching down as she avoided their eyes, muttering a quick apology and grabbed a copy of the game from the display.

When she passed by Brad, who was now posing some of the plushies in sexual positions, Ramirez asked, looking Anne up and down with a slight edge to her voice. "By the way, how do you know my boyfriend's name? Are you some kind of weird football stalker?"

Anne shook her head. "I went to school with you...we all graduated in the same class."

One of the other girls looked up from her phone, tilted her head and chimed in. "Oh yeah...aren't you that spaz who ate lunch by herself in the hall in front of the


"Yo...I knew I remembered you now." Brad piped up. "You're Anne Richardson right? Hey remember back in Sophomore year when you got hit in the face with a dodge ball in Phys. Ed., fell down and tore your shorts? Just to find out the other girls in class had already thrown your pants in the cafeteria garbage? Classic."

"...yeah...classic..." Anne forced a strained smile. She hadn't been able to show her face in school for two weeks after that...and even still she had been teased about it until the end of the year...she forced herself to take a deep breath. "Umm...can I help you with anything else?" Anne tried to build a hasty wall of customer service professionalism.

"Yeah, actually...can you remind me what Mr. Tuttle called you when we were in junior year? It's slipped my mind." Ramirez said venomously.

"I sorry, I don't remember..." Anne replied.

"Oh. Well in that case, I don't remember why I even came into this nerd cave." Ramirez turned on her heel and started for the door.

Anne looked down at the game starter kit in her was an expensive new release and after the slow day they had she didn't know if she could allow this sale to walk out the door.

"Bigfoot's Bride." Anne blurted out around the lump of humiliated anger in her throat. The name had come from a fun, end of semester, cryptozoology unit in their biology class where Mr. Tuttle had shown the movie Harry and the Hendersons. During the emotional climax at the end of the film when the daughter asks "We'll never see him again will we?" another student yelled out "Sure they will! When he invites them to his wedding with Ugly Anne!" The classroom had erupted in laughter and it was then that Mr Tuttle had coined yet another nickname for her...this one had stuck to her and spread to all corners of the school within weeks.

Ramirez smirked and walked past her to the counter. "Oh yeah, that's right...come on, let's pay for this garbage so we can get the hell out of here."

Anne processed the transaction in silence, waited behind the counter for them to leave the store and the minute she was sure they were gone, locked the door behind them and allowed the tears she had been holding back to burst forth. She stood with her back to the door, her shoulders shaking with sobs of frustration, anger and humiliation.

She heard a knock on the glass behind her but she ignored it. The knock came again, a little louder...more insistent but still she didn't turn around. When the person tapped the glass again Anne wiped her eyes, spun on her heel and yelled "We're closed!"

Anne saw Kevin standing on the other side of the glass with a large paper bag in one hand and a tray with two coffees in the other. "Well you technically still have five minutes!" He called back with a grin.

Anne rushed forward, unlocked the door and wrapped her arms around her brother's chest as soon as he stepped over the threshold.

"Whoa! I knew you likes the Sandwiches from Antonio's Deli, but I didn't know you liked them that much!" Kevin's mirth died out the second he saw Anne's red-rimmed eyes and trembling bottom lip.

"Oh god, what happened? Are you okay, did you get robbed or something?" Kevin asked.

"Worse." Anne stepped back, wiped her eyes and wrapped her arms around herself, shoulders still hunched. "Anne Ramirez came in with her friends..."

"Ahh hell..." Kevin groaned sympathetically, knowing the kind of hell they had put Anne through in school. The two siblings walked side by side to the front counter where Kevin laid out the two sandwiches and handed Anne her cup of coffee, which she cradled in both hands; she took a small sip and recounted what had transpired.

"God they're assholes..." Kevin popped the last bit of his sandwich in his mouth, washing it down with a sip of coffee. "Don't pay attention to what they say,they're broken, insignificant worms who get off on hurting people because they know their peak years are behind them now."

Anne took a small bite of her food and another sip of coffee. "I'm not hurt." Anne replied flatly, "I thought that after graduating I could finally leave that juvenile, social Darwinist hell-hole in the past. Then that bitch dares to walk into our Father's store and act like she's the fucking queen? If we hadn't needed the sale I would have told her right where she could have shoved her high-and-mighty attitude..."

