Quarantined. free porn video

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Before him I was still a virgin, my nosey and controlling mother had been very serious about me not having sex before marriage, mostly concerned that I’d get knocked up by some loser, or that a respectable suitor wouldn’t want to marry me if I’d been “deflowered”. This wasn’t for religious purposes or any thing, we were just a well to do family and they had old school ideas about me marrying into another good family. So while she nearly threatened me to abstain from sex, she practically encouraged me to do everything else! She knew that curiosity, teenaged rebelliousness, or lust could get the better of me, so she regularly suggested that if I was with a boy and it felt like we wanted to move in a sexual direction, that I should let him play with my tits (I was well developed), give him a handjob or even a blowjob, anything to placate him and distract him from wanting to have sex. She even pointed out that being able to please a man was a useful skill for a woman to possess, it could be used to manipulate them if needed.

This had semi-negative unintended consequences. At the time I took my mom’s suggestions to mean that I should satisfy boy’s sexual advances, so it quickly got around that if a guy asked me out I was pretty much a sure thing to jerk them off or blow them. Naturally I liked the attention, and I figured it was all acceptable. I began to “hang out” with boys after school where I was servicing 4 or 5 at a time. My reputation eventually made its way to some grown men, usually the fathers of my friends. They’d use some cheesy compliments about how pretty I was and say that I was turning them on so much, then they’d either place my hand on their bulge or they’d pull their dick out and ask if I could take care of it for them, which of course I would. By the time I left for college there was hardly a cock in my town that I hadn’t made cum. But I was still a virgin.

Dan was eventually my first, and ONLY, sexual partner. I never dated anyone else in college, and that promiscuous side of me was over. I got pregnant our first year together (to my mother’s delight), and had an extravagant, albeit hasty wedding. Shortly after, I gave birth to our son, Andrew. We were thrilled, it seemed like truly perfect timing as Dan finished med school and took up a prestigious residency right before the birth… but then barely a month after Andrew was born, I found out we were pregnant again, and this time it was twins! So 9 months later, after having been together less than 2 years, we were a family of 5, newlyweds with Irish triplets! The twins were boys as well, Bobby and Carl.

It was all very exciting, our families were ecstatic, and we began looking at nice homes in the city near Dan’s work. Everyone told me I was living the dream, but here I was, married, a stay at home mother of three, who had only ever slept with one man.. Really only ever been in a relationship with one man, never enjoyed the college experience, and had to drop out.. All before I was 21.

16 years later… 2020

My life has been fairly picture perfect. I let go of the longing for what my life could have been and embraced what it was. Dan was a very successful doctor and wonderful provider. We had a magnificent home, took luxury vacations, and I never wanted for anything. He was also a great father, he loved the boys and never neglected them. The boys were well behaved, did very well in school and extracurricular activities and made us proud. We were a very happy family. Dan was a good husband, never raised a hand to me, and treated me like a partner, he loved me very much, and I him… but our lovemaking was rather vanilla… He was a good lover, and could make me climax.. But he worked hard and crazy hours, came home tired, and tried to give his family his attention, so by the end of the night he rarely wanted sex.. He didn’t even like getting head, he never had, thought it was kinda gross, the slurping sounds, the idea of his genitalia in his wife’s mouth, the same mouth that would eventually kiss him.. And forget about cumming in it, I had no problem swallowing, but he thought the whole act was disgusting. But worse, we would regularly go several weeks without having sex… On top of that, the rest of my life was equally bland. I was a home maker, I spent my days cooking or cleaning.. We had a large home, and I had a maid that came a couple times a week to help with certain chores, but I still had quite a list of my own. My only “friends” were other parents, and we only saw each other when our kids were together. That and my husband’s colleagues and their spouses, but those were forced friendships and we only saw each other so often. It was all very lonely.

I masturbated a lot, watching porn, seeing these men TAKE the women and have their way with them. I fantasized about having an affair, something illicit and scandalous.. The more taboo the better. With a delivery man, or one of my son’s teachers, maybe the father of one of their friends.. I imagined sleeping with Dan’s brother, and even his father.. Neither of whom were attractive, but the forbidden nature made it very appealing.. Alas it was all just fantasy. Whenever a man would deliver a package I’d feel my snatch begin to part and I’d have to bite my lip to keep from asking him to come inside and Fuck me, or offer to tip him by sucking his prick. But I’d never do it. My family was too important to me, I couldn’t live without them, or knowing that I’d hurt or embarrassed them. I’d heard of several people in our social circle that had been caught, it was always the other person who let it out, the mistresses had nothing to lose and often did it as blackmail, or revenge when the adulterer refused to leave their spouse. I’d seen it destroy families, and taking care of my boys was my priority.

