The Contract Arc 1: First Day (2) free porn video

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Chapter 2- Deal

"Step into the cage, boy, and hold out your arm to your side."

This was it.

It was one thing to agree to a thing but, when confronted with the enormity of their decision, many wavered and most backed down.

They were not Uzumaki Naruto.

With a confident stride that betrayed none of his apprehension, the shinobi stepped out of his realm and into the demon's lair.

The biju reared upward, sucking in a deep breath, its eyes never leaving his.

Don't move, it seemed to say, just before it lurched forward, the dull orange glow in the back of its throat the only warning Naruto had before being engulfed in flame.

Shock, fear, anger… myriad emotions surged through him in the split second before the fire engulfed him before settling on cold determination, fueled by his steely focus.

The biju had asked him to trust it.

He did.

The biju showed itself worthy of his trust.

He didn't burn.

No, that was an understatement; rather than feeling the agony of his flesh sloughing in the heat, he felt abnormally refreshed; invigorated.

And, in his outstretched right hand, he found himself holding onto a small, cylindrical object.

He didn't attempt to move. The biju's flames still washed over him and it had not told him to move; he wasn't dead, neither did he feel 'possessed' so there was no reason to be impatient.

Finally, the flames died down and his vision was once again filled with the biju's visage, looming in the darkness of the seal.

"You trusted me."

It sounded surprised, as though it hadn't quite expected him to have taken all that had happened in stride.

"I don't go back on my word. I may not have been explicit about it but I agreed to trust you. There's no going back from that."

Something flashed through the biju's eyes, too fast for him to pin it down, before the fox leaned forward. "In your hand rests the Summoning Contract for the Kitsune of the Tsuba Plains. Mark it as you did the Toad Summoning Contract."

Naruto had unrolled the scroll, bitten into his thumb and was about to smear his blood across the designated line when the impact of her words struck and he snapped his head upward, seeking the biju's gaze. "A Summon… ing… Con… tract…"

His words had trailed off into silence when, seeking for the biju that had abruptly disappeared, his eyes fell upon the most perfect being he had ever laid eyes upon.

Entire schools of etymologists spending their lifetime working would never have found a word to capture the image of perfection before him.

Hair like the most glorious sunset reaching the small of her back, eyes like the most perfectly preserved amber, a face carved by the gods and blessed with an ethereal beauty…


The word tumbled out of his mouth, though he didn't realize that he had uttered it.

At that moment, the blood from his now healed thumb splashed on the scroll and a muted flash shone from the scroll as it disappeared.

Naruto never noticed it, enraptured as he was by the vision before him.

"Well… it's nice to see that I've still got it."

Even her voice sounded like something divine! Naruto just couldn't wrap his mind around it. If he wasn't distracted, he would have made the connection between the disappearance of the biju and the appearance of this angel but as it was…

"Who…" He stopped, swallowed, tried again. "Who are you?" Success, though his voice sounded like the dying rasps of a dehydrated toad.

The angel arched an eyebrow, amusement visible on her features. "Hmm? I'd have thought the tails would have given you a hint."

Truth be told, Naruto's gaze hadn't even strayed past her chin. Her words, however, seemed to wield a mystical power over his body and he found himself tracing every dip and swell of her body.

If her face was angelic then her body belonged to the queen of succubi.

Her olive skin seemed to glow beneath the white, translucent robe she had materialized.

'Jiraiya was right,' Naruto noted absently as he drank in the sight before him, 'there really is something uniquely alluring about a woman perched on the line between wearing clothes and going starkers.'

The robe did nothing to hide the curves of her body, from the swell of her breasts to the dip of her waist and the flare of her hips yet it did everything to conceal her most vital parts.

Suddenly, he sneezed.

The action was just incongruous enough to snap him out of his daze. For a few seconds, his eyes were as unfocused as his mind until he latched on to something that wasn't part of the seductress before him.

At least, that was his initial thought.

As his eyes followed their target, an odd feeling grew in his belly until he reached the source.

