Mistis' Adventures Part 215 (Cont.) free porn video

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Bob picked Albert up, and wrapping an arm around him, started toward the house. Right behind them were Mel and Vera, supporting Pam between them. Christie was at the rear, carrying their clothes. She was still amazed at the way Pam was so wrung out. Physically AND emotionally. She had seen her younger sister get a good fucking in the past, but NOTHING like THIS! The wheels were turning as she tried to come up with a way to get either Albert OR Bob to give it to her, the same way. There were several things she could consider to make herself more desirable, and she was going to do ALL of them.

It took them almost 10 minutes to negotiate the path to the house, stopping outside the barn for a short breather. Bob was trying to contain his admiration, AND his mirth, at the way things had developed. He had been told, and had witnessed, first hand, Albert's methods in taking care of the ladies. He had seen him with Mel, Susan, and, lately, with Althea. He had heard from Floyd, how he had made Maria turn to putty in his hands, and had heard the same from Gale. Annie had had many nice things to say about him, too. HE had taken his time about lifting Albert up, because he was admiring Pam. She was as good as any of the ladies he was acquainted with, EXCEPT Melody. SHE was the CREAM of the CROP! He was astounded that he had even been allowed to sniff her panties, let alone put a hand on her.

He had seen her that day, and she had displayed herself to him, but he had seen THAT ploy used many times in his line. The woman/girl thought that if she showed him her "stuff" she could get a discount on the price of what they were wanting to buy. NOT EVEN!!! He had seen so much pussy and tit that it became "Old Hat" to him. SURE!!! He would look at them, and, if appropriate, even compliment the lady. Several had even offered to take it up a notch. Some had even hinted that they would give him "some" with their husbands/boyfriends watching. He knew that he would be out of a job if THAT was to get around.

They lifted the two lovers, and made their way to the house, and up the stairs. This house was bigger than even the house they had built for the Mayfields and Elledges. They had eight bedrooms, and six bathrooms, upstairs, and three bedrooms, and three and 3/4 bathrooms DOWNSTAIRS. There was a large utility room/ pantry at the rear, with an enclosed back porch, and a GIGANTIC kitchen, along with an equally large dining room, and living room. The front porch held five more swings, the old fashioned kind on chains from the roof, and was screened in. It was one of the nicest homes he had ever seen. There was enough room for a convention to be held.

Vera had explained that, because of the proximity of the bayou to the house, instead of a regular "picket fence" around the yards, they had an eight foot chain link fence around theirs. They STILL got visits from the local wildlife, though. A few weeks ago, Christie had shot a cougar in the front yard, and a few days prior to that, they had killed a coyote in the chicken pen. She had admitted that Pam went into the swamps hunting greens and mushrooms, and got the occasional gator, which they ate, or a wild pig, which they also ate, They skinned and cured the pelts from the beaver and muskrat she shot, and used them for whatever they took a mind to.

She had laughed and told stories about her Grandpa giving the Klan fits when they used to hold rallies in the area. He had two of his hired hands (BOTH Black) had loaded up cases of shotgun shells with rock salt and putting them under the wood they used for their bonfires. When they got hot enough to explode, it was funny as all get out. White hoods and robes were going everywhere. The REAL funny part had been when the County Sheriff had limped around for days AFTER one of their trips.

They carried Pam up and washed her in the shower, soaping her down, shampooing all the sand out of her hair, douching her, and giving her an enema, because she was leaking THERE, too. They had put her in her bed, and she had muttered something, rolled over and went to sleep with a big smile on her face.

Mel and Bob had done the same for Albert. Bob was holding him up, and Mel washed him. Just for grins and giggles, she had scrubbed his head with some of the bath soap, for just in case. They had put him in the bed and HE was out like a burned out bulb. They all met downstairs when they had finished. Christie and Vera STILL had loads of questions for Mel and Bob. He was getting a good look at both of the women. THEY shared the same attitude about nudity as Mel did. They only wore clothes when it was cold, (NOT very often) or when decorum dictated. (Even LESS often) They didn't have THAT many visitors, and, most times, they were men, who enjoyed seeing three attractive women in the raw. Many times, visitors would enjoy lengthy stays, where they would be made comfortable, and to feel welcome. They didn't know that Melody was still that way, or not, so today, they were met by them fully dressed.

Christie made the comment about several of the men in the community had told stories about their time in Vietnam, during the day, and what went on. Some of the stories had been funny, but nearly all had been interesting in one way or another. Bob had related a few of the stories he had witnessed, or taken part in, and he was told, by the two women, some of the stories THEY had heard. They sat there until a little after midnight, going up to check the two lovers, occasionally, and sipping ice tea. They finally called it a night, and, after kissing each other good night, went to their bedrooms to shower and get some sleep. Vera and Christie both decided to wait until morning to make a play for either of the two men, so both got a good nights sleep. Albert had company, from Christie, but, seeing he was already worn out, she settled for just cuddling up to him, and holding him for the night. Bob was excited over some of the things he had seen and heard, so he and Mel made love one time, cuddled up together, and went to sleep for the night. The last thing Mel had told Bob was, "If Vera had known you were able, she would have gone after you, to get a little of YOUR loving. I'm glad she didn't guess, though. I wanted it for myself." She kissed him and rolled over so he could hold her in his usual manner. His arm cradling her head, and reaching up to hold her breast, and the other arm, d****d across her waist, with her pussy cupped in his hand. He kissed her shoulder several times, as she was drifting off to sleep.

The next morning they awoke to the sun streaming into the window, and a light breeze shifting the curtains. It was warm, but not hot. They got up and, after a few kisses, and a "Good Morning" hug, went in and took the first shower of the day. They dried each other, and, remembering what their hostesses had told them, went down the stairs to the kitchen. They were surprised to see Pam cooking. She turned around to show that all she was wearing was an apron, and came over with two mugs of coffee for them. Setting them on the table, she turned and embraced both of them, and kissing them. "I can see you're surprised to see me like this, but it don't take me long to recover from a good lay. I can get my ass fucked off at noon, and be ready to go hunting in an hour or so. I'm the best shot, so I do a lot of the hunting. I have a surprise for ya' for supper. Dinner for you city folks. Something I'll bet you ain't ever eat, before. Mom's gone to gather the eggs and feed the ducks and chickens, and Christie's up helping Albert with his shower. I heard him groan when I went past his room a while ago, so she's probably making him welcome in her own way. She likes to give blow jobs in the shower, and take her "victim" in the bed and give 'im a little nookie. Just so you know, BOB, she loves to get it doggy style. It makes it feel deep to her. Mom likes to go cowgirl, and I like it face to face, Missionary. I want it to stay inside of me."

