Shackled Ch. 04 free porn video

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Loving the feedback, but I have to add that this is no reflection of my political views. I write and WE write for entertainment sake, not to make a point. And yes, it’s probably not your classic ‘erotic romance’ that you see on Lit, but it has its moments. If you want to read for just smut sake, move along. You’ve hit the wrong story!


Emma struggled to breathe in her moment of panic, but as his warm breath hit the side of her sensitive neck and ear, she stilled and slowly nodded. He was going to help her? Slimy toad was going to help her? It seemed too good to be true, but she had little choice in the matter. She needed an out and quickly.

His hand moved away and she sucked in a breath, trying to calm herself. ‘Okay…’ Glancing over at him she held his gaze for a moment and then her soft slender hand slid into his own. Small steps. She tried to look casual and mentally counted to ten before she took the lead. Stepping forward her hand gripped his tightly and she pushed open the door.

As soon as the drizzle hit her face, she swiveled on her heels and faked a soft laugh, stumbling forward and against his body. A body that was a lot more solid than she had originally thought it would be. Full soft breasts cushioned against his chest as she moved in, her eyes open and acutely aware of their surroundings as their lips met.

The jolt of pleasure wasn’t expected either and for a split second she fought the urge to close her eyes and explore it, but quickly shoved it aside. This was was NO time to get all gaga over a man who moments ago was rubbing her in all the wrong ways. Special forces were guarding the end of the alleyway behind him. Tucking her face close, she breathed against his ear. ‘Two special forces behind you, blocking the alleyway.’

She made a show of nuzzling his neck, unable to prevent from inhaling his scent as she slid her free hand over his back in a mock hug. ‘I don’t know how, but if there is anyway to get me out of here, please help me. I know you don’t know me from Adam, but trust me when I tell you this, if they catch me I’m dead and so are a lot of other people.’


He took his hand from her mouth, but kept his other arm around her arms and body.

Just in case.

Her response had him relaxing his grip and then she’d wordlessly taken his hand. Her hand was small in his. In fact, she was small, period. Granted, she was attractive, but good looks weren’t going to get them out of this.

She’d turned towards the door at the end of the small corridor and led him through it onto the alley. It was still drizzling outside. Everything was shiny and it took his eyes a few seconds to adjust.

She laughed softly and turned to press her body against his. She raised her head towards his and he had to tilt down so that their lips could meet. She was a good actress and put on a good show. He was aware of her body pressing into his, especially her breasts.

Another time, Irish, and this would’ve been fun.

She pressed her head to the side of his face, her warm breath on his ear. She had a faint scent of whiskey from her coffee. Her lips brushed his ear.

Really fun….

His mind was brought back.

‘Two special forces behind you, blocking the alleyway,’ she whispered.

He moved his head slightly to acknowledge her observation. There was a car at the end to which he was looking at, but he couldn’t tell how many SPF’s there were attached to it.

Two minimum, four maximum.

He knew there would be others guarding the front as well, so reinforcements were nearby.

He felt her slide her hand up his back in the act of an embrace.

She really is a good actress, he thought.

He had the plastic explosive in his pocket and he had the Glock. He hadn’t reloaded it since his adventure with Fat Fuck, so it meant he only had three rounds.

Good idea, Hansen. So desperate to get a drink that you don’t bother to get more ammo.

They stood there in an embrace. He was struggling to keep his side of the bargain and make it look realistic. He pressed her more closely and she began nuzzling his neck.

It doesn’t look good, Hansen. Maybe you should have left the girl.

She kept her head in the crook of his neck and kissed him there, her arms still around him.

Or maybe not. He couldn’t leave her.

And she felt so warm….

He moved his head again slightly, so that his mouth was just touching her ear and he made a show of kissing it gently.

‘Look, down the front of my pants I have a gun,’ he said. ‘Don’t take it personally, I am happy to see you, but that really is a gun.’

He paused.

Always with the jokes, Hansen. Plenty of time for that later.

‘I don’t know if you can use a gun, but it’s a Glock. It’s old by your standards, but it’s reliable. I only have three shots in it from a…um, er…. previous job tonight.’

He kept kissing her ear. It felt good.

