Justice ResurrectedChapter 9: Pagans' Delight free porn video

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Donnar Axeforger led them through the thick woods at an agonizingly slow pace. The Gnaths could move neither very quickly nor very quietly through the willow-oak-pine forest and to prevent the lashing which would occur atop the beasts, Jonar and the others decided to walk back to the Gnomish merchant's camp nearly a mile from their own. They heard the camp long before they saw it. Pots and pans banging, horses and torgs snorting eagerly as they waited to be fed, deep-voiced men calling hoarsely to each other in the early morning hush, and the unmistakable sound of water rushing over stone.

The sun was starting to penetrate the budding tree limbs of spring when they finally broke through into a half-mile wide clearing slashed by a swift running stream. The clearing was filled to the brim with the men and animals and tents of the Axeforger caravan.

Donnar waved them on. "Come on. Breakfast should be ready soon," he told them in Gnomish, strolling into camp and nodding to soldiers dressed in his livery and other, lesser merchants of Gnomish and Gnathar persuasion.

Jonar tugged Myka onward having caught the wiff of frying eggs and blood sausage, two things he had not had since he left the Gnome's service. Her stomach just as eager as her friend's, Myka allowed Jonar to lead her after the diminutive merchant as he weaved his way through the legion of men. The gnath lords quickly shook themselves out of their astonishment and chased after the Gnome. Around them they saw several Gnathar salute them and they dazedly returned the gestures of respect. Their Gnaths sat on the ground near the edge of the trees and watched their companions go with worry, longing to follow despite the fact that there was no way their great bulks could fit through the narrow aisles created by the small tent city.

Donnar Axeforger led them to a large pavilion near the center of the encampment. A delicious, complex aroma wafted over them when the flap of the huge tent was parted. Inside was a camp table covered with food and surrounded by six empty chairs. A shorter Gnome, looking like a younger version of Donnar, appeared the minute the merchant entered the tent and helped him out of the breastplate. He grinned up at Jonar with recognition and scurried out of the pavilion with the armor and the mighty war axe.

Donnar crossed his arms over his chest and glared at the flap. When the gnath lords finally came in, he grunted sourly. "First you all eat, then we discuss what the hell you are doing bringing this colossal clod into the Domain without an invasion army behind you," he said in Gnomish. "Now sit and eat. My cook is very good." They all sat down in the surprisingly comfortable camp chairs and began plowing through all the food.

The Gnomish attendant entered with Gnathar and Meikari servants when they had eaten all they could and began clearing away the dishes. The attendant went to the Axeforger and handed him a bone pipe and leather pouch before patting Jonar on the shoulder and leaving. The gnath lords did not miss the familiarity with which the shorter Gnome treated Jonar. Lailar and Xavear exchanged sober looks.

After putting a pinch of very aromatic shredded leaves and twigs into the bowl of the pipe and tamping it thoroughly, Donnar lit it with a coal from one of the half dozen braziers. With a sigh of contentment, the Gnome sat back down and let his hard gray eyes wander around the table, stopping on Myka with a raised eyebrow.

"So what's the story, kid?"

Lailar sat up straight and glared at the merchant indignantly. "We-

"Are you a kid? No! So shut up until I am ready to speak to you," he roared angrily, a fist slamming onto the table with enough strength to almost collapse the sturdy but transportable furniture. He turned back to Jonar and sighed. "I take it they are always like that. Never mind, I have a few roaming around here like that, too. Now speak up. Start with who the pretty young Ce'al is."

Jonar looked at the clinging Myka, realizing that her eyes were wide with fright and her skin was barely holding its green coloration. "This is my Lady Myka, Matriarch of the House of Junia. She is my mistress. I found her three, almost four, months ago just out of the Ythol Mountains after her village and family were killed by Zondrons," he said, proudly introducing the Ce'al maiden. Ignoring the grimace and groan of the Gnome, he went on to explain their journey to Port Meikari and Hynost-Qaanzyr, finishing by telling him why Lord Lailar was trying to bring him back to Telanaria. "He thinks they did it on purpose, Donnar. I guess he feels he has to do something about it."

