House Slut In The Bahamas Pt2: Getting To Know You free porn video

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“Mmm, that feels heavenly.” Tegan remarks, with a knowing smile as she gracefully sits on the edge of the tub and pivots her slim legs up and over, sliding down into the water and taking a seat across from him. Jennifer entered the tub too, sitting at the corner to Tegan’s left, “Daddy’s” right. The tub was spacious, but they’re still close enough that their feet are intertwined in the centre.

There was a lengthy silence, as apparently no one quite knew how to get a conversation stated. To break the ice, Tegan makes a show of untying her flimsy excuse for a bikini top under the water, dangling it over the edge of the tub before dropping it to the deck.

“Ahh, that’s better.” She sighs, sliding down until only her head was above the waterline.

“So what are you girls looking forward to this week?” Daddy asked, an open question to get conversation going as he reached to a side table just outside the tub and poured some glasses of sparkling wine – or more likely, actual champagne – and passed them one at a time to Jennifer and Tegan.

“I’m going to get as much sun as possible while trying not to burn.” Tegan suggested. “Maybe go into town and do some shopping? There doesn’t seem to be much need to leave the resort otherwise.” She took a long drink from her glass. Whatever this was, it was very good. She also had a feeling the bubbles of the champagne and the bubbles of the hot tub would go to her head very quickly and placed her glass on the edge of the tub to come back to later, to pace herself. It had already been a long day and her and Jennifer had each knocked back two more cocktails at the swim up bar before leaving the pool.

“That’s true. This is a very inclusive resort, with some unbeatable views.” He seemed to look Tegan over despite 90% of her being obscured by the water. “But I’d be more than happy to take you clothes shopping later in the week.”

“I can’t wait to show off some new outfits.” Tegan replied, though she had a feeling that Daddy’s interest in taking her shopping would be to watch her get in and out of clothing, rather than finding things to keep on.

“What about you, Rose?” He directed his attention to his other ‘daughter’, who had already drained her glass, which he refilled.

“I am definitely going to get as much swimming in as possible. Between the pool, the hot tub and the beach, I’m going full life aquatic. Maybe I can even try and get some surfing lessons.” Jennifer replied.

“At the very least I should take you windsurfing.” Daddy suggested.

“That would be great, that looks like fun. Are you good at it?” She took another sip and then put her glass up as well.

“I’ve dabbled. Well enough to teach you the basics anyway.” Daddy smiled, leaning over and patting her affectionately on the thigh under the water.

“I hope we don’t get all pruny spending so much time in the water.” Tegan commented conversationally to avoid any awkward lapse in the conversation, looking at her fingers.

“You know, that’s not actually a bad thing. It’s an evolutionary advantage.” He reached out to Tegan and took her hand, gently stroking her fingertips with his own and gently pulling, Tegan obligingly floated over closer to him.

“I think I read that somewhere.” Tegan agreed, idly rubbing her ankle against Daddy’s shin.

“Is that right?” Jennifer asked in a curious but slightly suspect tone, seeming to be predicting where this change in conversation direction might be going.

“True. It’s so your hands and feet have better grip in slippery conditions.” Daddy confirmed, completing his inspection of Tegan’s fingers then pulling her hand back under the water and placing it on his thigh. Tegan let it sit there for a moment, torn between the obvious next step and playing coy. She wasn’t sure if Daddy wanted her to take an active role or be slowly won over. It took her a few seconds but she ultimately moved her hand up his thigh a little, stroking her fingertips against his skin as she reached for her champagne and finished it, offering to for a refill as an excuse to lean into Daddy, her hand ‘accidentally’ slipping off his thigh and onto his erect cock.

“I guess grip is important for something like windsurfing.” Jennifer said innocently.

“Oh yes.” He nodded seriously, his eyes locked with hers, pretending to ignore the fact Tegan’s fingers had gently closed around his shaft as he refilled her glass. “You need a firm hand to maintain full control.”

After the agonising tease and even more agonising banter, Tegan relaxed against him and gently stroked him in her hand as she casually sipped her champagne, as if pretending nothing untoward was happening and it wasn’t obvious what she was doing. Even with the water swirling around there was no mistaking the fact that she had her hand on his cock as Jennifer looked down at them through the water then shyly looked away, pretending to scan the shoreline down the slope from their deck. Tegan was impressed – if she didn’t know better she’d have been convinced that she was actually shocked.

Daddy leaned back in the tub and relaxed, as Tegan continued to pretend that her hand movement was entirely incidental and unconscious.

