Shop Soiled free porn video

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Kathy sat in her tiny bed-sit head in hands, she’d checked her purse yet again £2:20 things couldn’t get much worse.
Kathy had stupidly moved to Chester when she’d met Robbie when he was on a weekend break in her home town of Brighton, she had simply packed her bags and jumped in his car. Oh it started off great he was good looking good fun, and he was the first man who she’d been to bed with and she loved it. In four months she’d blossomed as a women and felt she could do anything for her Robbie, that’s when things began to change.

Robbie had got Kathy a job in the towns large market hall and when she’d starting earning he thought this was a good time for him to stop. First he started on the beer then onto something stronger, that was the week Kathy moved out finding the bedsit on the other side of town. She contemplated going back home but what too a mother who was so tied up with her stepdad she didn’t notice her a stepdad who she was sure just wanted to get in her thank you very much.

A little about the girl Kathy almost twenty one, 5’ 4” pretty face with dirty long blonde hair, dark brown eyes and full red lips. A trim hourglass figure with 34c tits and firm hips her legs seemed to go on forever and were almost always on show. Kathy more or less had one style of dress especially during the summer, tight skimpy tops and short, short skirts normally denim, and those legs were normally left tanned and bare.
The last few weeks had begun to take there toll, made worse by Lock down and losing her market job. she’d had a little help but right now she had two weeks rent and the money in her purse.

Kathy started to drag her weary body towards the local mini-mart, they were cheap and closer than the big super markets. Asif watch Kathy as she entered the door then turned towards the camera bank below the counter to watch her progress through the shop, he watched this young white women many times in the last few week and today was no different.
He loved the way her arse swayed as she walked her tits bouncing within the skimpy top she wore, and when near the freezer section her long hard nipples would protrude firmly. But best when she bent low or got down on her haunches those tiny thong panties riding tight up her cheeks or hugging her young cunt lips.

Asif owned the mini market along with two others managed by his oldest son and greatest friend.
At fifty two and standing 6’ 4” with a thick set frame over his long kurta gown he cut a handsome frame. As he watched Kathy Damali his wife approached him silently, when she was by his side her hand slid into his kurta firmly grabbing him and pulling softly while smiling down at Kathys image on the screen.
Damali the second wife of Asif was only thirty four and was as her name suggests a beautiful vision her outfit this morning just like any other hugged her figure showing of her 36 d tits and firm arse, her long glimmering black hair framing her glowing smile with dark eyes and slender nose over ful succulent red lips.

They had met at a mutual friends wedding while Asifs wife struck down by illness was in a rest home. Asif had loved his wife but found after time he had other needs, and that night and for the five years since he had relieved them with Damali.
Damali was an excellent and experienced lover and adored sex, and we mean sex of all kinds.
Asif would always be a good catch for Damali and it made good sense to please him in every way.

Quite happily within the first month of their marriage she had been fucked by both his two sons his best friend and best friends son, all this while Asif watched on or sometimes joined in. Both had a very high sex drive and both were lusting after Kathy thinking she could heighten their sex live.
Before the lock down there had been Jenny a university student of nineteen, a weak easily led girl who they had blackmailed to do the most obscene thing with whoever or whatever they had demanded.

Kathy approached the counter with a watery smile, so little in her basket tinned tomatoes, rice, bread and peppers.
When Asif totalled it up it came to £ 2:22, Kathy felt herself blushing knowing she was two pence short, a tear appeared in her eye before sliding down her cheek. Damali took her opportunity and within ten minutes Kathy had a job replacing Jenny on Friday and Saturday morning Damali intended she would replace Jenny in lots of ways. Kathy left the store with a smile and a bag food basket to tide her over till the weekend.
The couple realised it wasn’t going to be no where near enough money for her to live of but it would help draw the succulent young white girl into their web.

They watched her either as they worked with her, or on the video recordings after the day was done. The men in the area were loving her as were they Asian couple her legs always seemed to be on display, and quite often her tiny thong would be on show as she keenly worked around the shop serving on or stacking shelves. Put all this together with her pert young tits and pure white skin and the lust was understandable.
Something else the couple noticed after the first few weeks, when she was in the store room she’d stroke herself after the young men had been openly admiring her fingers sliding under her skirt. In fact one time they watched her once lay back against the shelving opening her legs and inserting what looked like two fingers.

It was five weeks after she had started the job that they called her upstairs, a nervous Kathy was stood outside Asifs office door, Kathy a stern voice called her through, The couple stood waiting for her. Damali took the lead in the conversation while walking behind the young women “didn’t we look after you, are we not paying you a wage even giving you food. I think you realise we will have to report your discretions to the police” all the time the screen in front of Kathy showed her hands in the till, or food dropped into her bag. She pleaded with them tears flowing down her face, the pay was not enough I needed more hours I was just so hungry, please Damali I’ll do anything you want just say, I’ll never steal again please I’ll do anything I’ll work for nothing.