The 'something' he had latched on to was a tail.

To be more specific, it was one of the nine orange, black-tipped tails that writhed slowly behind the angel.

Realization hit with the force of a speeding bullet train.


"Give the man a prize!" She smirked. Then, she tilted her head, that insufferable smile still planted on her face. "Wait. No, that's Queen Kyuubi to you, peasant. No prizes for you."

Reality seemed to take a hard left as bits and pieces of information began to blend together and clarity arrived.

In my time here, I have come to understand what power means to you humans…

In my time walking among your kind…

'Those weren't metaphors or whatever! It- She!- literally walked among humans!'

But his mind came to a grinding halt

"The tails." His voice was shaky again; shaky and raspy. "How did you hide the tails?"

The Queen's eyebrow went up again. "I just went from a multi-storey tall fox to a woman bearing fox-like tails. You really think I can't get rid of the tails if I had to?"

"R- right." The blond coughed once, simultaneously clearing his throat and doing his best to comport himself. "Right. Um… you're a Queen?"

Kyuubi laughed, ad to him, it was as though a choir of angels laughed with her. "All that effort trying to look calm and that's your first question?"

Casual as it was, the comment served its purpose, breaking up the tension he felt inside and, before long, he found himself able to breath easy in her presence; not completely relaxed but certainly not as tense as before.

"I uh… I guess it just sort of… came out." He scratched the back of his head, a nervous tic that he didn't even realize that he had. "Seriously, though, you're a Queen?"

"I am; the Great Queen of Makai and the Grand Chieftain of the Kitsune of the Tsuba Plains. You should feel honored; you're the first to see this form in ages." She acknowledged. "Do I meet your expectations?"

Naruto swallowed, wondering how to tell her that she had utterly destroyed any expectations he might have had in his wildest dreams.

An angelic face perched above succubus' body.

A study in contrasts.

"I'll take the string of drool as a yes."

That snapped him back to reality.

"Sorry." He apologized as he wiped off the- God this is embarrassing!- line of drool that trailed down to his chest. "The new look kinda caught me off guard."

"I'll say." She drawled lazily as she walked around him- Poetry in motion!-, blatantly sizing him up as she moved.

"So… uh- I should get to marking the Contract-" he fumbled around, searching for the scroll, "I mean, you talked about a second requirement and…"

He trailed off when she came to a halt right in front of him, her amber eyes seemingly staring up into the depths of his soul. Absently, he noted that he was taller than her, the top of her hair just reaching his lower lip.

"I did talk about a second requirement…" She purred, running a finger up from his waist all the way to his jaw. "How… good of you to remember…"

She was driving him crazy; she had to know the effect she was having on him yet she showed not even the slightest hesitation.

She wasn't going to back down, not with the way she was essentially gluing her body to his, flesh separated by just a scant few layers of clothing that did nothing to reduce the sheer heat he could feel radiating off her.








Her next words were blatant proof.

"You know… it has been ages since I had any form of pleasure…" The way she dragged out the last word had shivers running up and down his spine. "So how about it huh? You give me a damned good pounding and I'll take that as the second requirement. Sound good?"

She could have offered to fuck him up the ass with a two foot cock and he'd have jumped at the chance with how wound up she had him.

The Queen graced him with a smile that did nothing to slake his lust as her hands slipped under his jumpsuit and, in a show of inhuman strength, ripped the clothes apart, leaving him in just his pants… for the time being…

She traced every inch of his skin with her fingernails, admiring the sculpted form that his training had given him. "Your sensei might not be the best for you but I must thank him for keeping you in such shape." She whispered as she hooked a leg around his waist, her movements becoming more urgent, her lips nibbling at his earlobes as frantically as her hands played over his skin.

Within the recesses of her mind, though, she was cackling in delight. She knew she had him; one mind blowing orgasm was all she needed to gain a foothold into his heart. From there, she would have him facilitate her release and her vengeance against the village of the bastard that had enslaved her, the village that had seen her as nothing more than a monster when they had been the ones to keep her locked away as some wild beast, away from her home; from her people-!

