The Fa'afafine Bill Parts 1,2,3 free porn video

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The Fa'afafine bill The Fa'afafine bill Part 1 The Fa'afafine bill Part 2 The Fa'afafine bill Part 3 Mum = Mother Nan = Grandmother Knickers = Panties Tights = pantyhose Biscuits = cookies Fafa = Fa'afafine (just in case) Andrew's mother had been a bit weepy lately. He has overheard her talking to his father about "which one to chose?" They were arguing again. "We need to do it now, before they are too old," his mother said. "But none of the boys look or seem to be attracted to girls thing, how do we do it? Should we do it?" "I need help around the house. I work 8 hours a day at that office. I need help! Unless you want me to give up working?. We won't survive on your wages." "I know but..." "That's the trouble with you men, you all want women, but seem to think it is so bad to be one. You know I always wanted a girl. They get used to it and grow to love it. It's all legal since the Fa'afafine bill. There are 10 in the school already, they are looked after. Any teasing is punished severely. Besides who's going to look after us when we get old?" "OK! Let's let the boys draw bloody straws then, I'm not choosing." With that he walked out of the room. "Fine," mum said, then went to the kitchen to cut a straw into lengths. "Boys, come here." The three brothers walked into the kitchen. John is the oldest 12, Andrew is 11 and Paul is 9. "Right you three pick a staw from my hand." "Why mum," said John. "Just do it!" All three boys pulled out straws. Anna said to John, "Come with me, I need to tell you something." I am Andrew, well I was then. This is my story of how I was turned from son to daughter. First I need to tell you about the world I live in. The birthrate of males is double the birthrate of females. It happened after the 2nd world war. For the first 10 years it did not have too much effect as so many men were killed in the war that there were enough women to "go around". The scientist we baffled, they could find no reason for this worldwide problem. By the 1960's there were marked rise in the rates or men fighting, and sometimes killing over women. Women were a precious resource. This resulted in the government passing laws on what jobs women could do. They were mostly restricted to old the tradition 50's female work. Nursing, secretarial or homemaker. Someone suggested that relaxing the laws on homosexuality may help curb the problem. This helped only slightly, however with the relaxing of the laws it was noticed there were a rise in crossdressers "coming out". In areas where this happened it was observed the level of violence fell. It appeared that, though desperate, most men would not go with another man, but would go with another man if he looked like a woman. Soon all laws against crossdressing in public were dropped. The government also offered free gender re-assignment surgery for those that wanted it. This was still not enough. One MP after returning from a visit to Samoa, told the prime minister about the Fa'afafine. Fa'afafine are people who identify themselves as having a third-gender or non-binary role in Samoa. In the past it was thought that if a family had more boys than girls or not enough girls to help with women's duties about the house, male children would be chosen to be raised as Fa'afafine. This does not seem to be the case mostly, though there are a few stories of Fa'afafine who say they were "forced," into taking the role. Six months later the Fa'afafine bill was passed. This ment that if a male child wished he could be designated female. If the parents wished a child could be designated female, even though the child did not wish to be a girl. Doctors would be legally obliged to prescribe hormones if the parents wished. The only thing stopping this discission, was the age of the child. It was decide that parents could not legally change the sex of a child 13 years and over. "Nooooo, I won't. You can't make me," I heard John scream. "I don't care, you will do as you are told. Now shut up while I call your grandmother. You are going there an Saturday to start learning how to be a girl." "No! I won't," John screamed. Mother slapped his face and he started to cry. My mother, went into the living room and John ran into his bedroom. Being the oldest he had his own room. I shared with Paul. I followed and asked what was happening. "She wants me to be Fa'afafine." I had seen some of the boys at school suddenly turn up on a Monday mornng wearing skirts like the girls. There were only a few. The one in my class, Susan, told me her mum and dad were making her do it. Now mum was going to make John be a girl. "What are you going to do?" "I'm running away," John said. "Please don't, you can't." I started to cry, I worshiped John. He taught me how to play football, fish and protected me from bullies. I thought it through, if John ran away, I would probably be chosen, Or possibly Paul. I was protective of Paul. I hated the thought of him being sad. So I said the only thing I my 11 year old brain could think of. I would sacrifice myself. "I'll do it, I'll be the girl!" After we told mum and dad, they all looked relieved and happy. "Thank you Andrew, it will be much easier now you have agreed to be a girl. You will stay with nan for the next week. I have to get you some new clothes and dad has to decorate John's room," mum said. "Why is my room being decorated!" John shouted. "Well you will be moving in with Paul, your old room is your sisters now." "No way, I'm keeping my room, it's mine." "OK," mum said, "when it is decorated, you can have it, but you will be wearing a cute dress and a nice pair of frilly knickers." "What do you mean?" "I mean you can keep the room, but you will have to be the girl instead of Andrew" "Alright fine." He looked angry, but knew when to shut up. "Mum, will I have to wear knickers?" I said. "You will wear everything that girls wear, don't worry, you will like it. I will get you a few things to wear tomorrow. You need to start being a girl and leaning about housework. You will stay at nans for a week. You can start dressing as a girl then." Saturday came around before I knew. Mother said that my brothers could play out with their friends. How I envied them. It was half term and we had two weeks off school. I was not looking forward to going back. If mum had her way I would be wearing the girls uniform. "Andrew get your coat we are going to nan's house now." We left the house and as we took the 2 mile walk to my nan's house, I felt like a death row inmate taking a walk to the gallows. I didn't know that at the time as I was only 11, but thinking back I had this sense of dread. I just could not see anyway out of this, without upsetting a lot of people. I have been, and am now a "peace maker". I put others before myself. Is that a feminine trait? My mum held my hand, she had not done that since I was 8! "I'm so glad you decided to be a girl, I think you will make a better girl than your brother. We are going to have so much fun and I have so much to show you." "Why do I have to stay with nan for a week mum? "It is so you can learn to start to be a girl without your brothers around. It will give you a chance to get used to it with your brothers distracting you." "What it they laugh at me." I started to well up. "They won't I promise you, they will know what will happen if they do. Trust me they will love having a sister." "Will I have to go to school dressed