Damali was close behind her fingers stroked her hair, Kathy could feel herself relaxing. “You are a very pretty girl Kathy we love having you around those long legs and sexy white skin”, Damali’s hands were now stroking her neck moving towards the V of her breasts. “Now we could make all this disappear just stand for us sweet thing...good” Kathy stood her back to the door “slip off your top Kathy” there was a slight hesitation her eyes making contact with Damali, who simply smiled and nodded.
Kathy obeyed it seemed the right thing to do, her hand nervously lifting the skimpy top over her head, she stood her tits clearly on view through her white sheer bra her hand went to protect her assets. “Don’t cover yourself you naughty girl take off the bra we can see it all anyway can’t we Asif” he simply smiled his face showing his perverted lust.

Damali led a silent Kathy towards the desk, naked tits swaying open to their lust filled eyes positioning her so she was leaning flat handed on the desk she forced her knee between Kathys thighs spreading her legs wider and wider, at the same time her tiny skirt ended up riding up her back all that kept her cunt from her m*****ers evil view was a thin piece of material her tiny thong was no real protection, and very unnoticeably to all three of them a very moist thong. Kathy felt shame humiliation and excitement all at the same time and with it a strange sort of feeling of power, she could see her body gaining their admiration and hear the comments from them both comments which made her even hotter.

Asif spoke to her directly for the first time “naughty girls need to be punished Kathy, don’t you agree” punished what did he means her mind raced as she nodded in agreement.
She could see the couple moving round her she could see Asifs power she could see it pushing out from his kurta she had noticed it before when he’d been working near her and wondered about the size of his power.
Now she lost view of him he was directly behind her looking at her near naked body her cheeks spread wide and tits hanging like cows udders, then she felt his hands on her cheeks sending shock waves through her body “hold down her hands” Damali moved round the desk to obey “you do understand that you need to accept this punishment right now this corporal punishment to your bottom to atone for your mistake, you can just walk away and we call the police” corporal punishment to her bottom Kathy took in a deep breath...the room was completely silent then Kathy whispered a barely audible statement I don’t want to go they al new and understood her decision.

The first blow shocked her so quick and so hard, then again woosh her other cheek it just went on and on Kathy yelped a little as the pain started to spread through the meat of her arse, although it was painful she felt elated having her employer beat her bottom, holding her still while he abused her. She tried to look Damali who was holding her wrists in the eye, but had to look away in shame and humiliation. The spanking continued relentlessly only to be interrupted when Asif whisked her thong from her body, Kathy even helped lifting each foot in turn to help with the removal. Her sex was on full show to a man she barely new her sopping sex for indeed it was leaking now continuously and the odour filled the room….woosh crack on and on until suddenly he stopped.

“Come and look darling” Damali released her wrists moving round behind her “wonderful so red and hot” Kathy could feel the hand on her two sets of hands kneading and caressing her globes. Then Damali spoke to her “nearly done I’ll take my turn now my sweet young thing, bend further over legs wider...yes wider still” thwack that wasn’t a hand she was being whipped the agony as the whip cut into her flesh welts appeared instantly one two three and finally ten and as suddenly as it had started it stopped.

Kathy dare not move, she felt the fingers again soothing fingers on her badly beaten bottom, her cheeks were spread and held open were they inspecting her now looking at her pink rose bud anus and smooth cunny. The hands were on her thighs running upwards the others delving between her cheek a finger by accident or purposely slid across her puckered hole. “she as wonderful legs we must get her some stockings and heels, look at her arse perfectly formed and so hot to the touch” this wasn’t punishment now they were using her she new it but couldn’t and didn’t want to resist. Those hand felt so good oh her anus again she could hear herself breath erratic sharp breaths, the hands on her thighs moving ever upward skirting her pussy lips on each pass. Then her firm nipples were being held firmly and rung between fingers “rest your head sweet Kathy relax this is fun isn’t it you enjoy being beaten and stroked don’t you Kathy” she did acknowledge but no words seem to come, finger were opening her swollen lips and pushing beyond.

She was in heaven heightened even further when something wet hit her pink anus a tongue she had a tongue licking her arse “yes,yes so good” all her pain forgotten apart from the fact she new it had led to this making it all seem so worthwhile. Three fingers now exploring her inner body and the wet tongue forcing it’s way deeper into her arse, her nipples felt painful with their size expanded and hard, while Asif worked on them rolling each one between his fingers then pulling them harder and harder …..”god fuck don’t stop so good punish your naughty girl hurt her do it all to me” but she did stop “you are enjoying this Kathy, you are a naughty white slut aren’t you” “no please I” it came as a whisper she didn’t like being called slut.
“You like this though” her tongue returned sliding between her cheeks searching out her pink glowing anus “and this” her fingers played gently with Kathys clitoris. Oh god yes wonderful so wonderful.

