Mass Effect: Never Send An Engineer To Do A Soldier's Job: Chapter Two free porn video

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Shepard's head was spinning as she dashed out of the cockpit in humiliation, leaving Joker and Kaiden behind. A few turns down the Normandy's hallways later her speed slowed and she slumped against the wall. Her breath was still coming in quick gasps and, even though Shepard knew it was stupid, she could still feel Kaiden's strong hands moving on her body, molesting her. Her weak fists hit against the unyielding dark steel of the Normandy's walls in a combination of frustration and anger. She cursed herself for her stupidity, her being weak, and last of all the fact she felt aroused from it all. This was her first posting on the Normandy and already someone had sniffed her out and restarted her abuse.

Her hands and fingers ran through her dark brown hair in frustration before she finally gathered her wits and her breath. She checked out her bodysuit and saw that her lap and her thighs were dark with her wetness. She swore again, there was no way that she could present herself to the Captain and the Spectre Nihlus in this condition. That'd be a horrible embarrassment she couldn't live down. Reluctantly the Commander veered off the hallway down the stairs to her private chambers.

Once in private, she quickly peeled her suit off and dug out a replacement from her pneumatic drawers. Just as she started to crawl into the skintight uniform, her grey eyes caught herself in the mirror and her hands paused. She let her palms drift over her ample breasts, the only part of her body that wasn't skinny or a little scrawny. She shivered in arousal as her fingers, with a mind of their own, gave her little pink nipples tweaks, causing her thighs to clamp together again. Snapping back to reality her hands flew off her breasts as if they turned red-hot, then shimmied the rest of her body into her skintight uniform, zipping it up. She spent another short time obsessively fixing her brown hair in the mirror until frustration came again and she headed for the door.

A few minutes later she was rushing into the comms room, expecting to see Captain Anderson there, but the only occupant was the turian Spectre, back to the doorway and reviewing images of Eden Prime on the large screens. In her surprise and her haste to rush into the room, her foot caught on one of the steps and Shepard tumbles clutzily to the ground, sprawling on the steel floor before scrambling to her feet. Her cheeks warmed as she hoped Nihlus didn't see, but flared a deep red when she saw his cold black eyes staring at her she stood up.

"You're late."

Something in Nihlus' deep voice struck Shepard, and struck her hard. She had never been able to deal with stress, nor authority particularly well, and this situation had both. She started to mutter and stutter an apology, but his clawed hand motioned to stop, and she shut her mouth quickly.

"When you are summoned, you will obey."

Shepard's knees felt like rubber as the Spectre started to prowl towards her, his black eyes on her face, as merciless as a hunter stalking his prey. It wasn't just his look, it was his words and his voice. All together, at just a few words Nihlus had Shepard's knees nearly buckling as the turian stood beside her, far too close into her personal space. His breath was warm on her neck and her ear, each exhale through his nose sent a tingle straight from her skin to her gut, and she felt her inner cunt's walls tighten, He spoke to her ear, each word thudding into her soul.

"You will come when summoned. Not at your convenience. Immediately."

Shepard struggled to keep her gaze forward as she could feel the turian circle around her back. She could almost feel his eyes boring into the plump firmness of her ass. She loathed this. She wasn't a piece of meat to be so hungrily devoured. She wanted to tell off the alien, wanted to tell him to piss off and stop staring at her. A thin sweat was already breaking out in her scalp when she opened her mouth to do just that. Instead of a harsh lesson in independence, the only thing that Shepard could muster was a pathetic, "S-sorry. It won't h-happen again."

The brown turian was standing in front of her again, far too close and towering more than a foot over her tiny frame. She could feel the warmth of his alien body and she did everything in her power to avoid looking at his face, staring off at one of the massive pictures of Eden Prime on the vid screen. She felt his scaly hand cup her face and every muscle stiffened, "I am glad you got here first, Commander. I have to confess, though...I was expecting something more...impressive."

Every word was another hammer at her confidence, tearing Shepard down another rung. Her breath quickened as Nihlus slid his thumb between her lips. Compulsively her reflex kicked in and she wrapped her mouth tight around the turian's thumb. She didn't know how long his other hand was on her shoulder, but suddenly there was pressure there and her legs only gave the most token of resistance before she dropped to her knees. Still Nihlus' thumb was obscenely in her mouth as the door to the comms room slid open and Captain Anderson casually strode into the room.

