One Wild Night, Part 1: Coach Samantha free porn video

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Standing back from the luggage carousel, Samantha yawned and cracked her neck. She’d spotted her purple rolling bag right away, and was just waiting for Jake and the students to find theirs among the cascade of identical black duffles. She rolled her shoulders, trying to work out the kinks from the cramped coach flight.

Jake was not-so-subtly admiring the way her shirt pulled tighter across her chest when she arched her back. She stuck out her tongue at him. Not because she minded the way he looked at her, so much as that he was doing it in front of the students. He grinned and turned away, grabbing his bag and loudly encouraging everyone else to find theirs.

Sam sighed and smiled, despite herself. The problem with Jake was that he knew he was cute. He had carefully tousled hair and just a bit of stubble. He wore a flannel shirt with rolled-up sleeves. He struck a careful balance between casual cool and slovenly. He was charming without trying too hard. There was a reason that most nights, after the Robotics squad went home, she invited him back to her place.

She had started the Robotics team at Lovelace High School to encourage more young women to pursue an interest in science and technology. As the group became more popular, even a few boys had asked to join. She’d been worried that would affect the dynamic, but for the most part it had been fine. Eventually, the team had grown to the point she needed assistance, and she’d asked Jake to help out. He was great with the girls, always respectful and encouraging.

In fact, it was Jake who had suggested the team enter the MIT competition. It was held every summer, and the qualifying teams received a large grant and a paid trip to the MIT campus. Over a long weekend the team would participate in a competition and meet other teams of high schoolers. But perhaps more importantly, they’d get to tour the university’s labs, meet leading roboticists, and make connections. The nature of the trip meant it was restricted to the oldest students, at least age eighteen. All told, Sam and Jake had brought eight of their best.

“Everybody got their bags?” Jake called out, and the students cheered, excited to get moving. “Alright, follow Coach Sam and the guy with the sign over here, he’s brought a van to drive us to campus. Stay together!”

The campus rep, who’d met them by the luggage area with a sign reading “Lovelace High,” led them to one of those generic white vans with rows and rows of seats. The students were practically vibrating with excitement after the flight. Sam managed to grab shotgun, and let herself admire the sunset as they drove through Boston.

When the van pulled up in front of the student housing, she was pleased to see that they had a large quad dorm all to themselves. She’d been worried about how they would supervise the students if they were spread across multiple units. As Jake and the campus rep chatted about the weekend schedule, she checked the place out.

The front door opened into a large open-plan common room, split roughly in half between linoleum flooring in the kitchen/dining area and carpeting in the living area. Two couches sat at the edge of the carpeting with their backs to the kitchen, facing a flatscreen TV mounted to the far wall. Two short hallways opened on either side of the room. Each connected to two bedrooms and a bathroom. The bedrooms were all identical, with twin beds and a window facing the parking lot. The bathrooms each had a shower. Honestly, it was a lot nicer than the dorm room she’d shared in college.

The boys, Ian and Wally, grabbed the far room on the right, and the girls split up the other rooms. Sam reminded Jake that Marcy and Bonnie were a couple and needed to be in separate rooms. They protested mightily, but ultimately couldn’t stand in the face of Jake’s cheerful firmness.

“Okay, everyone, it’s 10pm, time for bed!” Sam called. The students groaned about the early bedtime, but she cut them off. “That’s enough of that. We’re here to work, not party. We’ve still got to unpack all our gear and get it tested before the competition. Everything starts at 9, and we need to be there by 7, which means y’all need to be up at 6. Now go on, get to bed!”

They grumbled, but began filtering towards their rooms.

“So,” Sam said, regarding Jake with a sly look. “Four bedrooms, all claimed by teenagers. Is there anywhere for the two of us to sleep?”

“Why, madam, I’ve reserved you the finest spot in the house.” Jake walked into the living room and bowed low, gesturing grandiosely at the larger of the two couches. “Feast your eyes upon this sofa… for hidden within is a bed fit for a queen!”

Sam watched as Lucia, Kara, and Rylie came into the kitchen to brush their teeth. The girls were laughing and chatting, and paid no attention to the adults. She shot a conspiratorial look in Jake’s direction.

“Gracious! Surely, you’re not suggesting what I think you’re suggesting.” She fanned herself dramatically and lowered her voice as she stepped closer. “It wouldn’t be proper for us to share accommodations while acting as chaperones to these impressionable young people.”

“I wouldn’t dream of doing anything improper,” he winked. “Naturally, I’ll be sleeping on the other couch.”

“Hmm… That couch doesn’t look very comfortable.” She made a point of inspecting the cushions. “It’s too short to lie down on. And there’s a rather large stain.”

She glanced up as Amy ran past, giggling and waving a stolen pair of men’s pajama pants. Ian was hot on her heels, laughing and protesting.

“Well, I’ll just have to endure the discomfort for the sake of propriety. Unless…” Jake moved closer, nearly touching her, “there’s some other option?”

“I suppose,” she ran her finger lightly over the buttons of his shirt, “it would be rude to leave you to suffer when there appears to be room for you in my bed.”

The girls finished brushing their teeth and retreated to their rooms, leaving Sam and Jake alone. 

“That is, if you think you can handle the, ah… proximity?”

Jake leaned in close, and whispered, “That’s not all I can handle.”

She shivered as his lips brushed against her ear and then stepped quickly away as Ian loudly ran back through the kitchen with his recovered pajama pants, chased by Amy.

“Hey, come on, break it up! Everyone to their rooms!” Jake called after them.

