House Slut In The Bahamas Pt6: Equipe De Tag free porn video

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“Rose and Jake huh.” Sally observed.

“Yeah, she said she…” Tegan caught herself before she repeated exactly what Jennifer had intimated to her “…was pretty into him.”

“So you more into Hugo or Alex?” Sally asked, confirming that she’d reached the same conclusion as Tegan, and more importantly, was ready to pair off with one of them.

“I don’t know anything about them.” Tegan mused.

“So?” Sally asked, seemingly reflexively, then paused. “You’re not really used to the casual hookup thing are you?”

Tegan hesitated. That was a loaded question. Nearly all of her encounters in the last few months had been casual, or with anonymous strangers. But she typically wound up just doing whatever she was expected to, or enduring what was being done to her. She hadn’t really had to make a lot of decisions.

“It’s more that I’m not used to having to choose.” Tegan capitulated, then glanced over Sally’s more athletic, toned, tanned body in all it’s glory, with her perky incandescently pale torpedoes jutting from her chest. “Besides, they might not even be into me.”

“Violet. Vi. Veevee.” Sally put a hand on her shoulder. “I don’t know what your dating scene is like back home but here and now? One of those dudes will stick it in you. I promise.”

“Do you have a preference?” Tegan asked, trying to buy time as she mulled it over.

“Nope.” Sally took a sip of her drink waiting for Tegan to answer. When she didn’t, Sally continued. “Look if you don’t want either I’ll go be the meat in their baguette sandwich. I’m just trying to give you a chance.”

Sally picked up a cardboard coaster from the bar and held it up.

“Heads, Hugo. Tails, Alex.” Sally showed her the label side then the blank side. “Call it in the air.” Sally flipped the coaster off her thumb like a giant coin.

“Heads.” Tegan replied without thinking, then realised what she’d done.

“That wasn’t so hard, was it?” Sally said as the coaster tumbled off somewhere, never having intended to catch it. “You get Hugo.”

“Shit.” Tegan conceded.

“Good girl.” Sally gave her another friendly pat on the shoulder then they returned to the beach.


Back on the beach Alex and Hugo were leaning on an improvised beach table watching as Jake and Jennifer vaguely swayed to the music together, Jake blatantly rubbing his half-chub against Jennifer’s bare ass, occasionally kissing her neck. The brothers acknowledged the return of the two not yet spoken for women as they set down their cocktails.

“She’s cute.” Sally observed. “You boys jealous?”

“Oui.” Hugo admitted, unabashed by Sally’s challenge. “I too would like to be dancing with a cute girl. Unfortunately… it seems she is spoken for. At least for now.”

“Shame there are no other cute naked single girls around.” Tegan shook her head sadly.

“Yes. Unless…” Alex turned to Sally and gestured to her with a thoughtful expression.

“Sorry, I don’t know anyone.” Sally clicked her tongue apologetically then took abruptly took Tegan by the hips and pulled her into a kiss. Surprised, but happy to go with the flow, Tegan put her hands on Sally’s shoulders and reciprocated the kiss as Sally grabbed and squeezed her ass. Their tongues began to explore each others’ mouths and they went on with their performance uninterrupted for what seemed like a minute or two before Sally finally released her then turned back to the table, casually picking up her drink. Tegan, slightly more flustered, tried to mimic Sally’s cool demeanour despite her flushed cheeks and erect nipples. She casually glanced down and was unsurprised to see that thanks to their performance Hugo was already sporting a full erection.

“Can you guys beat that?” Sally asked, looking pointedly at Alex as she gave her drink’s straw a vigorous suck.

“Why don’t we go somewhere private and find out.” Alex suggested.


Further along the beach, on the fringes of the perimeter of the party area, where some small pavilions that presumably were set up intentionally for partygoers to get some space and seclusion from the crowd. There were pool lounges set up like makeshift beds, with huge beach towels piled in the corners and strewn on the floor presumably as a barrier against the sand, though there was no stopping sand getting wherever it pleased.

As soon as Hugo swept closed the flaps of the pavilion behind them, Sally dropped to her knees in front of Alex, sweeping down his boxers in the same movement. Mystique aside, there was nothing remarkable about his cock, particularly with his brother as direct comparison having been swinging freely for some time already. Not that Sally really seemed to care, as she eagerly took him in her hands and began to use her mouth to get him warmed up.

Opposite them, Hugo looked expectantly at Tegan and she gave him a shy smirk as she slowly sank to her knees as well and Hugo sat on the end of the lounger with his thighs apart and cock pointing skyward, inviting her to commence.