He didn't seem bothered at all by the scene of one of his senior officers on her knees before the turian Spectre, his thumb lodged erotically into her drooling mouth. Shame rocked Shepard's body and mind. She tried to stand, but found herself being halted by a curt and uncompromising "Stay," from Nihlus, as if she was some sort of dog.

The swarthy dark Captain pressed a few buttons on the panel as the door to the comms room slid closed, locking behind him. He crossed the room to stand with Nihlus. His eyes caught Shepard's panicking gaze as he spoke, his voice calming and soothing, "I think it’s about time we told the commander what’s really going on."

Finally satisfied with his finger, Nihlus withdrew it and, to Shepard's horror, moved to the crotch plate of his Spectre armor. Her head drooped forward, letting her hair cover her eyes, giving her - at least in her mind - a moment's peace. Ever since she was a child, she had always tried to keep her hair just long enough to cover her eyes. It let her feel safe, it let her feel secure.

Captain Anderson crossed his arms behind his back as he watched the scene, "Nihlus wants to see you in action, Commander. He’s here to evaluate you."

Commander Maisie Shepard was a brilliant woman - when it came to technology and engines - but her lack of social grace and knowledge was painfully obvious to anyone who knew her in the least. Her thoughts trying to comprehend this situation were slow, and failing her. Her voice, coming from behind the hair draped over her face, was almost pleading, "What’s going on, Captain?"

The older human's eyes roamed lecherously over the bodysuit of Commander Shepard. Normally a man to obey strict fraternization rules, he still was a man and had had lustful thoughts of Shepard ever since he requested her personally after a recommendation from a fellow officer who served as Shepard's commanding officer during her bootcamp. He turns his dark eyes to Nihlus, who casually lets his crotch plate drop to the floor of the comms room, gathering his stiff and eager cock - strangely humanoid, if darker and with hints of his reptilian ancestry - in his clawed hands.

"The Alliance has been pushing for this for a long time. Humanity wants a larger role in shaping interstellar policy. We want more say with the Citadel Council. The Spectres represent the Council’s power and authority. If they accept a human into their ranks, it shows how far the Alliance has come."

Nihlus, already mostly aroused by the engineer on her knees before him, stroked his cock to full arousal before adding onto what the Captain said, "Not many could have survived what you went through on Akuze, Shepard. Thresher Maws usually kill the women they attempt to breed with. Or they go mad, never to be the same again. You showed a remarkable will to live - a particularly useful talent. That’s why I put your name forward as a candidate for the Spectres."

Commander Shepard lifted her face at this, her mouth dropping slack in shock. Nihlus put -her- up for being the first human Spectre? There had to be a mistake. Her mind was still sluggish as she spoke, "Why would a turian want a human in the Spec -"

Before she could finish her sentence, Nihlus had already speared his cock straight into Shepard's wet and hot mouth. Her eyes water and widen in surprise, and her hands rest on the durasteel plating of his thigh armor. His hands coiled in her brown hair as he rocked his hips, immediately fucking her face.

"Not all turians resent humanity. Some of us see...the potential of your species."

The look that was shared between Nihlus and Anderson was sly, and the Captain gave him a little nod. Drool was slipping out of Shepard's mouth as Nihlus raped her throat, her voice groaning in complaint. Her moaning didn't wasn't succeeding at deterring him, only ironically bringing more pleasure to the Spectre as her throat muscles vibrated his massive alien cock.

"Some of us see what you have to offer to the rest of the galaxy."

Shepard was gagging hard on Nihlus' cock, and Anderson couldn't resist anymore. His own hand fished his thick brown meat from his dress pants. It was a simple matter for the Captain to take Shepard's unresisting hand and wrap it around his cock. He was pleased to notice her wrist began to move, jerking him in time to the face fucking she was getting from the turian.

"I don't care that you're human, Shepard. I only care that you can do the job."

Shepard's grey eyes finally lifted to stare up at the emotionless face of the Turian above her and she started to be a more active participant, bringing her other free hand to wrap around Nihlus' cock. She'd never really handled a Turian's cock before. Sure, she'd seen plenty in the porno vids on the extranet, but she was impressed by its compatibility with humans in person. Nihlus gradually pulled his cock free of Shepard's mouth and she gasped for breath. By this point she was rapidly jerking both cocks, frantically pleasing both of them.

