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The Adventures of Samantha 1 Chapter : Sam Gordon drove to the neighborhood bar about 8:30 that Thursday night. The bar was only a couple blocks away, but a guy never knew when he'd get lucky. It wasn't as if Sam wanted to get drunk or anything. It was just that there was nothing worth watching on the tube that night, a common occurrence these past few years. He figured he might as well go on down and lift a few brews with some of the other guys in the neighborhood. There might even be a girl there willing to go home. Sharon was the bartender that night. Things were looking up already for Sam. Usually, Ted was the night bartender on Thursdays. Sharon looked a whole lot better than Ted any night. Sam walked up to the bar and ordered a brew. He decided to sit at the bar that night, largely because Sharon was on the other side. Not that Sharon was wearing her nightie or something really erotic. She was, in fact, dressed simply in dark red pants and a white blouse. She did fill out the blouse and pants nicely though. Besides, she always smiled and joked with the customers as she was serving them. There weren't many customers in the bar that early, just Ted and Joe, from the apartment complex on the next block. They were not much for conversation, so Sam was sipping quietly and halfway paying attention to the tv at the end of the bar. He did strike up a short conversation with Sharon, but she had to go pull some refills for the other guys, and that died out. By 9:30, Sam was on his third beer. Well, they were short draughts. A few more guys from around the area had come in, and were drinking. Not much small talk, but enough to be more interesting than what was on the tv. The place wouldn't start getting crowded for another half hour anyway. Sam felt the urge, so he wandered on back to the Men's room, and recycled some of the beer he'd been paying for. As he was walking back to the bar, he noticed that a very attractive blond had come in, and was seated at one of the tables. Instantly, he noticed she was wearing a short dress, with a low cut bodice, allowing the tops of her breasts to peek out. It wasn't a hooker's dress, but it was erotic. Sam had something of a reputation as a lady's man, largely because he never let an opportunity slip by. So, he detoured over the girl's table, and began talking to her. The girl gave Sam a dazzling smile, and began responding to his small talk. He found that her name was Susan. At her invitation, he ordered drinks from Sharon and pulled up a chair at the table so they could continue the conversation. As more people came in, someone started playing the juke box. The juke box was filled with dancable music, rather than the loud noise found in many bars, by overwhelming preference of the clientele. Some late coming couples got up and began dancing to the slow songs in an area cleared of tables. Sam looked over at the blond, and asked if she would like to dance. "Sure," she said, smiling. Sam led her out to the cleared space, and they wrapped themselves in each others arms, swaying to the music. They danced through that song and the next before going back to the table. By this time, Sam and Susan were holding hands on the table, and the talk was getting more personal. Sam ordered another couple of drinks. When Sharon brought the drinks over, she came up behind the girl and gave Sam a big wink before depositing the drinks in front of the couple. Sam smiled quite openly at that. They talked some more, and danced again for a bit, then the conversation got around to what they were going to do for the rest of the night. "Well I thought we might go home. Together, I mean," Susan said, her eyes directed shyly down at the table. Sam agreed that would be a good idea, hardly believing his luck in landing this knock out so quickly. "Shall we go," Susan inquired. "OK," Sam replied. They got up, and walked arm in arm out of the bar to the parking lot. "Why don't you follow me to my place," Susan said. Sam was agreeable to anything by this time, anticipating a glorious night in the sack. So, he followed her lead across town to one of the luxury apartment houses. He parked next to her, and locked the car. Then, she put her arm through his, and directed him to her apartment. They walked through the lobby, or living room, or whatever they called it. There was no attendant on duty, but Susan did have to insert a coded card in the door to get it to open. Then, they rode upstairs in the elevator. There not being all that much to do in elevators, Sam drew Susan close, and planted a big kiss on her lips. She responded by melting in his arms, and kissing back. They were in this embrace when the elevator stopped and the door opened. Susan led Sam down the hallway to her apartment. She fished in her purse to find the keys, giving them to him so he could unlock the door. She obviously knew when to defer to his machismo. They entered into a fairly large living room, comfortably appointed with some overstuffed chairs and a big sofa. "Why don't you get comfortable over there on the sofa," Susan began, "while I go get us a couple of drinks." Sam sat down on the big sofa, making sure there was room on either side of his so she could join him there. He even shoved the coffee table back a few inches so she would be able to get there easily. A few minutes later, Susan reappeared carrying a glass of beer for him and a drink for her. She set these down on coasters on the coffee table, then sat down close to Sam. Sam knew an invitation when it came along, and immediately draped his arm across her shoulders. She snuggled even closer before bending forward to take a sip of her drink. Sam leaned forward with her, and took a gulp of his beer as well. Then they leaned back into the stuffing of the sofa. Suddenly, Sam began to get dizzy. He lifted his arm off her shoulder, intending to reach his now spinning head, and passed out cold. He had been "Mickey Finn"ed. 2 Chapter - The Changeling Sam came to consciousness groggily. He was not sure of his surroundings, but was sure it was not his own apartment. He wanted to roll over, but found his arms and legs would not respond to his brain's message. Adrenalin poured through his body, chasing the cobwebs from the drug away. He immediately found out that he was on a large canopy bed, with his arms and legs tied to the posts. He could feel he was still dressed, but could not tell much more in is state of panic. Susan walked in as he began to come to life, came over and kissed him full on the lips. "Welcome back to the land of the living," Susan said to him, smiling widely. Susan looked over her shoulder and said in a loud voice, "He's waking now." Sam heard the rustle of pantyhose on skirts, and knew that several women had walked into the bedroom. He raised his head to see who had come in, immediately wishing he hadn't as an enormous headache hit him. The women walked over to the side of the bed, and Sam was surprised to see that he knew almost all of them. Jane, a secretary in Sam's office, had dated him a couple of times, and he'd gotten into her pants a month or two earlier. She had been good, but he liked variety, so hadn't called her for any more dates. Carol was a girl he'd picked up at the Red Buffalo, a swinging bar in one of the malls. He had taken her to bed as well, but again had not tried to date her again, even though he'd seen her once or twice at the bar. Gwen was a nurse he'd met at the emergency room of the hospital while he was getting checked out after another driver had slammed into his car. They had meshed, and gone to bed just a few weeks ago. He didn't really have any plans to date her again in the near future. The other two women were strangers to him, though obviously not to the others. Each of the women he'd dated came over, planted a big kiss on him, saying, "Hi, Sam." The others followed suit, introducing themselves before the kiss. One was named Gloria, the other Lois. Susan spoke for the group. "You have quite a reputation with we ladies, you know. You've met most of before, of course. But you never call back, or answer our calls when we try to get hold of you." "We think it is about time you learned to take a lady's feelings into account," she continued. With that, Gwen, the nurse, produced a large pair or scissors. She came right to the edge of the bed, and began cutting Sam's shirt off. She did it professionally, and was able to pull the rags out from under him with no problem. Then, she started from the legs of his trousers, cutting them off as well. The women tittered and giggled as Sam reddened in embarrassment from this treatment, and in being stripped to the skivvies so efficiently. "What are you doing," Sam demanded. Gwen said, "Just keep quiet, lover, and I won't cut you." She then began to cut is jockey shorts off. While Gwen was working on his shorts, one of the other women, he couldn't see who, was taking his shoes and socks off. When they were done, Sam was completely naked and helpless lying on the bed. "We know it is a common male fantasy," Susan began, "to have a woman tied up, like you are, and have your way with her. We thought it might be interesting for you to see the fantasy from the other perspective." All the women giggled at that. Turning his head from side to side, he could see all the women staring at his naked body. Again, he flushed with embarrassment. "Aw, lover," Lois said, "why should you be embarrassed to be checked out by us poor females. You do it to us all the time." The women got an even bigger and longer laugh at that one. Lois took her hand, and cupped his manhood in it. She felt all over his penis and testicles as the others looked on spellbound. Sam reddened even more with this treatment. "Well," Susan said, "we are waiting for someone else. So we'll leave you here for a little bit. Get some rest, lover." With that, the women left the bedroom. Sam, left to his own thoughts and embarrassment, reflected on the situation he found himself in. So far, it was embarrassing, but little else. It also might come into something enjoyable, with all these women obviously so interested in his body. As he was thinking these thoughts, he heard the apartment door open and close. He wondered what was going on now. He did not have long to wait to find out. The women's voices raised in greeting someone. He couldn't quite make out the words, but they filed back into the bedroom a few minutes later. He saw the newcomer was Sharon, the bar maid from his local bar. She, like the women earlier, came over and kissed him in greeting. "I think you have had enough time to think to yourself," Susan began. "You have some interesting experiences ahead of you." The women all giggled at that pronouncement. Sam wonder what was going on. Gloria came over to the bed, and picked up Sam's manhood. She fondled it, like Lois had done earlier. She nodded to Susan. "Gloria is a medical researcher, and a doctor of urology at the local medical college. She is quite good at her work. People come from miles to have her attend to them. Men and women both," Susan continued. "In the course of her research, Gloria thinks she has found the secrets that determine our sex, and sexuality. She has experimented on several people, actually, and they have been quite happy with the results." The women giggled, and Susan and Gloria had enormous smiles plastered on their faces. "Gloria went to college with us. We are all sorority sisters, you know. So, when we got together to compare notes on our sex lives, your name began to assault us." "Anyway, Gloria proposed an idea to us, and we all agreed it was very good. She will perform her magic on you. You are about to become a woman, and learn how to feel what we do when you treat us so badly," Susan concluded. "No!," Sam screamed. "You can't do that. I am a happy man!." "Oh, shut him up," one of the women said. Sam couldn't tell which one it was. Someone stuffed something soft and silky into Sam's mouth. He tried protesting this treatment, but only muffled grunts came out. "See," Sharon spoke, "he's making more sense already!" All the women laughed loud and hard at that one. Gloria produced a doctor's bag, and set it on the bed next to Sam's body. From it she pulled a large needle. It looked like a veterinarian's needle to Sam. She took a bottle from the bag, and proceeded to fill the needle with the serum. She set the filled needle on the bed, then pulled another bottle and two smaller needles from her bag. She proceeded to fill these syringes