Room 123
- 4 years ago
- 29
- 0
Present – Thom, Mira, Ben, Jens and Ira – At the hospital parking lot
I’m not sure why Ben and Jennifer don’t want me knowing about their next mission but my guess is that it’s something that my superiors might not look favorably upon.
Mira instructs Jennifer, “Ms. Blaine, with the Farsi lesson terminated for the day, we can commence your Russian lessons. Please acquire this vehicle’s additional seat.”
Jennifer takes the passenger seat and then the fun begins...
Ms. Blaine relieves Mr. Blaine of his location in the vehicle so we might start her Russian lessons. I have great concern because this mission will be difficult enough without Ms. Blaine causing additional issues because of her inadequacy in certain skills. I am not certain it was wise for Mr. Blaine to relent to his wife’s wishes.
In English I ask, “Ms. Blaine can you converse in Russian?”
She insults me by answering, “Я говорю на русском лучше, чем вы говорите по-английски.”
I speak Russian better than you speak English.
I glare at her and complain in Russian, “Ваш русский имеет английский акцент нам нужно будет исправить.”
Your Russian has an English accent which we will need to repair.
Ms. Blaine further complains, “Mira why does that matter?”
Mr. Blaine approaches the vehicle and rescues me by saying...
I knew that Jens and Mira were going to go at it since Jens is convinced that Mira and Ira need to learn to speak English correctly. I of course realize they never will (I wish Jens would also realize the fact). Whoever taught them English majorly fucked them up and they have spoken the incorrect way for such a long time. Now, because they don’t perceive a problem, there’s simply no hope of retraining them.
I walk up to the passenger side of the car where Jens is sitting and state, “Jens, you will learn to speak Russian without an English accent or you won’t come on the mission.”
Jens begins to complain so I lean down and whisper in her ear, “Jens, this is important to me so please don’t fight me on this.”
She smiles at me and says, “Okay Ben, I will do this for you. But would it be possible for you to teach me Russian instead of depending on the twins?”
Mira chimes in, “Yes Mr. Blaine, it would be better if you instructed Ms. Blaine in the Russian language.”
I take a page from Mira and Ira by stating, “Jens, I can personally train you only if we set aside a specific time each day for your lessons.”
Jens complains, “Geez Ben, the next thing you know you will schedule our whole day.”
Mira expounds, “Ms. Blaine that is an excellent idea! I would be happy to help you and Mr. Blaine arrange a schedule.”
Jens practically explodes, “Mira, there’s no way in heck that’s going to happen!”
I can’t believe it when Mira actually taunts, “What is wrong Ms. Blaine? Are you concerned I will not include enough time for your much too frequent copulations?”
Thom laughs and remarks, “Now that would certainly spoil the mood - having to make love on a schedule.”
Things begin to get out of hand when Jens adds a taunt of her own, “Ben, it might not be such a bad idea since I could use about fifteen minutes every hour for ‘personal activities’.”
Thom continues with the laughing and Mira complains, “Ms. Blaine, I do not feel that Mr. Blaine would be up for the onerous task that frequently.”
That comment practically has Thom rolling on the ground with laughter. Mira looks perplexed and asks, “Did I produce an expression of humor?”
Jens leans over and I assume she explains to Mira the double entendre behind what she said and Mira actually blushes.
Thom states, “Damn this is almost as good as the ‘Who’s on first joke.’”
Mira of course asks, “Who is on first?”
Thom laughs and replies, “Yes, Who’s on first.”
Mira complains, “I do not know who is on first.”
Thom continues, “No, I don’t know is on third.”
Mira shakes her head and Jens saves us...
I’m sure as hell not going through this whole bovine excrement joke with Thom and Mira so I hold up my hand and order, “Thom let me borrow your phone.”
Thom hands me his phone, I search the internet and find a YouTube video of the Abbot and Costello joke. Mira and I watch it together and Mira remarks, “That imparted no sense to me.”
Thom still laughs and says, “I would have bet money on that! That reminds me Jennifer, what did we win for being right about the baby being a girl?”
I give Ben a sexy hot look with a wink and reply, “Well Thom I know what I want but I’m not sure what you won.”
Thom asks, “Jennifer, what do you want?”
Ben quickly interjects, “Thom you don’t want to know what Jens wants. And even though I’m not drinking anymore I will buy you a bottle of booze.”
I suggest, “Ben, you could get Thom a bottle of champagne that he can share with Inga.”
Ben says, “That’s a great idea.”
Thom complains, “Like hell it is! Inga and I might be back together but we’re taking it slow.”
