Quarantined.... free porn video

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Let me back up and tell you about myself. Firstly, my name is Kale, yes like the vegetable. My wife is Maria, and our son is Kevin. My parents had divorced when I was in my early teens and my Dad, Kane, had married my step-mom Karen. Anyways, we live in Tennessee and enjoy the hustle and bustle of Nashville life. Growing up my parents traveled a lot, but after the divorce my Dad, all of us kids and his new bride settled in Nashville. I have 3 other siblings who live in other states, but that is another story.

Back to the present, my step-mom Karen was diagnosed with the Covid two days after we had seen them at a local park.

At the park had been wearing masks, but due to the heat and not being able to hear each other, we had removed them. We all kept our six-foot distance at all times, except the time Karen was walking toward a bench and she tripped, I caught her mid-fall. I have always thought Karen was extremely good looking with her Auburn hair, swimmers' figure and her nice perky tits. It was by complete accident that I had grabbed her breasts as she fell, confirming they were “more than a handful”. She glanced up at my in that moment, a slight grin came across her face. My wife, son and Dad did not see this as they were walking toward the Parthenon at this Centennial Park. As we stared into each other's eyes, I could feel the heat rising in my body. I was slightly embarrassed, but Karen simply said “Thank you Kale, I appreciate your hands”. We got up, dusted ourselves off, laughed about the situation and walked toward the others.

Later that day, Karen called and said her boss had been diagnosed with Covid. Karen had been working from home, but had attend a meeting with her boss and twenty others on Wednesday. We had seen them at the park on Thursday, so we had to be tested. All 3 of us in our immediate family were tested, and I was the only one positive.

So, I was going to be quarantined in our bedroom for 2 weeks...ugh. After my diagnosis I called my parents and let them know. Karen was already quarantined in one of my sisters old rooms set up with her computer so she could work from home. My Dad was staying in the rest of the house, delivering things to Karen as she needed them.

Karen called me within an hour of me telling them of my diagnosis and asked if we could talk. She explained that she and my Dad were going through a rough patch and this isolation from him was helping since they could not fight. During our conversation, she asked me something that would change my life forever.

“Kale, can I ask you something?”

“Sure, anything”

“Do you think that Maria would be OK with all of you quarantining with us? I mean, our house is too big for just the two of us and Kevin has always enjoyed the media room to watch movies or play his PlayStation”.

“Ya know, I really don’t know if they would go with that. Maria still has to work, BUT Kevin would love the media room. Plus, it is on the opposite side of the house from where we would be, so no contamination.”

“My thoughts exactly” she said.

Just for reference, my parents have around a 5000 square foot house, with 6 bedrooms, a media room, pool and even a little sauna. My interest was really peaked about this, because my house is over twice as small as theirs, and Kevin would love the media room and pool. Maria would take some convincing, since she was working from home and would need a place to do that.

She continued, “Also, since there is an office on the other side of the house, Maria could use that to work from. Your Dad has his own office that he works from, so they won’t bother each other. I am sure Kevin would enjoy the time at his Nana and Pop-pops. We have plenty of food for all of us for 6 months, even a small stocked kitchenette on this side of the house.”

This sounded like a great idea, I was having to still go into work because I was “essential”, but with this two-week quarantine I would be able to just relax on that side of the house.

“I will talk to Maria about this and see what she says. Have you asked Dad about this? Was he OK with it?”

“Oh, it was partially his idea. He was talking about how quiet the house was since we were having to stay separated. Plus, he and Kevin could spend some quality time together. There’s not pressure, just thought it would be a nice gesture. I am in the corner bedroom, the one with the small office area, and you could have the adjoining room with the QLED TV.”

These rooms were huge 20’ x 20’ with tall ceilings and their own bathrooms. These 2 rooms were my sisters, being more high maintenance than myself they had insisted on larger rooms. Their former rooms were fully stocked with all the latest gadgets a kid could need, and had an adjoining door. This was a perfect room for two twins. When Dad put up the QLED in Keira’s room I was really jealous. Our home was a modest 2200 square feet, but Dad’s house was like a mansion to me.

“Oh yeah, that is what I am talking about! I can watch ESPN all day in super-duper high def!”.

Karen laughed hysterically knowing I was telling the truth.

“Let me talk it over with Maria and I will let you know”.

“Ok Sweetie, call me tomorrow night. Love you”.

As soon as I got off the phone, I called Maria on her cellphone, just to make sure we kept our social distancing intact.