Naruto's slight grunt of pain had her realize that she was pressing her nails a bit too hard in her building rage, prompting her to immediately dial her hatred back.

It was still there, though, the rage, the hate… it was all there, simmering… waiting for the chance to be let loose.

And she had the perfect conduit for that rage.

Naruto grunted as he felt her yank his pants down viciously, her hands flying toward his semi-erect dick. He had no clue what he had gotten himself into.

Kyuubi, though, stopped short when she laid eyes on his cock. She had doubted her own hands, thinking that his cock certainly couldn't be as large as she felt but now…

It wasn't the biggest she'd ever had, willingly or otherwise, but she knew the average human size and had expected as much.

As it was, her cunt as a drooling mess as she took in the boy's member. "Twelve inches of cunt-busting meat with about two and a half inches girth and a nice, big pair of balls to complete the package… Oh, Uzumaki Naruto I am going to have fun with you…" She held his cock head with one hand while the other slid sensually up-and-down his cock, occasionally getting her fingernails involved, enjoying the slight hiss of apprehension that accompanied it. After a few moments of this, she moved the hand at his cock head to his balls, fondling them with absolute expertise, enjoying the way his body shuddered involuntarily. "Oh dear boy… if you think this is any good then you're about to be blown right off your rocker." And, with that assurance, she pushed the blond onto his back.

Naruto was surprised when, instead of conking his head on the ground, he felt himself fall onto a pile of cushions.

"Surprised?" Kyuubi smirked at him as she sensually crawled up to hover right before him, her amber eyes staring into his. "You're not the only one with the control on this side of those gates…" She trailed off as she lowered her hips so that her cunt was grinding onto his cock, bathing him in her heat and slathering him in her juices. "Now… let's see if I can't break in my new toy…"

With excruciating slowness, she lifted herself until she was perched right at the tip of his dick, drawing out his anticipation until he groaned with need. Taking the unintelligible moan as her cue, she sank slowly onto his cock, all while staring into Naruto's glazed eyes. He couldn't handle it; his eyes rolled back in his head as he gripped her waist tightly and his cock convulsed as he moaned in ecstasy. His whole body shook as he came hard inside her cunt.

When Naruto opened his eyes- when did I close them?!- the first thing he saw was her satisfied smirk, her eyes radiating self-satisfaction.

"Let me guess; you can swear that never happens?"

The blond's eyes narrowed as the single-minded determination he was known for coalesced around a single decision.

Faster than she could blink, Kyuubi found herself staring up into his eyes, their cerulean blue glinting with laser-like focus as his entire body language shifted.

The Queen had the odd feeling that she had just become prey.

Then, in an abrupt turn of events, he lowered his face to hers, inching closer and closer to hers until…

"Honey, the game's not over yet…"

Kyuubi felt a trill of pleasure race down her spine at the sheer confidence in the blond's words, a trill that became a tingle when he began nibbling on her earlobe, his hands moving from her hips to the neck of her robe and, with a sharp yank, her chest was laid bare.

Naruto began his assault, tracing a random pattern of feathery kisses down her skin as he moved down to her neck then down to the valley between her bountiful breasts. His hands were just as busy, massaging the sides of her breasts when his mouth was occupied with a nipple or pinching and rolling the hard nubs of her nipples while his lips left hickeys around her breasts.

"You- oh!- you certainly are- mm!- much better than I anticipated!"

Naruto said nothing; instead, a hand shot down to the center of her thighs and began to tease the woman, never directly touching her pussy but playing around just close enough to keep the pleasurable anticipation mounting. At the same time, he began to move his face lower, leaving a shiny trail in his wake as he traced her every curve on her flat stomach and taking a moment to tongue her belly button.

Kyuubi didn't know how but she found herself waiting with bated breath as he closed in on her pussy, closing her eyes in anticipation when he kissed just above her slit…

Teeth nibbling gently on her clit…

Two fingers, shoved straight up her cunt, pumping furiously…

Continuous flicking of her nipple…

Stars burst into being behind her eyelids.