They heard the back porch screen door slam shut, and Vera came in, carrying a basket of eggs. SHE was naked, too. She set the eggs on the counter, next to the sink, and turned the water on, to wash the eggs before putting them away. She had a soft brush to scrub the shells clean and put them in a basket to go in the fridge. "Got almost three dozen this morning, Babe. The old checkered hen is still sitting hers." She came over and kissed the two guests. "I may have to take some of them to the store in a little bit. We got almost 14 dozen in the icebox. Running out of room to put them."

They heard steps and looked around to see Albert coming through the living room. HE was naked, too. He came in and kissed his Mom, then Bob, then stepped over and kissed Pam and Vera. Pam took her time, wrapping her arms around him and giving him a VERY lengthy kiss. "THANK YOU!!! That's the best nights sleep I've had in ages. You really put my lights out. Worked better than a sleeping pill. Hope you didn't have anything else in mind. I want to give ya' a guided tour of the swamp. Teach ya how to find some nice juicy mushrooms, and show ya a few other things. You can wear some of Daddy's old boots, so ya' don't mess up your own clodhoppers. It can get nasty out there. I'll take care of ya' though. Just step where I tell ya'."

Christie came down a second later, looking as bright and chipper as she could be. "Morning, ALL!" She went around the room kissing and hugging all of them, and giving Albert an extra good hug. "Mel! This guy just give me an eye opener that shook me up. Elvis be damned. He made me beg for mercy. All I did was to chew his root a little bit, and he gave it back in SPADES. My favorite way, too. Doggy style. Took four bottles of water to clean me out. Think you might like to adopt a grown up daughter? I'm available, and willing." Mel and Bob were both laughing out loud at her tirade. Pam and Vera had heard it several times in the past.

They took the biscuits that Pam had cooking out of the oven, and set the whole pan on a hot pad, and Christie washed her hands and took the egg basket out of the refrigerator, and started breaking them into a pan of hot grease. Bacon and sausage, along with some ham were on a big platter. Vera was making a pan full of gravy in the other burner. The stove was HUGE. She turned to look at Mel. "Grandpa bought this monster at an auction, and had a friend to look it over and fix a couple of things. It burns propane, and was in a restaurant. That's the reason for the tank outside. We have to fill it once ever' two years. Just had it filled last fall, though. It cooks like a dream and is big enough to do anything you could ever want."

Soon the eggs were in the plates, and the gravy was in a bowl, and they were eating like food was going out of style. They finished and started cleaning the kitchen. Christie and Vera were going to show Mel and Bob around the farm, and show them a few things in particular. Pam and Albert went upstairs to dress, but first Pam insisted on a quickie. She got on her knees on the edge of the bed, and Albert, making the best of a fantastic situation, knelt behind her, and ate her pussy, before he took a hipbone in each hand and slid into her. He made her cum several times, before he deposited his offering deep inside of her. They took a quick shower together, dressed, and headed out to the swamp, on an old Artillery Mule her Father had found. It was the best thing to negotiate the rough terrain with.

It looked like a platform on four wheels, with a basket in the front for the controls and a driver, with an engine in the back. It had short walls around the sides to hold thing on when it was moving. This one had a bench seat, taken from and old vehicle of some sort, for other passengers. It was high enough to handle all but the biggest objects, and the tires were enough to go through mud and water easily. Pam hopped up to take the controls, and hit a button to the side to start the motor. Albert barely had time to seat himself before she let out the clutch, and tore out in a cloud of dust.

They went around the two ponds they had visited the night before, and went over the grassy knolls to the near edges of the swampy area. Before long, the grass gave way to thick brush, and trees, and the land was noticeably softer and wetter. Pam climbed the machine to the top of a small rise, stopped, and killed the engine. The air was alive with the sounds of birds and insects. She reached into a small, flat box, and took out a pistol and a belt, strapping them around her waist. "I NEVER go in here without a gun. If for no other reason but the moccasins. Water moccasins. They bite ya, and ya swell up like a poisoned dog, and where they bit ya, turns black, and hurts like hell. If ya don't get to a doctor soon enough, they can kill ya. Even like that, ya' can figger on staying in the hospital for a few days. I never got bit, but a boy I went to school with, did. He almost croaked over it." She reached in for the second time, and pulled out a shotgun with the barrel sawed off. "You can take this 'un. It's a 20 gauge, and holds six shots. Five in the tube and one in the chamber. It's loaded with No. 2 shot, except for the last one. It's a slug. The shot will take care of all of what we'll most likely see, but, if push comes to shove, ya got it for insurance. Who knows. We might see a bear, but most of them are cowards. They run if they hear us, unless ya git between a mama and her cubs. THEY can give ya a hard time in a hurry. Only thing that's really dangerous is a cougar. They'll jump ya' and give ya a good going over unless ya can kill 'em first. Just watch me. I growed up around these critters, and know how they work. If I hold up my hand, stop in yer tracks, and be quiet. Then look where I point."

She slipped through a break in the brush, and started forward, with Albert less than a step behind her. There were many of the plants that he had seen in the woods at home, with Chris, and Bruce, mainly, but there were many he had only seen in books. He was amazed at the size of the fronds on the palmettos, and the thickness of the wild ferns that filled much of the space. Spiders had webs hanging, and many were full of carefully covered insects, and one even had a hummingbird rolled inside. The spider was HUGE. It was bigger than most of the tarantulas he had seen, and was covered in a variety of colors. Greens and yellows with some red markings. It was very pretty to him, and the last sight his victims had ever had.

They went through water that was just to their ankles, and some that was deeper, until Pam held up her hand, and pointed to some whitish mushrooms. She pulled a plastic bag from under the gun belt, and opened it. "These are the ones I was hoping to find." she told him. "I hope we can find a bunch more. I'd like to get enough for supper. They cook down 'till they get done, and it takes a lot of 'em to make a meal. They're real good, though. When Mom cooks 'em with taters, they taste like steak." She pulled a safety pin out of her pocket, and pinned the bag to the waistband of her shorts. We'll go and see if we can find some more over the way. Come on."