Damali smiled at Asif “she’s ready for you come and fuck her this white slut wants to be fucked tell us Kathy” her clitoris a rock hard button between those tantalising fingers. She watched Asif beside her she watched him as he lifted his kurta over his head, he was naked beneath it Kathy could see him, see his cock he was massive, she shivered as she looked at him, was it fear or lust he was much bigger than Robbie...her tiny hand reached out to touch him it felt so hard and so warm.
Her fingers ran along his length it bobbed in her hand, could she she thought dare she so big’
“well Kathy” Damali more insistent now “so big never had anything so big please be gentle please”
Asif was behind her now hand in the middle of her back holding her steady spreading grease all over his shaft, Damali took pleasure spreading her lips for this giant powerful meat.

Asif rubbed his mushroom head repeatedly along her labia lips teasing her knowing she wanted him needed him, and when he felt her start to push back that was his signal. He pushed forward slowly but insistently, he watched her open like the flower and the massive head disappear followed by another three inches. Asif stopped listening to her moans of pleasure and pain allowing her to get used to the girth fully four inched at the root. “please I can’ t take it pull it out please it’s too big” Kathy rolled to try and release herself... “more give her more” Damali was entranced watching this spectacle unfold, then he pulled back only a****l noises escaped Kathys lips god she felt so full yeeeeeees was that her voice she was taking it so good so full she thought her eyes were rolling into the back of her head. He pushed again faster this time her juices were coating more than half his length he was almost there.

Once more he pulled back right to just behind the mushroom head then woosh he was all the way in the young white slut had taken all nine inches her cunt lips were stretched obscenely over that ludicrously fat cock. “Oh yes fucking hell yeeeeees more” she shuddered to her first orgasm Asif spanked her beautiful red arse cheeks as he pulled back and entered time and again.
“lick me” a voice entered her brain “lick me” her eyes opened wide Damali was spread eagled on the desk she had shuffled her cunt right under Kathys nose, her fingers were stretching her labia lips fluid was pouring from her gaping chasm. Kathy without thinking was licking another women for the first time, while her cunt was being beaten to a pulp by a monster lump of Pakistani cock meat.

“Yes there and my clitty bite it yes you fucking white slut, yes fucking slut cum dump made for us to use you filthy whore” she was screaming the words forcing her cunt up to that tongue and nose she wanted to cum so bad. Kathy could taste and smell this wanton women what was happening to her, was she really a slut, if she was she was loving it.
She felt herself cumming to another screaming orgasm and she also felt Asif expanding filling her even more. “Cum inside me you dirty bastard **** my filthy cunt” she felt the hand pulling her face tight against hot cunt lips “eat me bite me I’m nearly there fucking bitch go deeper deeper still”
She tried her best while the cock was embedded in her cunt pouring copious amounts of spunk into her cunt. God she was cumming again only Asif’s cock stopped her from collapsing to the floor. Then Damali was soaking her she thought she was pissing at first but it was warm acrid cunt fluid shooting into her mouth and dripping down her face. Kathy lapped faster not wanting to waste a drop of the wonderful intoxicating juices.

What a sweaty smelly mess all three of them collapsed round the desk, spunk poured from her cunt dribbling down her arse crack, Damali stroked Asif softening dark dick and her own twat finger thrashing hard at her gaping hole.
“Suck him Kathy” Damali cooed “get him hard for you again” she pushed his monster towards Kathy s mouth, there was no hesitation, she really wanted this her tongue flicked out licking the full length then she was crawling to her knees above him, opening wider than ever before her mouth started over that wonderful cock a moan escaping her mouth her lust on full show.
She’d done this for Robbie a few times, she lifted her head “I want you to come in my mouth this time I need to taste you” she looked her fat cocked lover between the eyes, he simply grabbed her head and forceably rammed it down onto his hardening cock. He was using his hands on her head to help him fuck her face and throat spittle dripped from her mouth and nose as she gagged and chocked on that fat cock.

