Fucked By Hope free porn video

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Hope jumped onto the bed and straddled my body. Warm, morning light filtered through the half-open curtains and reflected on her long, damp, dark-brown hair. It glistened with moisture from the shower she had just taken and framed her excited face. She threw her white towel onto the wooden floor of my apartment, placed her hands on her hips, and grinned at me. My eyes scanned over her lightly-bronzed body. She was clad in nothing but a black bra and matching panties. I was utterly mesmerized.

"Morning, sexy," she said, as her ass rested on my stomach.

"Morning, beautiful," I replied, unable to stop myself from smiling.

I was lying above the sheets, on my back, wearing nothing but my boxers. My head rested on the pillows, tilted slightly upwards. It was Wednesday morning, about forty minutes before Hope had to leave for work, and an hour before I needed to do the same. Theoretically, I could have stayed asleep for longer, but I'd always been a light sleeper. That, combined with the fact that Hope wasn't exactly the quietest person when getting ready, meant that once she was awake, I was awake too.

I ran my hands along her bare thighs and released a murmur of pleasure. Her skin was so decadently smooth. I looked her up and down, taking in the sight of her slim, toned, and beautifully feminine physique. I couldn't help but feel blessed to have such a wonderful, sexy young woman as my girlfriend. We'd only been dating a few weeks, and this was only the third time she'd stayed over at my apartment, but I'd fallen for her hard. I was absolutely, totally, completely, besotted with her.

"Guess what?" she said, her big, brown eyes beaming at me.

"What?" I replied.

"I'm horny," she answered, her grin getting wider. "I can't go to work like this. It's just too distracting."

She sighed and cocked her head, sending a cascade of thick hair tumbling to one side.

"It wouldn't be fair on the clients," she said, "someone's going to have to satisfy me first."

I glanced down at her panties and saw the bulge of her cock.

"And who would that someone be?" I asked playfully.

"I guess we'll have to find out," she replied, with a laugh.

She lifted her ass up and shuffled her legs forward until she was straddling my chest. Then she pulled down her panties.

"Mmm," I murmured as her smooth, shaven genitals hovered a couple of inches from my face. Her cock began to swell, pulsing up to become semi-erect. I breathed in deeply as the musky scent filled my nostrils, sending arousal coursing through my veins.

"Get me hard," she said.

She bit her lip, gave me a wicked smile, and leaned forward, pressing her genitals into my face. I panted in excitement. She knew it drove me crazy when she did that.

She gently laughed as she began to rub her cock and balls up and down my features.

"Do you like that?" She said.

I nodded and moaned, intoxicated by the scent and sensation. As Hope's heavy, damp, stiffening flesh dragged over my skin, my hands grasped her thighs tightly. Pre-cum began to leak from her tip, leaving a little, slimy trail over my forehead and cheek. My own cock began to rise to attention, tenting my boxers.

Hope grasped the base of her dick with her hand and began slapping it against my face.

"Time to get sucking," she said, wiggling her hips, "I don't wanna miss my first meeting."

I didn't need any further prompting. I parted my lips, and Hope pressed the tip of her engorged cock in my mouth. I lovingly enveloped the head, swirled my tongue over it, and gulped down her sweet-tasting, pre-cum.

"Good little slut," she said with a laugh. "Now, let's go deeper."

She groaned in pleasure as she pushed her cock all the way into my mouth until the tip hit the back of my throat. I gave out the tiniest of chokes, but was well-practiced enough to relax and breathe through my nose. As she held her cock inside me, I ran my hands along her skin, over her thighs and felt the sexy, hour-glass curve of her waist. Then slowly, she pulled out, leaving a trail of saliva running down my chin.

"Now it's your turn to do the work," she said, placing her hands firmly against the headboard. I reached around with one hand, gripped the base of her cock, and slid it into my mouth.

Like a good slut, my lips began to glide up and down her slick, saliva-covered dick. I started slowly at first, taking her into my mouth in long, loving strokes, savoring every inch of her. I went deep - as deep as I could go - until I felt the base of her dick hit my lips, then slid back up. As I sensually sucked up and down her shaft, she moaned in pleasure. She reached behind herself, unclasped her bra, and threw it to the floor. My eyes flicked up, and her small, perky tits entered my vision.

Excitement coursed through me, and I began to pick up the pace. As my sucking became more rapid, Hope's groans became more intense. Spurred on by her sounds, my head even moved faster. I greedily lunged up and down her cock. Wet, slurping sounds filled the room.

As her balls began to slap against my chin, Hope started to grunt, "Mmm. That's right. Suck me. Good boy."

Each noise she emitted made me hornier. I shifted my legs, and my cock strained upwards, eager for some attention of its own. Hope always drove me wild, but as much as I hated to admit it, it drove me even wilder when she took control.