As she nestled between his legs she saw Alex sit on the adjacent lounger, Sally quickly retaking her position, her blonde head bobbing in his lap as he let out a sigh of satisfaction. Tegan took Hugo’s erection in her hands, gently caressing it as she took the tip in her mouth and began to gently bathe him with her tongue, gently easing back his foreskin with her wet mouth before taking more of his length. He tasted vaguely of sweat, or maybe it was seawater. She used her hand to follow her mouth as she slowly worked his hardening shaft, taking a more leisurely approach to Sally’s more frantic effort beside her. Hugo placed his hand on the back of her head, trying to guide her to a more urgent pace and taking him deeper and while she wanted to spite his continued presumption, she was nonetheless happy to oblige as he tickled her tonsils.

After a few minutes of tandem fellatio, Hugo took Tegan by the shoulders and switched places with her, pushing her back onto the lounger. Thrown into a prone position her legs parted almost out of trained reflex as she anticipated him mounting her, but was surprised when he instead dove between her thighs face first, reciprocating the oral ministrations. He lapped eagerly at her slit, quickly finding her clit with his tongue and plunging a finger inside her wet hole. Tegan arched her back in pleasure, a quiver running through her and she placed a hand on the back of his head, gripping his curly dark hair with her slim pale fingers as a breathy moan of pleasure escaped her. She realised that the thin cloth walls of the pavilion were not going to block any noise she made, but at this point the whole party could come in and watch for all she cared.

Next to her Alex had thrown Sally down on all fours and was orally attacking her from behind. From Tegan’s angle it wasn’t clear if he was eating her pussy or her ass. Either way, Sally seemed to be enjoying herself. After a few minutes of oral sex, by some unspoken fraternal bond, it seemed like Hugo and Alex had finally had enough foreplay. No objection from Tegan as Hugo climbed on top of her and pushed his fat cock inside her, she clung to his shoulders and hooked her knees over his hips as he drove himself in and then began to piston in and out with a powerful, deliberate rhythm. She looked over and made eye contact with Sally, who was grinning a wicked grin as Alex held her by the hips and pummelled her hard from behind.

“Fuck, fuck, fuck.” Sally yelled as Alex did just that. She had been almost silent while he was going down on her but once he had his cock inside her it was as if a switch flipped, turning her into a hyperorgasmic nymph.

Tegan pulled herself against Hugo as he drilled her, hugging his neck and breathing hotly into his ear.

“Putain… I am not going to last long like this.” Hugo grunted.

“Cum in me.” Tegan whispered encouragingly.

Needing little encouragement to do so, Hugo let out a strained grunt of relief as he came. Tegan could feel his cock flexing as he went off inside her, continuing to thrust into her as his thick cream filled her up, enjoying her soft slimy hole as long as he could before he became too sensitive to continue and reluctantly withdrew. A few seconds later Sally let out a delighted scream, apparently reaching climax as Alex gave her the same treatment, their backs arching in unison as he pulled her hips back against him, his cock buried to the hilt as he unloaded inside her.

Alex stepped back pulling his cock from Sally’s sticky hole and Sally rolled onto her back. Hugo climbed off Tegan as well and the girls lay side by side, Sally reaching for Tegan’s hand and looking over to her in ecstatic bliss. Tegan was surprised to see this side of her, compared to her professional detachment when they’d had their windsurfing lesson earlier.

“Are you gonna clean up my cunt or what?” Sally demanded of her breathlessly.

“Well since you asked so nicely…” Tegan replied sarcastically, but she was already climbing over to the other lounge and down between Sally’s legs as the other woman shuffled higher up on the lounge to give her space. Aware that her freshly fucked pussy was on display oozing Hugo’s copious load she got to work and began licking the mess leaking out of Sally, her face buried in the other woman’s blonde bush. Between her lower lips was the largest clit Tegan had ever seen, though she had to admit she hadn’t been with nearly as many women as she had men. She found the fat inch-long protrusion fascinating and wondered if this throbbing organ was the source of the massive shift in her demeanour, the biological switch that gave her such a fiery libido. She took the clit in her mouth, making Sally cry out in pleasure again as she suckled at the engorged nub, and pushed two fingers inside her, quickly finding hidden recesses of cum that she hungrily lapped up with her tongue.

