A Flicker Of Hope free porn video

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There are not many people who know the exact date and time that they fell in love and even fewer that have a permanent record of that moment. As Jim looked at the photograph on the mantelpiece of his modest two bedroomed flat, he smiled because it recorded the exact moment that he had fallen head over heels in love with Nicole. Not only did the photograph show the two of them holding each other close but visible above them was a digital clock showing the date and time - 1:23pm on 13 October - as if, realising the significance of the moment, it had decided to photobomb the two of them. Although some time had passed since the photograph had been taken, Jim remembered it as vividly as if it had been taken a minute or two earlier. The two of them had been out shopping together. Not looking for anything in particular but just enjoying each other's company as they had done several times in recent months. As they walked through the ladieswear section of the local department store, Jim had caught their reflection in a large mirror and stopped in his tracks. "What is it?" asked Nicole. "Just look at us," replied Jim, "we look every inch the perfect couple." Nicole looked and smiled. Jim was tall, good looking and smartly dressed in a suit and tie. She was wearing a long cashmere coat with faux fur collar over a trouser suit and even in her four inch heeled ankle boots, was an inch or two shorter than him. With her immaculate makeup and expensive but simple diamond drop earrings, they looked every inch the wealthy and successful couple. "Let's take a selfie in the mirror," suggested Jim. As he tried to frame their reflection in the shot without making his smartphone too obtrusive on the photo, an assistant walked up and suggested that she took the photo. As Jim put his arm around Nicole, he felt hers around his waist, pulling him closer and holding him tight. Jim felt a tingle engulf his entire body and, as he heard the characteristic synthesised click from his smartphone as the photo was taken, he experienced an inner happiness, the like of which he'd never known before. They were still holding each other when the assistant returned Jim's smartphone. They thanked her and, as she walked away, Jim turned to Nicole and whispered, "I love you," gently into her ear. Nicole turned to face Jim and looked deep into his eyes. She pulled him close and their lips met; tenderly touching at first but then passionately kissing each other with an intensity that took both of them by surprise. When their lips finally parted, Jim looked at Nicole and said, simply "I'm ready. There's no point in delaying this." "I agree," replied Nicole without taking even a second to think. As they walked hand in hand to the exit, they both knew that those simple statements heralded seismic changes in both of their lives, changes that they had both resisted for a long time, fearful of the negative consequences on their lives resulting from the loss of everything they had become accustomed to. But now, as they held each other's hands tight, they both knew that losing everything was a small price to pay to be with each other. ------ To most people, Jim lived an enviable lifestyle. Now a young looking 53, he was managing director of a firm employing over 200 people and enjoyed the trappings of wealth that the role gave him - a large house in its own grounds in the country, a top of the range Jaguar parked in the drive and two or three exotic holidays each year. But Jim knew the reality. Whilst he was undoubtedly an outstanding businessman who had achieved significant growth for the company since taking charge, the company was wholly owned by his wife's family and now that the business had matured and growth slowed right down, he was no longer indispensable to the family. The reality was that the continuation of his tenure at the top now relied solely on his marriage. And that was the problem. Although the marriage had already lasted over 25 years, that was in name only and any pretence of love had long since been dropped and, at best, they tolerated each other although an ever deepening dislike would probably have been a more accurate summary of their feelings towards each other. The reality was that Jim and Delia both needed each other. Jim relied on her for his job security and she was well aware that Jim's transformation of the family firm from a small local business into a household name had made her and her family very wealthy. Not that she ever showed any gratitude; she would take every opportunity to belittle him whenever she could. Jim was also acutely aware that his social life had dwindled to nothing. With the pressures of running the business, most of his friends had drifted away and, on the odd occasion when he suggested inviting people over for dinner or a barbecue, Delia quickly stamped on the idea. Miserable though he was, however, he knew that by walking away from her, he would be walking away from a comfortable retirement and, however much he now disliked her, he was just not prepared to do that. It was Jim's developing frustration with his marriage that had driven him to the internet. It had started after one particularly savage bout of criticism from Delia. He had retreated to his study to read the newspaper and, after page after page of depressing news about the economy, unemployment and war, his attention was grabbed by a photograph of an attractive young woman under the headline, "Transwoman fights outdated discrimination laws." Jim turned the page without paying much attention but, as Jim continued flicking through the pages, the image of the woman stuck in his mind. As he turned back to the page with the photo, he studied the photo more closely and, reading the caption underneath, was shocked to learn that the woman in the photograph had been born male but had transitioned to female in her early 20s. What shocked Jim more than anything, though, was his reaction to the article. As it described her transition, from her first tentative steps experimenting with cross dressing to her plans for her final gender affirming surgery, he felt intense arousal and, as he locked himself in the adjacent cloakroom to relieve himself, he started to imagine what it would be like making love to a transwoman, female in every way except for her male genitalia. He knew that he should have felt repulsed by the thought but, as he imagined his erect penis making contact with hers, his masturbation intensified and he climaxed like never before, his throbbing penis discharging a seemingly endless stream of semen into the toilet. The die was cast and, every day from then on, Jim would type a suitable term such as, "M2F', "transwoman," or, "sex change," into his search engine and massage himself as he scrolled through the seemingly endless photos of transsexuals in various stages of transition. It was only a matter of time before his searches took him to Flickr.com, nominally a photo sharing site but extensively used by the crossdressing and trans community as a social network. Jim started, as most others do, by typing, "transgender," into the Flickr search box and scrolling through the page after page of photos returned by the search. Of course, a proportion were what he soon discovered were often unkindly referred to as, "hairy pantie wearers," but, even so, there were more than enough attractive transgirls to maintain his interest. After a few days, he'd set up an account on the site and was soon marking images as "favourites" and "following" girls he considered attractive. He discovered Nicole by accident. He'd been looking at a photo of a particularly stunning girl who was obviously part way down the transition path and had scrolled down to read the comments. Alongside a comment that just read, "WOW!" He saw a small thumbnail of what appeared to be an attractive girl. He clicked on the photo which took him to her photostream and was mesmerised by what he saw. Nicole was utterly convincing as a woman. So many of the images Jim had seen were glamour shots - some in lingerie, others in eveningwear or other outfits that seem incongruous with the surroundings, and most made up to a degree rarely seen outside the cosmetic departments of department stores - but Nicole just looked natural. Intrigued, Jim looked at her profile which simply said, "Gay CD-er searching for the right man to help me out of the closet." Jim went back to the photostream and was instantly drawn to her latest photo on which she was sitting on the side of her bed wearing a blue and white striped dress, nude tights and black high heeled court shoes. Her long blonde hair cascaded down to her shoulders and her makeup emphasised her femininity without looking over the top. For five minutes, Jim stared at Nicole's picture, wrestling with his conscience before he finally clicked in the comments box and typed. "Nicole, an absolutely stunning photo and so feminine. Jim x." Before he had time to change his mind, he clicked on the, "comment," button with a strange mix of excitement and guilt - he knew that if Delia ever found out, it would give her even more ammunition to make his life intolerable. ------ When he'd added the comment to Nicole's photo, Jim had not really expected to receive a reply but, as he logged on to Flickr, he noticed a small, "1," over the notification icon and clicking on it, he saw the new message, "nicolehcd mentioned you in a photo." He clicked on the photo and, scrolling down to the bottom of the comments saw "jjjimjim - that's very sweet of you to say so, thank you. Nicole x." As Jim read the message over and over again before scrolling back up to the photo, he felt sensations he thought were long since dead and gone - the sensations of a lovestruck teenager who's just been kissed on the cheek by the girl of his dreams. Arousal. Breathlessness. Inner joy so intense that he thought he would burst. But, above all, a burning desire to get to know her better. Every fibre in his body told Jim that this was very wrong. First of all, despite appearances, this was a man who had replied and he certainly wasn't gay. Secondly, despite the poor state of his marriage, Jim knew that becoming involved with anyone behind his wife's back was deceitful. However, after scrolling through Nicole's photos for the next five minutes he convinced himself that one more message wouldn't do any harm so clicked on the envelope icon to send a message. "Dear Nicole, Thank you for replying to my comment, it really made my day. I just wanted to let you know how beautiful you look on all of your photos - are you absolutely sure you weren't born a girl?!! Your profile says that you're in the closet and all of your photos were taken indoors - surely a girl as beautiful as you would want to spread her wings? I'd really like to know more about you and how and why you do what you do if you're happy to share your story with me. I suppose I should tell you a little bit about me. I'm in my 50s and unhappily married. My children have grown up and left home and I'm MD of a business in the south of England. I know you'll wonder why I'm lurking on this site. Quite simply, I appreciate female beauty and many of the ladies here, especially you, set standards that most naturally born women would do well to take notice of. I do hope you will be able to spare a few minutes to reply but, if not, you will still be special and I offer my best wishes for your happiness, whatever you do in life. With love from Jim xxx." ------ It was three days before the notification icon indicated that Jim had received a reply. Excitedly, he clicked on the notification and started to read "Dear Jim, Thank you for your message. To answer your question, yes I'm absolutely sure I wasn't born a girl not least because I have a constant reminder between my legs LOL! As to why I do this, I don't know. As I mentioned in my profile, I'm gay but being gay isn't a reason to cross dress. I suppose I just like the feel of the clothes and the way they transform me into a fantasy land. Men's clothes just seem so drab and unexciting compared to women's and what girl can resist a pair of heels?! You also asked why all of my photos are taken indoors. Quite simply, it's because I'm too scared to go out like this. Maybe one day though? Anyway, thank you again for your lovely message. With love and best wishes, Nicole x." Jim read the message over and over again. It raised as many questions as it answered. Was Nicole's reference to the, "constant reminder between her legs," in some way meaning that it was a reminder of something she didn't particularly like? Was her statement, "maybe one day though?" a suggestion to Jim that she may be prepared to meet him if he asked her on a date? There was only one way to find out and, with his hand shaking, Jim clicked on the, "reply," button. "Dear Nicole, Thank you for your message, it was so nice to hear from you but it really intrigued