Finally Fucked The Landlord (and His Wife) free porn video

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I woke up early Monday morning. I wanted to make sure I had enough time to get ready before I left for work. I didn't want to be rushed. I was excited to start work. I've only ever had jobs as a server or working retail. This was a "grown up" job. I decided to act on my excitement prior to getting ready for work. I pulled out my dildo and suctioned it to the chair. I poured myself a cup of coffee. I wasn't wet so I had to gently guide the dildo into my pussy. A little rubbing made me wet enough for it to slide right in me. I sat at my kitchen table rocking my hips and drinking my coffee. As I drank my coffee I started rocking faster. I was getting closer to orgasm. I slammed the coffee cup down and started wildy fucking my dildo. Within minutes I collapsed in the chair, my dildo still in me. It was an intense fuck and I needed a minute to regain my composure. Fuck did I make a mess everywhere. I wiped down my chair, took the last drink of my coffee and went to take my shower.

I bought some new new business suits in preparation for my new job. I wore thong panties that day because I didn't want to show any panty lines at least not yet. My ass is big and the pants were tight. I wore a lace bra with a long sleeve button down blouse overtop. I buttoned all the buttons. The shirt was tight which outlined my body. I put a blazer over my shirt. I put on my heels and left for the bus stop.

I didn't walk far to get to the bus stop. The secretary at work informed me it would be easier and cheaper to take the bus instead of having to drive in myself, pay for parking, and then walk from the parking lot to work. I could get on the bus and 30 minutes later be dropped off one block from work. There wasn't anyone at the bus stop that morning. I waited a few minutes before the bus arrived. The bus was packed. There weren't any seats available and no one was offering their seat to me. I walked as far back as I could and grabbed a handle. I was standing next to a tall black man. I'm 5'2" and I'm guessing this guy was over a foot taller than me. He was a large man too. He had muscles but looked like the last time he went to the gym was a few years ago. His belly stuck out over his waist line. I politely smiled at him. He smiled back. I grabbed the handle and faced forward. There were 2 more stops before our trip into the city. As people packed into the bus everyone squeezed together tighter. As the bus drove along, we all bumped into each other a bit. There were a bunch of "excuse mes" and "I'm sorries" but there wasn't much that could be done.

I walked into work and went up to the secretary. She was sitting behind a large desk. I stared momentarily at her tits. They weren't big, but the shirt she was wearing left a lot open at the top. Being that I had to look down at her to make eye contact I was also able to keep looking down into her shirt. She wore a bra, but it was still a nice view. "Hi, I'm Melanie," I said. "I'm new here and today is my first day." "Welcome aboard" she said with a big smile. She asked me to sit down while she phoned my boss. Mark showed up a few minutes after the secretary hung up the phone.

"Hi Melanie. It's great to see you again. I hope your commute into the office was an easy one" Mark said politely extending his hand. I shook his hand. His hands were soft. "Thanks Mr. Senser. The bus was packed, but the commute wasn't difficult." I said. "Please, call me Mark. Mr. Senser is too formal, and we like to think we're family at this company." Mark led me into his office. I sat down and crossed my legs. We made small talk for the first 10 minutes. He went over how the first few weeks would be like at the office. Then he explained the short term and long term projects that we would be working on. As far as the development team goes, it was Mark and myself. He had a few contractors that have helped him in the past, but now he wanted a permanent employee. Next he showed me around the office, then showed me my desk where I would be working. He gave me 30 minutes to get myself situated at my desk before he would take me to lunch. Mark's attention to me aroused me.

The next couple days were rather mundane. On Wednesday, Mark informed me he had a lunch meeting and I would be on my own. He told me a few places that I might like. I called Renee during my lunch hour. "Hi Renee, it's Melanie." I said when she answered the phone. "Hey. How's everything going? How's the job?" she asked. "Everything is good," I said. The people I work with are great. And my boss seems like a really great person to work for." We made small talk for a minute before I asked her, "Is there any chance you want to go out this Saturday night? I've been here a few weeks but really haven't done much outside the apartment."

"Well" she said. "I tell you what. Tom and I have a date night on Saturday. We are going to dinner then to a dance club. Why don't you join us?"

"I couldn't. I don't want to be a third wheel on your date night."

"Then we'll call it friends night or something. I'm glad you called though. Any chance we can get dinner tomorrow?"