Meanwhile Sally’s moans became muffled as Hugo offered his cock to her mouth and she began sucking it clean of the mix of his and Tegan’s fluids. On the other side Alex took her hand and guided it to his own, getting her to stroke his sticky meat for a bit. Sally began alternating between the two cocks, stroking and sucking them, moaning as her thighs quivered either side of Tegan’s head. There was no doubt that a second round wasn’t far off.

A short time later after Hugo and Alex had been assisted back into service by Sally’s diligent oral attention they had Tegan and Sally face each other on all fours. Taking the hint they began to kiss as the men took the opportunity to switch partners, Hugo pushing into Sally’s hypersensitive cunt while Alex sank into Tegan’s slimy slit, forming what Tegan knew as the ‘London Bridge’ position. She supposed given the circumstances an Eiffel Tower might have been more appropriate, but to her recollection that typically only involved one girl.

After a few minutes of steady fucking and Sally’s breathy moans Tegan broke off from the kiss, crying out as an orgasm quaked her petite body, her head braced on her arms as Alex continued to pummel her sloppy niche. Sally remained steadfast and upright, her pale breasts swinging back and forth as Hugo confidently took control of her quivering body. After getting their initial round of orgasms out of the way, the brothers were displaying plenty of stamina and showed no signs of slowing down.

“Fuck me.” Sally exclaimed as another orgasm claimed her and she went limp, breathing hard, but Hugo continued to pound away behind her, still not done with her upturned hole.

“Fuck my ass.” Tegan exclaimed as a small orgasm hit her, a tight knot of pleasure clenching then unwinding in her pelvis. The exclamation caught even her by surprise and she wasn’t sure if she even meant it, but now that the offer was out there she didn’t protest as Alex took advantage.

He gripped her buttocks in his hands and forcefully used his thumbs to spread her asscheeks and expose the little pucker hidden between them. In one smooth motion he pulled out of her and pushed against it with his tip, slick with a coating of Tegan’s juices and the semen that Hugo had left inside her. He was gentle but firm, and thankfully Tegan had had quite a lot of practice. Alex was well hung, but Tegan had the anal fortitude to only let out the faintest whimper as he forced his cock inside her, slowly burying it all the way in before beginning to rock her hips back and forth onto him, the tight ring of her asshole gripping his fat base while the rest of his prong was caressed all over by her silky insides.

“Oh my god” Tegan moaned as Alex explored her backdoor, her body shaking from the intensity of it. Alex responded with some kind of exclamation in French, which she didn’t have the vocabulary for.

“Je suis jaloux.” Hugo grunted, one hand keeping a firm hold on Sally’s hip while the other wandered underneath her to grope at one of her swinging tits and he directed a question at her. “May I?”

“Nuh uh.” Sally panted tiredly. “I don’t do that.”

“Non?” He rallied himself and redoubled his vigorous efforts on her pussy, and Sally’s pleased moans told Tegan that the momentary distraction was forgotten by them both as she lost herself in the pleasant sodomy. She didn’t feel like she was likely to come again soon but there was something about letting a man fuck her ass that just made her feel good.

After a few more minutes and Sally screaming through another orgasm, Alex seemed to reach his limit and pulled Tegan against him with one final powerful thrust, trying to seek out the deepest recesses of her bowel to fill with cum. Tegan moaned as the pulses squeezed past her stretched anus and she felt his heat pour into her core.

“Face me.” Hugo commanded authoritatively as he pulled out of Sally and she turned over to find him stroking the flared ridge of his glans with a tight ring of his thumb and forefinger. Guessing at his intent she positioned herself under his twitching member and held up her perky breasts under her chin, waiting with open mouth as he began to squirt, his sticky jizz raining down over her untanned globes and into her waiting mouth. After shooting a couple of spurts on her he pushed himself into Sally’s open mouth to finish and let her clean him off with a few seconds of oral before she swallowed what little mess she had collected on her tongue.

“Mmm.” Sally relished as she felt back on the lounge, her body shining with sweat, her legs casually akimbo as she sprawled, her chest glazed with semen. Next to her Tegan lay on her side once Alex withdrew his cock from her well-used asshole. Hugo and Alex sat on the ends of the lounge by their feet as they all took a moment to catch their breath and unwind after the frantic foursome.

“Fuck I needed that.” Sally sighed.

“Been awhile?” Tegan enquired.

“Hell no. I usually find a lay every night I’m here. I just always need it.” Sally looked down and gently pinched the engorged button just visible between her bushy labia, letting out an involuntary shiver as she did.