Hope's hips began to buck, thrusting her pelvis to fuck my face. I moaned as I sucked. Automatically, my own hips started to buck into nothingness. As Hope's dick plunged in and out of my mouth, and the scent of her cock and balls dominated my nostrils, my mind became nothing more than a horny mush.

As I continued to work her cock, her breathing became fast and ragged.

"That's right," she rasped between breaths, "keep going. Suck me good."

I sucked faster. I knew Hope was close. My lips eagerly raced along her slick, engorged flesh, bringing her closer and closer to orgasm.

"God! I'm going to cum," she cried.

Then I felt it. Hope's cock twitched hard.

"Fuck," she gasped.

A big, spurt of warm semen shot into my mouth. Hope's cock twitched again, then again. More spurts filled me up and ballooned my cheeks. I quickly gulped down the cum. As I did so, Hope pulled out, and shot her last spurt across my face, with a satisfied feminine grunt.

I whimpered as semen dripped over my features, my mouth hanging open.

I looked up at Hope's expression, and she looked down at me. She was biting her lip, with a massive grin on her face.

"Mmm," she murmured, wriggling her hips. "That was a great blowjob. I so needed that."

Her cock glistened with saliva and cum, which dripped onto my chest. I leaned forward with my mouth and began to clean her. I lapped up the juices and swallowed them down, as I groaned in pleasure.

"You're getting so well trained," she said, smiling.

My dick twitched involuntarily as she said the word "trained."

My cheeks reddened. I bowed my head to hide my embarrassment. "I want you to feel good," I whispered back.

"You make me feel very good," she replied. "Now, look up at me."

I complied and looked up meekly. Hope reached down and wiped the cum from my face with her fingers.

"Open up," she said. I opened my lips like a good boy, and she pushed her slimy fingers inside. With a look of shame on my face, I closed my lips around them, swirled my tongue, and licked off all the cum.

"Good boy," she said. "I know this embarrasses you, but it's so much fun to watch you squirm."

I winced, but my dick twitched hard, and I swallowed down her cum. We repeated this motion a few times until I'd gulped down every last drop.

Hope shuffled back to my stomach, leaned down, and pressed her lips against mine.

"Thank you for satisfying me, baby," she whispered.

I reached my arms up and wrapped them around her. We hugged tightly, and we kissed deeply. I loved making out with her; it drove me crazy. As our lips pressed and our tongues snaked, my eager hands ran all over her body. I was feverish and urgent. I pulled her close with one hand, and grabbed her ass, her thighs and her breasts with the other. I wanted her so much. It was almost as if I was trying to envelop her, perhaps even merge into her. It wasn't long before moans began to emit from my lips, and my hips again began to grind and thrust involuntarily to meet her.

"Oh, are you horny too?" she purred.

I looked up at her with desperate eyes and nodded.

"Aw," she cooed, "poor boy. Has sucking your girlfriend's cock got you all turned on?"

"Yeah," I said, wincing and gently nodding. "And making out with her. And feeling her body."

She laughed, her eyes wide and beaming.

"Well, that's good, because I don't think I've got everything out of my system either."

"Please, can you suck me?" I asked.

Hope laughed. "Nope," she said, "that wouldn't help me."

I opened my mouth to protest, but Hope laid a finger across it to shush me.

She cocked her head to one side. "I think you should get on your knees. Face down, ass up, like a good little slut."

A loud pant automatically escaped my lips, and my face reddened once more. Hope knew I loved the sensation of taking her dick in my ass, but she also knew I still found it humiliating to be fucked by a girl.

"Don't protest," she said with a wicked smile. "You always love it once I'm inside you."

"I know," I said, nodding and pursing my lips.

"Get in position then."

Hope rolled over beside me, releasing me from her straddle.

With my face getting ever redder by the second, I rolled over, and got into position, with my face towards the headboard.

"No," said Hope. "The other way round. Face towards the mirror. I like watching your expression."

I whimpered as I shifted round to face the wardrobe at the other end of the room, where the big mirrored door reflected my image back at me. As ordered, I got on my knees, put my ass in the air, and my face down towards the bed.

"Good boy," she said and gave my ass a hard slap.

I winced, my muscles jumped, and I yelped loudly, sending Hope into shrieks of laughter.

"Just letting you know who's boss around here," she said.

"I already know who's boss," I said meekly.

"Right answer," she said, with a giggle, "see, you're learning."

Suddenly I flinched as I saw Hope's hand in the mirror, about to lay down another spank.

"No!" I blurted.

Hope's hand stopped mid-air.

"Aw, come on," she said in a teasing voice, "I know you like it when I dominate you. Look how hard your dick is right now."

Hope reached between my legs and ran her fingers delicately along my painfully hard shaft. I mewled in pleasure.

"See," she said, still gently stroking me, "just embrace what you want."