Before long all the students were in their rooms with the doors closed, the lights were off, and Sam and Jake were relaxing on the sofa. She leaned companionably against him, and he draped his arm across the back of the cushion. She flipped through the channels, finally landing on one of those HGTV shows where an obnoxious married couple renovates houses.

Jake didn’t even pretend to be interested. She half-heartedly swatted at him as he started nuzzling her.

“Stoooop iiiiit,” she grinned. “One of the kids might come out.”

He smiled and leaned back. The married couple was bickering over what type of countertop to put in the kitchen. She bit her lip and tried to ignore Jake’s fingers sliding up the back of her neck to lace into her hair.

During the commercial, she shifted a little closer to him and rested her hand on his thigh. When the show came back, the wife won the argument and ordered the more expensive granite option. Jake began tracing his finger around her ear. Sam found herself increasingly aware of the heat of his body next to her.

She made herself wait for the next commercial break, then casually reached up and pulled her hair back, exposing her neck. He took the hint, and she shivered when his stubble grazed her skin as he kissed along her jawline.

She turned to face him as their lips met. The kiss started sweetly, but quickly became passionate. He sucked on her bottom lip, and a smoldering heat grew deep inside her. She purred as he cupped her breast. She moved her hand further up the inside of his thigh, and enjoyed the way his muscles tensed under her touch.

Before long he was sucking on her neck as she unbuttoned her shirt. He eagerly slipped his hand into her bra, and she gasped as he brushed against her areola. She’d always been self-conscious about having a large chest, but loved the way Jake worshipped her breasts. She squirmed as he captured her nipple between his thumb and finger.

A sudden noise made her freeze and whisper in his ear, “Did you hear a door?” He shrugged noncommittally and continued groping her.

She didn’t hear anything else, and soon relaxed back into his touch. He’d been sucking the same spot on her neck long enough that some part of her was worried about getting a hickey. But every time his tongue flicked against her skin, she felt sparks roll down her spine.

This time she definitely heard a door. Quickly she shifted away from Jake, tugging his hand out of her top. She had just enough time to cross her arms over the stiff nipples poking through her shirt before Amy emerged from the hallway.

“What’s up, Amy?” Sam asked pointedly. The teen’s face flashed surprise and guilt before settling into carefully nonchalant expression.

“Oh… I’m, uh, just going to the bathroom.”

“Uh-huh.” Sam was now pretty sure the sound she’d heard a few minutes ago was one of the boys going to the bathroom. And suddenly, here was Amy trying to sneak across to the same bathroom. “Any reason you can’t use the one by your room?”

“Uh…” Amy tugged nervously at her blonde hair. “I left my… hairbrush in the other bathroom?”

Sam tried to share a “can you believe this?” look with Jake, but he had a pillow covering his lap and was pointedly pretending to be absorbed in the TV show.

“Well, I’m pretty sure someone’s in there right now. I think your hairbrush can wait for morning.”

“Oh, uh… sure, that makes sense.” Amy hesitated, clearly trying to think of another reason, but finally turned around and walked back to the other bathroom.

Sam laughed and slid back over to Jake. “Kids these days, right? Always trying to sneak around and hook up.” She made a point of lifting the pillow from his lap to reveal the erection tenting his jeans. “Anyway… whatcha hiding under here?”

“Oh, you know, I’m just…” Jake trailed off as she started to rub along the length of his shaft. Before long he was breathing heavily and moving his hips to press against her hand. She leaned in and nibbled on his earlobe.

“Your pants seem very… constraining,” she whispered. “If you pull up that blanket, maybe we could do something about that.”

He wasted no time pulling the blanket up and spreading it over their laps. Sam leaned forward to kiss him as he fumbled with his belt and unbuttoned his pants. He reclined as she slowly, teasingly, moved her hand down his stomach and under the waistband of his boxers. His cock twitched as she wrapped her fingers around it, squeezing gently.

He made the cutest little grunting moans as she started slowly stroking. “Shhh,” she breathed in his ear. “Don’t let the kids hear you.” He nodded and bit his lip.

She loved the way he responded to her touch. She pressed her breasts against his arm and enjoyed the growing heat between her thighs. After a few minutes, she rubbed around the rim of his head and against his tip. She shivered with anticipation when she found a drop of precum and eagerly withdrew her hand to lick her thumb.

He responded to this sight by growling and rolling towards her. His hands closed roughly around her tits and his thumbs teased her nipples. She laughed and pushed him away, so she could finish unbuttoning her shirt. He watched hungrily as she opened it to reveal her favorite lacy lavender bra. Thankfully it hooked in the front, so she could keep her shirt on in case they were interrupted again. She gestured for him to pull the blanket higher as she undid the clasp and pulled the cups aside. In one smooth movement, she fell back against the cushion as he pulled the blanket up over his head and dove toward her chest.

Now it was her turn to try not to make any noise. His lips closed over her nipple and she felt his tongue trace increasingly tight circles. She squirmed lower, squeezing her legs together and running her fingers along his spine. He was kneeling on the couch next to her, and she was pretty sure the hand that wasn’t on her chest was stroking his cock.

She heard a door down the hall towards the boys’ room, and adjusted the blanket to make sure Jake was fully covered if someone walked in. Thankfully no one did, and she realized it was probably the poor guy who was planning to meet Amy, going to bed with blue balls. She felt momentarily guilty, but then Jake switched to her other nipple.

Her heart was racing and there was a growing need between her thighs. She reached under the blanket to undo her pants, then felt blindly for Jake’s hand. Sure enough, she found it wrapped around his cock.