She led them through the brush, stopping him a bit later, and kneeling down, pointed to a doe deer that was laying in the brush licking a fawn. It was laying beside her, and seemed to be at ease. Pam leaned over and was close enough to Albert's ear, to kiss him, but whispered. "Some years we can shoot a doe, but we did that two years ago. We're downwind from 'em, so they won't catch our scent, so if we stay quiet, we can watch 'em for a bit. You might be looking at the big daddy of the swamp right there. He could be smart, and lucky, enough to be called a monster. There's a few of 'em out here. I got one that was 16 points last year. He got greedy, and I was in the right place at the right time. He came into the yard and I was upstairs, changing my clothes. Saw him by the barn, and took my gun, and shot 'im. dropped 'im in his tracks. Dressed out to a little over a hundred and a half. Up north they get MUCH bigger, but for here, that's big." She pushed his shoulder to go back, so as not to disturb the pair of deer.

They went a bit further, and found three more patches of the mushrooms, and some other ones. She reached down and picked one of them up with a stick. "THIS kind are poison. Eat one of these and you'll be talkin' to Saint Pete. Even the juice is poison. If ya' see one, don't even touch it." She dropped it and they went for a little distance more.
"Look in your ammo pouch, and hand me that cord. I'm gonna get us something extra for supper. He looked at where she was pointing, and she drew her pistol and took careful aim. The gun roared, and the water splashed about 15 or so feet in front of them. "GOT "IM!!!" she squealed. She went around the small finger of water they had been standing in front of, and took the cord and tied it around a fist sized head that was slowly seeping blood. "Nice snapping turtle. He'll go about 25 or 30 pounds till we clean 'im. We'll get a good bowl full of meat. Christie will cook it for us to go with our supper, tonight. I'll show ya how to clean 'im when we get back to the house." His head was almost gone, so she tied two of his feet together and put another of her plastic bags around him so he wouldn't bleed on them, and they went by another route, heading back to the Mule.

On the way they found two more patches of the mushrooms, picked them, and went a little further. She reached down and pulled a green leafy plant from the soil. She held it up for him to look at. "THIS is what you look for when you go hunting poke salad. The small leaves are the best, but they're all good. UNLESS they have berries on them. They're too strong, but the berries are used for dye. It's bright red. Bruce had shown it to him on one of their times in the woods.

They walked for another, nearly, half hour, and arrived at the mule. They deposited their bags, and climbed aboard. "I LOVE driving this thing. Makes me feel like I'm flying. In bad weather ya have to wear goggles to protect your eyes, but even that makes it fun. I'll take this against any four wheeler, ANY time. It may not be as fast as some of them, but, it's a heap sight more fun.

It was the early afternoon, and they stopped to wash themselves in the "swimming " pond. Again, naked, they splashed each other, and laughed gaily, enjoying their being young, healthy, and full of good spirits. After last night, and this morning, they held absolutely no inhibitions. They were as comfortable as they could possibly be, with their nudity, and closeness. After cleaning themselves, and each other, they went up to sit, this time, in the grass, to let the sun dry them off. At first they lay side by side, but their hands crept together, and that turned to an embrace,and led to them kissing. Soon Pam was on her back, and Albert was kissing her, and feeling of her soft curves. She pulled him even closer.

"The only thing I'm sorry about, is that we didn't do this the first time we had the chance. I should have let you cum inside of me. After you left for home, I cried for a few days, and Mom asked me what the matter was. I told her, and she laughed at me. She said we would have plenty more chances in the years ahead. Then I found out that you were upset with us, and I felt even worse. I wanted to go visit you, and let you fuck me, and fill me with cum, but Mom said not to hurry. When the time was right, we'd enjoy it so much more. Now I see what she was talking about. Let's do it now, and then we can go to the house, and clean the turtle, and take a shower together. Just the two of us. Mom was going to take your Mom to town with her, and Christie will, most likely, have Bob occupied. We can go and fuck the right way, as if there was a WRONG way, in one of the beds and take a nap, after. I want to see what it's like to wake up with someone you love in your arms. Mom and Christie have both done it, before, but I never have. I been laid a few times, but never had an all nighter."

He had listened to her as he kissed her, and felt of her, but his real attention was on her softness. All thoughts of getting even with her and Aunt Vera were gone like the morning mist. Christie was fun, and VERY tight, but the spark between them, wasn't there. He had felt it between Althea, Susan, and even Maria. He had felt it even more between his Mom and him. THAT he understood. Gail and Annie had been fun, because of his unfamiliarity with sex, but, NOW... He went down to suck her nipples some more, and was rewarded by hearing her gasp. On he went, kissing her as he had last night. Suddenly she rolled over and was astraddle of him. "NO YOU DON'T!!! I OWE YA'!!!" She pushed his legs apart, and he felt her warm mouth taking his penis in, and her tongue licking it. She scooted back and told him, "We can go 69, or you can lay there and let me suck your dick, but either way, I'm gonna have some cum in my belly. If ya' want to eat me, then go ahead, but I had a good dose of your tongue last night. I wancha to know that you're not the only one that knows how to make someone happy."

She took him in her mouth, and before long he was giving her the first of his seed. He realized that all women didn't swallow, but, so far, he hadn't met any. She took every drop and kept on sucking and swallowing, until he was hard, again. When he was, she held him flat on the ground and raised up to take him in her, while she showed him how a cowgirl rode a wild bull. He lay under her, as she leaned down to kiss him repeatedly. He had hardly had a chance to lick her pussy, this time, and she seemed none the less happy for it. She knew when to stop, and let him relax, so he could get himself under control, and would turn and show him what it looked like to watch his cock going in and out of her. She had made the turn for the fifth or sixth time, and she leaned down, kissed him and told him, "Hang on to your hat, Hot Stuff! I'm going for glory this time."