me! It is obvious that you live most of your life as a male but I sense that the woman within is dying to break free from the confines of your house. But the question is how far does she want to go? Will she be happy living a life with a twin brother or is there only room for one of them in her life? Jim xxx." This time, Jim didn't have to wait long for a reply and, within an hour, he was reading Nicole's response. "Dear Jim, Such a simple question but almost impossible to answer! When Nicole comes out to play, I feel alive. Seeing her emerge in the mirror as I apply my makeup is intoxicating and nothing compares to the feeling of putting on her clothes. The softness of the dresses, the smoothness of the lingerie and stockings, the feel of slipping my feet into high heels and then standing up and taking care to balance. I could go on but I'm sure you understand! The feeling I get when Nicole is there is one of total calm, as if that's how life should always have been. But then reality hits. I'm 35 and, like it or not, male. Whilst being Nicole gives me a happiness which is impossible to put into words, I'm realistic enough to know firstly that surgical changes would be expensive & painful and secondly, from society's point of view (and particularly my family's point of view), I'll always be a freak of nature to be marginalised. Being a woman would be a dream come true but I'm just not brave enough to take the consequences which probably include losing everything I have. I'm sorry if this sounds heavy but I do appreciate you asking as this isn't something anyone knows about in the real (rather than cyber) world and it's a relief to be able to talk about it to someone who understands and cares. With love, Nicole x." Jim read the message several times. Here was someone who, like him, knew a better life existed but, like him, feared the consequences of pursuing it. He desperately wanted to help Nicole but knew that doing so would take their friendship well over the boundaries of what would be considered reasonable within a marriage. He stared at the screen with his fingers hovering over the keyboard for several minutes, shaking with nerves about what he was about to do. Finally, he took a deep breath and started typing. "Dearest Nicole, I can't tell you how humbled I feel by you opening your heart to me. We're probably as different as it's possible to be and yet we're united by the knowledge that a better life exists for each of us and our fear of what will happen to us if we take those steps. I have no advice that I can give you - I can't even sort out my own messy life which pales into insignificance compared to what you have to live with on a daily basis. But I can give you support and encouragement and be a shoulder to cry on when you need it. And who knows? Being there for you may just help me understand how to resolve my own life. With all my love, Jim xxxxx After sending the message, Jim looked at his watch. It was nearly midnight and he knew that staying up any longer would provoke the inevitable barbed comments about spending too long working. Not that he particularly cared what she thought but, at the end of the day, they were still living under the same roof and he just wanted a quiet life. The following morning, he logged onto Flickr hoping to see a message from Nicole but the notification icon remained dormant. The normal collection of new photos from people he followed was displayed and, as he always did, he scrolled down to see who had posted what. With the disappointment of no reply from Nicole, he scrolled quickly, not really paying attention to the photos that were moving up the screen as he scrolled. In fact, he almost missed the new picture that Nicole had posted but, recognised the dress she was wearing and scrolled back before clicking on the picture. She looked stunning as always but, this time, was holding a large, pink, heart shaped cushion on her lap. Jim looked at the caption which simply read, "For Jim. Thank you." Once again, Jim felt like a lovestruck teenager. He was now well into territory that, regardless of the state of his marriage, he knew he shouldn't be. He knew that he should call an immediate halt to what he was doing, probably even close his Flickr account but he couldn't. He'd offered help to Nicole and couldn't let her down but, more importantly, even though he knew he was inhabiting a fantasy world he couldn't bear to let go of the most beautiful woman he'd ever seen. No, the only way to go was forward and he'd already planned his next step. "Dearest Nicole, Thank you so much for the lovely surprise, you looked more beautiful than ever and I shall treasure that photo for ever. I hope you won't think I'm overstepping the boundaries of what is acceptable but I would really like to share your journey with you, not just in cyberspace but in the real world. Would you be agreeable to meeting for dinner? I realise that this is a big step for both of us and if you'd prefer to keep our friendship in cyberspace, I'll be disappointed but I'll understand. Please let me know what you think and, if you'd like to go ahead, I'll make the arrangements. With all my love, Jim xxxxx As soon as he'd finished typing the message, he clicked, "send," before he had chance to change his mind. All he had to do now was wait for a reply. ------ It was five days before the reply came. Five days of checking his Flickr account every hour to see whether she'd replied. Five days during which Jim became more and more crestfallen at the lack of response. Five days of increasing worry that he'd scared Nicole away. In fact, he'd more or less given up hope when, finally, the notification icon announced the message. Nervously, he clicked on the message and started to read. "Dear Jim, Thank you for your message and I'm sorry that it's taken me so long to reply. As I'm sure you'll understand, it was not an easy decision to take. My first reaction to your invitation was that I'd love to spend the evening with you. You seem so sensitive and nice - just the sort of guy that a girl like me dreams of. Of course, it's not that simple, though. I've been out with guys before but never as Nicole. I've never even set foot outside the front door and I don't mind admitting that the prospect terrifies me. What if people "read" me? It's one thing posing for photographs in my bedroom and deleting the ones that I feel would give me away but another trying to blend into society as something I'm not. You wouldn't believe the number of times over the past few days that I've typed a message to you thanking you for the invitation but saying that, with regret, I have to decline it. Each time I finished and got ready to press send, something inside me stopped me and I deleted the message. Finally, I realised that there was only one thing worse than the fear of going through with it and that was the fear of not going through with it. If I don't step into the real world now, I probably never will and I know that I will never forgive myself. So I accept! I am free on any Saturday night for the next few weeks so please let me know when and where you'd like to go. With much love, Nicole x." Jim smiled. At the end of the following week, Delia was going away for a few days and it gave him the ideal opportunity to meet Nicole. Straight away, he started putting his plans into operation. ------ 10 days later, Jim was sitting nervously in the lobby of a nondescript chain hotel on the south coast. Knowing that Nicole was likely to be dressed elegantly, he was wearing a smart suit with a handkerchief showing in the breast pocket. He'd chosen the hotel as it was some 50 miles from his home and that would minimise the risk of seeing someone he knew. It was also close to the Michelin starred restaurant he'd chosen for the date. He'd checked in half an hour or so earlier and the receptionist had confirmed that his friend had already arrived; Jim had had no desire to see Nicole in male mode at any time and so had booked her a separate room for the night. He checked his watch. It was now 7:10pm - had Nicole got cold feet? Should he phone her room to check? He was still deciding what to do when he heard the, "ping," of the lift arriving and the unmistakeable sound of stiletto heels on the hard floor coming towards him. He stood up and turned round to see Nicole walking nervously towards him. As she saw Jim, she stopped dead in her tracks. Smiling, Jim eyed her up and down. Everything about her outfit was perfect - her black dress which hung just on the knee and high heeled black suede courts complementing her lightly curled hair and beautifully made up face. "Nicole, you look absolutely stunning," he declared as he approached her. "Er thank you," said Nicole who by now was looking decidedly pale and shaking. "Is everything OK? You look like you've seen a ghost. Come and sit down," urged Jim They sat down and Jim asked Nicole what the matter was. Slowly Nicole relaxed. "Oh, it's nothing, I was just overcome with the significance of tonight. And you look so smart. I've never been out with a guy in a suit before." "All leather and big moustaches the normal uniform is it? If I'd known I'd have gone shopping." "Something like that," replied Nicole, "but I'll take the guy in the suit any day. So much smarter." Jim was relieved that Nicole now seemed relaxed so they walked to his car for the short drive to the restaurant. ------ It was 11:30 before they arrived back at the hotel, tired and, in Nicole's case a little drunk from several glasses of wine too many. Jim spoke first. "I can safely say that that was one of the most enjoyable evenings I have ever spent and, without doubt the most beautiful companion I've ever spent an evening with. Thank you so much for sharing it with me." Nicole blushed a little. "It's me who should be thanking you. The evening was wonderful but, more importantly, you set me free and it felt wonderful." "It was my pleasure," replied Jim. However, before he could get another word out, Nicole reached up, put one arm round his neck and gave him a lingering kiss on the lips. As they held each other close, they both knew that they were desperate for things to progress. However, they both understood that a kiss was as far as things were going to go to save the inevitable awkwardness as Nicole peeled away her layers of femininity to reveal her normal self underneath. "Goodnight and sleep well my handsome prince," whispered Nicole into Jim's ear. "You too," replied Jim and, after one last kiss, they made their way to their rooms. ------ Nicole was already eating breakfast when Jim entered the hotel restaurant. He went over to the table and sat down. She was dressed casually but femininely with, once again, immaculate makeup but she looked pale and withdrawn, just as she had done the previous evening and barely managed to say, "Good morning," to Jim. "What's the matter?" enquired Jim. "It's nothing," Nicole replied. "If that's what you're like when nothing's wrong, I'd hate to see what you're like when something is troubling you. Come on, you need to tell me what it is." Nicole sighed and then took a deep breath. "I really wanted this weekend to be the start of a new chapter in my life. You were everything I hoped you'd be and more besides but our relationship is doomed. I was ready to check out very early this morning before you woke up and I knew that, with a couple of mouse clicks, I'd be out of your on line life forever." Jim was puzzled. "But why would you want to do that? After last night, I really thought you had feelings for me and I certainly have feelings for you." "And that's exactly why I'm still here. I at least owe you an explanation before I walk out of your life." "An explanation?" Jim was by now thoroughly confused, "an explanation for what?" Nicole looked down for a few seconds and then looked Jim straight in the eyes. "You remember that you told me that I looked like I'd seen a ghost last night?" Jim nodded. "Well I had. It was you." "What do you mean?" "You're my boss. You know me better as Nick from sales. I only managed to relax when it was obvious that you didn't recognise me and I'm ashamed at my behaviour when we got back here which I can only blame on the alcohol." Jim slumped back into his chair in shock. As he stared at Nicole's face, Nick's features started to emerge. How could he have not noticed? And more importantly, how could he have fallen for, and intimately kissed the person he had once referred to in a board meeting as, "the best salesman we've got but camp as a row of tents?" The two of them sat silent for several minutes before Jim finally spoke. "I'm sorry, but I can't handle this. I need to go." And, as tears streamed down Nicole's face, Jim walked quickly out of the room and to his car without once looking back. ------ As he sat at his desk on Monday morning, Jim felt terrible. He'd hardly slept the night before and every waking moment had been spent thinking about the situation he was now in. It didn't