The Gnome looked skeptically at Lord Lailar before shaking his head at the Gnathar boy. "You don't sound like this was your idea. Don't you want to go home?"

He shrugged dubiously. "It may have been home nearly four years ago, but after father was killed and mother died of her wounds, I was simply passed around until they decided to get rid of me. Why should I try to go back to a place and a people who felt I wasn't worth their trouble four years ago?" he demanded bitterly. "I would never find an occupation in that place now, since I am well past the age of apprenticeship, and there aren't too many battles to be fought in Telanaria. I would just wind up being sent off to do the village's service to the Emperor, dying thousands of leagues from a place that was supposed to be home for a people who didn't really want me to begin with. Fighting those ill-begotten bastards' battles for them is not my idea of a just cause or a real life. I would rather spend the rest of my life guarding Myka from her enemies."

The Axeforger sat looking at the two youths in silence, puffing on the pipe and blowing out musty-sweet clouds as he thought. He kept shooting glances at the gnath lords. "I thought all of you spoke Gnomish, Lailar?" he grumbled, his eyes on the confused face of Brandar Brandarsson. "If that one understands every third word he is doing good. He looks like he's been pole-axed, he's so confused."

"Brandar never did much campaigning, Lord Axeforger," Lord Xavear replied politely in perfect Gnomish. "The generals preferred to preserve his skill at teaching weapons."

Donnar kept staring at Brandar until he began to blush. "So he's just along for the ride, is that about the size of it? Well, he can go bring your Gnaths to where the others are eating. They will need their strength. Kilthre! Get in here!" he bellowed. The short Gnome attendant scurried into the pavilion. "Tak this un t ther Gnaths. E'll tak em t th thers. Thn bring em back."

Brandar blinked several times as he tried to sort through the Gnome's broken Gnathar before bowing and following the gesturing Gnome.

"Never could get my tongue around Gnathar and I hate Common." Donnar sat back in his chair, puffing on his pipe again, and studied Lord Lailar. "You would have been killed long before you reached Telanaria, Commander Ulfjansson," he stated abruptly in Gnomish, his voice grim, grating.

Lailar sat up straight, eyes wide with shock. "How did you-"

"Know who you were?" he finished with a chilling smile. The smile was quickly gone, to be replaced by a menacing glare. "Merchants are everywhere, Commander. Sooner or later, they hear everything. You were very important in Port Meikari and when you did not return home within two months of leaving, it was noticed. Lord Xavear Losh'Varrii's reputation precedes him. Your friend Brandar is less widely known and the matriarchs of the Junia have ever been reclusive, otherwise I would have known of them as well. But all of that is not important.

"Besides the Zondron warriors and sorcerers at your back, your path would have taken you through the territories of both the Domani and the Zondomi pagans. Jonar is badly wanted by the Domani for killing the chieftain's nephew and several cousins shortly before he and I first met. That alone would be dangerous. This Domani nephew was betrothed to the princess of the Zondomi chieftain, however, making the boy wanted by the bride's tribe as well," the Gnome informed the gnath lord. "Both of those tribes have been searching for and chasing this cordach of yours for three years. They are in league with the Zondrons on that account because the Zondrons have been looking for him for about two years for his part in killing one of their grand inams."

Donnar slid out of his chair and walked over to stand in front of the seated Lailar. "You have just walked the five of you into a roiled mess of eight million people in this part of the world who would just love to get their swords, axes, spears, arrows, or plain old bare hands on this boy. Congratulations, Commander!" the little merchant growled sarcastically, blowing a cloud of smoke at the gnath lord. "You are damned lucky the Domain is as fragmented and unstable as it is right now. None of the six tribes wants a war at this particular time. They are all too afraid of losing. Grand Chancellor Mobbitt Gnathjaw has his fist around both the junta and the Congress and, with help from Dominari Slamfist and the Domani Dominari, he has managed to foment rumors that each of the tribes is being secretly backed by outsiders. They won't risk war for any reason! Not even a chance at long legs."