‘I took the safety off before we got out here. I’ve pulled the rack so it’s cocked, if you’ll pardon the expression.’ He smirked, but there was no one to see it. ‘Before we part, I want you to put your hands down the front of my pants, pull it out and shove it down the front of yours.’

He paused again.

‘It’ll just look like you’re copping a feel,’ he said. ‘You know how to do that don’t you? I’ll stay pressed close to you to shield what you’re doing.’

He laughed lightly and kept his mouth close to her ear, interspersed with some kisses. He had his hand lightly pulling her head closer. He was sure now it would look realistic.

‘Do you reckon you can do that for me, Irish?’ he asked. ‘Once you’ve got it, I’ll tell you what we do next. If we get out of this, I promise you won’t have to put your hands down there again. Ok?’

He gave her a squeeze and hoped she’d get the hint and grab the gun.

‘I promise,’ he said. ‘I’m good. I haven’t been killed once so far.’

First kisses, now fondling. You really are shameless, Hansen.


She’d sort of expected him to run after she begged him for a little help, but somehow the toad was slowly turning into Prince Charming. Okay, so maybe not that perfect and she doubted there would be a happily ever after, but at least he had a soul!

His instructions made her lips twitch involuntarily. He was a bigger smartass than she was and she sort of liked that.

The soft kisses to her ear made her shiver and she bit on her lower lip to stop herself from gasping out loud. His lips felt so good…warm and surprisingly silky. As distracting as they were, she did her best to listen. She’d never shot a gun in her life, but then again, she’d never been on the run either, slummed in in the streets or put anyone else’s life in jeopardy.

Hands in his pants?! For a moment she wondered what sort of crap he was pulling, but he seemed dead serious. ‘You know how to do that don’t you? I’ll stay pressed close to you to shield what you’re doing.’

‘I d-do.’ She stammered , earning her a light laugh and then his mouth was on her skin again and he was pulling her closer. Oh god! She hoped he wasn’t full of shit and trying to be all bad and impressive, getting them both killed in process. ‘I’ll do it…just don’t get us killed, please.’ She whispered back, tilting her head to ‘nibble’ on his earlobe, only the nibble was more of a bite before she kissed it better for him.

With him squeezing her close, she let out a soft moan and ducked her head against, kissing his neck and breathing nervously, her soft breaths puffing against his bare skin as she slide her hands over his hard abs and pushed them into his pants, feeling the cool metal of his gun almost instantly.

Carefully she pulled it out and slid it down her own pants as casually as possible. ‘I got it.’ She breathed, ‘Nice gun by the way.’ She added, trying to ease the tension in her own mind. ‘It’s


She whispered in his ear, her soft lips rubbing against it. Then she bit his ear lightly and soothed it with a kiss.

Irish just fucking bit me.

‘Hey, none of that talk,’ he whispered back. ‘Didn’t I just say I’ve never been killed before? I don’t intend to make this the first time. You just have to trust me.’

He kept holding her tight. It must feel terrifying for her to be in this situation with a total stranger.

So fucking what?

That’s better, Hansen.

The rain was getting heavier and they were getting soaked. They would have to make a move soon.

He kept holding her close, her head nuzzled to his neck. She kept kissing him and slid her hand under his shirt and over the waist of his jeans. She had gone in a little to the right so she had to slide her hand back across towards the gun. Her hand felt cool and smooth on his body.

Shit, just get the gun. If you keep this up, I’ll have to try and think with a boner.

He felt the gun slide out of his pants.

At least there’s more room for me down there.

He pulled her closer and lowered his lips to her ear again.

‘Nice one, Irish. Keep joking like that and you’ll stay loose. If we get out of this, I’ll make sure to shoot you with my big gun,’ he said. ‘We better do something or they’ll start to get suspicious.’

He paused.

‘Oh, and I don’t mean that,’ he added quickly.

He loosened his grip on her a little and stood beside her with his arm around her neck.

‘The guy watching us inside saw me stagger out pretending to be drunk. I drink enough to have had a lot of practice at it so I’m sure I convinced him. That means they won’t be surprised when we start to stagger with my arm around you. You pretend like you’re trying to hold me up and you can make all sorts of disparaging remarks if you like.’