The next day we met for dinner. Renee asked me how work was going. I asked her how the apartments were going. And how Tom was doing. Everything was fine she said. She told me about their monthly date nights. They typically start with dinner at an upscale restaurant, then if there is a live performance they would attend. On a more low-key night they go to a movie. This Saturday they planned on dinner, then heading to a dance club they like.

"I want to ask you Melanie if you'd go shopping with me?" Renee asked.

"Of course." I said. "When do you want to go?"

"After we eat! I hope you don't have other plans"

"No. I can go. I wouldn't mind picking something out for myself. Or Ben!"

"Ohh" she said.

"Yeah. I haven't seen Ben in a few weeks. I plan to go the weekend after this one. I figure I'd buy something sexy for him."

"That's why I want to go shopping"

"You want to dress sexy for Ben," I said jokingly.

"Haha. No."

Then Renee went on to tell me the rest of the reason she showed up that Friday. "You see. Tom and I don't have sex a lot. Over the years he's been more and more focused on our rental business. A lot of nights he comes home and is tired. When we do have sex, it's missionary sex, foreplay is minimal and everything lasts for about 30 minutes. Nothing really exciting. And Tom's asleep in minutes."

"Really?" I asked. Then in a more seductive tone I said, "I thought a muscular man like that would be up all night. Thinking about those arms has me..."

"Stop it slut!" she cut me off. "But ever since you showed up, we've been having sex constantly. And at any part of the day. Usually on days after he sees you. You're a sexy woman and I'm sure you know this. So I want your help so that I can dress sexy for Tom."

"Absolutely!" I said. We paid the bill and left. The local mall was a short distance from the restaurant. I gave her some pointers. Men are easy to please. Show skin and they fall over. Tom was no different. With women's clothing everything is sexy. You just have to buy the right clothes and move the right way. We went into the first clothing store we saw. I pulled Renee into the changing room. I asked her to take off her pants and shirt. I needed to be able to size her correctly. And I wanted to see what her body looked like. "Listen. I don't want to surprise you, but I want to feel your tits and ass. I want to understand how they feel from Tom's perspective." Renee is a few inches taller than me, probably 5'5". She looks to weigh about 130 pounds. She wears a B-cup. "Ok. Stay here and let me go pick some outfits". She waited half-naked in the changing booth. I came back in a few minutes. I had a pair of pants, a shirt, and a dress for her to try on. I also picked out a revealing top for me. "Here, try the pants and shirt on first" I instructed her. As she was getting dressed, I removed my top.

"What are you doing?" she gasped.

"I want to try this shirt on. I think Ben will really like it. This isn't a shirt you wear a bra with" I replied.

"You whore!" she laughed.

"Take yours off" I said back to her.

She didn't. But she must have been turned on because her nipples were poking through the shirt.

"How do I look?" she asked.

"Gorgeous, but how do you feel?".

"I feel good".

"Your nipples tell a different story" I said. She went red in the face. "Take your bra off" I told her again. She gasped. "Just try it. It's only us in here. I'm not afraid of your tits."

I was standing behind Renee. We were both looking in the mirror. "Pretend I'm Tom" I whispered to Renee. I helped her remove her shirt. I unclasped her bra. I ran my fingers up and down her body. I reached around to cup her tits. She quivered with excitement. Then I started kissing her neck. "You look fantastic Renee." I said as I kissed her neck and fondled her tits. She was frozen. I'm not sure if she was scared or just in a state of arousal that she didn't want it to stop. My kissing turned into sucking and I became more aggressive with the fondling. Soon enough, she broke it off.

Renee picked me Saturday around 3p. We had to be back at her place by 5p so that we could catch the cab. We were going to take a cab so that we didn't have to worry about driving after we've had a few drinks. I left the door unlocked for her so that she could walk in when she arrived. I was still getting ready when she arrived. "Hey, it's me," Renee said.

"Come into my bedroom. I'm still getting dressed. " I said. I was topless when she walked in. "Oh, sorry" she said. "Don't be," I replied, "we're both women".

"I know. I don't often see topless women that's all"

"You can keep looking. That way you'll be more comfortable." I joked with her.

I put the shirt that I purchased the other day. I had to adjust my tits after I put it on. I turned around and said to Renee, "How do I look?"

"Like a whore" she laughed. "Plus I thought you bought that for Ben? Don't be giving Tom any second thoughts." I walked over to her and put my tits in her face. "It's you I want to give second thoughts to" I joked.

"If you don't mind me asking, have you been with a woman before?" Renee asked. I told her that I have. But only some wild drunk nights in college.

"I know you like to dress sexy, and I know that Tom notices, but have you ever cheated on Ben before." she asked.

