Shackled Ch. 04 free porn video

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Loving the feedback, but I have to add that this is no reflection of my political views. I write and WE write for entertainment sake, not to make a point. And yes, it’s probably not your classic ‘erotic romance’ that you see on Lit, but it has its moments. If you want to read for just smut sake, move along. You’ve hit the wrong story!


Emma struggled to breathe in her moment of panic, but as his warm breath hit the side of her sensitive neck and ear, she stilled and slowly nodded. He was going to help her? Slimy toad was going to help her? It seemed too good to be true, but she had little choice in the matter. She needed an out and quickly.

His hand moved away and she sucked in a breath, trying to calm herself. ‘Okay…’ Glancing over at him she held his gaze for a moment and then her soft slender hand slid into his own. Small steps. She tried to look casual and mentally counted to ten before she took the lead. Stepping forward her hand gripped his tightly and she pushed open the door.

As soon as the drizzle hit her face, she swiveled on her heels and faked a soft laugh, stumbling forward and against his body. A body that was a lot more solid than she had originally thought it would be. Full soft breasts cushioned against his chest as she moved in, her eyes open and acutely aware of their surroundings as their lips met.

The jolt of pleasure wasn’t expected either and for a split second she fought the urge to close her eyes and explore it, but quickly shoved it aside. This was was NO time to get all gaga over a man who moments ago was rubbing her in all the wrong ways. Special forces were guarding the end of the alleyway behind him. Tucking her face close, she breathed against his ear. ‘Two special forces behind you, blocking the alleyway.’

She made a show of nuzzling his neck, unable to prevent from inhaling his scent as she slid her free hand over his back in a mock hug. ‘I don’t know how, but if there is anyway to get me out of here, please help me. I know you don’t know me from Adam, but trust me when I tell you this, if they catch me I’m dead and so are a lot of other people.’


He took his hand from her mouth, but kept his other arm around her arms and body.

Just in case.

Her response had him relaxing his grip and then she’d wordlessly taken his hand. Her hand was small in his. In fact, she was small, period. Granted, she was attractive, but good looks weren’t going to get them out of this.

She’d turned towards the door at the end of the small corridor and led him through it onto the alley. It was still drizzling outside. Everything was shiny and it took his eyes a few seconds to adjust.

She laughed softly and turned to press her body against his. She raised her head towards his and he had to tilt down so that their lips could meet. She was a good actress and put on a good show. He was aware of her body pressing into his, especially her breasts.

Another time, Irish, and this would’ve been fun.

She pressed her head to the side of his face, her warm breath on his ear. She had a faint scent of whiskey from her coffee. Her lips brushed his ear.

Really fun….

His mind was brought back.

‘Two special forces behind you, blocking the alleyway,’ she whispered.

He moved his head slightly to acknowledge her observation. There was a car at the end to which he was looking at, but he couldn’t tell how many SPF’s there were attached to it.

Two minimum, four maximum.

He knew there would be others guarding the front as well, so reinforcements were nearby.

He felt her slide her hand up his back in the act of an embrace.

She really is a good actress, he thought.

He had the plastic explosive in his pocket and he had the Glock. He hadn’t reloaded it since his adventure with Fat Fuck, so it meant he only had three rounds.

Good idea, Hansen. So desperate to get a drink that you don’t bother to get more ammo.

They stood there in an embrace. He was struggling to keep his side of the bargain and make it look realistic. He pressed her more closely and she began nuzzling his neck.

It doesn’t look good, Hansen. Maybe you should have left the girl.

She kept her head in the crook of his neck and kissed him there, her arms still around him.

Or maybe not. He couldn’t leave her.

And she felt so warm….

He moved his head again slightly, so that his mouth was just touching her ear and he made a show of kissing it gently.

‘Look, down the front of my pants I have a gun,’ he said. ‘Don’t take it personally, I am happy to see you, but that really is a gun.’

He paused.

Always with the jokes, Hansen. Plenty of time for that later.