She stared at the coffee in her hands and for a moment nearly believed herself. The truth was, and she knew it deep down, just the sight of Ramirez had shaken her; had sapped her new-found confidence she was angry at herself for crumpling so completely under the merest pressure.

Anne took a deep breath and let out a long sigh. "I just want to go home...let me balance the register and we can head out, ok?"

"Sure thing." Kevin said and kissed her on the cheek; she smiled softly and kissed him back. Just his cool, steady, presence was already calming her down and making her feel more secure.

Anne turned away from him, leaned over the counter and balanced the Card totals. She then grabbed a scrap piece of paper and popped open the register to begin counting the cash; and it was then that she felt Kevin's warm hand glide up the back of her skirt and gently squeeze her right butt cheek.

"That's very distracting, Kevin." She said sternly but with a smile.

"Oh right, sorry." Kevin said without removing his hand.

When she began counting the $20 bills, she felt his other hand cup her left cheek and begin a nice little massage.

"Keeevinn..." She whined playfully. "Cut it out."

"What? I missed my girlfriend." He kissed between her shoulders, down her spine to her waist and removed his hands momentarily from her ass.

She was in the middle of counting the $5 bills when she felt him lift her skirt to her waist and bite her lightly yet forcefully on her panty-covered butt.

"Hey!" Anne yelled and turned her head to see him squatting down behind her.

"It was that damn goblin again." Kevin winkedat her from below.

"Well you can tell that 'damn goblin' that I need to count the register and that he's making it hard to concentrate." She pointed a finger in mock-accusation at her brother.

"I will if I see him again." Kevin nodded earnestly, and when Anne turned back to her work, he added. "I thik I saw his slip inside here." then tugged Anne's panties down to her ankles.

Anne yelped, giggled and hissed. "Kevin! We're at the store, people could see us!"

Kevin smiled and replied. "There's no windows back here and the counter is in the way, even if someone was looking they could only see your upper half, spreading her cheeks wide and tracing a finger between her legs through her bush.

Anne shivered in pleasure, feeling that familiar tingling fire as her pussy flooded. Without saying a word,she turned back to the register and began counting the coins as Kevin lightly ran the tip of his finger between her hair-covered lips and planting sweet little kisses on her bare cheeks.

Anne spread her legs as much as she could to allow him better access, which he gratefully employed, slipping his thick middle finger into her soaking pussy, causing her to momentarily forget what 12 + 29 added up to.

She laid her pencil down, closed her eyes and gripped the edge of the counter tightly to steady herself as her brother fingered her dripping pussy from behind. Every thrust from his digit caused tingling fire to shoot through her body; she moaned lightly and in response, Kevin planted sweet little kisses on both of her ass cheeks, giving the left one a quick nibble.

"Oh my god Kevin...this feel so good..." Anne moaned quietly.

Kevin said nothing, but she felt him spread her ass with one hand while still gliding his finger in and out of her and he placed another little kiss on the inside of her crevice. His nose tickled the ring of fine hairs that encircled her tiny puckered asshole and she reached a hand back to run her fingers through his wavy red hair.

*tock tock tock* There was a knock on the glass of the locked front door.

Anne nearly jumped out of her skin and Kevin froze in place, crouched down behind the counter, his finger buried deep. Looking up, Anne saw one of the store's regular customers standing on the opposite side, face pressed to the glass with a hand near his eyes to shield the glare from the evening sun.

"David? Steven? Can you let me in? I know I'm bit late but I just ran out of a few model paints that I need to finish my Drukhari army minis...Hello?"

*tock tock tock* he tapped the glass with a knuckle again.

Kevin slid his finger from Anne wet's tunnel and he said, trying to hide his disappointment. " better go let him in then..."

Anne clenched her jaw, inconspicuously adjusted her skirt and stepped right out of her white panties. She walked around the counter and made her way to the front door, her long legs eating the distance quickly. She turned the lock, opened the door a crack and regarded the 40 year old man in the black Death Star t-shirt with the same stern glare she had locked onto the voyeuristic teen from earlier.