I tease, “What’s wrong Thom are you afraid you can’t be up that frequently?”
Mira joins in and taunts, “I have heard that at extreme ages, such as that possessed by Thom, many men can no longer be up.”
Thom swears, “Leave it to you women to drag the conversation into the gutter. I don’t have to stand for this so I’m leaving!”
Thom leaves, I look at Mira and we both begin to giggle...
Ira arrives at the parking lot and informs all, “The infant girl’s name is Maria.”
I palm my face and complain, “Ira that means we now have two Jennifers and two Marias.”
Before Ira can answer Mira says, “My sister, Mr. Blaine has allowed Ms. Blaine to participate on the mission...”
I was sure that Ms. Blaine would not attend this mission since she will be a serious liability. I wish Mr. Blaine would have consulted me first.
I complain, “Ms. Blaine, you are not suitable for this mission.”
Ms. Blaine responds, “Like hell I’m not! We’ve already dealt with the two issues. The first being my eye color, I will be Mr. Blaine’s Russian wife and the second being my American accent when I speak Russian because Ben is going to help me lose the accent. You both need to know that where Ben goes, I go.”
I add one further stipulation, “Ms. Blaine, if you are coming on this mission your martial arts skills must improve.”
Ms. Blaine counters, “Ira, why is that important? It doesn’t sound like you will be performing any hand to hand combat.”
Mr. Blaine interjects, “Jens, don’t worry about it since you’ll be a natural for Muay Thai so we can add that to our training regime. We can even get Destiny to train you like she trained me if you would like.”
Ms. Blaine crows akin to a rooster, “Good! Then perhaps I can beat Ira and Mira in martial arts.”
I finally allow myself to submit to a radical thought and state, “So Mr. Blaine, Destiny taught you Muay Thai while you transversed the Rocky Mountain Trail.”
Mr. Blaine confirms, “That’s correct Ira. We needed something to do in the evenings that would keep us warm.”
I postulate, “It would be most interesting to challenge Destiny to a martial arts contest.”
Mr. Blaine gives a hearty laugh, “Yeah, why don’t you do that. She would easily defeat both of you simultaneously.”
Mira casts doubt on that aspersion, “Mr. Blaine, I highly doubt any one person could defeat both of us.”
Mr. Blaine continues with mirth and suggests, “I will ask her if she is interested.”
I inquire, “Mr. Blaine, if she is such a valuable asset, perhaps she should come in the mission instead of Ms. Blaine.”
Ms. Blaine gives and explosive response, “Ira, have you forgotten what happens when you make me angry?”
I smile at her and remind her, “Ms. Blaine, we know your martial arts cannot defeat us.”
Ms. Blaine threatens, “That might be true Ira but did you forget about what I did for Mira at the clinic and also about Yasmeen and Zarika?”
Mr. Blaine asks a clueless question, “Jens, what are you talking about?”
Ms. Blaine says, “Ben, not right now. We will discuss this later.”
I understand Ms. Blaine’s threat and realize it is not a threat of idle and also realize that because of her unique abilities she could be a substantial asset on the mission so I recant, “Ms. Blaine you are correct, if you are on the mission you would convey other assets for our benefit.”
Mr. Blaine asks, “How many people could I have as wives? Because if Destiny came that would be four.”
Ms. Blaine foolishly complains, “Four fricken wives! Ben that’s some sort of harem that I’m not going to stand for.”
I lean close to Ms. Blaine and whisper, “Ms. Blaine, you do not fully understand the parameters of the mission. For us to accompany your husband we would have to pose as his wives. But in name only.”
Phil’s respite from the worries in Los Angeles lasted until Monday morning. True to her word, Hailey found a way to keep his mind focused on other matters throughout Saturday and Sunday (as well as early Monday morning before work). She was grinning happily as they crossed the street holding hands. Phil felt his phone buzz and extracted it from his suit jacket. He didn’t recognize the number but the area code was familiar. He just couldn’t remember from where. “Where is the 212 area code?”...
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I see Zel strutting out of the house with her costume on and bucket in hand. What you up babe. I’m washing the car, honey. I’ve never seen that costume before, I comment. I bought it yesterday, could not resist it, feels so good on me, she says. I can see why babes, I love it. Can I come help you? Sure, she says knowing the costume is doing its stuff as intended. She drives the car to the back yard to get some privacy. I wonder what she has in mind the vixen. I get the hose out and start...
I see myself as heterosexual with the occasional need to play with a cock. I got into swinging in the mid 1990s and I love watching and joining couples fucking. At some of these parties in the 1990s I did watch guys playing with each other, but never really thought about joining in. Then there were a few occasions when I was taking part in a threesome when I was asked to help guide a guy’s cock into the woman and I didn’t hesitate in holding the cock, and in some cases having my cock guided in...