‘I don’t know if you can use a gun, but it’s a Glock. It’s old by your standards, but it’s reliable. I only have three shots in it from a…um, er…. previous job tonight.’

He kept kissing her ear. It felt good.

‘I took the safety off before we got out here. I’ve pulled the rack so it’s cocked, if you’ll pardon the expression.’ He smirked, but there was no one to see it. ‘Before we part, I want you to put your hands down the front of my pants, pull it out and shove it down the front of yours.’

He paused again.

‘It’ll just look like you’re copping a feel,’ he said. ‘You know how to do that don’t you? I’ll stay pressed close to you to shield what you’re doing.’

He laughed lightly and kept his mouth close to her ear, interspersed with some kisses. He had his hand lightly pulling her head closer. He was sure now it would look realistic.

‘Do you reckon you can do that for me, Irish?’ he asked. ‘Once you’ve got it, I’ll tell you what we do next. If we get out of this, I promise you won’t have to put your hands down there again. Ok?’

He gave her a squeeze and hoped she’d get the hint and grab the gun.

‘I promise,’ he said. ‘I’m good. I haven’t been killed once so far.’

First kisses, now fondling. You really are shameless, Hansen.


She’d sort of expected him to run after she begged him for a little help, but somehow the toad was slowly turning into Prince Charming. Okay, so maybe not that perfect and she doubted there would be a happily ever after, but at least he had a soul!

His instructions made her lips twitch involuntarily. He was a bigger smartass than she was and she sort of liked that.

The soft kisses to her ear made her shiver and she bit on her lower lip to stop herself from gasping out loud. His lips felt so good…warm and surprisingly silky. As distracting as they were, she did her best to listen. She’d never shot a gun in her life, but then again, she’d never been on the run either, slummed in in the streets or put anyone else’s life in jeopardy.

Hands in his pants?! For a moment she wondered what sort of crap he was pulling, but he seemed dead serious. ‘You know how to do that don’t you? I’ll stay pressed close to you to shield what you’re doing.’

‘I d-do.’ She stammered , earning her a light laugh and then his mouth was on her skin again and he was pulling her closer. Oh god! She hoped he wasn’t full of shit and trying to be all bad and impressive, getting them both killed in process. ‘I’ll do it…just don’t get us killed, please.’ She whispered back, tilting her head to ‘nibble’ on his earlobe, only the nibble was more of a bite before she kissed it better for him.

With him squeezing her close, she let out a soft moan and ducked her head against, kissing his neck and breathing nervously, her soft breaths puffing against his bare skin as she slide her hands over his hard abs and pushed them into his pants, feeling the cool metal of his gun almost instantly.

Carefully she pulled it out and slid it down her own pants as casually as possible. ‘I got it.’ She breathed, ‘Nice gun by the way.’ She added, trying to ease the tension in her own mind. ‘It’s


She whispered in his ear, her soft lips rubbing against it. Then she bit his ear lightly and soothed it with a kiss.

Irish just fucking bit me.

‘Hey, none of that talk,’ he whispered back. ‘Didn’t I just say I’ve never been killed before? I don’t intend to make this the first time. You just have to trust me.’

He kept holding her tight. It must feel terrifying for her to be in this situation with a total stranger.

So fucking what?

That’s better, Hansen.

The rain was getting heavier and they were getting soaked. They would have to make a move soon.

He kept holding her close, her head nuzzled to his neck. She kept kissing him and slid her hand under his shirt and over the waist of his jeans. She had gone in a little to the right so she had to slide her hand back across towards the gun. Her hand felt cool and smooth on his body.

Shit, just get the gun. If you keep this up, I’ll have to try and think with a boner.

He felt the gun slide out of his pants.

At least there’s more room for me down there.

He pulled her closer and lowered his lips to her ear again.

‘Nice one, Irish. Keep joking like that and you’ll stay loose. If we get out of this, I’ll make sure to shoot you with my big gun,’ he said. ‘We better do something or they’ll start to get suspicious.’

He paused.

‘Oh, and I don’t mean that,’ he added quickly.