"Girl talk Renee. I expect you to keep this between us. But I have. I like sex. Especially if there is an element of risk involved." She didn't know what to say. "Why do you ask, are you thinking about it?" She didn't answer my question.

She broke the silence, "It's also Tom's birthday next Tuesday so we're celebrating a little more than date night. And we need to get going if we're going to be on time." She grabbed my hand and we left.

We went back to Tom and Renee's house. They had a beautiful house with a pool in the back. "Just so you know you can invite to your pool any time you want" I said. Renee went into the bedroom to get dressed. Tom was already dressed. He was sitting on the couch watching a baseball game.

"Hi Tom" I said

"Hey Melanie. How are you"

"I'm good. Renee tells me your birthday is next week."

"Yeah. I'll be 46. I'm excited that you're coming out with us tonight. Renee seems to really like you."

"I really appreciate you inviting me tonight. I've been here three weeks but haven't gone out anywhere. And you two are the only friends I have here"

"Friends? We've only known each other for a few weeks."

"Well you might not think so, but I think you and Renee are great people. You've been nothing but kind and helpful ever since I got here. Especially you, fixing up all the stuff in my apartment." I walked over to him. I bent over and placed my hands on his knees. My tits were practically falling out of my shirt. This made Tom visibly nervous. I said in a seductive voice, "If there is any way I can help with kindness of my own, let me know." I heard the door from the bedroom. I got up so that Renee didn't see me trying to seduce her husband.

When the cab came we had to sit in the back seats. The front seat was piled with a bunch of junk. Renee was in between Tom and I. It was tight, but comfortable. Not having any option, Renee placed her left hand on my thigh and her right hand on Tom's thigh. I winked at her. She rolled her eyes at me. Tom gave the instructions to the cab drive and we left. We had a great dinner. The restaurant was a nice place. There were a lot of other women here dressed up as whores so I didn't feel alone. After dinner we walked about 2 blocks to a dance club that Tom and Renee really liked. During the walk Renee held Tom's hand. I grabbed Tom's other hand and said, "I hope you don't mind." Renee gave me a stern look, but jokingly said, "Just remember that he's married". Tom laughed and gave my hand a little squeeze.

Once we got into the club Tom got us a table and drinks. I told Renee how great her body looks in her dress. She blushed. I grabbed her hand and pulled her onto the dance floor. When we finished the dance we met Tom at a table nearby. We had a couple more drinks before we headed back out onto the dance floor. We were all dancing together when another man came up dancing behind me. In the spirit of things I started dancing with him. As the song finished, the DJ quickly switched to a new song. "Let's swap partners," I said and grabbed Tom. The mystery man grabbed Renee and started dancing. They danced closely. A couple times the mystery man put his hands on Renee's hips. However, if he went too low Renee would lift his hands back up. "How do you like your wife dancing with another man?" I asked Tom. "I'm keeping an eye out just in case" he said. "She'll be fine. Plus I think you should focus on your dance partner" I said. When the song ended I grabbed Renee and started dancing. Tom and the mystery man looked at each other, laughed and went back to their respective seats. I asked Renee how she liked dancing with another man. It excited her, she said. It made her feel desired. "A couple of times his hands made its way to my ass. I let him feel it before I pushed his hands away." I told her that Tom got a little jealous. She asked how I liked dancing with Tom. "He's a very attractive man. I wouldn't mind being wrapped in his arms" I said. "You skanky whore!" she said, "I'm sure he wouldn't mind a night with you." "Just so you know if you're ok with it I'm ok with it." I said, "After all it is his birthday. Think about it." I gave her a quick kiss on her lips. She went back to the table with Tom. I stayed on the dance floor for a few more songs and a few more dance partners. When I got back to the table they apparently had a few more drinks. They were drunk and had to go. I called for a cab and got them both inside. We all sat in the back but this time I was in the middle. A minute into the trip I felt Renee's hand on my thigh. I didn't think anything of it until her hand started slowly going up my leg. This feels good I thought. "I'm feeling a little tight back here" I said. "I need to adjust myself". I turned my body towards Renee and put my ass on Tom's lap. "That's better," I said. There was no place for Tom to put his arms other than around my waist. He also had a great view of my tits. I put my legs on Renee's lap. She gently placed her hands on my ankles. For the rest of the cab ride she stroked my calf. I put my arm around his neck so that I could hold onto him. "How about a kiss for the birthday boy?" I said looking at Renee. She nodded at me. I kissed Tom on the neck before kissing him on the lips. I didn't put my tongue in his mouth. Just a few pecks on the lips. "That's enough Melanie," Renee said. I could feel Tom's hard dick poking me in my ass. I wiggled my ass just to let him know I felt it.

