The Fishing Club Chapter 3
- 3 years ago
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I walked into the backyard after returning home from work. My sister Jill sat at the picnic table with her boyfriend Mark, and Hank, a mutual friend. I walked over and said, “Hi.”
“Hey, Josh, how was work today?” my sister said.
“It was okay. We started working on a new house today,” I replied.
I worked for my father’s construction company. When I graduated from high school two years ago, my dad put me to work. The work was enjoyable, and I was learning how to do many things.
“How was school?” I asked.
“Same as always. I can’t wait until I graduate this spring,” Jill said.
“Are you still planning to work for your dad?” Mark said.
“Yes, Dad said I would work in the office with my mom. Personally, I would rather work in the field. Office work sounds boring,” Jill said.
“Maybe after you start working for your dad, you can put in a good word for Hank and me. Working at the factory sucks,” Mark said.
When I sat at the picnic table across from Mark and Jill, Hank reached under the table and handed me a beer. I popped the top, took a swig, and thanked Hank.
Mark and Hank were best friends. They were twenty-one, three years older than my sister. Jill went to school with Mark’s sister, Amy, and met Mark when she went to a party at Hank’s house. Jill and Mark began dating and had been together for about six months.
“I can talk to my dad for you guys. Things get busy in the spring,” I said.
“Thanks, but Hank and I don’t know anything about construction,” Mark said.
Nodding, I said, “You can learn as you go. Dad will need laborers for the projects. He provided on-the-job training. When I started, I didn’t know shit,” I said.
Hugging Mark’s arm, Jill said, “You should try, sweetie. If you get a job with Dad, you won’t have to work the afternoon shift. We would be able to go out more often.”
“I’m in as long as I can make as much as we make at the factory. I have a boat payment I have to make every month,” Hank said.
“I think Dad starts laborers at eighteen dollars an hour, plus benefits,” I said. “As you learn, you make more money. We have to work ten-hour days and on Saturday once in a while.”
Mark and Hank looked at each other and smiled. “Getting a job with your dad would be great. We’d make a lot more than we do at the factory,” Mark said.
We talked for a little longer. I explained what the laborers did on the job. Mark and Hank said they were interested. Mark said he and Hank had to leave and go to work.
While we ate dinner, I brought up Mark and Hank's idea of working for the construction company. Jill told Dad she would appreciate it if he would consider hiring them.
“I’ll think about it. You know how I feel about hiring friends,” Dad said.
“What if you and Mark break up? Wouldn’t it cause problems?” Mom asked my sister.
“No, I don’t think it would cause any problems, Mom. We’re not little kids,” Jill said.
“As I said, I’ll think about it. We do need more workers. I just landed a contract for one-hundred-forty houses in a new subdivision,” Dad said.
After dinner, Jill and I cleared the table. We put the dishes in the dishwasher, and I washed the pans while my sister dried.
“Thanks for asking Dad about jobs for Mark and Hank,” Jill said.
“No problem, Jill. I like Mark and Hank. I hope Mark treats you well,” I said.
Chuckling, Jill said, “Does he ever.”
I laughed and said, “As long as you’re happy, I’m good with it.”
We finished the pans and put them away. My sister hugged me, pressing her full breasts against my chest. She kissed my cheek and said, “You’re the best big brother ever.”
Jill and I joined our parents in the family room to watch television. After an hour, my sister left the room, returning in a pair of terrycloth shorts and a tank-top. As she walked into the room, I watched her breasts wobble. She leaned over to grab a throw from the bottom of the coffee table, pointing her butt at me when she did. I decided it was a good time to leave and went to shower and change.
We watched the news to see what the weather was going to be like the next day. Dad always checked so he would have an idea of what to expect. Rain could put a damper on construction.
After the news, we all went to bed. I had to get up at six to be at work by seven o’clock. Lying in bed, I thought about offering to talk to my dad about jobs for Mark and Hank. While I didn’t think so, it could be an issue if Jill and Mark had a falling out.
Two days later, Dad visited the job site where I was working. He took me aside and told me to have Mark and Hank apply for jobs. I nodded and thanked him.
When I arrived home, I went into the house. Jill and Mark were on the couch, making out. When I cleared my throat, my sister pulled her top down, concealing her breasts. She grabbed her bra from the floor and sat on it.
“Oops, we didn’t hear you come in,” Jill said as she smirked.
“I talked to Dad today. He told me to have you and Hank stop at the office and fill out applications,” I said to an embarrassed Mark.
“Really? That’s great. Hank and I will go tomorrow morning,” Mark said.
Jill jumped up, put her arms around my neck, and said, “Thanks, Josh.”
“Hey, I only asked. Now it’s up to Mark and Hank. My dad requires hard work from his employees,” I said.
“He’ll get it from me,” Mark said. “I know Hank will work hard too. Thanks a million, Josh.”
Glancing at the couch, I saw my sister’s bra. I chuckled and said, “You might want to put your bra away before Mom and Dad get home.”
Laughing, Jill released me, grabbed her bra, and headed for the bathroom. She returned a few minutes later and smiled at me.
I went upstairs to shower and change. While washing, I thought about seeing my sister’s full breasts. Jill had never been a modest girl. I had seen her in her underwear many times. In the summer, she wore skimpy bikinis when she was out by our pool.
While the sight of a girl’s breasts should have excited me, seeing my sister’s tits didn’t. For the past few years, I’d struggled with my sexuality. I dated a few girls and wasn’t a virgin, but I never became overly excited either.
When I was still in high school, a friend and I masturbated together. We had fun jacking each other off but never took it any further. I often wondered if I would have given the opportunity. Bob moved away, ending my male-on-male activities. When I started dating, the girls I went out with kept my libido in check. My last girlfriend loved sex and was willing to do almost anything. We were getting serious until she left for college in another state. Sally and I kept in touch, but she told me she had a boyfriend the last time she was home. It didn’t stop us from getting together for one last fling.
The last time I saw Sally was almost two years ago. Since then, I went out on a couple of casual dates, but nothing sexual ever developed.
Two weeks later, Hank and Mark started working for Dad. They were on a different job site, learning the ins and outs. The night after their first day of work, they stopped by to thank me. I told them I didn’t do anything other than mention them to my dad.
By the end of April, Dad told me Hank and Mark were doing well. He said they worked hard, didn’t complain, and showed up on time every day.
“Hey, Josh, Hank is having a party this Saturday. Would you like to go?” Jill said as we washed the evening dishes.
“Sure, it’s not as if I have anything else to do,” I said. “How many people are going to be there?”
“Mark said there would be about ten or fifteen people there. It’s a group of their friends,” Jill said.
“How many of them do you know?” I said.
“I know a few of their friends. Hank’s sister, Amy, is a friend of mine from school. She introduced me to Mark,” Jill said, and then she smiled. “There will be beer. Hank’s parents are in Florida for the winter.”
“We should take a cab if we’re going to drink,” I said.
Shaking her head, Jill said, “Hank’s house is only three blocks away. We can walk.”
