Verzweifelte Frauen free porn video

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Dawn konnte ihre langen blonden Haare kaum kämmen, als sie nackt vor dem großen Spiegel stand. Ihre Hände zitterten, seit sie am frühen Morgen aufgestanden war, um sich von ihrem Ehemann Richard zu verabschieden.

Ihr Mann würde in den nächsten drei Wochen geschäftlich verreisen, was ihr genügend Zeit verschaffen würde, um das Geld zu ersetzen, das auf ihrem Bankkonto fehlte.

Sie war letzten Monat mit ihrer Freundin Lucy nach Las Vegas gefahren und hatte an den Roulettetischen mehr als fünftausend Dollar verspielt. Richard würde sie umbringen, wenn er wüsste, dass sie das Geld, das sie für ein neues Haus angespart hatten, verwendet hatte.

Ihre gute Freundin Lucy hatte es nicht viel besser gemacht und mehr als dreitausend Dollar verloren. Sie wusste, dass Lucys Ehemann verständnisvoller wäre als Richard, aber beide Frauen waren nicht bereit, dieses Risiko einzugehen.

Lucy hatte diese verrückte Idee gehabt, ein bisschen "schnelles Geld" zu verdienen. Lucy kannte jemanden in einem der Nachtclubs in Miami, der ihnen einen Job anbot.

Dawn drehte sich vor dem Spiegel um und überprüfte die Rückseite ihrer Schenkel, bevor sie zum Spiegel blickte und die Handfläche in ihrem ordentlich geschnittenen blonden Muff rieb.

Sie entschied sich für einen passenden schwarzen BH und ein passendes Höschen und trug ein Paar schwarze Shorts und ein schwarzes Oberteil mit tiefem Ausschnitt. Dawn wollte sexy aussehen, aber nicht nuttig.

Sie schlüpfte in ein schwarzes Paar hohe Schuhe und begann, sich zu schminken. Lucy hatte ihr nicht viel über die Art dieser Arbeit erzählt, sagte aber, dass sie zur Unterhaltung sehr reicher Kunden da sein würden. Dawn machte es nichts aus, Leute zu begleiten, während sie in der Stadt waren, aber sie machte sich Sorgen, ob sie dabei von ihren Freunden oder ihrer Familie in der Öffentlichkeit gesehen zu werden.

Lucy sagte ihr, sie solle sich sexy und attraktiv kleiden und sich einfach nur natürlich geben und nicht zu nervös sein. Leichter gesagt als getan.

Dawn war mit zweiunddreißig immer noch sehr attraktiv und hatte als Model gearbeitet, als sie vor einigen Jahre die High School verließ. Sie war 5 Zoll 7 groß, hatte eine schlanke Taille, schöne ausladende Hüften, und ihre Brust brauchte Körbchengröße von 36 C. Sie war eine natürliche Blondine, genau wie Lucy, die ungefähr so ​​groß war wie sie, nur drei Jahre jünger.

Dawn hatte Richard gleich nach der Highschool geheiratet. Der verkaufte Software an große Firmen und reiste viel. Lucys Ehemann reiste auch viel, so dass die beiden Frauen einen Großteil ihrer Zeit miteinander verbrachten.

Lucy war in Größe und Aussehen ähnlich und war eine natürliche Blondine mit langem wallenden Haarsch, das ihr bis zur Taille ging, wie sie es schon in der High School getragen hatte.

Die Frauen fuhren zusammen zu ihrem Einstellungsgespräch mit ihrem neuen Chef und obwohl sie nicht offiziell eingestellt wurden, versicherte Lucy Dawn, dass dieser Mann Frauen wie sie für sein Gewerbe benötigte. Der Mann, den sie treffen wollten, hieß Shawn und der zog es vor, mit verheirateten Frauen zu arbeiten.

Dawn zitterte vor Aufregung und konnte ihre Hausschlüssel kaum finden, als sie in ihrer Handtasche herumfummelte, bis sie sie schließlich tief unten fand. Lucy wohnte nebenan, was für Dawn praktisch war. Sie schloss die Tür ab und ging zu Lucy.

Sie sollten jeden Moment von einer Limousine abgeholt werden, und als fast an der der Haustür von Lucys war, fuhr eine große schwarze Limousine in die Einfahrt hinter ihr. Lucy hatte gerade schon ihre Haustür abgeschlossen und drehte sich um. Sie lächelte Dawn an, während sie zusammen zur Limousine gingen.

Dawn war überrascht zu sehen, dass Lucy ähnliche Kleider gewählt hatte, außer dass ihr Oberteil eine andere Farbe hatte.

Fahrer war eine junge blonde Frau in Lucys Alter und sie schien ebenfalls verheiratet zu sein, da Dawn einen großen Diamantring an ihrer linken Hand bemerkte. Die Fahrt in die Innenstadt von Miami verlief schweigend. Dawn war zu nervös, um ein paar Fragen zu stellen, und sie dachten, die Fahrerin höre ihre Unterhaltung, so dass sie während der Fahrt den Mund hielten.

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I Always Knew She Was BrokenChapter 14 An Awesome Threesome

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Life After the Divorce The Next Chapter

After my night with Tyler, there was an awakening within me. For so long I suppressed my sexual feelings but that was something I could not nor did I want to do anymore. That night with Tyler was amazing, and the nights to follow with him were just as amazing. Over time however, Tyler began to pull away, and I saw less and less of him. To be honest, this was fine with me, I enjoyed sex with him and cherished our nights together, but I too, did not want to become exclusive with him. Quite...