as a girl?" "Don't get upset, after you get to nan's house you will start being a girl for good, there is no going back. I promise you will like it though." We arrived and my nan hugged and kissed me and said, "So you decided to come over to the better of the two sexes then!" I did not answer, I was dumbstruck that the women I trusted seem to think I was going to enjoy this. My mum gave nan a bag and said, "These are her clothes for the week, I have got a government check from Fa'afafine dept. I will be buying her new clothes next week. I 'm going to keep some back for when we can go mother daughter shopping! I can't wait!" She nearly squealed the last bit. I didn't fail to notice I was a "her" now. "Before you go. what shall I call her, did you think of a name?" Nan said. "I was thinking of Andrea, Is Andrea OK with you? I was going to call you Andrea if you were a girl and now you are." "OK mum, I don't mind." I think I had nearly given up now, this was really going to happen. She hugged me and said, "Be a good girl, do everything nan says, and have fun!" Then she left me to my fate. "Right, upstairs and I'll run you a bath." Ten minutes later I was sitting in a scented bath and nan told me to wash my hair with the shampoo. Even the shampoo smelled of flowers. Nan told me to come to the bedroom in just my towel, so I put it around my waist and left the bathroom. "Right, lesson one, girls put their towels around their chest." She lifted it further up and tucked it in over the top of my chest. "Girls, worry that people will see their boobs, even when they almost haven't any." On the bed were a white cotton vest with small pink flowers on, and a pair of white cotton knickers to match. Both had white lace around all the edges. "Right now Andrea put your undies on." I hesitated, this was it, no going back. "Come on girl, knickers on, you have a lot to learn today." I pulled the knickers up under my towel. One thing most women will know, but forget due to that fact they wear soft lacy clothes every day. Is that you can feel the lace on your skin as they slip up your legs. When they were up, I could even feel the lace around my legs as I moved. They were so soft. The vest felt just as good. Nan saw my face and said "You like them don't you? Well don't worry there are things that feel a lot nicer than that! If you are a good girl I will show you." She opened a cupboard, I saw Three dresses and some skirts hanging in there. "Right this baby blue one looks nice." She unzipped it at the back and told me to step in. I did and when I put my arms through short puffed sleeves she zipped it back up. How could I get out of this without help? The dress flared out at he waist and had white lace trim on the short sleeves and the bottom of the skirt. Next came the white socks, then the "mary jane" shoes. She sat me in front of the mirror and spent the next 10 minutes brushing my hair. It straighted out enough for her to part it in the middle and pull it back into a pony tail. She added a blue ribbon to keep it in place. My boy hair made me look like a metal guitarist, or so I thought. Now it made me look like a girl. "Right downstairs, time to teach you how to be a useful girl!" As I walked down the stairs, I could feel my hair bounce, I could feel the lace on the sleeves of my dress tickling my arms, the dresses skirt lightly touching my knees and the tight legs of my soft knickers caressing my legs. How do girls cope with all these feelings, wearing such soft, frilly clothes? Is this what the rest of my life will feel like? We went into the kitchen, "Right let's bring you down to earth shall we? You can wash up. You will need this." She handed me a bright yellow apron, when it was over my head she tied a big bow at the back. I had never done this, I had seen my mum do it a thousand times, how hard could it be? Now days, as I am well beyond "The other side of the fence" I realize how stupid it is that all men just don't do "women's work". There is no reason for them not to. In fact many do those that live alone have no choice, they just don't advertise the fact. It is this silly attitude that some jobs are "women's work" and it is demeaning for men to do them. I'm sure it is just to make sure precious females stay mostly around the home where they are safe. With some encouragement from my nan I managed to cope with this task. "There, you haven't burst into flames, have you? Right next task is ironing." She adjusted the ironing board to my height and brought in a basket of washing. "You need to learn what needs to be ironed and what doesn't." I went though the basket and held each item up. It was all her washing. "That my dear girl is a suspender belt," she said. "What's a suspender belt nan?" "It's what ladies use to hold up their stockings dear, you will find some of those in the basket too. This is a great way of finding out whats in store for you as you grow up. You are too young for stockings, but we will go shopping later and I will get you some tights. They feel almost as good." As I worked I learned about, blouses, dresses, panty girdles, full cut knickers, bras, Slips (these felt so soft and smooth, I looked forward to wearing one.) I wondered why I thought that?. I was a boy, why was I just going along with this?. I thought about it. I was being treated as someone special. I was having fun. I know some of the Fafa at my school were not happy about it, but once they were Fafa, they never changed back. I did not want to find out why. I suspect the threat of some horrible punishment awaited. After I made poor job of the ironing nan said, "Don't worry you will get better, ask any women, there is enough ironing to last until the end of time. You will learn how to wash, separate colours and handwash. There is a lot more to being a girl than wearing pretty clothes Andrea. Now sit down and I will get you some milk and biscuits." I went to sit on the chair. "When you sit down Andrea, smooth your skirt under you." She made me do this several times until I got it right. "If you don't, you will sit straight on your bear legs and knickers, and you could end up with your skirt around your waste. Keep your legs together too, or people can see your knickers." I blushed a little. I had done the same to some of the girls at school. I had a sudden thought, the boys would be trying to do the same to me in a few weeks! I finished my milk as nan came downstairs carrying a white girls coat with fluffy white fur around the sleeves and collar. "Put this on, we're going shopping." I hesitated at the front door, until now it had just been nan who saw me like this. Now I was going into the big wide world. "Come on, Andrea, you look fine." Then off we went walking towards the bus stop. As I walked my clothes seem to want to remind me they were there. I felt the cool breeze blow up under my skirt. The lace of my knickers tickled slightly as I walked. The hem of my skirt brushed my legs with each step. Would I ever get used to this? At the bus stop nan met her friend Else Davis. "Who's this pretty young thing then," she said. "She's my grandchild Andrea." "But your daughter has three bo.....Oh, right. Well I could have sworn you were born a girl dear. You look so pretty. I am sure you will love being a young lady." I was confused, I felt insulted that it only took a dress and brushing my hair to make me look like a girl. I also felt happy that she thought I was pretty. The bus arrived and we were off to the shops. More to come