“Quite the curse.” Hugo commented, reaching over to rest a hand on her pubis, casually diddling her clit like her pussy was a toy for his amusement.

“Ooh, don’t get me started if you can’t follow through.” Sally complained.

“Who’s to say I can’t?” Hugo challenged.

“You get that dick hard again then we’ll talk.” Sally chided him then looked back to Tegan. “You always let a stranger in your ass on the first date?”

Tegan thought about that for a moment.

“Actually yeah.” She confessed. “Most of the time.”

They all shared a laugh.

“In that case, my dick has plans already.” Hugo said to Sally, looking at Tegan suggestively.

“Your brother better go wash his then.” Sally pouted.

“Already on it.” Alex said as he walked out of the pavilion to find someplace to clean up.


Another short break later, Alex having returned after cleaning himself and getting some water for them to rehydrate, they’d gotten back to the business of pleasure.

Sally straddled Tegan’s face and Tegan obligingly sucked and licked her oversized clit. Hugo kissed Sally while groping her breasts, seemingly none too concerned by the fact he’d cum on both her mouth and chest a few minutes before. Sally reciprocated by taking him in her hand and stroking his limp cock until it began to show signs of life again. Alex seemed content to remain off to one side and work himself with one hand, groping Tegan’s small tits with the other.

It didn’t take Tegan long to bring Sally off – she wasn’t wrong about always being on edge – and apparently that was the signal for the men to resume fucking.

Hugo moved over to Tegan and pushed her thighs back, forcing her pelvis to tilt upwards to expose her well fucked pussy and asshole, presumptuously aiming his fresh erection at her back passage. He pushed the head in carefully before steadily burying himself in deep, and she gasped as his thickness opened her up again. He was only the tiniest bit larger than his brother, but she believed she could feel the difference, especially being extra sensitive at the moment.

Sally lay down atop Tegan and managed to bring her mouth to Tegan’s pussy as Hugo fucked her ass, spreading Tegan’s lower lips with her fingers and lapping at her clit. That left Alex, who took position behind Sally and pulled her hips up to him as he slipped into her well fucked cunt again, giving Tegan the not entirely appealing view of his swinging balls above her as his length slid in and out of Sally’s valley. Tegan couldn’t reach the other woman with her mouth but pressed a palm against her pubis and lazily strummed her engorged, throbbing clit with two fingers.

Maybe it was because they were all becoming exhausted by this point but there was very little chatter now. Sally kept her face buried in Tegan’s crotch as Alex fucked her from behind, Hugo kept Tegan’s thighs pinned back as he levered back and forth in her soft colon.

Tegan came first, overwhelmed by the feeling of being impaled upon Hugo’s thick cock stretching her out and Sally’s tongue working its magic on her throbbing clit. Her muscles clenched around Hugo’s prick like a fist as she came and he let out a surprised grunt, shooting yet more hot cream up her ass. At almost the same instant Sally let out a muffled moan as yet another orgasm quaked her fit body, which that was enough to coax Alex across the finish line. Apparently unable to resist the allure of Sally’s forbidden butthole, he pulled out of her at the critical moment and pressed his cockhead against it, squirting his final load of the night against the virgin orifice where it quickly trickled down her pussy lips into Tegan’s panting mouth.

Once they finally disengaged from each other, in various stated of dishevelled – Tegan with jizz leaking from both her lower fuckholes, Sally with it running down her thighs and glazing her chest; all of them sweaty and breathless, they said awkward goodbyes.

“I don’t know if I can go out there, I must look like a mess.”

“It’s no matter.” Alex shrugged. He was right. As they exited the pavilion while there were only few people still around there was no mistaking what had transpired in their absence. Couples and throuples were sprawled on towels sleeping or savouring the afterglow. Twenty metres away two women cooperated on blowing a very satisfied looking man lying back smoking a cigarette. There was no pretence, no hiding, just the aftermath of open debauchery.

“I should really go see where Rose has got to. Make sure she’s ok.” Tegan said, slightly anxiously.

“I’m sure she’s fine.” Alex said. “You came here expecting this, no?”

“Well, sort of. But she’s a… she’s not as uh… accustomed to this kind of thing.” Tegan stammered awkwardly.

“I’m going to bed. I think I’m supposed to be giving early surfing lessons in like…” Sally interjected as she squinted at the sky, trying to figure out what time it was “…six hours?”

“Maybe we see you tomorrow, no?” Hugo suggested.

“Sorry boys. I’m a free agent. Don’t like to be tied down.” Sally said with a curt wave as she wandered off into the night.