help that as he looked through the narrow pane of glass in his office door, Nick's desk was in the direct line of sight. How could the beautiful woman he's spent such an enjoyable evening with be the flamboyant star salesman of his company and how could he not have realised? He tried to concentrate on his work but, by 11:00 he knew he had to confront the issue. He picked up the phone and dialled an internal number. "Nick, could you come into my office please?" Through the door, Jim saw Nick walking slowly to his room with much the same look on his face that, just over 24 hours earlier, he'd seen on Nicole at the breakfast table. "Sit down Nick. We need to address the elephant in the room before it consumes both of us." Nick just nodded. "Clearly, this is a one in a million coincidence that neither of us could have foreseen but we can't undo what's been done. It could finish both of our careers if this gets out so do I have your promise of absolute discretion." "Yes," replied Nick without hesitation, "please remember that whatever I look like on the outside, I'm the same person on the inside and I meant everything I said to you. I could never betray you." Jim relaxed slightly but found talking to Nick slightly unnerving. The mannerisms which looked so feminine on Nicole now just looked slightly camp and incongruous on Nick but, try as he might, it was apparent that any efforts he made to flush the memory of Nicole out of his mind were going to be fruitless. "The question now," Jim continued, "is what are we going to do about this issue? As you know, I've got feelings for Nicole but, as I'm sure you'll understand, I don't have similar feelings for you. To me you're two different people." "I can resign if you want," replied Nick. "Maybe that's the answer but let me ask you something. What does Nicole want? Is she going to return to the safety of your house, never to be seen by the outside world again? Are you going to allow her to go out to play sometimes but keep her hidden other times? Or is she who you really are?" Nick thought for several moments as if in silent conversation with his female alter ego. Finally, he spoke. "Well, she's definitely not going back into hiding. She's been out in the world and wants to make up for lost time. As to whether it's both of us or just her, to be honest I don't know. I know that she is who I really am but I still don't think I can face the consequences of burying Nick for ever." Jim thought for a moment. "As I once said to Nicole, I can't advise her what to do but I know enough from my own experience to know that she will never feel good about denying who she really is. There will always be this nagging feeling that the sacrifice wasn't worth it." Nick nodded as Jim continued. "I don't want to put you under any pressure but you understand that we do need to take positive action. I would like to invite you and Nicole to dinner on Saturday night. I know that only one of you can come and who comes is up to you. However, there are conditions. If Nicole comes, she must be prepared to talk about her future and how she will overcome her concerns. If Nick comes, he will need to bring his letter of resignation with him." "We both accept," laughed Nick slightly nervously as the implications of Jim's invitation started to sink in. "OK. 7:00 same arrangement as last time," replied Jim before adding, "and take the rest of the week off as I think we both need some space." ------ Jim looked at his watch. It was 7:05pm and exactly one week since he'd sat in the same chair in the same hotel lobby waiting for Nicole. This time, however, he didn't know who he was waiting for or even whether either of them would show up. It was 7:25 before the, "ding," of the lift signalled its arrival but, although he heard the swish of the doors opening, there was no sound of stiletto on hard floor. He could hardly bring himself to turn around but on hearing, "good evening, Jim," he knew he had no choice. As he slowly turned round, Jim held out his hand to take Nick's resignation letter but it wasn't Nick standing there. Instead, her broad smile lighting up her face, stood Nicole simply dressed in a white blouse, jeans and flat ballet pumps but with her smouldering eyes and deep red lipstick leaving no doubt as to her identity. "Sorry I'm late," she giggled, "it's a girl's prerogative to keep her man waiting. Oh and I hope you don't mind the outfit but if I'm going to be doing this full time it won't always be skirts and heels." "You look amazing," replied Jim excited by the implications of what Nicole had just said, "but I'm not sure that the restaurant will take the same view." "I know," laughed Nicole, "I just wanted to see your reaction. Give me five minutes and I'll be back in something more appropriate." Fifteen minutes later the lift "dinged" and, this time Jim heard the familiar sound of heels on the hard floor. "Told you I wouldn't be long laughed Nicole. Jim chuckled to himself. Nicole was quickly learning that women considered it their right to be late but, as he looked at her deep blue dress, longer than last time but with a split up the side showing off her legs, he would have forgiven her anything. "Shall we go?" he asked holding up his arm which Nicole clutched as they walked to his car. As they settled down in the restaurant for a candlelit dinner, Jim quizzed Nicole "I think I already know the answer but what have you decided?" "This is who I am and who I want to be. Nick would spend the rest of his life looking for his soulmate but never actually finding him and the passage of time would only bring regret. Nick already relies on me to sustain his life and, since he finally set me free last week, he knows that to try to stand in my way will only make his life fulfilling." Jim smiled but Nicole became serious. "But in the same way that you put conditions on me, I have to put conditions on you. If you want to join me on this journey, then you have to confront your fears about the consequences in the same way that I have. Otherwise, I will have to give you this." As she talked, she reached into her handbag and removed an envelope addressed to Jim. "A resignation letter?" he asked as she placed it on the table in front of him. Jim thought for a moment. "I accept your condition and will be with you all the way. However, it will mean walking away from not only my marriage but also my career and we'll need to live modestly. I've got a small flat and some savings which will keep us going until I get my pension and will also pay for any surgeries you want but we won't be living in the lap of luxury, I'm afraid." Nicole laughed. , "How do you think I've lived for the last 35 years? A mansion in the country? Chauffeur driven cars? Tea at The Ritz? None of those nor anything else remotely luxurious, I'm afraid. Living even modestly was something I dreamed of when I was young!" Nicole picked up the envelope and put it back in her handbag. "Keep that safe," laughed Jim, "you'll probably need it when news of all this comes out at work." Nicole smiled knowing that Jim was only half joking. ------ As Nicole arrived in the hotel's breakfast room the following morning, she was surprised to see Jim wearing the same suit and tie he'd worn the night before. "You look smart," she commented. "Thank you," replied Jim, "but it's a bit embarrassing. I was so preoccupied wondering whether you or Nick would come, I forgot to pack a change of clothes." "Well, you're making me feel underdressed," replied Nicole in mock indignation, "I'd better go and get changed into something more appropriate. I'll be back in five minutes." "See you in a quarter of an hour, then," said Jim as Nicole stood up. "Typical man, you'll never understand," laughed Nicole as she walked back to the lift. Twenty minutes later, Nicole returned wearing a plain dark trouser suit over a white blouse and high heeled ankle boots. "That's better, it was worth the wait," said Jim sarcastically. Nicole just rolled her eyes as she sat down. "I thought we could go shopping today," he continued, "I'm sure you'd like to augment your wardrobe before we become too poor to even afford rags." "Maybe I misjudged you," Nicole laughed, "perhaps you do understand women more than I gave you credit for, I hope you've got a nice high credit limit on your card - you're going to need it!" ------ As they got out of the car, Nicole started to shiver. "Didn't you bring a coat?" enquired Jim. "Everything except," replied Nicole. Jim put his arm around her to keep her warm but, it was mid October and she continued to shiver. Ahead of them, they saw a ladieswear shop and, in the window was a long cashmere coat with a faux fur collar. "Do you like that coat?" Jim asked. "Oh my god, it's gorgeous," replied Nicole, "but look at the price. It's far too expensive." "I'll be the judge of that," said Jim, "let's go and see if they've got your size." As they left the shop ten or so minutes later, Nicole was no longer cold, thanks to the cashmere coat that now engulfed her. As they walked hand in hand through the town centre, they stopped to look in a jewellery shop window. Nicole spotted a pair of simple drop earrings with a diamond at the end of each one. "When I was young, my mother had earrings like that. I so badly wanted to wear them but, every time I asked, she said that boys don't wear jewellery. One day she discovered me going through her jewellery box trying to find the earrings and she smacked me so hard that I couldn't sit down for the rest of the day. My brothers heard what was happening so she told them that I was a cissy. She just stood there and did nothing while they punched me and told me that no brother of theirs was going to be a queer." Jim saw a tear run down Nicole's face and he understood why she had resisted transition for so long. He held her tight before whispering, "I think it's time you were allowed to have them. Come on." As Jim tugged on Nicole's hand, she resisted but, deep down, she knew that having those earrings meant far more than owning a piece of jewellery. They were confirmation of her permission to be who she wanted to be and, after putting them on and looking in the mirror, she cried once more but this time tears of joy and relief. By now, it was 12:30 and they made their way to the restaurant in the large department store. As the restaurant was quite crowded, it was around 1:15 by the time they had finished. The ladieswear department was one floor down and it was there, as they browsed a few minutes later, that Jim caught their reflection in the mirror. The reflection that prompted the photograph which, in turn, prompted their declaration of love for each other. "I think we should head back," said Nicole as they left the store, "we've got a lot to plan before tomorrow and you've given me more than enough today." Jim agreed and they made their way back to the hotel where they planned how they would tell everyone the following day before making their way separately back home. ------ Jim woke early the following morning for what he knew was to be his last day at work. He'd sent an email round the night before requesting an extraordinary board meeting which was due to start at 10:00am. He'd arranged with Nicole that she would arrive at work as Nick at about 10:05 to tell all of the staff her plans before going straight back home for the rest of the day. Jim had warned her that Delia would probably sack her when she turned up for work on Tuesday but he would do his best to ensure that the rest of the board supported her if she wanted to stay. At 10:00, Jim walked into the boardroom where the other seven board members had already assembled. Around the table sat Delia, John, his father in law, Brian, his father in law's brother and his Delia's two cousins plus two non-executive directors recruited externally. Jim sat down and addressed the board. "Thank you all for coming at short notice. There are two issues for discussion this morning. The first is Nick from sales. After a lot of soul searching, Nick has decided to transition to female and wishes to be known as Nicole with immediate effect. As you are all aware, Nick is our top salesperson and I have no doubt that Nicole will continue to perform at that level in her new gender." "No she will not." Jim turned to Delia whose face revealed her disapproval. "I can just about tolerate his flamboyance but to suggest that this company will tolerate having a transvestite salesman is, quite frankly, beyond belief." Jim took a deep breath. At last he was ready to stand up to the woman who did her best to make his life a misery at every opportunity. "Firstly, Nicole is transgender, not transvestite. Secondly, let me remind you of the law which is written into all of our employment contracts. We cannot and will not discriminate against employees on grounds of age, race, religion, disability sexuality or if they wish to change gender. And thirdly, let me reassure you that Nicole will set standards of appearance that most