Her voice was reluctant, but dutiful. Her grey gaze flicking up to the black man she was jerking off in front of her, and back at the Spectre, "I...assume this is good for the Alliance, sir?"

Captain Anderson was already throbbing in Shepard's hand. Her words drove to over the edge, his voice shuddering as he came, sending a heavy load of white cum from his black cock to splatter and drench the side of Shepard's face, dripping down to stain her body suit. A thin train of the mess slid down the curve of her large breasts.

"Earth needs this, Shepard. We’re counting on you."

With Anderson's load on her face and bodysuit covered tits, she focused on Nihlus. She was hating every moment of this. But what choice did she have? She couldn't refuse her superior officer. It was have ruined her career. Submitting came easy to her in her life, so Shepard did it again.

Shepard gave in.

It wasn't long after she added her other hand and jerked Nihlus off with both of her fists that his own cum erupted from his cock. Shepard made a curious scientific note in her mind that the turian's seed, much like his cock, was exceptionally human like. There was one difference though - the volume. Nilhus' cum was blasting out of his cock to soak her dark brown hair and oozing over her forehead to blind her grey eyes. Her apple cheeks and soft chin weren't spared, nor were her plump lips. Even her tits had a two loads dropped on them, further disgracing her Alliance uniform.

"I needed to see your skills for myself, Commander. Eden Prime will be the first of...several missions together. We're almost there."

Commander Shepard knelt there between her two superiors, cum soaking into her like the slut she was always branding herself as. If she was strong, a real Alliance Officer with real respect, she'd never be in this position. Instead she just knelt there covered in cum as the men around her recovered, covering themselves back up with modesty. She didn't know what to say or what to do, so she did what she always did; shut up and do nothing.

Nihlus was about to say something more when Joker's voice came through the intercom,

"Captain! We’ve got a problem. Transmission from Eden Prime, sir. You better see this!"

Captain Anderson crossed the room in four large steps and clicked away at the telescreens. A moment later a massive image popped up of a beautiful woman's face. She was truly beautiful and for a moment irrational envy struck Shepard before she banished it from her mind. She didn't notice a particularly large globule of cum splatter from her breast onto her thigh. The woman on the screen backed up to a few steps to reveal she was in an Alliance battle armor suit, hoisting an assault rifle.

"We are under attack! Taking heavy casualties. I repeat: heavy casualties!"

She squeezed off a few shots at a target off screen and a mechanical skittering noise could be heard. Something knocked the camera onto its side, revealing the sky above the colony. Fear struck Shepard's heart then; an absolutely gargantuan ship rose from the colony. Lightning was zapping off the sides of the dreadnaught as it rose through the clouds. She'd never seen anything like that, and ship designs were one of her specialties. The fear of the unknown, the fear of something so large being unknown, struck at the cum-covered Alliance engineer.

The woman was shouting off screen again, still firing, "--eed evac! They came out of nowhere. We need -"

The image cut off abruptly, and Shepard had an ominous pit in her stomach that she knew why it abruptly ended.

Joker's voice filled the room again, "Everything cuts out after that. No comm traffic at all. Just goes dead. There’s nothing."

Captain Anderson was already rewinding the footage to pause at the massive ship floating over the colony. Shepard couldn't look at it any more and looked away, down at the floor of the comms room. She didn't see the Captain press the intercom button, and say. "Take us in, Joker. Fast and quiet. This mission just got a lot more complicated."

Shepard, full of panic, was in her safe place, cum-glazed hair draped over her face to give her some false sense of privacy. Nihlus' voice, quiet since this began, finally reached Shepard's ears, "A small strike team can move quickly without drawing attention. It’s our best chance to secure the beacon."

"Grab your gear and meet us in the cargo hold," the Captain of the Normandy agreed, before turning his eyes to look at the disgraced and cum-covered slut on her knees, "Tell Alenko and Jenkins to suit up, Commander. You’re going in."