Damali was behind her once more those fingers were busy once again, Kathy could not only feel it she could hear it her pussy was squelching a combination of her own and Asif’s cum swirling within, she felt stretched so well again, she was having difficulty concentrating on the cock in her mouth. Damali working her tirelessly was coated in a thin film of sweat giving a wonderful sheen to her olive coloured skin, she was actually working on Kathy, filling her cunt four fingers and her thumb after a few minutes they were now entering easily. Then her attention went elsewhere, her free hand spreading those wonderful young arse cheeks her eyes on the prize. Her mouth moved towards that luscious pink anus
Almost breathing opening and shutting waiting….her tongue flicked out darting across that hard nodule, lick, lick time and again each time getting more forceful, finally entering tasting the inner earthiness. Her hand was embedded in Kathy’s cunt fingers moving slowly while her tongue forced it’s way harder and harder buried in that ripe bottom she felt lovely and wet and very slippery. Clare herself thought it felt wonderful the abuse of her stretched cunt and that tongue exploring her bottom she felt total contentment and could have stayed that way forever sucking on a big fat cock.

Then suddenly she felt Damali leave her body lifting her head she spoke to Asif, “time now she’s ready for you, I’ve cleared the path you should find it reasonably easy now” Kathy felt her head being lifted from Asif and her wrist held firmly moving her to rest over the arm of the chair. She new she was going to be fucked again, and she suspected it wasn’t her pussy Asif was going to fuck. She was going to feel that wonderful cock that had been sliding down her throat, probe between the cheeks of her arse before entering her bottom.

“This will fulfil your every dream Kathy” whispered Damali “having your arse beautifully fucked by a big dark cock will stay with you forever, would you like that Kathy” a slight nod a smile was the only reply.

She felt Asif behind her, nudging the rigid member at her cheeks, he held a cheek aside and his cock was touching her anus. The anus and cock were both very wet from their encounters, and as he pushed a little harder, Kathy held firm, she felt her arse open fractionally and the tip of the cock enter her body.

'Ughhh' was all she could sigh, feeling Damali hand caressing her back, up and down to the waist. Asif pushed a little harder again and his prick opened Kathy a little further, her arse now opening wide to the intrusions. Damali's hands now held a cheek wide so that they could both see the entry quite clearly.

'Go on darling, push in some more,' encouraged Damali, and again he pushed his cock so that he was fully inside the inviting opening. He began to gently move back and forth but with each inward stroke, he entered a fraction more and just kept smoothly pushing into the young woman. Kathy gritted her teeth but the pleasure far outweighed any pain and she began to pant and sigh at this wonderful fuck inside her bottom.

Again she met stroke with stroke, pushing back to meet Asif, trying to get as much of his cock into her arse as she could, and she was glad when he began to speed up, his strokes into her now becoming quite hard and quick. 'In,in,in,in,' went the penis, wonderful, wonderful, strokes into the depths of her body, and Kathy had never had her anus fucked before she was beautifully opened for her assailants to see.

Damali moved two finger to Kathy’s anus and joined the cock going into the body. She held the edge of the pink skin and gently pulled at the opening, pulling the anus even wider apart, touching the wet cock as it passed her going in and out.

“Go on Asif, harder, fuck her arse harder, she wants that, don't you Kathy, Right up inside you, don't you Kathy?” The cock in her arse was erotic enough, but now that it had been joined by Damali's intrusive fingers, the feelings were even more dramatic, and Kathy was now frantic, herself moving towards an unstoppable crescendo.

“Yes, yes, oh yes, I want it, go on, go on, fuck my arse, it's fantastic ohhhh!” and all three of them concentrated on their own actions. Kathy held herself firm to the intrusions, enjoying every second, Damali held her fingers inside the anus, pulling it apart and jiggling her movements round the skin, and Asif now concentrated on the glorious fuck he was having in the young woman's arse. He was thrusting as hard as he could, getting right into depths, his cock fully embedding in the bottom with each stroke, his pubic hair caressing Kathy's arsehole each time he went in, and he was building up to his own shattering finale.

Asif was just just thrusting and thrusting deep inside the anus until finally he couldn't hold back any longer. He held himself completely still in Kathy's arsehole as he ejaculated his warm semen, firing it all around the innards of Kathy's shitter, until he subsided and held himself over the young woman. He was spent, emotionally and physically. Kathy herself had felt the splashes jetting into her arse time and again and it had almost brought her to her peak, but not quite and so she allowed and even encouraged Damali fingers to remain in her anus, caressing and still probing.

She heard herself say to the Damali, “Yes please, don't stop touching me, please,” and she wiggled her arse, wanting more. Damali took the hint and pushed another digit into Kathy's bottom and started to push them round, varying the speeds and directions. She pulled hard and then pushed, She went in deeply and then caressed the outer edges. She pushed more fingers into the arse and then started pushing in and out hard, with all four fingers of one hand.

She kept this rhythm up, and Kathy was bucking with the excitement and eroticism of the assault, and she was nearing the top.