"Oh hi Anne, thanks so much for letting me in-" He tried to squeeze his way past Anne but she placed two fingers on his chest and stopped him in his tracks.

"Rick. You've been coming here for years and I think you're a great person, but we're closed and I can't let you in."

He opened his mouth to respond but Anne bulldozed right through his response. "I know you're excited to finish your minis, but I have a date with my boyfriend tonight. We'll be open at 8:30 tomorrow morning and you can pick up your paints then, alright?"

"Umm...yeah I guess...I suppose I do have a Necron army that needs a base coat." He averted his gaze shyly.

"Thank you, Rick. You're the best." She smiled at him and he returned it; his bushy salt and pepper bear splitting to show his teeth.

"Yeah...well, you have fun on your date, okay?" Rick said as he turned on his heel and sauntered back to his car.

Anne locked the door and turned around to see Kevin standing behind the counter with an expression of sheer amusement on his face. "You sure told him, didn't you?"

"I'm sick of interruptions..." Anne said plainly, walking back around the counter where she saw the stiff bulge in the front of Kevin's pants. She smiled impishly and slid her hand under his belly to grab him firmly by the belt buckle, her large eyes filled with lust and love, her voice a throaty purr. "and I'm sick of waiting."

She dragged her big brother behind her by the belt towards the stock room, She flipped on the harsh tube lighting and cleared a stack of 5th Edition Player's Handbooks from an old wooden desk and sat lightly on top of it. She reached up and passionately kissed Kevin, swirling her tongue into his

mouth to which he responded in kind.

When their lips finally separated they were both breathing heavily, their hands roaming over each other's bodies, their eyes never leaving each other's.

Anne's voice was a whisper as she forced out the words she had been craving to speak. "Kevin...I want you to make love to me..." She leaned back on her elbows and spread her legs wide, displaying her hairy bush and soaking wet, pink slit to his view.

Kevin seemed to be at a loss for words, his face went pale and his cock strained even harder against the confines of his clothing.

"Are you sure?" He whispered back, unbuckling his belt.

She nodded her assent.

"It might hurt." He slid his pants and boxers down his legs, stepping out of them and kicking them carelessly aside.

"I've put things in there before..."

"I love you Anne." He lined up his cock with her opening, pressing the tip ever so lightly against her inner lips.

"I love you too Kevin." and with that he pushed his cock slowly into his little sister.

Anne could feel herself filling with his girth, stretching her pussy father then her trusty hairbrush; she felt each inch glide deeper through her tight wetness, every bump, every swell in his anatomy. Just as she thought there was no way she could fit more inside her body, her pussy made gracious accommodations.

Finally, Kevin's hips were pushed tightly against her own. Her pussy ached with a dull, stinging burn and she bit her lower lip to keep from crying out.

"Are you okay?" Kevin asked, his words working their way around heavy breaths.

Anne nodded, tears rimming her eyes. "It hurts a little but I've never been happier..." She remembered when she first popped her cherry years ago with a magic marker from her unicorn pencil case. It had hurt like hell at first but subsided over time as she worked it in and out of herself.

"Just start will feel better if you start moving..." Anne wrapped her long thin legs around her brother's back, leaning more heavily on her elbows as Kevin began sliding himself slowly, inch by inch out of her pussy; when his head was ready to pop out of her straining sex he eased his length back into her with a hissing moan.

Silently he fucked his sister in this slow, steady rhythm, the only sounds being their heavy panting, the wet sucking sounds of Anne's hairy, dripping snatch and the old desk creaking under them.

The stinging burn in Anne's pussy faded into an erotic, electric tingle that sent fire and lightning through every nerve in her body. She pulled at Kevin's hips more insistently with her legs, pushing his hips more forcefully into herself. Taking the cue, Kevin reached down and wrapped his hands around her bony hips, throwing more of his own momentum into each thrust, rocking her back and forth on the desk's surface; causing a pounding throb to gather deep within her body unlike any she had felt in her life.