He loosened his grip on her a little and stood beside her with his arm around her neck.

‘The guy watching us inside saw me stagger out pretending to be drunk. I drink enough to have had a lot of practice at it so I’m sure I convinced him. That means they won’t be surprised when we start to stagger with my arm around you. You pretend like you’re trying to hold me up and you can make all sorts of disparaging remarks if you like.’

He smiled at her.

Hansen? Disparaging? Who are you trying to impress?

‘You can’t see it yet, but about 15 meters down in my direction, there’s a doorway. I drink here a lot, I know it’s there. The door is flimsy. If we can get to within five meters of it I think I can smash it down with one hit.’

He looked across at her.

‘Do you think we can do that?’ he asked. ‘I know it sounds a little short-term, but I’ll work out what to do once we’re in there. But we have to get moving. They won’t sit there all night.’

He pretended to stagger a little bit and the hand not around her neck flew over and touched her breast.

‘Shit, sorry, Irish,’ he said.

The started to walk very slowly in the direction of the doorway.

‘S’all I was sayin’,’ he shouted. ‘I always loved ya. She meant nuffin’ to me.’

Ten metres to go.

‘By the way, Irish,’ he said. ‘If we’re going to be so close for a while, what’s your name?’


So much for keeping warm and dry. As the rain picked up, she could feel it seep through her baseball cap, wetting her hair, dribbling down the sides of the brim and trickling down the back of her parker. She couldn’t stand the feeling of wet clothes clinging to her skin, but the longer she stood with him, the more soaked they were both getting.

When he loosened his hold, she caught his arm and gasped audibly when he accidentally grabbed her breast. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him, but he shot her the most charming of grins. Leaning into his side she made a show of trying to keep him steady as his bigger body continued to stagger and sway, his voice booming down the alley and bouncing off the walls.

‘This is what happens when you drink too much!’ She chided a little louder, ‘You stick your dick in places it shouldn’t be stuck.’

She felt his weight give a little, making her stagger as well as she wound an arm around his lean waist, her fingers gripping the side of his shirt and unwittingly bunching up the material, her skin rubbing up against his own. Her heart was pounding her ears. ‘I don’t know why I came to help you…you know you break my heart when you call and you act like this.’

She huffed and sniffed, ‘I hope it burns when you pee.’

Had she just said that. Gawwwwd! At least he held his own and didn’t laugh, although by the garbled sound he made, she was sure he’d maybe at least choked a little. Please let this plan work, please let this plan work. She thought to herself.

Five meters to go and she sighed softly, ‘It’s Emma…my name is Emma. What’s yours?’

‘Jesus!’ She suddenly exclaimed, ‘You weigh a freakin’ ton!’

One of the men took a step forward and yelled, ‘Hey!’

Emma stiffened against him and gripped his shirt into a death grip.


She was good. They staggered towards the doorway, and she carried on exactly like a trash talking woman would when they found out ole’ Bobby Lee had been screwin’ around.

He coughed in surprise.

Geez, a bit harsh. She didn’t have to be that good an actress….

‘Awww, honey bunsszzsh…..” he slurred.

They were nearly there, but he wanted to be in the best position in case he needed a few extra seconds. He didn’t really know if he could smash the door on his first attempt, but there was no need to let her know.

She turned her head towards him and whispered her name. She really was attractive. She was soaked with rain and wet strands of her hair hung lank down the back of her neck. Sans makeup, soaked, in the dark and she still looked good. It made it easy for him to want to protect her.

At least for now.

A superficial bastard are you, Hansen.

He didn’t get a chance to tell her his name. One of the SPF’s took a step towards them and called.


Emma pressed into him closely and grabbed his shirt.

Fuck. Here goes.

‘Whaddya want, copper?’ he yelled up the alley towards the man. He was dressed in black combat gear and had a helmet over his head. The three other men with him all looked the same.

Quadruplets come to kill.



It didn’t matter.


He was leaning into her with his right arm around her shoulders.