'Oh Damali, yes, yeees, go on, in me, harder, yes, yeeesssss. Oooohhhhh,' and Damali's hand was buried deep in Kathy's arsehole, shooting in and out at speed, as the young woman went over the edge and the orgasm hit her, sending shivers and tingles and shock waves running right through her body, her head collapsing onto her wrists on the chair.

Damali held her hand in Kathy's bottom for a few seconds more to allow the young woman the benefit of an uninterrupted orgasm, and then she slowly extricated herself and sat to admire the enticing young lady knowing that this wasn’t the last enjoyment she would provide.

Very few words were said, there was nothing to say, and Kathy quickly gathered her clothes, not wanting to stay knowing she was theirs. She had become totally shop soiled.

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ShopliftingThe mall is deserted, for it is closing time, yet I watch the glass case spin as its contents sparkle. I still have some "shopping" to do. The sales lady catches me staring and smiles a beckoning smile, exposing teeth so white they make me sick. She reminds me of the Barbie dolls my mom used to force me to play with as a kid. Fried, bleached hair; tangerine-colored skin; emaciated physique; botox-plumped lips – she was a cocktease and she knew it too. Her rosy nipples stick out...

2 years ago
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Shoplifting Punishment

Here I was tied, gagged and blindfolded and I wondered how I had let myself end up like this. Jim and I had worked for the same company for several years and then he left to take a position with another company. I had not seen him for almost a year when we ran into each other at a local club. I had always thought he was an attractive man but he really never seemed to take an interest in me other than on a professional basis. However, that night we had a few drinks together that night and ended...

3 years ago
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Shop owners crazy wife Part 01

One day I was home alone. Then i heard some one calling by my mothers name. So i went out to see who it was. Then i saw the show Shop owner near our home. He asked for my mother. I said "mom went to a house nearby she will be home soon". I asked him to come inside. Then my mom came home. She talked with him. So i went to my room. After about 10 mins my mom called me. I went to see what is going on. Then mom said "he is going to Korea for a business. So his wife is staying home. He asked me to...

1 year ago
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Shop To You Drop

He came into the candle shop just as I was about to close. I probably would have sent him on his way if he hadn't been so damned good looking. "Am I too late to look around?" He asked. He had one of those soft soothing voices that's pleasing to the ear. "No, not at all. I've got some straightening to do before I leave. Take your time." He was everything in a man that turned me on. He was young, eighteen, or nineteen. Even though he was wearing the latest baggy fashion, I could tell he had a...

1 year ago
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Shop Session

Like all the stories I will post on here, they are totally true. I am writing down my own experiences… I once worked in a shop. It was a few years ago and I eventually became the manager of that particular store. At that time I had 10-15 staff working for me, one of whom was a women aged 23, her name Rebecca. She was very attractive and confident, stood around 5’6” tall with long brown hair. She was thin, but beautifully so, not all bones. I would say her tits were around a D, they were...

2 years ago
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Barbershop treat

I recently had a business trip to Ireland and finding myself a couple of hours early for a meeting I went for a walk round the town. It was a very small town and I soon had nothing to do so, seeing an old-fashioned barbershop, I thought a trim would pass the time.The shop was empty and the bored looking barber cheered up on seeing a customer enter his shop. I was soon sitting in the chair by the sink with with a big black cloak tied round my neck with a towel tucked in all round. The barber was...

1 year ago
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Workshop Cool Off

No one really cared who was giving the workshop instructions. All they knew is that it was some gal and that she had prepared a few hours of instructions and slides and a film to watch and they didn’t really want to be there all day. The table she sat at on the stage was about 8’ long, just like one of those banquet tables that fold up. Covering it was a black velvet type material with pleated sides and a nice smooth top. On the front of it was a sign that described the workshop itinerary....

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Photoshop 69Chapter 2

"Holy shit!" Pete was in heaven. "Honey, language please." "Sorry dear," said Pete hoping he hadn't upset her too much. Becky licked around the head of his dick apparently not too upset with his foul language. Becky was surprised with herself. This was not something she had ever considered doing. She was licking her husband's thingy. The thing he peed from. His penis. It was dirty and made her feel cheap. Still, Pete seemed to be enjoying it very much and she expected his little...

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Shoplifting trouble pt 1

I'm in target doing my weekly shopping and sneaking a little makeup in my purse. I put the makeup in my cart and proceed to the food part where I sneak the makeup into my backpack. I get my food and proceed to the checkout, I pay. As I'm walking to the door I get a tap on my shoulder, I look behind me and it's a cop. I pause and decide if I should run or not, I just stand there and ask "what's happening?". The officer says I'm being arrested for shoplifting and he's going to search my bag and...