“I need your fingers now,” she murmured. He continued sucking on her nipple, but allowed her to pull his wrist toward her hips. He teased along the lace trim of her panties before reaching under and down. She spread her legs wide and shivered in anticipation as he brushed past her trimmed hair toward her cleft.

He fumbled a bit clumsily, exploring her folds until he finally found her wetness. She stifled a moan as he slipped a finger in and then slowly pulled it back up to her clit, coating it in her juices. His fingers roamed along her sensitive lips, up and down, in and out. Every time he pushed inside, it put pressure on her clit, and soon she was panting with excitement.

She groped under the blanket until she found his cock, and gripped it tightly. He grunted in surprise and sucked harder, his tongue flicking against her nipple. She purred and began rubbing the length of him. He pushed his finger deeper.

There was another door noise, coming from the other bathroom. This time Jake spoke up, before Amy tried to sneak past them again. He released Sam’s breast only long enough to bark “Go back to bed!” before sloppily licking around her now-puckered areola and pulling her nipple back into his mouth. The footsteps in the hallway receded.

Sam squirmed, feeling her clit stiffen under his palm and her insides clench around his finger. His cock throbbed in her hand, and she felt flushed as lust flooded her system.

“More,” she gasped. Without hesitating, he added a second finger, pushing deep inside, reaching a spot that made colored lights flare behind her eyelids. She felt the pressure begin to build, and started rocking her hips with his movements. It felt like electricity was dancing along her spine, sparking between everywhere he touched her.

But before she could build to a satisfying climax, there was a muffled thump from down the left-hand hallway, followed by the sound of giggling and shushing.

Sighing heavily, Sam reluctantly pushed Jake away and stood up.

“You got this?” He rolled onto his back and tucked his erection back into his boxers.

“Yeah,” she said as she re-hooked her bra and zipped up her pants. “Sounds like some of the girls are still up. I’ll go tell them to go to sleep.”

“Don’t be long,” he grinned.

She blew him a kiss and walked down the hall, buttoning her shirt. The giggling had stopped, so she paused at the first door to listen. This was the room Amy and Bonnie were sharing. For a moment, she heard nothing, but then muffled voices. She sighed. Probably they were sitting up gossiping about Amy’s foiled attempt to get lucky.

She knocked, and waited, grinning, as she heard the frantic sound of one of the girls jumping back into her bed. After a moment, she opened the door. The room was dark except for a bit of moonlight spilling in the window. She could barely see each girl was back in their beds.

“Girls, I know you’re excited but you’ve got to go to sleep. I need you up and ready to rock first thing in the morning, okay?”

An awkward moment passed, making Sam worried the girls were going to push back, but then she heard some mumbled agreements.

“Alright. Get some good rest.” She closed the door and turned around. In the dim light from the common room, she noticed with a start that her clothes were in disarray. She’d been in such a hurry she hadn’t noticed her shirt buttons were off by one. She also hadn’t taken a moment to adjust her bra, so her nipples were poking in different directions like her boobs were cross-eyed.

Her cheeks flushed, like a teenager who’d been caught fooling around by her mother. Thank goodness it had been so dark. The kids hadn’t seemed to notice her disheveled, clearly aroused state.

For a moment, she considered going back to Jake and telling him they had to stop. This wasn’t professional behavior. If they were caught, they’d probably both be fired. They could fool around again when they got home, but for now, the smart thing would be to catch their breath and try to get some sleep.

But when she walked back into the common area she forgot everything. Jake was slouched low on the couch. The blanket was pulled up, so she couldn’t see it, but it was clear he was touching himself. His arm moved rhythmically under the blanket, and he was breathing heavily.

Sam stood in the hall and watched for a minute. It was hot, knowing he was worked up because of her. She wondered if he was imagining her tits in his face. She squeezed her legs together, enjoying the pressure on her slick, puffy lips. One hand idly cupped her breast, teasing her nipple until she shivered.

When she moved, he started, and looked quickly in her direction. When he caught her eye and knew it was just her, he didn’t stop. She bit her lip and let him see her move her hand down her body to press between her legs. He gestured with his chin for her to come back, and she sauntered closer.

He watched, still stroking, as she rummaged in her bag and pulled out her pajamas. She put a finger to her lips and stood in front of him, seductively unbuttoning her top. His eyes were locked on her chest as she let the shirt drop to the floor and slowly unhooked her bra. She shrugged the straps from her shoulders and let it fall down, too.

For just a moment, she stood there, topless, letting him admire her before pulling on her pajama shirt. It was a rather thin deep-cut v-neck that did absolutely nothing to conceal her nipples. From the way his hand continued to move under the blanket, he didn’t seem to mind.

She gestured for him to move aside, and fell heavily onto the couch next to him. His hungry gaze followed her as she slowly unzipped her pants again.

“Jake,” she said quietly, “will you help me take off my pants?”

He wasted no time dropping to his knees before her. She scooted lower and lifted her butt to help him shimmy her pants and panties down over her hips. His erection bobbed between his legs, a wet smear of precum coating the tip.

Sam enjoyed the look of uncertainty on his face. She could tell that he desperately wanted more. But she could also tell that if she asked for her pajama pants now, he’d respect that and not try to push her to go further.

Slowly, she parted her legs, wanting him to see that she was just as aroused as him. He watched, hungrily, as she reached down to spread herself open. His attention left her feeling equal parts vulnerable and worshipped. The air felt cool on the wetness coating her engorged lips. Her clit thrummed pleasantly in her hood, eager for more stimulation.