of the other females in this organisation would be well advised to emulate." "And how would you know that?" she asked, barely controlling her anger "Well, that brings me onto the second issue for discussion. It is with regret that I wish to tender my resignation with immediate effect." There were gasps around the room. "May I ask why?" questioned John. "Of course," replied Jim, "I have entered into a romantic relationship with Nicole which I understand will be incompatible with my continued membership of this family and therefore this board. I will clear my desk immediately if you have no objections." As he was finishing, the meeting was interrupted by a roar of applause. Nicole's colleagues were obviously more supportive of her transition than Delia. After the applause had died down, Jim turned to Delia. "I'm sorry it came to this. Give me the flat and one hundred thousand and you take everything else. I'll have all of my belongings out by the end of the week." Without waiting for a response, Jim returned to his office and started packing his belongings. After five minutes, his father in law walked in and closed the door. "You know, if she wasn't my daughter, it would be her packing up now, not you. One day, she may realise that she's not the only inhabitant of Planet Earth but I'm not raising my hopes. You deserve a medal for tolerating her this long but please don't tell her I said that. Anyway, I wish you and Nicole every happiness; what she's going to go through won't be easy for either of you but I'll keep a watch on her to make sure that our company is supportive and a safe haven for her." "Thanks, John, I really appreciate that and I won't breathe a word to Delia." ------ Nicole had already changed into a pair of skinny jeans and a simple blouse unbuttoned far enough to show her cleavage by the time Jim got home. As he walked through the front door, Nicole was walking towards him carrying a full black bin bag which she placed by the front door. "The rest of Nick's clothes to go to charity," she explained, "anyway, how did it go?" "Well, the bad news is that I'm now unemployed," laughed Jim, "but the good news is that I'm finally rid of that woman who's made my life a misery and John has promised to keep a watch on you in case of problems." Pulling Nicole towards him, he added, "And I'm now with the woman I want to spend the rest of my life with so I couldn't be happier." As he and Nicole kissed passionately, Jim knew that there was one more hurdle he needed to overcome. He took her by the hand and led her to the bedroom where she sat down on the bed. Jim started to unbutton his shirt. "What are you doing?" asked Nicole, a little puzzled. Jim leant over and kissed her, the tenderness of his kiss leaving Nicole in no doubt as to what he wanted. "But Jim, you know I'm not equipped for this and what you see is just an illusion to make me look female. You know who I am underneath. Are you sure this is what you want?" "When I told you I love you, I knew that that love was unconditional. How could I possibly love you if I then had to add that I could only love you if you were wearing makeup, a dress and high heels? I know that you're physically different to most other women but that's what makes you who you are and you are the person I love." Nicole leaned over and kissed Jim before standing up and removing her jeans before unbuttoning her blouse. Jim gently caressed her smooth, hairless body and whispered "Remove your makeup too, I want to see the real you." Taking a pack of makeup wipes from her drawer, Nicole removed all traces of makeup from her face and then, turning back to Jim, reached behind her to unclip her bra. Placing the two silicone breast forms on the bed, she allowed the bra to drop to the floor. Jim gasped. Nicole had breasts. Female breasts. Probably an A cup at most but, with enlarged areolae and nipples, there was no mistaking them. "Gynaecomastia," explained Nicole. "Gynaeco - what?" replied Jim still not believing his eyes. "Gynaecomastia, or man-boobs as they're more commonly and unkindly called. I've had these since puberty," she replied. , "It's something to do with not producing enough testosterone." Jim kissed each one of them in turn. "They're beautiful," he whispered. He then looked down to Nicole's black lace panties, the flat front giving nothing away. "I'm sorry, the breasts are as far as my femininity goes," said Nicole as she removed them and spread her legs slightly to allow her well- tucked genitals, only slightly larger than those of a pre-pubescent boy, their freedom. Jim sat down and stared at Nicole who was now standing in front of him, completely naked. Although he hadn't said anything to Nicole, he had been worried that, without her clothes, prosthetics and makeup, he'd just see Nick standing there but, as he looked at her feminine body and face, he realised that it was Nick who was the fraud, not Nicole. Thanks to his flamboyant dress sense and camp mannerisms, Jim had never looked beyond Nick's facade but he now realised that that's all Nick ever was - a fa?ade wrapped around a frightened and vulnerable woman who had been dealt an appalling hand by nature and whose whole life as a result had been a lie, not out of choice but out of fear of the consequences of accepting who she really was. Jim removed the rest of his clothes and, as the two lovers embraced, he felt not only his own arousal but also that of Nicole whose small but erect penis was now pressing against his. "How far do you want to go?" whispered Nicole. "All the way, my darling," replied Jim. Nicole reached into her drawer for a condom and a tube of lubricant and was soon moaning with delight as Jim entered her from behind, gently thrusting to and fro. The sensation of Jim's ample penis inside her was already more intense than anything Nicole had ever experienced but, as she felt him take her penis in his hand and gently massage it, she let out a squeal of delight. As Jim's thrusting became stronger and stronger, she held back her own climax for as long as she could until she felt Jim erupt inside her. At that point her own penis erupted sending a small shower of cum over the bed in front of them. As they both collapsed onto the bed, Nicole gently sobbed. "What's the matter?" asked Jim. "I just can't believe I'm with you. It just seems like a dream. All my life, I've waited for this moment but never, in my wildest dreams, did I imagine it would be like this, that I'd meet someone who not only accepted me for what I am but also was prepared to pleasure me in ways that must have felt awkward." "I've never held, or even wanted to hold, someone else's penis before but, when I was doing it, it just felt like the most natural thing in the world. There again, being married to Delia is enough to make any man reconsider his sexual preferences." As they both held each other tight, their warm bodies wrapped around each other, both of them knew that sorting out their new home could wait for another day. ------ It was 8:50am the following morning as Nicole walked into the office wearing the outfit, including the cashmere coat that she had worn for her shopping trip the previous weekend. As she walked past Jim's old office, she saw that Delia had wasted no time in moving in. "Morning Delia," she called as she walked past. "Oh, Nick. Nice of you to join us at last. Can you come in for a minute?" Nicole ignored Delia's deliberate misgendering of her and carried on walking to her desk. As she arrived, she heard Delia's footsteps behind her. "Nick, I'm talking to you," screamed Delia. Nicole turned round. "Delia, my name is Nicole and I would be grateful if you would address me as such." Delia's face turned to thunder. "Listen to me, Nick. You may think that you're one of the girls now but you're not and never will be. I'm in charge now and I will not have my company turned into some sort of low grade freak show. You either come to work appropriately dressed for your gender or you're out. It's bad enough that you're shacked up with my homosexual ex- husband who seems somehow deluded that you're God's gift to the female gender but I can see through it all. Do I make myself clear?" "Crystal clear," replied Nicole, tears streaming down her face, "but this is who I am now and I'm not going to change so, to save you the bother of firing me, I quit." Delia smiled but, as she turned and walked back to her office, she heard, "If she goes, I go." Delia turned round to see another woman from the team standing up and putting her coat on. "Don't tell me that you're actually going to stand by him and throw away your job?" "No," the protester said, "I'm going to stand by HER and throw away my job." "Do what you want then," Delia sneered, "someone with your lack of calibre will be easy to replace." "You'll need to find a replacement for me too, then." This time, a male colleague was on his feet putting his coat on "And me," said another. It quickly became apparent to Delia that the whole of the sales team were now packing up to leave and the protest had moved to finance on the adjacent desks where two members of staff were already on their feet putting their coats on. "What's going on here?" a male voice boomed out as he walked towards the deteriorating situation. It was John. "Er Dad," Delia stuttered, "our supposedly committed workforce has decided they no longer wish to work here." "And why would that be?" asked John who couldn't fail to notice how upset Nicole was. "Actually, don't answer. Just go back to your office and wait for me." Delia marched off and, as her office door slammed behind her, John addressed the assembled mass. "Could someone tell me what has happened?" Seeing that Nicole was too upset to talk, the original protestor explained what had just happened. When she'd finished, John turned to Nicole "Nicole, I'm so sorry for what has just happened and I give you my word that if you agree to stay here, it will never happen again. I obviously can't make Delia like you if she doesn't want to but I can make sure that she remains professional and treats you with the respect that you deserve as a member of staff of my company and, indeed, as a human being. My door is open to you at any time if you need to talk and I'm always open to suggestions as to how we can make this company more diverse and welcoming to all. Now, if you're all happy to wait for a while, I need to go and sort something out." Everyone, including Nicole sat back down as John walked into Delia's room and closed the door. "We gave you this role against my better judgement but even I didn't expect you to screw up so badly in the first hour. What you have done is not only demeaning to Nicole as a human being but also illegal and could potentially cost us a great deal in compensation and negative publicity. You convinced the board that you're not only up to the role of MD but can manage it alongside your existing Sales Director duties. If you don't want your appointment to be the shortest tenure in the history of this company, you should go and apologise to Nicole and reassure her that this is a welcoming environment for her." "And, if I refuse?" "Security will be called to escort you from the premises." "You'd do that to your own daughter?" "In these circumstances, yes." Seeing that she had no choice, Delia left the office and approached Nicole's desk. "Nicole, I'm sorry about what happened. It will not happen again." Without waiting for a response, she returned to her office as John emerged and returned to the group. "What's your decision?" he asked the group. "I'll stay and see how it goes," replied Nicole removing her coat with murmurs of agreement from her colleagues. "Thank you everyone, I really appreciate it," smiled John as he started to walk back to his office. He then stopped and turned back round. "Sorry girls, one more thing," he added, "standards of dress seem to have slipped lately. If you can all meet the standard that Nicole's setting, then we're going to look a whole lot more professional. Oh, and guys, you're not off the hook either. Shirts have a top button for a reason." As John walked off, the women crowded round Nicole's desk to ask where she'd got her outfit from. Meanwhile, the guys struggled with their top buttons - if they were there for a reason, why were they so hard to do up?! ------ Six months had passed since Nicole had first walked into her office as her true self. Delia had heeded her father's warning and there had been no further problems for Nicole. That said, her and Delia's relationship was, at best, professional without any warmth and there was general resentment in the workforce at Delia's autocratic management style, the result of which was an increasing number of empty desks. Nicole had frequently wondered whether she had done the right thing by staying but, in the end, she decided that she was not going to let Delia's prejudice get the better of her and, anyway, she and Jim appreciated the income that she was bringing