“Et vous?” Hugo looked to Tegan.

“I’m sure you’ll see me around.” Tegan responded dismissively as she pulled on her panties and threw her dress over her shoulder. While she’d had fun, she was on day two of a week long vacation and had other responsibilities to attend to. She doubted Daddy would approve of her gallivanting around with two random guys. Hell, she was probably going to get in trouble enough as it was, wandering home at god-knows-what-time with cum leaking out of her. Which made her all the more anxious to find Jennifer.

“Ah. Well. If we see you, we see you.” Hugo acknowledged, and he and Alex left, leaving her to her search.


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Jake grabbed Jennifer’s ass, giving it a squeeze and seemed like he was about to lift her up with the goal of bringing her down on his upraised tool. Jennifer remembered herself at the last second and gently pushed away from him. “Uh uh… sorry.” Jennifer said, and she meant it – more for herself than Jake’s difficult situation. As much as she might want it, she couldn’t let things get out of control. Not while she needed to preserve her virginity. “C’mon babe, you’re not gonna blueball me...

2 years ago
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Bahamas 7

(Background: I took a trip to get away from memories after my fiancee's, Debby’s, death. We had planned to be here, the Bahamas, on our honeymoon. I met Cinnamon, an employee at the hotel, in Nassau when I checked in. We spent several days and nights together. Now I have moved on to my cousin, LeAnn's, house in Freeport, Grand Bahama. Yesterday I spent the day with Crystal, my cousin’s daughter, and Nancy her friend on the beach. I had sex with both of them.) LeAnn, my cousin, had taken...

3 years ago
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House Slut in the Bahamas pt2 Getting to know you

“Mmm, that feels heavenly.” Tegan remarks, with a knowing smile as she gracefully sits on the edge of the tub and pivots her slim legs up and over, sliding down into the water and taking a seat across from him. Jennifer entered the tub too, sitting at the corner to Tegan’s left, “Daddy’s” right. The tub was spacious, but they’re still close enough that their feet are intertwined in the centre. There was a lengthy silence, as apparently no one quite knew how to get a conversation stated. To...

4 years ago
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House Slut in the Bahamas pt5 Lifes a beach

She threw on a floral print sundress and some pink thong panties then crossed the hall and poked her head into Jennifer’s room and, not finding her there, made her way to the common area of the villa. Spotting her on the deck she headed out there and took a seat on the lounger next to her. “Hey.” Jennifer acknowledged. “Hey. Where’s Daddy?” “Not sure. I think he went out and came back. I didn’t check his room or anything.” Jennifer shrugged. “How you going?” “Feeling pretty chill. Just...

1 year ago
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House Slut in the Bahamas pt3 Save Tonight

-phenylalanine After Daddy left towards his room Tegan led Jennifer towards their shared bathroom at the end of the hall, but before the got there Jennifer grabbed her arm and pulled her into Tegan’s bedroom, pushing her down on the bed. “What the fuuuuck.” Jennifer said, and Tegan wasn’t sure if she was excited or angry. “You ok?” Tegan asked, bracing herself on her elbows. “That was so messed up.” Jennifer fell on top of Tegan. “I’m so fucking hot right now.” She started forcefully...

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Pauline The Slut Part 32 Therese Humiliates Pau

Therese looked at the scene before her. Her father and brother naked, her grandfather’s cock sticking out of his trousers and her grandmother eating her mother’s cunt, both of us naked. Beth with the camera, filming. “God, the slut is only in the door and she’s gone sex mad.” she said referring to me. She went and sat on the arm of her father’s chair putting her arm around him and kissing him on the cheek. My father was now hard again. He pushed my mother out of the way and started to fuck me...

1 year ago
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The Best Week of my Life Pt6

Waking up on my couch in the lounge at my parents' bungalow following the fractured knee at the start of the week, I reflected wistfully on the past five days. Packed with sexual imagery, it was like an x-rated version of the montage afforded to vanquished contestants on Big Brother, with some satisfying revenge thrown in for good measure. With five hours to find a date for the match, time was on my side to do what needed to be done next. After a brief exchange with the folks over...

1 year ago
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Fun at the beach pt6

Angel had gotten a call from her agent about a modeling job in Palm Beach. Apparently, some rich lady was putting on a show for charity for the women in her club. The show was to be at the woman’s house and was very private. Since the woman was rich, she had no problem paying Angel’s usual price for several hours of work. In fact, her agent told her that the woman had asked for Angel to bring another model with her if she so desired. This made Angel happy because she did have a girl that she...