I moaned and glanced at myself in the mirror. My face was hot and had turned a shade of beetroot. The truth was I did want it. I secretly loved it when Hope took charge and dominated me. I could barely bring myself to say it out loud, but I constantly fantasied about it. Nothing got me hornier. Unfortunately, it was a hang-up of mine. I found it embarrassing. Mortifying even. I always felt that as a man, I was supposed to be the one in charge. I was not meant to be the one on his knees, with his ass in the air, getting spanked by a cute girl, and about to get fucked by her.

"You know I'll keep your kinks secret baby," Hope cooed into my ear. "This is just between us. It could be so much fun."

I screwed my eyes shut and took a deep breath.

"Ok," I whispered.

"Ok, what?" Hope whispered sternly, still massaging my dick.

I took another deep breath.

"Ok, you can spank me."

"I wanna hear you say 'please.'"

My muscles tensed, and I buried my face in the sheets.

"Please," I whispered in a voice muffled by the fabric, but just about audible. "Please spank me, then fuck me."

"Louder," she said.

I lifted my head but kept my eyes screwed shut. "Please Hope, please spank me and fuck me," I said.

"Ah, so it is what you want," Hope exclaimed, excitedly. "Good boy. We're going to have so much fun."

Humiliation and arousal throbbed through my body. As Hope held my dick, it twitched over and over, making her laugh all over again.

"If it starts getting too much, just say 'yellow,' if you want it to stop, say 'red'"

"Ok," I said.

"Good boy," Hope exclaimed again. "Now brace yourself."

I screwed my eyes even tighter shut. Hope released my dick and then rained down a hard spank onto my right ass cheek.

I gasped and winced at the shock. I panted heavily into the sheets, preparing for the next blow. Then it came.

I squealed in pain. It was even harder, smacking down onto my left ass cheek.

"Fuck!" I rasped.

"As I said, say 'yellow' or 'red' if you want me to ease off or stop," Hope repeated into my ear. "Anything else, I'll take to mean that you love it."

My body trembled, I bit down onto the sheet and stayed silent.

"I knew you'd like it, slut-boy," Hope said with a giggle.

Then a rain of spanks came down. My back arched, my toes curled. I yelped and squealed like a bitch, my body shifting with every spank. As the pain intensified, my feet kicked up and down onto the sheets. I was too humiliated to speak and too horny to ask for it to stop. My buttocks began to throb in red hot agony, but I could feel pre-cum leaking from my dick.

Hope paused. I tensed. Then she unleashed the hardest spank yet.

I yelped out in pain, my hand shooting round to protect my ass.

"Aw, did that one hurt pretty bad," Hope said, in an excruciatingly teasing voice. "Does my big strong boy need to protect his ass from his mean girlfriend."

I squirmed in humiliation.

Hope laughed and reached between my legs and ran her fingers along my dick once more. It twitched to her touch. "Ooh, you're still so hard," she said. "And you're leaking pre-cum everywhere."

She gave my dick a few light strokes with her fingers, extracting gasps from my lips. Then she released.

"You should say 'thank you,'" she said.

"Thank you," I whimpered.

"Now kiss my feet and say 'thank you' again."

I moaned in utter mortification but stayed in position. Hope shuffled around until she was sitting side-on to me on the bed. She slid one of her feet in front of my face.

I gulped and gave the top of her foot a little peck.

"Oh, you can do better than that," she cooed. "Give it a proper kiss. I won't tell anyone you're into this. This is our little secret."

I couldn't help myself. I kissed the top of her foot, sensually and lovingly.

"Good boy," Hope exclaimed. "Now, the sole."

She shifted around, so she was also on her knees, facing away from me. She presented me with the soles of her feet. The light smell filled my nose, and I moaned louder. I'd never used to like feet, but over the past few weeks, with Hope making me kiss her feet again and again, something in my brain had snapped. I'm sure that feet must absolutely radiate with pheromones. Once my mind had realized that, a powerful connection was made. Now the scent of her feet made me drunk with arousal.

I kissed and licked the sole of her foot, and took deep, inhalations of the decadent scent. I licked greedily, over and over, all the way from her toes to her heel. Hope laughed as my hips began to gyrate and thrust. My body was on fire with excitement. I was unbearably horny.

"Oh, I've got you hooked on this, haven't I?" She exclaimed. "You'd have never done this a few weeks ago, would you?"

I shook my head, breathing in as deeply as I could. "Your feet smell so fucking good."

"Spoken like a true submissive slut," Hope exclaimed.

Then she moved her feet away, leaving me mewling at the loss.

"You know what?" She continued. "I think it's time to fuck you. Do you agree?"

I buried my head in the sheets and nodded.

"Say it out loud," Hope said again.

I lifted my head up. "Please fuck me," I whispered.

"Mmm, don't mind if I do," Hope replied. She slapped the inside of my thighs. "Spread." She ordered.

I whimpered and spread my legs further apart, leaving my asshole exposed.