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Harry the Writer and the Christmas Ghost

Harry Liebermann was a Santa Claus admirer from the time he was a little boy. That might seem strange to most folks because Harry was of the Jewish persuasion which made a lot of sense due the last name Liebermann which was about as sure a clue as a bloody fingerprint at the scene of a crime. In fact, Harry did resemble the real Santa quite a bit with his stocky rotund figure and his snow white beard that was well groomed at all times. Harry was a haberdasher by trade but he didn’t much...

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Private Florane Russell Four Black Studs For Blonde Nympho

Debuting today in, in our Private Specials 5 BBC Gangbangs 2 is Florane Russell, a pretty blonde with a great pair of tits and an incredible sexual appetite. There’s no better way than sex to get over a break up and Florane decides to go all out, watch as she takes on four black studs, first on her knees, gagging and deep throating before offering up her tight pussy and ass for a rough pounding. Relax and enjoy this incredible gangbang as Florane then fucks each stud, with anal, DP,...

4 years ago
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Why I am a Voyeur

I grew up in the 70's after the minidress was introduced and enjoyed the sight of all the tights and panty-covered asses that were on display, especially when the wind was blowing on the playground, or the girls climbed stairs at school. Not to mention when they get on their bicycles or when they played sports like tennis or net-ball! There was one particular girl in our class, Cathy, with perfect legs. As I overheard one of the other girls said enviously "if I had legs like that, I would...

2 years ago
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Awesome Threesome With A Couple

Hello, readers of ISS, this is Rajesh (closet cd) from Hyderabad. Now coming to the incident the couple I actually met them online via mail. They read my previous stories and they built interest in me. So one day I got a mail from them saying that Couple: -hi Rajesh I have read your story on ISS we are a couple and we are interested in you. If you are ok then let us know we will discuss it After receiving this message I initially didn’t respond to them after couple of days I messaged them Me: –...

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not sure what to call this

       So I met this guy online and we had been chatting for a few months. We seemed to be hitting it off, and he seemed like a nice guy. So when he asked me to meet him I agreed, We met at a local coffee shop and talked for a while getting to know each other a bit better.        He offered to give me a ride home and it seemed harmless, so I agreed. We got in his truck and he said he had to stop by his place to grab some papers for work. So I sat in his truck waiting for him. When he returned...

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So my sister Missy was a stripper. So what. I had some problems with a few of my friends when they found out; endless questions and defense of her character. It was even worse if friends actually saw her perform. I had a real falling out with a friend who, drunk, asked me if I ever wanted to fuck her. That stuff was tough to deal with, but, hey, I was her brother and it was my job to defend her. She was an adult and could do what she wanted.And being a stripper doesn't automatically make you a...

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My Schoolgirl Fantasy

I never had a sexual experience with a best friend while I was in school. I now wish that I had had that pleasure. All that’s left now is to fantasize.I was a junior in high school. I was one of those girls that boys never paid attention to. I was taller than most of them. My chest was flat; I barely needed a bra. And I tended to study all the time. So, my weekends were spent with my books and my girlfriend, Sarah. We had been friends for several years and now I considered her my best friend....

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Whiskey River

"Whiskey River, take my mind Don't let a memory talk to me Whiskey River, don't run dry You're all I got, take care of me..." My name is Jim. I ordered my third bourbon of the night and listened to the singer on the stage belting out a Willie Nelson special. Whiskey River, don't dry up. You got that right. After what they did, I never want the river to run dry, I thought as the song continued. Who were the they I was referring to? They were what I had believed to be my lifetime best...

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Cheater cheater

I admit i was a terrible husband, and a pretty lousy boyfriend to every girlfriend i have had that became somewhat serious. I have come to terms with the fact that some people are not built for a monogamous relationship and I will never (knock on wood) marry again! What I miss most about being married is cheating on my wife. I loved the thrill of getting away with it and the planning it took to pull it off. And my favorite was to cheat on her with a married woman so it doubled the thrill...

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You exit the bathroom, having just bathed. As you head into the lounge, making your way towards the stereo, I exit the kitchen behind you, carrying two glasses of wine. As you make your selection, I place the glasses on the coffee table. You press play. I kiss your neck softly. You gasp, and put your hand to your damp hair. As I kiss your neck and then shoulders, you reach round and feel my jean-clad arse. You turn your head further, and as we kiss softly, your towel drops to the floor,...

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Sex With Pregnant Bhabhi

Hey guys this is Sunny and now I am here to share my sexy love story and this held with my beautiful bhabhi before starting the story I would like to thank to that provide me these loveable moment. Now come back to the story and it starts from 4 years back. First I tell you about me I am sunny now of age 22. I am average looking guy of fine colour with 6 feet height in my family me and my big brother Raju who are 5 year older than me, my sister Shreya 3years older than me and...

3 years ago
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Fucked in the Fitting Room Part One

My boyfriend, Allen, loves to wear women's clothing. It's something he's been doing awhile now, probably three or four years. We both get very excited about going to our local department store to hunt for new additions to Allen's wardrobe. Last night we had one such shopping trip and we both had a luscious time."Grab a buggy," said Allen when we entered the store. "I plan to load up tonight.""I bet you do," I said and winked at Allen. Allen is six feet tall and built rock solid from head to...


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