1 year ago
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Fun at the beach pt6

Angel had gotten a call from her agent about a modeling job in Palm Beach. Apparently, some rich lady was putting on a show for charity for the women in her club. The show was to be at the woman's house and was very private. Since the woman was rich, she had no problem paying Angel's usual price for several hours of work. In fact, her agent told her that the woman had asked for Angel to bring another model with her if she so desired. This made Angel happy because she did have a girl that she...

2 years ago
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Training the Wife for BBC PT6

My wife wasn't k**ding when she told me she wanted me to eat her pussy everyday. My head was back between her legs and face down on her muff before we both went off to work the next morning. This new sexual development aroused both of us tremendously. She stood in the living room with her legs spread apart while down on my knees I ate her pussy."Gosh I love seeing you between my legs.""Mmmmmm." Was all I could mumble with my mouth latched on to her pussy."It feels so good."After I ate her to...

2 years ago
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the neighbor needs my help pt6

Hi this is Lynn. If you read parts 1 thru 5 of (the neighbor needs my help)Now that everything is out in the open my husband Jeff begged me to write about my times with Rick. I was not sure if I could do it. As I did I thought back on those times and I got pretty horny. I think that is what Jeff was hoping for.When Jeff and I first got married I enjoyed having sex but as time went by he just wanted to try more and more things he had seen in porn movies. Some of it was okay but some things were...

2 years ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt6

Thank you NaughtyAnn, for your priceless help. I suggest you read the previous parts first. Any comment is greatly appreciated. Over the next few months ourrelationship grew stronger. Mistress Serena took me several times to the Club; and also she wasn't using the blindfold on me anymore. Gradually I learnt the route to the club and what street it was in. A couple of times she told me we would meet there and gave me instructions for my behaviour. The gate guards were instructed to let me pass,...

3 years ago
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All the Teachers PT6 Final

She was heading over to the school that day, thinking about her day with him but as she drove over, she also asked herself if it all of it was the right thing to do. She had said something to herself about it all too. Gosh, the guy sure knew how to kiss. He sure knew how to make love with me, didn’t he? I mean, wow yeah, she repeteated, he knew how to kiss, didn’t he? He sure was a romantic if ever there was one and how he had me feeling. I mean how I still feel, but then she stopped thinking...

3 years ago
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All the Teachers PT6 Final

She was heading over to the school that day, thinking about her day with him but as she drove over, she also asked herself if it all of it was the right thing to do. She had said something to herself about it all too. Gosh, the guy sure knew how to kiss. He sure knew how to make love with me, didn’t he? I mean, wow yeah, she repeteated, he knew how to kiss, didn’t he? He sure was a romantic if ever there was one and how he had me feeling. I mean how I still feel, but then she stopped thinking...

Love Stories
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The House Of Empress Toya PT6

As I sat there in darkness I listened to all the noises around me, crying, screaming, moans of pleasure, shouts of abuse.   What has become of Belle, is she ok? Has she been used as bad as me? I hope not.     I had been sitting and listening to all the sounds around me for a while now, my ass still felt as if it was impaled on that cock that had buggered me.   “Come with me now, your next users are waiting” I heard my empress say as she took me by my hand and eased me to my feet.   As we...

1 year ago
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The House Of Empress Toya PT6

As I sat there in darkness I listened to all the noises around me, crying, screaming, moans of pleasure, shouts of abuse.   What has become of Belle, is she ok? Has she been used as bad as me? I hope not.     I had been sitting and listening to all the sounds around me for a while now, my ass still felt as if it was impaled on that cock that had buggered me.   “Come with me now, your next users are waiting” I heard my empress...

Group Sex
2 years ago
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Sharing the Good Times of my wife I pt6

So there we were, living in a medium size city, relatively unknown and 6 years since I had watched my wife being fucked only the second cock of her life, albeit by a man more than double her age. It had served a purpose and Cherry had always felt that it was well worth it. It had also satisfied a curiosity for her of what another cock besides mine would feel like. I ad got a good run out of reliving the encounter but the urge to watch her flash her body and fuck someone else was well and truly...

3 years ago
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A new start The love story of a sub pt6

Thank you NaughtyAnn, for your priceless help. I suggest you read the previous parts first. Any comment is greatly appreciated. Over the next few months ourrelationship grew stronger. Mistress Serena took me several times to the Club, and also she wasn’t using the blindfold on me anymore. Gradually I learnt the route to the club and what street it was in. A couple of times she told me we would meet there and gave me instructions for my behaviour. The gate guards were instructed to let me...