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 8

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 8) Brenda took Bill to the mall. First stop: shoes. They found the same pair that Brenda had in Bill's size. Now they really were dressed alike! But while they were there, they picked up a couple more matching pairs. Next was the obligatory Friday trip to Victoria's Secret. The panties that Bill picked out kept getting skimpier and skimpier! When they returned home, Brenda went into dominatrix mode. She brought Bill to...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 7

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 7) The following Friday, Brenda and Bill arrived promptly for their regular appointment. Cassie and Julie were waiting to greet them. "Good morning," Cassie said. "Morning!" Brenda replied happily. Brenda looked to Bill. "Now you go enjoy yourself, sweetie... I'm going to go see Bri." She gave a quick kiss to Bill as he followed Julie toward treatment room 4B. "You look lovely today, mistress Brenda," Cassie...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 9

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 9) "So tell me about your conversation with Heather," Brenda said as they were driving home. "My God, Brenda," Bill began. "I am so blown away by this on so many levels..." Brenda smiled. Bill continued... "I had no idea the full extent of what Total Transformation can do. I've been thinking about how they can take the potential of the sensory input technology so much further and in so many directions. But now,...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 1

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 1) Brenda took the mail from the box and started to sort through it. Along with the normal bills and other junk mail was a discount flyer to a local salon - Total Transformation Salon and Spa. Just that morning she had looked in the mirror and though that she needed to find a new place. So "junk mail" turned to good timing. She called and made an appointment for Thursday morning. Brenda arrived a few minutes early and...