“Now,” she said, voice husky with desire, “will you finish what you started?”

Jake answered by moving closer, pulling the blanket up over his head. It fell around her waist as he buried his face between her thighs. She tried not to squeal as he ran his tongue up the length of her, teasing her clit before circling back down to dip between her lips.

Sam mentally sent thanks to whatever blessed woman had taught him how to eat pussy. She felt her juices flowing, coating his face as his tongue probed deeper. She wrapped a hand around the back of his head, over the blanket, pressing him more firmly against her. Then she let him go, worried it would look too obvious if another student wandered into the room.

He shifted higher, tongue flicking as his lips closed around her clit. She gasped as he pushed two fingers deep inside, curling upward to stroke her g-spot. He alternated between suction and pressure, expertly driving her toward the orgasm she felt building deep in her pelvis.

Giving up any pretense at subtlety, Sam was gasping and squeezing her tits. Jake’s head bobbed rhythmically under the blanket as she rocked her hips, grinding against his face. His tongue strummed against her clit, the sensitive bud seeming to grow in the heat of his mouth. Her pussy was clenching, contracting around his fingers.

“Oh fuck!” She struggled to keep her voice at a whisper. “Oh god, Jake, you’re making me cum, keep doing that!” The pressure was building. When she pulled on her nipples, little bolts of lightning arced through her core. Behind her closed eyes, colors flared, yellows and reds, like fireworks.

Suddenly, release flooded through her system. Her entire body rocked sympathetically to the pulsing in her pelvis, her entire world contracting down to the stimulation between her thighs. Jake made a startled sound, then moved lower, licking all around her lips.

Gradually, her body relaxed, melting against the couch cushions, hands falling from her breasts. Jake patiently waited for her heart rate to slow before withdrawing. She watched, breathlessly, as he emerged from under the blanket, licking her cream from his fingers and looking pleased with himself.

Sam couldn’t help but notice his left hand was still wrapped around his cock, which looked stiffer than ever. He saw her looking and grinned, getting to his feet to stand over her, offering a hand. She let him pull her back to a sitting position, ending with his swollen head bobbing before her face.

Without hesitating, she wrapped her lips around it and gave him one deep, passionate suck, just long enough to make him gasp. Then she pulled away, releasing him with a wet slurp.

“Now, sit down before someone sees you!”

Jake grinned and traded places with her, falling onto the couch as she dropped to her knees. He grabbed the blanket and parachuted it over her as she moved between his legs.

His cock twitched excitedly as she wrapped her hand around the base and took him back in her mouth. He was already rock-hard, and she knew he wouldn’t last long. As she began moving her head to take him deeper, she rubbed her clit with her left hand.

She felt his cock in the back of her mouth and tried to relax her throat. He throbbed and she tasted a sudden squirt of precum. Her fingers moved faster, tracing small tight circles that pulled her hood back, allowing even more intense stimulation.

Fuck, his cock felt good in her mouth. She pushed as deep as she could go, and then pulled him out before she started gagging. His hand rested on top of her head, not pushing, but encouraging. She began bobbing her head, fucking him with her mouth.

At the same time, she reached lower, thrusting her fingers between her dripping wet lips. Imagining jumping up onto the couch to straddle him. His cock filling her pussy the way it filled her mouth. He thrust his hips forward, pushing deeper. She moaned and felt a hot gush around her fingers as she came again. When she pulled up off his cock, gasping for breath, he groaned.

“Sam, will you use your tits?” His breathing was ragged, and she could tell he was nearing his climax. She grinned. Jake loved her breasts, and it wasn’t the first time he’d asked to fuck them. It didn’t do much for her, but she loved how much it turned him on.

Quickly, she pulled up the hem of her shirt and moved forward to position his cock against her chest. He inhaled shakily as she squeezed her tits around him. Still sloppy and wet from her blowjob, his shaft glided effortlessly against her skin. She watched down her v-neck as he started thrusting his hips forward, the tip of his cock appearing and disappearing from her cleavage.

“Oh god… Sam… I’m about to…” His voice trailed off, but she already knew. His cock was swelling and starting to twitch. She was ready. Quickly, she pulled him out of her shirt and back into her mouth. He moaned and thrust deep, pumping cum down her throat. She swallowed and made encouraging sounds, savoring the way he throbbed against the length of her tongue.

Gradually, his muscles unclenched. She continued gently sucking as she eased back, until just the tip of his cock rested between her lips. She milked the last few spurts of cum from him until he shuddered from overstimulation and pulled away.

Smiling happily, she rocked back on her haunches, allowing the blanket to fall around her shoulders. Her fingers continued to lazily curl in and out of her pussy, coated in her cream. She felt deliciously satiated. At last, she pulled her fingers out and leaned forward to press them to his lips. His eyes were closed, but he enthusiastically licked and sucked each digit clean. His cock had softened and lay against his belly, glistening wet. She gave it one last kiss, causing him to shiver.

Then she gathered the blanket around her hips like a towel, picked up her pajama pants from the floor and walked to the bathroom to clean up.

When she returned, Jake had changed into his pajamas and was pulling the hide-a-bed open. Before long they were snuggling cozily together under the blanket, watching Conan.

She thought he had fallen asleep. His arm was wrapped around her, cupping her breast, and he was breathing slowly against the back of her neck. She was starting to doze off when he quietly spoke:

“Sam, I really like you.”

“Mmm,” she smiled and wriggled against him. “I like you too, Jake.”

“What if we, uh,” he hesitated, choosing his words carefully. “What if we liked each other more… openly?”