"Oh god...oh my god...Kevin...Harder...Fuck me harder..." Her head fell back and her spine arched. She felt Kevin lean forward, sliding his hand under her shirt and sports bra to massage her tiny breasts while his hips propelled themselves forward in deep, forceful thrusts.

"You feel amazing're so sexy..." Kevin grunted.

The deep throbbing was so intense now she couldn't even form the thoughts, let along the words to rebuff his 'sexy' comment. Instead she sat up and wrapped her arms around Kevin's neck, locking him into another deep, moaning kiss as she clung desperately to her brother with her arms and legs, keeping his cock buried deep inside.

Kevin, without missing a beat reached down and clasped his hands under her flat butt, lifting her easily off the desktop and continued to pound his cock in and out of his sister. Their glasses clicked together as their kiss degenerated into wild licks and animistic biting.

Anne's building orgasm and her brother's body were the only things she was able to perceive now as the burning, deep pulse filled her body and mind, threatening to burst forth and tear her apart.

She managed to pull her lips away momentarily from her brother's mouth and in a breathless gasp said. "...I'm gonna cum...Kevin, I'm gonna cum..."

Kevin grinned, pressed their lips back together and began using the hands on her ass to slam her entire slim body down onto his turgid, throbbing cock.

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhh.........Ohhhhhhh my goooooooooooddddddddddd......." Anne's body went rigid and brgan trembling as she felt an orgasm stronger then any she thought possible rocket through every inch of her body. Her pussy spasmed hard, pulsing and squeezing around her brother's cock as he continued to fuck her, to slam her body onto himself. Her cheeks flushed scarlet and her fingers dug hard into Kevin's back as her body was wracked with orgasmic convulsions. Unlike her usual, torrents of squirting juices, Anne only felt a steady dribble of liquid escape around her brother's dick to sprinkle down onto the tile floor.

She had no idea how long the orgasm went on but was brought back, groggily, to the world by Kevin's strained voice.

"Anne...I'm gonna cum soon too...I'm getting really close..."

Everything in Anne's body was craving for him to cum deep inside her fill her inside with his hot seed. To plant a baby in her womb that they could raise as their own...Yet despite everything, her logical mind stood victorious atop a pile of sex-inebriated hormones, screaming defiant victory towards the gods of self-control.

Anne said, failing to keep the whine entirely out of her voice. "Let me down quick, I'm not on birth control..."

Kevin, clearly waging a similar battle in his own mind, which Anne wasn't confident he was winning, and huffed in agreement holding his sister as she untangled her limbs from his body. She whined again when his cock popped out of her tight pussy then yelped as her feet slipped on the tile floor, newly wet from her leaking orgasm. She staggered back, her arms flailing wildly to in an attempt to keep her balance and winced as she felt her right wrist connect solidly with her brother's nose. Kevin managed to catch her around the middle, just as she was pitching backwards towards a shelf packed with board games.

"Awwww...Kevin..." She managed to look concerned while still suppressing a visible giggle. "Are you alright?" She put a hand affectionately to his cheek.

"Yeah, I'll be alright," he smiled, rubbing his nose. "Luckily you don't hit very hard." He let out a little grunt as she gave him a playful jab to the ribs.

"Well thanks for saving me...sorry about the nose." She said sheepishly.

He kissed her. "I'm alright, I promise."

She kissed him back and said "Well even still...I hope this makes up for it..."

Anne ran a finger down his chest, over his stomach and squatted down in front of him, bringing her face level with his solidly erect cock that was nearly dripping with her juices. She wrapped her hand around it's slick circumference, pulled his foreskin back to reveal his engorged, purple head and sucked it deep into her mouth; causing Kevin to let out a growling, pleased moan. She grabbed his hips, tightened her lips around his shaft and began to vigorously bob her head back and forth, taking care to press her tongue against the underside of his dick.

Anne was in utter disbelief that she was squatting in the stock room of her father's game store, sucking off her older brother, but nonetheless the taste of their

mixed juices, the feel of his cock in her mouth and the scent of sex in the air was undeniable proof that this was real...that this was her life now...and she reveled in the purest, brightest bliss of her life.

Kevin's grip tightened in her hair, causing a pleasant little ache in her scalp; his voice was a tense whisper. "Anne...I'm going to cuuum..."