as well. When all three needles were filled, she looked down at Sam and began to explain what she was going to do. "The larger needle contains the serum that reverses the chromosome matches throughout the body. It can be used for either sex, though it is easier to use it on the male, reversing the chromosomes back to the neutral, female state," Gloria began lecturing. "This is what will be happening in your case, of course. It does take a few days to be fully effective, so you will be out of commission for a bit," she smiled. "Now, I usually deaden the area with an anesthetic when I do this procedure, but we have decided that you should experience the full implications of the change." Gloria reached down to Sam's manhood, lifting the penis from the scrotum. She took a cotton swab, and swabbed both with alcohol. Then, she picked up the big needle, jabbing Sam right at the base of the penis. The shock and pain of the needle entering his most sensitive parts led Sam to scream, and almost pass out. All that came through is mouth was a muffled, "Mmmmmmmf!" He felt the serum from the needle entering his penis, feeling like it was filling both the penis and scrotum at the same time. He was sure both were bloated with the serum, and it still kept coming. He also kept screaming in pain. At last, Gloria pulled the needle out of Sam's genitals. She carefully laid it aside, and said, "See, big boy, it is done, and you are crying like a baby. Where is your macho image now?" "Mmmmmmmmf!," screamed Sam. "Now, the smaller needles contain a mixture of estrogens, female hormones to you, and a testesterocide to kill off any male hormones you might be producing now," Gloria continued. "You certainly aren't acting like a big macho man now, so I guess that part of the injection won't have much to do." That got a big laugh from the assembled women too. She plunged the needle into one of Sam's balls. Sam screamed even more into his gag. The serum felt like fire as it entered his nut. It kept on coming until Sam was sure his left nut was as big as a basketball. Finally, the needle was removed, though the fire continued. Gloria picked up the second small needle, and repeated the process on the other ball. Again, the same pain and feeling of fire swept over Sam. He kept screaming into his gag, and the unintelligible sounds kept coming out. "Now, my dear," Gloria continued her lecture, "the procedure is complete. At this point it is still reversible. In fact, we can reverse it right up until the time you get pregnant, or until we give you the final, fixer, injection. We only have to wait for your body to rearrange itself into it's new pattern now." She put her needles and bottles back into her bag, and pulled out one more small needle, and yet another serum bottle. "This is the final injection," she explained, as she filled the needle from the bottle. "We will not give this to you now, but it will be given immediately if you try to resist us," she said. She then placed a cap over the needle part of the syringe, and placed it on a tray on the dressing table. "Oh, I almost forgot," she continued, "the final dose can be given orally as well." She took some envelopes of powder from her bag, giving one to each of the women present after showing the contents to Sam. "It only takes a little bit to make your condition permanent, and it can be given in liquids, or spread over food. I prefer the injections myself, but I am a doctor," she concluded. Saying this, she again reached into her bag and produced yet another bottle and needle. "This is merely a muscle relaxant," she said. "It was invented by the Russians for use in their interrogation process, but I have refined it to be used medically. It causes your voluntary muscles to relax totally, leaving the involuntary ones, like the heart, working normally. Your mind will still be active, but you will not be able to move without assistance." The fire in Sam's groin has subsided to a manageable level by now, and Sam didn't figure he needed a relaxant, strong or weak. Of course, these women were not asking his opinion of anything. Gloria swabbed an area on Sam's hip, and injected the serum into him. "We really don't want you to get cramps, or bed sores," Gwen said. "This last drug will permit us to untie you, and make you easy to move around. The beautiful thing is that you will know what is happening to you all the while." As soon as the women were sure the relaxant had taken effect, they did untie Sam's arms and legs. Then, they pulled the cloth from his mouth. As they did, he saw they had stuffed a pair of someone's panties in his mouth to keep him quite. Some consolation! Finished with the procedure, the women again left the bedroom. Sam could hear them talking for quite a long time in the other room. As he lay helpless on the bed, he began to feel the effects of the drugs begin. He suddenly felt flushed, then almost immediately chilled. This continued for quite a while, and then the pain in his groin came back, with almost as much intensity as when the needles had been injected. He passed out from the pain somewhat later. 3 Chapter - A Quick Girlhood When he regained consciousness, Sam felt strange all over. He could feel the serum coursing through his body, of course, but the pain in his groin had given way to a dull throb. A similar throb came from his chest, leading him to think his heart was going to give out. He just lay in pain for a long time. Eventually, Gwen came into the bedroom, and rolled Sam over on one side. She put her hand on his head, then to his groin area, as if checking for a temperature. She merely grunted, and went out of the room again. Later on, Lois came in and repeated the process, rolling him to the other side. Sam lay in his pain for a long time. Then, the pain in his groin gave way to a numbness. As the relief from pain came, he noticed that the room was beginning to become brighter. It must be morning, he thought. Shortly after the numbness set in, Susan entered the bedroom. "Good morning, sleepy head," she said. "Did you have an enjoyable night? Was it all you expected?" She laughed heartily at her own joke, and looked over Sam's body. "Hmmmm," she said. Over her shoulder, she called for Gloria and Lois. When the two women entered, Lois immediately put her hands on Sam's groin, and began doing something down there. With the numbness, and the relaxant still effective, Sam couldn't tell what she was doing. She stood, backed up, and let Gloria repeat the process. "I think the initial stages look very good," Gloria said, as she stood up. "Yes. It looks and feels normal," Lois responded. "I think we can release her from the relaxant now. I'm sure she'll be wanting to go to the bathroom at least." "Yes, I think so too," Gloria said, after pausing a moment to consider. Gloria dug into her bag again, and drew out yet another needle. She injected this one in Sam's hip, after swabbing the area. "Sam, dear," she began, "this injection counteracts the relaxant we used last night. You may feel some discomfort after it takes hold." "Before you think of doing anything rash," Susan cut in, "take a look at this." Susan held a mirror up so that Sam could see his body. In place of his penis and balls, he could see a slit on a mound of flesh. He noticed that his thick chest hair had fallen out, and was lying on his chest unattached. Looking closer, he could see small hairs all over the pillow, where his beard had fallen out. His hair was longer than it had seemed last night, but not overly long. On his chest, he saw nipples, looking like pencil erasers. They were at least triple the size of his normal nipples, and the area surrounding them seemed to be wider as well. In short, he saw what appeared to be a prepubescent female body. "If you understand what you are seeing," Susan continued, "just remember it can be reversed right now. But, if you give us any trouble at all, we will not hesitate to give you the fixer dose." As Susan was giving this warning, Sam began to feel his muscles twitching involuntarily as feeling came back to them. In a few minutes, he was able to raise his arm or leg, as directed by Lois. When he got that far, Lois and Gwen helped him into a sitting position, and moved his legs over the side of the bed. They let him sit there for a few minutes, then helped him stand up. Gwen took Sam's hand, and led him into the bathroom attached to the bedroom. She made sure Sam was sitting on the toilet. "We women have to sit down to do anything on the toilet," Gwen explained. "Just relax and do whatever comes naturally. I know you at least have to urinate." Sam was tense by Gwen's presence in the bathroom, but he tried to take her counsel. He felt his bladder was full, and knew he had to empty that. After a few minutes, he heard, rather than felt, a stream of urine striking the water in the toilet bowl. When the sound of the urine in the bowl stopped, Gwen spoke again. "Now, it is important that you clean any residue from your vaginal area. Take a piece of toilet tissue, and wipe the wetness away." Sam complied, ending up with very damp fingers, and several sheets of wet toilet paper, which he just dropped into the bowl. "You must remember to do this every time, Sam, dear," Gwen continued. "If you don't, bacteria will form, and they can cause all sorts of problems you don't need." She had Sam wash his hands at the sink, then led him back to the bed. "Well, Sam, we all have to get to work," Susan announced. "Sharon has agreed to stay with you until we get home. If you need anything, just knock on the door." Saying this, the women left the room, closing the door with a click that Sam recognized as the lock being locked. Sam sat on the bed in shock for some time. He still could hardly comprehend what had happened to him. Indeed, he could feel it still happening, as the drugs were speeding through his body causing changes to take place. He was still in a stupor when the door opened, and Sharon came in with a breakfast tray. She put the tray down on a makeup table, and pulled the seat out. "Come over to the table and have your breakfast, Sam," Sharon said to him. Sam walked over and sat down. He hadn't realized how hungry he was until he looked at the food. There was juice, and milk, and a bowl of cereal. "Growing girls need a good breakfast," Sharon volunteered gleefully. "I'm not a GIRL," Sam insisted to her. "Well, I think I'd look in the mirror before I said that so positively," Sharon said with a laugh. Sam raised his view to the mirror on the table, and saw a girl's face looking back at him. Familiar, yet feminine. He knew it was his face, and this was not a dream. Now dejected, he poked at the cereal. He drank the juice, but not the milk. Then, he just sat there. "We women need extra calcium, Sam," Sharon explained. "Drink your milk, and finish your cereal." Sam was about to tell her what to do with the milk and cereal when his eyes strayed to see a hypodermic needle lying on the table. He recalled the warning that this was the final fix of his condition, and they would not hesitate to use it if he did not cooperate fully. So, he bit off his retort, and finished off the breakfast. "That's a good girl," Sharon said. "Now, go over and sit on the bed until I leave the room." Sam obediently went over to the bed, and Sharon gathered the tray. She left the room, and Sam heard the click as the door was locked. When she left, Sam got up and began pacing. He could not believe what was happening to him, and he was determined to get out of this mad house at the first possible moment. He was also determined to leave it as the man who had walked in. His glance was hypnotically drawn to the needle on the dressing table. As long as that was hanging over his head, he knew he had little chance of realizing his determination. He sighed, and lay down on the bed. 4 Chapter - Coming Out. He lay a long time, when the door opened again. Sharon and Susan came in. "My afternoon client cancelled," Susan explained, "so I came to help you out." Sam looked at the women with no expression on his face. He could see the broad smiles on theirs. "It is about lunch time, and we thought you might join us in the kitchen," Susan said. "But girls don't go around the house naked. If you agree to let us dress you, we will let you come out of the room. Otherwise, you'll stay locked in here until the others come in from work." Stir crazy from being in the room alone so long, Sam readily agreed to let the women dress him. Susan went over to the dresser, and got a pair of cotton panties