“Are you asking me out, Jake?”

“That depends.” She could feel him smile as he replied. “Would you say yes?”

“Well, I don’t know. Where would you take me for our first date?”

“I heard they have a pretty good cafeteria here on campus. There’s a Subway AND a Taco Bell!”

“I gotta be honest with you,” she laughed, “I’ve had better offers. Where would we go after this unforgettable meal?”

“Well, we could catch a movie? Something loud and action-packed. Oh, and you should know I always sit in the front row, so I don’t miss anything.”

“It is a mystery to me why you’re still single.” She laughed and reached back to swat his butt.

“Well, I give up,” he chuckled. “What can I do to convince you to give me a shot?”

She rolled over and kissed him, long and slow.

“Why don’t you start by coming over to my place after the trip is over. You can make me that Fettuccini Alfredo I like. Then later, you can do that thing with your fingers I like. And depending on how well you do, I’ll consider how big a dealbreaker your many serious character flaws are in a life partner.”

“That’s a generous offer.”

“You have no idea,” she laughed.

They kissed a while longer, then she rested her head on his shoulder.

“Hey, Jake?”


“I really like you, too.”


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The Adventures of Samantha

The Adventures of Samantha 1 Chapter : Sam Gordon drove to the neighborhood bar about 8:30 that Thursday night. The bar was only a couple blocks away, but a guy never knew when he'd get lucky. It wasn't as if Sam wanted to get drunk or anything. It was just that there was nothing worth watching on the tube that night, a common occurrence these past few years. He figured he might as well go on down and lift a few brews with some of the other guys in the neighborhood. There might...

2 years ago
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The Awakening of a Slut Samantha

Women like me love to be desired by men. They love to count how many men want them. They can have any man they want given the right place at the right time. I love this feeling. You might meet me at an elegant cocktail party, given at a well-appointed country house. Elbow-length gloves, a long, flowing silk evening dress, my hair carefully coifed and my face made up for evening seduction, I will seem to your eyes the ultimate in chic femininity. But I will only respond to those who see the...

1 year ago
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Samantha By Cal Y. Phigia Samantha Johnson, the new hire, was exquisitely beautiful. James Mann thought her the most gorgeous woman he'd ever met. He'd love to ask her out, but her good looks were somehow intimidating. He feared she'd reject him. If she did, he'd feel mortified. It was better, he told himself, to fantasize about asking her. That way he'd control her answer, and her answer would always be yes. The day that Mr. Sloane hired Sam as his new secretary the...

1 year ago
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My Sonrsquos Secret Desire ndash Samantha

(This is the second installment of My Son’s Secret Desire. If you would like to view the first instalment go to my profile)Tony looked at his mom sucking his cock. It was so sexy seeing her move her mouth up and down his shaft as her tongue rubbed the sensitive underside!"Fuck mom! That feels so good! You could make me pop so fucking fast!" He groanedCarol Alberts looked at her son and smiled as she stroked his wonderful cock."Baby don't hold back. You know mommy loves your cum!" She said and...

2 years ago
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Samantha Chapter 1: Discovery So, this happened. I'm sitting in a quaint neighborhood bar with my friend Jamie, and this guy comes over. I'm expecting him to hit on Jamie because she's looking pretty adorable in her wrap dress and heeled sandals. I'm starring down at my rather nondescript ballet flats trying to avoid looking at him. "Samantha, meet Ben, an old school friend of mine," Jamie said as she poked me with her elbow. I tried to say 'hi', but I was too terrified....

1 year ago
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“Andrew!” a female voice called. “Andrew!” I turned and there was Samantha, running to catch up to me. “Hey, Samantha,” I greeted. “What are you up to?” “Not much. You?” “On my way home.” “Can I ask a favor?” “Sure.” “Finals are coming up and I was wondering if you’d help me study for my geometry final? It’ll be a miracle if I pass it.” “Miracles so happen, you know?” “I know, but can you help?” I smiled. “Sure. My house tonight?” “Sure. Thank you, Andrew.” So that night, Samantha and I sat on...

First Time
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The Coachs Tradition Part 3 The Hotel

THIS STORY IS 100% TRUE AND REAL. IT IS A FOLLOW UP TO THE REST OF AN ONGOING STORY. PART 2 CAN BE FOUND: 1 CAN BE FOUND: the Coach returned from the bathroom he scooted past me and laid up against the window. We were both exhausted from our previous fun and passed out within minutes.The bus came to a...

1 year ago
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Peeping Samantha

It felt so… naughty. Does this make me a pervert? Does it mean I’m depraved? The muscles of my belly were tense and I barely breathed. My family moved into a new house, about six months ago. After I had settled into my new room, I had discovered that from my window I can see straight into the bedroom of the neighboring house. The sole occupant of the residence was a man, about thirty, thirty five or so. And, well, he’s my subject of perversion. I diligently observed the...

2 years ago
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Meating Samantha

It had been almost two years since my first experience with Dave. That was the first time a man had sucked my cock. It was the first time I had touched another cock and the first time I had sucked a cock. That day was the birth of a new me. I no longer was a homophobe. Although, I did not look at men the same way I looked at women. I did not lust after them. What I did lust for was for a cock in my mouth, loads of cocks. My god, I had become a cock-craving freak!I did not have any guilt....

1 year ago
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My Samantha

This is a true story about my first MILF experience. I have changed the lady’s name for obvious reasons and I’m not disclosing mine…well, just because I don’t want to . Old beats before my time filled the nightclub, it was Friday Disco night – a place where Flock of Seagulls could combine with Jimi Hendrix in the same setting. It usually catered with people slightly older than average than the usual nightclub, yet young people still enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. Nostalgia combined with the buzzing...