Shepard rose and wiped her face clean before rushing out of the room to gather her squadmates. She had cleaned most of the seed from her face and tits, but missed the stain dirtying her thigh. Kaiden didn't, however, smirking as he acknowledged his order to get ready. As she was suiting up herself and ready to head down to the colony, she realized she never really gave her consent to undergo the training and testing with Nihlus. It was with a heavy weight on her chest that she realized it didn't matter if she said yes or no. She had long ago found in her life that what she wanted never really mattered, least of all her consent.


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Mass Effect

During the Lazarus Project, a Cerberus scientist secretly installed a chip which causes uncontrolable sexual urges. It was never activated beause that scientist went into hiding after the attack on the Lazarus Research Station. However, that scientist has now tapped into the Normandy's bugs and camera's, and has activated it to see it's effectives.

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NeverWorld Chapter One

NeverWorld Chapter One Randy Butler curled up in a comfortable armchair in the corner of the Student Center. There were students all around him talking, eating, and working. Even though they were all strangers, he felt comfortable here in the large crowded hall. Randy was lonely. He hadn't made any new friends in the two weeks since college began. He had hoped to meet other freshmen taking classes at Philadelphia College, but it wasn't happening. He wasn't meeting anyone...

2 years ago
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Such Sweet SorrowChapter 19 Civil Engineering February

15 Months, 462 Days Since Jenny's Disappearance It's rather too early in the morning when my mobile chimes to say I have a text. I grunt and turn over in bed. Who is texting me at... 6.30am? I grope for the handset and try to focus on the screen. I open the text. It says, "Joseph. Can you do lunch on Friday? I suggest The Cranford Wine Bar in Warwick about 12.00? Regards, Andrew Edwards." Andrew Edwards? Just who exactly is Andrew Edwards? I don't know any Andrew Edwards, do I? Then...

4 years ago
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Lady GuinevereChapter 36

After cleaning the boat, I decided to take a shower and lay down before dinner. When I was finished in the head, I slipped on a long tee shirt, went to the master stateroom and stretched out on the bed. I was alone for about a half an hour and almost asleep when I felt someone crawl into bed with me. "You still awake, Little-bit?" Brad asked as he circled my waist with his arm. I rolled onto my back and said, "Sort of." "Are you tired?" Brad said as his hand slid down my stomach to...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 40

It felt good to be home, back in our house and on solid ground. I helped Eddie and Dad unload the van, sorted the dirty clothes and took my suitcase to my room. Once my bag was emptied and everything was put away, I flopped on my bed. After kicking off my boat shoes, I pulled my legs onto the bed and nestled my head into my pillow. I lay quietly for a while, got up and removed my clothes, putting on an old comfy tee shirt. I went out to the living room and sat on the floor, my back against...

4 years ago
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Massi Ke Badi Bahu Ki Chudai

Massi ki badi bahu   Sorry dosto badi late aya apni real and new story lekar. Wase to aapko pata hai mein Ravi hu aur mein Delhi mein bachpan se reh raha hoo. Jab se muje sex kee knowledge hoi tab se mein bus sex ke bare mein sochta rehta hoo. Khas taur per mujse shaadi shuda ladies jada pasand hai and moti ladies bhi.   Ye story meri aur meer massi ke badi bahu ke bich ke hai. Meri massi ke badi bahu ka naam rajni hai aur unki umar 43 ke as pass hai lekin wo dikhen mein lagtee nai hai. Aur...

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Three Israeli lady soldiers

During my last year of Senior School, a friend of mine who lived in Israel invited me to spend some vacation days at his home in Haifa.So I packed few clothes and I landed there to find my friend waiting for me.We enjoyed the first days visiting historical sites and the city itself. One of those afternoons, I was on my own having a coffee at a bar, when I was approached by three nice young girls. They were wearing colored summer dresses, but the three of them were carrying a semiautomatic rifle...

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Tales of a HustlerToy Soldiers Pt 2

Tales of a Hustler---Toy Soldiers, Pt 2As I casually walked into the bookstore, I explained to Kurt, the cashier, that we were going to be filming. I explained it might get loud, and he said kewl.As I walked through the black curtains, to the back, I see that Dustin and Hunter are there, still leaning in their favorite corners. About three others were in the back, but no one seemed interested in anyone else there, unless Hunter or Dustin had already talked them up and quoted too high. It was...