After we ate on Saturday night, Jill told me it was time to leave. When I asked her why we were going so early, she said she agreed to help get things set up. My sister and I went upstairs to our rooms. I took a shower and then dressed in jeans and a long-sleeved shirt. As I was tying my shoes, Jill came into my room.
Looking up, I noticed my sister was wearing her underwear. She took a look at me, smiled, and said, “Cool, I wanted to make sure you didn’t wear something lame.”
“I like your outfit. Do you think it may be a little chilly?” I said.
“I haven’t finished getting dressed, dickhead,” Jill said as she left my room.
Jill came downstairs wearing a pair of yoga pants and a tight sweater. She smiled at me and said, “Is this better?”
“No, it’s not better, but I think you’ll be warmer,” I said.
Jill nudged me and laughed. “You’re such a pervert.”
“What can I say. I like seeing sexy girls in their undies,” I replied.
“If you don’t want Josh to see your underwear, put on a robe,” Mom said.
“Look at the pot calling the kettle black. You’re no better than your daughter,” Dad said.
“That’s enough out of you, Dave,” Mom said, and then she laughed.
“Hey, if the shoe fits, Marge,” Dad said.
Like my sister, my parents weren’t concerned with modesty. It wasn’t uncommon to see Mom in her underwear or Dad in his boxers. I was comfortable walking around the house in my boxer briefs. I guess when it’s something you see all the time, it becomes natural.
Jill and I grabbed jackets and left for the party. As we walked, she talked about her plans to work for our dad. When Jill said, she would rather work in the field than the office. I said she would have to talk to Dad.
When we arrived at Hank’s house, Jill walked in without knocking. We found Mark and Hank in the kitchen, putting munchies into plastic bowls. My sister grabbed my arm, led me to a girl sitting at the table, and introduced me.
“Amy, this is my brother, Josh. Josh, this is Amy, Hank’s sister,” Jill said.
“Hi, Amy, nice to meet you,” I said.
When Amy stood up, I noticed she was built a lot like Jill. Her hips were wide, her waist narrow, and her breasts looked large. Amy wore her black hair long, where Jill’s brown hair was shoulder length.
“Are you ready for a beer?” Hank said.
“Sure, where are they?” I replied.
“We have a keg on the patio. Come outside, and I’ll get you one,” Hank said.
The three of us went outside and walked to the keg. Mark filled three red plastic cups, handing one to me.
“How do you like working for my dad?” I said.
“I love it. It’s the best job I’ve ever had,” Hank said. “I want to thank you again.”
Mark repeated what Hank said, telling me he was learning a lot of new things. I tried to be humble, nodding as they spoke.
I saw a boat on a trailer parked near the garage. Pointing, I said, “Is that your boat, Hank?”
“Yup, it sure is. Want to see it?” Hank said.
I said I did. We went over to the boat, and Hank and Mark removed the cover.
“She’s a twenty-foot Lund. We have it rigged for walleye fishing,” Hank said.
As we walked around the boat, Mark and Hank pointed out the rod lockers, fish holds, and the electronics. Hank said he didn’t have the tackle or rods in it yet.
“She has a one-hundred horsepower main motor and a nine and a half horsepower kicker. We use the kicker for trolling,” Hank said.
“Where do you go fishing?” I said.
“My Uncle Ted has a cabin on a lake up north. The lake is chock full of walleye, pike, bass, and panfish. We like to fish for walleye because of how good they are to eat. We fish for bass and pike for fun,” Hank said.
“Do you fish, Josh?” Mark asked me.
Shaking my head, I said, “I’ve never been fishing. It sounds like fun.”
“You should come with us. Mark and I plan to go up for the walleye opener in two weeks,” Hank said.
“I don’t know anything about fishing, and I don’t have any tackle,” I said.
“Two weeks ago, I knew nothing about construction. Today, I helped set trusses for a roof. Just like our jobs, we learn by doing. As far as tackle, Hank and I have everything we need,” Mark said.
“Thanks, I’ll think about it,” I said.
“We plan to ask our foreman if we can leave at noon on Friday. It takes about three hours to get there, and we like to get things set up before dark,” Hank said.
Several people arrived and were getting cups of beer. Mark and Hank put the cover on the boat, and then we went to greet the guests. When we reached the keg, Mark filled my plastic cup.
I found a chair on the edge of the patio and sat down. Sipping my beer, I thought about the invitation to go fishing. It sounded like fun and something I’d like to try.
My sister came over and sat next to me. She smiled and said, “How are you doing?”
“Good, Jill. Hank and Mark are trying to talk me into going on a fishing trip,” I said.
“Are you going?” Jill said.
I shrugged my shoulders and said, “I don’t know yet. It does sound fun.”
“You should go, Josh. Mark and Hank like you and said they’d like to get to know you better,” Jill said. “It wouldn’t hurt for you to make new friends.”
“I’m fine. Are you sure you wouldn’t mind if I went fishing with your boyfriend?” I said.
“No, not at all. Look, Josh, Mark is my boyfriend, but we’re not heading for the church. We have common interests and get along,” Jill said.
Nudging my sister, I said, “I remember seeing you two sharing one of your common interests.”
Giggling, Jill said, “If you had come home twenty minutes later, you’d have seen a lot more.”
“What I saw was amazing,” I said.
“My pervert brother liked seeing my tits?” Jill said.
“Who wouldn’t?” I laughed and said, “You don’t think I’m a pervert, do you?”
“No. Do you want to know how big my tits are?” Jill said.
“You wear a thirty-four D bra,” I said with a grin.
“Maybe you are a pervert. Have you been checking my bras?” Jill said.
“I saw one hanging on the doorknob of the bathroom and checked the tag,” I confessed.
After we stopped laughing, Jill said, “You should talk to Amy. She said she thinks you’re cute.”
“Thanks for the heads-up,” I replied.
We went to get more beer. I looked around and saw Amy talking to her brother. When I started walking toward them, Mark waved me over.
“I have to go check on the other guests. I’ll be back in a few minutes,” Mark said.
“This is a pretty good party,” Amy said.
“Yes, it’s nice to have a few beers with friends. Although, I don’t know many of these people,” I said.
Amy and I stood near each other, listening to the music and sipping our beers. A girl came over and started talking to Amy. I watched the two girls whispering back and forth for a moment, then Amy excused herself.
I went into the house to get something to eat. While munching on snacks, I noticed Mark and my sister standing in a dark hallway, making out. After a moment, Hank came out of the bathroom and stood behind my sister. She looked back, smiled, and started kissing Mark again. Hank put his arms around Jill and began rubbing her breasts. I was a bit shocked when my sister turned her head and kissed Hank.
When they separated, I walked away so they wouldn’t know I saw them. Jill, Mark, and Hank were laughing and heading outside. I stood in the kitchen, trying to sort out what I witnessed. My mind wandered as I thought the relationship between my sister, Mark, and Hank wasn’t as I thought it was. Until then, I felt Jill and Mark were a couple. Now I wasn’t sure.