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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 5

Total Transformation Salon & Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 5) From Starbucks, Brenda headed back toward her car. She pulled out her phone and made a call. "Hi Cassie, it's Brenda. I was hoping that I could come by and see Bri?..." "Well, now if possible. I'm over at he mall and could be there in 10 minutes."... "That's fantastic. Thank you very much!" 15 minutes later, Brenda walked into Bri's office. Bri stood and greeted her, motioning toward the love seats. "Please,...

2 years ago
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The PowerChapter 10 The Billings Family

On Thursday, we had some more fun, but of a little different style. We got down to the beach early and laid our beach towels down to catch a few rays. Mom and Sue had already oiled up and were stretched out when I noticed a family of three heading our way. It was obvious why they were going to settle down next to us. Leading the way, and determining their path, was a young teenage boy, and his eyes were all over Mom and Sue. He was going to sit as close to us as he could! I didn’t mind. By...

4 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 2

Introduction: A fictional meeting between me and an admirer met on the internet. Me and Mr. Bill!: Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio...

4 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 2

Introduction: A fictional meeting between me and an admirer met on the internet. Me and Mr. Bill!: Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio...

5 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 2

Introduction: A fictional meeting between me and an admirer met on the internet. Me and Mr. Bill!: Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio...

4 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 2

Introduction: A fictional meeting between me and an admirer met on the internet. Me and Mr. Bill!: Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio...

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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 23

Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio and video files that he sent me thru Kik always made me hot and excited. Now, I was finally...

3 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 22

Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio and video files that he sent me thru Kik always made me hot and excited. Now, I was finally...

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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 21

Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio and video files that he sent me thru Kik always made me hot and excited. Now, I was finally...

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Me and Mr Bill Part 1 20

Part 1: I had been chatting electronically with an admirer named Mr. Bill or as his IG name was, Nastyokie69. I met him online on IG several years ago and we became Kik buddies. The photos of his beautiful 8 inch cock always made me so wet and made it impossible for me to keep my hands from venturing in all my sexual spots, especially my drenched little cunt! His nasty photos on IG and his audio and video files that he sent me thru Kik always made me hot and excited. Now, I was finally...

2 years ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Me and Mr Bill Part 3 The Truck Fuck Stop

Introduction: Part 3 of my meeting with Mr. Bill After a great time relaxing in the spa with Bill, he prepared a fantastic dinner for us. Grilled to perfection strip steaks, Caesar salad and a perfectly baked potato was set on the table and I hungrily devoured every bite. He even had a nice desert of homemade peach ice cream. Upon finishing dinner, Bill gave a hint of what was in store next on our sex filled weekend. Alright, baby doll, in the spare bedroom I have a selection of slutty...

2 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 6 Football or I should say Fuckball

Introduction: My story continues with Me and the teen Lisa being the participants in a game the guys invented called Fuckball! Part 6: Mr. Bill and me! – Football or should I say Fuckball! Once again I awoke after a night of being a total slut. Lisa lay facing me in the king sized bed we had now shared for two nights. She was so young, beautiful and so far from innocent! I began stroking her beautiful silky auburn hair. Making a soft mewing noise she cuddled up closer to me. I slowly began...

3 years ago
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Me and Mr Bill Part 6 Football or I should say Fuckball

Once again I awoke after a night of being a total slut. Lisa lay facing me in the king sized bed we had now shared for two nights. She was so young, beautiful and so far from innocent! I began stroking her beautiful silky auburn hair. Making a soft mewing noise she cuddled up closer to me. I slowly began kissing her face starting at her forehead and then her eyes and on to her soft lips. Rubbing her firm back, she wriggled and her eyes fluttered and opened, revealing those emerald green...

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My daddy Bill Part 2 Bi

When I awoke from our nap I noticed Bill getting dressed. He put on some tan shorts and a blue short sleeved shirt. I was still lying in the bed naked when he came over to me a pulled his cock out of his shorts. I leaned over and sucked his limp member and felt it grow in my mouth. He thrust it a few times into my mouth then without warning, put his tool away.Get dressed Bill said, we're going down to the cantina for dinner, Maria gets off at 6 pm and were going to party with her after work.I...