1 year ago
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Shoplifting from a Witch

This work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission. Shoplifting from a Witch By Paul Jutras This morning Sam jumped out of bed and had a quick shower. He slipped into a padded bra that made him look like he had breasts that stuck out like two torpedoes, and then into a blouse and skirt. He didn't put on his normal taupe color nylon pantyhose because he planned to steal a pair. The shop was located at...

2 years ago
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Shop Talk

Toby and I had one thing in common right off the bat. We both hated our jobs. He was the assistant manger of a convenience store and I was one of his cashiers. We both worked second shift along with another cashier but it was never the same person every night. Second shift was always hectic in our store. Most of the time we had to play catch up from day shift and we definitely had higher customer volumes than day shift because I had worked day shift and didn’t have to run around like a chicken...

4 years ago
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Shop Girl Redux

She still hadn’t called and I couldn’t stop thinking about her. I decided to see her at the shop where we first met. Making my way there I went over in my mind what I would say. I paced back and forth mustering the courage to enter. I opened the door, the small bell announced my arrival, stepping inside I saw her. She was, reading a novel, her cute little glasses perched on her delicate nose. She looked over her novel noticing me standing there. She put her book down saying, “Oh no here...

4 years ago
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Shopping Girl

It was getting cold for late October and he felt it would was time to get some new clothes for the Fall and Winter. Online shopping appealed to him since he had the time in his office and didn?t much like going to the mall. It was nice that he worked alone so he could adjust schedule his schedule as needed. Before he started shopping he went back to check his old email. He had recently subscribed to a magazine and somehow was now getting emails about subscriptions to Vanity Fair magazine...

1 year ago
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Shopping from www

"I told you men wear things like this," she said. "See, look atthese catalog pictures." Susan held open a thick department store clothing catalog. The pagesshe had opened were from the women's undergarment section. Theydisplayed color photos of models wearing panties, girdles, bodybriefers, corsets and other women's foundation garments. Although he never admitted it to anyone, Pat had always enjoyed lookingat the gorgeous female models in such photos. She held open twoparticular pages. Eleven...

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Hi friends, this is my new story I’m going to present here. I must strech that is a work of fiction and not real. You can give me your feedback at “ and girls can contact me on same yahoo messenger for chatting. The name of the story is Shopping: Baat tab ki jab Pooja apni badi behen ki beti ki shadi ke liye shopping karne nikli thi. Pooja, ek housewife. Umra 45 saal. Pati jo ki ek banker hai, kafi paise kamata hai Pooja ke liye jise wo khushi se kharch karti hai shopping me. Uska beta Karan,...

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Shopping Trip For His Own Panties

This is a follow-up story to my weekend in liverpool with my husband Steve. He is now my little panty boy and I love the fact that I now have a way to control his sexual arousal. The first week that we returned home from his meeting I had Steve wear new his panties to work under his business suits and because of our shopping trip, he had enough girly panties to get him through the week without having to do laundry. He was always excited to come home to me and his little "secret" kept me on his...

1 year ago
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Shopping Mall8217s Washroom Converted Into Bedroom

Hey guys mera naam dev hai or mein delhi mein rheta hun. Mein iss mein apni stories regular upload karta rheta hun. Meri story “double trouble for dimple maam” ko bhot accha response mila tha isliye mein apni nyi story uploads kar raha hun aap please mujhe story read karne k bad email k through feedback jarur de. Is story mein aap read karenge ki kaise meine apni cousin sis ko shopping mall k washroom mein choda. Basically yeah story do jano bich mein hai ek mein or ek meri cousin bhen. Uska...

4 years ago
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The calls would be early tomorrow, because dad had to leave for a long meeting at Aronow & Associates and mother was committed to helping with a Make-A-Wish bake sale at nine. Anger filled the room. That was it; meeting over. My dad was screaming angry things I will never remember as my parents stormed out of the kitchen and up to their bedroom. I sat choking on a strange vomit that just rode in my throat. I could hardly breathe. I reached up under the remains of my blouse. I was hot in...

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I was walking to the button when l heard someone called me and l turned to see a lady l knew somewhere “.lt’s been quite a while,isn’t it”,She smiled and l entered her shop. I wanted to shake her hand but she saw me gazing at her huge boobs. She drew my hand to her breast and l squeezed gently. She was on her knees,opening my trouser zip.She brought out my rod,into her mouth,and she sucked it.

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I was sitting in front of a coffee shop in one of the wide corridors of the shopping mall I was visiting, lost in thoughts as I was sipping on my coffee. I hate shopping for clothes. Well, I don’t hate it. I just don’t like it. My tactics usually are: walking in, scanning the place for something I like and if nothing interesting catches my eye, getting out of the shop before some salesman or woman manages to approach me. I was thinking about what store to go to next as I had it on my mind to...