She hooked her heels under him and pulled herself down until it felt like her weight had doubled. She rose and dropped until he felt the tingle of his ejaculation rising. "OH, YEAH!!! OH, YEAH!! LET 'ER RIP!!! FLOOD MY CUNT!!! GIVE IT TO ME GOOD!!! OH, DEAR LORD!!! THAT FEELS FINE!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!" She leaned forward and took his face in her hands, and kissed him as hard as she had done last night. She ground her pelvis into him in an effort to get every drop of his juice inside of her. He felt the muscles in her legs quivering as she lay atop him.

With a supreme effort, she rolled off of him, but he followed her over, and clung just as tightly to her, as she had to him. They kissed between their breaths, and smiled at each other, enjoying the feelings that they were sharing. They basked in the afterglow of their lovemaking, and found it was getting late. They went back in the water, and washed themselves off, and put their clothes back on. Pam parked the mule in front of the barn, and took the turtle and hung it from a nail. A few minutes later, the top shell was laying there with the meat from the turtle inside. She glanced up at the sky, and pulled the mule inside. She closed one door, and Albert got the other, and they took that and the other bags up and went around the house. Christie was standing just inside and took the bundles from her. "Fucked a little more, did ya? That's okay. I'll get him tonight. I already got Bob. Twice." She went back in the house to fix the new offerings.

Pam and Albert went up the back stairs, and took another shower, but without any horseplay, and dressed. Both put on loose shorts, and T-shirts. Christie took note of them wearing clothes and asked them why they had dressed. Pam looked over at Albert, and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know why Albert did, but I needed something to hold my pad. I douched, and I'm STILL leaking cum. Even after five bottles of water. He must have shot a pint of jizz in me, this time. I'll give it a little, and go up and do it all over, again, and see if that does the trick. I can still feel it inside me."

They sat there talking to Christie and Bob, who had come down shortly before they arrived, and sipping glasses of ice tea. Bob, every time she drew near to him, would pat her on the butt, or snake a hand between her thighs. It was obvious that they had had a good time. Every time he touched her, she would let one of her breasts get near enough to his face for him to take it in his mouth and suck on it, and give him a kiss before straightening up to do what she had intended to do.

Shortly, they heard the pickup pulling in front of the house, and Vera and Mel came in, laughing. They had seen some k**s that were trying to steal watermelons, and the farmer nearer to the main road had filled their butts with rock salt. The sight of them running, full tilt, and holding their asses was reminder of their own escapades in times past. Their best was the time they had "streaked" a wedding party. Even though they were wearing masks, almost everyone had known who they were. Very few teenage girls were built like the pair of them were. They were well known for some of their wilder schemes. Both of them had gone to a "camp meeting" dressed in white robes for being baptized. The rub was, that neither of them had any clothes on UNDER the robes. When they came out of the water, it was as if they were both fully naked. THAT one had gotten them both punished. Grandpa had taken a board of both of them. They had eaten several meals at the kitchen counter, because it was painful for them to sit down. Grandma had given them "what for" in her own way. They had to stay fully dressed for two weeks, and go to bed at nine o'clock each night. Then they had to do all the housework while she watched, AND LECTURED them, on the wages of sin. They had become MUCH more careful about their pranks, after that.

They took the few things they had bought, and put them on the sofa. There wasn't much, and they were in no hurry. Besides, they HAD to find out why Pam and Albert were dressed. Pam told them why, and Vera looked over at Mel. "Reckon he'll have enough to give anybody else a turn in the barrel? I've been looking forward to his visit since I don't know when. Now it's beginning to look like a lost cause. I may have to lock Pam in the cellar for a few days so the rest of us can get a turn." Pam looked at her Mother. "Can I help it? He likes what I do, and I LOVE what he does, so we do it as much as we can stand. Maybe a little more than we should, but..." Christie looked at her. "I got my chance this morning and went for it. It was worth the wait. It made me "hongry" fer what comes next. I can stand a lot of what he gave me. Made me sit up and whistle "Dixie."

She looked at Bob, and directed her next statement at Mel. "YOU, DEAR CUZ, HAVE HIT THE JACKPOT, TOO!!! After everyone else got out, I took him out on the back porch, and he showed me how a hammock SHOULD be used. Then he CARRIED me up the stairs, and put me in the shower, and showed me what it was all about, then put me on the bed and gave me a refresher course. My legs are still shaking, and I've already used nearly a whole tube of Ben-Gay, making the muscles relax enough for me to stand and walk. I told him that he was welcome any time he showed his face, as long as he showed me something else at the same time."

Vera sat there, laughing, and told Mel. "Pam may have earned herself some company. I may have to lock BOTH of them in the cellar." The aromas of the broiling meats were filling the house nicely, and Mel stepped over and lifted the lid on the cooker. "WHAT IS THAT, that smells so good? Pam snickered. "I'll tell ya after supper. Albert knows what some of it is, but not all. We shot a snapping turtle and part of it is him. He was a big one, too. Must have weighed about 20 or 30 pounds. We got probably five or six pounds of meat out of him. I think you've tasted turtle meat before haven't you Mel? Grandpa used to get them all the time." Mel thought back to her early years. "I must have had it a few times. Paw Paw was always bringing in something he had shot. Mostly rabbits and squirrels, though. I remember a few deer back them and something else that Grandma boiled first. I can't remember what that was, though." Vera looked up at her, "It was probably either gator, or snapper. We had both of them."

Christie and Pam got up and started setting the table. Soon the table was set and the food was presented. The turtle meat was in small chunks, and the other meat was in large pieces. Pam had gone upstairs to take care of her business, and came back down as naked as the rest of them, except Albert, had been. He saw the way they were looking at him, and went in the living room and stripped completely down, also. While she was talking to the other three, and puttering around the kitchen, Christie had made a pan full of mashed potatoes, and a pan of gravy, and heated some green beans. They still had biscuits, that were just as good cold, as they were out of the oven. Everyone sat there trying tp guess what the other meat was. After the last morsel had been eaten, Pam sat back in her chair and asked who REALLY wanted to know what it was. She had brought a small cassette player down when she returned, and reached over to punch the button. Immediately they heard a yowling cry. Bob looked over, a shocked look on his face. "Did we just eat a COUGAR?" Pam, loving the shocked look on his face, laughed out loud. "YEP!!! Old timers said it was the best meat you could find. It and Lynx, or bobcat. All are good. The only things they put above a cougar, was buffalo hump or tongue. They could eat anything that they found. The hides are nice, too."