home. From the first time he'd seen her naked body, Jim had always reassured Nicole that he loved her just the way she was and she didn't need to make any changes if she didn't want to. However, Nicole felt that her breasts were too small and had continued to wear the breast forms until she'd finally undergone breast augmentation. She and Jim were both delighted with the results and they were now starting to discuss whether she should undergo full gender reassignment. Jim hadn't worked since leaving the company and was now starting to feel a little bored. He'd joined the local golf club and done a bit of voluntary work but nothing came close to the excitement of the cut and thrust of business that he'd previously experienced. He was therefore intrigued when he answered the phone to John who asked to meet him for a drink as there was something he "needed to discuss." Jim had arranged to meet John on Sunday evening and, when he returned home, Nicole asked him what they'd discussed. "Oh, he just wondered whether I could get him into the golf club," replied Jim not very convincingly before changing the subject. ------ As John walked into the boardroom at 10:00 the following morning, the other six directors were already seated. John took his seat at the head of the table and opened the screen of his laptop which, in turn, was connected to a projector pointed at the far wall. "Thank you all for your time," he started, "I've called this meeting to talk about the financial performance of the company which, as you're all aware, is a long way short of where it should be." "Well, trading conditions are difficult," interrupted Delia, "there is a recession on." "That's as maybe," continued John, "but let's look at the company's performance over the past two years." He clicked the mouse and a graph appeared on the screen opposite. "As you can see, we had modest growth up to October last year but then performance took a nosedive and we're now trading at a level not seen for over five years." "As I said, there's a recession on," said Delia with a hint of irritation "OK. Let's accept that the performance dip is due to the recession and look at some other metrics." John clicked his mouse and another graph appeared on the screen. "Staff sickness. Running at very low levels and then a big jump starting in November." "Well staff are always sick in winter," interrupted Delia "Firstly, I have to question why the same pattern wasn't seen the year before and secondly why the sickness rates have not fallen in the spring as the weather warmed up again. Anyway, let's look at staff turnover." Another graph appeared on the screen with the same spike starting the previous November. "We normally expect to lose less than 5% of our staff each year but look what happened here. We're now losing 2% per month. That's around one quarter of our workforce resigning each year. I could continue but every metric we benchmark shows the same picture." He then turned to Delia, "Delia, as our MD, how do you explain what has happened? If we accept your explanation of a recession affecting our performance, surely you'd expect staff turnover to fall as people hold onto whatever job they can? And, whatever the reasons behind the performance issues, why have steps apparently not been taken to reverse the trends?" Delia turned red and fumbled through her papers. "Actually, don't bother to answer," continued John, "it's plain to me that our performance troubles started when you took over the MD role. As you know, I had misgivings but you assured me you were up to the job. Unfortunately, the performance graphs prove conclusively that that was not the case. It is therefore with regret that I am now tabling a board motion for your immediate removal from all positions within the company." After a unanimous vote in favour, John beckoned to the security guard waiting outside who supervised Delia while she collected her belongings and then escorted her from the premises. As a cheer went up in the office outside, John commented, "looks like that was a popular decision," before addressing the board once again. "As you'll appreciate, sacking my daughter was the hardest thing I've ever had to do but, in the end, we have a responsibility to our employees and that is more important than anything. I'm clearly not infallible and, as the board, it's important that you challenge my recommendations if, like the promotion of my daughter, they are obviously not in our best interests. Now, we need a new MD and Sales Director. I've had a couple of thoughts but let's hear any of your ideas." The board was silent for a few seconds. Then one of the non executives spoke. "What about Jim. Do you think he'd come back?" John looked around at the smiles and murmurs of approval at the suggestion. "Unless any of you have any objections, let's ask him and see what he says." They all confirmed their agreement so John picked up the phone and dialled his secretary. "Send him in please." As Jim opened the door to the boardroom, the six directors all rose to their feet and applauded. As they sat down again, John spoke once more "I think the vote is a foregone conclusion but we do need to go through due process. All those in favour of rehiring Jim as MD, please raise your hand." Six hands went up. "Motion carried. Welcome back Jim," declared John before addressing the whole of the meeting again. "As you've probably guessed, I did speak to Jim about this last night and he confirmed that, while he was happy to return as MD, he did not feel it was appropriate to take on the Sales Director's role too so that position is still vacant. Are there any suitable internal candidates or do we need to advertise externally?" The other directors looked at him puzzled. "Oh come on, John, you've already got someone lined up for the role haven't you?" "Actually, no I haven't this time although I'd be lying if I said that I didn't have someone in mind." Brian spoke, "and would that someone be a consistently high performing salesperson who is universally liked and respected by their colleagues? Someone who would project a really positive image of our company if appointed?" "Possibly," replied John still trying to retain an air of mystery. "I think we all know who we're talking about," laughed Brian, "so all those in favour, please raise your hand." Seven hands went up. "I'm supposed to do that," laughed John as he picked up the phone, "but I think we can record the vote as valid." ------ "I think I'm in trouble," exclaimed Nicole to her colleagues as she put her phone down, "John's just summoned me to the boardroom and he didn't sound happy." Shaking, she made her way and slowly opened the door. "Come in and take a seat," urged John, "and don't look so scared. It's nothing to worry about." Nicole sat down and immediately saw Jim who'd had his back to the door when she entered. She looked puzzled as John turned to her and spoke, "Nicole, I presume that news of Delia's departure has spread around the office by now." Nicole nodded as John continued, "Obviously, with her departure, we had a vacancy for a new MD and I'm pleased to say that we've appointed someone you know rather well into the role." "That's wonderful," she said as she looked over to Jim who was smiling broadly and mouthed, "I love you," to him. "Unfortunately, though, Jim's left us with a bit of a problem. Delia held the roles of both MD and Sales Director but Jim has said that he is only prepared to take on the MD role which leaves us with a vacancy. The board is unanimous in their support and we'd be very pleased if you would accept the role." Nicole slumped back into her chair in shock. "Wow. Sales director. Me?" despite the words coming from her own lips, she was hardly able to believe what she was hearing "Is that a yes then?" asked John. Nicole regained her composure. "Yes, thank you. I accept." "Well, that's all turned out rather well. Meeting closed," declared John before going over to give Nicole a congratulatory hug, closely followed by the rest of the board. ------ "Ladies and gentlemen. Please could I have your attention?" John, Jim and Nicole had walked out into the centre of the open office and, hearing John's request, all eyes faced them. "As I believe you are all aware, Delia no longer works for this company and her departure created two vacancies. I am therefore absolutely delighted to introduce our new MD, Jim and our new Sales Director, Nicole and I know that you will all give them your full support." Luckily, John had said all he needed to as the thunderous applause and cheering that filled the office made any further attempts to communicate with the workforce futile. When the applause finally died down, Jim addressed the floor. "Thank you everyone for your show of support for both of us but, I suspect, mostly for Nicole who, as I am sure you will agree, is a very special person and an inspiration to all of us. In fact I have to say that it's very pleasing to see that so many of you have drawn inspiration from her work wardrobe and smartened yourselves up." As a ripple of laughter went round the room, Jim continued. "But joking apart, Nicole is living proof that you should never be frightened of a step into the unknown. If you want something badly enough, go for it. The consequences of not doing it are far worse than anything you worry about in taking the step. I could carry on but to sum up, we are all privileged to have Nicole as our work colleague." The room once again broke into applause but Jim raised his hand to silence them. "I've one more thing to add. As you all know, Nicole is special to me as far more than just a work colleague and I love her dearly. From the moment I wake up in the morning to the moment I fall asleep at night, I feel like the luckiest guy in the world and still have to pinch myself that someone as special as her would even be prepared to speak to me, never mind be my soul mate. To be able to work alongside my life partner is a dream come true and makes my life almost perfect. What would make it truly perfect would be to be able to say that I am working with my wife." Jim removed a small box from his pocket and, as he opened it to reveal a diamond ring, dropped down onto one knee. "Nicole, will you marry me?" "yes, Yes, YES!" replied Nicole without hesitation and, after having the diamond ring slipped onto her finger, the two of them passionately kissed in front of their adoring colleague whose cheers and applause threatened to bring the ceiling down. Life for Jim was now truly perfect. ------ Nicole's appointment to the board generated a lot of interest in the business community and the national newspapers were clamouring for interviews with her. Fearful of her situation being sensationalised, she declined all requests except for one from a journalist she knew to be supportive of the trans community and it was with some nervousness that she turned to the business pages the following Sunday. "TRANSparency in the boardroom," read the headline alongside a photograph of her sitting on her desk. She read on. "We hear a lot about the glass ceilings in companies preventing women rising to the top of their companies but Nicole Edwards, 36, has not only looked through the glass ceiling but smashed through it to be appointed Sales Director. Of course, many women have achieved similar success but what sets Nicole apart is that she is a transwoman who, until just over six months ago was known as Nick. Nick joined the company several years ago and quickly emerged as an outstanding salesman, consistently at the top of the company sales league table. However, success at work didn't translate into happiness at home and Nick always felt something was wrong. Finally, with the support of fianc? Jim, also the MD of the company, Nick transitioned to become Nicole just over six months ago and she hasn't looked back since. Said John Davies, the company chairman. "It would have been all too easy to appoint Nicole just because she is transgender. It would have been a great boost for our diversity credentials. However, as we know to our cost, appointing someone just because of who they are can have disastrous consequences, particularly if it quickly becomes apparent that they lack the ability to perform the role. Nicole is liked and respected by her colleagues, not because she is a transwoman but because she is an extremely likeable woman who has consistently performed outstandingly well in her role while always making time to coach and encourage others. I have never felt more confident and excited about the future of this company."" Nicole put the paper down. The rest of the article was a transcript of an interview she had given but she'd read enough to hope that, in her own small way, she'd helped the trans community take another small step towards acceptance in the community. However, what mattered more than anything was that she was now accepted for who she really was and looking forward to a long and happy marriage to a man she adored.