3 years ago
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Becoming A Hot Wife Pt6 A New Direction

The following morning, I was woken by the rattle of the room service cart bringing breakfast into the room. Dave was up and dressed already as I sat up clearing my eyes. The waiter was no more than twenty at best, and not once did he look me in the eyes and only at the floor.Then it dawned on me that my clothes from last night were all over the floor exactly where I’d thrown them. He was staring straight at my leather basque. Then everything else suddenly became clearer to me. The bed was a...

Wife Lovers
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Horny Little Women Pt6

It wasn't a deliberate or calcuated snub, it was just that each of the girls had other friends and relatives to entertain. And it wasn't as if Matthew hadn't enjoyed quality time with each since coming back to the family fold. But all the same, he couldn't help feeling left out, forlorn and in need of a friend. Looking around, he hoped one of the girls might notice his plight and come over. Things din't augur well, however. Young birthday girl Amy was surrounded by a ring of pals of...

4 years ago
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accidental fantasies pt6

Jennifer was right on several counts. We did have to show Mom that she could be proud of us and we absolutely had to have a plan. The sex had been fantastic but if that’s all we had, we had nothing at all. That night, as I did my journal entries, I took a few minutes to take a look at myself, not physically but as a person. I hadn’t worked in months and I was still facing at least three months of idleness. Eventually, insurance would compensate me for my lost time, etc, etc. but that did...

1 year ago
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Looking at Gay Porn Busted PT6 Gay

It's hard to believe that my girlfriend Sandy and I find ourselves being submissive slaves to a guy I have known since high school. I will not detail it all again since I have written about it previously. But suffice it to say my surfing the Internet for porn sites and downloading gay videos led to the discovery by my buddy who later coerced me into sucking his dick. I have never considered myself anything other than a normal straight guy but I found myself drawn deeper and deeper into my...

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Cinema aftermath pt6

As a successful businessman with a good reputation to maintain I never go out on the prowl without wearing some kind of disguise. It doesn't have to be much. I seem to have a perfectly forgettable face. That night in the cinema, what hair I have left was a bit long; I badly needed a hair cut and I'd worn a horrible old brown and green check pattern, three piece suit that was a little bit on the small side. I'd picked it up in a charity shop some years ago and never had it cleaned since. I...

3 years ago
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Jamaica Blacken PT6

Saturday - ConsummationWhen Samuel and I got back to the room, Jaye opened the door wrapped in a towel and dropped her jaw when she saw him."You'll always wonder if you don't." I said. "You can stop at any time. Thechoice is yours."Jaye gave me a funny look, then asked me, "Are you sure you want this?"I nodded, although now that it seemed imminent I wasn't really sure. But the train was moving and it was get on or get off time. Maybe I was the one who would always wonder.Jaye opened the door...

4 years ago
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How I Started Turning Girls into Lesbians PT6

Ms. MartensSince Ms. Martens was a dedicated first-year-out-of-college English teacher who still thought she could make a difference, I knew she always went home late.When I walked into her classroom after cheerleading practice, as expected, I found her sitting at her desk grading papers."Go home, Ms. Martens, you need a social life."She looked up and laughed, "I could say the same thing to you, Bree. It's almost six o'clock.""Oh trust me, I have a very active social life," I countered."What...

2 years ago
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Read before you sign pt6 1

A week had passed since Paula took Samantha's virginity. Since then Samantha had been phoning the council and telling them that she was moving out of her apartment. She had also gone to the bank to have Paula's name added to her bank account. Samantha even had begun the process of getting her name changed from Sam Watson to Samantha Watson.Samantha also had her ear pierced by Paula's request. The slave now had pink studs in her ears. As for her body, she began to notice it was slowly changing....

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Boston Lez Contest PT6

Mrs. Jasmine JonesJasmine couldn't believe she was already in last place. It didn't surprise her that Veronica already had two turns; but Christ, even Carol had a turn already and she was a submissive for the most part.But between an afternoon meeting and dinner with the in-laws, the opportunity to get in the game hadn't happened yet.So Jasmine headed to her favourite club on a mission. To turn at least one, maybe more, young college girls tonight. She had turned many girls at this club and...