out. She handed these to Sam. "Put these one, Sam dear," she said. "They go on just like your old jockey shorts." Sam pulled the panties up over his legs. They went on the same way as he was used to, but they did not come up nearly to his waist. They stopped just over the widest part of the hip. Another thing, they didn't have the fold in them that his men's shorts had. As he was putting on his shorts, Susan pulled a garment out of the dresser. She held it up, then took it over to him. "This is a slip," she explained. "We women wear them to keep our dresses from clinging, and also to provide some modesty under our lighter fabric dresses. This is a little girl's style. It should work well on you." Sam looked at the garment. It had straps for the arms to go through, then flowed down straight to below the waist, then belled out in flounces. "Put your head through the bottom, and put your arms through the straps," Susan directed. "Then just let it slide down over your body." Sam followed the directions, finding the bottom of the slip fell about halfway between his waist and knees. Surprisingly, it seemed to fit. Susan was at the closet now. She came back with a frilly little dress. She took it off the hanger, and proceeded to unbutton the row of buttons on the back of it. She handed it to Sam. "Put this on the same way as you did the slip," She explained. Sam fit the thing over his head, and put his arms through the sleeve holes. He let it drop down, seeing it settle over the flounced area of the slip. Sharon came over to him, and began buttoning the back of the dress. Then, she adjusted the sleeves so that they looked puffed. Finally, she adjusted the skirt a bit. Susan had been to the dresser again, and returned with some white socks. "You know how to put socks on, I think," Susan said. Sam pulled the socks on. "You know we girls do things differently," Sharon said. She knelt down, and doubled the tops of the socks down. When she got done, Sam could see there was a thin line of lace on the socks. "I really wish they made Mary Janes in your size," Susan said, "but they don't, so we will have to settle for this pair of flats. They just slip on your feet." Sam put the shoes on, as directed. "Stand up and let us see you," Susan directed. Sam stood, and both women took a few steps backwards to get a better look. "Turn around slowly," Susan again directed. Sam turned, feeling their eyes examine him in the dress. "Something is not right," Susan sighed. "I know," said Sharon. "We need to do something with the hair." "I think you are right," Susan agreed. "Sam, come over here to the dressing table and sit down, please," Susan said. As Sam sat on the chair, Sharon began brushing his hair. It was longer than he recalled it from this morning, but still fairly short. Sharon stopped brushing, and considered a moment, then she picked up a barrette and some bobby pins from the counter. She quickly went to work on Sam's hair. "I think you got it," Susan said when Sharon was done. "Stand up, Sam," Susan continued. "You look adorable," she said as Sam complied. "Now, let's go into the kitchen for lunch," Sharon suggested. As Sam followed the women to the kitchen, he could feel the skirts of the slip and dress hitting against his legs, then swinging away. It felt both strange and pleasant at the same time. They got into the kitchen, and the women sat down. Sam did as well, but the women stopped him. "You have to smooth your skirt under your behind," Sharon explained. "Otherwise you'll get a cold butt." Both women laughed. Sam had felt the coolness of the seat momentarily when he'd sat without the smoothing, so he realized he was being told the truth. Sam smoothed the skirt under him, and sat. The fabric of the skirt protected his butt from the coolness of the vinyl chair, though the upper part of his legs felt it. The skirt didn't reach that far down his legs. There was a bowl of salad in the middle of the table, which Sharon apportioned to each of them. She also poured coffee for herself and Susan, and a glass of milk for Sam. "Can I have coffee too," Sam asked. "Not yet, dear," Susan replied. "Growing girls need all the calcium they can get." They ate in silence. When the meal was complete, Sam wishing it had more substance but not saying anything for fear of another rebuke, the women took the dishes to the sink. "Come over here, Sam," Sharon ordered. "We will wash, and you will dry." Sam took the tendered apron and dish towel thinking unkind things about this "women's work." The dishes done, Sam was resigned to being taken back to the bedroom. "I don't think we need to lock her up again," Susan suggested. "Why don't we let her watch tv with us?" For a moment Sam wondered what she was talking about, then realized that she had been using the feminine pronoun to refer to him. "Sounds good to me," Sharon replied. The three of them went into the living room. Sam remembered to smooth the skirt behind him as he sat on the sofa. Susan got the remote control, and turned on the TV. The channel was tuned to a cooking show. She pressed the button several times, until she landed on a channel showing a soap opera. Sam must have scowled at the choice of programming. He didn't see afternoon television often, but knew he was not interested in soap operas. "Pay attention to the program, Samantha," Susan rejoined. "You might learn something that will come in handy later on." Sam watched soaps with them for the rest of the afternoon. The soap operas ended around 4:00, and the women took Sam back into the kitchen. "It is time to prepare dinner for the girls," Susan explained, fishing through the refrigerator for different foods. "I think we'll have lasagna tonight," Susan said after examining the materials on hand. "Sam, be a dear, and get the casserole dish from under the sink," Susan said. Sam found the glass dish on a shelf and brought it over to the counter. "Thank you, dear," Susan said absently. Being somewhat lost in he kitchen, Sam stepped back so as to be out of the women's way. "No, no, no," said Sharon. "Come right up here to the counter so you can watch. We might even let you help." The two women worked quickly, building the lasagna, and mixing the ingredients for the sauce. Sam was not called upon to help anywhere, but whenever his attention drifted away, one of the women reminded him to keep watching and learning. "Now, you can help, Samantha," Susan said. Samantha? "Oh, that's great Susan," Sharon said. "A very pretty name, and we won't even have to change her nickname." Sam got the idea they were talking about him again. "Set the table, please," Susan ordered. "The plates are in the cabinet over there." Sam went to the indicated cabinet, and took the plates down. He took them to the table, and began laying the plates around it. Then, he took the utensils from another drawer, and put them next to the plates. "No, no, Sam," Sharon said, laughing. "Didn't your mother teach you anything? You set the fork on the left of the plate, the knife on the right of the plate, and the spoon to the right of the knife." Sam rearranged the utensils. He noticed that there were no cups or glasses, so he went back to the china cabinet, taking down enough to go around. When he finished, Susan took him by the shoulders, and kissed the top of his head. "You did very well, Sam," she said, "but you will be having milk, not coffee. Get a glass and put it here." She indicated a place. "Then put the cup and saucer away." Sam complied with a sigh. The lasagna in the oven, and the table set, the three of them went back in the living room to watch more television. It was some inane talk show with a black woman asking stupid, abrasive questions of her guests. Sam tried to look interested. Jane and Carol came in together while Oprah was on. They took one look at the sofa, and had Sam stand up and turn around for them. Both exclaimed how adorable he looked. Oprah was over when Gwen and Lois came in. Sam later found out that Gwen was Lois' nurse at her office downtown. The ritual of exclaiming over Sam's appearance was repeated. At last, Gloria came in. She too exclaimed on how good Sam looked. Sam felt like a prize kitten or dog, the way these women oohed and ahhed over him. He also felt quite embarrassed to be wearing the dress in front of all of them, though they took it a the most natural thing in the world. The lasagna was done by now, and the whole crew adjourned to the kitchen table for dinner. "Sharon and I made lasagna. We didn't know what else to do tonight. Samantha helped, and set the table," Susan said, grinning broadly. The women all complimented Sam on the table, obviously proud that he was accepting some of the duties. They also seemed to accept Samantha as his name. He guessed he was going to be stuck with it. After dinner, Sam was given an apron and stuck with clearing the table and drying the dishes again. When he was done, and had hung the apron up in the designated place, they joined the rest of the women in the living room. "Don't sit down yet," Gloria said. "We need to check out your progress. Come into the bedroom." Sam glumly followed Gloria into the bedroom. Lois and Gwen followed the both of them. "Take off your clothes," Gloria ordered, her manner professional now. Sam stumbled trying to get at the buttons on the dress, but Gwen helped him there, and finally got undressed. "Lie on your back here on the bed," Gloria ordered. "Now bend your knees, and spread your legs," she ordered once more. Unlike earlier, Sam felt Gloria's fingers as she opened his vaginal passage and probed around inside. "It seems normal enough," Gloria concluded, then began rubbing around Sam's nipples. "No significant growth, but then, it has been less than twenty four hours," she said. "She looks normal," Lois said to Gloria. "I'd have to do a full series to be absolutely sure, but her process is certainly remarkable." "Thank you," Gloria beamed. "It is too soon yet to have an internal, though. We'll have that done in a few days." Sam listened to the women talk together about him, but not to him. He might as well have been a side of pork. "You may get dressed now," Gloria said, at last to him. "I think we can let her watch TV for a while with us," Lois said. "She seems to have been a good girl today." Sam was fumbling at getting his clothes back on. Gwen had to help him with the buttons again. Finally dressed, they all went back to the living room. They watched the news together, then a couple of quiz shows. "Samantha has had a hard day," Gloria said. "She still has a number of changes going on, and she needs some sleep." "She has been a good girl today," Sharon suggested. "Even good girls need lots of sleep to grow into big women, and good mommies," Gloria replied. "OK. It's bed time for Samantha, then," Susan said. "Samantha, stand up, and kiss all your mommies," Susan continued. Sam dutifully went to each of the women for a big hug, and a sloppy kiss. Then, she followed Susan into the bedroom. Susan unbuttoned the dress, and had Sam take off all his clothes. As he was doing this, she went into the bathroom and began to run some bath water for him. "Come in here for your bath," she called to him. Sam came into the bathroom, surprised to find the tub full of bubbles. He got in the tub at Susan's order, and Susan washed him all over. Then, Susan put some soap on her finger, and probed Sam's vagina. "You will need to do that from now on," Susan explained. "You need to keep your vagina clean, or you will get sick." When she was done, Susan had Sam get out of the tub and dried him with a big towel. She threw the towel into the hamper, and led Sam back into the bedroom. Susan went to the dresser, and came back with a short nightgown. "Put this on, just like you did the slip earlier," Susan said. Susan turned down the bed clothes as Sam was putting on the nightgown. Sam got under the covers, which Susan smoothed over him. "Good night, Sam," Susan said, as she bent over and kissed him on the forehead. Susan turned off the lights, and walked out of the room. Sam did not hear the door lock, but he knew the others were in the living room anyway, so there was no way out there. He tossed and turned for a while, thinking of the predicament he found himself in, then realized he was really tired, and finally fell asleep. He was half awakened several times as one or the other of the women came into the room, looked down upon him, and kissed him. He never became fully awake, though. 