He smiled at her.

Hansen? Disparaging? Who are you trying to impress?

‘You can’t see it yet, but about 15 meters down in my direction, there’s a doorway. I drink here a lot, I know it’s there. The door is flimsy. If we can get to within five meters of it I think I can smash it down with one hit.’

He looked across at her.

‘Do you think we can do that?’ he asked. ‘I know it sounds a little short-term, but I’ll work out what to do once we’re in there. But we have to get moving. They won’t sit there all night.’

He pretended to stagger a little bit and the hand not around her neck flew over and touched her breast.

‘Shit, sorry, Irish,’ he said.

The started to walk very slowly in the direction of the doorway.

‘S’all I was sayin’,’ he shouted. ‘I always loved ya. She meant nuffin’ to me.’

Ten metres to go.

‘By the way, Irish,’ he said. ‘If we’re going to be so close for a while, what’s your name?’


So much for keeping warm and dry. As the rain picked up, she could feel it seep through her baseball cap, wetting her hair, dribbling down the sides of the brim and trickling down the back of her parker. She couldn’t stand the feeling of wet clothes clinging to her skin, but the longer she stood with him, the more soaked they were both getting.

When he loosened his hold, she caught his arm and gasped audibly when he accidentally grabbed her breast. Her eyes narrowed as she glared at him, but he shot her the most charming of grins. Leaning into his side she made a show of trying to keep him steady as his bigger body continued to stagger and sway, his voice booming down the alley and bouncing off the walls.

‘This is what happens when you drink too much!’ She chided a little louder, ‘You stick your dick in places it shouldn’t be stuck.’

She felt his weight give a little, making her stagger as well as she wound an arm around his lean waist, her fingers gripping the side of his shirt and unwittingly bunching up the material, her skin rubbing up against his own. Her heart was pounding her ears. ‘I don’t know why I came to help you…you know you break my heart when you call and you act like this.’

She huffed and sniffed, ‘I hope it burns when you pee.’

Had she just said that. Gawwwwd! At least he held his own and didn’t laugh, although by the garbled sound he made, she was sure he’d maybe at least choked a little. Please let this plan work, please let this plan work. She thought to herself.

Five meters to go and she sighed softly, ‘It’s Emma…my name is Emma. What’s yours?’

‘Jesus!’ She suddenly exclaimed, ‘You weigh a freakin’ ton!’

One of the men took a step forward and yelled, ‘Hey!’

Emma stiffened against him and gripped his shirt into a death grip.


She was good. They staggered towards the doorway, and she carried on exactly like a trash talking woman would when they found out ole’ Bobby Lee had been screwin’ around.

He coughed in surprise.

Geez, a bit harsh. She didn’t have to be that good an actress….

‘Awww, honey bunsszzsh…..” he slurred.

They were nearly there, but he wanted to be in the best position in case he needed a few extra seconds. He didn’t really know if he could smash the door on his first attempt, but there was no need to let her know.

She turned her head towards him and whispered her name. She really was attractive. She was soaked with rain and wet strands of her hair hung lank down the back of her neck. Sans makeup, soaked, in the dark and she still looked good. It made it easy for him to want to protect her.

At least for now.

A superficial bastard are you, Hansen.

He didn’t get a chance to tell her his name. One of the SPF’s took a step towards them and called.


Emma pressed into him closely and grabbed his shirt.

Fuck. Here goes.

‘Whaddya want, copper?’ he yelled up the alley towards the man. He was dressed in black combat gear and had a helmet over his head. The three other men with him all looked the same.

Quadruplets come to kill.



It didn’t matter.


He was leaning into her with his right arm around her shoulders.

‘I’m sorry, Irish,’ he whispered, ‘but I’m going to stick my left hand down your pants on the count of three. You need to turn a little to make it easy for me.’

He paused.

‘I promise I’ll buy you dinner later,’ he said very quietly.

Her hand loosened slightly on his shirt and he started to sway across her body to hide the fact he was going for the gun. He pressed his hand to her belly and left it there.

‘Fuckin’ cop bastards,’ he yelled, ‘can’t even have a good time with your girlfriend….’