Renee and Tom were drunk. I was tipsy, but not nearly as drunk as them. When we arrived back at their house, Renee pulled me into her bedroom. "Help me get dressed into my pajamas'' Renee instructed. She was stumbling a bit. "Sit down" I told her. I helped remove her clothes. I also helped her get into her pajamas. I then went through her closet and asked if she had something for me. I pulled out some lingerie and said "What about this?" It was a lace teddy and matching stockings.

"Try it on. Then go see if Tom likes it" she smirked.

"Really?" I questioned.

"Go see!"

I changed into her lingerie. It was a little small for me. My tits and ass were falling out of it. I went into the kitchen where Tom was making drinks. "Hey handsome," I said. He turned around stunned. He didn't say anything. I propped up my tits with my hands and let him stare for a few seconds. "How do I look". Before he could answer, I ran back into the bedroom. Renee was passed out on the bed. I was horny. I thought it best to take advantage of the situation. I snuck back into the kitchen. Tom didn't notice me until I was grabbing his dick. "That feels great Renee". I didn't say anything and kept rubbing. I let his dick go and Tom turned around. Again, he didn't say anything. I unzipped his pants and pulled his dick out. I dropped to my knees and started sucking his dick. I sucked for a few minutes before I got up and told him, "I'll be on the couch when my drink is ready." A few minutes later he handed me my drink and sat on the couch. He spread his legs. Finally I was going to fuck Tom. I got on his lap. I started kissing him and he started kissing back. "Stand up," he said. "I want to look at you". He looked me up and down for a few minutes. He liked how I was too big for the lingerie. He pulled my panties down. I pulled his head to my pussy and he started licking. His tongue strokes were long. He applied pressure which drove me wild. My knees were trembling. He took off his pants. As I sat on his dick he guided it into my pussy. "God your big" I whispered into Tom's ear. It was only a few thrusts before I heard the bedroom door. "Fuck" i thought to myself. I jumped off Tom's dick and turned around to see Renee standing there staring at me. "Renee, I'm sorry." I frantically and repeatedly said.

Renee cut me off. "Go on. Go on and fuck my husband" she screamed.


"Fuck my husband. That's what you wanted him to do since the first time you saw him, right?"


"Tom told me everything. How you bend over for him. How you wear that slutty camisole so you can show him your breasts."


Tom didn't say anything through this entire ordeal. He sat there and enjoyed his drink with his dick out. Renee walked over to me. She placed her hands on my ears. She kissed me. In a calm voice she said, "I thought about what you said at the club. When you told me to 'think about it'. Well I did. And I discussed it with Tom while you were slutting it up on the dance floor." Her look of concern became one of joy. "We had talked about something like this before then you came along. So, before I change my mind, fuck my husband. PLEASE!"

Having her permission made this situation so much hotter. I got back on Tom's dick. Renee came over and sat on the couch next to us. She just watched as I fucked her husband. I started riding Tom. I looked Renee in the eye. She gave me a comforting smile. She took off her shirt and I grabbed her tit. She started kissing me. Tom started pumping faster. His moans were getting louder. Tears were running down my face from how much I was enjoying Tom inside of me. "Cum in her mouth Tom" Renee said. Tom picked me up off his dick and put me on the floor. I placed my lips around the head of his dick. I took it all. I continued sucking his dick until a fountain of cum filled my mouth. It was too much for me. I managed to swallow some and choked on the rest. I had cum all over my chin. It fell onto my tits. I got up and sat on the couch. Renee rolled on top of Tom and started fucking him. A few minutes later Tom came in Renee. I started licking the cum from Renee's pussy. Renee and I sat on the couch. Tom went to bed. We were exhausted but not ready for bed. We made a few more drinks and finished the night naked and on the couch.

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Sensual Fun With Landlord8217s Wife

Hello, Readers, I am going to share a wonderful incident in my life which happened around 2 years back. This is my real sex story. I was working in an MNC and was staying for rent in an apartment near the company. The room I was staying was a single room with just a small kitchen and bathroom. The room was on the roof with no other rooms around, the remaining area on the roof was covered with ropes for drying the clothes. My landlord was the local guy in late-30s staying with his wife and kids...