5 Chapter - Saturday Sam was finally wakened to someone shaking his shoulder. He was stumped for a moment, confused as to where he was. Then it all came back to him in a flash. He opened his eyes to see Gloria looking down at him. "Good morning, Samantha," she said, smiling broadly at him. "Let's just have a quick look at you." Like the evening before, Gloria probed his vagina first, then ran her hands under the nightgown and up over Sam's chest. Sam felt the resistance, and the strange movement on his chest. He was somewhat startled at the sensation, and it must have shown on his face. "Your breasts are beginning to grow, Samantha," Gloria informed him. "They are well formed, but still quite small. Never fear, they will grow." Not really believing he was growing breasts, Sam picked up the nightgown. Sure enough, some small, but discernable fatty tissue had grown under his nipples. With a sigh, he dropped the nightgown over him again. Gloria just laughed at this reaction and left the room. "Well, Samantha," Susan said as she came in, "I hear your breasts are forming. You'll have your first period pretty soon, I guess." Period? Was he going to have the woman's curse as well as everything else that had happened to him? Susan was smiling as she said, "Well, a young girl with budding breasts simply can't wear the little girl's dress you had yesterday. Let's see what else we can find." Susan turned to the dresser. She pulled a pair of nylon panties out, handing them to Sam. Sam looked at the white things, especially at the lace all over them. They were even smaller than the panties he'd been given yesterday. Sighing, he put them on. Susan held out a cotton bra to him. "This is a training bra," she explained. "It is for younger girls just beginning to show their breasts. I guess you qualify." She laughed at the last part. "Put your arms through the straps, then over your shoulders." "Good, now pull the cups over your little breasts." Susan came over now. "Now, there are little hooks and eyes at the back of the strap. Feel them with your fingers, then put the hooks into the eyes." Sam stumbled doing it, but got the little hooks through the eyes. "Here's your slip," Susan said, handing Sam a nylon slip. This one did not have the flounced bottom, but did have cups in the top. Sam got the slip on, figuring out that he needed to get the slip's cups over the bra's. "Hmmmmm. What can we find for outerwear," Susan considered as she looked through the closet. Finally she came over to Sam holding two hangers. One had a white blouse on it. It kind of looked like a short sleeved shirt, but it had lacy edges on the collar, and some kind of embroidered flower stitched on the front of it. It also had a seam on both sides, so it would fit over a girl's breasts. The skirt was on the other hanger. It was pleated, and full. The design on it was simply repeated roses on a white background. At the waistband, Sam saw a button and a zipper. Sam figured out how to put the blouse on. It wasn't much different than putting on a shirt. Of course, it buttoned backwards, and he did have to adjust it so the fuller part fit over his breasts. He looked at the skirt for a minute. He'd seen women taking them off and putting them on for years, but he'd never done it for himself. He unbuttoned the button, and unzipped the zipper. He stuck his hands through the waist, and let it settle down on him from over his head. It stuck once at his breasts, but tugged free rather easily. He caught it at his waist, and began turning it around to figure out what to do with the zipper. "Put the button and zipper at the back, dear," Susan said. Sam got his arms around back, and managed to get the skirt buttoned with some difficulty. The zipper was a little easier. Susan provided a clean pair of white anklets, and the same shoes as yesterday. Jake remembered to double the anklets down, showing the lace. Then he stood up for Susan's inspection. He even turned completely around without her asking. "Very nice, Samantha," Susan said. "Now, let's do something with your hair." Susan brushed Sam's hair, getting much longer now, straight back. Then, she brushed it upwards from the nape of the neck. She caught the hair from all over the head, and put a rubber band around it, creating a pony tail. "Now, let's get some breakfast," Susan said They went into the kitchen, where the other women were assembled. Sam had to stop in the middle of the floor and pirouette for the ladies, so they could all compliment him on being such an attractive young lady. Sam remembered to smooth the skirt as he sat in his chair. The meal was the same as yesterday. This time, he ate the meal, and drank his milk, without a whimper. The women were drinking coffee, watching, as Sam ate. They noticed that he collected the dishes, taking them to the sink when he was done. "That's a good girl," Sharon said. Sharon washed, and Sam donned the apron, drying again. They all went into the living room when the dishes were done. Gloria came over to Sam on the sofa. "You are developing nicely, my dear," she said. "I think we can speed the process a little bit though." She got her bag, and filled a needle from one of the bottles. "Lie on your front on the sofa," Gloria directed. When Sam complied, Gloria lifted the skirt and slip up, exposing Sam's panties. She pulled the waistband of the panties down slightly, and swabbed an area on his hip. Then, she jabbed him with the needle. Sam started when the needle bit into him, then eased up. He felt the fluid entering his body, but it was not the severe burning he recalled from the last time. Pulling the needle out, Gloria swabbed the hip again, readjusting the panties, and pulling the slip and skirt down. "I am done, Samantha," Gloria announced. "You may sit up now." Sam sat up on the sofa, after rubbing the sore spot created by the shot. He really did not feel too much. Then, the injection hit him all at once, and he collapsed into unconsciousness. 6 Chapter - Growing Pains He did not know how long he had been out when he returned to the world. He did know he felt a terrible binding across his chest and around his butt. As he recalled where he was, he had a sinking feeling of why he was so uncomfortable. "Fascinating," Lois was saying to Gloria. "I have never seen such rapid development." "It does not happen too often," Gloria responded. "Every once in a while I do get a responsive subject, and we can accelerate the process this way, though." "Ah, I see sleeping beauty has awakened," Gwen said to the women sitting around the living room. "And, I can also see she seems quite uncomfortable," she continued. "Come along to the bedroom, Samantha," Sharon said. Sam rose to follow Sharon. He felt very much different now. Obviously, he felt different all along in his new female body, but now he felt top heavy, and bottom heavy at the same time. Besides that, his chest and butt were tight. As soon as they got into the bedroom, Sharon told him to take off all his clothing. He undid the skirt, and let it fall to the floor. Next he unbuttoned the blouse. The tightness in his chest decreased as he got it unbuttoned. He got it off, and laid it on the bed. Then, he pulled the slip over his head. The tightness eased up a little more, though much less than in removing the blouse. Unhooking the bra brought a sense of relief that was almost ecstacy. He dropped the bra on the other clothes, and slipped the panties down. The tightness in his butt eased. It had not been as severe as that in his chest, but bad enough. He then slipped off the shoes and socks. Sharon came over to him, with a tape measure in her hands. "Stand up, Sam," she ordered. Sam stood, as she began taking measurements in several places on his body. Several times, she had him move his arms to the sides, so she could get the tape in the desired spot. When she was finally done, she had a series of numbers written on a piece of paper. "Just sit on the bed and wait for a few minutes," she said, leaving the room. Susan came into the room a few minutes later, just to keep Sam company. In a bit, Sharon came back in. She handed a sheet of paper to Susan, who put it in her purse. "You will be all right for a while," Susan said. "I have to go do some shopping." Susan left the room without another glance. Sam bowed his head in dejection. He then noticed how large is breasts were now. He stood, walked over to the dressing table, and looked in the mirror. His butt had grown larger, and rounder, as well, and his waist looked nipped. He had the figure of a good looking woman now. As he was discovering the changes, Sharon had picked up the clothing so recently discarded, and placed it in the hamper. She left Sam with his thoughts as she left the bedroom. Sam, depressed, lay down on the bed. Everything was happening too fast for him. He just lay there, mindless, for an hour. At last, Susan returned. She had a bunch of shopping bags with her as she entered the room. "Why so quiet, Samantha," she asked. "Well don't talk," she continued. "Just stand up." Susan dug into one of the bags, and pulled a box out. She opened the box, and handed a brand new bra to Sam. "This one should fit now," she said. "Try it on." Sam put the bra on, like he had the training bra that morning. He was becoming more facile working behind his back, and the bra went on easily. It fit snugly, but there was no constriction. Susan dug into another bag, pulling out a large box. She opened the box, and pulled a panty liner out. Then, she dug into another bag, pulling out a pair of the skimpiest, laciest panties Sam had ever seen. She stuck the liner into the panty's crotch, and handed them to Sam. When Sam pulled the panties up, he found they hardly covered anything except his crotch. They also felt wierd, like cardboard, with the panty liner in them. Susan was still digging through the bags, when she pulled out a blouse. She handed it over to Sam. This one did not have any sleeves at all. It also buttoned in the back, and the neckline looked awfully low to Sam. He put his arms through the holes, confirming the neckline was very low, and struggled to button the back. He finally got it done, and looked down. The tops of his breasts were clearly visible over the fabric of the blouse. The outline of the bra was also clearly defined through the fabric. Susan handed a skirt over to Sam. Sam held it up. It was constructed very similar to the one of the morning, except it was shorter, and straight. It was all pink. He undid the button, and slipped it over his head. He got the button and zipper up with little problem this time. Susan now came over and sat next to him on the bed. She had a plastic egg in her hand. Jake knew pantyhose often came in such eggs. He also knew he had no idea in the world how to get into pantyhose. Susan broke the egg open, and pulled the pantyhose out. She found the waistband, and began rolling it all the way down one leg. When it was rolled all the way to the toe, she slipped the toe over Sam's foot. She then unrolled the hose until she got to his knee. She then rolled the other leg, and repeated the process. Then she brought the rest of the panty hose up, until the waistband was snug on Sam's waist. Susan went back to her bags, and pulled a shoe box out of one of them. She pulled a pair of pumps out of the box, in pink to match the skirt Sam now wore. She handed them to Sam, who slipped them on his feet. Once again, Susan searched through the bags, this time coming out with a shoulder purse. It was just a plain black purse with a long strap on it. She laid that on the bed. She now came out with several smaller boxes. She opened each, until a necklace, bracelet, and a pair of earrings were exposed. She quickly placed these on Sam. Finally, she brought a tube of lipstick out of the bags. It was a hot pink, close to the color of the skirt and shoes. She opened the package, and opened the tube up. "Sit very still," Susan said. Sam sat still, while Susan put the greasy stuff all over his lips."Take the paper wadding out of the purse, Sam," she commanded. Susan put the lipstick inside the purse, and said, "Put the strap over your shoulder, and let's go into the next room." Sam almost tripped and fell as he began to follow her. He was not used to 3 inch spike heels. He found he had to take shorter steps, and walk more slowly. When he got to the living room, Susan was already on the sofa, lying back exhausted from her quick trip to the mall. The other women were leaning forward in their seats, though. Sam felt himself on center stage again. "Lovely," said Gwen. "Very pretty," echoed Lois. And so it went, as all the women expressed their pleasure at Sam and his new clothes. "We have tried to keep her hair looking reasonable," Sharon spoke, breakin the spell, "but I think she's ready for a salon treatment now. We also have to take her shopping. She can't go for long with one miniskirt." Sam sat on the edge of the sofa, stunned by these revelations. They were going to take him out in public looking like this. "Well, let's get this show on the road before it gets too late," Jane suggested. 