March of 2020 came, and with it pandemic. Schools were closed, a Quarantine was issued along with a stay at home order. One day my husband left for work early and by that evening he called to say that he wasn’t coming home. Many Healthcare professionals were getting hotel rooms and staying away from their families, not wanting to risk bringing the virus into their homes. So suddenly I found my boys and I trapped in our own home. Dan was worried and told us not to leave for anything. We had all our groceries dropped off at the front door, and I cleaned everything with disinfectant. The maid could no longer come over, I took over all the household chores, which were magnified by my sons being home full time. I now had three teenage boys to feed three times a day, but really it was more like thirty with all the “I’m hungry, what snacks do we have?”.. I was putting in grocery orders daily! With them home all day, their rooms, the bathrooms, the entire house was a constant mess! At first I told myself that during quarantine I could go without cleaning every day, but once I let it go a few days, it was impossible to catch up, with the piles of dishes, clothes, and various types of toys and trash.

The boys had to do distance learning, but it was a joke, watch a few video lectures and do a couple assignments and they were done for the day. After a couple weeks the schools weren’t even keeping track of which students were participating and the system went away. Leaving my kids with nothing to do, and unable to leave the house. They went from having a day that consisted of 8 hours of school followed by a couple hours of extracurriculars, then homework, then some personal time like playing video games or whatever, and dinner and family time with my husband and I, then a little tv and off to bed…. To NOW having a day that let them sleep in, wake up, eat, sit around, eat, play video games, eat, sit around, eat, and go to bed late because they slept in. I used to keep a nice home, cook nice meals, have the personal time to close my eyes and diddle myself a few times a day, and look forward to when a my family came home… NOW the house is a mess yet I’m constantly cleaning, all we seem to eat is Mac and cheese, and I’m lucky if I can pee without one of them knocking on the door to ask for something!

On top of that they’d began fighting with each other. Some of it was just rough housing which was understandable, brothers close in age, bored out of their minds and stuck with each other 24/7.. But some was just them being brats! Not wanting to share something, or mad that the other ate the last something. They were hitting, wrestling, yelling, cursing, knocking things over, and then complaining to me about it! I would scold them, it would stop, but within minutes they’d be at it again. I spoke with my husband on the phone as often as I could, I just needed to hear another adult voice, but he couldn’t really do anything but listen. I joked that the only times any of them were being good was when they were locked in their separate rooms obviously jerking off. I told myself that I should knock on the doors and disturb them, since I never had time to masturbate why should they!?

It had been nearly a month.. A MONTH! We’d been locked inside together, some days better or worse that others, but they seemed to be getting worse. All the games had been played, all the movies had been watched, there were fewer food options at the stores so we just ate the same things over and over. Everyone, myself included, was grumpy and on a short fuse. I was walking through the house picking up stuff, as I did a dozen times a day (No matter how many times I told them to clean up after themselves it would only last a moment, they’d pick up a couple items around them, throw trash away put clothes away, then never try again), I walked into the family room, collecting dirty dishes and empty bags.. Andrew and Carl were sitting on the sofa playing a video game against each other. Bobby walked in and demanded that it was his turn, and they ignored him. He proceeded to hit Carl in the shoulder and try to take the controller by force, Carl pulled away, hitting Andrew and an all out fight ensued. They yelled and knocked over the coffee table, spilling multiple cups right in front of me.. I’d begged and pleaded with them over the last few weeks to knock this off. I’d tried to bribe them with new games or phones of they’d help out around the house. And I’d tried to be an authoritative parent and to punish them if they didn’t listen to me… none of it had really worked.. But as I watched the scene in front of me I, simply put, lost it!

“If you boys would just behave, I will SUCK. YOUR. DICKS!” I don’t know why I went there, I knew that wasn’t an appropriate offer, I hadn’t even meant to say it, it just came out. I just tried to bribe my sons with blowjobs. Maybe my sexual frustrations were coming out, or I was simply remembering that teenage boys will do anything to get a girl to play with their pricks. I was just so angry and tired and fed up and had run out of other ideas that this was the last one I could think of. But after a second it dawned on me what I’d just said and looked at them in front of me.

It was almost cartoonish, they had all frozen in mid motion. Bobby had Carl in a choke hold, Carl was pulling Bobby’s hair, Andrew was standing up, arm pulled back in a fist about to punch Andrew. But all of them had stopped moving, stopped breathing practically, and were staring at me, eyes wide with disbelief. I bet they were all wondering if they’d really heard what they thought they’d heard. It was such an absurd thing to blurt out that I could’ve probably played it off and acted like I’d said something else, but I wasn’t that quick and I couldn’t think of anything so I just doubled down.

“Now knock it off now and clean up this whole room! Then go clean each of your own rooms, perfectly! And if I hear anymore commotion from any of you the rest of the day, no one gets anything!” They just continued looking at me, possibly wanting some confirmation that I was, in fact, going to blow them if they did as they were told. I just stared back sternly “WELL!? GET TO IT!” And they all hopped to.