I at last have the time to write about some of the more erotic happenings in my long time passion of chasing the female sex. The stories are all as factual as I can make them. But obviously you forget the actual dialog and also in the telling over the years, things get juiced up a little. But they are definitely based on actual happenings. Chapter two. We talked for a while, my trying to play the part of a cool much older guy, Allison quizzing me about what teenagers got up to...
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Introduction: Part two. Eclipse endured nearly 6 or 7 months of nothing but force breeding, even when her heat ended they forced the vixen to breed even when she was to sexually tired to. However as she drew near to having the litter of pups the 3 males seemed to just one day vanish early in the morning and leaving her alone was this a blessing or would they be back she wasnt shure. With her belly swollen with 3 pups, 1 male and 2 females. She was able to finally relax without having to look...
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As he was driving back from a typical fast food dinner one evening, he saw a small sign that he hadn’t noticed before. It indicated there was an all-nude strip joint about 2 miles down a side road, in a seedier part of town just off the main drag. Chase was definitely in the mood to see boobs and snatches, so he took the turn and pulled into the back of the club’s parking lot. He parked near the side door used by the dancers to enter their changing room area, and stepped out of his car. As he...
I’m on a new mission. My assignment was to go undercover, get information, and take down this mob called the Devil Rays. According to the case file, they reside in New York City. They’re not like any of the mobs in The Godfather movies or The Sopranos. They’re not Italian-American, they don’t have a lot of men, not everyone’s related in this mob, they don’t have nicknames, and they do more robbing than whacking. They were a small mob of five men. Plus, they’re an uptown mob. I flew over to...
“What have we here?” Jane asked, coming to a stop in front of our half-dozen pictures. “Twins,” Muireann said. “Aha.” She examined our spread. “Did you do the project together?” “Aye, we tried something different.” I could hear the hope in Muireann’s voice, that this would be okay by our teacher. Jane pursed her lips. “Interesting approach.” “I know there’s only six photos, but we both did take six shots,” I explained. “There’s two exposures on each!” Jane gave me a small smile. “Yes,...
"Come on in darlin' and have a seat," Leo Coffman said smoothly, "now, what can I do for ya!?!" "Well, Mr. Coffman, I saw your ad in the paper, and I was just wondering if the position was still available?!?" "You mean the ad in the Underground Times," he asked casually!?! "Uh, yes," she replied softly, "is the job still available?!?" "Baby, the job's always available," he replied dryly, "I run that same ad everyday of the year!!!" "Really," she replied incredulously,...
Princess By Teri Franken I should have known better than to have that last scotch and soda. The first six or so had gone down so nicely that it did not seem fair to not have another. Looking at the clock, it was time to leave the party, I did have to be at work in the morning and since it was nearing 2am, I decided to pack it in. "Thanks for having me over guys," I said to Steve and Laurie, "I had a great time." Laurie gave me the LOOK and she could tell that maybe I should...
The following is a true story to best of my and my wife's recollection. Sue and I have been swingers for over a decade. This happened very early in our marriage and is one of the events that started us down the road towards swinging.Sue was invited to a bachelorette party by one of her co-workers. Though 10-15 years younger than her, Sue and her got along famously.Sue was skeptical about going. The person inviting Susan was a bit of a wild c***d and word got our that there would be male...
Introduction: My sister goes crazy over my big cock. I wrote earlier about growing up in a household where nudity and even open masturbation were considered ok. I had a brother and a younger sister. It was ok for me and my brother to masturbate in front of my sister…or our parents….but there was no touching allowed. Nobody ever said anything about it being taboo for my brother and I to touch each other but we were always afraid to try it in front of our parents. You may recall in my previous...
We were two days out of Hawaii, sailing a nice twenty footer and really enjoying the warm tropical sunshine. Just the two of us, heading out to New Zealand with perfect weather. The boat was well stocked, and fitted with good navigation aids, including a satellite locator system. Sailing had now joined flying in sophistication of radar and sat-navigation electronics, taking one of the oldest forms of travel into the twenty-first century. Lena took every opportunity to work on her tan, since her...
EroticHi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the uncovered boobs and pussies from...
IncestIt was a warm evening, warmer than I’m used to. I had travelled all of this way, just to meet you. I feel excited and nervous all at once. Excited because we will finally get to meet, to talk to each other, look at each other, feel each other. .. Nervous because no matter how confident I might come across, I’m really not. I’m shy, and I’m scared that you might not like what you see in me. I unpack my case in the quiet hotel room, the music in the background is slow and has a calming effect on...