7 Chapter - Getting Ready As Sam heard the plans being made for him, he grew concerned, then turned up his resolve at the prospect of going to a beauty salon. "No," he cried. "I won't do it. Change me back, and let me go home." The women sat stunned for a moment. "Well, if that is how you feel about it," Gloria began, "I guess we don't have much choice. Girls! Hold her down." Suddenly, Susan and Lois grabbed Sam's arms, flinging him to the floor face down. Jane and Gwen grasped him by the ankles as he hit the floor. Squirm though he tried, Sam could not break free of the women's hold on him. Gloria had gone to the bedroom, and Sam now saw her returning, with the needle held out in front of her. She already had the protective cap off, and was squirting a drop from the needle as she came closer. She had an alcohol swab in her other hand. She knelt down by Sam, and lifted his skirt until it was over his waist. Then, she calmly began swabbing his hip with the alcohol. Sam's panties were brief enough that she didn't have to move them out of the way at all. Sam couldn't believe his eyes as he saw the resolve in the women's eyes. They looked absolutely serious to him. He felt his own resolve lessening. "I guess you like being a woman enough already to want to join us permanently," Gloria was saying, as she adjusted the hypodermic in her hands. At once, Sam's resolve and determination broke down. "No, please," he began to cry. "Don't stick me. I'll do anything you ask." "That is a much, much better response," Gloria said. Gloria looked at each of the other women, and each nodded her head briefly. Gloria pulled Sam's skirt back down over his panties, then patted his butt. "Oh, so you don't really want to be one of us forever," she said laughing. "Well, I guess we can wait to see what develops. But, in case you try something silly like this again, I'll just keep the syringe in my purse." The women holding his limbs released their grip, and Sam sat up, cowed and ashamed. "You were getting to be such a good girl, until now," Susan added. "I know I could use a perm," Susan continued. "So could I," joined Jane. "Why don't Jane and I take Samantha here down to Aileen's, while the rest of you go home and get dressed," Susan suggested. "We can make a full day of it, then go dancing tonight." "Well, we have been so busy planning this that we have not been out for some fun for a few weeks," Lois opined. "That sounds like a good plan to me." The women all agreed to the plan, and they would all meet in an hour or two at Aileen's beauty shop. Susan was dressed in a plain skirt and blouse combination, while Jane was in jeans and a top. "If we are going to make a full day of it," Jane said, "I'll have to go home and change." "We're about the same size," Susan said. "I have a darling little dress that would look lovely on you. Come on." Susan and Jane went into Susan's bedroom to change their clothes. Sam sulked miserably on the sofa, while the other women waited in the living room for Susan and Jane to come back before going their separate ways. Shortly, the two women returned, now dressed in frilly dresses with floral patterns. Jane had even borrowed a pair of heels from Susan. They both looked ready for anything. The two women picked up their purses, and turned to Sam. "Come along, Samantha," Susan said, "And be a good girl for us." "Oh, I think I can assure that," Jane commented, as she stood up and went into the kitchen. Jane rooted around in the kitchen drawers until she found a small squeeze bottle. She filled it about halfway full with water from the tap, and dumped the powder from Gloria's envelope into it. Then, she stuck a leak proof top on the bottle, and returned to the living room. She held up the bottle, so Sam could see it clearly. "Sam, darling," she said. "I dissolved the final dose powder into water, and put it in this bottle. I'll bet I can get enough down your throat to do the job if you try anything stupid." "Great idea, Jane," Susan said, smiling. "Lets be off, then." Sulking, Sam followed Susan and Jane out into the hallway. The trio almost got as far as the elevator, when Gwen came running out of the apartment. "Sam forgot her purse," she explained, handing the shoulder bag over to Sam. "Thanks, Gwen," Susan said. "We'll see you in a bit down at Aileen's." The girls decided to take Jane's car, a two door sedan. Jane got in the driver's seat, and unlocked the passenger side for the others. "Why don't you get in the back, Samantha," Susan suggested, sounding more like an order than an option. With that, she pulled the front seat forward so Sam could get in the rear. Jane drove them all to the largest shopping mall in the city. 8 Chapter - Aileen's Aileen's proved to be in one of the outer buildings, not in the mall itself. It was a large concrete building, with lots of plate glass windows. They could see a dozen or so women inside as they pulled into a parking slot. As they got out of the car and walked to the beauty salon, Sam considered that he had no desire to be there, he didn't know what went on in one of these "hen coops," and it would probably hurt. He dropped behind the others. Noticing Sam lagging a step or so, Jane turned to him and opened her purse. The squeeze bottle was plainly visible to Sam. Jane simply smiled as Sam hurried to join the others. As they entered Aileen's, Sam was stunned to see a woman he'd taken to bed before come over to the others and greet them warmly. He knew Aileen, but hadn't known she ran a beauty parlor. "This is Samantha," Jane was saying to Aileen. "She's the one we were discussing last week." Aileen looked Sam over critically. Then she smiled and said, "Hi, Sam. Gloria sure did a nice job on you." "What will it be girls," Aileen continued to all three. "I think I'll just have a wash and set," Jane answered. "I need a cut and perm," Susan began, "and Sam here needs the works. Could you make sure she gets a chair in the back, so she will have to pass us to leave?" "No problem at all, Susan," Aileen replied. "Come along girls." As they followed Aileen down the aisle of beautician's chairs, Sam was assaulted by some rather strange, and unpleasant smells. His apprehension deepened as he tried to consider the implications of "the works." Jane was seated first, then Susan a few chairs later. Sam dutifully followed Aileen to a chair in the very back of the parlor. As Sam sat down in the chair, a woman took his purse, putting it on a counter behind him, and placed a plastic bib around his neck. He saw that it covered his bust line, and had a kind of trap built in, probably to catch falling hair, he decided. Aileen leaned over and whispered in his ear, "Cross your legs, Sam. All the women who come here wear panties, and they don't need to see yours." Sam flushed a bright red, as Aileen smiled at him. He crossed his legs, knee over knee, as he had seen women do for years, finding the position not uncomfortable, if a little strange. "Good," Aileen beamed. "This is Carol," she indicated a woman dressed in a white uniform. "She will wash your hair and prepare you. I think I'll do you myself." With that, Aileen went off to visit some of the other patrons, and Carol moved in. Sam was still pondering what the preparation was all about, when he felt the back of the chair lean fully back. Carol immediately took off the rubber band holding his hair, and he felt it fall into a wash basin. Carol then began spraying it with water. She shampooed, and rinsed, then wrapped Sam's hair with a towel. She rubbed the hair vigorously for a few minutes, then took the towel off, and began squeezing some kind of liquid from another bottle onto the hair. This done, she raised the chair back to the upright position, and brushed Sam's still damp hair with a stiff plastic brush. Aileen came back while Carol was finishing the brushing. "Thanks, Carol," she said as Carol went off somewhere else. "You know, I haven't seen you in ages," Aileen said, "and I must say you are looking much better than ever." As she was making conversation, Aileen was cutting and combing Sam's hair. Every few seconds, she stepped back and inspected her work. At last Aileen got done cutting, and grabbed a box of hair rollers. She made a number of strands from Sam's hair, and rolled each one on a separate roller. Then, she got some sort of smelly liquid out, and doused the hair on each of the rollers with the stuff. This done, she brought out a mesh cap, which she place over the now rolled hair. "I'm going to do a real special job on you," Aileen confided, "in memory of our previous acquaintance." She laughed. "Come over to the dryers," she said, leading Sam over to an area filled with dome shaped hair dryers. She placed Sam in one of the chairs, and drew one of the domes down over his head. Sam felt the intense heat from the dryer immediately as she turned it on. Another woman came over to Sam's dryer, and Aileen introduced him to Sandy, the manicurist. Sandy took Sam's hand and began working, while Aileen walked away again. While Sam's hair was drying, Sandy was doing his nails. She was done a few minutes before Aileen came back. Sam's nails were now definitely shaped like a woman's, and a bright scarlet to boot. Aileen felt under the dryer. Sam's hair was still a bit damp. So, Aileen handed Sam a copy of Vogue, and walked away. Sam was not interested in Vogue at all, but it was something to do while he was stuck under the dryer. He began leafing through the magazine. Seeing all the ads for hair care products, he began to wonder what he would end up looking like. Aileen returned, and again felt Sam's hair. Satisfied this time, she turned the dryer off, and removed the dome. She told him he could keep the magazine as he came back to the chair they had used before. Sam was more interested in what Aileen was doing to him than in the magazine. He felt her remove the mesh, then the rollers, then brush his hair out. Then, she began combing, and brushing, and trimming the hair, in what seemed to be a totally unorganized manner. Still inspecting every once in a while, she got to the point where she seemed pleased, and began to spray some hair spray on Sam's head. She still kept combing and brushing, only occasionally trimming now. "That looks lovely on her," he heard Susan say to Aileen. He now noticed that Susan and Jane were both standing with Aileen. Their treatments must be done. Aileen agreed, then grabbed a pair of tweezers, and began shaping Sam's eyebrows. She took some torture implement, and shaped Sam's eyelashes. She then proceeded to eyeliner, mascara, apply eye shadow, blusher, and finally lipstick. Then, she took a pad, and put a light coat of powder over the whole face. "How about the ears," Aileen asked. "Yes. I think so," Susan agreed. Jane simply nodded. Aileen grabbed something that looked like a manual paper puncher. She went to one of Sam's ears, and fitted the instrument over it. Then she pressed down. Sam felt a sharp, severe pain in his earlobe, as the device pierced his ear. It subsided a bit until Aileen stuck a gold post earring through the hole she had created. She did the same thing with the other ear, much to Sam's pain and chagrin. Aileen then took a cotton ball soaked in alcohol, and rubbed it all over Sam's earlobes. She stepped back to admire her work. "Very nice, Aileen," Jane said. "She is lovely," Susan agreed. With these votes of approval, Aileen removed the bib. She brought a mirror over so that Sam could see the results of her work. Sam looked at the lovely woman staring back at him from the mirror. There was only a faint similarity to what he had looked like. No one would ever mistake him for a guy with this hairdo, and all the cosmetics on his face. "Oh, oh," Aileen said. "I'll have to do something about those underarms." Sam knew there was hair on his underarms, it had been there all his life. It was natural. He looked down to see why Aileen had been so agitated. There wasn't as much hair as usual, but it still looked reasonable normal to Sam. "Put your arms up over your head, S