“Do you like your bikini, Rose?” Daddy asked, drawing her attention back to him. “I wanted to get you something fashionable.”

“Yes Daddy, it’s awesome, thank you.” Jennifer said with a cheerful smile, rising up out of the water slightly to show off the top half, turning from side to side as she adjusted the fit of the small cups. “Don’t be afraid to make yourself more comfortable, if you like.” Daddy urged, with all the subtlety of a freight train. Tegan felt him twitch a little in her hand.

“Oh…” Jennifer glanced over at Tegan then back to him “…as long as you don’t mind, Daddy.”

“Of course not. I’m not some fuddy duddy who’s offended by a little skin.” He assured her. Jennifer smiled shyly and untied her bikini, sinking under the water as she pulled it free and tossed it over the side, then reached up to reclaim her glass and downed the rest of it, as if trying to suppress her nervousness. Tegan wondered if she really was nervous, that despite her experience so far, she was thinking about how at some point soon their patron was going to claim the virginity he’d negotiated terms for.

A couple of minutes passed, Tegan sipping her champagne and stroking him under the water, as they just enjoyed the warmth of the tub in the setting sun. Abruptly a chime went off inside the villa and Daddy sighed.

“That will be the food I ordered. Violet, could you get the door?”

“Sure Daddy.” Tegan said, pulling away from him and hauling herself out of the tub, picking up her towel to shimmy as much water off as she could without wasting too much time, draping it over her shoulders to cover her chest as she padded back inside and crossed the vast living space to the door. As she opened it Lukas, their guide and valet from their check in pushed in a trolley covered with a variety of silver covered trays and carafes of drinks. He smiled politely at Tegan as she stepped aside to let him through, parking the trolley near the dining table and began unloading the contents. Tegan helped him without thinking, just feeling it was a courteous thing to do, and it wasn’t until she’d unloaded a few items that she realised that the bending and movement was causing her towel to hang away from her body, likely giving Lukas glimpses of her bare chest. Oh well, she doubted he’d even notice or care, given this was a clothing optional resort. It also occurred to her that her bikini bottoms barely covered her slit, but given she’d been walking around like that most of the day it hardly bothered her. She was probably going to go completely nude sooner or later, so the entire resort – workers and guests – would see all of her then anyway.

“Thank you.” He said with another smile and Tegan jumped as the words cut into her line of thought, wondering if he was talking about her accidentally flashing him. Then she realised he was referring to her helping him unload the cart.

“Oh, no problem!” Tegan said brightly.

Meanwhile Jennifer and their Daddy had emerged from the tub and were entering from the deck with towels wrapped around their damp bodies for modesty’s sake. Lukas didn’t linger, leaving the trolley he’d return for later and letting the door swing shut behind them, once again securing them in and giving them privacy. Tegan threw off her towel and draped it over the back of one of the dining chairs, revelling in the casual near-nudity as she began lifting the covers of the platters to find out what they were having for dinner. Daddy had arranged a broad ***********ion of simple and light foods, along with some oysters on ice. Tegan had never tried oysters before so put a couple on her plate along with some salad and cured meat. Jennifer avoided them, sticking to more recognisable foods. They congregated and took their seats around the glass dining table, Daddy loosening his towel for comfort as he sat down, Jennifer chastely adjusting hers to keep her chest covered. Tegan, clad only in her barely-there bottoms, poured herself a fruity drink from one of the carafes and raised her glass as if in a toast towards their patron.

“Thank you for inviting us on this trip daddy, it’s been absolutely gorgeous already.”

He smiled warmly as he began to eat, Jennifer picked at her salad items. Tegan found herself circling around the oysters until she finally picked one up and inspected it. It quickly became obvious this was new to her.

“The best way to eat those is to just let it slide down your throat.” Daddy remarked and Tegan followed his instruction, prying the meat free and tipping it into her mouth, swallowing quickly as Daddy watched. To Tegan, the flavour was positively foul, the texture like snot, or a mouthful of semen. In fact, as an experienced semen-consumer, Tegan felt she’d prefer that to eating oyster again. On the other hand Daddy had no such aversion and after watching Tegan suppress a grimace, knocked back three in quick succession.

“They say they’re good for vigor, and an aphrodisiac.” He commented slyly.

“Well I’m sure I will need my energy.” Tegan smirked and forced herself to finish her second oyster while he watched.

“Rose?” Daddy abruptly turned to his other ‘daughter’ and gestured to the oysters.

