Hot Piss - Part III free porn video

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I was awakened to a series of muffled girly giggles. "Wake up, Tommy," Leslee said, fixing me with a grin. "I've got a bladder full of piss, and you're going to drink up every drop of it, aren't you?" She was naked and kneeling beside me with her hands on her hips. Kathy and Marion were to my other side, underneath the covers still and giggling.

I somewhat blearily wiped my eyes and yawned. "Um, sure thing, Les," I said. I stretched my back and arms, kicked off the covers and laid back. "Come crawl up here and put your pussy on my mouth."

"You dirty fuck," she chuckled as she shuffled up and swung a leg over my head. "You like drinking my piss, don't you?" Her hairy red snatch was only inches from my mouth. Marion and Kathy maneuvered closer so they could see better, still giggling.

"Yeah, I love it, Les," I replied to her, opening my mouth in anticipation of her piss stream. My cock was twitching and quickly coming to full erection.

"What do you love?" she asked me as she squatted over my face, her hands back on her hips. "Tell me!"

"I love drinking your piss, Les," I responded. My cock strained and throbbed as I said the words. My face was flushed with excitement and mild embarrassment. Marion and Kathy were only about a foot away to my left, I could hear them snickering and snorting as they watched.

"Say my full name," she snapped, "And use the word 'pee pee'. Now tell me again!"

I hesitated for a second. "...I love drinking your pee pee, Leslee," I said. Kathy and Marion both squealed in delight and mirth next to me. My face was burning a deep red now with embarrassment. My pulse was pounding in my cock as it surged to rigid hardness.

"I want to hear that one more time," Leslee teased me in a sing-song voice.

"I love drinking your pee pee, Leslee!" I affirmed louder this time. Kathy and Marion snickered and tried to suppress peals of laughter. I was incredibly turned on by this treatment. I felt ashamed and humiliated, but I was loving it! I couldn't wait for her to start evacuating her bladder so I could taste her piss. My mouth was watering, I was dying for it!

"Ok, I want to hear one more thing before I let it go," said Leslee. "I want to hear you ask me to piss into your mouth so you can drink it. Use the word 'pee' again, I like that. And you'd better be polite!"

"Please, Leslee," I begged her, "Please pee into my mouth so I can drink it!"

"Good boy!" she praised me. Threading her fingers into my hair, she lifted my head up and raised my mouth to her pussy. My two other sisters were giggling away like mad. I engulfed Leslee's labia and prepared to receive her golden offering. Her lips tasted of salt and the flavor instantly sent shivers through my body. "Ok, I want you to concentrate really hard here, I don't want you to spill a drop on my bed," she said as I locked my mouth onto her lower lips. My cock was twitching uncontrollably. "And one last thing," she said. "Smile, you're on kinky camera!"

With that, she unleashed a torrent of urine into my mouth. I frantically rolled my eyes over to my other sisters, and indeed, Kathy held a camera pointed directly at me! I panicked!! I tried to move, but Leslee had me by the hair with her snatch pushed into my mouth. Her urine tasted awful!! Unbelievably sour, overwhelmingly strong! I choked and gagged, my face grimacing in disgust and horror. I struggled as Kathy and Marion screamed in laughter. Leslee's stinking piss roared into my mouth. With superhuman effort I managed to choke down a mouthful. It was salty and acidic, bitter and foul. It kept coming like a geyser, squirting into my mouth and filling it. I resolved myself to overcome the terrible flavor and just swallow down every drop as quickly as I could. I opened my throat and chugged another mouthful down. Leslee's flow was constant and instantly my mouth was again full. I chugged and chugged, the vile liquid being guzzled directly from her bladder, through her pee-hole, into my gaping mouth and straight down my throat into my stomach.

As I began gulping down her piss, she relaxed her hold on my hair slightly. "Good boy," she crooned to me. "Good thirsty boy, drink up all my hot stinking piss. I've got a new name for you. I'm going to call you Piss Pot from now on," she mused.

I moaned in between gulps as my body went wild with chills. Once again this horrible, rancid, most disgusting taste I'd ever beheld became ambrosia. The nectar of the gods. The vile, volatile orange brew she was voiding into my mouth was transformed into a potion of ecstasy, the source of my life and my reason for being. I gulped down her pee with enthusiasm and force, sucking the piss right out of her cunt. It was paradise! The more sour and putrid her piss, the more joy it brought to me! God, I was going to come again!!!