“So, Karen just called and asked if we wanted to stay at their house for the next couple of weeks and quarantine together. You and Kevin would have full run of the house with Dad, and I would be staying in Keira’s old room”

“Hmmm, that is a great idea, we always love going to your parents' house. So, where would I do my work, and what would Kev do, and what would your Dad be doing? Plus, what would you be doing, watching ESPN all day?” Again, someone laughed about how much Sports I watch.

“Honey, you know me too well. Karen said you could use the old office, the one with the hookups for all your computer gadgets. Kevin always likes the media room and the pool; he and Dad can hang out there when Dad is not working. Their kitchen is stocked, and that little kitchenette in the hallway across from the girl's old rooms is full as well, so that is where Karen and I would get our food. I think this would work out great, and feel like a vacation while we are in quarantine”.

“Let me think about it, and talk to Kevin, if I can pull him away from the PlayStation. Love you.”

“Love you too, just let me know. I have to go; Dad is calling me”.

“Hey Dad, what’s up?”

“Hey Son, did Karen ask you about coming over here? I think it is a great idea, I mean I can keep Kevin out of Maria’s hair most of the day. My work has slowed down a lot, and we can watch movies or play his fancy Play motion game.”

“Yeah, she asked and I discussed it with Maria. She is supposed to call me back to let me know what she thinks. OH, and it is a PlayStation Dad, not Play motion.

“Yeah, well whatever it is, we can hook it up in the media room and play some Centipede or Frogger. I know he plays the new games but the old ones remind me of when I was younger. Anyway, just let me know either way, we would love for you guys to stay with us. There is plenty of food and more rooms than we all need. I do have to warn you, Karen snores, so keep the door between the twins room closed at night”. My Dad belly laughed so hard I think he fell out of his chair. “Whoops, damn chair”.

A few hours later, my phone started ringing, it was Maria

“Honey, I think it is a great idea to go to your parents’ house. Kevin is beyond excited; he is packing is PlayStation as I speak. I guess we could head over there tomorrow around nine or so, I don’t have any meetings so it should be alright. Get some rest, it’s going to be an interesting wto weeks” What she said would almost be prophetic, as these next two weeks changed a lot for our whole family.

Early the next morning I could hear Maria and Kevin getting things ready, so I got up and showered and packed some things for myself. We headed out around 8:30 after some much-needed breakfast. I drove my Toyota and my wife drove her Honda, parking on different sides of the property. I waved and blew kisses as I entered the east end of the house. As I entered, I could smell the lavender plug ins that Karen was so fond of.

“Is that you Kale? I hope so, because this is the sick side of the house.”

I peeked my head into Kara’s old room and there was Karen wearing a partially sheer kimono and some bright pink lingerie, not leaving much to the imagination.

“Oh, umm...sorry” I stammered just to get the words out, and keep my eyes from drifting.

“Oh, you have seen me in much less you goofball”. She was right, last summer at the beach house, she had a bright green thong bikini that made even my wife blush.

“So, I am going to unpack and just get used to being here.” I told her.

“Make yourself at home, be sure to call your Dad”.

So, as I unpacked my things into the dresser, my phone rang, it was Dad.

“Hey son, just wanted to make sure you were settling in. Did you speak to Karen, she said she was working when I called her? Well, me and this Grandboy are going to watch the new Keanu Reeves movie, and I think Maria is going to be taking advantage of the pool. Let me know if you or Karen need anything.”

“Ok Dad, we really appreciate it. Talk to you soon”.

I spent the next 2 hours watching a show about the GOAT of Basketball, Michael Jordan.

I heard a “thud” on the adjoining door so got up to investigate.

I slowly opened the door and laying just on the other side was a bright pink dildo. I froze, I did not know what to do. My eyes seem to be mesmerized by this, not noticing, my step mom completely naked on the bed.

“Oh my God Kale, I am SO sorry. Sometimes I just get carried away.” She quickly pulled the covers over her and tried to get dressed under the sheets. When she stood, I could see her rock-hard nipples poking through her lingerie as well as other varying size sex toys under the sheets.

“Oh, um, that is Ok...” I was still in shock after seeing all of this.

“Oh Kale, I am sure you have seen all of these things before. I bet you and Maria have even used a few of them.”

“Oh, yeah, umm...we have...” That is all I could get out of my mouth as Karen spoke up.

“Well, well, well, looks as if your friend down there likes what he sees”.

I could feel a cool breeze as the head of my dick poked out of my shorts. Oh crap, what should I do?

“Karen, I am SO sorr...” She moved closer and grabbed my dick with a fervor I had not felt in years.