Lailar cleared his throat apologetically. "I am sorry, but I don't see how this lecture on the internal politics of the Domain and Gnomish society is going to help us, if that is what you have in mind," he said honesty, his face starting to look his age with the strain of being polite to the diminutive tradesman.

Donnar was about to answer when Brandar rushed into the pavilion, ten steps in front of the gasping Kilthre. "Pagans!" the weaponsmaster gasped in Common, his chest heaving. "They are everywhere! Surrounding us in the forest!"

"As I was about to answer before being interrupted," the Gnome began with a grim smile, "I have arranged for an escort for my caravan through the Domanis' territory. The Xiri have been kind enough to lend me a couple thousand warriors as an escort to the border of the Empire of the Gnath. We can cut through open country and not worry about the Dorkan Highway, with its tolls and outrageous prices for supplies. We will be leaving within the hour. See to it, Kilthre."

Myka had never seen so many warriors in one place before. Neither had she ever seen so many armed Gnathar and Gnaths in one place before. As the Axeforger caravan wound out of the forest, Myka realized that the Gnomish merchant had a force of one hundred gnath lords himself, with another nine hundred soldiers besides. A full three centuries of horse cavalry ranged out ahead of and behind the fifty wagons laden with goods and camping supplies. Donnar managed to convince Jonar to allow Myka to sit with him in his wagon in the center of the mass of men and beasts following their noon meal stop.

Besides the silver and red uniformed soldiers of the Axeforger Sept, the Xiri clansmen bunched and flowed around the caravan as it cut straight north across the Domain of Pagans, ignoring the convenience and safety of the Dorkan Imperial Highway. Lailar and Xavear had serious misgivings about their course and their escorts but could not argue with the danger posed by the many people out to kill Jonar for reasons beyond his control. They rode silently behind the Gnome's huge, luxurious wagon as the four torgs easily pulled the house-on-wheels northward, their hands not far from their weapons and their eyes darting around at the boisterous, leather-and-fur clad pagans gleefully leading them towards enemy territory.

Jonar, still somewhat wary of the danger, paced Donnar's wagon on Gnusyl. The huge beast found the sheer numbers of Gnaths around him a great bonus in this adventure that would see him returned to the land of his Pride. The young Gnathar had long since given up trying to explain the dangers of their situation once they reached Telanaria. Gnusyl was still a very young Gnath with several years more to grow and still very prone to Gnathian enthusiasm and hubris when the subject of battle was discussed. Jonar was becoming more grim and apprehensive with each league they passed on their way to the Empire of the Gnath.

"Something's bugging you, kid," Donnar stated bluntly in High Gnomish, a little known language the diminutive merchant had taught him on their travels in order to keep their conversations private. "Spit it out. That look now on your face preceded you leaving me last time. What's got you so uptight this time?"

The young Gnathar looked down at his old master and sighed. "I truly hated to leave you, sir, but after the attack in the Gnomar Mountains, I couldn't expose you to my troubles," the boy explained. "And now, I feel I have just brought them back with me. Only this time, I have dragged my new mistress and people who have befriended me into those old problems. That isn't right! I should be able to take care of things myself or not at all. Running to people who barely know me isn't right."

The Gnome pulled his bone pipe out of a pocket and lit up, puffing thoughtfully. "Did these people know of your trouble beforehand?"

Jonar snorted. "They would probably say they did, but they would be lying," he guessed, glancing back at the three veteran soldiers following the wagon. "I saw Lord Lailar's face when you and I told him what was going on. It was total shock and real fear that showed and I don't blame them."

The shrewd little man looked at Myka sitting between them, listening with frustrated curiosity. "What about this lovely lady? Surely she knows."