Supper was finished, and the kitchen was quickly put in order. They went out on the back patio, and sat there, talking about old times, and new dreams, hopes and plans for the future, and the promise of a new day.

Soon, it was time for bed. New adventures awaited them. New loves to be added to the old.

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Working with Rcont

Working with “R”(cont…)11:30 came and R, showed up with her friend. She had her hair down and was wearing a very, flattering, blue, short, and low-neck-lined, dress. Her nipples poked through the material excitedly when I walked over to her. She didn’t have any make-up on. Except for a bit of flesh-coloured lipstick. A black-leather, bomber-style jacket and backless, high-heeled shoes made up the rest of her attire. Basically, she looked good enough to fuck!! Smelled like Rose-Water, too! ...

2 years ago
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215 Wendy and Andrew reworked

215 Wendy and Andrew reworked This story has been reworked due to hubby sending me his version of his involvement!They were living in Norfolk it was a nice house, not new but very well appointed, it had a long and secluded garden at its rear fenced to 6ft on all sides. A neighbouring house was the only other home in range so the pretty 38year-old Wendy always sunbathed nude. Her husband Andrew and she being the only ones around except as I said the one next-door neighbour, she tended to throw...

4 years ago
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jasons life story cont

After tina’s wedding and graduation it got kind of quiet around the house. I was still fucking Mom on Monday and Tuesday nights and then I would join Tom on Thursday. WE would both fuck her at the same time. She really liked that. We would take turns fucking her in the ass while the other fucked her pussy. She said she really got off that way feeling both cocks rub against the wall between her ass and her vagina. Becky and I started fucking again too. She decided she really didn't like it in...

3 years ago
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wifes first time shared cont

he next day she was sore and raw from all the fucking she had and said it wouldnt be any time in the near future that she would be doin that again but i knew as much as she had loved it she would want to go again just didnt know when but i hoped soon since she was going to get itagain on her birthday night partyfor the next few days all was quiet until the week before her party she started hinting that we should call up some friends for a get together making sure pat and sam were mentioned but...

4 years ago
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Neighbor Pete cont

It'de been 2 weeks since Pete swore off fucking my rear,I decided to torture him some.I went about servicing my 3 friends but knowing he'de drop by I made excuses to leave.Seeing the man leave he'de come by for some.I met him at my carport,promise to be right back and drive off.Once I let him watch me shower saying I had been called into work.Spending considerable time soaping my ass,I could see his erection strain his pants.This one saturday afternoon I got particularly mean.I invited my big...

4 years ago
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Ms Thickness cont

(cont..)Thickness, was now sitting up and was looking down over her big tits and belly. She rotated her hips making her pussylips slide over my dickhead. Then I started slowly humping her. Not hard enough to stick it in her. but, hard enough for her lips to cover the head of my dick and making hot, wet, noises. Thickness, was moaning and panting hard now. Her heavy tits, covered in hers and my own sweat. Rose and fell against her chubby tummy. She wrapped her chunky thighs around my hips and...

1 year ago
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Some of the Dogging adventures that we have partic

Some of the Dogging adventures that we have participated in we did not tell anyone who my husband was, he was anonymous just one of the guys that showed up. Those are some of the most exciting dogging adventures we have because the guys do not know my husband is watching and participating. My husband say’s the guys treat me different, nastier and sexually erotic when they don’t know he is my husband. Now my husband wants to take it to the next step. He wants to hide and watch me with 2 guys...

3 years ago
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A Country Teenager Part 2 cont

First off here I want to say that I am a little disappointed that some out there did NOT like this TRUE story ? and I sat and thought about not even doing the Part (2) of it at all ??? However many have said please continue with it, so I will do so OK and thanks for your kind nice words to me from all that had a positive view of my past teenager adventure...... OMG here I am a young horny well developed for my age teenager standing out in the calm Ocean water with this hot looking big...

3 years ago
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Himura Battousia Book 2 Kenshins PastPart 215 Three Days Work

Based on what I've found, I'm guessing he'll have a base in the Arakawa rivermouth area. (Yahiko and Misao charge through Arakawa.) Find Yukishiro Enishi's hideout! Even if Kaoru's not there, there'll be some clue! There has to be! (They collapse, out of breath.) Misao: Arakawa is too big! Yahiko: Don't say that! You'll make it seem bigger. Misao: Late summer is too hot! Yahiko: Don't say that! You make it seem hotter. Misao: But over the past three days we've checked this...

3 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 215

This blonde decides one day that she is sick and tired of all these blonde jokes and how all blondes are perceived as stupid. So, she decides to show her husband that blondes really are smart. While her husband is off at work, she decides that she is going to paint a couple of rooms in the house. The next day, right after her husband leaves for work, she gets down to the task at hand. Her husband arrives home at 5:30and smells the distinctive smell of paint. He walks into the living room...

4 years ago
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Friend hot sister slumber party cont

The night continue...Anna and I jump into the shower together to wash each other before the night continue with more romping. As the warm water start hitting our body me and Anna was embrace in a passioned deep french kiss and our hand was roaming each other body. My hand was busy groping her tits and that killer ass, while her hand went on to worked on my now hardening cock. These teasing went on for a while and out of the blue we were joined by Kym, Anna smile at her and invite her to come in...

2 years ago
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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 215 Rookie in Need

I took her copies of the official police reports. I planned to do my own background check on the two officers with Jamie on the raid. Okay I called Lucus to ask for the favor. "Lucas, a young female cop in Tryon needs a favor," I said it when I had him on the phone. "Oh really?" he asked. "Yes really. I went on to explain the circumstances of Jamie's predicament. I gave him all the details I then put him to work on the hacking of the two officers finances. I expected it to take...

3 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 215

"Lesbionics it is a lesson in explainations... What do you call a pantry full of lesbians? A licker cabinet What do you call an Eskimo lesbian? A Klondyke What do you call two lesbians in a canoe? Fur Traders. What do you call a lesbian with long fingers? Well Hung. What do you call lesbian twins? Lick-a-likes. What's the difference between a Ritz cracker and a lesbian? One's a snack cracker; the other's a crack snacker. What do you have when you've got 50 lesbians and 50 govt...