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2 years ago
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House in the Woods Samantha

©Copyright 2004 "That special dildo you made for me is wonderful!" the brunette gushed, "Your design is SO wicked! You just had to put the vibrating clit stimulator all the way at the base, didn't you?" I smiled, "That was to ensure that you got the full benefit of the phallus!" "But, oh, how it stretches me!" she said, rubbing her thighs together, "I have to push the whole thing in to get the vibrator to touch my clit!" "And how did you like the little red button?" I...

4 years ago
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The Awakening of a Slut Samantha

Introduction: Women like me love to be desired by men. They love to count how many men want them. They can have any man they want given the right place at the right time. I love this feeling. The Awakening of a Slut: Samantha Women like me love to be desired by men. They love to count how many men want them. They can have any man they want given the right place at the right time. I love this feeling. You might meet me at an elegant cocktail party, given at a well-appointed country house....

4 years ago
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All Rachel Ann Cooper stories are copy righted and may not be re-posted without permission and may be archived for personal use only. Samantha by Rachel Ann Cooper 1998 This is a short love story with a twist. When I graduated high school, college was not an option. We just didn't have the money. But, the local community college did offer 2 year associate degrees and some professional degrees. I went in and got their brochure in March of my senior year. They offered a...

2 years ago
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The Awakening of a Slut Samantha

Women like me love to be desired by men. They love to count how many men want them. They can have any man they want given the right place at the right time. I love this feeling. You might meet me at an elegant cocktail party, given at a well-appointed country house. Elbow-length gloves, a long, flowing silk evening dress, my hair carefully coifed and my face made up for evening seduction, I will seem to your eyes the ultimate in chic femininity. But I will only respond to those who see the...

1 year ago
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Samantha By Cal Y. Phigia Samantha Johnson, the new hire, was exquisitely beautiful. James Mann thought her the most gorgeous woman he'd ever met. He'd love to ask her out, but her good looks were somehow intimidating. He feared she'd reject him. If she did, he'd feel mortified. It was better, he told himself, to fantasize about asking her. That way he'd control her answer, and her answer would always be yes. The day that Mr. Sloane hired Sam as his new secretary the...

2 years ago
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Master Pc the James Olsen Saga Part IIChapter 3 Cheri Meets Samantha

Jim felt that he owed Cheri something. She’d been his first Master PC conquest/guinea pig. He liked her. He’d liked her as a waitress before his discovery of the magic disk. She’d always been nice to him. The café where she worked had been a frequent breakfast and lunch place for Jim and Cheri was by far his favorite of the wait-staff there. She was cute, she flirted with him and what was more important, she gave him great service. He had only used her once for sex since that first time....

1 year ago
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My Sonrsquos Secret Desire ndash Samantha

(This is the second installment of My Son’s Secret Desire. If you would like to view the first instalment go to my profile)Tony looked at his mom sucking his cock. It was so sexy seeing her move her mouth up and down his shaft as her tongue rubbed the sensitive underside!"Fuck mom! That feels so good! You could make me pop so fucking fast!" He groanedCarol Alberts looked at her son and smiled as she stroked his wonderful cock."Baby don't hold back. You know mommy loves your cum!" She said and...

2 years ago
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Samantha Chapter 1: Discovery So, this happened. I'm sitting in a quaint neighborhood bar with my friend Jamie, and this guy comes over. I'm expecting him to hit on Jamie because she's looking pretty adorable in her wrap dress and heeled sandals. I'm starring down at my rather nondescript ballet flats trying to avoid looking at him. "Samantha, meet Ben, an old school friend of mine," Jamie said as she poked me with her elbow. I tried to say 'hi', but I was too terrified....