3 years ago
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New soldiers ride the Pat Train

New soldiers ride the Pat TrainMy wife had always had a fantasy of being gangbanged and loved to role play being ****d… not the violent anger filled **** but one where she was taken and had no control over what, who or when she was forced to do. This story is about my helping her fill both fantasies.Her name was Pat, she was 35, brown hair and eyes, about 5’ 6” and about 130 lbs. There was nothing she loved more than fucking… when she saw a hard cock she thought it was destined for her cunt and...

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Lady GuinevereChapter 39

I wasn't all that interested in the movie and decided to have a little fun. I started to rub Brad's leg, slowly working my way from his knee to his crotch and back. Brad slipped the arm he had on my shoulders down, cupped my boob and began to massage it through my top. I slid my hand over his hard cock and squeezed it through his cotton shorts, moving my fingers along its length. "Are you playing with my brother's dick?" Kathy asked, giggling. "Yeah and he's playing with my tit," I...

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The adventures of Chuck the Engineer

For those of you who truly enjoyed my past stories and found pleasure reading them, I write for you. Please let me know what you think of this one. It is a departure from my other genres. Enjoy. Chuck It had been one hell of a day. My job takes me to a lot of places. Unfortunately not many of them are what you would call exotic or really even picturesque. I am a field engineer for a major firm that specializes in the food industry. Because of that most of my work takes place in...

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The Engineer Plays On

At the Engineers “You have a small business so you may well have heard of business clubs. They’re groups who meet in a pub or hotel and listen to a presentation by someone who can give you ideas on how to run your business better. You also get to talk to other local business people, and can often benefit from their experiences, or pass on the benefit of yours.” The speaker was an attractive, petite, blonde of about sixty, who called around to see us one day, and invite us to join. She was...

2 years ago
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Massi Ki Chut Badi Mazboot With Sexy Legs

Hi guys, this Rahul from Mumbai I am 24 years old presently working with a MNC, I am normal guy with chocolate boy looks..Any aunties,girls or women interested to have private sex can feel to mail me on mail id I am going to narrate a incident happened to me last year. Now without wasting too much time lets come to story. There are just 3 people in our family my mom my dad and me it was around December my mom and dad had to go to hometown urgently because my dads brother who lived in hometown...

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mass effect

1- eden prime- sovereign attack 2- normandy arrival and extraction 3- citadel part 1 4- spectre recruitment 5- family trouble 6- therum 7- feros 8- virmire assault 9- virmire cloning facility 10-noveria 11- bring down the sky 12- new information 13- the citadel return 14- freedom 15- ilos 16- citadel assault 17- epilogue me2 chapters 1- collector attack and retrieval 2- revival and escape 3- freedoms progress 4- meet the crew/ citadel 5- omega 6-stolen memories dlc 7- ...

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Mass Effect 3 The Aftermath

It had been months since the Alliance had recovered his body, and woken him. But Shepherd was stronger, more Powerful, his Biotics were amplified, his Constitution, Endurance, Dexterity, Agility, Strength, Speed, Reflexes, Stamina, and Thought Processes all enhanced right down to A Cellular Level. Shepard had done much to rebuild the Post-War State of Affairs, even becoming Humanities Councilor followig the deaths of all immediate successors. And now he Was chosen to lead the Council, the New...

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Mass Effect Revenge of the Shadow Broker

When you awake you are exactly where you expect to be. Layed out flat on a medical bed - naked - and surrounded by white bright lights. You groan as you attempt to get a feeling of your condition - your more fatal injuries have dissapeared thankfully but you are still suffering from slight bruises and perhaps a broken bone or two. You shouldn't be too surprised, after all the beating you took from that damn N7 and her Asari companion was brutal. Too brutal. You got careless --- But one does...

4 years ago
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Mass effect sidestories

Well at least this place looks the same as ever, you think as you step out of C-sec headquarters. You've been released from their holding cells and sent on your merry way so you take the time to see what's changed on the Citadel presidium, not much do far. Not that you expected a lot of changes, you hadn't been in long after all. You never are, your employer makes sure of that but let's leave that for now. Not much may have changed since you got locked up but a lot changed in the time before...