I heard her shift on the bed and pick something off the floor. Then she moved back, and I felt a glob of something cold, wet, and slick hit my anus. Hope murmured in excitement, as she generously spread the lube around my pucker and inside me.

I felt her shift closer to me. Then she slapped her dick against my ass.

"God, I'm horny," she rasped. "Look up at me."

I lifted my head and looked at Hope's reflection in the mirror. An expression of pure glee coated her beautiful face.

"Watch me as a fuck you," she said.

I watched as she leaned forward. Then I saw her angle the head of her dick, and press it against my asshole. I gasped and winced.

"Open up for me, baby," she cooed.

She pushed forward. I tensed at first, then remembered how she'd taught me to dilate.

"Good boy," she said.

Then she pressed herself inside me.

We locked eyes. I wailed, and Hope grinned as she slowly pressed deeper. It was an uncomfortable sensation at first, but then I let out a little moan of pleasure as I felt her dick rub over my prostate. My own cock twitched in ecstasy.

"Oh God," I gasped.

"You mean, 'Goddess'?" she said with a laugh.

"Yes, Goddess," I whispered, my voice getting higher as she pushed all the way in.

She held her dick deep inside me for a few seconds, and then she began to pull out. I gasped again as I felt her dick rub against my prostate. Suddenly, I felt my pre-cum begin to flow generously. It always did when I had something in my ass.

Then she hooked her fingers around my hips and started to thrust, in and out, letting out a little grunt each time she pushed in.

"This feels so fucking good," she rasped.

My face contorted at the sensation, but pleasure flooded through me each time she hit my sweet spot.

"Fuck," I moaned. "Fuck, fuck, fuck."

I gripped the bedsheets with my hands and screwed my eyes shut.

"Eyes open," Hope demanded. "Look at me as I fuck you."

I opened my eyes but gripped the sheets tighter as if to compensate. Our pupils locked in the mirror, her face was a picture of sheer commanding delight. I moaned with each thrust she made.

"Please..." I panted, through ragged breath, "please jerk me off."

"Ooh, we're learning to ask for what we want!" Hope cooed. "Ask, and ye shall receive... sometimes."

I cried out loudly as Hope bent over me, reached around and grabbed my dick. The pleasure of being fucked and having my dick played with was overwhelming. I could now feel Hope's tits against my back and sensed her mouth hovering over the back of my neck. My neck hairs stood on end. With each hot breath she took, I could feel them shift and bow.

Hope picked up the pace. She was fucking me hard and fast, with a quick slapping sound. I wailed loudly and uncontrollably. I knew the neighbors would be able to hear me, but I was simply unable to stop myself. I was utterly consumed by the waves of pleasure that she was sending through me.

"That's right," Hope rasped, "take it like the slut you are."

As she spoke, her voice passed over my neck, sending electric fizzles of excitement racing through my body. With each plunge of her dick inside me, and with each stroke of her hand, I descended further into rapture. Saliva drooled from my lips, and my muscles started to shake involuntarily. Each time she entered me, I moaned like a stuck a****l. I was going to cum, very, very hard.

Hope was getting close too. Her breathing was urgent and aggressive. Her thrusts were deep and frenzied, pistoning in and out of my helpless body.

"I'm going to cum," she growled, our eyes still locked in the mirror, "I going to fucking cum."

My hands gripped the sheets until my knuckles turned white. My moans began to merge into one. Then Hope roared, her dick twitched violently inside me, and she injected me with cum. Spurt after powerful spurt filled me up. As she came, she slammed into me harder and deeper, fucking me right through her orgasm.

I couldn't help myself. Feeling Hope cum inside me was too much, and it sent me over the edge. My muscles tightened, I screamed in wanton euphoria, and my own orgasm erupted like a volcano. An explosion of bliss consumed me, and my body convulsed in ecstasy. My dick twitched. Semen juddered along my shaft and spurted forcefully from the tip. Hope continued to jerk me, as wave after wave of overwhelming pleasure crashed through me. My dick twitched over and over, each time sending a new spurt of semen leaping over the sheets.

As our orgasms slowly began to come down, Hope slumped against my back. Her tits pressed tightly against me, and her dick twitching inside me. She released my cock and wrapped her arms around my trembling body in a loving embrace.

"God, that was good," she panted.

I couldn't speak. I could only mewl pathetically, and muster the slightest nod in agreement. My muscles were useless and unresponsive. I was an utter, shuddering wreck.

"Mmm," she said. "I love playing with you."

She kissed my neck, extracting another whimper from my lips.

"Right," she said, "I need to get ready. I need to get to work."

She pulled herself out of me. Cum and lube dripped out of my asshole and ran down my balls. I wanted to move, but I couldn't. I just remained locked in position on the bed. My face still down; my ass still up; my body unable to stop itself from shaking.

I don't know how long I was there for, but I could hear Hope getting ready around me. I couldn't even bring myself to move my head and watch her as she got dressed. Eventually, she walked around the bed and faced me. She was fully clothed, her hair neatly brushed, and her make-up immaculate.