“You know, I have always thought you were really handsome. I once walked in while you were in the shower and was amazed by the size of your penis”.

Wait, what? This totally caught me off guard, almost as much as Karen dropping my shorts and now stroking my cock as if she were milking a cow.

“Oh...my...GOD..Karen....that feels so good. Don't stop"

“Oh, I won’t, but we have to be quick”.

She picked up the pace, and it did not take long before I was ready to burst.

Karen must have sensed it because she enveloped my love muscle with her warm, soft, wet mouth. She sucked me dry as I shot hot cum down her throat. She took every last drop with out missing a beat.


I was like a teenager again, feeling the angst of a first blow job.

She seemed quite proud of herself as she licked her lips, having tasted my cum for the first time.

She gathered herself, looked me right in the eyes and said “Well, looks like you and I will have an interesting 2 weeks Kale.”

And with that, she slowly closed the adjoining door to our adjoined rooms. I soon heard the moans of a woman pleasuring herself behind the door.

Should I go in, should I stay here…my mind was a flutter.

Just then, the phone rang, it was Maria.

“Hey Honey, how are things going on that side of the house? I just spent quite a while in the pool and then the sauna. I hope you are not too bored over there”.

“No, I have been watching a Michael Jordan show, and I actually fell asleep earlier”. It's not like I was going to tell Maria what had JUST happened.

“Have you and Karen talked much? I know she is working, but hopefully you can spend some time together”.

Time together? Oh yeah, if she only knew what had just happened….it would NOT be copasetic.

“Yeah, we have talked some, but she is pretty tied up with work”

“Ok, well, just wanted to check on you. Kevin and your Dad are battling it out on the PlayStation…hahaha”.

“That sounds great Honey, I think I am going to watch some more TV then hit the hay”

“Ok, sounds good…talk to you in the morning. Love you”

“Goodnight, love you too”

As I got off the phone, I felt really guilty for what had just happened with Karen. Should I tell Maria, should I tell Dad that Karen pounced on me like a cheetah in heat? Too many things to think about…I need to go to bed.

I drifted off to sleep, wondering what the next 2 weeks would be like….


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Warmer than I remembered, the brilliant sun reflected off a handful of tall crystal spires creating prisms of light on the carpet of virgin forests below. The small glass bubble I was surrounded with floated lazily on the thermals as several Sea Terns circled blissfully overhead. As I turned to face the sun, a calm silvery sea stretched endlessly to the horizon, dotted with several small volcanic islands covered with lush tropical foliage. A gentle warm sensation was stirring my loins, and...

4 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 155 The Evening Before Our First Anniversary

Saturday, April 30, 2005 (Continued) Mom was preparing dinner in the kitchen. "Hi Mom. Do you know that Carol and I are going out tonight, with Julia and Ava? I think we are anyway; I need to check." "Yes, I've heard. This is just for the three of us." I started eating pieces of the ingredients. Mom didn't object, as she always cooks 'too much' (silly concept), as leftovers disappear from our fridge amazingly quickly. Mom asked, "Did you win?" "Yes. Much the same result as the...

3 years ago
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Would You Like to Play Again Book 1 First StepsChapter 4

As we entered the dining hall, the eyes of every person in the room were on us, which was something I wasn’t used to. There had to be at least fifty people in the room and there was no telling how many more were out in the dungeon, watching the proceedings via their bracer. The room looked to be about fifty feet long and twenty feet wide. The ceiling looked to be twenty feet tall, as tall as Brot’k’s store, though there were much larger chandeliers illuminating the room. The walls had no...

4 years ago
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The Funeral Ch 03

(I included some of the last chapter because my pause interrupted the flow of their encounter) * ‘Close your eyes and lay back down.’ Shawna complies, and I strap up. I stand closer to the bed, lift her legs up onto my shoulders and run the head of my cock down her slit. Shawna’s eyes pop open, and she ogles my strap-on. ‘What is that?’ she is more than curious and I see her hand begin to reach for it. ‘This is my cock, slut.’ I grip the base and rub my cock up the length of her slit,...

1 year ago
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The Nurse Who Turned His Life AroundPart I

John really didn’t know how he got roped into all this work and travel. He wasn’t in a rut; he was in a deep dark cavern. John was quite frankly exhausted and wounded in more ways than one. His attempted reconciliation with his former wife Carol had failed miserably. John’s over-sexed seventeen-year-old teenage daughter Stacey had gained early admission to Princeton, left home for college and was probably fucking everything that moved and having more fun than John could even imagine. John’s...