‘I’m sorry, Irish,’ he whispered, ‘but I’m going to stick my left hand down your pants on the count of three. You need to turn a little to make it easy for me.’

He paused.

‘I promise I’ll buy you dinner later,’ he said very quietly.

Her hand loosened slightly on his shirt and he started to sway across her body to hide the fact he was going for the gun. He pressed his hand to her belly and left it there.

‘Fuckin’ cop bastards,’ he yelled, ‘can’t even have a good time with your girlfriend….’

He pretended to be falling. His hand slid down the front of her jeans and pulled out the gun, keeping his eyes on the front guy. He wouldn’t get through the helmet, but his suit would do him no good. Hansen had Gooby bullets. From China. He wasn’t a patriot when it came to personal safety. He didn’t care what he used.

Or where it came from.

Just do it.


He shoved Emma hard into the doorway and heard her crack against the door. The force against her gave him the momentum to push sideways and roll in the other direction, watching the cops. Their eyes didn’t know who to follow: Emma or Hansen. Their heads turned to the doorway because Emma had disappeared into it.

Dumb fucks.

He turned on one knee and put a bullet in the front cop’s knee.

Two bullets left.


As the cop went down, his men were distracted for a moment and he dove for the doorway. He landed right on Emma, but tried to take some of the sting out of his landing by placing his hands on either side of her before collapsing. She seemed ok, if dazed.

‘Close your fucking eyes,’ he yelled at her. No time for niceties. He didn’t have time to smash the door, so he shot the lock.

The sound at such close quarters nearly de
afened him, but the door swung open.

One bullet.




There was no gentleness. He grabbed Emma by the waist of her jeans, hoisted her up in one motion and threw her onto his shoulder.

He smashed through the door and ran into a large open space. There was a door at the other end. He couldn’t hear the cops and he realised that they hadn’t fired.


Get to the door.

‘By the way, Emma, I’m Liam,’ he said bouncing with her on his shoulder as he tried to make it across the open space towards the other door. ‘Enjoying our first date?’

I just hope it’s not our last.

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Wearing Sexy Stockings Can Lead to Wonderful Surprises

As long as I can remember I have loved wearing sexy lingerie. I felt that being able to wear sexy lacy items was part of my right as a sexy woman. I especially love stockings and garter belts. Although I wear pantyhose at times, I prefer stockings. My favorite brand is Wolford but I wear others. I love the feel of wearing them and the looks I get from men and some women. I love the stares I get when someone sees the garter bumps in my skirts or a little bit of stocking top. It works especially...

4 years ago
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My first time

This is a true story, only the names have been changed.Sarah laid her naked Arabic body next to me, on my bed, in the dark. We had just finished a hot round of petting and kissing. My cock was hard and her pussy was wet. "Give me your hand." She said in a tone I couldn't deny. Taking my hand she ran it across her ample hand and a half size tits, down her stomach and between her legs. Curling my fingers, she took my index finger and ran it slowly into her crease. My finger tip felt warm and...

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Equal SharesChapter 18

Stan sat in the booth and Anne took a seat next to him, opposite Elaine. The cute receptionist looked up and Stan could see she was close to tears. Gently, he asked her, "Elaine, whatever's the matter? Is there anything I can do?" Elaine barely managed "Su-Su-Sus-Susan!" and came to a halt, sobbing. Stan looked at Anne, for permission before he went around the table and sat next to Elaine with his arm around her. "Ssshhh, it's okay, it's okay, I'm sure we can sort it out," he...

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Passing the Baton 2 Lilas StoryChapter 4 Intermission

Manu left her tied, on the table, for the rest of the day. He did not want her hands reaching for her scarred pussy, where they could damage the scar, or cause infection. He did bring her legs down thinking, rightly, that she would feel better if her legs were straight, even if not closed together, rather than spread out, with her pussy exposed. He did not tell her this though. He gave her some wine to drink, which was technically a violation of the rules, and the wine, on her empty stomach...