Anne pulled herself back and began sucking the head of his cock like she was trying to bring a golf ball through a garden hose and her fist pumped back and forth frantically on his shaft. He moaned loudly and his body tense, she felt his knees buckle and nearly give way under him just before the first jets of her brother's cum splashed into her mouth. Shot after shot came flooding out, more then she thought she could hold and in unpracticed motions began to swallow down the hot, alkaline liquid that refused to stop flooding out the end of Kevin's cock.

After several seconds the incessant bucking of his dick settled down to occasional twitches that pushed the last drops of his cum into her mouth. Anne pulled her face away from his cock and looked up into her brother's eyes and gulped down the final mouthful of his cum. His glasses had fogged up slightly and sweat stained the front front of his shirt as he gradually caught his breath. Anne stood up and still looking deeply into his eyes leaned forward and kissed him lightly on the lips.

"Anne...I..." he took off his glasses, wiped his eyes and replaced them. "That...was...I didn't know I could feel so complete..." he stammered.

Anne smiled widely which accentuated her overbite and pushed strands of hair that had fallen from her loose bun back behind her ears. "I know what you mean...I feel like I've finally found a piece of myself that I didn't know was even missing..." He reached out and held one of her hands in both of his, she laid her other on top them.

Kevin smiled shyly and asked. "You really don't mind that your first time was with your brother?..."

Anne simply stared into his eyes. "No...I'm thrilled that my first time was with my true love...the one person I've shared my entire life with...the one person I want to share the rest of it with too..."

Kevin hugged her tightly to his chest, his half hard cock pressing into her naked leg, they remained tightly embraced for the next several moments before Anne quietly said. "I...forgot to finish counting the cash register...the money is all just sitting out on the counter..."

Kevin laughed and withdrew from the embrace. "Yeah, you go deal with that, I'll clean up in here."

Anne pulled her skirt down over her bare hips but didn't escape a playful spank from Kevin before she left the stockroom. She retrieved her panties from behind the

counter slipped them on, shivering slightly at the cool fabric's touch. In a matter of minutes, Anne had balanced the register, put the extra money in the office safe

and Kevin had dried the stockroom floor, replaced the moved merchandise and now stood near the door waiting for Anne to set the security alarm.

Anne input the code, rushed to the door and both siblings stepped out into the golden light of the setting sun. Anne looked up at the sky, in all of it's brilliant

hues, the wide smile on her face accentuating her overbite and the sun glinting off her large, thick glasses. "Wow...that's so beautiful..."

She looked over at Kevin who was staring directly at her. "Yeah...I agree..."

She rolled her eyes and gave him a little tap on the side. "You're such a cornball." Yet she didn't bother correcting his mistake as they walked to his car and drove off hand in hand.


Same as Awkward Anne Chapter 3 (reupload) Videos

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Christmas was just what I needed. Restful, happy. The whole study group was home, we had a wonderful reunion. We found we all had new friends, new lovers. We were just as close, but somehow we didn't end up in bed. On the other hand, Frank, a junior now, was busy catching up with his old girlfriends, some of whom spent the night. Ralph had his own girls, usually in the afternoon. I spent hours with Mom and Dad, telling them about college, the group, our plans for Still Waters Art. I had a...

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Anne and MaryChapter 37 Return

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 17 Fourth of July

"Alex, your folks get in this afternoon. Do we need to agree on anything? Clothing, screwing, whatever?" "I've been thinking about it, Saul. I told them they have to accept that we sleep together, and that we don't always have our clothes on. They say they agree to that." "You don't sound all that sure about it," Sigrid said. "I'm not. I really don't see Mom being able to deal with it." "Well, we're going to find out," Heather said. "Let's try to keep some clothes on,...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 35 Two Weddings

"Mary, can I wear your wedding dress?" "Anne, are you crazy? You know I hate that thing. Every time I see that picture from the introduction, I get that same feeling: the creeps." "Well, you're famous in it, you know. The whole world sees you like that. And you're gorgeous in it." "Yeah, I do look good. Don't know why it affects me that way. But, of course you can wear it. I suppose that means you're going to get married." "Yeah. Talked it over with Saul and Will, called Mom...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 36 Friday

Since it was a warm afternoon, the meeting convened beside the pool. Everyone bared all to the sun. "I've been talking with Jim and Harry," Anne said. "They both think we need to catch the wave in Europe. We've had some inquiries, and Iris, you say you've had a call or two." "Yes, Italy, and Germany." "Why don't you go and take a look? See what the market's like, check out distribution, get a feel for acceptance." "Okay. I'll have to make it quick — I hate that. And I...