Jill smiled as she walked past me and headed outside. Mark and Hank came over, stood near me, and started talking about fishing. By the time we went out to get more beer, I had agreed to go fishing with them.
I watched my drinking and didn’t get drunk. Sitting outside, I watched the interactions between the couples at the party. Amy walked over, sat down, and smiled at me.
“You should ask me out one of these days,” Amy said.
Amy’s boldness surprised me. I’d never been asked out by a girl before. “I’d like to, Amy. What do you like to do?”
“I like many things, Josh. I enjoy going to the show, having dinner, taking walks, dancing, you know, the usual things two people do on a date,” Amy said.
“Those things sound fun, but I’m not much of a dancer,” I said.
Amy and I talked for about a half-hour. The more we shared, the more I liked her. The girls I’d dated in the past were slimmer but shallow. Amy was curvy, smart, and funny.
The party began breaking up at one in the morning. I told Amy I would call her and we’d go out. She shocked me with a tender kiss. I found Jill with Mark. When I asked if she was ready to go, she said she was. We walked around, telling everyone we knew goodbye before leaving.
As my sister and I walked home, I said, “So, what’s the deal with you, Mark, and Hank?”
Jill had more to drink than me and was on the verge of being drunk. She bumped against my side and giggled.
“The three of us are good friends.” Jill giggled again. “I saw you watching us earlier.”
Nodding, I said, “Yeah, so, what’s the deal? Are you and Mark a couple?”
“Yes, but not exclusively.”
“What do you mean, Jill?” I asked.
“Let’s just say the three of us are very good friends.” Jill stopped walking and turned to me. “Josh, I’m eighteen and old enough to decide what I want to do. When I met Mark and Hank, I went out with each of them a few times. I realized I was starting to come between them, so I suggested we all go out together. We did, and the three of us have been together since then.”
We started walking again. I thought about what Jill said and wondered about the relationship between the three of them.
Jill put her arm around my waist, giggled, and said, “I know what you’re thinking, Josh. Listen, I’m not a slut, but I like Mark and Hank equally. After the first time the three of us got together, we all decided we were okay with it. We decided Mark would be my boyfriend in public. We didn’t want anyone to think we were weird because of our relationship.”
“If you’re happy, I’m cool with the relationship you three have.” I laughed. “It must be hard for you to keep two guys happy.”
Shaking her head and giggling, Jill said, “Not at all, Josh. I can’t believe I’m talking about my sex life with my big brother. Sometimes I go out with Mark, sometimes I go out with Hank, and sometimes the three of us get together. None of us get jealous or pissed off. If you ask me, our relationship is perfect.”
“Do you date any other guys?” I asked.
Laughing, Jill shook her head. “No, when would I have time? Mark and Hank aren’t dating anyone else either.” Bumping against my side, Jill said, “I keep them happy if you know what I mean.”
“Do Mom or Dad know?” I said.
“Mom does. She caught Hank and me fooling around once. When she asked, I told Mom the truth,” Jill said.
“What did she say?”
“Mom said it was a good thing I was on the pill. She told me it was up to me who I dated and what I did with them,” Jill said.
When we got home, I opened the door for my sister. We were quiet as we went up to our rooms. After saying goodnight, we went into our bedrooms. I stripped, got into bed, and thought about the conversation I had with my sister. The fact she was dating two guys, and the two men were best friends, was a bit weird. Her honesty wasn’t.
On the Friday we were to leave for the fishing trip, I left work at eleven. Over the past few days, I’d packed my clothes and bought a few things Mark and Hank suggested. At shortly after noon, Hank pulled in front of my house. I tossed my backpack and jacket in the back of the truck and got into the backseat. The three of us shook hands, and we were off.
On the way north, Mark and Hank explained how we’d be fishing for walleyes. We stopped and grabbed a sandwich and went shopping for food. Mark bought two cases of beer and a bottle of whiskey. We also went to a sporting goods store so I could buy a fishing license.
We arrived at Hank’s uncle’s cabin at four in the afternoon. After offloading the gear, we drove to the boat launch to put the boat into the water. I rode with Hank while Mark took the truck and trailer back to the cabin.
“This is great,” I said as Hank motored toward the cabin.
“We love coming here and fishing,” Hank said.
I felt the chilly wind in my face as Hank sped up. The boat cruised over the smooth water, leaving a wake behind us.
“There’s the cabin,” Hank said as he pointed.
When we reached the dock, Mark was there to help us. I glanced at the graph, noticing the water was ten-feet deep at the end of the dock.
Mark pulled to the side of the dock. Hank helped him tie the lines to cleats and secure the boat. Mark climbed aboard, and they showed me the rods and tackle we’d use. We left and headed up the hill to the cabin.
When we went inside, I was able to get a good look at where we’d be staying for the next two days. The cabin was rustic at best. The rectangle building had a small kitchen and eating area at one end and four bunk beds at the other end. In the middle, there was a free-standing fireplace, two couches, and three overstuffed chairs. Like the table and chairs in the eating area, none of the other furniture matched.
Hank opened a door near the sink, showing me a room with the toilet, shower, on-demand hot water heater, and the pump. There was also a stacked washer and dryer combination. I noticed the shower was just an area of the utility room with a small curb to contain the water. A transparent plastic sheet hung from a rod, enclosing the three-foot by five-foot stall.
“The cabin was built by my grandfather. My uncle added the utility room. Liquid propane provides gas for the water heater and the two-burner stove in the kitchen.” Hank said. “It isn’t fancy, but it keeps us warm and dry.”
“This is nice, Hank,” I said. “What do we need to do next?”
“We need to get firewood and start a fire. It gets cold at night, and the fireplace is the only source of heat. Then we can take care of our things and have a beer,” Mark said.
The three of us went outside and grabbed a load of split firewood from under a lean-to. Hank built a fire in the fireplace while Mark and I filled the wood rack in the living area.
We placed our bags on the upper bunks, each of us selecting one. The homemade beds had a full-size mattress on the bottom and a twin on top. Hank pointed at a cabinet, telling us the bedding was in it. We made our beds and then went outside.
Mark and I built a fire in the firepit. Hank passed out beers, and we sat in the wooden Adirondack chairs around the fire. The steady breeze kept the smoke out of our eyes as we sat looking out over the lake.
While sitting by the fire, Hank and Mark told me about the different methods they used for the fish they targeted. I asked questions, and they answered them for me. When Mark asked if I liked to eat fish, I said I did.
We sat drinking beer and talking for another hour. Mark went into the house, coming back with the bottle of whiskey. He took a sip and handed it to Hank. After he took a drink, Hank passed the bottle to me. I felt the burn as I swallowed.
“I’m going to start dinner. I don’t want to drink on an empty stomach,” Hank said.
We took our beers into the cabin. Hank pulled a cast-iron frying pan from a cupboard and placed it on the stove. Mark took a package of bratwurst from the cooler and put them on the counter. He took out a saucepan and told me to open the can of beans.