I left the room, figuring this would buy me time while I tried to come up with something to claim I said that just happened to sound like “suck your dicks”, but there was nothing.. They all showed up at dinner time to tell me their rooms were clean. I just said “good, I’ll come check them at bed time”, and hoped none of them pressed the issue, they didn’t. The rest of the evening went quietly. I debated just not doing it, parents lie to their kids all the time to get them to do stuff. There were multiple problems with this, the least of which was that they would go back to being unhelpful little punks, and if I tried to bribe them again they would never go for it. There was also the possibility that they would be angry and tell someone what I’d said, like their father.. I could deny it of course, but then I’d still have to come up with an explanation of what I’d ‘really’ said, and it would need to sound close enough that it would be understandable that all three of them misheard me. I’d already tried and couldn’t think of anything. So I conceded that I was out of options.

That evening I walked into Andrew’s room, he was sitting at his desk reading a magazine. The room was very tidy, but I began to give it a thorough inspection. It was all for show, I was opening drawers and looking under the bed, but in my mind I was only thinking of how I was supposed to handle what came next. He sat there watching me, probably just as nervous, but he acted calm and innocent as if he’d cleaned his room out of the goodness of his heart. I eventually ran out of places to check. I told him the room looked very good and that I was impressed, then walked over to the door. The moment of truth.. What was I going to do? I slowly pushed the door closed. This was it. I turned back to him, still sitting at his desk. He gulped, we were both unsure of what was happening. I thought back to my teenaged self, so confident, I used to enjoy giving head, I was proud to do it. I looked at him, my son.. Yes that made this very awkward (to say the least).. But there he was, sitting, waiting.. nervous, but patient and eager. He heard me earlier, offer to suck his dick if he cleaned up and behaved the rest of the day.. He didn’t freak out or make threats, he did it! He cleaned and behaved.. He wanted his mother to give him a blowjob. This realization sent a calm through me. I walked forward. My hair was already pulled back, so I knelt in front of him and turned his chair so he was facing me. I looked up at him, his eyes large with nerves. I was his mother and this was just the reward he wanted for doing his chores.

“Have you done this before?” I asked a little sternly. He gave his head a quick little shake. He was so nervous, I wanted to smile. I unzipped his pants and fished out his prick, he was already hard. I began stroking him, keeping a straight face, taking an almost business like approach to this. “So from now on you’re going to have chores to do each day, as well as school work that I’m going to find for you, understood?” He nodded. “And I expect you and your brothers to start getting along a little better, I know this whole situation is tough but I’m sick of all the fighting, got it?” He nodded again. He was breathing heavily and his mouth hung open, I was still jerking him as I talked. “Alright, and if you keep up the good behavior and help out every day then you can get this again, sound good?” He nodded, there was a wincing in his expression, he was almost there. “Alright.” I said, and lowered my head.

I slid the tip of his cock into my mouth, and began steadily sucking while still stroking his shaft with my hand. The feeling of a hard dick in my mouth was oddly soothing, but it didn’t last long. I heard him start panting and suddenly felt the gushing of his semen across my tongue. I kept my hand going, urging on his climax. The throbbing of my son’s erect penis pulsed against my lips as his youthful balls sprayed freely. It was a powerful but quick orgasm. That of a young man, particularly one who had been eagerly awaiting his promised blowjob all day. I sucked him clean as I pulled him from my mouth and it took me a few seconds to swallow all his load and clear my throat. Then I just stood up and walked to the door. I stopped and turned back to him, still sitting there, staring at his cock.

“Don’t stay up too late.” I said with a smile, and walked out, closing the door behind me.

Once I was alone in the hallway, I braced myself against the wall and gasped.. my heart was racing and my head was spinning. That was terrifying and exhilarating all at the same time. My pussy throbbed, I hadn’t been this aroused in years. I caught my breath and regained my balance. I walked down the hall to Bobby’s room, and stopped outside his door, I straightened myself up, wiped the corners of my mouth and opened the door..

“Alright, let’s have a look at this room.” I said, and closed the door behind me.

I finally made it back to my room after having rewarded all three of my sons for their improved behavior that day. The tastes of their warm jizz still tingling in my mouth. I made myself cum more than a dozen times, furiously masturbating most of the night.

I woke up the next morning not well rested, but the memory of the evening before perked me up. That day all three of them were perfect, happy, respectful, and helpful.. clearly they wanted to ensure they received their bedtime rewards again. The funny thing was, secretly, so did I! The anticipation gave me butterflies and I had to sneak away to make myself cum more than once that afternoon. Bedtime went the same as the night before, I went into each of their rooms individually and found them waiting patiently, it was almost humorous. There was less talking this time, no explanation was needed, I sat on the edge of their beds and had them stand in front of me, each already sporting serious hard-ons. My mouth made quick work of them, although they did last slightly longer than the night before. I returned to my room with soaking wet panties and fingered myself almost violently.