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A Spy Too FarChapter 2 AnneMarie

Anne-Marie lay back in the bath and thought about the days events. She had been pleasantly surprised at first meeting Tony, although when she had first seen him unshaven and in his sea going uniform, she was a little put off, but something about him she found very attractive. If she had to have a make believe husband, at least she thought, it was nice to have one who after a shower and a shave looked a bit dishy, and she would not have to pretend too much with him. The photographs she had...

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Flight To The PastChapter 4 Anne Marie

Formality demanded on my calling on Anne Marie and her Father Lord Archer, in due course to introduce myself. Emily had somehow, through her contacts got me an invitation to a soiree at Lord Archers house on the eve of my formal visit. The estate was next to mine to the north and the hall was about three miles which was no real distance even over the rough roads and tracks. On entering the ball room and being formally introduced to Lord Archer the host. I had spied the Hon Anne Marie the...

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Anne and MaryChapter 16 Decisions

Thursday afternoon after history, Anne and Mary drove to the mall. They wandered through the aisles, selected a toaster oven and looked at several big, colorful throw pillows. Mary plumped one fat cushion that was at least a yard square. "I wouldn't mind getting laid on top of this." "If we buy it, you probably will. More than once." Immediately, Mary put the pillow in their basket. Anne added more like it. "What if they don't agree? Maybe they'll hate each other." "Terrible....

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Anne and MaryChapter 30 Anne

When I got up on Monday it was sunny and warm for mid-November, so I wore my Polartec and a pair of those really tight ski pants with half-boots. The Polartec feels nice and fuzzy on my breasts and it almost covers my buns. The zipper neck lets me control the draft. I didn't need a coat. I thought it looked pretty good. After lunch, Saul waved frantically at me as I started to leave the Union, so I went to where he was sitting. "Dad left a message on my answering machine over the weekend....

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The Girls ClubChapter 4 Anne Marie Makes a Move

It was some days later as Tony sat in the lounge at home, pleasantly relaxed as his body gradually recovered from the night before. His mind reflecting back on the events of the previous evening he had spent with Debbie, and the implications for the future. The girls were keeping him very busy, and he hoped he could live up to their expectations. He was beginning to worry whether he had the stamina to meet all their demands. But Sandra had assured him the novelty would soon wear off, and they...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 23

Introduction By the time they reached Los Angeles, the show had shaken down to a truly professional presentation. Everything had gone as expected in New York, with one important exception. But after that, Chicago and San Francisco were a lark. In New York, when Anne and Saul came on stage for the first time there was routine applause, then silence except for the background music. The video camera caught them as they entered, then zoomed to a closer shot of Anne's upper body, her face and...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 30 Thanksgiving

At five o'clock on Wednesday they turned the phones over to voice mail and the call center. Only the number known only to family would ring. Supper was quiet and slow. Afterward, Sigrid said, "Boy, I'm pooped. It's been a great fall, but I am wiped. Tom? Let's go upstairs tonight. I need some sleep." To no-one's surprise, the Big Bed was empty that night. The next morning, work began on Thanksgiving dinner. The only guests were Sarah and Steve, who arrived early and pitched into the...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 31 New Years Eve

"Aunt Bessie!" Mary cried when she met the Coloradans at the airport. "And Jesse — how wonderful of you both to come." She turned to her mother with more hugs. "So good to see you... And Dad. Where are Dan and Consuela? I thought they were coming with you." "No, Mary, they came up with something special at the last minute. They'll be along tomorrow. Didn't you get their call? They were going to call you and Ken before they left." "No, maybe it came after I left the house. Come...