I desperately sucked on her vulva with all my might as waves of rapture surged through my body. My hips thrust forward involuntarily as my entire abdomen was seized in a warm, crushing grip that squeezed the breath from me. I fairly screamed into Leslee's cunt as I ejaculated, desperately locking my lips onto her twat to form a seal so I wouldn't miss a single drop of her stream. Thankfully, it had slowed slightly by now.

"Shit, Tom's coming in his pants again!" gushed Marion. "Get that on film!!"

Spurt after spurt of thick, sticky semen blasted into my pajama bottoms as I moaned with the intensity of my release. Leslee's flow of urine had slowed to a trickle. I still had my mouth in a death-grip around her vulva, sucking the last glorious drops of urine out of her with zest. "Fuck, you are a dirty fucking piss pot, aren't you?" growled Leslee. "Coming in your pants just from drinking down all my hot piss? Yeah, you dirty fucking dog. Get the last drops. Taste it. Savour it. Now lick my cunt. Make me come. Yeah, do it. Lick my cunt."

I didn't need any encouragement there. I continued sucking on her pussy for all I was worth, lapping and slurping up every drop of her piss, tasting every inch of her vagina, sliding my tongue all over the folds of her snatch and flicking over the hardness of her clit. It didn't take long before she grabbed my hair in both hands and began bucking on my face. "UUHHHNNNN!!" she groaned as she began to orgasm. She doubled over and ground her pussy onto my face as she thrust and twitched, cumming with intensity as her well-muscled torso convulsed in joy. "GOD, YEAH, SUCK MY CUNNNNNT!!!" she howled as came, gasping and gyrating with her eyes shut tight. Slowly she relaxed and collapsed forward, panting and moaning. "Oh my god," she breathed. "Oh, fuck. I've never come like that in my life. Oh my fucking god."

She was bathed in a light film of sweat as she leaned back and let out a giddy laugh. "Whoa, my knees are wobbly. Holy fuck, that was something else. Did you like that, Piss Pot?"

"I loved it, Les," I said. I choked out a bit of a belch. My throat burned. I could feel her acid piss in my stomach. My prick was still steel-hard. I loved her talking to me this way.

"Call me Pisstress," she said with a giggle. Kathy and Marion chimed in with laughter.

"Ok," I said with a grin. "I loved it, Pisstress."

"What the hell," said Leslee. "I finally get the best fuck of my life and it turns out to be my baby brother. Life's a funny thing, huh?"

"Oh my god, tell me about it!" said Marion. "This is so amazing, but so weird! I want to keep him! We all have to leave in a day, what do we do then?"

"We'll worry about that later," said Kathy. "For now, let's just enjoy the day. I've got a few ideas yet. Should be fun for all of us. Well, maybe not Tom so much, but I guess we'll see there too, huh little Piss Pot?" she added with a grin.

I chuckled. "I've taken everything you've dished out so far, Kath. And I want more." I was not entirely confident in my bravado, since I had no idea what she had in mind, but the prospect did excite me. I belched a bit again and my throat felt irritated. My whole body was warm with pleasure though, and my cock was still erect and straining against my messed pajama bottoms.

"Did you get all that on film?" asked Leslee as she rose somewhat unsteadily to the side of the bed.

"Sure did," replied Kathy. "This is going to be the hottest video ever in history, I think!"

"Uh, we can't show that, eh?" I remarked. "I've got my career to think about, not to mention the sibling factor..."

"Well, duh," scoffed Leslee. "i****t is still officially i*****l as far as I know, and I don't know exactly what you have to do to get arrested, but I'm not interested in finding out. This was just for us. I want to watch that the second we get it downloaded! And I want to watch you jerk off watching it. Maybe we'll video that too!"

All three girls laughed. "Well no sense waiting, let's get this on to your computer!" exclaimed Marion.

"Hold on a minute," interjected Kathy. "I have to pee too, and Tommy's here in bed. I don't want to have to go all the way to the bathroom."

Marion chuckled, "Well ok, then! I don't think I have to pee, but I might be able to coax out a little bit for him. Let's take care of business first!"

My stomach gurgled and I belched out another bubble of air. My mouth began watering with the thought of accepting the payload from Kathy's bladder. My head was swimming and my prick bobbing lightly at full erection. My cock was so hard it almost hurt!

"Ok, on your knees, Piss Pot!" snickered Kathy with a smile, standing and spreading her feet, raising her T-shirt above her hips to expose her pussy. I obeyed quickly, shedding my pajamas and kneeling before her on the carpet beside Leslee's bed. My heart was beating rapidly and once again my salivary glands kicked into overdrive. The back corners of my mouth ached as I looked up at Kathy, her curly red hair framing her cute, perky face and her ample boobs filling out her shirt. Her nipples were erect. "Should we record this?" she asked.