3 years ago
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Hayleys Release pt6

by inkubi© It's bathtime! All characters are over the age of eighteen. Bit of watersports in the end, so 'Caution! Wet Floor.' The Day of Release When I woke up on my bed the next morning, Dan wasn't there. I got up, dressed myself, brushed, and came downstairs to find the mouth-watering aroma of bacon and eggs wafting through the air. I was greeted with the sight of Mom and Dan kissing in the kitchen, Dan's arms wrapped around her waist, his hands groping her ass. Mom was wearing a green...

1 year ago
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Payback pt6

Chapter Eight: Dividing evil. Payback can hit hard A few days after Nick had signed my papers, Mistress Lana started working on him. Erika, the bitch, was having great difficulty in finding a job. This was a combination of negative references that she had received, which she wasn’t happy to use, or no references at all from some of her previous employers. It was time to put some pressure on his shoulders; this would give him a reason to break up their relationship. Mistress Lana was eating...

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Iam Not Gay Yet But PT6

I let Jake's soft cock flop out of my mouth. I licked my lips and savored the lingering cum flavor.It had been months since I had first sucked Jake's cock. Since then I had sucked some of his friends individually, and once, collectively at a poker game. He called me at least once a week for a blowjob and I usually dropped everything to make it happen.I was addicted to cock and cum. Jake's cock was my favorite. It was about two inches thick and just over seven inches hard. Soft, Jake's cock was...

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Trainer meets His Goal PT6 Blacken

Marc left Lisa's place mid afternoon on Sunday, after having spent most of the last fifteen hours naked in bed with her. Matt had called once to talk with his wife, and Marc had made her take the call, even as she sat straddling him with his thick black shaft driven ten inches deep into her hungry white pussy. Marc mused that Matt must have known that something was going on because as Lisa spoke with him, Marc was pumping in and out of her, causing her to audibly moan with pleasure. He smiled...

1 year ago
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Help from IT pt6

Chapter 6 Charlie had spent the last few weeks distracted, every time his mind was idle he would start thinking about Danny, the the guy from IT. As the weeks had gone by, more and more often he was picturing Danny in nothing but a little black thong with his hair spilling over his shoulders. He had never even considered being interested in a guy before, but Danny was something different, someone special. Thinking about him got him surprisingly hard, surprisingly quickly, and after two weeks...

1 year ago
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College Visit with Not My Niece Pt6

The college visit with not my niece pt 6Yes, this Ellie is a fictional girl, and yet, she is based upon a very real girl I know from the internet. In fact, I know damn well she is going to be sopping wet reading this story and knowing how many pricks are dripping and firing!So read on and let her know what you think!!!+++++++++++Ellie looked tired, but beautiful as we entered the room filled with white starched table clothes, men and suites and women in fancy gowns. She put them all to shame!...

2 years ago
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Measuring My Cum pt6

I didn't feel like going upstairs to wash, so I grabbed a few 'wet & wipe' tissues from a tub we kept in the kitchen, and gave my now limp cock a good clean and wipe over, especially around the tip as I pulled back the foreskin a little.It felt exciting to be naked like this in our kitchen, mom having just wanked me off in here. Then, still in the nude, I walked out of the kitchen, along the hallway, and into our downstairs cloakroom, and flushed the wet tissues I had used to clean myself...

3 years ago
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Tgirl Hooker pt6

All my stories are from my experiencesIf you have not read any of my Tgirl Hooker stories, I would advise you do as they will help set the story and you will read, she was no longer a hooker to me but more of a fuck buddy.You may recall from my last story that the time before we met I was still bruised inside from the pounding my ass had taken from her monster cock. I loved the feel of Emma inside me and she had promised the next time she fucked me it would be a completely different...

1 year ago
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A fine f amily pt6

Steve sat in the kitchen, fully dressed for work and waiting for his family to wake up. He held his cell phone in his hand, trying to think if he should reply to Wendy's text message. He glanced around to make sure no one was around, and took his cock out of his pants. Thinking about last night got him hard immediately, and he quickly snapped a picture of his hard dick with his phone. He sent it to Wendy with the message "Tonight, my place!" and then zipped himself back up. He couldn't wait for...

3 years ago
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Chapter 4 FemDom pt6

"tomorrow" never came, well at least it didn't come the next day. when i arrived home from Mistress's, i found it hard to sleep. my mind kept me away, reliving all the dirty slutty things that i had just done or had been done to me. the way Mistress and Baroness used me like a toy, was amazing. those thoughts kept me awake most of the night. thinking about being filled with those rubber cocks would make my cock hard, but i was not aloud to play with it, per Mistress's instruction. i did...

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