The next few days were the same way, we’d gotten into a good routine. In the morning after breakfast they were doing online classes that I’d found, followed by some free time before doing chores and helping with dinner. With the 3 of them helping I was tackling less of the housework myself than I was before the quarantine started. Bedtimes were the same, and as the awkwardness at the idea of getting head from their mom faded they became more relaxed. They no longer sat or stood there in a petrified state. They all became more vocal, murmuring words of pleasure under their breaths, even placing a tentative hand on my bobbing head. I was truly enjoying it too, and I mean really enjoying it! I would admire their penises, savoring them in my hands and mouth, not necessarily wanting them to finish quickly. During the day I would catch myself looking at them differently, not strictly as my sons, but as young men. I’d notice their bodies and handsome faces the way I’d do with any attractive man I’d see out and about.

Late one afternoon I was masturbating in my room.. My eyes closed, the image of a man poised on top of me, powerfully thrusting inward.. And as I imagined his face it transformed into Andrew, and it threw me off. I tried to shake it, but he just turned into Bobby, then Carl. I’ve been sucking on each of their pricks daily for a week now, why should it surprise me that they’d slip into my sexual fantasies? But it DID! It made me realize I’ve been fooling myself, convinced that giving them head was more innocent than it really was, just another parental bribe like when you promise your kid ice cream if they do something. I mean yes it was sexual in nature, but I was working with limited resources and it was something that I (a woman) could offer them (teenage boys) that I knew they would like. I continued to touch myself though, and I tried my hardest to think of someone else fucking me, but it kept looking like the three of them.. But I didn’t stop, I just let it happen. And as my mind raced, flashes of my boys on top of me, my fingers moved just as quickly, I was nearly there and then my eyes shot open. I heard a noise, the creak of a floorboard.

It was Carl, standing it the doorway of my bedroom. He just walked in and had only been there for a second, but there was no question about what he had stumbled in on. I was laying in bed, my shirt pulled part way up my chest, revealing a single breast that was clutched in my left hand. My right hidden down the front of my shorts, my knees bent a bit. He was just looking at me, a little confused, but you could see the light come on as it dawned on him what I was doing.

“I was just gonna tell you..” He started, sheepishly, “Nevermind!” and he quickly turned to dart out of the room.

“Wait!” I barked, and he stopped in his tracks. “Come here, and close the door.” I jumped out of bed, straightening myself up. He walked back in, closing the door behind him. He was facing me, but he eyes were locked on his feet. I walked towards him, I was just as embarrassed as he was, and the easier thing would’ve been to simply let him walk out and hopefully he wouldn’t tell his brothers and we’d just pretend this never happened. But this felt like one of those teachable – parenting moments were I needed to explain myself to him, only I didn’t really know what to say.. I didn’t want this to come off as one of those cheesy ‘when a man and a woman love each other’ or ‘your body goes through changes’ talks.. He already knew all that… “Listen” I started, “I know you masturbate” his eyes widened, “relax, everyone does it, even girls, and yes, even your mother.” His expression relaxed a bit. “I know it’s not something anyone likes to talk about, and we definitely don’t want to be caught doing it, but honestly there’s nothing wrong with it. Obviously we do it because it makes us feel good, and with your father still gone I’m all alone and so I have to take care of it myself… unlike you boys who get blowjobs every day, I don’t have any…” This time the light bulb went off in my head. My eyes shot a glance at his crotch, the image of his prick flashed in my mind. My pussy throbbed, I had been so close to climaxing that my body still wanted to… I took a step back and looked at him, he seemed confused. I knew what I wanted to do, but I wasn’t sure how to do it. I didn’t know the words to say, and if I said them, how would he react? Everything I could think of sounded awful, disgusting even, but I didn’t want to miss this opportunity, it was so close to happening that I just needed to take that extra step and say it. I was hesitant, but I opened my mouth, “Will..”

“I’ll do it!” Carl offered enthusiastically, “I mean you.. I mean it..”

He’d read my mind, and that was all I needed to hear! I yanked my shorts and panties down in one motion and kicked them aside. My son stared wantonly at my neatly trimmed patch of pubic hair. I backed up and sat on the end of my bed and laid down, my legs hanging off the edge. I looked at him, he was still standing there.

“What are you waiting for?!” I exclaimed. It startled us both and he practically ran to my waiting muff. I watched as he pulled down his shorts and then his boxers, he was already hard. I raised my legs up, he followed my lead, and moved towards them, I rested them on his shoulders. I could feel the top of his penis brushing against my clit. He looked down at it, he was in awe at what he was about to do. He looked up at me as if asking for permission, I just smiled at him, and he looked back down. He aimed apprehensively and pressed his body forward, pushing into me. We both let out gasps. Then he looked back up at me for instructions.

“You need to be quick, but quite.. I don’t want your brothers to hear…” Saying those words made me feel a little sick, like guilt and disgust. Instructing my son on how to screw his mother, and so that his brothers didn’t hear! Even though I’d been slurping cum out of their dicks like Capri-Suns for weeks, the idea of intercourse seemed worse. The whole situation had gotten out of hand, but I felt his prick twitch inside me and I realized that it was too late to turn back. I reached back and grabbed his butt cheeks and pulled him forward. We both made little noises again, “Go on, do me sweetie.” I said, trying to make it sound less dirty, which really just made it sound worse.