“Oh… no.” Jennifer handwaved the remaining shellfish. “Sorry, I can’t lie, I just really hate them.”

“You have a young person’s palate.” Daddy cooed as he took the last couple for himself. “You’ll have to forgive an old man’s indulgences.”

The man was hardly that old, and seemed fit even for his age. Tegan’s bullshit meter went haywire at the self-deprecation as he was clearly fishing for a compliment and scooted her chair a little closer to him.

“Oh daddy, there’s no need for that kind of talk. You’re nowhere near old.” She playfully chided him as she shoved him lightly on the shoulder. He turned his attention back to her and the smile in his eyes told Tegan her pandering had had the desired effect. Or maybe he was just looking at her tits.

They finished up their meal and Jennifer loaded the trays back onto the cart to be taken away later, Tegan put on some ambient dance music and loaded the dishwasher waggling her ass whenever she thought Daddy might be watching. Maybe it was just the oysters or the alcohol or long buildup but she was feeling playful and wished she could figure out if he wanted a slow burn or she should just make a move to get things going.

Apparently having the same thought, Jennifer approached Tegan in the kitchen and playfully slapped her on the ass, causing her to jerk upright to find that Jennifer was engaging her in an energetic dance to the music. Taking her lead, Tegan started to dance with her, putting extra energy into her moves to make up for her lack of rhythm and style, shaking her tiny tits. In her peripheral vision she saw they definitely had Daddy’s attention and she pressed herself closer, putting her hands on Jennifer’s swinging hips and pulling herself in close, occasionally letting the front of her thong bump against the other girl’s bikini bottoms, her hard nipples grazing against her top. She gave Jennifer her best bedroom eyes, and they gazed lustfully at each other as their movements began to slow. Jennifer placed her arms on Tegan’s shoulders and they began to ease into a gentle kiss, tentative at first as if inhibited but gradually relaxing, getting more into it. For a long minute they were lost in their own little world, all the expectations of the week, their performance seemed to fall away as they kissed, swaying together in time to the music.

The sound of a polite cough snapped them out of their moment and they broke apart, turning to face Daddy with flushed faces.

“Oh my god, I’m so embarrassed.” Jennifer said, flustered.

“I’m so sorry daddy, that was inappropriate.” Tegan added.

“Please, please.” He said reassuringly. “Don’t let me interrupt. We’re all adults here, nothing wrong with a little fun.”

“Well… I guess.” Tegan said, demurely folding her arms over her chest and glancing sideways at Jennifer.

“We didn’t think you’d approve, daddy.” Jennifer said in a shy tone.

“Your old daddy has been around, girls. I’m no stranger to a little experimentation.” He casually adjusted his towel over his erection, which Tegan took as an invitation to include him more fully in the proceedings. She slowly dropped her arms from covering her chest and approached him picking up the beat of the music with her hips and began to perform for him. Her dancing was still a little janky but Jennifer joined her and placed her hands on her hips from behind, helping guide her movements while dancing behind her. Daddy relaxed back in his chair and his towel ‘accidentally’ fell away, exposing his hard on, which Tegan made sure to occasionally obvious steal glances at, as if she were pretending not to.

After a couple more minutes of dancing, Jennifer suddenly grabbed the sides of Tegan’s thong and whipped them down her legs to the floor. While the amount of coverage it provided was barely anything to begin with, Tegan acted shocked by being suddenly stripped of her last vestige of modesty and covered her exposed slit and tiny tuft of pubic hair with one hand, turning to start wrestling with Jennifer with the other.

“Oh my god, Rose!” she yelled, as Jennifer made a concerted effort to pull Tegan’s hand away from herself. Tegan retaliated by tugging Jennifer’s towel off, exposing her breasts, and stripped her out of it throwing it aside. Sudden abashed by her nakedness Jennifer tried to cover herself but Tegan pressed her advantage. Her own modesty forgotten she grabbed Jennifer’s arms and used her leverage to uncover her and push her backwards until her ass collided with the recently cleared table and she was sent sprawling onto her back.

Jennifer locked her legs around Tegan’s waist as they flailed at each other, wrestling for control of their own arms until Tegan finally had Jennifer pinned with her arms above her head. As Jennifer panted breathlessly under her Tegan swooped in for another kiss then began kissing down her neck to the other girls’ fuller breasts and began teasingly flicking her tongue against her puffy nipples, making them swell and darken.

“Noooo…” Jennifer protested weakly as Tegan teased her. “Daddy, help!”