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Anne and MaryChapter 24 Friday

The first thing they did Friday afternoon was review their exams. Mary set up a spreadsheet and entered how each of them had answered on each of the three exams. With a few keystrokes, she compiled the results. "I won't bore you with details: printout on the way. Our average grade on the three exams is 98%. High is 100%, low 96%. Based on what we know of the correct answers, we're on course." English was the only common subject for the coming week; the other exams coming up were...

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Anne and MaryChapter 33 Mary

I really enjoy being with Tom. He's just as funny and warm as Saul, without the self-assurance. Taking him to bed Sunday night really made us both feel wonderful. On Monday, though, at lunch, when Sigrid walked up to me in the Union, I had a kind of uneasy feeling. Certainly just misplaced guilt. "Are you Mary Travis?" 'Why beat around the bush?' I thought. "Right. You're Sigrid, but I don't have your last name." "Sigrid Sorenson. I wanted to ask if you and Anne will be home...

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Anne and MaryChapter 43 Louise

Anne and Mary walked into the Student Union for lunch, chatting like magpies. They'd arranged to join one another at noon one or two days a week — "girl time", they called it. Today, Sigrid was missing. As they went through the cafeteria line, Anne noticed a woman sitting alone at a table. "Isn't that Louise Whatsername?" she asked Mary. "You know, from North College?" "Yeah, I think so. It's not the same Louise we knew — at least from her looks. Something's happened for her....

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 8 Anne

"Hi, Mei-Ling. It's Anne Stilwell." "Oh, I'm glad to hear from you. How are you? How're things?" "Good. Very good. School is good, business is good, the guys are good, so am I. Haven't talked to you since New Year's. What's with your kids?" "They're fine, Anne. Sally had an ear infection, but she's over that now." "You know I really didn't focus on their names when we were there. Sally and Joshua. Why not Chinese names?" "We're not Chinese, Anne, we're...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 10 San Francisco

"Anne, take a look at this." "Say, Heather, you look good even with clothes on," Saul gibed. "You do look terrific, Heather. Try to ignore this brute," Anne said. "This is what I plan to wear to San Francisco tomorrow." Heather wore her favorite kind of outfit, a mid-thigh dress of heavy, well-fitted knit with push-up sleeves and a zipper front. It was a rich red that picked up the lights in her long chestnut hair. She wore no jewelry. "You're wearing stockings? I've never...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 16 Friday

"Mary! You're back. Come here and be kissed." "Hi, Saul. Did you miss my cooking?" "Saul," Tom said, "You mean this woman can cook? What have we been missing?" "Not much, you loves. I'm glad to be back. We had a wonderful time, but it's good to be home." Mary and Ken settled at the table for the meeting. "The big thing is the Introduction," Anne began. "Heather?" "So far, everything seems to be going all right. We have plenty of stock for all the things we're going to...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 20 Friday

It was Thursday when Jim and Denise and the O'Malleys arrived. Sigrid met them at the airport, feeling a little silly carrying a sign with a big 'Still Waters' logo. "I'm Jim Positano, and this is Denise." "Hi, I'm Sigrid Sorenson. Mary's teaching today; said she's sorry she couldn't meet you." "Hey there, you're Sigrid! Hi, Jim, Denise. I'm Al O'Malley and this is Margaret." "Sigrid Sorenson. I just explained that Mary's teaching this afternoon, couldn't meet you....

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Chatting with AnneMal

Chat Night Guest: Anne-Mal On Thursday September 16, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Julie Anne-Mal can be e-mailed at: [email protected] (*Julie) The log is now open. (Bashful) Is hubby going to be here Anne? Editor's note-See the ending to MAER. - Anne just left. (Anne-Mal) Anne? This is deja vu! + Anne-Phorcy has arrived. (Anne-Phorcy) (One too many Anne's!) ;) (Anne-Mal) There are never enough Anne's! (Bashful) Yes there are, some times one is too many! I loved...