"Are you not going to get up?" she said with a little laugh. "You've been like that for almost 15 minutes."

"I can't," I murmured.

"Aw, baby!" Hope said, with glee dripping from her voice. "I've totally wrecked you haven't I?"

I nodded.

"Well, I need to go," she said. She leaned down and lovingly kissed my forehead. "Bye, baby. Remember to get up. You need to go to work too."

I nodded again.

She walked towards the door, but as she walked, she spoke again.

"And one last thing before I go... no masturbating," she said. "I want you nice and horny for tonight. I want all your cum for me. Will you do that for me?"

I gulped. I'd been planning on grabbing my dick and jerking myself raw the minute I was able to move. But I also wanted to be a good submissive for her.

"Yes," I whimpered, instantly knowing that it was going to be a hard promise to keep.

"Good boy," she exclaimed. "See you at badminton practice later."

* * * *

Hi everyone,

That's it for now! What did you think?

If you liked it, or even if you didn't, please leave a comment or send me a message. It's what authors thrive on and what keeps us writing.

It is always incredibly motivating to hear from readers who have enjoyed my work. It is also incredibly helpful to receive honest and constructive criticism.

Yours faithfully, Natasha

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Praying For Hope

Since we met in the summer, it was somehow appropriate, befitting to the season and to the warm temperatures that we should part in the summer. Only, this time, the weather had changed for the worst and there was a significant difference in the climate. Even though the day of our meeting and the day of his departure had similar temperatures approaching 90 degrees, the fever I felt, when finally meeting him, had cooled to an icy frost by the time he left me. ‘I’m sorry, Liz.’ ‘Bye-bye Bill.’ ...

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Faith and Hope

My high school girlfriend was an absolute doll – about five-foot-four, pleasingly round, with short blonde hair, big brown eyes, a gorgeous butt and a firm pair of tits that I'd say were probably a size C. Faith was, like me, raised in a very religious home in our small Texas town and had vowed to "save herself for marriage". She even wore a "purity ring" on the third finger of her left hand. I respected her decision to wait even though sometimes, particularly when I was kissing her, I...

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Finding Hope

Shanda and I had purchased a home in a well-to-do neighborhood. My company was transferring me to a new position and location. I was excited about my new job, as it had plenty of potential for growth in the company. The only comment my old man made was, "Wha for, youse want to move in with all those white folks? You community ain't good enough?" That is where I wanted to be with that group of people to help me climb in the company.Shanda was a teacher and had yet to seek teaching positions. It...

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My Affair With Hope

I didn’t join the Swindon community centre to troll for pussy, after all, I was 64 and most of the women there were in their 80s and 90s. No, I joined for the art classes, as I always wanted to know how to paint. It was just good fortune that Hope Currier was in the class as well. Hope was, at that time, 88 and, in her own way, still very attractive. OK her hair has got thinner, it’s once mousey colour now silvery grey, but she carries herself well, not stooped and dresses in accordance with...

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Princess Hope

Princess Hope by Sarah Barndt I had been an orphan, abandoned on the steps of the convent and raised by the good sisters until I was 12. Then I was apprenticed to the miller. My life had not been too bad. Many babes of Caldonia were abandoned because times were bad. They had been ever since Duke Mondragon had killed good King Stefan and Queen Felicity. Of course, to say so was treason. The chronicles said they were killed by bandits and the Duke became Lord Protector to save...

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Princess Hope

Princess Hope by Sarah Barndt I had been an orphan, abandoned on the steps of the convent and raised by the good sisters until I was 12. Then I was apprenticed to the miller. My life had not been too bad. Many babes of Caldonia were abandoned because times were bad. They had been ever since Duke Mondragon had killed good King Stefan and Queen Felicity. Of course, to say so was treason. The chronicles said they were killed by bandits and the Duke became Lord Protector...

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A Town Called Hope

A Town Called Hope by: Anne O'Nonymous Part One: Taking Leave. There are many factories on the east coast, once belching huge clouds of dust-laden smoke polluting the skies over our major cities. Now, they pollute in a far more subtle way. People labor in these factories producing the goods we use each day, and there are no heroes here, just people working, trying to make a decent living. In one such factory, there was a young man: Tom Morrison, a college grad. It was funny to...

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Lucy of Little Hope

lucy of little-hope.chapter 1.By j.If only anyone would care to notice, the sublime picture-of-girlish-perfection that is thirteen year Lucy Green would seem utterly inappropriate for the tiny decrepit bedroom where she now sits.With blonde hair as yellow and shining as a summer cornfield, so neatly arranged into a pair of ribbon adorned bunches, the beautiful nymph-like girl glows, despite the barest of illumination. Just a flickering 20 watt bulb hangs above her, from the now-rusty ceiling of...