“No Daddy, help me! She needs to learn!” Tegan countered.

“Hmm… what to do, what to do.” Daddy pondered aloud as she rose from his chair and threw his towel over the back of it. “On one hand Rose that was very naughty taking your sister’s swimsuit off like that. On the other hand Violet, you’ve gotten your revenge. It seems like you’ve both been bad.”

“But Daddy.” Tegan whined playfully. “She’s only topless.”

“That’s true, Rose.” Daddy started to circle around behind Tegan as the girls struggled together and leaned over the table near Jennifer’s head, pinning her wrists under one powerful hand, allowing Tegan to release her. “I think fair’s fair.”

Jennifer tilted her head up at him, her eyes wide with surprise. It didn’t miss her attention that his cock was hovering near her face and she bit her lip, half turning her face away. Meanwhile Tegan acted on Daddy’s ruling with and ran her fingers down Jennifer’s body to untangle herself from Jennifer’s legs and tug down her bikini bottoms. Jennifer put up a bit of a fight and tried to clamp her thighs together but Tegan just untied the sides and whipped the flimsy garment from under her, waving it triumphantly in the air.

“No fair!” Jennifer pouted as she was finally stripped.

“Tut tut Rose, it’s completely fair. Look, we’re all naked now.” He grasped his impressively swollen cock in his free hand, jiggling it slightly just near her face as if to emphasise his comment, but Tegan suspected he was just making an excuse to play with himself.

“Eww daddy, I’m not sure I should be looking at that…” Jennifer protested weakly, half turning her face away.

“Why not? It’s a perfectly natural response for a man when he sees a beautiful young lady.” Daddy chided her, continuing to stroke himself.

“Oh daddy, she just doesn’t understand yet. She hasn’t played around with men before.” Tegan giggled, gently caressing Jennifer’s thighs, teasing them apart with soft strokes to better expose her. Tegan glanced down at Jennifer’s pussy for the first time. She’d seen her naked before but not from this angle. She had a very tidy arrangement, even if slightly inflamed with arousal, her cute hairless teenage slit was perfectly smooth and sealed, and while she knew that had nothing to do with her virginity, it certainly helped sell the idea.

“I understand Rose,” Daddy said soothingly as he continued to stroke himself “new experiences can be scary sometimes.”

“I know a way to help her relax.” Tegan gently cupped Jennifer’s slit with her hand and began to gently probe between her lips with two fingers, seeking out the tiny bud of her hard clit. Jennifer let out a surprised whimper as Tegan pressed her button, causing her to squirm.

“That’s a wonderful idea.” Daddy encouraged her as he began to stroke himself a little faster. Pinned between them Jennifer allowed herself to be transfixed by the turgid head of Daddy’s cock has he pumped himself in his fist, her eyes slightly glazed over as Tegan deftly used one hand to pinch and stroke her nipples while the other diddled her, occasionally gathering moisture from her damp hole or catching hints of Jennifer’s flavour on her tongue as she wet her fingers in her mouth before returning to play with her clit. It wasn’t long before Jennifer’s chest began to heave with deeper breaths that turned into soft moans, and in response Daddy began to pound off faster as the both of them barrelled towards the point of no return.

Jennifer was the first to pop but not by much. She arched her back up off the table as she came, her head tilted back as she let out gentle cry of pleasure and relief. Almost instantly Daddy let out a groan and began to spurt, gripping his cock tightly as a long rope of cum lanced out from him and landed across Jennifer, leaving a thick trail from her hip to her shoulder, cresting the hills of one of her breasts on the way. A second spurt first impacted directly against her breast, adding a glazed snowy mountain peak to the landscape of her body. Apparently now done, Daddy sagged with a sigh of relief and released Jennifer’s wrists, sinking back into a chair with a look of contentment.

Tegan looked down at Jennifer and they exchanged a glance as they silently tried to guess how to play this: Jennifer opted for the taboo route.

“Oh. My. God.” Jennifer said, gingerly touching the goo on her chest. “I can’t believe you just jizzed on me!” She sat up and eased herself off the table, turning to confront him.

“I told you honey, it’s only natural for a man to become aroused in the presence of a beautiful young lady.” Daddy said with a grin, which Tegan took as approval for Jennifer’s response. “Sometimes we just can’t help ourselves.”

Jennifer was mollified for a moment by the boldness of the reply and turned her fake ire onto Tegan.

“Look at what you made Daddy do to me!” She complained, indicating the spunk glazing her chest.