Naruto smirked as he felt her body stiffen before writhing convulsively and he shifted up until his cock was nestled between her pussy lips. He watched as her eyes rolled back until the whites showed and savored every moment of her orgasm.

And then, just as sanity began to return to her, he thrust into her pussy until his cock was fully sheathed in her cunt.

Stunned by his forcefulness, Kyuubi couldn't react for the first few moments, her mind submerged by the pleasurable feeling of being stuffed by the already thrusting cock inside of her; she instinctively wrapped her arms around his neck, brought her lips up to his, and moaned deep into his mouth. With each motion, Naruto's cock rubbed against all of Kyuubi's most sensitive places, and she was soon climbing toward a second orgasm. Kyuubi had forgotten what it was like to not be in control during sex; to be at the mercy of her lover, and Naruto was reminding her just how incredible that could feel. But she was the Queen and she simply couldn't let him have his way.

"Not bad…" She purred into his ear as she began to lift her hips, pushing into him as he thrust into her. "but I'm better."

Naruto felt her hips rise to meet him with each thrust, their bodies falling into sync, and he had never felt closer to anyone in his life. They held each other as they fucked, an embrace charged with lust and he could feel the orgasm building within Kyuubi's body as well as within his own. With narrowed eyes, he thrust harder, slamming into her with wild abandon and increasing the pace of their rut.

Their fucking was now wild and desperate, the two pushing each other frantically toward their building climax. Sweat flew off with every collision of their bodies; his hands had returned to maul her tits and her hand gripped his ass tighter than ever; at some point, they had locked lips and were even then dueling with their tongues as hard as they were fucking.

Simultaneously, the two shook with ecstasy as powerful orgasms washed over them. Connected as they were, deep within Naruto's mindscape, each felt everything the other felt, and after a full minute of overwhelming euphoria, the two pulled apart, Naruto rolling over to lay beside Kyuubi on their mountain of pillows, drenched in sweat and love juices, panting heavily.

As he calmed, and his senses returned to him, Naruto grinned cockily. "Did that please her majesty?"

"Barely." Kyuubi reply was a lazy, almost bored drawl. "Considering that I'm a couple of decades out of shape and you're supposed to be at your prime…"

"Says the woman writhing on my dick."

"Like I said… I'm out of shape."



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The Contract

The Contract Belladonna [Based on an idea suggested by Heather] Brad Simms screamed at his secretary as he pointed to the typo on the piece of correspondence that she had typed up for her review. As Christiana put her head down, Brad retreated to his office. Brad sat down in his chair and clasped his head as he thought about the days events. The seemingly never-ending intake of work had gotten the better of him before. The news that the company had received another large order...

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Panther Girl of Gor an alternative ending by Archer

Panther Girl of Gor: an alternative ending by 'Archer' Cordellian: So, I've always felt that the most flattering thing a writer can possibly hope for with her work is to find that some of her readers are inspired enough by the stories to try their own hand at adding to the existing body of work, either through art (my wonderful collaborator, ChloeK) or, as in this case, Archer's fan-fic writing. I'm obviously someone who is very much in favour of fan-fic. One of the very first...

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my BDSM contract

this contract is my own creation, but I used some parts of other contracts I found openly available on the webSlavery Contract 1. This contract is provided as a secure and binding agreement, which defines in specific terms, the relationship and interaction between two individuals, hereafter termed the slave, and the Master. 2. Slave's Rolea. The slave agrees to submit completely to the Master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may wilfully...

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Ultimate Slave Contract Between a Female Slave and

Slave is the female named ________________________ who will be referred as “slave” herein.Master is the male named ________________________ who will be referred as “MASTER” herein. 1.0.0 Slave's RoleThe slave agrees to submit completely to the master in all ways. There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the master without risking punishment, except in situations where the slave's veto (see section 1.0.1) applies. The...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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The ContractPass Around Wife Part 2

Disclaimer: The events in this story are real. These are actual experiences we had after we started swinging, which progressed to something neither of us could have imagined at the time. I wrote about Gary..the friend my wife Hilda and I met online through Alt dot com and Yah-oo groups. Gary was a very well dressed, successful business man but most important to Hilda, he was also well endowed. There's no shame in admitting I couldn't hold a candle to him in that department. But I could keep her...