"Yeah, damn straight!" said Leslee. "I'll get the camera." She quickly retrieved it from the bed and kneeled down beside me. I felt a flush of embarrassment as she pointed it at me, but it just made my cock even stiffer as it pulsed in the open air. My stomach was churning as I anticipated her flow of urine. I was revolted at the thought she might taste as sour and strong as Leslee had, yet it turned me on all the more.

Kathy spread her labia and exposed the inner folds of her vulva. "Lean forward, Tommy! Open wide!" she crooned to me. I leaned in and reached around to grab her plump buttocks for support. "No hands!" she scolded. "Put your hands behind your back for me, Tommy!" I did as she bade me.

She spread herself even wider and placed her cunt right on my mouth. "Get ready, Tommy!" she smiled. "Here comes my pee pee!!"

A trickle of urine issued forth from her urethra into my waiting mouth. God almighty, it was so strong! So sour! Simply awful, foul, nauseating stuff! My nose instantly wrinkled and my face contorted in a grimace again. My mouth was over juicing with saliva. I forced myself to swallow as she opened the floodgates in earnest, relaxing her bladder completely and filling my mouth. It was horrifying! My three sisters all burst out in a fresh round of cackling as I gagged and swallowed again.

Leslee trained the camera closely in on the action. "With god as my witness, I swear I will never, ever get tired of this as long as I live!" she panted. I choked. I used all my will to keep my mouth open and available for Kathy's urine stream. She filled my mouth and I chugged it down. It was an ecstasy of distaste and revulsion. I steeled myself and sucked hard on her pussy, drawing the urine out of her in into my mouth. Her burning hot tinkle gushed over my tongue and I consumed it with fierce determination. My head was spinning and my cock throbbing.

"Yeah, drink up all my hot piss, Tommy," she purred. "Drink it all up. Drink my pee pee. Look at his face!" she laughed, glancing over at Leslee and Marion. "Does that taste good? Do you like it? I can tell you like it. That's good, I've still got some more for you. Keep drinking!!"

I kept swallowing as she peed, and finally the flow of urine slowed. Kathy sighed a great sigh of contentment as she squirted the last few jets into my mouth. I gulped it down and began licking her pussy clean. I licked her clit in quick laps as I sucked her pudenda into my mouth. She hummed gently in pleasure and stepped back off my face.

"What are you doing, aren't you going to cum?" asked Leslee. "Don't you get off on that?"

"Yeah, it's awesome, but I dunno, I just can't relax enough," she replied. "I really don't cum that often anyway. This is a total turn on though. No offense to your lips and tongue, there Tom."

"None taken," I breathed. I kneeled on the carpet with a raging hard-on and my stomach doing cartwheels. I panted as I struggled to fight the waves of nausea. It felt like my two sisters' piss was eating a hole in the wall of my stomach. I was still incredibly aroused, but I was on the verge of vomiting.

Marion gracefully leapt to the carpet beside Kathy, beaming a smile. "My turn!" she exclaimed as she raised her nightshirt to reveal her bald snatch and began shuffling towards me. I heaved and a sour slug of regurgitated urine entered the back of my mouth. I focused myself and arduously swallowed it back down again. There was sweat on my brow and my breathing was shallow and quick. My face was involuntarily contorted in a mask of disgust and my eyes watered. "Oh, Tom, are you ok?" asked Marion, the smile fading from her face. She crouched down in front of me on the balls of her feet and looked into my eyes with a concerned expression. "Are you ok?" she repeated. "Can you do this? I only have a little, I promise." She gently held my face in her hands and time seemed to stop. "Can you drink my pee? I promise I will make it up to you."

I took a deep breath and nodded. She kissed my forehead and cool shivers overtook me. Goosebumps swept over my body and all was glorious bliss again. The disgusted, nauseating pangs in my belly turned to pleasure, and as waterlogged as I felt, I was suddenly eager and hungry for more piss. She leaned to my ear and whispered, "I promise I will make this up to you. I promise."