“Oh bitch, bitch, bitch. You’re such a child.” Tegan admonished her. “Here, I’ll show you how a grown up deals with it.” Tegan took Jennifer by the hips and squatted in front of her momentarily, using her tongue to trace up the line of goo that angled across the younger girl’s belly, swallowing the sticky wad before she started to use her mouth to clean up her breast as well.

Daddy circled around near them for a better view and Jennifer gently cradled Tegan’s neck as the redhead’s tongue slowly circled around and closed in on her nipple, giving it one last sticky suck. Jennifer’s knees shook momentarily as she finished cleaning the sensitive puffy tip, and she pulled Tegan into an urgent kiss. Tegan obligingly shared the mouthful with her and they each broke apart, swallowing their half.

“That wasn’t so bad, was it Rose?” Tegan prompted.

“No, I guess not.” Jennifer said with sheepish reluctance.

Tegan playfully booped Jennifer’s nose then they turned to Daddy, who had tapped the call button on a tablet.

“Well after that lovely meal, and a long flight, I think I’m going to call it a night.” Daddy said, tapping on the nearest tablet to have room service come clear away the dishes. “You ladies get some rest and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Thank you Daddy.” Jennifer and Tegan said in unison.


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"Right! You told me that you worked in a massage parlor. Are you ok with giving me a massage? I mean, you're not hired for anything else other than housekeeping, and I don't think massage fits exactly your job description" I told her."I just want you to feel ok, to be relaxed. This is what your assistant told me, that you're very tensed and stressed from work, and you need to be taken care of. And I'm quite good at it, I took lessons back home. Like real massage lessons. And massage should be...

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Dirty Married White Slut PT2 Blacken

There are certain times in a woman’s life, like when she is down on all fours naked, or knocked up, that we feel like nothing more than a trophy cow at an auction. I’m referring to those times when our breasts are just hanging from our chest, (with our asses hanging up there in the wind,) or filled with milk for our unborn c***d. It’s times like that when we want a man to understand our feelings of exposed vulnerability the most, but they rarely, if ever, do. There is only one position that we...

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Married Slut for Black Cock PT2

For the last 8 months I have been having an affair with Mr Gorgeous. As we are both married I feel it is best not to reveal his name, especially as his is not very common. It began as a quick, exciting fuck in the stockroom in work. It was the first time I had ever been with a black guy and the effect on me I can't describe. That day after work I got home and took a long, hot shower before my husband finished his late shift. When I peeled off my panties they were filled with dry cum from my...

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Slut Mom Cant get enough PT2

I lay there face down breathing hard for at least 5 mins, the Black guy's Cum running out of my Cunt onto the sheets. I pushed myself up, made my way to the shower after a hot shower I put on some panties and camisole and lay back in bed watching tv. I ended up falling asleep, I was wakened by a knock on the door. I looked through the peep hole it was the Black guy and another younger Black man, I opened the door to let them in he said he was back to check the air conditioning unit and this was...

1 year ago
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White Slut Wife PT2

As you remember in the last saga my husband had begged me to turn him into a cuckold. As things turned out I found out that he wanted to see me fucking other men, and not just any men, but black men with big black cocks. It was a torturous decision for me, but as I loved Billy so much I finally made contact with a black man on Billy’s favorite adult web page, and ended up making a date with Jamul M. Washington that lasted the whole weekend. And that weekend my husband, dressed in a sissy French...

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House Slut in the Bahamas pt7 Jennifers night

Jake grabbed Jennifer’s ass, giving it a squeeze and seemed like he was about to lift her up with the goal of bringing her down on his upraised tool. Jennifer remembered herself at the last second and gently pushed away from him. “Uh uh… sorry.” Jennifer said, and she meant it – more for herself than Jake’s difficult situation. As much as she might want it, she couldn’t let things get out of control. Not while she needed to preserve her virginity. “C’mon babe, you’re not gonna blueball me...

4 years ago
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My Stepmother Dream Pt2

Florence and I lay in her bed for about the next half hour just holding each other and kissing and petting. My mind kept racing about the events that had unfolded that evening. Here I was in bed with my stepmother, the woman that I had a secret crush on for the last few years. Waves of guilt and excitement flowed through me. She was almost 25 years my senior but to me she was better than a teenage prom queen. I pulled her close to me and I could feel her body heat and her smell that had...