He pretended to be falling. His hand slid down the front of her jeans and pulled out the gun, keeping his eyes on the front guy. He wouldn’t get through the helmet, but his suit would do him no good. Hansen had Gooby bullets. From China. He wasn’t a patriot when it came to personal safety. He didn’t care what he used.

Or where it came from.

Just do it.


He shoved Emma hard into the doorway and heard her crack against the door. The force against her gave him the momentum to push sideways and roll in the other direction, watching the cops. Their eyes didn’t know who to follow: Emma or Hansen. Their heads turned to the doorway because Emma had disappeared into it.

Dumb fucks.

He turned on one knee and put a bullet in the front cop’s knee.

Two bullets left.


As the cop went down, his men were distracted for a moment and he dove for the doorway. He landed right on Emma, but tried to take some of the sting out of his landing by placing his hands on either side of her before collapsing. She seemed ok, if dazed.

‘Close your fucking eyes,’ he yelled at her. No time for niceties. He didn’t have time to smash the door, so he shot the lock.

The sound at such close quarters nearly de
afened him, but the door swung open.

One bullet.




There was no gentleness. He grabbed Emma by the waist of her jeans, hoisted her up in one motion and threw her onto his shoulder.

He smashed through the door and ran into a large open space. There was a door at the other end. He couldn’t hear the cops and he realised that they hadn’t fired.


Get to the door.

‘By the way, Emma, I’m Liam,’ he said bouncing with her on his shoulder as he tried to make it across the open space towards the other door. ‘Enjoying our first date?’

I just hope it’s not our last.

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Hi friends this is my first story, i am regular reader of Indian sex stories & lot of stories sounds real & some are fakes but all stories are interested because i think anything about sex or fantasies always give pleasure, so without wasting your time i just narrate my story to all of my readers & before narrating my story i apologize for using some bad language which is part of this story. First of all i introduce myself i am Lalit age 36 with average build from Delhi running my small...

1 year ago
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Ascension of the Alpha MaleChapter 27

The flurry of activity deep inside the NORAD base under Cheyenne Mountain continued. Every image capturing the flights of the Dragons had been analyzed with meticulous care. General Grayson had an image analysis team reviewing the entire past year's worth of stored image data from the sectors where the Dragons had been spotted and was now quite certain that all of the observed activity was isolated to a single day. The General had assigned two other teams of analysts the task of scouring all...

1 year ago
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Dinner is Served

Zoë felt quite excited as she pushed open the door to the flat she shared with Esther. Tonight was the night of the dinner party for which they’d been preparing for ever such a long time. Ever since the last such party in fact. That one had been such a success that they could hardly wait to get another organised. She smiled at her reflection in the hall mirror as she slipped off the denim jacket she’d been wearing. It had been so much fun her pussy had been sore for a week. She could hear a...

Group Sex
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My teacher My mistress

She walked into the classroom prepared to be a good teacher and to make a good impression on her students. She knew that since she was young and brand new to teaching that some students would probably take advantage of that and challenge her authority. She had no idea how right she was about that or how much they would challenge her. Oh yes she was young just 25 pretty and blonde. but she was far from an airhead and was a little frusterated that some of the students mostly boys who insisted on...

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PreMaid Cabin

Pre-Maid Cabin By Skirtninja --------- This is my first erotic fiction.. but I have been reading fictionamnia and cyoc for ever! I hope people like it.. I posted an outline for followup chapters on my deviantart page, but I consider this short story to be self contained and "complete". Thank you all for so many years of great content! --------- The three of us went up to Kevin's cabin for winter break, it was up in the Appalachians and pretty secluded in sparse woods. We...

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Sex on the beach with a couple

My wife and I purposely booked a trip to the Caribbean on a deserted stretch of beach. We were told by many friends we could find a place to ourselves. We have both been working hard for the last two years and we needed some time alone together.The posh hotel was everything we had been told; a tub in the bathroom, a shower that opened to the outside, excellent dining and miles of lonely beach.We got right up the first day and right after breakfast we hurried down the beach. After a walk of at...