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Me and Mr Bill Part 3 The Truck Fuck Stop

Upon finishing dinner, Bill gave a hint of what was in store next on our sex filled weekend. "Alright, baby doll, in the spare bedroom I have a selection of slutty clothes for you to choose from. You are to dress as slutty as you can." He continued "I want to see tits, ass and pussy on display. There is also a selection of footwear to choose from. Choose what you like. We are going to take a little road trip up the Interstate. I think you will enjoy what I have planned next." He said with...

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Me and Mr Bill Part 5 The Poker Poke Her Game

Introduction: My sex filled partly fictional story: Me and Mr. Bill continues. Starting with an incestious story leading a nice bisexual scene and then a sex filled poker game with some BDSM! Before the Game: Waking Up Waking up I was totally disoriented. Slowly opening my eyes, I realized I was not in my bedroom. Feeing the presence of another body in bed with me, I turned my head and saw a spread of red hair. Elise! I thought, but where were we? The head of red hair slowly turned towards me....

2 years ago
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BillTheTraitorcom By Sirbosk1 ? 2009 SirBosk1Warning! This story may be too extreme for some readers!This story is a fantasy that contains scenes of forced homosexuality, ball busting, piercing, body modifications, CBT, blackmail, public humiliation, rimming, BDSM, and other erotic activities involving adults. If such subjects are offensive, uninteresting or if you are a minor (i.e., child) please leave now. All persons, names, places, events, and descriptions, are purely fictional. Any...

4 years ago
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Total Transformation Salon and Spa Brenda and Bill Part 4

Total Transformation Salon and Spa: Brenda and Bill (Part 4) The next week Brenda went to the mall. She was looking for some new things to fit her new look and personality. Bill went into the office. He hadn't been there in a few days. But he had been a good boy so mistress Brenda allowed him to wear her panties - but she told him that he couldn't touch himself unless she said so. "He must be going crazy", she thought to herself with a chuckle. Continuing on that thought, she...

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Chatting with Bill Hart

Chat Night Guest: Bill Hart On Monday August 30, 1999 6PM PST Edited by Anne-Mal You can e-mail Bill at: [email protected] or [email protected] We start out with our little Fictionmania soap opera. (Julie) Hi all! (*Anne-Mal) Hi Julie! (Julie) Hi Babe! (*Anne-Mal) Not in public Julie! Bash will catch on! (Bashful) Hi Honey, how was class? (Julie) Short for a first day. (Bashful) Ahem, she was talking to me Anne! (*Anne-Mal) If you want to think...

3 years ago
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Bill and Amber The Reunion

Introduction: The last chapter about eternal love For those who were kind enough to read my story, Bill and Amber, but were disappointed in the conclusion, I have added a fourth chapter. It can probably stand alone, however, if you havent read the first three chapters I believe this will make more sense to you if you do. I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and...

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Bill and Amber The Reunion

I hope you will enjoy the story, and as always, your feedback is welcome. Thank you. Now, the fourth and final chapter. Bill and Amber The reunion It was so warm and peaceful. A bright light shown through the clouds and seemed to bathe his whole body with a quiet calm. He had never felt so safe, so relaxed. He could hear a voice coming from far off in the distance, it seemed to be calling to him. He could see the image of a man approaching, but it was so far away it was hard to...

2 years ago
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Nelson Enterprises Bill Nelson The Morning After

Nelson Enterprises - Bill Nelson - the morning after. Sorry to take so many weeks but I've worked hard on this story and the edits. I hope it shows. Returning to Bill Nelson's story, we find Bill waking Saturday morning and learning what a grueling routine his female drill sergeant has planned for him to trim down for the Ball. Barb has already taken off to play basketball with the guys but Bill will learn that it takes hard work to be a successful lady of leisure and Barb was...

3 years ago
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Sam Gets To Meet Bill

Bill recently separated from his wife of twenty-five plus years. He moved into an apartment flat close to where he worked. Bill was not sure what was going to be the outcome of the separation. His wife seemed to no longer love him, and their sex life near zero. Their home was an hour drive from work, the new place he moved into was five minutes away from work. It also provided some distance for them to sort things out without running into each other. The kids were now out of the house, which is...

3 years ago
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Bar B Que Bill

Twenty two year old Bill Williams dropped off the steps of the Semi Tractor with a grunt. The packed Sea Bag he held in his hands was heavy. When he lifted and carried it his muscles bunched and stretched his faded and ratty looking T-Shirt. The weight made him hit the ground harder than he anticipated. He felt the jolt in his feet and knee joints. Before he closed the door Bill turned back and looked up into the truck cab. He smiled up at the driver then said, "Thanks again for the lift. You...

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