4 years ago
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Arlene and JeffChapter 215

While Courtney was in the sleep state induced by the blocking equipment, Art, Sandra and Bobby left the room. The helmet chimed and Jeff lifted it from Courtney's head. She blinked her eyes open, looked around her, then turned to Jeff, who was again standing behind her. "I'm ready whenever you are," she blurted, tension apparent in her voice. Diana broke in with, "It's finished, Courtney." "But ... What's finished? Nothing has happened." Then she remembered what Jeff had said....

1 year ago
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BJJones the Story of My LifeChapter 215

The remaining nine of the first group were right on time; 4:00 on the dot. Vicky, Ching Lee and I put them through their paces. The first few minutes of any defensive training was spent repeating the final fifteen minutes of the last lesson to refresh their memory and to warm them up. We worked out very hard for two hours then took a ten minute fluid break, both emptying and refilling. We repeated the process again for two more hours before I made them take a hi-calorie energy and fluid...

2 years ago
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Lauras Story an Interracial Lesbian RomanceChapter 215

A management retreat for selected employees was held for two days at the Sonoma Mission Inn, a famous and expensive nearby resort. Laura was obliged to attend and pleased to notice that Rhonda would not be there, nor Yvette. Each person had her or his own room, in the old section of the Inn, and Laura was the envy of those who did not get picked to go. However, in the event it was all hard work. They might be at a spa and golf paradise, with heated swimming pools and a four star restaurant,...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 215 Family Trip

Where am I going from here and what do I want to do before going home? I have no idea where I was going or even how my stuff was on the plane already. It wasn’t until we were about to leave that I found that I wasn’t traveling alone. “I know she was only with us for a short time, so I didn’t know we had bonded so deeply,” Elena told me. “When we were returning to the states, your friend Steve said that April missed you. She wasn’t crying non-stop, but I could tell she needs you right now....

3 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 215 Flying to Rodeo Drive Bad Use of a Bed

Saturday, May 14, 2005 I woke at 5:55am. Julia's idea that I start to learn to type wasn't going to happen this morning as we'd talked for too long after her suggestion. I had to wake the girls up almost immediately, Pat was due to arrive at 6:30, and we were meeting Alexis and Katelin at the plane at 6:45. The plane would wait for us all day if necessary, but every minute we were late was a minute less of shopping, and therefore a tragic and irrecoverable loss. When I'd brought Lily...

1 year ago
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Kaedia Lang 20 215000

Are you in the mood for some Asian persuasion? I don’t know about you, but I don’t need much persuading to look at Asian pussy. Such is the case over on Twitter.com/KaediaLang.This is the official Twitter account of Kaedia Lang. If you have never heard of her, you’re about to become her next biggest fan. Especially whenever you see those clips of her rubbing her tight, wet pussy up close and personally. If you want to watch her slide a set of her fingers deep inside that pulsating twat, you...

Twitter Porn Accounts
4 years ago
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The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson part 2

The Astounding Adventures of Timmy Johnson Part 2 By Nikki Mouton-Cadet Introduction Welcome back to the story of my adventures with the wonder-drug 'Re- juve'. In case you don't know, it was a brand-new therapy designed to rejuvenate old people. What it actually did was to regress men down to the age of adolescents while turning women into the dominant, masculine gender. I don't think that's what any of us expected when we started on all this but that's what happened. My name...

2 years ago
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Rati And Ryan8217s Adventures 8211 Part 1

The real-life adventures of Rati and Ryan (names changed) would be spread over multiple parts, slowly highlighting the live-in couple’s adventures to spice up their sex lives. I am Raj, Rati’s colleague and I am writing about Rati’s adventures, as told by her. FYI, this is my story and I own the rights to the story. This first part is on Rati and Ryan pleasing each other orally. Ryan understood Rati very well. He now lifted her face by putting his forefinger under Rati’s chin to lift her head...

4 years ago
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Yukios Adventures Part 2

Introduction: Continuation of series. You may want to read Chapter 1 first. Yukios Adventures Part 2 **I want to take a moment to thank all the people who have taken the time to read my stories thus far and who have given me so much encouragement. Your PMs and comments really have made me smile when I didnt think I was doing that well. Special thanks to JetiJah, workingman, Stillagood1, and BadinAGoodWay for their time and suggestions to a new writer. To all the Unknown people who took the...

3 years ago
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The grad gets some lingerie cont

I being the usual perv asked her what she was wearing, got the usual shorts and a tank top. Of course I pushed it and got that she was wearing her new black boy shorts and matching bra. I asked her if she had washed it and she said she had, but not before wearing the cum filled bra to bed on Saturday. I was really getting turned on and was wishing I could talk to her at this point, but kept enjoying the texting. Eventually she told me she had to go, but that I should call her after work the...

4 years ago
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Stefan cont

The timid panting of the young man beneath me was stifled by the pillow his glistening fingers clung to as I rhythmically impaled him with a passionate dedication. Despite his best attempts to be quiet he would let out a little moan now and again that caused a delectable twitching deep in my lower abdomen and I would counter the sensation by taking a deep breath and turning my face up toward the dark ceiling before focusing once more on my thrusts. I myself was far too disciplined to let so...

3 years ago
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worth the wait chapter one a new beginning cont

Kat looked out the coach window. Her uncle and and aunt stood by waving as the coach pulled away. Kat ignored their worried looks and turned to play with her doll. It was a long ride. The coach stopped several times and she slept on the seat several times. But soon they reached their destination. As Kat climbed down the steps she noticed one thing, this place was huge, like a castle, she also noticed no one was there to greet them. A footman carried her baggage to the door and rapped on it. ...

4 years ago
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My First Spanking cont

Continued—- She then took out other types of rattan cane and started thrashing my buttocks again. I am crying out with pain but it does’t affect her. She only tells me repeatedly, I am inviting extra stokes for moving out my position. My face was streaked with tears and I am not thinking about how much it hurt not the consequences of moving out. At last, she told me that I have invited 4 more strokes for moving out my position repeatedly. She asked me put my legs together as she is going to...

4 years ago
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My unknown submissive side cont

I woke up with the light smell of cum on my face and quickly realizing what happened the night before. As I went into the shower, the urge to masturbate was incredible and it took all my willpower not to do it. I tried to think of something else, but I kept coming back to last night. Eventually I got out the shower and started getting dressed, where I unconsciously started looking for a pair of panties, when it hit me that I couldnt wear any since he took them the night before. I put on a dark...