4 years ago
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My Sexcapedes With Landlord8217s Wife

Hello everyone. This story is based on an incident that happened in my life a few years back. And had a profound effect on me. Names and places have been changed but the events are true and described as happened. I hope you enjoy it. I certaintly did. This was when I used to live in nagpur. I was preparing for my engg. And had rented a room close to my institute. It was a neighbourhood with big posh houses and sterling hotels and restaurants. One in which I lived though, resembled more to a...

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The Landlord Part 3

THE LANDLORD PART 3 CHAPTER 1 I knew that on the Friday that he had told me to visit was almost at the end of the month. So by his calculation I would now be two full months behind in my rent, which was ?1000. If I was to go to his apartment again it would be my third visit, my third evening of humiliation, pain and shame; surely I must have worked something off the debt? So even though I set about my task of showering and making myself smooth that following Friday afternoon...

2 years ago
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The Landlord

The Landlord (c) 2012 by Elaine Disclaimer: This work is a piece of fiction and should be read as such. It doesn't reflect the situation that should be practiced when someone is faced with a change of gender and any deficiencies presented here rather than in the correct process should be considered. This story concept is based on one I read a while ago and this is a substantial rewrite which I hope will not cause any offence. Chapter 1 - Moving out After my bitter divorce I...

1 year ago
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i watched as the landlord spanked my sister

well it all started when i moved in with my sister as i had broke up with the wife,things where looking up for me as id found a job with one of the nieghbours cleaning his house,well it was a bit weird as he wanted me to clean his house naked.anyway id come home from cleaning the nieghbours house for the first time,i was tired and a bit i walked into the house i could hear a mans voice and my sisters.the man sounded angry,so i crept into the house to take a peep at what was going

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Landlord ki beti ne liya Lund

Hello guys mera naam mai nahi bata sakta to chalo aap mujhe ashu bol sakte ho. Ye story tab ki jab mai apne engineering ke 2nd year me tha. Aise to apne engineering me maine kafi bakchodi ki hai aur ye unme se ek hai. Mai computer science ka hun isiliye ladkiyo ke sath kaise rahna hai mujhe achchhe se ata hai. To chalo story pe aate hain. 3rd semester tha aur mai aur mera roommate naye pg me shift huye the joke bhilai (chhattisgarh) me kisi jagah hai jo mai nahi bata sakta. Jahan 3-4 rooms the...

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Sex With Landlord Daughter

Hi readers this is Rahul. I am 22 years old and an engineering student for my college is in a faraway town from home so have to live here in a rented flat with one more room partner. My room partner was a real loser home sick guy who always craved to go home on any vacation we got in our college. Even if it were a Rakshabandhan holiday then he would ask for two three days extra leave to go and meet his family. Sometimes I really get annoyed due to his behaviour but this time it made me a real...

4 years ago
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Mom turned into prostitute to landlord

We live in vizag in a house on rent. The home rent is very high. My father also has to bear the tuition fee of my college. As an ordinary Clerk, father sometime have so many financial problem that he can not even pay the rent of house. Our landlord, a 55 year old non-Bengali is generally a modest person. He does not even bother if father (father) can not pay the home rent on time or making any delay to pay. But in the year 2003 father becomes retired from his job and took a huge loan for his...

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A sex slave to her landlord

At the time, I was 22 years old, I already had a few tattoos on my back and legs, as well as a sleeve tattoo on my left arm, but I still wasn’t as fully covered then as I am now. I also had short black hair, gray eyes and typically dressed in black emo/punk clothes. Adding to this, I wasn’t as sexually active or experienced then as I am now, as at the time, I have only ever been with three guys, and the most extreme sex act I did was eat out a cheerleader when I was a bit drunk at a party...

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BBW Chandigarh Landlord

Hi there, I’m Sunny back here with an another sex story with a chubby divorced aunty in Chandigarh. Let me tell little about me, my name is sunny age 24 from Punjab currently in Chandigarh. I am currently a student here. So as a student I needed a room or a flat to stay there. I approached some brokers for a flat or a room which I needed fully independent means no single interfere of owner or anybody. But as we all know it’s a little difficult to find such flats in Chandigarh. Somehow I managed...

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Passionate Sex With Landlord8217s Wife

Hello again Is readers. This story is about yet another amazing sexual experience that I had when I fucked my landlord’s wife. I was taken to another level of happiness by her. Actually I had been living in that house since my childhood. I used to be close friends with her son who was a bit younger than me. I never had any wrong intention towards her. I was 25 years old then and she was 48. My parents had shifted to our native six months back. However I chose to stay in that house itself since...