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Loosening Up Book 3 GrowthChapter 15 Incest Is Good For The Soul

Dori added to what Sasha was being told about the women having done things in the adult entertainment industry, “We’ve all danced – stripped – given lap dances, and performed at the Club Ecstasy where Christie works, and where Heather used to work. The lap dances on patrons can be some very erotic teasing, and we’ve all had some interesting erotic experiences as a result and met some hot guys. We still go back once in a while to play there. One of our friends has a part interest in the club....

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Glen WisemanChapter 7

For some people, the first of May is just another day of the year. For communists, it was a day to show off their weapons to the world. For pagans, it is a religious holiday celebrating spring and a renewal of life. For Glen, it was his birthday and he always made a big deal out of birthdays. His thought on the matter was that it was one of the two most important days of a person’s life. The other being the day of their death and one didn’t get a chance to celebrate that. One might almost say...

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Descent into depravity Part 2

Boys are so easy – he practically had an orgasm then and there, especially when I told him the rules “You can watch me shower and pee but you have to do whatever I ask”. I have later discovered that Billy is a real submissive. I had them drop their pants and stand in front of me while I peed, this time just opening my legs just a little. They were soon both rock hard (I have since realized that no man ever gets as hard as a 15 year old boy.) and I enjoyed comparing their cocks. In...

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Lois Pt 3

Introduction: Lois comes to a picnic Driving home from Loiss my mind was racing. I got a blow job from one of my wifes best friends. I fingered her sweet little pussy till she came on my hand. We would have went farther if we had time. I could smell her pussy on my fingers reminding me it really happened. Cindy was in the bedroom changing when I got home. Hi honey, Cathy called and wants us to come over. Jim is doing some burgers on the grill. She want to talk about our girl weekend at the...

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They Deserve to Be Punished

Here is my story. This new story is based, initially on a letter to Dawn from John T. Miller; her husband, after the divorce: Dawn: You fucking cheating cunt. I cannot begin to tell you what you have stolen from me and what disrespect you have given me over the last twenty five years. Twenty five fucking years you have stolen from me. I want them back and since I can't get them back I have to find another way, and I will. First, my kids will have to change their names so their sperm donors...

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EuroTeenErotica Stella Flex Scandalous Sex With StepFather

The relationship between Russian hottie Stella Flex and Yanick Shaft is not your average step-daughter/father relationship, but it’s one many horny teen girls might dream about. The brunette cutie is in a frisky mood and Yanick catches her at just the right moment to show her a few XXX tricks for the first time. The small tittied college cutie is already feeling herself, literally, playing with her perky size A’s when she’s caught with her hands fondling her tiny torpedos and...

5 years ago
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Authors note. I've been playing with this idea on and off for ages and have never felt quite happy with the ending but I'm flummoxed as to what to do with it so any idea's would be more than welcome. It was written more as a way of putting an idea down, so if anyone wants to take the idea of the graduate repayment scheme I have come up with and run with you are more than welcome. Groves By Trish The Graduate Repayment Acts were brought in as a response to the growing number of...

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Sharing Karen Again and Again

My wife Karen is the sexiest lady I know. Just looking at her is enough to make any mans dick harder than hell. Even if she has clothes on, she is one sexy lady. Karen is the type of lady that when it comes to sex, she wants to do it all and have as much fun as she can. We have shared our sex lives with alot of couple and alot of single men and ladies. But I have to be honest, the last time I shared her was the best. I had taken advantage of Karen when she was out cold on sleeping pills and...

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The Office Exhibitionist

You have become infatuated with a truly lovely woman named Candy LaRouge at the office. Her lovely face makes every day at the office something to look forward to. You often find yourself admiring her ample breasts and firm, round ass. Unfortunately she is an aloof, proud beauty who obviously thinks no man deserves her. Little did you suspect that she was a latent exhibitionist. True, she obviously enjoyed the constant male attention that she garnered everywhere she went. But secretly she...