I watched Hank pour a can of beer into the frying pan, then add the brats. He stood at the stove, cooking our meal while Mark and I set the table. When I noticed they used real plates, I asked why.
“We don’t like paper plates, Josh. I’d rather wash dishes than deal with them,” Hank said.
Once the food was ready, we sat at the table to eat. I told my new friends the bratwursts were great. When we finished, I helped wash the dishes and clean the kitchen. Hank added wood to the fireplace before we took our cans of beer outside.
It was dark, but the moon cast a soft glow over the area and the lake. We enjoyed the fresh air while drinking and talking. Hank passed the bottle of whiskey around, and we all drank some. By about eight o’clock, none of us were feeling any pain.
Mark and Hank shared smiles as they sat watching the fire. I couldn’t hear them when they whispered to one another.
“So, Josh, what do you think of our fish camp?” Hank said.
“This is great. I’ve never been camping or stayed in a cabin like this,” I replied.
“We have an initiation for newbies. Do you want to go through it and become part of our fishing club?” Mark said.
Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “How many members are there?”
“So far, just my two cousins, Mark and me. My cousins initiated us two years ago. Since they got married, they don’t come here often,” Hank said.
I was feeling mellow and enjoying the developing friendship between Hank, Mark, and me. I couldn’t help thinking about the relationship they shared with my sister. Neither of them mentioned it, so I didn’t either.
“What the hell, I’m in. What do I have to do?” I said.
Mark and Hank chuckled. We passed the whiskey around, each of us taking a drink, then chasing it with beer.
“Have you ever gone skinny-dipping?” Hank said.
“Sure, I’ve done it at my house when no one was home,” I said.
“The first part of the initiation is to go skinny-dipping in the lake,” Mark said.
“Okay,” I said as I got up and started undressing.
“Let’s go into the cabin and get towels first,” Hank said.
We went into the cabin. Hank took towels from the utility room and tossed them on the couch. Once again, I began undressing. When I saw Hank and Mark stripping, I was miffed.
“Are you going too?” I said.
“Yes, we wouldn’t ask anyone to do something we wouldn’t do. You know, one for all and all for one,” Hank said.
The three of us laughed as we removed our clothes, tossing them onto one of the chairs. Hank stoked the fire, telling me we would need the heat when we returned. I glanced at Mark and Hank, and they looked at me. We shared silly grins and headed for the door.
I followed my friends down the hill and onto the dock. Without thinking, I jumped into the lake.
“Holy shit, it’s fucking freezing,” I yelled as heard Mark and Hank splash near me.
“What did you expect? Less than a month ago, the lake was covered with ice,” Mark said.
We swam to the dock and scrambled up the ladder. The three of us ran to the cabin, went to the fireplace, and rubbed ourselves with towels.
While we shivered, we laughed. I glanced at Mark and Hank, noticing the cold water had the same effect on them as it did me. Our cocks were shriveled, as were our balls. After warming ourselves by the fire, we moved to the couch and chairs. Before sitting down, Hank grabbed the whiskey. We passed the bottle around, each of us taking a big drink to warm our insides.
“The swim was invigorating,” I said. “You said jumping in the lake was part of the initiation. What else do I have to do?”
Sitting next to each other on the couch, Mark and Hank chuckled as they looked at each other. We took another drink of whiskey and then our beers.
It was all Hank could do to keep a straight face when he said, “Now you give us a blowjob.”
I figured Hank was kidding and trying to shock me. I glanced at their crotches, smiled to myself, and moved closer. Looking at Mark and Hank, I knelt on the floor. They gasped when I put my hands on their cocks and wrapped my fingers around their soft shafts.
Having the element of surprise, I leaned forward and sucked Mark’s cock into my mouth. He squirmed as I took his entire dick in. While sucking Mark, I caressed Hank’s cock. A few moments later, I felt Mark grow in my mouth, and Hank’s swell in my hand.
As I bobbed my head on Mark’s six-inch cock, I felt a rush of excitement, much like I did when my friend and I masturbated each other. But this was better. I was finally able to satisfy my curiosity, something I’d harbored for several years.
“Fuck, Josh, we were kidding. You don’t have to do this,” Hank said.
Lifting my mouth from Mark’s cock, I began sucking Hank’s dick. His was about the same length but a bit thinner. I was able to take the entire length into my throat. I felt my cock growing as I gave Hank a blowjob and played with Mark’s cock.
After about five minutes, I pulled my head up, looked at Hank and Mark, and smiled.
“If you want me to stop, tell me now,” I said.
Before either of them could reply, I started sucking Mark again. I guess he decided I wanted to blow him because he moaned and put his hand on the back of my head. When his cock hit the back of my throat, I fought the urge to gag and took it in. Pressing my nose against his pubic mons, I rubbed his balls against my chin.
Mark held my head, guiding me up and down on his cock. I tried to jack Hank’s cock but found it hard to do while sucking the one in my mouth. Removing my hand from Hank, I concentrated on Mark.
As I bobbed my head, I relished the feeling of Mark’s cock moving against my lips, tongue, and the roof of my mouth. I slowed down, taking time to become accustomed to having a cock in my mouth and throat. When I glanced up, I saw the look of lust on Mark’s face. His constant moaning, closed eyes, and open mouth told me he enjoyed my first attempt at giving head as much I did.
Mark began to squirm. He let out a groan and said, “Holy fuck, I’m going to come.”
I think he was warning me, but it didn’t matter. I made up my mind to take my first blowjob to fruition. I figured his semen wouldn’t taste much different from mine. It wasn’t uncommon for me to lick my cum from my hand when I jacked off. There was one time I tasted my friend’s when we masturbated each other.
Rolling Mark’s balls in the palm of my hand, I increased the speed of my bobbing head and the suction I applied. A moment later, I felt his cock swell and shoot several shots of semen into my mouth. I let Mark finish coming before removing his cock and swallowing his spend. I closed my eyes as I rolled my tongue around the inside of my mouth.
Looking up, I saw Mark had his head back on the couch. Hank sat staring as I licked my lips and moved between his legs. He removed his hand from his dick and didn’t protest when I started sucking his cock and caressing his balls as I’d done with Mark.
My cock throbbed as I gave my second blowjob. The feel of having Hank’s cock in my mouth was just as enjoyable as sucking Mark. I repeated everything I did with Mark on Hank. I took him into my throat, rubbed his balls against my chin, and slobbered on his cock. The sound of my sucking melded with the moaning from Hank.
As Mark had, Hank held my head. Unlike Mark, he humped his cock in and out of my sucking mouth. Hank kept my head still while fucking my face. I didn’t stop Hank from doing what he wanted. It excited me, even though he’d taken control. My mind wandered as his cock pushed into my throat, and he groaned. The thought of my sister blowing Hank and Mark caused me to chuckle. I couldn’t help thinking of Jill on her knees, taking turns with their cocks.