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Pawnshop I own a Pawnshop. It is the only one in this small town too. Mostly college kids, drunks, and drug addicts come to me when they need money. You would be amazed at what I can purchase for almost nothing. Just the other day for instance I bought a thirteen-inch color television for only three dollars. Hell some of the shit I buy is still in its original boxes unopened. Of course most of it is hot, that’s why I get it so cheap. Usually I give them enough money so that they can...

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Bishops Crossroad Pt 1

It was 3:45 in the morning and Xavier Bishop was having another sleepless night, the fourth one this week. Ever since Emmanuel had told him that Toni was going to be at his wedding this weekend. Being the Best Man meant he wouldn’t be able to avoid seeing her, especially since she’ll be the Maid of Honor. Even after ten years he couldn’t get her out of his head. She haunted him. He could still smell her perfume, feel her light touch, hear her lilting laugh – but that was a lifetime ago. He’d...

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Es war Montagmorgen. Marc hatte frei und war ein wenig durch die Stadt spaziert. Dann hatte er Lust bekommen, ein wenig zu shoppen. In der Innenstadt gefiel ihm nichts in den L

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shoplifter fucking girl

shoplifter fucking girl,Hardcore is the broadest of porn categories as it includes anything where the penis enters the vagina for thrusting. Scenes include every position imaginable, a great deal of foreplay to arouse both parties, and penetration that lasts for a shockingly long time or can be a quick homemade fling to capture a couple's passion.BBW pornography stars chubby women of exceptional size demonstrating their fuck hungry pussies. These free sex scenes are full of obese girls with fat...

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Pornshop Privleges

I looked over my shoulder and asked him when the last time was that he fucked is wife. "This morning." he replied as he slid his big cock in between my legs where it then projected out in front of my own cock. It was that thick and long.I came to this adult arcade in Denver quite a bit. Today, a friend was working the register area, so I was able to use his back office to change my clothes to reveal my inner-slut that seems to possess me when I'm extremely horny. We were both crossdressers and...

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And there she was, right on time. Every Saturday afternoon the cute little redhead shows up at my store and every time she does something gets stolen. The problem is that she's good at it and I've yet to catch her red handed. I sat at my desk in the loss prevention office and watched as she moved out of the view of one camera and into range of the next. She knew where the cameras were placed and where the dead zones were, at least she did before I'd added the new ones. "That's it baby, poke...

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Sexshop pickup

A snowy day, I'm sitting on the couch watching a movie. An erotic part of the story comes on and I begin to feel the heat from the passion I see. I begin to rub my nippls thru my shirt and bra. My pussy is twitching from the love making on the tv.I say forget this movie crap, I can't see his dick penetrate on her clit, or Do I get to see him lick her clit or do I get to see her lick his long shaft. I need a real movie. I get my shoes on and drive to the local sex/video shop, Spanky's. ...

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shoplifter has to pay the price

I recently took on a second job to help pay off the mortgage on my house. I got a job at JT’s Liquor Store, the owner Leo is an old friend of mine. I work there from 6pm until midnight during the week. I gotta tell you, we get the most interesting people in here. Believe me man, I have seen it all.We get a lot of local u******e high school k**s coming in here trying to buy booze for their parties with fake id’s. I won't risk getting arrested by selling to minors so I card pretty hard. ...

2 years ago
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Shoplifter Punished

I don't know why I did it, but I was starving, I was on my home from college when I went into the newsagents to get a bar of chocolate or something, once I got in there I realised I didn't have enough money in my purse to pay for anything. I noticed that the asian shopkeeper was busy re-stocking, so I picked up a bar of chocolate and slipped it into the pocket of my jeans.I looked up again and he was still busy, I then walked towards the door and went outside. Suddenly I felt a hand on my...

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They had set me up! And they had done it so neatly that there was no way out. I stared at the two women in shock and dismay. There was no alternative – I was going to have to do whatever they wanted – anything at all.I was fifteen and a half years old, although I looked two or three years older – a fact which caused me a lot of bother, with older boys and men constantly making passes or dirty remarks. The reason for this was partly my height – I am five foot nine inches – but most of all my...

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Shopno 8211 Dosh

Sokale ghum theke uthe toilet a gelam, dekhi amar pant er vetore shukno chorchore ki jeno. Segulu tene tene tulte valoy laglo. Gotorater sopner kotha mone portei sorir shir shir korte laglo. Kemon jani… tobe besh valoy lagsilo. Sopne dekhesi ami ammur sathe close hoye tar dudh khassi, se puro nogno ar amio nogno. Sopne ami prosrab kore diesi. Sebar-e prothom. Sopner valo laga amar jagroto oboshthayo mone kori. Khub valo lage. Dupure kingba rat-e jokhon-e ghumate jai kingba jokhon porte ar valo...