She then looked me in the eye again with a tentative smile, then stood in front of me and presented her quim before my mouth. In a trance, I leaned forward, closed my eyes, sealed around her labia and offered myself up for her relief. I felt the mildly abrasive stubble of her shaven mound and tasted the delectable salt of her inner lips. She obliged me quickly with a squirt of absolutely delicious urine, and at its contact with my tongue, my prostate began fluttering. My whole being was in complete ecstasy as three more small squirts of her pee entered my mouth. I voraciously sucked it down, complete, blissful joy vibrating through me. A few more tiny drips were all she had to offer me. I savoured each precious yellow gift she gave me. Her urine was nowhere near as sour and either of my other sisters', and in the state I was in, my tasted buds sang with overwhelming gratitude at every scrumptious molecule they received. I was over the moon.

I sucked hungrily on her pussy as I sought out more of her urine, licking her clean as I had done for my other sisters, and pleasuring her orally as best I could. She tensed up quickly, her amazingly toned legs bent slightly. She sighed and put her hands on my head to steady herself as I ate her out. Kathy and Leslee knelt close to watch as Leslee whispered encouragements to me. "Yeah, do it. Lick her out. Eat her pussy, Tommy. Eat Marion's pussy. Make her cum. I want to see you make Marion cum with your tongue, Tommy."

I was flicking my tongue rapidly on her clit now, beating it with a constant assault of intense, slippery pleasure. I sucked on her whole cunt as I did so, and soon Marion's breath became shallow, laboured and quick. "Mmmm" she moaned. I increased the pressure on her love button and sucked even harder. "MMMMMM!!" she moaned again. "MMMMM!! Yes!! Yes!!! Ohhhh, I'm gonna CUUMMMMM!!!!!!"

Her hips went wild with exaggerated undulations, bucking and jerking spastically. Her fingers intertwined into my hair and clenched into fists, threatening to tear it from my scalp. She called out in brazen lust, wailing and gasping as her tremendous orgasm wracked her body. She mashed her vagina onto my mouth as it sang its joyous contractions and quivered in release.

She finally pushed back from my lips and gasped, panting to catch her breath. "Ohhh, thank you, Tom, thank you so, so much, you have no idea...." she mumbled. She took a couple of deep breaths and regained her composure. "Ok, is that a wrap? What's next? Do we want to get Tom off here?" she inquired.

"No, no, I think Tom should cool his heels for a bit and suffer with that stiffie," Leslee said wryly. "Let's wait until we get these videos onto my computer. And I've got an idea or two yet."

"Ok, Tom, you got that?" smirked Kathy. "No cumming until we have this on the computer."

"Got it Kath," I replied. My hardon was still rampaging, but I ignored it. My belly gurgled, and I belched again. I was determined to keep my sisters' piss in my stomach. I was worried that I wouldn't be able to process it fast enough because I wanted to be sure I was ready for more, in case any of them had to pee again soon. "I'd better get some more water," I stated, and headed off to the kitchen.

I got a glass of water and downed it. That seemed to settle my stomach somewhat, so I poured another. Then I heard Leslee's voice call from down the hall, "We're going to have a shower, Tom. So no jerking off, you hear? I want those balls full for after!"

"You're all showering? Together? And I'm not invited?" I called back in mock disappointment. Or maybe it was a bit real. I was somewhat surprised that they were all showering together, but after recent events, I suppose it was not really shocking at all.

"Nope, we're discussing strategy," I heard her reply with a chuckle. I heard the bathroom door close, and the shower start. I decided to pass the time by making breakfast, so I got out a pan and retrieved some bacon and eggs from the fridge. I also put some coffee on. I figured we might as well get a jump on the day like Leslee had wanted. If we were going to spend time together and play weird games, we should make the most of it. My cock twitched a bit thinking of what my sisters had in store, or might come up with in the shower. My hardon had basically vanished at this point, though I was still a bit turned on, and my body was alive with energy.

Halfway through my cooking, I felt the urge to take a wicked leak. I went to the front hall bathroom, stood before the toilet and drained my bladder for what seemed like five solid minutes. The piss just wouldn't stop coming from my dick! I was worried that I would burn the eggs by the time I finally pushed the last drops out from my prostate and shook off to return to the kitchen. I quickly made my way back to my cooking duties and drank another three glasses of water. My stomach was feeling much better now. I felt confident that I was ready for more pee if my sisters had to go once they got out of the shower, which I kind of hoped that at least one of them would.

I had the meals of bacon, eggs and toast all served on plates and warming in the oven by the time they emerged from the bathroom. The sight of them took my breath away. Fresh, clean, moist from the shower, each one was her own version of loveliness. Kathy and Marion wrapped in towels and Leslee in her bathrobe quickly reminded me that I was naked.

"Tommy, I have something for you!" Marion exclaimed, lifting her towel above her midriff. I grinned and my cock twitched as I went to her and got down on my knees.