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Whos the Bigger Slut PT2

I was excited to be going to my first college party but I was nervous too. Ashley had picked out my clothes. To be fair about it, she was dressed almost the same as me. We were both wearing tight cut-off jeans that were so short the bottom of our ass cheeksshowed. She had cut out the pockets so skin showed through all four pocket holes. She did give me alittle black thong to wear under it. For my shirt I had a tight yellow crop top. She told me I would bebetter off without a bra. You could see...

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Next morning Kate was still asleep when I left for work, during the day I got a phone call from Wayne, we discussed the last night and asking if I was happy the way it went, I told him that it couldn't have gone better. Then he mentioned would I like a repeat performance, to which I said. "Yes."Wayne said. "Leave it with me, I'll get back to you with the arrangements," this was ok by me, so I left it at that.When I got home Kate was waiting for me in the living room, dressed only in her thin...

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I am a Slut PT2

I woke up to a Tuesday morning looking at the Sun shining brightly outside the window. I freshened up quickly and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for myself. After what happened on Sunday night... I had taken three days off from office to steady myself and get over the fucking. It was 8:30 am when the doorbell rang. I opened the door and found a delivery man standing with a small parcel... I asked him who sent it as no name was written on the package. He said he didn't know the person...

2 years ago
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Bahamas 7

(Background: I took a trip to get away from memories after my fiancee's, Debby’s, death. We had planned to be here, the Bahamas, on our honeymoon. I met Cinnamon, an employee at the hotel, in Nassau when I checked in. We spent several days and nights together. Now I have moved on to my cousin, LeAnn's, house in Freeport, Grand Bahama. Yesterday I spent the day with Crystal, my cousin’s daughter, and Nancy her friend on the beach. I had sex with both of them.) LeAnn, my cousin, had taken...

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House Slut in the Bahamas pt6 Equipe de tag

“Rose and Jake huh.” Sally observed. “Yeah, she said she…” Tegan caught herself before she repeated exactly what Jennifer had intimated to her “…was pretty into him.” “So you more into Hugo or Alex?” Sally asked, confirming that she’d reached the same conclusion as Tegan, and more importantly, was ready to pair off with one of them. “I don’t know anything about them.” Tegan mused. “So?” Sally asked, seemingly reflexively, then paused. “You’re not really used to the casual hookup thing are...

4 years ago
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House Slut in the Bahamas pt5 Lifes a beach

She threw on a floral print sundress and some pink thong panties then crossed the hall and poked her head into Jennifer’s room and, not finding her there, made her way to the common area of the villa. Spotting her on the deck she headed out there and took a seat on the lounger next to her. “Hey.” Jennifer acknowledged. “Hey. Where’s Daddy?” “Not sure. I think he went out and came back. I didn’t check his room or anything.” Jennifer shrugged. “How you going?” “Feeling pretty chill. Just...

1 year ago
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House Slut in the Bahamas pt3 Save Tonight

-phenylalanine After Daddy left towards his room Tegan led Jennifer towards their shared bathroom at the end of the hall, but before the got there Jennifer grabbed her arm and pulled her into Tegan’s bedroom, pushing her down on the bed. “What the fuuuuck.” Jennifer said, and Tegan wasn’t sure if she was excited or angry. “You ok?” Tegan asked, bracing herself on her elbows. “That was so messed up.” Jennifer fell on top of Tegan. “I’m so fucking hot right now.” She started forcefully...

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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

4 years ago
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My Therapist pt2

As I left you guys, my friend patch decided that she was going to scare me half to death after a cuddle-therapy session by grabbing the crotch of my pants. The issue is that she's a lesbian and had never been attracted to guys. I guess here and now is the best place to start again. So patch has asked me how big my manhood was. Needless to say my cheeks were getting a little red at this point. It's not that I'm embarrassed about my size, I'm just as average as any white guy. I was just...

3 years ago
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The Return rip pt2 The Last Day

The Return Trip pt2 The Last Day Peggy woke up before Jack. As she lay there looking at him thinking about the previous nights adventures and what he had done, she couldn't help but become excited all over again. The trip from the airport, the kids from the front office, and that huge, wonderful cock of Horses'. Boy his nickname sure did fit, it was a tight fit she laughed to herself, but it fit. Now how was she going to pay him back for putting her thru the joyous agony that he did...

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431 After the passing pt2

431 After the passing pt2He stared hard at the images, flipping the pages, checking each image carefully Ann of Hull, Sarah of Liverpool, and Tina of kings-Lynn all leered at him as he turned the readers wives pages. That took about two minutes as laughing he picked her easily, her face more youthful and smiling but recognisably her, he then looked at the clothed body, now beside him, markedly more robust, but to him still most attractive. She was flattered that he recognised her so easily. “Do...