1 year ago
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Landlord Cuckolds them ALL

Jessica and I were juniors in college when we got our place together. She was 19, I was 20, and we'd been together since high school. We were both country bumpkins from rural Iowa in the big city, and our naïve and trusting c***dhoods led us down the road from which there seems to be no return. But I get ahead of myself.Jess was a knockout by a country mile. She was five feet five and weighed 120 pounds of perfectly toned, muscular female hotness. She didn't have big boobs -- she was maybe 33a...

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wife M and the landlord

Hello again. So ive already told you about M when she got fucked by R and B after their drinking night in. So heres another littlestory she tells me as well. And just so you know, these stories are all taken from her diaries. She didnt write full details but would make notes, then over time she has shown them to me which then allows me to ask questions and its then that she elaborates. These diaries were all written before I met her.So, for this story she was still in the bedsit in London. I...

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Randis Vacation Part 3 of Randi

Randi's Vacation Randi woke up to his alarm and quickly silenced it. A quick glance to his left confirmed the Denise was already up. She almost always got up before him preferring some extra time between getting ready for work and needing to walk out the door. He preferred to have enough time to get ready, eat and go. He walked to the bathroom which was right in the master bedroom. The condo they bought was a bit extravagant but provided plenty of room and they could afford it on...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 2

Hum dono abhi bhi nange hi thay. Chalte chalte usne paad maari. Uski gaand mein abhi bhi haddi akti hui thi. Nadi kinare, jhadiyon ke bich usko bithaya. “Hug le saali madarchod. Kab se paad rahi jai bhosdiki.” Woh hugne lagi. Uski gaand se haddi nikal gayi. Uski garam moot ki dhaar mere pairo pe giri. “Saali maderjaat! Mere pairon pe mootegi. Saali raand muh khol,” main uske muh mein mootne laga. Lavda uske gale mein ghus kar mootne laga. Maine apni tange faila di aur wahi khade khade hugne...

1 year ago
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Landlord and His Friends Have MeChapter 8

On the night of Nigel’s retirement party, I shamefully told Mike that I had been offered a job working that night as a barmaid with Tracey. He was pleased that I would be bringing in some extra money, but as far as I was concerned, he knew nothing about my real intention, or plans, for that evening. I would later find out that he knew all about my affair with Jim and all his friends, and that he had been in the know that I was being an unfaithful wife almost from the point of Jim first...

2 years ago
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The Landlord part 2

THE LANDLORD PART 2 CHAPTER 1 It was almost two weeks after my horrific experience at the hands of my landlord and fortunately I hadn't seen him about since. I had been frantically looking for a job but to no avail. I had even tried the local McDonalds I was so desperate. There was always the option of just packing my bags and going home to my parents but then I'd never get a job there. After the part that I had played for my landlord I honestly thought that I had bought...

3 years ago
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The Landlord Part 6

The final part of the story, the full scope of the landlord and pimp Mr Wilton becomes apparent and it is all too late for the pretty little sissy. Her life has been taken over and she has gone a long way passed the part of no return. THE LANDLORD PART 6 CHAPTER 1 Thailand had been great to start with; we spent two weeks visiting Pattaya, a couple of islands and Bangkok. In the sleazy sex-tourist resort of Pattaya I saw the lady-boy whores at work. At first I was worried that...

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The Landlord

FORCED FEM STORY, THE LANDLORD CHAPTER 1 I quietly closed the big heavy front door shut behind me and nervously looking at the apartment door on the ground floor where the landlord lived; I headed warily towards the staircase. Just a few more paces to the stairway and up the steps to my first floor one bedroom flat and I would have avoided the inevitable confrontation with my landlord for another day. But then I heard the door behind me open and his voice. "Ah hello Sam, have...

3 years ago
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The Landlord

The Landlord I had recently graduated and moved to a new city for a Job. Initially, for few days the accommodation was provided by the company. After that I had to search for a new place for rent. Most of my colleagues were planning to stay together on room sharing basis but I wanted a private place. You see, I had a special hobby or you could say a peculiar habit, I was able to really enjoy myself sexually only when I was dressed as woman. Being from a sikh family meant I got to...

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The Landlord Has a Key

The Landlord Has a Key It is Saturday afternoon, just after one o'clock and I am doing my usual chores. Earlier in the morning I had dropped my car for service and taken their courtesy shuttle home. The service company was not scheduled to pick me up until four thirty so I set about doing the dreaded honey do list; the only difference is that I am an unmarried forty five year old male, so it is me that makes the list. I am pretty nondescript, five foot ten, one hundred and...