"Wow, that smells good, Tom," said Kathy. "And you made coffee too? You are definitely a keeper!"

"Homemaker and pissdrinker! I'll definitely sign up for that combo!" laughed Leslee.

I pressed my mouth against the soft, yielding flesh of Marion's pussy, tasting the wonderful clean, smooth deliciousness of her. "This is amazing," she said. "I can't believe that I can just straddle Tom and feed him my pee while you two watch. It's so horny!" She began urinating into my mouth. Her pee tasted salty but mild – still a sharp contrast to the potent solution her sisters had produced for me. "It feels like the most natural thing in the world!" she continued. I swallowed a mouthful of her pee and sucked lightly on her shaven mound for more. "Like we have been doing this all our lives!" Another mouthful was given to me before her stream stopped. I swallowed it gratefully, lightly shuddering with bliss. I licked her clean and began lapping at her clit, but she backed off with a giggle. "Now, Tom, there'll be enough time for that later. Let's eat breakfast, shall we?" My cock was rock hard and throbbing.

"What a good boy you are, Tom!" said Kathy. "Hear, hear on the breakfast call. I'm hungry and dying for that coffee!"

I devoured the meal I had made in moments, suddenly aware that I was indeed hungry. The girls started in on their breakfast, Kathy and Leslee sipping coffee and Marion with a large glass of orange juice. Over the conversation I kept catching Marion making doe eyes at me, like I was some kind of handsome prince or something. She would quickly turn away and blushed a couple of times. This kept my cock at half-mast throughout the meal.

After eating, I told my sisters it was my turn to hit the showers. Leslee nodded and said, "No jerking off there, though, Tom. We want your balls full for when you come out. Feel free to tease yourself if you want though!"

I just smiled and headed to the bathroom. I showered quickly and shaved. I brushed my teeth, made myself as presentable as I could, then started for the door. I wrapped a towel around myself, but then thought better of it and hung it back up on the rack. I grinned and my penis stiffened as I thought about how I would return to my sisters squeaky clean and stark naked.

They were gathered around the computer in the living room when I returned. Leslee closed a couple of windows and smiled over to me. "Tom! Looking good, there little brother! Why don't you have a seat right here, we have a little movie for you to watch!"

Marion held the camera up for me to see with a smile as I approached the easy chair they had set up in front of the computer. I sat down and my cock came to full attention. I felt so horny being naked and hard in front of my three older sisters. Marion and Leslee were wearing black tops and white skirts, and Kathy had on a yellow sundress.

"C'mon, Tommy," said Kathy, "sit down. Now lean back more. Ok, put your knees over the armrests. Yeah, just like that."

Marion pointed the camera at me. I was slouched down in the chair with my legs spread wide and hung over the armrests. I was completely open and exposed. My dick was throbbing in excitement at being so vulnerable.

Leslee clicked the mouse a few times, and a new window opened. "All right, Tommy, start stroking that big dick for us," she said. "But don't cum until we tell you, ok?"

"You got it, Les!" I said enthusiastically. The video playing was one I quickly recognized.

"Wake up, Tommy," came Leslee's voice from the computer speakers. "I've got a bladder full of piss, and you're going to drink up every drop of it, aren't you?"

I was completely enthralled. I encircled my quivering dick with my hand and began pumping it in earnest. My eldest sister was in video verbally dressing me down. "You dirty fuck," intoned her voice from the speakers again. "You like drinking my piss, don't you?" Oh my god!! This was the hottest thing I'd ever seen! Instantly, I was on the edge of ejaculation. I had to focus to hold back. My mind was whirling. There I was, spread wide open, naked, and masturbating in front of my three clothed sisters. Watching a video of Leslee about to piss in my mouth. Replaying the events of only about 90 minutes ago. Remembering how vile and awful her urine tasted. Seeing Marion move the camera about to catch different angles of me jacking off. Hearing my three sisters giggle softly at what they were seeing.

The video spurred me to heights of arousal I didn't know possible. I masturbated with purpose, enjoying showing off for my sisters like this. Leslee started chanting, "Stroke that cock! Stroke that cock!" And soon, all three of my sisters were chanting in unison, "Stroke that cock!! Stroke that cock!! Stroke that cock!!" while Kathy and Leslee clapped the rhythm along.

I was a pussy hair from blowing my load the whole time, and I think Leslee knew it. On screen, she was filling my mouth with her waste, and I was ejaculating in my pajamas. "You close to cumming, Tommy?" she asked me. "You want to cum?"