4 years ago
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The Erotic Reality Game Randy and Samantha

Next was Randy who selected Samantha as his date. She called herself, "Sam," and she didn't live far from the country club where Randy, Guy and Bernie had agreed on the Bachelor4U game. Sam suggested meeting at the Xhib Club near her house. She said it was a fun place. He hadn't been there, and knew nothing about it but was curious. Sam said there was a parking lot across the street. She would be waiting there at nine the next night. Randy found his way into the older part of town, and pulled...

Group Sex
3 years ago
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My Samantha

This is a true story about my first MILF experience. I have changed the lady’s name for obvious reasons and I’m not disclosing mine…well, just because I don’t want to . Old beats before my time filled the nightclub; it was Friday Disco night – a place where Flock of Seagulls could combine with Jimi Hendrix in the same setting. It usually catered with people slightly older than average than the usual nightclub, yet young people still enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. Nostalgia combined with the buzzing...

2 years ago
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 7

To catch the readers up: I am an 18 year old in high school ( I got held back ). My baseball coach, Coach H, caught me masturbating in the locker room after a Friday evening practice. Coach H is 58, hairy, and athletic. He tells me masturbation is natural and does it as well. We went to his office and masturbated a bit before he fucked me in the ass. Since that evening Coach H and I have gotten together in his office Friday evenings after baseball practice and masturbated and he fucking me...

3 years ago
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The Coachs Tradition Part 4 Part A

This is the 4th part in an ongoing series. This is all true.-------------------------------------------------------------------------After the long night that Coach, James and I had, we all took a long hot shower, and James washed us all up and down. A few days had passed since we had come back from states, and the Coach and I hadn't interacted as much as we both would have liked. James had called me up a few times late at night and we would have some phone sex, but since we both lived with out...

4 years ago
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The Coachs Tradition PART 5 Finally

It has been a while since my last story which was two parts, and now we're finally on to part 5 of the long running saga! Sorry it took so long to make a new one!To those of you who don't believe this is real, take it as fantasy, though I assure you it IS in fact real. Though obviously memories fade so the stories are all based on what I can remember happening.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------Graduation day had finally come and me and James'...

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Cheerleaders New Coach Part I

Mr. Crete’s new student teacher was Jessica Calhoun, a former all state cheerleader from the next county.  Jessica was an excellent English major, and she was an outstanding teacher-in-training.  However, her real talents were as a cheer coach who could choreograph the most innovative cheer and dance routines.  Jessica was quickly assigned the role of varsity cheer coach as part of her student teaching assignment.Jessica was able to recruit a handful of junior and senior girls as cheerleaders. ...

1 year ago
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 6

It was the last Friday baseball practice of the season. As usual I hung around until the other students left before I went to the coach’s office. Coach H was sitting at his desk doing some paper work when I came in. I closed the door behind me and walked over to the sofa. Coach H quickly finished and put the papers way. As he got up off of his chair he started to unbutton his shirt. By the time he as at the sofa his shirt was off and his pants were unzipped. I pulled off my shirt and...

4 years ago
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New Cleaner Samantha

A new day had dawned and I was dozing on the bed when a text came through from Debbie asking me to meet Benji in the park at lunchtime because she forgot to pay me and had given Benji an envelope for me, I text her back to say it was fine and to meet at Doris’s café.I took a quick shower and after a quick coffee headed off to the park, it was a hot day so shorts and tee shirt was the order of the day.I arrived at the park and got a coffee from Doris, she wasn’t busy and we chatted, I told her I...

2 years ago
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 4

The next Friday I again ask Coach H if the two of us could masturbate after baseball practice. Coach H invited into his office as usual. I undressed first and sat on the sofa and started to play with myself. Coach H stopped me and handed me an ice pack. “Put this on your groin and think of something non-sexual like physics. I want your dick limp” he tells me. I comply. After a few minutes my cock is cold and limp. It has shrunk to its non-aroused state. While I am holding the ice pack...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 2

We had another late baseball practice the following Friday. Wondering if Coach H (late 50’s with a hairy athletic body) meant what he said that I could ask him about masturbating with him again I delayed going back to the locker room to shower off by hitting a few balls in the baseball cage. I got back to the locker room as the last of my teammates where dressing. I undressed and hit the showers. While drying off in the shower I heard a cough and it was Coach H. He told me that if I had any...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 5

(Setting the scene: I am an 18 year old in high school on the baseball team. One Friday after practice I was caught masturbating in the locker room by my baseball coach Coach H. He is 58, hairy, and athetic. Instead of getting in trouble Coach H started to masturbate with me and eventually we ended having sex. We have had sex several times since then.)Coach H was grumpy during the next Friday night baseball practice. He did not even wait for me to ask if the two of us could get together. ...

3 years ago
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Shower Time With CoachmdashPart 2

Coach Kennedy had truly rocked my world by having me swallow his cock and hot load. I had no clue that he was interested in guys at all. I had always had a crush on him but never ever imagined it would be anything more than just a fantasy.After our shower encounter, I cleaned up and got dressed. As I was leaving the locker room, I saw Coach's girlfriend pull up. I overheard Coach Kennedy tell her he was going to rock her world tonight. I wondered if she would realize his load wasn't as big as...