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How I Paid The Landlord

How I Paid The LandlordSeveral of you have seen my Picture Gallery with this title and asked 'What was the deal with the Landlord?'Four of us, all in our final year at university, rented a flat together in a suburb of Manchester. Cost £700 per month (12 month contract). We shared the kitchen and bathroom of the house and all had our own room in an old semi-detached villa, one of several properties the landlord rented out to students. I had the attic conversion on the top of the house, the...

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Moving to Brooklyn, as a medical technician, didn't afford me the luxury of a hi-rise apartment. Instead I found a 2 bedroom apartment situated over my Landlords garage. It was completely renovated and had central air. It was detached from the main house and you had to walk a narrow pathway along the side of the garage to get there. I loved it and the rent was affordable. My landlord was a Widow from Jamaica, she was a school teacher and lived in the house with her teenaged daughter. My...

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Kathali Piranthanaal Andru Kanjai Parisaaga Koduthen

Vanakam friends, indru kathaiyil ilamaiyaana kathaliyai pirantha naal andru avaluku parisaaga sunni kanjai kodutha kathaiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar Praveen vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Enaku oru kathali irukiraal aval vayathu 19  thaan aagugirathu aanalum intha vayatilum miga sexiyaaga irupaal. Naan muthal muthalil avalai chuditharil paarthen, aval palli padikum pozhuthu avaluku mulai perithaaga irukathathu pola irukum. Naan appozhuthu suma sight adipen, aanal enaku appozhuthu theriya...

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My Landlord pt 2

"Are you sure? Because once we start, I won't let you back out. I will relieve you of your failed masculinity even if I have to force you. Do you agree to that, my little cutie?" His hold on me was all-encompassing. I was physically imprisoned in his arms while he fondled my erogenous zones through my skimpy panties. My mind was subdued and mesmerized by the novel feeling of being so thoroughly dominated. No one had ever made me feel so helpless and comfortable at the same time. I didn't know...

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Landlord Deals a deal

Jessica and I were juniors in college when we got our place together. She was 19, I was 20, and we'd been together since high school. We were both country bumpkins from rural Iowa in the big city, and our naïve and trusting c***dhoods led us down the road from which there seems to be no return. But I get ahead of myself.Jess was a knockout by a country mile. She was five feet five and weighed 120 pounds of perfectly toned, muscular female hotness. She didn't have big boobs -- she was maybe 33a...

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Hot Sex With Landlord8217s Daughter

Hello everyone…. Myself Ayush once again with a true experience. For those who don’t know me. I am dentist by profession. And I have a athletic body & a dick which can satisfy any one. Any unsatisfied girls or aunties near Sangli Maharashtra can contact me on This is story about my sex experience with my landlord’s daughter 2 yrs back. I used to stay as PG when I studied in a Dental college in Sangli Maharashtra. So at that time I didn’t had girlfriend. I used to masturbate daily thinking of...

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My Evil Landlord

This is my 2nd true story of my transexual life and the things that have happend to me in it. I moved into my own flat when i was 17, i needed the space away from my mum who was always drinking and getting fucked by strangers who she would bring back after a night out, many a time id hear the bed banging in her room and her screaming out a different mans name at night. Id find wet cum stains on her bed during the day or a pair of her panties lying somewhere that she had thrown and forgot about...

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Illicit Relationship With Landlord

Friends, I’m Yovini. I am married to Deepak for one year. I’m 19 years and gifted with beautiful pair of boobs and a sexy ass. I’m fair and have big brown eyes. I’m regular reader of Iss, as I like to read spicy stories of sex. Like you! I have sex with my husband, but I enjoy more with my landlord- Kailash. If I have a baby, I want it from Kailash because of his care and kindness. My husband, Deepak is having a running laundry business in Gandhinagar. He opens at 6 am and stays there till 11...

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Landlord8217s daughter

Hi this is Amit. I was posted in Surat and was living in rented premises where the landlord and his family were my neighbors. The family consisted of the landlord, his wife, daughter and son. This was the first occasion where I have enjoyed sex with both the mother and the daughter on different occasions. This was not preplanned, but as the opportunity presented itself, I took it. I had already fucked the landlady on Holiday. However since that day no opportunity to meet her alone had presented...