"Uh huh, uh huh," was all I could mumble as I feverishly pounded my cock.

She leaned down and whispered in my ear, "Ok, Tommy, shoot your cum. Shoot your hot cum all over yourself for us to watch."

I doubled my pace and hammered my cock, thrusting my hips upwards and preparing to loose my jizz. Leslee started chanting, "Shoot your cum!" and instantly, all three girls were chanting, "Shoot your cum!! Shoot your cum!!" with Leslee and Kathy clapping along.

"Uhhhhhh," I groaned as I threw my head back and felt my nuts tighten. Blast after blast of torrid semen leapt from the tip of my cock and spattered my body. My sisters whooped, cheered and clapped, applauding my ejaculatory display as I coated my own belly and chest in sticky jizz. My balls ached in joy and relief. I felt like I had pumped out a litre of spunk all over myself. I felt so drained and so proud. I loved showing myself off like this, like I was performing for my sisters.

"Here, hold this!" said Marion to Kathy, handing her the camera. "That looks so yummy, I'm gonna eat it all up!"

She quickly bent to the task, starting with my chest and lapping up the strands of milky goo that striped me. She sucked, slurped, and licked it up with wide swoops of her tongue, determinedly taking every pearly drop of my load into her mouth and swallowing it down. "You are suuuuch a dirty slut," remarked Kathy as Marion cleaned me fastidiously with her mouth and tongue. She finished with lifting my still hard (and slightly sore) penis with her left hand, sucking it into her mouth, and milking out the last drops. I moaned at this treatment.

"Ok, I think that's a wrap, you dirty, i****tuous whore!" smiled Kathy from behind the camera as Marion turned her head toward her with a shit-eating grin, my cock still in hand.

"All right, brother and sisters," began Leslee, "Let's get it together. We've all got tasks to do to prepare for our day, so let's not waste any time! Tom, your task is simple. We have your clothes in the wash, just put them in the dryer when they're done. Stay here, relax, drink lots of water and make sure your system is flushed out. We want you ready for anything later on, ok?"

"I was born ready, Les!" I replied. The next few minutes were a flurry of activity as the three girls made preparations to leave, gathering purses, donning footwear, etc.

"Ok, meet back here in one hour!" said Leslee as the three girls filed out. "See you in a bit, Tom!" she called out to me as they left.

I put on a pair of underwear, got a glass of water and took a swig. My task seemed easy enough. It was only fair I suppose, since I had made them all breakfast, but I suspected that they also wanted to keep whatever surprises they had in store for me a secret until they were ready to reveal them. Oh well, I was looking forward to whatever they could dream up.

Three minutes later, my phone went off. It was a text message from Marion, "u there tom?"

I texted her back, "Yeah, what's up Marion?"

"stay there, be back in a sec. drink more water?" was her response. I was a little confused and intrigued.

About two minutes later, she knocked on the door and I opened it for her. She was flushed and nervous looking. She hesitated for a moment after she closed the door. She fixed me with a searching, apprehensive gaze, then clutched me in a desperate hug. She kissed me full on the lips, probing her tongue into my mouth and orally attacking me. I was stunned! I returned her kiss and felt my cock start to stiffen.

She started hurriedly stripping off her clothes. "Get in the bathroom, ok?" she said in a husky voice. Her nipples were hard and she was clearly turned on. I complied with her order and she followed me to the bathroom. "Take off your shorts," she told me as she stepped into the bathtub, breathing heavily. I again did her bidding in a daze.

She kneeled down before me and took my now rigid penis in her hand. "Do you have to pee?" she asked me.

"Um, yeah, a bit," I replied.

"Good!" she smiled. "I promised I would make it up to you! I love what we've been doing, but I don't think it's fair. I want to make up for all the years we were mean to you. Even if you love it now, I know we were so cruel to you back then. This can't change that, but maybe it can even the score a bit. Will you give me your pee pee? Will you pee into my mouth?"

I couldn't believe what I was hearing! My cock was so fucking hard I thought it would pop! She leaned forward and relaxed her jaw, pointing my rigid pole directly towards her open mouth.

"Uh, this might take a bit. Hard-on, you know," I muttered.

"That's ok," she smiled. "Take your time. Give me your pee pee," she breathed and opened her mouth in front of my helmet again, staring down at my shaft and breathing shallowly and quickly.

I concentrated for about half a minute, but there was no way in hell my hardon was going anywhere. I felt pressure building up in my bladder, so with a combination of squeezing and relaxing, I finally forced out a few drops of urine. They dripped into the tub, so Marion leaned further forward and placed the head of my cock just past her lips, nodding lightly and nasally grunting, "Uh huh, uh huh," encouragingly to me.