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Darcie Dolce 700 237000

Darcie Dolce was born in Sacramento, California, on December 10th, 1992, to parents with German, Italian, and Armenian roots. That helps explain her sexy complexion and dark hair. And let's not forget about those sexy, brooding eyes.Darcie grew up in Folsom, not far outside of Sacramento. She spent the first half of her high school career in private school and the second half in public.Making Her Privates PublicThe private school was tiny, and she didn't have the best experiences there. If a...

Twitter Porn Accounts
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Getting The Contract

People looking at my wife Jean and myself nowadays see us as a successful couple, both in our relationship and our business life. We've been married for ten years and have managed to grow ever closer in that time; to me Jean is more beautiful at forty than she was at thirty when I married her, despite the years her 36-24-36 figure is almost as firm as in her youth, her auburn hair has no hint of grey, her eyes still sparkle with mirth and sexual desire. Jean tells me that I've grown more...

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Briannas MasterChapter 4 The Slave Contract

The next day continued in much in the same manner as her first full day on the ship had. When Brianna woke up she immediately felt the slave collar around her neck. It immediately confirmed her slave status to her and the fact that she had an owner. Brianna was then forced to use the chamber pot in full view of her Master. It was still as humiliating as it was the first time. After feeding her, again on the floor, some cleaning supplies were brought in. Just as Brianna was done her cleaning,...

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Chastity Contract

This contract serves as an agreement between Anna J (Date of Birth  14 April 1998) - herein referred to as “The Wearer” and xxxx herein referred to as the “Keyholder”. The Wearer submits of her own FREE WILL to this Chastity Contract and we jointly agree to the following terms and conditions as set out in this Contract which we have signed below.INTRODUCTIONThe Keyholder hereby agrees that he will procure at his cost a ‘made to measure’ chastity belt produced by a company such as My Steel,...

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Contract Modifications

Permission is granted for Fictionmania, StorySite, Nifty, Bev's Balcony, and any other FREE site to archive and web publish this story so long as the site remains free. I do not consider so- called adult-check systems to be free, and thus, these sites do not have permission to host this story. Contract Modifications By Tigger Copyright 2002 All Rights Reserved. Introduction and Ramblings: Why am I writing this introduction? Self consciousness? Maybe. Self promotion?...

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Miss Harcourt debauched

"No!" Miss Harcourt cried, "For gods sake No!" as I levelled Mr Cambridge's antique duelling pistol to aim not at Mr Simon Harcourt's head but instead the imaginary spot eight inches above his head whereby the ball would drill a third hole in direct line with his eye sockets. "Why should I spare him?" I demanded, "He has wounded me with his tongue and now his piece." "He, he is young and foolish," she shouted, "And noble in defending my honour!" I held the piece...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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The Contract Brittanys assignment

My name is Brittany. I was fresh out of college, 22 years old, and got my first good job as a sales apprentice with a medium sized company. My job consisted mainly of making presentation materials supporting sales meetings. Basic support functions for the sales department. It’s a fairly high pressure department as many of the deals they make are worth hundreds of thousands and sometimes millions of dollars. My boyfriend, Jared, and I met in college. We just moved in together and plan...

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Shivani Fucked In Front Of Her Husband Uday

Hey all… Myself Raj back with yet another new experience and yeah this time something new. Drop your comments @ Firstly wanna thank all the true/fake/despo/ladies and other profiles or people who dropped comments showed interest and then create negative environment. Sorry guys,girls & ladies. These are my true experiences and I would not like any of my sentiments hurted. Appreciate you behave properly. Anyways back to fun… Out of all mails received I got a mail from a Muslim couple from...