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Shoplifter Part 1 of 3

SHOPLIFTER (Part 1 of 3) By Lisa Lovelace Back when I was still a boy, I was a grad student in history at State U. Like all grad students, I was broke. I couldn't afford to buy the ladies' underthings I secretly liked to dress up in. So I stole them. Always from the same place: Dullard's, a locally owned, old-fashioned department store in decline. Their security was weak, no doubt due to staffing cuts and lack of investment. They usually had a clerk at the women's dressing rooms...

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Shoplifter Part 2 of 3

SHOPLIFTER (Part 2 of 3) By Lisa Lovelace When I awoke, I was lying on a bed in my new maid's uniform. I was in a bedroom decorated in feminine shades of lavender, pink and cream, with lace-trimmed curtains and bedclothes. I recognized the d?cor. I was in Sir and Madam's house again. I heaved a huge sigh of relief. I'd escaped! I was no longer in the place its victims called Pink Prison. I'd been taken there months ago after being caught trying to shoplift ladies' lingerie and a d...

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Shoplifter Part 3 of 3

SHOPLIFTER (Part 3 of 3) By Lisa Lovelace Someone was shaking me. "Wake up, wake up! You're Lisa, right? You need to get dressed! It's almost time for breakfast." I opened my eyes and saw another girl staring into them. I was back in Pink Prison. My old bedroom, room 24. Windowless concrete block walls painted pink. This was the place where I'd been sent after I was caught shoplifting ladies' clothing from a local department store. I was one of two dozen boys here, all panty...

3 years ago
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Shoplifter complete story

SHOPLIFTER (Complete story) By Lisa Lovelace ~ ~ ~ PART 1 Back when I was still a boy, I was a grad student in history at State U. Like all grad students, I was broke. I couldn't afford to buy the ladies' underthings I secretly liked to dress up in. So I stole them. Always from the same place: Dullard's, a locally owned, old-fashioned department store in decline. Their security was weak, no doubt due to staffing cuts and lack of investment. They usually had a clerk at...

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Junkshop girl

Every morning on my way to work, I pass by an antique store without a name Copyright 2007 [email protected] Every morning on my way to work, I pass by an antique store without a name. It seems to sell things that aren't strictly antiques, either ? stuff you might find in your parents' basement, or at a garage sale in a run-down suburb. I call it the junkshop. I'm in love with the junkshop girl. She's not the owner, so strictly speaking she's not the junkshop girl,...

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Philoshophy III

PHILOSOPHY III CHAPTER 8 Standing in the parking lot wearing the same clothes Abby chose for him on their second outing dressed as girlfriends, Jason balls his fists at the realization of his stupidity. A single stomp of his foot, now clad in the strappy four-inch matching blue satin heel, is dramatically less useful than intended. The display brings the unwanted attention of a passerby. Mark has made a career of swooping in on rebound relationships. He is smiling at his great...

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It was that moment when defeat showed on her face that I knew that I had won. I had won the day against a rich bitch mother and the spoiled teenage daughter who I had caught shoplifting in my employers department store. I had made the mother an offer that was just too hard to refuse. “Come around her momma” I beckoned her as she sat on the other side of my massive desk. Momma (real name Julie) was a 40 year old married rich bitch. She just exuded money, but the behavior of her daughter had...

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Mike Bowden was a professional shoplifter, and had never been caught before. This was his livelyhood, he would steal stuff and fence it for money. Lately, he had his eye on this one pornography store that was owned and operated by an attractive young woman with fair skin and brunet hair named Victoria Russell. She had a sexy, and lightly muscled athletic body. Despite her athletic condition, Mike was convinced that she could not overpower him if she caught him, so he had it in his head that he...

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“Becky, I need you to help me in the shop today.” Rebecca stopped with her glass of orange juice halfway to her lips as her blood ran cold. “M-me?” she looked at her father and slowly lowered her juice. “Are you s-sure I’m ready?” Frank McCallister looked at his youngest daughter as he Reached out and hefted her left breast. She trembled slightly as he ran his hand from her breast down her left side to her rump, gently kneading her flesh as he did. “Sure, your old more than ready, and...

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"You shouldn't keep me waiting like that. Your desk light was off, so I thought you must already be here. I was about to leave." He checked his wristwatch, not that he expected any change from a scant moment earlier when he had previously looked. Four oh four. He responded to her smile with a chuckle; she wasn't being as petulant as her words implied. "No you weren't. I know better than to think that. You would have stewed, and fretted, and paced, for another half hour at least. Sorry,...

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