2 years ago
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Kingdom Hearts Cont

Hey everyone, so I decided to implement the game system into this. Any feedback would be appreciated. It's been a long hiatus since I've updated, but I hope you all are still interested in reading this. Welcome Sora hope you enjoy the story of Kingdom Hearts. You feel yourself awakening for the first time but you've been having these weird thoughts lately. Like is any of this for real or not? You can feel yourself floating downward as you open your eyes to reveal complete darkness. As you float...

3 years ago
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Two is Company Three is Fun College Confessions Cont

After my fling with Mark and my see saw relationship with Kate, I pretty much went emotionally numb. I would go to class, practice and work then go home. I had no life. I was lonely and depressed because all my other friends were in relationships and out partying, yet I was alone. I hated my life. I hated my body and I despised how the men around the school looked at me. Guys hit on me all the time, making sexual innuendos and it made them sick. I desired the intimate touch of sex but I didn't...

Group Sex
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Couples beach vacation cont

Once we got up and going, we grabbed a quick breakfast and decided to meet up with Mike and John at the spa. The spa area at the resort, like most, was split between the men’s area and the women’s area. You walked into the respective locker room, which included the steam room and sauna, but you went out a back door of the locker room for the Jacuzzis, which were coed. Ann and I decided that we’d start there, so we both went through our respective locker rooms and met back out at the Jacuzzi. As...

Wife Lovers
2 years ago
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Caught in the Act cont

My ex wife Michelle 38 left me when she fell in love with her trainer Sam. Sam 24 would punish Michelle like 50 Shades of Grey a lesbian version and fuck her with all variety of sex toys.A few protests were heard by me and the girls but when Michelle paired her mobile with my desktop and played the video we went silent. "Now that I have your attention. " Michelle grabbed her phone and moved to the outdoor sofa, hiked her dress up, sat down an spread her legs. "Sara and Yang 69 on the floor I...

3 years ago
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My First Time cont

My blindfold was removed and I blinked, trying to focus my eyes. eventually I focussed and found myself looking into a pair of beautiful blue eyes. The eyes were part of a pretty face topped by a blonde bobbed wig. 'Hi sweetie I'm Joan's friend Sharon' with that she leant in and french kissed me, probing me with her tongue. I tried to resit but was drawn toward her, flicking her tongue with mine. My restraints were ondone and I was allowed to stand. For the firt time I was able to take in my...

4 years ago
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My Daughter and Her Mischievous Friend Pt3 Cont

Lori and Brit got off the bed, and walked toward where I was sitting. Lori stood by my left side, while Brit stood by my right. They stared at my cock as it stood at attention, as I stared at them, my head shifting right, then left, looking at their naked breast. They reached down, both grabbing my arms, pulling me up out of the chair. They caressed my arm and chest, pressing themselves against my naked body. I could feel Brit's large boobs press up against the back of my arm, and back, more...

3 years ago
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Asian High School Wife pt 7 Cousinrsquos Tale Cont

A couple of years went by since the last time I saw my cousin Kana. The last I heard she got out of her house and had married some random white guy, broke off all contact with her parents, created a huge scandal. All I cared about was her happiness though. Then one April day my phone rang, an unknown number but I answered. “Hey,” the person said. “Hey Kana,” I said, because I knew it was her. “My husband said I should reconnect with you because you were always good to me.”She always did have a...

4 years ago
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kate 9 cont

I followed Kate up the stairs to mums room, the batteries in the vibrator, was dying and it was starting get hot inside me,Kate told me to sit downI told her my wrists was hurting and the vibrator getting hotTurn round she said, my knickers and tights was pulled down, she turned the vibrator off and eased it out, it was such a relief,She then undid the handcuffs being able to stretch my arms felt great.Do you want to keep the knickers on she asked,I don't mind I saidLet's take them off she...

4 years ago
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Swingers Club Fantasy Cont

I was shocked as we got up and my wife led the way nude, and dripping cum. We picked up our cloths and went straight to the locker and shower room. Since it was a Sunday most of the lockers were empty so we had our pick. We all choose one close to the showers and grabbing towels from the neatly stacked complimentary rack. All four of us went in and found the shower heads in a circle in the middle of the tiled room. As we let the warm water flow over us James started to soap up Karen. ...

2 years ago
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A visit to an Adult Movie Theater gets out of cont

Last summer my wife and I went back to my hometown for my 25th year HS reunion. We got to the hotel on Friday night and my wife was horny and we had a quick fuck before heading out to meet my old friends. There were 6 couples and my wife was the hottest and didn't mind dressing to show a little cleavage. On the way back to the hotel we went by the old theater on the edge of town and it had turned in to an x-rated movie theater. I joked with my wife about stopping in and she said sure but I kept...

1 year ago
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The Married Woman I met Online cont

After meeting up with Keri the first time, she was texting me constantly; at least 20 times a day. Although it was a huge turn on getting a blow job from a married woman in her car, I still wasn’t that interested. I figured I’d keep in touch in case I was in need of an emergency booty call, plus it was fun texting her dirty messages. I came to learn that Keri and her husband hadn’t sex in years and even when they were having sex, he would pre-maturely ejaculate. In fact, Keri said he had never...

3 years ago
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The Gift cont

"It's been a long time since we had that kind of fun." I paused then decided to try to bring up something I'd been trying to discuss lately, "You know Brad, we should...""Let's have more fun." He interrupted.Pulling away from me he made to sit on the couch, when he spoke loudly "Hey, Trish you hear something?"Trying not to laugh I began to turn around, "Yeah, I thought I heard something on the stairs.""Shit, is it Ashley?" he gasped.Brad did such a good job of sounding serious, I had to pause...

3 years ago
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On an escapadeOut an about Page 2cont

Istroked his thigh an slipped across his buldging crotch an before i saw what he intended he`d stuck a massive snoggin kiss full on my lips! oooow..a bit ov a shocka but i soon responded an enjoy`d a long sexy snog with him his hands were all over me,an the other guy was also feelin me up too,ooooowww my god ! i was luvin this now , with my ass against the table legs waist width apart a fella either side of me fondling an feelin me up as i wank both cocks , hmmm one starts kissin down my...