Holding my head down with his cock in my throat, I felt Hank swell. The first shot of semen went down my throat, and I pulled my head back until the ridge of his glans was against my lips. I wanted to taste him as I had with Mark. While Hank’s cum was different, the flavor and texture weren’t the least bit unpleasant.
I savored Hank’s cum for a moment, then swallowed. Removing my mouth, I sat back on my heels, looking up at Mark and Hank. I’d finally answered a question that had haunted me for several years. I liked sucking cock. I knew I still wanted to date girls. They had body parts a man didn’t. I loved playing with breasts and pussy. I also enjoyed kissing a girl, something I wouldn’t do with a man. Sucking cock was one thing, kissing was another, and out of bounds.
When I stood up, my erection waved from side to side. Hank looked at my cock, smiled, and said, “How big is that thing?”
Shrugging my shoulders, I said, “I don’t know.”
“Your cock is at least eight inches, maybe longer.” Mark wrapped his fingers around my shaft, slowly stroking me. “It’s thick too.”
Getting up, Mark sat me on the couch next to Hank. We took a drink from our beer cans as we relaxed, and I enjoyed the afterglow of giving my friends blowjobs. The next thing I knew, Mark started sucking my cock. Hank reached between my legs, caressing my balls as Mark tried to take my entire cock into his mouth. After a few moments, Hank knelt next to Mark.
I watched as Mark and Hank took turns sucking my cock. I noticed they avoided getting too close to each other's mouths. They bobbed their heads, played with my balls, and stroked my shaft. As I sat there enjoying my first blowjob from a male, I realized this wasn’t their first time.
Mark had my cock in his mouth when I announced my pending climax. He continued sucking me as I filled his mouth with cum. Before I finished, he pinched the base of my cock, removed his mouth, and pointed me at Hank. Hank took me into his mouth as Mark released his grip, and I sent the last two shots of semen into his mouth.
Sitting back on his heels, Hank swallowed, then licked his lips. He and Mark bumped shoulders and began laughing.
“Dude, we never thought you’d blow us. I was joking when I said it,” Hank said. “Have you ever sucked cock before?”
“No, this was my first time giving or receiving, at least from a guy. Giving head has been a fantasy of mine for a long time. When I was younger, a friend of mine and I used to jack each other off. I wanted to try oral sex, but he moved away before I had the chance. I assume this isn’t your first time,” I said.
Laughing and shaking their heads, Mark and Hank looked at each other. “Mark and I have been fooling around together since we were in high school.”
“So, how does my sister fit into this?” I said, noticing the look on their faces. “Jill told me about the relationship between the three of you.”
“Jill knows Hank and I are bisexual. She’s fine with it. Your sister is an amazing girl,” Mark said.
“I don’t know if she told you, but we started getting together when I caught her and Amy in bed together. They didn’t even stop when they noticed me standing in the doorway,” Hank said.
“What did they do?” I said.
Laughing, Mark said, “Jill invited Hank to join them.”
“Did you?” I asked.
“No, the idea of fooling around with my sister was too weird for me. I left them alone. Later, my sister said Jill thought I was cute. We went out a couple of times, and then I introduced her to Mark. I told Jill Mark was my best friend, and we did almost everything together. She said it was okay with her. Since then, the three of us have been in a relationship,” Hank said.
I nodded. “So, what else is involved in the initiation?” I asked.
Laughing, Mark said, “Nothing. You’re an official member.”
“I have to ask. How’d I do blowing you guys? As I said, this was my first time,” I said.
Hank and Mark laughed, and then Mark said, “Let’s just say you could give your sister a run for her money. Jill is good, but I don’t think she’s much better than you are.”
“I’ve only had a blowjob from one girl. She wasn’t nearly as good as you two. Just so we’re straight, sucking cock is as far as I go. I have no desire to kiss another guy,” I said.
“We’re all on the same page, Josh. Mark and I aren’t into making out with each other or any other male. We just like sucking cock once in a while. Until tonight, neither of us has been with another guy,” Hank said.
“We should get some sleep. Five o’clock comes early,” Mark said.
The three of us cleaned up the area. Following their lead, I climbed into bed naked. As I got comfortable, I smiled, realizing I was going to enjoy fishing.
When we got up the next morning, we dressed and prepared coffee and breakfast. After washing the dishes, we walked down the boat and headed out. No one mentioned what we’d done the night before.
For the next few hours, I received a lesson on walleye fishing. Mark and Hank were patient with me, explaining what we were doing and why. I learned to read the graph and about structure.
I caught my first fish while retrieving my lure. It shocked me at first, but I felt the excitement of reeling in the fighting walleye. After we landed it, Mark used his phone, then mine, to take pictures while I held my catch.
By the time we finished, we had five fish in the hold. Hank motored back to the cabin where we cleaned the fish. Mark fried potatoes while I heated a can of corn. Hank grilled some of the fish for our dinner. It was the best fish I’d ever eaten.
Later, we sat around the fire pit, enjoying a beer while talking about the day’s fishing. Hank and Mark said I did great for my first time. At about ten, we headed for bed. As I undressed, I wondered if we would repeat the oral activity of the previous night. We didn’t.
On the trip home Sunday afternoon, Mark and Hank invited me to go again. I told them I looked forward to it.
Jacqueline staggered along the lake bank under the weight of her fishing tackle, pausing to wipe a sheen of perspiration from her brow with the back of her hand. It was just half past ten in the morning but, even so early, the June sunlight blazed in a cloudless azure sky, searing the parched Lincolnshire countryside already scorched by the unusual heat wave of the past two weeks. Jacqueline turned to watch Susan, struggling ill-humouredly and muttering unladylike remarks under an even greater...
“Where’d the time go?”, he wondered walking in his backyard drinking his morning coffee. “How many days and weeks amounting to months did I wish winter away? Now it’s gone, the daffodils are in bloom and I’m still right here, where it all began and I haven’t even ordered the new rods yet. Am I wasting my life away? I wish she were still here. Things be different then. I’d be alive. Not giving in.” He usually awoke at half past five in the morning, suffering an old habit from years at the...
It was a cool morning with not a cloud in the sky as Ray drove into the parking lot at Horsehair Pond. Ray Daniels could see that there were eight cars already parked here. He looked but couldn’t see anyone fishing at this sixteen acre pond which caused him to assume the people who owned these cars were either walkers, joggers or bikers and they were on the trail that started here and ran through the large forest preserve that encompassed this area. Ray was hoping that the break they had from...
A while ago, my son asked if he could go fishing with his friend Laurie and her mother. I had met Laurie before, a very cute blonde haired girl the same age as my son. I thought it was odd going fishing with her and her mom and I asked him about that. He told me that Laurie’s mom was a real outdoorsy type. She loved camping, hiking and fishing. The day after his fishing trip, he told me more about their fishing adventure and about Stephanie and how “cool” he thought she was. He went on and on...