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Tequila Shuffle

Fuck me to tears. Even my goddamn hair hurt. My skin was a thousand pinpricks of sharp pain. I tried to open one eye, but the painful brilliance of a supernova pierced through my brain, slamming into the back of my skull with all the delicacy of a semi-truck. With a load of steel girders. And plate glass. Driven by Ted Nugent. A really pissed off Ted Nugent. Probably a drunk Ted Nugent. There was a horrible screeching sound slowly building, kind of like cat nails on an endless...

3 years ago
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Incredible ChangesChapter 116 School Again Argggg

After the two weeks off, the mission I can’t remember, the clinic and then the weekend at Lenny’s house, I really hate having to get up to go back to school. The principal is a complete dick! Just the idea of going back to school had me in a funk as I showered, zapped the peach fuzz off my face, brushed my teeth and rolled on some deodorant. At breakfast mom and dad tried to ask me about the clinic and the past weekend, but they could tell I was in a funk. “David, as much as you might want...

3 years ago
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Bad Romance Move Along

Step one, I exit Loblaws, where I just spent the past eight hours. Working the eleven to seven overnight shift isn’t easy. I yawn as I exit the store, my dark security uniform getting wet fast as it starts to rain. Wonderful. It was dry all night and as I head home, it starts to rain. That’s just the kind of luck I’ve got, ladies and gentlemen. I walk out of the parking lot, and cross the street. Lucky for me I live about five minutes from work, and traffic is murder this time of day. This is...

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Life Change for sister and I

My sister and I walk to and from school since we just live like twelve blocks away from the school, and she is in the eleventh grade and I'm in the twelveth grade, fixing to start one week of Spring Break, since our lives are about to change, as soon as school is out and we get home on this Friday afternoon, unknown to us.At noon during lunch break, my sister's boyfriend broke it off with her and she was pretty upset with him cause of the way he broke their relationship off. He walked into the...

2 years ago
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Snow Storm III Conference Seduction

I'd been seeing Paul for 5 months for which I had no excuse as you know. Was I in love with two men? Mark crawled between my legs and began licking me furiously as he pushed two fingers into my vagina. "Oh, Mark, Mark, Mark!" I exclaimed. This had to be a quickie, but that didn't me no foreplay at all. "Okay, Okay," I begged, and Mark crawled up over me and pulled down the two straps of my nightie to expose my breasts under the covers. I helped guide his penis in as he arched his back...

4 years ago
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Pt 65 Angel gangbanged at Joes the LAST time

Thursdays extended fun with Angel at the adult book store._____________________________________________________The store did have a hose attached to a faucet out back. We took Angel out to it & rinsed out her holes & then rinsed her off as she drained out.About 6:00am we went back into the store & Joe announced "OK guys, you can start fucking her again. For all you new guys just a couple of things, you can fuck her as much as you want in any hole you want, including her mouth. If...

1 year ago
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MomIsHorny Krissy Lynn Brandi Love Fucking My Sisters Boyfriend

Krissy Lynn is very excited about her new boyfriend, Ryan Driller. She couldn’t wait to introduce him to her step sister, Brandi Love. But once the day came, Brandi had a different idea on how to get to know him. She snuck to go answer the door, she pulled Ryan in and started sucking his cock right by the door without her step sister noticing what was happening. Eventually, she got even more carried away. Brandi threw him on the grown and made him eat her pussy. In the middle of eating her...

2 years ago
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LostChapter 11

Their visitors left as the sun was setting. There was a just a faint glimmer in the sky when Eddie and Sarah finally were alone for the first time. Eddie was sitting on a log next to the barbeque, and Sarah came over and sat on his lap. Sarah leaned against him and sighed with pleasure. After a minute or two of comfortable silence, Eddie nudged her head up, and for the first time in her life, Sarah kissed a man. They were interrupted by a cough behind them. Eddie looked up to see his parents...