2 years ago
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A Lesson I love

A Lesson I Love!!! Part 1 My brother called me. He wanted to come east to visit his big Sis. I’m not really big, I’m about five foot four, a hundred twenty five pounds-soaking wet. I have a shapely ass, smallish, perky tits with large sensitive nipples that point upwardly. I have a darkish, olive complexion and dark hair. I’m pretty hot. I used to be quite the conservative bitch. I am recently single, about 3 months ago, my boyfriend and I split. My brother knew I was sad and depressed about...

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Footprints In The Sea Chapters 7 and 8

Footprints In The Sea - Chapters 7 & 8 By Frances Penwiddy Copyright © Frances Penwiddy 2015 Footprints in the sea is a work of fiction and any similarity to persons living or dead is coincidental. This novel is not considered suitable material for minors and is rated X I suggest you read Footprints In The Sea in chapter order so if you haven't read Chapters 1 and 2, please do so. Charlie introduces Will to the passenger who has been hiding in the Pacific Wanderer...

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A Naughty Girl and Two Smart Dogs Lead Danny AstrayChapter 5

Scarcely had Wendy arrived at his house Sunday evening before she led him to his bedroom, threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with passion. “Do it to me!” she said. “Oh, please ... do it!” As they quickly stripped, she said, “Not you, Penny, thanks, but not this time,” as she motioned the dog away. “Want to do me from the rear? I’d really love that!” she said. Danny was game, and delighted to take her from that angle. He’d done all of twenty strokes when Wendy gasped with orgasm...

2 years ago
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Quartet Eleanor Ch 05

Chapter 05: Tragic news and a new beginning It took a while for Eleanor and Roger to work out an acceptable relationship once they had started to have sex together. Eleanor had warned Roger that she valued her independence and wasn’t ready for a permanent address. Roger had sworn his love for her and told her that whatever happened, he would be faithful to her always. In the end, they lived in their own apartments and would sleep in one or the other’s bed fairly consistently three or sometimes...

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I want to go

I want to go""are you sure, you're certain to be the only woman there... Could get 'interesting' fast"She looked at me in the dim light, the low light of the dash silhouetting her, but her eyes seemed to shine out, like coals smouldering in the heart of the fire, sending heat to my lions.She silently took my hand, locking her eyes to mine, her intensity mesmerising me. Slowly she drew my hand to her bare thigh, and guided me up and under her loose skirt.I felt her heat immediately and within...

1 year ago
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First time with an old man

It all started out in a bar, this older man came in and sat next to me at the bar and ordered a beer and said hello, youngster, I smiled and said hi. We started to talk and he told me had lost his wife a few years back and wanted to have fun, even at his age. While married he had sex certain days of the month or had to wear a rubber, as he put it. and that wasn't to much fun. I asked if he had a certain thing he wanted he told me yes and sarted to drink his beer and was quite for a while, I...

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Amandas Second Report

The Article:  27th May 2011 This is the second Investigative Article by Amanda Jones into the services offered by Surrogate Discipline Limited. Managing Director Mrs Jane Ford has given me access to members of staff at SDL whilst they discuss active cases. My day started at the 8.00 am Staff Meeting. There were seven members of staff as well as Mrs. Ford. They are the team leaders. I read the agenda which included an update by each team leader on the cases they are running, not case by case...

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Part 6 Puppy love

Introduction: my first boyfriend and moms attraction This story might seem to slow down a bit from the rest, but I want to keep chronological order for those of you reading my stories. This story will lead to much bigger things, in later stories. Hope you enjoy and comment. I was about 9 when I had my first boyfriend. His name was Tyler. A white boy from my class, that would always try to get behind me in physical education. I talked to him a little bit, but didnt have an interest in him. One...

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Frat Girl

That night for some reason I was having no luck with the ladies. I usually did okay. Nothing world class or urban legend level but better than average. That night I got a couple of kisses while dancing but no responses to my hints at escalating things to a higher level. I nursed a beer and chatted with one of my fraternity brothers who was also having an off night. We discussed the upcoming chapter elections and our plans for Spring Break. While arguing the merits of Charlie Benz...