4 years ago
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The Coachs Tradition PART 6

This is part 6 of an on going true story. If you have not read parts 1-5 I suggest you do so by viewing my profile--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Graduation had come and gone and it was now the summer after my senior year. Things would be different now. I wouldn't be able to see the Coach as often as I had been on a daily basis in school. We couldn't give each other passing glances in the locker room. Nothing. I wondered if he'd even care...

2 years ago
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An Hour with Samantha

I knew my business meeting in London would end early. That’s why I’m here, in a quiet street in London’s west end, in front of an anonymous door with a doorbell labelled simply “model.” I get regular sex, I masturbate, I play with my teen daughter’s panties and ogle porn. But I want more. I want fresh meat. I want women who’ll do the filthy things I’d never dare ask my wife to do. I want a whore!A woman’s voice calls over the entryphone. I tell her I made an appointment online and give my name,...

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Another Ride with Samantha

Please leave comments so I can improve my writing style and skill!I called Samantha today to see if she wanted to take a ride out to the car show this weekend. We’d had some trouble connecting after our last outing. She was always going one direction and me another. Hot damn, Samantha called back and said she would love to. On Saturday morning I pulled into her drive and she came bouncing out the house in a little sun dress that left little to your imagination. I was surprised to see her...

Love Stories
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 8

I was able to make it to Coach H’s house the following Saturday. Coach H greeted me at the door and invited me in. He handed me a beer as we went into his living room. We sat next to each other on the coach. While talking about school Coach H turned on the TV and started up another video of him and his wife having sex. There were multiple angles in the video. Some from the side, some from behind, and some from Coach H’s POV. Coach H and I were rubbing our cocks through our pants while...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 3

A recap. I am an 18 year old high school student on the school’s baseball team. Coach H, my baseball coach, is in his late 50’s, has a hairy athletic body, and a large veiny cock. Coach H caught me masturbating in the locker room after a late Friday practice. He told me that masturbation was natural before he joined me. We ended up in his office where he fucked me in the ass after tongue fucking my hole. Afterwards Coach H told me that that if I felt like masturbating with him again to...

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Shower Time With CoachmdashPart 1

This is a true story of my first time with a guy.Coach Kennedy was my high school football coach and was constantly pushing me to do more. One day at practice he told me was riding my ass over a dropped pass. He told me to start running laps and not stop until he told me to stop. When practice was over, I was still running. My teammates hit the locker room and I was still running. I asked Coach could I stop and go to the locker room. Coach Kennedy said "Did I say stop running?" I kept running...

3 years ago
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Caught By Coach Part 2

Jim and Amy rushed to Jim’s house after Coach William released them. Amy’s pussy stayed wet as she could still taste Coach’s cum on her lips. Jim was in a state of half arousal, half confusion as he had just sucked his Coach’s dirty cock after he fucked his girlfriend. He was embarrassed that his cock got so hard watching Coach saw his cock in and out of Amy’s pussy in addition to licking another man’s cum off her ass. “Hey, are you ok baby?” Amy asked her boyfriend as soon as they got into...

1 year ago
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Coach Put Me All The Way In Part 1

Being a star on football team is big. And its even bigger when you are the star of a college team as a freshmen. 19 years old and I was the main attraction at my university. I played wide receiver as well as returned kick offs and punts, I was also a threat as a running back as well. I was i*****lly recruited by coach Ted Larkins. He knew I would never commit to Weber State after being recruited by schools such as Virginia Tech, Washington, Buffalo, Connecticut, and Arizona. Plus being a young...

3 years ago
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Tim and his sexy daughter Samantha

“That’s fine.” Tim says. “Just let me take a shower and get dressed.” She turns and walks out of the room, her face as red as a cherry tomato because she was embarrassed at seeing her dad naked, and what he was doing. Her father has always been very open sexually. When she was growing up, if she was curious about guys, orgasms, dates, condoms, birth control etc. she always went and asked her dad. She didn’t have a woman to ask these questions to since her mom ran out on her and her dad with...

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Getting down with Samantha

It all started on a Friday night, and I was walking home from a mate's house. His car broke, so I went over to help him fix it, carrying my toolbox. I turned onto the street round the corner from my house and noticed a car sitting on the side of the road. It had its hood up, so I decided to see if I could help. What I didn't expect to see was Samantha lounging against it as I crossed the road. She was the most popular girl in school. "Hey," I called to her, but as it was dark, I don't think...

Straight Sex
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The telephone startled me out of a deep sleep and I shot up in bed to grab it. This late it must be important, since everyone knows I get up very early to go to work. “Hello?” I rasped into the phone while glancing at the clock next to it to verify the time was indeed 1:30 AM.“Dad!” Sams voice, my 15 year old daughter Samantha said urgently, “you have to come get me right now!” “Get you from where hon? Are you in trouble? Where are you?” I asked trying to wake up and makes sense of the...

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Accidently Samantha

Accidentally Samantha BY Karen Flynn [email protected] My girlfriend and I were at the dock in Keywest for a snorkeling trip when Jennifer suddenly started complaining about how her stomach was bothering her. This was no surprise, Jennifer never wanted to do anything but this time I thought she might go. She said "You go, I don't want to spoil your fun." What could I do, I went, As the 60 foot Catamaran pulled away from the pier she waved then headed back to the hotel. I am about...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 59 Brian and Samantha

July 5, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Do you think we could make love twice this morning?” Karla asked early on Friday morning. “I think we have time, yes.” “Then first, please just go as hard and fast as you can. We’ve never done that, and I wonder what it’s like. Then make love to me slowly and gently, the way we usually do.” I moved on top of her and a few minutes later our bodies slammed together as I tried to drive her through the mattress and floorboards and she tried to launch me into...