1 year ago
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“Andrew!” a female voice called. “Andrew!” I turned and there was Samantha, running to catch up to me. “Hey, Samantha,” I greeted. “What are you up to?” “Not much. You?” “On my way home.” “Can I ask a favor?” “Sure.” “Finals are coming up and I was wondering if you’d help me study for my geometry final? It’ll be a miracle if I pass it.” “Miracles so happen, you know?” “I know, but can you help?” I smiled. “Sure. My house tonight?” “Sure. Thank you, Andrew.” So that night, Samantha and I sat on...

First Time
1 year ago
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Peeping Samantha

It felt so… naughty. Does this make me a pervert? Does it mean I’m depraved? The muscles of my belly were tense and I barely breathed. My family moved into a new house, about six months ago. After I had settled into my new room, I had discovered that from my window I can see straight into the bedroom of the neighboring house. The sole occupant of the residence was a man, about thirty, thirty five or so. And, well, he’s my subject of perversion. I diligently observed the...

2 years ago
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Meating Samantha

It had been almost two years since my first experience with Dave. That was the first time a man had sucked my cock. It was the first time I had touched another cock and the first time I had sucked a cock. That day was the birth of a new me. I no longer was a homophobe. Although, I did not look at men the same way I looked at women. I did not lust after them. What I did lust for was for a cock in my mouth, loads of cocks. My god, I had become a cock-craving freak!I did not have any guilt....

4 years ago
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The Erotic Reality Game Randy and Samantha

Next was Randy who selected Samantha as his date. She called herself, "Sam," and she didn't live far from the country club where Randy, Guy and Bernie had agreed on the Bachelor4U game. Sam suggested meeting at the Xhib Club near her house. She said it was a fun place. He hadn't been there, and knew nothing about it but was curious. Sam said there was a parking lot across the street. She would be waiting there at nine the next night. Randy found his way into the older part of town, and pulled...

Group Sex
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My Samantha

This is a true story about my first MILF experience. I have changed the lady’s name for obvious reasons and I’m not disclosing mine…well, just because I don’t want to . Old beats before my time filled the nightclub, it was Friday Disco night – a place where Flock of Seagulls could combine with Jimi Hendrix in the same setting. It usually catered with people slightly older than average than the usual nightclub, yet young people still enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. Nostalgia combined with the buzzing...

3 years ago
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My Samantha

This is a true story about my first MILF experience. I have changed the lady’s name for obvious reasons and I’m not disclosing mine…well, just because I don’t want to . Old beats before my time filled the nightclub; it was Friday Disco night – a place where Flock of Seagulls could combine with Jimi Hendrix in the same setting. It usually catered with people slightly older than average than the usual nightclub, yet young people still enjoyed it, I enjoyed it. Nostalgia combined with the buzzing...

2 years ago
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Another Ride with Samantha

Please leave comments so I can improve my writing style and skill!I called Samantha today to see if she wanted to take a ride out to the car show this weekend. We’d had some trouble connecting after our last outing. She was always going one direction and me another. Hot damn, Samantha called back and said she would love to. On Saturday morning I pulled into her drive and she came bouncing out the house in a little sun dress that left little to your imagination. I was surprised to see her...

Love Stories
4 years ago
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New Cleaner Samantha

A new day had dawned and I was dozing on the bed when a text came through from Debbie asking me to meet Benji in the park at lunchtime because she forgot to pay me and had given Benji an envelope for me, I text her back to say it was fine and to meet at Doris’s café.I took a quick shower and after a quick coffee headed off to the park, it was a hot day so shorts and tee shirt was the order of the day.I arrived at the park and got a coffee from Doris, she wasn’t busy and we chatted, I told her I...

2 years ago
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An Hour with Samantha

I knew my business meeting in London would end early. That’s why I’m here, in a quiet street in London’s west end, in front of an anonymous door with a doorbell labelled simply “model.” I get regular sex, I masturbate, I play with my teen daughter’s panties and ogle porn. But I want more. I want fresh meat. I want women who’ll do the filthy things I’d never dare ask my wife to do. I want a whore!A woman’s voice calls over the entryphone. I tell her I made an appointment online and give my name,...

3 years ago
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Tim and his sexy daughter Samantha

“That’s fine.” Tim says. “Just let me take a shower and get dressed.” She turns and walks out of the room, her face as red as a cherry tomato because she was embarrassed at seeing her dad naked, and what he was doing. Her father has always been very open sexually. When she was growing up, if she was curious about guys, orgasms, dates, condoms, birth control etc. she always went and asked her dad. She didn’t have a woman to ask these questions to since her mom ran out on her and her dad with...

2 years ago
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Getting down with Samantha

It all started on a Friday night, and I was walking home from a mate's house. His car broke, so I went over to help him fix it, carrying my toolbox. I turned onto the street round the corner from my house and noticed a car sitting on the side of the road. It had its hood up, so I decided to see if I could help. What I didn't expect to see was Samantha lounging against it as I crossed the road. She was the most popular girl in school. "Hey," I called to her, but as it was dark, I don't think...

Straight Sex
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The telephone startled me out of a deep sleep and I shot up in bed to grab it. This late it must be important, since everyone knows I get up very early to go to work. “Hello?” I rasped into the phone while glancing at the clock next to it to verify the time was indeed 1:30 AM.“Dad!” Sams voice, my 15 year old daughter Samantha said urgently, “you have to come get me right now!” “Get you from where hon? Are you in trouble? Where are you?” I asked trying to wake up and makes sense of the...

2 years ago
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Accidently Samantha

Accidentally Samantha BY Karen Flynn [email protected] My girlfriend and I were at the dock in Keywest for a snorkeling trip when Jennifer suddenly started complaining about how her stomach was bothering her. This was no surprise, Jennifer never wanted to do anything but this time I thought she might go. She said "You go, I don't want to spoil your fun." What could I do, I went, As the 60 foot Catamaran pulled away from the pier she waved then headed back to the hotel. I am about...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 59 Brian and Samantha

July 5, 1996, Chicago, Illinois “Do you think we could make love twice this morning?” Karla asked early on Friday morning. “I think we have time, yes.” “Then first, please just go as hard and fast as you can. We’ve never done that, and I wonder what it’s like. Then make love to me slowly and gently, the way we usually do.” I moved on top of her and a few minutes later our bodies slammed together as I tried to drive her through the mattress and floorboards and she tried to launch me into...

1 year ago
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Becoming Xdresser Samantha

My first true experience as Samantha.At the time I was living and working overseas. To the outside world I was just your normal 21 year old really skinny guy living and working and enjoying life on the islands. Of course I had my little secret which I kept hidden from my colleagues and friends. Although I wore panties a lot of the time, I did not own much else as far female attire for fear of being discovered.It happened one evening while I was working in a restaurant doing a photo program for...

2 years ago
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The Next Morning with Samantha

I woke up with the sun streaming across my face. I rolled on to my side then realized Samantha wasn’t in bed with me. Oh shit, a moment of panic that she had a bailed on me then I hear the shower running. At that moment I decided to see if we could conserve some water.I walked into the bathroom and saw her standing in the shower! Damn I’m lucky to be here with her.“Knock knock, can I come in and join you?”She jumped with a start and said, “Sure!”I stepped into the shower, which I hadn’t...

Love Stories
1 year ago
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Meating Samantha

It had been almost two years since my first experience with Dave. That was the first time a man had sucked my cock. It was the first time I had touched another cock and the first time I had sucked a cock. That day was the birth of a new me. I no longer was a homophobe. Although, I did not look at men the same way I looked at women. I did not lust after them. What I did lust for was for a cock in my mouth, loads of cocks. My god, I had become a cock-craving freak! I did not have any guilt....

2 years ago
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The innocent Samantha

There was a girl named Samantha (She is called Sam for short) an attractive 15-year-old girl brunette. She is a cheerleader down at her high school. Also a religious girl and just an, innocent and smart but still a kid who wants to have her fun. One day her and a couple of her friends go to the Rec Center. Sam’s friends clock in before her. She goes to clock in her card but it isn’t scanning it. The manager of the Rec center notices her card not working and quickly mentions. “Card not...

1 year ago
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Best Tinder Hookup Ever Samantha

Hello everyone! For my safety, my name is Patton69AllTime and I have a fun story to tell you all about from when I was back in college. I downloaded the Tinder app after I broke up with my high school girlfriend Taylor to keep in touch with all the hot women that I went to class with. I ended up matching with this 5' blonde girl named Samantha who was a Chemical Engineering student in a neighboring department. We talked for a bit on the app and then became Facebook friends and eventually...

3 years ago
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Please Call me Samantha

I began to get that feeling again. The one where my pussy starts to throb when he rambles on about nothing I seem to understand. Just for the fact that he knew what he was talking about made him sexy. Sure, a lot of girls at some point would have petty crushes on their teachers, but what I had was not a crush; I lusted for this man. Everyone in school knew that Mr. Jacobs was sexy. All girls had a slight thing for him and prayed that he was their History teacher. My praying had done me well,...

3 years ago
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Educating Samantha

Chapter 1 My name is Samantha, but most everyone calls me Sammie, or sometimes just Sam. It's a boy's name, I know, but nobody ever really accused me of being a boy, I was just teased sometimes by the kids at school. They stopped doing that last year though, right after I had my little 'growth spurt' or whatever you want to call it. I called it a miracle. It was like overnight I grew from just five feet nothing to 5'4" and all the baby fat around my tummy moved up to my boobs. Well,...