Jonar shook his head. "She simply took me on because she saw I was about to be conscripted in Port Meikari and she felt she owed me for getting her to her kin safely. When I saw her situation with her kin, I felt obligated to remain because she would have been killed for reasons I still am not too sure I fully understand properly," he explained, his voice laden with guilt.

"So they leapt without looking? Yet they continue on with you. Why do you suppose that is?"

"They feel obligated," the Gnathar answered simply, as if that was patently obvious.

The Gnomes snorted, smoke shooting out of his nose as he began to laugh heartily. "How little you know Ce'al, my boy," Donnar shouted with amusement. "And Gnathar who live too long in Meikar begin to think as the Ce'al. Imperial Gnathar are a breed apart, dear boy, with codes of honor and ways of thinking which are not seen much anymore outside of the lands of the Jotnar and the outer provinces of the Empire of the Gnath. To a fully mature and well educated Ce'al, as your Lady no doubt is, there is no obligation that cannot be broken without pause if it gets in the way of survival or the glory of the House. The Junia matriarchs lived out in the boondocks to save themselves from being killed by their city kin. The Great Houses of the Ce'al, both in Meikar and in the east, play the Game with ruthless ability. I have seen many a matriarch rise and fall among the Ce'al. Your Lady is here for reasons of her own, believe me. You are her only key to survival, Jonar. She will stick by you for that reason alone."

Then he leaned over to look behind the huge wagon at the gnath lords of Meikar. "As for them, they truly did not know what they were getting into, that you have right. What their play is, I don't know," he said honestly. Then his face grew grim as he puffed fiercely on his pipe. Then he switched back into Common Gnomish, noticing the highly offended look on Myka's beautiful face. "But we will find out before you pass into the Empire of the Gnath. Of that you can be sure."

"Find out what?" she demanded, looking from Jonar to Donnar.

"Whether you like Gnathar cooking, my dear," the Gnome said smoothly, flashing her a charming smile and winking at Jonar.

Three weeks after joining the Axeforger caravan, they crossed a river known in the Domain as the River of the Pagans. The Zondrons call the same river the River of Zondro-Xhan, but few outside of the dark nation care. A wide stone bridge spanned the lazy flow with a tollbooth and guard station at each end. When they reached the bridge, Donnar climbed down from his wagon and stalked up to the seedy Gnathar who ran the booth and supervised the slovenly guards lounging about the simple pole gate blocking the bridge. On the far side a flag ran up a pole atop the tollbooth on that side of the river. The supervisor broke off discussions with Donnar long enough to order the guards to raise the gate pole.

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JUSTICE FOR BOBBY By Rhayna Tera, copyright 2019 Warning: Horror. Author's Note: To the credit of its author, one story on FM disturbed me to the conclusion that, in order to sleep better at night, I needed to write a moral counterpoint to it. Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, businesses, places, events, locales, and incidents are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, or actual events is purely...

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Justice by EmileThis work is fantasy, and the author does not advocate anything other than consensual sex with adults. Copyright 2007---- The three studs were court martialled for bringing the service into disrepute when their diaries of sexual conquests, on mission and at base, on and off duty, were officially "discovered" by their commander during a night raid.  The troops had known for years, egging them on to more daring and filthy adventures, each trying to outdo the other for the audacity...

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Justice under the New Laws

Justice under the New Laws: by The Bitchfinder-General Part Two: Sarah in the Stocks: At eight o'clock sharp the following morning, the senior policeman and histeam arrived to let Sarah out of the pillory at last. The senior officer washolding the end of a fire hose attached to a water hydrant on the main road. "Youcan turn the tap on now," he told his colleague. Once the water was turned on, the senior policeman aimed the hose right atSarah's face and body. He knew from previous...