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Amy Hope

My name is Amy but my real name Anthony and I turned 21 and started my first step on becoming a woman I decided to get some breasts for my birthday since I'm becoming a woman so after the surgery I felt more like a woman I was 5'9 weight120 and had long brown hair and some perfect size tits they was some 36c's and I still had my 8 1/2inch cock but with my tits I felt more like a woman so I started dressing like a woman and one day I went looking for a job and I seen this help wanted sign...

She Males
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A Flicker of Hope

There are not many people who know the exact date and time that they fell in love and even fewer that have a permanent record of that moment. As Jim looked at the photograph on the mantelpiece of his modest two bedroomed flat, he smiled because it recorded the exact moment that he had fallen head over heels in love with Nicole. Not only did the photograph show the two of them holding each other close but visible above them was a digital clock showing the date and time - 1:23pm on 13...

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Travelling Hopefully

Synopsis Whoever said that it's better to travel hopefully than to arrive had never travelled by air, as Peter Blake was to find out to his cost. But just who did the large suitcase belong to, and exactly what was the connection with the woman who awoke in the strange house, considerably the worse for wear? This is a longer length story, so set aside some time, sit back and enjoy. TRAVELLING HOPEFULLY By Charlotte Dickles 1 INTRODUCING PETER They say that troubles come in...

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A Time of Hope

A Time of Hope by Karen Page "Trumpets sound and Angels sing..." The sound of the rejoiceful congregation filtered out into the early crisp evening air. The lights from the church beamed out their hopeful message of acceptance and forgiveness. It was the season of peace and goodwill. For one unlucky soul, the light that filtered out through the stain glass windows offered no comfort. The light had provided enough glow for the attackers to see them. Now lying bleeding and badly...

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DiscoveryChapter 3 Hopelessness

It was May the same year, just a few months after the treehouse incident, when I would be a part of a discovery that would forever change my life. I discovered that it wasn't easy to talk with a mile of gauze shoved up your nose. Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself ... so let's go back a couple of weeks. I first noticed something was wrong when I woke up in the morning with blood all over my face. Actually it was Aimee who noticed it first. "Ewww," she said, "How could you not...

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The Road to Hope

Hope, Alaska is a small town that lies sixteen miles off a deserted stretch of Highway 9, which connects Anchorage to Seward. Not many people live in Hope because there isn't a lot to do there. The population doubles in the summer to a few hundred as the cottages and campgrounds fill up with tourists looking for a peaceful break. During the rest of the year, the town is quiet.As such, Theresa was a little surprised when I took the road to Hope in early May. Having just finished a day in Seward,...

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Lust is said to be that which you should never have. Sex is said to be merger of two souls. Strangely, I have found that to be untrue. I traveled to Sweden of all places for a convention. I was naturally eager to see if the people had the unbelievable characteristics that movies always say that they have. Of course, not everyone was as beautiful as one might have hoped, but still, the sexy were bountiful. Did I forget to mention? My name is Hope, I'm about 5'6" and around 125 lbs....

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Standing Up to Life Book 2 Daring to Hope

Introduction: I would like to say thank you to all of the readers of my first book who posted so many positive comments about it. Your comments helped me continue with Tiffany's story; anytime I got down on it I simply had to look to your comments to get fuel to keep going. If you like this one please feel free to do the same and leave your comments - I appreciate every one of them! Next, I would like to thank Carla Ann for all of her help in editing this book. She has been an...

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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 12 Rays of Hope

The next few days were bad. I ran a fever, and dragged myself to the bathroom every time I got settled down in my bed for some comfort. It seemed I had to expel something, either from one side or the other. My parents were deeply concerned and wanted to take me to the doctor. I dissuaded them, insisting that it was some kind of a stomach bug that would pass. I drank water, took Tylenol, and endured. I felt bad about missing work again, but there was no way I could last a shift at the drug...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 21 Visions Nightmares Sickness and Hope

"Well, I guess it's time to get down to business, huh?" Alex asked as he pushed his plate away. Breakfast had been a dour affair. None of those in Alex's group felt like talking, given what they knew they'd be dealing with later. Their Native American hosts were, as ever, aloof and taciturn, and today they were even more serious, now that their entire future rested in Alex's nervous hands. Or at least that's how Alex viewed it. It was hard to tell what the mostly silent village...

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Abandon All Hope

For my friend, Lisa S. - I hope she enjoys this tale. Abandon All Hope By Anna Feie Above my doorway is the quote, "Abandon hope all ye who enter...." >From Dante's Divine Comedy. My name is Anne to family, friends and general public, in certain cliques I am known as Lady Anne. I made the acquaintance of Lars some time ago; he bumped into me while we both were at the supermarket. He was headed in one direction with his...