Carl fucked me just like he’d been told, fast and quite, the only sounds were our panting breaths which we kept as soft as possible, and the slaps of our flesh against each other, which we also did our best to mitigate. He came swiftly, just 2 or 3 minutes, which I’d told him to, but even if I hadn’t, he would’ve blown his load just as fast, which was to be expected. I would’ve liked to go longer, but it was too risky and honestly, unnecessary, I rubbed my clit furiously while he humped in and out of me, and I came even before he did. He got dressed, I told him not to tell his brothers and he agreed then left. I was still on my bed, half sitting half laying, breasts partly exposed and my cunt on full display. I felt a drip of my son’s cum run out of me.. What was I doing??

Andrew and Bobby hadn’t noticed Carl’s absence and suspected nothing the rest of the day, but there was definite awkwardness between Carl and I. That night when I headed up to their rooms to give them each their (now customary) bedtime BJS, I felt a stirring in my loins, and I found myself walking into Carl’s rooms first. I had him fuck me again, it went a little longer this time, and I orgasmed again but it wasn’t as long as I’d have liked, and I wasn’t fully satisfied. That afternoon should have been a one time mistake, but I just did it again, and I still wanted more. Minutes later I was in Andrew’s room, on my knees, my head in his lap. He was sitting in his chair (his favorite spot to receive head), pants at his ankles, watching me service him. But my mouth and hands were on autopilot, because my mind was elsewhere.

All I could think of was having a cock inside of me, HIS cock. My cunt was throbbing painfully, as if it was angry with me for putting my son’s hard on in my mouth instead on inside of her. The truth is I wanted to, but how to proceed?.. I was wearing a dress, and my free hand began to creep underneath it, finding its way to my exposed dripping wet gnash... I slid a finger inside myself and immediately took it back out ‘this is ridiculous!’ I thought to myself, ‘there’s a cock right here!’. I hopped to my feet startling Andrew, he straightened up in his seat and looked scared. I hiked my dress up to my waist and straddled his lap, he pulled his hands back unsure of what was happening, but it suddenly became very clear. I reached between my legs, my hand disappearing beneath my bunched up dress and grasped his prick. There was no discussion, I just lined it up and sat on it. I was too horny to pause and savor the sensation of a new penis, I just went to work on it. I was slamming down on him with such force that I thought the chair might break. I didn’t take long to cum, and I didn’t hold back this time, I let out a loud moan as my orgasm tore through me. I looked down at him, his expression still shocked, and maybe a little confused. I smiled at him, a little out of breath.

“OK, now your turn”

“I.. I already did… I’m sorry”

“What? No, don’t be sorry, sweetheart! Are you ok?” Really I was asking if he was OK with what we’d just done.

“Ya! I’m great” He answered more excitedly than he meant to and became shy.

“Good.” I smiled, stood up, and left. After cleaning myself off (and out) I went into Bobby’s room. He had to have heard me with Andrew, and I was counting on it. I walked in to his room, slipped my dress off my shoulders and let it fall to the ground, allowing him my fully nude body. I got on all fours on his bed, looked back over my shoulder at him and said “Come Fuck mommy before bed.” He did as he was told, such a good boy. I slept so good that night, no getting up to masturbate, no sexual dreams causing me to toss and turn. I was satisfied.

I started off the next day a little on edge, nervous that one of them would regret what I’d had them do to me. By now I knew they were all happy and comfortable with me giving them head, I was no longer concerned that they would complain or tell anyone about that… but sex was different, and sex with your mother was VERY different. It was incest, it was illegal, and anyone who found out would see it as molestation, but my concern was with how my boys would see it. I didn’t want to ask them how they felt about it, or tell them not to say anything.. These would just draw attention to the fact that what we did was wrong. I just wanted to feel them out. So I woke up early and went into each of their rooms to wake them up with some head.

Up until now, I’d been giving them head exclusively at night, and it was strictly presented as a reward for good behavior. Obviously it was a strange and even offensive thing for a mother to do for her sons, but in my defense, some parents gave their sons porn, or paid for a hooker for them to lose their virginity with. People bought their daughters vibrators and gave them birth control and condoms. Some parents let their kids do drugs or drink under age. The way I saw it, I was ok giving it and they were ok receiving it, so what’s the harm?? I had never made it “sexual” before. Never talked dirty or showed them any of my body.. That was until last night of course. But this blowjob was more of a gift.. Oh who am I kidding, it was a bribe, a way of saying ‘Hey son, in case you were thinking of telling your father about me having sex with you last night, here’s an extra BJ, something you’d be losing out on if you told on me’. I walked into Andrew’s room and found him fast asleep with the traditional morning-wood-tent that virtually all young men wake up to. I imagined him having to masturbate every morning when he woke up, I laughed to myself “what a waste”. I lifted up the foot of his sheets and crawled underneath. I easily found his erection and began sucking it. It took longer than I expected for him to wake up, but eventually he did, and he lifted the covers to see me looking up at him with my nose buried in his pubes. I took him out of my mouth.