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First ContractChapter 2 First Deployment

April 12, 1988 Captain Amaka of the Kale Air Force sat in his jeep watching the sky for the airplane that was expected any time now. He was parked between the runway and the non-functional control tower, on one of the two military airbases in the country. That wasn’t quite accurate, since it was actually the only airbase still under government control. As with most countries, Kale had three branches of service: Army, Navy, and Air Force. The Army was the largest service of the three, more...

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LEP Ch02 Veras Contract

"Did you hear that, mate?” Vera looked quizzically around the room, and I subtly turned up the lounge music I had playing on my surround system.“Eh? No, I didn’t hear anything,” I responded, leaning back in my desk chair. She sat across from me, an already petite girl dwarfed by the size of my study. The wide span of the white desk I sat behind did not make her look any larger. Her eyes glanced around distractedly a few more seconds before her attention returned to the photobook in front of...

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The Club Contract

?I was a bit unsure if I should accept the invitation to the new club...the guy I was dating now wasa little kinkier than I had been involved with before..he talked of many things so foreign tome...bondage...whipping...alter domination...torture and the satisfaction that pleasure mixed withpain could bring. Yet something deep inside got excited at the thought...maybe just this once Iwould go and get a glimpse...nothing said I had to participate...I could just be an innocentbystander...Or so I...

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The Sex Contract

The Sex Contract My sister and I were born eleven months apart to the day. When I was just one month from turning fourteen my sister was turning thirteen years old. In our family turning thirteen was a big deal. It ranked right up there with first periods, being able to vote, and being able to drink…legally. We had celebrated Catalina’s first period when she was about ten and a half. That was when Mom put her on birth control pills, the same kind that Mom takes herself. Then we...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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Contractual ObligationsChapter 31 Bound By Contract

Allison and Lionel were together in Allison’s flat. She was sitting on the couch. He stood in the middle of the room facing her. He looked, she thought, more than a little uncomfortable. That alone gave her pleasure in a way she found surpising. “So,” she said, “have you had the chance to read it.” She nodded towards the papers that sat on the table on the far side of the room. She wasn’t certain what she expected or hoped the outcome of the conversation would be. “Yes.” “And what did you...

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The Contract Part 2

On Monday, Kyle kept asking me if I was sure I wanted to honor our contract, and I assured him I did.  To prove my resolve, I rubbed his crotch while telling him I was positive.  He chuckled and put his hands on my breasts.  More than anything, I wanted to continue exploring with him.Tuesday, the day after our parents came back from their golfing weekend, I went to Kyle’s room as soon as they went to work.  I removed my pajamas and crawled into bed with my sleeping brother.  Stretching out on...

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Ms Marca Fort Worth Boat Show

  Ms Marca …   Fort Worth Boat Show   Part 1   I got home just after 11 PM from a date, it was a Coke date, will to tell the truth I went with the guy to the park and we fucked for a couple of hours, he was in his first year of college at North Texas. Mother told me while I was out that a guy had called asking if I was the young lady who modeled at the mall and would I be available to do the Fort Worth Boat Show.   I looked at mother and she had a big smile . “Don’t...

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First ContractChapter 3 Concept Proved

April 20, 1988 Physically, Okeke was a large man in every way possible. He had a large square head, with a broad flat nose and big eyes that seemed to bulge out. His neck was like that on a bull. He had wide muscular shoulders, a barrel chest, and thick waist. His upper arms were bigger than the thighs on most men. His hands were large and beefy. His legs were like tree trunks. His voice was deep, loud, and carried forever. He had learned early in life that if he wanted something, all he...

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Ms Marca Fort Worth Boat Show Part 2

    Ms Marca …. Fort Worth Boat Show … Part 2   I turned to see what Rob was saying and looking at where he was walking to. Now, call me stupid if you like, but this Glen guy he was calling out to; will his eyes had locked in on me the man was staring at me, with what I imagined to be lust, as he spoke to Rob, and I was getting that familiar wetness in my crotch. Fuck he was gorgeous! I just stood waiting for that drink order, I could stand and look at him all day and he...