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The girl in front of me adjusted a faded red cloth in her back pocket, assuring her self that it was still there. I couldn't help noticing how the cloth draped over the pocket; following the movement of her butt as she shifted her weight. The legs of her snug-fitting jeans hid the tops of sturdy, yet worn, work boots. She was paying for, I took notice, two six-packs of inexpensive beer which the clerk was placing in separate paper bags, a pack of medium sized cigars went in one of the bags...

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Justice ResurrectedGlossary

Appendix I: The Gods of Titia-Lohr Avra (ăv-rä): Goddess of Love and Children; Patron of suitors and the innocent Cealie (sēl-ē): Goddess of the Home and Women; Patron of womankind and Guardian of the Hearth Fabialrhae (făb-ē-äl-rā): Goddess of the Earth and Agriculture; Patron of farmers Genifer-Elia (gĕn-ĭ-fer ĕ-lē-ä): Mother of the Universe; Goddess of Fire and Light; Patron of rangers, mothers, and the Clerics of Light Kaspar-Dei (kăs-pär dā): God of Travel and Commerce; Twin of...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 3 The Game Begins

It was almost sundown in the city. Myka stared imperiously ahead as Gnusyl bore them through the streets of Port Meikari in a plodding gate that quickly brought them to the plaza in the center of the city where the governmental complex was located. The colossal home of the Council of Houses, with its columned portico and sculpted portal, stood opposite the grand palace of the Royal Governor with its vivid green campus and stately fruit trees. Ringing the rest of the plaza were the office...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 4 Of Myths and Legends

When their little group stopped for the night that first day, Jonar learned that Lord Lailar brought with him the most skilled Gnathar instructors in Port Meikari as an escort. Being instructors with skills so great that they were rarely let out of the city, they were more than happy to leap at a chance to travel to the capital with their commander. All that day as they rode, Jonar was aware of their silent scrutiny, both the men's scrutiny of him and their Gnaths' appraisal of Gnusyl. The...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 5 The Elysium of the Meikari

Doszar was almost exactly halfway between Port Meikari and the capital. As they stopped on their first night out from the dilapidated village, they realized it was going to take them a bit more time to get from Doszar to Hynost-Qaanzyr than it took to get to the tiny village. A warm front was moving in from the south, causing the snow-clogged roads to turn into a river of oozing mud. Gnaths are huge animals with wide, gripping feet that can travel at a shocking rate on almost any terrain. The...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 6 Revelations

The doors to the throne room were guarded, again, by huge armored Gnathar wielding mace-axes. The monotony of seeing the same guards everywhere almost relegated them to the status of furniture in the mind of Jonar. And he used the concept of huge in his own mind relatively, as none of them came up to even his chin in height. They were everywhere, their visored countenances' silent promises of violence made empty by the commonplace nature of the threat. Jonar simply stopped noticing them and...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 20 Well Met Friends

Sharn nudged his horse into a canter, his eyes barely registering the grotesque Dei-Xhan territory markers slowly decomposing around him as they swung by their ankles in the wind moaning through the mountain passes. He was barely twenty leagues away from the City of Lun, the largest smuggling and merchant center of the Dei-Xhan principality of Lunland as well as a Holy City to the worshippers of Lun. This new matter was taking him away from collecting the bounty on a highly prized sorceror...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 21 Of Battles and Stalemates

Maseryk looked through narrowed eyes at the sorcerors, holding the spell he had just muttered in his hands. The intense heat of the ball of pure energy was almost enough to burn through the protection spells woven into his gauntlets. The Dei-Xhan were all panting heavily, two of Lord Dzar's votaries had collapsed, exhausted. Lord Bzas had incapacitated the warriors and was now free to concentrate on the Dei-Xhan lord, giving the dark sorceror pause. "You fight well for a mongrel...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 23 Not Even Divine Intervention

The Darwyth Pride rumbled towards Mount Gyru, slowly climbing the easy slopes of the lower elevations on the western face. They could see a massive encampment just below them boiling with men and horses and elph-tor, all slowly streaming up the northern face of the mountain and curving westward to meet him and his companion's Pride. The cloudy sky over head was roiling in the gloomy dusk of the Netherland winter and even though night was not far behind, the sky was strangely luminous. Where...