“Morning sweetie, is this OK with you?” I asked, nodding towards his prick. He nodded his head quickly, I smiled and went back to work, he lowered the covers back over my head and laid there listening to the muffled sounds of slurping. When I was finished I climbed out of his bed and looked down at him. “Say I was just wondering what you thought of last night?” He just stared at me, “I mean did you like it, do you want to do it again?” His eyebrows raised and he nodded frantically, I smiled “Great, maybe this afternoon.. If you’re good.” And I walked out. I greeted Bobby and Carl the same ways, and got the same reactions from them, everyone was in agreement, they liked fucking their mother and wanted to do it again… and they did.

That afternoon I took each of them aside separately, we went into my room and fucked.. Loudly. No one ever officially acknowledged what any of us were doing, it was sort of a ‘don’t ask, don’t tell’ understanding in the house. I simply said “Can I see you in my room?” and we would go. The other boys didn’t question us about where we were going or what we were doing (they already knew of course), and when we returned they wouldn’t ask any questions. Because of this there was no need to really hide it, we would be as loud as we wanted and if the other two heard anything they just ignored it. That day changed our relationships from secretive and taboo sexual reward arrangements, to a mutually pleasurable sex based mother – son relationship.

By the end of the week it was completely out in the open and we weren’t even trying to hide it from one another. I was barely wearing clothes around the house, usually just a robe or long tee shirt. The boys had virtually free access to my body whenever they wanted, often taking me by surprise when I was preoccupied with another task like cooking. I was making dinner one evening when Carl came into the kitchen asking if he could Fuck me.. I said sure and called Bobby in to continue cooking while I leaned over the kitchen island and presented my snatch to Carl. I had just satisfied Bobby moments ago so he wouldn’t be asking for his turn again quite yet, but even so, I noticed him watching me get screwed by his brother out of the corner of his eye. The sight of their siblings naked and engaging in intercourse had become accepted. But without the need to hide our activities, gratifying three young cocks had its logistical obstacles, mainly TIME. There simply weren’t enough hours in the day to keep all four of us satisfied. Sometimes a young man just wants a BJ, like if he’s Playing video games or relaxing before bed, and I was more than happy to please, but naturally if I gave him a blowjob I didn’t receive my own climax, and I left aroused, so then I’d have to go to one of the others to ride a dick. And after that the third was usually waiting for his turn.

So I began taking two of them at a time (when possible). An “Eiffel Tower” a “Golden Gate Bridge”, there are a few other nicknames, but whatever you call it, I’d have one cumming in my cunt while the other was cumming in my mouth. One afternoon I was giving Bobby head while he watched TV when Andrew walked in and said.

“Sweet! I want to do you when he’s done.” I took Bobby’s prick out of my mouth and said.

“Listen, I’ve got things to do when I’m done here, so if you want a turn take it now.” And I went back to bobbing and sucking. It took Andrew a moment to realize what I’d meant, or he was just unsure about the idea, either way he eventually got on board and knelt behind me and went at it. It was a wonderfully strange sensation for me. My mind and body were focused on what I was doing with my mouth, yet I could feel another cock steadily sawing in and out of me. It felt great but was more challenging than I’d expected. I eventually got the hang of it, and this quickly became a common and efficient way for the four of us to have sex. Whenever one of them would approach me and ask to get some, I’d announce it to the rest of the house, “I’m going to be having sex with Bobby of anyone wants head!”

I made it a game for myself, trying to guess which hole would get creamed first, or timing it to see if I could match the rhythms so both shafts would go in and out at the same pace. I took great pride (and pleasure) in my cock sucking abilities, and since I had no control of how hard or fast the boy behind me would go, I made it a personal challenge for me to try and make the one in my mouth cum first.

By the following week I was now having each of them take turns spending the night with me. None of them had shown any jealousy or resentment towards the others in regards to our new openly sexual family dynamic, but as a mother I knew that each of my children still needed some one on one attention, not necessarily for sex but in general they each needed to be the sole focus of their parents attention some times. And since I was the only parent around, and since (as brothers) they were always having to share everything, including ME now, it seemed fitting to give them complete access to me in an individual setting. They alternated nights sleeping in my room, where we would, yes have sex (multiple times), but also watch movies, binge TV shows, talk about things, take showers or baths together, and be intimate in ways that mothers rarely are with their sons (both emotionally and physically).