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Aliens and CowboysHope

The next morning, Mark awoke before the others, as usual, went downstairs and met Edward, Elizabeth, Jonah and Rebecca for coffee and tea. On the way downstairs, Cricket was giving Mark some extrapolated numbers about the registration numbers. Hans from Crater Lake still hadn’t logged into the chat room, nor had the other two leaders, but at least Hans had 100% of his residents registered already, otherwise they couldn’t have moved into the outreach centre. Edward and Jonah were eager to...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 25 Hope

Certain rituals had to be observed during the week of Independence Day. This year it was on Wednesday. I wanted to go back down to Bloomington over the weekend and talk to Rachel. $100,000. I had to ask Ron how much we could cut off the price by doing work ourselves. In the meantime, Whitney needed fireworks on July Fourth and Rhonda's eighteenth birthday was on the fifth. Everyone wanted a party to celebrate Rhonda's birthday but she asked to keep it simple. She didn't know her parents...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 17 A New Hope

June 1981, Milford, Ohio We arrived back in Milford just before 7:00pm on Monday evening. I pulled the car into the driveway and parked. We grabbed our bags and went inside. My first order of business was to find my dad and find out what had happened on Friday night. I had thought about calling, but in the end, decided I wanted to talk to him face-to-face, and there was nothing I could’ve done from Chicago, anyway. I found my parents together and given the temperatures were in the upper...

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An Olympic Hopeful

Early in life, I realized that I enjoyed watching younger girls. I have never acted on my attraction; still, I continually find ways to be in the areas where they tend to congregate. In the summer, I spend a lot of my time at the beach admiring the beauties in their skimpy bathing suits coming in and out of the water. Their young breasts topped with pencil-sized nipples always get my attention. I always wonder what it would be like to taste them. When they come out of the cool water, their...

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Debbie was restless with anticipation. She knew what was about to happen and was so excited that she could hardly contain herself. She was about to experience pleasure that she'd never known before. Her date had been kissing her very passionately. Her pants, blouse and bra were lying on the couch beside her. As he worked his way downward, kissing her neck and moving downwards toward her breasts, she could only hope that the downward trek would continue. She hoped beyond hope that the trek...

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NonagenarianChapter 2 A tale of hope

Sue and I had barely claimed the facing seats across from Maria before the hot air rushed in. An old man, near ninety, wobbled in with his cane and a young aide. He walked the few feet before stopping next to Sue. Maybe it was her still loose vest and bobbing nipples that got his attention, but he plopped down next to her. She wasn't happy about that. The train took off gently and again rocked us soothingly. The old man soon introduced himself as Arthur and his aide as Ann. Ignoring our...

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Fucked Up

100% fiction! Let me just start by saying that my dad and I never got along. He resented my mom for having me since he didn’t want children. He was always an asshole towards me and treated me like shit. My parents met in high school and always seemed to hang out with a bad crowd. They were into all kinds of drugs and drank a lot and a night of sexual debauchery resulted in my conception a year before their graduation. They both dropped out of school which led to drug-dealing and a lot of crazy...

2 years ago
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Do not give up hope

This took place about 15 years ago. My wife and I had discussed and tried several times to have another guy join us but it never quite worked out as we had thought it would have. Either we were interrupted, the other guy was to drunk to perform or there just was not the rite chemistry between my wife and the other male. Our first several attempts took place over about a 2 year period with a couple different friends of ours. The first friend of mine we tried twice with but he had drank to much...

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Zombie Leza14 Saving Mankindrsquos Last Hope

The group awaiting Leza was different from before. The same men stood waiting, but there was a new component of four women: Helen, a medic; Linda, the Collective’s veterinarian; Cynthia, Fredrick’s assistant and Rebecca, a community cook. What’s more, the women were positively bubbly, fidgeting with excitement rather than the dread the men had faced their previous encounter with. “There she is!” Rebecca cried. “Right on schedule,” Thomas declared. “For someone without a watch, she’s got...

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There and BackChapter 175 Waiting on Hope

I went back to the room – apparently the captain’s quarters, which he was quick to assure me he would have given us from the start had he known who we were; I would never have allowed that, though I was more than grateful for it now – and sat back down at Alistair’s bedside. He hadn’t moved, his colour still wan, his skin clammy. The guard, who assured me nothing untoward had happened while I was gone, relocated to the hallway, leaving me alone with my unconscious husband. Someone had moved...

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Fucked by my servant

Hi my name is Sunita I am 21 years beautiful girl with size of 38-28-38. Here is my story with Ramu our servent. Ramu is 42 years old; he is 6 ft strong muscular man. Often he used to work just in vest and many times in the garden I have seen him working wearing shorts only. He used to call me Beti and treated me nicely always. Lately, however, I have noticed him staring at me often. Sometimes he had given me mischievous smiles also. When I asked him he used to say he was thinking of some movie...