3 years ago
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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 10

It started like any other Saturday evening visit with my baseball coach Coach H (He's 58 and I am 18). He gave me a beer to drink while we watched a video of the coach having sex with his ex-wife. When I was sufficiently relaxed and horny Coach H asked if I would like to make video with him. Seeing how erotic the videos of him and his ex-wire were I said "Why not". Coach H lead me to another bedroom. In the center was the bed with several video cameras on tripods pointed at the center of the...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach Part 9

(A short story encounter that I’ve been thinking about while I’ve had writers block)It started as a usual Saturday evening meeting with my baseball coach at his house. He gave me a beer and we watched a video of the coach and his ex wire having sex. After the beer relaxed me we went up to his bedroom. As we started to undress Coach H told me keep my underwear on and to get under the bed sheets. I climbed into bed first. I noticed Coach H still had his underwear on as he walked over to the...

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The Knight and the Acolyte Book 8 Chapter 9 The Knights Passion

Book Eight: Labyrinth of Love Chapter Nine: The Knight's Passion By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Knight Kevin – The Free City of Grahata, Yalut Island The night wore on as we stood our watch in the overgrown Labyrinthine Gardens. The trees and bushes were so thick, the stone buildings of Grahata were completely obscured. There was almost no light, the night sky half-overcast, the moon struggling to shine through black clouds. But our eyes had adjusted to what light there was. The...

3 years ago
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Cheerleaders New Coach Part II

Coach Calhoun’s cheerleaders were enjoying moderate success in their competitions.  They could almost always count on getting second or third place.  Maybe it was the coaching, or maybe it was the motivational activities in the showers that brought out the best in the girls.But something was missing.  They were lacking a team member with the upper body strength to do the big moves.  No one was strong enough to throw a girl up into the air and catch her.  Those were the kind of moves that the...

1 year ago
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Becoming Xdresser Samantha

My first true experience as Samantha.At the time I was living and working overseas. To the outside world I was just your normal 21 year old really skinny guy living and working and enjoying life on the islands. Of course I had my little secret which I kept hidden from my colleagues and friends. Although I wore panties a lot of the time, I did not own much else as far female attire for fear of being discovered.It happened one evening while I was working in a restaurant doing a photo program for...

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Workouts with My PE Coach

My, Coach Cocker, was a tall, handsome man. More than once when I saw him blow into his whistle, I wished he was blowing me. I was a seventeen-year-old tranny-in-training and I loved having a big handsome man sucking my dickie for me. So, it was only natural that I would want Coach Cocker sexually. I already liked flirting with him like the girls did. And I thought he liked me, too. Then, one day, I was walking in from the sports field toward the gym. I was wearing my sexy little gym...

4 years ago
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Kevins coach and his daughter Alice

Kevin is an 18 y/o, blond-blue eyed, very successful sports student, promising a bright future. When his coach Mr. Adams invited Kevin over for dinner, Kevin was very excited.Coach Adams was a handsome,fit and lean, salt & pepper type, grey haired guy in his late 40s', Kevin was gazing admiringly at all these gold and silver cups Coach Adams won since his early teens in the living room when he heard Mrs. Adams' voice, letting them know that dinner was ready.It was Kevin's first time meeting...

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Nick (wearing a classic Nixon mask) was trailing behind the other pledges and, being self-conscious about his nudity (especially with his obvious speedo tan lines – he was on the swim team), just wanted this day to be over. No such luck. Looking back to make sure no one was chasing him, Nick turned and was face to face (or rather face-to-breasts) with Coach Laurie. Coach Laurie was an imposing figure, with her short, platinum-blonde hair, high cheekbones, full red lips and her...

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Shrieks of feminine laughter and excitement emanated from the girl's locker rooms as the six male pledges ran through them wearing only their jockstraps and a mask covering their faces.Nick (wearing a classic Nixon mask) was trailing behind the other pledges and, being self-conscious about his nudity (especially with his obvious speedo tan lines – he was on the swim team), just wanted this day to be over.No such luck.Looking back to make sure no one was chasing him, Nick turned and was face to...

1 year ago
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Coach Put Me All The Way In Part 2

The next morning Rachel had breakfast set; pancakes, eggs, grits, and turkey bacon. She even had multiple beverages to choose from as well; orange juice, apple juice, milk and water. Coach came and got me from the back house but as we were headed to the kitchen he said he was going to wash up first so I ended up being the first one to the table. Rachel had just come to the dining table as I had just sat down. "Good morning sweetie" Rachel said. She sounded so soothing at that moment. I looked...

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An 18 year old and his baseball coach

It was a Friday night after a late baseball practice at my high school. I am in my senior year. I had turned 18 already and my parents did not mind me staying out late. Since I had no curfew to worry about I was in no rush to get home and dallied in the locker room. Before not too long I was the only person there. Being an 18 year old boy my mind immediate went to sex. After I looked and confirmed no one was around I pulled my pants down, sat down on a bench, and started to masturbate. ...

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The Next Morning with Samantha

I woke up with the sun streaming across my face. I rolled on to my side then realized Samantha wasn’t in bed with me. Oh shit, a moment of panic that she had a bailed on me then I hear the shower running. At that moment I decided to see if we could conserve some water.I walked into the bathroom and saw her standing in the shower! Damn I’m lucky to be here with her.“Knock knock, can I come in and join you?”She jumped with a start and said, “Sure!”I stepped into the shower, which I hadn’t...

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