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Perversion Chapter Four JoAnne wants more

(Please note the people mentioned in these stories are fictional and bare no relationship to people either alive or dead. These stories contain explicit sexual descriptions and are aimed at the over 18’s)I sat and drank my coffee while watching Jo-Anne move about the kitchen as we waited for the gasman to finish his checks. It felt like it took hours but was probably only about 30 mins. Smiling at him she let him out then came back and sat to finish her coffee. I thought the interruption had...

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Anne and MaryChapter 15 Coffee Bar

The four men met for supper at the Union, taking their trays to a table in a corner. When they had settled down, Saul said, "Thanks for coming, Tom and Alex. We all know we're here because of Anne and Mary. Both of you met them before either Will or me. I thought it might be a good start if we all tell how we met these ladies." As they ate, each one told how he had come to know the two women. Saul's tale of near disaster with Anne broke the group up with laughter, and Will re-created his...

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Anne and MaryChapter 23 Anne Again

Another exam on Wednesday. History in the afternoon. I think I nailed every question. Coming out, though, I didn't feel the high I usually feel when I've aced an exam. I moseyed toward the Union, knowing that Mary was posing. I still had unfinished business. I realized what was wrong with me when I ran into Saul. He looked down at me with that smile he has. It gave me goose bumps. "Hi, Anne. You look good." I decided to take the bull by the horns, or something. "Saul Katz, if you...

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The Devils DiscipleChapter 7 Tuesday February 1 Anne Returns

The following day I turned up to the bowl at around twenty past eight and moved straight to the back of lanes and waited for the early league to finish. I didn't know if she would be there and I resisted the temptation to look, preferring to appear as if I wasn't in the least interested. 'Oh she's here Fred, there was never any doubt that she was going to be. Though she is starting to get a little concerned, starting to think that if you are curious about her then you're doing an...

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Anne and MaryChapter 28 Mary

On Monday, there was a notice in our mailbox. We were to report to the Dean's Office ASAP. Right after lunch, Anne and I went to the office to see what was up. She wore a white man's shirt and her khaki skirt. I wore a long wool skirt and a western shirt with a scarf. We sat in the waiting area. A girl came out of the office. She was wearing sneakers, jeans and a kind of ragged tee-shirt. Hair cut crazy; hadn't been washed, at least not today. She didn't look happy, but that may have...

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The Girls ClubChapter 7 Anne Marie Wins

The party was well established, when Tony and Sally arrived. The hostess was a middle aged, but still quite attractive looking blonde lady, who kissed Sally on the cheek. "Hello darling. Nice to see you, and who is this gorgeous creature?," As she spoke, she turned to Tony, holding out her two fingers for a nominal handshake. "This is Toni, an old school friend. I've invited her to stay with me for a few days. It's a long time since we have seen each other, and we have a lot to catch...

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Anne And Mary Book IIChapter 37 Jane

"Hi, Jane, come on in, ' Mary said as Jane came up the walk. "You're already bare. Okay if I strip, too?' "Sure. Hang your stuff here. Makes it easy to find when you leave. Anne and Iris are here, we're out by the pool.' They stopped to open a Coke for Jane, then went into the sunshine. Mary settled on a lounge. Jane said, "Are you guys busy? I didn't mean to interrupt.' "No, Jane, ' Iris said, "We're just yakking. Taking a break and getting some rays.' "Anne, are you...

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Anne and MaryChapter 48 About Heather

"Will gave you a hard time Friday, Heather," Anne said. "Why did you let him?" She and Heather were showering before entering the sauna. "Actually, he was just doing what all artists do, Anne. I've lived with it all my life. It's the price you pay for working in a new medium." "You mean computer graphics?" "Yes. And I guess it's not just artists that do it. I suppose, if you sell beans and a guy starts selling peas, you're going to think he's crazy and wonder if peas won't...

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Anne and MaryChapter 52 Home

Anne met Will and Mary's plane. Waiting for the bags, Anne clung to Will, kissing him and hugging. When they got home, Mary started the round of hugs with the others, Anne took Will upstairs. At supper, Sigrid said, "Should we call them, Mary?" "No, Sigrid, let's make up a tray. I'll take it up." Alex went with her, knocked on the door and opened it. Mary went in with the tray. Will and Anne were lying in the bed, spent but joined. Anne's face shone with joy. Mary set the tray on a...

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