Group Sex
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Motherless Vintage

Do you know of the porn site You should. I’ve reviewed it a few times on my site, The Porn Dude, although it was for different genres every time. This time around, I’m going back to this place and looking at a specific and niche little category many of you are just begging me to cover. We’re looking at vintage porn today. While it doesn’t have the same resolution and quality as the porn you can find today, it’s definitely a genre of porn that has a lot of personality to it and...

Vintage Porn Sites
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I should have known better. I should have remembered that old saying, "If it looks too good to be true, it is." I was in love. She was damned near all I thought about with the exception of my studies and it didn't make sense to me. I prided myself on my intellect and my ability to think logically, but there wasn't anything logical about the way I felt about Althea. She was beautiful, smart and very popular and I was not. I wasn't a bed looking guy, but I was nothing exceptional. I was...

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Motherless Images

Motherless. A one-word website title that says everything it needs to say. This is a site where the rules are, more or less, completely thrown out the window, morality means absolutely nothing, and there is nobody to save you from it. Hedonism is God here.The site likely is also called this due to the fact that the girls who end up on likely have no positive female influence in their lives to keep them from it. Motherless is the place parents spend their whole lives fearing that...

Porn Pictures Sites
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Normans Contract

Normans Contract by DC Norman was a remarkable hacker. In his early days, he managed to set up a "virus" that had the Tasmanian Devil whiz by the monitor of every computer in the labs on the college campus. He found a way to make the little program encrypt itself and then upload to the server so it could gradually filter it's way down every computer that logged on. Then it simply synchronized itself with the computer's clock so at 10:37 in the morning-- when there were a lot...

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Nobody Likes PalarmaChapter 4 A Contract With Amra

August 21, 1996 “We are still waiting for the Prime Minister of Amra and Pen Sada of the Jade Force of Misera to arrive for the signing of what will be a most historic contract. This contract will outsource the situation in Palarma over to Jade Force of Misera. What’s so amazing about this is that this is the first time that Amra will hire mercenaries to take over full control of a war effort. In just a couple of days time, Amra will be withdrawing all its troops from Palarma. “For our...

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Motherless Amateur

I always considered Motherless the “4chan” of porn. Not only because Motherless was somewhat popularized there, but because Motherless also encourages users to share their own content in a very open way. This means minimal bullshit like moderation and censorship, and a strong “anything goes” attitude that leads to free and extreme content. It encourages people to create and upload their own homegrown content, like videos of their girlfriend pissing or spycam videos of their cousin....

Amateur Porn Sites
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Motherless BBW

What is it about Motherless that makes me fucking cum every time? Maybe it is how raw and amateur the porn on the site comes across as, or the content is just that fucking hot. Perhaps it is the fact that there is an astronomical amount of pornography just waiting for a dumb fuck like you to beat off to! I really don’t know, and frankly, I’m not going to pretend that I do.But what I do know is that if you love BBWs, the homepage will not be of much use! Preferably, head on over...

BBW Porn Sites
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Motherless Voyeur

Have you ever heard about a website called Motherless? Home to all kinds of kinky porn niches, with a side of the mainstream crap? If you are into some questionable fap content, you might want to check this website out. Plus, Motherless is a free porn website, so you can browse as much as you fucking want. Now, I am not really here to talk about the website in general… I am here to tell you about their amazing category, called voyeur porn.The world of voyeur fucking is a rather interesting one....

Voyeur Porn Sites
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Ms Marca Fucking My Old Neighbor

This is more in the life and times of my wild and wicked ways.   This is about me, just a part of my late teenage life!     Ms Marca     Fucking My Old Neighbor   My last two year of high school I was dating like it was going out of style and if I didn’t go out something was wrong. That summer of my 17th year I was also modeling at the mall or I was home doing nothing but working on my tan. Mother was always out running and doing something and father worked long hours and I had the place...

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