3 years ago
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RedemptionChapter 4 Confusion Everywhere

cabin tents rented for $25 a day trailer rentals: larger $75 mid size $60 small $50 John Boyd 28yrs old Gabby Boyd 25 yrs old. Alice Boyd current owner of the Gatehouse Edwardo world famous catfish chef (according to mom) Joy and Jen wait staff for Alice Boyd’s catering Jasper Amos hunter, guide, knife make Sylvia Amos sheriff’s detective lieutenant deputy Angie Davenport Marion davenport Angyie’s mom Clyde Summers suicide victim Edward Gaines suicide victim while serving time with John Max...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS01E07 Sarah 32

Series 1, Episode 7: Sarah We’re back in the nation’s capital. This time we’re outside a large hospital. A small group of nurses are grabbing a smoke just off the hospital grounds. One of them – youngish, slim, and looking particularly good in her uniform, turns away from the group and walks over toward the camera. She has a wide toothy smile, red cheeks, pointy nose and a high forehead, all framed with silky brunette hair tied back in a long pony tail. She hasn’t the most beautiful face,...

1 year ago
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MontysPOV Carmel Anderson Red Lingerie

I thought we’d do something pretty chilled, i really didnt have a lot of energy left from so much fucking while she was here & getting blown off course on a pedalo really killed me lol So she put on some sexy red lingerie, i wasn gonna have her just suck me to completion but had to have her sit on my cock then get in doggy on front of me to back on by cock as i stayed sitting down, her asshole lookes so inviting i fingered it while she backed onto mem i did try get it int there guys !...

2 years ago
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Purgatorys ChildrenChapter 10

Benni could no longer leave the family compound alone. A few days after the assassination, platoons of Enforcers began to patrol the corridors of Level Eight, sometimes stopping individuals for questioning. They appeared in the morning as everyone was rushing for the day shift and they returned in the evening when day shift returned and night shift began. They always walked in platoons of ten men. At least one of the Enforcers carried several scanners and a face recognition cam attached his...

1 year ago
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A Story Of How My Modelling Girlfriend Made Me A Cuck Part 8211 1

Let me introduce you to my girlfriend, her name is Jia and she is only 20 years old, she is a B grade model, she weights about 57 kgs and her height is 5.7 feet. She has a really sexy body with the measurements of 38 26 34. We are a pretty open couple, we flirt with others even in front of each other, I always implore her to wear revealing clothes such as a backless dress that reveals everything right up to the edge of her ass or mini skirts that give glimpses of her panties. The attention she...

4 years ago
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My Wife Is A Black Mans Woman

We were sitting in our favorite restaurant after eating a beautiful meal, and I'd just ordered a bottle of expensive wine when my wife broke it to me."Jason asked us to go round for drinks with him tonight.""What did you say?""I said we would.""Good girl.""You know he'll grope me, don't you?""I hope he does more than grope you.""I might just let him.""Will you?" I felt my prick stirring in anticipation.She laughed softly and leaned forward over the table. Her heavy breasts seemed about to spill...

3 years ago
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BethChapter 95

November 24, 2017 Dear Ms. Diary, Before going downstairs to breakfast, Heather texted the parameters for next Thursday’s competition to the Go5, Dad, the Moms, Celeste, and Meka: “Casual and at least a bit daring.” After breakfast, we girls got our homework done, leaving us free to play all weekend. The Paleceks arrived around 11, and Gracey and I were closest, so answered the door. “It’s great to see you. Come on in!” “Thanks, Gracey,” Kalina started, but Civia already had Gracey...

2 years ago
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The GameChapter 12

Sarah tasted Ann's orgasm for the third time that evening. The young florist was a total submissive, squirming, twisting and whining beneath the police detective as they shared their nests in a classic sixty-nine melding of naked bodies. Sarah had almost cum once, but she wished, as she always wound up doing, for someone different. The moment women found she was a police detective they wanted, expected her to become the dominant partner. What they failed to realize was that after several...

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Star Wars The Reign of Ashes

The galaxy is in ruins. A catastrophic collapse of order, in the wake of devastating war, has left scattered governments and cabals vying for sovereignty over what remains. Nearest the border of the galactic core rules the proud HAPES CONSORTIUM, whose Queen Mother Her Majesty Kesra Lo Mhie has ordered a furious search for her missing daughter, Pelira Vel. Intercepted in deep space, a small trading vessel is brought into royal custody, under suspicion of involvement in the lost princess'...