Straight SexThe Fishing Trip by Ellie Dauber, 1999 "You know, people only use fifteen percent of their brain capacity," Andy said. "Speak for yourself, Andy," Phil replied. "No, I'm serious." We can test for brain activity with EEGs, positron emission systems, and the like; never seems to be more than about fifteen percent. It's like there's blocks to keep us from using more." "So?" "So! Phil, you're a fairly smart guy; partner in that big law firm within a couple...
I couldn't wait to get out of work. It was Thursday afternoon and I had a terrific weekend planned. Working the 9/80 schedule is a huge benefit. I work 80 hours in nine days instead of the usual 10, leaving me a three-day weekend every other weekend. It felt like a mini-vacation. Generally, I used that time to relax and just be by myself for a while. Sometimes, though, I took advantage of the longer weekend to get out and away from the world. This weekend, I was going fishing. I've loved...
In The Morning LightLori woke to bright sunshine on her face as she stretched and realized that she had slept alone last night.She sprang out of bed and found Kyle on the couch, asleep in his boxers, with a half-dozen empty beer cans scattered on the coffee table. Lori glared at her husband as she shoved his leg with her foot to awaken him.He slowly came to and perked up at the sight of her sexy sheer pink teddy."Fuck… Did I ever miss out last night," Kyle said in a droll, hungover voice."Yeah,...
CuckoldMy wife and I have been happily married for over a dozen years, we enjoy sex but with k**s around its hard to find time or energy for wild sex. But finally we had a day with someone at the house to stay with the k**s. We could have some time to ourselves if we could find somewhere to go. No chance at an overnight but a few hours are better than nothing. It was a beautiful warm sunny day so I suggested that I take my wife fishing. I was only half-way serious, since fishing is always what I want...
I admit it, I was nervous. I know a guy isn't supposed to get nervous, but I'd had feelings growing for Natasha for quite a while and this was the first opportunity to be alone with her for an extended period of time. What was going to happen? Anything? Were any of my fantasies and dreams going to come true or were we going to enjoy a platonic weekend together? My fantasies and dreams had been rather explicit from time to time. Generally, they were just overall feelings of happiness every...
The sky was clearing and the sun was coming out nicely. It had been a dull trip but now the sky was blue and there was a nice glint of sun coming off the water below. I recognized where we were and knew we were only about fifteen minutes away. The drone of the single engine Otter float plane would put you to sleep. The pilot George Freeman was an old family friend of ours and flew charters into the secluded fishing lodges. One of many in the Queen Charlotte Islands and is owned by my family and...
Exactly a month has passed and, surprise-surprise, it is time again to look back and write down some words. Not only for you, dear readers, but also for future us to look back and remember…Experiences with Pamela and Maimu have taken more bold and adventurous. I remember that we both discussed we could also try sex with other couples if we cannot find the right female partner. Birgit was not very sure about it, but, as always, the topic needed some time to settle in. I have told her multiple...
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Have you ever had one of those days where the stars must've been lined up just right and all was good in the world. The kind of day where the sun was shining just right and you were just happy to be alive to witness it. Yeah, me neither, but today was close. It was just three days after my fiftieth birthday and I'd managed to get out of the house and down to the fishing hole before the wife could start bitching. It was mostly because she'd still been asleep when I snuck out. She was going to be...
In the summer of 1961 I was still sixteen and looking forward to my last year of high school and the chance to get away from boring hot unexciting eastern South Dakota and a small town where everyone knows each other. I,d been bullied for years and it had only been the previous year when I,d finally grown from five feet three to five feet eight and put on weight I,d decided to do something about it and to confront the bullies. It worked in spite of the bad advice my late father gave me for...
It was early that Saturday morning when Patrick McAlester woke up anxiously. The whole family was excited that Jake, Patrick's older brother was coming home for the weekend. Jake was away at college and Patrick missed his brother terribly. The boys' being only three years apart, were more like best friends. It was only them and they had a little sister, Karen, who was a mere 10 years old. It had been a tough year for Patrick since he just started out junior college and really had no one to...
It was early that Saturday morning when Patrick McAlester woke up anxiously. The whole family was excited that Jake, Patrick's older brother was coming home for the weekend. Jake was away at college and Patrick missed his brother terribly. The boys' being only three years apart, were more like best friends. It was only them and they had a little sister, Karen, who was a mere 10 years old. It had been a tough year for Patrick since he just started out junior college and really had no one to turn...
GayGramp Wilcox was quite the large landowner. His holdings comprised a square mile of mostly unproductive mountain land. It was left to my father, James Wilcox. Pop willed it equally to me, Bill, and my brother Mark. My brother wasn't interested in the land, so when Dad's estate was settled, he took a minimal inheritance out of the other assets and moved out to Wyoming. Mark was fair and equitable and didn't demand too much, for he knew the property wouldn't pay for itself and I would be...
The lure floated through the air thirty feet before landing with a plop in the water beside the cattails. It created little ripples that disturbed the calm surface of the water. The still air carried the sound a great distance. Ray grinned upon seeing it land exactly where he had wanted to place it. He turned the crank to retrieve the lure while making jerking motions with the rod. He knew if there was a fish there that it wouldn't be able to resist it. It was approaching the magic hour when...
Her 38 year old father Paul was one of the best local preachers at the newest church in town. Her 57 year old grandpa Warren was a building contractor and recently widowed when her grandmother passed away unexpectedly with a massive heart attack 5 months ago. Tossing the last of her clothes in her duffel bag, Tessa sat on the edge of her bed, thinking of the great 10 days of fishing ahead of her with her two favorite men in the world. A light tapping on her bedroom door...
I was working with a guy one night when the subject of fishing came up. I love to fish so when he said we should go fishing some time I was immediately on board. The fact that I had a little crush on him was just a bonus. Since we were both off the next day, and I love to fish at night I suggested we could go fishing that night when we got off work, and he agreed. I gave him our address and told him to come pick me up as soon as he was ready to go. When we got off at midnight I ran home told my...
Not me but as told to me by a buddy and it got me hard! It's nothing hardcore, but I enjoyed the experience just the same....I love to fish. I have a really nice bass boat with large front deck and I like to get it out often. When I first got it, I used to take my fiancé out with me all the time so I could fish and she could tan on the deck right behind the front butt seat.One time we were out and I decided to go fish the upper end of a long neck on a large reservoir. We ran up the neck till we...
“If Cory walks in on us before we finish, she may want to join us but right now I want YOU to FUCK ME!” Wet from her vagina to her clitoris, she was so close that she knew just a small amount of additional stimulation would push her over to orgasmic nirvana. She wanted Bill to fuck her hard and slid a pillow under her butt to raise her vagina. Bill pushed his middle finger tip inside Sharon’s vagina and felt how swollen and wet she already was. It was a bit of a surprise that she was already...
"Hey Lils! I'm about to head out on the boat and do some fishing. Want to come?" "Sure! Let me throw my bikini on and grab a pole! I'll be out front when you get here!"I absolutely love fishing, so when my cousin Zack called me, I was not turning him down! It didn't hurt that he was really nice to look at, too. A day of fishing on the boat, with a blonde, tan, shirtless, hottie. I'm not complaining! Zack and I were never really close growing up, but since I moved back home, we have started to...