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I can't begin to tell you what Hope means to me. My mother died when I was very young, so young in fact, that I hardly remember her. She is a faded image in my mind, and only old photographs remind me of what she once looked like. She was very pretty my mother, and I guess I miss her. That may sound a little cold and callous, but I never really knew her. Hope, on the other hand, was another story. Hope is my best friend's mother, and I have had a crush on her for as long as I've known what...

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First Step with Hope

It had taken all my courage to turn up and meet her; having connected by internet only, and seen pictures of each-other, I yearned to see her. Wanting to make her feel as comfortable as possible and confirm I was not some on-line creep, I agreed to meet her at a club she frequented, so she would be among friends. I was in a cold sweat; she was incredibly feminine and over the weeks, had indulged me with some deeply intimate thoughts as she became more trusting and confident. My cock...

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My Future Hope

I lay here thinking about the past month. Things only went from bad to worse. My now ex fiancé and I were kicked out of one place, found another only to have are relationship dissolve before my eyes. My name is Jason Porter. I am 5’11, blue eyes, dark dirty blonde hair which I keep buzzed, and an average slim body. For the past 2 years I was with a wonderful girl. Problem was she has 4 girls ages 11, 8, 6, and 5. Her oldest looks like she is 18. The problems started when the 11 year old...

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New Found Hope

I lay here thinking about the past month. Things only went from bad to worse. My now ex fiancé and I were kicked out of one place, found another only to have are relationship dissolve before my eyes. My name is Jason Porter. I am 5’11, blue eyes, dark dirty blonde hair which I keep buzzed, and an average slim body. For the past 2 years I was with a wonderful girl. Problem was she has 4 girls ages 11, 8, 6, and 5. Her oldest looks like she is 18. The problems started when the 11 year old started...

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Praying For Hope

Since we met in the summer, it was somehow appropriate, befitting to the season and to the warm temperatures that we should part in the summer. Only, this time, the weather had changed for the worst and there was a significant difference in the climate. Even though the day of our meeting and the day of his departure had similar temperatures approaching 90 degrees, the fever I felt, when finally meeting him, had cooled to an icy frost by the time he left me. ‘I’m sorry, Liz.’ ‘Bye-bye Bill.’ ...

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Faith and Hope

My high school girlfriend was an absolute doll – about five-foot-four, pleasingly round, with short blonde hair, big brown eyes, a gorgeous butt and a firm pair of tits that I'd say were probably a size C. Faith was, like me, raised in a very religious home in our small Texas town and had vowed to "save herself for marriage". She even wore a "purity ring" on the third finger of her left hand. I respected her decision to wait even though sometimes, particularly when I was kissing her, I...

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Finding Hope

Shanda and I had purchased a home in a well-to-do neighborhood. My company was transferring me to a new position and location. I was excited about my new job, as it had plenty of potential for growth in the company. The only comment my old man made was, "Wha for, youse want to move in with all those white folks? You community ain't good enough?" That is where I wanted to be with that group of people to help me climb in the company.Shanda was a teacher and had yet to seek teaching positions. It...

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My Affair With Hope

I didn’t join the Swindon community centre to troll for pussy, after all, I was 64 and most of the women there were in their 80s and 90s. No, I joined for the art classes, as I always wanted to know how to paint. It was just good fortune that Hope Currier was in the class as well. Hope was, at that time, 88 and, in her own way, still very attractive. OK her hair has got thinner, it’s once mousey colour now silvery grey, but she carries herself well, not stooped and dresses in accordance with...