I focused again, and with effort I squeezed out a shot or urine directly into her waiting mouth. She started with surprise and her face contorted into a mask of disgust. She choked and doubled over, coughing and spluttering. "Ugh," she spat as she regained her breath. She then shook her head, raised her face and opening her mouth before my penis again, and said, "Sorry. Let's try again."

She was shivering as she knelt before me, cock in hand, waiting for my urine. I concentrated to force my inflexible prick to piss. I managed to push out another blast directly into her open mouth, but again, instantly her face screwed up in revulsion, and she bent over, choked and gagging as she spat my piss out into the tub.

She coughed. "I can't," she fairly sobbed. "Oh god, I can't. It's so awful. It tastes so awful. How do you do it, Tom?" She spat a couple of times into the tub, gasped for breath and shook her head. With her eyes closed, she raised her face, opened her mouth with a grimace, reached for my cock, but then hung her head again. Sobs heaved her body as she cried, "I'm sorry Tom, I'm so sorry but I can't. I tried, but I just can't. I'm so sorry..."

"That's ok, Mari, it's ok", I consoled her as I stepped into the tub to hold her sobbing form. I gently took her head and raised it to look into her eyes. "It's ok, Mari." I kissed her lips. "I love you so much for trying, it's ok. Believe me, it wasn't easy to learn to drink your piss, but I learned to love it. It's not for everybody, it's ok."

"But I wanted..." she blubbered. "But I tried, I wanted to make up for it, and to make it fair, and I can't, I just can't..." she trailed off into sobs, tears trickling from the corners of her eyes.

"It's ok, Mari, you're so wonderful for trying. Really it's ok. Maybe we can try something else," I mused. "What if we..."

She opened her eyes to look at me searchingly. My cock was still rock hard and pulsing, so I gently sat Marion down and spread her legs apart. Marion looked confused. I knelt and placed my swollen cock head about two inches from her vagina and held it in place. She looked down at my cock and back up to my face. I concentrated hard.

I shot a jet of urine right at her cunt. She jumped and gasped, her eyes and mouth wide open in surprise. I focused again and squirted another jet of piss that splattered into her distended labia. Again she bucked and cried out, "Aaah!" and threw her head back.

I struggled to relax my prostate, and was able to achieve a stream of urine. I peed straight onto Marion's cunt as she wailed in delight, squirming and writhing in joy.

I flexed my stomach muscles, and my bladder opened up fully, my urethra dilating to carry my full stream of urine. As it reached full force, I aimed it directly at her clit. She seized motionless for a moment, breathless and rigid, her mouth twisted open, her lips pursed, and her face contorted with tension, then let out a piercing scream! She bucked and howled, her body quaking as she threw her head back, shrieking out in lust and ecstasy!

I couldn't believe how horny and wonderful this sight and experience were, for a moment I thought of the camera and how incredible it would be to capture this on film! But that moment passed, and I just lost myself in the overwhelming passion of the act we were sharing.

My flow of piss slowed, and finally stopped. My libido was in overdrive as I stood and started yanking on my piss-covered dong as fast as I could. Marion just lay back in the tub, trembling and moaning in lust, her eyes closed and her mouth open and gasping as sweat poured from her forehead.

"Can't...move..." she moaned as she shuddered. Her cheeks were flushed bright red and her clit was deep purple, swollen and protruding between her puffy pussy lips. I masturbated furiously, pumping my cock hard and fast. In no time, I felt my orgasm rising. I groaned out in passion as I held my cock over Marion's beautiful, lusty face. I aimed my cock head into her mouth as I pulled my cock and prepared to shoot.

"OOOHHHHHHHHHH!" I choked out as I felt my jism start. "AAARRRRRRHHH!" I roared. The first shot blasted straight into her mouth. The second was a bit off, spattering her lips and her cheek. The third was a small blob that landed on her forehead. My whole midsection was grinding and flexing with the force of my orgasm. My balls ached. There was not a large volume of semen this time, but Marion swallowed what was in her mouth and looked up at me with adoration and amazement.

She licked her lips and we stared into each other's eyes, trembling and panting. The moment seemed to go on forever, neither of us willing or able to break the spell. Finally I held my hand out to her and she took it. I helped her rise and drew her into a soft and loving embrace. We held each other for some time, then looked into each other's eyes. Our lips met in a tender, passionate kiss. Our tongues explored each others' mouths as we tasted each other.