IncestMark smiled down at his daughter as they stepped into the local bait and tackle shop. He was dressed for the day, a pair of torn and faded formerly black jeans and a long sleeved flannel shirt. Beneath he wore a fishing tee shirt baring a bikini-clad model with a bass. His wide brimmed hat was covered in various different lures and bobbers looking more funny than professional as he started walking slowly down the aisles. "First thing we gotta do honey is get us the right bait. You won't catch...
I picked a lake near my home that had a lot of open space as well as a lot of secluded coves concealed by canyon walls: which I had found in the past were great for bass fishing. With my cooler stocked and fishing poles and tackle loaded, I headed out across the lake. I drove for about twenty minutes just loosening up the engine and then headed for one of the coves a way back from the main lake which I had a lot of luck fishing in the past. As I pulled into the cove and slowed down, I saw a...
This chapter starts out in the early spring. Kim has moved away to live with her aunt in another state where she will have her baby that she gives up for adoption. It is spring break for John and me both. John is going away with his dad on a week long fishing trip. He and I stood in the driveway waiting for his dad to come out. “Janet you do know I would rather spend my spring break with you.” “But I could not tell my dad no on going on this fishing trip,” John explained as he stood there...
Introduction: Uncle and his two neices go out to fish and he ends up catching more than he thought he would It was a lazy Sunday. I was kind of bored so I figured I would see if my two nieces wanted to go fishing since I knew they both enjoyed the outdoors. I called my brother and asked what they were up to today. He said they were just sitting around the house and doing nothing. I offered to come and pick them up and take them out for the day. He readily agreed since he and his wife had not...
Off the bus, down the metal steps, onto the warm concrete. It was hot, but the wind was cool, coming in waves, ruffling my hair, ruffling my clothes. The heavy smell of petrol hit me heavily as the bus trundled away down the gravel path. The rumbling slowly disappeared behind the trees, leaving me standing in silence in the woods with my hiking bag on my back and my pole and reel hanging off my shoulder. There were trees all around; tall and brown and straight, no leaves near their base, the...
FantasySince my husband and I both enjoy fishing, we checked the WEB for somewhere to go this summer. North Carolina has some nice lakes but decided we wanted something more exciting where a person can catch fish in clean waters. A friend of my husband who belongs to a sportsman club suggested we check into fishing in Canada where many lakes are loaded with fish. He suggested an area in upper Ontario where they will fly people into a lake for a week. We checked their website and decided that was...
ExhibitionismNew Orleans - The fishing tripBy Barbara This paragraph summarizes part 1 of my New Orleans Conference. Monday morning began the meetings till early afternoon then free time until the Awards Dinner at 5. I received two of the three awards my branch won and afterwards my group hung out in the bar drinking and some dancing. I was unaware of a “black light” causing my long yellow dress to appear as a very transparent veil allowing my tits and pussy to be easily seen through my sheer sexy...
We were almost there. A trip I had been planning to take for years now. I was looking forward to staying in the ice fishing hut... fishing... drinking beer, and just kicking back for the weekend. It was just Jason and myself... we tried talking our wives (Jenn and Karen) into coming with us, but they decided to go to a spa for the weekend instead... go figure. I was glad Jason and I were still able to get along as friends, with no underlying issues, reguardless of what we have done with our...
GayThe Art of Good Fishing, © Spitman October 2000 It was a fine sunny afternoon in May, and the beach was pretty crowded fora day so early in the season, but it was rather warm for the time of year,with very little wind and a cloudless sky. Donna lay on her beach towel with her bikini top unfastened, enjoying thefeel of the sun on her back. Others more adventurous, dispensed with theirskimpy bikini tops, offering an impressive display of breasts proudly bared,to the warm rays of the sun, not to...
Michael was in his mid 40s. He was amazed and relieved to be in his new country and his new community in a place that somewhat reminded him of his homeland Germany. Now he was in Tennessee close to the mountains he loved and more importantly in the country away from any big city and more importantly away from any large law enforcement agency that might look a little too close at his past. He believed he deserved a new chance to put his crimes behind him and get a fresh start. He was stunned by...
We were almost there. I was looking forward to staying in the ice fishing hut... fishing... drinking beer, and just kicking back for the weekend. It was just Jason and myself... we tried talking our wives (Jenn and Karen) into coming with us, but they decided to go to a spa for the weekend instead... go figure. I was glad Jason and I were still able to get along as friends, with no underlying issues, reguardless of what we have done with our wives, eachother, and eachothers wives over the past...
BisexualI was still married to my first wife, Candice, when we went on a trip to Bozeman Mt. We had been married eight years. It was 1982, and we were both in our mid 20's at that time. My wife was a stay at home Mom, and for the last 4 years or so, I had been working non stop to keep us ahead financially. I was due a two week vacation, and to help us out her parents took the k**s to Europe with them. So we took advantage of the freedom to visit some friends in Montana, whom we haven't seen in years....
It all started when my BF and I booked a holiday to Cancun in Mexico. As much as I loved him I sometimes found him a bit lacking in excitement especially on holidays. As much as I like sunbathing I also like to do things. Anyway I was trying to get him to take me on a trip and all he did was moan that they were boring or too much money so I had almost given up hope.In the resort there were lots of Americans who were usually loud but friendly. One of the guys was quite friendly and seemed nice...
Before I get anymore in depth, let me describe myself and my nieces. I am Matt, 25, 6’4” and of average weight. I have blue eyes and brown hair and try to keep in shape by working out every other day. My oldest niece (Olivia) is 16 years old, blonde hair, green eyes and skinny weighing about 125 pounds and probably 5’10”. She is on the cheerleading squad and def has the figure for it. My other niece is Liz and she is 11 years old. She is 4’10” brown hair, brown eyes and about 80 pounds. Both...
I'm a 48 year old male, who loves to fish. Less than a quarter mile down the road from my home is a stocked river which is generally packed with like minded folks on the weekends. The road on which I live crosses the river via a thirty foot long two lane country bridge. There are low leaning trees on either side which along with the bridge itself cast a cool quite shade on the cement footings twenty feet below the roadway. This is my usual afternoon get away during the week, as I have it all to...
Oral SexKyle Richardson came from a very conservative family. The open-minded, free-spirited women he dated in college would have been considered sluts in his parent's eyes. But he didn't care what they thought. Kyle was born with good looks and knew how to charm the ladies. He would much rather have an experienced woman that might teach him a thing or two than a virtuous virgin any day.He'd had his fair share of conquests. One-night stands. Friends with benefits. He even had a few long-term...
CuckoldWhen I was in my late teens, I used to spend many a summer's day fishing for trout beside the river that circled around the outside of the town. My favourite spot was a 30 minute bike-ride from home, in a clearing down from the parking lot and bike path. It was great exercise getting there and back 3 or 4 times a week, kept me in good shape and put a healthy tan on my skin.There were a number of regulars like myself who I would see from time to time and we were all on a somewhat friendly...