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The birth of a whore ndash pt2 ndash end of close season

The birth of a young whore – pt2 – end of close seasonsequel of : are still in the near of Heidelberg, Germany, back in 1965, this wonderful era, when women knew about their position, when men controlled women's life, with strong mind and hands, when chastisement wasn't reprehensible, when emancipation was unknown, when youngster didn't automatically get mentally disordered when they were taught "ethical" values, and when they...

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The Roommates Pt2

The roommates pt2When we arrived every light in the house was out. We figured that 2am was a little late for poor Mark and Josh. Mark snoring like a lumberjack and Josh playing soft music and burning inscents burning.Smiling we entered our bedroom and closed the door. The next morning Dash and I had ALOT to tell Mark and Josh, but wehesitated to tell them until we got a feel for what our to new roommates were into, we decided to start doing little things to gauge how comfortable they were with...

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The Bike Fall That Started It All pt2 Guest Starring Barbie

The Bike Fall That Started It All pt2 Guest Starring… Barbie For the next 2 and a half years, the events of that day played in my head. Mental images of my tongue playing with my little daughter Cassadys most sensitive female inner parts flashed through my mind, especially when I least expected them to– idle standing in the supermarket check out line, during staff meetings at work, while massaging my balls in the shower (could I help that one really?)– she was always in the forefront of my...

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The boys in the group Pt2

The boys in the group Pt2: The meeting...My first time was with my best friend, later known as my boyfriend named Mark. It happened by chance one day after scuool, back at his parents house and he told me to keep it a secret afterwards. Mark even made me promise not to tell any of the other boys in the group, afraid that they might over react so I didn't.We all started hanging out together as a group again during my last year in highh scuool. After a long while of Mark and me doing things in...

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The headmaster pt2

The headmaster pt2I am the Gardner/caretaker it may help to understand if you have read pt1.Victoria, the Head Girl is due any second at the Pavilion. I can see her crossing the rugby pitch in the moonless night. She has her short skirt swaying as she purposely strides my way. Her boobs bounce behind her crisp white shirt as she comes up the steps.We kiss and in doing so my hands grab her bum. Before our kiss parts I have manoeuvred her skirt up so that my palms cup her beautiful bum. The fact...

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Wifersquos Niece Karen Pt2 the threesome

Wife’s Niece Karen Pt2 This was about the 4th or 5th time we’d hooked up but this time it was different. I arrived at hers to move her tumble dryer under her stairs as I need to drill a hole in the wall for the power cable. Her friend was there at the kitchen table drinking a coffee so I set to work drilling and stuff hoping the friend would go soon. It was soon evident that she wasn’t going any time soon. I stopped for a coffee and sat at the table with them. They were looking at me and...

3 years ago
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Girlfriends Cruise to the Bahamas Turns in to the

What happens on a cruise ship stays on the cruise ship, Right? Earlier this past year my wife and her girlfriend turned 38 in the same month, and so to celebrate her girlfriend Julie called to invite her to a “girls only” cruise to the Bahamas. Julie said she was calling about 15 of her closest friends to see if they could do a girls get-a-way for a seven day cruise. In all 7 women joined the cruise and my wife Peggy was the first to respond with an overwhelming, “yes let’s do this.” ...

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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 1

“Excuse me, I’m sorry, my seat seems to be the window seat,” I say. You look up into my eyes and your mouth drops open. I smile at you and scoot over your legs to sit beside you. You look at me and say, “How did you…why are you here?” I say, “Well, you told me you didn’t want to go to this convention by yourself and I thought I’d tag along for kicks.” You say, “But how did you manage…” I laugh and say, “Friend of a friend. Now, are you complaining or shall we enjoy the next week?” I grin at...

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Lets Go To The Bahamas Pt 1

“Excuse me, I’m sorry, my seat seems to be the window seat,” I say. You look up into my eyes and your mouth drops open. I smile at you and scoot over your legs to sit beside you. You look at me and say, “How did you…why are you here?” I say, “Well, you told me you didn’t want to go to this convention by yourself and I thought I’d tag along for kicks.” You say, “But how did you manage…” I laugh and say, “Friend of a friend. Now, are you complaining or shall we enjoy the next week?” I grin at...