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Carols Patch Job Ch 03

‘Mother, you stay up here. Nancy can fetch you food from the kitchen. I will be back to talk with you at noon tomorrow for your answer.’ ‘I love you Mother.’ Carol left the room and Janice returned to her fetal position. Nancy thought to herself. ‘How did I let this happen? I knew things didn’t smell right. Mary has always been a backstabbing bitch and Marge, a queen ruling over her little domain. We had some good times, but I didn’t let them run my life. Janice is a smart woman, how did...

3 years ago
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Lesbian Mind Control Incest Chapter 2 Nubile Daughters Cherry

A Story of the Institute of Apotheosis Research Chapter Two: Nubile Daughter's Cherry By mypenname3000 Copyright 2017 Note: Thanks to Ron for beta reading this! My youngest daughter, only eighteen, stared at me, her drunk thoughts struggling to comprehend what I had just told her as I sat naked on the couch in our living room. My eldest daughter, nineteen, hid her head in shame between my thighs. Her face was covered in my pussy juices while her best friend, Lily, still licked at her...

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Sue Anderson walked into the bedroom to get ready for bed. She knew that it would not be long before Jim, her husband, would be in to join her. She had left him watching the news while she got ready for bed. She had given him a nice little wiggle as she left the room just to get his interest aroused. Her 19-year-old son, Tim, also observed the wiggle she gave her husband as she left the room. What she didn't know was the effect it had on him.She stood in front of the full-length mirror to...

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Story Time For Two

She moves in new orbits suddenly, on some dating binge it seems, dating all and any who appeal to her recently unveiled acceptance that she's a "slut." That's her word, not mine. She didn't just break out of her shell, that would be putting it way too mildly. No, she fucking bursts right out of the end of some damn circus cannon. That's her flying over there, flying all over town, all over the seat of your car, all over the dance floor, your apartment, your God damn bed! Catch her if you...

1 year ago
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Larry and Jason meen an understanding woman

Larry was divorced from his wife. She had called him a pervert when he wanted to stick his dick up her and fuck her. She divorced him. He and his son Jason was going on a fishing trip. So he loaded his Winnebago up with fishing gear. He drive to his ex ex-wifes house and honked the horn. Jason came running and jumped in."Did you tell your mother that we will be gone for a week?""Yes." Jason said.Jason was sixteen and on summer vacation. Larry drove to a secluded lake. He found a spot where...

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Sex On The Beach

John was an average 18-year-old guy. He was 6'0" & weighed 170 pounds. He played varsity football as a wide receiver and enjoyed it. Of course he had to lift weights regularly to keep in shape, so he was pretty buff, something the girls around campus would regularly comment on. It was Friday and Corey wanted to do something this weekend. Spring Break was next weekend, the girls would all be at the beach in their all too small swim suits. He figured he would go and have a little fun. Turns out,...

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South of Bikini 2 Mission to Infamy

With Sand Dollar assigned to escort duty, Captain Steinert and her sisters take on their most demanding mission to date. Can Alexandra successfully complete a mission seemingly doomed from the onset? Copyright 2008- 2010 R.G. Beyer South of Bikini: Onward Episode 3 "Mission to Infamy" 2300 hours, 200 Nautical Miles North-northeast of Tarawa Island, May 18th,...

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The Threesome Next DoorChapter 4 Next Door Sex

Ginger and I both awoke on the early side. I think adrenalin still raced through both our bodies from the sex we’d had with our neighbors the night before. Ginger took my face in both of her hands and kissed me. “I love you. I will always love you. Last night was fabulous, but being married to you and your attitude about what happened was and is spectacular. Thank you.” I grinned, “I wasn’t exactly a passive spectator, you know. And I love you, too. I think we both had fun, and even got a...

2 years ago
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Married Preachers Daughter Sedcution Ch 12 Rachell

Rachelle was suspicious, and had horny dreams about me fucking her sister Laura and wondering what my cock, a strangers cock, would feel like. She felt guilty, but horny. She remembered when her and her dad had played a long time ago. She got wet and horny. She was sitting at the breakfast table, tired and wondering about the sticky mess she found, it seemed like dried cum.That day was uneventful and fun for all. Ray and I were gone a few hours with the k**s allowing sisters to talk and...

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