We broke the kiss as held each other's gaze again for some moments. The feeling was indescribable.

"Well, shower?" I asked with a chuckle.

"Yeah, shower," she replied with a grin. be continued.

Same as Hot Piss - Part III Videos

2 years ago
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SlutSport Part III

Part III - Day 1 of Tournament Fighting of the Sluttimay Tournament! (It is suggested you read part I and II for context, backstory and to get primed and ready for Part III you sluts...and as always, comments/suggestions are always welcome!] SlutSport - Part II After the "opening ceremony" of Sluttimay, I had to refocus at the task at hand. So much had happened in so little time on top of which I recognized the number two terrorist in the world in Kong Fi and I couldn't do...

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Meeting Karen Part III

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All for Nothing Part III

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Where Angels Fear to Tread Part III

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Harry Potter and the Curse of the Emerald Witch Part III

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Wet Dream Part III

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Chace McCartson Part III

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Chace McCartson Part III

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Dating Danielle Part III

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Indian Couple In Rioting Love Of Threesome Part III

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Karma Has Its Way Part III

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Love Stories
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Lady Janice of Sterling Part III

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Have you seen my bra Part III

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Have you seen my bra Part III

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The Corruption of CeCe Part III

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Mommys Chastity Boy Part III

(All characters are age 19+) My little sissy son continues his progress. He hasn't cum in over 10 months. Even though he receives weekly peggings and the occasional fuck from my stud, I do not allow him to cum -not even from anal stimulation any more. In the meantime, I have been busy modifying his body. I first had him tattooed. A gorgeous woman at the tattoo parlor was more than happy to add some ink to his body. The first was a beautiful tramp stamp on his lower back that reads:...

3 years ago
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Owners Pride Neighbours Envy 8211 Part III

Hello all, this is Hungstud again, bringing you the third part of this series which I hope you people are keenly reading. If you liked the first two parts trust me, you will love the rest of the parts which will be written. Before I write the third part I want to request you people to write in comments to my email or below so I can understand what you people want. So here is part III. I got up with Anjana in my arms and after the previous nights sex, which was the most awesome I ever had, I...

2 years ago
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My Very Large Girlfriend Part III

My Very Large Girlfriend, Part III By Sandy Brown It was the first time I had woken up in a bedroom other than my own in a long time. It took me a second to get oriented, especially since I was wearing a baby doll nightie. Pam was no longer in the bed. She was busy making us breakfast. I had a moment alone to ponder my situation. It was pretty clear that Pam had a very strong maternal instinct, and at least for the moment, no place to channel that instinct, other than towards...

2 years ago
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Beth and Jim Part III

Beth and Jim had been together for only four months when they decided to ditch their apartments and find a house to share. After a few weeks of searching, they found a small bungalow and fell in love with it. The yard wasn’t too large, the house was set back behind trees that blocked most of the road noise as well as giving them privacy. A modern kitchen was separated from the living room by a low counter, and two large bedrooms shared a bath with a tile floor and an open shower built for...

3 years ago
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Philanthropy part III

Part III…I arrived at my office early that next day, about 6:30, to prepare for the job training session with number 12. I had been preparing a powerpoint presentation to review before we got down to work. In it, I layed out the days training plan, hour by hour. I would head over to the town house and I would do the presentation at 10 am, then, we would go downstairs to the “training facility” to get to work for the day. About 9:30, I grabbed my materials and headed out to meet number 12...

1 year ago
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HI ALL GUESS MOST OF YOU HAVE READ PART I AND II OF MY EXPERIENCETHIS IS PART III ( FINAL PART IN TRAIN ) BUT THAT JOURNEY WAS THE ONE I HAD MOST OF THE GUYS I MET ENDED UP FUCKING ME( THATS ANOTHER STORY)-----Well as you all read in Part II, I woken up in the train and the attendant Bhanu was smiling a bit cheekily at me.So there I was sitting and he was looking at me with his cheeky smile. I finally asked him why he he was smiling. He replied he wanted to do once again. I guessed that was not...

3 years ago
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Jasmin wears the Pants Part III

In Part II of "Jasmin wears the pants" our hero went with Jasmin to the Mall, modeled lingerie in front of a crowd of women. Thank you very much for all the positive feedback. I really appreciate the praise. Once again people who don?t like TG stories and or are under aged shouldn?t read on. All rights are reserved. If somebody wants to publish this story somewhere else please contact me first. I will start the new chapter with the last sentence of the second Part. ...

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