Group Sex
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Slutwifes seduction pt2

"Fellows," said Myron, "there is only one rule tonight -- the girls are in control. They decide what they want to do with you and who they want to do it with. Enjoy!" he said with an evil leer.The night soon devolved into a wild sexual orgy as the girls removed all cocks from the confines of the men's' jeans and trousers and began to either jack and suck the rock hard bones of all the studs. Through his d**g/liquor-induced haze, Melvin looked down to see his own bone being removed by Marie, a...

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416 A SUNDAY SHOP GIRL REMEMBERS (PT2)(See 196 Sunday shop girl 1)Sadly, this is a very true story. It was sent to me by a lass that is now, a nurse in north America, where she moved to too escape these folk as soon as she was able Anne-Marrie (as we know from part 1) had been coached from an innocent young virgin to a used young lady, still a virgin technically but no longer the innocent, unable though because of the trap she had fallen into to tell anyone and wrapped in the shame of the web...

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410 Daves reassuring hand holding pt2

410 Dave`s reassuring hand holding pt2They sat at the table she naked, he in PJ`s, coffee and a chip and egg meal, filling empty stomach`s, it was the Sunday evening and she had been sleeping all day after her overnight ordeal. He too had slept after masturbating a number of times watching the video and marvelling at her absorption of the pain she had endured. They were both wondering how to break the massive silence between them. In the end it was Gaye who spoke, “Well? Am I the biggest whore...

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MUM 1 PT2Well it has been 4 week sence life changed with my mum Jean on her birthday when we first moved into an i****tual relationship and most evening mum and I would email or skype each other the on skpe it would normally be with mum and I naked watching each other get off she would always know just when to talk filthy at me telling to shot my load in her slutty whore cunt or start pissing for me to watch and telling me she can't wait till I visit again so she can suck my cock or have me...

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Caught by Mom PT2

Caught by Mom PT2Following on from Caught by Mom- Just Fucked the Most Popular Girl in SchoolSuzy wasn’t in school today. The day after we lost out virginities and being caught by Mom. Although Mom enjoyed having me as a ‘companion’ in her bed last night and despite receiving a very nice blowjob, I’m desperate to get my hands on Suzy again. No Suzy at School! After a very long day at school I reluctantly wander home. Could I have misread Suzy’s intensions? Has she lost interest in me? Dragging...

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274 Visiting a Yorkshire lady. Pt2 They sat talking most of the afternoon, filling in the inevitable gaps while they had the time together reinforced by sandwiches and her home-made cake. She pealed spuds, and prepared vegetables, for the main meal of the day, as they sat surrounded by the smell of a steak and k**ney pudding in the oven. He fetched a bottle of wine from the car, a present for Sharon, and some beer for Mark and himself, while he was away Mary slipped away and returned in a...

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But Im married PT2

But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...

1 year ago
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But Im married PT2

But I'm married. PT2 I felt great on my walk home. It wasn't until I got to the front door of my house when I felt guilty.What have I done? I just fucked the masseuse and let a lady eat me out.Hi honey I'm home.Mmm that's nice.What an ass I thought.My massage went well.Mmm that's nice.With that all the guilt I felt quickly disappeared. When should I make my next appointment? Two weeks I thought. I too want my pussy to be on fire like the petite girl who bit me on my tit. I was sitting on the...

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Rachel pt2

.Rachel pt2Just after the summer of fun with Liz and Mark my father got transferred to the other side of the country which really pissed me off . So with heavy heart we packed up and left within a week. I was so depressed I really loved Mark and Liz and was going to miss them so much, for awhile I thought I might never have such fantastic sex again I will always remember Mark hammering my pussy from behind as I would eat out Liz's cunt it was perfect. It took almost three days to get to our new...

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173 Visiting aunt Fiona pt2

173 Visiting aunt Fiona. pt2We left Fiona bound of tits, and cuffed of wrist, laid on the carpet of the living room, Amy beside her had just returned from a multi climax induced faint and the two men were sat naked waiting Amy`s full return Phil just having had a BJ from the cuckolded Rob. The three were glad of the respite, Fiona though found the tender tits a trial, purple like balloons tied and bound, as they had been for near 30 long minutes now, they were causing her some discomforts, the...

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New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2

New Neighbor Makes Me her Bitch Pt2 That was Saturday. Then came Sunday. Being dominated completely and being helpless for a 6’3” bull that has been a strength coach is a dream come true. If it is yours as well, Please read. I knocked on the door and she stood there looking at me with a mix of happiness and condescension on her face. She had on black yoga pants that hugged her muscular lower body. Her tanned abs were obvious below the sport bra that fought to control her large breasts. ...

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