2 years ago
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Another Ride with Samantha

Please leave comments so I can improve my writing style and skill! I called Samantha today to see if she wanted to take a ride out to the car show this weekend. We’d had some trouble connecting after our last outing. She was always going one direction and me another.  Hot damn, Samantha called back and said she would love to. On Saturday morning I pulled into her drive and she came bouncing out the house in a little sun dress that left little to your imagination. I was surprised to see her...

1 year ago
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The Life of Slave Slut Samantha

The Domination of Samantha        Since the age of 13, I have always had feelings of submissiveness.  I don’t know how I got these feelings or where they came from.  All I know is that I always got sexually aroused with the thoughts of being dominated.  I don’t mean simply being controlled.  I mean being totally controlled.  Humiliation was probably one of my biggest turn-ons.  I always found myself getting wet when I would watch a movie where a girl was being tied up or raped or controlled.  ...

1 year ago
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Dominating and Owning a Punk Ep1 Breaking Samantha

Samantha. That bitch. That beautiful blue haired punk bitch. She is my ex girlfriend and soon to be sex slave, only, she doesn’t know it yet. Episode 1 Breaking Samantha Sam is beautiful, smart, tenacious, and a punk. She is only 22 years old, has big brown eyes, soft olive skin, and short messy blue hair. She only stands at 5’ 7’’ and her breasts are a very firm and perky B with nice puffy nipples. Good for biting. Her ass is the selling point however. Big, rounded to perfection, a...

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Sam to Samantha

Hi my name is Jason and Im 19 years old. I was living with my parents and looking for a job and a place of my own. I did have a job but it was just a part time job at some restaurant, just to kill some time. Anyways, one day my mum called me downstairs and said that Mrs. Fletcher from across the street was asking for me. I went downstairs and there she was waiting for me. Seeing me she said Jason, hi, Im going on a business trip for about two weeks and was wondering if you could look just...

2 years ago
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Meeting Samantha

I'll be home a few minutes late, go ahead and start without me. ;-)" You smile as you read my text, and are not entirely surprised at my supposed "late arrival." But it gives you a chance to set things up just as you had planned...As I take my time getting home, I take some time to reflect. We have a pretty special night ahead of us, one that we worked hard to achieve. It all started when we posted a 30 minute video of me draining your massive milk-filled tits. So few lactation porn videos...

3 years ago
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Neighbors Harry Samantha

Hi. My name is Harry Burbach. I'm 32 years old and my wife is Samantha. We moved into the neighborhood about five years ago on the recommendation of my sister, Gilda. She and her husband had lived here for two years by then. Sam and I grew up next door to each other. There is an eight year gap in our ages. Sam has a sister, Cheryl, who is only a year older than I am. It would seem logical that Cheryl and I would have ended up together. We almost did, but that's another story. Sam was...

4 years ago
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Episode 4 of the Adventures of John and Holly

Of the Adventures of John and Holly Part 37: Light My Fire A few months passed before we broke our pledge of monogamy. Seriously, In this house, with Stephanie and Sandy just a few feet away, that’s quite an accomplishment. I bet if you put Stephanie in a convent, in a month you would have a whole bunch of bi-curious nuns. Of course it was Stephanie that ended our monogamous relationship. It didn’t matter though; Holly and I had gotten back the confidence in our relationship that had...

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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 01

The elevator doors slid close and I looked up into Tony’s piercing blue eyes. Here I was a mature married professional woman, alone in an exciting big city, heading toward a young, handsome stranger’s apartment. Soon the elevator doors would open and I would have to make a decision. Do I do the mature responsible thing, respect my martial vows and stay on the elevator or do I give in to the uncontrollable animalistic lust driving me wild and sleep with him? Who am I kidding, of course, I’ll...

4 years ago
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Adventures Of Pinkie

A beautiful teenager with naturally huge tits, young Pinkie becomes a prisoner of her new found lust when she joins a biker gang and volunteers her bountiful breasts to become subjected to their bizarre bondage and perverted torture games. Once exposed to the exciting and glamorous world of nude dancing, Pinkie repels her inhibitions and thrusts herself into a non-stop quest for extreme sexual experiences including gang-banging, cat-fighting and severe bondage rituals. As new-born...

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The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl

"If you don't need me for anything else," the blond young man said as he picked up the small pile of folders off his boss's desk. "I'll put these away and take off." "Of course Tim," Jacqueline Kirby smiled. "Enjoy the weekend." As the 22-year-old assistant closed the door behind him, Jacqueline leaned back in her chair and pulled a magazine out from the top drawer of her desk. It was the latest issue of "The Adventures of Ultra Woman and Mega Girl", a book she'd looked forward...

2 years ago
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Brandis Slutty Adventures Ch 04

Once Todd left I turned and looked in the full length mirror on the closet door. My hair and makeup were a mess, my ponytail had come loose, my hair was damp with sweat and cum and my lipstick and mascara were smudged. I had dried cum on my face and neck. My pussy and thighs were caked with cum. I turned around and saw a line of cum running down the backs of my legs, from my ass to my ankles. My whole body was covered with layer of massage oil, perspiration and cum. I looked like a woman who...

1 year ago
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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

3 years ago
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The Next Morning with Samantha

I woke up with the sun streaming across my face. I rolled on to my side then realized Samantha wasn’t in bed with me. Oh shit, a moment of panic that she had a bailed on me then I hear the shower running. At that moment I decided to see if we could conserve some water. I walked into the bathroom and saw her standing in the shower! Damn I’m lucky to be here with her. “Knock knock, can I come in and join you?” She jumped with a start and said, “Sure!” I stepped into the shower, which I hadn’t...

4 years ago
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Training Samantha

“So what’s the big surprise?” I asked as we rode to the restaurant. “If I told you what it was, it wouldn’t be a surprise anymore,” he said, squeezing my thigh right below where my dress ended. He pulled the car into the parking lot of The Crown, one of the nicest restaurants that didn’t cost an arm and leg. The host led us to one of the back tables that was set for two and had a candle as the centerpiece. We ordered our food and the waitress poured us two glasses of Pinot Nior...

2 years ago
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I was a graduate student at the state university and had finished my classes for the week even though it was just Thursday. Mom was a professor of literature at the university and was at the library helping with a ‘get kids to read’ program. I had been volunteered to read for them. There were eighty little third graders in the library. I somehow ended up surrounded by a bunch of boys reading from a book from Gerald Durrell. It had been my favorite book growing up so I was glad to revisit...

3 years ago
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Getting down with Samantha

It all started on a Friday night, and I was walking home from a mate’s house. His car broke, so I went over to help him fix it, carrying my toolbox. I turned onto the street round the corner from my house and noticed a car sitting on the side of the road. It had its hood up, so I decided to see if I could help. What I didn’t expect to see was Samantha lounging against it as I crossed the road. She was the most popular girl in school. ‘Hey,’ I called to her, but as it was dark, I don’t think...

4 years ago
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Training Samantha

Introduction: I had been anticipating my dinner date with my boyfriend, Drew, since the beginning of the week. We had been dating for six months and he told me that he had a surprise for me tonight and to put on a nice dress because he was going to take me some place nice. I had just finished putting on my ruby red lipstick when I heard a knock at my apartment door. I grabbed my heels and put them on as I headed to answer the door. Drew was standing there in a button down top and jeans that...

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Summer of Samantha

This story is in the same vein as some of my others, however it focuses even more upon pregnancy than I have in the past. There is still a good deal of transformation, especially in the first part and I think it to be fairly good. The second part is much more about what I think it might be like being pregnant, it is heavy on the details so don't say I didn't warn you, though it is here also where the plot really gets tangled up. The last third is a sort of mirror of the first,...

3 years ago
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For Samantha

For Samantha Rob Wilson AKA Houndguy "Well, now what?" He asked her such a simple questiononce dinner was over. "Lets go back to your place." Her answer had both surprised her and scarredher, it sounded like it was the most natural thing in the world to do. Hisplace, she knew, was a hotel room he'd rented out during his short stay inthe area. It would be getting dark by the time they got there and her invitation,she thought only now, was implying that she would stay the night. "Sounds fine...

2 years ago
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One Wild Night Part 1 Coach Samantha

Standing back from the luggage carousel, Samantha yawned and cracked her neck. She’d spotted her purple rolling bag right away, and was just waiting for Jake and the students to find theirs among the cascade of identical black duffles. She rolled her shoulders, trying to work out the kinks from the cramped coach flight.Jake was not-so-subtly admiring the way her shirt pulled tighter across her chest when she arched her back. She stuck out her tongue at him. Not because she minded the way he...

Oral Sex
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I've always know Samantha, she lives next door and is three years younger than me. She always has been that scrawny brat that followed me about, getting in the way or the girl I would sit upon and tickle until she cried. The seasons changed and unknown to me she had grown up and now has gentle curves. You know how it is, you see someone every day, and you fail to notice the changes in them. This fishing hole was one of my best-kept secrets and I knew that we wouldn't be disturbed on this hot...

4 years ago
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Depression SoupChapter 14 A Lady Named Samantha

My still black eye gave me "braggin' rights," when we went to churchthe following Sunday after the big fish adventure. It was fading by then but still very noticeable. Of course, in a close-knit county like ours everyone already knew at least one version of the truth. Those who had witnessed the incident had to tell everybody else who wasn't there about our altercations with the two Bradleys, father and son. As always, something got added or changed or omitted with each retelling. Truth...

3 years ago
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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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