Donnar Axeforger led them through the thick woods at an agonizingly slow pace. The Gnaths could move neither very quickly nor very quietly through the willow-oak-pine forest and to prevent the lashing which would occur atop the beasts, Jonar and the others decided to walk back to the Gnomish merchant's camp nearly a mile from their own. They heard the camp long before they saw it. Pots and pans banging, horses and torgs snorting eagerly as they waited to be fed, deep-voiced men calling...
I stood in the lab, theoretically paying attention to the monitors before me and crunching numbers. But really, I was surreptitiously checking out the various women entering and leaving Mrs. Robinson's office. The posting had gone out across the college for female volunteers to participate in a biology study affecting human sexuality. It was a paid study, so there were many more girls signing up than positions needed, and Mrs. Robinson was able to select only the hottest co-eds on...
Back when I was in college I worked a few hours a week in an antique store. I would show up after hours and do whatever needed done, clean up new items he bought, do the heavy lifting, deliver anything that needed it. The owner, his name is Don, lived behind the shop in a small apartment and usually after I was done with whatever needed doing we would have a few beers before I left.One night after I was done with my work I was getting a beer out of the fridge and noticed a box filled with a...
One of the great things about the 1980s was, to many, the music. Blondie's "Call Me", Billy Joel's "It's Still Rock and Roll to Me", Lipps Inc.'s "Funky Town", and many others. You couldn't go to out without hearing something great on the radio. Then again, people who were young in early 1980s had so much going for them. The world was relatively peaceful, though there were those hostages in Iran until they were released after Reagan was sworn in as POTUS. The economy seemed to be...
‘Come on in!’ Janice cheered, as she stepped aside, letting the short, chubby man inside. He set down his briefcase, which resembled a suitcase. ‘I’m Janice, and John is my husband. He’ll be along shortly. Honey, the doctor is here,’ Janice called out to me. ‘Yeah, I’ll be right there,’ I said, as I threw away my paper plate from lunch. She didn’t have time to make me lunch, even though she doesn’t work. So I settled for a half-ass sandwich and chips. Something better improve, or I’m leaving...
"How many men have you fucked?" Brian asked. They were laying on their backs, naked, in a large, luxurious bed in the Stanley Hotel in Nairobi, Kenya."That's a personal question, you impertinent twerp," answered Maggie tartly, but with a smile on her face."I'm interested in the sex life of a MILF." He kissed her on the cheek."Am I your surrogate mother?"Brian smiled back. "No, I've not yearned to fuck my mother - although I would be interested in what she could tell me about her sex life." He...
MILFAfter my sister, Vishnu got married, I realized that my mother is also a very beautiful woman. We had now started spending a lot of time together. We were going out to enjoy and my mom was dressing up. I was mesmerized to see mom’s deep navel, soft abdomen and the outline of firm thighs under the petticoat. By seeing Maa in that posture my dick is at 90 degrees angle to the ground. In trance, I went to bed and sat there. “Paddu! shall we move?” By seeing Maa I was dumbstruck. That is the beauty...
IncestHumiliated by Mommy by Naughtieboys [email protected] © Julian Smith and Em-bare-assed Press 2014. THIS STORY IS PURE FICTION (or unpure friction) FOR ADULTS ONLY. NO REAL CHILDREN WERE HARMED IN THE PRODUCTION OF THIS STORY. BY READING FURTHER, YOU ARE DECLARING THAT YOU ARE A CONSENTING ADULT. This work is copyright by the author. Commercial use is prohibited without permission. Personal/private copies are permitted only if complete and include the copyright notice....
I was sitting in a booth eating breakfast when Dixie sat down opposite me. "How we doing Rob?" "Day to day Dixie, day to day." "You about ready to give me another shot at you?" I looked at her and remembered what we once had and my dick started to harden. "Why not?" I thought. It has been months and I certainly didn't owe Ellen any degree of faithfulness. "What do you have in mind?" "Bob Thomas and the Highway Travelers are at the Stagecoach. How about Mexican for dinner and...
"I sure hope this plan of Kitty's works," Kim told Nina as she nervously adjusted her uniform. It was midmorning the next day and the two attractive women were about to implement Kitty's plan for getting her husband interested in sex again. Nina had agreed immediately, but it wasn't until Kitty promised Kim she could fuck Don any time she wanted that the young maid agreed to go along. Stopping outside of Don's and Kitty's room, Kim and Nina paused to collect themselves. Both were...