4 years ago
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My petite Muslim wifes first experience cont

She tried to resist but Lawrence overpowered her easily! She pulled back his thick dark forskin to unveil his throbbing pink mushroom helmet! Tentatively she stuck out her tongue and with just the tip she had her first taste of a black cock! She licked round his helmet a little before Lawrence told her to use all of her tongue! My wife stuck her tongue out flat and pulled that thick black cock onto it! She licked his cock all over before popping his helmet into her mouth! She struggled to put...

2 years ago
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Next Door Neighbor Casey Cont

Pam and Ethan's sexploits continue.... part 12(part 2 of Ethan doing Casey)“Okay,” she giggled. She was glowing. Her body radiated sensuality. Her eyelids were closed sleepily over her eyes and her lazy smile showed the pleasure she was feeling. She found that if she moved herself up and down she could make his cock slide in and out. The faster she moved, the better it felt. The higher she raised herself before she came back down, the more intense the sensations. She put her hands on his chest...

4 years ago
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Indian Milf cont

so carrying on...it was time for the reception, i got there a little late cuz we went to a bar first.i saw alpa straight away at the bar and she looked like she was on her own. she was wearing a tight black saree. I went up to her and she just ordered JD and coke. i told her bar person so allow the coke and and to get 3. she said she wanted it with coke but i just told her to shut up. The drinks came and amd we wemt off to the side where nobody was, and i took one drink and put it to her mouth....

2 years ago
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My bosss Wife White Asshole cont

Two days ago, my boss comes up to me and says, what are you doing tonight? I had not planned anything given it was Monday night so i replied nothing.. Good we will go for dinner, tell your girlfriend to join us if you like, my wife is coming as well so it should be fun, this new great place just opened last week by the sea and they tell me its great. At this point (check previous story white asshole) a cold sweat went through my body.. It has been around a month, since my encounter with his...

2 years ago
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first bbc cont

so i kissed him.His hands went straight to my bum and we kissed for a while i could feel him getting hard so i moved my hand and touched it, it was so think and big i remember thinking will this fit in me lol. i undone his belt and trousers i just wantted to see this think it just keeped getting bigger and bigger, i put my hand inside and i said omg its ture then what they say blackguys do have bick dicks he just smiled at me. He then pushed me on to the bed and pulled my towel off,he started...

4 years ago
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Neighbor Pete cont

After our talk, I had returned to sucking Pete's cock for him.The following Friday I'de just finished with my realtor when Pete dropped by.Sitting on my couch,pants around his ankles,he mentioned his wife was going out of town for the weekend.Since our talk I hadn't required anal from him, this weekend I was going to make up for lost time.20 mins later I drank down his load from the gloriously thick 7 incher and licked him clean.That nite I spent time with my dildo in preperation for the next...

1 year ago
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Neighbor Pete cont

My ass quivered several mins. after Pete pulled out.Finally steady enough,I stepped out of my shorts and made my way inside.Squatting in my tub, I gingerly washed my abused little opening.That man must shot a quart of cum up me as I was coated in it.Needing some down time,I slipped into a G-string,got some jack and went out to sun.Face down on my lounge,a hot sun beating down,I thought of the hot sex.Previously I'de caught Pete leering at me sunning.Wanting more I glanced over to see nothing,so...

3 years ago
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My neighbor Petecont

Now that I had 3 men needing regular blow jobs I was pretty happy.It was after my big cocked realtor visited that I began with Pete.He was the man groping my ass at my door,promising me he wanted anal.I knew he didn't but I did love the thought of taking one the size of his.About an hour later I serviced Pete for the first of many times.A week didn't go by that I didn't have atleast 8-10 loads to swallow,then it changed.Pete had developed a habit of dropping by everytime he saw a man leave my...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Petecont

About a week after servicing my realator in the shower I was moved in and he dropped by.He'de called first saying he had a house warming gift,I laughed and invited him over.Figuring he needed a repeat of our first time, I was surprised when he showed up with a 5th of Makers Mark.He was close by so I didn't have time to shower.With cotton shorts,tank and bare footed,I'de been doing some touch up painting and work in the kitchen.I let him in as he handed the bourbon to me, I thanked him with a...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Petecont

I know I moaned as I massaged the head using only my lips and tongue.I looked up at him to see his head back,eyes shut tight,breathing deeper.I whispered that I love huge cock,opened wide and displayed my unusual gift.When I was about 17, a very well hung older man taught me how to deep throat.The act of concentrating,relaxing and opening the back of my throat has impressed some very large men.This was the perfect time,he was swollen but still soft,better to conform to my throat.Opening wide I...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Petecont

The second of my regulars I met as I moved into my house.He was the real estate agent who showed me the place.A few years older,he's tall,slim and very laid back.It was our second afternoon looking at places,he'de called me at the gym.The gym showers was one of my favorite places and I didn't get a chance to get in.He said there were several interested people and we had to go now.I told him to pick me up there but I was in workout clothes and had yet to shower.I got in his car and off we went,...

2 years ago
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Neighbor Pete cont

It'de been almost a week since I gave Pete his first guy,blow job.I decided to let him process the event and with 3 other regulars,I wasn't lonely.I'de chosen the 3 for several reasons.Being married they were very discreet.They each had different times they could visit and they all were in desperate need of my skills.I'de only had anal with 2 men in my life and besides giving them so much pleasure I didn't enjoy it at all.Only one of the 3 ever sees me during the week.A big shot at a bank near...

3 years ago
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Ms Thickness cont

We grinded, fondled, stroked, and generally. explored one another's bodies. Until, the joint was almost spent and we were ready to explode! She went down to her kness and licked the head of my dick experimentally. She did it again, then again. Finally, she looked up into my eyes and in one motion. Sucked the entire head of dick into her mouth!I almost shot my load right then, but luckily...I held on! She began giving me some of the nicest head I'd had in long time.She cradled my balls in her...

4 years ago
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Christmas In Indy cont

Adam pulled into a shallow parking lot in front of a solitary commercial building uncomfortably close to the street. The wind almost slammed the Escalade's large door into Kelly's face as she tried to open it, as a merry prelude to wrecking havoc with her hair and dress. She hurried inside ahead of her brother's and mom, hoping to salvage at least some of the time she had spent styling her hair. Consequently, she burst into the photo studio in something of a rush;, only to run...

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