4 years ago
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Landlord bhabi

Hi everybody, i am from mumbai, now staying in pune for doing a course. I am staying in a rented room. I am 19, fair, atletic built and good looking(as my friends say)…. I am a very horny guy with lots of fantasies. This is a true story that happened to me at pune. I am staying in a room…. On the first floor… Mu landlord stys on th ground floor……the neighbours of my landlord are a great family, very friendly. They have a daughter-in-law who is a house wife. I am friendly with all of them. I...

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Landlords unannounced visit

So, this just happened recently, like literally a day prior to me writing this. When I’m home, I’m usually naked unless there is a reason to be dressed such as guests, parents visiting, etc… I usually accept deliveries and uber eats naked and give them a bit of a show. Sometimes they ask to touch and depending on how I am feeling, I sometimes comply. Anyways I live with a housemate who is listed as the person to contact. Before you guys ask if we have fucked, the answer is yes. We are friends,...

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Chanda Ki Gandi Chudai 8211 Part 1

Mera naam Rudra hai. Ek number ka harami aur besharam. Mera dimaag mere lavde mein hai, jo saala har waqt chudai ke liye uchalte rehta hai. Kasarati badan jo ghanto tak lavde ka saath deta hai. Waise toh bachpan se hi kaafi chudai ki hai. Lekin yeh wali sabse achi wali, ya yeh kahu ki sab se gandi wali hai. Main tab 30 saal ka tha. Shaadi hui nahi thi. Ghar mein rehta hi nahi tha. Naukri hi aisi thi ke sheher-sheher gaon-gaon bhatakna padta tha. Peshe se ek civil engineer, jiski degree paiso se...

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Histoire de Sandrine

Histoire de Sandrine (1)Par Perverpeper le 15/05/08F/f F+/f F/f+ F+/f+ teen enema exhibition WaterSport bestriality BDSM feet hair slavery scatology college hightSchool job slow reluctant humiliation blckmail torture nc HeavySynopsis?: Sandrine est une jeune lyc?enne. Quelques jours apr?s avoir f?t? ses 18 ans, alors que le baccalaur?at n’est plus qu’? quelques semaines, elle est enlev?e par une femme richissime qui l’initie aux peines et aux joies de la soumission.Adressez-vous plut?t aux passions qu’aux vert...

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Andrea Standing part 2 of Andreas Stand

Andrea Standing (part 2 of Andrea's Stand) A note at the beginning. One of the problems with writing a serial story is that the author feels a need to recap what happened in the prior portions. Please go back and read part 1, "Andrew Running". It will make this a better story. Briefly Andrew at 19, abused by his father, runs away to a distant relative, Aunt Clara. Andrew goes along with a joke played by Clara's lover Marnie, and ends up as Andrea working in Marnie's luxury used car...

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Andersonville 23 A Twinkle in her Fathers Eyes

Flashback - 11 months earlier (Author's notes - the intro takes place 'right after' Andersonville 6) There were fifteen men and women crowded into the small conference area. As Colonel Myers surveyed the room, he noticed most of them, the programmers anyway, were about half his age. Barry shook his head; he was getting old. His goal was to make general before he retired, and the Andersonville project had seemed like the best way to increase his chances. The problem was, he had...

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Nandhini Chechi Breastfed And Got Fucked

Dear sexstory friends, this is Rajesh presently working in Bangalore in an MNC and I would like to share my past experiences with you people. I am a 38 years old horny man with a slightly big cock of 8 inches and satisfied many girls and Aunties from past 20 years. Any unsatisfied girls, Ladies and widows can feel free to chat with me on The incident happened when I was 18 years old and studying PUC in Bangalore, when a new Malayali neighbours occupied the vacant house next to our home. They...

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My landlord

Hello my name is Jessica, I’m 19 and just got married about a week ago. First let me start by describing myself, I’m 4”9 100lbs red hair petite build with 32B cup size. My husband however is 22 5”6 and has a bigger build being that he works as a contractor building homes and he loves going to the gym. Me and my husband got married because we got pregnant and we felt it was only right to get married. Being that I am pregnant my husband felt that I shouldn’t work so he started working extra...

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The United Kingdom of Zoo A fake BBC documentary seriesS10E17 Ashley Mathews 29 from Newcastle Northern Ireland

This week’s show begins with that same old rusty bedstead, and that same old dirty mattress. Pausing to take in the magnificent filthiness of it, then pulling back to reveal the bare concrete floor around it, and to take in the harsh lighting. And then we hear our guest of the week approaching, quick little footsteps ... Light clicks on the studio floor. We pan round to see what we’ve got this week and see a slight, pale, small-boobed lady walking in quick, short strides ... She’s not is a...

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