A while ago, my son asked if he could go fishing with his friend Laurie and her mother. I had met Laurie before, a very cute blonde haired girl the same age as my son. I thought it was odd going fishing with her and her mom and I asked him about that. He told me that Laurie’s mom was a real outdoorsy type. She loved camping, hiking and fishing. The day after his fishing trip, he told me more about their fishing adventure and about Stephanie and how “cool” he thought she was. He went on and on...
I love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the kids have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...
Gay MaleI love getting away from all the city stresses mainly by going for walks in the deep countryside. Away from the hustle and bustle of city life. Away from the noise and the pressure. As a family we would walk for miles but now, as the k**s have grown and moved on, it’s just my wife and me out on these rambles. Normally that is, but this time she was shopping with her sister in the city so I was alone. I’d left the car in the car park, map in hand, and headed into the hills. After a couple of...
Gone fishing and getting treated as a sissy It started on a weeklong fishing trip when I was 19 years old with 6 of my friends. After we got to the lake and set up camp it was time to grab the beer coolers and the fishing poles for a couple of hours of intince worm drowning. When it started to get dark it was time to quit and head back to camp for food when we got there it was time to figure out who was going to be the camp BITCH! (all the cooking and cleaning) and since Jim's...
Sissy and I grew up in Michigan's Upper Peninsula. We were like most kids in the world, a happy family. We were blessed with loving parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. I don't really have any bad memories as a child, except for one. When my sister was four and I was five, our mom died. It was unexpected. We were just a couple of kids playing in the bathtub, me with my plastic police boat, and Sissy with her floating frog. Her frog was always the sea monster that sunk my police boat....
I was born into a family that loved fishing. To be more specific, my older brother Drake and father Alvin were crazy about fishing. They tried everything in their power to get me hooked on this terrible hobby, but I simply hated it. Fortunately, my mother Rose was my protector in this regard, and although small of stature she was not to be messed with.Much to Alvin’s regret, I was a real ‘indoors’ kind of guy, something he and Drake found very hard to understand. I also think my smaller...
Gay MaleBECOMING THE SISSIFIED FISHING CAMP PRINCESS!!!!!!!! Between being raised by a strict single parent mother, and living far out the boondocks of a small remote New Hampshire country town, my life was different than that of the other town boys.. Yes homework and then houseword were all I ever seemed to be doing. By fully LEGAL age 18, I was a good three to four years younger in mental developement as my mom was super protective of me, I was also still the physical size of most jr.high school boys...
A few years ago, I had been dating this girl, Linda, for a few months, and we had been getting along real well, but although she seemed to like me, we kissed, a little bit of tongue, that was as far as she had let it go. I was getting a little bit frustrated to say the least.One day I asked her if she would like to go fishing in my boat. I have a 23 foot Pro-Line cuddy cabin which is set up for off-shore fishing. To my surprise she said she had never been and she would like to try it. I picked...
Straight SexI got out of work at lunchtime and wife works til 6 so I hurried home lifted the fishing rod and went for a few hours fishing to my usual secret spot over at a small river 1 across fields behind my house, its a bend on river then enters a forest which is overgrown noone goes there so very private, I was fishing away and heard someone talking I went to see and could only see a dog so never worried and continued, I fished for around 10 minutes at that spot then moved down into forest part when I...
My son has a cock that measures seven and three quarters in girth and ten and a half inches in length. I know. I measured it one evening as I playfully sucked his cock. Chris isn't actually my son. He is my husband's son. But, he has always called me mom.Today Chris is twenty-four and I'm forty-seven.Chris and I don't date. We are more like each other's booty call. We have an agreement that fits us well. I'm not saying we don't sneak off on occasions for a weekend getaway or something like...
CheatingFriday, July 20th, 2012 Today started like yesterday with more lovemaking until Carin fell asleep. I puttered around the house then went and bought some fishing gear, some drinks, and snacks for on the lake tonight. Carin had a nice cooler, so that was taken care of. I talked with Alan and he said he would release Christine to Jesus if my insurance agent released it too. I negotiated a price that I thought was fair for the vehicle and they sold it to Jesus for $900.00. That was about all it...
Introduction:A broken boat motor extended our five day fishing trip into one of idyllic isolation.I woke up to the sounds of my father having a bad dream, he was huffing and grunting as if he were fighting or working hard; it scared me because I never heard it before. I listened as he moved around on his bed for a few minutes, restless with the dream then he groaned a long sigh and fell silent. I laid awake on my side of the thin wall for a few minutes until I decided his dream was done then...
I left home early after filling my mom in on my plans - Fishing with James and a couple of his friends, coming home and spending the night at his place, so as not to wake her up coming in. James, being the good kid she met at church, who was further approved by my aunt who knew him, had no problem letting me go out and spend the night. We were out on the river bright and early with lunch, beer, and fishing gear loaded into the flat bottom boats. It was a hot summer day and the river was...
We had just moved house,my mum nad dad and me and my younger brother,we had moved to a little village in the north of england 7miles from the nearest town.the first few weeks my brother and i were on school holidays so we went exploring our new surrondings.i was fifteen at the time and he was 13 and we were very keen fisherman which was lucky for us as we found we were very close to the river.after we had been there a week or so we decided to go fishing and as usual we got up at 5oclock the...
I put my fishing poles into my truck and walked back into the house to kiss my wife goodbye for the weekend. It was a friday afternoon and the k**s were at the neighbors house. As I walked up the stairs, my wife stood at the top. She stared at me as I reached the top, then she winked. I simply said, "I know what this means" and smiled. She reached for my hand and pulled me into the bedroom. She quickly locked the door behind us. She held me close and grabbed at my crotch. She whispered into my...
GONE FISHING BY JANICE My name is Bert, I am fifteen years old and live with my mother who is pretty self-involved and usually has no time for me, so when our neighbor, Mr. Martin wants to take me fishing every so often, she is glad to get rid of me. I look forward to these weekends because I have more fun than I ever would if I really went fishing. This will be explained as the story goes on. Mr. Martin picked me up at nine am. It took us a little over an hour to get to where...
It was the middle of summer after a long week of working we decided to spend the afternoon at her sisters house fishing, she had a pond not too far from her house. we were joined by her sister, her husband and their two sons, we spent the whole afternoon and into the night fishing catching mostly frogs which the boys enjoyed playing with. It was starting to get late and the boys needed to be in bed so they left leaving me and my wife who were still trying to fish but not catching anything.After...
We both live in the same suburb so I stopped by his place early in the morning on the way to the boat ramp, Dane his 17 year old son had decided to come with me so he got in my car and off we went. When we got on the water it was cool in the early morning sun, I had shorts on under track pants and a jacket on over a T shirt so I was okay but Dane had on jeans and only a T shirt so I lent him one of my spare jackets to keep warm. As normal we headed out to slightly different spots on the bay...