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Princess Hope

Princess Hope by Sarah Barndt I had been an orphan, abandoned on the steps of the convent and raised by the good sisters until I was 12. Then I was apprenticed to the miller. My life had not been too bad. Many babes of Caldonia were abandoned because times were bad. They had been ever since Duke Mondragon had killed good King Stefan and Queen Felicity. Of course, to say so was treason. The chronicles said they were killed by bandits and the Duke became Lord Protector to save...

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Princess Hope

Princess Hope by Sarah Barndt I had been an orphan, abandoned on the steps of the convent and raised by the good sisters until I was 12. Then I was apprenticed to the miller. My life had not been too bad. Many babes of Caldonia were abandoned because times were bad. They had been ever since Duke Mondragon had killed good King Stefan and Queen Felicity. Of course, to say so was treason. The chronicles said they were killed by bandits and the Duke became Lord Protector...

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A Town Called Hope

A Town Called Hope by: Anne O'Nonymous Part One: Taking Leave. There are many factories on the east coast, once belching huge clouds of dust-laden smoke polluting the skies over our major cities. Now, they pollute in a far more subtle way. People labor in these factories producing the goods we use each day, and there are no heroes here, just people working, trying to make a decent living. In one such factory, there was a young man: Tom Morrison, a college grad. It was funny to...

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Lucy of Little Hope

lucy of little-hope.chapter 1.By j.If only anyone would care to notice, the sublime picture-of-girlish-perfection that is thirteen year Lucy Green would seem utterly inappropriate for the tiny decrepit bedroom where she now sits.With blonde hair as yellow and shining as a summer cornfield, so neatly arranged into a pair of ribbon adorned bunches, the beautiful nymph-like girl glows, despite the barest of illumination. Just a flickering 20 watt bulb hangs above her, from the now-rusty ceiling of...

1 year ago
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Amy Hope

My name is Amy but my real name Anthony and I turned 21 and started my first step on becoming a woman I decided to get some breasts for my birthday since I'm becoming a woman so after the surgery I felt more like a woman I was 5'9 weight120 and had long brown hair and some perfect size tits they was some 36c's and I still had my 8 1/2inch cock but with my tits I felt more like a woman so I started dressing like a woman and one day I went looking for a job and I seen this help wanted sign...

She Males
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Travelling Hopefully

Synopsis Whoever said that it's better to travel hopefully than to arrive had never travelled by air, as Peter Blake was to find out to his cost. But just who did the large suitcase belong to, and exactly what was the connection with the woman who awoke in the strange house, considerably the worse for wear? This is a longer length story, so set aside some time, sit back and enjoy. TRAVELLING HOPEFULLY By Charlotte Dickles 1 INTRODUCING PETER They say that troubles come in...

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A Time of Hope

A Time of Hope by Karen Page "Trumpets sound and Angels sing..." The sound of the rejoiceful congregation filtered out into the early crisp evening air. The lights from the church beamed out their hopeful message of acceptance and forgiveness. It was the season of peace and goodwill. For one unlucky soul, the light that filtered out through the stain glass windows offered no comfort. The light had provided enough glow for the attackers to see them. Now lying bleeding and badly...

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DiscoveryChapter 3 Hopelessness

It was May the same year, just a few months after the treehouse incident, when I would be a part of a discovery that would forever change my life. I discovered that it wasn't easy to talk with a mile of gauze shoved up your nose. Maybe I'm getting a little ahead of myself ... so let's go back a couple of weeks. I first noticed something was wrong when I woke up in the morning with blood all over my face. Actually it was Aimee who noticed it first. "Ewww," she said, "How could you not...

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The Road to Hope

Hope, Alaska is a small town that lies sixteen miles off a deserted stretch of Highway 9, which connects Anchorage to Seward. Not many people live in Hope because there isn't a lot to do there. The population doubles in the summer to a few hundred as the cottages and campgrounds fill up with tourists looking for a peaceful break. During the rest of the year, the town is quiet.As such, Theresa was a little surprised when I took the road to Hope in early May. Having just finished a day in Seward,...

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Lust is said to be that which you should never have. Sex is said to be merger of two souls. Strangely, I have found that to be untrue. I traveled to Sweden of all places for a convention. I was naturally eager to see if the people had the unbelievable characteristics that movies always say that they have. Of course, not everyone was as beautiful as one might have hoped, but still, the sexy were bountiful. Did I forget to mention? My name is Hope, I'm about 5'6" and around 125 lbs....

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Standing Up to Life Book 2 Daring to Hope

Introduction: I would like to say thank you to all of the readers of my first book who posted so many positive comments about it. Your comments helped me continue with Tiffany's story; anytime I got down on it I simply had to look to your comments to get fuel to keep going. If you like this one please feel free to do the same and leave your comments - I appreciate every one of them! Next, I would like to thank Carla Ann for all of her help in editing this book. She has been an...

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Akkadian StatuetteChapter 12 Rays of Hope

The next few days were bad. I ran a fever, and dragged myself to the bathroom every time I got settled down in my bed for some comfort. It seemed I had to expel something, either from one side or the other. My parents were deeply concerned and wanted to take me to the doctor. I dissuaded them, insisting that it was some kind of a stomach bug that would pass. I drank water, took Tylenol, and endured. I felt bad about missing work again, but there was no way I could last a shift at the drug...

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Touring Under PressureChapter 21 Visions Nightmares Sickness and Hope

"Well, I guess it's time to get down to business, huh?" Alex asked as he pushed his plate away. Breakfast had been a dour affair. None of those in Alex's group felt like talking, given what they knew they'd be dealing with later. Their Native American hosts were, as ever, aloof and taciturn, and today they were even more serious, now that their entire future rested in Alex's nervous hands. Or at least that's how Alex viewed it. It was hard to tell what the mostly silent village...

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Abandon All Hope

For my friend, Lisa S. - I hope she enjoys this tale. Abandon All Hope By Anna Feie Above my doorway is the quote, "Abandon hope all ye who enter...." >From Dante's Divine Comedy. My name is Anne to family, friends and general public, in certain cliques I am known as Lady Anne. I made the acquaintance of Lars some time ago; he bumped into me while we both were at the supermarket. He was headed in one direction with his...

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Aliens and CowboysHope

The next morning, Mark awoke before the others, as usual, went downstairs and met Edward, Elizabeth, Jonah and Rebecca for coffee and tea. On the way downstairs, Cricket was giving Mark some extrapolated numbers about the registration numbers. Hans from Crater Lake still hadn’t logged into the chat room, nor had the other two leaders, but at least Hans had 100% of his residents registered already, otherwise they couldn’t have moved into the outreach centre. Edward and Jonah were eager to...

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Living Next Door to Heaven 25 Hope

Certain rituals had to be observed during the week of Independence Day. This year it was on Wednesday. I wanted to go back down to Bloomington over the weekend and talk to Rachel. $100,000. I had to ask Ron how much we could cut off the price by doing work ourselves. In the meantime, Whitney needed fireworks on July Fourth and Rhonda's eighteenth birthday was on the fifth. Everyone wanted a party to celebrate Rhonda's birthday but she asked to keep it simple. She didn't know her parents...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 17 A New Hope

June 1981, Milford, Ohio We arrived back in Milford just before 7:00pm on Monday evening. I pulled the car into the driveway and parked. We grabbed our bags and went inside. My first order of business was to find my dad and find out what had happened on Friday night. I had thought about calling, but in the end, decided I wanted to talk to him face-to-face, and there was nothing I could’ve done from Chicago, anyway. I found my parents together and given the temperatures were in the upper...

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An Olympic Hopeful

Early in life, I realized that I enjoyed watching younger girls. I have never acted on my attraction; still, I continually find ways to be in the areas where they tend to congregate. In the summer, I spend a lot of my time at the beach admiring the beauties in their skimpy bathing suits coming in and out of the water. Their young breasts topped with pencil-sized nipples always get my attention. I always wonder what it would be like to taste them. When they come out of the cool water, their...

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Debbie was restless with anticipation. She knew what was about to happen and was so excited that she could hardly contain herself. She was about to experience pleasure that she'd never known before. Her date had been kissing her very passionately. Her pants, blouse and bra were lying on the couch beside her. As he worked his way downward, kissing her neck and moving downwards toward her breasts, she could only hope that the downward trek would continue. She hoped beyond hope that the trek...

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NonagenarianChapter 2 A tale of hope

Sue and I had barely claimed the facing seats across from Maria before the hot air rushed in. An old man, near ninety, wobbled in with his cane and a young aide. He walked the few feet before stopping next to Sue. Maybe it was her still loose vest and bobbing nipples that got his attention, but he plopped down next to her. She wasn't happy about that. The train took off gently and again rocked us soothingly. The old man soon introduced himself as Arthur and his aide as Ann. Ignoring our...

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Do not give up hope

This took place about 15 years ago. My wife and I had discussed and tried several times to have another guy join us but it never quite worked out as we had thought it would have. Either we were interrupted, the other guy was to drunk to perform or there just was not the rite chemistry between my wife and the other male. Our first several attempts took place over about a 2 year period with a couple different friends of ours. The first friend of mine we tried twice with but he had drank to much...