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Amanda starts a new job

The first day in a new job... Everyone is slightly nervous on their first day in a new job. Amanda was no exception. Not massively nervous - no reason to be, Just the vague threat of the new. After all - this was job was not going to be that challenging to her. She was not going to be a PA to a high flyting executive - although that would be her top choice. Not an office manager. No senior position. Amanda's new job was a receptionist. Something she thought she could do with her eyes...

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Patrick Becomes a NorsemanChapter 7

The ship was near to their home coastline and the men were getting restless to see their loved ones. Even the captives were exited with the sense of anticipation exuding from the raiding crew. Eve was amazed that the new slaves were not overly sad at being taken from their village. Probably, it was because the females were selected for not having little ones attached and the boys were still only in their eighteenth or nineteen winters and not yet given any honor in their tribe. They were...

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Human Toilet at the Club Pt 2

The bathroom around me smelled like stale piss. The underside of the toilet was stained brown and yellow. All I could taste was the bartender's salty piss. Despite all this, I found myself excited. The idea of being dominated so completely by these women felt right. I belonged here. A few hours passed and I had no visitors. Eventually, club music started playing loudly. I could only hear muffled bass, and the occasional group of women yelling in celebration. I heard the clicking of high...

4 years ago
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School Teachers Pt2

That had been the very first time, ever, for either of them. Both women had never had sex in their lives. One was around thirty but the other one was near or possibly over forty. Age didn’t matter to Angus because what occurred the night before for him had to be the most glorious evening of his life. That isn’t to say it wasn’t for Ada or Libby either. Neither of them had ever been with a man, in that way, ever before. Ada was the one who put the idea into their thoughts. Ada was the one who...

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Stripper GF recruits me

I was 30 and had just divorced. MY life was in shambles and I started frequenting the nearby honky tonks.I ran into a girl that was only about 22 but very cute and eager to do almost anything.I was riding high. I had a cute little girl sucking my dick and riding my pole. My former wife never did anything for me.Eventually my new girl, Trish, asked me if I was ready for some different action?"What do you mean?"She played with my dick and held up my balls. she ran her finger around my anus."Have...

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Erotic Comic Orgy Series ndash Chapter XI

Erotic Comic Orgy Series – Chapter XI“Provocation Part I (or When She Made Him Her Almost Pet)”, with Roberta (based on a Playboy cartoon) and Randolf (based on an old erotic art)At least about women, Randolf wasn’t a man who worried about them. He was a ladies guy, an appreciator of all things that dealt with seducing and loving lustful females. Randolf never ditched an opportunity to approach a girl who he liked and offer her all his charms to get her on his bed.No woman was safe of...

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It all started in the hotel bariAs the duty manager I got called to the bar to deal with a complaint. When I got there I was sent to you, a very good looking mature woman who said your 1982 bottle of chateau neuf was corked. As I apprached you I noticed you had a figure hugging pencil skirt on and i took a sharp intake of breath as I noticed the suspender belt outlined and a panty vpl. I was aware that my dick was getting hard I sat down oppisite you hoping you hadnt noticed the bulge in my...

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A Week In A Dungeon Day 1

Ashley lies on her hands and knees in a small steel cage. Everything feels cold against her exposed skin. Wearing just her white panties and a bra, she can feel goosebumps everywhere. She had just asked Miss Rose for a blanket or pillow or something to make her first night more comfortable. ‘I’ll ask him hon,’ comes her short response. Miss Rose’s heels echo through the dank room. Ashley hears Miss Rose pick up the phone again around the corner but can’t hear the conversation. Ashley liked...

1 year ago
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The Blind Girl in the Rain Part 4

The final chapter in the Blind Girl in the Rain series. Someone once said: "It is not the moment itself that matters. What matters is you understand the reason why that moment matters in the first place.." The silver 747 hung silently in the early morning Winter sky before turning slowly in a graceful arc as it connected to its ILS and headed towards a snowbound JFK as I made my way along the Coney Island Boardwalk towards Atlantic Avenue and home. The long walk had done me good. Cleared the...


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