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Fucked My Five Maids

Hi Indian sex stories readers…. This Sricharan 19 yrs old….. I am new and this is my first story ….. Please read it and let me know whether you like it or not …… Now to start my story I was 18 yr old when this happened …. There are five maids in my house (we are upper middle classed family) and there names are 1.) Shobha age 58 yr , size 36 34 36 2.) Krishnaveni age 56 yr , size 36 24 34 3.) Kanchana age 65 yr , size 34 26 34  4.) Rajeshwari age 57 yr , size 34 26 36 and the last  5.) Bhagyama...

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Fucked Avantika And Her Bhabhi Awesome Threesome

Hello, I am Avtansh Kundra again.Those who don’t know me can read my last story.I am from Ghaziabad. Please, send me your feedbacks . Girls interested for sex chats can also contact me. Do mention that you are ISS reader when you message. This time it is my fantasy. I and Avantika were discussing sex and during roleplay this scene happened. I am going to share this with you all. It’s just a fantasy this time. So let’s start with the story:   It was a long time after our foursome. She wanted...

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Tell Me I Can Hope

Alex de Kok, (c) 2002 Author’s Note: Essentially this little tale is a sequel to ‘A Date for the Prom’. However, both stories stand independently and are complete in themselves. My sincere and grateful thanks to Quint and Margo for editorial input. To them is due a lot of the credit. Any mistakes remaining are mine. * * * * * ‘Jim! Jim Bartlett! Wait up!’ Running feet behind me, and the voice was familiar, but here? I stopped and turned. ‘Alison! What are you doing here? I thought you were...

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Like daughter like mother with pic I hope

Sep 28Like daughter like mother.This story is best understood if you have read previous stories posted by me, but none the less here goes as I write from memory. I change all names to protect the guilty. I'm Keith my wife is Lisa, and our daughter is Amy and you might think this is about my wife and daughter. It isn't it is instead about my daughters friend Char and her mom Peg.I ran into Peg, Char and Char's dad Mike at the grocery, Mike is a local minister and although we've known them for...

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Corona Spes Ring Of Hope

Corona Spes (Ring of Hope) The feeling inside me hope building inside, Perhaps this is the one. Thought's racing through my head of, Beauty, love and soft skin. I long to touch my skin, And feel gentle softness and smooth curves. I want to be able to experience love, And for people to want to love me. ...

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Fucked in New York

My trip to New York was ace. The city is frantic, the shopping was fantastic and the food was brilliant. I even managed to get in a couple of discrete fucks while I was there. It was most unexpected, but incredibly sexy to say the least. A nice set of genuine intercontinental one night stands. I was fucked by total strangers on another continent. How it all came about was I met this guy from England in the apartment Kitchens. The kitchens were communal and I was making some coffee as mum was...

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Fucked by bro his Friend

~A Sweet Fantasy, all characters in this story are over the age 18. Viewers Discretion is advise.~This happened when I was still living at home, a few years ago just before my 21st birthday. I was home for the summer from uni and working long days in a crappy summer job for a friend of my dad. I had an on/off boyfriend, but we were very much off at this point- in fact I had decided that I was well and truly done with him and his bullshit behaviour. I wasn't missing him at all, and in fact I was...

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Fucked silly

My dad fucked me silly.My dad overheard me and my BFF and he fucked my brains out.It all started with my BFF Tina. We're going into our junior year of highschool.Tina came over to my house as usual. Today we're sunbathing in my backyard. She had the skimpiest bikini. It was white, tie at the side thong bottom that barley covered her pussy lips and only part of her bigger nipples. I guess it didn't really matter you could see through it and it was only going to be Tina and me.Tina is thin, long...

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Fucked Hot Cousin In Vacation 8211 Part 2

Hello all ISS readers. I am back with my second part of the story: FUCKED HOT COUSIN IN VACATION-PART 2. First of all thanks to all who read and gave feed back to my previous story. I hope you all enjoy my first part and whoever not read first part please read it first to have full erotica of this part also. Small intro of me for person who not knowing me: I am JAY from Ahmadabad, Gujarat. I am 27 year old now with good body build to make any girl fell in love with me. And I have completed my...

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Fucked by 2 of my Sons Army friends

Well I'm Sara a recently single woman whose husband left her for his Sectetary, I'm 43 5'9 very long legs, a nice slim body and 40DBreasts, my Hubby left me for a short fat thing no more to be said. But I don't care as I was one very happy woman my Son Mike called who is a member of our military he's coming home for a few days leave, he wants to bring a couple of his friends I told him no problem as there is plenty of room. A few days after he called he called again and told me he and his...

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Fucked The VicePrincipal For Admission

I was naked on the table. My saree on the floor and my blouse unbuttoned while the vice-principal was licking my naked pussy. This was the second session I was having. He already fucked me once on this very table, rested for a while. He was gentleman enough to ask me for water, then started again. I came here for my son’s admission and was ready to for that. After the death of my husband, he was the only family I had in this city. Some people showed sympathy but most showed lust. I can see the...

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