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Zombie Leza14 Saving Mankindrsquos Last Hope

The group awaiting Leza was different from before. The same men stood waiting, but there was a new component of four women: Helen, a medic; Linda, the Collective’s veterinarian; Cynthia, Fredrick’s assistant and Rebecca, a community cook. What’s more, the women were positively bubbly, fidgeting with excitement rather than the dread the men had faced their previous encounter with. “There she is!” Rebecca cried. “Right on schedule,” Thomas declared. “For someone without a watch, she’s got...

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There and BackChapter 175 Waiting on Hope

I went back to the room – apparently the captain’s quarters, which he was quick to assure me he would have given us from the start had he known who we were; I would never have allowed that, though I was more than grateful for it now – and sat back down at Alistair’s bedside. He hadn’t moved, his colour still wan, his skin clammy. The guard, who assured me nothing untoward had happened while I was gone, relocated to the hallway, leaving me alone with my unconscious husband. Someone had moved...

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Tell Me I Can Hope

Alex de Kok, (c) 2002 Author’s Note: Essentially this little tale is a sequel to ‘A Date for the Prom’. However, both stories stand independently and are complete in themselves. My sincere and grateful thanks to Quint and Margo for editorial input. To them is due a lot of the credit. Any mistakes remaining are mine. * * * * * ‘Jim! Jim Bartlett! Wait up!’ Running feet behind me, and the voice was familiar, but here? I stopped and turned. ‘Alison! What are you doing here? I thought you were...

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Like daughter like mother with pic I hope

Sep 28Like daughter like mother.This story is best understood if you have read previous stories posted by me, but none the less here goes as I write from memory. I change all names to protect the guilty. I'm Keith my wife is Lisa, and our daughter is Amy and you might think this is about my wife and daughter. It isn't it is instead about my daughters friend Char and her mom Peg.I ran into Peg, Char and Char's dad Mike at the grocery, Mike is a local minister and although we've known them for...

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Corona Spes Ring Of Hope

Corona Spes (Ring of Hope) The feeling inside me hope building inside, Perhaps this is the one. Thought's racing through my head of, Beauty, love and soft skin. I long to touch my skin, And feel gentle softness and smooth curves. I want to be able to experience love, And for people to want to love me. ...

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Dating Danelle repost fix I hope

Introduction: Introduction of a young teen to slut stardom I am trying to get rid of the ? when the preprocessor posts the story and cant translate a character. Word slants its so they are translated into ?. I am hoping I figured out how to fix that we will see. This is a multi-part story that if the rating is high enough I will keep posting the other parts…there are currently 4 parts and I work on it regularly, so who knows where it will end. Here is part I again: Danielle was the daughter...

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Dating Danelle repost fix I hope

This is a multi-part story that if the rating is high enough I will keep posting the other parts...there are currently 4 parts and I work on it regularly, so who knows where it will end. Here is part I again: Danielle was the daughter of my employee at the convenience store I managed. At 11 she was cute as a bug and just starting to develop as a woman. Her small breasts were mere bumps at this point on her otherwise flat chest. Her mother had confided that she had just started her...

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Miscarriage of Hope

Tara Edwards watched the cherubic face of her adorable three year old daughter. Her curly brown hair framed her beautiful face that was a lighter version of her beloved husband. How could something so simple bring both unspeakable joy and earth-shattering heart ache? She knew that she should probably quit being so hard on herself. She knew that her doctor and counsellor were right, she just needed time to grieve after the miscarriage. But dammit, she needed to be back to herself again. Or maybe...

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The Gift of Hope

The first of October was the day that my life as I then knew it ended. I'm not a rocket scientist by any means but I do know this. If you are doing something wrong, keep on doing it and you want to keep it a secret from certain people, you are attempting the impossible. My loving, beautiful, and unfaithful wife has not yet figured that out. It's my misfortune that I have figured it out. My name is Bill Wright and I'm married to Ginny. We've been married almost fifteen years and have two...

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Danganronpa Hello Hope

Hope's Peak Academy is the greatest school in the world. It's says that if you graduated from Hope's Peak, you are guaranteed to succeed in life. There are only two requirements for entering this school's Primary Department, 1. You are currently a high school student and 2. You are the absolute best at what you do. The students that are in the Primary Course are known as the "Ultimates". As the name implies, they are the very best at what they do. There's the Ultimate Baseball Player, the...

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Resignation of Hope

Year: 2027... I think. No one's entirely sure anymore. Date: I've lost track of days, though I know it's summertime, probably a Friday. Name: Nozomi. Age: I think 17. Residence: Apartment 113 in building C of the old apartment complex in Shibuya. Situation: Mass Chaos. It's interesting actually remembering something, isn't it? It was definitely the summer of 2027. I remember that day. It was the day everything changed. I don’t really know much about myself. I mean, yeah, I know what I look like...

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Helen Space SlaveChapter 12 Hope

As he got up off the bed Hugo noticed that although his prick had shrivelled out of her some minutes before, Helen was still twitching and mewling in the afterglow of her orgasm. 'Yes, ' he thought, 'she does have the same looks as my wife had when I first married her back on Earth; felt like my new bride as well. It's time I had a live-in again for a few weeks, and with this one I could wallow in nostalgia. If I hint at promotion to Karl, he'll let me borrow her for a while and I can...

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Modelling Hopes

"Name?" the man asked. "Amy." I said. "Age?" "17. I'll be 18 next week." "Okay, your parents have told me a bit about what happened, but they didn't go into it much for obvious reasons. Now, I'd like you to tell me about it in your own words." I tried to, but stopped. It had been embarrassing enough to be caught, let alone have to be put through all this. The psychiatrist seemed like a nice guy, but it was still hard to talk about it to someone else. His name was Dr Darren...

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Ines Bouquet The Five Flowers of Hope

Read Ine's Bouquet first before reading this. This is a true introduction to the first six flower girls that serve her - therefore opening the first doors to writing in this universe - but it means little if you don't even know how this whole thing began. Or the rules if you want to write in it. OK, there is some bad language for one thing. Also, know that the beginning has some racism, including implications of a bad racist word. But do know I'm not portraying those horrible...

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Star Wars A New Hope

Danger looms across the galaxy as the Empire's secret weapon, the Death Star, is finalized and ready to wreck havoc. Though a small rebel alliance has attempted to hold them off, their efforts have been mostly in vain - until now. The secret schematics of the superweapon were leaked following a high-stakes operation, which lead to those plans being inserted into a droid. This droid eventually found it's way to the future hero of the universe - Luke Skywalker, a young nineteen year old on a...

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Voice of Hope

The plane touched down at sunset, skidding hum-bump on the black-streaked runway. Helen looked out with total disinterest at the grey and black, where only the rooftops and control tower still held color, washed in a beacon of red. The man beside her finally relaxed and loosed his grip on the armrest. Now that he felt sure he would survive the trip, he broke his five hours of pained silence in an attempt to play it cool. Helen was having none of it. She gave him a non-committal sound within...

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Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 11 part 1 an unlikely last hope

Chapter 11 part 1 Though there were only a few weeks to go before the summer exams, Hermione decided that she, Harry and Ron needed a break from revision; something that Harry and Ron quickly agreed with her on. It was a fine afternoon and so they made their way down to the Lake to relax in the Sun. Each of them rolled their jeans up to their knees as they let their feet dangle in the cool waters of the Lake, whilst they sat on the bank and talked. ‘I had another private lesson with...

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Chelseys Hope

Chelsey sat in her room crying as she had been arguing with Hannah for the last three hours. She had locked herself in her bedroom after slapping her ‘friend’, as Hannah had made a remark about how she was a lesbian and had always fancied her. Although this had happened, she was supposed to be Chelsey’s best friend and had been all throughout Sixth Form. It was Chelsey’s birthday today and she had turned 18. Annoyingly for her, her supposed ‘friend’ was drunk and had tried to kiss her. Hannah...

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Star WarsA Lost Hope

"We might be making landfall in Coruscant in couple of days when our works done here......You've gotta give me a pay raise when we go to Dathomir,next,Pat"a young man said as he entered the room,crossing his hands. "Hmm....I would Wex".Pat said acknowledgingly "Personally,I can't wait to see my grandchildren soon.I've not seen them in months."a rather old man replied smiling,which then gradually grew fo a rather sad tone."You know,Chancellor Leia Organa's been pushing for rearmament and...

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Humanitys Last Hope

This story will include a large amount of incest fantasy stuff, and over time I'm sure a ton of other content. Just giving people a heads up. I realize that this has a very small amount of content currently completed, but I wanted to publish it to see if it's something I should continue or not. This is the first time I've ever attempted to write any kind of story in my life as well as the first time I've ever used Chyoa, so I know I have a huge amount to learn and improve on, but I wanted to...

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Alexandras only hope

I am presenting a true story about a woman called Alexandra.Alexandra was a skinny,hot and desirable woman in her thirties.She lived in a ukrainian town with her husband and their only son,Robin.Robin was a growing young k**,sweet and innocent.Alexandra was very inquisitive and adventurous as a teenager.Unfortunately, she was too shy to make boyfriends.Her hunger for sex was insatiable,and this was killing her from inside.She sharpened her masturbation skills over the years as she was turning...

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