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Justice ResurrectedChapter 24 The Resurrection of VindicorKimber

The Dei-Xhan removed his mask and looked down upon the giant of a Gnathar child, disbelieving. The same spell that had incinerated the Gnath had not only been cleaved in half by the child's weapon to explode harmlessly down slope, but neither axe nor Gnathar were damaged in any visible way. "Boy, where did you acquire that weapon?" the sorceror inquired in an almost haughtily cultured manner. Jonar gazed implacably up at the sorceror and shrugged. "Not that it will matter to you, but...

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Justice Never SleepsChapter 2

Allie was brushing her teeth a second time trying to get the scent and taste of Molly out of her mouth. She didn’t go down on broads too often because she was a lot more interested in cock than pussy but she was really curious to see if Molly’s rug matched her red drapes up above and why she was so high-priced for a Casino hostess with the seal of approval on her heart-shaped rump. Her exam for the bar was scheduled over in a courthouse annex close to the Rio Casino well off the strip and...

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Futa MILFs and Their Hot Daughters Chapter 5 Latina MILFs Futa Delight

Chapter Five: Latina MILF's Futa Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales's living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as...

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MindControl Panties Story 3 Sexy Little Delight

Story Three: Sexy Little Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 The figure entered the outlet store. It was one step above a thrift store, not the sort of place that panties in the style that the figure made were sold. No naughty delights to titillate a young woman's wanton desires. No trendy clothes were sold here, which was exactly why the figure knew these pair panties was needed here. The figure wasn't noticed by any the shoppers. Nondescript, ordinary. On a shelf that sold packets...

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Daughters Slut Trainign 15 Daughters Incestuos Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Fifteen: Daughter's Incestuous Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! Mrs. Umayyah The next day, my ass still hurt from my discipline. I couldn't help but squirm as I sat in the back seat of my husband and Master's car. My rump ached and throbbed. The longer the car ride went, the more my discomfort grew. The ache grew with every moment and I embraced it. I deserved this pain. I had become a...

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Mindcontrol Panties 03 Sexy Little Delight

The figure entered the outlet store. It was one step above a thrift store, not the sort of place that panties in the style that the figure made were sold. No naughty delights to titillate a teenage girl’s budding desires. No trendy clothes were sold here, which was exactly why the figure knew these pair panties was needed here. The figure wasn’t noticed by any the shoppers. Nondescript, ordinary. On a shelf that sold packets of plain, boring panties, so similar to the type worn by the last...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets Chapter 9 Purity Clubs Anal Delight

Chapter Nine: Purity Club's Anal Delight By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Clara had made a list of who she wanted to spread rumors about at her school. In her stuffy bedroom, locked from the world, she felt like a god. Everything she typed out was believed. The terrible human beings at her school would make fake photos, the very best deep fakes technology could create, to make it look like Mrs. Daniels gangbanged her students, that the home ec club was all pregnant by...

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Incestuous Flesh Massage Chapter 5 Mother and Daughters Teasing Delight

(An Incestuous Harem Story) Chapter Five: Mother and Daughter's Teasing Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this! My brother's plan was naughty. Mom drove me. She was part of the plan. She was a busty delight, wearing a low-cut blouse today that showed off her tits that were just as big as mine. I took after her. She hummed as she drove us into downtown Sacramento for our hotel tryst with Mrs. Armstrong. I clutched my new purse on my lap as...

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Futas Wild Passion 06 Futas Wild Virgin Delight

Chapter Six: Futa's Wild Virgin Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! I left the college's main office in a daze. I just had sex with my dean. The Black woman had revealed that she was a secret lesbian who enjoyed seducing her female students into having sex with her, finding the ones she thought were secretly gay or bi. When my mom let the college know I had come down with Futanari Syndrome, the college's dean, Ms. Washington,...