Our lives continued this way for nearly two more months when my husband finally returned home. The pandemic wasn’t (and still isn’t) over, and he was still working long hours, but none of us were “high risk”, we felt it was safe. The boys were glad to see him again if nothing else it was a new person to talk to. The boys could no longer spend the night with me, but Dan was making up for it by giving me the best dick He’d ever done! Maybe it was being gone so long, or all the stress he needed to get rid of, but he fucked me harder, more passionately and more often than he’s done since college! He’s even wanting me to give him head! I guess coming home from a long day means you don’t always have the energy to do much else, and few things can relax a man better than a woman’s mouth. My sons weren’t being neglected though. By now school was already out for the summer so the boys were home anyways, and with few recreational activities open yet, they were pretty much still stuck at home every day. And with their father usually working 6 days a week, and often leaving first thing in the morning for 12 or more hours a day, the boys had hardly lost any access to their mother. In fact, I’m going to head upstairs to wake them up right now.


Same as Quarantined. Videos

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My last year of high school was gonna be my best year yet, I was doing well in school had a fantastic girl friend and was going to college in the fall of 2020. That is until the covid19 virus hit America. At first it was only on the west coast then a week or so later it’s on the east coast and within a month almost every state had it. Our president said that it will probably be gone in just a couple of weeks. Well that didn’t happen then he said it was just a stronger form of the flu, again he...

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Things that makes you go home

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Me My Male Boss And His Father

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Banged my dream women

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My Last Summer At Home With Sis

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My Doctor Ruined My Pussy

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I Couldn8217t Have Just Left You Like That

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Piss Whores in Training

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The Price of Innocence

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Sex With Stranger
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Behind Castle Doors

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Stephanie my Cum Slut SlaveChapter 6

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Sister Candy

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New Girl In City First Time With Married Boss

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Fun at Work part 4

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Walked In On Me

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The Prince of the RoseChapter 8

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The gallon challenge

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Le monde dEdenfer

Préambule : Cette histoire s’adapte à vos choix. Vos caractéristiques vont évoluer en fonction de votre caractère et vous offriront une expérience de jeu taillée à votre personnalité ! Pour cela, appuyez simplement sur la touche START ! Et maintenant l’histoire : Tarix vivait dans le village le plus passible du monde d’Endenfer. Peut-être parce qu’il était le plus isolé. Jamais la violence n’avait pénétré ses murs. Les épées et les haches servaient à scier du bois. Les remous du monde n’étaient...

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The Dare

I was called into the kitchen to meet Naomi’s tranny girlfriend, Natalie. Naomi ordered me to kneel down in front of Natalie and suck her cock. I knelt down in front of Natalie and was sucking her cock as Naomi spoke. “Natalie doesn’t think you have the balls to take on her dare. Of course, I accepted for you. Be ready to leave with Natalie tonight at 10 pm …” Naomi paused, “in my van.” I continued to suck Natalie until she came in my mouth. Then I stood up and left the room, still...

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Budding sensuality

Unclothed, and shivering slightly as the fan directed outside air to caress her skin, Oriana stood determinedly beside her bed. Muscles rippled along her narrow frame as she unconsciously clenched her fists and tightened her shoulders. Painful knots worsened, and tension began to accumulate in a crescent along her brow. The beginnings of a headache finally awakening her to her own self-t*****e, Oriana strode to the corner of her small dormitory room and unrolled a pale green yoga mat. She...

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The Botanical Beauty Part IVThe Petals Part

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A Little Problem

A Little Problem by: Paul G Jutras Dust filled the air as Marcus raised his shield and blocked his enemy's blade. Quickly counter attacking with his own sword, he broke bandit's weapon in two. He then turned toward the rest of the group who shuddered in fear and then backed off. A few managed to grab what little jewels they could from the temple, but the rest got off empty handed. Marcus entered the Temple of Zues and started to see to the fallen villagers...

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A small letter was found floating down river by an unknown soldier dressed completely in black coveralls on January 1st, 2018. The morning of that day began a cold breeze that made every other soldier shiver. This was a morning of a finished combat that had abruptly begun between two rivals. The soldiers that dominated this small field cover in battle bullet shells and blood were all dressed in black; with a flag on the right shoulder that only showed "black and white colors". There was a...

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The Art of Illusion Chapter 1

Phil was awakened from an erotic dream only to find out it was not a dream at all. His girlfriend of three months, Claire, was impaling herself on his morning wood and had just shrieked in orgasm. He reached up and grabbed her 38 DD's by her hard nipples and tugged and then coated her pussy walls with a thick, heavy load of cum. His tug on her tits extended and intensified her orgasm by just an extra few seconds. Then she collapsed on top of him. She lifted her head and smiled at him, kissed...

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Christina Ch 06

There were no commercial flights to San Cristobal. Xavier offered to fly me down in his Lear jet, but when I checked on it I was told that the runways there were too short even for executive sized jets. So I took a Mexicana flight to Tuxtla Gutierrez — a horrible industrial town in the middle of a raspy desert — and from there hired a local pilot to fly me up to san Cristobal in his prewar Cessna. The flight itself turned out to be just as beautiful as Tuxtla was ugly. It took us sailing up...