2 years ago
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My Special Lori

Her beauty is undeniable.Her eyes, nose, lips and high cheekbones were a cross between Nicole k**man, Maria Sharipova and Sigourney Weaver. Although not tall, her body was well proportioned with a shapely body, firm legs and soft supple skin. Her mouth has a quirky way of turning around certain words, which made her even more attractive when she spoke and she had a habit of licking her lips with the tip of her tongue sticking out of her mouth when she spoke. Her teeth were straight white and...

1 year ago
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The BlemsChapter 9

With that Ray vanished streaking toward the Chorton home world, what has gone wrong now he thought as he neared the planet at incredible speed. Appearing near Miahally's home Ray was expecting...

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Tutors Luck

The doorbell rang wresting Zach from his daydream. He frowned as he headed to the door, he certainly wasn't expecting anyone on the weekend. He opened the door and was surprised to see Devon, one of his summer students standing there. 'Oh, Devon, he said, what a surprise how can I help you?' Mister Peters, said the boy, I need your help with some problems. He seemed on the verge of tears as Zach stepped back to let him in. Look, I don't have much money to pay you, but I need help. Zach looked...

3 years ago
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Truth or dare brother 5

We were still cuddling together for a little while. We were both a little out of it still. But of course I had to start talking about something I really had on my mind. “So, we got a wedding to start planning now,” I said. “I thought you told Jessica you didn't know when we were gonna start planning it?” Jeff asked. “I start planning the wedding in my mind the minute you pulled out the ring,” I replied. “So you knew you'd say yes before I actually asked the question?” Jeff asked. “Yes. I knew I...

4 years ago
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Ma premiere fois avec un mec

je l'ai connu j'avais 18 ans, c'était un collègue et ami a mon père.La premiére fois que je l'ai vu c'était pour un réveillon de noël mon père l'avait invité car il était seul, sa femme venait de demander le divorce pour plusieurs raisons. Dés la premiére rencontre il me trouva mignon et pendant la soirée me questionna savoir si j'avais une copine ou pas si j'aimais les mecs.Toute la famille s'entendait avec lui et à partir de ce jour on le voyait régulièrement et il est même venu en vacances...

1 year ago
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MyDirtyMaid Ambra Dolce Maid Gets The Job Done

This week the cleaning service sent my way a hottie with a huge pair of tits and a big ass to go with them. Upon seeing her, I knew I had to do something. So once she accidentally got wet while cleaning the bathroom, I offered her some money to just clean naked instead. She agreed with some hesitation and soon she was cleaning my place completely in the nude. From there, it was hard to just watch her clean naked without getting turned on. So I had to pull out my cock and make her yet another...

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TeensLoveBlackCocks Lilly Hall Artistic Noir Sex

Lilly Hall has been into painting lately, and just recently booked a live nude model to capture on canvas. Lilly knew she would be seeing a naked man today, but no way no how did she expect to have a buff black guy with huge dick right in front of her face! She could barely focus on his form and could only think about getting her pussy impaled by that huge fleshy black rod of his. Lilly dropped her paint brush and picked up her models cock. She placed it in her mouth and then jammed it in her...

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Cousin Caught Me And My Aunt Playing Around

Hey folks! This is a continuation of my first story . If you haven’t read it yet, I would recommend you to read it.coll To give a short intro about me: I am a 19-year-old guy with a slim body, 5’11” height and surprisingly an 8-inch cut cock with a huge pink mushroom head. Without wasting any more of your time, I’ll get into the story. A journey with my aunt in the crowded car led to me passionately making out with her. But what I didn’t know is that all the time while I was enjoying my aunt,...

4 years ago
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Anu Ka Sath

Hi main Sem meri age 21 saal me proper Delhi ka rehne wala hu me aapko aapne pehle sex ke bare me baata rha hu, Jab me class 12 me tha mere class me kaffi ladkiya thi sab kafi sunder thi par unme anushka sharma jo kafi sunder thi uska figar 18 saal ki ladki ke hisab se kafi accha tha choti choti cuchi patli kamar sexy legs or class me kafi tej ladki thi or mera naam class me padhaku bachho me aata tha me aapna homework hamesh pura rakhta tha or sabhi ticher mujhe jante the ek din hmare class me...