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Futa Milfs and Their Naughty DaughtersChapter 5 Latina MILFrsquos Futa Delight

Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! At the same time, Kayleen Harland was finishing up with the next batch of her miracle substance, her daughter, Jolene, was hurriedly dressing in Mrs. Morales’s living room. Jolene pulled her baggy skirt over her big futa-dick, still wet with MILF juices. She left Mrs. Morales swimming in jizz. As she rushed to the front door, she pulled on her top. Kayleen hummed away as she watched the solution fade from a blue to a hot pink. It was ready. She...

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MindControl Panties Story 12 Virgin Cherry Delight

Story Twelve: Virgin Cherry Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! The music pulsing through the house stirred the figure's ancient soul. Though the music was modern, made with electronics and possessing alien sounds, the beat it created was primal. Something passed down and down and down through the generations of men from dim antiquity. The figure wanted to dance. To revel in the music and to indulge in the hormones permeating the room. The...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 2 Futas First English Delight

Chapter Two: Futa's First English Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 Adelia played the clip. It appeared on a large screen on the side of her studio. The audience grew hushed as the Sky News logo appeared with a reporter, a brown-skinned man with a close-shaved beard and, I supposed, a chiseled chin. “Prime Minister Lockwood had a few bold words to say about the ingratiation of President Becky Woodward today,” he said in that posh, British accent. It gave him more...

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Futas Wild Passion 08 Futas Mother Daughter Delight

Chapter Eight: Futa's Mother & Daughter Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to FallenAngelX00 for beta reading this! “She's my friend!” Pita howled as she faced the sight she'd found in the upstairs bathroom of her house. My friend had her hands on her hips, a look of anger on her face. “I wanted to fuck her while you kept interrupting!” “Well, you can share with your mother,” Mrs. Asis said, squirming on my lap. She was impaled on my futa-dick while I sat on the...

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MindControl Panties Story 4 Nubile Exhibitionist Delight

Story Four: Nubile Exhibitionist Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2019 Note: Thanks to shadowmansc for beta reading this! The figure rode the escalator to the third floor of the mall were small, but trendy, clothing store lay. The sort of place that nubile, coed girls preferred to frequent. Just the sort of place the figure wanted to leave its special panties. No one noticed as the figure passed through the security detectors that flanked the store's entrance. Nor did anyone pay...

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The Worlds First Futa 11 Futas Wild Presidency Chapter 1 Futas First Presidential Delight

Chapter One: Futa's First Presidential Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 April 17th, 2047 “Final segment,” Adelia said, squirming. “Then I am taking you and your beautiful wife to dinner and then back to my place.” She grinned. “How does that sound?” “Like a lovely evening,” I said, glancing at Sharron hovering just off-stage, her hands grasping her pregnant belly. I arched an eyebrow in question. Her blue eyes sparkled as she nodded her head. “Well, the wife agrees,” I said. “It...

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The Triad and the Village of Pregnant Beauties Chapter 1 MotherDaughter Pregnant Delight

Chapter One: Mother/Daughter Pregnant Delight By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Fiona – Shesh, Lesh-Ke Mountains, Kingdom of Haz I took a deep breath, trying to ignore my twin sister's terrible antics in the bar. “Ten guys before a quarter of an hourglass runs out,” she boasted. “I'll make you all explode.” “Las's cum, but you're a wild one,” laughed a rough-faced man with the dusky skin of a Hazian, contrasting against my sister's...

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Pagan ORourkeChapter 2

"Begin!", snapped the Armsmaster. Pagan spun, drew, flicked the thumb-safety off, fired six rounds, safed the pistol, reholstered - in one continuous, uninterrupted, motion - and announced, "Clear!" The Armsmaster pressed the button, to retrieve the targets, and glanced down at the stopwatch in his hand. "It's unreal, ' the old warrior thought, 'he's beaten every record in the books - including his own previous ones. Those shots were so close together, I'd have thought they came...

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