3 years ago
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Mass Effect 4 Grandson of Shepherd

(The Citadel) About Fifty Years Ago, Commander Shepherd Merged Synthetic and Organic Life, and Became The First Synthesised Organic, After the War, He Married Miranda Lawson, Became Humanities Councilor Before Disbanding the Council and Reforming It As A Democratic United Group of Species. Shepherd Became it's First Chancellor and Director of Military Operations. Steven Hackett Served as Supreme Commander of Military Forces. Garrus Vakarian Became Chief of Special Operations and The...

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Mass Effect Remade Galaxy

"Scott? Sara? You'd better come up to the bridge. We're at the anomaly. Suvi's found something." - "Oh God, yes!" Sara moaned, despite herself. She was rather thankful the intercom was one-way, that Kallo couldn't hear her moaning as the asari deftly pleasured her wet pussy. The things Peebee could do with only her tongue were enough to make Sara grateful she had taken the alien up on her offer. "Did you hear that?" Sara said, reluctantly pushing away from Peebee in the zero-g environs of the...

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Mass Effect Andromeda The Aftermath

{Pathfinder HQ, Operations Center, Nexus} In the Andromeda Galaxies Heleus Cluster is the Andromeda Initiative Space Station, the Nexus, in the Operations Center is the Newly Named and formed Pathfinder Council, these men and women decide how best to approach and handle matters in Heleus, they are lead by the Human Pathfinder, Scott Ryder, only Son of the Original Human Pathfinder: Alec Ryder. Other members of the Council include Ryders Second-in-Command on the Council, Former Citadel Council...

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Mass Effect Andromeda The Nexus N7

(Milky Way Galaxy, Nexus Launch Pad, 634 Years Ago) ''See You on the Other Side Scott. I'll be Waiting for you and Sara to Make it home.'' Says John. ''You Got It. But Listen, You know Both You and Sara are On the Market now Right? It might Help you to Talk it out with her.'' Says Scott. ''We'll See, for now you just Get your Ass to Andromeda.'' Says John. (Eos, Helues Cluster, Andromeda Galaxy) ''This is Captain Doe of APEX Squad Bravo Omega. We are Sustaining Heavy Casualties, and Requesting...

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Mass Effect 23 The First Drell Spectre

(Embassies, Citadel) There was a Crisis on the Citadel a Group of Extremists had taken a Dozen Diplomats Hostage, Including the Turian and Asari Councillors. This would be one of the rare occasions that C-Sec Brass and the Spectres would be on the same page. But they have a valued and unknown asset in the form of Thrane Krios, He is Thane Krios Nephew, and is a Personal Friend to the Executor, but more than that he is a Member of C-Sec's Investigation Divison. And he has disobeyed orders to Put...

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Mass Effect Andromeda The Son of Evfra

{Archon's Personal Retreat, Voeld} You Were Fighting your Way out to the Shuttle Pad, it wasn't easy but you were finally within reach of your freedom. You had spent twelve years as a Slave, and true to your Families Prestige you had gathered valuable data on the Kett. But you were Wounded, Bleeding, and you had only a Kett Weapon with limited ammo left. You finally reached the Shuttle Pad and Comandeered a Shuttle, you then flew it away. (Time-Skip: An Hour later) The Shuttle had been shot...

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Mass Effect Aftermath

Fleet Admiral Hackett observed the utterly destroyed Citadel, still orbiting Earths atmosphere. He had managed to establish contact with the inactive space station. Specifically, with one Armando Owen-Bailey, a Commander of C-Sec, who sent out a distress call Hackett picked up. Communication was fuzzy but Bailey seemed to understand Hacketts request after receiving the NavPoint to Shepards last known location. He was to find Shepard. Or recover the corpse. The Admiral hoped, for humanity's...

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Mass effect 4

It was over the reapers were gone shepard gave his life to save everyone els. as the crew made it back to earth thay landed in what use to be new york now just a pile of rubbel not a city enymore. as joker looks out the window edi walks up jeff talks about how the city use to be you can see the sadness in his eyes. jeff not only lost a good friend in shepard but most of the earth was destroyed as well. edi grabed jeff and said she love's hem and will allways be there for hem. over in shepards...

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Mass Effect Spectre

Welcome to Alliance Military Database; Classified information requested. ..... ..... "Establishing secure connection." "Secure connection confirmed." "Please log in to access your profile."

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