3 years ago
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Nanbanin Ozhu Anniyai Ootha Kama Kathai

En peyar faisel vayathu 25 aagugirathu. En nanbanin ananuku ippozhuthu thaan thirumanam aagi irukirathu, en nanbanukum veli naatil velai kidaithu velaiku sendru vitan. Ippozhuthu veetil nanbanin amma matrum avanin anni matum thaan irunthaargal, anni en idam eppozhuthum nandraaga pesuvaal, aval aanal kama enathil pesa matal aanal sirithu pazhaguvaal. Paarthaal yarum thapana enathil pazhagugiraargal endru theriyaathu, nanbanin annan oru maatham manaiviyai oothu vitu angu irunthu...

2 years ago
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Right from the Start Chapter Four

Right from the Start - Chapter Four - By: Beverly Taff Simon: The main character; Dorie Lou: The girl next Door, Mrs Benson: Dorie Lou's mother; Mary and Sandra: Simon's other classmates in school; Miss Webster: Their form teacher. Chapter Four For the next few years Simon's life stabilised around his friendship with Dorie Lou and his de-facto adoption by her mother Mrs Benson. Simon's mother was content to let the relationship continue for it got 'the little brat'...

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Take Your Medicine Honey Chapter 6

Angela and I didn't get a chance to talk about my lascivious dream until the evening after the next. We'd had visitors the night after I'd had my dream, and we had gone to bed very late and very tired. The next evening we were gloriously alone. At around 10:00 pm, and after we were sure we wouldn't get any more unexpected guests, Angela suggested that we head down to the gym and take a long relaxing soak in the spa.We gratefully climbed into the warm water. Angela had retrieved two beers...

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DaughterSwap Samantha Hayes Sophia Grace Worlds Dirtiest Dads Pt1

Dirty Dick and Filthy Rich were some pretty scummy dudes, but you would think their grimey nature would not trickle down to their families. It turns out it did. Their daughters Samantha Hayes and Sophia Grace were getting pimped out by them! Talk about an all time low. They ran into each other working the same corner one day and could not have been happier. Since they were now both in the same business, maybe they could team up. This could mean big money, but of course they would have to test...

3 years ago
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Busting a NutChapter 3

Pandora stood and approached the captive man, whispering into his ear as Orion and Joy kissed passionately. "How long has it been since you made love to Joy as Orion will make love to her? Have you ever treated her so tenderly?" John realized he had not, he had never seen her so beautiful, and he had never felt such jealousy. "You must realize now that she is the reason you are here. We worked hard to care for her, to hide your physical abuse. We worked even harder to make her understand...

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Ten to Six part 2

Introduction: Bobs busy schedule Bob grabbed his clipboard from the work board hanging in the shop and glanced over his job assignments for the day. A smile crept across his face as he read down the list. Broodings – wall outlet bad Stone wire to work building Cronnis ceiling fan install Shannon sump replacement afternoon He turned and headed for his truck, this was going to be a busy day he thought to himself. Three of the names were familiar he had done work for them before. He had been to...

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strangers cock

one rainy evening i decided to go to my local adult store. i am white chubby with some nice legs and a nice ass from what i was told.so i put on a pair of panties and leggings and a loose shirt because i like the feel of panties and tight pants. i got to the place and it was packed with cars. so i go in and the store has two areas one filled with booths and the other is toys and movies. i got a couple of tokens and went into the booth area. it was low lit and had 20 or so booths with curtains....

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The Day My Life Ended and Began Ch 02

Chapter 2: Getting In The Groove I’d been on the farm about two weeks when it started to come naturally to me. All the classroom work was nothing compared to feeling it first-hand, and back, and shoulders, and legs… I was so tired and sore that first week I thought I would die, and I was used to hard work in football and weight training! I’ll never forget my second day there when John showed me how to run the tractor and baler. Then, when he felt I had a handle on it, he had me climb on the...

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Mayhem in a PillChapter 9 Gotta Start Somewhere

A good hundred or so young men full of testosterone and desperate to show they were not afraid, were indeed afraid. Afraid of not fitting in. Afraid of being shown they were not good enough to make it on the freshman football team. Afraid they were good enough to make it on the freshman football team. Afraid of the high school girls. Afraid of the high school guys. Afraid of the work their new teachers were preparing to pile on them. Afraid they would not be able to finish the work their new...

2 years ago
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Concupiscent CongregationChapter 15 Colette Quits

The two sisters who comprised Lieutenant John Flett's little harem were both now visibly pregnant although their bellies were not yet large enough to make missionary position sex uncomfortable. In fact with his predilection for plump women his wife's and his sister in law's rotundity added to their sex appeal. The holiday season was over and the policeman was not completely happy. He was certainly being well serviced sexually but since their licentious threesome on Christmas Eve he had...

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