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Reverend Jackson

I found myself in the middle of something that I couldn't get myself out. It was one of the things on this planet I dread the most. Church. It was like the ultimate torture for me. I hated having to wake up for that every morning. I didn't like the fact that it was a bunch of old people that just looked around and judged people all the time. I felt like I was going to court minus the cops and the fines and jail time. The only difference was I had to go every Sunday morning. I even tried to...

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A GetAway Weekend Part 4

I don’t know how long we slept. It might have been five minutes or five hours. But we woke together with our eyes fluttering open and gazing into each other’s and the steam from our lust was still there. We both became awake, saw the other and embraced, kissing as though we had never parted. “I love you, baby,” I whispered to you. “And I love you,” you whispered back to me. “I still lust you,” you continued, “I still have a fire between my legs that wants you back inside me again.” You kissed...

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Horny Little Women Pt12

From that point forward, wedding talk persisted exclusively during their time together as Heather busily planned the perfect day down to a tee. In fact, it got so much that Matthew was quite glad of the break when she disclosed her plan to visit relatives in Cebu City to break the news. Overjoyed at the prospect of hosting a couple of English guests, he commandeered the limousine to pick them up in style from the airport. Winding down the blacked-out window, he gestured his guests over....

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Himura BattousaiChapter 82 The Threads That Lead Me to You

Misao: YOU'RE LEAVING THE AOIYA!?! (Kenshin silently fits a new handle on the reverse blade.) Misao: Why?! Now, when you finally got a new reverse blade? (She charges at him with such ferocity that they butt heads. They both clutch their aching heads.) Okina: Settle down, settle down. Himura, you owe us a reason. (No reply.) Misao: You're not gonna talk?? Okina: You stay back. (Kenshin hammers the new handle on.) Okina: You don't want to tell us? Well, after all, we're perfect...

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Baseball Player to Baseball Wife Chapter 11 Meet The Parents

Baseball Wife to Baseball Girl Chapter 11 True to their words Gina and Nolan got together the following weekend and many more nights and weeks. They looked forward to spending every minute together and longed for the other one when they were apart. One of the things that they bonded over was baseball. Nolan described that he was named Nolan because his dad was a huge Nolan Ryan fan. His dad used to hope that he would grow up and become a major league pitcher. Gina wondered what...

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Second Time Through Book IIChapter 38 Albuquerque

Tuesday, June 15, 1971 If this was Tuesday, it must be Albuquerque. The sun was shining and it looked like another hot day, but at over 5,000 feet in elevation, it was nowhere near as muggy as Houston had been. The ATSF yard was bustling with activity all around us. I felt like we were on an island in the midst of a choppy sea as I scanned for any signs of danger. Everything was clear. The Dining Car was empty so I started the coffee brewing in the galley as I rummaged around for something...

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How to Softly Kill Time Before Work

Let me begin this story with a little background information. I am single and happy as hell to be out of my last relationship! Being single lets a woman find time to take care of herself as only she can, sorry guys! With Luke, continue reading to find out who he is, in my holster there is nothing I can’t achieve! This story is a culmination of many past ventures and present fantasies. With a deep breath I opened my eyes,the sun shined through the window and lite up my room and my bed as it...

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Doctor of Desire Ch 09

Chapter 9: The Farmer’s Daughter Dr. Casey Darden was supposed to be off duty, as far from the bustle of Boston as he could get within a half-day’s drive, rolling Hills of Western Mass., the yoga center down the way where he had had a spectacular massage that morning by a sturdy Chinese woman who spoke almost no English. Now he sat on the porch of his log cabin on the lake sipping a frozen daiquiri just watching the afternoon turn into evening, listening to the crickets. He felt zero need for...

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Desert DroppingChapter 36A The way home

I'd never liked hospitals, but they didn't bother me. Not really. Unless I counted the time they told me my mom was going to die, there had been no traumatic experiences. And even then, that hadn't been a real hospital, but a specialist's office with cozy furniture. Hospitals didn't scare me until the day that I hadn't gone back to Nevada with my grandma and I found out that I could lose my father in one. Luke's message had been difficult to understand with all of the static, but from...

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Adam Jason and I chpt 4

Dear Jason, Geoffrey, Adam, and Matthew, I have gone to run errands, that long list of chores have really piled up, I’ve gone to complete them I trust you four can manage to cook yourselves dinner be back at 11:00! Love, Mom That was perfect I thought, I would cook Adam dinner as we got to know each other. I was now glad for the cooking lessons that my mom drilled into my head night after night. I couldn’t find much in their pantry, so I decided to cook something simple, spaghetti. I wish...

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The First Time Was An Accident

My face reddened as I saw what the bagger pulled out of my environmentally friendly reusable grocery bag that I also use for laundry and other things. She pulled out a pair of my underwear and stared at it for a moment. Then, with perfect professionalism, she put them back into the bag and started loading my groceries. I, on the other hand, looked away and couldn't even meet her eyes when I thanked and tipped her.I know, I know, tipping is frowned upon at that grocery, but I felt I owed her...


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